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Heading Of Formal Letter
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Heading Of Formal Letter Heading Of Formal Letter
Jacob Riis Slums Analysis
Doc. 19 3: Jacob Riis Describes Abandoned Babies in New York City s Slums
Dreams of being a mother during the 19th century were demolished when the birth rate of babies
increased dramatically, for the only way to care for a child, was to abandon them. A mother s instincts
are loving, protecting and caring unconditionally for their child. Through the early times, the birth rate
of newborns was insignificantly high, due to many reasons, one being the lack of a way to avoid
pregnancies. The consequence of mothers was having to get rid of their babies, for their dreams of
becoming future mothers were smothered by poverty and want (p.68). Therefore, thousands of
helpless unwanted infants were left out in the dangerous slums of New York City ... Show more
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The middle echelon in the late 1800s of New York had no idea about some issues of the poor and
unfortunate faced. Riis attempt of exposing the unbearable events happening to innocent, beautiful,
heaven made waifs was successful. Jacobs Riis divulged the actions of mothers that saw nowhere to
turn to with a baby they couldn t or did not want to fend for. The document reveals the bitter
consequences of desperate poverty for mothers and children, (p.67) consequences being the many
young lives that were cut short, due to a decision that they had no say in and guilt, hatred, and
depression the mother faced after having to abandon a being they brought into this world.
The document is important in the studying of the progressive era, for it lead to commence of certain
inventions. For example, in the 1950s a woman that fought and stood for the rights of a woman s voice
named Margaret Sanger, invented the birth control pill. Commonly used today in women, birth control
is a high effective contraceptive pill. Birth control caused the number of abandoned children to lessen.
The document is also rich in seeing the horrid of history, immoral actions taken by the one that loves
you most, the risks that were placed when abandoning infants, and what poverty can push a person to
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The Confederate Flag Essay
The Confederate Flag
On January 1992 the NAACP put in affect a boycott on South Carolina to pressure the state to remove
the Confederate flag off of its Statehouse in Columbia. The boycott is what initially brought life to this
issue. The NAACP s removal request is based on the fact that they, the anti flag groups, claim that the
meaning of the Confederate flag is one of hate and discrimination. On the other hand, there are other
groups that believe differently whom are called the pro flag groups. They claim that the Confederate
flag is a sign of heritage and should stay on South Carolina s Statehouse. Anti flag articles are more
likely to be found published in well known Liberal magazines, when credible pro flag articles were
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This viewpoint can be found in Eric Foner s article Rebel Yell which is published in a well known
liberal magazine The Nation. Foner who is a historian believes that the main cause of the Civil War
was the South s opposition to freeing slaves. He states that slavery was the big reason why the Civil
War was started and that all of the other issues stemmed off of it. This view is shared among the anti
flag supporters as seen in this quotation from another anti flag article. Try as we may to pretend that
slavery wasn t a big issue as any other, the truth is, had the South been agreeable to the idea of ending
slavery, then the civil war may very well have never happened (Amy par. 2). Foner then uses logos by
explaining how the Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession shows evidence of this in its
causes of secession. To understand what the flag now flying in Columbia represents, one need only
read the Declaration of Immediate Causes of Secession, adopted by South Carolina secession
convention in December 1860 (Foner par. 2). Foner gives some examples of the declaration being
about slavery by quoting some things it stated, and one quotation out of the Declaration of Immediate
Causes of Secession is about Lincoln being a man whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery
(Foner par. 2). This quote proves that South Carolina was seceding because of Lincoln s
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Social Process Theory Of Crime
Social Process theory views criminality as a socialization function. The theory explores how one
learns things through interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society. It
also focuses on criminal behavior as being a learned behavior that affects every person regardless of
race, class, or gender. Social process theorists believe that socialization with key social institutions
help control human behavior, and that the most prominent elements are the individual s family, peer
group, school and church (Seigel, 2011, pg. 168). Thus, the key element in determining juvenile
behavior, is the socialization the juvenile receives at home, school, and in the community. Research
has constantly shown that the influence
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Pest Analysis Of IKEA
3.0 External analysis
3.1 PEST Analysis
Political Factors:
The increase in globalization and protectionism is not only a challenge but an opportunity as well for
the management of IKEA. The challenges that are being faced are competing against undisclosed
forces and sourcing the top quality products from all over the world. The organization has a
probability to enter the emerging markets through partnerships and joint ventures in order to explore
these new markets. But at the same time, the company has to deal with the protectionist policies of
countries in which it runs its business because of the risk that the host countries might impose high
tariffs on imported goods.
Economic factors:
The purchasing costs of IKEA is increasing in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This includes building trust via good communication with customers, co workers, key opinion formers
and the press. The central part of creating IKEAs image is to become sustainable.
Bargaining power of customers
The company offers a wide range of products in low prices that are reachable to all he individuals who
lie among upper, middle or lower middle class. This factor has increased the numbers of customers
creating a strong customer base of the company. Therefore, bargaining power of customers is
moderate to low.
4.0 Recommendations
In order to maintain an untarnished position in the market, the company should consider the following
recommendations that are provided after analyzing the company s performance and effect of external
IKEA needs to underline a pull marketing strategy in order to gain high market share in different
countries by launching a campaign that endorses furniture as a fashion statement.
Asia has the largest customer base with a population exceeding three billion people, and hence is
considered as an emerging market. IKEA needs to establish several stores in these countries to aid its
customers have an easy access to their stores without any extra time
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Tim Burton s Work As A Director
Tim Burton is well known for his work as a director. He has been nominated for several awards.
Among these are; two Oscars, one Golden Globe, five Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and
Horror Films, and several Hugo Awards (Tim Burton Awards). Besides being a director of many of
Hollywood s greatest films, he is also an accomplished illustrator, painter, screenwriter, and producer.
From his early days at The California Institute of Arts, to his current film projects, Burton has always
had an ability to transfer his perceptions in to a visual medium. His visual style is often a mix of
fantasy, Gothic, and horror (Tim Burton Bio A E). Timothy Walter Burton was born in the shadow of
the Hollywood Hills in Burbank, California, on August 25, 1958. He grew up the son of seemingly
distant parents who were also a bit odd. His father, who was injured early in his career as a
professional baseball player, worked for the City of Burbank Sports Department. His mother owned a
cat themed gift shop (for cats) called Cats Plus. Burton s room had two large windows that overlooked
the yard, but his parents boarded them up (Pringle). My parents covered the windows in my bedroom
for insulation, with a little slit at the top to let in light. I ve always related to Edgar Allen Poe, who
wrote several stories about being buried alive. I always felt a dark unhappiness permeating the air in
their house (Fraga 167). Oddly enough, one of the staples of his films, there is usually an overly
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The Ethical Ethics Of Nike
We may all have noticed that all kinds of shoes we wear, especially the athletic ones are not
manufactured in their home country. All labels are indicating the producer country (Vietnam,
Bangladesh, Cambodia, etc).Of course many of us don t pay much attention to that. But what if we
knew that these shoes were manufactured literally with the exploitation of people? Nike is one of the
most recognisable organizations worldwide and the top in the athletic industry. As all domestic
companies, Nike manufactured its products in the USA but due to higher labour costs, cooperated with
two Japanese manufacturers until it again turned to countries with even lower labour cost. Basically
Nike never made shoes in the United States, as Japan was considered a country of the third world and
since then Nike was migrating from nation to nation. Globalization allows just this practice;
companies export ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In case which the company had done otherwise its only concern would be that of the low wages and
that argument would be treated by projecting the excuse that this was the anticipated reward for this
kind of work. As it is well known that in developing countries the wages are very low, in order to
avoid any accusations Nike could launch a policy of providing extra benefits to its workers according
to their production (for instance, coupons for buying goods from grocery shops),or rewarding them by
giving a day off when a target is achieved. In conclusion, Nike is not the only company that uses this
strategy but is the one that got caught and the most recognisable. As an explanation we can argue that
when you are the leader, always competitors trying to find ways to expose you. Of course, when we
refer to such giant companies is sure that any problem occurs will be soon forgotten or covered, which
does not mean that it is
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The Firewall Essay
The Firewall
A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two or more
networks. The means by which this control is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall
is a pair of mechanisms, one that blocks traffic and one that permits traffic. Some firewalls emphasize
blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. The most important thing to recognize
about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don t know what kind of access
you want to permit or deny, or you let someone else or some product configure a firewall based on
judgment other than yours, that entity is making policy for your whole organization.
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Generally, firewalls are configured to protect against unauthenticated interactive logins from the
outside world. This protection, more than anything, helps prevent vandals from logging on to
machines on your network. More elaborate firewalls block traffic from the outside to the inside but
permit users on the inside to communicate freely with the outside. The firewall can protect you against
any type of network borne attack if you unplug it.
Firewalls are also important because they are a single point where you can impose security and
auditing. If someone attacks a computer system by dialing in with a modem, tracing the perpetrator is
impossible. In contrast, the firewall can act as an effective phone tap and tracing tool. Firewalls also
provide an important logging and auditing function, summarizing topics such as the kinds and amount
of traffic that passed through it and how many attempted break ins occurred recently.
Firewalls can t protect against attacks that don t go through the firewall. Many corporations that
connect to the Internet are very concerned about proprietary data leaking out of the company.
Unfortunately, a magnetic tape exports data just as effectively as the Internet. Many organizations
whose management is terrified of Internet connections have no coherent policy about protecting dial
in access via modems. It s silly to build a steel door six feet thick
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Trends in Workplace
Trends in Workplace Learning: Supply and Demand in Interesting Times
By Laurie Bassi, Scott Cheney, and Eleesha Lewis
The ancient Chinese saying May you live in interesting times has perhaps never been more relevant.
As the 1990s draw to a close and the new millennium fast approaches, life is phenomenally interesting
and demanding. Professionals who are responsible for workplace learning and performance
improvement are squarely in the center of the swirl of exciting possibilities and requirements that are
The inextricable link between rapid technological change and the emergence of the global economy
has created the necessity for profound change in the way people and organizations work. As a result,
workplace learning is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In many ways, this is nothing new at all. A firm s knowledge the brains of its employees, their know
how, the processes and customer knowledge that they create has always been a source of competitive
advantage. And by extension, so too has been knowledge management the processes by which a firm
creates and leverages knowledge. Whatis unique about the knowledge era is that knowledge is
becoming the primary source of competitive advantage within a growing number of industries.
Organizations from industrial era industries, such as automobile manufacturing, to information age
industries such as consulting are recognizing that they each have a unique storehouse of knowledge,
and that the future belongs to those that can grow their knowledge fastest and then apply and use it
With the benefit of hindsight, it is apparent that in the knowledge era, creating and leveraging
knowledge is the business of business. By all available measures, the stock market is already
providing handsome rewards to companies that successfully leverage their knowledge a phenomenon
that will almost surely grow in significance as knowledge based organizations increase in size and
number. A number of firms are anticipating this and looking to knowledge management to enhance,
measure, and manage the knowledge of their employees and organizations more effectively.
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Parental Pressure on Children Playing Organized Sports Essay
These days, there is too much pressure on children who participate in organized sports because of the
unnecessary parental involvement they experience. A growing concern amongst those involved in
youth sports is that certain aspects of parental involvement become detrimental to the development
and experiences of young athletes. Early emphasis on winning, making money, and the disruption of
education can exceedingly affect ones desire to further participate in a sport later on in his/her life.
With more and more children participating in some sort of organized sport than ever before, there is a
constant concern regarding the pressures kids are brought into to excel. Emotionally over involved
parents often think that it is their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then, of course, the entire project collapsed. Drug addiction with its attendant legal and publicity
problems arrived, and the NFL career blew up. The kid went through rehab and came back, but
relapsed, and relapsed and relapsed again finally leaving sports all together. Tiger Woods, the
Williams sisters, and Todd Marinovich are all examples of kids who were mainly edged on by his/her
parent. Kids should not have to experience stress because of the pressure parents may put on them, nor
should they need to believe that a loss is unacceptable. There s just no reason why sports should have
any negative aspects at all. Especially when there are so many positive things that sports can do for a
child if introduced and carried out in the right way, specifically at a young age.
Over time, these youngsters may be permanently emotionally exhausted causing some to turn to
steroids in hope to gain an edge or perhaps give up on sports, and exercise, altogether. Intense training,
of coaches from club or travel teams, becomes an enticement to win the next season which may carry
on to the off season to train and become better than the best. But where s the fun in that? When will
kids have the time to try out other sports?
An increase in the number of reported instances of parents engaging in abusive, violent, and
controlling behavior toward coaches,
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A Brief Note On Robert Browning s Porphyria s Lover And...
Contributory Factors to the Murders in Robert Browning s Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory. The
word love possesses such complexity and magnitude that people commonly have a hard time defining
it effectively without oversimplifying. Given the true intensity of feeling, jealousy is often said to be
synonymous with being in love and the real impact love can have on a person can be unpredictable.
Considering this, The Cambridge Dictionary defines a crime of passion as a crime committed because
of very strong emotional feelings, especially in connection with a sexual relationship. The poems
Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory by Robert Browning, although significantly different,
essentially share the theme of love and jealousy. In both poems, readers are introduced to the darker
side of romance through male and female speakers so overwhelmed with emotion, they turn to murder
as a means of expression. Using dramatic monologue, Browning brilliantly explores the profound
effect love can have on its victims and the psychological elements leading to a crime of passion.
A dramatic monologue is defined as a form of monodrama in which the speaker addresses an assumed
listener or group of listeners (Kennedy 72). Although Browning mastered this genre during the
Victorian era, his poems were often greeted with misunderstanding and indifference (Simpson 1275).
Along with his work featuring grotesque rhymes and jaw breaking diction (Simpson 1275), he was
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Changing Role Of Women During World War II
Changing Role of Women in World War II
When Britain declared war against Germany in 1939, the Australian Prime Minister, Robert Menzies,
proclaimed that Australia was also at war. The declaration of war saw Australians respond to another
world conflict. On this occasion, Australia itself would be under the threat of attack. World War II
would not only require young men to travel overseas and fight but it also significantly impacted the
lives of Australian women. The contribution Australian women made towards the war effort and their
roles on the Homefront and overseas was a vital part of Australian History. Australian women had a
range of duties and responsibilities they were encouraged to perform. Since most men had to go
overseas to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, through this experience, women bought long term changes and they had the chance to
experience independence which allowed them to discover life long skills. This was one of their many
achievements which eventually changed the modern society. As seen in Appendix 1, the AWLA
received the newly created Civilian Service Medal 1939 1945 due to their support of the war effort.
This undoubtedly indicates that these women were the start of an alteration in Australia for the long
term, due to their struggle and achievement.
Women in World War II started replacing men in traditional roles, which proved to society that women
were capable of work reserved for men. Due to labour shortages and the need for men to fight
overseas, the government was forced to allow women to take a more active role. Women had a broad
range of duties and responsibilities, most women were trained in many of the home front tasks,
subsequently, that more service men could be freed to join the overseas forces, this created new
employment opportunities for women (Carrodus et al, 2012, p. 113). Tens of thousands of women
joined the Women s Air Force, Naval and Army Services during World War II. (Big Black Dog
Communications Pty Ltd, et al, 2009). As seen Appendix 2, women in the services were significant as
they were beginning to perform all types of work, from intelligence officers to drivers, typists and
cooks, to wireless telegraphists and aircraft ground staff. To go from being dependent on
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Personal Narrative-Joji s Life
It was late at night, but the city was still buzzing, filled with light and full of life. George stumbles into
the bar, already half wasted. Tonight was his 25th birthday, and his stage persona Joji s 57th show
since he started his journey in the music industry. He should be the happiest he s ever been. He s doing
what he loves, he s making more money than what he knows what do with, and he can get any girl he
wants. But no amount of women, money, and fame could fill the void she left in him. George takes a
seat at the bar, and the bartender nonchalantly asks him what he ll have. Something to mess me up, he
manages to spit out. It s almost as if you could hear the booze on his breath as well as you could smell
it. It sure looks like you re already pretty messed up, the bartender retorts as she pours him a glass of
water. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The taste of the water was one George had never experienced before. It was ice cold and refreshing, so
crisp and clean. His eyes lit up more and more with each gulp. Compared to all the other toxins he d
been pumping into himself, this was bliss. Pretty good, eh? the bartender asks, drying a glass. That
was water, George said. Yeah, I know. It isn t what you asked for, but definitely what you needed, the
bartender replied. Whatever, I... gotta drown her out, George slurs back to her. Oh, so there s a her !
Please, tell me about her, the bartender says with a smile, finally looking up from her
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Lab Results Fermenter
To determine the amount of anti microbial peptide production by Staphylococcus warneri under
various conditions when 2L and 10L Fermented.
To Test the effects of one uncontrolled parameters sush as pH, Temperature or dissolved Oxygen and
compare findings.
To produce anti microbial activity from Staphylococcus warneri.
Staphylococcus warneri is a member of bacterial genus Staphylococcus, consisting of Gram positive
bacteria with spherical cells appearing in clusters. Colonies of S. warneri are usually tan, yellow and
about 2 4mm in diameter after 48 hours incubation at 35°C. It is commonly found as part of the skin
flora on humans and animals. S. warneri rarely causes disease, ... Show more content on
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This indicates that when temperature is not controlled the temperature can increase significantly. As
shows in TABLE 1.1 History Plot Vessel 1 2L NO Temperature control.
Vessel 2: No antimicrobial activity seen at 13:00. However antimicrobial activity seen in both neat and
1:2 sample at 14:00 and 15:00. Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at 16:00 and 09:00. When
air flow is not controlled the reduced air content reduces the rate of fermentation, As Oxygen is
required for cell growth and when air is in reduced quantity this slows down rate of cell reproduction
as shows in TABLE 1.2 History Plot Vessel 2 2L NO Air Flow.
Vessel 3: Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at all time intervals. Antimicrobial activity seen in
1:2 sample at 14:00, 16:00 and 09:00. Activity seen in 1:4 for the first time at 16:00 and 09:00. There
is greater anti microbial peptide activity with temperature and air controls which shows that the pH
does not have significant effects as the other two parameters. The fermentation was not affected to the
same extent by pH as shown in TABLE 1.3 History Plot Vessel 3 2L NO pH control.
Vessel 4: Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at all time intervals. Activity seen in 1:2 sample at
14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 09:00. For the first time see antimicrobial activity in
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Comparison Between Community Quilts And The Quilt
Comparison of community quilts The quilt that was created to represent my community encompassed
the people and things that are central to my life. As a recent transplant to Colorado, I have not
developed a strong sense of community so I have become accustomed to my family supports that are
located throughout United States. First I would like to explain some images and symbols in my quilt
which will help with the comparison of the community quilt made for the Strive Smart Preparatory
School. My quilt has the central figures of my daughter and I, whom I hold dearly and is the most
important person in my life. The surrounding images are my love of travel, seeing parts of the world
that I always dreamed about and my curiosity of other cultures. The image of a chameleon is a trait of
my personality and the ability to adapt to different environments and challenges. The dragon slayer is
an ultra ego figure that I envision myself as being courageous; there are two figures in the image,
which I see my daughter (Chelsea) as being with the aid of her mother. The two images of a hutch
back and graphic of China devouring the world is my artwork, created to express opinions of
environmental destruction, which is further convey by the Apple symbol at the top with the green
leaves budding from the earth. Lastly is the symbol for my love of music. I grew up listening to a wide
range of music from classic rock to rhythm and blues (R B). I appreciate having listened to a good
base of music
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Cannibalism Essay examples
There are so many bad things in the world but according to many, cannibalism is considered just about
the worst. Depending on your point of view, it rises above even such criminal abominations as, rape
and genocide. Then again, we live in a culture, in which people would run vomiting to the bathroom if
they saw what went into making their McDonald s hamburgers.
Cannibalism, also known as anthropophagi, is defined as the act or practice of eating members of the
same species. The word anthropophagi comes from the Arawakan language name for the Carib
Indians of the West Indies. The Caribs are well known for their practice of cannibalism. Among
humans, this practice has been attributed to people in the past all over the world, including ... Show
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Among humans, cannibalism has been widespread in prehistoric societies on all continents. It is still
believed to be practiced in remote areas of the island of New Guinea. It existed until recently in parts
of West and Central Africa, Sumatra, Melanesia, and Polynesia. It also existed among various Indian
tribes of North and South America and among aborigines of Australia and the Maoris of New Zealand.
The reasons for cannibalism have varied. Sometimes there was simply limited food. Some groups
liked the taste of human flesh. However, mostly the reasons had to do with revenge or punishment for
crimes, ceremony and ritual, or magic. Some victorious tribes ate their dead enemies to absorb their
strength. In come rituals, the deceased were eaten by relatives, as a manner of reverence or honor for
their ancestors, or as a desire for the soul of the dead to be reborn in the body of the consumer. This is
called endocannablism.
Civilized people have to resort to cannibalism from time to time, as a mean of survival, under
desperate circumstances. The story of the Donner Party is one of the more tragic incidents in
American frontier history. A group of about 90 immigrants led by George Donner was caught in a
blinding snowstorm in the Sierra Nevada range of California in October 1846. Survivors, who made
their way out early in 1847,
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Michael Bruce s A Man Of Logic
Bruce had always preferred wandering to the confines of four walls. Although, if SHEILD had their
way, General Ross in particular, he would ve been imprisoned a long time ago. Somewhere where the
sun doesn t shine. Locked away, and probably left to rot, in one of SHIELD s many undisclosed
correctional facilities. But there was something to be said about sleeping beneath the stars. To be
reminded how insignificant you really were. A man of logic, philosophy had never been a fascination
for Bruce. His mind prone to working out problems from a scientific standpoint than an emotional
one. But left with time to spare over the years, Bruce came to realize how ironic his life has been. At
how better off the world would have been if his father had succeeded in killing him all those years
ago. Bruce deserved nothing less than the cave he caged himself in. Spending a great deal with
himself had left Dr. Banner questioning his existence, more so in the light of recent events. And
already in a struggle for his own identity, philosophy only twisted his sense of insignificancy.
So it didn t seem possible that he d ever seen the stars again.
Self exile didn t stem from just one reason, but a number of them. Each one weaving in and out of
Banner s thoughts until he felt control slipping through his grasp. The Scarlet Witch had done more
than simply cast an illusion that killed dozens of people. She created in Bruce a sense of reproach, a
part of him second guessing his role in the
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Tylor Kistler s Nineteen Eighty-Personal Narrative
I stood at the top of the hill. It was Regional day. My team and I trained all year for that day. The sun
was shining and the snow was crisp just like the air. The wind was silent and allowed the clamor of the
festivities to hang in the air undisturbed. I could hear everything. The chanting of names and times
from the loudspeaker. The racers skis slicing into the snow. My favorite rhythmic clapping of shins on
gates. Then, to my surprise, Tylor Kistler, bib 156? a pause, racer may go when ready . Oh no. If my
mind wasn t racing before, it was racing then. All my thoughts jumbled into a chaotic scream.
I closed my eyes, exhaled as much as I could, and pushed. Face first, I was thrown against the first
gate. My thoughts threatened to permeate
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Reflection Of The Journal Of Active Listening With My Parents
Active Listening Journal I have been evaluating conversations I have had over the past few days to
find good candidates to record in this journal. The first conversation which has been relevant to write
about is one that I had on FaceTime with my parents. We had the opportunity to talk for almost half an
hour on Sunday afternoon. We talked about many different things, including how our days were, what
the weather is like back home and up here, how my brothers are doing, how our dogs are doing, and
other random things that popped into our minds as we just enjoyed talking to one another. I have taken
it upon myself to call them every night, even if it is just to talk for a few minutes. During this
particular conversation, I noticed two things that I did particularly well while practicing active
listening with my parents. First off, I noticed that I reflected very well in the conversation. One
example stands out among the others, my dad was telling of how he had experienced trouble with one
of our tractors earlier that day. To reflect on that topic, I commented It sounds to me like that break is
going to end up being quite a costly malfunction! Along with reflection, I also noticed that I
sufficiently used the component of sharing. While having a conversation with mom about one of our
dogs, I respectfully shared my own view on the decision of whether or not to breed her, even though it
differed from her and dad s. They were actually impressed by the argument I put forward and we now
are going to have two litters of puppies instead of just one! By effectively using these attributes of an
active listener, I feel that my conversation with my parents was greatly enhanced compared to some of
the past times we have talked. I also noticed a couple of active listener traits that needed improvement.
Surprisingly, I was not paying full attention to my parents during part of the call. I was Face Timing
them on my computer while trying to multitask and complete a survey for another class at the same
time during our conversation. I became so invested in the survey that my dad actually stopped talking
to regain my attention. To prevent this situation, I will simply maximize the FaceTime app to
eliminate distractions.
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Affirmative Action Thesis
Topic: The Importance of Affirmative Action in the College Admissions Process
Thesis: In order to resolve underrepresentation of African Americans in higher education, affirmative
action is needed to promote diversity, improve students critical thinking skills, and increase race
consciousness by utilizing race as a factor in college admissions.
University of California Regents v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265, 98 S. Ct. 2733, 57 L. Ed. 2d 750 (1978).
The Reagents of the University of California v. Bakke is a US Supreme Court case from 1978 that
upheld the use of affirmative action and allowed education institutions to use race a factor in their
admissions policy. However, the US Supreme Court decided that the use of racial quotas, such as the
medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
William Bowen and Dr. Derek Bok composed one of the most comprehensive studies of different
affirmative action programs among universities in the United States. One of the most crucial findings
from their study was that the commonly held mismatch theory is false. The mismatch theory arose
from critics of affirmative action who feared that letting African American students into selective
universities that had lower test scores would result in a lower performance than the average student.
However, the authors discovered that black students who attended competitive colleges performed
better than their academically equivalent peers who attended a less rigorous school. This is critical
because if affirmative action was not in place, then the African American students would most likely
attend the less selective schools as their academic equivalent peers and would end up having a less
successful outcome. In addition, the study illustrated that African American students who benefitted
from Affirmative Action programs in college ended up having a greater chance at post graduate
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Applying Harry Harlow s Response To Psychological...
1. Harry Harlow was interested in love s role as a basic built in need. He was also interested in how
love in early life affects adulthood, and comfort contact versus health thirst.
2. Harlow found that when given the choice of a cloth covered and a wire surrogate mother, baby
monkeys preferred the cloth mother, even if they were fed by the wire mother. These results show that
the needs of hunger and thirst exerted a relatively insignificant influence on the monkey s preference
of mother, and the need for contact comfort was most significant in producing an attachment.
Researchers also found that the infants feeding from the wire mother experienced digestion issues and
diarrhea, and that the lack of a soft mother was psychologically stressful.
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Political Poetry by Margaret Atwood Essay
Backdrop addresses cowboy by Margaret Atwood
Creating a masterful poetic movement through the American mythos, Atwood skewers manifest
destiny by embodying the voice of the Other, the discarded I am.
Writing political poetry that artfully confronts dominant ideology thus exposing the motivation and
effects of misrepresentation is a difficult challenge. The process can easily be derailed by temptations
to write strident, overly didactic verse that elevates sentiment above nuance and craft. While passion is
certainly important, it is the poem itself that transforms political intent into a dynamic act of
oppositional literature. To be effective as a statement, it must first be effective as a poem. In Backdrop
addresses cowboy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant
by those who suffer the effects of his violence. The first stanza reveals a comic figure Starspangled
cowboy sauntering through his child like fantasy while pulling a prop from the Hollywood
simulacrum that supports his myth. Atwood complicates this image in the second stanza when she
introduces violence to her almost /silly characterization of the mythical West. Using a line break to
accentuate the transition, she plays the impact of a stand alone line against the expanded meaning of
its grammatical context. Isolated, line six ( you are innocent as a bathtub ) relates directly to the
opening stanza s child like caricature, forming an aphoristic trope that is both interesting and oddly
mundane. Accentuated by the break, the line s reading adds dramatic nuance when its sentence unfolds
into a broader meaning: you are innocent as a bathtub / filled with bullets. Contrasting the ironic
character of opposed readings (innocent and not at all innocent) within the space of shared words,
Atwood foreshadows an overall conceptual structure in which backdrop refers both to the simulacrum
of Hollywood sets and to the genuine environment of a beleaguered world. Despite its obvious
quantitative reference, bathtub / filled with bullets also infers a Hollywood cliché the bullet riddled
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Environmental Effects Of Schizophrenia
There have been times when I have seen individuals talking to themselves as if another individual was
standing next to them holding a conversation. I often stated to myself, What is wrong with that
person? Why is he talking to himself? Is he going crazy? Why is he acting the way he do? Is he
schizophrenic? That individual needs some psychiatric help. So, it made me wondered, What is the
meaning of schizophrenia? Slowik (2013) stated schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects
how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. The person finds it difficult to tell the difference between real
and imagined experiences, to think logically, to express feelings, or to behave appropriately.
On April 24, 1908, Professor Eugen Bleuler ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With growing initiatives and sign of the success of psychosocial involvements for schizophrenia, the
highly organized and a few integrated programs used as an aide to antipsychotics, have specified
positive patient outcomes. On the basis of numerous extensive randomized controlled trials, single and
multiple types of antipsychotics, or polypharmacy in combination with other psychotropic drugs, are
considered useful in schizophrenia treatment. The introduction of second generation antipsychotics
has further enhanced the desired effects of these medications for schizophrenia care and reduced their
unwelcome effects such as extrapyramidal adverse effects, mortality, and metabolic disorder. It is
important to evaluate and comprehend the current knowledge about pharmacological and other
medical treatments for schizophrenia sufferers, before exploring the new changes or enhancements
needed in schizophrenia treatment and
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Educating The Youth In The Kite Runner
Why is it that you go to school as a child while you are young, rather than as a more mature adult?
Education is started at the age of three in most places because children are the future. The next
generation. That is why educating the youth is the most important task in achieving social injustice.
Educating the youth can be achieved in many different ways, one of them being through the teachers
in classrooms. In The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, you see Assef bullying Hassan about how he
is a Hazara. Later Assef goes on to use the analogy of the Pashtuns being the Nazis, and says,
Remember that if they had let Hitler finish what he had started, the world would be a better place (40).
By saying, The world would be a better place it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One day in school Scout was learning about Hitler and how he was such a bad person. Their teacher
explained that he had done all these bad things. Later, Scout overhears her teacher at the courthouse
speaking negatively about blacks. Scout being curious says to jem, Jem, how can you hate Hitler so
bad an then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home (283). Throughout the court case Scout
matures due to Atticus teachings and realizes the social injustice that occurs every day to the blacks in
their own town. Scout is the only student that we saw realize this, and it is because of Atticus. We see
this when Scout says, Ugly about folks right at home . When Scout says, Turn around it is Harper Lee
explaining to us how the townspeople are two faced. However, not Atticus. He sticks by his morals the
whole time. He took the Tom Robinson case, to teach his kids that there are social injustices, and they
need to be fixed.
In conclusion, the Education of children is the most vital way in gaining social justice and equality.
Education however, can be taught in many different ways including school, parents, and friends. When
children are taught about the injustices in society, they come to an understanding that things need to be
done and changes need to be
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New World Beginnings ( 33000 B.c
New World Beginnings (33,000 B.C. A.D. 1769)
First Paragraph
The earth was formed over 6 billion years ago, yet in terms of time, only recently was a Western
civilization formed.
Even more recently, the Americas were accidentally discovered, and they would prove to drastically
influence and alter the future of earth.
The Shaping of North America
The Americas were formed from the single supercontinent that contained all of the earth s landmass.
Some 225 million years ago, a single supercontinent contained all the world s dry land chunks of
terrain began to separate, thus creating the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, as well as forming the
great continents that would be Europe, Asia,, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and the Americas
North America was shaped through a multitude of natural occurrences.
Continued shifting and folding of the earth s crust thrust up mountain ranges.
When the glaciers finally melted about 10,000 years ago, they created and the North American
landscape as we know it today
Peopling the Americas
Natural occurrences also helped for a population in the Americas. the glaciers contributed to the
origins of the continent s human history
Although it is uncertain, many believe that the glaciers of the Ice Age melted and gave way to the
Bering land bridge that allowed people to populate the Americas from Eurasia.
At the same time, the ice caps over the diverse and vast geology of the Americas melted, allowing
people to travel and populate down to the
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How Is Hong Kong Independent Essay
Hong Kong Independent
To the Chinese
This historical social problem bothered us for years. Hong Kong is the capital of our country has
always proclaimed himself to be an independent country. Those videos cause a heated debate on the
Internet, and I saw the Chinese young people s patriotism. I can understand the mood of the University
of Hong Kong s Chinese students who re from mainland China. They experienced a difficult for the
college entrance examination, finally walk into university life with the new anticipation, but someone
so brazenly tried to ring independent , to split the motherland . Hong Kong is an inalienable part of
China, and this is our common sense is known since our childhood! For the Chinese, our identity is
the most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because China had ceded out of Hong Kong, after the return of Hong Kong had a great social
contradictions. Political point of view from Hong Kong, because one country, two systems, Hong
Kong is can use the name of (Hong Kong, China), go to the world s many independent organization,
activities, and games. So abroad and is referred to Hong Kong, Hong Kong people, or Hong Kong
athletes. For example, some areas of Hong Kong people to central Europe. The Hong Kong passport is
in the visa waiver program, but may to China passport visa, or stay date also will be reduced. Hong
Kong is the system of capitalism, but China is a socialist system. Everything has its own inertia. When
the British rule, the people of Hong Kong is used to call themselves for the people of Hong Kong, the
habit of decades. Not in a short period of time can be change to. They used to do the people of the
British colonies. Because they saw Hong Kong not the prosperity than before, the mainland economy
rise. Of course not all the people of Hong Kong not to admit that you are Chinese, but many people
don t admit even bullying and discrimination against Chinese.
There is a recent event set off some social problems. During the Chinese University of
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Foreshadowing and Dramatic Irony in Death and the Maiden
Foreshadowing is the warning or the indication that something else is going to happen later on in the
story. In Death and the Maiden, Ariel Dorfman uses this literary device to the maximum, exploring all
the different ways he can make the reader predict or foresee what s going to happen next. However,
Dorfman also takes on the audience s ideas and implements dramatic irony, giving the plot a twist of
events and making the audience question themselves and their own theories as to why the character
acts that way or why the author set things as they are.
Dorfman takes the idea of dramatic irony when referring to the characters and their roles in the play.
The greatest contrast in the play is between Paulina and Gerardo.
Paulina Salas, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, one can also argue about Paulina s love hate relationship with Gerardo, as she is clearly
very emotionally attached to him, yet seems as though she treats him with a sort of disrespect or harsh
manner. Paulina s strange relationship also brings the audience to question this woman s sense of
judgment, and maybe even her past. Ironically, later she refers to him as my little man , contrasting
with how he called her, and making sure that Gerardo knows that he is her husband, and she s in
Furthermore, Dorfman shows the dramatic irony in the gender roles once Paulina finds out about
Doctor Miranda and gets the gun. At the beginning of the play, the gun was a sign of safety and
security, and by the climax, she uses the gun to manipulate Roberto and Gerardo to do what she wants,
and what she thinks is fair . GERARDO: Paulina, I m asking you to please give me that gun.
PAULINA: No. GERARDO: While you point it at me, there is no possible dialogue.
PAULINA: On the contrary, as soon as I stop pointing it at you, all dialogue will automatically
terminate. If it put it down, you ll use your strength to win the argument.
(Death and the Maiden, Act 1, scene 4, pgs 24 25) Paulina knows that without the gun, she is hopeless.
Her own husband won t listen to her, and they think she s completely crazy. All she wants is
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Count Roch Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis De Lafayette
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, Lafayette for short, was a
French soldier who was involved with many wars, including but not limited to the American
Revolutionary War and the French Revolution. He was a strong, powerful, smart warrior and was not
afraid in the face of battle. He fought long and hard for freedom, and helped France and America win
their independence. Lafayette was born on September 6, 1757 to a wealthy family in Chavaniac. He
married a young woman named Marie Adrienne Françoise de Noailles, Marquise de La Fayette and
were to have four children in their marriage. About a year later, he was enlisted as a major general and
was sent off to America. There, he fought in his first battle: the Battle of Brandywine. He was shot in
the leg and had to recover from his wound for two months before returning to the war. After many
more battles, he set sail for France in 1779. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He left America in December and in France was greeted by awards and recognition for his heroic
actions and bravery. In 1787, he was appointed to the Assembly of Notables. In 1792, when he was
leading troops into the French Revolution, he was captured by Austrian Troops after attempting to flee
through the Austrian Netherlands. He spent more than five years in prison, and was released thanks to
Napoleon Bonaparte. Lafayette lived the next 37 years of his life becoming involved with events in his
home country France. He was asked to be France s dictator during France s July Revolution of 1830,
but declined the offer. He died on May 20, 1834 at 76. He will always be remembered as The Hero of
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The Pros And Cons Of Social Medias
Bhabish Subedi Sherry sharifian Govt 2305 14 November 2017 Social Medias and US Presidency
Social medias are the cooperative enterprises of online means of connection between people where
people share their ideas, thoughts as well as images. Some of the examples of social medias are social
networking medias such as Facebook, twitter, yahoo, Gmail, google plus and many more. Nowadays
different people have different way of living. They don t hesitate to speak. They share their sorrows,
their misunderstanding, their success all through social medias. Previously people used to
communicate through paper letters. Because of the advancement of science and technology people
started using electronic mailing system where they used to communicate and share their thought. But
Nowadays people are using Facebook as well as twitter for sharing their thoughts. Our president and
vice president use twitter for sharing their thought and ideas. Similarly, nowadays people are using
social medias just to show off where they post different types of information that is wrong or
information that gives double meaning where people want to say something, but people understand
different meaning. Dallas police tweeted that they have arrested famous footballer cornerback of
Denver broncos Aqib talab for public intoxication, but later on again Dallas police tweeted an apology
saying that the guy they had arrested was not Aqib talab but his younger brother. There are other
different tweets and status where
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Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Essay
Next on the list is Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion of 1944. On October 20, 1944, a storage tank
holding liquefied natural gas, that was kept above ground as was common at the time, began leaking.
The liquefied gas dropped into the sewer lines, mixed with air and sewer gas, and consequently
ignited. A series of fires and explosions killed 130 people in Cleveland, Ohio. The catastrophe event
made a significant impact on the natural gas industry, that started to store the tanks below ground
(Engineering Disasters, 2017, p. 1). Again, it is obvious the lesson learned here but that doesn t take
away from how important it is. The lesson was to store such gas below ground and to make
calculations for the unexpected. The sixth in this series was the Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway
Collapse of 1981. On July 17, 1981, two vertically walkways collapsed at the Hyatt Regency in
Kansas City, falling into the hotel s lobby. 114 people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On January 28, 1986 the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing
all 7 astronauts on board. The investigation showed aerodynamics forces broke the shuttle apart, after
a structural failure that began with a specific gasket that failed at the very liftoff. The entire event was
broadcast live on TV (Engineering Disasters, 2017, p. 1). This disaster occurred after a gasket failure
in an attempt to rush a launch date by the administration. Refusing the request of an administration
figure due to a danger is one of the most difficult situations an engineer can be placed in because it can
jeopardize their job and as a result, their family is affected. Well it is one of the hardest situations it is
one of the most important to speak up and make sure your option is not only heard but is documented
as well because if it isn t then it shall be your engineering license on the line and without that and a
bad reputation your career life is pretty much
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The Main Goals Of Enlightenment
The Enlightenment is intriguing period lasted from 1600 to1800.French historians traditionally place
the period between 1715, the year that Louis XIV died, and 1789, the beginning of the French
Revolution. The Enlightenment is known in French as the Siècle des Lumières (Century of
Enlightenment) was a philosophical and architectural movement which dominated the world of ideas
in Europe in the18th century.
The principal goals of Enlightenment thinkers were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, and ending the
abuses of the church and state. In France, the central doctrines of the Lumières were individual liberty
and religious tolerance, in opposition to the principle of absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of
the Roman Catholic Church. Architecture at this period is defined as neoclassical architecture and
revival at early stage. Reflected on the era the conceptual basis of the modern house and the physical
layout of the modern city emerged from debates among theoretically innovative French architects.
The eighteenth century city was a place in which actual physical space was subjected to a complex
mental layering of conceptual spaces, focusing on the design theory of architects as Boullee and
Durand, with his charts. Which legacy was continued later on through the architecture of Paul Philippe
Cret, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn, some of the most outstanding modern architects of 18th
19th century. Furthermore, distinctive features of neoclassicism and outlines
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Common Good Questions
Final Exam America: Land of the free and home of the brave. That was the idea that the people had
hundreds of years ago. How they would feel now that we are a country that is enslaved to profit and
not the least bit brave when it comes to speaking truth. Mark Shield, author of the article Missing: Any
Challenge for the Common Good, brings to the attention of how todays tactic of running things has
become more than a little undermining. The presidential campaign of 2016 has been no more than a
bumbling mess for the past few months. Republican front runner and celebrity, Donald Trump, has led
his campaign with racist remarks and the promise of a wall he will not pay for, to separate borders.
While the popular vote of the Democratic Party, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of who have brought what success this land has, to be what it is today. Many of who would be
looking at us in disappointment. The sole purpose of a leader is to lead their people to a better future.
Looking at this year s election has given the impression that our only concern for American is
entertainment and personal profit. Shields uses the line, Our culture has devalued individual sacrifice
for the common good, in his article and it is true. The look on the American appeal for the common
good has been distorted and is now a blur that we look past. Another problem that we are facing is the
fact that we are all under the influence. All of the big voices that we are listening to are trying to
impose their opinions and outlooks into being our own. They are trying to use their opinion to quiet
ours. Politics brims with examples of one side s efforts to impose its ethical values on the other,
Another line from Shields article. Throughout America s history there have been brilliant voices,
Martin Luther King Jr., Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and many more. Though that is entire
difference between them and the voices today. They were brilliant. That is not to say that the
candidates today are not intelligent. The difference between brilliant and intelligent is that one
outshines the other. These men were not in power for the power, they were in power for the people.
This is an idea that is forgotten in today s
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Decisions For Innovate Rather Than Replace. Carter, T. Cis...
Decisions to Innovate Rather than Replace
Carter, T.
CIS 486
Instructor: Dr. Barry Cumbie
University of North Alabama
Finding new and innovative ways of handling existing problems has never been easier or more
frequent than today. New technological concepts seem to be coming to light on what seems a daily
basis. With this being said, sometimes it is easier to solve existing problems with existing solutions
rather than finding new ones. When is it acceptable for companies, or even governments, to innovate
to find a solution rather than replace with existing technologies? For example, if a company is
increasing its LAN infrastructure would it be best to invest in new or less expensive technologies even
if they are untested, or to replace with more expensive but reliable technologies. This is a question that
could be asked by someone deciding on a home computer, to NASA deciding the best way to launch
rockets into space.
Research Background
Fiber optic cable is not a new form of technology. It allows for larger amounts of data to be transferred
at a rate much higher than traditional copper cable. This is the main appeal to fiber optic technologies.
This being said, it is very expensive to replace current mediums with fiber optic infrastructure. In the
Bloomberg article, Will Not Quite Fiber Make the Grade? , BT has realized that there is a sector of the
United Kingdom s market that wants the ability to transfer larger amounts of
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Causes Of Deforestation In Madagascar
Deforestation on the island of Madagascar, an island off of the coast of Africa, has caused major
destruction of habitat for species and a reduction in numbers of plants and trees. The island used to be
largely covered in dense forests which were home to many species of lemur and other animals. Now,
⅘ of the island is bare and uninhabitable for these animals. Deforestation on the island progresses at
around 150,000 to 200,000 hectares of forests cut down each year. Because of this many plants and
animals that only occur in the wild on Madagascar are endangered. The problem has effects on both
abiotic factors as well as the biotic factors, which include animals and plants. Some of the abiotic
things impacted include lakes and shorelines. One of the main causes for the deforestation is slash and
burn agriculture. In this technique, small areas of forest are cut down and everything is burned to clear
the area and introduce some nutrients into the ground. Then, rice is planted and grown for a few years.
After some time, all of the nutrients are depleted from the ground and rice cannot grow well anymore.
Because of this, farmers have to continuously cut down more and more forest. The reason that this is
such a common thing on Madagascar is because most people are poor and need food, so they resort to
this destructive technique that leaves land barren and unable to support growth.
The impacts on biotic factors are obvious. One third of the island s 1,600 unique species of plants
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Johnny Horton Research Paper
Johnny Horton s real name was John LaGale Horton. Horton was most well known for making music
in multiple types of genres like Country Boogie, Rockabilly, Honky Tonk, and Traditional Country.
Throughout Horton s childhood, his family moved from California to Texas. His mother taught him
how to play the guitar at the age of 11. He moved to Alaska in 1949 which is when he became a
fisherman. During his time in Alaska as a child is when he created the song, titiled, North to Alaska .
The next year, Johnny Horton moved back to east Texas. He joined a contest hosted by Jim Reeves,
(who was then an unknown vocalist). During 1951, Horton put on his first show in Pasadena. That is
when he earned the nickname, the singing fisherman . By the end of 1951, Horton relocated to
Shreveport, Louisiana. When Horton moved to Louisiana, he was called the, Louisiana Hayride . ...
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The reason Horton was named the, Hayride is because he worked as a hayride operator. Horton s
career was headed nowhere; so in 1955, he secured his first record at Mercury Records with his friend
Tillmans Franks who was the manager of Mercury Records. Johnny Horton released his first song
called, Honky Tonk Man . By spring 1956, the song became the country s top ten and Horton was on
his way to becoming a star. In the fall of 1958, Horton created another song titled, Springtime in
Alaska . The song hit the charts in 1959. In the spring of 1960, Johnny Horton made the most popular
songs like Sink the Bismarck , The Battle of New Orleans , and the song called, Johnny
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Essay On Long Term Care
Long term care system
America dates its generations from 1946 to 1964 which is a period after the Second World War.
Children born in this era are known as baby boomers and constitute about 20% of the American
population. In 2011, the youngest baby boomers turned 50 while the oldest have already retired. This
is a massive retirement and has a lot of implications to the entire country. If projections are done to
estimate the number of aged people in the American society by 2030 or 2050, it is undoubtedly that
there will be millions of them. This change in the age structure will implicate the family structure,
policy makers, businesses and mostly the healthcare system. An increased number of aged people in
the population requires additional healthcare. The American government runs various entitlement
programs that are meant to provide financial assistance, healthcare, legal assistance and nutrition to
the elderly people. These programs include Medicare, Medicaid, social security benefits and
supplemental security income. This paper seeks to discuss these entitlement programs, both at the
federal, state and local levels.
Medicare is a federal programme for the elderly and covers almost all the population of people aged
65 years and above. Although this program is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These programs are therefore important and the government needs to fix them so that every elderly
person is assured of the protection and care they deserve. Otherwise, the government might end up
spending every revenue they collect on the programs and there will be no money left to cater for other
things like improvement of schools, infrastructure and healthcare systems. Despite the few complaints
from people for not getting what they rightfully deserve, these programs have enabled Americans
elderly people to love longer than they used to before the
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Best Garage Door Opener Essay
I often comes across consumers who ask me, How can I tell what is the best garage door opener for
me to buy? The answer I always give is, It depends ! It depends ? Really? Well thank you Miss Garage
Door Expert for such useful information! I could have gotten the same answer had I asked a door
knob!... Ok, ok. Allow me to explain and give you the detailed answer you really want. If you were
asked which is the best laundry detergent, or which is the best pasta sauce, you wouldn t even think
twice about your answer. There are plenty of items we purchase and use so often that it s easy for us to
try new things and quickly determine what is best, what we like, and what we will continually use.
Those decisions are based on your personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A decision that can only be made by you based on your personal preferences. So let s get down to the
brass tax: 1. Chain Drives The most frequently used and typically the least expensive. Chain drives
use a metal chain to run. Unfortunately the trade off is a noisy motor. Should you have a detached
garage or perhaps want to hear what time your children are coming home at night this might be a good
option. But if you d rather no noise, say because there are bedrooms above the garage, the chain drive
might NOT be for you. 2. Belt Drives Hands down, the best seller on the market today. Belt drives are
very dependable run nearly silent, thanks to their rubber belt! If you have an connected garage or hate
loud noise, this is absolutely the opener for you. Belt drives are more expensive than chain drives, but
you ll know where the extra money went when you can enjoy the sweet sound of silence. 3. Screw
Drives These use a lifting device that runs along a threaded steel rod. Not recommended because they
don t like drastic temperature changes. So if you live in a region with hot summers and cold winters,
you should consider another option. Screw drives are moderately priced but noisy and slow
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Food And Refreshment Options For Employees And Students
The Ryerson University provides multiple on site food and refreshment options for employees and
students. One option for food and nutrition, which Ryerson offers, is the University Hub Cafeteria,
which is at the second floor of the university campus located at 350 Victoria St. This food premises is
open from Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm, only during the fall and winter semesters. About
30000 customers of Ryerson enjoy their free time at this Hub, as this has a Tim Horton franchise with
other multi cultural types of restaurant to offer their food.
The inspection for this Hub Cafeteria took place on March 2nd, 2016 to point out the main
characteristics of food hazard along with the risk involved in the food and safety of this premises. This
following report mainly points out the main aspects of food safety, and study of how the food is made,
along with the categorization of the risks involved in this Hub.
There are 36 health units in Ontario that are playing a significant role in providing food in a good
environment. Foods are inspected in a safe manner, also the examination of communicable illnesses,
any outbreaks are taken into consideration to maintain secureness. The Ontario Public Standards
(OPHS) in food industry lays out the minimum requirements that the boards of health are required to
follow related with the health programs and services. The OPHS, which is issued under the Ministry
of Health and Long Term Care, under the section 7 of the Health
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Ethos Pathos And Logos
A parent will never know what goes on in the mind of their child, all a parent can do is shield the child
from the negatives of life and hope negativity never enters their mind. Author Bruno Bettelheim wrote
The Uses of Enchantment, published in 1976, the book contains an essay called Fairy Tales and the
Existential Predicament, in which Bettelheim presents a psychological perspective of the impact that
traditional fairy tales have on children. Bettelheim begins his essay with personal knowledge,
rhetorical appeals (pathos and, logos) and textual evidence. In his essay, Bettelheim sets the stage by
reaching out to to his audience, he writes overcoming narcissistic disappointments, oedipal dilemmas,
sibling rivalries; becoming able to relinquish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Right off the bat he introduction emotionally charged words and phrases that create a sympathetic
image; violent fantasies (216), selfishly , agonizing , violent , emotions , loneliness , isolation , moral
anxiety , anger and anxiety, all of these words convey negative emotions about the mind when it is
deprived of seeing some sort of negativity out in the world. The deep inner conflicts originating in our
primitive drives and our violent emotions are all denied in much of modern children s books literature,
and so the child is not helped in coping with them. But the child is subject to desperate feelings of
loneliness and isolation, and he often experiences moral anxiety (219). That quote shows how
negatively Bettelheim feels about modern day reading, he is using negative words and displaying
modern day literature as useless to a child s development, and may actually cause emotional problems
for the premature
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Personal Statement In Water Engineering
The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra
It may seem wired, but the sense of revenge threw me into the field of water engineering. I spent most
of my childhood outdoors on my father s farm close to a small city in the west of the province. As a
hobby, my father gave me a small part of his farm, where I grew up different crops with his help.
During that time, I enjoyed nothing more than to see the farms green. But those days did not last long
and water scarcity impacted the farm s yield, resulted in water conflicts between farmers. The whole
income of the family depleted and left no choice other than selling the farm and migrating to the
capital of the province for other means of income. During high school when my classmates were
thinking about the major primary branches of engineering such as chemistry, mechanic and electric for
their post secondary education, I was thinking about a different major. I missed ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Among those courses, I found the hydraulic ones quite interesting, especially designing different
hydraulic structures for various water engineering purposes. Thereafter, hydraulics has become my all
time impressing subject. In fact, its attractiveness motivated me very much to become among the three
top students in related courses. Apart from hydraulics theories, I enjoyed the practical courses very
much especially my internship in a laboratory where I cooperated a PhD student to conduct
experiments on the hydraulic jump over a rough bed. This event ignited my desire for doing my own
research and advancing my education to the next level. Therefore, I took the Iranian National Entrance
Competition for Master Programs and gained the rank of 23 out of 1710 rivals for Agricultural
Engineering Hydraulic Structures program in 2008. I spent a whole year studying intensively for this
competitive exam; however, my enthusiasm helped me win a place with a very good
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Database And Knowledge Base Management System
Trident University
Rondia Riles
Module 1 Case Assignment
ITM 540: Database and Knowledge Base Management
Dr. Ying Liu
August 16, 2013
Introduction Information and data have become the cornerstone of business enterprises today.
Financial services organizations rely on important trade and market data, retail business rely on
consumer and market data, and military organizations are concerned with classified and national
security sensitive data. As these organizations continue spend more time, effort, and money into the
management of this data, data base management systems are gaining more attention in Information
Technology Enterprise. This paper will discuss the advantages of using an Object Database
Management System (ODBMS) as opposed to the older a less flexible Relational Based Data
Management Systems.
Overview of Object Oriented Database Management Systems
The 1990s saw the emergence of ODBMS as the dominant data modeling application software. It
began in the 1960s and continued during the 1980s as technologists were searching for a more flexible
and capable way of dealing with data that fundamentally changed the way applications were being
designed. Object technology depicted data in terms of classes instead of representing it in the strict
table format of relational databases. A class is defined as the structure and code provided by the
programmer. It includes a description of the type of data, how it is stored, and its code. However,
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  • 2. Jacob Riis Slums Analysis Doc. 19 3: Jacob Riis Describes Abandoned Babies in New York City s Slums Dreams of being a mother during the 19th century were demolished when the birth rate of babies increased dramatically, for the only way to care for a child, was to abandon them. A mother s instincts are loving, protecting and caring unconditionally for their child. Through the early times, the birth rate of newborns was insignificantly high, due to many reasons, one being the lack of a way to avoid pregnancies. The consequence of mothers was having to get rid of their babies, for their dreams of becoming future mothers were smothered by poverty and want (p.68). Therefore, thousands of helpless unwanted infants were left out in the dangerous slums of New York City ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The middle echelon in the late 1800s of New York had no idea about some issues of the poor and unfortunate faced. Riis attempt of exposing the unbearable events happening to innocent, beautiful, heaven made waifs was successful. Jacobs Riis divulged the actions of mothers that saw nowhere to turn to with a baby they couldn t or did not want to fend for. The document reveals the bitter consequences of desperate poverty for mothers and children, (p.67) consequences being the many young lives that were cut short, due to a decision that they had no say in and guilt, hatred, and depression the mother faced after having to abandon a being they brought into this world. The document is important in the studying of the progressive era, for it lead to commence of certain inventions. For example, in the 1950s a woman that fought and stood for the rights of a woman s voice named Margaret Sanger, invented the birth control pill. Commonly used today in women, birth control is a high effective contraceptive pill. Birth control caused the number of abandoned children to lessen. The document is also rich in seeing the horrid of history, immoral actions taken by the one that loves you most, the risks that were placed when abandoning infants, and what poverty can push a person to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Confederate Flag Essay The Confederate Flag On January 1992 the NAACP put in affect a boycott on South Carolina to pressure the state to remove the Confederate flag off of its Statehouse in Columbia. The boycott is what initially brought life to this issue. The NAACP s removal request is based on the fact that they, the anti flag groups, claim that the meaning of the Confederate flag is one of hate and discrimination. On the other hand, there are other groups that believe differently whom are called the pro flag groups. They claim that the Confederate flag is a sign of heritage and should stay on South Carolina s Statehouse. Anti flag articles are more likely to be found published in well known Liberal magazines, when credible pro flag articles were hard ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This viewpoint can be found in Eric Foner s article Rebel Yell which is published in a well known liberal magazine The Nation. Foner who is a historian believes that the main cause of the Civil War was the South s opposition to freeing slaves. He states that slavery was the big reason why the Civil War was started and that all of the other issues stemmed off of it. This view is shared among the anti flag supporters as seen in this quotation from another anti flag article. Try as we may to pretend that slavery wasn t a big issue as any other, the truth is, had the South been agreeable to the idea of ending slavery, then the civil war may very well have never happened (Amy par. 2). Foner then uses logos by explaining how the Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession shows evidence of this in its causes of secession. To understand what the flag now flying in Columbia represents, one need only read the Declaration of Immediate Causes of Secession, adopted by South Carolina secession convention in December 1860 (Foner par. 2). Foner gives some examples of the declaration being about slavery by quoting some things it stated, and one quotation out of the Declaration of Immediate Causes of Secession is about Lincoln being a man whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery (Foner par. 2). This quote proves that South Carolina was seceding because of Lincoln s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Social Process Theory Of Crime Social Process theory views criminality as a socialization function. The theory explores how one learns things through interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society. It also focuses on criminal behavior as being a learned behavior that affects every person regardless of race, class, or gender. Social process theorists believe that socialization with key social institutions help control human behavior, and that the most prominent elements are the individual s family, peer group, school and church (Seigel, 2011, pg. 168). Thus, the key element in determining juvenile behavior, is the socialization the juvenile receives at home, school, and in the community. Research has constantly shown that the influence ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Pest Analysis Of IKEA 3.0 External analysis 3.1 PEST Analysis Political Factors: The increase in globalization and protectionism is not only a challenge but an opportunity as well for the management of IKEA. The challenges that are being faced are competing against undisclosed forces and sourcing the top quality products from all over the world. The organization has a probability to enter the emerging markets through partnerships and joint ventures in order to explore these new markets. But at the same time, the company has to deal with the protectionist policies of countries in which it runs its business because of the risk that the host countries might impose high tariffs on imported goods. Economic factors: The purchasing costs of IKEA is increasing in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This includes building trust via good communication with customers, co workers, key opinion formers and the press. The central part of creating IKEAs image is to become sustainable. Bargaining power of customers The company offers a wide range of products in low prices that are reachable to all he individuals who lie among upper, middle or lower middle class. This factor has increased the numbers of customers creating a strong customer base of the company. Therefore, bargaining power of customers is moderate to low. 4.0 Recommendations In order to maintain an untarnished position in the market, the company should consider the following recommendations that are provided after analyzing the company s performance and effect of external environment: IKEA needs to underline a pull marketing strategy in order to gain high market share in different countries by launching a campaign that endorses furniture as a fashion statement. Asia has the largest customer base with a population exceeding three billion people, and hence is considered as an emerging market. IKEA needs to establish several stores in these countries to aid its customers have an easy access to their stores without any extra time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Tim Burton s Work As A Director Tim Burton is well known for his work as a director. He has been nominated for several awards. Among these are; two Oscars, one Golden Globe, five Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, and several Hugo Awards (Tim Burton Awards). Besides being a director of many of Hollywood s greatest films, he is also an accomplished illustrator, painter, screenwriter, and producer. From his early days at The California Institute of Arts, to his current film projects, Burton has always had an ability to transfer his perceptions in to a visual medium. His visual style is often a mix of fantasy, Gothic, and horror (Tim Burton Bio A E). Timothy Walter Burton was born in the shadow of the Hollywood Hills in Burbank, California, on August 25, 1958. He grew up the son of seemingly distant parents who were also a bit odd. His father, who was injured early in his career as a professional baseball player, worked for the City of Burbank Sports Department. His mother owned a cat themed gift shop (for cats) called Cats Plus. Burton s room had two large windows that overlooked the yard, but his parents boarded them up (Pringle). My parents covered the windows in my bedroom for insulation, with a little slit at the top to let in light. I ve always related to Edgar Allen Poe, who wrote several stories about being buried alive. I always felt a dark unhappiness permeating the air in their house (Fraga 167). Oddly enough, one of the staples of his films, there is usually an overly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Ethical Ethics Of Nike We may all have noticed that all kinds of shoes we wear, especially the athletic ones are not manufactured in their home country. All labels are indicating the producer country (Vietnam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, etc).Of course many of us don t pay much attention to that. But what if we knew that these shoes were manufactured literally with the exploitation of people? Nike is one of the most recognisable organizations worldwide and the top in the athletic industry. As all domestic companies, Nike manufactured its products in the USA but due to higher labour costs, cooperated with two Japanese manufacturers until it again turned to countries with even lower labour cost. Basically Nike never made shoes in the United States, as Japan was considered a country of the third world and since then Nike was migrating from nation to nation. Globalization allows just this practice; companies export ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In case which the company had done otherwise its only concern would be that of the low wages and that argument would be treated by projecting the excuse that this was the anticipated reward for this kind of work. As it is well known that in developing countries the wages are very low, in order to avoid any accusations Nike could launch a policy of providing extra benefits to its workers according to their production (for instance, coupons for buying goods from grocery shops),or rewarding them by giving a day off when a target is achieved. In conclusion, Nike is not the only company that uses this strategy but is the one that got caught and the most recognisable. As an explanation we can argue that when you are the leader, always competitors trying to find ways to expose you. Of course, when we refer to such giant companies is sure that any problem occurs will be soon forgotten or covered, which does not mean that it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Firewall Essay The Firewall WHAT IS A NETWORK FIREWALL? A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two or more networks. The means by which this control is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall is a pair of mechanisms, one that blocks traffic and one that permits traffic. Some firewalls emphasize blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. The most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don t know what kind of access you want to permit or deny, or you let someone else or some product configure a firewall based on judgment other than yours, that entity is making policy for your whole organization. WHY ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Generally, firewalls are configured to protect against unauthenticated interactive logins from the outside world. This protection, more than anything, helps prevent vandals from logging on to machines on your network. More elaborate firewalls block traffic from the outside to the inside but permit users on the inside to communicate freely with the outside. The firewall can protect you against any type of network borne attack if you unplug it. Firewalls are also important because they are a single point where you can impose security and auditing. If someone attacks a computer system by dialing in with a modem, tracing the perpetrator is impossible. In contrast, the firewall can act as an effective phone tap and tracing tool. Firewalls also provide an important logging and auditing function, summarizing topics such as the kinds and amount of traffic that passed through it and how many attempted break ins occurred recently. WHAT CAN T A FIREWALL PROTECT AGAINST? Firewalls can t protect against attacks that don t go through the firewall. Many corporations that connect to the Internet are very concerned about proprietary data leaking out of the company. Unfortunately, a magnetic tape exports data just as effectively as the Internet. Many organizations whose management is terrified of Internet connections have no coherent policy about protecting dial in access via modems. It s silly to build a steel door six feet thick ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Trends in Workplace Trends in Workplace Learning: Supply and Demand in Interesting Times By Laurie Bassi, Scott Cheney, and Eleesha Lewis The ancient Chinese saying May you live in interesting times has perhaps never been more relevant. As the 1990s draw to a close and the new millennium fast approaches, life is phenomenally interesting and demanding. Professionals who are responsible for workplace learning and performance improvement are squarely in the center of the swirl of exciting possibilities and requirements that are emerging. The inextricable link between rapid technological change and the emergence of the global economy has created the necessity for profound change in the way people and organizations work. As a result, workplace learning is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In many ways, this is nothing new at all. A firm s knowledge the brains of its employees, their know how, the processes and customer knowledge that they create has always been a source of competitive advantage. And by extension, so too has been knowledge management the processes by which a firm creates and leverages knowledge. Whatis unique about the knowledge era is that knowledge is becoming the primary source of competitive advantage within a growing number of industries. Organizations from industrial era industries, such as automobile manufacturing, to information age industries such as consulting are recognizing that they each have a unique storehouse of knowledge, and that the future belongs to those that can grow their knowledge fastest and then apply and use it best. With the benefit of hindsight, it is apparent that in the knowledge era, creating and leveraging knowledge is the business of business. By all available measures, the stock market is already providing handsome rewards to companies that successfully leverage their knowledge a phenomenon that will almost surely grow in significance as knowledge based organizations increase in size and number. A number of firms are anticipating this and looking to knowledge management to enhance, measure, and manage the knowledge of their employees and organizations more effectively. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Parental Pressure on Children Playing Organized Sports Essay These days, there is too much pressure on children who participate in organized sports because of the unnecessary parental involvement they experience. A growing concern amongst those involved in youth sports is that certain aspects of parental involvement become detrimental to the development and experiences of young athletes. Early emphasis on winning, making money, and the disruption of education can exceedingly affect ones desire to further participate in a sport later on in his/her life. With more and more children participating in some sort of organized sport than ever before, there is a constant concern regarding the pressures kids are brought into to excel. Emotionally over involved parents often think that it is their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, of course, the entire project collapsed. Drug addiction with its attendant legal and publicity problems arrived, and the NFL career blew up. The kid went through rehab and came back, but relapsed, and relapsed and relapsed again finally leaving sports all together. Tiger Woods, the Williams sisters, and Todd Marinovich are all examples of kids who were mainly edged on by his/her parent. Kids should not have to experience stress because of the pressure parents may put on them, nor should they need to believe that a loss is unacceptable. There s just no reason why sports should have any negative aspects at all. Especially when there are so many positive things that sports can do for a child if introduced and carried out in the right way, specifically at a young age. Over time, these youngsters may be permanently emotionally exhausted causing some to turn to steroids in hope to gain an edge or perhaps give up on sports, and exercise, altogether. Intense training, of coaches from club or travel teams, becomes an enticement to win the next season which may carry on to the off season to train and become better than the best. But where s the fun in that? When will kids have the time to try out other sports? An increase in the number of reported instances of parents engaging in abusive, violent, and controlling behavior toward coaches, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. A Brief Note On Robert Browning s Porphyria s Lover And... Contributory Factors to the Murders in Robert Browning s Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory. The word love possesses such complexity and magnitude that people commonly have a hard time defining it effectively without oversimplifying. Given the true intensity of feeling, jealousy is often said to be synonymous with being in love and the real impact love can have on a person can be unpredictable. Considering this, The Cambridge Dictionary defines a crime of passion as a crime committed because of very strong emotional feelings, especially in connection with a sexual relationship. The poems Porphyria s Lover and The Laboratory by Robert Browning, although significantly different, essentially share the theme of love and jealousy. In both poems, readers are introduced to the darker side of romance through male and female speakers so overwhelmed with emotion, they turn to murder as a means of expression. Using dramatic monologue, Browning brilliantly explores the profound effect love can have on its victims and the psychological elements leading to a crime of passion. A dramatic monologue is defined as a form of monodrama in which the speaker addresses an assumed listener or group of listeners (Kennedy 72). Although Browning mastered this genre during the Victorian era, his poems were often greeted with misunderstanding and indifference (Simpson 1275). Along with his work featuring grotesque rhymes and jaw breaking diction (Simpson 1275), he was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Changing Role Of Women During World War II Changing Role of Women in World War II When Britain declared war against Germany in 1939, the Australian Prime Minister, Robert Menzies, proclaimed that Australia was also at war. The declaration of war saw Australians respond to another world conflict. On this occasion, Australia itself would be under the threat of attack. World War II would not only require young men to travel overseas and fight but it also significantly impacted the lives of Australian women. The contribution Australian women made towards the war effort and their roles on the Homefront and overseas was a vital part of Australian History. Australian women had a range of duties and responsibilities they were encouraged to perform. Since most men had to go overseas to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, through this experience, women bought long term changes and they had the chance to experience independence which allowed them to discover life long skills. This was one of their many achievements which eventually changed the modern society. As seen in Appendix 1, the AWLA received the newly created Civilian Service Medal 1939 1945 due to their support of the war effort. This undoubtedly indicates that these women were the start of an alteration in Australia for the long term, due to their struggle and achievement. Women in World War II started replacing men in traditional roles, which proved to society that women were capable of work reserved for men. Due to labour shortages and the need for men to fight overseas, the government was forced to allow women to take a more active role. Women had a broad range of duties and responsibilities, most women were trained in many of the home front tasks, subsequently, that more service men could be freed to join the overseas forces, this created new employment opportunities for women (Carrodus et al, 2012, p. 113). Tens of thousands of women joined the Women s Air Force, Naval and Army Services during World War II. (Big Black Dog Communications Pty Ltd, et al, 2009). As seen Appendix 2, women in the services were significant as they were beginning to perform all types of work, from intelligence officers to drivers, typists and cooks, to wireless telegraphists and aircraft ground staff. To go from being dependent on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Personal Narrative-Joji s Life It was late at night, but the city was still buzzing, filled with light and full of life. George stumbles into the bar, already half wasted. Tonight was his 25th birthday, and his stage persona Joji s 57th show since he started his journey in the music industry. He should be the happiest he s ever been. He s doing what he loves, he s making more money than what he knows what do with, and he can get any girl he wants. But no amount of women, money, and fame could fill the void she left in him. George takes a seat at the bar, and the bartender nonchalantly asks him what he ll have. Something to mess me up, he manages to spit out. It s almost as if you could hear the booze on his breath as well as you could smell it. It sure looks like you re already pretty messed up, the bartender retorts as she pours him a glass of water. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The taste of the water was one George had never experienced before. It was ice cold and refreshing, so crisp and clean. His eyes lit up more and more with each gulp. Compared to all the other toxins he d been pumping into himself, this was bliss. Pretty good, eh? the bartender asks, drying a glass. That was water, George said. Yeah, I know. It isn t what you asked for, but definitely what you needed, the bartender replied. Whatever, I... gotta drown her out, George slurs back to her. Oh, so there s a her ! Please, tell me about her, the bartender says with a smile, finally looking up from her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Lab Results Fermenter I. OBJECTIVES: To determine the amount of anti microbial peptide production by Staphylococcus warneri under various conditions when 2L and 10L Fermented. To Test the effects of one uncontrolled parameters sush as pH, Temperature or dissolved Oxygen and compare findings. To produce anti microbial activity from Staphylococcus warneri. II. INTRODUCTION: Staphylococcus warneri is a member of bacterial genus Staphylococcus, consisting of Gram positive bacteria with spherical cells appearing in clusters. Colonies of S. warneri are usually tan, yellow and about 2 4mm in diameter after 48 hours incubation at 35°C. It is commonly found as part of the skin flora on humans and animals. S. warneri rarely causes disease, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This indicates that when temperature is not controlled the temperature can increase significantly. As shows in TABLE 1.1 History Plot Vessel 1 2L NO Temperature control. Vessel 2: No antimicrobial activity seen at 13:00. However antimicrobial activity seen in both neat and 1:2 sample at 14:00 and 15:00. Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at 16:00 and 09:00. When air flow is not controlled the reduced air content reduces the rate of fermentation, As Oxygen is required for cell growth and when air is in reduced quantity this slows down rate of cell reproduction as shows in TABLE 1.2 History Plot Vessel 2 2L NO Air Flow. Vessel 3: Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at all time intervals. Antimicrobial activity seen in 1:2 sample at 14:00, 16:00 and 09:00. Activity seen in 1:4 for the first time at 16:00 and 09:00. There is greater anti microbial peptide activity with temperature and air controls which shows that the pH does not have significant effects as the other two parameters. The fermentation was not affected to the same extent by pH as shown in TABLE 1.3 History Plot Vessel 3 2L NO pH control. Vessel 4: Antimicrobial activity seen in neat sample at all time intervals. Activity seen in 1:2 sample at 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 and 09:00. For the first time see antimicrobial activity in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Comparison Between Community Quilts And The Quilt Comparison of community quilts The quilt that was created to represent my community encompassed the people and things that are central to my life. As a recent transplant to Colorado, I have not developed a strong sense of community so I have become accustomed to my family supports that are located throughout United States. First I would like to explain some images and symbols in my quilt which will help with the comparison of the community quilt made for the Strive Smart Preparatory School. My quilt has the central figures of my daughter and I, whom I hold dearly and is the most important person in my life. The surrounding images are my love of travel, seeing parts of the world that I always dreamed about and my curiosity of other cultures. The image of a chameleon is a trait of my personality and the ability to adapt to different environments and challenges. The dragon slayer is an ultra ego figure that I envision myself as being courageous; there are two figures in the image, which I see my daughter (Chelsea) as being with the aid of her mother. The two images of a hutch back and graphic of China devouring the world is my artwork, created to express opinions of environmental destruction, which is further convey by the Apple symbol at the top with the green leaves budding from the earth. Lastly is the symbol for my love of music. I grew up listening to a wide range of music from classic rock to rhythm and blues (R B). I appreciate having listened to a good base of music ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Cannibalism Essay examples There are so many bad things in the world but according to many, cannibalism is considered just about the worst. Depending on your point of view, it rises above even such criminal abominations as, rape and genocide. Then again, we live in a culture, in which people would run vomiting to the bathroom if they saw what went into making their McDonald s hamburgers. Cannibalism, also known as anthropophagi, is defined as the act or practice of eating members of the same species. The word anthropophagi comes from the Arawakan language name for the Carib Indians of the West Indies. The Caribs are well known for their practice of cannibalism. Among humans, this practice has been attributed to people in the past all over the world, including ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Among humans, cannibalism has been widespread in prehistoric societies on all continents. It is still believed to be practiced in remote areas of the island of New Guinea. It existed until recently in parts of West and Central Africa, Sumatra, Melanesia, and Polynesia. It also existed among various Indian tribes of North and South America and among aborigines of Australia and the Maoris of New Zealand. The reasons for cannibalism have varied. Sometimes there was simply limited food. Some groups liked the taste of human flesh. However, mostly the reasons had to do with revenge or punishment for crimes, ceremony and ritual, or magic. Some victorious tribes ate their dead enemies to absorb their strength. In come rituals, the deceased were eaten by relatives, as a manner of reverence or honor for their ancestors, or as a desire for the soul of the dead to be reborn in the body of the consumer. This is called endocannablism. Civilized people have to resort to cannibalism from time to time, as a mean of survival, under desperate circumstances. The story of the Donner Party is one of the more tragic incidents in American frontier history. A group of about 90 immigrants led by George Donner was caught in a blinding snowstorm in the Sierra Nevada range of California in October 1846. Survivors, who made their way out early in 1847, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Michael Bruce s A Man Of Logic Bruce had always preferred wandering to the confines of four walls. Although, if SHEILD had their way, General Ross in particular, he would ve been imprisoned a long time ago. Somewhere where the sun doesn t shine. Locked away, and probably left to rot, in one of SHIELD s many undisclosed correctional facilities. But there was something to be said about sleeping beneath the stars. To be reminded how insignificant you really were. A man of logic, philosophy had never been a fascination for Bruce. His mind prone to working out problems from a scientific standpoint than an emotional one. But left with time to spare over the years, Bruce came to realize how ironic his life has been. At how better off the world would have been if his father had succeeded in killing him all those years ago. Bruce deserved nothing less than the cave he caged himself in. Spending a great deal with himself had left Dr. Banner questioning his existence, more so in the light of recent events. And already in a struggle for his own identity, philosophy only twisted his sense of insignificancy. So it didn t seem possible that he d ever seen the stars again. Self exile didn t stem from just one reason, but a number of them. Each one weaving in and out of Banner s thoughts until he felt control slipping through his grasp. The Scarlet Witch had done more than simply cast an illusion that killed dozens of people. She created in Bruce a sense of reproach, a part of him second guessing his role in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Tylor Kistler s Nineteen Eighty-Personal Narrative I stood at the top of the hill. It was Regional day. My team and I trained all year for that day. The sun was shining and the snow was crisp just like the air. The wind was silent and allowed the clamor of the festivities to hang in the air undisturbed. I could hear everything. The chanting of names and times from the loudspeaker. The racers skis slicing into the snow. My favorite rhythmic clapping of shins on gates. Then, to my surprise, Tylor Kistler, bib 156? a pause, racer may go when ready . Oh no. If my mind wasn t racing before, it was racing then. All my thoughts jumbled into a chaotic scream. I closed my eyes, exhaled as much as I could, and pushed. Face first, I was thrown against the first gate. My thoughts threatened to permeate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Reflection Of The Journal Of Active Listening With My Parents Active Listening Journal I have been evaluating conversations I have had over the past few days to find good candidates to record in this journal. The first conversation which has been relevant to write about is one that I had on FaceTime with my parents. We had the opportunity to talk for almost half an hour on Sunday afternoon. We talked about many different things, including how our days were, what the weather is like back home and up here, how my brothers are doing, how our dogs are doing, and other random things that popped into our minds as we just enjoyed talking to one another. I have taken it upon myself to call them every night, even if it is just to talk for a few minutes. During this particular conversation, I noticed two things that I did particularly well while practicing active listening with my parents. First off, I noticed that I reflected very well in the conversation. One example stands out among the others, my dad was telling of how he had experienced trouble with one of our tractors earlier that day. To reflect on that topic, I commented It sounds to me like that break is going to end up being quite a costly malfunction! Along with reflection, I also noticed that I sufficiently used the component of sharing. While having a conversation with mom about one of our dogs, I respectfully shared my own view on the decision of whether or not to breed her, even though it differed from her and dad s. They were actually impressed by the argument I put forward and we now are going to have two litters of puppies instead of just one! By effectively using these attributes of an active listener, I feel that my conversation with my parents was greatly enhanced compared to some of the past times we have talked. I also noticed a couple of active listener traits that needed improvement. Surprisingly, I was not paying full attention to my parents during part of the call. I was Face Timing them on my computer while trying to multitask and complete a survey for another class at the same time during our conversation. I became so invested in the survey that my dad actually stopped talking to regain my attention. To prevent this situation, I will simply maximize the FaceTime app to eliminate distractions. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Affirmative Action Thesis Topic: The Importance of Affirmative Action in the College Admissions Process Thesis: In order to resolve underrepresentation of African Americans in higher education, affirmative action is needed to promote diversity, improve students critical thinking skills, and increase race consciousness by utilizing race as a factor in college admissions. University of California Regents v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265, 98 S. Ct. 2733, 57 L. Ed. 2d 750 (1978). The Reagents of the University of California v. Bakke is a US Supreme Court case from 1978 that upheld the use of affirmative action and allowed education institutions to use race a factor in their admissions policy. However, the US Supreme Court decided that the use of racial quotas, such as the medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... William Bowen and Dr. Derek Bok composed one of the most comprehensive studies of different affirmative action programs among universities in the United States. One of the most crucial findings from their study was that the commonly held mismatch theory is false. The mismatch theory arose from critics of affirmative action who feared that letting African American students into selective universities that had lower test scores would result in a lower performance than the average student. However, the authors discovered that black students who attended competitive colleges performed better than their academically equivalent peers who attended a less rigorous school. This is critical because if affirmative action was not in place, then the African American students would most likely attend the less selective schools as their academic equivalent peers and would end up having a less successful outcome. In addition, the study illustrated that African American students who benefitted from Affirmative Action programs in college ended up having a greater chance at post graduate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Applying Harry Harlow s Response To Psychological... 1. Harry Harlow was interested in love s role as a basic built in need. He was also interested in how love in early life affects adulthood, and comfort contact versus health thirst. 2. Harlow found that when given the choice of a cloth covered and a wire surrogate mother, baby monkeys preferred the cloth mother, even if they were fed by the wire mother. These results show that the needs of hunger and thirst exerted a relatively insignificant influence on the monkey s preference of mother, and the need for contact comfort was most significant in producing an attachment. Researchers also found that the infants feeding from the wire mother experienced digestion issues and diarrhea, and that the lack of a soft mother was psychologically stressful. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Political Poetry by Margaret Atwood Essay Backdrop addresses cowboy by Margaret Atwood Creating a masterful poetic movement through the American mythos, Atwood skewers manifest destiny by embodying the voice of the Other, the discarded I am. Writing political poetry that artfully confronts dominant ideology thus exposing the motivation and effects of misrepresentation is a difficult challenge. The process can easily be derailed by temptations to write strident, overly didactic verse that elevates sentiment above nuance and craft. While passion is certainly important, it is the poem itself that transforms political intent into a dynamic act of oppositional literature. To be effective as a statement, it must first be effective as a poem. In Backdrop addresses cowboy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant by those who suffer the effects of his violence. The first stanza reveals a comic figure Starspangled cowboy sauntering through his child like fantasy while pulling a prop from the Hollywood simulacrum that supports his myth. Atwood complicates this image in the second stanza when she introduces violence to her almost /silly characterization of the mythical West. Using a line break to accentuate the transition, she plays the impact of a stand alone line against the expanded meaning of its grammatical context. Isolated, line six ( you are innocent as a bathtub ) relates directly to the opening stanza s child like caricature, forming an aphoristic trope that is both interesting and oddly mundane. Accentuated by the break, the line s reading adds dramatic nuance when its sentence unfolds into a broader meaning: you are innocent as a bathtub / filled with bullets. Contrasting the ironic character of opposed readings (innocent and not at all innocent) within the space of shared words, Atwood foreshadows an overall conceptual structure in which backdrop refers both to the simulacrum of Hollywood sets and to the genuine environment of a beleaguered world. Despite its obvious quantitative reference, bathtub / filled with bullets also infers a Hollywood cliché the bullet riddled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Environmental Effects Of Schizophrenia There have been times when I have seen individuals talking to themselves as if another individual was standing next to them holding a conversation. I often stated to myself, What is wrong with that person? Why is he talking to himself? Is he going crazy? Why is he acting the way he do? Is he schizophrenic? That individual needs some psychiatric help. So, it made me wondered, What is the meaning of schizophrenia? Slowik (2013) stated schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. The person finds it difficult to tell the difference between real and imagined experiences, to think logically, to express feelings, or to behave appropriately. On April 24, 1908, Professor Eugen Bleuler ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With growing initiatives and sign of the success of psychosocial involvements for schizophrenia, the highly organized and a few integrated programs used as an aide to antipsychotics, have specified positive patient outcomes. On the basis of numerous extensive randomized controlled trials, single and multiple types of antipsychotics, or polypharmacy in combination with other psychotropic drugs, are considered useful in schizophrenia treatment. The introduction of second generation antipsychotics has further enhanced the desired effects of these medications for schizophrenia care and reduced their unwelcome effects such as extrapyramidal adverse effects, mortality, and metabolic disorder. It is important to evaluate and comprehend the current knowledge about pharmacological and other medical treatments for schizophrenia sufferers, before exploring the new changes or enhancements needed in schizophrenia treatment and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Educating The Youth In The Kite Runner Why is it that you go to school as a child while you are young, rather than as a more mature adult? Education is started at the age of three in most places because children are the future. The next generation. That is why educating the youth is the most important task in achieving social injustice. Educating the youth can be achieved in many different ways, one of them being through the teachers in classrooms. In The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, you see Assef bullying Hassan about how he is a Hazara. Later Assef goes on to use the analogy of the Pashtuns being the Nazis, and says, Remember that if they had let Hitler finish what he had started, the world would be a better place (40). By saying, The world would be a better place it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One day in school Scout was learning about Hitler and how he was such a bad person. Their teacher explained that he had done all these bad things. Later, Scout overhears her teacher at the courthouse speaking negatively about blacks. Scout being curious says to jem, Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home (283). Throughout the court case Scout matures due to Atticus teachings and realizes the social injustice that occurs every day to the blacks in their own town. Scout is the only student that we saw realize this, and it is because of Atticus. We see this when Scout says, Ugly about folks right at home . When Scout says, Turn around it is Harper Lee explaining to us how the townspeople are two faced. However, not Atticus. He sticks by his morals the whole time. He took the Tom Robinson case, to teach his kids that there are social injustices, and they need to be fixed. In conclusion, the Education of children is the most vital way in gaining social justice and equality. Education however, can be taught in many different ways including school, parents, and friends. When children are taught about the injustices in society, they come to an understanding that things need to be done and changes need to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. New World Beginnings ( 33000 B.c New World Beginnings (33,000 B.C. A.D. 1769) First Paragraph The earth was formed over 6 billion years ago, yet in terms of time, only recently was a Western civilization formed. Even more recently, the Americas were accidentally discovered, and they would prove to drastically influence and alter the future of earth. The Shaping of North America The Americas were formed from the single supercontinent that contained all of the earth s landmass. Some 225 million years ago, a single supercontinent contained all the world s dry land chunks of terrain began to separate, thus creating the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, as well as forming the great continents that would be Europe, Asia,, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and the Americas North America was shaped through a multitude of natural occurrences. Continued shifting and folding of the earth s crust thrust up mountain ranges. When the glaciers finally melted about 10,000 years ago, they created and the North American landscape as we know it today Peopling the Americas Natural occurrences also helped for a population in the Americas. the glaciers contributed to the origins of the continent s human history Although it is uncertain, many believe that the glaciers of the Ice Age melted and gave way to the Bering land bridge that allowed people to populate the Americas from Eurasia. At the same time, the ice caps over the diverse and vast geology of the Americas melted, allowing people to travel and populate down to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Is Hong Kong Independent Essay Hong Kong Independent To the Chinese This historical social problem bothered us for years. Hong Kong is the capital of our country has always proclaimed himself to be an independent country. Those videos cause a heated debate on the Internet, and I saw the Chinese young people s patriotism. I can understand the mood of the University of Hong Kong s Chinese students who re from mainland China. They experienced a difficult for the college entrance examination, finally walk into university life with the new anticipation, but someone so brazenly tried to ring independent , to split the motherland . Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China, and this is our common sense is known since our childhood! For the Chinese, our identity is the most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because China had ceded out of Hong Kong, after the return of Hong Kong had a great social contradictions. Political point of view from Hong Kong, because one country, two systems, Hong Kong is can use the name of (Hong Kong, China), go to the world s many independent organization, activities, and games. So abroad and is referred to Hong Kong, Hong Kong people, or Hong Kong athletes. For example, some areas of Hong Kong people to central Europe. The Hong Kong passport is in the visa waiver program, but may to China passport visa, or stay date also will be reduced. Hong Kong is the system of capitalism, but China is a socialist system. Everything has its own inertia. When the British rule, the people of Hong Kong is used to call themselves for the people of Hong Kong, the habit of decades. Not in a short period of time can be change to. They used to do the people of the British colonies. Because they saw Hong Kong not the prosperity than before, the mainland economy rise. Of course not all the people of Hong Kong not to admit that you are Chinese, but many people don t admit even bullying and discrimination against Chinese. There is a recent event set off some social problems. During the Chinese University of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Foreshadowing and Dramatic Irony in Death and the Maiden Foreshadowing is the warning or the indication that something else is going to happen later on in the story. In Death and the Maiden, Ariel Dorfman uses this literary device to the maximum, exploring all the different ways he can make the reader predict or foresee what s going to happen next. However, Dorfman also takes on the audience s ideas and implements dramatic irony, giving the plot a twist of events and making the audience question themselves and their own theories as to why the character acts that way or why the author set things as they are. Dorfman takes the idea of dramatic irony when referring to the characters and their roles in the play. The greatest contrast in the play is between Paulina and Gerardo. Paulina Salas, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, one can also argue about Paulina s love hate relationship with Gerardo, as she is clearly very emotionally attached to him, yet seems as though she treats him with a sort of disrespect or harsh manner. Paulina s strange relationship also brings the audience to question this woman s sense of judgment, and maybe even her past. Ironically, later she refers to him as my little man , contrasting with how he called her, and making sure that Gerardo knows that he is her husband, and she s in charge. Furthermore, Dorfman shows the dramatic irony in the gender roles once Paulina finds out about Doctor Miranda and gets the gun. At the beginning of the play, the gun was a sign of safety and security, and by the climax, she uses the gun to manipulate Roberto and Gerardo to do what she wants, and what she thinks is fair . GERARDO: Paulina, I m asking you to please give me that gun. PAULINA: No. GERARDO: While you point it at me, there is no possible dialogue. PAULINA: On the contrary, as soon as I stop pointing it at you, all dialogue will automatically terminate. If it put it down, you ll use your strength to win the argument. (Death and the Maiden, Act 1, scene 4, pgs 24 25) Paulina knows that without the gun, she is hopeless. Her own husband won t listen to her, and they think she s completely crazy. All she wants is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Count Roch Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis De Lafayette Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, Lafayette for short, was a French soldier who was involved with many wars, including but not limited to the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolution. He was a strong, powerful, smart warrior and was not afraid in the face of battle. He fought long and hard for freedom, and helped France and America win their independence. Lafayette was born on September 6, 1757 to a wealthy family in Chavaniac. He married a young woman named Marie Adrienne Françoise de Noailles, Marquise de La Fayette and were to have four children in their marriage. About a year later, he was enlisted as a major general and was sent off to America. There, he fought in his first battle: the Battle of Brandywine. He was shot in the leg and had to recover from his wound for two months before returning to the war. After many more battles, he set sail for France in 1779. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He left America in December and in France was greeted by awards and recognition for his heroic actions and bravery. In 1787, he was appointed to the Assembly of Notables. In 1792, when he was leading troops into the French Revolution, he was captured by Austrian Troops after attempting to flee through the Austrian Netherlands. He spent more than five years in prison, and was released thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte. Lafayette lived the next 37 years of his life becoming involved with events in his home country France. He was asked to be France s dictator during France s July Revolution of 1830, but declined the offer. He died on May 20, 1834 at 76. He will always be remembered as The Hero of Two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Social Medias Bhabish Subedi Sherry sharifian Govt 2305 14 November 2017 Social Medias and US Presidency Social medias are the cooperative enterprises of online means of connection between people where people share their ideas, thoughts as well as images. Some of the examples of social medias are social networking medias such as Facebook, twitter, yahoo, Gmail, google plus and many more. Nowadays different people have different way of living. They don t hesitate to speak. They share their sorrows, their misunderstanding, their success all through social medias. Previously people used to communicate through paper letters. Because of the advancement of science and technology people started using electronic mailing system where they used to communicate and share their thought. But Nowadays people are using Facebook as well as twitter for sharing their thoughts. Our president and vice president use twitter for sharing their thought and ideas. Similarly, nowadays people are using social medias just to show off where they post different types of information that is wrong or information that gives double meaning where people want to say something, but people understand different meaning. Dallas police tweeted that they have arrested famous footballer cornerback of Denver broncos Aqib talab for public intoxication, but later on again Dallas police tweeted an apology saying that the guy they had arrested was not Aqib talab but his younger brother. There are other different tweets and status where ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Essay Next on the list is Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion of 1944. On October 20, 1944, a storage tank holding liquefied natural gas, that was kept above ground as was common at the time, began leaking. The liquefied gas dropped into the sewer lines, mixed with air and sewer gas, and consequently ignited. A series of fires and explosions killed 130 people in Cleveland, Ohio. The catastrophe event made a significant impact on the natural gas industry, that started to store the tanks below ground (Engineering Disasters, 2017, p. 1). Again, it is obvious the lesson learned here but that doesn t take away from how important it is. The lesson was to store such gas below ground and to make calculations for the unexpected. The sixth in this series was the Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse of 1981. On July 17, 1981, two vertically walkways collapsed at the Hyatt Regency in Kansas City, falling into the hotel s lobby. 114 people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On January 28, 1986 the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all 7 astronauts on board. The investigation showed aerodynamics forces broke the shuttle apart, after a structural failure that began with a specific gasket that failed at the very liftoff. The entire event was broadcast live on TV (Engineering Disasters, 2017, p. 1). This disaster occurred after a gasket failure in an attempt to rush a launch date by the administration. Refusing the request of an administration figure due to a danger is one of the most difficult situations an engineer can be placed in because it can jeopardize their job and as a result, their family is affected. Well it is one of the hardest situations it is one of the most important to speak up and make sure your option is not only heard but is documented as well because if it isn t then it shall be your engineering license on the line and without that and a bad reputation your career life is pretty much ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Main Goals Of Enlightenment The Enlightenment is intriguing period lasted from 1600 to1800.French historians traditionally place the period between 1715, the year that Louis XIV died, and 1789, the beginning of the French Revolution. The Enlightenment is known in French as the Siècle des Lumières (Century of Enlightenment) was a philosophical and architectural movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the18th century. The principal goals of Enlightenment thinkers were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, and ending the abuses of the church and state. In France, the central doctrines of the Lumières were individual liberty and religious tolerance, in opposition to the principle of absolute monarchy and the fixed dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. Architecture at this period is defined as neoclassical architecture and revival at early stage. Reflected on the era the conceptual basis of the modern house and the physical layout of the modern city emerged from debates among theoretically innovative French architects. The eighteenth century city was a place in which actual physical space was subjected to a complex mental layering of conceptual spaces, focusing on the design theory of architects as Boullee and Durand, with his charts. Which legacy was continued later on through the architecture of Paul Philippe Cret, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn, some of the most outstanding modern architects of 18th 19th century. Furthermore, distinctive features of neoclassicism and outlines ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Common Good Questions Final Exam America: Land of the free and home of the brave. That was the idea that the people had hundreds of years ago. How they would feel now that we are a country that is enslaved to profit and not the least bit brave when it comes to speaking truth. Mark Shield, author of the article Missing: Any Challenge for the Common Good, brings to the attention of how todays tactic of running things has become more than a little undermining. The presidential campaign of 2016 has been no more than a bumbling mess for the past few months. Republican front runner and celebrity, Donald Trump, has led his campaign with racist remarks and the promise of a wall he will not pay for, to separate borders. While the popular vote of the Democratic Party, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of who have brought what success this land has, to be what it is today. Many of who would be looking at us in disappointment. The sole purpose of a leader is to lead their people to a better future. Looking at this year s election has given the impression that our only concern for American is entertainment and personal profit. Shields uses the line, Our culture has devalued individual sacrifice for the common good, in his article and it is true. The look on the American appeal for the common good has been distorted and is now a blur that we look past. Another problem that we are facing is the fact that we are all under the influence. All of the big voices that we are listening to are trying to impose their opinions and outlooks into being our own. They are trying to use their opinion to quiet ours. Politics brims with examples of one side s efforts to impose its ethical values on the other, Another line from Shields article. Throughout America s history there have been brilliant voices, Martin Luther King Jr., Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and many more. Though that is entire difference between them and the voices today. They were brilliant. That is not to say that the candidates today are not intelligent. The difference between brilliant and intelligent is that one outshines the other. These men were not in power for the power, they were in power for the people. This is an idea that is forgotten in today s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Decisions For Innovate Rather Than Replace. Carter, T. Cis... Decisions to Innovate Rather than Replace Carter, T. CIS 486 Instructor: Dr. Barry Cumbie 12/10/16 University of North Alabama INTRODUCTION Finding new and innovative ways of handling existing problems has never been easier or more frequent than today. New technological concepts seem to be coming to light on what seems a daily basis. With this being said, sometimes it is easier to solve existing problems with existing solutions rather than finding new ones. When is it acceptable for companies, or even governments, to innovate to find a solution rather than replace with existing technologies? For example, if a company is increasing its LAN infrastructure would it be best to invest in new or less expensive technologies even if they are untested, or to replace with more expensive but reliable technologies. This is a question that could be asked by someone deciding on a home computer, to NASA deciding the best way to launch rockets into space. Research Background 1 Fiber optic cable is not a new form of technology. It allows for larger amounts of data to be transferred at a rate much higher than traditional copper cable. This is the main appeal to fiber optic technologies. This being said, it is very expensive to replace current mediums with fiber optic infrastructure. In the Bloomberg article, Will Not Quite Fiber Make the Grade? , BT has realized that there is a sector of the United Kingdom s market that wants the ability to transfer larger amounts of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Causes Of Deforestation In Madagascar Deforestation on the island of Madagascar, an island off of the coast of Africa, has caused major destruction of habitat for species and a reduction in numbers of plants and trees. The island used to be largely covered in dense forests which were home to many species of lemur and other animals. Now, ⅘ of the island is bare and uninhabitable for these animals. Deforestation on the island progresses at around 150,000 to 200,000 hectares of forests cut down each year. Because of this many plants and animals that only occur in the wild on Madagascar are endangered. The problem has effects on both abiotic factors as well as the biotic factors, which include animals and plants. Some of the abiotic things impacted include lakes and shorelines. One of the main causes for the deforestation is slash and burn agriculture. In this technique, small areas of forest are cut down and everything is burned to clear the area and introduce some nutrients into the ground. Then, rice is planted and grown for a few years. After some time, all of the nutrients are depleted from the ground and rice cannot grow well anymore. Because of this, farmers have to continuously cut down more and more forest. The reason that this is such a common thing on Madagascar is because most people are poor and need food, so they resort to this destructive technique that leaves land barren and unable to support growth. The impacts on biotic factors are obvious. One third of the island s 1,600 unique species of plants ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Johnny Horton Research Paper Johnny Horton s real name was John LaGale Horton. Horton was most well known for making music in multiple types of genres like Country Boogie, Rockabilly, Honky Tonk, and Traditional Country. Throughout Horton s childhood, his family moved from California to Texas. His mother taught him how to play the guitar at the age of 11. He moved to Alaska in 1949 which is when he became a fisherman. During his time in Alaska as a child is when he created the song, titiled, North to Alaska . The next year, Johnny Horton moved back to east Texas. He joined a contest hosted by Jim Reeves, (who was then an unknown vocalist). During 1951, Horton put on his first show in Pasadena. That is when he earned the nickname, the singing fisherman . By the end of 1951, Horton relocated to Shreveport, Louisiana. When Horton moved to Louisiana, he was called the, Louisiana Hayride . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason Horton was named the, Hayride is because he worked as a hayride operator. Horton s career was headed nowhere; so in 1955, he secured his first record at Mercury Records with his friend Tillmans Franks who was the manager of Mercury Records. Johnny Horton released his first song called, Honky Tonk Man . By spring 1956, the song became the country s top ten and Horton was on his way to becoming a star. In the fall of 1958, Horton created another song titled, Springtime in Alaska . The song hit the charts in 1959. In the spring of 1960, Johnny Horton made the most popular songs like Sink the Bismarck , The Battle of New Orleans , and the song called, Johnny ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Essay On Long Term Care Long term care system America dates its generations from 1946 to 1964 which is a period after the Second World War. Children born in this era are known as baby boomers and constitute about 20% of the American population. In 2011, the youngest baby boomers turned 50 while the oldest have already retired. This is a massive retirement and has a lot of implications to the entire country. If projections are done to estimate the number of aged people in the American society by 2030 or 2050, it is undoubtedly that there will be millions of them. This change in the age structure will implicate the family structure, policy makers, businesses and mostly the healthcare system. An increased number of aged people in the population requires additional healthcare. The American government runs various entitlement programs that are meant to provide financial assistance, healthcare, legal assistance and nutrition to the elderly people. These programs include Medicare, Medicaid, social security benefits and supplemental security income. This paper seeks to discuss these entitlement programs, both at the federal, state and local levels. Medicare Medicare is a federal programme for the elderly and covers almost all the population of people aged 65 years and above. Although this program is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These programs are therefore important and the government needs to fix them so that every elderly person is assured of the protection and care they deserve. Otherwise, the government might end up spending every revenue they collect on the programs and there will be no money left to cater for other things like improvement of schools, infrastructure and healthcare systems. Despite the few complaints from people for not getting what they rightfully deserve, these programs have enabled Americans elderly people to love longer than they used to before the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Best Garage Door Opener Essay I often comes across consumers who ask me, How can I tell what is the best garage door opener for me to buy? The answer I always give is, It depends ! It depends ? Really? Well thank you Miss Garage Door Expert for such useful information! I could have gotten the same answer had I asked a door knob!... Ok, ok. Allow me to explain and give you the detailed answer you really want. If you were asked which is the best laundry detergent, or which is the best pasta sauce, you wouldn t even think twice about your answer. There are plenty of items we purchase and use so often that it s easy for us to try new things and quickly determine what is best, what we like, and what we will continually use. Those decisions are based on your personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A decision that can only be made by you based on your personal preferences. So let s get down to the brass tax: 1. Chain Drives The most frequently used and typically the least expensive. Chain drives use a metal chain to run. Unfortunately the trade off is a noisy motor. Should you have a detached garage or perhaps want to hear what time your children are coming home at night this might be a good option. But if you d rather no noise, say because there are bedrooms above the garage, the chain drive might NOT be for you. 2. Belt Drives Hands down, the best seller on the market today. Belt drives are very dependable run nearly silent, thanks to their rubber belt! If you have an connected garage or hate loud noise, this is absolutely the opener for you. Belt drives are more expensive than chain drives, but you ll know where the extra money went when you can enjoy the sweet sound of silence. 3. Screw Drives These use a lifting device that runs along a threaded steel rod. Not recommended because they don t like drastic temperature changes. So if you live in a region with hot summers and cold winters, you should consider another option. Screw drives are moderately priced but noisy and slow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Food And Refreshment Options For Employees And Students The Ryerson University provides multiple on site food and refreshment options for employees and students. One option for food and nutrition, which Ryerson offers, is the University Hub Cafeteria, which is at the second floor of the university campus located at 350 Victoria St. This food premises is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 8:00pm, only during the fall and winter semesters. About 30000 customers of Ryerson enjoy their free time at this Hub, as this has a Tim Horton franchise with other multi cultural types of restaurant to offer their food. The inspection for this Hub Cafeteria took place on March 2nd, 2016 to point out the main characteristics of food hazard along with the risk involved in the food and safety of this premises. This following report mainly points out the main aspects of food safety, and study of how the food is made, along with the categorization of the risks involved in this Hub. Introduction There are 36 health units in Ontario that are playing a significant role in providing food in a good environment. Foods are inspected in a safe manner, also the examination of communicable illnesses, any outbreaks are taken into consideration to maintain secureness. The Ontario Public Standards (OPHS) in food industry lays out the minimum requirements that the boards of health are required to follow related with the health programs and services. The OPHS, which is issued under the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, under the section 7 of the Health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Ethos Pathos And Logos A parent will never know what goes on in the mind of their child, all a parent can do is shield the child from the negatives of life and hope negativity never enters their mind. Author Bruno Bettelheim wrote The Uses of Enchantment, published in 1976, the book contains an essay called Fairy Tales and the Existential Predicament, in which Bettelheim presents a psychological perspective of the impact that traditional fairy tales have on children. Bettelheim begins his essay with personal knowledge, rhetorical appeals (pathos and, logos) and textual evidence. In his essay, Bettelheim sets the stage by reaching out to to his audience, he writes overcoming narcissistic disappointments, oedipal dilemmas, sibling rivalries; becoming able to relinquish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Right off the bat he introduction emotionally charged words and phrases that create a sympathetic image; violent fantasies (216), selfishly , agonizing , violent , emotions , loneliness , isolation , moral anxiety , anger and anxiety, all of these words convey negative emotions about the mind when it is deprived of seeing some sort of negativity out in the world. The deep inner conflicts originating in our primitive drives and our violent emotions are all denied in much of modern children s books literature, and so the child is not helped in coping with them. But the child is subject to desperate feelings of loneliness and isolation, and he often experiences moral anxiety (219). That quote shows how negatively Bettelheim feels about modern day reading, he is using negative words and displaying modern day literature as useless to a child s development, and may actually cause emotional problems for the premature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Personal Statement In Water Engineering The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra It may seem wired, but the sense of revenge threw me into the field of water engineering. I spent most of my childhood outdoors on my father s farm close to a small city in the west of the province. As a hobby, my father gave me a small part of his farm, where I grew up different crops with his help. During that time, I enjoyed nothing more than to see the farms green. But those days did not last long and water scarcity impacted the farm s yield, resulted in water conflicts between farmers. The whole income of the family depleted and left no choice other than selling the farm and migrating to the capital of the province for other means of income. During high school when my classmates were thinking about the major primary branches of engineering such as chemistry, mechanic and electric for their post secondary education, I was thinking about a different major. I missed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Among those courses, I found the hydraulic ones quite interesting, especially designing different hydraulic structures for various water engineering purposes. Thereafter, hydraulics has become my all time impressing subject. In fact, its attractiveness motivated me very much to become among the three top students in related courses. Apart from hydraulics theories, I enjoyed the practical courses very much especially my internship in a laboratory where I cooperated a PhD student to conduct experiments on the hydraulic jump over a rough bed. This event ignited my desire for doing my own research and advancing my education to the next level. Therefore, I took the Iranian National Entrance Competition for Master Programs and gained the rank of 23 out of 1710 rivals for Agricultural Engineering Hydraulic Structures program in 2008. I spent a whole year studying intensively for this competitive exam; however, my enthusiasm helped me win a place with a very good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Database And Knowledge Base Management System Trident University Rondia Riles Module 1 Case Assignment ITM 540: Database and Knowledge Base Management Dr. Ying Liu August 16, 2013 Introduction Information and data have become the cornerstone of business enterprises today. Financial services organizations rely on important trade and market data, retail business rely on consumer and market data, and military organizations are concerned with classified and national security sensitive data. As these organizations continue spend more time, effort, and money into the management of this data, data base management systems are gaining more attention in Information Technology Enterprise. This paper will discuss the advantages of using an Object Database Management System (ODBMS) as opposed to the older a less flexible Relational Based Data Management Systems. Overview of Object Oriented Database Management Systems The 1990s saw the emergence of ODBMS as the dominant data modeling application software. It began in the 1960s and continued during the 1980s as technologists were searching for a more flexible and capable way of dealing with data that fundamentally changed the way applications were being designed. Object technology depicted data in terms of classes instead of representing it in the strict table format of relational databases. A class is defined as the structure and code provided by the programmer. It includes a description of the type of data, how it is stored, and its code. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...