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The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in
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due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in
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In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no
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This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,
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You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.
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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1:
Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an Absolute Must?
Chapter 2:
Methods of Bringing in the Traffic
Chapter 3:
List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages
Chapter 4:
Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients
Chapter 5:
Working within Niches
Chapter 6:
Making a Presence on the Internet
Chapter 7:
Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and Networker
Chapter 8:
Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business
Chapter 9:
Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising
Chapter 10:
Making Sure You Last on the Internet
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As a businessperson, you should not allow the paltriness in your mind
to get the better of you. You should not confine yourself to thinking
about petty things. What you need to think about is the big picture.
This is where you strategize, foresee and plan things to implement
today so that the future of your business is stabilized.
If you only think about your current expenses and the present scenario
of your business, then you are going to be stuck in the rut for a very
long time.
If you want you take your business to a wider clientele and really
prosper with it, then you need to think about the big picture.
Here is what you need to know about looking at things in a broader
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Chapter 1:
Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an Absolute Must?
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When you are into Internet marketing, simply doing the things that
everyone does is not enough. Your ideas have to reach where the
ideas of other people don’t. This is thinking out of the box, and that is
what works in making your business stable for the long term.
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Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an
Absolute Must?
People who restrict their mindset to narrowness often have to live
within that narrowness. If your business is servicing the local
community very well as of now, if you only keep thinking about your
local community, you are never going to go international. That does
not mean you should completely neglect your base market that you
have today and look at the bigger picture. We all know that a bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush. But, what we mean to say here is
that you should not let the bird in your hand go, yet try to get the two
that are sitting in the bush.
Now, is that possible? Is it possible to widen your market even as you
are trying not to lose the focus on your present market?
Well, it is all possible. The one thing that you have to bear in mind to
make that happen is that you must stop thinking within confined
limits. You must start thinking out of the box.
In Internet marketing, you get ample opportunities to do that. You
have all the information you need to analyze your competitor market.
By using services such as WhoIS (http://www.whoIS.com/), you can
find out who the creators of your competitor sites are. You can
research their websites and probably even some of their marketing
strategies to find out what they are using. You can check out their
Alexa ranking (http://www.alexa.com/) to find out how they fare on
the Internet.
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Once you are armed with this knowledge, you can start doing things in
a better way. The most suicidal point here is to fall in the trap of
monotony. If someone is adopting a policy, say email marketing, and
you start adopting the same policy albeit in a different way, you are
painting yourself into a corner you can’t get out of without spoiling the
already painted floor.
You need to start using different methods and different policies. Even
if you have to do the same things that your competitors are using, you
have to do them differently, giving them your own personal touch.
Remember that people always like novelty. If you come to them with
something new, they are going to look at you closely and with interest.
Thinking out of the box can give you the initial push through its
novelty value. After that, it is the quality of your business that really
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Chapter 2:
Methods of Bringing in the Traffic
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Whether you are just starting out with your online venture or you are
planning an expansion, the most important thing that will matter with
you is traffic. To build your empire, you need to use all traffic
generation methods that you can.
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Methods of Bringing in the Traffic
Traffic is important for everyone on the Internet, whether it is a small
startup or a multinational giant. The only thing is that the volumes of
traffic are drastically different. While a startup may have traffic in
tens, global websites may have them in millions. Now, if you are
planning to start an empire, it is an absolute must that your traffic
goes in the millions. How do you go about doing it then? Here are the
ways that most people use. Remember that you have to give all these
strategies your unique approach. Using all these strategies will
proportionately increase the traffic.
Marketing with Articles
Write unique articles and put them up on article marketing directories.
People will read them. They will find them easily because the
directories have great search engine optimization and you will be
optimizing your articles through the use of keywords too. Some of the
best directories to submit your articles to are
http://www.ezinearticles.com/, http://www.isnare.com/,
http://www.buzzle.com/, http://www.goarticles.com/,
http://www.about.com/, http://www.eHow.com/ and others. There are
hundreds of these directories, but you have to make sure you submit
on those that are popular.
You can make this tactic your own by giving your own spin to the
articles. This is where you show your expertise and really shine. When
people come to know that you know your subject well, you are going
to progress amazingly well.
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This is almost same in principle to article marketing, but is more
demanding. You have to keep the blog current by making regular
posts and commenting on what the readers write. But, this could be
your own public space, your nook where you write about everything
that you want people to know. Blogging works because people respect
a good blogger who gives quality information. Bloggers can become
go-to persons very soon. If someone has a query within your business
niche, they might ask you about it on your blog. When you answer
that, you are stamping your seal of credibility. Other expert bloggers
may also become active on your blog. In short, you can give a very
personal touch to your blog and make it truly special.
Video Marketing
Video marketing through places such as YouTube
(http://www.youtube.com/) has gained a popularity that has no
precedent. This is also a very personal way to market yourself. You
make a video about your business, probably with yourself speaking in
it, and explain things. When people see things, they believe them
better. You can actually become a celebrity on the Internet because of
your videos. What’s best is that people can comment on these videos
and others can answer, so it is similar in concept to blogging. You can
even keyword optimize your video titles so that you make sure people
view your videos.
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Chapter 3:
List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages
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So how many times have you heard till now that the money is in the
list? But how do you build this all-important list? Here is the best
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List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages
The list is the most important ally of any Internet marketer. This is the
collection of email ids of people who have showed some kind of
interest in the marketer’s business. Naturally, this is very important to
the marketer because this is what the marketer will tap on to promote
the business. If someone has shown an interest in the business, it is
easy to convert them into customers. This is why lists are useful. With
just a little push in the right direction, a list can vastly increase the
conversion rate of the website.
So, how are lists made? In other words, how are the email ids of these
important people collected? People may take some action on the
website, but how to make them divulge their email ids?
One of the best ways in which intrepid Internet marketers are doing
this is by using lead capture pages. These pages, also known as
squeeze pages, are actually short webpages that the interested visitors
are made to go through.
Let us now see how a lead capture page can be put to use.
Firstly, you will need to have a substantial product to give your
visitors. This could be an eBook on anything within the subject that
your business deals with. Or it could be a subscription to a newsletter.
It is an absolute must that this product you design is of great quality.
This is a place to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise to your
casual visitors and win them over.
Offer this free to your visitor. But don’t do it directly. Give them a link
from where they can download the eBook or the form for subscribing
to the newsletter. However, instead of taking people directly to their
expected destination, make them go through a short webpage, which
is your lead capture page. This page will essentially ask them their
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email id, promising them alerts on more such freebies in future. It
should also have a disclaimer that their email ids will not be sold to
third parties.
People will usually give their email ids here, because they are
impatient to get to the free goodie you are giving them. This now
contributes to your list.
Now, milking the list to your advantage is up to you. You can follow
them up by keeping on sending them informative and highly useful
stuff (remember that your reputation is at stake here; don’t send them
junk or spam) and subtly promoting your business.
When people are convinced that your product will give them some
value, they will become your customers.
You have marketed relentlessly, got some long-term customers
probably, and you haven’t even downgraded yourself with pitchy
promotion. This is the hallmark of a great Internet marketer.
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Chapter 4:
Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients
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If you want to go big, you have to keep your clients happy. Just
getting onetime businesses from them is not what you should be
looking at; you have to make them trust you to achieve long-term
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Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients
When you are looking at taking your business out of the boundaries it
is presently restricted with, the most important thing is to keep your
current clientele’s faith. You have to make sure you don’t lag in
dealing with them. Even if you get new clients, and bigger ones that
too, the people that have been with you should not be shunned. Not
only is that unprofessional and unethical, but it will be bad for business
too. You will repent at a later stage that you did not spend better time
with the clients you started out with.
But, it is also practically and personally impossible to please everyone,
isn’t it? Usually, people start becoming distant when new people come
in. That’s the law of life, probably, but if you are looking at the big
picture, you cannot afford that.
You have to make sure that your current clients keep trusting you. You
have to forge permanent relations with them.
Here are five essential points that can help you do that.
1. Never go down on the quality. If you are consistent with your
quality, people will stick to you. When your business grows, the
quality of your products will grow too. Make sure that your old
clients get all the upgrades that your new clients are getting. But
don’t go down on the quality.
2. Don’t take your old clients for granted. They were with you all
this time because you were good to them in every way. If you
change suddenly, there are other people they can get attuned to
and begin using.
3. Don’t slow down on the bonuses and offers that you give them.
Make sure that you give them the best value for their money.
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4. Don’t overpromise. Overpromising is the worst thing someone
can do in a business. When you tell a potential customer that
your product has something which they find out later is not
present in the product, they can get very miffed. Even though
you got a onetime sale with them, they won’t return and will
sully your name in the Internet forums.
5. Also, be pragmatic about yourself and don’t go over the top
about the successes you have achieved. Your customers won’t
like that because they know they have made you. You should not
make them suffer for your success by beginning to overprice
your products, restricting your support and offers, etc. Make
sure you remain as much the same with them as you always
It is indeed difficult to keep customers happy all the time, especially
when you begin getting your successes. But if you keep strategizing
and making constant efforts for it, you can go a long way in building
their long term trust.
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Chapter 5:
Working within Niches
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Diversification could be on your agenda, but the way you start
becoming popular is through working within niches.
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Working within Niches
A niche is a small segment that you specialize in. It is what your
business specifically deals about. For example, you may be dealing
with electronic products on the whole, but printers may be your niche.
Such niches are important because they can make you a professional
within the subject.
If there is something you really have very good knowledge about, it
could be your business niche. Apart from the fact that you have great
information about your niche and can handle the business within it
well, there is also the fact that you will enjoy working within it. People
who succeed are those who find their niches early on, and stick with it
till it develops into a huge thing.
Even for the customer, working within niches helps. When you write
passionately about your niche subject on your blog or you write some
very good (good means informative) articles about it and post it on
those directories, a lot of people who are looking for specific
information are going to stumble on these. They are going to read
your stuff (because they are already looking for information) and they
are going to get a good impression about you. They will realize that
you are master within the subject. They will begin trusting you, and
that’s where you have clinched the deal.
Working within niches works. Consider you have a gaming website.
People come there to play online games. Now, when promoting
yourself, you could promote several games all at once, or you could
just promote one game that you know very well yourself. This game
becomes your niche. Fans of this game from across the world will like
what you write about it and they will want to visit your website.
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Now, as you grow bigger in terms of your business volume, you can
explore new niches and expand. You can bring in people of a
completely different sort to add to your business prospects.
But when you are starting out, it is best to work with a single niche.
Give it your best shot. Nurture it like you would to a sapling and soon
it will grow into a tree.
When that happens, start looking for new avenues.
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Chapter 6:
Making a Presence on the Internet
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Successful Internet marketers need to plaster themselves all over the
Internet, wherever they can. In this world, visibility is everything.
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Making a Presence on the Internet
It is highly important that you become popular for your online business
to prosper. This is a vicious circle actually. When your business
prospers, you become popular and when you become popular, your
business prospers even more. So how do you go about gaining the
initial popularity?
The best way to do that is to submit great content on websites across
the Internet in your own name. If you optimize this content, even your
name gets optimized. When people read these articles, they are also
going to read your name. In fact, some people might like your article
so much that they would want to read other things that you have
written, and for that they might just click on your name to find your
author page.
There are so many things that can happen. People who like your
content will visit your website following the link in the bio box and they
might even bookmark the website to return. If you submit to feeds,
you can make the best of this, because you can alert these people
whenever any new information is posted on the website. The greater
the number of times people visit your website, the more will be the
popularity that you get.
Today, through methods such as social bookmarking and p2p
networks, it is highly possible that your content will be passed along
on the Internet. People would want to share good content with their
friends. This is the aspect of viral marketing that we shall see later.
This is what makes you hugely popular.
Some of the places you could really consider for posting content are
Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com/) and HubPages
(http://www.hubpages.com/). These are places that allow you to have
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webpages of your own, which are almost like a website that you can
promote in whatever way you want.
Your Internet presence must grow in stages:-
 Initially, you have to see that your name becomes searchable
through Google. That means, when people click your name, your
links must appear. If you have pictures of yourself put up on the
Internet, you get a ‘face’ and that’s much better in terms of
business prospects because people know who you are.
 The second stage is that people must visit your websites and
either bookmark you or add themselves to the feeds. This shows
you are becoming popular.
 People must start distributing your work through social
networking sites.
 Later, people must start reviewing your products. Your blog
could be a great place to get reviews, and at a later stage,
people will even write full-fledged reviews about you.
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Chapter 7:
Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and Networker
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We take the discussion of making a presence on the Internet ahead
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Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and
Are you a part of the blogosphere? All successful Internet marketers
are. What is the blogosphere? This is simply a realm in which all
bloggers of the world unite. You must know that blogs are not
individual entities. If you visit most successful blogs, you will find that
they link to each other. Bloggers visit each other’s blogs, make posts
and comments and put their own blog’s link in them. No one minds
that, because everyone is visiting everyone else. This is helping
everyone actually, because they are directly improving each other’s
traffic. This grand community where everyone is a friend of the other
is known as the blogosphere.
Now, if you have a blog, you are already probably a part of the
blogosphere, because it is possible that other bloggers are visiting
your blog and commenting. But are you active on theirs too? If you
are not, it is time that you did that. When you are thinking about the
big picture, this is what works. When you write a meaningful post or
comment on someone else’s blog, it is like breaking out into a whole
new market and establishing your credibility with a whole new group
of people.
The bottom line is this – if you aren’t a part of the blogosphere yet,
you must be one without any further delay.
The other place that you must seriously consider if you want to make
yourself popular is the social networking scene. Today, a lot of
businesses are becoming popular through social networks like
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/), Twitter
(http://www.twitter.com/) and MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/).
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Make sure you have accounts here. When you have them, you can
build communities of likeminded people and reach out to them. These
are people who are looking for something similar to what you are
dealing with. This could be a much targeted customer base for you.
The main thing is that you should not give up on any avenue to make
your presence felt. Social networking sites and blogs are two of the
most important places where you can ‘sell’ yourself to the people who
will really matter to you in the big picture.
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Chapter 8:
Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business
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When you achieve popularity through viral marketing, there is nothing
else that you would want. You reach the stage of nirvana, where
people are pushing your business of their own voluntary will.
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Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business
Viral marketing is something that almost all Internet marketers hanker
for. This is when people begin recommending their products to their
friends. Now, think about it – even if you don’t want to buy a
particular product, wouldn’t you give it a more serious consideration if
a friend raved to you about it? This is what happens when you virally
market your product. You get people to speak about your products and
that increases its prospects manifold.
So, what are the ways in which you can ensure that? The truth is that
if you use all of the methods mentioned in this book, you can get an
amazing degree of viral marketing, whether it is article marketing or
blogging or video marketing or social networking or any other method.
You are becoming popular and bowling people over by the quality and
freshness of your product. Naturally, those people are going to speak
to other people about your product and it is going to become popular.
Somewhere before in this eBook we mentioned how important it is to
retain your past clients. One of the reasons why you should do it is
because they become your viral marketing mouthpiece. These are the
people who have liked your product or service and these are the
people who will want to give something back to you because you have
pleased them with your business. They will not mind recommending
you to their friends and associates and because of the open nature of
the Internet, when they comment positively about you on a blog or
forum or a social networking site, many other people are going to read
it and they will want to check out your stuff too.
If you are active on these sites yourself, you could use these reviews
to your advantage. These could be great testimonials for your sales
pages and probably they could also be used as quotes in the press
releases you write.
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Big businesses have no dearth of such positive comments. Even
though they do get their share of flak, they know how to highlight their
positives and correct their negatives. Since no one and nothing is
perfect, this is the way you can move toward achieving that big
success you are aiming for.
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Chapter 9:
Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising
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Apart from helping you make good money, PPC advertising can help
you achieve huge visibility on the Internet and bring in a lot of profit.
Most online businesses that have achieved success have done it
through PPC.
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Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising
Very simply described, PPC advertising is when you put up an
advertisement of your website somewhere on the Internet and then
pay the host according to the number of clicks you get. PPC stands for
Pay Per Click, if you haven’t figured it out already.
So, who helps you with PPC? That is the best part actually – the very
search engines that rank your websites, something that influences
your websites’ popularities to such a great extent, can help you with
PPC. Through PPC, they ensure that your website is always displayed
on a search engine result page when someone searches with a
keyword that pertains to your website. All search engines, including
Google, MSN and Yahoo! have this provision.
Have you checked out any Google results lately? If you haven’t, go
ahead and do that now. Type in any keyword that you are looking on
information for, like ‘adventure vacations in Bali’, for example. You will
see a lot of results, but look attentively at the results on top and on
the right side of the page. These are the paid results. Or, you could
call them the PPC results.
These results aren’t displayed because these websites rank well. They
are displayed just because the webmasters will pay Google according
to the number of clicks that visitors will make on these websites.
The other results are known as organic results. These are results that
appear because of the optimization, such as keyword optimization,
that has been done on their pages.
There is understandably a lot of consternation about using PPC in this
manner. But it really helps. If you are just starting out with your
expansion, you won’t mind the extra money you pay to get your
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results listed here. In return, you are getting traffic. Because of this
traffic, your website will begin ranking organically as well and that’s
when you stop this kind of PPC.
PPC is also present in emails. Check your inbox now and open any
mail. You will see some advertisements on the page. These are PPC
advertisements. The concept works the same way as with the search
engine results.
And who can ignore the guru of all, Google AdWords? This service
allows people to buy such ad spaces on websites all over the Internet.
Wherever you see Google Ads, note that they are paid ads.
The thing that you have to remember is that PPC is everywhere, and it
can take you everywhere. When you are looking for vigorous
expansion, you simply have to use this.
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strategies. Hopefully, this eBook has told you what they are.
Good luck!
Chapter 10:
Making Sure You Last on the Internet
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Durability is one of the most important things when you are using the
Internet as your business arena.
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Making Sure You Last on the Internet
As time passes, you will try to diversify and go on to things that seem
better to you. At that time, your existing policies might dwindle. You
might not work on your existing strategies anymore. Resultantly, the
business already in your hand might start taking a setback. But this is
exactly what we spoke about earlier – you don’t have to let this
happen. Even as you are planning new things, you have to make sure
your current things last.
Your visibility helps. If you have made yourself popular already, you
can be sure of a long run for yourself. If you keep the links active still,
you will be in demand.
But you have to make sure you keep updating stuff too. Don’t just
vanish from your blogs or from the article directories or from the social
networking scene. Keep posting content there. Keep replying to
Here is where you might think outsourcing is a good idea, if you
haven’t thought about it already. Even when you are building things,
you must train some professionals to work in the way you have
envisioned. You have to tell them what you want and actually test
them out. When you simply cannot do something anymore, you could
let them take it up. Even though your profits from that will be reduced,
it will ensure that that aspect of your business is still alive.
Another thing that you must consider is automation. Stop doing things
manually when you cannot manage for the time. Everything, from
sending replies to testing out different layouts for your webpages, can
be done through automated software. As you are growing, you will
have funds to spend on automated software. Use these tools to your
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best advantage, but always keep an eye on the quality, making sure
that never goes down.
In time, you will have a completely streamlined state of affairs, just
like how things work in a beehive with clockwork precision. You will be
at the helm of affairs, while your minions, both human and otherwise,
will ensure that your online conglomerate keeps functioning and
making profits for everyone involved.
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Building an online business is easy. Building a huge online business is
slightly difficult. Building and maintaining a huge online business is
very difficult.
It is something only a few people can do.
But those who do it, achieve the pinnacle of success.
You have now what it takes to get there. Utilize it and make the most
of it.
To your HEALTH!!!

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Internet Marketing Empire

  • 2. - 2 - Terms and Conditions LEGAL NOTICE The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.
  • 3. - 3 - Table Of Contents Chapter 1: Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an Absolute Must? Chapter 2: Methods of Bringing in the Traffic Chapter 3: List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages Chapter 4: Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients Chapter 5: Working within Niches Chapter 6: Making a Presence on the Internet Chapter 7: Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and Networker Chapter 8: Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business Chapter 9: Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising Chapter 10: Making Sure You Last on the Internet
  • 4. - 4 - Introduction As a businessperson, you should not allow the paltriness in your mind to get the better of you. You should not confine yourself to thinking about petty things. What you need to think about is the big picture. This is where you strategize, foresee and plan things to implement today so that the future of your business is stabilized. If you only think about your current expenses and the present scenario of your business, then you are going to be stuck in the rut for a very long time. If you want you take your business to a wider clientele and really prosper with it, then you need to think about the big picture. Here is what you need to know about looking at things in a broader perspective.
  • 5. - 5 - Chapter 1: Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an Absolute Must?
  • 6. - 6 - Summary When you are into Internet marketing, simply doing the things that everyone does is not enough. Your ideas have to reach where the ideas of other people don’t. This is thinking out of the box, and that is what works in making your business stable for the long term.
  • 7. - 7 - Thinking Out of the Box – Why Is It an Absolute Must? People who restrict their mindset to narrowness often have to live within that narrowness. If your business is servicing the local community very well as of now, if you only keep thinking about your local community, you are never going to go international. That does not mean you should completely neglect your base market that you have today and look at the bigger picture. We all know that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. But, what we mean to say here is that you should not let the bird in your hand go, yet try to get the two that are sitting in the bush. Now, is that possible? Is it possible to widen your market even as you are trying not to lose the focus on your present market? Well, it is all possible. The one thing that you have to bear in mind to make that happen is that you must stop thinking within confined limits. You must start thinking out of the box. In Internet marketing, you get ample opportunities to do that. You have all the information you need to analyze your competitor market. By using services such as WhoIS (http://www.whoIS.com/), you can find out who the creators of your competitor sites are. You can research their websites and probably even some of their marketing strategies to find out what they are using. You can check out their Alexa ranking (http://www.alexa.com/) to find out how they fare on the Internet.
  • 8. - 8 - Once you are armed with this knowledge, you can start doing things in a better way. The most suicidal point here is to fall in the trap of monotony. If someone is adopting a policy, say email marketing, and you start adopting the same policy albeit in a different way, you are painting yourself into a corner you can’t get out of without spoiling the already painted floor. You need to start using different methods and different policies. Even if you have to do the same things that your competitors are using, you have to do them differently, giving them your own personal touch. Remember that people always like novelty. If you come to them with something new, they are going to look at you closely and with interest. Thinking out of the box can give you the initial push through its novelty value. After that, it is the quality of your business that really matters.
  • 9. - 9 - Chapter 2: Methods of Bringing in the Traffic
  • 10. - 10 - Summary Whether you are just starting out with your online venture or you are planning an expansion, the most important thing that will matter with you is traffic. To build your empire, you need to use all traffic generation methods that you can.
  • 11. - 11 - Methods of Bringing in the Traffic Traffic is important for everyone on the Internet, whether it is a small startup or a multinational giant. The only thing is that the volumes of traffic are drastically different. While a startup may have traffic in tens, global websites may have them in millions. Now, if you are planning to start an empire, it is an absolute must that your traffic goes in the millions. How do you go about doing it then? Here are the ways that most people use. Remember that you have to give all these strategies your unique approach. Using all these strategies will proportionately increase the traffic. Marketing with Articles Write unique articles and put them up on article marketing directories. People will read them. They will find them easily because the directories have great search engine optimization and you will be optimizing your articles through the use of keywords too. Some of the best directories to submit your articles to are http://www.ezinearticles.com/, http://www.isnare.com/, http://www.buzzle.com/, http://www.goarticles.com/, http://www.about.com/, http://www.eHow.com/ and others. There are hundreds of these directories, but you have to make sure you submit on those that are popular. You can make this tactic your own by giving your own spin to the articles. This is where you show your expertise and really shine. When people come to know that you know your subject well, you are going to progress amazingly well. Blogging
  • 12. - 12 - This is almost same in principle to article marketing, but is more demanding. You have to keep the blog current by making regular posts and commenting on what the readers write. But, this could be your own public space, your nook where you write about everything that you want people to know. Blogging works because people respect a good blogger who gives quality information. Bloggers can become go-to persons very soon. If someone has a query within your business niche, they might ask you about it on your blog. When you answer that, you are stamping your seal of credibility. Other expert bloggers may also become active on your blog. In short, you can give a very personal touch to your blog and make it truly special. Video Marketing Video marketing through places such as YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/) has gained a popularity that has no precedent. This is also a very personal way to market yourself. You make a video about your business, probably with yourself speaking in it, and explain things. When people see things, they believe them better. You can actually become a celebrity on the Internet because of your videos. What’s best is that people can comment on these videos and others can answer, so it is similar in concept to blogging. You can even keyword optimize your video titles so that you make sure people view your videos.
  • 13. - 13 - Chapter 3: List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages
  • 14. - 14 - Summary So how many times have you heard till now that the money is in the list? But how do you build this all-important list? Here is the best method.
  • 15. - 15 - List Building Strategies – Lead Capture Pages The list is the most important ally of any Internet marketer. This is the collection of email ids of people who have showed some kind of interest in the marketer’s business. Naturally, this is very important to the marketer because this is what the marketer will tap on to promote the business. If someone has shown an interest in the business, it is easy to convert them into customers. This is why lists are useful. With just a little push in the right direction, a list can vastly increase the conversion rate of the website. So, how are lists made? In other words, how are the email ids of these important people collected? People may take some action on the website, but how to make them divulge their email ids? One of the best ways in which intrepid Internet marketers are doing this is by using lead capture pages. These pages, also known as squeeze pages, are actually short webpages that the interested visitors are made to go through. Let us now see how a lead capture page can be put to use. Firstly, you will need to have a substantial product to give your visitors. This could be an eBook on anything within the subject that your business deals with. Or it could be a subscription to a newsletter. It is an absolute must that this product you design is of great quality. This is a place to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise to your casual visitors and win them over. Offer this free to your visitor. But don’t do it directly. Give them a link from where they can download the eBook or the form for subscribing to the newsletter. However, instead of taking people directly to their expected destination, make them go through a short webpage, which is your lead capture page. This page will essentially ask them their
  • 16. - 16 - email id, promising them alerts on more such freebies in future. It should also have a disclaimer that their email ids will not be sold to third parties. People will usually give their email ids here, because they are impatient to get to the free goodie you are giving them. This now contributes to your list. Now, milking the list to your advantage is up to you. You can follow them up by keeping on sending them informative and highly useful stuff (remember that your reputation is at stake here; don’t send them junk or spam) and subtly promoting your business. When people are convinced that your product will give them some value, they will become your customers. You have marketed relentlessly, got some long-term customers probably, and you haven’t even downgraded yourself with pitchy promotion. This is the hallmark of a great Internet marketer.
  • 17. - 17 - Chapter 4: Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients
  • 18. - 18 - Summary If you want to go big, you have to keep your clients happy. Just getting onetime businesses from them is not what you should be looking at; you have to make them trust you to achieve long-term goals.
  • 19. - 19 - Forging Permanent Relationships with Clients When you are looking at taking your business out of the boundaries it is presently restricted with, the most important thing is to keep your current clientele’s faith. You have to make sure you don’t lag in dealing with them. Even if you get new clients, and bigger ones that too, the people that have been with you should not be shunned. Not only is that unprofessional and unethical, but it will be bad for business too. You will repent at a later stage that you did not spend better time with the clients you started out with. But, it is also practically and personally impossible to please everyone, isn’t it? Usually, people start becoming distant when new people come in. That’s the law of life, probably, but if you are looking at the big picture, you cannot afford that. You have to make sure that your current clients keep trusting you. You have to forge permanent relations with them. Here are five essential points that can help you do that. 1. Never go down on the quality. If you are consistent with your quality, people will stick to you. When your business grows, the quality of your products will grow too. Make sure that your old clients get all the upgrades that your new clients are getting. But don’t go down on the quality. 2. Don’t take your old clients for granted. They were with you all this time because you were good to them in every way. If you change suddenly, there are other people they can get attuned to and begin using. 3. Don’t slow down on the bonuses and offers that you give them. Make sure that you give them the best value for their money.
  • 20. - 20 - 4. Don’t overpromise. Overpromising is the worst thing someone can do in a business. When you tell a potential customer that your product has something which they find out later is not present in the product, they can get very miffed. Even though you got a onetime sale with them, they won’t return and will sully your name in the Internet forums. 5. Also, be pragmatic about yourself and don’t go over the top about the successes you have achieved. Your customers won’t like that because they know they have made you. You should not make them suffer for your success by beginning to overprice your products, restricting your support and offers, etc. Make sure you remain as much the same with them as you always were. It is indeed difficult to keep customers happy all the time, especially when you begin getting your successes. But if you keep strategizing and making constant efforts for it, you can go a long way in building their long term trust.
  • 21. - 21 - Chapter 5: Working within Niches
  • 22. - 22 - Summary Diversification could be on your agenda, but the way you start becoming popular is through working within niches.
  • 23. - 23 - Working within Niches A niche is a small segment that you specialize in. It is what your business specifically deals about. For example, you may be dealing with electronic products on the whole, but printers may be your niche. Such niches are important because they can make you a professional within the subject. If there is something you really have very good knowledge about, it could be your business niche. Apart from the fact that you have great information about your niche and can handle the business within it well, there is also the fact that you will enjoy working within it. People who succeed are those who find their niches early on, and stick with it till it develops into a huge thing. Even for the customer, working within niches helps. When you write passionately about your niche subject on your blog or you write some very good (good means informative) articles about it and post it on those directories, a lot of people who are looking for specific information are going to stumble on these. They are going to read your stuff (because they are already looking for information) and they are going to get a good impression about you. They will realize that you are master within the subject. They will begin trusting you, and that’s where you have clinched the deal. Working within niches works. Consider you have a gaming website. People come there to play online games. Now, when promoting yourself, you could promote several games all at once, or you could just promote one game that you know very well yourself. This game becomes your niche. Fans of this game from across the world will like what you write about it and they will want to visit your website.
  • 24. - 24 - Now, as you grow bigger in terms of your business volume, you can explore new niches and expand. You can bring in people of a completely different sort to add to your business prospects. But when you are starting out, it is best to work with a single niche. Give it your best shot. Nurture it like you would to a sapling and soon it will grow into a tree. When that happens, start looking for new avenues.
  • 25. - 25 - Chapter 6: Making a Presence on the Internet
  • 26. - 26 - Summary Successful Internet marketers need to plaster themselves all over the Internet, wherever they can. In this world, visibility is everything.
  • 27. - 27 - Making a Presence on the Internet It is highly important that you become popular for your online business to prosper. This is a vicious circle actually. When your business prospers, you become popular and when you become popular, your business prospers even more. So how do you go about gaining the initial popularity? The best way to do that is to submit great content on websites across the Internet in your own name. If you optimize this content, even your name gets optimized. When people read these articles, they are also going to read your name. In fact, some people might like your article so much that they would want to read other things that you have written, and for that they might just click on your name to find your author page. There are so many things that can happen. People who like your content will visit your website following the link in the bio box and they might even bookmark the website to return. If you submit to feeds, you can make the best of this, because you can alert these people whenever any new information is posted on the website. The greater the number of times people visit your website, the more will be the popularity that you get. Today, through methods such as social bookmarking and p2p networks, it is highly possible that your content will be passed along on the Internet. People would want to share good content with their friends. This is the aspect of viral marketing that we shall see later. This is what makes you hugely popular. Some of the places you could really consider for posting content are Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com/) and HubPages (http://www.hubpages.com/). These are places that allow you to have
  • 28. - 28 - webpages of your own, which are almost like a website that you can promote in whatever way you want. Your Internet presence must grow in stages:-  Initially, you have to see that your name becomes searchable through Google. That means, when people click your name, your links must appear. If you have pictures of yourself put up on the Internet, you get a ‘face’ and that’s much better in terms of business prospects because people know who you are.  The second stage is that people must visit your websites and either bookmark you or add themselves to the feeds. This shows you are becoming popular.  People must start distributing your work through social networking sites.  Later, people must start reviewing your products. Your blog could be a great place to get reviews, and at a later stage, people will even write full-fledged reviews about you.
  • 29. - 29 - Chapter 7: Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and Networker
  • 30. - 30 - Summary We take the discussion of making a presence on the Internet ahead here.
  • 31. - 31 - Becoming an Avid Social Blogger and Networker Are you a part of the blogosphere? All successful Internet marketers are. What is the blogosphere? This is simply a realm in which all bloggers of the world unite. You must know that blogs are not individual entities. If you visit most successful blogs, you will find that they link to each other. Bloggers visit each other’s blogs, make posts and comments and put their own blog’s link in them. No one minds that, because everyone is visiting everyone else. This is helping everyone actually, because they are directly improving each other’s traffic. This grand community where everyone is a friend of the other is known as the blogosphere. Now, if you have a blog, you are already probably a part of the blogosphere, because it is possible that other bloggers are visiting your blog and commenting. But are you active on theirs too? If you are not, it is time that you did that. When you are thinking about the big picture, this is what works. When you write a meaningful post or comment on someone else’s blog, it is like breaking out into a whole new market and establishing your credibility with a whole new group of people. The bottom line is this – if you aren’t a part of the blogosphere yet, you must be one without any further delay. The other place that you must seriously consider if you want to make yourself popular is the social networking scene. Today, a lot of businesses are becoming popular through social networks like Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/), Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/) and MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/).
  • 32. - 32 - Make sure you have accounts here. When you have them, you can build communities of likeminded people and reach out to them. These are people who are looking for something similar to what you are dealing with. This could be a much targeted customer base for you. The main thing is that you should not give up on any avenue to make your presence felt. Social networking sites and blogs are two of the most important places where you can ‘sell’ yourself to the people who will really matter to you in the big picture.
  • 33. - 33 - Chapter 8: Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business
  • 34. - 34 - Summary When you achieve popularity through viral marketing, there is nothing else that you would want. You reach the stage of nirvana, where people are pushing your business of their own voluntary will.
  • 35. - 35 - Ensuring Viral Marketing for Your Business Viral marketing is something that almost all Internet marketers hanker for. This is when people begin recommending their products to their friends. Now, think about it – even if you don’t want to buy a particular product, wouldn’t you give it a more serious consideration if a friend raved to you about it? This is what happens when you virally market your product. You get people to speak about your products and that increases its prospects manifold. So, what are the ways in which you can ensure that? The truth is that if you use all of the methods mentioned in this book, you can get an amazing degree of viral marketing, whether it is article marketing or blogging or video marketing or social networking or any other method. You are becoming popular and bowling people over by the quality and freshness of your product. Naturally, those people are going to speak to other people about your product and it is going to become popular. Somewhere before in this eBook we mentioned how important it is to retain your past clients. One of the reasons why you should do it is because they become your viral marketing mouthpiece. These are the people who have liked your product or service and these are the people who will want to give something back to you because you have pleased them with your business. They will not mind recommending you to their friends and associates and because of the open nature of the Internet, when they comment positively about you on a blog or forum or a social networking site, many other people are going to read it and they will want to check out your stuff too. If you are active on these sites yourself, you could use these reviews to your advantage. These could be great testimonials for your sales pages and probably they could also be used as quotes in the press releases you write.
  • 36. - 36 - Big businesses have no dearth of such positive comments. Even though they do get their share of flak, they know how to highlight their positives and correct their negatives. Since no one and nothing is perfect, this is the way you can move toward achieving that big success you are aiming for.
  • 37. - 37 - Chapter 9: Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising
  • 38. - 38 - Summary Apart from helping you make good money, PPC advertising can help you achieve huge visibility on the Internet and bring in a lot of profit. Most online businesses that have achieved success have done it through PPC.
  • 39. - 39 - Gaining Omnipresence through PPC Advertising Very simply described, PPC advertising is when you put up an advertisement of your website somewhere on the Internet and then pay the host according to the number of clicks you get. PPC stands for Pay Per Click, if you haven’t figured it out already. So, who helps you with PPC? That is the best part actually – the very search engines that rank your websites, something that influences your websites’ popularities to such a great extent, can help you with PPC. Through PPC, they ensure that your website is always displayed on a search engine result page when someone searches with a keyword that pertains to your website. All search engines, including Google, MSN and Yahoo! have this provision. Have you checked out any Google results lately? If you haven’t, go ahead and do that now. Type in any keyword that you are looking on information for, like ‘adventure vacations in Bali’, for example. You will see a lot of results, but look attentively at the results on top and on the right side of the page. These are the paid results. Or, you could call them the PPC results. These results aren’t displayed because these websites rank well. They are displayed just because the webmasters will pay Google according to the number of clicks that visitors will make on these websites. The other results are known as organic results. These are results that appear because of the optimization, such as keyword optimization, that has been done on their pages. There is understandably a lot of consternation about using PPC in this manner. But it really helps. If you are just starting out with your expansion, you won’t mind the extra money you pay to get your
  • 40. - 40 - results listed here. In return, you are getting traffic. Because of this traffic, your website will begin ranking organically as well and that’s when you stop this kind of PPC. PPC is also present in emails. Check your inbox now and open any mail. You will see some advertisements on the page. These are PPC advertisements. The concept works the same way as with the search engine results. And who can ignore the guru of all, Google AdWords? This service allows people to buy such ad spaces on websites all over the Internet. Wherever you see Google Ads, note that they are paid ads. The thing that you have to remember is that PPC is everywhere, and it can take you everywhere. When you are looking for vigorous expansion, you simply have to use this.
  • 41. - 41 - strategies. Hopefully, this eBook has told you what they are. Good luck! Chapter 10: Making Sure You Last on the Internet
  • 42. - 42 - Summary Durability is one of the most important things when you are using the Internet as your business arena.
  • 43. - 43 - Making Sure You Last on the Internet As time passes, you will try to diversify and go on to things that seem better to you. At that time, your existing policies might dwindle. You might not work on your existing strategies anymore. Resultantly, the business already in your hand might start taking a setback. But this is exactly what we spoke about earlier – you don’t have to let this happen. Even as you are planning new things, you have to make sure your current things last. Your visibility helps. If you have made yourself popular already, you can be sure of a long run for yourself. If you keep the links active still, you will be in demand. But you have to make sure you keep updating stuff too. Don’t just vanish from your blogs or from the article directories or from the social networking scene. Keep posting content there. Keep replying to comments. Here is where you might think outsourcing is a good idea, if you haven’t thought about it already. Even when you are building things, you must train some professionals to work in the way you have envisioned. You have to tell them what you want and actually test them out. When you simply cannot do something anymore, you could let them take it up. Even though your profits from that will be reduced, it will ensure that that aspect of your business is still alive. Another thing that you must consider is automation. Stop doing things manually when you cannot manage for the time. Everything, from sending replies to testing out different layouts for your webpages, can be done through automated software. As you are growing, you will have funds to spend on automated software. Use these tools to your
  • 44. - 44 - best advantage, but always keep an eye on the quality, making sure that never goes down. In time, you will have a completely streamlined state of affairs, just like how things work in a beehive with clockwork precision. You will be at the helm of affairs, while your minions, both human and otherwise, will ensure that your online conglomerate keeps functioning and making profits for everyone involved.
  • 45. - 45 - Conclusion Building an online business is easy. Building a huge online business is slightly difficult. Building and maintaining a huge online business is very difficult. It is something only a few people can do. But those who do it, achieve the pinnacle of success. You have now what it takes to get there. Utilize it and make the most of it. To your HEALTH!!!