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The Grimm Brothers And Fairy Tales
The Grimm Brothers are well known around the world for the fairy tales they shared to the world. The
Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers,
lexicographers, and authors who together specialized in collecting and publishing folklore during the
19th century. They were among the best known storytellers of folk tales and the popularized stories
such as Cinderella , The Frog Prince , Hansel and Gretel , Rapunzel , Rumpelstiltskin , and Snow
White . Their first collection of folk tales, Children s and Household Tales, was published in 1812
(Brothers Grimm). The Grimm Brothers shared fairy tales that had been passed down through
generations, these stories changed the everyday lives of many people by influencing their perception.
This article will help to get to know the Grimm brothers from their family origins, to what happened
to their stories over years.
The Grimm Brothers originally came from Hanau, Germany. The boys grew up in a family of eleven.
Sons of Philipp Wilhelm Grimm and Dorothea Grimm, née Zimmer had nine children and three died
in infancy. Jacob and Wilhelm were the second and the third eldest in the family. In the early 1800 s,
the boys began to study law at the University of Marburg. While there at the university they began to
collect folktales. After Jacob and Wilhelm s mother died, Jacob took the liberty to look after his
younger siblings and went to work at a library in Kassel, and then Wilhelm did
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Integrative Genomic Analysis In Cancer Essay
Other methodologies for integrative genomic analysis in cancer have been studied previously. The
review presented in cite{kristensen2014principles} summarizes a number of different tools and
algorithms used in this area. The paper classifies these methods into statistical, machine learning, gene
set, network, and other analysis techniques. Many work has been done to perform an integrated
analysis using genetic and gene expression data. In cite{xiong2012integrating}, the authors illustrated
that joint analyses of genomic data increase the power to detect real associations when compared with
gene set methods that use only one genomic data type. They developed a single statistical framework,
Gene Set Association Analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The authors of this paper integrated high dimensional genetic and proteomic data in a cohort of
subjects in which a portion experienced an adverse event (AE) after primary immunization with
Aventis Pasteur smallpox vaccine. They modelled the AE risk using 1442 single nucleotide
polymorphisms as genetic variables and 108 serum cytokine concentrations as proteomic variables.
They employed the Random Forests (RF) method to filter the most important attributes to be used in
the building of a final decision tree model. After that, they built a comprehensive model of AE
development by integrating information from previous studies with the genetic and proteomic
attributes identified by RF. The biological factors included in the model support their hypothesized
mechanism for the development of AEs involving prolonged stimulation of inflammatory pathways
and an imbalance of normal tissue damage repair pathways.
A novel approach was presented in cite{zhong2010integrating}. This approach uses information from
genetics of gene expression studies to investigate biological pathways enriched for expression
associated genetic loci related with disease in publicly available Genome wide Association Studies
(GWAS) results. The authors of this paper, first identified SNPs in population based human cohorts
that associate with the expression of genes (eSNPs) in the metabolically active tissues liver,
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The Photograph, Two Beds
The photograph, Two Beds, Two Windows taken by Jack Leigh is a silver gelatin print from 1981. In
this era of color photography, a photograph like this with black, white and grey hues is a novelty,
especially for the younger generation. On first glance, the exhibit appears to be a simple photograph of
a cabin with two beds and two windows giving a view of a coastline and an ocean in the distance.
Even then it does manage to strike a chord and one can identify with The Conflict Within the human
mind. It is a perfect metaphorical representation of the two sides of the human mind. On seeing the
photo for the first time one can conclude that it shows the interior of a bedroom in a cabin and that it is
located on the coast. The room has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whereas outside the windows, one can see some shrubbery followed by a coastline and an endless
ocean stretching up to the horizon outside. Its vastness is compelling. There are two beds inside the
room. The bed to the left is covered with a ruffled bed sheet of indistinct and dull print. It even has a
pillow flung on top of it. The other is covered neatly with a bright bed sheet having a flower print
design. Here the pillow is tucked away beneath the sheet. Out of the two windows in the room, the one
on the left has the shutter half way down and the one to the right has the shutter wide open. But both
windows are shut and at the top, light can be seen streaming in mainly through the unshuttered
window. It helps brighten, mostly the right side of the room. Windows and beds are separated by
chasms of dark shadows. The walls are made of horizontal planks of wood. Outside the window, one
can see shrubs causing a barricade like appearance. This is followed by the coastline and the ocean
waves crashing against it. In the distance one can see the sky meeting the ocean at the horizon.
This photograph of a bedroom overlooking the coastline in grey hues immediately sets one in a
reflective mood. The use of sharp lines and the closed space in the cabin is strikingly similar to a
closed human mind. The bedroom, a place of leisure and rest can be considered a representation of the
subconscious mind. Here one s
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The Knowledge Of The Natural Sciences And History Based On...
When the quote states, attempt to know the world , it is regarding the gain of knowledge. This is
because knowledge is the understanding of the physical world surrounding us and beyond. Plato
defined knowledge as justified, true belief, meaning that for knowledge to be legitimate, it must be
justified by sources such as reason, empirical evidence or memory. Secondly, the term assumptions in
the quote should also be explored. According to the oxford dictionary, assumptions can be defined as
something that is accepted as true without proof . Therefore the quote is stating that our knowledge of
the world is based on a set of assumptions. The second part of the assertion produces the knowledge
issues of the inability of testing the knowledge. The oxford dictionary defines tested as taking
measurements to check the reliability of the something. Therefore, a key question that comes from this
quote is: To what extent are all knowledge in the natural sciences and history based on assumptions
and is it possible to test it s reliability?
The first knowledge issue from this quote is that the knowledge gained from the physical world is
based on things that without proof. This knowledge issue can be interlinked with the area of
knowledge of natural sciences. The natural sciences study the rules that govern the natural world by
applying an empirical and scientific method to study of the universe. It is considered on of the more
objective area of knowledge due to the scientific
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Battle of Gettysburg Essay
What was supposed to last 90 days, now dragged on for more than two years. It was apparent, now
more than ever, that little was being accomplished but the taking of hundreds of thousands of lives.
The war between the Union and Confederacy had been in a sort of deadlock where each side could
claim victories as easy as defeats. By this time the south had the upper hand militarily wise, just
coming off a magnificent tactical victory at Chancellorsville in May. General Lee headed the
Confederacy s, Army of Northern Virginia, General Meade headed the Union s Army of the Potomac.
Both sides saw the need to win that one, crucial victory to turn the tide completely in their favor. They
would get their chances at a small town in Pennsylvania. The ... Show more content on
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By this point in the war, the citizens of the Confederacy were growing more and more doubtful of
their future as long as the war was being fought. Food was at a scarcity, money was gradually
becoming worthless and thousands of soldiers had been killed. Lee s army was having a lot of success
in Virginia since Fredericksburg in December 1862, but the war was exacting a heavy toll on life in
the south. It was becoming evident to Lee and President Davis so they knew they had to get the spirit
of the people to rise again. No better possible way to do so then by obliterating the Army of the
Potomac on northern soil. In doing so, General Lee hoped to not only raise morale in his ranks and the
south, but crush the northern spirit. A win here would for sure demoralize even more, those opposing
the war in the north, which might get public opinion to swing to anti war. Also, Lee would pressure
the north into sending troops from Washington, weakening its defenses or possibly draw troops from
Grant s army at Vicksburg. On the other hand, General Meade s, Army of the Potomac also had
reasons to win the battle. Newly appointed, General George Meade, had a huge task ahead of him. He
had just assumed command of the Union s main eastern army and now he must halt Lee s advance.
Two very difficult obstacles for him but if he couldn t stop the Army of Northern Virginia then his
country was in jeopardy. With the capture of Vicksburg seeming
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Toilet Auger Research Paper
Managing toilet obstructs effectively makes it to the base of the rundown of things a great many
people need to do as opposed to getting a charge out of an unwinding end of the week or night, yet it
happens to various mortgage holders. Considerably more at times, you may have an obstructing toilet
that influences you to figure your youngsters may have lost a toy or stuffed the neighbor s feline in the
porcelain position of royalty. However, you don t need to call a handyman. Property holders might
need to take a stab at utilizing a toilet auger to dispose of a headstrong obstructs.
What is a Toilet Auger?
A toilet auger, or handyman s snake, may not look like much, but instead, it can enable you to
dispense with willful toilet stops up. A toilet auger is usually a little more than 3 feet long and includes
an unbending metal tube with a handle that you wrench toward one side and an internal center link
made of metal on the other. The link is pressure wrapped and reaches out from the metal tube like a
long, adaptable bore that is ideal for clearing toilet stops up. Some toilet augers have a plastic boot on
the end that shields the porcelain from harm. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Turn the wrench on the finish of the auger while holding the metal tubing in one hand to broaden the
link into your toilet s pipe. Handing the wrench over the other way will withdraw the auger.
Toilet stops up that are caused by semi strong items, for example, hair or a toy causes protection in the
auger as it seizes the question. If you feel this protection, recover the question by rewinding the link.
On the off chance that the stop up is made of amassed objects, for example, bathroom tissue, take a
stab at passing the loop of the auger forward and backward through the obstruct to break
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Realism In The Lumiere Brothers
Realism is the artistic attempt to recreate life as it is in the context of an artistic medium. It began as a
revolt against the conventions of the classic view of art in the late 1800s in America and Europe in the
form of an artistic movement (McConnel, R. 1997). There are many themes involved with realism that
shall be discussed. These include accuracy and independence.
Realists attempt to portray the illusion that their film world has not been manipulated and is almost
like a mirror to the real world. Their techniques are different to those of any other film. They try to
make the film seem as real and as close to normal life as possible by using natural lighting instead of
special lighting equipment, they also mostly use hand held cameras and employ non professional
actors to really uphold this realistic image.
The Lumiere Brothers were the pioneers of realism through films as they ... Show more content on
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The depiction of subjects is always absolutely accurate to reinforce the portrayal of real life and is
void of any unnecessary artistic embellishment (Vaux, R. 2014). A technique that is used is filming
done on locations rather than sets to properly portray the feel of real life. Events are not euphemized
or hyperbolized to become a distortion or opinion of the truth. Unpleasant images, words and events
are portrayed in full with no hidden facts, as well as plain images, words or events.
A realist film that shows great accuracy is the war film All Quiet on the Western Front. The storyline
incorporates just enough action to inform viewers that it is a war movie and at the same time it also
embodies many other aspects such as the politics, emotions and hype involved with the war (Ronald,
R. 2013). This gives the viewer a more accurate view as all aspects of the war are covered.
Throughout the film we see that real locations have been chosen to enhance the realistic vision and
accuracy of the film.
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Function Of A Value Of X Essay
Up to now if I gave you an equation, and asked you to solve it for x you would be, in general, looking
for a value of x which solved the equation. Given:
You can solve this equation to find two values of x.
I could also give you an equation which linked x and y explicitly, and you could find a relationship
between the two which, given a value of x would give you a value of y. You ve been doing this now
for many years. Now we re going to add a hugely powerful tool to our mathematical arsenal. We re
going to allow our equations to include information about gradients of the function...let s see what this
We re going to take everything that you learnt about integration and turn it into a way to model and
understand the world around us. This is a very powerful statement and indeed differential equations
are without a doubt the most powerful mathematical tool we have to understand the behaviour of
everything from fundamental particles to populations, economies, weather, flow of wealth, heat,
fluids, the motion of planets, the life of stars, the flight of an aircraft, the trajectory of a meteor, the
way a pendulum swings, the way a ponytail swings (see paper on this here), the way fish move, the
way algae grow, the way a neuron fires, the way a fire spreads...and so much more.
So what is a differential equation? It is an equation which contains one or more derivatives of a
Let s look at a very simple example, of population growth. We might want to
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The Mind Controls Our Brain
For the last few years, with this significant progress in the field of neuroscience and the researches on
brain s study, there has been a huge modification of some statement that were considered as relevant
in the past such our brain controls our mind but, nowadays it s quite clear that science agrees the
contrary , which is our mind controls our brain and this can be elucidated by the fact that statistics
confirm that 75 98 % of physical, mental and behavior illnesses come from our thought life; 350
million worldwide people suffer from depression;40 million people in the U.S. suffer from anxiety and
disorders and there are more deaths from suicides than from car accidents. The interesting part of such
study is when the neuroplasticity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This essay will demonstrate some of these facts: It will show first that positives thoughts build healthy
proteins in the brain, and secondary that negatives thoughts interfere one s ability to make wise
decision. The impact of healthy thought is obvious. The science has proved that human brain is wired
for beauty and for love (there is no room for the negative).Therefore when people are thinking and
choosing, they are causing genetic expression and that means that at that appropriate time the
production of proteins is happening and all these proteins grouped altogether form thought trees in the
brain. A human being is also a thinking being .Every time one is thinking; he is growing a physical
substance inside of the brain; he is actually changing the structure and function of his brain. So when
one s choosing to think life which is positives thoughts, he is building an extraordinary ability to
determine, achieve, and maintain optimal levels of intelligent, mental health, peace, and happiness, as
well as the prevention of disease in one s body and mind. If someone through conscious mind is able
to gain control of thoughts and feeling, by doing so, he gains the ability to change the programming
and chemistry of his brain. There are even more encouragement pieces about the plasticity of the
brain. For example, Universality believe logic and language are learned at fixed age, and someone
passed that fixed age, he can t learn. Plasticity research proves
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Walgreens Essay
[edit] Company history
A typical Walgreens Pharmacy.
The Walgreens chain began in 1901, with a drug store on the corner of Bowen Ave and Cottage Grove,
Chicago, Illinois, United States owned by Galesburg native Charles R. Walgreen, Sr.[6] By 1915,
there were five Walgreen drugstores. He added several improvements to the stores such as soda
fountains and luncheon service. He also began to make his own line of drug products and was then
able to control the quality of the items and sell them at lower prices. By 1916, 19 stores were in
operation, all in Chicago. And in that same year, all the stores were consolidated under Walgreen Co.
The 1920s was a very successful decade for Walgreens. In 1921, the company opened stores ... Show
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This development coincided with the invention of the electric blender in the same year.
[edit] Store model
An Uptown Houston Walgreens at a street intersection.
Originally, Walgreens stores were connected to local groceries. In Chicago, which is Walgreens
primary market, they teamed up with either Eagle Food Centers or Dominick s Finer Foods, usually
with a walkthru to the adjoining store and often sharing personnel. This concept was instated to
compete with the popular dual store format used by chief competitor Jewel Osco. Eventually, they
ended the relationship with Eagle and focused primarily on a connection to the Dominick s stores,
which were considered to be of a better quality. PharmX Rexall stepped in and filled the vacated
Walgreen locations joined to Eagle stores.
In its 2009 business model Walgreens locations are always set up as freestanding locations at the
corners of busy, intersecting streets on the prevailing side of the street with the most traffic flow
literally making it a corner drugstore similar to how many independent pharmacies evolved over the
years in the United States. This also usually allows the store to offer additional conveniences such as a
drive through pharmacy and 24 hour shopping
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Software Upgrade. A Case Study of JetBlue and WestJet...
Individual Case Study: JetBlue Airways Corp, WestJet Airlines Ltd, and others:
The Difficult Path to Software Upgrades
I would argue that any organization undergoing system upgrades should ensure that the end result of
such an upgrade must align with its business process and goals. There is no crystal ball that can show
if an upgrade will meet the entire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
JetBlue had a backup website.
Both airlines made changes to their flight schedules in anticipation of a glitch.
JetBlue chose a perfect time to implement its upgrade.
JetBlue s precautionary measure of having a backup website and extra workers helped minimized the
difficulties associated with software upgrade. We are told in the case that WestJet s website crashed
due to customers who flooded their site, and its call center was overwhelmed. On the other hand,
JetBlue contracted 500 outside reservation agents in anticipation of any issue. It routed basic calls to
temporary workers, leaving its own call staff to handle more complex tasks.
Why are ERP upgrades so complex and expensive? What roles does ERP customization, if any, play in
this progress? Can you discern a pattern in what seems to be the major cost drivers of the upgrade
Enterprise Resource Planning is an enterprise wide information system designed to coordinate all the
resources, and information needed to complete business activities. It is a business management system
that attempts to integrate multifarious functions of an organization. ERP serves as cross functional
enterprise backbone that integrates and automates many internal business processes and information
system.1 It promises one database, one application, and a unified interface across the entire enterprise.
The success of a functioning ERP depends on a suitable system that aligns with the business process
of an
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Comparing Christianity, Judaism, And Islam
Christianity, Judaism and Islamic have many difference and similarities between them. The three top
things they all have in common is Supreme Being, Person of Jesus Christ, Ethics, and life after death,
they all believe that when you die you go to heaven or hell. but even though they all believe in that,
they believe in different ways of getting to heaven and how to get to hell. Christianity began in 33 CE
and was created out of the religion of Judaism. Christianity was founded on the life, and teaching of
Jesus Christ and the people who follow his belief are Christians . Judaism began in 7th century BCE
and was founded in the Middle East. Many Jews believe that Abraham was seen as the father of the
Jews and Moses was the founder of Judaism. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They read about this in the book of the Bible, which has the old and new testaments. The Bible is
inspired by the Word of God, and the do and don t about certain things and rules, and if you break
these rules, then you have to have your sins forgiven. They believe that Jesus died on the cross for
them to live a sinless life. Judaism has a bible just like Christianity. However, their Bible is a Hebrew
Bible or the old Testament in the Christian Bible. Which that would make Judaism The first religion
and Christian is based on Christianity. Their belief in Jesus is that he did the right thing and taught the
rule of how to live a sinless life. But their values were based on the Ten Commandments and at a
young age, they were always instructed to follow the Ten Commandments. Therefore, when they die,
they will go to heaven. The difference though between Christians and Jews is that Judaism is much
stricter than Christians being that Jews are based on the 10 Commandments, and Old Testaments and
Christianity was written by the new testaments. Islam believed that Jesus was sent by Allah to teach
children the Islamic prayer and when Jesus died (not on the cross) Allah took him to heaven to be with
him. They say that people who do not believe in the Islam prayer and rules will be punished, and they
will go to
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A Marxist Reading of Native Son Essay
A Marxist Reading of Native Son
In the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx states clearly that history is a series of class struggles over the
means of production. Whoever controls the means of production also controls society and is able to
force their set of ideas and beliefs onto the lower class. The present dominant class ideology is, as it
has been since the writing of the United States Constitution, the ideology of the upper class, Anglo
Saxon male. Obviously, when the framers spoke of equality for all, they meant for all land owning
white men. The words of the Declaration of Independence, also written by upper class, Anglo
American males, are clear: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights necessary to each
human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The need for love and belonging is third and manifests in the drive to establish affectionate
relationships or create a sense of community. Fourth in the hierarchy are the esteem needs, which
Maslow divides into two parts: the need for the respect of others, and the need for self respect
(Boeree). The fifth and final stage in Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs forms the pinnacle and is
identified as self actualization or the desire for self fulfillment . . . to become everything one is capable
of becoming (Green). According to Maslow s theoy, the order in which these needs appear in the
hierarchy is the order in which humans must attain them. Needs higher in the hierarchy cannot be
attained without first satisfying the more basic needs at the base (Boeree). When any level of these
needs is not met, a deficit need is created, causing negative effects on the human psychology, a
phenomenon seen in the main character of Native Son, Bigger Thomas. Maslow believes that in a
good society each individual is free to accomplish his or her goals and move freely through the
hierarchy (Boeree). But for a poor black man, like Bigger Thomas, who lives in a society where the
dominant class ideology and the social structure hinder rather than support attaining self actualization,
it is almost impossible to reach the pinnacle of the hierarchy. The dominant class ideology has caged
Bigger politically, economically, racially, and
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Crime Is The Violation Of Societal Rules Of Behavior Essay
According to Sigel (2012), crime is the violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted and
expressed by a criminal legal code, created by people who hold social and political power. Any
violation of these rules by an individual may subject themselves to sanctions by the state authority,
social stigma and the loss of status. Crime may be broken down into three types, property crimes,
offenses against the person and statutory offenses. A status offense is an illegal act committed by a
juvenile or juveniles, who are minors. A status offence is an act committed by a juvenile whose actions
are not in line with the law or the area in which it was committed as if an adult committed it. There are
different types of status offences, which can vary, depending on where it is committed. The most
common ones though are truancy, running away, being beyond the control of parents or guardians,
violating curfew, or possession and usage of alcohol or tobacco, Michon (2016). From these common
offenses, it is clear to see that this can be an issue in the Caribbean society. In order to find better
means by which to reduce status offenses in the Caribbean, then by studying the relevant theories
associated with them would help to explain their origins. In the Jamaican society, more specifically,
teenage high school students, easily stressed, bullied, may have suicidal tendencies and influenced by
their peers which can lead to smoking and drinking alcohol Budd (2011). Based on a survey
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Essay General Knowledge
Rondo Op.51 No.1 in C major by Beethoven Rondo: a musical form characterized by a repeated
theme that alternate with other themes Opus: a number given chronologically order the works of a
composer This rondo was composed between 1796 and 1797. About the composer and period:
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770 1827) Period: Classical (1750 1820)/early Romantic (about 1820/30s
1910) Nationality: German Contemporaries: Haydn, Mozart, Clementi Works included: 32 piano
sonatas (including the Pathetique ; the Moonlight ; the Appassionata ); bagatelles, 6 sonatinas 9
symphonies including the Eroica (3rd); Pastoral (6th); the Choral (9th) chamber music including 9
piano trios, 5 cello and piano sonatas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
minant of C major) Bars 21 24 D major (Dominant of G major) C2 Bars 25 28 G major Bars 29 30 A
minor (Relative minor of C major/Supertonic of G major) Bar 31 G major Bar 32 A minor/G major
Bars 33 34 (beat 2) G major D (codetta) Bars 34 (beat 3) 38 G major F# diminished 7 in bars 35, 37
Bars 39 43 (beat 2) A hint of C minor (Tonic minor of C major) A Bars 43 48 C major Bars 49 (beats 1
2) G major Bars 49 (beat 3) 51 C major (with chromatic notes) E1 Bars 52 54 (beat 2) C minor (Tonic
minor of C major) Bars 54 (beat 3) 55 (beat 2) F minor (Subdominant of C minor) Bars 55 (beat 3) 56
Leading to C minor Bars 57 59 E flat major (relative major of C minor) E2 Bars 60 63 E flat major
Bar 64 A hint of F minor Bar 65 A hint of G minor Bars 66 67 (beat 2) C minor E1 Bars 67 (beat 3) 69
(beat 2) C minor Bars 69 (beat 3) 70 (beat 1) F minor Bars 70 (beat 2) 71 (beat 2) C minor Bars 71
(beat 3) 72 (beat 1) F minor Bars 72 (beat 1 s) 73 C minor Bridge 1 Bars 73 76 (beat 2) Chromatic
scale passage leading to A flat major A Bars 76 (beat 3) 83 A flat major Bar 83 (beats 3 4) Leading to
C minor (Dominant) B Bars 84 92 (beat 2) C minor A Bars 92 (beat 3) 100 C major B Bars 100 (beat
3) 105 (beat 2) C major (with chromatic notes) A Bars 105 (beat 3) 106 (beat 2) C major Bars 106
(beat 3) 107 (beat 2) C minor Bars 107 (beat 3) 110 D flat major Bridge 2 Bars 111 113 (beat 2) D flat
major Bar 113 (beats 3 4) F
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Net Neutrality And The Freedom Of The Internet
In order to understand what the issues the governments face it s important that people understand what
the internet access is and how Net Neutrality plays an immense role in freedom of the internet. In
FreePress (2017) define Net Neutrality to be the basic principle that internet service providers of ISP s
will not be able allowed to speed up, slow down, or block any website that you wish to access. The
basic principle implies that people will have control over what websites they choose without having
the media companies infringe on their privacy or access by slowing it down or shutting it down. As the
internet facilitates freedom of speech it s important the people have a platform that will allow people
to partake in a sacred democratic value. In providing access for people to communicate online, the
internet service providers should provide open networks and should not be able to block or
discriminate against any application or the content that is displayed on the network. In the United
States, freedom of speech is an inherent privilege afforded to us as one of our constitutional rights.
These rights, specifically the 1st amendment, allow us to voice our thoughts whether these thoughts
are expressed through writing or speaking. Having the internet, is one of the many platforms that
allows us use of our constitutional right, and to restrict our access is censorship. A censorship of our
ideologies and in turn a violation of our constitutional rights. This ideology
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Jewish Tolerance In Medieval Christian Society
Shenecia Brown
Hebr.211 paper #1
After the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 Jews found themselves in the hands of tolerant Muslims in Al
Andalus. Muslim tolerance of Jews played an important role in the advancement of Jewish studies as
from this came great philosophers and leaders and the creation of the Talmud. When compared to Jews
in the medieval Christian society, Jews in Muslim Spain in the Golden Age were more tolerated and
thus able exercise their freedom comparably more that in Rome. Firstly, Jews in medieval christian
society when compared to those in Muslim Spain were less tolerated. This is because they were being
forced to convert, denied certain rights and prevented ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In medieval Christian society as the Jewish population grew, Christians became more unsettled. They
began to see Jews as a threat and their tolerance dwindled. Reasons for this sudden change is mainly
based on the Jews disregard of Christ and Christianity. They blaspheme against Christ... and their
religious book called the Talmud in which they considered as law, had statements that relate to [the]
blasphemy of Christ . As a result over time, despite their stance on protecting Jews, Christians became
hostile towards Jews. Events such as the the first crusade in 1095 in which Jews in Rhineland were
attacked by...However in Muslim territories, things were much different as Jews and other minorities
were given freedom with minimal limitations to practice their religion. Jews in particular were so
much tolerated that their Dhimmi status went unacknowledged in certain periods. These periods are
known as the Golden Age in Jewish history and in this time Jews flourished as many great leaders
arose who were experts in philosophy, poetry, Hebrew language and the Talmud. To muslims, Jews
were simply second class citizens that could be trusted to lead and give excellent advice to Calphs.
One could argue that Muslim tolerance of Jews equate with that of medieval Christians due to the
uproar of anti semitism during the Golden Age but one delves further you will find that these moments
were stirred by radical groups and not by the
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Donald Trump Executive Order
After the first week of Donald Trump s presidency many changes have been occurring in the country.
A continuous stream of executive orders signed by the President are causing extreme controversy.
Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States, the more
moderate version of the Muslim ban that President Trump called for during his campaign was signed
on Friday. Some people who were still in the air when Trump signed the order were detained or sent
back to where they flew in from when they landed. This led to people being detained in airports
sparking numerous protests at airports across the country, calling the order unconstitutional. On
Saturday, a federal judge temporarily stayed the order, stopping people from being detained and
deported from the country.
The President has also signed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Students, for example, are worried about their future under Trump. It is likely that he will decide to
end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that allows undocumented immigrants who
arrived in the country as minors a renewable two year period of deferred action from deportation and
eligibility for a work permit. Judging by Trump s extreme views on immigration and little interest in
the protection of law abiding undocumented immigrants, these individuals they have a legitimate
cause for concern.
Another group fearing the Trump policies are women. A recent memorandum reinstated the Mexico
City policy, confirming Trump s anti abortion stance. As can be seen even before the reinstatement of
this policy, during the Women s March, many women were concerned about their right to choose and
control over their bodies under this Presidency. With the impending appointment of a new justice on
the Supreme Court, this issue is causing great anxiety among women all around the
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A Scandal in Bohemia Essay
Tammy Coleman
Dr. Wilson
The Bohemian Scandal
In Conan Doyle s short story A Scandal in Bohemia (1888), Sherlock Holmes can tell that the stranger
possess great wealth before he speaks a single word. Sherlock Holmes analyzes everything when it
comes to people. He uses their appearance, how they carry themselves, and what kind of objects they
have on them. The author uses descriptive words to describe the way the stranger looked. This essay
will prove that Sherlock Holmes is so observant of everyone, that he can tell who you are before
speaking to you. In the short story A Scandal in Bohemia Mr. Sherlock Holmes receives a letter of the
most secretive importance. In this letter, it was stated that the person is not to be ... Show more content
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A man with luxury would have an area where he can get exercise regularly and would be well
nourished. Watson describes his clothing as rich but bad in taste. In many countries being gaudy is a
sign of having wealth. It is a way of expressing that they have more money than everyone else. The
stranger has bands of astrakhan on his sleeves. Astrakhan is fur from a young lambs coat. People with
money tend to wear fur that no one else can afford. He was wearing a cloak with flame coloured silk.
Silk is a precious material that only the rich could trade for. His brooch had a single flaming beryl. A
beryl is a gem, and gems were used as jewelry. The beryl was most likely a rare gem because Watson
described it as a flaming beryl. It was intensely passionate to the eye. The boots were trimmed with
rich brown fur. Notice that he did not describe the fur as just fur. He stated that it was a rich brown fur.
As stated before, most likely an animal s fur that is rare. The man had his face covered with a black
vizard. The man was trying to hide his identity with a black vizard. Only someone who would be
recognized would wear a mask. The man made sure that Holmes could not see his face because his
hand was still raised to ensure it was covered. This was to ensure his identity was concealed. Watson
described his face of having strong features and to have a length of obstinancy. The man knows what
he wants and gets it. He has
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Human Inquiry vs Everday Assumptions
Much of the publics conceived notions about the world and the reality in which we innately live, can
be explained by contrasting our assumptions against various types of inquiry and research. The
process of developing an explanation through testing, investigating, and collecting data that either
refutes or supports the original claim is known as inquiry, or the process of researching. While that
which is presupposed, or a belief that is used to interpret the world around us, is an assumption.
Naturally, we regularly formulate our beliefs based upon our assumptions and make inferences based
from these assumptions, however, today this is often done with little regard to critical thinking or
reason. Furthermore, out of naiveté we seek to refute conclusions to that which we do not want to
belive, pursuing a form of bias from those holding assumptions similar to what we desire; for in such
manner, we justify our rejection of the undesirable. On the contrary, we hastily accept an assumption
that supports a conclusion we perceive desirable, while giving little mind to the validity of the
assumption, or the awareness of a becomingly tolerant society toward improper inquiry. This is human
nature, it s unavoidable, but the ignorance thereof, serves as the catalyst to our own servility by
standing as the largest hinderance toward proper inquiry and research. Humans can be placed in any
situation and we will start to give it some kind of meaning in hopes to gain a basis for
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Essay on Communicating Leadership
Leadership, Traditional versus Transformational
What should a leader look like? Important leaders, such as presidents and prime ministers, work hard
communicate an impression of confidence and power. A leader, they assume, should look like a leader,
and many of them hire an image specialist to learn how. Wherever they go, press agents, bodyguards,
loyal assistants, and throngs of eager admirers follow in their wake. In the Bible, Matthew depicts
Jesus as a true leader, a king in fact, however one who broke stereotypes. Jesus had undeniable power
and he was not concerned about a powerful image. The Word of Matthew 13:54 55 tells us, Where did
this man get his wisdom and these miraculous powers? They asked. Isn t this the carpenter s ... Show
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There are many definitions and interpretations of traditional or transformational communicating
leadership. The text book definition for traditional viewpoint of management offers this, The oldest
and perhaps most widely accepted view of management is the traditional viewpoint. It is split into
three main branches: bureaucratic management, scientific management, and administrative
management (Hellriegel, 2005). Studies have been made on leadership communication and
management styles since the Civil War. With many decades of research it has evolved over time to
specific categories. Traditional is still viewed today because of its long term use. God s relationship
with Moses was a traditional leadership. Moses had his doubts about his ability to lead. The Word in
Exodus 3:11 13, it is discussed Moses resisted God, bringing up his unworthiness and lack of
authority, his fear of the people s distrust, his speech difficulties, and sheer cowardice. Moses
developed under God s direction as one of history s most decisive and powerful leaders (The Student
Bible, 1992).
Even so, he thrived under a rank and file style of leadership where only Moses had direct connection
with the ultimate leader. Additionally, the people had to follow a set of policies, known as the Ten
Commandments. Only through his association through God did the people
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Should Kids Get Paid For Chores Research Paper
Chores aren t usually easy but do you really think we should get paid? I have lots of chores and I only
get paid for one and it s the hardest. I have to watch my siblings and get them on the bus. I have a very
large home and a lot of animals. It takes a lot of work but I don t need paid for any of it to be honest.
My parents need help with those chores. I still believe children shouldn t be paid for chores. Kids don
t need to be paid for chores. If their parents wanted to pay somebody for chores they would get a
maid. Kids should do what their parents tell them. No one wants to live in a dirty home. It s difficult to
have 3 kids and be the only one cleaning the house. Kids should pick up after themselves. However
kids these days are very lazy.
Parents are under a whole lot of stress. They shouldn t have to all the chores especially when only one
person is doing them and five people are living in the house. When you have children they are part of
the mess of the house if you don t make them clean then the house will most likely look bad. Chores
are a necessity to a good organized life. It s nice when kids get paid for chores but they shouldn t
expect that from their parents. Their parents give them everything. A nice house, clean nice ... Show
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So I know you have to wait till you re at least 16 years old to get a job. Some kids want things that
their parents won t pay for like if you really wanted a pair of Beats. Then they would need the money
to buy them. Most parents give their children money when they go out with a friend to buy stuff like
concessions or whatever. But the kids sometimes are forced to earn the money themselves if their
parents don t think it s worth that much money for something like beats, an ipod, segway, etc... But
they don t need paid for chores they could just pick up odd jobs like for example: mowing,
weedeating, babysitting, dog sitting, and dog
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Fragile X Syndrome Analysis
In 1943 two men, Martin and Bell discovered a gene condition called Fragile X Syndrome. 2 Fragile
X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition, which may cause an intellectual disability, behavioural and
learning difficulties and various other physical characterstics.1 It occurs when the female gene (X
gene) is repeated over 50 200 times, this is called Fragile X permutation. 1 In 1969, Herbert Lubs
established the chromosomal test for Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is an inherited
condition in which the X chromosome is passed on from the parent to the child. If the woman has the
affect X, they will have an increased chance for passing the gene on but as men have an Y as well as
an X chromosome, if they have Fragile X Syndrome, their sons won t be affected as they have their
fathers Y chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in males and a
major cause of intellectual disability in females.
There is currently no cure for this condition yet and treatment is generally based on the symptoms the
individual has.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the only examination for Fragile X Syndrome was a test in which blood
was taken to test for chromosomes.3 However, this was unreliable as not always accurate. In the
1990s scientists identified a specific gene that causes Fragile X Syndrome and ... Show more content
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It is estimated that once a week a child is born who is fully affected and 20 births a week are affected
by Fragile X Syndrome. 1 Another impact that it may have on society is in early pregnancy through
testing such as Amniocentesis or a blood test called non invasive pregnancy testing parents can be
made aware of a fetus that they are carrying that has Fragile X Syndrome. 4 With this information they
may choose to not continue with the pregnancy. This gives the parents options of choice that wasn t
available 20 years ago but also very difficult ethical
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Toyota
Being in a spiralling economy, the automobile industry must step up their games to produce attractive
advertisements. Creativity is crucial to attract potential buyers and gain more sales. To target specific
prospects through ads, the automobile industry usually apply rhetoric concepts to enhance their
product s appeal in every way, and not just purely on the automobile designs. As men are the main
target audience, car ads are usually being advertised as appealing and dangerous. Nevertheless, there
are other important aspects to be highlighted as well, which can be perfectly marketed with certain
rhetoric aspects. Although automobile ads always target the male audience, the industry also
understands how partners or family can influence in purchase ... Show more content on
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Toyota reminds the audience to always pay close attention to their surroundings and the system
effectiveness is dependent on many factors, which shows that it has its limitations. From this
perspective, some may argue on how it is quiet contradict to their effort to show the effectiveness of
the brake in unexpected situation, as the reliability has its limitations. Therefore, it can be said that
Toyota cars can be used by everyone and everywhere, however, the attitude of the driver is still very
important. Looking at how the commercial emphasize on the calmness and the family being the
passengers, for instance, the mother looking back to check out on the son after the near death
experience or the pre collision, Toyota is trying to show how important it is to take safety measure
seriously as the driver is responsible over the life of others passengers. The emotional aspect from this
scenario might not be magnified into a tensely or panicking mode, yet subtly leaves an impact to the
audience to always care about other people in the car and the external surrounding. Toyota is proving
that their vehicle is safe for family use, and while they will keep manufacturing better designs and
systems for their users, the driving attitude is important too. The ad does not show reckless driving of
any sort, to prove that even when we drive at a slow pace, accidents can still happen and can be
caused by external factors. Therefore, with a good driving attitude and Toyota vehicles, the risk can be
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Essay On The 8th Amendment
The Most Significant Amendment in the Bill of Rights
Throughout the history of this ever expanding nation as well as many others, there have been times in
which words alone were able to stop an action. Consequences were bountiful and punishment seemed
to be thought of on the fly. For instance, a convicted murderer may have gotten thrown in jail,
however a man who may have sneezed on the king would have been burned at the stake for Crimes
against the Kingdom. In modern times it seems nearly impossible to think that such unfathomable
treatment was commonplace and, worse yet, a public spectacle. After many years of being free of
British rule, the Framers of the United States Constitution had envisioned a society based on the
treatment from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is a very appropriate analogy because neither the date nor year is mentioned, leaving only facts. A
man was killed and his murderer was hung. Those 2 minor details lay out the entire scenario from start
to end. This is identical to how the world had worked. You could charge a man for stealing a loaf of
bread as easily and readily as you could cut off his hands for doing the same thing. In modern times
however, variables can determine severity of consequence in a way that creates a fair decision based
on preponderance of evidence including time, location, gender, mental inclination, political views and
any other random inconveniences that may lead to conflict either internally or physically. In light of
this topic, another portion of the original writing, ...excessive fines can be discussed. Rather than all
acts leading to the same punishment, there are varying levels of severity to each issue. A very common
example of this would be tax evasion. (1) Tax evasion essentially means filling out tax forms with
knowingly incorrect figures and data. (2) As a direct result of tax evasion, convicted criminals are
presented with penalties varying from either 1 5 years in prison or a $100,000 fine maximum. Once
again, variables play a tremendous role of importance in this form of punishment. Often times, tax
evasion is played off into a fine and while incarceration is still a prevalent issue it is far less more
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Assisted Suicide Speech
Some people think that assisted suicide should be legal and some people think it should not be legal.
This issue is serious because if the Supreme Court does change the law and make it legal then people
will use assisted suicide as an excuse to get help in ending their lives. Our views as a society have not
changed because we still think killing someone is murder and when someone is killed we think that
person should be put in jail. So if society thinks people should not commit murder then what is the
difference between murder and assisted suicide? There isn t one. Yes when someone requests assisted
suicide they want to their lives to end but that should not give us the right to go around and kill anyone
who wants to die. Committing murder ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Canadians know that it is against the law to assist in someone s suicide why do they do it anyway?
If the law is changed then more people will go and assist someone in killing themselves. If a person
wants to kill themselves then they are obviously in a bad state of mind. Section 7 of the Charter is
supposed to make everyone feel secure. So instead of letting that person commit suicide we should
protect that person and get that person help, whether it be getting them some sort of therapy or getting
that person medication to keep them feeling better for that period of time. Many Canadians are
charged for helping someone ill or someone they love die. Marielle Houlle, for example, is a lady that
was sentenced to get three years probation by a Quebec court in 2004 because she helped her 36 year
old son, who was in pain from multiple sclerosis, end his life (CBC, 2014). Another one of my
concerns with assisted suicide is that some people might use it as a cover up for killing another person.
If a person shoots someone and ends another their life that person can serve up to 14 years in prison.
Yet this lady only gets 3 years probation for ending her sons life. This was a controversial decision as
it was not considered fair by many people. The law should just stay the same and anyone who kills
someone else should get an appropriate
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The Debt And Credit Crisis
Panic was spreading on two of the scariest days ever in financial markets, and the biggest investors
were panicking the most. Nobody was sure how much damage it would cause before it ended (Nocera,
2008, pg. 1). This is what happened as the financial crisis spiraled out of control in 2008 as bankers,
investors, and insurance companies realized what they had done. The basic outline of the crisis looks
mainly at the mortgage and credit disaster that was caused by the bursting of the housing bubble , but
the main causes can be traced back to huge developments that shaped the American political economy
and its policies within the last 50 years. While we do see this monetary motivation and over
confidence as an underlying theme of the mortgage and credit crisis, there are other factors that
contributed to the disaster. Some examples are an extremely strong and influential financial sector,
lack of regulations from the U.S. government, and the neoliberal shift of the 1970s. While the
mortgage securities and credit crises are recognized to be the immediate causes of the financial crisis
of 2008, I argue that the strong financial sector and neoliberal shift in the 20th century are ultimately
what set the stage for the financial crisis, making it hard for the U.S. to persecute banks and investors
for the financial misconduct during this time. First, the financial sector is one of the only institutions
in the U.S. that remains as an underlying, constant and strong factor
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Stages of Human Nature Essay
the more profoundly a man thinks, the more tenderly he feels, the more highly he rates himself, the
greater the distance grows between him and the other animals the more he appears as the genius
among the animals the closer he will get to the true nature of the world and to a knowledge of it: this
he does in fact do through science. ~Friedrich Nietzsche1 Stages of Human Nature Throughout
history, human beings have encountered many changes that have altered the way society has viewed
them. The cruel hands of history, which constantly hold the foundation of the mind and the spirit, have
shaped human nature. Knowledge is the tool by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is what history makes him. History keeps him in constant movement. For many people in the early
18th century, life was based on subsistence living. An individualís human nature was dictated by their
bloodline and their social position was secured by birth. If a man was born a peasant, he stayed a
peasant, and he died a peasant. This theory of blood can be summed up in one statement: You are what
you bleed. People viewed their environment within the confines of localism, which is limiting life to a
locality, and described it as ìnasty, brutish, and shortî because of the subsistence lifestyle they led in an
agrarian, nature based society. An individualís inherent qualities, their ways of life, the very spirit of
his nature, were completely encumbered to the process of survival. The individual did not exist to
express their being or their mind. The difficulties of this life led to collectiveness among people of
common blood. Human ingenuity, the desire to be free, and the ability to reason for themselves,
instead of living by the divinely bestowed power of an absolute monarch, did not exist in the first half
of the 18th century. Human nature was bland, oppressed, and uncreative. It was contained within the
walls of ancestry, chained by subsistence and localism, and oppressed by a central rulerís power that
could not be questioned because of the fear of God. Despite the chains of a difficult lifestyle that
human nature endured,
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What Is The Impact Of Technology On The Great Plains Frontier
The Impact of Technology Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains
frontier, ones that were already living there, and others that would eventually migrate there.
Technology increased the Plains goods being produced, made life easier, and brought our country
closer together. Although there are some disagreements, I believe that commercialization and
technology was a benefit for most westerner in the late nineteenth century.
Before technological advancements were brought to the Great Plains frontier farmers would over look
the land, because it had a very little amount of trees and the ground was hard, and go towards the
Oregon area. But after the technology evolved, it made it possible to actually farm, and ... Show more
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The herds of bison almost became desolate, the farmers were also plowing the natural gross for their
crops, and the cattle business became more important because the railroad could transport them easier.
The lives of the native Americans that had already been living on the Great Plains frontier had been
affected drastically. Most people really only hear about battles like Custer s last stand, and geronimo.
What we don t read in our textbooks is how they were treated. They had been pushed out of their land
and were mostly confined to reservations, mostly areas that the white didn t feel were very good. They
also were given rations on the reservation, that Americans only had to do in hard times such as war.
Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier, But not only theirs,
but mine also. If we had not had little technology advancements we would not be where we are at
today. The technology in the late nineteenth century increased goods being produced, made life more
comfortable, and connected our country. The benefits of these things not only benefitted them but
evolved into better things now. I am grateful for the effect it has played on our nation and and will
continue to centuries to
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Politics Is Fueled By Corruption
Politics is fueled by corruption. It causes government involved citizens to over use their power into
manipulating others to achieve what they want. In All the King s Men, written by Robert Pen Warren,
Warren distributes politics to show how Willie Stark transformed. His character gradually deteriorates
as a person throughout the political novel leading up to his death. Warren writes to exemplify politics
and how it ruined lives of well rounded people. Warren demonstrates the role of politics as evil
because he wants to prove the corrupted doings of politics. Novel, All the King s Men, Willie Stark is
slowly, but thoroughly corrupted by multiple political instances that ultimately lead to his death.
Politics has a life of its own. Before anyone ponders the idea of entering politics, people should know
their life as a kind, average citizen will fly out the door. Willie Stark was an old farm boy who had a
life of work. The town loved him as a person; he was kind and courteous to all of the citizens. Before
he had the idea of running for governor, he had what he believed to be the truth set on his mind. He
wanted to make a change to his home town, Mason City, and he wanted there to be truth in the
government. His plans were meant for good, not evil. In All the King s Men, Warren wrote Stark s
opinion, Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption, and he passeth from the stink of the didie to
the stench of the shroud. There is always something (223). Stark began with
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Unit 4 exercise 1 guided reading
1. An introduction that defines a problem, stresses its importance, and offers a brief description of the
proposed solution. An analysis of the problem, discussing its causes and its effects. A detailed plan
that shows step by step how to solve the problem. A costs benefits analysis that that measures the
benefits of the plan against its costs. A conclusion that looks to the future and stresses the importance
of taking action.
2. When someone wants to solve a problem or present new ideas they will be asked to write a
proposal. A solicited proposal responds to the requests for proposals. Then there s a grant proposal that
are used by non profit organizations and researchers to obtain funding for their projects. A person
writing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They offer the topic being discussed as well as professionalism to the report as a whole. Also provides
information as to who or what the report belongs to.
22. Proofread, review, check for holes, get rid of nonessential information, pay attention to your
23. It is defined in the introduction. It is basically sexual objectification, standards based on
attractiveness or sexiness, sexuality imposed on someone who does not want it, or a person s value
coming from their sexual appeal or behavior. Yes I agree. Sex is everywhere. Sex sells! I m sure
everyone has experienced this at one time or another.
1. Global Revision reexamines and adjusts the documents overall approach. Using genre to sharpen its
angle, topic, purpose, thesis and appropriateness for the reader s context.
2. Substantive Editing pays attention to the document s content, organization and design.
3. Copyediting Focuses on revising the style for clarity, persuasion and consistency, paying close
attention to paragraphs and sentences.
4. Proofreading examines and revises surface features, such as grammatical correctness, spelling, and
5. Level 1 Revision, Level 2 Substantive Editing, Level 3 Copyediting, Level 4 Proofreading
6. Global issues includes; topic, angle, purpose and thesis statement.
7. Expectations, values, attitudes, physical place, papers medium, social and political influences
8. By doing a substantive Editing process. Does your thesis
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Swan Lake Analysis
Matthew Bourne s Swan Lake was first performed at the Sadler Wells Theatre in London in 1995.
Bourne s version of Swan Lake is the longest running ballet in London s West End and on Broadway.
It has been performed in a number different countries such as United Kingdom, Europe, Australia,
South Korea, Japan, Israel and Singapore. Mathew Bourne s rendering is best known for having
traditionally female parts of the swans danced by men. Graeme Murphy version of Swan Lake is not
so much a battle between Odette (Good) and Odile (evil), which is presented through the original
Swan Lake. But it examines love and betrayal, and other elements of the original story. Through
comparing and contrasting Acts 2 and Act 4 of Graeme Murphy s rendering of Swan Lake and
Mathew Bourne s Act 2 and Act 4, this essay will interpret and evaluate how each choreographer
portrays movement and non movement components throughout their piece.
Act 2 By Royal Command, Odette is committed to a sanatorium
Throughout Act 2 by royal command, Odette is determined to a mental institution. Graeme Murphy
effective interprets Movement and non movement components throughout the duration of Act 2. He
uses movement components such as general and personal space, contracting, sustained and repetition
movements. He also interprets Port de bra, Allegro, Chaines and jete. He uses these to portray the
emotion of Odette frustration and here transition into a swan, he also uses abstract and contracting
movements such as
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Aboriginal People Research Paper
Aboriginal People The Aboriginal People are very important to understand and address because they
have contributed a lot to human innovation. Even though there isn t much left of the Aboriginal people
in the world they have left behind many aspects of their culture that we as humans can appreciate.
They are one of the oldest living cultures to this day with an abundance of innovation, art and history.
The Aboriginal people had one of the most technologically advanced cultures in the world when they
arrived in Australia. They used many different tools in order to survive with most tools made to adapt
to specific geographic locations. For example, the people that lived next to a body of water showcased
their understanding of engineering with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Australia, some Aboriginal art objects are celebrated as fine art of great cultural, aesthetic and
economic value... (Fisher 1). The original art from this culture is rock art which is estimated to be
about 40,000 years old. This type of art was essential to the survival of the culture mainly because
there was no such thing as a written language in those times. The Aboriginals used this rock art by
incorporating symbols in order to tell stories and pass information down from generation to
generation. The art taught survival and how to efficiently use the land. Before canvas painting they
showcased their art with body painting, once they did start painting on canvases the use of ochre was
very important. Ochre is a natural Earth pigment that is usually a brown color and the use of Ochre
directly represents how the Aboriginal culture uses the land to their advantage. They live traditionally
and can survive without anything but what the land gives them. If you look at contemporary art by the
culture the use of symbols and icons are still present just like the original rock art. The same style is
incorporated on the canvas where the artist attempts to tell a story. You can observe this style in Eddie
Blitner s Mimi Spirits and Rainbow Serpent where the painting represents spirits that ...taught many
skills, including hunting, weaving, fishing, painting on rock and on bark, ceremonial songs and dances
to old medicine men... (Artlandish). You can usually recognize an aboriginal piece because it will
include many symbols and use similar colors of brown which comes from
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Income Statement and Milestone
When should the milestone payments received to date by SolvGen be recognized as revenue? A:
FASB codification (605 28) milestone method SolvGen Inc. is gonging to use the milestone method to
recognize the revenue. The milestone method is a recently issued method of recognizing revenue for
research and development arrangements under which consideration to be received by the vendor is
contingent upon the achievement of certain milestones(FASB codification (605 28) milestone
method). Under the commonly applied milestone method, a vendor recognizes revenue in the period
during which the milestone is achieved. Each milestone is essentially treated as a separate contract for
accounting purposes. The milestone method applies only to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The milestone consideration must be reasonable relative to all deliverables and payment terms in the
arrangement Once the company has set the milestones it will recognize the revenue in the period that
the milestone is achieved. MILESTONE RECOGNITION and DELIVERABLES The deliverables for
SolvGen Inc that compromise to make the milestones are the research phase and the
completion/launch of the instrument systems. Since SolvGen is launching different versions of their
instrument systems, there are multiple milestones that the company will account for. With the project
going on for five years the milestone are set by when the phases have been accomplished and the
instrument systems have been launched. There are about five milestones for SolvGen Inc. The first
milestone is the negotiation... Solvgen 1) With regards to the deliverables for the arrangement
described in the case study, there are a few different deliverables described. The first is the research
and development agreement between SolvGen and Careway. The second is the license and distribution
agreement between SolvGen and Careway. These agreements are both written, contractually binding
arrangements that are within the scope of multiple element arrangements. However, this does not
apply to the nonrefundable milestone payments from Careway, because they are payments relating to
research and development deliverables that are accounted for under the milestone method of revenue
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Neck Injury Research Paper
Common injuries
Below is a list of common injuries diagnosed in victims of personal injury cases. The list below will
start with the most common and industry termed soft tissue injuries then move forward in alphabetical
Whiplash is a nontechnical term used to describe a variety of injuries to the neck. The neck injury is
most often is used to represent is a hyperextention hyperflextion injury.
Hyperextension Hyperflexion translates to extreme extension or extreme flexion. This type of injury
can lead to what is also called Strain/Sprain of the cervical spine.
Strain/Sprain Strain is defined as the stretching of muscles or tendons beyond their usual limits; may
be very painful at first but this does not produce any lasting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Cerebral Concussion injury where the brain has been violently shaken about, usually as a result of a
blow to the head.
Some common symptoms to watch for if you suspect that there may have been an impact to the head.
Physical Symptoms the most common symptom associated with a cerebral concussion is a Headache,
however several other symptoms may arise such as dizziness, nausea, impaired use of physical
faculties and motor functions, vomiting, difficulty balancing, and ringing in the ears. In addition to
those listed above there are some visual symptoms such as light sensitivity, blurred vision, double
vision or seeing light spots.
Cognitive and Emotional Symptoms confusion, disorientation, difficulty focusing, and post traumatic
Children may display symptoms of a concussion differently than adults. Be sure to watch for any loss
in interest in favorite activities, crankiness, restlessness, lethargy, and irritability, tearfulness, and
displays of emotion that are inappropriate to the
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Dr. Gupta s Collapse Case Study
I did not receive an incomplete form from Dr. Gupta by December 8th (Thursday). Also, I am
offended that you believe I am trying to earn a passing grade without doing the course work. It is
impossible to receive a passing grade without doing the work. The work has to be available in order
for me to complete it. I have reached out to Dr. Gupta numerous times during the Summer and Fall
semester about the course. He has taken longer than a week to respond to my emails. A lot of emails I
sent Dr. Gupta never received a response. Dr. Gupta has never explained why I have not received a
response from him. Dr. Gupta was present during the time I emailed him because he was sending
group emails to the whole class. I have visited his office and called his office numerous times and I
could not reach him. I should not have a difficult time communicating with my professor. I had a
difficult time arranging a phone meeting with Dr. Gupta. Dr. Gupta has expressed hostility towards me
in his emails such as writing words in all capitals when communicating with me. Using all capital
letters in an email is equivalent to shouting. I was very offended and hurt by his email. I did nothing to
receive that type of response. I only wanted to arranged a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gupta sudden disappearance and lack of communication during the summer semester. Dr. Gupta was
not understanding of my current work schedule during the Fall semester. I notified Dr. Gupta I already
moved off campus (out of state) and I will be starting a new job. I explained to him I am working 40
hours a week and I will need as much time as possible. My new job requires that I give two week
notice before taking off work and I have to work to accumulate leave. Also, I have training classes I
have to take for my new job. All of this factors into time needed for the MA165 course. He agreed to
give me September 1st to November 20th. I missed two weeks of pay for no reason because I did not
have access to the
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The Pros And Cons Of Religious Vaccination
There are several religious exemptions that followers can seem to justify but some cases seem to be
outrageous and a threat to society. One of these exemptions being, religious vaccine exemption which
seems to be a controversial topic even in today s society. Although, there is not an abundance of
religious followers who are against vaccination a few do seem to rise publicly once in a while which
leads to a media frenzy. Religions such as, Christian Scientists and the Dutch Reformed Church are
some of the religions in the past having followers known of creating controversy in this topic. In
which then, stirs the public on establishing an opinion on who to side with and what is right and
wrong. For example, there are cases where children entering schools are not vaccinated due to their
parent s religious beliefs. Should this extreme violation towards safety be allowed? No, I believe that
most cases of religious vaccine exemptions are morally unjustifiable and wrong.
Any act that unnecessarily endangers other human beings and society is morally unjustifiable and
wrong. I believe that when there s an option where something can be easily preventable and is known
to be avoidable then it should be accomplished with such method. When someone decides to
purposely chose an alternative option in which danger and negative consequences may become
pertinent and thus, the outcome it is wrong. There s no reason a sane human being should decide to
purposely make a decision which can
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Pixar s Principles Of Economics In Monsters Inc
Monsters Inc. might just be seen as a Pixar animated kids movie when you first see it, but when you
look deeper into it, you can see many similarities to the general economic concepts; such as our
economy today. In the film, several principles of economics were covered. The film illustrated the
truth behind the difficult decisions common people have to make every single day. Which included
Scarcity, Choices, and Opportunity Costs, The Factors of Production, and the Supply, Demand, and
Market Equilibrium; are all involved in the story a lot of decision making, made by the main
characters. There is a scarcity of light energy when everything goes dark due to not generating enough
terror in children. A choice is seen when Sully is forced to balance
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Farming and Natural Resource Dynamics under Public-Private...
1.1. Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM): Opening Doors for Market
Oriented Approaches Over the past twenty years, CBNRM has been adopted as a panacea for
achieving sustainable NRM and rural economic development in East and Southern Africa [13].
CBNRM was born out of the wisdom that most causes of rural resource degradation take place due to
centralised governance systems that exclude local communities from accessing resources in protected
areas [14]. Thus, Nyirenda et al. [15], note that CBNRM should contribute to improved collective
action in NRM. The net benefits of this approach include among others rural poverty alleviation,
enhancing conservation, strengthening rural economies, empowering local community management
capability in order to lead to long term social, economic and ecological benefits [13]. CBNRM has
been implemented using different models notable among which include Zimbabwe s CAMPFIRE
[16], and LIFE in Namibia [13]. According to Nelson and Agrawal [14], most scholars and CBNRM
practitioners reveal that the approach has not fully achieved its objectives. For instance, in Zambia,
CBNRM programmes have been affected by poor governance in the local community institutions
[15,17]. In Botswana, Nelson and Agrawal [14], assert the lack of political will to manage wildlife
using CBNRM model as one of the challenges. Additionally, some models such as CAMPFIRE have
been criticised as meeting only conservation objectives at the expense of
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The Effects Of Ice On The Australian Government
It has been widely published within the Australian media that there is currently an ice epidemic and
the Australian Government has established a national Ice Taskforce in response to the drug problem
the country is facing (Australian Government 2015). Ice is also known as crystal methamphetamine
and comes in a translucent or white crystal or crystalline powder (Buxton Dove, 2008). The illicit drug
can be smoked, snorted, injected or swallowed and is the most potent form of methamphetamine
because of its high purity (Buxton Dove, 2008). Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive psycho
stimulant that affects the brain and central nervous system, resulting in the release of high levels of the
neurotransmitter dopamine into areas of the brain that regulate feelings of pleasure (Caplan, 2008).
Other types of methamphetamine include speed and base which are lower in purity then crystal
methamphetamine which results in ice having worse side effects and a higher likelihood of addiction
(Lewis, 2008). The consequences of ice use encompass all components of life including health, social
and economic. This briefing paper aims to determine the extent of crystal methamphetamine usage in
Australia and particularly Queensland. The paper will also discuss and develop recommendations on
drug policy intervention that will best combat ice usage and ultimately prevent future illicit drug use
as well as minimise the harm caused to drug users and the community. Summary of
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Recipes Essay
So, you never received an acceptance letter to Hogwarts, but you still want to feast like a wizard?
Think those magical culinary secrets are off limits to you? Think again. In this book, you will discover
fantastical and delicious recipes to please even the pickiest palate. There are sweet treats, savory pies,
and libations to wash it all down. Even muggles and squibs will appreciate these goodies. So turn the
page and see what s on the menu. Who knows, your Patronus might be a pumpkin pastie or a frosty
mug of Butterbeer. Sweets and Treats
Acid Pops
Ron burned his tongue when his brothers gave him an acid pop, but this version is much tamer. They
re sour with a touch of sweetness.
This recipe shows you how to make the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unwrap lollipops and place on waxed paper. Pour Pop Rocks into a shallow bowl.
Remove honey from microwave. Coat the lollipops in honey, and then roll in the Pop Rocks. Return to
waxed paper to dry.
Cockroach Clusters
This spin on the Honeyduke s specialty replaces cockroaches with pretzels, Reese s Pieces, and
marshmallows. The result is a delicious chocolate and peanut butter cluster.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2 ½ to 3 dozen
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 ¾ cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups quick oats
3/4 cup mini marshmallows
1/2 cup mini Reese s Pieces
1/2 cup pretzel pieces
Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add sugar, milk, and cocoa power. Stir to
combine. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 to 1½ minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until the peanut butter is melted. Add oats
and stir to combine. Stir in marshmallows, candy, and pretzels. Once thoroughly mixed, drop onto
prepared baking sheet using a tablespoon. Cool for 1 hour, or until set.
Chocolate Frogs and Peppermint Toads
You can purchase frog shaped candy molds to create these chocolate truffle frogs. Harry tasted his first
chocolate frog on the Hogwarts Express. Add some peppermint extract to make Peppermint Toads.
Prep time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 dozen of each variety
½ cup heavy cream
8 ounces
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The Importance Of Reasoning In Critical Thinking
Society today requires individuals to develop skills to make informed, thought driven decisions, rather
than quick hasty decisions, in many situations both personally and professionally. Decisions like these
are made based on critical thinking skills that are not inherited but developed through many years of
training both of the mind and of one s thought processes. Understanding how thinking occurs and
analyzing the thought processes are steps that critical thinkers use on a daily basis (Paul Elder, 2012).
In addition, according to Celuch Slama (2000), critical thinking is essential to lifelong learning and is
developed through improved reasoning and communication skills.
Oftentimes, reasoning and thinking are used interchangeably; however, reasoning represents the
higher order thinking skills (Paul Elder, 2012). Accordingly, thinking can be conscious or
unconscious; however, reasoning is always conscious and requires logic (Difference Between
Thinking and Reasoning, 2016). Understanding the eight elements of reasoning associated with
developing intellectual traits, is important for critical thinking (Paul Elder, 2012). Reasoning always
has a purpose which in turn is the goal or objective of the thought (Paul Elder, 2012). Developing a
budget for Christmas shopping to prevent overspending is an example of reasoning with a purpose.
Questioning or trying to figure out a problem is another element of reasoning (Celuch Slama, 1999).
Asking ourselves questions,
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High Tech Companies Like Arm Are Often Cited As Great...
6. High tech companies like ARM are often cited as great examples of UK success. What drawbacks
does such an emphasis have? Although high technology manufacturing (and by extension high tech
companies that operate in that sector) is a good way for the UK to improve its productivity (output per
labour force) and its global competitiveness [6], too much emphasis on high tech companies present
possible drawbacks. Firstly, there is a mismatch in skills required by the high tech industry and the
actual skillsets of the UK labour force. Only 27.2% of the UK population aged 16 to 74 have a degree
or equivalent or higher [2]. Taking cognizance of the fact that most high tech jobs require at least a
degree, undue emphasis on that sector neglects the other 72.8% of the population. And this neglect has
dire consequences. As evidenced by the recent UK referendum vote to leave the EU and the rise of the
US presidential candidate Donald Trump, if a substantial part of the population feel left behind or
disillusioned with the economy, it can lead to political unrest, and possible negative populist decisions
that can hurt the general economy. Generally, businesses do not thrive under uncertainties. The
political uncertainty brought about by the recent UK referendum was cited by business leaders as the
top risk facing UK businesses [6]. These political risks negatively affect the general economy, in terms
of both reductions in GDP growth and value of the UK pounds sterling. Another
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Fish Analysis
If you like fish chances are you like catfish. The following recipe is a great way to prepare your catfish
fillets for a great change from the routine of fried catfish. The blackening technique, used in this
recipe, is credited to chef Paul Prudhomme of New Orleans and has since been adapted for use with
several kinds of meats and poultry but fish seems to be the most popular for this process.
4 catfish fillets olive oil
1/3 lb. bacon
2 teaspoons each of the following:
garlic powder thyme white pepper black pepper cayenne pepper lemon pepper chili powder rosemary,
crushed fennel seed, crushed
1 teaspoon each of the following:
allspice teaspoon oregano teaspoon salt
The following instructions can be modified to your personal taste. The spice rub is even sold ... Show
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I like to use fresh bacon grease in my skillet. I just coat the bottom right before I add the fillet and then
clean the skillet between fillets to rid it of any burnt bacon grease. I think I just like the bacon
appetizer I get with this recipe so I think I will stick with it. My kids love to sneak up and snatch a
piece when I m not looking too. If you don t have a cast iron skillet you can use a regular skillet and if
you don t have a burner to use outside you can do this on the stove but be sure to have the fan on high
and maybe open a window or two. The smoke will burn your eyes and throat so be careful with that.
Catfish don t seem to smoke near as much as salmon either because of the oils in the salmon or my
reluctance to get the skillet as hot as my friend does but either way it is all worth the efforts.
Blackened catfish can be served with just tarter sauce and a cold drink and chips or you can get a little
fancy and serve it on a bed of rice with mixed vegetables and a glass of wine with lemon juice over
the fillet, it really works well either
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The Importance Of Aggregation
I have go over separate encounters for my life that bring tested me. These testing circumstances bring
provided for me careful seeing Also information for the A long time. Person specific circumstance that
tested my center quality might have been those day An homeless unique spared me starting with
falling under An profound pit around An way. Looking into this day, my an aggregation might have
been spared from an mischance inside a is concerned from claiming minutes starting with a distinct
whom i need been prepared on evade because of the reality that they need aid homeless due to
constantly pill addicts. There are a lot of people homeless people around each movement light out and
about from my house prompting those fundamental street purposely
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Effects Of Air Pollution Essay
An increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) leads to worsening environmental condition in poor
countries. This inverse relation is shown in the environmental Kuznets s curve. Economic growth is
perceived to be able to achieve both economic and environmental objectives, whereas the
environmental policy may impede economic growth. This turns limits to economic growth and
environmentally unfavorable stage of development. Air pollution is a most dangerous problem faced
by both developed and developing countries in the world. Industrialization and urbanization have
resulted in deterioration of air quality. Urban air pollution problems reached a crisis in many cities of
the developing countries. There are several preventable diseases resulting from air pollution. Human
health is very closely linked to environmental quality. According to official statistics, 25% of all
endemic diseases are caused by detrimental environmental factors. Suspended Particulate Matter
(SPM), Carbon monoxide, oxides of Nitrogen, Sulphur dioxide etc. are considered as the major air
pollutants. In most megacities of India, the concentration of a number of air pollutants is much higher
than WHO recommended levels. For instance, the capital city of India, New Delhi, is one of the top
ten most polluted cities in the world. Literature reviews show that in New Delhi, the incidence of
respiratory diseases due to air pollution is about twelve times the national average. In urban India,
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Cornell College Reflection
7. What summer experience has been of significance to you? Why?
Summer of 2017 at Cornell s condensed 6 weeks semester with credit, taught by their professors was a
sheer pleasure.
It gave me a true preview of the college experience.
I learn to speak with not talk to my professors and teaching assistants when I needed help and to
discuss class topics to further my knowledge by exploring the topics with them in conversations.
I learned to plan, such as checking my email frequently for posted assignments a week before they
were due, instead of a day, like in high school.
I had to learn to manage my time more effectively.
No adult or parents telling me what to do; I was completely free.
The Cornell Summer College allowed me to gain the responsibility that comes with real freedom.
8. Have you traveled to or lived in different localities? If so, where?
My parents have always adhered to our seeing the USA. Our travels have been on holidays, when our
parents have conventions, and a combination of exploring America s historic sites, national
monuments, learning about history through museums, unique settings such as Sturbridge Village, and
seeing colleges.
As my resume shows I have been to Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Yellowstone
National Park in Wyoming, California (both the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas), Illinois
(Chicago), Rhode Island, Arizona, Maryland (Baltimore), and Florida. Winter weather and friends
have made our international
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The Divine Comedy By Virgil And Dante
Relationships come in many forms with varying troubles and blessings. In the book, The Divine
Comedy, two of the main characters, Virgil and Dante, can have a seemingly simple relationship, but
when closely examined and reflected on, it is actually quite complex. They venture through the depths
of hell, the complications of a long journey, and the perplexing reality of purgatory. Throughout their
relationship they are faced with different gains and trials that they react to in various ways. Their
circumstances are always changing and the course is rough, but throughout the entirety of their
venture together, there remains one constant element, and that is the love they share in their
relationship. It is outwardly expressed through their actions and words throughout the entirety of the
The question I came across in reading The Divine Comedy is:
Why does Dante use different terms to address Virgil? What do they mean or what is their
significance? How does the development of their relationship affect the story as a whole?
The most common name used by Dante is My guide , which is the most logical name he would use to
call Virgil. This is because Virgil is leading Dante through all these different journeys, taking every
step right by his side. Virgil has an understanding of Dante s uncertainty, and takes him under his
wing. He was chosen for Dante to guide him and that is why Dante uses the possessive my to refer to
him because Virgil was specifically provided
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  • 2. The Grimm Brothers And Fairy Tales The Grimm Brothers are well known around the world for the fairy tales they shared to the world. The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers, and authors who together specialized in collecting and publishing folklore during the 19th century. They were among the best known storytellers of folk tales and the popularized stories such as Cinderella , The Frog Prince , Hansel and Gretel , Rapunzel , Rumpelstiltskin , and Snow White . Their first collection of folk tales, Children s and Household Tales, was published in 1812 (Brothers Grimm). The Grimm Brothers shared fairy tales that had been passed down through generations, these stories changed the everyday lives of many people by influencing their perception. This article will help to get to know the Grimm brothers from their family origins, to what happened to their stories over years. The Grimm Brothers originally came from Hanau, Germany. The boys grew up in a family of eleven. Sons of Philipp Wilhelm Grimm and Dorothea Grimm, née Zimmer had nine children and three died in infancy. Jacob and Wilhelm were the second and the third eldest in the family. In the early 1800 s, the boys began to study law at the University of Marburg. While there at the university they began to collect folktales. After Jacob and Wilhelm s mother died, Jacob took the liberty to look after his younger siblings and went to work at a library in Kassel, and then Wilhelm did ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Integrative Genomic Analysis In Cancer Essay Other methodologies for integrative genomic analysis in cancer have been studied previously. The review presented in cite{kristensen2014principles} summarizes a number of different tools and algorithms used in this area. The paper classifies these methods into statistical, machine learning, gene set, network, and other analysis techniques. Many work has been done to perform an integrated analysis using genetic and gene expression data. In cite{xiong2012integrating}, the authors illustrated that joint analyses of genomic data increase the power to detect real associations when compared with gene set methods that use only one genomic data type. They developed a single statistical framework, Gene Set Association Analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The authors of this paper integrated high dimensional genetic and proteomic data in a cohort of subjects in which a portion experienced an adverse event (AE) after primary immunization with Aventis Pasteur smallpox vaccine. They modelled the AE risk using 1442 single nucleotide polymorphisms as genetic variables and 108 serum cytokine concentrations as proteomic variables. They employed the Random Forests (RF) method to filter the most important attributes to be used in the building of a final decision tree model. After that, they built a comprehensive model of AE development by integrating information from previous studies with the genetic and proteomic attributes identified by RF. The biological factors included in the model support their hypothesized mechanism for the development of AEs involving prolonged stimulation of inflammatory pathways and an imbalance of normal tissue damage repair pathways. A novel approach was presented in cite{zhong2010integrating}. This approach uses information from genetics of gene expression studies to investigate biological pathways enriched for expression associated genetic loci related with disease in publicly available Genome wide Association Studies (GWAS) results. The authors of this paper, first identified SNPs in population based human cohorts that associate with the expression of genes (eSNPs) in the metabolically active tissues liver, subcutaneous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Photograph, Two Beds The photograph, Two Beds, Two Windows taken by Jack Leigh is a silver gelatin print from 1981. In this era of color photography, a photograph like this with black, white and grey hues is a novelty, especially for the younger generation. On first glance, the exhibit appears to be a simple photograph of a cabin with two beds and two windows giving a view of a coastline and an ocean in the distance. Even then it does manage to strike a chord and one can identify with The Conflict Within the human mind. It is a perfect metaphorical representation of the two sides of the human mind. On seeing the photo for the first time one can conclude that it shows the interior of a bedroom in a cabin and that it is located on the coast. The room has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whereas outside the windows, one can see some shrubbery followed by a coastline and an endless ocean stretching up to the horizon outside. Its vastness is compelling. There are two beds inside the room. The bed to the left is covered with a ruffled bed sheet of indistinct and dull print. It even has a pillow flung on top of it. The other is covered neatly with a bright bed sheet having a flower print design. Here the pillow is tucked away beneath the sheet. Out of the two windows in the room, the one on the left has the shutter half way down and the one to the right has the shutter wide open. But both windows are shut and at the top, light can be seen streaming in mainly through the unshuttered window. It helps brighten, mostly the right side of the room. Windows and beds are separated by chasms of dark shadows. The walls are made of horizontal planks of wood. Outside the window, one can see shrubs causing a barricade like appearance. This is followed by the coastline and the ocean waves crashing against it. In the distance one can see the sky meeting the ocean at the horizon. This photograph of a bedroom overlooking the coastline in grey hues immediately sets one in a reflective mood. The use of sharp lines and the closed space in the cabin is strikingly similar to a closed human mind. The bedroom, a place of leisure and rest can be considered a representation of the subconscious mind. Here one s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Knowledge Of The Natural Sciences And History Based On... When the quote states, attempt to know the world , it is regarding the gain of knowledge. This is because knowledge is the understanding of the physical world surrounding us and beyond. Plato defined knowledge as justified, true belief, meaning that for knowledge to be legitimate, it must be justified by sources such as reason, empirical evidence or memory. Secondly, the term assumptions in the quote should also be explored. According to the oxford dictionary, assumptions can be defined as something that is accepted as true without proof . Therefore the quote is stating that our knowledge of the world is based on a set of assumptions. The second part of the assertion produces the knowledge issues of the inability of testing the knowledge. The oxford dictionary defines tested as taking measurements to check the reliability of the something. Therefore, a key question that comes from this quote is: To what extent are all knowledge in the natural sciences and history based on assumptions and is it possible to test it s reliability? The first knowledge issue from this quote is that the knowledge gained from the physical world is based on things that without proof. This knowledge issue can be interlinked with the area of knowledge of natural sciences. The natural sciences study the rules that govern the natural world by applying an empirical and scientific method to study of the universe. It is considered on of the more objective area of knowledge due to the scientific ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Battle of Gettysburg Essay What was supposed to last 90 days, now dragged on for more than two years. It was apparent, now more than ever, that little was being accomplished but the taking of hundreds of thousands of lives. The war between the Union and Confederacy had been in a sort of deadlock where each side could claim victories as easy as defeats. By this time the south had the upper hand militarily wise, just coming off a magnificent tactical victory at Chancellorsville in May. General Lee headed the Confederacy s, Army of Northern Virginia, General Meade headed the Union s Army of the Potomac. Both sides saw the need to win that one, crucial victory to turn the tide completely in their favor. They would get their chances at a small town in Pennsylvania. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By this point in the war, the citizens of the Confederacy were growing more and more doubtful of their future as long as the war was being fought. Food was at a scarcity, money was gradually becoming worthless and thousands of soldiers had been killed. Lee s army was having a lot of success in Virginia since Fredericksburg in December 1862, but the war was exacting a heavy toll on life in the south. It was becoming evident to Lee and President Davis so they knew they had to get the spirit of the people to rise again. No better possible way to do so then by obliterating the Army of the Potomac on northern soil. In doing so, General Lee hoped to not only raise morale in his ranks and the south, but crush the northern spirit. A win here would for sure demoralize even more, those opposing the war in the north, which might get public opinion to swing to anti war. Also, Lee would pressure the north into sending troops from Washington, weakening its defenses or possibly draw troops from Grant s army at Vicksburg. On the other hand, General Meade s, Army of the Potomac also had reasons to win the battle. Newly appointed, General George Meade, had a huge task ahead of him. He had just assumed command of the Union s main eastern army and now he must halt Lee s advance. Two very difficult obstacles for him but if he couldn t stop the Army of Northern Virginia then his country was in jeopardy. With the capture of Vicksburg seeming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Toilet Auger Research Paper Managing toilet obstructs effectively makes it to the base of the rundown of things a great many people need to do as opposed to getting a charge out of an unwinding end of the week or night, yet it happens to various mortgage holders. Considerably more at times, you may have an obstructing toilet that influences you to figure your youngsters may have lost a toy or stuffed the neighbor s feline in the porcelain position of royalty. However, you don t need to call a handyman. Property holders might need to take a stab at utilizing a toilet auger to dispose of a headstrong obstructs. What is a Toilet Auger? A toilet auger, or handyman s snake, may not look like much, but instead, it can enable you to dispense with willful toilet stops up. A toilet auger is usually a little more than 3 feet long and includes an unbending metal tube with a handle that you wrench toward one side and an internal center link made of metal on the other. The link is pressure wrapped and reaches out from the metal tube like a long, adaptable bore that is ideal for clearing toilet stops up. Some toilet augers have a plastic boot on the end that shields the porcelain from harm. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Turn the wrench on the finish of the auger while holding the metal tubing in one hand to broaden the link into your toilet s pipe. Handing the wrench over the other way will withdraw the auger. Toilet stops up that are caused by semi strong items, for example, hair or a toy causes protection in the auger as it seizes the question. If you feel this protection, recover the question by rewinding the link. On the off chance that the stop up is made of amassed objects, for example, bathroom tissue, take a stab at passing the loop of the auger forward and backward through the obstruct to break ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Realism In The Lumiere Brothers Realism is the artistic attempt to recreate life as it is in the context of an artistic medium. It began as a revolt against the conventions of the classic view of art in the late 1800s in America and Europe in the form of an artistic movement (McConnel, R. 1997). There are many themes involved with realism that shall be discussed. These include accuracy and independence. Realists attempt to portray the illusion that their film world has not been manipulated and is almost like a mirror to the real world. Their techniques are different to those of any other film. They try to make the film seem as real and as close to normal life as possible by using natural lighting instead of special lighting equipment, they also mostly use hand held cameras and employ non professional actors to really uphold this realistic image. The Lumiere Brothers were the pioneers of realism through films as they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The depiction of subjects is always absolutely accurate to reinforce the portrayal of real life and is void of any unnecessary artistic embellishment (Vaux, R. 2014). A technique that is used is filming done on locations rather than sets to properly portray the feel of real life. Events are not euphemized or hyperbolized to become a distortion or opinion of the truth. Unpleasant images, words and events are portrayed in full with no hidden facts, as well as plain images, words or events. A realist film that shows great accuracy is the war film All Quiet on the Western Front. The storyline incorporates just enough action to inform viewers that it is a war movie and at the same time it also embodies many other aspects such as the politics, emotions and hype involved with the war (Ronald, R. 2013). This gives the viewer a more accurate view as all aspects of the war are covered. Throughout the film we see that real locations have been chosen to enhance the realistic vision and accuracy of the film. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Function Of A Value Of X Essay Up to now if I gave you an equation, and asked you to solve it for x you would be, in general, looking for a value of x which solved the equation. Given: x^2+3x+2=0 You can solve this equation to find two values of x. I could also give you an equation which linked x and y explicitly, and you could find a relationship between the two which, given a value of x would give you a value of y. You ve been doing this now for many years. Now we re going to add a hugely powerful tool to our mathematical arsenal. We re going to allow our equations to include information about gradients of the function...let s see what this means... We re going to take everything that you learnt about integration and turn it into a way to model and understand the world around us. This is a very powerful statement and indeed differential equations are without a doubt the most powerful mathematical tool we have to understand the behaviour of everything from fundamental particles to populations, economies, weather, flow of wealth, heat, fluids, the motion of planets, the life of stars, the flight of an aircraft, the trajectory of a meteor, the way a pendulum swings, the way a ponytail swings (see paper on this here), the way fish move, the way algae grow, the way a neuron fires, the way a fire spreads...and so much more. So what is a differential equation? It is an equation which contains one or more derivatives of a function. Let s look at a very simple example, of population growth. We might want to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Mind Controls Our Brain For the last few years, with this significant progress in the field of neuroscience and the researches on brain s study, there has been a huge modification of some statement that were considered as relevant in the past such our brain controls our mind but, nowadays it s quite clear that science agrees the contrary , which is our mind controls our brain and this can be elucidated by the fact that statistics confirm that 75 98 % of physical, mental and behavior illnesses come from our thought life; 350 million worldwide people suffer from depression;40 million people in the U.S. suffer from anxiety and disorders and there are more deaths from suicides than from car accidents. The interesting part of such study is when the neuroplasticity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This essay will demonstrate some of these facts: It will show first that positives thoughts build healthy proteins in the brain, and secondary that negatives thoughts interfere one s ability to make wise decision. The impact of healthy thought is obvious. The science has proved that human brain is wired for beauty and for love (there is no room for the negative).Therefore when people are thinking and choosing, they are causing genetic expression and that means that at that appropriate time the production of proteins is happening and all these proteins grouped altogether form thought trees in the brain. A human being is also a thinking being .Every time one is thinking; he is growing a physical substance inside of the brain; he is actually changing the structure and function of his brain. So when one s choosing to think life which is positives thoughts, he is building an extraordinary ability to determine, achieve, and maintain optimal levels of intelligent, mental health, peace, and happiness, as well as the prevention of disease in one s body and mind. If someone through conscious mind is able to gain control of thoughts and feeling, by doing so, he gains the ability to change the programming and chemistry of his brain. There are even more encouragement pieces about the plasticity of the brain. For example, Universality believe logic and language are learned at fixed age, and someone passed that fixed age, he can t learn. Plasticity research proves ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Walgreens Essay History [edit] Company history A typical Walgreens Pharmacy. The Walgreens chain began in 1901, with a drug store on the corner of Bowen Ave and Cottage Grove, Chicago, Illinois, United States owned by Galesburg native Charles R. Walgreen, Sr.[6] By 1915, there were five Walgreen drugstores. He added several improvements to the stores such as soda fountains and luncheon service. He also began to make his own line of drug products and was then able to control the quality of the items and sell them at lower prices. By 1916, 19 stores were in operation, all in Chicago. And in that same year, all the stores were consolidated under Walgreen Co. The 1920s was a very successful decade for Walgreens. In 1921, the company opened stores ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This development coincided with the invention of the electric blender in the same year. [edit] Store model An Uptown Houston Walgreens at a street intersection. Originally, Walgreens stores were connected to local groceries. In Chicago, which is Walgreens primary market, they teamed up with either Eagle Food Centers or Dominick s Finer Foods, usually with a walkthru to the adjoining store and often sharing personnel. This concept was instated to compete with the popular dual store format used by chief competitor Jewel Osco. Eventually, they ended the relationship with Eagle and focused primarily on a connection to the Dominick s stores, which were considered to be of a better quality. PharmX Rexall stepped in and filled the vacated Walgreen locations joined to Eagle stores. In its 2009 business model Walgreens locations are always set up as freestanding locations at the corners of busy, intersecting streets on the prevailing side of the street with the most traffic flow literally making it a corner drugstore similar to how many independent pharmacies evolved over the years in the United States. This also usually allows the store to offer additional conveniences such as a drive through pharmacy and 24 hour shopping ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Software Upgrade. A Case Study of JetBlue and WestJet... MANGERIAL IT (MBA 8290) HAMLINE UNIVERSITY Individual Case Study: JetBlue Airways Corp, WestJet Airlines Ltd, and others: The Difficult Path to Software Upgrades Introduction I would argue that any organization undergoing system upgrades should ensure that the end result of such an upgrade must align with its business process and goals. There is no crystal ball that can show if an upgrade will meet the entire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... JetBlue had a backup website. Both airlines made changes to their flight schedules in anticipation of a glitch. JetBlue chose a perfect time to implement its upgrade. JetBlue s precautionary measure of having a backup website and extra workers helped minimized the difficulties associated with software upgrade. We are told in the case that WestJet s website crashed due to customers who flooded their site, and its call center was overwhelmed. On the other hand, JetBlue contracted 500 outside reservation agents in anticipation of any issue. It routed basic calls to temporary workers, leaving its own call staff to handle more complex tasks. Why are ERP upgrades so complex and expensive? What roles does ERP customization, if any, play in this progress? Can you discern a pattern in what seems to be the major cost drivers of the upgrade process? Enterprise Resource Planning is an enterprise wide information system designed to coordinate all the resources, and information needed to complete business activities. It is a business management system that attempts to integrate multifarious functions of an organization. ERP serves as cross functional enterprise backbone that integrates and automates many internal business processes and information system.1 It promises one database, one application, and a unified interface across the entire enterprise. The success of a functioning ERP depends on a suitable system that aligns with the business process of an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Comparing Christianity, Judaism, And Islam Christianity, Judaism and Islamic have many difference and similarities between them. The three top things they all have in common is Supreme Being, Person of Jesus Christ, Ethics, and life after death, they all believe that when you die you go to heaven or hell. but even though they all believe in that, they believe in different ways of getting to heaven and how to get to hell. Christianity began in 33 CE and was created out of the religion of Judaism. Christianity was founded on the life, and teaching of Jesus Christ and the people who follow his belief are Christians . Judaism began in 7th century BCE and was founded in the Middle East. Many Jews believe that Abraham was seen as the father of the Jews and Moses was the founder of Judaism. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They read about this in the book of the Bible, which has the old and new testaments. The Bible is inspired by the Word of God, and the do and don t about certain things and rules, and if you break these rules, then you have to have your sins forgiven. They believe that Jesus died on the cross for them to live a sinless life. Judaism has a bible just like Christianity. However, their Bible is a Hebrew Bible or the old Testament in the Christian Bible. Which that would make Judaism The first religion and Christian is based on Christianity. Their belief in Jesus is that he did the right thing and taught the rule of how to live a sinless life. But their values were based on the Ten Commandments and at a young age, they were always instructed to follow the Ten Commandments. Therefore, when they die, they will go to heaven. The difference though between Christians and Jews is that Judaism is much stricter than Christians being that Jews are based on the 10 Commandments, and Old Testaments and Christianity was written by the new testaments. Islam believed that Jesus was sent by Allah to teach children the Islamic prayer and when Jesus died (not on the cross) Allah took him to heaven to be with him. They say that people who do not believe in the Islam prayer and rules will be punished, and they will go to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. A Marxist Reading of Native Son Essay A Marxist Reading of Native Son In the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx states clearly that history is a series of class struggles over the means of production. Whoever controls the means of production also controls society and is able to force their set of ideas and beliefs onto the lower class. The present dominant class ideology is, as it has been since the writing of the United States Constitution, the ideology of the upper class, Anglo Saxon male. Obviously, when the framers spoke of equality for all, they meant for all land owning white men. The words of the Declaration of Independence, also written by upper class, Anglo American males, are clear: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights necessary to each human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The need for love and belonging is third and manifests in the drive to establish affectionate relationships or create a sense of community. Fourth in the hierarchy are the esteem needs, which Maslow divides into two parts: the need for the respect of others, and the need for self respect (Boeree). The fifth and final stage in Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs forms the pinnacle and is identified as self actualization or the desire for self fulfillment . . . to become everything one is capable of becoming (Green). According to Maslow s theoy, the order in which these needs appear in the hierarchy is the order in which humans must attain them. Needs higher in the hierarchy cannot be attained without first satisfying the more basic needs at the base (Boeree). When any level of these needs is not met, a deficit need is created, causing negative effects on the human psychology, a phenomenon seen in the main character of Native Son, Bigger Thomas. Maslow believes that in a good society each individual is free to accomplish his or her goals and move freely through the hierarchy (Boeree). But for a poor black man, like Bigger Thomas, who lives in a society where the dominant class ideology and the social structure hinder rather than support attaining self actualization, it is almost impossible to reach the pinnacle of the hierarchy. The dominant class ideology has caged Bigger politically, economically, racially, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Crime Is The Violation Of Societal Rules Of Behavior Essay According to Sigel (2012), crime is the violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted and expressed by a criminal legal code, created by people who hold social and political power. Any violation of these rules by an individual may subject themselves to sanctions by the state authority, social stigma and the loss of status. Crime may be broken down into three types, property crimes, offenses against the person and statutory offenses. A status offense is an illegal act committed by a juvenile or juveniles, who are minors. A status offence is an act committed by a juvenile whose actions are not in line with the law or the area in which it was committed as if an adult committed it. There are different types of status offences, which can vary, depending on where it is committed. The most common ones though are truancy, running away, being beyond the control of parents or guardians, violating curfew, or possession and usage of alcohol or tobacco, Michon (2016). From these common offenses, it is clear to see that this can be an issue in the Caribbean society. In order to find better means by which to reduce status offenses in the Caribbean, then by studying the relevant theories associated with them would help to explain their origins. In the Jamaican society, more specifically, teenage high school students, easily stressed, bullied, may have suicidal tendencies and influenced by their peers which can lead to smoking and drinking alcohol Budd (2011). Based on a survey ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay General Knowledge Rondo Op.51 No.1 in C major by Beethoven Rondo: a musical form characterized by a repeated theme that alternate with other themes Opus: a number given chronologically order the works of a composer This rondo was composed between 1796 and 1797. About the composer and period: Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770 1827) Period: Classical (1750 1820)/early Romantic (about 1820/30s 1910) Nationality: German Contemporaries: Haydn, Mozart, Clementi Works included: 32 piano sonatas (including the Pathetique ; the Moonlight ; the Appassionata ); bagatelles, 6 sonatinas 9 symphonies including the Eroica (3rd); Pastoral (6th); the Choral (9th) chamber music including 9 piano trios, 5 cello and piano sonatas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... minant of C major) Bars 21 24 D major (Dominant of G major) C2 Bars 25 28 G major Bars 29 30 A minor (Relative minor of C major/Supertonic of G major) Bar 31 G major Bar 32 A minor/G major Bars 33 34 (beat 2) G major D (codetta) Bars 34 (beat 3) 38 G major F# diminished 7 in bars 35, 37 Bars 39 43 (beat 2) A hint of C minor (Tonic minor of C major) A Bars 43 48 C major Bars 49 (beats 1 2) G major Bars 49 (beat 3) 51 C major (with chromatic notes) E1 Bars 52 54 (beat 2) C minor (Tonic minor of C major) Bars 54 (beat 3) 55 (beat 2) F minor (Subdominant of C minor) Bars 55 (beat 3) 56 Leading to C minor Bars 57 59 E flat major (relative major of C minor) E2 Bars 60 63 E flat major Bar 64 A hint of F minor Bar 65 A hint of G minor Bars 66 67 (beat 2) C minor E1 Bars 67 (beat 3) 69 (beat 2) C minor Bars 69 (beat 3) 70 (beat 1) F minor Bars 70 (beat 2) 71 (beat 2) C minor Bars 71 (beat 3) 72 (beat 1) F minor Bars 72 (beat 1 s) 73 C minor Bridge 1 Bars 73 76 (beat 2) Chromatic scale passage leading to A flat major A Bars 76 (beat 3) 83 A flat major Bar 83 (beats 3 4) Leading to C minor (Dominant) B Bars 84 92 (beat 2) C minor A Bars 92 (beat 3) 100 C major B Bars 100 (beat 3) 105 (beat 2) C major (with chromatic notes) A Bars 105 (beat 3) 106 (beat 2) C major Bars 106 (beat 3) 107 (beat 2) C minor Bars 107 (beat 3) 110 D flat major Bridge 2 Bars 111 113 (beat 2) D flat major Bar 113 (beats 3 4) F ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Net Neutrality And The Freedom Of The Internet In order to understand what the issues the governments face it s important that people understand what the internet access is and how Net Neutrality plays an immense role in freedom of the internet. In FreePress (2017) define Net Neutrality to be the basic principle that internet service providers of ISP s will not be able allowed to speed up, slow down, or block any website that you wish to access. The basic principle implies that people will have control over what websites they choose without having the media companies infringe on their privacy or access by slowing it down or shutting it down. As the internet facilitates freedom of speech it s important the people have a platform that will allow people to partake in a sacred democratic value. In providing access for people to communicate online, the internet service providers should provide open networks and should not be able to block or discriminate against any application or the content that is displayed on the network. In the United States, freedom of speech is an inherent privilege afforded to us as one of our constitutional rights. These rights, specifically the 1st amendment, allow us to voice our thoughts whether these thoughts are expressed through writing or speaking. Having the internet, is one of the many platforms that allows us use of our constitutional right, and to restrict our access is censorship. A censorship of our ideologies and in turn a violation of our constitutional rights. This ideology ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Jewish Tolerance In Medieval Christian Society Shenecia Brown Hebr.211 paper #1 JEWISH TOLERANCE IN MUSLIM SPAIN AND MEDIEVAL CHRISTIAN SOCIETY After the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 Jews found themselves in the hands of tolerant Muslims in Al Andalus. Muslim tolerance of Jews played an important role in the advancement of Jewish studies as from this came great philosophers and leaders and the creation of the Talmud. When compared to Jews in the medieval Christian society, Jews in Muslim Spain in the Golden Age were more tolerated and thus able exercise their freedom comparably more that in Rome. Firstly, Jews in medieval christian society when compared to those in Muslim Spain were less tolerated. This is because they were being forced to convert, denied certain rights and prevented ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In medieval Christian society as the Jewish population grew, Christians became more unsettled. They began to see Jews as a threat and their tolerance dwindled. Reasons for this sudden change is mainly based on the Jews disregard of Christ and Christianity. They blaspheme against Christ... and their religious book called the Talmud in which they considered as law, had statements that relate to [the] blasphemy of Christ . As a result over time, despite their stance on protecting Jews, Christians became hostile towards Jews. Events such as the the first crusade in 1095 in which Jews in Rhineland were attacked by...However in Muslim territories, things were much different as Jews and other minorities were given freedom with minimal limitations to practice their religion. Jews in particular were so much tolerated that their Dhimmi status went unacknowledged in certain periods. These periods are known as the Golden Age in Jewish history and in this time Jews flourished as many great leaders arose who were experts in philosophy, poetry, Hebrew language and the Talmud. To muslims, Jews were simply second class citizens that could be trusted to lead and give excellent advice to Calphs. One could argue that Muslim tolerance of Jews equate with that of medieval Christians due to the uproar of anti semitism during the Golden Age but one delves further you will find that these moments were stirred by radical groups and not by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Donald Trump Executive Order After the first week of Donald Trump s presidency many changes have been occurring in the country. A continuous stream of executive orders signed by the President are causing extreme controversy. Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into The United States, the more moderate version of the Muslim ban that President Trump called for during his campaign was signed on Friday. Some people who were still in the air when Trump signed the order were detained or sent back to where they flew in from when they landed. This led to people being detained in airports sparking numerous protests at airports across the country, calling the order unconstitutional. On Saturday, a federal judge temporarily stayed the order, stopping people from being detained and deported from the country. The President has also signed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Students, for example, are worried about their future under Trump. It is likely that he will decide to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as minors a renewable two year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit. Judging by Trump s extreme views on immigration and little interest in the protection of law abiding undocumented immigrants, these individuals they have a legitimate cause for concern. Another group fearing the Trump policies are women. A recent memorandum reinstated the Mexico City policy, confirming Trump s anti abortion stance. As can be seen even before the reinstatement of this policy, during the Women s March, many women were concerned about their right to choose and control over their bodies under this Presidency. With the impending appointment of a new justice on the Supreme Court, this issue is causing great anxiety among women all around the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. A Scandal in Bohemia Essay Tammy Coleman Dr. Wilson The Bohemian Scandal In Conan Doyle s short story A Scandal in Bohemia (1888), Sherlock Holmes can tell that the stranger possess great wealth before he speaks a single word. Sherlock Holmes analyzes everything when it comes to people. He uses their appearance, how they carry themselves, and what kind of objects they have on them. The author uses descriptive words to describe the way the stranger looked. This essay will prove that Sherlock Holmes is so observant of everyone, that he can tell who you are before speaking to you. In the short story A Scandal in Bohemia Mr. Sherlock Holmes receives a letter of the most secretive importance. In this letter, it was stated that the person is not to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A man with luxury would have an area where he can get exercise regularly and would be well nourished. Watson describes his clothing as rich but bad in taste. In many countries being gaudy is a sign of having wealth. It is a way of expressing that they have more money than everyone else. The stranger has bands of astrakhan on his sleeves. Astrakhan is fur from a young lambs coat. People with money tend to wear fur that no one else can afford. He was wearing a cloak with flame coloured silk. Silk is a precious material that only the rich could trade for. His brooch had a single flaming beryl. A beryl is a gem, and gems were used as jewelry. The beryl was most likely a rare gem because Watson described it as a flaming beryl. It was intensely passionate to the eye. The boots were trimmed with rich brown fur. Notice that he did not describe the fur as just fur. He stated that it was a rich brown fur. As stated before, most likely an animal s fur that is rare. The man had his face covered with a black vizard. The man was trying to hide his identity with a black vizard. Only someone who would be recognized would wear a mask. The man made sure that Holmes could not see his face because his hand was still raised to ensure it was covered. This was to ensure his identity was concealed. Watson described his face of having strong features and to have a length of obstinancy. The man knows what he wants and gets it. He has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Human Inquiry vs Everday Assumptions Much of the publics conceived notions about the world and the reality in which we innately live, can be explained by contrasting our assumptions against various types of inquiry and research. The process of developing an explanation through testing, investigating, and collecting data that either refutes or supports the original claim is known as inquiry, or the process of researching. While that which is presupposed, or a belief that is used to interpret the world around us, is an assumption. Naturally, we regularly formulate our beliefs based upon our assumptions and make inferences based from these assumptions, however, today this is often done with little regard to critical thinking or reason. Furthermore, out of naiveté we seek to refute conclusions to that which we do not want to belive, pursuing a form of bias from those holding assumptions similar to what we desire; for in such manner, we justify our rejection of the undesirable. On the contrary, we hastily accept an assumption that supports a conclusion we perceive desirable, while giving little mind to the validity of the assumption, or the awareness of a becomingly tolerant society toward improper inquiry. This is human nature, it s unavoidable, but the ignorance thereof, serves as the catalyst to our own servility by standing as the largest hinderance toward proper inquiry and research. Humans can be placed in any situation and we will start to give it some kind of meaning in hopes to gain a basis for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay on Communicating Leadership Leadership, Traditional versus Transformational What should a leader look like? Important leaders, such as presidents and prime ministers, work hard communicate an impression of confidence and power. A leader, they assume, should look like a leader, and many of them hire an image specialist to learn how. Wherever they go, press agents, bodyguards, loyal assistants, and throngs of eager admirers follow in their wake. In the Bible, Matthew depicts Jesus as a true leader, a king in fact, however one who broke stereotypes. Jesus had undeniable power and he was not concerned about a powerful image. The Word of Matthew 13:54 55 tells us, Where did this man get his wisdom and these miraculous powers? They asked. Isn t this the carpenter s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many definitions and interpretations of traditional or transformational communicating leadership. The text book definition for traditional viewpoint of management offers this, The oldest and perhaps most widely accepted view of management is the traditional viewpoint. It is split into three main branches: bureaucratic management, scientific management, and administrative management (Hellriegel, 2005). Studies have been made on leadership communication and management styles since the Civil War. With many decades of research it has evolved over time to specific categories. Traditional is still viewed today because of its long term use. God s relationship with Moses was a traditional leadership. Moses had his doubts about his ability to lead. The Word in Exodus 3:11 13, it is discussed Moses resisted God, bringing up his unworthiness and lack of authority, his fear of the people s distrust, his speech difficulties, and sheer cowardice. Moses developed under God s direction as one of history s most decisive and powerful leaders (The Student Bible, 1992). Even so, he thrived under a rank and file style of leadership where only Moses had direct connection with the ultimate leader. Additionally, the people had to follow a set of policies, known as the Ten Commandments. Only through his association through God did the people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Should Kids Get Paid For Chores Research Paper Chores aren t usually easy but do you really think we should get paid? I have lots of chores and I only get paid for one and it s the hardest. I have to watch my siblings and get them on the bus. I have a very large home and a lot of animals. It takes a lot of work but I don t need paid for any of it to be honest. My parents need help with those chores. I still believe children shouldn t be paid for chores. Kids don t need to be paid for chores. If their parents wanted to pay somebody for chores they would get a maid. Kids should do what their parents tell them. No one wants to live in a dirty home. It s difficult to have 3 kids and be the only one cleaning the house. Kids should pick up after themselves. However kids these days are very lazy. Parents are under a whole lot of stress. They shouldn t have to all the chores especially when only one person is doing them and five people are living in the house. When you have children they are part of the mess of the house if you don t make them clean then the house will most likely look bad. Chores are a necessity to a good organized life. It s nice when kids get paid for chores but they shouldn t expect that from their parents. Their parents give them everything. A nice house, clean nice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So I know you have to wait till you re at least 16 years old to get a job. Some kids want things that their parents won t pay for like if you really wanted a pair of Beats. Then they would need the money to buy them. Most parents give their children money when they go out with a friend to buy stuff like concessions or whatever. But the kids sometimes are forced to earn the money themselves if their parents don t think it s worth that much money for something like beats, an ipod, segway, etc... But they don t need paid for chores they could just pick up odd jobs like for example: mowing, weedeating, babysitting, dog sitting, and dog ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Fragile X Syndrome Analysis In 1943 two men, Martin and Bell discovered a gene condition called Fragile X Syndrome. 2 Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition, which may cause an intellectual disability, behavioural and learning difficulties and various other physical characterstics.1 It occurs when the female gene (X gene) is repeated over 50 200 times, this is called Fragile X permutation. 1 In 1969, Herbert Lubs established the chromosomal test for Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is an inherited condition in which the X chromosome is passed on from the parent to the child. If the woman has the affect X, they will have an increased chance for passing the gene on but as men have an Y as well as an X chromosome, if they have Fragile X Syndrome, their sons won t be affected as they have their fathers Y chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in males and a major cause of intellectual disability in females. There is currently no cure for this condition yet and treatment is generally based on the symptoms the individual has. During the 1970s and 1980s, the only examination for Fragile X Syndrome was a test in which blood was taken to test for chromosomes.3 However, this was unreliable as not always accurate. In the 1990s scientists identified a specific gene that causes Fragile X Syndrome and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is estimated that once a week a child is born who is fully affected and 20 births a week are affected by Fragile X Syndrome. 1 Another impact that it may have on society is in early pregnancy through testing such as Amniocentesis or a blood test called non invasive pregnancy testing parents can be made aware of a fetus that they are carrying that has Fragile X Syndrome. 4 With this information they may choose to not continue with the pregnancy. This gives the parents options of choice that wasn t available 20 years ago but also very difficult ethical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Rhetorical Analysis Of Toyota Being in a spiralling economy, the automobile industry must step up their games to produce attractive advertisements. Creativity is crucial to attract potential buyers and gain more sales. To target specific prospects through ads, the automobile industry usually apply rhetoric concepts to enhance their product s appeal in every way, and not just purely on the automobile designs. As men are the main target audience, car ads are usually being advertised as appealing and dangerous. Nevertheless, there are other important aspects to be highlighted as well, which can be perfectly marketed with certain rhetoric aspects. Although automobile ads always target the male audience, the industry also understands how partners or family can influence in purchase ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Toyota reminds the audience to always pay close attention to their surroundings and the system effectiveness is dependent on many factors, which shows that it has its limitations. From this perspective, some may argue on how it is quiet contradict to their effort to show the effectiveness of the brake in unexpected situation, as the reliability has its limitations. Therefore, it can be said that Toyota cars can be used by everyone and everywhere, however, the attitude of the driver is still very important. Looking at how the commercial emphasize on the calmness and the family being the passengers, for instance, the mother looking back to check out on the son after the near death experience or the pre collision, Toyota is trying to show how important it is to take safety measure seriously as the driver is responsible over the life of others passengers. The emotional aspect from this scenario might not be magnified into a tensely or panicking mode, yet subtly leaves an impact to the audience to always care about other people in the car and the external surrounding. Toyota is proving that their vehicle is safe for family use, and while they will keep manufacturing better designs and systems for their users, the driving attitude is important too. The ad does not show reckless driving of any sort, to prove that even when we drive at a slow pace, accidents can still happen and can be caused by external factors. Therefore, with a good driving attitude and Toyota vehicles, the risk can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay On The 8th Amendment The Most Significant Amendment in the Bill of Rights Throughout the history of this ever expanding nation as well as many others, there have been times in which words alone were able to stop an action. Consequences were bountiful and punishment seemed to be thought of on the fly. For instance, a convicted murderer may have gotten thrown in jail, however a man who may have sneezed on the king would have been burned at the stake for Crimes against the Kingdom. In modern times it seems nearly impossible to think that such unfathomable treatment was commonplace and, worse yet, a public spectacle. After many years of being free of British rule, the Framers of the United States Constitution had envisioned a society based on the treatment from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a very appropriate analogy because neither the date nor year is mentioned, leaving only facts. A man was killed and his murderer was hung. Those 2 minor details lay out the entire scenario from start to end. This is identical to how the world had worked. You could charge a man for stealing a loaf of bread as easily and readily as you could cut off his hands for doing the same thing. In modern times however, variables can determine severity of consequence in a way that creates a fair decision based on preponderance of evidence including time, location, gender, mental inclination, political views and any other random inconveniences that may lead to conflict either internally or physically. In light of this topic, another portion of the original writing, ...excessive fines can be discussed. Rather than all acts leading to the same punishment, there are varying levels of severity to each issue. A very common example of this would be tax evasion. (1) Tax evasion essentially means filling out tax forms with knowingly incorrect figures and data. (2) As a direct result of tax evasion, convicted criminals are presented with penalties varying from either 1 5 years in prison or a $100,000 fine maximum. Once again, variables play a tremendous role of importance in this form of punishment. Often times, tax evasion is played off into a fine and while incarceration is still a prevalent issue it is far less more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Assisted Suicide Speech Some people think that assisted suicide should be legal and some people think it should not be legal. This issue is serious because if the Supreme Court does change the law and make it legal then people will use assisted suicide as an excuse to get help in ending their lives. Our views as a society have not changed because we still think killing someone is murder and when someone is killed we think that person should be put in jail. So if society thinks people should not commit murder then what is the difference between murder and assisted suicide? There isn t one. Yes when someone requests assisted suicide they want to their lives to end but that should not give us the right to go around and kill anyone who wants to die. Committing murder ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Canadians know that it is against the law to assist in someone s suicide why do they do it anyway? If the law is changed then more people will go and assist someone in killing themselves. If a person wants to kill themselves then they are obviously in a bad state of mind. Section 7 of the Charter is supposed to make everyone feel secure. So instead of letting that person commit suicide we should protect that person and get that person help, whether it be getting them some sort of therapy or getting that person medication to keep them feeling better for that period of time. Many Canadians are charged for helping someone ill or someone they love die. Marielle Houlle, for example, is a lady that was sentenced to get three years probation by a Quebec court in 2004 because she helped her 36 year old son, who was in pain from multiple sclerosis, end his life (CBC, 2014). Another one of my concerns with assisted suicide is that some people might use it as a cover up for killing another person. If a person shoots someone and ends another their life that person can serve up to 14 years in prison. Yet this lady only gets 3 years probation for ending her sons life. This was a controversial decision as it was not considered fair by many people. The law should just stay the same and anyone who kills someone else should get an appropriate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Debt And Credit Crisis Panic was spreading on two of the scariest days ever in financial markets, and the biggest investors were panicking the most. Nobody was sure how much damage it would cause before it ended (Nocera, 2008, pg. 1). This is what happened as the financial crisis spiraled out of control in 2008 as bankers, investors, and insurance companies realized what they had done. The basic outline of the crisis looks mainly at the mortgage and credit disaster that was caused by the bursting of the housing bubble , but the main causes can be traced back to huge developments that shaped the American political economy and its policies within the last 50 years. While we do see this monetary motivation and over confidence as an underlying theme of the mortgage and credit crisis, there are other factors that contributed to the disaster. Some examples are an extremely strong and influential financial sector, lack of regulations from the U.S. government, and the neoliberal shift of the 1970s. While the mortgage securities and credit crises are recognized to be the immediate causes of the financial crisis of 2008, I argue that the strong financial sector and neoliberal shift in the 20th century are ultimately what set the stage for the financial crisis, making it hard for the U.S. to persecute banks and investors for the financial misconduct during this time. First, the financial sector is one of the only institutions in the U.S. that remains as an underlying, constant and strong factor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Stages of Human Nature Essay the more profoundly a man thinks, the more tenderly he feels, the more highly he rates himself, the greater the distance grows between him and the other animals the more he appears as the genius among the animals the closer he will get to the true nature of the world and to a knowledge of it: this he does in fact do through science. ~Friedrich Nietzsche1 Stages of Human Nature Throughout history, human beings have encountered many changes that have altered the way society has viewed them. The cruel hands of history, which constantly hold the foundation of the mind and the spirit, have shaped human nature. Knowledge is the tool by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is what history makes him. History keeps him in constant movement. For many people in the early 18th century, life was based on subsistence living. An individualís human nature was dictated by their bloodline and their social position was secured by birth. If a man was born a peasant, he stayed a peasant, and he died a peasant. This theory of blood can be summed up in one statement: You are what you bleed. People viewed their environment within the confines of localism, which is limiting life to a locality, and described it as ìnasty, brutish, and shortî because of the subsistence lifestyle they led in an agrarian, nature based society. An individualís inherent qualities, their ways of life, the very spirit of his nature, were completely encumbered to the process of survival. The individual did not exist to express their being or their mind. The difficulties of this life led to collectiveness among people of common blood. Human ingenuity, the desire to be free, and the ability to reason for themselves, instead of living by the divinely bestowed power of an absolute monarch, did not exist in the first half of the 18th century. Human nature was bland, oppressed, and uncreative. It was contained within the walls of ancestry, chained by subsistence and localism, and oppressed by a central rulerís power that could not be questioned because of the fear of God. Despite the chains of a difficult lifestyle that human nature endured, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. What Is The Impact Of Technology On The Great Plains Frontier The Impact of Technology Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier, ones that were already living there, and others that would eventually migrate there. Technology increased the Plains goods being produced, made life easier, and brought our country closer together. Although there are some disagreements, I believe that commercialization and technology was a benefit for most westerner in the late nineteenth century. Before technological advancements were brought to the Great Plains frontier farmers would over look the land, because it had a very little amount of trees and the ground was hard, and go towards the Oregon area. But after the technology evolved, it made it possible to actually farm, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The herds of bison almost became desolate, the farmers were also plowing the natural gross for their crops, and the cattle business became more important because the railroad could transport them easier. The lives of the native Americans that had already been living on the Great Plains frontier had been affected drastically. Most people really only hear about battles like Custer s last stand, and geronimo. What we don t read in our textbooks is how they were treated. They had been pushed out of their land and were mostly confined to reservations, mostly areas that the white didn t feel were very good. They also were given rations on the reservation, that Americans only had to do in hard times such as war. Emerging technologies affected lives of many people on the Great Plains frontier, But not only theirs, but mine also. If we had not had little technology advancements we would not be where we are at today. The technology in the late nineteenth century increased goods being produced, made life more comfortable, and connected our country. The benefits of these things not only benefitted them but evolved into better things now. I am grateful for the effect it has played on our nation and and will continue to centuries to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Politics Is Fueled By Corruption Politics is fueled by corruption. It causes government involved citizens to over use their power into manipulating others to achieve what they want. In All the King s Men, written by Robert Pen Warren, Warren distributes politics to show how Willie Stark transformed. His character gradually deteriorates as a person throughout the political novel leading up to his death. Warren writes to exemplify politics and how it ruined lives of well rounded people. Warren demonstrates the role of politics as evil because he wants to prove the corrupted doings of politics. Novel, All the King s Men, Willie Stark is slowly, but thoroughly corrupted by multiple political instances that ultimately lead to his death. Politics has a life of its own. Before anyone ponders the idea of entering politics, people should know their life as a kind, average citizen will fly out the door. Willie Stark was an old farm boy who had a life of work. The town loved him as a person; he was kind and courteous to all of the citizens. Before he had the idea of running for governor, he had what he believed to be the truth set on his mind. He wanted to make a change to his home town, Mason City, and he wanted there to be truth in the government. His plans were meant for good, not evil. In All the King s Men, Warren wrote Stark s opinion, Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption, and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something (223). Stark began with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Unit 4 exercise 1 guided reading CHAPTER 11 1. An introduction that defines a problem, stresses its importance, and offers a brief description of the proposed solution. An analysis of the problem, discussing its causes and its effects. A detailed plan that shows step by step how to solve the problem. A costs benefits analysis that that measures the benefits of the plan against its costs. A conclusion that looks to the future and stresses the importance of taking action. 2. When someone wants to solve a problem or present new ideas they will be asked to write a proposal. A solicited proposal responds to the requests for proposals. Then there s a grant proposal that are used by non profit organizations and researchers to obtain funding for their projects. A person writing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They offer the topic being discussed as well as professionalism to the report as a whole. Also provides information as to who or what the report belongs to. 22. Proofread, review, check for holes, get rid of nonessential information, pay attention to your paragraphs. 23. It is defined in the introduction. It is basically sexual objectification, standards based on attractiveness or sexiness, sexuality imposed on someone who does not want it, or a person s value coming from their sexual appeal or behavior. Yes I agree. Sex is everywhere. Sex sells! I m sure everyone has experienced this at one time or another. CHAPTER 18 1. Global Revision reexamines and adjusts the documents overall approach. Using genre to sharpen its angle, topic, purpose, thesis and appropriateness for the reader s context. 2. Substantive Editing pays attention to the document s content, organization and design. 3. Copyediting Focuses on revising the style for clarity, persuasion and consistency, paying close attention to paragraphs and sentences. 4. Proofreading examines and revises surface features, such as grammatical correctness, spelling, and usage. 5. Level 1 Revision, Level 2 Substantive Editing, Level 3 Copyediting, Level 4 Proofreading 6. Global issues includes; topic, angle, purpose and thesis statement. 7. Expectations, values, attitudes, physical place, papers medium, social and political influences
  • 33. 8. By doing a substantive Editing process. Does your thesis ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Swan Lake Analysis Matthew Bourne s Swan Lake was first performed at the Sadler Wells Theatre in London in 1995. Bourne s version of Swan Lake is the longest running ballet in London s West End and on Broadway. It has been performed in a number different countries such as United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Israel and Singapore. Mathew Bourne s rendering is best known for having traditionally female parts of the swans danced by men. Graeme Murphy version of Swan Lake is not so much a battle between Odette (Good) and Odile (evil), which is presented through the original Swan Lake. But it examines love and betrayal, and other elements of the original story. Through comparing and contrasting Acts 2 and Act 4 of Graeme Murphy s rendering of Swan Lake and Mathew Bourne s Act 2 and Act 4, this essay will interpret and evaluate how each choreographer portrays movement and non movement components throughout their piece. Act 2 By Royal Command, Odette is committed to a sanatorium Throughout Act 2 by royal command, Odette is determined to a mental institution. Graeme Murphy effective interprets Movement and non movement components throughout the duration of Act 2. He uses movement components such as general and personal space, contracting, sustained and repetition movements. He also interprets Port de bra, Allegro, Chaines and jete. He uses these to portray the emotion of Odette frustration and here transition into a swan, he also uses abstract and contracting movements such as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Aboriginal People Research Paper Aboriginal People The Aboriginal People are very important to understand and address because they have contributed a lot to human innovation. Even though there isn t much left of the Aboriginal people in the world they have left behind many aspects of their culture that we as humans can appreciate. They are one of the oldest living cultures to this day with an abundance of innovation, art and history. The Aboriginal people had one of the most technologically advanced cultures in the world when they arrived in Australia. They used many different tools in order to survive with most tools made to adapt to specific geographic locations. For example, the people that lived next to a body of water showcased their understanding of engineering with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Australia, some Aboriginal art objects are celebrated as fine art of great cultural, aesthetic and economic value... (Fisher 1). The original art from this culture is rock art which is estimated to be about 40,000 years old. This type of art was essential to the survival of the culture mainly because there was no such thing as a written language in those times. The Aboriginals used this rock art by incorporating symbols in order to tell stories and pass information down from generation to generation. The art taught survival and how to efficiently use the land. Before canvas painting they showcased their art with body painting, once they did start painting on canvases the use of ochre was very important. Ochre is a natural Earth pigment that is usually a brown color and the use of Ochre directly represents how the Aboriginal culture uses the land to their advantage. They live traditionally and can survive without anything but what the land gives them. If you look at contemporary art by the culture the use of symbols and icons are still present just like the original rock art. The same style is incorporated on the canvas where the artist attempts to tell a story. You can observe this style in Eddie Blitner s Mimi Spirits and Rainbow Serpent where the painting represents spirits that ...taught many skills, including hunting, weaving, fishing, painting on rock and on bark, ceremonial songs and dances to old medicine men... (Artlandish). You can usually recognize an aboriginal piece because it will include many symbols and use similar colors of brown which comes from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Income Statement and Milestone When should the milestone payments received to date by SolvGen be recognized as revenue? A: FASB codification (605 28) milestone method SolvGen Inc. is gonging to use the milestone method to recognize the revenue. The milestone method is a recently issued method of recognizing revenue for research and development arrangements under which consideration to be received by the vendor is contingent upon the achievement of certain milestones(FASB codification (605 28) milestone method). Under the commonly applied milestone method, a vendor recognizes revenue in the period during which the milestone is achieved. Each milestone is essentially treated as a separate contract for accounting purposes. The milestone method applies only to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The milestone consideration must be reasonable relative to all deliverables and payment terms in the arrangement Once the company has set the milestones it will recognize the revenue in the period that the milestone is achieved. MILESTONE RECOGNITION and DELIVERABLES The deliverables for SolvGen Inc that compromise to make the milestones are the research phase and the completion/launch of the instrument systems. Since SolvGen is launching different versions of their instrument systems, there are multiple milestones that the company will account for. With the project going on for five years the milestone are set by when the phases have been accomplished and the instrument systems have been launched. There are about five milestones for SolvGen Inc. The first milestone is the negotiation... Solvgen 1) With regards to the deliverables for the arrangement described in the case study, there are a few different deliverables described. The first is the research and development agreement between SolvGen and Careway. The second is the license and distribution agreement between SolvGen and Careway. These agreements are both written, contractually binding arrangements that are within the scope of multiple element arrangements. However, this does not apply to the nonrefundable milestone payments from Careway, because they are payments relating to research and development deliverables that are accounted for under the milestone method of revenue ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Neck Injury Research Paper Common injuries Below is a list of common injuries diagnosed in victims of personal injury cases. The list below will start with the most common and industry termed soft tissue injuries then move forward in alphabetical order. Whiplash is a nontechnical term used to describe a variety of injuries to the neck. The neck injury is most often is used to represent is a hyperextention hyperflextion injury. Hyperextension Hyperflexion translates to extreme extension or extreme flexion. This type of injury can lead to what is also called Strain/Sprain of the cervical spine. Strain/Sprain Strain is defined as the stretching of muscles or tendons beyond their usual limits; may be very painful at first but this does not produce any lasting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cerebral Concussion injury where the brain has been violently shaken about, usually as a result of a blow to the head. Some common symptoms to watch for if you suspect that there may have been an impact to the head. Physical Symptoms the most common symptom associated with a cerebral concussion is a Headache, however several other symptoms may arise such as dizziness, nausea, impaired use of physical faculties and motor functions, vomiting, difficulty balancing, and ringing in the ears. In addition to those listed above there are some visual symptoms such as light sensitivity, blurred vision, double vision or seeing light spots. Cognitive and Emotional Symptoms confusion, disorientation, difficulty focusing, and post traumatic amnesia. Children may display symptoms of a concussion differently than adults. Be sure to watch for any loss in interest in favorite activities, crankiness, restlessness, lethargy, and irritability, tearfulness, and displays of emotion that are inappropriate to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Dr. Gupta s Collapse Case Study I did not receive an incomplete form from Dr. Gupta by December 8th (Thursday). Also, I am offended that you believe I am trying to earn a passing grade without doing the course work. It is impossible to receive a passing grade without doing the work. The work has to be available in order for me to complete it. I have reached out to Dr. Gupta numerous times during the Summer and Fall semester about the course. He has taken longer than a week to respond to my emails. A lot of emails I sent Dr. Gupta never received a response. Dr. Gupta has never explained why I have not received a response from him. Dr. Gupta was present during the time I emailed him because he was sending group emails to the whole class. I have visited his office and called his office numerous times and I could not reach him. I should not have a difficult time communicating with my professor. I had a difficult time arranging a phone meeting with Dr. Gupta. Dr. Gupta has expressed hostility towards me in his emails such as writing words in all capitals when communicating with me. Using all capital letters in an email is equivalent to shouting. I was very offended and hurt by his email. I did nothing to receive that type of response. I only wanted to arranged a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gupta sudden disappearance and lack of communication during the summer semester. Dr. Gupta was not understanding of my current work schedule during the Fall semester. I notified Dr. Gupta I already moved off campus (out of state) and I will be starting a new job. I explained to him I am working 40 hours a week and I will need as much time as possible. My new job requires that I give two week notice before taking off work and I have to work to accumulate leave. Also, I have training classes I have to take for my new job. All of this factors into time needed for the MA165 course. He agreed to give me September 1st to November 20th. I missed two weeks of pay for no reason because I did not have access to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Pros And Cons Of Religious Vaccination There are several religious exemptions that followers can seem to justify but some cases seem to be outrageous and a threat to society. One of these exemptions being, religious vaccine exemption which seems to be a controversial topic even in today s society. Although, there is not an abundance of religious followers who are against vaccination a few do seem to rise publicly once in a while which leads to a media frenzy. Religions such as, Christian Scientists and the Dutch Reformed Church are some of the religions in the past having followers known of creating controversy in this topic. In which then, stirs the public on establishing an opinion on who to side with and what is right and wrong. For example, there are cases where children entering schools are not vaccinated due to their parent s religious beliefs. Should this extreme violation towards safety be allowed? No, I believe that most cases of religious vaccine exemptions are morally unjustifiable and wrong. Any act that unnecessarily endangers other human beings and society is morally unjustifiable and wrong. I believe that when there s an option where something can be easily preventable and is known to be avoidable then it should be accomplished with such method. When someone decides to purposely chose an alternative option in which danger and negative consequences may become pertinent and thus, the outcome it is wrong. There s no reason a sane human being should decide to purposely make a decision which can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Pixar s Principles Of Economics In Monsters Inc Monsters Inc. might just be seen as a Pixar animated kids movie when you first see it, but when you look deeper into it, you can see many similarities to the general economic concepts; such as our economy today. In the film, several principles of economics were covered. The film illustrated the truth behind the difficult decisions common people have to make every single day. Which included Scarcity, Choices, and Opportunity Costs, The Factors of Production, and the Supply, Demand, and Market Equilibrium; are all involved in the story a lot of decision making, made by the main characters. There is a scarcity of light energy when everything goes dark due to not generating enough terror in children. A choice is seen when Sully is forced to balance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Farming and Natural Resource Dynamics under Public-Private... 1.1. Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM): Opening Doors for Market Oriented Approaches Over the past twenty years, CBNRM has been adopted as a panacea for achieving sustainable NRM and rural economic development in East and Southern Africa [13]. CBNRM was born out of the wisdom that most causes of rural resource degradation take place due to centralised governance systems that exclude local communities from accessing resources in protected areas [14]. Thus, Nyirenda et al. [15], note that CBNRM should contribute to improved collective action in NRM. The net benefits of this approach include among others rural poverty alleviation, enhancing conservation, strengthening rural economies, empowering local community management capability in order to lead to long term social, economic and ecological benefits [13]. CBNRM has been implemented using different models notable among which include Zimbabwe s CAMPFIRE [16], and LIFE in Namibia [13]. According to Nelson and Agrawal [14], most scholars and CBNRM practitioners reveal that the approach has not fully achieved its objectives. For instance, in Zambia, CBNRM programmes have been affected by poor governance in the local community institutions [15,17]. In Botswana, Nelson and Agrawal [14], assert the lack of political will to manage wildlife using CBNRM model as one of the challenges. Additionally, some models such as CAMPFIRE have been criticised as meeting only conservation objectives at the expense of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Effects Of Ice On The Australian Government Purpose: It has been widely published within the Australian media that there is currently an ice epidemic and the Australian Government has established a national Ice Taskforce in response to the drug problem the country is facing (Australian Government 2015). Ice is also known as crystal methamphetamine and comes in a translucent or white crystal or crystalline powder (Buxton Dove, 2008). The illicit drug can be smoked, snorted, injected or swallowed and is the most potent form of methamphetamine because of its high purity (Buxton Dove, 2008). Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive psycho stimulant that affects the brain and central nervous system, resulting in the release of high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine into areas of the brain that regulate feelings of pleasure (Caplan, 2008). Other types of methamphetamine include speed and base which are lower in purity then crystal methamphetamine which results in ice having worse side effects and a higher likelihood of addiction (Lewis, 2008). The consequences of ice use encompass all components of life including health, social and economic. This briefing paper aims to determine the extent of crystal methamphetamine usage in Australia and particularly Queensland. The paper will also discuss and develop recommendations on drug policy intervention that will best combat ice usage and ultimately prevent future illicit drug use as well as minimise the harm caused to drug users and the community. Summary of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Recipes Essay Introduction So, you never received an acceptance letter to Hogwarts, but you still want to feast like a wizard? Think those magical culinary secrets are off limits to you? Think again. In this book, you will discover fantastical and delicious recipes to please even the pickiest palate. There are sweet treats, savory pies, and libations to wash it all down. Even muggles and squibs will appreciate these goodies. So turn the page and see what s on the menu. Who knows, your Patronus might be a pumpkin pastie or a frosty mug of Butterbeer. Sweets and Treats Acid Pops Ron burned his tongue when his brothers gave him an acid pop, but this version is much tamer. They re sour with a touch of sweetness. This recipe shows you how to make the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unwrap lollipops and place on waxed paper. Pour Pop Rocks into a shallow bowl. Remove honey from microwave. Coat the lollipops in honey, and then roll in the Pop Rocks. Return to waxed paper to dry. Cockroach Clusters This spin on the Honeyduke s specialty replaces cockroaches with pretzels, Reese s Pieces, and marshmallows. The result is a delicious chocolate and peanut butter cluster. Prep time: 15 minutes Servings: 2 ½ to 3 dozen 1/2 cup unsalted butter 1 ¾ cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup whole milk 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups quick oats 3/4 cup mini marshmallows 1/2 cup mini Reese s Pieces 1/2 cup pretzel pieces
  • 44. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add sugar, milk, and cocoa power. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 to 1½ minutes. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until the peanut butter is melted. Add oats and stir to combine. Stir in marshmallows, candy, and pretzels. Once thoroughly mixed, drop onto prepared baking sheet using a tablespoon. Cool for 1 hour, or until set. Chocolate Frogs and Peppermint Toads You can purchase frog shaped candy molds to create these chocolate truffle frogs. Harry tasted his first chocolate frog on the Hogwarts Express. Add some peppermint extract to make Peppermint Toads. Prep time: 30 minutes Servings: 2 dozen of each variety ½ cup heavy cream 8 ounces ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Importance Of Reasoning In Critical Thinking Society today requires individuals to develop skills to make informed, thought driven decisions, rather than quick hasty decisions, in many situations both personally and professionally. Decisions like these are made based on critical thinking skills that are not inherited but developed through many years of training both of the mind and of one s thought processes. Understanding how thinking occurs and analyzing the thought processes are steps that critical thinkers use on a daily basis (Paul Elder, 2012). In addition, according to Celuch Slama (2000), critical thinking is essential to lifelong learning and is developed through improved reasoning and communication skills. Oftentimes, reasoning and thinking are used interchangeably; however, reasoning represents the higher order thinking skills (Paul Elder, 2012). Accordingly, thinking can be conscious or unconscious; however, reasoning is always conscious and requires logic (Difference Between Thinking and Reasoning, 2016). Understanding the eight elements of reasoning associated with developing intellectual traits, is important for critical thinking (Paul Elder, 2012). Reasoning always has a purpose which in turn is the goal or objective of the thought (Paul Elder, 2012). Developing a budget for Christmas shopping to prevent overspending is an example of reasoning with a purpose. Questioning or trying to figure out a problem is another element of reasoning (Celuch Slama, 1999). Asking ourselves questions, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. High Tech Companies Like Arm Are Often Cited As Great... 6. High tech companies like ARM are often cited as great examples of UK success. What drawbacks does such an emphasis have? Although high technology manufacturing (and by extension high tech companies that operate in that sector) is a good way for the UK to improve its productivity (output per labour force) and its global competitiveness [6], too much emphasis on high tech companies present possible drawbacks. Firstly, there is a mismatch in skills required by the high tech industry and the actual skillsets of the UK labour force. Only 27.2% of the UK population aged 16 to 74 have a degree or equivalent or higher [2]. Taking cognizance of the fact that most high tech jobs require at least a degree, undue emphasis on that sector neglects the other 72.8% of the population. And this neglect has dire consequences. As evidenced by the recent UK referendum vote to leave the EU and the rise of the US presidential candidate Donald Trump, if a substantial part of the population feel left behind or disillusioned with the economy, it can lead to political unrest, and possible negative populist decisions that can hurt the general economy. Generally, businesses do not thrive under uncertainties. The political uncertainty brought about by the recent UK referendum was cited by business leaders as the top risk facing UK businesses [6]. These political risks negatively affect the general economy, in terms of both reductions in GDP growth and value of the UK pounds sterling. Another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Fish Analysis If you like fish chances are you like catfish. The following recipe is a great way to prepare your catfish fillets for a great change from the routine of fried catfish. The blackening technique, used in this recipe, is credited to chef Paul Prudhomme of New Orleans and has since been adapted for use with several kinds of meats and poultry but fish seems to be the most popular for this process. 4 catfish fillets olive oil 1/3 lb. bacon 2 teaspoons each of the following: garlic powder thyme white pepper black pepper cayenne pepper lemon pepper chili powder rosemary, crushed fennel seed, crushed 1 teaspoon each of the following: allspice teaspoon oregano teaspoon salt The following instructions can be modified to your personal taste. The spice rub is even sold ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I like to use fresh bacon grease in my skillet. I just coat the bottom right before I add the fillet and then clean the skillet between fillets to rid it of any burnt bacon grease. I think I just like the bacon appetizer I get with this recipe so I think I will stick with it. My kids love to sneak up and snatch a piece when I m not looking too. If you don t have a cast iron skillet you can use a regular skillet and if you don t have a burner to use outside you can do this on the stove but be sure to have the fan on high and maybe open a window or two. The smoke will burn your eyes and throat so be careful with that. Catfish don t seem to smoke near as much as salmon either because of the oils in the salmon or my reluctance to get the skillet as hot as my friend does but either way it is all worth the efforts. Blackened catfish can be served with just tarter sauce and a cold drink and chips or you can get a little fancy and serve it on a bed of rice with mixed vegetables and a glass of wine with lemon juice over the fillet, it really works well either ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Importance Of Aggregation I have go over separate encounters for my life that bring tested me. These testing circumstances bring provided for me careful seeing Also information for the A long time. Person specific circumstance that tested my center quality might have been those day An homeless unique spared me starting with falling under An profound pit around An way. Looking into this day, my an aggregation might have been spared from an mischance inside a is concerned from claiming minutes starting with a distinct whom i need been prepared on evade because of the reality that they need aid homeless due to constantly pill addicts. There are a lot of people homeless people around each movement light out and about from my house prompting those fundamental street purposely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Effects Of Air Pollution Essay An increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) leads to worsening environmental condition in poor countries. This inverse relation is shown in the environmental Kuznets s curve. Economic growth is perceived to be able to achieve both economic and environmental objectives, whereas the environmental policy may impede economic growth. This turns limits to economic growth and environmentally unfavorable stage of development. Air pollution is a most dangerous problem faced by both developed and developing countries in the world. Industrialization and urbanization have resulted in deterioration of air quality. Urban air pollution problems reached a crisis in many cities of the developing countries. There are several preventable diseases resulting from air pollution. Human health is very closely linked to environmental quality. According to official statistics, 25% of all endemic diseases are caused by detrimental environmental factors. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Carbon monoxide, oxides of Nitrogen, Sulphur dioxide etc. are considered as the major air pollutants. In most megacities of India, the concentration of a number of air pollutants is much higher than WHO recommended levels. For instance, the capital city of India, New Delhi, is one of the top ten most polluted cities in the world. Literature reviews show that in New Delhi, the incidence of respiratory diseases due to air pollution is about twelve times the national average. In urban India, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Cornell College Reflection 7. What summer experience has been of significance to you? Why? Summer of 2017 at Cornell s condensed 6 weeks semester with credit, taught by their professors was a sheer pleasure. It gave me a true preview of the college experience. I learn to speak with not talk to my professors and teaching assistants when I needed help and to discuss class topics to further my knowledge by exploring the topics with them in conversations. I learned to plan, such as checking my email frequently for posted assignments a week before they were due, instead of a day, like in high school. I had to learn to manage my time more effectively. No adult or parents telling me what to do; I was completely free. The Cornell Summer College allowed me to gain the responsibility that comes with real freedom. 8. Have you traveled to or lived in different localities? If so, where? My parents have always adhered to our seeing the USA. Our travels have been on holidays, when our parents have conventions, and a combination of exploring America s historic sites, national monuments, learning about history through museums, unique settings such as Sturbridge Village, and seeing colleges. As my resume shows I have been to Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, California (both the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas), Illinois (Chicago), Rhode Island, Arizona, Maryland (Baltimore), and Florida. Winter weather and friends have made our international ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Divine Comedy By Virgil And Dante Relationships come in many forms with varying troubles and blessings. In the book, The Divine Comedy, two of the main characters, Virgil and Dante, can have a seemingly simple relationship, but when closely examined and reflected on, it is actually quite complex. They venture through the depths of hell, the complications of a long journey, and the perplexing reality of purgatory. Throughout their relationship they are faced with different gains and trials that they react to in various ways. Their circumstances are always changing and the course is rough, but throughout the entirety of their venture together, there remains one constant element, and that is the love they share in their relationship. It is outwardly expressed through their actions and words throughout the entirety of the book. The question I came across in reading The Divine Comedy is: Why does Dante use different terms to address Virgil? What do they mean or what is their significance? How does the development of their relationship affect the story as a whole? The most common name used by Dante is My guide , which is the most logical name he would use to call Virgil. This is because Virgil is leading Dante through all these different journeys, taking every step right by his side. Virgil has an understanding of Dante s uncertainty, and takes him under his wing. He was chosen for Dante to guide him and that is why Dante uses the possessive my to refer to him because Virgil was specifically provided ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...