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IT Project Management

Goals of this talk
   Expectations from Technologists

   Project Methodology – Why it is as
    important (or more) as the Technology

   Employability of Recent Graduates –
    Commonly Seen Gaps

 Introduction – Who am I?
 Role of IT Teams in Companies
 Typical Web Projects
 Discussion– College Projects
 Project Methodologies
 Case Study – A Popular Website
 Most common issues seen with ‘Freshers’
 Discussion – How to better prepare college

Who am I?

       https://www.facebook.com/vasantha.gullapalli
       http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id

Role of IT Teams in Companies
 1990s – Service Providers, Cost Center,
  Necessary but, not critical
 Early 2000s – Recognized as being
  business enablers
 Now
       Innovative use of Technology is a Business
        Differentiator and Game Changer
       Lines blurring between product, business and
       Technology teams expected to be more
        Innovative, Independent and Strategic
       Strategic Thinkers, rather than just ‘Do’ers
Typical Web Projects
   Fast Paced: 4-16 weeks.

   Design, Scope, Priorities are all evolving throughout the
    lifecycle based on user testing and other market conditions

   Fixed Dates: PR and Marketing plans made around the
    launch date. Very difficult to move dates

   Date, Cost, Team are expected to be committed upfront 

   Unless the Delivery team and Business/Product team work
    collaboratively, environment can easily become

    College Projects – How well are
    the students getting prepared?

Discussion – Student Projects
   Give me some examples
   Typical Duration, Team sizes
   Do they get to choose the software stack?
   How are the students expected to gather/define
   Lifecycle that students are expected to follow?
   What are they expected to present in the end?
   What are they graded on?
          Working product?
          Is discipline about the lifecycle important?
          Are they expected to defend and debrief about their

Discussion continued
   What are some challenges you see in
       Inculcating the right attitude in students
       Monitoring these projects?
       How well are the students making use of the
        projects to better prepare for the real world?

IT Project Management
   Project management is the discipline of
    planning, organizing, securing, and
    managing resources to achieve specific

   IT Projects tend to be less stringent than
    those in other industries

   But, Good PMs will know how to inject
    some Method to this Madness
Project Management Methodologies
 Waterfall
 Critical Path Management
 Iterative
 Extreme Program Management
 Agile, etc, etc

Most discussions and debates are between
          Waterfall and Agile

Waterfall       vs.       Agile
   Waterfall            Agile

Methodologies – Pros and Cons
Pure Waterfall                          Pure Agile
 Works well when the                     Works well when requirements are not
   requirements/specifications are         ‘ALL’ firmed up, but team can start on
   well defined and stable
                                           Collaborative cultures prefer this – lot
   Traditional Business groups like        more handshaking, working together,
    this – responsibility shifts over       trust in each other
    the wall
                                           Not very deterministic on what gets
                                            delivered on <x> date or when <y>
   Detailed planning helps map out         feature gets delivered
    all dependencies ahead of time –
    especially important when team is      Assumes very high collaboration (co-
    distributed and matrixed                location) between the different teams
                                            (product, design, tech, QA)
   Works well when team
    management is highly structured        Equipped to handle changes with
    and process oriented and know           minimal disruption to overall flow
    what they want
                                           Assumes a more experienced self-
                                            managing team
   Not well suited to handle changes
    along the way                          Focus on QA from early on – good for
   Testing in the very end is risky
The Real World
   None of the methodologies work as-is – Need to customize
    based on
       Company Culture
            Collaboration between product/business and development team

       Project Context
            What is the main driver – Scope, Time, Budget? – Budget is
             always fixed. Need to know which one trumps – Scope or

            Most of the projects start with a fluid product idea and a somewhat
             firm launch date for marketing/PR reasons

            In order to commit to a date, we will need to do some upfront
             scoping, estimating and planning to inform the team size,
             dependencies, budget, etc – So, pure Agile doesn’t work.

            Too often, we have to start a phase before the previous one ends
             (start development before design completes) – also need to be able
             to absorb changes and additions to scope – So, pure Waterfall
             doesn’t work.
The Real World continued
   Change Management Culture
       Change is always constant

   Team Strengths and Structure
       Multi-disciplinary?
       Multi-location: Not ideal for Agile. Agile emphasizes
        face-to-face meetings vs. detailed documentation
       Experienced vs. Newbies: Team is not always
        experienced at the same level - so, need to account
        for ramp-up and varied degrees of team

The Real World – Not too far from this

Case Study
       A Website Renovation

Website.com Renovation
 Project Conceptualized in Jan
 Project Definition, Feasibility, Budgeting
  – Until April
 Fixed Live Date: Sept 16th
 Project Lifecycle – April to Sept
       Scope included complete Architecture Revamp
       Design
       Development
       QA
       Launch
Methodology in this context
   Needed to do waterfall like upfront scoping,
    estimation and planning assuming lots of
    unknowns to fix team size, inform business and
    design team on high level scope constraints

   Needed to be agile enough to absorb changes
    and shifts in priorities along the way

   Needed to focus on Quality early for better
       Improved User Experience and Performance was one of
        the project drivers

   Needed to tailor the methodologies to our context

Hybrid - Common Sense Methodology
    This is the Hybrid methodology that worked in
     this context.

                                                                  Final Design Drop
                                                                     Detail Scope,
        High Level Scope
                                   Design Drop 1 Design Drop 2 Detail Estimate and Plan
         Initial Estimate

    Discovery                   UI Design                                UI Refinements

                                                                  Demo                 Demo
                                                                                                      Eval Changes
                                                             Evaluate changes      Eval. Changes
              Tech Evaluation     Tech Design            Sprint             Sprint             Sprint          Sprint

                                                                  Development and QA Sprints

                                                                                                                  Final Testing, UAT,

Overall Rules of the Engagement
   Focused early-on to clarify the What, Who and How
       What: What does Renovation mean?
            Key business, Design and Technology drivers identified and
            Design Criteria Documented
            Scope Prioritization Criteria Documented
       Who: Who are the decision makers – Business, Product,
        Design and Technology
            Focused on Quick Decision-making
            Decision making de-centralized, very few decisions move up to
       How: Technical Solution should be practical to meet the
        current timeline and in line with long term vision
            Technical Leads need to ok the designs based on feasibility –
             emphasize partnership with technology team
            Daily checkpoints during design – emphasize quick decisions
            Technology owns overall PMO guiding the stakeholders’ decision
             making keeping and eye on the timeline/milestones
            Product, Business and Design attend daily SCRUM to resolve issues
             real time – emphasize high collaboration

Rules of Engagement - Themes
 Quick Decision Making and De-centralized
  Decision Making
 Mutual Trust among Multi-Disciplinary
 Collaborative Working Style
 Working software over comprehensive
 Continuous Prioritization of backlog,
  change requests, bugs
 Laser Focus on Timeline, Milestones, No
  room for slippage
Phase Definitions
Phase                Deliverables
Discovery             Business, Technology and Design Drivers
                      High Level Scope Prioritized
                      Prioritization Criteria Defined and
                      Weekly plan for Design phase with
                     trackable milestones

Design                IA and Design Deliverables on a weekly
                      Technical Architecture Definition
                      Technical Design documents
                      Detail Sprint plan for Development
                     and weekly milestones

Development and QA    Development and Continuous QA
                      Weekly milestones review with all
                      Regular Demos to stakeholders
                      Review and prioritization of backlog,
                     scope changes before each sprint      23
Phase Definitions - continued
Phase                      Deliverables
Final End-to-End Testing    End-to-end scenario testing
                            Bug fixing sprints
                            Prioritization of any scope
                           changes/additions with remaining
UAT                         User Testing
                            Continuous Prioritization of
                           remaining bugs as “Launch Gating” or
Launch                      Production Release
                            Go Live !!
                            Prioritization of remaining backlog for
                           post-launch releases

Recipe for Success
     Successful Project Delivery =
        Understand the ‘What, Who, How’
Lots of Common Sense and Discipline to pick the
 right aspects from the prescribed ‘methodologies’
              to cater to your context
Experienced, Focused Leadership, Managing the
              Multi-disciplinary teams
       * Disciplined, Committed,
         Collaborative Teams *

Team Management
    Critical Aspect of IT Project

Expectations from Technology Team
                                    The 3 C’s
   Competence
       Thinkers vs. Do’ers’
       Need to hit the ground running – Very little room for training
       Innovation to help the business – not just for the sake of it
   Commitment
       Commitment around timelines, scope and budget
       Ownership, Be ready to make decisions
   Communication
       Discipline and Clarity in Communication
            Estimation
            Tracking
            Accurate Status Reporting
            Ask for help before it is too late
   And there is a 4th one – Courage
       Courage to do the right thing at all times
       Courage to accept mistakes and learn from them

Typical issues we see with Freshers
   Competence
       Aptitude vs. Attitude
       Too much focus on Technology
       Lack seriousness about Quality
       Need to be more self-starters
   Commitment
       Not serious about commitments
            Proper definition of ‘Done’
            Not taking the timelines seriously
   Communication
       Presentation of ideas
       Facilitation skills
    How to better prepare students
         for corporate world

How do we better train the students?
   Get the Foundation Strong
        Projects to show how the concepts they learn are applicable in real-
         world (algorithms applied in real world)
        Let them do some research on the various architectural choices
         (software and hardware)
        Encourage ‘Smart’ Innovation
        Focus on outcomes

   Discipline around Software lifecycle
        Exposure to various methodologies
        Focus on choosing and following a lifecycle
        Get used to estimation and planning
        Ask to demonstrate intermediate milestones to instill discipline of
         regular deliverables

   Quality Consciousness
        Simple test cases, Edge cases, browser compatibility

   Encourage Internships
        Pick the right environment, Big brands don’t always translate to good
        Helps develop communication skills, professionalism and get used to
         the rigor of real-world
Key Takeaways
   IT Teams are no longer just ‘Doers’

   The 4 C’s
        Competence
        Commitment
        Communication and
        Courage

   Just being smart technologists and innovators is not enough –
    Discipline and Methodology are important to be able to deliver on
    time and within budget

   Methodology has to be customized to fit the project and not the
    other way round

   Graduation with an engineering degree alone doesn’t make one

   Inculcate the right attitudes
        Life-long Learning
        Smart Innovation                                             32
        Strategic Thinking
          More on my blog


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IIIT Guest Talk 0512

  • 2. Goals of this talk  Expectations from Technologists  Project Methodology – Why it is as important (or more) as the Technology Solution  Employability of Recent Graduates – Commonly Seen Gaps 2
  • 3. Agenda  Introduction – Who am I?  Role of IT Teams in Companies  Typical Web Projects  Discussion– College Projects  Project Methodologies  Case Study – A Popular Website Renovation  Most common issues seen with ‘Freshers’  Discussion – How to better prepare college graduated 3
  • 4. Who am I?  https://www.facebook.com/vasantha.gullapalli  http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id =2574654&trk=tab_pro 4
  • 5. Role of IT Teams in Companies  1990s – Service Providers, Cost Center, Necessary but, not critical  Early 2000s – Recognized as being business enablers  Now  Innovative use of Technology is a Business Differentiator and Game Changer  Lines blurring between product, business and technology  Technology teams expected to be more Innovative, Independent and Strategic  Strategic Thinkers, rather than just ‘Do’ers 5
  • 6. Typical Web Projects  Fast Paced: 4-16 weeks.  Design, Scope, Priorities are all evolving throughout the lifecycle based on user testing and other market conditions  Fixed Dates: PR and Marketing plans made around the launch date. Very difficult to move dates  Date, Cost, Team are expected to be committed upfront   Unless the Delivery team and Business/Product team work collaboratively, environment can easily become confrontational 6
  • 7. Discussion College Projects – How well are the students getting prepared? 7
  • 8. Discussion – Student Projects  Give me some examples  Typical Duration, Team sizes  Do they get to choose the software stack?  How are the students expected to gather/define requirements?  Lifecycle that students are expected to follow?  What are they expected to present in the end?  What are they graded on?  Working product?  Is discipline about the lifecycle important?  Are they expected to defend and debrief about their project? 8
  • 9. Discussion continued  What are some challenges you see in  Inculcating the right attitude in students  Monitoring these projects?  How well are the students making use of the projects to better prepare for the real world? 9
  • 10. IT Project Management  Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals  IT Projects tend to be less stringent than those in other industries  But, Good PMs will know how to inject some Method to this Madness 10
  • 11. Project Management Methodologies  Waterfall  Critical Path Management  Iterative  Extreme Program Management  Agile, etc, etc Most discussions and debates are between Waterfall and Agile 11
  • 12. Waterfall vs. Agile  Waterfall  Agile 12
  • 13. Methodologies – Pros and Cons Pure Waterfall Pure Agile  Works well when the  Works well when requirements are not requirements/specifications are ‘ALL’ firmed up, but team can start on some well defined and stable  Collaborative cultures prefer this – lot  Traditional Business groups like more handshaking, working together, this – responsibility shifts over trust in each other the wall  Not very deterministic on what gets delivered on <x> date or when <y>  Detailed planning helps map out feature gets delivered all dependencies ahead of time – especially important when team is  Assumes very high collaboration (co- distributed and matrixed location) between the different teams (product, design, tech, QA)  Works well when team management is highly structured  Equipped to handle changes with and process oriented and know minimal disruption to overall flow what they want  Assumes a more experienced self- managing team  Not well suited to handle changes along the way  Focus on QA from early on – good for quality  Testing in the very end is risky 13
  • 14. The Real World  None of the methodologies work as-is – Need to customize based on  Company Culture  Collaboration between product/business and development team  Project Context  What is the main driver – Scope, Time, Budget? – Budget is always fixed. Need to know which one trumps – Scope or Time?  Most of the projects start with a fluid product idea and a somewhat firm launch date for marketing/PR reasons  In order to commit to a date, we will need to do some upfront scoping, estimating and planning to inform the team size, dependencies, budget, etc – So, pure Agile doesn’t work.  Too often, we have to start a phase before the previous one ends (start development before design completes) – also need to be able to absorb changes and additions to scope – So, pure Waterfall doesn’t work. 14
  • 15. The Real World continued  Change Management Culture  Change is always constant  Team Strengths and Structure  Multi-disciplinary?  Multi-location: Not ideal for Agile. Agile emphasizes face-to-face meetings vs. detailed documentation  Experienced vs. Newbies: Team is not always experienced at the same level - so, need to account for ramp-up and varied degrees of team management 15
  • 16. The Real World – Not too far from this 16
  • 17. Case Study A Website Renovation 17
  • 18. Website.com Renovation  Project Conceptualized in Jan  Project Definition, Feasibility, Budgeting – Until April  Fixed Live Date: Sept 16th  Project Lifecycle – April to Sept  Scope included complete Architecture Revamp  Design  Development  QA  Launch 18
  • 19. Methodology in this context  Needed to do waterfall like upfront scoping, estimation and planning assuming lots of unknowns to fix team size, inform business and design team on high level scope constraints  Needed to be agile enough to absorb changes and shifts in priorities along the way  Needed to focus on Quality early for better quality  Improved User Experience and Performance was one of the project drivers  Needed to tailor the methodologies to our context 19
  • 20. Hybrid - Common Sense Methodology  This is the Hybrid methodology that worked in this context. Final Design Drop Detail Scope, High Level Scope Design Drop 1 Design Drop 2 Detail Estimate and Plan Initial Estimate Discovery UI Design UI Refinements Demo Demo Demo Eval Changes Evaluate changes Eval. Changes Tech Evaluation Tech Design Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint Development and QA Sprints Final Testing, UAT, Launch 20
  • 21. Overall Rules of the Engagement  Focused early-on to clarify the What, Who and How  What: What does Renovation mean?  Key business, Design and Technology drivers identified and documented.  Design Criteria Documented  Scope Prioritization Criteria Documented  Who: Who are the decision makers – Business, Product, Design and Technology  Focused on Quick Decision-making  Decision making de-centralized, very few decisions move up to stakeholders  How: Technical Solution should be practical to meet the current timeline and in line with long term vision  Technical Leads need to ok the designs based on feasibility – emphasize partnership with technology team  Daily checkpoints during design – emphasize quick decisions  Technology owns overall PMO guiding the stakeholders’ decision making keeping and eye on the timeline/milestones  Product, Business and Design attend daily SCRUM to resolve issues real time – emphasize high collaboration 21
  • 22. Rules of Engagement - Themes  Quick Decision Making and De-centralized Decision Making  Mutual Trust among Multi-Disciplinary groups  Collaborative Working Style  Working software over comprehensive documentation  Continuous Prioritization of backlog, change requests, bugs  Laser Focus on Timeline, Milestones, No room for slippage 22
  • 23. Phase Definitions Phase Deliverables Discovery  Business, Technology and Design Drivers  High Level Scope Prioritized  Prioritization Criteria Defined and Understood  Weekly plan for Design phase with trackable milestones Design  IA and Design Deliverables on a weekly basis  Technical Architecture Definition  Technical Design documents  Detail Sprint plan for Development and weekly milestones Development and QA  Development and Continuous QA  Weekly milestones review with all stakeholders  Regular Demos to stakeholders  Review and prioritization of backlog, scope changes before each sprint 23 planning
  • 24. Phase Definitions - continued Phase Deliverables Final End-to-End Testing  End-to-end scenario testing  Bug fixing sprints  Prioritization of any scope changes/additions with remaining bugs UAT  User Testing  Continuous Prioritization of remaining bugs as “Launch Gating” or not. Launch  Production Release  Go Live !!  Prioritization of remaining backlog for post-launch releases 24
  • 25. Recipe for Success Successful Project Delivery = Understand the ‘What, Who, How’ + Lots of Common Sense and Discipline to pick the right aspects from the prescribed ‘methodologies’ to cater to your context + Experienced, Focused Leadership, Managing the Multi-disciplinary teams + * Disciplined, Committed, Collaborative Teams * 25
  • 27. Team Management Critical Aspect of IT Project Management 27
  • 28. Expectations from Technology Team The 3 C’s  Competence  Thinkers vs. Do’ers’  Need to hit the ground running – Very little room for training  Innovation to help the business – not just for the sake of it  Commitment  Commitment around timelines, scope and budget  Ownership, Be ready to make decisions  Communication  Discipline and Clarity in Communication  Estimation  Tracking  Accurate Status Reporting  Ask for help before it is too late  And there is a 4th one – Courage  Courage to do the right thing at all times  Courage to accept mistakes and learn from them 28
  • 29. Typical issues we see with Freshers  Competence  Aptitude vs. Attitude  Too much focus on Technology  Lack seriousness about Quality  Need to be more self-starters  Commitment  Not serious about commitments  Proper definition of ‘Done’  Not taking the timelines seriously  Communication  Presentation of ideas  Facilitation skills 29
  • 30. Discussion How to better prepare students for corporate world 30
  • 31. How do we better train the students?  Get the Foundation Strong  Projects to show how the concepts they learn are applicable in real- world (algorithms applied in real world)  Let them do some research on the various architectural choices (software and hardware)  Encourage ‘Smart’ Innovation  Focus on outcomes  Discipline around Software lifecycle  Exposure to various methodologies  Focus on choosing and following a lifecycle  Get used to estimation and planning  Ask to demonstrate intermediate milestones to instill discipline of regular deliverables  Quality Consciousness  Simple test cases, Edge cases, browser compatibility  Encourage Internships  Pick the right environment, Big brands don’t always translate to good experience  Helps develop communication skills, professionalism and get used to 31 the rigor of real-world
  • 32. Key Takeaways  IT Teams are no longer just ‘Doers’  The 4 C’s  Competence  Commitment  Communication and  Courage  Just being smart technologists and innovators is not enough – Discipline and Methodology are important to be able to deliver on time and within budget  Methodology has to be customized to fit the project and not the other way round  Graduation with an engineering degree alone doesn’t make one Employable.  Inculcate the right attitudes  Life-long Learning  Smart Innovation 32  Strategic Thinking
  • 33. Feedback/Questions More on my blog http://pmship.blogspot.com 33