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Neeran M. Karnik
Independent Technologist & Researcher
 Systems Research
 Butler Lampson’s life and work
 Hints…
 Q&A
Systems Research
Systems Research
 Designing large and/or complex computing systems
 computers (from PCs to supercomputers)
 networks
 printers
 smartphones, tablets…
 Includes the software:
 operating systems
 programming languages
 networking stacks
 file systems
 distributed systems
 etc.

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Real-world Concurrency : Notes
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Highlighted notes of article while studying Concurrent Data Structures, CSE: Real-world Concurrency Bryan Cantrill and Jeff Bonwick, Sun Microsystems ACM Queue, September 2008 https://doi.org/10.1145/1454456.1454462 BRYAN CANTRILL is a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he has worked on concurrent systems since coming to Sun to work with Jeff Bonwick on Solaris performance in 1996. Along with colleagues Mike Shapiro and Adam Leventhal, Cantrill developed DTrace, a facility for dynamic instrumentation of production systems that was directly inspired by his frustration in understanding the behavior of concurrent systems. JEFF BONWICK is a Fellow at Sun Microsystems, where he has worked on concurrent systems since 1990. He is best known for inventing and leading the development of Sun’s ZFS (Zettabyte File System), but prior to this he was known for having written (or rather, rewritten) many of the most parallel subsystems in the Solaris kernel, including the syn- chronization primitives, the kernel memory allocator, and the thread-blocking mechanism. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1454456.1454462

Linux admin interview questions
Linux admin interview questionsLinux admin interview questions
Linux admin interview questions

This document contains interview questions for a Linux administrator role. It includes questions about shell scripting, system administration tasks, networking, and more. Some example questions are how to take input in a shell script, write a script to convert file path slashes, and explain the differences between UDP and TCP. The document provides technical questions to assess a candidate's Linux knowledge and experience.

Software engineering
Software engineeringSoftware engineering
Software engineering

The document provides an overview of a course on software engineering. It discusses key concepts like structured programming, object-oriented programming, design principles of abstraction and modularity. It also covers programming in languages like C and Matlab. The goals of the course are to understand basic program design techniques, produce well-structured programs, and have a basic understanding of object-oriented design.

Systems Research…
 How it’s different from say, algorithm design:
 external interface (requirement) is less precise, more complex, subject
to change…
 more internal structure, thus more internal interfaces
 module-level design choices have wider implications
 measure of success is unclear
 No such thing as a ‘best’ design
 more important to avoid making terrible choices
 Usually, the physical system doesn’t yet exist!
 simultaneous development of the hardware and software
 how do you design and test the software?
 how do you design and test the hardware?
His life and work
Dr. Butler Lampson
A 1-page Biography
 Born in 1943, in Washington, DC
 Education:
 B.A. in Physics at Harvard, 1964
 Ph.D. in EECS at Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1967, aged 23!
 Work:
 Xerox PARC, 1971-1984
 DEC SRC, 1984-1995
 Microsoft Research, 1995-
 Systems:
 Alto (workstation)
 Bravo (WYSIWYG editor)
 Cal (timesharing system)
 Dover (laser printer)
 Awards:
 1992 ACM Turing Award
 ACM Software Systems Award
 IEEE Computer Pioneer Award
 IEEE von Neumann Award
 3 papers in ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame!
The Xerox Alto
 The first personal computer, built in 1973 at
 First computer to use the desktop metaphor
 First computer with a mouse-driven GUI
 Conceived in a 1972 memo written by
 Design led by Charles Thacker (2009
 Lampson contributed to the design
 Wrote the OS!
 Lampson et al. won the 1984 ACM
Software System Award and the 2004 NAE
Draper prize for the Alto
 Later work: led the design of Dorado and

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Software engineering
Software engineeringSoftware engineering
Software engineering

The document describes a course on software engineering that covers basic design principles and techniques like structured programming, object-oriented programming, and data structures. It aims to give students an understanding of how to produce well-structured, maintainable code. Examples will be shown in MATLAB and C/C++. Key concepts covered include abstraction, modularity, procedural and object-oriented programming, functions, classes, and arrays.

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This was a talk, largely on Kamaelia & its original context given at a Free Streaming Workshop in Florence, Italy in Summer 2004. Many of the core concepts still hold valid in Kamaelia today

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The document introduces Parallel Pixie Dust (PPD), a cross-platform thread library that aims to guarantee deadlock-free and race-condition free schedules that are optimal. It discusses the need for multiple threads due to factors like the memory wall. Current threading models are problematic because testing and debugging threaded code is difficult. PPD uses futures and thread pools to simulate data flow and generate tree-like thread schedules. It provides parallel versions of functions and thread-safe containers to enable multi-threaded standard library algorithms. The goal is to make writing correct multi-threaded programs easier.

The Bravo editor
 First WYSIWYG editor
 Shipped with the Xerox
 Developed by Lampson,
Simonyi et al. in 1974
The Xerox 9700 and Dover Laser
 First laser printer, at PARC, 1969, led by Gary
 Lampson co-designed the electronics and
 prototype for the Xerox 9700
 Dover Laser Printer
 later version, in 1976
 much cheaper
 Lampson designed the electronics
SDS 940
 First general-purpose time-sharing system,
with char-by-char interaction
 Project Genie at Berkeley
 Lampson joined as graduate
 wrote parts of the OS
 created several programming
 Cal: interactive language for
numerical computation
 QSPL: system programming
Other Research
 Two-phase commit protocol for distributed
transactions (with Sturgis)
 Cal time-sharing system for CDC 6400 (at Berkeley)
 pioneered shadow pages, redo logs
 capability-based system: not a good basis for long-term
 Programming Languages:
 Mesa and SPL for systems programming
 Mesa’s process mechanism  modern thread systems
 Cedar: combining the virtues of Mesa and Lisp
 Euclid: first language designed to enable program
 Modula 2+: extends Wirth’s Modula-2

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But wait, there’s more!
 Security
 Access Matrix model, unifying capabilities and ACLs
 Information Flow Control
 Theory of Principals “speaking for” other principals
 Microsoft Palladium (TCB)
 Scrubbing disk storage
 How economic factors (not technology) inhibit security
 Networking
 co-inventor on Xerox patent for Ethernet!
 switched LAN at DEC SRC
 Formal specification and proof
 TCP connection establishment (at-most-once messaging)
 Leslie Lamport’s Paxos protocol
And then Lampson distilled all that
experience into…
Hints for Computer System
The Hints paper...
 Presented at the 9th SOSP,
appeared in SIGOPS OSR October
1983, reprinted in IEEE Software Jan
 Summarizes the learnings from years of
systems research and implementation
 Still influential after all these years... e.g.:
 Werner Vogels, CTO, Amazon
 Butler's paper shows a great mix of
fundamentals and best practices from the
early days of large scale system design.
Almost all of his advice has withstood the
test of time and as such they are even
more important now than in 1983

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The first compilers were written by hand-translating programs into machine code opcodes. The earliest programs were written directly in binary opcodes by looking up each instruction and its corresponding opcode. Later, the first assemblers were created by hand to automate this process. These early assemblers could then be used to assemble more advanced assemblers and compilers. This process of using each new tool to build the next was called bootstrapping. The first high-level programming language was FORTRAN, created in 1954, which had an optimizing compiler that produced very efficient code and helped establish modern programming practices.

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The document provides an overview of Linux interview essentials related to operating system concepts, system calls, inter-process communication, and threads. It discusses topics such as the role and components of an operating system, multi-tasking and scheduling policies, differences between function calls and system calls, static and dynamic linking, common code and stack errors, memory leaks, kernel modes, monolithic and micro kernels, interrupts, exceptions, system calls implementation in Linux, and synchronous vs asynchronous communication methods.

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The document discusses parallel computing over the past 25 years and challenges for using multicore chips in the next decade. It aims to provide context to scale applications effectively to 32-1024 cores. Key challenges include expressing inherent application parallelism while enabling efficient mapping to hardware through programming models and runtime systems. Future work includes developing methods to restore lost parallelism information and tradeoffs between programming effort, generality and performance.

How it’s organized
 “Hints”:
 not laws
 not foolproof recipes
 not consistent
 not always appropriate
 in short, no guarantees 
 Each hint is:
 summarized by a slogan
 illustrated with examples from systems work
 preceded by an appropriate quotation from Hamlet!
 Hints for functionality (does it work?), speed (is it fast enough?) and fault
tolerance (does it keep working?)
 Pre-req: Notion of an interface that separates an implementation of some
abstraction from the clients who use the abstraction
 “Defining interfaces is the most important part of system design”
 Do one thing at a time, and do it
 Don’t generalize, generalizations
are generally wrong!
 Interface should capture the
minimum essentials of an
 mustn’t promise more features
than the implementer knows
how to deliver (without
penalizing other clients)
 Service should have a fairly
predictable cost
 But, get it right!
Perfection is reached not when
there is no longer anything to
add, but when there is no longer
anything to take away!
A. Saint-Exupery
We are faced with an
insurmountable opportunity
W. Kelley
Everything should be made as
simple as possible, but no
A. Einstein
Hints for Functionality
Hints for Functionality...
 Make it fast, rather than general or powerful
 Analogous to the RISC principle...
 Better to have fast, basic operations than slow, powerful
 Clients who don’t need the power shouldn’t have to pay
more for the basic functionality
 As long as it’s fast, a client can program the additional
functionality it needs; another client can program some
other functionality that it needs!
 Don’t hide power
 If a low-level abstraction allows something to be done
quickly, higher levels should not bury this power inside
something more general
 abstractions should conceal only undesirable properties!
Hints for Functionality...
 Use procedure arguments to provide flexibility in an
 restricted or encoded as necessary
 e.g. an interface for finding all elements of a set that satisfy
a property
 let clients pass in a filter procedure vs. a special language of
 Leave it to the client
 keep the interface simple, flexible and high-performance
 caveat: as long as it is cheap to pass control back and
 e.g. success of monitors for synchronization, because
locking and signalling do very little
 clients take care of process scheduling, buffer allocation,
resource accounting, etc. or use other libraries for that

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This document contains the questions and answers from a computer architecture and organization exam. It includes questions about the differences between computer architecture and organization, instruction formats, bus definitions, cache memory advantages, and virtual memory. The responses provide detailed explanations of concepts like locality of reference, thrashing, address mapping, cache hits and misses, and hierarchical memory systems. Justification is given for using a hierarchical approach to improve performance across different memory types. The differences between paging and segmentation in virtual memory are also distinguished.

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fyfdyfydfdfyyf fdfkdlfhdlfdkfdhf8dfndfuydf fjfh fjdfjdfjfdjfhjd hfhdfdfdlkfj fdhfhdfldkf jfdjfldfldfk


The document describes an instructional operating system called Nachos that was developed for teaching undergraduate operating systems courses. Some key points: - Nachos simulates a RISC CPU and devices to allow students to modify an operating system kernel without needing physical hardware. It runs as a UNIX process. - The assignments guide students through implementing core OS functionality like threads, file systems, multiprogramming, and networking. This allows students to build their understanding of modern operating system concepts through hands-on projects. - Nachos emphasizes simplicity over realism so students can understand the entire system. The authors found simplicity was important for students to grasp concurrency and other challenging OS concepts.

Hints for Functionality...
 Keep basic interfaces stable
 embodies assumptions shared by many parts of a
 if type-checking is available, may be possible to check
for number and types of arguments
 but still requires programmers to rework the integration
 may not detect semantic changes in interfaces
 Keep a place to stand...
 ... if you do change interfaces
 e.g. a compatibility package, implements an old
interface on top of the new one
 e.g. OS simulators
 dev cost may be less vs. cost of fixing all client software
 performance hit, but often acceptable
Hints for Functionality...
 Plan to throw one away...
 ... you will, anyhow!
 Keep secrets...
 assumptions about an implementation that clients aren’t allowed
to make
 tension vs. the desire not to hide power
 tension vs. the need for performance
 Divide and conquer
 reduce a problem to several easier ones
 bite off as much as will fit, leaving the rest for the next iteration
 e.g. Alto’s file system defragmentation and its use of memory
 Handle normal and worst cases separately
 the normal case must be fast, the worst case must make
 e.g. caches and hints help the normal case
 e.g. Garbage Collector in Cedar doesn’t count refs in local
frames; those are scanned completely during GC
Hints for Speed
 Split resources in a fixed way, rather than sharing them
 faster to allocate, faster to access, more predictable
 e.g. using register banks vs. memory
 cost of extra resources is usually low
 multiplexing overheads may be larger than the fragmentation waste
 Dynamic translation...
 ... from a convenient representation to one that can be quickly
 e.g. Smalltalk compiler generates bytecodes, implementation translates
(and caches) a single procedure’s bytecodes to machine language when
 Cache answers to expensive computations
 store the triple [f, x, f(x)] in an associative store
 basic example: processor cache or virtual memory systems
[Fetch, address, contents of address]
 need to ensure cache invalidation/update for non-functional f() such as
Hints for Speed...
 Use hints
 like a cache entry (saved result of some computation), but:
 not necessarily reached by associative lookup
 may be wrong!
 if using a hint for unrecoverable actions, need to check if
it’s wrong
 e.g. store-and-forward routing tables in Arpanet
 based on each node’s opinion about its links to neighbours
 periodically broadcast (can be lost, or delivered out of order)
 When in doubt, use brute force
 hardware is cheap (even in 1983!)
 brute force allows for cheaper, faster implementation
 e.g. Ken Thompson’s chess-playing computer uses brute-
force vs. sophisticated chess strategies

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The document describes an instructional operating system called Nachos that was developed for teaching undergraduate operating systems concepts. Some key points: - Nachos simulates a RISC CPU and devices to allow students to modify an operating system kernel as a project. It runs as a UNIX process for simplicity. - There are 5 main assignments that cover thread management, file systems, multiprogramming, virtual memory, and networking. Each builds on concepts from previous assignments. - The goal was to create a simple yet realistic system that illustrates modern OS techniques and allows quantitative evaluation of design tradeoffs through benchmarks.

Software and the Concurrency Revolution : Notes
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Software and the Concurrency Revolution : Notes

Highlighted notes of article while studying Concurrent Data Structures, CSE: Software and the Concurrency Revolution Herb Sutter Software Architect, Microsoft Software Development Consultant, www.gotw.ca/training Herb Sutter is a prominent C++ expert. He is also a book author and was a columnist for Dr. Dobb's Journal. He joined Microsoft in 2002 as a platform evangelist for Visual C++ .NET, rising to lead software architect for C++/CLI.

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MuleSoft Meetup on APM and IDP

Hints for Speed...
 Compute in the background where possible
 especially in interactive or real-time systems
 e.g., Cedar garbage collector, e-mail delivery, etc.
 Use batch processing if possible
 doing things incrementally usually costs more
 disks and tapes work better when accessed
 e.g. banking systems use online data, but discard
it after nightly batch
Hints for Speed...
 Safety first
 in allocating resources, avoid disaster vs. being
 “a general-purpose system cannot optimize the use of
 again, “hardware is cheap, and getting cheaper”
 cleverness works only if you have very well-known
 “The nicest thing about the Alto is that it doesn’t run
faster at night” – Morris
 no fancy processor scheduling, fixed share of cycles to
each job
Hints for Fault-Tolerance
 End-to-end
 Saltzer et al. classic paper, 1981 ICDCS
 error recovery at app level is necessary for a reliable system
 any other error detection or recovery is strictly for performance
 e.g. file transfer across a network from A to B
 reading from B’s disk and validating checksum against A’s disk is necessary
 checking the transfer from A’s disk to A’s memory, or from A to B over the
network, is not sufficient
 not necessary either, but can help performance (retransfer only corrupted
 Log updates to record the truth about an object’s state
 current state of object is treated like a hint
 log entry must include update procedure (functional) and its arguments
 sequence of log entries can be re-executed if necessary to re-create the
true state
 Make actions atomic or restartable
 atomic: failure during the action has no effect
 log entries need to be restartable / idempotent
 can be partially executed any number of times before a complete execution
In Conclusion...
 Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.
 “Such a collection of good advice and
anecdotes is rather tiresome to read; perhaps
it is best taken in small doses at bedtime”!
 “I can only plead that I have ignored most of
these rules at least once, and nearly always
regretted it”

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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For more information…
 http://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/lampso
n_1142421.cfm - Profile of Lampson on ACM
 http://amturing.acm.org/bib/lampson_1142421.
cfm - citations for the 3 SIGOPS HoF papers
 http://research.microsoft.com/en-
us/um/people/blampson/default.htm -
Lampson’s homepage at MSR

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"Hints" talk at Walchand College Sangli, March 2017

  • 1. Neeran M. Karnik Independent Technologist & Researcher BUTLER LAMPSON’S “HINTS FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM DESIGN”
  • 2.  Systems Research  Butler Lampson’s life and work  Hints…  Q&A Outline
  • 4. Systems Research  Designing large and/or complex computing systems  computers (from PCs to supercomputers)  networks  printers  smartphones, tablets…  Includes the software:  operating systems  programming languages  networking stacks  file systems  distributed systems  etc.
  • 5. Systems Research…  How it’s different from say, algorithm design:  external interface (requirement) is less precise, more complex, subject to change…  more internal structure, thus more internal interfaces  module-level design choices have wider implications  measure of success is unclear  No such thing as a ‘best’ design  more important to avoid making terrible choices  Usually, the physical system doesn’t yet exist!  simultaneous development of the hardware and software  how do you design and test the software?  how do you design and test the hardware?
  • 6. His life and work Dr. Butler Lampson
  • 7. A 1-page Biography  Born in 1943, in Washington, DC  Education:  B.A. in Physics at Harvard, 1964  Ph.D. in EECS at Univ. of California at Berkeley, 1967, aged 23!  Work:  Xerox PARC, 1971-1984  DEC SRC, 1984-1995  Microsoft Research, 1995-  Systems:  Alto (workstation)  Bravo (WYSIWYG editor)  Cal (timesharing system)  Dover (laser printer)  Awards:  1992 ACM Turing Award  ACM Software Systems Award  IEEE Computer Pioneer Award  IEEE von Neumann Award  3 papers in ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame!
  • 8. The Xerox Alto  The first personal computer, built in 1973 at PARC  First computer to use the desktop metaphor  First computer with a mouse-driven GUI  Conceived in a 1972 memo written by Lampson  Design led by Charles Thacker (2009 Turing)  Lampson contributed to the design  Wrote the OS!  Lampson et al. won the 1984 ACM Software System Award and the 2004 NAE Draper prize for the Alto  Later work: led the design of Dorado and
  • 9. The Bravo editor  First WYSIWYG editor  Shipped with the Xerox Alto  Developed by Lampson, Simonyi et al. in 1974
  • 10. The Xerox 9700 and Dover Laser Printers  First laser printer, at PARC, 1969, led by Gary Starkweather  Lampson co-designed the electronics and software  prototype for the Xerox 9700  Dover Laser Printer  later version, in 1976  much cheaper  Lampson designed the electronics
  • 11. SDS 940  First general-purpose time-sharing system, with char-by-char interaction  Project Genie at Berkeley  Lampson joined as graduate student  wrote parts of the OS  created several programming languages!  Cal: interactive language for numerical computation  QSPL: system programming
  • 12. Other Research  Two-phase commit protocol for distributed transactions (with Sturgis)  Cal time-sharing system for CDC 6400 (at Berkeley)  pioneered shadow pages, redo logs  capability-based system: not a good basis for long-term security  Programming Languages:  Mesa and SPL for systems programming  Mesa’s process mechanism  modern thread systems  Cedar: combining the virtues of Mesa and Lisp  Euclid: first language designed to enable program verification  Modula 2+: extends Wirth’s Modula-2
  • 13. But wait, there’s more!  Security  Access Matrix model, unifying capabilities and ACLs  Information Flow Control  Theory of Principals “speaking for” other principals  Microsoft Palladium (TCB)  Scrubbing disk storage  How economic factors (not technology) inhibit security  Networking  co-inventor on Xerox patent for Ethernet!  switched LAN at DEC SRC  Formal specification and proof  TCP connection establishment (at-most-once messaging)  Leslie Lamport’s Paxos protocol
  • 14. And then Lampson distilled all that experience into… Phew!
  • 15. Hints for Computer System Design
  • 16. The Hints paper...  Presented at the 9th SOSP, appeared in SIGOPS OSR October 1983, reprinted in IEEE Software Jan 1984  Summarizes the learnings from years of systems research and implementation  Still influential after all these years... e.g.:  Werner Vogels, CTO, Amazon  Butler's paper shows a great mix of fundamentals and best practices from the early days of large scale system design. Almost all of his advice has withstood the test of time and as such they are even more important now than in 1983
  • 17. How it’s organized  “Hints”:  not laws  not foolproof recipes  not consistent  not always appropriate  in short, no guarantees   Each hint is:  summarized by a slogan  illustrated with examples from systems work  preceded by an appropriate quotation from Hamlet!  Hints for functionality (does it work?), speed (is it fast enough?) and fault tolerance (does it keep working?)  Pre-req: Notion of an interface that separates an implementation of some abstraction from the clients who use the abstraction  “Defining interfaces is the most important part of system design”
  • 18.  Do one thing at a time, and do it well  KISS  Don’t generalize, generalizations are generally wrong!  Interface should capture the minimum essentials of an abstraction  mustn’t promise more features than the implementer knows how to deliver (without penalizing other clients)  Service should have a fairly predictable cost  But, get it right! Perfection is reached not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away! A. Saint-Exupery We are faced with an insurmountable opportunity W. Kelley Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler A. Einstein Hints for Functionality
  • 19. Hints for Functionality...  Make it fast, rather than general or powerful  Analogous to the RISC principle...  Better to have fast, basic operations than slow, powerful ones  Clients who don’t need the power shouldn’t have to pay more for the basic functionality  As long as it’s fast, a client can program the additional functionality it needs; another client can program some other functionality that it needs!  Don’t hide power  If a low-level abstraction allows something to be done quickly, higher levels should not bury this power inside something more general  abstractions should conceal only undesirable properties!
  • 20. Hints for Functionality...  Use procedure arguments to provide flexibility in an interface  restricted or encoded as necessary  e.g. an interface for finding all elements of a set that satisfy a property  let clients pass in a filter procedure vs. a special language of patterns  Leave it to the client  keep the interface simple, flexible and high-performance  caveat: as long as it is cheap to pass control back and forth  e.g. success of monitors for synchronization, because locking and signalling do very little  clients take care of process scheduling, buffer allocation, resource accounting, etc. or use other libraries for that
  • 21. Hints for Functionality...  Keep basic interfaces stable  embodies assumptions shared by many parts of a system  if type-checking is available, may be possible to check for number and types of arguments  but still requires programmers to rework the integration  may not detect semantic changes in interfaces  Keep a place to stand...  ... if you do change interfaces  e.g. a compatibility package, implements an old interface on top of the new one  e.g. OS simulators  dev cost may be less vs. cost of fixing all client software  performance hit, but often acceptable
  • 22. Hints for Functionality...  Plan to throw one away...  ... you will, anyhow!  Keep secrets...  assumptions about an implementation that clients aren’t allowed to make  tension vs. the desire not to hide power  tension vs. the need for performance  Divide and conquer  reduce a problem to several easier ones  bite off as much as will fit, leaving the rest for the next iteration  e.g. Alto’s file system defragmentation and its use of memory  Handle normal and worst cases separately  the normal case must be fast, the worst case must make progress  e.g. caches and hints help the normal case  e.g. Garbage Collector in Cedar doesn’t count refs in local frames; those are scanned completely during GC
  • 23. Hints for Speed  Split resources in a fixed way, rather than sharing them  faster to allocate, faster to access, more predictable  e.g. using register banks vs. memory  cost of extra resources is usually low  multiplexing overheads may be larger than the fragmentation waste  Dynamic translation...  ... from a convenient representation to one that can be quickly interpreted  e.g. Smalltalk compiler generates bytecodes, implementation translates (and caches) a single procedure’s bytecodes to machine language when invoked  Cache answers to expensive computations  store the triple [f, x, f(x)] in an associative store  basic example: processor cache or virtual memory systems [Fetch, address, contents of address]  need to ensure cache invalidation/update for non-functional f() such as Fetch()
  • 24. Hints for Speed...  Use hints  like a cache entry (saved result of some computation), but:  not necessarily reached by associative lookup  may be wrong!  if using a hint for unrecoverable actions, need to check if it’s wrong  e.g. store-and-forward routing tables in Arpanet  based on each node’s opinion about its links to neighbours  periodically broadcast (can be lost, or delivered out of order)  When in doubt, use brute force  hardware is cheap (even in 1983!)  brute force allows for cheaper, faster implementation  e.g. Ken Thompson’s chess-playing computer uses brute- force vs. sophisticated chess strategies
  • 25. Hints for Speed...  Compute in the background where possible  especially in interactive or real-time systems  e.g., Cedar garbage collector, e-mail delivery, etc.  Use batch processing if possible  doing things incrementally usually costs more  disks and tapes work better when accessed sequentially  e.g. banking systems use online data, but discard it after nightly batch
  • 26. Hints for Speed...  Safety first  in allocating resources, avoid disaster vs. being optimal  “a general-purpose system cannot optimize the use of resources”  again, “hardware is cheap, and getting cheaper”  cleverness works only if you have very well-known loads  “The nicest thing about the Alto is that it doesn’t run faster at night” – Morris  no fancy processor scheduling, fixed share of cycles to each job
  • 27. Hints for Fault-Tolerance  End-to-end  Saltzer et al. classic paper, 1981 ICDCS  error recovery at app level is necessary for a reliable system  any other error detection or recovery is strictly for performance  e.g. file transfer across a network from A to B  reading from B’s disk and validating checksum against A’s disk is necessary  checking the transfer from A’s disk to A’s memory, or from A to B over the network, is not sufficient  not necessary either, but can help performance (retransfer only corrupted parts)  Log updates to record the truth about an object’s state  current state of object is treated like a hint  log entry must include update procedure (functional) and its arguments  sequence of log entries can be re-executed if necessary to re-create the true state  Make actions atomic or restartable  atomic: failure during the action has no effect  log entries need to be restartable / idempotent  can be partially executed any number of times before a complete execution
  • 28. In Conclusion...  Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.  “Such a collection of good advice and anecdotes is rather tiresome to read; perhaps it is best taken in small doses at bedtime”!  “I can only plead that I have ignored most of these rules at least once, and nearly always regretted it”
  • 29. For more information…  http://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/lampso n_1142421.cfm - Profile of Lampson on ACM site  http://amturing.acm.org/bib/lampson_1142421. cfm - citations for the 3 SIGOPS HoF papers  http://research.microsoft.com/en- us/um/people/blampson/default.htm - Lampson’s homepage at MSR

Editor's Notes

  1. e.g. Alto OS has simple file system interface (read/write n bytes to file), and paging system that stores each virtual page in a dedicated disk page. Pilot system allows virtual pages to be mapped to file pages, subsuming file IO into virtual memory. Much more complex and slower implementation.
  2. “Make it fast”: RISC processors vs. others like VAX with more general/powerful instruction sets. “Don’t hide power”: Alto disk can transfer a full cylinder at disk speed. File system is aware of this, and exploits it for performance.
  3. “Procedure args”: e.g. sort routine that has to compare elements – numeric? ASCII? Lexicographic?. Pass a procedure rather than encoding the possibilities.
  4. “Keep secrets”: e.g. if a set is known to be sorted, a test for membership can take log n time, rather than n. “Divide and conquer”: Alto Scavenger rebuilds file system index and directory structure. Builds a data structure in memory, mapping disk pages to file pages. If disk is fragmented, the struct will not fit in memory. So, discard info for half the files and continue with the other half. If necessary, repeat. “Normal and worst cases”: Bravo editor piece table. Doc stored as array of pieces (strings). Editing results in adding pieces. Occasional defrag.
  5. “Cache answers”: e.g., f = sort, x = a set of numbers. Can cache f(x), the sorted array of numbers in x. Cache size can be adaptive, to ensure a good hit rate.