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😀How To Write A Good Literary
Essay. How T
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😀How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T 😀How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T
America and Iran s Nuclear Program Essay examples
The ongoing struggle between the Iran and the United States over Iran s quest to acquire nuclear
weapons has led to different ideas and proscriptions to solve the problem. In one particular quote, an
unknown speaker advocates that it is in the best interest of the United States and its allies to strike Iran
if diplomacy fails, calling this the most prudent option. This controversial idea must be considered not
only in its short term effects, but also in the long term result. Although it may be tempting to use
nuclear weapons and long range missiles to disarm Iran, it would be far too costly for the U.S. and its
allies. For this reason, the quote does not present a practical solution to the problem. There are
multiple points in the quote ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The destruction that followed was unparalleled; according to the BBC, over 200,000 people were
killed immediately following the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and countless survivors became
sick with radiation related illnesses in the following years (BBC News). There was much criticism
following the nuclear attacks because the majority of those killed were civilians. If such a situation
occurred in Iran, it can only be assumed that results would be similar, if not more devastating. If the
U.S. attacked Iran in a more conventional manner, like a ground invasion, the question of sovereignty
and enforcement of international law is raised. Although the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty
prohibits states without nuclear weapons from acquiring them, it is difficult to enforce international
law, especially as states have sovereignty within their own borders. Only a few countries, including
the U.S., are able to threaten and deter countries that violate international law. Because of this, often
the only laws that are enforced are those that concern the most powerful countries. The International
Atomic Energy Agency monitors and investigates countries to guarantee they are not acquiring
nuclear weapons. Recently, the IAEA released a report saying there is a credible belief that Iran is
trying to create a nuclear device; this has heightened tensions between Iran and the U.S. Also at stake
is the United States reputation and position as a world
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Distinctiveness Of The American Bureaucracy
Distinctiveness of the American Bureaucracy
The aspects of the constitution and political system
Political authority over the bureaucracy is not in one set of hands, but shared among several
In a parliament the authority is all in the prime minister
Most of the agencies of the federal government share their functions with related agencies in state and
local governments
The institutions and traditions of American life have contributed to the growth of adversary culture,
which protects the personal rights of people and the expansion of those rights.
Scope of bureaucracy
Little public ownership of industry in the United States
High degree of regulation in the United States of private industries
Western European countries like france have governments that operate and own most of the economy
Proxy Government
The federal government uses the services of others to do their work for them
State and local governments
Nonprofit organizations
Examples: Social Security, Medicare, much environmental protection, collecting income taxes, many
military duties and FEMA
Critical points
Not all money is put to good use
Keeps the bureaucracy small by paying people outside the government
The Growth of the Bureaucracy
The early controversies
Senate consent to removal of officials is challenged by supporters of a strong president
President has the power to remove but Congress funds and investigates
The appointment of officials
Officials affect how laws are are put into
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Key Women Issues
Research Paper Key Women s Issues: Pregnancy Discrimination, Pay Equity, and the Glass Ceiling
Alfreda Grinder, BS HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Fall I Instructor: Mr. Tony Denkins
October 5, 2010 Since the days of Roe v. Wade, women in the United States have made great gains in
many ways in society. Two consecutive presidential administrations women have serviced as
Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Condoles Rice. We are seeing rising female political
stars of recent, two progressive female nominees of President Obama were recently ratified to the
Supreme Court. Pepsi Cola, Hewlett Packard, Budweiser of Pepin Company has all had women Chief
Executive Officers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You can file a charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). ▪ Write
down what happened. Write down the date, time and place of the incident, as soon as possible. Include
what was said and who was there. Keep a copy of these notes at home. They will be useful if you
decide to file a complaint with your company or to take legal action. ▪ Find out more about your legal
rights. You do not need a lawyer to file a charge with EEOC. Nevertheless, you may want to talk with
a lawyer who specializes in sex discrimination. The state bar association or the women s bar
association in your area can refer you to lawyers. They can help you figure out what to do. They know
the pros and cons of different legal actions, including the time and the cost of filing a lawsuit. ▪ Find
out how other pregnant workers have been treated. Talk to any women who may have had trouble at
work because they were pregnant. ▪ Talk to your union representative. Union rules often allow you to
file a grievance. If you do not have a union, call a women s or civil rights group for help. ▪ Talk to
your employer. Your company may have an equal employment opportunity officer or a way for you to
file a complaint. ▪ Get emotional support from friends and family. It can be very upsetting to feel you
have been treated unfairly at work. Take care of yourself. Think about what you want to
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Paris Ferrari Research Paper
Early in the morning yesterday, bodies of the banished Romeo montague, lady Juliet Capulet, and
Count Paris Ferrari were found in the Capulet tomb all reported to be dead. Early Saturday morning
watchmen were alerted about a fight happening close to the Capulet tomb between Romeo Montague,
and Paris Ferrari. When watchman came to the scene they found the dead bodies of Paris Ferrari lying
dead in the tomb along with Romeo found dead beside Juliet. Juliet was found with stab wounds and
newly dead. The watchman believe Romeo killed Paris with his sword and then killed himself with
poison due to the traces of poison on his lips. Paris Ferrari page was on scene and able to comment I
was their, Paris was planting flowers on the Capulet tomb when the vile Romeo came to desecrate the
tomb. Paris s love for Juliet made him stand up to Romeo and a fight ensued, that is when I went to
call the watchman. The Prince was able to comment and said This is a very sad time for both families,
and a very tragic event for our city. They were all very young and had bright futures ahead of them.
From the friars story we believe that the friar gave Juliet a potion to make her seem dead so that she
wouldn t have to marry Paris. He told us that he secretly married Romeo and Juliet and that they loved
each other. He sent a letter to Mantua where romeo was exiled to unfortunately the letter was never
received by Romeo and because of that he came here to kill himself and that was when the fight
between Paris and romeo happened and then romeo committed suicide beside his wife Juliet before
she woke up and then killed herself with a dagger. Romeo also brought a letter with him to send to his
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Authorities are searching for the apothecary who sold Romeo the poison to confirm the friars story
and Romeo s
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Down Syndrome And The Human Body
We all love amazing smiles and infectious eyes and hugs. Down syndrome occurs in people of all
races and economic levels. Who are we to judge when we all bleed the same blood. Down syndrome is
only a part of them and not how they are defined. No one is greater than another no matter what the
situation. In every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes.
Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along rod like
structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes,
half of which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or
partial extra copy of chromosome 21.
This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics
associated with Down syndrome. A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low
muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of
the palm although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these
characteristics to different degrees, or not at all.
One in every 691 babies in the the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down
syndrome the most common genetic condition. Approximately 400,000 Americans have Down
syndrome and about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year.
For centuries, people with Down syndrome have been
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Essay about A Child Called It, The Lost Boy and A Man...
For this report, I have read all three of Dave Pelzer s books about his life: A Child Called It , The Lost
Boy and A Man Named Dave. A Child Called It chronicles Dave s life as a child, and is told from that
viewpoint. From his earliest recollections of a relatively happy life with the Mommy to his life and
death struggle with The Mother , this book details the horror of Dave s dehumanizing existence.
Going far beyond typical physical, emotional and psychological abuses, Dave s story tells of
intentional starvation, forced coprophagia, poisoning and much more. This volume covers his life
from his earliest memories at age 4 until his rescue at age 12. The Lost Boy picks up the story where
the first book leaves off, following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dave took food from other children s lunches at school in order to survive. His schoolmates were
aware of this, and it served to set him further apart from them. The children called him names and he
had no friends. Two of the disabilities that were apparent to me while reading these books were the
alcoholism of Dave s parents and Dave s developmental issues. Application of Developmental
Theories Families are systems in which each individual has a unique relationship with the other
individuals in the family. Dave s place in his family was, indeed, unique. The subsystem consisting of
Dave and his mother had a foundation in the boundaries set by the mother. Dave s role in the family
was, essentially, that he was not a part of the family. Not only that, Dave s identity was stripped away
by his mother. At the onset of the abuse, she began referring to him as the boy. As the situation
worsened, she referred to him as It , hence the title of the first book in this series. At the time of Dave
s rescue, he exhibited two of the four behavioral indicators of abuse that were established in 1979 by
the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He exhibited overly compliant, passive and
undemanding behaviors aimed at maintaining a low profile, avoiding any possible confrontation with
a parent which could
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Research that Adapts Information Retrieval Based on a User...
As the number of Internet users and the number of accessible Web pages grows, it is becoming
increasingly difficult for users to find relevant documents to their particular needs. In this paper, we
report on research that adapts information retrieval based on a user profile. Ontology models are
widely used to represent user profiles in personalized web information retrieval. Many models have
utilized only knowledge from either a global knowledge base or a user local information for
representing user profiles. A personalized ontology model is used for knowledge representation and
reasoning over user profiles. This model uses ontological user profiles based on both a world
knowledge base and user local instance repositories. It is observed ... Show more content on
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Many researchers have attempted to discover user background knowledge through global or local
analysis to represent user profiles.
i) Motivation
The basic objective regarding this project is to achieve high performance in web information retrieval
using a personalized ontology model. Most of the times when user searches for some information with
some ideas in mind , It is always the case that he didn t get the information exactly as he wants in first
page . He has to go through different pages until he get the information exactly as per his concept. The
basic idea is to create ontological user profiles from both a world knowledge base and user local
instance repositories in order to have a fast information retrieval as per the concept model of the user.
ii) Existing systems
Commonly used knowledge bases include generic ontologies, thesauruses, and online knowledge
bases. The global analysis produce effective performance for user background knowledge extraction
but it is limited by the quality of the used knowledge base. Local analysis investigates user local
information or observes user behavior in user profiles. Analyzed query logs to discover user
background knowledge is used. Users were provided with a set of documents and asked for relevance
feedback. User background knowledge was then discovered from this feedback for user profiles. The
discovered results may contain noisy and uncertain information.
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2.2 Explain How To Manage A Site Drainage
2.1 How to manage the site drainage and its importance.
Site drainage management is aim to safeguard the house inhabitants and protect the house from
several damage cause by surface water and both internal and external inappropriate moisture (Master
builders, 2009).
Site drainage management is a very important part of the design of footing system. It is because the
site drainage could influence the success of the footing system, the maintenance of the site drainage
influencing the economic life of the building and the site drainage plan is required to be documented
(AS2870, 2011). In the AS2870, there is a detailed drainage requirement helping owner builders to
know how to manage drainage and the several factors influencing the site drainage. ... Show more
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There are several soil results might happen after the tree removal in this case, from limited influence
to significant damage. As this case just mentioned the site soil classification of this reclaimed land is
H1 but not mention the soil type. If it s sandy area, removal trees might cause less damage to the soil
because sand does not swell or shrink with changes in moisture (Victorian building authority, 2015).
However, if these trees are used to take more moisture from the underground water system in clay soil
land, the tree removal land will become more wet or dry due to the different surrounding agricultural
situation. For example, if there are heavy rainy after the tree removal and there are no other trees or
shrubs around the site, too much accumulated water will stay on the hole and change the clay soils to
be more reactive. On the other hand, if there are other big trees and shrubs around the site, the extra
moisture will be absorbed by these trees and the site soil is going to be dry. Thus, the classification of
the soil will be changed and it lead to change the footing construction system as well. All in all, tree
conditions should be considered before the removal and a more careful site filling and cleaning jobs
should be
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Neil Peart Literary Techniques
In Neil Peart s Witch Hunt, an ignorant mob is attempting to change others in ways they see fit by
wanting to modify the dangerous media that wrongly influences society. Neil Peart expresses the mob
s ideas and actions using various literary techniques throughout the poem that convey a wicked and
corrupt tone. With egregious intentions, a mob of ignorant people will force others to think like them
in order to eliminate the false dangers within their civilization. Using devices such as imagery,
consonance, verbal and dramatic irony to create the overall message of how the people who know the
least about what is actually going on in society seem to do anything to ignore or get rid of change. In
the first stanza of the poem the reader is introduced to an uncanny setting where the oblivious mob
slowly rises in the dark night. The eerie diction creates a foreboding tone through vivid imagery,
creating the idea that something wicked is about to occur. Diction such as black, still, and lonely that
really ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Symbolism is also included in this stanza, flickering light gives the reader the visual representation for
their incompetence. Consonance is seen in this stanza through Silent and stern in the sweltering night
and Quiet in conscience, calm in their right. In the first instance of consonance the speaker describes
the mob, the sound makes the mob sound like they are being sneaky. In the second one, the speaker s
use of a cacophony in an effort to point out how cynical the mob actually is. Quiet in conscience, calm
in their right can also be parallelism in that the speaker stresses the viewpoints of the mob to assist the
reader s analyzation of their intentions. Mesodiplosis constitutes that the mob detects no faults within
their belief showing the ignorance they
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Real Estate And Social Media
Nicole Curesky
Professor Laendner
Business 472
October 15, 2014
Real Estate Sales and Social Media In this chapter, I will trace the evolution and development of real
estate websites and social media. Specifically, I will address how real estate was marketed prior to the
internet, the introduction of social media, and the evolution of real estate websites and social media
throughout the years.
Real Estate Marketing Prior to the Internet Before the introduction of the internet as a marketing tool
for real estate agents, the deciding factor of an agent s success relied solely on their sphere of
influence and knowledge of the market. The more contacts an agent had, the greater the ability to
receive business referrals and customers on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This allowed agents to not only market their listings but find future clients as well.
Real Estate Websites There is a wide array of websites available to real estate agents to market their
listings. These include popular websites such as Zillow, Trulia, Realtor, MLS, The New York Times,
The Wall Street Journal, and many more. MLS, or the multiple listing service, is an innovative content
management system that serves as a means for organizing and advertising listings. Once a listing is
entered by an agent, it is then uploaded to the local MLS website and displayed for viewing by
consumers who are searching online. Most MLS providers then feed this listing to other real estate
websites such as the ones previously mentioned. Once a listing expires, it is then automatically
removed from all websites until relisted. Another innovative website designed with the consumer in
mind is Zillow. Zillow shows the property history and value estimate for all homes, not just the ones
listed for sale, in a given area. Although not completely accurate, it gives homeowners and prospective
buyers a chance to see what s available and more importantly what isn t. Homeowners now have the
power to estimate the value of either their home or other homes in the area which can potentially
eliminate the need for an agent.
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Media s Impact On Society And The Individual
Despite there being numerous sources and names for media and information, large conglomerate
companies have emerged over the last several decades that own a majority of media outlets in the
United States and throughout the world. These conglomerates operate in an assortment of business
opportunities. The big six as they are commonly referred, own up to 90% of the American media
market share (Lutz), and that number is growing. The big six companies include G.E., News
Corporation, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. To demonstrate this growth of consolidation,
that same 90% of the American media was owned by fifty independent companies in 1983 (Lutz).
These figures are outstanding, as they relate and intersect with Stuart Hall s idea of ... Show more
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For example, the conglomerate Comcast corporation is a cable television provider, internet service
provider, phone service provider, the owner of various broadcast stations like NBC and the Spanish
network Telemundo, the owner of film networks like Universal pictures, and the owner of internet
sites like Hulu and Fandango. Comcast even owns the Universal Studios theme parks and a
professional hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers. This is just a short list of the various businesses
and services that a conglomerate, like Comcast, may own. As of 2017, Comcast reported a whopping
$146 billion dollar market cap (Selyukh). By further understanding these motives, one is able to
realize the role that media plays in their daily lives and the influence that they may have that extends
outside the television broadcast.
The power that these conglomerates hold may cause given information and facts to be distorted,
possibly in order to better benefit themselves and their own corporate interests. This information
highlights Hall s ideal of how knowledge and power intersect. Hall brings up the idea of how there is
this Gap of representation, a figurative gap between the actual facts and how the media represent it
(Hall). This gap between representation and the true facts must be measured by the individual, when
he or she may think something is reported inaccurately or in a biased mannered. In order to understand
this gap that may be presented by
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The City Of Ember Doon A Dynamic Character
After reading The City Of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, I have learned that (Doon) is a dynamic
character. At the beginning of the book, the character is (Confidant)eventually, the character becomes
(afraid), and (then Doon became enthusiastic). These character traits were observed through Doons
actions, dialogue, relationships, choices, and problems.
This character connects to the world alone because there are alot of people like Doon,I say that
because in Doons mind it was easy to fix the generator but it really isn t(Easier said than done).
I have learned that Doon is confident about getting out of Ember and fixing the generator through his
choices and this tells me alot about Doons personality and that Doon believes in himself. The first
example to show that Doon is confidant is he was happy that Lina traded jobs and he got the pipe
works as a job.One of the main reason why Doon wanted the pipe works as a job mainly was
confident he could fix the generator.The second example to show that Doon was confidant is when he
went to work the main thing that he thought about was the generator and also most of the time all he
tried just try to figure out how to fix the generator.Then the last example is when at the end of the
story he was 99.09 sure he could get out of Ember with the Instructions. ... Show more content on
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And this tells me he is scared sometimes and that tells me that Doon can still get scared.The first
example that he was scared that he could not save Ember because he soon found out that fixing the
generator was harder to fix then he thought.The second example to show the Doon was scared was
when he thought one of the black outs would last forever.The last example to show that doon was
afraid was when he thought that the instructions would not lead out of Ember but would lead to a
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Pollution And Warming Of The Ocean
Pollution and Warming of the Ocean The ocean is a vast and mysterious part of our ocean. The ocean
covers 71 % of our planet and contains over 50% of all life on earth .( Oceanic Institute ). The oceans
also holds the deepest part of our planet that we have yet to explore and discover. The ocean is such a
vital part of our planet and we are destroying it with pollution and mistakes that we have made.
Global warming is a huge issue that we have to deal with. The world is getting warmer. Whether the
cause is human activity or natural variability most of evidence says it is because of humans.
Thermometer readings all around the world have risen steadily since the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution in Great Britain ( earthobservatory ). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The pollution is so bad there that they have smog, where it got so bad that they have had to close
schools and people now have to wear protective masks when they go outside(popsci). This caused
debate on how we can help prevent this to happening world wide. Most recently 166 parties ratified
the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement has brought all of the nation into agreement to undertake
the problem of climate change(unfccc).
Global warming is not just affecting humans it is also affecting all of life on earth. It is affecting fish,
Polar Bears, Marmots.Marmots now end their hibernations about three weeks earlier now compared to
30 years ago, Polar bears today are thinner and less healthy than those of 20 years ago, Many fish
species are moving northward in search of cooler waters, and A fruitfly gene normally associated with
hot, dry conditions has spread to populations living in traditionally cooler southern regions One
species hit hard by global warming is the Orange Spotted Filefish. This fish lives in the shallow coral
reefs and relies heavily on a constant ocean temperature ( 7 Species Hit Hard by Climate Change
Including One That s Already Extinct. ).We also have already seen the extinction of some animals due
to climate change. The Golden Toad, along with the Monteverde harlequin, two central american frog
species have already been wiped out because of changing temperatures in south and central america (
7 Species Hit Hard by
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Thesis For The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin
IVF Thesis Sentence The cold equation by tom godwin was a story about a girl who snuck onto a ship
called the stardust. She strolled away on this boat to see her brother but still aways were not allowed
on the ship if they were found they would be jettisoned into space. Summary (1) The stardust witch is
the name of a cruiser was a vessel that soared through space, on the side of the cruiser was EDS
(emergency dispatch ships) Summary (2) They would only allow a certain amount of people because
they only have enough fuel to carry a certain amount of people and cargo to the destination. Summary
(3) The woman who got on the ship as a stole away was taking the trip the risky trip to see here
brother Summary (4) It was hard to stay on the ship ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Setup The author says that the girl wants to see her brother. Evidence I wanted to see my brother. He s
with the government survey crew on Woden and I haven t seen him for ten years, not since he left
Earth to go into government survey work. Explain She wants to see her brother to make sure he s ok
and not dead but she could not get there by herself so she needed to stow away on on an EDS she
would have been rocketed into space if she was a male but since she was a woman the captain was
shocked and didn t know what to do Transition + Point When she was a stole away the author was
portraying her character to be strong and fearless Setup By being a stowaway she new the risk that it
would put everybody in and herself but she was willing to take the risk to see her brother on woden
Evidence I m a stowaway. . . . I didn t know what it would mean (15) Explain She explained that she
was a stol away but she didn t know what would happen if she hid on that boat she only new that it
was forbidden to hide as a
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Allan Johnson Privilege Chapter Summary
The Complexity of Privilege and Domination
Privilege always occurs at the expense of others. Allan Johnson states, The trouble we re in privileges
some groups at the expense of others. It creates a yawning divide in levels of income, wealth, dignity,
safety, health, and quality of life (Johnson 7). Allan Johnson states this in Chapter 1 of his book
Privilege, Power and Difference and it is one of the most powerful statements in the whole book.
Privilege creates a great divide between people. This can have a negative lasting effect, if not under
control. Society has divided people into two groups: superior and inferior. The superior groups are the
ones that are privileged in society and the inferior ones are ones that are ... Show more content on
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Even though one would think that because Woodruff is male, he would have a lot of privileges, this is
not the case. Woodruff s race eliminates any privileges he might have, especially when faced against
seven white boys. Woodruff finds himself almost powerless to the boys when he witnesses them
commit a crime. Petry writes, Woodruff thought, There are seven of them, young, strong, satanic. He
ought to go home where it was quiet and safe, mind his own business a black man s business; leave
this white man s problem for a white man, leave it alone, don t interfere... (2257). This statement
clearly shows the racial differences and how Woodruff is aware that he should not interfere. Later in
the short story Petry explains that Woodruff ended up staying silent about the crime because he feared
the white boys. Petry states, They knew he wasn t going to the police about any matter which involved
sex and a white girl, especially where there was the certainty that all seven of them would accuse him
of having relations with the girl (2263). It is clear that Woodruff s race set him back from having any
privileges. This relates to the matrix of domination because it demonstrates the complexity of
privilege. It shows how same system of privilege can make one superior but at the same time make
one inferior.
Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin in the Sun, tells a story about an African American working class
family living in Chicago. Hansberry s play addresses
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The Expansion Of The Oil Sands
Canada has always been a leader in the oil sands industry. Over the past few years there has been
controversy in Canada over oil production. Some say we should continue to expand the production of
oil and others say we should try to reduce our production. The first article Why Canada needs to
develop the oil sands by Konrad Yakabuski argues that Canada should continue to expand the oil
sands. Contradictory to the first article, the second article Stop oilsands expansion, Canadian and U.S.
researchers say argues that Canada should stop expanding the oil sands. In this paper both articles are
summarized and compared based on factors that could influence the reader. In this paper I will argue
that the article that supports the expansion of the oil sands is more convincing as it is better organized
and the writing style makes the reader think about the issue more so than the other article. The first
article Why Canada needs to develop the oil sands by Konrad Yakabuski argues the point that Canada
should continue the expansion of the oil sands. The article first addresses the critics to the plan to
expand the oil sands as it states that critics warn that Canada risks becoming a petro state akin to Iran
or Nigeria . The next couple of paragraphs address this statement and the author points out that overall
our economy is very diverse and the oil sands are unlikely to expand so much that our economy is
totally reliant on them. The next point the article brings up
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The Importance Of Creationism In Schools
Creationism does not explain how the earth was created, therefore it should not be taught as a science
and should not be taught in schools. My thesis is important, because schools are trying to stop
teaching evolution because they believe it is not the way life on earth started. The teaching of
evolution in schools is important, because it teaches students the correct reason for how life on earth
started. The articles that I collected for my research, where academic journals from the library data
base and had a stand point towards science. My paper will give the reader a broader view point on
why creationism should not be taught in schools and how evolution should remain in schools.
Creationism has been a controversial topic in our school systems and schools in some states are
fighting to have it taught instead of evolution as a science. Creationism is the belief that all living
organisms originated from a biblical process instead of evolution. We will never really know how the
earth was created, but by the use of science, we can get a better understanding of it. Therefore
creationism should not be taught as a science and should not be taught in school. The teachers are the
people that have to deal with this topic the most because of all the pressure they get from school
administrators, parents and the community. Some science teachers have been told not to teach about
evolution, but they did it nevertheless. One of the most famous cases was the
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Hunter Syndrome Essay
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II, also called Hunter Syndrome, is one of eleven types in a group of rare
genetic lysosomal storage disorders called Muchopolysaccharidoses or MPS. (Lorena Elena Melit,
2015) Hunter Syndrome is named after Charles Hunter. He was a Canadian physician that, in 1917,
found a rare disease in two brothers. (Lorena Elena Melit, 2015) Hunter Syndrome is the most
common of the MPS disorders. (Lorena Elena Melit, 2015) In the U.S., on average, one in every
25,000 babies will be born with some form of MPS. (Health, 2016) These disorders only affect
someone who inherits a defective gene from both parents. However, Hunter Syndrome or MPS II, is
different form the others in the group. (Health, 2016) MPS II is inherited when the ... Show more
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(Health, 2016) Because patients with Hunter syndrome suffer from behavior problems, finding
solutions for this is a way to offer relief for family and caregivers. (Jane Roberts, 2016) Things that
are used are family support, behavioral strategies or a change in the patient s environment. (Jane
Roberts, 2016)Parents can make sure the patient has a safe area by using soft furniture and having
toughened glass in the windows. (Jane Roberts, 2016)Also placing the patient s bedroom and
bathroom down stairs and utilizing baby gates. (Jane Roberts, 2016) Making sure the patients
bedroom is very dark, having a sleep schedule, padding their bedroom walls and placing a mattress on
the floor will help prevent an injury. (3C) Sometimes surgery is necessary to gain relief for some
symptoms of Hunter syndrome. (Health, 2016) Patients may have their adenoids or tonsils removed if
they are suffering from spleen apnea or breathing problems. (Health, 2016) Another way to help with
the patients breathing problems is to do oxygen therapy or use a CPAP.(2) A CPAP is a continuous
positive airway pressure device that puts air into the patient s airway to keep it open improving lung
volume. (2) The patient may also need a thin tub inserted to drain fluid from their brain if the buildup
gets too high. (2) Another treatment for Hunters syndrome is Enzyme replacement therapy. (8) It is
used to reduce the progression of Hunter syndrome. (8) The earlier the Enzyme therapy is given the
more effective it will be. (3C) The Doctor uses an IV to give the patient man made or engineered
enzymes to replace the defective enzyme.
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My First Day In School
This past year from when I was a little seventh grader to now has been quite interesting. The first day
of school was on my birthday and I started off sick. Yeah, it wasn t very pleasant. I missed the first
three days of school. When I was better, I was very scared and nervous for all the new teachers and
classes. I knew most of the seventh and eighth grade teachers, but I had never been in their class
before. Soon, I learned that they were all extremely nice and loved to teach. I had tried to memorize
my schedule before, so I wouldn t go to the wrong class. My first class was art, and then math,
science, lunch, P.E., language arts, quest, and finally social studies. I remember Mr. Munford told us
that he hopes we would be a pretty good class. I think our class turned out pretty well. I was involved
in many fun activities last year. One of them was FCA which stands for fellowship of christian
athletes. FCA was extremely fun because we met on Friday mornings before school and we got to eat
doughnuts and things like that and then we would talk about different things that involved with
Christians. Another activity I was involved in was C.L.O.W.N. troupe it was pretty funny seeing
everybody s clown costumes. The veteran clowns had to help train the new clowns that joined that
year. All the clowns had to create a presentation to present to little kids. Our presentation for the year
was about sharing and having good manners. We never got to go to the other schools and
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Quadratic Residues Essay
An Identity based Encryption Scheme based on Quadratic Residues Introduction: In Public Key
Crypto system, it is required to know the Public Key of Receiver to encrypt the messages. So that
receiver can decrypt the message using his/her own private key. This system needs to maintain
directories which holds Public Keys of each user. To eliminate the need of maintaining such
directories, this paper suggests computing the public key using receiver s identity such as Email
address. However, implementation of such system which is secure and practical, is difficult. The
system uses Quadratic Residues modulo a large composite integer. [2] What is Quadratic Residues? If
m and a are coprime integers, then a is called a quadratic residue modulo ... Show more content on
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Hence, a is square modulo of M. Also, P and Q are congruent to 3 mod 4, ( 1/P)=( 1/Q)= 1 Thus, a or a
will be Quadratic Residues modulo P and Q. Only authority can determine the square root of modulo
M and provide it to Alice. Here, we call it r r=a^((M+5 (P+Q))/8) mod M Where, r^2=a mod M or
r^2= a mod M If Bob wants to send data to Alice, he will generate a Transport key and perform
Symmetric Key Encryption using that key. Then, he sends it to Alice bit by bit. Let s say, x is the
single bit of transport key, coded as +1 or 1. Bob will choose a value t at a random modulo M, such
that Jacobi Symbol (t/M)=x Then, he sends s=(t+a/t)mod M to Alice Alice recovers the bit x as
follows, s+2r=t (1+r/t)* (1+r/t) mod M Also, it follows Jacobi Symbol ((s+2r)/M)=(t/M)=x Here,
Alice knows the value of r, using that she will calculate value of x Bob need to double up the Key data
as he is not aware whether Alice uses root of a or a. He will select random t to send x bits, and send s=
(t a/t)mod M. There is no way to avoid sending this extra amount of data. [2] Practical Implementation
Aspects: System is not very much expensive in terms of computation. If transport key is K bits long,
then Alice need to compute K Jacobi Symbols and Bob will need to compute K divisions mod M and
K Jacobi Symbols. Issue: Each bit of Transport key requires size up to M for bandwidth. Bob Does not
know whether Alice uses square root of a or a, hence, he must
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Coincidental Jinx Research Paper
A Coincidental Jinx
Throughout my many years of living, I have experienced many near death experiences. Today, I will
be sharing one of these experiences that I have been through. First of all, it was the March 23, 2012. It
was a Friday. I, young Daryl, was still learning his basic math with a bowl cut on his head at the age of
11. School ended. My sister Gerryl and I were just picked up around 3:20 p.m. and arrived home
approximately at 3:25 p.m. My sister Gerryl suggested with eagerness, Mom, Dad are we able to
watch that new movie that just came out today, The Hunger Games? My father, then replied, Sure, let
me just get my computer and reserve the movie for the four of us. The time was then reserved at 4:30
p.m. in the afternoon. We ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I decided to sit in the front as the navigator alongside with my father having possession of the wheel.
As my father was driving, my sister was explaining why she is so excited to watch the movie. My
sister then proclaimed, It s a movie that is based on the novel written by Suzanne Col . At that moment
my sister stopped midway through her conversation, pointing with fear at a motorcyclist having blood
gushing through his leg. The man glanced deep into my eyes, and I thought in my mind that will never
happen to me. It was a tragedy when I observed the accident, and I was acting a bit too conceited. Two
miles had passed the traffic from this accident was tremendous, a full stop. Luckily, my father spotted
in the corner of his pupil that the nearest lane to the sidewalk was accessible, and nobody was driving
on it surprisingly. We went ahead to move to the right, changing lanes carefully to reach the lane. At
that instant, my dad then increased speed to 45 miles per hour to get to the theatre slightly quicker. As
we were advancing through this lane at immense speed, a Toyota Civic with a brown tint then tried to
change lanes. My dad was furious that he did not want the car to cut him off when it was his right of
way. My dad then commented with a temper, No! Stomping on the gas pedal, he increased his
acceleration to a rushing 75 miles per hour to prevent the car from cutting us off. The car continued to
change lanes carelessly without a turn signal. At that moment, all I remembered was glass being
shattered everywhere. My heart then stopped, and I was whiplashed with massive force having my
head collide with the dashboard. Furthermore, all I saw was pitch black, and I did not know what was
happening. After six minutes have passed, I regained some consciousness, shaking my head and trying
to gain coordination with my eyes. All that I could hear is an old woman s voice with
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Platinum Box Case Report Essay examples
Executive Summary
From: Jared John Hicza
Procurement Manager
To: Jim Hicza
Re: Selection of Supplier for Presses
My recommendation is to go in for a single source and choose the supplier that we have confidently
have had a relationship with, without a problem, for over a decade now.
Major of Action plan:
Choose JabaKing as the supplier of choice.
Get an investment loan from Labour Central Credit Union @ 5.25% for next 10 years.
Visit an operational facility using JabaKing s presses.
Procure presses from JabaKing with appropriate people assigned duties and with proper checks in
Commission the presses with assistance from Jabaking.
Evaluate maintenance for the first three warranty years and then ... Show more content on
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That apart, even though the presses will be covered under a three year warranty, in case there is
damage to even one piece of equipment during transportation, it will mean that our growth and
expansion project will have to suffer a major setback and we will have to face major delays.
Some positives for this supplier are that it will help us in commissioning and in case of any major
breakdown, Merakuri promises us next day service, as the company has a distributor located in
Regina. This in itself increases our confidence, as we know that Merakuri is a big enough fish to have
its distributor in Canada.
The rookie, Pnutype A total novice in the market, this company utilizes state of art technology. The
technology is so good that it produces excellent results. If Pnutype presses are acquired, it will give
our company an edge over our competitors.
There are a few drawbacks to Pnutype and its presses. This company has been making presses for only
two and a half years. Among all of the prospective suppliers for the new presses, Pnutype has no
proximal presence. Its closest presence is in the United States. Considering our top management being
high level of cost consciousness, Pnutype presses are, by far, the most expensive option.
It, however, has the reputation of its presses requiring zero maintenance. One company that uses
Pnutype presses provided this feedback.
See Appendix 1 for the weighted evaluation matrix.
Alternatives and / or
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M3d Essay
To: Mr. Ed Smith
From: Navisha Arora
CC: Prof. Purdy
Date: December 13, 2014
Re: Recommendation to invest in the Micro 3D printer project
The Micro 3D printer is the most affordable, simple to use, fast and reliable 3D printer ever. It is an
excellent technology. This document will give you an insight on:
Overview of the Micro 3D printer
Technical details of the Micro 3D printer
The usage and market value of the printer
Overview of the Micro 3D printer
The M3D is an upcoming project which releases in early 2015. The project has 12,000 backers so far
and is the largest 3D Kickstarter ever. 3D printing is a cutting edge technology which could be a huge
in the near future. The Micro 3D printer project has raised more than 3.3 ... Show more content on
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The Micro 3D printer is a very simple and straightforward product. Once the software is installed in
the system, the prototype can be printed instantly. The M3D comes with its software that can be
connected to any system (Windows, Mac and Linux). This software is touch screen capable with a
simple interface and is USB compatible for the connection. The Micro 3D printer comes with the
M3D software, USB cable, instructions manual, country specific power adapter and one micro
filament spool. (LLC, 2014) This is a very interesting project and a growing technology to invest in.
The M3D would be the most affordable 3D printer ever. This product would be useful for the
beginners as well as the experts. The designer could select any model from the internet, download that
model and print it easily. The 3D prototype of that selected model will be created by the M3D. This
3D printer can work for hours consistently providing auto leveling and auto calibration without any
maintenance other than changing the filament spools or the print bed. This could be used for business,
education or personal purpose. The M3D can be used to create products like the glasses, jewelry,
planes, cars, small models or any other creative products that the designer would like.
An existing significant risk for the M3D is injection molding. Only one manufacturer can be secured
for injection molding as it is
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What Is A Distributed Operating System Security
Distributed Operating System Security
Anthony Fuciarelli
3030 Operating Systems
Dr. Michael Johnson
22 November 2016
Distributed operating system security is that of which security is implemented on a system of
connected computers that share and run information. This type of security system is different than
your average security features that a person may have on just a laptop or home computer system. The
biggest challenge is keeping the information that flows in a distributed operating system safe, as well
as protect against the multiple threats that security in a distributed operating system face. Its important
to understand how a distributed operating system security works, as well as the many different types
of threats that the distributed operating system security will face. Before the actually security in a
distributed operating system is discussed its important to understand what a distributed operating
system is and how its different from what most users are used too. A distributed operating system can
be described as an operating system or OS that runs on multiple central processing units or CPUs but
to a user it seems like as if its all one machine. An example would be multiple computers linked
together on one network that includes other devices such as printers or scanners. Every user that
accesses these computers on this network has access to the resources and files that are on the network,
as well as the devices that are connected.
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Character Analysis Of Waking Life
In Waking Life by Richard Linklater, the main character has a dream in which he ended up in a boat
shaped car with two random men he had never met. During this car ride, he gets wisdom regarding
how his decisions ultimately shape his life through the words of the driver and the decisions displayed
by the random stranger in the backseat with him. While these things are being decided he is shown in
the film as always plain and boring, with the tone of his voice never changing, the eyes always closed,
and the lack of color, with no life attached to him compared to many of the other characters. These
actions show a lack of personal responsibility, always relying on others to take responsibility for
himself. Sartre says that relying on hope ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which correlates with the driver understanding of the concept that one needed to be their own
individual to live life to the fullest, and to rely on oneself. Linklater uses this Pirate Flag to symbolize
what type of human the driver has become and what he is now aware of about life to display the
freedom that any individual has. Linklater uses this driver to make a binary between him and the main
character, who missed countless opportunities of what the viewer could sense parts of his
individuality, for example the girl at the start of the film clip, where the viewer could almost feel the
sense of connection between the two of them, by the way the camera was looking back and forth
between the two,the zooming in on the eyes of each other gave it away. He did not do anything during
this moment, nor in deciding his destination. He let the others around him decide for him his future.
The main character during this incident was this bland face, that seemed as if he was questioning
whether she would do anything to him. Linklater shows this very carefully in order to show this
absolute deadness of a human whose individuality relied on others to create himself. By using this
strong feeling of love, it allowed for the viewer to see the foolishness of the main character and the
opportunity he was missing out of to create something he wanted. One key moment regarding the
drive would be the fact that a random person sitting right next to him, decided his future by saying
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Charlie Vs. Gordon Effect In Flowers For Algernon
Flowers For Algernon
In the story Flowers for Algernon, Charlie, our main character, is presented a choice to triple his IQ
for a short time and possibly forever, or to stay the way he is. It wouldn t be a good story if he turned
down the offer so of course he chose to have the operation. Later on in the story he slowly becomes
smarter, and then back to his normal self. I believe that Charlie should have had the operation because
he helped make a scientific breakthrough, It was a good experience for him, and it made people
respect him more. If we look at how he made a scientific breakthrough just think about it. Charlie was
the first human to have a successful brain operation that made him learn quicker and overall smarter
than he was. Through the course of the book, toward the middle Charlie is at his mental peak, he
begins to write a paper titled the Algernon Gordon effect. As the readers of the book we don t know
what is exactly written in that paper so we will have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the book, the story is composed of Progress Reports , as a way of keeping track of Charlie s
thoughts and how he progresses after the operation, he probably has some of his progress reports in
the paper. He also has some of how the operation works as Charlie states I have included in my report
all my formulae, as well as mathematical analysis in the appendix. (Daniel Keyes, Page 218) That
means in his report he has a formula of some type that connects with the operation in some sort of
way. If we take a look at the other side of the coin we find that, later on in the book, Charlie loses his
intelligence and goes back to normal which some would say is why he shouldn t have the operation
but think about it, the first model of something new, let s say the
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How Gluttony Affects Health
Gluttony is the worst of seven Deadly sins, because it impacts a person health self image, and greed.
Rather the other six lust, greed , pride ,envy, and sloth just impacts one adjective of a person being.
Gluttony the over indulgence and over consumption of anything to the point of waste. Gluttony
impacts a person health in major ways. If a person is living to eat, health problems does come with
this habit of over excessive eating. Such as diabetes, heart diseases, kidney failure and sleep apnea
gaining. all of these health problems can lead to a quicker death. Gluttony affects your health rather
than people around you. If others see you reach the worst state in health all they can do is try to help
you stop eating. Gluttony impacts a person s
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Autistic Drugs Bad
Are drugs bad? That s what they ve been telling us since the beginning. But what if we could heal
autism with drugs? Perhaps then, society will give them a second chance. Well, that second chance is
now. Thanks to an experimental study, autistic people are taking medical ecstasy to cure their disorder.
few different traditional therapies out there for Autistic people. Most of them don t work . This is
because they simply force those with autism to act normal . As one can imagine, this comes with its
difficulties. However, now there is new, more culturally appropriate approach to addressing this social
anxiety disorder. The treatment is ecstasy. Aside from making
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Nationwide Children s Mechanisms Of Human Health And Disease
Shankar Pattabhiraman
Sneha Sharma
Nationwide Children s Mechanisms of Human Health and Disease
16 July 2015
Ischemic Stroke: An Overview
Section One: Introduction My name is Shankar Pattabhiraman, and I am an incoming senior at New
Albany High School. I will be graduating in June of 2016, and I am thinking of pursuing a chemical or
biomedical engineering major in college, or possibly biochemistry or neuroscience. My career goal is
to become a physician, or perhaps a physician scientist. I am especially interested in neurology related
fields, and this interest has been reinforced in several ways: participating in the 2015 National Brain
Bee Championships competition in Baltimore, MD, volunteering at Riverside Methodist Hospital in
the Neurocritical Care Unit and the Stroke and Brain Center, and helping Tony Hall and his friends
who suffer from neurological disorders and diseases. I chose to study ischemic strokes because I am
interested in neuropathology, both clinically and through research. In addition, through my
volunteering at RMH, I have worked with patients who have suffered from strokes, and while the
symptoms onset is sudden, the events leading up to the stroke are long term but rarely treatable.
Section Two: Background
Ischemic stroke is the blockage of blood vessels in the brain as a result of blood clots (thrombi),
causing the portions of the brain nourished by the vessel and its tributaries to be starved of nutrients,
poisoned, and to eventually die ( Symptoms
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Hca250 Motivation and Organizational Culture Paper
Chickenpox Chickenpox is a common childhood skin disease that caused by a viral infection. The
virus that is involved is called the varicella zoster virus (www.medicinenet.com). The disease has a
worldwide distribution and is reported throughout the year in regions of temperature climate. The peak
incidence is generally during the month of March through May lifelong immunity for chickenpox
generally fellow the disease. Chickenpox is highly contagious it is easily passed between families and
school classmates through airborne particle droplets in exhaled air fluid from the blisters or sores. It
can be transmitted indirectly by coming into contact with article of clothing and other item exposed to
fresh drainage from open sores. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* Keep your child home until the blister has crusted over. * If you have to take the child to the doctor
call first before taking the child in so that they can make arrangement for the child to be placed in a
separate waiting area. In order to help to keep the spread of chickenpox in control the CDC
recommends that children get the first shot at 12 to 15 months of age with a second shot between the
fourth and sixth year of life (www.livestrong.com).
The CDC points out that 45 to 50 U.S. states have required the vaccine for children entering school.
This is to maximize the prevention of the illness (www.livestrong.com).
In order to maximize and outbreak of chickenpox they introduce the chicken pox vaccine that you take
in one dosage to maximize the outbreak but outbreaks still occur in school setting where most children
only receive one dosage but there have been fewer outbreak since the two dosage program was started
in the United State (www.CDC.gov). Varicella (chickenpox) is a highly contagious disease that is very
uncomfortable and sometimes serious. The chickenpox vaccine is the best protection against
chickenpox. The vaccine is made from weakened varicella virus that produces an immune response in
your body that protects you against chickenpox. The chicken pox virus was licensed for use in the
United State in 1995. Since then, the vaccine has been widely used. Thanks to the chickenpox vaccine,
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Plateaus In The Appalachian Mountains
The Appalachian Mountains spans from the state of Georgia all the way through the maritime within
the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Eastern
portions of Quebec. The land is primarily made up of sedimentary rock that was lifted up and folded,
because of the collision of North America with Europe and northern Africa during the formation of
Pangaea, creating mountains. These sheets of sedimentary rock are wealthy in non metallic minerals
such as coal. In addition, volcanic action and faulting formed igneous and metamorphic rock in
specific space in the Appalachians. Plateaus made of this rock carry metallic material, because of this
such as iron and zinc. Many land forms that may located here are
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Eye Infection Procedures
Do your eyes have less than perfect vision? Are you trying to decide whether you want glasses,
contacts, or both? Before you visit your optometrist s office, here are some merits of each option to
help you decide:
Easy to clean: Unless you are perspiring heavily or get something splashed on your glasses, they will
usually only require a soft cloth to rub any dust or dirt away. If they have spots of sweat or other
liquids, this can be removed with a mild solution of warm water and dish soap.
Low chance of eye infection: Unlike contact lenses that are placed on your eyeball, glasses rest upon
your face. Because there is less potential for glasses to spread germs to your eyes, you will have a
lower risk of eye infection than than if you were wearing contact lenses.
Coordinate with your outfits: Sometimes an outfit needs something a little bit more, to make it pop ...
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This can happen in both summer and during the winter. Depending on where you live, it may be easier
for your optometrist to provide you with glasses that provide UV protection than for you to find
contact lenses that offer UV protection.
Contact lenses:
No fogging: If you work in a kitchen or any other location where you need to walk through multiple
areas with different temperatures, foggy glasses could be distracting or even potentially dangerous.
Contact lenses will never fog, no matter the temperature difference.
More natural vision: With contact lenses, your entire field of vision is corrected. No matter how
skilled your optometrist is, eyeglasses will have at least mild distortion around the edges due to their
No wardrobe clashes: Because contact lenses are invisible, you don t have to worry about whether
they will match a particular outfit or not. This means that you can go on a date or to an important
meeting without wondering whether you should ve worn your other pair of glasses or
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The Five Stages Of Tuckman s Theory
Group Work This work will focus on the meaning, the five stages of Tuckman s theory, the approaches
and the uses of group work. Group work refers to a method of social work practice which is concerned
with the recognition and use of processes which occur when three or more people work together
towards a common purpose (Trevithick, 2005). According to Garvin, Gutierrez and Galinsky (2004),
the properties that can be use to describe and change group on which the influence may have an
impact include group characteristics, competencies, conditions, change and context. A group should be
small between five to nine persons, so that each one will be able to relate and engage every member in
the group. The group is viewed as a system, the condition of any member affects the other (Fatout,
1992). The five stage Tuckman s theory (1965) namely forming, storming, norming, performing and
adjourning focuses on the way in which a group handles a task from the beginning to completion. The
main group work approaches are cognitive behaviourist, feminist, psychoanalytic and humanistic
approaches. Knowledge of theory enhances effectiveness of group work. Since much of our time is
spend in groups, it is helpful to work in groups because it will give an opportunity to improve their
human functioning. Group work helps to develop individual skills in communication, relationship
building and asserting oneself (Lindsay and Orton, 2014). Some target groups might be difficult to
work with, but they
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Technology In There Will Come Soft Rains By Ray Bradbury
Technology today has advanced and impacted our way of living and the dependence on it has become
a natural habit for our society. People today depend on their phones for numerous things such as,
talking, messaging, driving directions, surfing the web or even to update their current Facebook status.
Many people say that since they rely so heavily on technology, it has been known to weaken our
society s ability to open a book or newspaper to find information instead of looking at your phone.
Technology has become a crutch for our generation today and without it we would fail. There have
been inferences that technology will ruin us and lead us to extinction. In Ray Bradbury s short story
There Will Come Soft Rains , he purveys speculation that technology is the cause of downfall in
society and that nature will outlast man s creation. August 4, 2026, in Allendale, California, everything
is made easy for the family who occupy a technologically advanced home that caters to their every
need. Every morning breakfast is made, the date is announced, information is given on friends and
bills that need to be paid. Little mice clean and do the chores around the house. This all changed on
August 4th when the house becomes eerily quiet, with no family insight. The family is gone but
silhouettes of a man, woman and two small children are painted alongside the house. A nuclear
explosion wipes out the city, the town is desolate with just rubble and ashes left behind. A fire erupts
and the
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Critical Analysis Of Ednita Nazario
During the period analyzed (01/01/16 03/01/2017), Ednita Nazario had a Basic Positive Sentiment of
26%, which is below the artist average of 36%. Most of the artist chatter is considered neutral due to
fans sharing news about the documentary, performances, and articles.
The artist has seen a significant increase in social reach compared to the previous period, with
Impression Per Post during the current period totaling 5.3K, which highlights a higher amount of key
influencers talking about the artist during the period.
Social chatter in the U.S. for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Top hashtags are connected to chatter spikes. Top hashtags included: #YaNoDueleTanto (related to her
single) and #IntensamenteEdnitatour .
Ednita Nazario has a lower Facebook audience compared to similar artist, with a total of 659.8K Total
Likes. The artist also has a below average engagement with a weekly average of 22.4K interactions
(Talking About This), which gives the artist a 3% engagement rate on the platform (similar artists
average engagement on the platform is 6%).
The artist is posting good content, however, she is sharing most of the same pictures from her
Instagram on her Facebook account, which has a negative impact on her page Likes and engagement.
Consider posting exclusive content on the platform, with short videos to maintain audience attention,
and posting during the time her audience is on Facebook in order to drive
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Crux Research Paper
I ve chosen to speak about the constellation Crux, commonly known as the Southern Cross, since this
was the first constellation I learned to recognise in the night sky. Despite being the smallest official
constellation, it is one of the easiest to recognize and, on the Southern hemisphere, it s used to locate
the South Celestial Pole. The Crux constellation is formed by 4 main stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and
Delta Crucis.
It is said that long ago, in a Mocovi hut, lived chief Nemec. He was a brave warrior and dexterous
hunter, widely known across the lands. One day he went to hunt for his people to feast, and as he
searched for a prey in the woodlands, he spotted in the distance the silhouette of a rhea (the South
American ostrich) and he hurriedly started after it. He was inching towards it slowly, and each time he
thought he could shoot it with he s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nemec couldn t afford to go back empty handed, he had to feed his people, so he kept attempting to
hunt it through the natural paths in the woods. They ran and ran until they reached the horisont, and
there the rhea jumped high, higher than anything had ever jumped, and started climbing the sky. It is
said where I live in that the Southern Cross is the footprint the rhea left behind it. Nemec stayed the
whole night watching his pray become one with the stars.
Long before Life reached Earth, the Stars were discussing among themselves. They all wanted their
own space, and to remain close to each other. Many wanted to watch Life grow in it s more primitive,
small form. Many stars went far away to to other galaxies, both cold and lonely and soon to be full of
life. But this story happens on our own galaxy, the Milky Way, were 6 stars were disputing between
themselves who d be the Pole stars. And so it went, that the stars fought and
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The Negative Effects Of Air Pollution In China
In recent years, air pollution has become a growing problem in China (Zhang, Chao). According to the
newly released scientific paper by Dan Levin, Outdoor air pollution contributes to the deaths of an
estimated 1.6 million people in China every year, or about 4,400 people a day (Levin, Dan).
Essentially, air is a major part of our overall health. However, people (including ourselves), especially
living in developed countries, suffer from the exposure of air pollution. This potentially puts our
health at risk. It causes various negative effects to our body that in worst cases leads to death. Air
pollution affects our health in multiple ways; as it varies from minimal to serious problems. The air
pollutants have negative effects on our cardiovascular system, causing many fatalities as well as
diseases to those specifically in China. People can protect themselves from the suffrage of
cardiovascular diseases by being cautious with what they are surrounded by. With the rapid
industrialization and urbanization in China, air pollution has become a major issue. China is a popular
country in the world known for its pollution and population. Air pollution was defined as,
contamination of air by smoke and harmful gases such as oxides of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen
(Mishra,Sundeep). As China becomes more industrialized with buildings and factories, pollution
increases and causes environmental, as well as health problems. According to an article by Chao
Zhang, he associates the cardiovascular mortality rate and air pollution in Hefei, China; he analyzes,
The characteristics of air pollution in different regions vary depending on the level of industrialization
and other factors (Zhang, Chao). Hefei, the capital city of Anhui province, was also a part of the
urbanization and industrial expansion, which also increased serious air pollution (Zhang, Chao). The
dramatic increasing of automobiles in the past few years also damaged the air quality in China, being
the reasoning for multiple cardiovascular diseases and damages. The cardiovascular system is critical
in our bodies. Without the cardiovascular system, our body would not be supplied with the substances
needed to stay alive (Anand, Mahindra). It consists of the
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The 1911 Chinese Revolution Essay
The 1911 Revolution kicked out the Qing Dynasty and broke the barriers to different developments in
China. However, the 1911 Revolution has only provided a framework of a republic and made changes
in some particular aspects related to immediate problems and difficulties in society. Hence, the
relationship between the revolution and the subsequent development of China was very weak. On one
hand, I do not agree with the latter part of the statement that the 1911 Revolution brought new
problems to China. The conflicts and problems that China suffered in the early/ mid 1910s were
mainly due to the weakness of the military force, conflicting political organizations and disorder in
society. On the other hand, I agree with the first part of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The New Army was the best trained and best equipped imperial military force in the Qing Dynasty.
Therefore, Yuan Shikai, who was the commander of the New Army, could get the place of Prime
Minister from Sun Yikxian after 1911 Revolution. Yuan agreed to a ₤25 million Reorganization Loan
to support his army without parliamentary discussion and appointed officials of his own choice.
However, like Yuan Shikai, officials such as Li Yuanhong and Duan Qiui did not have the military
forces and power to control other regional military leaders. This resulted in the rise of warlordism and
wars between regions always broke out. Violence and assassination became ways to change the
political situation. Moreover, he revived the monarchical system and subsequently appointed himself
as emperor. This conveyed that Yuan s behaviors destroyed the democratic system of the Republic.
Due to his political actions, Sun and some activists founded the Chinese Revolutionary Party to
oppose Yuan. Hence, Yuan Shikai was one of the major factors that caused social instability and
failure of new democratic system of China.
Besides military weakness, conflicting political organizations with different political views were
another major factor. In Guomindang, there were two sides of intellectuals Sun Yatsen was militant
while Hang Hsing and Wang Chingwei were conservatives. Sun did not agree with Huang s promotion
of socialism and
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Perpetual Peace By Immanuel Kant
When discussing politics in modern society, it seems a unshakeable fact that there has never been nor
will there ever be a moral politician; one upon whom the people can rely to consider the ethics and
morality of a decision before enacting it. It is a far cry from Immanuel Kant s more Enlightenment era
beliefs which couriers an optimistic ideal in the ability of people to use reason, knowledge, and the
desire for progress to provide a rational methodology. Kant wrote in his essay Perpetual Peace that, a
true system of politics cannot...take a single step without first paying tribute to morality which he
believes is not only inextricable from each other but also a necessity since morality can cut through
the knot which politics cannot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He uses the Peloponnesian War to emphasize power, hierarchy, and order in the world; this is a
concept that not only rejects Kant s optimism but can be used to spit in the face of it. States,
Thucydides Realism would argue, do not have the motivation to consider deep, moral reasoning when
decided whether or not to go to war since the motivations of power and self interest are far too
powerful to resist and the leaders so prioritize their place in society that any, and all, action is designed
to maintain that position even at the expense of the nation. Specifically, in the Peloponnesian War,
Thucydides writes that the reasons for war was only the growth of Athenian power and the fear this
inspired in the Spartans. At no point did morality, or the universal imperative, come into play when
making the decision and at no point later did it come into play; consider the Mytilenian Debate where
an Athenian argues that all the adults in Mytilene ought to be killed regardless of guilt as an example,
to prove to their allies that any revolt will be put down violently. The protest that arises in an appeal to
morality is that, rather than trying to terrify the opposition, [a good citizen] ought to prove his case in
fair argument. And, in fact, Kant would argue that this moment is a prime example for when people
attempt to act in a moral imperative
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Summary Of John Adams Short Ride In A Fast Machine
John Adams is an American composer, best known for his operas, the symphonic fanfare Short Ride in
a Fast Machine, and the Pulitzer Prize winning work, On the Transmigration of Souls. He was born in
Massachusetts, graduated with a BA and a MA from Harvard, and taught at the San Francisco
Conservatory. In addition to directing the New Music Ensemble at the conservatory, he also worked in
the electronic music studio. His work has become quite popular, especially Short Ride in a Fast
Machine. His operas Nixon and China and Doctor Atomic are frequently performed nationally and
His style is minimalist, but rather than born out of personal exploration, it occurs as a reaction to the
serialism that was prominent during Adams college ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Recorded sounds and the names of the victims will reappear throughout the work.) The texts sung by
the chorus and children s chorus are drawn from the heartbreaking missing person notices that sprang
up around the World Trade Center site after the attacks. One of Adams s inspirations for this kind of
layering of various quotations is the early 20th century composer Charles Ives, and he makes this
especially clear by including a long reference to the trumpet solo from Ives s The Unanswered
Question. A long opening section ends with a sudden thinning of the texture, and the sounds of
digging. The music grows threatening and there is quick burst of anger from the orchestra, which just
as quickly subsides into a long choral passage. This reaches an emotional peak with the words I know
just where he is, followed by a ferocious orchestral interlude. The chorus responds with the words
light and love failing at first to stop the orchestra s fury, but the music eventually subsides, and the
work ends with long, quiet, and deeply touching epilogue. The last words we hear I love you. are the
best response of all to tragedy and
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Game Of Fortune And The Role Of Virtu
Benjamin Thompkins
Professor Fumerescu
POLS 3349
Game of Fortune the Role of Virtu Often times we watch many things in our life without necessarily
looking at the context of what we are observing, and taking note of the politics that take play. Game of
Thrones is a series on HBO adapted from the book by George R. R. Martin that has a number of
politically charged issues. The show takes precedence in a land called The Seven Kingdoms composed
of several territories most notable being Westeros. It takes place during the War of 5 Kings where
several opposing factions vie for rule of the Iron Throne (King of the Seven Kingdoms ) located in
Westeros. During this civil war there is a force in the North beyond the walls that civilized men from
The Seven Kingdoms built to hold an ominous (nightwalkers) force outside their realm. In the show a
number of actors points of view are followed. The viewer watches alliances, trust, deception,fortune,
and skill come into play. This spiral of conflict for possession of the throne started when King Robert
Baratheon became ill and died. However, turmoil for the Iron Throne is nothing new for the land since
it had not long ago been ruled by the Mad King Targaryen whose lineage had ruled the throne for long
reign. Conflicts arise among many of the parties that had invested interest in the throne. Scandals and
accusations put many in the realm at junctions where they must form alliances. As these events
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Templates For Avocado Analysis
For the avocado layer 1. Soak cashews in water for at least 5 hours no more than 8 hours. 2. Let the
cashews and blend in a food processor until nuts are often broken. 3. Cook the Kale for about 5 8
minutes, until tender. You can skip this step if you prefer raw Kale. 4. Mash the avocado and in the
food processor with honey and lemon juice. 5. Mix the ingredients until the mixture thickens and
without a lot of sand. You may need to add a little more water. To layer of strawberries 1. Cut
strawberries. 2. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and heat gently for a few minutes. You can warm
up more, if you prefer a paper jam. For cookies layers 1. Remove all ingredients in a food processor or
with a strong arm, until incorporated. 2. Serving approximately
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Gluten Free Foods
With this in mind, there are brands who innovate their products and make way to produce bread and
other delicacies that are gluten free to ensure that they can reach the gluten free people market. These
gluten free bread brands may be few compared to those who manufacture normal and regular breads,
but they can still keep the market abuzz with their different gluten free foods.
One could not choose the best gluten free bread without knowing what company brands are behind
these tasty breads. Before grabbing a gluten free bread from the shelf, know the manufacturer and
brand origin first so that you will be able to know if the one you are about to take out from the shelf in
a well respected bakery brand for breads.
Top 10 gluten free bread brands ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even if it is an American company, their products are the #1 best selling in Europe which only proves
that their bread and products are genuinely perfect and worth a try. Schar USA offers breads that are
free from lactose and there are also those that do not contain eggs, which are good choices for lactose
intolerant and vegan people. There are 12 variations for the Scahr USA gluten free bread products that
you can munch on.
8. Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery
Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery has been certified by the Gluten Free Certification Organization making
sure that they sell real and authentic gluten free breads. The organization certified the products to
contain less than 10 ppm of gluten. The products are baked in gluten free ovens and dedication ovens.
There are around 16 gluten free bread variations being sold by Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery. Just make
sure that when you purchase their products, you should check that you are indeed buying gluten free
items and not any of the normal breads they are selling.
9. New
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Harmony Lee Research Paper
All about Harmony Lee
Harmony Lee is an 18 year old young lady who enjoys volleyball, drawing, reading and listening to
music. She grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii until the age of 10 when she moved to Alaska. I discovered
she had many nicknames given to her by her family and friends, my favorite was Dori , Harmony is
apparently an extremely clumsy but greatly loved by her family.
A band of interest is Far East Movement, various island music, and artists like Sammy J, Kolohe Kai,
J Boog and oldies artist including Lauren Hill, Tanya Stephens, and Jojo. She also enjoys fiction,
fantasy fiction be more specific and recommends an old teen series by Jessica Shirvington: Embrace, a
book series I m going to look into.
Harmony has chosen the Medical
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Nt131 Unit 3 Paper
All three of the policies are in some way a little bit different than the current system in place in New
York. Delaware uses a three tier system that allows the state and local government to share the
responsibility of making decisions regarding distribution. Tier 1 provides funding for the cost for such
things as teachers salaries and their benefits. In addition, this Tier determines the amount of money
needed per pupil, meaning that the number of students in the district determines the amount of funds
that a district received. Tier II: this is the amount of money given to the district by the state to cover
such things as schools supplies, building maintenance and utilities. Tier III: this is the fund, provided
to the districts base on their pupil number, and this helps to equalize things between poor and wealthy
districts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, poorer districts will receive a bigger share of Tier III funding to fill the gap for special
needs in their district and the amount given to wealthier district. Whereas in Indiana the state
government decides the distribution amount because the state is the biggest stakeholder and funder in
their policy. New Jersey has a system that is similar to New York where a formula is used to determine
the amount the district will receive and district makes up the rest. New Jersey funding policy works by
using the SFRA formula to determine the base cost per pupil in order to meet their basic educational
needs. The formula is used to calculate the extra funds needed for such things as special needs and
Limited English proficient (LEP). The state uses the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA) to come up
with the amount they will put and then the used that number to figure out how much the local district
will have to contribute to their educational
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Mr Abraham Lincoln Should Be On The Postage Stamp
Mr Abraham Lincoln should be on the postage stamp because he did many grate thing in his life and
he served justice to the people. This is somethings he has done here in his time. Abraham Lincoln was
born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln.
Thomas was a strong and determined pioneer who found a moderate level of prosperity and was well
respected in the community. The couple had two other children: Abraham s older sister Sarah and
younger brother Thomas, who died in infancy. Due to a land dispute, the Lincoln s were forced to
move from Kentucky to Perry County, Indiana in 1817, where the family squatted on public land to
scrap out a living in a crude shelter, hunting game and farming a ... Show more content on
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Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. He undoubtedly read the
family Bible and probably other popular books at that time such as Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrims
Progress and Aesop s Fables. In March, 1830, the family again migrated, this time to Macon County,
Illinois. When his father moved the family again to Coles County, 22 year old Abraham Lincoln struck
out on this own, making a living in manual labor. At six feet four inches tall, Lincoln was rawboned
and lanky, but muscular and physically strong. He spoke with a backwoods twang and walked with a
long striding gait. He was known for his skill in wielding an ax and early on made a living splitting
wood for fire and rail fencing. Young Lincoln eventually migrated to the small community of New
Salem, Illinois, where over a period of years he worked as a shopkeeper, postmaster, and eventually
general store owner. It was here that Lincoln, working with the public, acquired social skills and
honed story telling talent that made him popular with the locals. When the Black Hawk War broke out
in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans, the volunteers in the area elected Lincoln to
be their captain. He saw no combat during this time, save for a good many bloody struggles with the
mosquitoes, but was able to make several important political connections. It was soon after this that he
purportedly met and became romantically involved with Anne Rutledge. Before they
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A Picture Of The Shadows
A Picture of the Shadows: A Discussion of How Chiaroscuro Illustrates Remembering and Forgetting
in In the Skin of a Lion
In the novel, In the Skin of a Lion, Michael Ondaatje uses the motif of chiaroscuro, or the relationship
between light and shadow, to illustrate the themes of remembering and forgetting. A motif is a
narrative element that reoccurs throughout a narrative, an idea that has a symbolic meaning. As
described by H. Porter Abbott, it is not abstract but a concrete idea, which moulds the theme of a
literary work. The concept of chiaroscuro, or shadow play, originally comes from painting, and is used
to characterize works in which the darkness strongly contrasts with the light. In other words, the
brighter the light, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
7). He also witnesses the dark horrors of these workers dying of pneumonia or from the sulphur in
their lungs from the mills (pg. 8). This is our first glimpse through Patrick s eyes at the horrors the
working class historically faced. Even in the Countryside, where there is little light from development,
there is a lot of danger as death spreads its shadow alongside the dimmer light of development and
progress. Patrick s own father, a self taught explosives expert, is killed in a mining accident. Here both
the metaphorical light, progress and industry, and the literal light, the dynamite explosions, cast the
shadow of death onto Patrick s father, to remind the reader how many lives of workers were sacrificed
for development. No one remembers their contributions except for their closest family members.
Despite the country shadows such as the death of Patrick s father, a clear contrast is drawn between
light and shadow in urban versus countryside environments. Patrick is seen reminiscing about his
father and recalls the old skill he learned from his father... in the sunlight, in rivers (p. 107). He
contrasts his current work in the dark tunnels, the terrible place where he feels banished from the
world (pg. 107), to the outdoor logging work he did in his hometown, contrasting the positive sunlit
memories of his childhood with his darker struggles,
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Macro Analysis And Pest Analysis Of Glenson Apparel
Macro Analysis
Political Factor
Glenson Apparel started year 2004 which offers children s wear to both male and female aging 2 12
years old composes of t shirts, shorts and pajamas casual and party dress. One of the main political
factors of Glenson apparel is outsourcing products to other countries. It states in the Republic Act No.
9290 Section 2 saying Recognizing that the footwear, leather goods and tannery industries have the
potential to generate employment through their integrated development, and increase the country s
foreign exchange earnings through exports and import substitutes, it shall be the policy of the State to
support, promote and encourage the growth and development of the small and medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) belonging to these industries. For this reason, the company wants to support
structure to help the viability of the SMEs in said enterprises and make them competitive.
Another political factor is the need to follow the laws and regulations, tarrifs and customs law
regarding the importation of apparel in the Philippines buyers are earning higher wages and are in this
manner fit for spending more on childrens wear things, whenever Glenson Apparel imports apparel
from other country they undergo paying of corresponding charges and taxes.
It is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At present, Filipinos conform their way of dressing, as a result of the influence of what is shown by
the media on television, cinema, and fashion shows, among others. Filipinos are fashionable and loves
to keep up with trends, so many entrepreneurs in the Philippines ventures into apparel and footwear
business. Due to climatic reasons, Filipino prefers to wear T shirts combined with jeans trousers for
men and skirts for women. Consumers are earning higher incomes and are thus capable of spending
more on children wear
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Similarities Between The Boy And The Beast By Mamoru Hosoda
In the movie The Boy and The Beast by Mamoru Hosoda, the quote The sword in your heart is
important! (Hosoda, 2015) symbolizes a deeper meaning to objects that are in your heart. Kamatetsu
symbolizes that the sword is the positivity in your life. He says that everyone has a sword in their
hearts and that it is important to you. Without the sword, you will not have the strength and morality to
keep going and just lose all hope in life. The sword stands for all your strengths and positivity, purity
and everything that is good for you. It is supposed to protect you from all the darkness and keep you
pure minded. It will guide you through life and help you make hard decisions. You have to believe in
the sword and strength it for it helps you
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How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T

  • 1. 😀How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 😀How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T 😀How To Write A Good Literary Essay. How T
  • 2. America and Iran s Nuclear Program Essay examples The ongoing struggle between the Iran and the United States over Iran s quest to acquire nuclear weapons has led to different ideas and proscriptions to solve the problem. In one particular quote, an unknown speaker advocates that it is in the best interest of the United States and its allies to strike Iran if diplomacy fails, calling this the most prudent option. This controversial idea must be considered not only in its short term effects, but also in the long term result. Although it may be tempting to use nuclear weapons and long range missiles to disarm Iran, it would be far too costly for the U.S. and its allies. For this reason, the quote does not present a practical solution to the problem. There are multiple points in the quote ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The destruction that followed was unparalleled; according to the BBC, over 200,000 people were killed immediately following the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and countless survivors became sick with radiation related illnesses in the following years (BBC News). There was much criticism following the nuclear attacks because the majority of those killed were civilians. If such a situation occurred in Iran, it can only be assumed that results would be similar, if not more devastating. If the U.S. attacked Iran in a more conventional manner, like a ground invasion, the question of sovereignty and enforcement of international law is raised. Although the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty prohibits states without nuclear weapons from acquiring them, it is difficult to enforce international law, especially as states have sovereignty within their own borders. Only a few countries, including the U.S., are able to threaten and deter countries that violate international law. Because of this, often the only laws that are enforced are those that concern the most powerful countries. The International Atomic Energy Agency monitors and investigates countries to guarantee they are not acquiring nuclear weapons. Recently, the IAEA released a report saying there is a credible belief that Iran is trying to create a nuclear device; this has heightened tensions between Iran and the U.S. Also at stake is the United States reputation and position as a world ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Distinctiveness Of The American Bureaucracy Distinctiveness of the American Bureaucracy The aspects of the constitution and political system Political authority over the bureaucracy is not in one set of hands, but shared among several institutions In a parliament the authority is all in the prime minister Most of the agencies of the federal government share their functions with related agencies in state and local governments The institutions and traditions of American life have contributed to the growth of adversary culture, which protects the personal rights of people and the expansion of those rights. Scope of bureaucracy Little public ownership of industry in the United States High degree of regulation in the United States of private industries Western European countries like france have governments that operate and own most of the economy Proxy Government The federal government uses the services of others to do their work for them State and local governments Business Nonprofit organizations Examples: Social Security, Medicare, much environmental protection, collecting income taxes, many military duties and FEMA Critical points Not all money is put to good use Keeps the bureaucracy small by paying people outside the government The Growth of the Bureaucracy The early controversies Senate consent to removal of officials is challenged by supporters of a strong president President has the power to remove but Congress funds and investigates The appointment of officials Officials affect how laws are are put into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Key Women Issues Research Paper Key Women s Issues: Pregnancy Discrimination, Pay Equity, and the Glass Ceiling Alfreda Grinder, BS HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Fall I Instructor: Mr. Tony Denkins October 5, 2010 Since the days of Roe v. Wade, women in the United States have made great gains in many ways in society. Two consecutive presidential administrations women have serviced as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Condoles Rice. We are seeing rising female political stars of recent, two progressive female nominees of President Obama were recently ratified to the Supreme Court. Pepsi Cola, Hewlett Packard, Budweiser of Pepin Company has all had women Chief Executive Officers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can file a charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). ▪ Write down what happened. Write down the date, time and place of the incident, as soon as possible. Include what was said and who was there. Keep a copy of these notes at home. They will be useful if you decide to file a complaint with your company or to take legal action. ▪ Find out more about your legal rights. You do not need a lawyer to file a charge with EEOC. Nevertheless, you may want to talk with a lawyer who specializes in sex discrimination. The state bar association or the women s bar association in your area can refer you to lawyers. They can help you figure out what to do. They know the pros and cons of different legal actions, including the time and the cost of filing a lawsuit. ▪ Find out how other pregnant workers have been treated. Talk to any women who may have had trouble at work because they were pregnant. ▪ Talk to your union representative. Union rules often allow you to file a grievance. If you do not have a union, call a women s or civil rights group for help. ▪ Talk to your employer. Your company may have an equal employment opportunity officer or a way for you to file a complaint. ▪ Get emotional support from friends and family. It can be very upsetting to feel you have been treated unfairly at work. Take care of yourself. Think about what you want to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Paris Ferrari Research Paper Early in the morning yesterday, bodies of the banished Romeo montague, lady Juliet Capulet, and Count Paris Ferrari were found in the Capulet tomb all reported to be dead. Early Saturday morning watchmen were alerted about a fight happening close to the Capulet tomb between Romeo Montague, and Paris Ferrari. When watchman came to the scene they found the dead bodies of Paris Ferrari lying dead in the tomb along with Romeo found dead beside Juliet. Juliet was found with stab wounds and newly dead. The watchman believe Romeo killed Paris with his sword and then killed himself with poison due to the traces of poison on his lips. Paris Ferrari page was on scene and able to comment I was their, Paris was planting flowers on the Capulet tomb when the vile Romeo came to desecrate the tomb. Paris s love for Juliet made him stand up to Romeo and a fight ensued, that is when I went to call the watchman. The Prince was able to comment and said This is a very sad time for both families, and a very tragic event for our city. They were all very young and had bright futures ahead of them. From the friars story we believe that the friar gave Juliet a potion to make her seem dead so that she wouldn t have to marry Paris. He told us that he secretly married Romeo and Juliet and that they loved each other. He sent a letter to Mantua where romeo was exiled to unfortunately the letter was never received by Romeo and because of that he came here to kill himself and that was when the fight between Paris and romeo happened and then romeo committed suicide beside his wife Juliet before she woke up and then killed herself with a dagger. Romeo also brought a letter with him to send to his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Authorities are searching for the apothecary who sold Romeo the poison to confirm the friars story and Romeo s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Down Syndrome And The Human Body We all love amazing smiles and infectious eyes and hugs. Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels. Who are we to judge when we all bleed the same blood. Down syndrome is only a part of them and not how they are defined. No one is greater than another no matter what the situation. In every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along rod like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome. A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm although each person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees, or not at all. One in every 691 babies in the the United States is born with Down syndrome, making Down syndrome the most common genetic condition. Approximately 400,000 Americans have Down syndrome and about 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year. For centuries, people with Down syndrome have been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Essay about A Child Called It, The Lost Boy and A Man... For this report, I have read all three of Dave Pelzer s books about his life: A Child Called It , The Lost Boy and A Man Named Dave. A Child Called It chronicles Dave s life as a child, and is told from that viewpoint. From his earliest recollections of a relatively happy life with the Mommy to his life and death struggle with The Mother , this book details the horror of Dave s dehumanizing existence. Going far beyond typical physical, emotional and psychological abuses, Dave s story tells of intentional starvation, forced coprophagia, poisoning and much more. This volume covers his life from his earliest memories at age 4 until his rescue at age 12. The Lost Boy picks up the story where the first book leaves off, following ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dave took food from other children s lunches at school in order to survive. His schoolmates were aware of this, and it served to set him further apart from them. The children called him names and he had no friends. Two of the disabilities that were apparent to me while reading these books were the alcoholism of Dave s parents and Dave s developmental issues. Application of Developmental Theories Families are systems in which each individual has a unique relationship with the other individuals in the family. Dave s place in his family was, indeed, unique. The subsystem consisting of Dave and his mother had a foundation in the boundaries set by the mother. Dave s role in the family was, essentially, that he was not a part of the family. Not only that, Dave s identity was stripped away by his mother. At the onset of the abuse, she began referring to him as the boy. As the situation worsened, she referred to him as It , hence the title of the first book in this series. At the time of Dave s rescue, he exhibited two of the four behavioral indicators of abuse that were established in 1979 by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He exhibited overly compliant, passive and undemanding behaviors aimed at maintaining a low profile, avoiding any possible confrontation with a parent which could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Research that Adapts Information Retrieval Based on a User... As the number of Internet users and the number of accessible Web pages grows, it is becoming increasingly difficult for users to find relevant documents to their particular needs. In this paper, we report on research that adapts information retrieval based on a user profile. Ontology models are widely used to represent user profiles in personalized web information retrieval. Many models have utilized only knowledge from either a global knowledge base or a user local information for representing user profiles. A personalized ontology model is used for knowledge representation and reasoning over user profiles. This model uses ontological user profiles based on both a world knowledge base and user local instance repositories. It is observed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many researchers have attempted to discover user background knowledge through global or local analysis to represent user profiles. i) Motivation The basic objective regarding this project is to achieve high performance in web information retrieval using a personalized ontology model. Most of the times when user searches for some information with some ideas in mind , It is always the case that he didn t get the information exactly as he wants in first page . He has to go through different pages until he get the information exactly as per his concept. The basic idea is to create ontological user profiles from both a world knowledge base and user local instance repositories in order to have a fast information retrieval as per the concept model of the user. ii) Existing systems Commonly used knowledge bases include generic ontologies, thesauruses, and online knowledge bases. The global analysis produce effective performance for user background knowledge extraction but it is limited by the quality of the used knowledge base. Local analysis investigates user local information or observes user behavior in user profiles. Analyzed query logs to discover user background knowledge is used. Users were provided with a set of documents and asked for relevance feedback. User background knowledge was then discovered from this feedback for user profiles. The discovered results may contain noisy and uncertain information. iii) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. 2.2 Explain How To Manage A Site Drainage 2.1 How to manage the site drainage and its importance. Site drainage management is aim to safeguard the house inhabitants and protect the house from several damage cause by surface water and both internal and external inappropriate moisture (Master builders, 2009). Site drainage management is a very important part of the design of footing system. It is because the site drainage could influence the success of the footing system, the maintenance of the site drainage influencing the economic life of the building and the site drainage plan is required to be documented (AS2870, 2011). In the AS2870, there is a detailed drainage requirement helping owner builders to know how to manage drainage and the several factors influencing the site drainage. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are several soil results might happen after the tree removal in this case, from limited influence to significant damage. As this case just mentioned the site soil classification of this reclaimed land is H1 but not mention the soil type. If it s sandy area, removal trees might cause less damage to the soil because sand does not swell or shrink with changes in moisture (Victorian building authority, 2015). However, if these trees are used to take more moisture from the underground water system in clay soil land, the tree removal land will become more wet or dry due to the different surrounding agricultural situation. For example, if there are heavy rainy after the tree removal and there are no other trees or shrubs around the site, too much accumulated water will stay on the hole and change the clay soils to be more reactive. On the other hand, if there are other big trees and shrubs around the site, the extra moisture will be absorbed by these trees and the site soil is going to be dry. Thus, the classification of the soil will be changed and it lead to change the footing construction system as well. All in all, tree conditions should be considered before the removal and a more careful site filling and cleaning jobs should be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Neil Peart Literary Techniques In Neil Peart s Witch Hunt, an ignorant mob is attempting to change others in ways they see fit by wanting to modify the dangerous media that wrongly influences society. Neil Peart expresses the mob s ideas and actions using various literary techniques throughout the poem that convey a wicked and corrupt tone. With egregious intentions, a mob of ignorant people will force others to think like them in order to eliminate the false dangers within their civilization. Using devices such as imagery, consonance, verbal and dramatic irony to create the overall message of how the people who know the least about what is actually going on in society seem to do anything to ignore or get rid of change. In the first stanza of the poem the reader is introduced to an uncanny setting where the oblivious mob slowly rises in the dark night. The eerie diction creates a foreboding tone through vivid imagery, creating the idea that something wicked is about to occur. Diction such as black, still, and lonely that really ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Symbolism is also included in this stanza, flickering light gives the reader the visual representation for their incompetence. Consonance is seen in this stanza through Silent and stern in the sweltering night and Quiet in conscience, calm in their right. In the first instance of consonance the speaker describes the mob, the sound makes the mob sound like they are being sneaky. In the second one, the speaker s use of a cacophony in an effort to point out how cynical the mob actually is. Quiet in conscience, calm in their right can also be parallelism in that the speaker stresses the viewpoints of the mob to assist the reader s analyzation of their intentions. Mesodiplosis constitutes that the mob detects no faults within their belief showing the ignorance they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Real Estate And Social Media Nicole Curesky Professor Laendner Business 472 October 15, 2014 Real Estate Sales and Social Media In this chapter, I will trace the evolution and development of real estate websites and social media. Specifically, I will address how real estate was marketed prior to the internet, the introduction of social media, and the evolution of real estate websites and social media throughout the years. Real Estate Marketing Prior to the Internet Before the introduction of the internet as a marketing tool for real estate agents, the deciding factor of an agent s success relied solely on their sphere of influence and knowledge of the market. The more contacts an agent had, the greater the ability to receive business referrals and customers on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allowed agents to not only market their listings but find future clients as well. Real Estate Websites There is a wide array of websites available to real estate agents to market their listings. These include popular websites such as Zillow, Trulia, Realtor, MLS, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and many more. MLS, or the multiple listing service, is an innovative content management system that serves as a means for organizing and advertising listings. Once a listing is entered by an agent, it is then uploaded to the local MLS website and displayed for viewing by consumers who are searching online. Most MLS providers then feed this listing to other real estate websites such as the ones previously mentioned. Once a listing expires, it is then automatically removed from all websites until relisted. Another innovative website designed with the consumer in mind is Zillow. Zillow shows the property history and value estimate for all homes, not just the ones listed for sale, in a given area. Although not completely accurate, it gives homeowners and prospective buyers a chance to see what s available and more importantly what isn t. Homeowners now have the power to estimate the value of either their home or other homes in the area which can potentially eliminate the need for an agent. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Media s Impact On Society And The Individual Despite there being numerous sources and names for media and information, large conglomerate companies have emerged over the last several decades that own a majority of media outlets in the United States and throughout the world. These conglomerates operate in an assortment of business opportunities. The big six as they are commonly referred, own up to 90% of the American media market share (Lutz), and that number is growing. The big six companies include G.E., News Corporation, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. To demonstrate this growth of consolidation, that same 90% of the American media was owned by fifty independent companies in 1983 (Lutz). These figures are outstanding, as they relate and intersect with Stuart Hall s idea of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the conglomerate Comcast corporation is a cable television provider, internet service provider, phone service provider, the owner of various broadcast stations like NBC and the Spanish network Telemundo, the owner of film networks like Universal pictures, and the owner of internet sites like Hulu and Fandango. Comcast even owns the Universal Studios theme parks and a professional hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers. This is just a short list of the various businesses and services that a conglomerate, like Comcast, may own. As of 2017, Comcast reported a whopping $146 billion dollar market cap (Selyukh). By further understanding these motives, one is able to realize the role that media plays in their daily lives and the influence that they may have that extends outside the television broadcast. The power that these conglomerates hold may cause given information and facts to be distorted, possibly in order to better benefit themselves and their own corporate interests. This information highlights Hall s ideal of how knowledge and power intersect. Hall brings up the idea of how there is this Gap of representation, a figurative gap between the actual facts and how the media represent it (Hall). This gap between representation and the true facts must be measured by the individual, when he or she may think something is reported inaccurately or in a biased mannered. In order to understand this gap that may be presented by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The City Of Ember Doon A Dynamic Character After reading The City Of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, I have learned that (Doon) is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the book, the character is (Confidant)eventually, the character becomes (afraid), and (then Doon became enthusiastic). These character traits were observed through Doons actions, dialogue, relationships, choices, and problems. This character connects to the world alone because there are alot of people like Doon,I say that because in Doons mind it was easy to fix the generator but it really isn t(Easier said than done). I have learned that Doon is confident about getting out of Ember and fixing the generator through his choices and this tells me alot about Doons personality and that Doon believes in himself. The first example to show that Doon is confidant is he was happy that Lina traded jobs and he got the pipe works as a job.One of the main reason why Doon wanted the pipe works as a job mainly was confident he could fix the generator.The second example to show that Doon was confidant is when he went to work the main thing that he thought about was the generator and also most of the time all he tried just try to figure out how to fix the generator.Then the last example is when at the end of the story he was 99.09 sure he could get out of Ember with the Instructions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And this tells me he is scared sometimes and that tells me that Doon can still get scared.The first example that he was scared that he could not save Ember because he soon found out that fixing the generator was harder to fix then he thought.The second example to show the Doon was scared was when he thought one of the black outs would last forever.The last example to show that doon was afraid was when he thought that the instructions would not lead out of Ember but would lead to a death ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Pollution And Warming Of The Ocean Pollution and Warming of the Ocean The ocean is a vast and mysterious part of our ocean. The ocean covers 71 % of our planet and contains over 50% of all life on earth .( Oceanic Institute ). The oceans also holds the deepest part of our planet that we have yet to explore and discover. The ocean is such a vital part of our planet and we are destroying it with pollution and mistakes that we have made. Global warming is a huge issue that we have to deal with. The world is getting warmer. Whether the cause is human activity or natural variability most of evidence says it is because of humans. Thermometer readings all around the world have risen steadily since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain ( earthobservatory ). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pollution is so bad there that they have smog, where it got so bad that they have had to close schools and people now have to wear protective masks when they go outside(popsci). This caused debate on how we can help prevent this to happening world wide. Most recently 166 parties ratified the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement has brought all of the nation into agreement to undertake the problem of climate change(unfccc). Global warming is not just affecting humans it is also affecting all of life on earth. It is affecting fish, Polar Bears, Marmots.Marmots now end their hibernations about three weeks earlier now compared to 30 years ago, Polar bears today are thinner and less healthy than those of 20 years ago, Many fish species are moving northward in search of cooler waters, and A fruitfly gene normally associated with hot, dry conditions has spread to populations living in traditionally cooler southern regions One species hit hard by global warming is the Orange Spotted Filefish. This fish lives in the shallow coral reefs and relies heavily on a constant ocean temperature ( 7 Species Hit Hard by Climate Change Including One That s Already Extinct. ).We also have already seen the extinction of some animals due to climate change. The Golden Toad, along with the Monteverde harlequin, two central american frog species have already been wiped out because of changing temperatures in south and central america ( 7 Species Hit Hard by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Thesis For The Cold Equation By Tom Godwin IVF Thesis Sentence The cold equation by tom godwin was a story about a girl who snuck onto a ship called the stardust. She strolled away on this boat to see her brother but still aways were not allowed on the ship if they were found they would be jettisoned into space. Summary (1) The stardust witch is the name of a cruiser was a vessel that soared through space, on the side of the cruiser was EDS (emergency dispatch ships) Summary (2) They would only allow a certain amount of people because they only have enough fuel to carry a certain amount of people and cargo to the destination. Summary (3) The woman who got on the ship as a stole away was taking the trip the risky trip to see here brother Summary (4) It was hard to stay on the ship ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Setup The author says that the girl wants to see her brother. Evidence I wanted to see my brother. He s with the government survey crew on Woden and I haven t seen him for ten years, not since he left Earth to go into government survey work. Explain She wants to see her brother to make sure he s ok and not dead but she could not get there by herself so she needed to stow away on on an EDS she would have been rocketed into space if she was a male but since she was a woman the captain was shocked and didn t know what to do Transition + Point When she was a stole away the author was portraying her character to be strong and fearless Setup By being a stowaway she new the risk that it would put everybody in and herself but she was willing to take the risk to see her brother on woden Evidence I m a stowaway. . . . I didn t know what it would mean (15) Explain She explained that she was a stol away but she didn t know what would happen if she hid on that boat she only new that it was forbidden to hide as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Allan Johnson Privilege Chapter Summary The Complexity of Privilege and Domination Privilege always occurs at the expense of others. Allan Johnson states, The trouble we re in privileges some groups at the expense of others. It creates a yawning divide in levels of income, wealth, dignity, safety, health, and quality of life (Johnson 7). Allan Johnson states this in Chapter 1 of his book Privilege, Power and Difference and it is one of the most powerful statements in the whole book. Privilege creates a great divide between people. This can have a negative lasting effect, if not under control. Society has divided people into two groups: superior and inferior. The superior groups are the ones that are privileged in society and the inferior ones are ones that are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though one would think that because Woodruff is male, he would have a lot of privileges, this is not the case. Woodruff s race eliminates any privileges he might have, especially when faced against seven white boys. Woodruff finds himself almost powerless to the boys when he witnesses them commit a crime. Petry writes, Woodruff thought, There are seven of them, young, strong, satanic. He ought to go home where it was quiet and safe, mind his own business a black man s business; leave this white man s problem for a white man, leave it alone, don t interfere... (2257). This statement clearly shows the racial differences and how Woodruff is aware that he should not interfere. Later in the short story Petry explains that Woodruff ended up staying silent about the crime because he feared the white boys. Petry states, They knew he wasn t going to the police about any matter which involved sex and a white girl, especially where there was the certainty that all seven of them would accuse him of having relations with the girl (2263). It is clear that Woodruff s race set him back from having any privileges. This relates to the matrix of domination because it demonstrates the complexity of privilege. It shows how same system of privilege can make one superior but at the same time make one inferior. Lorraine Hansberry s A Raisin in the Sun, tells a story about an African American working class family living in Chicago. Hansberry s play addresses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Expansion Of The Oil Sands Canada has always been a leader in the oil sands industry. Over the past few years there has been controversy in Canada over oil production. Some say we should continue to expand the production of oil and others say we should try to reduce our production. The first article Why Canada needs to develop the oil sands by Konrad Yakabuski argues that Canada should continue to expand the oil sands. Contradictory to the first article, the second article Stop oilsands expansion, Canadian and U.S. researchers say argues that Canada should stop expanding the oil sands. In this paper both articles are summarized and compared based on factors that could influence the reader. In this paper I will argue that the article that supports the expansion of the oil sands is more convincing as it is better organized and the writing style makes the reader think about the issue more so than the other article. The first article Why Canada needs to develop the oil sands by Konrad Yakabuski argues the point that Canada should continue the expansion of the oil sands. The article first addresses the critics to the plan to expand the oil sands as it states that critics warn that Canada risks becoming a petro state akin to Iran or Nigeria . The next couple of paragraphs address this statement and the author points out that overall our economy is very diverse and the oil sands are unlikely to expand so much that our economy is totally reliant on them. The next point the article brings up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Importance Of Creationism In Schools Creationism does not explain how the earth was created, therefore it should not be taught as a science and should not be taught in schools. My thesis is important, because schools are trying to stop teaching evolution because they believe it is not the way life on earth started. The teaching of evolution in schools is important, because it teaches students the correct reason for how life on earth started. The articles that I collected for my research, where academic journals from the library data base and had a stand point towards science. My paper will give the reader a broader view point on why creationism should not be taught in schools and how evolution should remain in schools. Creationism has been a controversial topic in our school systems and schools in some states are fighting to have it taught instead of evolution as a science. Creationism is the belief that all living organisms originated from a biblical process instead of evolution. We will never really know how the earth was created, but by the use of science, we can get a better understanding of it. Therefore creationism should not be taught as a science and should not be taught in school. The teachers are the people that have to deal with this topic the most because of all the pressure they get from school administrators, parents and the community. Some science teachers have been told not to teach about evolution, but they did it nevertheless. One of the most famous cases was the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Hunter Syndrome Essay Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II, also called Hunter Syndrome, is one of eleven types in a group of rare genetic lysosomal storage disorders called Muchopolysaccharidoses or MPS. (Lorena Elena Melit, 2015) Hunter Syndrome is named after Charles Hunter. He was a Canadian physician that, in 1917, found a rare disease in two brothers. (Lorena Elena Melit, 2015) Hunter Syndrome is the most common of the MPS disorders. (Lorena Elena Melit, 2015) In the U.S., on average, one in every 25,000 babies will be born with some form of MPS. (Health, 2016) These disorders only affect someone who inherits a defective gene from both parents. However, Hunter Syndrome or MPS II, is different form the others in the group. (Health, 2016) MPS II is inherited when the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Health, 2016) Because patients with Hunter syndrome suffer from behavior problems, finding solutions for this is a way to offer relief for family and caregivers. (Jane Roberts, 2016) Things that are used are family support, behavioral strategies or a change in the patient s environment. (Jane Roberts, 2016)Parents can make sure the patient has a safe area by using soft furniture and having toughened glass in the windows. (Jane Roberts, 2016)Also placing the patient s bedroom and bathroom down stairs and utilizing baby gates. (Jane Roberts, 2016) Making sure the patients bedroom is very dark, having a sleep schedule, padding their bedroom walls and placing a mattress on the floor will help prevent an injury. (3C) Sometimes surgery is necessary to gain relief for some symptoms of Hunter syndrome. (Health, 2016) Patients may have their adenoids or tonsils removed if they are suffering from spleen apnea or breathing problems. (Health, 2016) Another way to help with the patients breathing problems is to do oxygen therapy or use a CPAP.(2) A CPAP is a continuous positive airway pressure device that puts air into the patient s airway to keep it open improving lung volume. (2) The patient may also need a thin tub inserted to drain fluid from their brain if the buildup gets too high. (2) Another treatment for Hunters syndrome is Enzyme replacement therapy. (8) It is used to reduce the progression of Hunter syndrome. (8) The earlier the Enzyme therapy is given the more effective it will be. (3C) The Doctor uses an IV to give the patient man made or engineered enzymes to replace the defective enzyme. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. My First Day In School This past year from when I was a little seventh grader to now has been quite interesting. The first day of school was on my birthday and I started off sick. Yeah, it wasn t very pleasant. I missed the first three days of school. When I was better, I was very scared and nervous for all the new teachers and classes. I knew most of the seventh and eighth grade teachers, but I had never been in their class before. Soon, I learned that they were all extremely nice and loved to teach. I had tried to memorize my schedule before, so I wouldn t go to the wrong class. My first class was art, and then math, science, lunch, P.E., language arts, quest, and finally social studies. I remember Mr. Munford told us that he hopes we would be a pretty good class. I think our class turned out pretty well. I was involved in many fun activities last year. One of them was FCA which stands for fellowship of christian athletes. FCA was extremely fun because we met on Friday mornings before school and we got to eat doughnuts and things like that and then we would talk about different things that involved with Christians. Another activity I was involved in was C.L.O.W.N. troupe it was pretty funny seeing everybody s clown costumes. The veteran clowns had to help train the new clowns that joined that year. All the clowns had to create a presentation to present to little kids. Our presentation for the year was about sharing and having good manners. We never got to go to the other schools and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Quadratic Residues Essay An Identity based Encryption Scheme based on Quadratic Residues Introduction: In Public Key Crypto system, it is required to know the Public Key of Receiver to encrypt the messages. So that receiver can decrypt the message using his/her own private key. This system needs to maintain directories which holds Public Keys of each user. To eliminate the need of maintaining such directories, this paper suggests computing the public key using receiver s identity such as Email address. However, implementation of such system which is secure and practical, is difficult. The system uses Quadratic Residues modulo a large composite integer. [2] What is Quadratic Residues? If m and a are coprime integers, then a is called a quadratic residue modulo ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hence, a is square modulo of M. Also, P and Q are congruent to 3 mod 4, ( 1/P)=( 1/Q)= 1 Thus, a or a will be Quadratic Residues modulo P and Q. Only authority can determine the square root of modulo M and provide it to Alice. Here, we call it r r=a^((M+5 (P+Q))/8) mod M Where, r^2=a mod M or r^2= a mod M If Bob wants to send data to Alice, he will generate a Transport key and perform Symmetric Key Encryption using that key. Then, he sends it to Alice bit by bit. Let s say, x is the single bit of transport key, coded as +1 or 1. Bob will choose a value t at a random modulo M, such that Jacobi Symbol (t/M)=x Then, he sends s=(t+a/t)mod M to Alice Alice recovers the bit x as follows, s+2r=t (1+r/t)* (1+r/t) mod M Also, it follows Jacobi Symbol ((s+2r)/M)=(t/M)=x Here, Alice knows the value of r, using that she will calculate value of x Bob need to double up the Key data as he is not aware whether Alice uses root of a or a. He will select random t to send x bits, and send s= (t a/t)mod M. There is no way to avoid sending this extra amount of data. [2] Practical Implementation Aspects: System is not very much expensive in terms of computation. If transport key is K bits long, then Alice need to compute K Jacobi Symbols and Bob will need to compute K divisions mod M and K Jacobi Symbols. Issue: Each bit of Transport key requires size up to M for bandwidth. Bob Does not know whether Alice uses square root of a or a, hence, he must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Coincidental Jinx Research Paper A Coincidental Jinx Throughout my many years of living, I have experienced many near death experiences. Today, I will be sharing one of these experiences that I have been through. First of all, it was the March 23, 2012. It was a Friday. I, young Daryl, was still learning his basic math with a bowl cut on his head at the age of 11. School ended. My sister Gerryl and I were just picked up around 3:20 p.m. and arrived home approximately at 3:25 p.m. My sister Gerryl suggested with eagerness, Mom, Dad are we able to watch that new movie that just came out today, The Hunger Games? My father, then replied, Sure, let me just get my computer and reserve the movie for the four of us. The time was then reserved at 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon. We ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I decided to sit in the front as the navigator alongside with my father having possession of the wheel. As my father was driving, my sister was explaining why she is so excited to watch the movie. My sister then proclaimed, It s a movie that is based on the novel written by Suzanne Col . At that moment my sister stopped midway through her conversation, pointing with fear at a motorcyclist having blood gushing through his leg. The man glanced deep into my eyes, and I thought in my mind that will never happen to me. It was a tragedy when I observed the accident, and I was acting a bit too conceited. Two miles had passed the traffic from this accident was tremendous, a full stop. Luckily, my father spotted in the corner of his pupil that the nearest lane to the sidewalk was accessible, and nobody was driving on it surprisingly. We went ahead to move to the right, changing lanes carefully to reach the lane. At that instant, my dad then increased speed to 45 miles per hour to get to the theatre slightly quicker. As we were advancing through this lane at immense speed, a Toyota Civic with a brown tint then tried to change lanes. My dad was furious that he did not want the car to cut him off when it was his right of way. My dad then commented with a temper, No! Stomping on the gas pedal, he increased his acceleration to a rushing 75 miles per hour to prevent the car from cutting us off. The car continued to change lanes carelessly without a turn signal. At that moment, all I remembered was glass being shattered everywhere. My heart then stopped, and I was whiplashed with massive force having my head collide with the dashboard. Furthermore, all I saw was pitch black, and I did not know what was happening. After six minutes have passed, I regained some consciousness, shaking my head and trying to gain coordination with my eyes. All that I could hear is an old woman s voice with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Platinum Box Case Report Essay examples Executive Summary Memorandum From: Jared John Hicza Procurement Manager To: Jim Hicza Re: Selection of Supplier for Presses My recommendation is to go in for a single source and choose the supplier that we have confidently have had a relationship with, without a problem, for over a decade now. Major of Action plan: Choose JabaKing as the supplier of choice. Get an investment loan from Labour Central Credit Union @ 5.25% for next 10 years. Visit an operational facility using JabaKing s presses. Procure presses from JabaKing with appropriate people assigned duties and with proper checks in place. Commission the presses with assistance from Jabaking. Evaluate maintenance for the first three warranty years and then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That apart, even though the presses will be covered under a three year warranty, in case there is damage to even one piece of equipment during transportation, it will mean that our growth and expansion project will have to suffer a major setback and we will have to face major delays. Some positives for this supplier are that it will help us in commissioning and in case of any major breakdown, Merakuri promises us next day service, as the company has a distributor located in Regina. This in itself increases our confidence, as we know that Merakuri is a big enough fish to have its distributor in Canada. The rookie, Pnutype A total novice in the market, this company utilizes state of art technology. The technology is so good that it produces excellent results. If Pnutype presses are acquired, it will give our company an edge over our competitors. There are a few drawbacks to Pnutype and its presses. This company has been making presses for only two and a half years. Among all of the prospective suppliers for the new presses, Pnutype has no proximal presence. Its closest presence is in the United States. Considering our top management being high level of cost consciousness, Pnutype presses are, by far, the most expensive option. It, however, has the reputation of its presses requiring zero maintenance. One company that uses Pnutype presses provided this feedback. See Appendix 1 for the weighted evaluation matrix. Alternatives and / or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. M3d Essay To: Mr. Ed Smith From: Navisha Arora CC: Prof. Purdy Date: December 13, 2014 Re: Recommendation to invest in the Micro 3D printer project The Micro 3D printer is the most affordable, simple to use, fast and reliable 3D printer ever. It is an excellent technology. This document will give you an insight on: Overview of the Micro 3D printer Technical details of the Micro 3D printer The usage and market value of the printer Overview of the Micro 3D printer The M3D is an upcoming project which releases in early 2015. The project has 12,000 backers so far and is the largest 3D Kickstarter ever. 3D printing is a cutting edge technology which could be a huge in the near future. The Micro 3D printer project has raised more than 3.3 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Micro 3D printer is a very simple and straightforward product. Once the software is installed in the system, the prototype can be printed instantly. The M3D comes with its software that can be connected to any system (Windows, Mac and Linux). This software is touch screen capable with a simple interface and is USB compatible for the connection. The Micro 3D printer comes with the M3D software, USB cable, instructions manual, country specific power adapter and one micro filament spool. (LLC, 2014) This is a very interesting project and a growing technology to invest in. The M3D would be the most affordable 3D printer ever. This product would be useful for the beginners as well as the experts. The designer could select any model from the internet, download that model and print it easily. The 3D prototype of that selected model will be created by the M3D. This 3D printer can work for hours consistently providing auto leveling and auto calibration without any maintenance other than changing the filament spools or the print bed. This could be used for business, education or personal purpose. The M3D can be used to create products like the glasses, jewelry, planes, cars, small models or any other creative products that the designer would like. An existing significant risk for the M3D is injection molding. Only one manufacturer can be secured for injection molding as it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Is A Distributed Operating System Security Distributed Operating System Security Anthony Fuciarelli 3030 Operating Systems Dr. Michael Johnson 22 November 2016 Distributed operating system security is that of which security is implemented on a system of connected computers that share and run information. This type of security system is different than your average security features that a person may have on just a laptop or home computer system. The biggest challenge is keeping the information that flows in a distributed operating system safe, as well as protect against the multiple threats that security in a distributed operating system face. Its important to understand how a distributed operating system security works, as well as the many different types of threats that the distributed operating system security will face. Before the actually security in a distributed operating system is discussed its important to understand what a distributed operating system is and how its different from what most users are used too. A distributed operating system can be described as an operating system or OS that runs on multiple central processing units or CPUs but to a user it seems like as if its all one machine. An example would be multiple computers linked together on one network that includes other devices such as printers or scanners. Every user that accesses these computers on this network has access to the resources and files that are on the network, as well as the devices that are connected. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Character Analysis Of Waking Life In Waking Life by Richard Linklater, the main character has a dream in which he ended up in a boat shaped car with two random men he had never met. During this car ride, he gets wisdom regarding how his decisions ultimately shape his life through the words of the driver and the decisions displayed by the random stranger in the backseat with him. While these things are being decided he is shown in the film as always plain and boring, with the tone of his voice never changing, the eyes always closed, and the lack of color, with no life attached to him compared to many of the other characters. These actions show a lack of personal responsibility, always relying on others to take responsibility for himself. Sartre says that relying on hope ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which correlates with the driver understanding of the concept that one needed to be their own individual to live life to the fullest, and to rely on oneself. Linklater uses this Pirate Flag to symbolize what type of human the driver has become and what he is now aware of about life to display the freedom that any individual has. Linklater uses this driver to make a binary between him and the main character, who missed countless opportunities of what the viewer could sense parts of his individuality, for example the girl at the start of the film clip, where the viewer could almost feel the sense of connection between the two of them, by the way the camera was looking back and forth between the two,the zooming in on the eyes of each other gave it away. He did not do anything during this moment, nor in deciding his destination. He let the others around him decide for him his future. The main character during this incident was this bland face, that seemed as if he was questioning whether she would do anything to him. Linklater shows this very carefully in order to show this absolute deadness of a human whose individuality relied on others to create himself. By using this strong feeling of love, it allowed for the viewer to see the foolishness of the main character and the opportunity he was missing out of to create something he wanted. One key moment regarding the drive would be the fact that a random person sitting right next to him, decided his future by saying exactly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Charlie Vs. Gordon Effect In Flowers For Algernon Flowers For Algernon In the story Flowers for Algernon, Charlie, our main character, is presented a choice to triple his IQ for a short time and possibly forever, or to stay the way he is. It wouldn t be a good story if he turned down the offer so of course he chose to have the operation. Later on in the story he slowly becomes smarter, and then back to his normal self. I believe that Charlie should have had the operation because he helped make a scientific breakthrough, It was a good experience for him, and it made people respect him more. If we look at how he made a scientific breakthrough just think about it. Charlie was the first human to have a successful brain operation that made him learn quicker and overall smarter than he was. Through the course of the book, toward the middle Charlie is at his mental peak, he begins to write a paper titled the Algernon Gordon effect. As the readers of the book we don t know what is exactly written in that paper so we will have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the book, the story is composed of Progress Reports , as a way of keeping track of Charlie s thoughts and how he progresses after the operation, he probably has some of his progress reports in the paper. He also has some of how the operation works as Charlie states I have included in my report all my formulae, as well as mathematical analysis in the appendix. (Daniel Keyes, Page 218) That means in his report he has a formula of some type that connects with the operation in some sort of way. If we take a look at the other side of the coin we find that, later on in the book, Charlie loses his intelligence and goes back to normal which some would say is why he shouldn t have the operation but think about it, the first model of something new, let s say the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. How Gluttony Affects Health Gluttony is the worst of seven Deadly sins, because it impacts a person health self image, and greed. Rather the other six lust, greed , pride ,envy, and sloth just impacts one adjective of a person being. Gluttony the over indulgence and over consumption of anything to the point of waste. Gluttony impacts a person health in major ways. If a person is living to eat, health problems does come with this habit of over excessive eating. Such as diabetes, heart diseases, kidney failure and sleep apnea gaining. all of these health problems can lead to a quicker death. Gluttony affects your health rather than people around you. If others see you reach the worst state in health all they can do is try to help you stop eating. Gluttony impacts a person s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Autistic Drugs Bad Are drugs bad? That s what they ve been telling us since the beginning. But what if we could heal autism with drugs? Perhaps then, society will give them a second chance. Well, that second chance is now. Thanks to an experimental study, autistic people are taking medical ecstasy to cure their disorder. ECSTASY EXPERIMENTS USED ON AUTISTIC KIDS; AUTISM CURE FOUND? There are a few different traditional therapies out there for Autistic people. Most of them don t work . This is because they simply force those with autism to act normal . As one can imagine, this comes with its difficulties. However, now there is new, more culturally appropriate approach to addressing this social anxiety disorder. The treatment is ecstasy. Aside from making ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Nationwide Children s Mechanisms Of Human Health And Disease Shankar Pattabhiraman Sneha Sharma Nationwide Children s Mechanisms of Human Health and Disease 16 July 2015 Ischemic Stroke: An Overview Section One: Introduction My name is Shankar Pattabhiraman, and I am an incoming senior at New Albany High School. I will be graduating in June of 2016, and I am thinking of pursuing a chemical or biomedical engineering major in college, or possibly biochemistry or neuroscience. My career goal is to become a physician, or perhaps a physician scientist. I am especially interested in neurology related fields, and this interest has been reinforced in several ways: participating in the 2015 National Brain Bee Championships competition in Baltimore, MD, volunteering at Riverside Methodist Hospital in the Neurocritical Care Unit and the Stroke and Brain Center, and helping Tony Hall and his friends who suffer from neurological disorders and diseases. I chose to study ischemic strokes because I am interested in neuropathology, both clinically and through research. In addition, through my volunteering at RMH, I have worked with patients who have suffered from strokes, and while the symptoms onset is sudden, the events leading up to the stroke are long term but rarely treatable. Section Two: Background Ischemic stroke is the blockage of blood vessels in the brain as a result of blood clots (thrombi), causing the portions of the brain nourished by the vessel and its tributaries to be starved of nutrients, poisoned, and to eventually die ( Symptoms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hca250 Motivation and Organizational Culture Paper Chickenpox Chickenpox is a common childhood skin disease that caused by a viral infection. The virus that is involved is called the varicella zoster virus (www.medicinenet.com). The disease has a worldwide distribution and is reported throughout the year in regions of temperature climate. The peak incidence is generally during the month of March through May lifelong immunity for chickenpox generally fellow the disease. Chickenpox is highly contagious it is easily passed between families and school classmates through airborne particle droplets in exhaled air fluid from the blisters or sores. It can be transmitted indirectly by coming into contact with article of clothing and other item exposed to fresh drainage from open sores. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Keep your child home until the blister has crusted over. * If you have to take the child to the doctor call first before taking the child in so that they can make arrangement for the child to be placed in a separate waiting area. In order to help to keep the spread of chickenpox in control the CDC recommends that children get the first shot at 12 to 15 months of age with a second shot between the fourth and sixth year of life (www.livestrong.com). The CDC points out that 45 to 50 U.S. states have required the vaccine for children entering school. This is to maximize the prevention of the illness (www.livestrong.com). In order to maximize and outbreak of chickenpox they introduce the chicken pox vaccine that you take in one dosage to maximize the outbreak but outbreaks still occur in school setting where most children only receive one dosage but there have been fewer outbreak since the two dosage program was started in the United State (www.CDC.gov). Varicella (chickenpox) is a highly contagious disease that is very uncomfortable and sometimes serious. The chickenpox vaccine is the best protection against chickenpox. The vaccine is made from weakened varicella virus that produces an immune response in your body that protects you against chickenpox. The chicken pox virus was licensed for use in the United State in 1995. Since then, the vaccine has been widely used. Thanks to the chickenpox vaccine, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Plateaus In The Appalachian Mountains The Appalachian Mountains spans from the state of Georgia all the way through the maritime within the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Eastern portions of Quebec. The land is primarily made up of sedimentary rock that was lifted up and folded, because of the collision of North America with Europe and northern Africa during the formation of Pangaea, creating mountains. These sheets of sedimentary rock are wealthy in non metallic minerals such as coal. In addition, volcanic action and faulting formed igneous and metamorphic rock in specific space in the Appalachians. Plateaus made of this rock carry metallic material, because of this such as iron and zinc. Many land forms that may located here are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Eye Infection Procedures Do your eyes have less than perfect vision? Are you trying to decide whether you want glasses, contacts, or both? Before you visit your optometrist s office, here are some merits of each option to help you decide: Glasses: Easy to clean: Unless you are perspiring heavily or get something splashed on your glasses, they will usually only require a soft cloth to rub any dust or dirt away. If they have spots of sweat or other liquids, this can be removed with a mild solution of warm water and dish soap. Low chance of eye infection: Unlike contact lenses that are placed on your eyeball, glasses rest upon your face. Because there is less potential for glasses to spread germs to your eyes, you will have a lower risk of eye infection than than if you were wearing contact lenses. Coordinate with your outfits: Sometimes an outfit needs something a little bit more, to make it pop ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can happen in both summer and during the winter. Depending on where you live, it may be easier for your optometrist to provide you with glasses that provide UV protection than for you to find contact lenses that offer UV protection. Contact lenses: No fogging: If you work in a kitchen or any other location where you need to walk through multiple areas with different temperatures, foggy glasses could be distracting or even potentially dangerous. Contact lenses will never fog, no matter the temperature difference. More natural vision: With contact lenses, your entire field of vision is corrected. No matter how skilled your optometrist is, eyeglasses will have at least mild distortion around the edges due to their shape. No wardrobe clashes: Because contact lenses are invisible, you don t have to worry about whether they will match a particular outfit or not. This means that you can go on a date or to an important meeting without wondering whether you should ve worn your other pair of glasses or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Five Stages Of Tuckman s Theory Group Work This work will focus on the meaning, the five stages of Tuckman s theory, the approaches and the uses of group work. Group work refers to a method of social work practice which is concerned with the recognition and use of processes which occur when three or more people work together towards a common purpose (Trevithick, 2005). According to Garvin, Gutierrez and Galinsky (2004), the properties that can be use to describe and change group on which the influence may have an impact include group characteristics, competencies, conditions, change and context. A group should be small between five to nine persons, so that each one will be able to relate and engage every member in the group. The group is viewed as a system, the condition of any member affects the other (Fatout, 1992). The five stage Tuckman s theory (1965) namely forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning focuses on the way in which a group handles a task from the beginning to completion. The main group work approaches are cognitive behaviourist, feminist, psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches. Knowledge of theory enhances effectiveness of group work. Since much of our time is spend in groups, it is helpful to work in groups because it will give an opportunity to improve their human functioning. Group work helps to develop individual skills in communication, relationship building and asserting oneself (Lindsay and Orton, 2014). Some target groups might be difficult to work with, but they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Technology In There Will Come Soft Rains By Ray Bradbury Technology today has advanced and impacted our way of living and the dependence on it has become a natural habit for our society. People today depend on their phones for numerous things such as, talking, messaging, driving directions, surfing the web or even to update their current Facebook status. Many people say that since they rely so heavily on technology, it has been known to weaken our society s ability to open a book or newspaper to find information instead of looking at your phone. Technology has become a crutch for our generation today and without it we would fail. There have been inferences that technology will ruin us and lead us to extinction. In Ray Bradbury s short story There Will Come Soft Rains , he purveys speculation that technology is the cause of downfall in society and that nature will outlast man s creation. August 4, 2026, in Allendale, California, everything is made easy for the family who occupy a technologically advanced home that caters to their every need. Every morning breakfast is made, the date is announced, information is given on friends and bills that need to be paid. Little mice clean and do the chores around the house. This all changed on August 4th when the house becomes eerily quiet, with no family insight. The family is gone but silhouettes of a man, woman and two small children are painted alongside the house. A nuclear explosion wipes out the city, the town is desolate with just rubble and ashes left behind. A fire erupts and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Critical Analysis Of Ednita Nazario EDNITA NAZARIO SAW AN INCREASE IN SOCIAL REACH AND CHATTER COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS PERIOD During the period analyzed (01/01/16 03/01/2017), Ednita Nazario had a Basic Positive Sentiment of 26%, which is below the artist average of 36%. Most of the artist chatter is considered neutral due to fans sharing news about the documentary, performances, and articles. The artist has seen a significant increase in social reach compared to the previous period, with Impression Per Post during the current period totaling 5.3K, which highlights a higher amount of key influencers talking about the artist during the period. MOST OF THE SOCIAL CHATTER FOR EDNITA NAZARIO IN THE US IS COMING FROM FLORIDA (50%) AND NEVADA (22%) Social chatter in the U.S. for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Top hashtags are connected to chatter spikes. Top hashtags included: #YaNoDueleTanto (related to her single) and #IntensamenteEdnitatour . EDNITA NAZARIO HAS A LOWER AUDIENCE COMPARED TO SIMILAR ARTISTS ON FACEBOOK Ednita Nazario has a lower Facebook audience compared to similar artist, with a total of 659.8K Total Likes. The artist also has a below average engagement with a weekly average of 22.4K interactions (Talking About This), which gives the artist a 3% engagement rate on the platform (similar artists average engagement on the platform is 6%). The artist is posting good content, however, she is sharing most of the same pictures from her Instagram on her Facebook account, which has a negative impact on her page Likes and engagement. Consider posting exclusive content on the platform, with short videos to maintain audience attention, and posting during the time her audience is on Facebook in order to drive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Crux Research Paper I ve chosen to speak about the constellation Crux, commonly known as the Southern Cross, since this was the first constellation I learned to recognise in the night sky. Despite being the smallest official constellation, it is one of the easiest to recognize and, on the Southern hemisphere, it s used to locate the South Celestial Pole. The Crux constellation is formed by 4 main stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Crucis. It is said that long ago, in a Mocovi hut, lived chief Nemec. He was a brave warrior and dexterous hunter, widely known across the lands. One day he went to hunt for his people to feast, and as he searched for a prey in the woodlands, he spotted in the distance the silhouette of a rhea (the South American ostrich) and he hurriedly started after it. He was inching towards it slowly, and each time he thought he could shoot it with he s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nemec couldn t afford to go back empty handed, he had to feed his people, so he kept attempting to hunt it through the natural paths in the woods. They ran and ran until they reached the horisont, and there the rhea jumped high, higher than anything had ever jumped, and started climbing the sky. It is said where I live in that the Southern Cross is the footprint the rhea left behind it. Nemec stayed the whole night watching his pray become one with the stars. Long before Life reached Earth, the Stars were discussing among themselves. They all wanted their own space, and to remain close to each other. Many wanted to watch Life grow in it s more primitive, small form. Many stars went far away to to other galaxies, both cold and lonely and soon to be full of life. But this story happens on our own galaxy, the Milky Way, were 6 stars were disputing between themselves who d be the Pole stars. And so it went, that the stars fought and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Negative Effects Of Air Pollution In China In recent years, air pollution has become a growing problem in China (Zhang, Chao). According to the newly released scientific paper by Dan Levin, Outdoor air pollution contributes to the deaths of an estimated 1.6 million people in China every year, or about 4,400 people a day (Levin, Dan). Essentially, air is a major part of our overall health. However, people (including ourselves), especially living in developed countries, suffer from the exposure of air pollution. This potentially puts our health at risk. It causes various negative effects to our body that in worst cases leads to death. Air pollution affects our health in multiple ways; as it varies from minimal to serious problems. The air pollutants have negative effects on our cardiovascular system, causing many fatalities as well as diseases to those specifically in China. People can protect themselves from the suffrage of cardiovascular diseases by being cautious with what they are surrounded by. With the rapid industrialization and urbanization in China, air pollution has become a major issue. China is a popular country in the world known for its pollution and population. Air pollution was defined as, contamination of air by smoke and harmful gases such as oxides of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen (Mishra,Sundeep). As China becomes more industrialized with buildings and factories, pollution increases and causes environmental, as well as health problems. According to an article by Chao Zhang, he associates the cardiovascular mortality rate and air pollution in Hefei, China; he analyzes, The characteristics of air pollution in different regions vary depending on the level of industrialization and other factors (Zhang, Chao). Hefei, the capital city of Anhui province, was also a part of the urbanization and industrial expansion, which also increased serious air pollution (Zhang, Chao). The dramatic increasing of automobiles in the past few years also damaged the air quality in China, being the reasoning for multiple cardiovascular diseases and damages. The cardiovascular system is critical in our bodies. Without the cardiovascular system, our body would not be supplied with the substances needed to stay alive (Anand, Mahindra). It consists of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The 1911 Chinese Revolution Essay The 1911 Revolution kicked out the Qing Dynasty and broke the barriers to different developments in China. However, the 1911 Revolution has only provided a framework of a republic and made changes in some particular aspects related to immediate problems and difficulties in society. Hence, the relationship between the revolution and the subsequent development of China was very weak. On one hand, I do not agree with the latter part of the statement that the 1911 Revolution brought new problems to China. The conflicts and problems that China suffered in the early/ mid 1910s were mainly due to the weakness of the military force, conflicting political organizations and disorder in society. On the other hand, I agree with the first part of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The New Army was the best trained and best equipped imperial military force in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Yuan Shikai, who was the commander of the New Army, could get the place of Prime Minister from Sun Yikxian after 1911 Revolution. Yuan agreed to a ₤25 million Reorganization Loan to support his army without parliamentary discussion and appointed officials of his own choice. However, like Yuan Shikai, officials such as Li Yuanhong and Duan Qiui did not have the military forces and power to control other regional military leaders. This resulted in the rise of warlordism and wars between regions always broke out. Violence and assassination became ways to change the political situation. Moreover, he revived the monarchical system and subsequently appointed himself as emperor. This conveyed that Yuan s behaviors destroyed the democratic system of the Republic. Due to his political actions, Sun and some activists founded the Chinese Revolutionary Party to oppose Yuan. Hence, Yuan Shikai was one of the major factors that caused social instability and failure of new democratic system of China. Besides military weakness, conflicting political organizations with different political views were another major factor. In Guomindang, there were two sides of intellectuals Sun Yatsen was militant while Hang Hsing and Wang Chingwei were conservatives. Sun did not agree with Huang s promotion of socialism and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Perpetual Peace By Immanuel Kant When discussing politics in modern society, it seems a unshakeable fact that there has never been nor will there ever be a moral politician; one upon whom the people can rely to consider the ethics and morality of a decision before enacting it. It is a far cry from Immanuel Kant s more Enlightenment era beliefs which couriers an optimistic ideal in the ability of people to use reason, knowledge, and the desire for progress to provide a rational methodology. Kant wrote in his essay Perpetual Peace that, a true system of politics cannot...take a single step without first paying tribute to morality which he believes is not only inextricable from each other but also a necessity since morality can cut through the knot which politics cannot ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He uses the Peloponnesian War to emphasize power, hierarchy, and order in the world; this is a concept that not only rejects Kant s optimism but can be used to spit in the face of it. States, Thucydides Realism would argue, do not have the motivation to consider deep, moral reasoning when decided whether or not to go to war since the motivations of power and self interest are far too powerful to resist and the leaders so prioritize their place in society that any, and all, action is designed to maintain that position even at the expense of the nation. Specifically, in the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides writes that the reasons for war was only the growth of Athenian power and the fear this inspired in the Spartans. At no point did morality, or the universal imperative, come into play when making the decision and at no point later did it come into play; consider the Mytilenian Debate where an Athenian argues that all the adults in Mytilene ought to be killed regardless of guilt as an example, to prove to their allies that any revolt will be put down violently. The protest that arises in an appeal to morality is that, rather than trying to terrify the opposition, [a good citizen] ought to prove his case in fair argument. And, in fact, Kant would argue that this moment is a prime example for when people attempt to act in a moral imperative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Summary Of John Adams Short Ride In A Fast Machine John Adams is an American composer, best known for his operas, the symphonic fanfare Short Ride in a Fast Machine, and the Pulitzer Prize winning work, On the Transmigration of Souls. He was born in Massachusetts, graduated with a BA and a MA from Harvard, and taught at the San Francisco Conservatory. In addition to directing the New Music Ensemble at the conservatory, he also worked in the electronic music studio. His work has become quite popular, especially Short Ride in a Fast Machine. His operas Nixon and China and Doctor Atomic are frequently performed nationally and internationally. His style is minimalist, but rather than born out of personal exploration, it occurs as a reaction to the serialism that was prominent during Adams college ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Recorded sounds and the names of the victims will reappear throughout the work.) The texts sung by the chorus and children s chorus are drawn from the heartbreaking missing person notices that sprang up around the World Trade Center site after the attacks. One of Adams s inspirations for this kind of layering of various quotations is the early 20th century composer Charles Ives, and he makes this especially clear by including a long reference to the trumpet solo from Ives s The Unanswered Question. A long opening section ends with a sudden thinning of the texture, and the sounds of digging. The music grows threatening and there is quick burst of anger from the orchestra, which just as quickly subsides into a long choral passage. This reaches an emotional peak with the words I know just where he is, followed by a ferocious orchestral interlude. The chorus responds with the words light and love failing at first to stop the orchestra s fury, but the music eventually subsides, and the work ends with long, quiet, and deeply touching epilogue. The last words we hear I love you. are the best response of all to tragedy and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Game Of Fortune And The Role Of Virtu Benjamin Thompkins Professor Fumerescu POLS 3349 5/11/2015 Game of Fortune the Role of Virtu Often times we watch many things in our life without necessarily looking at the context of what we are observing, and taking note of the politics that take play. Game of Thrones is a series on HBO adapted from the book by George R. R. Martin that has a number of politically charged issues. The show takes precedence in a land called The Seven Kingdoms composed of several territories most notable being Westeros. It takes place during the War of 5 Kings where several opposing factions vie for rule of the Iron Throne (King of the Seven Kingdoms ) located in Westeros. During this civil war there is a force in the North beyond the walls that civilized men from The Seven Kingdoms built to hold an ominous (nightwalkers) force outside their realm. In the show a number of actors points of view are followed. The viewer watches alliances, trust, deception,fortune, and skill come into play. This spiral of conflict for possession of the throne started when King Robert Baratheon became ill and died. However, turmoil for the Iron Throne is nothing new for the land since it had not long ago been ruled by the Mad King Targaryen whose lineage had ruled the throne for long reign. Conflicts arise among many of the parties that had invested interest in the throne. Scandals and accusations put many in the realm at junctions where they must form alliances. As these events transpire ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Templates For Avocado Analysis For the avocado layer 1. Soak cashews in water for at least 5 hours no more than 8 hours. 2. Let the cashews and blend in a food processor until nuts are often broken. 3. Cook the Kale for about 5 8 minutes, until tender. You can skip this step if you prefer raw Kale. 4. Mash the avocado and in the food processor with honey and lemon juice. 5. Mix the ingredients until the mixture thickens and without a lot of sand. You may need to add a little more water. To layer of strawberries 1. Cut strawberries. 2. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and heat gently for a few minutes. You can warm up more, if you prefer a paper jam. For cookies layers 1. Remove all ingredients in a food processor or with a strong arm, until incorporated. 2. Serving approximately ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Gluten Free Foods With this in mind, there are brands who innovate their products and make way to produce bread and other delicacies that are gluten free to ensure that they can reach the gluten free people market. These gluten free bread brands may be few compared to those who manufacture normal and regular breads, but they can still keep the market abuzz with their different gluten free foods. One could not choose the best gluten free bread without knowing what company brands are behind these tasty breads. Before grabbing a gluten free bread from the shelf, know the manufacturer and brand origin first so that you will be able to know if the one you are about to take out from the shelf in a well respected bakery brand for breads. Top 10 gluten free bread brands ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even if it is an American company, their products are the #1 best selling in Europe which only proves that their bread and products are genuinely perfect and worth a try. Schar USA offers breads that are free from lactose and there are also those that do not contain eggs, which are good choices for lactose intolerant and vegan people. There are 12 variations for the Scahr USA gluten free bread products that you can munch on. 8. Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery has been certified by the Gluten Free Certification Organization making sure that they sell real and authentic gluten free breads. The organization certified the products to contain less than 10 ppm of gluten. The products are baked in gluten free ovens and dedication ovens. There are around 16 gluten free bread variations being sold by Rudi s Gluten Free Bakery. Just make sure that when you purchase their products, you should check that you are indeed buying gluten free items and not any of the normal breads they are selling. 9. New ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Harmony Lee Research Paper All about Harmony Lee Harmony Lee is an 18 year old young lady who enjoys volleyball, drawing, reading and listening to music. She grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii until the age of 10 when she moved to Alaska. I discovered she had many nicknames given to her by her family and friends, my favorite was Dori , Harmony is apparently an extremely clumsy but greatly loved by her family. A band of interest is Far East Movement, various island music, and artists like Sammy J, Kolohe Kai, J Boog and oldies artist including Lauren Hill, Tanya Stephens, and Jojo. She also enjoys fiction, fantasy fiction be more specific and recommends an old teen series by Jessica Shirvington: Embrace, a book series I m going to look into. Harmony has chosen the Medical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Nt131 Unit 3 Paper All three of the policies are in some way a little bit different than the current system in place in New York. Delaware uses a three tier system that allows the state and local government to share the responsibility of making decisions regarding distribution. Tier 1 provides funding for the cost for such things as teachers salaries and their benefits. In addition, this Tier determines the amount of money needed per pupil, meaning that the number of students in the district determines the amount of funds that a district received. Tier II: this is the amount of money given to the district by the state to cover such things as schools supplies, building maintenance and utilities. Tier III: this is the fund, provided to the districts base on their pupil number, and this helps to equalize things between poor and wealthy districts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, poorer districts will receive a bigger share of Tier III funding to fill the gap for special needs in their district and the amount given to wealthier district. Whereas in Indiana the state government decides the distribution amount because the state is the biggest stakeholder and funder in their policy. New Jersey has a system that is similar to New York where a formula is used to determine the amount the district will receive and district makes up the rest. New Jersey funding policy works by using the SFRA formula to determine the base cost per pupil in order to meet their basic educational needs. The formula is used to calculate the extra funds needed for such things as special needs and Limited English proficient (LEP). The state uses the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA) to come up with the amount they will put and then the used that number to figure out how much the local district will have to contribute to their educational ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Mr Abraham Lincoln Should Be On The Postage Stamp Mr Abraham Lincoln should be on the postage stamp because he did many grate thing in his life and he served justice to the people. This is somethings he has done here in his time. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. Thomas was a strong and determined pioneer who found a moderate level of prosperity and was well respected in the community. The couple had two other children: Abraham s older sister Sarah and younger brother Thomas, who died in infancy. Due to a land dispute, the Lincoln s were forced to move from Kentucky to Perry County, Indiana in 1817, where the family squatted on public land to scrap out a living in a crude shelter, hunting game and farming a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. He undoubtedly read the family Bible and probably other popular books at that time such as Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrims Progress and Aesop s Fables. In March, 1830, the family again migrated, this time to Macon County, Illinois. When his father moved the family again to Coles County, 22 year old Abraham Lincoln struck out on this own, making a living in manual labor. At six feet four inches tall, Lincoln was rawboned and lanky, but muscular and physically strong. He spoke with a backwoods twang and walked with a long striding gait. He was known for his skill in wielding an ax and early on made a living splitting wood for fire and rail fencing. Young Lincoln eventually migrated to the small community of New Salem, Illinois, where over a period of years he worked as a shopkeeper, postmaster, and eventually general store owner. It was here that Lincoln, working with the public, acquired social skills and honed story telling talent that made him popular with the locals. When the Black Hawk War broke out in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans, the volunteers in the area elected Lincoln to be their captain. He saw no combat during this time, save for a good many bloody struggles with the mosquitoes, but was able to make several important political connections. It was soon after this that he purportedly met and became romantically involved with Anne Rutledge. Before they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. A Picture Of The Shadows A Picture of the Shadows: A Discussion of How Chiaroscuro Illustrates Remembering and Forgetting in In the Skin of a Lion In the novel, In the Skin of a Lion, Michael Ondaatje uses the motif of chiaroscuro, or the relationship between light and shadow, to illustrate the themes of remembering and forgetting. A motif is a narrative element that reoccurs throughout a narrative, an idea that has a symbolic meaning. As described by H. Porter Abbott, it is not abstract but a concrete idea, which moulds the theme of a literary work. The concept of chiaroscuro, or shadow play, originally comes from painting, and is used to characterize works in which the darkness strongly contrasts with the light. In other words, the brighter the light, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7). He also witnesses the dark horrors of these workers dying of pneumonia or from the sulphur in their lungs from the mills (pg. 8). This is our first glimpse through Patrick s eyes at the horrors the working class historically faced. Even in the Countryside, where there is little light from development, there is a lot of danger as death spreads its shadow alongside the dimmer light of development and progress. Patrick s own father, a self taught explosives expert, is killed in a mining accident. Here both the metaphorical light, progress and industry, and the literal light, the dynamite explosions, cast the shadow of death onto Patrick s father, to remind the reader how many lives of workers were sacrificed for development. No one remembers their contributions except for their closest family members. Despite the country shadows such as the death of Patrick s father, a clear contrast is drawn between light and shadow in urban versus countryside environments. Patrick is seen reminiscing about his father and recalls the old skill he learned from his father... in the sunlight, in rivers (p. 107). He contrasts his current work in the dark tunnels, the terrible place where he feels banished from the world (pg. 107), to the outdoor logging work he did in his hometown, contrasting the positive sunlit memories of his childhood with his darker struggles, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Macro Analysis And Pest Analysis Of Glenson Apparel Macro Analysis PESTEL Political Factor Glenson Apparel started year 2004 which offers children s wear to both male and female aging 2 12 years old composes of t shirts, shorts and pajamas casual and party dress. One of the main political factors of Glenson apparel is outsourcing products to other countries. It states in the Republic Act No. 9290 Section 2 saying Recognizing that the footwear, leather goods and tannery industries have the potential to generate employment through their integrated development, and increase the country s foreign exchange earnings through exports and import substitutes, it shall be the policy of the State to support, promote and encourage the growth and development of the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) belonging to these industries. For this reason, the company wants to support structure to help the viability of the SMEs in said enterprises and make them competitive. Another political factor is the need to follow the laws and regulations, tarrifs and customs law regarding the importation of apparel in the Philippines buyers are earning higher wages and are in this manner fit for spending more on childrens wear things, whenever Glenson Apparel imports apparel from other country they undergo paying of corresponding charges and taxes. It is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At present, Filipinos conform their way of dressing, as a result of the influence of what is shown by the media on television, cinema, and fashion shows, among others. Filipinos are fashionable and loves to keep up with trends, so many entrepreneurs in the Philippines ventures into apparel and footwear business. Due to climatic reasons, Filipino prefers to wear T shirts combined with jeans trousers for men and skirts for women. Consumers are earning higher incomes and are thus capable of spending more on children wear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Similarities Between The Boy And The Beast By Mamoru Hosoda In the movie The Boy and The Beast by Mamoru Hosoda, the quote The sword in your heart is important! (Hosoda, 2015) symbolizes a deeper meaning to objects that are in your heart. Kamatetsu symbolizes that the sword is the positivity in your life. He says that everyone has a sword in their hearts and that it is important to you. Without the sword, you will not have the strength and morality to keep going and just lose all hope in life. The sword stands for all your strengths and positivity, purity and everything that is good for you. It is supposed to protect you from all the darkness and keep you pure minded. It will guide you through life and help you make hard decisions. You have to believe in the sword and strength it for it helps you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...