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THE                                                   QUIZ

Of the Quiz Club, for the people, by the freshers.
                                                 Raj K
                                                 Siddharth J
                                                 Sukanto G
 20 questions
   Sitter, identify.
   1.Knowledge of Literature - Nil.
   2.Knowledge of Philosophy - Nil.
   3.Knowledge of Astronomy - Nil.
   4.Knowledge of Politics - Feeble.
   5.Knowledge of Botany - Variable. Well up in belladonna, opium and poison
    generally. Knows nothing of practice gardening.
   6.Knowledge of Geology - Practical, but limited. Ability to differentiate
    between different soils.
   7.Knowledge of Chemistry - Profound.
   8.Knowledge of Anatomy - Accurate, but unsystematic.
   9.Knowledge of Sensational Contemporary Literature - Immense.
   10. Plays the violin well.
   11.Expert boxer.
   12. Has good knowledge of law
 Sherlock Holmes

Don’t tell me it’s slidenafil citrate. How do you commonly know it as? Hint: apart from
it’s primary usage, it’s also used for treating pulmonary hypertension and alitiude
 Viagra.
A song called "Jonny Q" became extremely popular in Night Clubs,
  bars and restaurants around Australia and especially so in the
  Sydney Region in early 2000. How do we better know the song
  in India?
 Jaane Kyun (Dil Chahta Hai)

    Payback time! Identify ‘X’
 Rick Astley

This sportsperson has a nickname he rather likes, with
  Biblical connotations. Nike designed him the special
  logo that you see on the shirt, to go with the name.
 LeBron James (King James)
 Connect-

 Pink Floyd. Named after the blues artists,
    Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.

    No kidding. Which country’s currency?
 Niue, a Polynesian Island
Q (because we’ve had enough of X’s) is a concept often
associated with the Indian state of Goa. Derived from
the Portuguese word socegado ("Quiet"), it is normally
mistaken for the relaxed, laid-back attitude towards life that
is said to have existed historically in Goa, a
former Portuguese territory. What Q actually means,
according to most experts is a contented form of life
existent in the state. Goa is described by a Sunday
Times writer as "South Asia’s Latin Quarter: indulgent,
tolerant, capricious, steeped in a tropical lassitude and
wedded to the sea."[1] The concept may also carry negative
connotations such as "indolence"[1] and in recent years it
has been suggested that the relaxed Goan culture of Q has
given way in the face of modern stresses.
9   Connect. (non exhaustive)
Members of all the teams / bands were killed in
plane crashes.

Kids of The Beatles’ members
On February 26, 1993, at 12:17 p.m., a Ryder truck filled with
1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives, planted by Ramzi
Yousef, detonated in the underground garage of the structure.
The blast opened a 100 foot (30 m) hole through five sublevels
with the greatest damage occurring on levels B1 and B2 and
significant structural damage on level B3. Six people were killed
and 50,000 other workers and visitors were left gasping for air
within the 110 story towers. Many people inside the structure
were forced to walk down darkened stairwells that contained no
emergency lighting, some taking two hours or more to reach
safety. What am I talking about?
Attack on WTC
 Jedi

What do you called this phenomenon as?
 St. Elmo’s fire
The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle loosely
  based on the American television game show Let's
  Make a Deal. A famous example is quoted below.
“Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of
  three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats.
  You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's
  behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a
  goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it
  to your advantage to switch your choice?”

Name the Indian counterpart of the show hosted by
  Aman Verma during the last decade.
 Khulja Sim Sim

 Which medieval structure once existed here?
The Bamyan Buddhas. Destroyed by Taliban in 2003.

Funda pleajh.

 Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad in the movie
Seen in Melbourne, what is the name of this lane?
 ACDC lane (AC/DC lane)

What did these guys create?
 Instagram - photo-app acquired by Facebook.
   The following is the extract of a poem written by James X about the place :

    I remember the day when I first came here
    And smelt the sweet ____________ air
    The trees and ground covered with snow
    Gave us indeed a brilliant show
    To me the place seemed like a dream
    And far ran a lonesome stream
    The wind hissed as if welcoming us
    The pine swayed creating a lot of fuss
    And the tiny cuckoo sang it away
    A song very melodious and gay
    I adored the place from the first sight
    And was happy that my coming here was right
    And eight good years here passed very soon
    And we leave you perhaps on a sunny noon
    Oh __________ we are leaving you now
    To your natural beauty do I bow
X = Abbott
The place is Abottabad, where Osama Bin Laden was

     Id this legendary comic genius.
 Woody Allen

These weapons were used in WW II. They are M1 carbines. Who manufactured

All of us have seen this image(which has been blanked out). What is it exactly?
 The shape of the S symbol differs slightly from the shape
  commonly seen in English-language books. While the English S
  symbol leans to the right, the German symbol (used throughout
  Central Europe) is upright, and the Russian variant leans to the
 Identify S
The integral symbol

 On 5 November 2011, at the
  annual fireworks display at
  Edenbridge, Kent, a 12
  metre tall bonfire effigy
  shown in the image was
  unveiled. To what event was
  it a direct reference to?
 This is an effigy of Mario Balotelli. Balotelli and his
  friends set Balotelli's house on fire when a firework was
  let off in it, and later that week Balotelli was unveiled
  as Greater Manchester's ambassador for firework
  safety. The next day, he celebrated his goal by
  unveiling a shirt with the words: "Why always me?" on
Barack Obama
We seldom know this personality as an artist of such stunning
 paintings, but evidently he was one in his youth. Who is the
                   artist of these paintings?
 Adolf Hitler

On whose grave do you expect to see this?
Ludwig Boltzmann
 The W campaign in its present form was started by Juan Mann on
  December 1, 2004 when he began doing a certain thing in the Pitt
  Street Mall in central Sydney. In the months prior to this, Mann had
  been feeling depressed and lonely as a result of numerous personal
  difficulties. However, a random reception of the thing from a
  stranger made an enormous difference, with Mann stating that "...I
  went out to a party one night and a completely random person
  came up to me and gave me it. I felt like a king! It was greatest thing
  that ever happened."[2]

 Mann carried the now iconic “_______" sign from the outset.
  However on his first attempt in his hometown, where he returned
  to find that he was the only person he knew, as his friends and
  family had moved away, he had to wait fifteen minutes before an
  elderly lady came up to him and gave him it.
 W pls
The “FREE HUGS” campaign
 When Odysseus left
 for the Trojan War, he
 left the old man on
 the right in this
 illustration in charge
 of his son,
 Telemachus (the
 young guy on the
 left). What was the
 old chap’s name?

 Mentor


 Parody Awards
 Golden Raspberry, The Ignobel, The Darwin
  Awards, The Pigasus Awards, The Golden
  Fleece awards.
This Da-Vinci illustration is said to be the first
time X was conceived. What is X?

 Contact lenses

 Who? Where is
 this? Half points
 for both.

 Neil Armstrong. Purdue University
   In politics, a X is a situation in which
    a seat in a deliberative assembly is
    vacated during that assembly's
    term. Such a situation arises through
    the death, resignation or
    disqualification of the sitting
    member. Xs have the effect of
    eliminating or reducing
    representation for the member's
    constituency. Accordingly, many
    jurisdictions provide by law for the
    speedy filling of these vacant seats.
    Xs can also occur in non-
    governmental assemblies, such as
    boards of directors and committees
    of voluntary organisations.
    What 2-word term is X?

 Casual Vacancy. JK Rowling’s latest book.

 Matt Lewis(played Nevil Longbottom in HP
  series and the second, well, Justin Bieber.

An inverse of Stockholm syndrome called “Y" has
been proposed, in which abductors develop
sympathy for their hostages. It was named after an
abduction at the Japanese Embassy in ___, in
1996, when members of a militant movement took
hostage hundreds of people attending a party in
the official residence of Japan's ambassador. Within
a few hours, the abductors had set free of most of
the hostages, including the most valuable ones,
due to sympathy. Id Y

 The Lima Syndrome

 This song's reign at number one in the United
  Kingdom occurred as the region was hit by
  ______, which led The Sun to humorously
  suggest the two events were related, with the
  media referring to it as the "Rihanna Curse.“
  The same ‘curse’ hit Romania as well as New
  Zealand. And as the song went down the
  charts, the ______ ended.

  Identify the song and FITB

 Umbrella ; Extreme flooding and storms.

 After a successful career as a drummer and drum
  teacher of drum technique, X, an electrical
  engineer by profession, started selling drums,
  cymbals and drum-related accessories in
  London. Musicians like Ritchie Blackmore(Deep
  Purple), Jim Sullivan and Pete Townshend(The
  Who) suggested he should sell guitar equipment
  too. As a response, he came up with a product
  which revolutionized live music and music in
  general. Identify X or the company he
  subsequently started.

 Marshall amps, Jim Marshall

 X was among the Elite Panel umpires of ICC.
  He umpired in 128 tests and 181 ODI’s from
  1989-2009. Earlier, he was a FIFA referee in
  the World Cup qualifier between El Salvador
  and the Netherlands Antilles in 1988. Soon
  after this, X had to retire from football
  refereeing because the FIFA age limit for
  referees was lowered to 45. However, this
  allowed him to pursue his career as a cricket

 Steve Bucknor. Has the distinction of being
  an ICC umpire as well as a FIFA referee.
 Connect the actor/director in 1 to the Nobel
  Laureates in 2 and 3.

       1                        2     3

 Pic 1-Sheldon Leonard
  Pic 2-Robert Hofstadter/Leon Cooper

  Their names served as the names of the main
  characters of "The Big Bang Theory" i.e
  Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter.

 The flag of X is often confused with the flag of
  Y which is the opposite of it. In 1906, to put
  an end to the argument of Turkey that the
  flag of X took its roots from Christianity, it
  was decided to promote officially the idea
  that the X flag had been formed by reversing
  the federal colours of Y, although no clear
  evidence of this origin had ever been found.
  Id X and Y.

 X: Red Cross Y: Switzerland

 It is generally accepted that this pattern appears
  on the body of the Death-Head Hawk moth.
  However, contrary to popular belief, the pattern
  is a portrait photography by Philippe Halsman in
  collaboration with Salvador Dali, called "In
  Voluptas Mors". It is a surrealistic portrait of Dali
  beside a large skull, in fact a tableau vivant
  composed of seven nudes. Halsman took three
  hours to arrange the models according to a
  sketch by Dali. Put funda.
 A statue of John X, sits in the institution named in his
  honour. Despite the name of the place, the statue does not
  depict his true likeness, as the sculptor had no accurate
  image to work from. The statue claims that it depicts John X
  Founder, 1638, but in reality X was a contributor, not the
  founder; the institution was founded in 1636; and the statue
  is actually a likeness of someone else. The sculptor used a
  student as a model.
  The statue is located centrally in X Yard. Tour guides often
  tell visitors it is good luck to rub John X's left foot. There is,
  however, among the residents of the institution a
  longstanding tradition of urinating on the statue at night.

 John Harvard

 This sci-fi sound effect was developed by
  sound designer Ben Burtt as a combination of
  the hum of idling interlock motors in aged
  movie projectors and interference caused by
  a television set on an unshielded microphone.
  Burtt discovered the latter accidentally as he
  was looking for a buzzing, sparking sound to
  add to the projector motor hum. What are we
  talking about?
 Lightsabre
Id Pix Round

 Written.
 +15, -5

What’s so special about this place? Special respect for telling it’s name.

 Point Nemo. The point in the Ocean farthest
    away from landmass. Basically the worst
    place to get drowned.

Ever wondered what ACME stands for?

A Company That Makes Everything

 Snoop Dogg has now changed over to
    reggae, and has rechristened himself as
    Snoop Lion.

    Id this latest gaming console. What’s so special about it? 5 + 10.

 Ouya, the first gaming console that runs on

    Where would you see this camera?(a 2 MP one)

 Curiosity rover

Where does one see this?
BITS Pilani Goa campus General quiz Oct'12
Round 3

Back Talk. One question directed to each team. +15. After passing, + 5.
BITS Pilani Goa campus General quiz Oct'12

 It translates as “The Base”. It operates as a
    network comprising both a multinational,
    stateless army and a radical ______
    movement calling for global Jihad and a strict
    interpretation of a certain law.

 What is Al-Qaeda?/ What does Al-Qaeda
    translate as?

 Felix Baumgartner. He set the world record
    by reaching an estimated speed of 1,342
    kilometres per hour (834 mph), or Mach
    1.24, on 14 October 2012.

 Who was the first human to break the sound
    barrier without a vehicle?

 It is the content that is not part of the Surface
  web, which is indexed by standard search
 Most of the Web's information is buried far
  down on dynamically generated sites, and
  standard search engines do not find it.

 What is the Deep Web/deepnet/invisible net?

 This is what he says- “"However, since I
    manifest their worst nightmare (systematical
    and organized executions of multiculturalist
    traitors), they will probably just give me the full
    propaganda rape package and propagate the
    following accusations: pedophile, engaged in
    incest activities, homosexual, psycho, ADHD,
    thief, non-educated, inbred, maniac, insane,
    monster etc. I will be labeled as the biggest
    (Nazi-)monster ever witnessed since WW2."

 Give any excerpt from Anders Behring
    Breivik’s manifesto.

 It’s Kia Siverbrook. Internationally, he has
    9,716 of them registered at the international
    X document database. They have applications
    in a variety of products such as computers,
    smartphones, LCD screens, digital cameras,
    robots, digital pens and industrial and office

 Who has the highest number of registered
    patents in the world?

 His full name is Aliaune Damala Badara ____

 What is Akon’s full name?

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BITS Pilani Goa campus General quiz Oct'12

  • 1. THE QUIZ Of the Quiz Club, for the people, by the freshers. Raj K Siddharth J Sukanto G
  • 3. 1  Sitter, identify.  1.Knowledge of Literature - Nil.  2.Knowledge of Philosophy - Nil.  3.Knowledge of Astronomy - Nil.  4.Knowledge of Politics - Feeble.  5.Knowledge of Botany - Variable. Well up in belladonna, opium and poison generally. Knows nothing of practice gardening.  6.Knowledge of Geology - Practical, but limited. Ability to differentiate between different soils.  7.Knowledge of Chemistry - Profound.  8.Knowledge of Anatomy - Accurate, but unsystematic.  9.Knowledge of Sensational Contemporary Literature - Immense.  10. Plays the violin well.  11.Expert boxer.  12. Has good knowledge of law
  • 5. 2 Don’t tell me it’s slidenafil citrate. How do you commonly know it as? Hint: apart from it’s primary usage, it’s also used for treating pulmonary hypertension and alitiude sickness.
  • 7. 3 A song called "Jonny Q" became extremely popular in Night Clubs, bars and restaurants around Australia and especially so in the Sydney Region in early 2000. How do we better know the song in India?
  • 8. 3  Jaane Kyun (Dil Chahta Hai)
  • 9. 4 Payback time! Identify ‘X’
  • 11. 5 This sportsperson has a nickname he rather likes, with Biblical connotations. Nike designed him the special logo that you see on the shirt, to go with the name. Who?
  • 12. 5  LeBron James (King James)
  • 14. 6  Pink Floyd. Named after the blues artists, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.
  • 15. 7 No kidding. Which country’s currency?
  • 16. 7  Niue, a Polynesian Island
  • 17. 8 Q (because we’ve had enough of X’s) is a concept often associated with the Indian state of Goa. Derived from the Portuguese word socegado ("Quiet"), it is normally mistaken for the relaxed, laid-back attitude towards life that is said to have existed historically in Goa, a former Portuguese territory. What Q actually means, according to most experts is a contented form of life existent in the state. Goa is described by a Sunday Times writer as "South Asia’s Latin Quarter: indulgent, tolerant, capricious, steeped in a tropical lassitude and wedded to the sea."[1] The concept may also carry negative connotations such as "indolence"[1] and in recent years it has been suggested that the relaxed Goan culture of Q has given way in the face of modern stresses.
  • 19. 9 Connect. (non exhaustive)
  • 20. 9 Members of all the teams / bands were killed in plane crashes.
  • 22. 10 Kids of The Beatles’ members
  • 23. 11 On February 26, 1993, at 12:17 p.m., a Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives, planted by Ramzi Yousef, detonated in the underground garage of the structure. The blast opened a 100 foot (30 m) hole through five sublevels with the greatest damage occurring on levels B1 and B2 and significant structural damage on level B3. Six people were killed and 50,000 other workers and visitors were left gasping for air within the 110 story towers. Many people inside the structure were forced to walk down darkened stairwells that contained no emergency lighting, some taking two hours or more to reach safety. What am I talking about?
  • 25. 12
  • 27. 13 What do you called this phenomenon as?
  • 29. 14 The Monty Hall problem is a probability puzzle loosely based on the American television game show Let's Make a Deal. A famous example is quoted below. “Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?” Name the Indian counterpart of the show hosted by Aman Verma during the last decade.
  • 31. 15 Which medieval structure once existed here?
  • 32. 15 The Bamyan Buddhas. Destroyed by Taliban in 2003.
  • 34. 16  Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad in the movie ‘Jobs’.
  • 35. 17 Seen in Melbourne, what is the name of this lane?
  • 36. 17  ACDC lane (AC/DC lane)
  • 37. 19 What did these guys create?
  • 38. 19  Instagram - photo-app acquired by Facebook.
  • 39. 20  The following is the extract of a poem written by James X about the place : I remember the day when I first came here And smelt the sweet ____________ air The trees and ground covered with snow Gave us indeed a brilliant show To me the place seemed like a dream And far ran a lonesome stream The wind hissed as if welcoming us The pine swayed creating a lot of fuss And the tiny cuckoo sang it away A song very melodious and gay I adored the place from the first sight And was happy that my coming here was right And eight good years here passed very soon And we leave you perhaps on a sunny noon Oh __________ we are leaving you now To your natural beauty do I bow FITB
  • 40. 20 X = Abbott The place is Abottabad, where Osama Bin Laden was found.
  • 42. 1  Id this legendary comic genius.
  • 44. 2 These weapons were used in WW II. They are M1 carbines. Who manufactured them?
  • 45. 2 IBM
  • 46. 3 All of us have seen this image(which has been blanked out). What is it exactly? Where?
  • 47. 3
  • 48. 4  The shape of the S symbol differs slightly from the shape commonly seen in English-language books. While the English S symbol leans to the right, the German symbol (used throughout Central Europe) is upright, and the Russian variant leans to the left.  Identify S
  • 50. 5  On 5 November 2011, at the annual fireworks display at Edenbridge, Kent, a 12 metre tall bonfire effigy shown in the image was unveiled. To what event was it a direct reference to?
  • 51. 5  This is an effigy of Mario Balotelli. Balotelli and his friends set Balotelli's house on fire when a firework was let off in it, and later that week Balotelli was unveiled as Greater Manchester's ambassador for firework safety. The next day, he celebrated his goal by unveiling a shirt with the words: "Why always me?" on it.
  • 52. 6
  • 54. 7 We seldom know this personality as an artist of such stunning paintings, but evidently he was one in his youth. Who is the artist of these paintings?
  • 56. 8 On whose grave do you expect to see this?
  • 58. 9  The W campaign in its present form was started by Juan Mann on December 1, 2004 when he began doing a certain thing in the Pitt Street Mall in central Sydney. In the months prior to this, Mann had been feeling depressed and lonely as a result of numerous personal difficulties. However, a random reception of the thing from a stranger made an enormous difference, with Mann stating that "...I went out to a party one night and a completely random person came up to me and gave me it. I felt like a king! It was greatest thing that ever happened."[2]  Mann carried the now iconic “_______" sign from the outset. However on his first attempt in his hometown, where he returned to find that he was the only person he knew, as his friends and family had moved away, he had to wait fifteen minutes before an elderly lady came up to him and gave him it.  W pls
  • 60. 10  When Odysseus left for the Trojan War, he left the old man on the right in this illustration in charge of his son, Telemachus (the young guy on the left). What was the old chap’s name?
  • 62. 11 Connect
  • 63. 11  Parody Awards  Golden Raspberry, The Ignobel, The Darwin Awards, The Pigasus Awards, The Golden Fleece awards.
  • 64. 12 This Da-Vinci illustration is said to be the first time X was conceived. What is X?
  • 66. 13  Who? Where is this? Half points for both.
  • 67. 13  Neil Armstrong. Purdue University
  • 68. 14  In politics, a X is a situation in which a seat in a deliberative assembly is vacated during that assembly's term. Such a situation arises through the death, resignation or disqualification of the sitting member. Xs have the effect of eliminating or reducing representation for the member's constituency. Accordingly, many jurisdictions provide by law for the speedy filling of these vacant seats. Xs can also occur in non- governmental assemblies, such as boards of directors and committees of voluntary organisations. What 2-word term is X?
  • 69. 14  Casual Vacancy. JK Rowling’s latest book.
  • 71. 15  Matt Lewis(played Nevil Longbottom in HP series and the second, well, Justin Bieber.
  • 72. 16 An inverse of Stockholm syndrome called “Y" has been proposed, in which abductors develop sympathy for their hostages. It was named after an abduction at the Japanese Embassy in ___, in 1996, when members of a militant movement took hostage hundreds of people attending a party in the official residence of Japan's ambassador. Within a few hours, the abductors had set free of most of the hostages, including the most valuable ones, due to sympathy. Id Y
  • 73. 16  The Lima Syndrome
  • 74. 17  This song's reign at number one in the United Kingdom occurred as the region was hit by ______, which led The Sun to humorously suggest the two events were related, with the media referring to it as the "Rihanna Curse.“ The same ‘curse’ hit Romania as well as New Zealand. And as the song went down the charts, the ______ ended. Identify the song and FITB
  • 75. 17  Umbrella ; Extreme flooding and storms.
  • 76. 18  After a successful career as a drummer and drum teacher of drum technique, X, an electrical engineer by profession, started selling drums, cymbals and drum-related accessories in London. Musicians like Ritchie Blackmore(Deep Purple), Jim Sullivan and Pete Townshend(The Who) suggested he should sell guitar equipment too. As a response, he came up with a product which revolutionized live music and music in general. Identify X or the company he subsequently started.
  • 77. 18
  • 78. 18  Marshall amps, Jim Marshall
  • 79. 19  X was among the Elite Panel umpires of ICC. He umpired in 128 tests and 181 ODI’s from 1989-2009. Earlier, he was a FIFA referee in the World Cup qualifier between El Salvador and the Netherlands Antilles in 1988. Soon after this, X had to retire from football refereeing because the FIFA age limit for referees was lowered to 45. However, this allowed him to pursue his career as a cricket umpire.
  • 80. 19  Steve Bucknor. Has the distinction of being an ICC umpire as well as a FIFA referee.
  • 81. 20  Connect the actor/director in 1 to the Nobel Laureates in 2 and 3. 1 2 3
  • 82. 20  Pic 1-Sheldon Leonard Pic 2-Robert Hofstadter/Leon Cooper Their names served as the names of the main characters of "The Big Bang Theory" i.e Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter.
  • 83. 21  The flag of X is often confused with the flag of Y which is the opposite of it. In 1906, to put an end to the argument of Turkey that the flag of X took its roots from Christianity, it was decided to promote officially the idea that the X flag had been formed by reversing the federal colours of Y, although no clear evidence of this origin had ever been found. Id X and Y.
  • 84. 21  X: Red Cross Y: Switzerland
  • 85. 22  It is generally accepted that this pattern appears on the body of the Death-Head Hawk moth. However, contrary to popular belief, the pattern is a portrait photography by Philippe Halsman in collaboration with Salvador Dali, called "In Voluptas Mors". It is a surrealistic portrait of Dali beside a large skull, in fact a tableau vivant composed of seven nudes. Halsman took three hours to arrange the models according to a sketch by Dali. Put funda.
  • 86. 22
  • 87. 23  A statue of John X, sits in the institution named in his honour. Despite the name of the place, the statue does not depict his true likeness, as the sculptor had no accurate image to work from. The statue claims that it depicts John X Founder, 1638, but in reality X was a contributor, not the founder; the institution was founded in 1636; and the statue is actually a likeness of someone else. The sculptor used a student as a model. The statue is located centrally in X Yard. Tour guides often tell visitors it is good luck to rub John X's left foot. There is, however, among the residents of the institution a longstanding tradition of urinating on the statue at night.
  • 89. 24  This sci-fi sound effect was developed by sound designer Ben Burtt as a combination of the hum of idling interlock motors in aged movie projectors and interference caused by a television set on an unshielded microphone. Burtt discovered the latter accidentally as he was looking for a buzzing, sparking sound to add to the projector motor hum. What are we talking about?
  • 91. Id Pix Round  Written.  +15, -5
  • 92. 1 What’s so special about this place? Special respect for telling it’s name.
  • 93. 1  Point Nemo. The point in the Ocean farthest away from landmass. Basically the worst place to get drowned.
  • 94. 2 Ever wondered what ACME stands for?
  • 95. 2 A Company That Makes Everything
  • 97. 3  Snoop Dogg has now changed over to reggae, and has rechristened himself as Snoop Lion.
  • 98. 4 Id this latest gaming console. What’s so special about it? 5 + 10.
  • 99. 4  Ouya, the first gaming console that runs on Android.
  • 100. 5 Where would you see this camera?(a 2 MP one)
  • 102. 6 Where does one see this?
  • 103. 6
  • 105. Round 3 Back Talk. One question directed to each team. +15. After passing, + 5.
  • 107. 1  It translates as “The Base”. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical ______ movement calling for global Jihad and a strict interpretation of a certain law.
  • 108. 1  What is Al-Qaeda?/ What does Al-Qaeda translate as?
  • 109. 2  Felix Baumgartner. He set the world record by reaching an estimated speed of 1,342 kilometres per hour (834 mph), or Mach 1.24, on 14 October 2012.
  • 110. 2  Who was the first human to break the sound barrier without a vehicle?
  • 111. 3  It is the content that is not part of the Surface web, which is indexed by standard search engines.  Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines do not find it.
  • 112. 3  What is the Deep Web/deepnet/invisible net?
  • 113. 4  This is what he says- “"However, since I manifest their worst nightmare (systematical and organized executions of multiculturalist traitors), they will probably just give me the full propaganda rape package and propagate the following accusations: pedophile, engaged in incest activities, homosexual, psycho, ADHD, thief, non-educated, inbred, maniac, insane, monster etc. I will be labeled as the biggest (Nazi-)monster ever witnessed since WW2."
  • 114. 4  Give any excerpt from Anders Behring Breivik’s manifesto.
  • 115. 5  It’s Kia Siverbrook. Internationally, he has 9,716 of them registered at the international X document database. They have applications in a variety of products such as computers, smartphones, LCD screens, digital cameras, robots, digital pens and industrial and office printers.
  • 116. 5  Who has the highest number of registered patents in the world?
  • 117. 6  His full name is Aliaune Damala Badara ____ Thiam
  • 118. 6  What is Akon’s full name?