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🔥How To Write A Research Paper Quickly. How To Write A Researc 🔥How To Write A Research Paper
Quickly. How To Write A Researc
Socrates Unexamined Life
As a perfectionist, I grew up ignoring my imperfections, mistakes, and failures. I didn t just want
perfection: I needed it. A red slash on a test or a mistake marked an absolute failure. Because I hid
from past mistakes, I never learned from them, making me incapable of growth. I excused my
mistakes and humbly boasted my overall score. I convinced myself that I never actually made a
mistake, so I never learned the information that I had previously missed, thus leading to more errors to
hide. Finally, after years of insisting upon infallibility, I realized it was a problem. Consequently, I
chose to answer the question What s wrong with being wrong? for a project sophomore year. After
months of research on historical leaders, I finally concluded that mistakes and failures are
opportunities to learn and improve. Without error, you will never recognize a need for change and
therefore, you will never improve. Socrates was correct in saying The unexamined life is not worth
living. Life is characterized by the ability to continually change; therefore, by not evaluating your life,
you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Everyone demands perennial improvement along with perfection; however, perfection eliminates the
possibility of improvement. Upon contemplation of these common expectations, it is evident that they
are illogical, unattainable, and therefore defeating. Analyzing life consequently enables a fuller,
happier life. Many argue that an unhappy life is not worth living, providing further support to Socrates
notion. Additionally, Karl Marx concluded that socialism would bring the end of history because there
would be no more struggle, which is what prompted the progression of history. Hence, without need
for change, there is no reason to live. In conclusion, change gives life purpose by way of propelling
movement over
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Pep Band Personal Statement
My love for music is rooted in the solid musical foundation my parents set for me. From taking me to
my first concert when I was two, to teaching me how to play guitar at the age of four, music imprinted
itself on me early in life. I started playing the flute in 5th grade, and since then, my life has never been
the same. Continuing to play the flute throughout high school has allowed me to be heavily involved
with the music program. I have been an active participant of Concert Band, Jazz Band, Honor Band,
Pep Band, and Marching Band. Through these involvements I have had the chance to enhance my
musicianship skills. Along with countless band concerts, I have had the opportunity to perform at
places like Great America in San Francisco and at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Last year I got the opportunity to compete at Lionel Hampton and have performed at Jazz Night in
The Dalles since my sophomore year.
Pep Band is one of my favorite facets of Concert Band. I have provided music for numerous football
and basketball games, and even a state soccer match. My freshman year the Pep Band played at the
School Cook out where we provided music to the football team, students, and faculty members. Along
with Pep Band I have competed in Auburn, Washington`s marching band competition, and have
marched in community parades for Huckleberry Fest, Spring Fest, and Homecoming.
In my free time I have engaged in playing the ukulele and performing a comedy skit at a variety show,
performing a musical rendition of the morning announcements, and street performing. Outside of
school, I actively participate in musical activities at Zion Lutheran Church. I have been a regular
member of the adult and the youth bell choirs, where I was the advisor of the Children`s Bell Choir,
where I assist with teaching the members. I also perform regularly with a multi generational flute trio
at Sunday services. Instances like these where I am Christmas caroling for homebound church
members at various nursing homes or taking a field trip to watch the Oregon Symphony rehearse that I
fall in love with music more and more. All of the opportunities that my school s music
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Marshmallow Experiment Dbq
The Marshmallow Experiment Does willpower matter? According to an experiment that took place in
1968, children who had more willpower generally ended up being more successful than those that
were not able to control themselves. The marshmallow experiment is an experiment that involved four
year olds where they were given the option to either one marshmallow immediately, or if they waited
fifteen minutes they would receive two marshmallows. I believe that willpower plays a major part in
being successful. According to source 1, The difference between a child who could only wait thirty
seconds and a child who could wait fifteen minutes was that the high delayer had a SAT score that
was, on average, two hundred and ten points higher than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the experiment was revisited at the University of Rochester they found out, Behavioral cues
play a big role in determining who holds out for that second marshmallow, and the results call into
question how much self control actually has to do with it. (Source 2) There are some people that say
that self control does not have to do much with the experiment, however, the children that took place
in the experiment in 1968 were coming up with strategies to avoid the marshmallow. They would
avoid thinking about the marshmallow and did just about anything to avoid thinking about the
marshmallow. Some of the other children were not able to control themselves and rang the bell almost
immediately. Self control is a major key to delayed gratification. In source 2 it says, If a child or adult
lives in an environment where promises always get broken and outcomes are unreliable, the most
rational response is to eat the marshmallow right in front of her and not wait for the promised
marshmallows in the future. This can be true but self control and mindset come into play here as well.
If you can control yourself to wait and have the mindset that the marshmallow that was promised will
be delivered you will be able to wait. The children or people have never seen the professor that
promised them this marshmallow and it depends on their mindset if they believe he/she will truly
deliver the second
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Autistic Observation
The writer is hoping to carry out an observation and engage with 3 children who have Autism and
assess how they engage with iPads in the classroom compared to a lesson with no iPads. Thomas
(2013) opinionated that Observation is one of the most important ways of collecting data in social
research. During the observation the writer will be taking notes, taking pictures and perhaps even short
videos. These will all help the writer when it comes to analysing it and to write the observation up.
The writer intends to observe 3 Autistic children in a school setting. From this method of research, this
will provide me with Qualitative data. According to Mason (2002),Qualitative data is focused on
methods of data generation which are flexible and sensitive to the social context in which data are
produced . The writer is hoping to observe a P3 child in a mainstream school, ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
From carrying out such research there are many ethical issues that the writer must be aware of. The
writer must store all the data in a password protected folder on the computer so that the data is kept
secure and confidentially. The data that has been collected will only be used for the intended purpose
and not used for anything else. With the data all being stored on the computer, the writer must take
extra care as it can be lost very easily and will prove hard to retract. Once the final copy has been
written all evidence of data must be destroyed. To ensure that schools can keep the school and
participants anonymous, the schools and children s names must not be used but can use a brief
description of the school or the
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Mold And Grout Argument Essay
If you have ever stepped into your bath or shower only to realize that you have build up on your tiles
and grout, you may have wondered what is the best way to clean your tiles and grout. Cleaning your
tile and grout can be a long process, trying to scrub everything clean can take time and it can be costly
as you buy cleaning product after cleaning product, just trying to find the one that works the best. It is
important to regularly clean the tile and grout in your bathrooms and kitchens. Soap scum, dirt, and
even mold and mildew can build up in these areas. When mold and mildew do start to build up in your
tiles and grout it can spread quickly and become a big problem. A build up of mold and mildew can
cause health problems within your
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The Social Learning Theory On The Youth And Their...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the social learning theory using examples from a
particular movie assigned by my professor, choosing a theory of choice. The movie that will be used
in this research paper is Boyz n the Hood which was filmed from October 1 to November 28, 1990
and was released in the United States on July 12, 1991. The theory chosen to explain the movie is the
social learning theory. What and How This paper will show what behavior and values are learned
during childhood. It will also show how role models and the environment have a huge impact on the
youth. This research paper will also show how the social learning theory, as well as the movie go hand
and hand together. The use sources and creditable quotes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tre does not agree with the lesson so the teacher stops teaching and tells him to teach the lesson to the
class. Tre conceitedly agrees and starts to exchange with the class about the region of Africa, Tre
shows off an impressive amount of knowledge and makes it very clear he is very intelligent. He makes
a comment that all the races of the world first came from Africa another student did not agree with this
statement making Tre upset enough to hit the young man with the pointer he was using to teach this
turned into a classroom brawl. Tre is sent home from school because of his temper and aggressive
behavior. His teacher calls a meeting with his mother Reva Devereaux and asks if Tre s father lives
with them and if Reva is educated, Reva becomes offended and unreceptive when the teacher asks if
Tre s father lives with them and if Reva is educated. Most black males grow up in a household without
a father and most African American women drop out of school because they have to provide for the
child. She then chooses it would be best for her son if Tre were to live with his father Furious because
she cannot teach him how to be a man. Reva only comes to this conclusion when Tre begins to act up
in school and act on his terrible temper. Furious is a no nonsense authoritarian who teaches his son
valuable life lessons. Tre returns to South Central L.A. and reunites with old
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Essay about Changing the Legal Driving Age to Eighteen
Changing the Legal Driving Age to Eighteen
Every day teens are given access to automobiles. Every day these young people go to their jobs,
classes, and athletic practices. Do they all abuse their driving privileges? No. Then why restrict all
teens, including the law abiding and mature, by raising the driving age? This debate reaches all across
the nation, to all levels of government, and many related laws and propositions can be found. If the
driving age is increased, teenagers will have more difficulty getting jobs and gaining experience. On
the other hand, if the driving age is 18, new drivers will have more maturity. So the question remains,
should the legal driving age be 18 years old? No, the current driving age ... Show more content on
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Says teen Stefanie Zimmers, Honestly, I don t follow all the traffic rules (Zimmers 1). Likewise, teens
need to focus on their schoolwork instead of recreational driving. The time wasted driving friends
around could be better spent studying for a test. These friends are also a danger and distraction to the
young, inexperienced driver. Teens need the extra couple of years to mature and become more
attentive. In contrast, many believe that 16 years old is old enough to operate a motor vehicle. Many
minors living with their parents face punishments, such as suspension of driving privileges, if they get
a ticket or in a collision. They fear losing the ability to drive the family car if they break traffic laws,
and often decide to obey the laws rather than be punished. In addition, teens need transportation to
their jobs, classes, various entertainment venues, sports practices and competitions. Parents often lack
the time to chauffeur the young adults to and from these places. Driving is imperative to teenage life.
The ability to drive allows a teenager to be less dependent on their parents and more able to take on
additional responsibilities. Without driving privileges, teens would not be able to get to the
destinations previously listed.
Furthermore, the common belief that teen car crashes often involve alcohol is false.
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Assisted Living Research Paper
The Topic of my research paper is How to Start Your Own Assisted Living Business. I choose this
topic because I have some experience in the health care field. I am a certified Medical Assistant and I
wanted to take my education to the next level. The Health care job market is on high demand and is
one of today s most dynamic fields with a wide range of opportunities. I came to realize that the older
you get in this country options for housing, health and personal care services become limited.
This information of choice fits in with my personal interest because I am very sympathetic,
affectionate, and eager to soothe hurt feelings, and not to mention my leadership skills have always
been great. An assisted living facility business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These costs involve the purchase of land, building or remodeling, hiring, licensing, amenities, and
many other things.
You have to first obtain an operating license required by the state. Once again each state is different
depending on where you want to open your business. You would have to go to your local States Health
Licensing board to determine what you need. This process involves inspections and interviews and
goes beyond the requirements for the average business. There s also a three hour training course on
Alzheimer s disease or any related disorders such as behavior management, assistance with activities
of daily life, activities for residents, stress management for the care giver, family issues, residential
environmental and ethical issues.
Assisted Living Homes are designed to provide residents with basic everyday assistance. An important
aspect is that assisted care facilities provide a safe and comfortable environment for older adults who
need assistance with duties such as bathing, dressing, shopping, cooking, grooming, arranging doctor s
appointments, medication administration and laundry services. These facilities have social and
recreational activity programs designed to keep the residents active. The recreation groups provide
residents with activities for enjoyment, exercise, and interactions with others to build character.
Special activities such as luncheon,
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Isopod Prioritization
The data generated in this experiment is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis. As a result, we
cannot ascertain a statistically significant trend involving isopod prioritization between foraging
behaviors and predator avoidance mechanisms in environments with elevated levels of predation risk.
Even though the experiment produced statistically insignificant data, an interesting biological trend
emerged during the final sampling intervals of the experiment. As the experiment progressed, an
increased number of isopods in both treatments started to cross the mesocosms to forage for
particulate organic matter. This observation clearly exemplified the prioritization of foraging over
predation risk. While this observation was important to note, there is a larger biological underpinning
present in the connection and comparison between the experimental and the control treatments. In ...
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First, using a larger sample will increase the probability of getting statically significant results that are
essential to draw insightful conclusions. Adding experimental treatments that include dead
conspecifics will not only be instrumental in investigating the precedence of different chemical cues in
isopods predator avoidance, but also in ascertaining additional factors that determine the extent to
which isopods maintain a balance between foraging and predator avoidance. Moreover, reducing the
food availability to both the crayfish and isopods before conducting the experiment will elevate both
the chemical cue for the presence of a hungry predator and the isopods intrinsic need to forage. All in
all, future research that incorporates the above recommendations will minimize sampling error,
increase the probability of obtaining statistically significant results, and shed light on new evidence
about the precedence of various chemical cues and intrinsic cues in isopods decision making
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Police Tasers
Ever wonder how police ever solve a crime? Well, you are about to find out. Police use social media,
GPS tracking, Glasses that record video and audio, domain awareness technology, facial recognition
technology. Police have tasers and guns to help them out along with another variety of weapons. Do
you ever wonder why police have their GPS raised instead of their tasers? Many people ask that
question and wonder of all the non lethal equipment why do we use guns? Police are trained to kill
and used what is necessary to take down the criminal they are going for.
Ever wonder what will happen if a police official is armed and dangerous? Police we ll use all the
necessary forces to take down that personnel and use all things as if it was a normal ... Show more
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Body cameras nowadays have reduced the complaints of a police officer by 93% (Devin
Coldewey)because they have evidence of what happened either audio or video with the body cameras
that are required that they were nowadays.
People these days now ask can technology really help us on solving a crime? Yes, police are able to
use technology to their advantage now with the technology we have cameras, GPS tracking, domain
awareness technology, social media.
The way social media helps the police is looking for keywords that involve the crime on social media
and waiting because if you did something most people will put a hint online about it. Other ways the
police use social media is that they can put out amber alerts on what happened and all points bulletins
targeting specific people whereas tips filter in a matter of minutes and can help in life or death
situations. It s not just crimes that will help them it is also other social events that they will keep an
eye on in case something goes
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Newsboys In The 1800 s
Despite the major setback of being part of the youth population in the late 1800 s, the Newsboys
fought the authorities for the sole purpose of understanding what they deserved, as well as any child
within the labor force. On July 20th, 1899, the start of one of the most powerful strikes in history
began. By protesting and striking against two of the largest newspaper companies in New York at the
time, the Newsies proved they weren t budging in their stance. Through holding their ground and
unmasking their will and determination, the companies gave into their requests and even left a
withstanding impact on the changing child labor laws.
The road to fair and equal child labor laws was definitely not an easy one, nor was it a quick one.
Throughout the 1800 s, it was normal to see school aged children working 50 70 hour weeks, leaving
out the time to get an education, socialize, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Families were not always fortunate enough to have a steady income, thus sending off their boys to
contribute in anyway that was possible. For the Newsboys, most of them didn t even have a family or
a home to support; the drive to produce an income was solely based on supporting themselves.
Working from dawn to dusk, the boys would be the first in line to purchase a stack of 100 newspapers
for 50 cents, hoping to sell them all in order to gain some sort of a profit. Out of fear of not being able
to make enough that day, some Newsboy would exaggerate the headlines in order to bring in more
potential customers. Clearly the boys were willing to do anything to gain a little bit of money.
Sometimes this meant cheating their customers into feeling sympathetic for them, or taking more
money than the papers were worth. When the Spanish American war began, Pulitzer and Hearst knew
that more newspapers would be sold due to citizens wanting to read all about the latest news and
updates of the war.The men were often accused of participating in yellow journalism, which was
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Kimmy Case Study
Kimmy is a 14 year old African American female that presents as talkative, insightful, and intelligent.
She has a love for horses, dancing, and enjoys crafts. She is the second oldest of four siblings. She
identified her strong connection with the Christian faith the African American community. Kimmy is
presenting for anger outbursts , homicidal threats, and behavioral problems. The client reports these
behaviors began eight months ago after the death of her mother. Her mother died in an auto accident,
for which the children were not present. Kimmy has been hospitalized three times in the past 8 months
for anger outburst towards her Uncle, older brother, and peers. She has made homicidal threats
towards her older brother. Prior to her most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She reports that she is unfixable because no one has been able to help during her three
hospitalizations. Kimmy has participated in group therapy and briefly individual counseling. She
reported that these services did not help because they were only focused on her feelings . Kimmy
described her anger outburst as feeling out of control , unable to think clearly , and scary . She shared
that her anger is towards her older brother, Uncle, and peers at school. When asked what caused her to
become angry, she shared that peers, her older brother, and Uncle tease her about being fat and getting
in trouble at school. Kimmy was able to identify her early warning signs as increased heart rate,
clinching her fist, and feeling annoyed . After an anger outburst, Kimmy said she feels hot and sweaty
. After the death of her mother, Kimmy and her three siblings moved in with her maternal Aunt, Uncle,
and two cousins. Kimmy reports the relationship with her Aunt is good and her Aunt is a social
support. She feels lucky to be living with her Aunt, but that the home is small and finances are tight.
Kimmy shared that she loves her younger siblings and wants to get better to be a good role model for
them. She also has a close relationship with the school social worker that meets with her as
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Penis Enlargement Essay
Many guys available in the market who wish to enlarge their penis often come across these 2 male
enhancement products. There are numerous internet sites hyping up these 2 products claiming to add
inches to a man s penis in no time at all. With feelings strolling high and most guys needing a higher
penis, they revenue pages play up to the their interior desires. Each sound equally just right and the
countless testimonials from consumers who accelerated their girth and size are rather convincing. So
Which is best? The sincere reply: Neither! Generally each penis enlargement products are a waste of
money and rarely have any result on your penile size. They re a waste of time and cash. The simple
fact is that there s no cream or pill that has been demonstrated to be powerful for male enlargement.
All of the hype and claims you learn on penis enlargement internet sites are just that. Hype and false
claims. To make concerns worse, some of these penis pills have negative facet effects ... Show more
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But you have to go determine in a fitness center to peer muscular tissues. Equal right here. You ought
to do penis workout routines to gain dimension, tougher erections and sexual stamina. Everlasting
penis expansion outcome can simplest be attained through a common penis growth process. The
income page for the penis creams could say that they incorporate natural constituents which might be
all common. They re going to declare that the cream is comfortably absorbed and has a nice odor.
None of those subject for the reason that on the end of the day, your penis will not be going to get any
larger. For those who want to enlarge your penis safely and inexpensively, you need tactics which are
effective and average and give you everlasting penis growth outcome. You desire a demonstrated male
enhancement method with appropriate strategies and guidelines.It s that
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Data Into The Computerized System
Name: Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Student ID: S71565
Set up and operate a computerized system
Assessment 3
Describe the steps to be taken prior to inputting the data into the computerized system and how you
would go about implementing the new system.
The steps to be taken prior to inputting the data into the computerized system:
The first step: you will need to set up your company in your accounting software system. Look for
company tab. Then, you fill in your company name, your company address, ID number and etc.
The second step: you need to establish a list of your customers and your suppliers in the system. You
must fill in name, address, as well as the terms for your customers and your suppliers.
The third step: You need to establish a list of your employees on the system. You need to fill in
employee s name, address of employees, tax information such as Tax File Number (TFN) and etc.
The fourth step: you can personalize your company bill in most software packages. You can add your
company logo, change the field around or eliminate some things that you think it is redundant if you
For implementing the new accounting software system, you need:
Implementation planning
Software installation
Accounting system configuration
System training
Implementation planning: is the first important step of your project decisions have been made or not.
Discuss and identify the information from the old system to planning is needed in the implementation
of the
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The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Imperialism
As Europeans colonized much of the world, their empires became more and more fueled by the
Industrial Revolution. The developments of the Industrial Revolution that most impacted Imperialism
were the Maxim Gun, Modern Manufacturing, and Child Labour. The industrial revolution began in
the textile industry and during the course of history people have changed the manufacturing process
dramatically. Instead of items being produced by hand, the owners of the facilities created ways to
have machines produce the items ( thomasnet. ). Manufacturing change in production.
By the 19th century, Europeans gun technology had improved dramatically, especially with the
introduction of the maxim gun. Hiram Stevens invented the maxim gun when he was in ... Show more
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Many of these impacts consisted of both positive and negative aspects that influences great Britain, its
economy, and it s people. During the industrial revolution time period it was very positive in Britain
history. Britain was the wealthiest nation, and began producing more efficiently. For Britain to achieve
this, Britain built factories. More people were employed, and that led to child labour, because children
got hired to work in factories to help and support their families. life of little ones are destroyed, when
child labour is employed (The french quotes). Till now we still have child labour, we still have
children who work in a really young age for a long time, instead of learning and studying, till this
moment children are still tortured, because they have to work in a bad factories
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The Development of Greek Architecture
Construction of buildings for different purposes has been around through out the entire history of
human existence. It was simply essential for survival. It used to be like that in the beginning, but then
it took a little bit different aspect. It evolved from very simple and primitive shelters of cavemen to
very elegant and big scale buildings constructed by various nations. Each one of them tried to invent
something new and tried to advance forward already known building principles. Many of them have
succeeded to certain extent, but the Greeks made the greatest impact with introduction of the famous
Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles. The Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated
with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The spaces between the triglyphs are the metopes. They may be left plain, or they may be carved in
low relief. Because the metopes are somewhat flexible in their proportions, the modular space
between columns can be adjusted by the architect. Often the last two columns were set slightly closer
together, to give a subtle visual strengthening to the corners. Early examples of the Doric order
include the temples at Paestum, in southern Italy. The Corinthian order is one of the Classical orders
of Greek and Roman architecture, although it was seldom used in Greek architecture. The Corinthian
order was said to have been invented by an architect, Callimachus, who was inspired by the sight of a
votive basket that had been left on the grave of a young girl. A few of her toys were in it, and a square
tile had been placed over the basket, to protect them from the weather. An acanthus plant had grown
through the woven basket, mixing its spiny, deeply cut leaves with the weave of the basket. A
Corinthian capital may be seen as an enriched development of the Ionic capital, though one may have
to look closely at a Corinthian capital to see the Ionic volutes at the corners, perhaps reduced in size
and importance, scrolling out above the two ranks of leaves, and the smaller volutes scrolling inwards
to meet each other on each side. The
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Oral Anti Diabetic Agents Are Used As Pharmacotherapy Options
Oral anti diabetic agents are used as pharmacotherapy options mainly for type 2 diabetes patients or as
an adjuvant therapy for type 1 diabetes patients, who need an oral agent along with insulin/insulin
analogues for better glycemic control. There are a wide variety of oral anti diabetic drug classes that
are available. The choice of pharmacotherapy is patient specific and usually a stepped therapy
approach is applied and titrated as per individual patient requirements. The article here is a detailed
overview of the different classes of these oral agents, their pharmacology, comparative efficacy,
efficacy results from clinical trials, general recommendations etc.
The different classes of oral anti diabetics starting from traditional therapy to the latest developments
are as follows :
According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) 2013 guidelines, metformin is considered as
first line therapy for initiation of treatment in a type 2 diabetes patient when lifestyle modifications,
diet and exercise fail to achieve glycemic control.
Mechanism of action: Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production thereby decreasing intestinal
absorption of
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Personal Statement Of Purpose Of Biology And Science
Mark Twain once said: The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day
you find out why. This quotation sums up that everybody should have a purpose in their life. My
purpose is to become a person who will develop and cut up a positive trace in science.
I am looking forward to studying biology and sociology. The human body is very fascinated, and it is
amazing that every atom is important in order to move the body. I took biology as one of my subjects
in International Baccalaureate. We worked with sections of frogs and fishes. I enjoyed doing it and I
thought, This physiology is very similar to human anatomy, and this is something that I got to learn
more about. Then I have studied fungi in the laboratory ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are a lot of connection between these two sciences. Knowing different languages and cultures
allow doctors to travel around the world and discover another area of medicine. It will increase
community service of a physician who want to help people from third world countries. Sociology
contributes to improving interaction of doctors with society, with patients and understand them. As the
Einstein states: Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great physician. They are wrong:
it is a character. Every talented person can become a doctor, but not all of him or her became a good
doctor. Schools teach us to become professionals in our career, but don t teach to have ethics or
became a strong person. Problematic periods of my life allowed me to persevere and turn my obstacles
into opportunities for growth. In my opinion, these to science area will help me to achieve my goal
and increase my motivation to change the
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A Complex Adaptive System ( Cas )
Organizations and businesses are now seen as a function of increased specialization. Technology has
become the order of the day where more and more businesses are heading towards that direction to
have a competitive edge within the industry they best identify with. In light of this, conflicts are
sometimes very challenging to comprehend, and theorists have also questioned the nature of the whole
system to which all these complicating factors contribute. Many experts and scholars have argued that
all these developments are characterized by a Complex Adaptive System (CAS). Most organizations
are engulfed in planning activities such as formalized planning sessions that are of a strategic nature
by design and to do this; business leaders tend to look for business intelligence, knowledge
management and other methods that will enable them to have active planning sessions in real time to
match the ever growing system. What then is Complex Adaptive System? To best define CAS, we
need to understand what a system is. A system is defined as an assembly of elements hooked together
to produce a whole in which the attributes of the elements contribute to a behavior of the whole (
Complex Adaptive Systems, n.d.). Examples of systems include the human body, galaxies,
ecosystems, airplanes and computers. CAS is the study of natural systems and how they interact,
adapt, and survive over time (Evans, 2015). By this definition, it is fair to say that organizations
cannot ignore the
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Chris Johnson s Journey
Chris Johnson lives a very hard and complicated life, and much different from my own. Throughout
the movie, Country Boys, we are shown an insight on the hardships he faces as a teen and the
struggles he goes through on his journey to complete high school. Chris s life and mine differ and
compare in areas of job opportunities, family structure, goals in life, standard of living, teen years, and
parent child relationships
In the beginning stages of the movie, Chris shows that he has a hard time focusing and keeping up
with school work. He explains repeatedly that his time management and focus are not always the best.
Chris often promises to stay on top of his school work, but seems to fall behind and then not have the
motivation to catch up. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I attend a small, Catholic school where my teachers expect nothing but the best from me. My peers
motivate me to do the best work I can do and encourage me to strive for above and beyond. I do not
have problems staying on task or keeping up with work. School comes easy for me and I am on track
to graduate. Unlike Chris, alcoholic parents and financial needs are something I do not have to worry
In the movie, Chris is shown living in a trailer park and driving a junk car to school and work. Since
his parents are not involved due to their own personal issues, Chris finds himself trying to support the
family and finish school. It may not be the best choice for Chris, but he finds himself taking up jobs in
order to pay bills and then falling behind in his classes and getting minimal sleep. Chris reminds us
that his father s drinking habits have greatly influenced his life. While most people look up to their
father and strive to be just like him, Chris does not. Chris wants more out of life.
Unlike Chris, I do not live in a trailer park or drive a junk car. I work, but not to support my family or
pay the bills. Since I do not have to work in large time frames, I keep myself well rested and present at
school. My father is a good man, and I look up to him. I respect my parents and would hope to not talk
to them in the way Chris
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Effects Of Foreign Direct Investment On Agricultural...
This research investigates and empirically examines the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on
agricultural output and economic growth in Kenya. The methodology involves estimating an
economic growth model using panel data of the period from 1990 to 2013. By applying the OLS
method, the results indicate that FDIhas a negative effect on the economy overall, while combining
with other factors such as labour, GCF and exports. However, on its own, FDI s prove to have a
positive but insignificant effect on GDP.
Introduction Statement
Claims that the Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture in Kenya have brought about many benefits
as opposed to the vices are wrong. In his book, Multinational Corporations in Political Economy of
Kenya, Langdon investigates multinational Corporations performances in Kenya in the mid 1970 s
and concluded that their impact was overwhelmingly negative to the economy of Kenya. He argued
that the MNC s in Kenya after independence to date became powerful instruments for profit making, a
great deal of which profit was repatriated. They produced fewer spread effects in form of employment
or linkage than local entrepreneurs would spur.
1.0 Introduction
Agriculture is the beating hub of the Kenyan economy. The agriculture sector is the single largest
sector of the economy accounting for about one quarter of GDP. About 18 per cent of growth in GDP
in 2012 was from the sector, up from 7.5 per cent recorded in 2011. The sector
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Career Advancement Within The Investment Management Industry
. Have you ever thought about your next career move and what it will take to accomplish it? I have,
and after careful research I have learned of various options and possibilities to further advance my
own career. Achieving career advancement within the investment management industry requires a vast
array of skills that can be obtained through continued professional development.
Growth within investment management can be achieved in various ways but starts with the
foundation. What is investment management and what is the foundation? Essentially, investment
management is a division of wealth management which refers to the buying, selling, and managing of
investments within a portfolio. The foundation is the necessities you need to buy and sell these
investments. To buy and sell you are required to obtain your series 7, 66, and state insurances licenses.
While these are not required to work in investment management industry they are required if you want
to grow within the industry. Most people start out as assistants or associates to investment managers or
financial consultants where these licenses are not required. However, to move up within the industry
these are the requirements. The series 7 is a general securities exam offered by The Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The series 7 assess the competency of an entry level registered
representative to perform his or her job as a registered representative. The exam measures the degree
to which each
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The Politics Of The United States Politics
Sir Walter Scott (1896) once said Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to
deceive! (Canto XI, XVII). In other words, lying leads to more deceit until one is so caught up in the
lies that it is virtually impossible to escape. Truth is highly valued in society; so, what are the reactions
when the leaders of society lie to their constituents? This is an issue that has recently manifested in the
United States politics. With the election of President Donald Trump, the media have become
increasingly interested in how truthful the members of the political system are. Many have started
demanding transparency from those in positions of power. In contrast, some, who will be discussed
later, believe that officials should be able ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Maybe presidents typically have a high percentage of falsities. To solve this query, Barack Obama s
profile will be examined. PolitiFact has a record of only 26% of what Obama said as containing some
degree of falsehood (PolitiFact, 2016). The disparity between these two figures is offsetting to say the
least. In the few short weeks in which he has held office, more than two of every three comments
made by President Trump have been reported to be incorrect in some form. The issue is so bad that
Trump s counselors have begun using terms like alternative facts in order to mask the outright
deception. This problem is not unique to Trump; in fact, many high level politicians have been caught
in lies recently. For example, House Speaker Paul Ryan has been accused of being dishonest about
certain things relating to Medicare. A writer for The Huffington Post claimed that Ryan is using deceit
to convince people that the Medicare system is broken, and that it must be destroyed (Altman, 2017).
There are countless other instances of this happening with politicians, and it is not a new problem.
Politicians are not flawless; they make mistakes and occasionally act in their own best interest like all
humans. Furthermore, they are people with a responsibility to handle an exuberant amount of sensitive
information and make critical decisions. For this reason, it is not surprising that there is an
unintentional slip up on
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The Theme of Death in The Dead Essay
Although a scene of a funeral home might come to mind when a reader first hears a short story aptly
named The Dead, the tale actually takes place in the festive setting of a winter dance at the home of
the two aunts of the main character, Gabriel Conroy. James Joyce s short story The Dead has a literal
title, because its main concept is death both physical death and spiritual death. Gabriel Conroy and his
wife, Gretta Conroy, attend a party held by Gabriel s aunts, Kate Morkan and Julia Morkan. The mood
of the party is intentionally festive. It s an annual event the Misses Morkan s annual dance (1227). But
parts of the evening turn out to be quite nostalgic. The nostalgia comes from certain guests attending
the party who are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After Gabriel s speech, the door is open and the freezing outside air is being let into the room. Because
of the cool air, Kate demands that the door be closed because Mrs. Malins will get her death of cold.
(1241). Although surely Mrs. Malins is in danger of catching cold, the phrase death of cold is an
intentional exaggeration to bring the reader s mind back to the concept of death. A ghostly light is also
present in the hotel room where the Conroys are staying (1245).
The environment in which the characters interact is also saturated with death symbolism. Gabriel sees
two works of art in the house. The first piece of art on the wall is a picture of Romeo and Juliet, who
are two international symbols for death. The second piece of art on the wall that Gabriel sees is of
Edward IV s two sons, who were killed. The reader at the time that this story was published would
have probably understood the story of Edward IV s two sons, thus again bringing his or her mind back
around to the concept of death. There is also a photograph of Gabriel s deceased mother on display in
the house (1232). But images of death are not the only things in the environment to reinforce the
theme. Mr. D Arcy sings the song The Lass of Aughrim, which is about a girl who commits suicide, an
obvious story of death (1243). The story also represents spiritual death. The spiritual death is not as
prevalent in the story as the
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Compare And Contrast Rednecks And City-Folk
In America, we are blessed to be able to mostly live wherever we want, whether that be on the shore,
in the middle of the woods, or in the densely populated cities. Each of these places has their own faults
and perks, but how different or similar are they? How much worse could it be to live in the city than
the country, or vise versa? The two stereotypical types of people, Rednecks and City folk, tend to stay
loyal to their place of choice. What makes the two places so different, or similar? Looking at the
logical facts, we can see the obvious differences and similarities between the two, but it all comes
down to personal preference. The country is a beautiful place, full of a variety of weird people. Most
people that live in the country are usually associated with hunting, fishing, beer, and large, loud trucks.
There are normal people that live in the country, but most of the time they are affected by country air.
If you are not a fan of having lots of neighbors, then the country is the right place for you. Most of the
time, in the country, houses are spread much further apart than if you were in a city. ... Show more
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There is a significantly smaller number of people and cars out in the country, so the pollution isn t
near as bad as it would be in a city. Just because there are less cars and people, doesn t mean that the
air in the country is perfectly clean. Those rednecks with their big trucks usually end up not worrying
out exhaust problems, or sometimes run a straight pipe, causing even more air pollution than probably
2 or 3 cars. In the country, if you were to take a walk in the woods, you would probably run into
someone riding a quad. So just because there are less cars, doesn t mean there aren t other ways for the
air to be polluted. Although it isn t free from air pollution, the myriad of trees allow for cleaner air to
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Mondrea Mathews
Professor Germain
HRM 532 Talent Management
January 22, 2012
McDonald s has been around for fifty four years. By McDonald s growth to more than thirty thousand
restaurants in 118 countries serving fifty five million customers per day. A number of factors led the
organization to the conclusion that enhancements in its talent management and development system
were need. (Goldsmith, 2010. p.156). McDonald s framework for Plan to Win consists of the people,
place, product, promotion, and price. McDonald first has to have the right people in place to make the
business successful by obtaining a global/local approach in the management ... Show more content on
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Common themes touched on by many managers that were interviewed who had implemented
organizational rules centered on order in the firm and the stability that organizational rules provide for
worker manager relations. The strengths of the program made the global aspect of the company be
more adjacent to the understanding what they really needed to work on to make the company be more
efficient and successful. McDonald s LAMP program is a great start for the company to have the right
people in place to understand the positions that were expected of them to keep the organization on the
move. The LAMP program had 5 key components which included executive assessment and program
orientation; 2. Individual development planning and executive dialogues; 3. Leadership modules
focused on leadership of self, team, and organization with experiential exercise to reinforce the
learning; 4. A two week executive education program with a focus on global business and culture; 5.
Business improvement recommendation presented to the chairman s and presidents councils (p. 169).
McDonald could focus on the customer service in the organization because that is what drives the
business. McDonald needs to make sure that they are using good ethnic practices such in several
ways. One way they can do this is for the organization to provide for its employees an ethical
productive work environment. Another important way that an
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The Yellow Wallpaper And What It Has On The Position And...
LeCompte 1
Shiyiya LeCompte
Professor Susan Taylor
English 1312
11 October 2014
The Yellow Wallpaper and What It Has to Say about the Position and Treatment of Women at the
Turn of the Last Century
The Yellow Wallpaper tells a single story, with a tight focus on a specific fictional woman, but the
circumstances it drew from for its depiction were widespread. The events it depicts, while they may
not have occurred exactly in reality, were written in parallel to true conditions and treatments of the
time. Women were seen as inherently fragile, and subject to specific conditions due to this fragility
the 19th century diagnosis of female hysteria by this time was in decline, replaced by other conditions.
The stifling of women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This calls back to both the prevalence of hysteria itself as a diagnosis of women, and perhaps the
beginnings of its discrediting in the 20th century, as John seems to believe the hysteria with which he
has diagnosed his wife is a condition of little concern. I can strongly relate to this dismissal, as my
father has for most of my life refused to acknowledge my depression as a real condition requiring
more treatment than an order to exercise and eat vegetables . John s patriarchal insistence that
LeCompte 2 he knows better than the narrator what will make her feel better, against her own protests,
runs in a similar vein.
The narrator s treatment has significant historical precendent. Hysteria itself has a long history through
civilizations. An ancient Egyptian document identifies hysteria, with the cause as spontaneous uterus
movement within the female body (Tasca et al.). The Greeks, too, apparently ascribed to this view in
Plato s Timaeus, the titlular character sees the uterus as a living creature [...] which [...] travels around
the body blocking passages, obstructing breathing, and causing disease (S. Gilman et al. 25).
Hippocrates, in the fifth century BCE, was the first to use the term hysteria for this supposed womb
borne madness of women. He posited that the womb was sickened or unsatisfied without the effects of
sexual activity, and that this was the cause of its wandering about the body and contributing to other
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Oreo and Pt Danone Biscuit
Oleh :
Kelompok 5
Margaretha Pink Berlianto (19090054)
Diana Permana (19090062)
1. PT Kraft Foods Indonesia. 2. PT Arnott s Indonesia. 3. PT Ceres Meiji Indotama.
INDONESIA : 1. PT Pandurasa Kharisma (Wernli, Famous Amous) 2. PT Nirwana Lestari
(Toblerone, Guylian, Ritter Sport, Toffifee, Merci, Werthers Original, Pez, Fisherman Friends, Riesen,
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Both children and adult people like snacks.
The types of biscuits as snacks grow fast both in taste, packaging and form. Biscuit snacks have wide
market with market targets including children, boys and girls. The competition, therefore is tight
among the products of biscuit snacks marked with aggressive advertising by producers. Investors are
more interested in the market of biscuits for snack in the country.
Production capacity growing
Capacity utilization of the country s biscuit industry is high despite price hikes of basic materials.
Production capacity of Indonesian biscuit industry has increased from year to year reaching 232,762
tons in 2003, and 246,728 tons in 2004 and 299,035 tons in 2006.
The increase in production capacity followed expansion by some of the many producers and the
operation of new producers.
Producers of biscuit and production capacity
Most major producers in the country such as PT Khong Guan, PT Mayora Indah, PT Arnott s
Indonesia and PT Nabisco Foods produce wafer, cookies and crackers.
There are few producing biscuits in tin but they have large market shares especially on certain
occasions like Idul Fitri, Idul Adha and Christmas and new year when many people give, send or
exchange gifts.
The country has more than 200 producers of biscuits medium and large producers. Among the large
producers are PT Khong Guan Biscuit, PT Mayora Indah, PT Nabisco Foods, PT Arnott s Indonesia,
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Mexico Border Trade
In the article by Lee and Wilson The State of Trade, Competitiveness and Economic Well being in the
U.S. Mexico Border Region we are given an account how the border is braking economic growth.
While the U.S. Mexico border is a major milestone of one half trillion dollars, it has received virtually
no recognition (Lee et al, 2). The article goes on to say how port of entries have not kept up with the
increased trade or border region border population growth. Therefore, in this paper will be providing
an overview of the economic impact and discussing some of the proposed solutions presented by Lee
and Wilson. They include: increasing capacity, increasing traveler and shipper programs, and via US
and Mexican coordination and cooperation efforts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some examples of the said programs are: Secured Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection
(SENTRI), Free and Secure Trade (FAST), Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C_TPAT),
and Nuevo Esquema de Empresas Certifcadas (NEEC). After 9/11, intelligence has played a pivotal
role in managing border safety. However, this intelligence can be utilized in order to deal with border
congestion. It is stated in the article that the aforementioned programs are a win win win. This is
because they decreasing waiting time, enhance border security, and minimize staffing needs. While
these programs have expedited passage for 18% of northbound traffic, there s still a lot of untapped
potential to be derived from
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Some Notes on Branding
Branding is a plan for earning product reputation and for making sure that the world knows about it
and believes in it too.
Branding is the process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from the competition.
Brands are created by creating a distinctive name, packaging and design. (Egan Thomas, 1998)
1st Brand name= Bass [beer], because British were the 1st with trademark registration.
Customers (particularly consumers) view a brand as an important part of a product and branding can
add value to a product. A brand can provide a guarantee of reliability and quality, in fact.
Ex. Chanel perfume bottle.
Brands vary in the amount of power and value they have in the market place. ... Show more content on
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 A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. It can launch the product as a:
A. Manufacturer s brand: A brand is created and owned by the producer of a product or service.
B. Private brand: A brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service. e.g. Tesco Value,
Tesco Finest
 Increasing trend amongst supermarkets, department and discount stores.
 Hard to establish, costly to stock and promote.
 However, they can find manufacturers with excess capacity that will produce the private label at
low cost; hence higher profit margins, retailers can decide to stock them more and decide which
shelves they go on.
 As store brands improve in quality and as consumers gain confidence in their store chains, store
brands will continue to pose a challenge to manufacturer s brands.
C. Licensing: A product or service using a brand name offered by the brand owner to the licensee for
an agreed fee or royalty.
e.g. a lunchbox manufacturer pays Sesame Workshop to put Sesame Street characters on their
 Corporate brand licensing: The fastest growing form of licensing. A firm rents a corporate
trademark or logo made famous in one product or service category and uses in a related category.
e.g. Porsche sunglasses and accessories.
D. The practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same product.
Kellogg ConAgra co branded Kellogg s
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The Standardization Of Samuel Johnson
Who is Samuel Johnson? He was an English writer and critic, and one of the most celebrated literary
figures of the 18th century. His best known work is his Dictionary of the English Language . The
dictionary was published on 15 April 1755. It was not the first such dictionary, but was certainly the
most important at that time. In Johnson s lifetime five further editions were published and a sixth
came out when he died (BBC, 2014). English language is a hybrid language that borrowed words from
many origins such as Latin, French and German. The English language is also used by many people.
Specialist started the process of English language standardization as early as the sixteenth century.
Hogan (1966) pointed out that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The authority always shifted to those who provided the great deal of material. Lexicographers realized
this fact and competed with grammarians in order to produce more comprehensive information. The
first monolingual English dictionary was, Robert Cawdrey s A Table Alphabetical (1640) . This
dictionary was not only a guide to correct spelling or appropriate vocabulary, but intended on a guide
to hand words which had been brought in from Latin and other languages (Beal, 2012). However, the
most important dictionary that played a great role in the stability of English language was Samuel
Johnson s Dictionaries of the English language. Thomas Sheridan commented on this dictionary in
(1762) that by producing this work, which was intended for fixing English language, Johnson must be
confided by all posterity on the founder, and this dictionary on the corner stone (Beal, 2012). Mitchell
argues that Johnson shared his contemporaries their worry for the future of English language that
might not be understood in the future if these changes continued this way. This is because the
vernacular had been growing and changing in unpredictable ways to the extent that sixteenth century
language contrasted significant with that of the eighteenth century (Mitchell, 2005). Other important
dictionaries that were produced during the eighteenth century were: dictionaries and William Pardon s
New General English Dictionary (1735), which cornered difficult
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Observer Fires Essay
FM 3 09.30
Final Draft
Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire and Fire Support at Battalion Task Force and
31 May 2001
FM 3 09.30 (6 30) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire and Fire Support at
Battalion Task Force and Below
DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
The purpose of this field manual (FM) is to provide a source for the most current essential information
about fire support at the battalion task force and company team levels and discuss the technical,
operational, and organizational aspects of observed fire procedures. The doctrinal foundations for this
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Distribution is unlimited. ________ *This publication supersedes FM 6 20 20, 27 December 1991 and
FM 6 30, 16 July 1991
FM 3 09.30 (6 30) FINAL DRAFT
Chapter 3
COMPANY TEAM FIRE SUPPORT......................................................................... 3 1 Fire Support
Team .................................................................................................... 3 1 Preparation for
Operations........................................................................................ 3 5 Vehicle Employment
Options.................................................................................... 3 7 Observation
Posts..................................................................................................... 3 8 Company Team Fire Support
Planning Using the Troop Leading Procedures ...... 3 10 Required Products
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Fallout 3 Essay
Mothership Zeta is the final bit of DLC for Fallout and after the previous four attempts I was hoping
that Bethesda had learned enough to let this one end with a bang. The premise is certainly promising
enough. Your character follows a strange signal that leads to a crashed alien ship but before you can
loot anything you are abducted and stripped of all belongings. Aliens are hardly newcomers to the
Fallout universe but an entire DLC set aboard an alien space ship came as a surprise. I guess space
really was the final frontier for Fallout 3 after all the adventures on, around and below the capitol
wasteland. Visually the game is still recognizable as Fallout 3 but only just. The art style is quite
different than the main game and previous DLC but is let down by the linear layout of the levels. The
alien computers and corridors are suitably sci fi looking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fallout 3 was never a great shooter and stripped of the interesting quests and moral choices you are
left with a linear slog through some uninspiring locations. You encounter some suitably futuristic alien
weaponry and gadgets which are useful since your captives are bullet sponges. Weapons such as the
alien atomizer and disintegrator are nice additions to your arsenal and you can even take over the alien
ship as a home base for your character once you complete the DLC. The lack of side quests means that
most of your time in Mothership Zeta is spent vaporizing aliens and munching on disgusting alien
food for health. The highlight is discovering some fellow captives who have been plucked from
different time periods which provide a nice B movie feel. Sadly these characters are never really
fleshed out and mostly tag along while you do the shooting. You can hunt around for some truly funny
tapes that contain conversations between alien captives and their rather unfriendly
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Luck-Personal Narrative
This is showing a connection of being so happy for a item, for me that item is a horse, can be switched
to never wanting to be happy for another horse for any amounts of time. I mean that for me if I ever
get excited, in the end I realize I should not be excited. This does not mean that good things go wrong
for everyone, but that s how my luck has ran its course to this point. Chesa took me under my wing
when I wanted to learn more about horses, and now I am showing horses in the summer. Although just
recently I got good news from Chesa, but I know I just need to stay calm and not expect the best. On
November thirteenth 2016, Angels Painted Aspen, or just Aspen came into my horseless life. Then on
the 30th of October, I finally laid my eyes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I sadly told her I would bring her back on a Sunday. Ellen agreed, so I spent my week, knowing that
Aspen would not be with me anymore. I was at my aunts dad s funeral while Aspen was taken without
me knowing. It was a breaking point for emotions, knowing I did not get to say anything to her, or hug
her goodbye. When I saw the message I could not hold it in, I walked to the bathroom in upstairs of
the bathroom, and started to cry. I just could not stop, it was a waterfall that never ended. Elaine took
Aspen from my care, and into Ellen s care. All she said to me was that, I hope you do not mind but I
needed room for Scott s new horse, and I told you before that I would need the pen if he got one. I
hope you do not mind but I took Apen back to Ellen s. I was devastated, confused, angry, and just
plain emotional. She had no right to take Aspen without telling me, even more so knowing I would
never trust her
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M14056009 Key Questions
1. 7.5/8
The height in metres of a ball dropped from the top of the CN Tower is given by h(t)= 4.9t2+450,
where t is time elapsed in seconds.
(a) Draw the graph of h with respect to time
(b) Find the average velocity for the first 2 seconds after the ball was dropped h(0)=(0,450), h(2)=
= (430.4 450)/(2 0)
= 9.8m/s √
(c) Find the average velocity for the following time intervals
(1) 1 ≤ t ≤ 4 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(4)=(4,371.6)
= (371.6 445.1)/(4 1)
= 24.5m/s √
(2) 1 ≤ t ≤ 2 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(2)=(2,430.4)
= (430.4 445.1)/(2 1)
= 14.7m/s √
(3) 1 ≤ t ≤ 1.5 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(1.5)=(1.5, 438.98)
= (438.98 445.1)/(1.5 1)
= 12.25m/s √
(d) Use the secant method to approximate the instantaneous velocity at t=1 h(0.5) = (0.5, 448.78) ...
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H(2)= 5(2)2+20(2)+1 = 20+40+1 =21 H(2+h)= 5(2+h)2 + 20(2+h) +1 = 5(4+4h+h2) + 40+20h+1 = 20
20h 5h2+40+20h+1= 5h2+21 lim(h 0) H(2+h) H(2)/h = 5h2+21 21/h = 5h = 5(0) = 0 √
(b) A particle s motion is described by the equation d=t2 8t+15 where d and t are measured in metres
and seconds. Show that the particle is at rest when t = 4.
D(4)= (4)2 8(4)+15 =16 32+15= 1 D(4+h)= (4+h)2 8(4+h)+15= 16+8h+h2 32 8h+15= h2 1
limD(4+h) D(4)/h = h2 1+1/h = h =0 √
6. 4/4
For the following graph
(a) Determine the intervals between which the rate of change is positive and negative. The function is
increasing at x 1 and x 1, hence its rate of change is positive. The function is decreasing at 1 x 1,
hence its rate of change is negative. √
(b) State where the rate of change is zero. The instantaneous rate of change is zero at x= 1 and x=1 √
(c) List the local maximums and minimums of the function. F( 1) is a local maximum and F(1) is a
local minimum. √
7. 10/10
For the function f(x) =2x3 7x2+4x+1 (a) Find the instantaneous rate of change at x=0 and x=1 (1)
F(0+h) = 2(h)3 7(h)2+4(h)+1 =2h3 7h2+4h+1 F(0) = 1 lim(h 0) (F(0+h) F(0))/h = (2h3 7h2+4h+1 1)/h
= (2h3 7h2+4h)/h = 2h2 7h+4 = 4 ∴the instantaneous rate of change at x=0 is 4 √
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Corrupting The Youth Of Athens Is A Valid Charge Against...
1. I do not believe that corrupting the youth of Athens is a valid charge against Socrates. If Athens was
truly a republic, then every citizen should be given the right to free speech. That means that any
citizen has the right to choose what to listen to. In reality, the people that charged Socrates were just
afraid that his new ideas would spread to the next generation. It is clear that Socrates ideas are vastly
different from theirs, but being an independent individual doesn t mean that one should be punished
by death. The main reason that Socrates is charged for corrupting the youth of athens is because he
calls things like they are. In his speech he called out politicians and claimed that they were full of
themselves. This is true even now, but at that time it would have been inappropriate to mock political
figures that the youth of Athens were supposed to look up to and obey. During this time, Athenians
would have linked free thinking with rebellion and viewed Socrates as a threat. Even if people did
agree with Socrates, no one would want to be associated with him in order to protect themselves,
reputation, and material items. Socrates charge wasn t about corruption it was about eliminating a
source of enlightenment for the people. The real corruption was the hidden politics in the state going
on at the time. The only way the charge could be valid is if Socrates forced the youth to listen to him.
But as Socrates had said, he does not charge money to spread his
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Fryd Statue Of Freedom Summary
Fryd critics issues in public art, as well as an analysis in the historical developments in public art in
America. He interprets the art of the United States Capital as an ideological tool for promotion of the
nineteen century American expansionist polices and displacement of Native Americans from the land.
But also, he explains how the Statue of Freedom, and the bronze statue atop the U.S Capital dome in
Washington, D.C., was altered to accommodate racial politics of antebellum America. I believe art
comes in role in many aspects in history and politics, such as Fryd examines the objections in both
statues. Fyrd analysis how Davis s objection resulted in Crawford s fusion of three allegories, Liberty,
America, and Minerva.
First Fryd knowledges the secretary of war s rejection of the liberty cap. As Fryd states, However, for
this takes on political implications in relationship to the dissension between the North and South over
slavery, which would eventually erupt into civil war. Crawford had intended to include the liberty cap
in his group for the cornice of the Senate door, which originally was to represent Liberty and Justice
(Fryd 107). This became an issue because the cap became a revolutionary ... Show more content on
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Not only did he provide evidence in the art created that was tied back to into history, but described
that symbolization that had racial implication. Fryd expository passage help the misunderstandment of
how the audience viewed the statue simply as an Indian princess, instead of Davis s own vision of
white superiority that he insisted be represented in the U.S. Capitol dome statue. I found these
observations to be very surprising because art comes along way involved in history. If the detailed
evidence in the art Davis wanted and Crawford created was not focused enough one wouldn t be
aware of the symbolizations art contribute
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Realism In Stephen King s The Boogeyman
Stephen King s short story The Boogeyman is a thrilling adventure that incorporates an urban legend
that has many names throughout the world, and therefore makes any reader able to identify with this
story. It pulls you in, making you question whether the stories your parents, cousins, or siblings you
had finally deemed as unrealistic and fake were fictional at all. Why is King s story so eerie? Is it the
realism in the story, or the fact that the creature being described may have always been a small
weakness for you? The scientific article The Bogeyman in which we are explained the origin and
purpose for the monster may have the answers to these questions. After all, how probable is it that an
unidentified creature will happen to appear in sight tonight? In the scientific article, it is explained that
the purpose of the boogeyman is to frighten people in order for them to fit the norm in society. King s
article also uses the boogeyman in order to frighten people, but does it so that the man, Lester Billings
seems crazed, and yet in a sense, believable. For example, in the short story, Billings is present in a
psychiatrist s office and is telling his story to the therapist. This plays into the realism within the story,
as many people have therapists and believe in supernatural forces such as: ghosts, vampires, demons,
etc (not everyone goes to therapy for these reasons, but it is safe to assume some people do suffer from
paranoia within this particular topic). The
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My Father Was The First Time I Broke The Rules
The last time I saw my father was the first time I broke the rules. Although I was almost 16 years old,
I never dared to disobey my dad s strict laws he had laid down once my mother disappeared. I never
slept at a friend s house, never attended a party, and always brought nutritious lunches to school;
however, good girls can t be good forever. I had been devising my plans for weeks and finally felt
ready to escape the bubble my dad trapped me in. Now that I think about it, I might ve needed to run
away from myself, not my dad. Nevertheless, at 5:00 am, a whole hour before my father usually
awoke, my alarm clock started belting out Rhythm of Love by Plain White T s which coincidentally is
my favorite song. I thought that was a definite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I could almost imagine my mom sleeping next to him. I fought back tears and looked away so I
wouldn t be tempted to crawl in and snuggle with him as I had done so many times after my mom
vanished. I snatched an apple from the fruit bowl, grabbed a box of Tweeties, a cracker like snack my
dad had invented himself, and stuffed them into the bag. Although it was still pitch black outside, I
could tell from the porch light that it was drizzling slightly. My mom used to call that pizzling. I
smiled in spite of myself thinking that in a matter of days I might hear her use that word again. An
hour later, I was squatting on the soaking wet bus bench in the pouring rain. I scolded myself for
forgetting my umbrella and wearing the rain jacket that was way too small. I hadn t gone shopping for
a long time, for any free time I had I spent tracking my mom down. Even if I knew it was stupid to run
away, I was proud of myself for figuring out my mom s location all on my own. As far I was
concerned, my dad knew absolutely nothing about my risky plans. Using the premium version of
White Pages, a highly recommended stalking site, I registered myself as 18 in order to search for my
mom. There was nothing under her married name, Christina B. Arnold or her maiden name, Christina
L. Berman. However, I remembered her dream name, Zandra H. Thraft. One result popped up when I
searched the quirky name. A 46 49 female living in Jamaica Plains . This magnificent discovery was
only the
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An Auspicious Tibetan Furniture Piece
It is interesting to think that furniture is something we take for granted in the modern West, unless we
are interested in and collect antique furniture. Western furniture includes useful, practical items chairs
that we sit on, raised beds that we sleep on, desks that we rest our computers on, bookshelves we put
our books on, etc. So it can be hard to imagine a culture, such as that of Tibet, where some of the
furniture has a completely different function, being used in a ritual and devotional capacity. In this
essay, I will be analyzing a nineteenth century furniture piece from Central Tibet with the label name
Altar Table with Auspicious Symbols that is currently on view at the Los Angeles County Museum of
Art. The furnishing is made from wood with mineral pigments and stands approximately twenty four
inches in height, thirty three inches in width, and eleven inches in depth. My goal, upon completion of
the essay, is to further my understanding of the altar table in Tibet which includes the importance of
the material, symbolism and iconography, its main purpose and function, and background in the
culture. I will start with my original analysis of the piece and add in my research to the following
paragraphs. When I first walked into the room where this piece was exhibited I was immediately
drawn to its ornate details and rather bright colors compared to the other objects that were displayed
next to this one. The worn primary colors contrasted with the browns of the
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Homework As A Good Thing Essay
Roth, Grace
AP Lang Period 6
October 19, 2016
Homework has been considered apart of every child s learning experience in America, but there are
many downsides to homework. Homework prevents children from exploring the world they live in,
besides just what they learn in the classroom and prevents many other activities. Along with this,
homework can be very unhealthy is child s life due to the amount of stress it causes. There is also
evidence that suggests homework has no affect on learning and in many cases is counter productive.
Homework causes many conflicts within families and is in many households left to the parents and not
the students. The evidence of homework being a good thing is outweighed by the evidence that shows
how homework can be a negative thing in many students lives.
Copping, J. (2014, January 16). One in six parents do all the homework Telegraph. Retrieved October
14, 2016, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/10578136/One in six parents do
all the homework.html
Levy, S. (2016, August 11). Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids Health? Retrieved October 7, 2016,
from http://www.healthline.com/health news/children more homework means more stress 031114
NEA Research Spotlight on Homework. (2015). Retrieved October 5, 2016, from
Taylor, N. (2015, October 23). Too much homework leading to stressed out families ... Retrieved
October 14, 2016, from
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Why School Should Start Later
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I am pushed out of my blissful dream and pulled into reality, my eyes don t
want to open, just for the noise to stop so I can go back to that wonderful peaceness in my warm bed.
It s my alarm going off, for a second I consider hitting the snooze for those extra five minutes, but I
know if I do it ll be another rushing to get ready morning. Schools should really start later! Ninety
percent of teens are sleep deprived and I am one of them. Starting school about an hour later has many
benefits as shown in hundreds of schools around the country. Some of these benefits include: students
feeling more awake, better test scores, better attention spans and improved health. Changing school
times can help students exponentially. First
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Essay On How Did The Byzantine Empire And The Spread Of...
In the 10th century between the years of 1237 to 1480 B.C.E., Russia converted to the Christian
religion but did not convert to the Catholic Church practices. Russia was a member of the Byzantine
Eastern Orthodox Church. The religion of the Byzantine power was founded by Constantine, but it
ended in 1453. The major differences in the Catholic and Orthodox churches were church governors.
In the Catholic Church, the pope was in charge of Catholics, and the patriarchs (who functioned as
arch bishops) governed the Byzantines. The practice of Caesaropapism (emperor of head of church
and state...no pope) was introduced to Russia and was a legacy in the Byzantine Church, and Russia
applied it to their government.
After the great Mongolian invasion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elizabeth I came to power and was also concerned with Russia s culture. She indulged and splurged
on building projects and wars. She is the creator of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. She ignored
the conditions of the serfs (peasant) of Russia (will backfire on the Romanovs), and she was killed by
her own soldiers eventually. She was succeeded in death by Peter the 3rd. Catherine the Great was
then named the tsarina of Russia. She improved the economy, law code, and education system during
her rule. She also abolished capital
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Ukuthwala Custom
Benign accommodation? Ukuthwala, forced marriage and the South African Children s Act
Lea Mwambene and Julia Sloth Nielsen(
In this article, we evaluate the implications of the Children s Act 38 of 2005 for ukuthwala. Ukuthwala
is a practice whereby, preliminary to a customary marriage, a young man, by force, takes a girl to his
home. Questions arise relating to the impact of constitutional principles upon customary law and
practice. It is suggested that instead of a prohibitionist stance towards customs that seem to violate
human rights norms, a benign accommodation of aspects that promote the positive aspects of culture
be adopted. This approach leads to a conclusion that South African law should recognise those forms
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The main aim of ukuthwala is to force the girl s family to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of
a customary marriage.[18] (Underlining supplied).
The procedure for ukuthwala is as follows: The intending bridegroom, with the help of the one or two
friends, will waylay the intended bride in the neighbourhood of her own home, quite often late in the
day.[19] They will then forcibly take her to the young man s home. Sometimes the girl is caught
unawares, but in many instances she is caught according to prior plan and agreement. In either case,
the girl will put up a show of resistance to suggest to onlookers that it is against her will, when in fact,
it is seldom so. As Bekker
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How Is Piggy Related To Lord Of The Flies
As Piggy and Ralph walked to Castle Rock to retrieve Piggy s stolen glasses from Jack. All of a
sudden, they heard a noise coming from a banana tree. In the banana tree there was a monkey with an
object in its hand. Piggy was struggling to see what the object was, but Ralph had to get a closer look
to figure out what it was. As Ralph had got closer to the banana tree he noticed the object was
reflecting light. He whispered to Piggy I think it s your glasses. The monkey became startled and ran
off, the boys followed. During the chase to retrieve the glasses the monkey disappeared into a hollow
area. It turned out to be a magical cave. They were both uncertain if they should enter, but they knew
that if the monkey had his glasses they could
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Evolution Of War Research Paper
Humanity has resorted to war as a fundamental way to settle their differences. Clausewitz describes
war as the act of force to compel the enemy to do our will. Sun Tzu believed that war was to subdue
the enemy without fighting. However it is defined, every culture has its motives for why they go to
war and how it should be conducted. Nation states go to war to gain access to new territories and
resources, settle religious differences, defend against a threat, and for no other reason than to impose
their will on the enemy. To deter war nation states have used diplomatic means to settle their
differences but when that fails, war follows.
When war is declared, the victory goes to the force who can inflict the most casualties at the decisive
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The Union and the Confederates had differing economies at the onset of the war. The North was very
industrialized in comparison to the agricultural South. Both sides developed a variety of methods to
fund their respective military efforts ranging from taxation, selling government bonds, loans, and
printing new currency. However, countries like Britain used their wealth and an established economy
to become the colonial power of the age that no other country could match. This was due to their naval
power which they could sustain from, raising funds through long term credit at low interest rates. In
the west economics determined who could adopt the western way of war and who could not base on
the state s ability to keep abreast of changing technology and maintain the resources to deploy it
In closing, it was evident that the west had a dramatic influence on the world and as it still does today.
It s important to note that possessing all the elements of the Western way of war does not guarantee
success, it is the application of all the elements along with experience, the government and the will of
the people. Army professionals today must understand that the ability of the United States Army
ability to win decisively embraces these three fundamental characteristics of the Western way of war
to sustain dominance across the full range of military
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Hindu Weddings Essay
Marriage is the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal
dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. (Webster s Dictionary.) When a
couple gets married they make a vow in front of their loved ones and their God to be together for the
rest of their lives and abide by each other. In the Hindu religion, which is the third largest religion in
the world, weddings are very sacred, therefore a wedding ceremony takes a lot of time and effort and
it is composed of different rituals and ceremonies. The Hindu marriage, Lagna Vivah is the connection
of two human beings in a nuptial ceremony that takes place according to their religion. It s the
connection of not only the man and woman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore you can never marry someone outside your caste even if you are truly in love with someone
outside your caste your marriage will never be favored. If a couple still goes ahead and proceeds with
marrying even though they are from two different castes, there family will basically disown them and
so they will have to deal with a lot of public pressure from their family as well as outsiders. Today the
idea of arranged marriages is overlooked as a forced marriage from other society s point of views.
Hindus arrange their children to meet partners they think are well suitable for them but this does not
mean the son or daughter has to automatically marry this person they have been introduced to. They
have a choice whether to go along with it or not. They are not forced at any point to marry this person.
Years ago parents arranged their children marriages while their children were very young and even
babies. They understood that if the kids grew up together over the years they will learn everything
there was to know about each other and so everything will basically work out to their advantage. Even
though the girl was practically married at a very young age she did not have to live with her husband
until she was matured, until then she will just visit him and his family. The wedding will occur before
puberty, so the girl will
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The Limited Partnership Act 2008 Essay
The Limited Partnership Act 2008 came into force on 2nd May 2008 enabling registration of limited
Partnership and Overseas Limited Partnership. The primary function objective for the introduction of
the Limited Partnerships regime is to facilitate sustainable growth in New Zealand s venture capital
and private equity Industries. This introduction of internationally recognized Limited Partnership
opens the gate way for foreign capital investment which helps the company in their initially setup start
and also proves to be a valuable tool for their company. On other hand it also allows New Zealand to
compete internationally for venture capital funds.
This act came into action because of three main reasons ; firstly to revoke the special partnership
provision (Part II) of the Partnership Act 1908; Secondly to create modern rules which are simple and
similar to internationally recognized limited partnership in use overseas and thirdly to allow the
development of venture capital industry of New Zealand. By bringing this law into action New
Zealand lines up with similar regime in Australia and United Kingdom. The new law simplifies the
registration requirement, as compared to the formalities required by the old law, which gives great
flexibility in the rules of governing self management that in case with companies whilst at the same
time adopting many rules drawn from the company and partnership law. It evidently states the point to
which investor can contribute in management
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How To Write A Research Paper Quickly. How To Write A Researc

  • 1. 🔥How To Write A Research Paper Quickly. How To Write A Researc 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 🔥How To Write A Research Paper Quickly. How To Write A Researc 🔥How To Write A Research Paper Quickly. How To Write A Researc
  • 2. Socrates Unexamined Life As a perfectionist, I grew up ignoring my imperfections, mistakes, and failures. I didn t just want perfection: I needed it. A red slash on a test or a mistake marked an absolute failure. Because I hid from past mistakes, I never learned from them, making me incapable of growth. I excused my mistakes and humbly boasted my overall score. I convinced myself that I never actually made a mistake, so I never learned the information that I had previously missed, thus leading to more errors to hide. Finally, after years of insisting upon infallibility, I realized it was a problem. Consequently, I chose to answer the question What s wrong with being wrong? for a project sophomore year. After months of research on historical leaders, I finally concluded that mistakes and failures are opportunities to learn and improve. Without error, you will never recognize a need for change and therefore, you will never improve. Socrates was correct in saying The unexamined life is not worth living. Life is characterized by the ability to continually change; therefore, by not evaluating your life, you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyone demands perennial improvement along with perfection; however, perfection eliminates the possibility of improvement. Upon contemplation of these common expectations, it is evident that they are illogical, unattainable, and therefore defeating. Analyzing life consequently enables a fuller, happier life. Many argue that an unhappy life is not worth living, providing further support to Socrates notion. Additionally, Karl Marx concluded that socialism would bring the end of history because there would be no more struggle, which is what prompted the progression of history. Hence, without need for change, there is no reason to live. In conclusion, change gives life purpose by way of propelling movement over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Pep Band Personal Statement My love for music is rooted in the solid musical foundation my parents set for me. From taking me to my first concert when I was two, to teaching me how to play guitar at the age of four, music imprinted itself on me early in life. I started playing the flute in 5th grade, and since then, my life has never been the same. Continuing to play the flute throughout high school has allowed me to be heavily involved with the music program. I have been an active participant of Concert Band, Jazz Band, Honor Band, Pep Band, and Marching Band. Through these involvements I have had the chance to enhance my musicianship skills. Along with countless band concerts, I have had the opportunity to perform at places like Great America in San Francisco and at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Last year I got the opportunity to compete at Lionel Hampton and have performed at Jazz Night in The Dalles since my sophomore year. Pep Band is one of my favorite facets of Concert Band. I have provided music for numerous football and basketball games, and even a state soccer match. My freshman year the Pep Band played at the School Cook out where we provided music to the football team, students, and faculty members. Along with Pep Band I have competed in Auburn, Washington`s marching band competition, and have marched in community parades for Huckleberry Fest, Spring Fest, and Homecoming. In my free time I have engaged in playing the ukulele and performing a comedy skit at a variety show, performing a musical rendition of the morning announcements, and street performing. Outside of school, I actively participate in musical activities at Zion Lutheran Church. I have been a regular member of the adult and the youth bell choirs, where I was the advisor of the Children`s Bell Choir, where I assist with teaching the members. I also perform regularly with a multi generational flute trio at Sunday services. Instances like these where I am Christmas caroling for homebound church members at various nursing homes or taking a field trip to watch the Oregon Symphony rehearse that I fall in love with music more and more. All of the opportunities that my school s music ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Marshmallow Experiment Dbq The Marshmallow Experiment Does willpower matter? According to an experiment that took place in 1968, children who had more willpower generally ended up being more successful than those that were not able to control themselves. The marshmallow experiment is an experiment that involved four year olds where they were given the option to either one marshmallow immediately, or if they waited fifteen minutes they would receive two marshmallows. I believe that willpower plays a major part in being successful. According to source 1, The difference between a child who could only wait thirty seconds and a child who could wait fifteen minutes was that the high delayer had a SAT score that was, on average, two hundred and ten points higher than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the experiment was revisited at the University of Rochester they found out, Behavioral cues play a big role in determining who holds out for that second marshmallow, and the results call into question how much self control actually has to do with it. (Source 2) There are some people that say that self control does not have to do much with the experiment, however, the children that took place in the experiment in 1968 were coming up with strategies to avoid the marshmallow. They would avoid thinking about the marshmallow and did just about anything to avoid thinking about the marshmallow. Some of the other children were not able to control themselves and rang the bell almost immediately. Self control is a major key to delayed gratification. In source 2 it says, If a child or adult lives in an environment where promises always get broken and outcomes are unreliable, the most rational response is to eat the marshmallow right in front of her and not wait for the promised marshmallows in the future. This can be true but self control and mindset come into play here as well. If you can control yourself to wait and have the mindset that the marshmallow that was promised will be delivered you will be able to wait. The children or people have never seen the professor that promised them this marshmallow and it depends on their mindset if they believe he/she will truly deliver the second ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Autistic Observation The writer is hoping to carry out an observation and engage with 3 children who have Autism and assess how they engage with iPads in the classroom compared to a lesson with no iPads. Thomas (2013) opinionated that Observation is one of the most important ways of collecting data in social research. During the observation the writer will be taking notes, taking pictures and perhaps even short videos. These will all help the writer when it comes to analysing it and to write the observation up. The writer intends to observe 3 Autistic children in a school setting. From this method of research, this will provide me with Qualitative data. According to Mason (2002),Qualitative data is focused on methods of data generation which are flexible and sensitive to the social context in which data are produced . The writer is hoping to observe a P3 child in a mainstream school, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From carrying out such research there are many ethical issues that the writer must be aware of. The writer must store all the data in a password protected folder on the computer so that the data is kept secure and confidentially. The data that has been collected will only be used for the intended purpose and not used for anything else. With the data all being stored on the computer, the writer must take extra care as it can be lost very easily and will prove hard to retract. Once the final copy has been written all evidence of data must be destroyed. To ensure that schools can keep the school and participants anonymous, the schools and children s names must not be used but can use a brief description of the school or the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Mold And Grout Argument Essay If you have ever stepped into your bath or shower only to realize that you have build up on your tiles and grout, you may have wondered what is the best way to clean your tiles and grout. Cleaning your tile and grout can be a long process, trying to scrub everything clean can take time and it can be costly as you buy cleaning product after cleaning product, just trying to find the one that works the best. It is important to regularly clean the tile and grout in your bathrooms and kitchens. Soap scum, dirt, and even mold and mildew can build up in these areas. When mold and mildew do start to build up in your tiles and grout it can spread quickly and become a big problem. A build up of mold and mildew can cause health problems within your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Social Learning Theory On The Youth And Their... Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the social learning theory using examples from a particular movie assigned by my professor, choosing a theory of choice. The movie that will be used in this research paper is Boyz n the Hood which was filmed from October 1 to November 28, 1990 and was released in the United States on July 12, 1991. The theory chosen to explain the movie is the social learning theory. What and How This paper will show what behavior and values are learned during childhood. It will also show how role models and the environment have a huge impact on the youth. This research paper will also show how the social learning theory, as well as the movie go hand and hand together. The use sources and creditable quotes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tre does not agree with the lesson so the teacher stops teaching and tells him to teach the lesson to the class. Tre conceitedly agrees and starts to exchange with the class about the region of Africa, Tre shows off an impressive amount of knowledge and makes it very clear he is very intelligent. He makes a comment that all the races of the world first came from Africa another student did not agree with this statement making Tre upset enough to hit the young man with the pointer he was using to teach this turned into a classroom brawl. Tre is sent home from school because of his temper and aggressive behavior. His teacher calls a meeting with his mother Reva Devereaux and asks if Tre s father lives with them and if Reva is educated, Reva becomes offended and unreceptive when the teacher asks if Tre s father lives with them and if Reva is educated. Most black males grow up in a household without a father and most African American women drop out of school because they have to provide for the child. She then chooses it would be best for her son if Tre were to live with his father Furious because she cannot teach him how to be a man. Reva only comes to this conclusion when Tre begins to act up in school and act on his terrible temper. Furious is a no nonsense authoritarian who teaches his son valuable life lessons. Tre returns to South Central L.A. and reunites with old ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay about Changing the Legal Driving Age to Eighteen Changing the Legal Driving Age to Eighteen Every day teens are given access to automobiles. Every day these young people go to their jobs, classes, and athletic practices. Do they all abuse their driving privileges? No. Then why restrict all teens, including the law abiding and mature, by raising the driving age? This debate reaches all across the nation, to all levels of government, and many related laws and propositions can be found. If the driving age is increased, teenagers will have more difficulty getting jobs and gaining experience. On the other hand, if the driving age is 18, new drivers will have more maturity. So the question remains, should the legal driving age be 18 years old? No, the current driving age ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Says teen Stefanie Zimmers, Honestly, I don t follow all the traffic rules (Zimmers 1). Likewise, teens need to focus on their schoolwork instead of recreational driving. The time wasted driving friends around could be better spent studying for a test. These friends are also a danger and distraction to the young, inexperienced driver. Teens need the extra couple of years to mature and become more attentive. In contrast, many believe that 16 years old is old enough to operate a motor vehicle. Many minors living with their parents face punishments, such as suspension of driving privileges, if they get a ticket or in a collision. They fear losing the ability to drive the family car if they break traffic laws, and often decide to obey the laws rather than be punished. In addition, teens need transportation to their jobs, classes, various entertainment venues, sports practices and competitions. Parents often lack the time to chauffeur the young adults to and from these places. Driving is imperative to teenage life. The ability to drive allows a teenager to be less dependent on their parents and more able to take on additional responsibilities. Without driving privileges, teens would not be able to get to the destinations previously listed. Furthermore, the common belief that teen car crashes often involve alcohol is false. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Assisted Living Research Paper The Topic of my research paper is How to Start Your Own Assisted Living Business. I choose this topic because I have some experience in the health care field. I am a certified Medical Assistant and I wanted to take my education to the next level. The Health care job market is on high demand and is one of today s most dynamic fields with a wide range of opportunities. I came to realize that the older you get in this country options for housing, health and personal care services become limited. This information of choice fits in with my personal interest because I am very sympathetic, affectionate, and eager to soothe hurt feelings, and not to mention my leadership skills have always been great. An assisted living facility business ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These costs involve the purchase of land, building or remodeling, hiring, licensing, amenities, and many other things. You have to first obtain an operating license required by the state. Once again each state is different depending on where you want to open your business. You would have to go to your local States Health Licensing board to determine what you need. This process involves inspections and interviews and goes beyond the requirements for the average business. There s also a three hour training course on Alzheimer s disease or any related disorders such as behavior management, assistance with activities of daily life, activities for residents, stress management for the care giver, family issues, residential environmental and ethical issues. Assisted Living Homes are designed to provide residents with basic everyday assistance. An important aspect is that assisted care facilities provide a safe and comfortable environment for older adults who need assistance with duties such as bathing, dressing, shopping, cooking, grooming, arranging doctor s appointments, medication administration and laundry services. These facilities have social and recreational activity programs designed to keep the residents active. The recreation groups provide residents with activities for enjoyment, exercise, and interactions with others to build character. Special activities such as luncheon, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Isopod Prioritization The data generated in this experiment is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis. As a result, we cannot ascertain a statistically significant trend involving isopod prioritization between foraging behaviors and predator avoidance mechanisms in environments with elevated levels of predation risk. Even though the experiment produced statistically insignificant data, an interesting biological trend emerged during the final sampling intervals of the experiment. As the experiment progressed, an increased number of isopods in both treatments started to cross the mesocosms to forage for particulate organic matter. This observation clearly exemplified the prioritization of foraging over predation risk. While this observation was important to note, there is a larger biological underpinning present in the connection and comparison between the experimental and the control treatments. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, using a larger sample will increase the probability of getting statically significant results that are essential to draw insightful conclusions. Adding experimental treatments that include dead conspecifics will not only be instrumental in investigating the precedence of different chemical cues in isopods predator avoidance, but also in ascertaining additional factors that determine the extent to which isopods maintain a balance between foraging and predator avoidance. Moreover, reducing the food availability to both the crayfish and isopods before conducting the experiment will elevate both the chemical cue for the presence of a hungry predator and the isopods intrinsic need to forage. All in all, future research that incorporates the above recommendations will minimize sampling error, increase the probability of obtaining statistically significant results, and shed light on new evidence about the precedence of various chemical cues and intrinsic cues in isopods decision making ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Police Tasers Ever wonder how police ever solve a crime? Well, you are about to find out. Police use social media, GPS tracking, Glasses that record video and audio, domain awareness technology, facial recognition technology. Police have tasers and guns to help them out along with another variety of weapons. Do you ever wonder why police have their GPS raised instead of their tasers? Many people ask that question and wonder of all the non lethal equipment why do we use guns? Police are trained to kill and used what is necessary to take down the criminal they are going for. Ever wonder what will happen if a police official is armed and dangerous? Police we ll use all the necessary forces to take down that personnel and use all things as if it was a normal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Body cameras nowadays have reduced the complaints of a police officer by 93% (Devin Coldewey)because they have evidence of what happened either audio or video with the body cameras that are required that they were nowadays. People these days now ask can technology really help us on solving a crime? Yes, police are able to use technology to their advantage now with the technology we have cameras, GPS tracking, domain awareness technology, social media. The way social media helps the police is looking for keywords that involve the crime on social media and waiting because if you did something most people will put a hint online about it. Other ways the police use social media is that they can put out amber alerts on what happened and all points bulletins targeting specific people whereas tips filter in a matter of minutes and can help in life or death situations. It s not just crimes that will help them it is also other social events that they will keep an eye on in case something goes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Newsboys In The 1800 s Despite the major setback of being part of the youth population in the late 1800 s, the Newsboys fought the authorities for the sole purpose of understanding what they deserved, as well as any child within the labor force. On July 20th, 1899, the start of one of the most powerful strikes in history began. By protesting and striking against two of the largest newspaper companies in New York at the time, the Newsies proved they weren t budging in their stance. Through holding their ground and unmasking their will and determination, the companies gave into their requests and even left a withstanding impact on the changing child labor laws. The road to fair and equal child labor laws was definitely not an easy one, nor was it a quick one. Throughout the 1800 s, it was normal to see school aged children working 50 70 hour weeks, leaving out the time to get an education, socialize, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Families were not always fortunate enough to have a steady income, thus sending off their boys to contribute in anyway that was possible. For the Newsboys, most of them didn t even have a family or a home to support; the drive to produce an income was solely based on supporting themselves. Working from dawn to dusk, the boys would be the first in line to purchase a stack of 100 newspapers for 50 cents, hoping to sell them all in order to gain some sort of a profit. Out of fear of not being able to make enough that day, some Newsboy would exaggerate the headlines in order to bring in more potential customers. Clearly the boys were willing to do anything to gain a little bit of money. Sometimes this meant cheating their customers into feeling sympathetic for them, or taking more money than the papers were worth. When the Spanish American war began, Pulitzer and Hearst knew that more newspapers would be sold due to citizens wanting to read all about the latest news and updates of the war.The men were often accused of participating in yellow journalism, which was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Kimmy Case Study Kimmy is a 14 year old African American female that presents as talkative, insightful, and intelligent. She has a love for horses, dancing, and enjoys crafts. She is the second oldest of four siblings. She identified her strong connection with the Christian faith the African American community. Kimmy is presenting for anger outbursts , homicidal threats, and behavioral problems. The client reports these behaviors began eight months ago after the death of her mother. Her mother died in an auto accident, for which the children were not present. Kimmy has been hospitalized three times in the past 8 months for anger outburst towards her Uncle, older brother, and peers. She has made homicidal threats towards her older brother. Prior to her most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She reports that she is unfixable because no one has been able to help during her three hospitalizations. Kimmy has participated in group therapy and briefly individual counseling. She reported that these services did not help because they were only focused on her feelings . Kimmy described her anger outburst as feeling out of control , unable to think clearly , and scary . She shared that her anger is towards her older brother, Uncle, and peers at school. When asked what caused her to become angry, she shared that peers, her older brother, and Uncle tease her about being fat and getting in trouble at school. Kimmy was able to identify her early warning signs as increased heart rate, clinching her fist, and feeling annoyed . After an anger outburst, Kimmy said she feels hot and sweaty . After the death of her mother, Kimmy and her three siblings moved in with her maternal Aunt, Uncle, and two cousins. Kimmy reports the relationship with her Aunt is good and her Aunt is a social support. She feels lucky to be living with her Aunt, but that the home is small and finances are tight. Kimmy shared that she loves her younger siblings and wants to get better to be a good role model for them. She also has a close relationship with the school social worker that meets with her as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Penis Enlargement Essay Many guys available in the market who wish to enlarge their penis often come across these 2 male enhancement products. There are numerous internet sites hyping up these 2 products claiming to add inches to a man s penis in no time at all. With feelings strolling high and most guys needing a higher penis, they revenue pages play up to the their interior desires. Each sound equally just right and the countless testimonials from consumers who accelerated their girth and size are rather convincing. So Which is best? The sincere reply: Neither! Generally each penis enlargement products are a waste of money and rarely have any result on your penile size. They re a waste of time and cash. The simple fact is that there s no cream or pill that has been demonstrated to be powerful for male enlargement. All of the hype and claims you learn on penis enlargement internet sites are just that. Hype and false claims. To make concerns worse, some of these penis pills have negative facet effects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But you have to go determine in a fitness center to peer muscular tissues. Equal right here. You ought to do penis workout routines to gain dimension, tougher erections and sexual stamina. Everlasting penis expansion outcome can simplest be attained through a common penis growth process. The income page for the penis creams could say that they incorporate natural constituents which might be all common. They re going to declare that the cream is comfortably absorbed and has a nice odor. None of those subject for the reason that on the end of the day, your penis will not be going to get any larger. For those who want to enlarge your penis safely and inexpensively, you need tactics which are effective and average and give you everlasting penis growth outcome. You desire a demonstrated male enhancement method with appropriate strategies and guidelines.It s that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Data Into The Computerized System Name: Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen Student ID: S71565 Set up and operate a computerized system FNSACC406 Assessment 3 Describe the steps to be taken prior to inputting the data into the computerized system and how you would go about implementing the new system. The steps to be taken prior to inputting the data into the computerized system: The first step: you will need to set up your company in your accounting software system. Look for company tab. Then, you fill in your company name, your company address, ID number and etc. The second step: you need to establish a list of your customers and your suppliers in the system. You must fill in name, address, as well as the terms for your customers and your suppliers. The third step: You need to establish a list of your employees on the system. You need to fill in employee s name, address of employees, tax information such as Tax File Number (TFN) and etc. The fourth step: you can personalize your company bill in most software packages. You can add your company logo, change the field around or eliminate some things that you think it is redundant if you want. For implementing the new accounting software system, you need: Implementation planning Software installation Accounting system configuration System training Implementation planning: is the first important step of your project decisions have been made or not. Discuss and identify the information from the old system to planning is needed in the implementation of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Imperialism As Europeans colonized much of the world, their empires became more and more fueled by the Industrial Revolution. The developments of the Industrial Revolution that most impacted Imperialism were the Maxim Gun, Modern Manufacturing, and Child Labour. The industrial revolution began in the textile industry and during the course of history people have changed the manufacturing process dramatically. Instead of items being produced by hand, the owners of the facilities created ways to have machines produce the items ( thomasnet. ). Manufacturing change in production. By the 19th century, Europeans gun technology had improved dramatically, especially with the introduction of the maxim gun. Hiram Stevens invented the maxim gun when he was in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many of these impacts consisted of both positive and negative aspects that influences great Britain, its economy, and it s people. During the industrial revolution time period it was very positive in Britain history. Britain was the wealthiest nation, and began producing more efficiently. For Britain to achieve this, Britain built factories. More people were employed, and that led to child labour, because children got hired to work in factories to help and support their families. life of little ones are destroyed, when child labour is employed (The french quotes). Till now we still have child labour, we still have children who work in a really young age for a long time, instead of learning and studying, till this moment children are still tortured, because they have to work in a bad factories ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Development of Greek Architecture Construction of buildings for different purposes has been around through out the entire history of human existence. It was simply essential for survival. It used to be like that in the beginning, but then it took a little bit different aspect. It evolved from very simple and primitive shelters of cavemen to very elegant and big scale buildings constructed by various nations. Each one of them tried to invent something new and tried to advance forward already known building principles. Many of them have succeeded to certain extent, but the Greeks made the greatest impact with introduction of the famous Ionic, Doric and Corinthian styles. The Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The spaces between the triglyphs are the metopes. They may be left plain, or they may be carved in low relief. Because the metopes are somewhat flexible in their proportions, the modular space between columns can be adjusted by the architect. Often the last two columns were set slightly closer together, to give a subtle visual strengthening to the corners. Early examples of the Doric order include the temples at Paestum, in southern Italy. The Corinthian order is one of the Classical orders of Greek and Roman architecture, although it was seldom used in Greek architecture. The Corinthian order was said to have been invented by an architect, Callimachus, who was inspired by the sight of a votive basket that had been left on the grave of a young girl. A few of her toys were in it, and a square tile had been placed over the basket, to protect them from the weather. An acanthus plant had grown through the woven basket, mixing its spiny, deeply cut leaves with the weave of the basket. A Corinthian capital may be seen as an enriched development of the Ionic capital, though one may have to look closely at a Corinthian capital to see the Ionic volutes at the corners, perhaps reduced in size and importance, scrolling out above the two ranks of leaves, and the smaller volutes scrolling inwards to meet each other on each side. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Oral Anti Diabetic Agents Are Used As Pharmacotherapy Options Introduction: Oral anti diabetic agents are used as pharmacotherapy options mainly for type 2 diabetes patients or as an adjuvant therapy for type 1 diabetes patients, who need an oral agent along with insulin/insulin analogues for better glycemic control. There are a wide variety of oral anti diabetic drug classes that are available. The choice of pharmacotherapy is patient specific and usually a stepped therapy approach is applied and titrated as per individual patient requirements. The article here is a detailed overview of the different classes of these oral agents, their pharmacology, comparative efficacy, efficacy results from clinical trials, general recommendations etc. The different classes of oral anti diabetics starting from traditional therapy to the latest developments are as follows :  BIGUANIDES [METFORMIN]  SULFONYLUREAS a. FIRST GENERATION SULFONYLUREAS. b. SECOND GENERATION SULFONYLUREAS.  MEGLITINIDES  THIAZOLIDINEDIONES  DPP 4 INHIBITORS  ALPHA GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORS  SGL2 INHIBITORS (NEWEST CLASS OF DRUGS) CLASS I: BIGUANIDES [METFORMIN] According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) 2013 guidelines, metformin is considered as first line therapy for initiation of treatment in a type 2 diabetes patient when lifestyle modifications, diet and exercise fail to achieve glycemic control. Mechanism of action: Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production thereby decreasing intestinal absorption of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Personal Statement Of Purpose Of Biology And Science Mark Twain once said: The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. This quotation sums up that everybody should have a purpose in their life. My purpose is to become a person who will develop and cut up a positive trace in science. I am looking forward to studying biology and sociology. The human body is very fascinated, and it is amazing that every atom is important in order to move the body. I took biology as one of my subjects in International Baccalaureate. We worked with sections of frogs and fishes. I enjoyed doing it and I thought, This physiology is very similar to human anatomy, and this is something that I got to learn more about. Then I have studied fungi in the laboratory ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a lot of connection between these two sciences. Knowing different languages and cultures allow doctors to travel around the world and discover another area of medicine. It will increase community service of a physician who want to help people from third world countries. Sociology contributes to improving interaction of doctors with society, with patients and understand them. As the Einstein states: Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great physician. They are wrong: it is a character. Every talented person can become a doctor, but not all of him or her became a good doctor. Schools teach us to become professionals in our career, but don t teach to have ethics or became a strong person. Problematic periods of my life allowed me to persevere and turn my obstacles into opportunities for growth. In my opinion, these to science area will help me to achieve my goal and increase my motivation to change the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. A Complex Adaptive System ( Cas ) Organizations and businesses are now seen as a function of increased specialization. Technology has become the order of the day where more and more businesses are heading towards that direction to have a competitive edge within the industry they best identify with. In light of this, conflicts are sometimes very challenging to comprehend, and theorists have also questioned the nature of the whole system to which all these complicating factors contribute. Many experts and scholars have argued that all these developments are characterized by a Complex Adaptive System (CAS). Most organizations are engulfed in planning activities such as formalized planning sessions that are of a strategic nature by design and to do this; business leaders tend to look for business intelligence, knowledge management and other methods that will enable them to have active planning sessions in real time to match the ever growing system. What then is Complex Adaptive System? To best define CAS, we need to understand what a system is. A system is defined as an assembly of elements hooked together to produce a whole in which the attributes of the elements contribute to a behavior of the whole ( Complex Adaptive Systems, n.d.). Examples of systems include the human body, galaxies, ecosystems, airplanes and computers. CAS is the study of natural systems and how they interact, adapt, and survive over time (Evans, 2015). By this definition, it is fair to say that organizations cannot ignore the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Chris Johnson s Journey Chris Johnson lives a very hard and complicated life, and much different from my own. Throughout the movie, Country Boys, we are shown an insight on the hardships he faces as a teen and the struggles he goes through on his journey to complete high school. Chris s life and mine differ and compare in areas of job opportunities, family structure, goals in life, standard of living, teen years, and parent child relationships In the beginning stages of the movie, Chris shows that he has a hard time focusing and keeping up with school work. He explains repeatedly that his time management and focus are not always the best. Chris often promises to stay on top of his school work, but seems to fall behind and then not have the motivation to catch up. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I attend a small, Catholic school where my teachers expect nothing but the best from me. My peers motivate me to do the best work I can do and encourage me to strive for above and beyond. I do not have problems staying on task or keeping up with work. School comes easy for me and I am on track to graduate. Unlike Chris, alcoholic parents and financial needs are something I do not have to worry about. In the movie, Chris is shown living in a trailer park and driving a junk car to school and work. Since his parents are not involved due to their own personal issues, Chris finds himself trying to support the family and finish school. It may not be the best choice for Chris, but he finds himself taking up jobs in order to pay bills and then falling behind in his classes and getting minimal sleep. Chris reminds us that his father s drinking habits have greatly influenced his life. While most people look up to their father and strive to be just like him, Chris does not. Chris wants more out of life. Unlike Chris, I do not live in a trailer park or drive a junk car. I work, but not to support my family or pay the bills. Since I do not have to work in large time frames, I keep myself well rested and present at school. My father is a good man, and I look up to him. I respect my parents and would hope to not talk to them in the way Chris ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Effects Of Foreign Direct Investment On Agricultural... ABSTRACT This research investigates and empirically examines the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on agricultural output and economic growth in Kenya. The methodology involves estimating an economic growth model using panel data of the period from 1990 to 2013. By applying the OLS method, the results indicate that FDIhas a negative effect on the economy overall, while combining with other factors such as labour, GCF and exports. However, on its own, FDI s prove to have a positive but insignificant effect on GDP. CHAPTER ONE Introduction Statement Claims that the Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture in Kenya have brought about many benefits as opposed to the vices are wrong. In his book, Multinational Corporations in Political Economy of Kenya, Langdon investigates multinational Corporations performances in Kenya in the mid 1970 s and concluded that their impact was overwhelmingly negative to the economy of Kenya. He argued that the MNC s in Kenya after independence to date became powerful instruments for profit making, a great deal of which profit was repatriated. They produced fewer spread effects in form of employment or linkage than local entrepreneurs would spur. 1.0 Introduction Agriculture is the beating hub of the Kenyan economy. The agriculture sector is the single largest sector of the economy accounting for about one quarter of GDP. About 18 per cent of growth in GDP in 2012 was from the sector, up from 7.5 per cent recorded in 2011. The sector ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Career Advancement Within The Investment Management Industry . Have you ever thought about your next career move and what it will take to accomplish it? I have, and after careful research I have learned of various options and possibilities to further advance my own career. Achieving career advancement within the investment management industry requires a vast array of skills that can be obtained through continued professional development. Growth within investment management can be achieved in various ways but starts with the foundation. What is investment management and what is the foundation? Essentially, investment management is a division of wealth management which refers to the buying, selling, and managing of investments within a portfolio. The foundation is the necessities you need to buy and sell these investments. To buy and sell you are required to obtain your series 7, 66, and state insurances licenses. While these are not required to work in investment management industry they are required if you want to grow within the industry. Most people start out as assistants or associates to investment managers or financial consultants where these licenses are not required. However, to move up within the industry these are the requirements. The series 7 is a general securities exam offered by The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The series 7 assess the competency of an entry level registered representative to perform his or her job as a registered representative. The exam measures the degree to which each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Politics Of The United States Politics Sir Walter Scott (1896) once said Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive! (Canto XI, XVII). In other words, lying leads to more deceit until one is so caught up in the lies that it is virtually impossible to escape. Truth is highly valued in society; so, what are the reactions when the leaders of society lie to their constituents? This is an issue that has recently manifested in the United States politics. With the election of President Donald Trump, the media have become increasingly interested in how truthful the members of the political system are. Many have started demanding transparency from those in positions of power. In contrast, some, who will be discussed later, believe that officials should be able ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Maybe presidents typically have a high percentage of falsities. To solve this query, Barack Obama s profile will be examined. PolitiFact has a record of only 26% of what Obama said as containing some degree of falsehood (PolitiFact, 2016). The disparity between these two figures is offsetting to say the least. In the few short weeks in which he has held office, more than two of every three comments made by President Trump have been reported to be incorrect in some form. The issue is so bad that Trump s counselors have begun using terms like alternative facts in order to mask the outright deception. This problem is not unique to Trump; in fact, many high level politicians have been caught in lies recently. For example, House Speaker Paul Ryan has been accused of being dishonest about certain things relating to Medicare. A writer for The Huffington Post claimed that Ryan is using deceit to convince people that the Medicare system is broken, and that it must be destroyed (Altman, 2017). There are countless other instances of this happening with politicians, and it is not a new problem. Politicians are not flawless; they make mistakes and occasionally act in their own best interest like all humans. Furthermore, they are people with a responsibility to handle an exuberant amount of sensitive information and make critical decisions. For this reason, it is not surprising that there is an unintentional slip up on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Theme of Death in The Dead Essay Although a scene of a funeral home might come to mind when a reader first hears a short story aptly named The Dead, the tale actually takes place in the festive setting of a winter dance at the home of the two aunts of the main character, Gabriel Conroy. James Joyce s short story The Dead has a literal title, because its main concept is death both physical death and spiritual death. Gabriel Conroy and his wife, Gretta Conroy, attend a party held by Gabriel s aunts, Kate Morkan and Julia Morkan. The mood of the party is intentionally festive. It s an annual event the Misses Morkan s annual dance (1227). But parts of the evening turn out to be quite nostalgic. The nostalgia comes from certain guests attending the party who are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After Gabriel s speech, the door is open and the freezing outside air is being let into the room. Because of the cool air, Kate demands that the door be closed because Mrs. Malins will get her death of cold. (1241). Although surely Mrs. Malins is in danger of catching cold, the phrase death of cold is an intentional exaggeration to bring the reader s mind back to the concept of death. A ghostly light is also present in the hotel room where the Conroys are staying (1245). The environment in which the characters interact is also saturated with death symbolism. Gabriel sees two works of art in the house. The first piece of art on the wall is a picture of Romeo and Juliet, who are two international symbols for death. The second piece of art on the wall that Gabriel sees is of Edward IV s two sons, who were killed. The reader at the time that this story was published would have probably understood the story of Edward IV s two sons, thus again bringing his or her mind back around to the concept of death. There is also a photograph of Gabriel s deceased mother on display in the house (1232). But images of death are not the only things in the environment to reinforce the theme. Mr. D Arcy sings the song The Lass of Aughrim, which is about a girl who commits suicide, an obvious story of death (1243). The story also represents spiritual death. The spiritual death is not as prevalent in the story as the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Compare And Contrast Rednecks And City-Folk In America, we are blessed to be able to mostly live wherever we want, whether that be on the shore, in the middle of the woods, or in the densely populated cities. Each of these places has their own faults and perks, but how different or similar are they? How much worse could it be to live in the city than the country, or vise versa? The two stereotypical types of people, Rednecks and City folk, tend to stay loyal to their place of choice. What makes the two places so different, or similar? Looking at the logical facts, we can see the obvious differences and similarities between the two, but it all comes down to personal preference. The country is a beautiful place, full of a variety of weird people. Most people that live in the country are usually associated with hunting, fishing, beer, and large, loud trucks. There are normal people that live in the country, but most of the time they are affected by country air. If you are not a fan of having lots of neighbors, then the country is the right place for you. Most of the time, in the country, houses are spread much further apart than if you were in a city. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a significantly smaller number of people and cars out in the country, so the pollution isn t near as bad as it would be in a city. Just because there are less cars and people, doesn t mean that the air in the country is perfectly clean. Those rednecks with their big trucks usually end up not worrying out exhaust problems, or sometimes run a straight pipe, causing even more air pollution than probably 2 or 3 cars. In the country, if you were to take a walk in the woods, you would probably run into someone riding a quad. So just because there are less cars, doesn t mean there aren t other ways for the air to be polluted. Although it isn t free from air pollution, the myriad of trees allow for cleaner air to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Macdonlds RUNNING HEAD: McDonald s CASE STUDY Mondrea Mathews Professor Germain HRM 532 Talent Management January 22, 2012 McDonald s has been around for fifty four years. By McDonald s growth to more than thirty thousand restaurants in 118 countries serving fifty five million customers per day. A number of factors led the organization to the conclusion that enhancements in its talent management and development system were need. (Goldsmith, 2010. p.156). McDonald s framework for Plan to Win consists of the people, place, product, promotion, and price. McDonald first has to have the right people in place to make the business successful by obtaining a global/local approach in the management ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Common themes touched on by many managers that were interviewed who had implemented organizational rules centered on order in the firm and the stability that organizational rules provide for worker manager relations. The strengths of the program made the global aspect of the company be more adjacent to the understanding what they really needed to work on to make the company be more efficient and successful. McDonald s LAMP program is a great start for the company to have the right people in place to understand the positions that were expected of them to keep the organization on the move. The LAMP program had 5 key components which included executive assessment and program orientation; 2. Individual development planning and executive dialogues; 3. Leadership modules focused on leadership of self, team, and organization with experiential exercise to reinforce the learning; 4. A two week executive education program with a focus on global business and culture; 5. Business improvement recommendation presented to the chairman s and presidents councils (p. 169). McDonald could focus on the customer service in the organization because that is what drives the business. McDonald needs to make sure that they are using good ethnic practices such in several ways. One way they can do this is for the organization to provide for its employees an ethical productive work environment. Another important way that an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Yellow Wallpaper And What It Has On The Position And... LeCompte 1 Shiyiya LeCompte Professor Susan Taylor English 1312 11 October 2014 The Yellow Wallpaper and What It Has to Say about the Position and Treatment of Women at the Turn of the Last Century The Yellow Wallpaper tells a single story, with a tight focus on a specific fictional woman, but the circumstances it drew from for its depiction were widespread. The events it depicts, while they may not have occurred exactly in reality, were written in parallel to true conditions and treatments of the time. Women were seen as inherently fragile, and subject to specific conditions due to this fragility the 19th century diagnosis of female hysteria by this time was in decline, replaced by other conditions. The stifling of women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This calls back to both the prevalence of hysteria itself as a diagnosis of women, and perhaps the beginnings of its discrediting in the 20th century, as John seems to believe the hysteria with which he has diagnosed his wife is a condition of little concern. I can strongly relate to this dismissal, as my father has for most of my life refused to acknowledge my depression as a real condition requiring more treatment than an order to exercise and eat vegetables . John s patriarchal insistence that LeCompte 2 he knows better than the narrator what will make her feel better, against her own protests, runs in a similar vein. The narrator s treatment has significant historical precendent. Hysteria itself has a long history through civilizations. An ancient Egyptian document identifies hysteria, with the cause as spontaneous uterus movement within the female body (Tasca et al.). The Greeks, too, apparently ascribed to this view in Plato s Timaeus, the titlular character sees the uterus as a living creature [...] which [...] travels around the body blocking passages, obstructing breathing, and causing disease (S. Gilman et al. 25). Hippocrates, in the fifth century BCE, was the first to use the term hysteria for this supposed womb borne madness of women. He posited that the womb was sickened or unsatisfied without the effects of sexual activity, and that this was the cause of its wandering about the body and contributing to other afflictions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Oreo and Pt Danone Biscuit TUGAS MANAJEMEN INTERNASIONAL STRATEGIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ANALYZING AND MANAGING FOREIGN MODES OF ENTRY FOR FOOD INDUSTRY (BISCUIT) Oleh : Kelompok 5 Margaretha Pink Berlianto (19090054) Diana Permana (19090062) PROGRAM STUDI MASTER OF MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITAS PELITA HARAPAN JAKARTA 2010 DAFTAR FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT DALAM BIDANG FOOD INDUSTRY (BISCUIT) DI INDONESIA 1. PT Kraft Foods Indonesia. 2. PT Arnott s Indonesia. 3. PT Ceres Meiji Indotama. DAFTAR IMPORTIR DAN DISTRIBUTOR DALAM BIDANG FOOD INDUSTRY (BISCUIT) DI INDONESIA : 1. PT Pandurasa Kharisma (Wernli, Famous Amous) 2. PT Nirwana Lestari (Toblerone, Guylian, Ritter Sport, Toffifee, Merci, Werthers Original, Pez, Fisherman Friends, Riesen, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both children and adult people like snacks. The types of biscuits as snacks grow fast both in taste, packaging and form. Biscuit snacks have wide market with market targets including children, boys and girls. The competition, therefore is tight among the products of biscuit snacks marked with aggressive advertising by producers. Investors are more interested in the market of biscuits for snack in the country. Production capacity growing Capacity utilization of the country s biscuit industry is high despite price hikes of basic materials.
  • 30. Production capacity of Indonesian biscuit industry has increased from year to year reaching 232,762 tons in 2003, and 246,728 tons in 2004 and 299,035 tons in 2006. The increase in production capacity followed expansion by some of the many producers and the operation of new producers. Producers of biscuit and production capacity Most major producers in the country such as PT Khong Guan, PT Mayora Indah, PT Arnott s Indonesia and PT Nabisco Foods produce wafer, cookies and crackers. There are few producing biscuits in tin but they have large market shares especially on certain occasions like Idul Fitri, Idul Adha and Christmas and new year when many people give, send or exchange gifts. The country has more than 200 producers of biscuits medium and large producers. Among the large producers are PT Khong Guan Biscuit, PT Mayora Indah, PT Nabisco Foods, PT Arnott s Indonesia, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Mexico Border Trade In the article by Lee and Wilson The State of Trade, Competitiveness and Economic Well being in the U.S. Mexico Border Region we are given an account how the border is braking economic growth. While the U.S. Mexico border is a major milestone of one half trillion dollars, it has received virtually no recognition (Lee et al, 2). The article goes on to say how port of entries have not kept up with the increased trade or border region border population growth. Therefore, in this paper will be providing an overview of the economic impact and discussing some of the proposed solutions presented by Lee and Wilson. They include: increasing capacity, increasing traveler and shipper programs, and via US and Mexican coordination and cooperation efforts. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some examples of the said programs are: Secured Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI), Free and Secure Trade (FAST), Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C_TPAT), and Nuevo Esquema de Empresas Certifcadas (NEEC). After 9/11, intelligence has played a pivotal role in managing border safety. However, this intelligence can be utilized in order to deal with border congestion. It is stated in the article that the aforementioned programs are a win win win. This is because they decreasing waiting time, enhance border security, and minimize staffing needs. While these programs have expedited passage for 18% of northbound traffic, there s still a lot of untapped potential to be derived from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Some Notes on Branding I. INTRODUCTION Branding is a plan for earning product reputation and for making sure that the world knows about it and believes in it too. Branding is the process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from the competition. Brands are created by creating a distinctive name, packaging and design. (Egan Thomas, 1998) 1st Brand name= Bass [beer], because British were the 1st with trademark registration. Customers (particularly consumers) view a brand as an important part of a product and branding can add value to a product. A brand can provide a guarantee of reliability and quality, in fact. Ex. Chanel perfume bottle. II. BRAND EQUITY Brands vary in the amount of power and value they have in the market place. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...  A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. It can launch the product as a: A. Manufacturer s brand: A brand is created and owned by the producer of a product or service. B. Private brand: A brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service. e.g. Tesco Value, Tesco Finest  Increasing trend amongst supermarkets, department and discount stores.  Hard to establish, costly to stock and promote.  However, they can find manufacturers with excess capacity that will produce the private label at low cost; hence higher profit margins, retailers can decide to stock them more and decide which shelves they go on.  As store brands improve in quality and as consumers gain confidence in their store chains, store brands will continue to pose a challenge to manufacturer s brands. C. Licensing: A product or service using a brand name offered by the brand owner to the licensee for an agreed fee or royalty. e.g. a lunchbox manufacturer pays Sesame Workshop to put Sesame Street characters on their lunchboxes.  Corporate brand licensing: The fastest growing form of licensing. A firm rents a corporate trademark or logo made famous in one product or service category and uses in a related category. e.g. Porsche sunglasses and accessories. D. The practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same product. Kellogg ConAgra co branded Kellogg s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Standardization Of Samuel Johnson Who is Samuel Johnson? He was an English writer and critic, and one of the most celebrated literary figures of the 18th century. His best known work is his Dictionary of the English Language . The dictionary was published on 15 April 1755. It was not the first such dictionary, but was certainly the most important at that time. In Johnson s lifetime five further editions were published and a sixth came out when he died (BBC, 2014). English language is a hybrid language that borrowed words from many origins such as Latin, French and German. The English language is also used by many people. Specialist started the process of English language standardization as early as the sixteenth century. Hogan (1966) pointed out that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The authority always shifted to those who provided the great deal of material. Lexicographers realized this fact and competed with grammarians in order to produce more comprehensive information. The first monolingual English dictionary was, Robert Cawdrey s A Table Alphabetical (1640) . This dictionary was not only a guide to correct spelling or appropriate vocabulary, but intended on a guide to hand words which had been brought in from Latin and other languages (Beal, 2012). However, the most important dictionary that played a great role in the stability of English language was Samuel Johnson s Dictionaries of the English language. Thomas Sheridan commented on this dictionary in (1762) that by producing this work, which was intended for fixing English language, Johnson must be confided by all posterity on the founder, and this dictionary on the corner stone (Beal, 2012). Mitchell argues that Johnson shared his contemporaries their worry for the future of English language that might not be understood in the future if these changes continued this way. This is because the vernacular had been growing and changing in unpredictable ways to the extent that sixteenth century language contrasted significant with that of the eighteenth century (Mitchell, 2005). Other important dictionaries that were produced during the eighteenth century were: dictionaries and William Pardon s New General English Dictionary (1735), which cornered difficult ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Observer Fires Essay FM 3 09.30 Final Draft CRC Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire and Fire Support at Battalion Task Force and Below FINAL DRAFT 31 May 2001 FM 3 09.30 (6 30) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire and Fire Support at Battalion Task Force and Below DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. ARMY HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Preface The purpose of this field manual (FM) is to provide a source for the most current essential information about fire support at the battalion task force and company team levels and discuss the technical, operational, and organizational aspects of observed fire procedures. The doctrinal foundations for this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Distribution is unlimited. ________ *This publication supersedes FM 6 20 20, 27 December 1991 and FM 6 30, 16 July 1991 i FM 3 09.30 (6 30) FINAL DRAFT ____________________________________________________________ __ Chapter 3 COMPANY TEAM FIRE SUPPORT......................................................................... 3 1 Fire Support
  • 35. Team .................................................................................................... 3 1 Preparation for Operations........................................................................................ 3 5 Vehicle Employment Options.................................................................................... 3 7 Observation Posts..................................................................................................... 3 8 Company Team Fire Support Planning Using the Troop Leading Procedures ...... 3 10 Required Products ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Fallout 3 Essay Mothership Zeta is the final bit of DLC for Fallout and after the previous four attempts I was hoping that Bethesda had learned enough to let this one end with a bang. The premise is certainly promising enough. Your character follows a strange signal that leads to a crashed alien ship but before you can loot anything you are abducted and stripped of all belongings. Aliens are hardly newcomers to the Fallout universe but an entire DLC set aboard an alien space ship came as a surprise. I guess space really was the final frontier for Fallout 3 after all the adventures on, around and below the capitol wasteland. Visually the game is still recognizable as Fallout 3 but only just. The art style is quite different than the main game and previous DLC but is let down by the linear layout of the levels. The alien computers and corridors are suitably sci fi looking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fallout 3 was never a great shooter and stripped of the interesting quests and moral choices you are left with a linear slog through some uninspiring locations. You encounter some suitably futuristic alien weaponry and gadgets which are useful since your captives are bullet sponges. Weapons such as the alien atomizer and disintegrator are nice additions to your arsenal and you can even take over the alien ship as a home base for your character once you complete the DLC. The lack of side quests means that most of your time in Mothership Zeta is spent vaporizing aliens and munching on disgusting alien food for health. The highlight is discovering some fellow captives who have been plucked from different time periods which provide a nice B movie feel. Sadly these characters are never really fleshed out and mostly tag along while you do the shooting. You can hunt around for some truly funny tapes that contain conversations between alien captives and their rather unfriendly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Luck-Personal Narrative This is showing a connection of being so happy for a item, for me that item is a horse, can be switched to never wanting to be happy for another horse for any amounts of time. I mean that for me if I ever get excited, in the end I realize I should not be excited. This does not mean that good things go wrong for everyone, but that s how my luck has ran its course to this point. Chesa took me under my wing when I wanted to learn more about horses, and now I am showing horses in the summer. Although just recently I got good news from Chesa, but I know I just need to stay calm and not expect the best. On November thirteenth 2016, Angels Painted Aspen, or just Aspen came into my horseless life. Then on the 30th of October, I finally laid my eyes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I sadly told her I would bring her back on a Sunday. Ellen agreed, so I spent my week, knowing that Aspen would not be with me anymore. I was at my aunts dad s funeral while Aspen was taken without me knowing. It was a breaking point for emotions, knowing I did not get to say anything to her, or hug her goodbye. When I saw the message I could not hold it in, I walked to the bathroom in upstairs of the bathroom, and started to cry. I just could not stop, it was a waterfall that never ended. Elaine took Aspen from my care, and into Ellen s care. All she said to me was that, I hope you do not mind but I needed room for Scott s new horse, and I told you before that I would need the pen if he got one. I hope you do not mind but I took Apen back to Ellen s. I was devastated, confused, angry, and just plain emotional. She had no right to take Aspen without telling me, even more so knowing I would never trust her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. M14056009 Key Questions 1. 7.5/8 The height in metres of a ball dropped from the top of the CN Tower is given by h(t)= 4.9t2+450, where t is time elapsed in seconds. (a) Draw the graph of h with respect to time (b) Find the average velocity for the first 2 seconds after the ball was dropped h(0)=(0,450), h(2)= (2,430.4) = (430.4 450)/(2 0) = 9.8m/s √ (c) Find the average velocity for the following time intervals (1) 1 ≤ t ≤ 4 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(4)=(4,371.6) = (371.6 445.1)/(4 1) = 24.5m/s √ (2) 1 ≤ t ≤ 2 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(2)=(2,430.4) = (430.4 445.1)/(2 1) = 14.7m/s √ (3) 1 ≤ t ≤ 1.5 h(1)=(1,445.1) h(1.5)=(1.5, 438.98) = (438.98 445.1)/(1.5 1) = 12.25m/s √ (d) Use the secant method to approximate the instantaneous velocity at t=1 h(0.5) = (0.5, 448.78) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... H(2)= 5(2)2+20(2)+1 = 20+40+1 =21 H(2+h)= 5(2+h)2 + 20(2+h) +1 = 5(4+4h+h2) + 40+20h+1 = 20 20h 5h2+40+20h+1= 5h2+21 lim(h 0) H(2+h) H(2)/h = 5h2+21 21/h = 5h = 5(0) = 0 √ (b) A particle s motion is described by the equation d=t2 8t+15 where d and t are measured in metres and seconds. Show that the particle is at rest when t = 4. D(4)= (4)2 8(4)+15 =16 32+15= 1 D(4+h)= (4+h)2 8(4+h)+15= 16+8h+h2 32 8h+15= h2 1 limD(4+h) D(4)/h = h2 1+1/h = h =0 √ 6. 4/4 For the following graph (a) Determine the intervals between which the rate of change is positive and negative. The function is increasing at x 1 and x 1, hence its rate of change is positive. The function is decreasing at 1 x 1, hence its rate of change is negative. √ (b) State where the rate of change is zero. The instantaneous rate of change is zero at x= 1 and x=1 √ (c) List the local maximums and minimums of the function. F( 1) is a local maximum and F(1) is a local minimum. √ 7. 10/10 For the function f(x) =2x3 7x2+4x+1 (a) Find the instantaneous rate of change at x=0 and x=1 (1)
  • 39. F(0+h) = 2(h)3 7(h)2+4(h)+1 =2h3 7h2+4h+1 F(0) = 1 lim(h 0) (F(0+h) F(0))/h = (2h3 7h2+4h+1 1)/h = (2h3 7h2+4h)/h = 2h2 7h+4 = 4 ∴the instantaneous rate of change at x=0 is 4 √ ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Corrupting The Youth Of Athens Is A Valid Charge Against... 1. I do not believe that corrupting the youth of Athens is a valid charge against Socrates. If Athens was truly a republic, then every citizen should be given the right to free speech. That means that any citizen has the right to choose what to listen to. In reality, the people that charged Socrates were just afraid that his new ideas would spread to the next generation. It is clear that Socrates ideas are vastly different from theirs, but being an independent individual doesn t mean that one should be punished by death. The main reason that Socrates is charged for corrupting the youth of athens is because he calls things like they are. In his speech he called out politicians and claimed that they were full of themselves. This is true even now, but at that time it would have been inappropriate to mock political figures that the youth of Athens were supposed to look up to and obey. During this time, Athenians would have linked free thinking with rebellion and viewed Socrates as a threat. Even if people did agree with Socrates, no one would want to be associated with him in order to protect themselves, reputation, and material items. Socrates charge wasn t about corruption it was about eliminating a source of enlightenment for the people. The real corruption was the hidden politics in the state going on at the time. The only way the charge could be valid is if Socrates forced the youth to listen to him. But as Socrates had said, he does not charge money to spread his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Fryd Statue Of Freedom Summary Fryd critics issues in public art, as well as an analysis in the historical developments in public art in America. He interprets the art of the United States Capital as an ideological tool for promotion of the nineteen century American expansionist polices and displacement of Native Americans from the land. But also, he explains how the Statue of Freedom, and the bronze statue atop the U.S Capital dome in Washington, D.C., was altered to accommodate racial politics of antebellum America. I believe art comes in role in many aspects in history and politics, such as Fryd examines the objections in both statues. Fyrd analysis how Davis s objection resulted in Crawford s fusion of three allegories, Liberty, America, and Minerva. First Fryd knowledges the secretary of war s rejection of the liberty cap. As Fryd states, However, for this takes on political implications in relationship to the dissension between the North and South over slavery, which would eventually erupt into civil war. Crawford had intended to include the liberty cap in his group for the cornice of the Senate door, which originally was to represent Liberty and Justice (Fryd 107). This became an issue because the cap became a revolutionary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only did he provide evidence in the art created that was tied back to into history, but described that symbolization that had racial implication. Fryd expository passage help the misunderstandment of how the audience viewed the statue simply as an Indian princess, instead of Davis s own vision of white superiority that he insisted be represented in the U.S. Capitol dome statue. I found these observations to be very surprising because art comes along way involved in history. If the detailed evidence in the art Davis wanted and Crawford created was not focused enough one wouldn t be aware of the symbolizations art contribute ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Realism In Stephen King s The Boogeyman Stephen King s short story The Boogeyman is a thrilling adventure that incorporates an urban legend that has many names throughout the world, and therefore makes any reader able to identify with this story. It pulls you in, making you question whether the stories your parents, cousins, or siblings you had finally deemed as unrealistic and fake were fictional at all. Why is King s story so eerie? Is it the realism in the story, or the fact that the creature being described may have always been a small weakness for you? The scientific article The Bogeyman in which we are explained the origin and purpose for the monster may have the answers to these questions. After all, how probable is it that an unidentified creature will happen to appear in sight tonight? In the scientific article, it is explained that the purpose of the boogeyman is to frighten people in order for them to fit the norm in society. King s article also uses the boogeyman in order to frighten people, but does it so that the man, Lester Billings seems crazed, and yet in a sense, believable. For example, in the short story, Billings is present in a psychiatrist s office and is telling his story to the therapist. This plays into the realism within the story, as many people have therapists and believe in supernatural forces such as: ghosts, vampires, demons, etc (not everyone goes to therapy for these reasons, but it is safe to assume some people do suffer from paranoia within this particular topic). The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. My Father Was The First Time I Broke The Rules The last time I saw my father was the first time I broke the rules. Although I was almost 16 years old, I never dared to disobey my dad s strict laws he had laid down once my mother disappeared. I never slept at a friend s house, never attended a party, and always brought nutritious lunches to school; however, good girls can t be good forever. I had been devising my plans for weeks and finally felt ready to escape the bubble my dad trapped me in. Now that I think about it, I might ve needed to run away from myself, not my dad. Nevertheless, at 5:00 am, a whole hour before my father usually awoke, my alarm clock started belting out Rhythm of Love by Plain White T s which coincidentally is my favorite song. I thought that was a definite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I could almost imagine my mom sleeping next to him. I fought back tears and looked away so I wouldn t be tempted to crawl in and snuggle with him as I had done so many times after my mom vanished. I snatched an apple from the fruit bowl, grabbed a box of Tweeties, a cracker like snack my dad had invented himself, and stuffed them into the bag. Although it was still pitch black outside, I could tell from the porch light that it was drizzling slightly. My mom used to call that pizzling. I smiled in spite of myself thinking that in a matter of days I might hear her use that word again. An hour later, I was squatting on the soaking wet bus bench in the pouring rain. I scolded myself for forgetting my umbrella and wearing the rain jacket that was way too small. I hadn t gone shopping for a long time, for any free time I had I spent tracking my mom down. Even if I knew it was stupid to run away, I was proud of myself for figuring out my mom s location all on my own. As far I was concerned, my dad knew absolutely nothing about my risky plans. Using the premium version of White Pages, a highly recommended stalking site, I registered myself as 18 in order to search for my mom. There was nothing under her married name, Christina B. Arnold or her maiden name, Christina L. Berman. However, I remembered her dream name, Zandra H. Thraft. One result popped up when I searched the quirky name. A 46 49 female living in Jamaica Plains . This magnificent discovery was only the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. An Auspicious Tibetan Furniture Piece It is interesting to think that furniture is something we take for granted in the modern West, unless we are interested in and collect antique furniture. Western furniture includes useful, practical items chairs that we sit on, raised beds that we sleep on, desks that we rest our computers on, bookshelves we put our books on, etc. So it can be hard to imagine a culture, such as that of Tibet, where some of the furniture has a completely different function, being used in a ritual and devotional capacity. In this essay, I will be analyzing a nineteenth century furniture piece from Central Tibet with the label name Altar Table with Auspicious Symbols that is currently on view at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The furnishing is made from wood with mineral pigments and stands approximately twenty four inches in height, thirty three inches in width, and eleven inches in depth. My goal, upon completion of the essay, is to further my understanding of the altar table in Tibet which includes the importance of the material, symbolism and iconography, its main purpose and function, and background in the culture. I will start with my original analysis of the piece and add in my research to the following paragraphs. When I first walked into the room where this piece was exhibited I was immediately drawn to its ornate details and rather bright colors compared to the other objects that were displayed next to this one. The worn primary colors contrasted with the browns of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Homework As A Good Thing Essay Roth, Grace AP Lang Period 6 October 19, 2016 Abstract Homework has been considered apart of every child s learning experience in America, but there are many downsides to homework. Homework prevents children from exploring the world they live in, besides just what they learn in the classroom and prevents many other activities. Along with this, homework can be very unhealthy is child s life due to the amount of stress it causes. There is also evidence that suggests homework has no affect on learning and in many cases is counter productive. Homework causes many conflicts within families and is in many households left to the parents and not the students. The evidence of homework being a good thing is outweighed by the evidence that shows how homework can be a negative thing in many students lives. Citations Copping, J. (2014, January 16). One in six parents do all the homework Telegraph. Retrieved October 14, 2016, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/10578136/One in six parents do all the homework.html Levy, S. (2016, August 11). Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids Health? Retrieved October 7, 2016, from http://www.healthline.com/health news/children more homework means more stress 031114 NEA Research Spotlight on Homework. (2015). Retrieved October 5, 2016, from http://www.nea.org/tools/16938.htm Taylor, N. (2015, October 23). Too much homework leading to stressed out families ... Retrieved October 14, 2016, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Why School Should Start Later BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I am pushed out of my blissful dream and pulled into reality, my eyes don t want to open, just for the noise to stop so I can go back to that wonderful peaceness in my warm bed. It s my alarm going off, for a second I consider hitting the snooze for those extra five minutes, but I know if I do it ll be another rushing to get ready morning. Schools should really start later! Ninety percent of teens are sleep deprived and I am one of them. Starting school about an hour later has many benefits as shown in hundreds of schools around the country. Some of these benefits include: students feeling more awake, better test scores, better attention spans and improved health. Changing school times can help students exponentially. First ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Essay On How Did The Byzantine Empire And The Spread Of... In the 10th century between the years of 1237 to 1480 B.C.E., Russia converted to the Christian religion but did not convert to the Catholic Church practices. Russia was a member of the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Church. The religion of the Byzantine power was founded by Constantine, but it ended in 1453. The major differences in the Catholic and Orthodox churches were church governors. In the Catholic Church, the pope was in charge of Catholics, and the patriarchs (who functioned as arch bishops) governed the Byzantines. The practice of Caesaropapism (emperor of head of church and state...no pope) was introduced to Russia and was a legacy in the Byzantine Church, and Russia applied it to their government. After the great Mongolian invasion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elizabeth I came to power and was also concerned with Russia s culture. She indulged and splurged on building projects and wars. She is the creator of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. She ignored the conditions of the serfs (peasant) of Russia (will backfire on the Romanovs), and she was killed by her own soldiers eventually. She was succeeded in death by Peter the 3rd. Catherine the Great was then named the tsarina of Russia. She improved the economy, law code, and education system during her rule. She also abolished capital ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Ukuthwala Custom Benign accommodation? Ukuthwala, forced marriage and the South African Children s Act Lea Mwambene and Julia Sloth Nielsen( Abstract In this article, we evaluate the implications of the Children s Act 38 of 2005 for ukuthwala. Ukuthwala is a practice whereby, preliminary to a customary marriage, a young man, by force, takes a girl to his home. Questions arise relating to the impact of constitutional principles upon customary law and practice. It is suggested that instead of a prohibitionist stance towards customs that seem to violate human rights norms, a benign accommodation of aspects that promote the positive aspects of culture be adopted. This approach leads to a conclusion that South African law should recognise those forms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main aim of ukuthwala is to force the girl s family to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a customary marriage.[18] (Underlining supplied). The procedure for ukuthwala is as follows: The intending bridegroom, with the help of the one or two friends, will waylay the intended bride in the neighbourhood of her own home, quite often late in the day.[19] They will then forcibly take her to the young man s home. Sometimes the girl is caught unawares, but in many instances she is caught according to prior plan and agreement. In either case, the girl will put up a show of resistance to suggest to onlookers that it is against her will, when in fact, it is seldom so. As Bekker ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. How Is Piggy Related To Lord Of The Flies As Piggy and Ralph walked to Castle Rock to retrieve Piggy s stolen glasses from Jack. All of a sudden, they heard a noise coming from a banana tree. In the banana tree there was a monkey with an object in its hand. Piggy was struggling to see what the object was, but Ralph had to get a closer look to figure out what it was. As Ralph had got closer to the banana tree he noticed the object was reflecting light. He whispered to Piggy I think it s your glasses. The monkey became startled and ran off, the boys followed. During the chase to retrieve the glasses the monkey disappeared into a hollow area. It turned out to be a magical cave. They were both uncertain if they should enter, but they knew that if the monkey had his glasses they could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Evolution Of War Research Paper Humanity has resorted to war as a fundamental way to settle their differences. Clausewitz describes war as the act of force to compel the enemy to do our will. Sun Tzu believed that war was to subdue the enemy without fighting. However it is defined, every culture has its motives for why they go to war and how it should be conducted. Nation states go to war to gain access to new territories and resources, settle religious differences, defend against a threat, and for no other reason than to impose their will on the enemy. To deter war nation states have used diplomatic means to settle their differences but when that fails, war follows. When war is declared, the victory goes to the force who can inflict the most casualties at the decisive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Union and the Confederates had differing economies at the onset of the war. The North was very industrialized in comparison to the agricultural South. Both sides developed a variety of methods to fund their respective military efforts ranging from taxation, selling government bonds, loans, and printing new currency. However, countries like Britain used their wealth and an established economy to become the colonial power of the age that no other country could match. This was due to their naval power which they could sustain from, raising funds through long term credit at low interest rates. In the west economics determined who could adopt the western way of war and who could not base on the state s ability to keep abreast of changing technology and maintain the resources to deploy it effectively. In closing, it was evident that the west had a dramatic influence on the world and as it still does today. It s important to note that possessing all the elements of the Western way of war does not guarantee success, it is the application of all the elements along with experience, the government and the will of the people. Army professionals today must understand that the ability of the United States Army ability to win decisively embraces these three fundamental characteristics of the Western way of war to sustain dominance across the full range of military ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Hindu Weddings Essay Marriage is the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family. (Webster s Dictionary.) When a couple gets married they make a vow in front of their loved ones and their God to be together for the rest of their lives and abide by each other. In the Hindu religion, which is the third largest religion in the world, weddings are very sacred, therefore a wedding ceremony takes a lot of time and effort and it is composed of different rituals and ceremonies. The Hindu marriage, Lagna Vivah is the connection of two human beings in a nuptial ceremony that takes place according to their religion. It s the connection of not only the man and woman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore you can never marry someone outside your caste even if you are truly in love with someone outside your caste your marriage will never be favored. If a couple still goes ahead and proceeds with marrying even though they are from two different castes, there family will basically disown them and so they will have to deal with a lot of public pressure from their family as well as outsiders. Today the idea of arranged marriages is overlooked as a forced marriage from other society s point of views. Hindus arrange their children to meet partners they think are well suitable for them but this does not mean the son or daughter has to automatically marry this person they have been introduced to. They have a choice whether to go along with it or not. They are not forced at any point to marry this person. Years ago parents arranged their children marriages while their children were very young and even babies. They understood that if the kids grew up together over the years they will learn everything there was to know about each other and so everything will basically work out to their advantage. Even though the girl was practically married at a very young age she did not have to live with her husband until she was matured, until then she will just visit him and his family. The wedding will occur before puberty, so the girl will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Limited Partnership Act 2008 Essay The Limited Partnership Act 2008 came into force on 2nd May 2008 enabling registration of limited Partnership and Overseas Limited Partnership. The primary function objective for the introduction of the Limited Partnerships regime is to facilitate sustainable growth in New Zealand s venture capital and private equity Industries. This introduction of internationally recognized Limited Partnership opens the gate way for foreign capital investment which helps the company in their initially setup start and also proves to be a valuable tool for their company. On other hand it also allows New Zealand to compete internationally for venture capital funds. This act came into action because of three main reasons ; firstly to revoke the special partnership provision (Part II) of the Partnership Act 1908; Secondly to create modern rules which are simple and similar to internationally recognized limited partnership in use overseas and thirdly to allow the development of venture capital industry of New Zealand. By bringing this law into action New Zealand lines up with similar regime in Australia and United Kingdom. The new law simplifies the registration requirement, as compared to the formalities required by the old law, which gives great flexibility in the rules of governing self management that in case with companies whilst at the same time adopting many rules drawn from the company and partnership law. It evidently states the point to which investor can contribute in management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...