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A new Flink state
primitive to boost
your application
Nico Kruber
David Anderson
Flink Forward
About me
Open source
● Apache Flink contributor/committer since 2016
○ Focus on network stack, usability, and performance
● PhD in Computer Science at HU Berlin / Zuse Institute Berlin
● Software engineer -> Solutions architect -> Head of Solutions Architecture
@ DataArtisans/Ververica (acquired by Alibaba)
● Engineering @ Immerok
About Immerok
● Building a fully managed Apache Flink cloud service
for powering real-time systems at any scale
○ immerok.com
● Motivation
● BinarySortedState
● Results & Future Work
Use Case: Stream Sort
30 35
7 6
Use Case: Stream Sort - Code
void processElement(Long event, /*...*/) {
TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService();
long ts = ctx.timestamp();
if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) {
List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts);
if (listAtTs == null) {
listAtTs = new ArrayList<>();
events.put(ts, listAtTs);
MapState<Long, List<Long>> events;
MapStateDescriptor<Long, List<Long>> desc =
new MapStateDescriptor<>(
events = getRuntimeContext().getMapState(desc);
void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts);
if (listAtTs == null) {
listAtTs = new ArrayList<>();
events.put(ts, listAtTs);
Use Case: Stream Sort - What’s
Happening Underneath
State (RocksDB)
full list
as byte[]
search memtable
+ sst files
for one entry
(Java) list
List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts);
if (listAtTs == null) {
listAtTs = new ArrayList<>();
events.put(ts, listAtTs);
Use Case: Stream Sort - What’s
Happening Underneath
State (RocksDB)
full Java list
serialized list
as byte[]
add new entry
to memtable
(leave old one for
Use Case: Stream Sort - Alternative Solutions
● Using MapState<Long, Event> instead of MapState<Long, List<Event>>?
○ Cannot handle multiple events per timestamp
● Using Window API?
○ Efficient event storage per timestamp
○ No really well-matching window types: sliding, tumbling, and session windows
● Using HashMapStateBackend?
○ No de-/serialization overhead
○ state limited by available memory
○ no incremental checkpoints
● Using ListState<Event> and filtering in onTimer()?
○ Reduced overhead in processElement() vs. more to do in onTimer()
{ts: 5, code: GBP,
rate: 1.20}
{ts: 10, code: USD,
rate: 1.00}
{ts: 19, code: USD,
rate: 1.02}
{ts: 15, code: USD,
amount: 1.00}
{ts: 10, code: GBP,
amount: 2.00}
{ts: 25, code: USD,
amount: 3.00}
Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join
{ts1: 15, ts2: 10,
amount: 1.00}
{ts1: 10, ts2: 5,
amount: 2.40}
{ts1: 25, ts2: 19,
amount: 3.06}
t.ts AS ts1, r.ts AS ts2,
t.amount * r.rate AS amount
FROM transactions AS t
ON t.code = r.code;
void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates =
ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries());
Double myRate = getLast(rates);
tx -> out.collect(
new Joined(myRate, tx)));
Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join - Code
void processElement1(Transaction value,/*...*/) {
TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService();
long ts = ctx.timestamp();
if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) {
addTransaction(ts, value);
// similar for processElement2()
MapState<Long, List<Transaction>>
MapState<Long, Double> rate;
void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates =
ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries());
Double myRate = getLast(rates);
tx -> out.collect(
new Joined(myRate, tx)));
With RocksDB:
● always fetching all rates’ (key+value) bytes ⚠
● (also need to fit into memory ⚠)
● deserialize all keys keys during iteration ⚠
○ not deserializing values (at least) ✓
Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join - Code
void processElement1(Transaction value,/*...*/) {
TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService();
long ts = ctx.timestamp();
if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) {
addTransaction(ts, value);
// similar for processElement2()
Similar to stream sort, with RocksDB:
● always fetch/write full lists ⚠
● always de-/serialize full list ⚠
● additional stress on RocksDB compaction ⚠
MapState<Long, List<Transaction>>
MapState<Long, Double> rate;
BinarySortedState - History
“Temporal state” Hackathon project (David + Nico + Seth)
● Main primitives: getAt(), getAtOrBefore(), getAtOrAfter(), add(),
addAll(), update()
Nov 2021
April 2022
started as a Hackathon project (David + Nico) on
custom windowing with process functions
Created FLIP-220 and discussed on dev@flink.apache.org
● Extended scope further to allow arbitrary user keys (not just timestamps)
○ Identified further use cases in SQL operators, e.g. min/max with retractions
● Clarified serializer requirements
● Extend proposed API to offer range read and clear operations
● …
● A new keyed-state primitive, built on top of ListState
● Efficiently add to list of values for a user-provided key
● Efficiently iterate user-keys in a well-defined sort order,
with native state-backend support, especially RocksDB
● Efficient operations for time-based functions
(windowing, sorting, event-time joins, custom, ...)
● Operations on subset of the state, based on user-key ranges
● Portable between state backends (RocksDB, HashMap)
BinarySortedState - Goals
BinarySortedState - API (subject to change!)
● Point-operations:
○ valuesAt(key)
○ add(key, value)
○ put(key, values)
○ clearEntryAt(key)
● Lookups:
○ firstEntry(), firstEntry(fromKey)
○ lastEntry(), lastEntry(UK toKey)
● Cleanup:
○ clear()
● Range-operations:
○ readRange(fromKey, toKey,
○ readRangeUntil(toKey, inclusiveToKey)
○ readRangeFrom(fromKey)
● Range-deletes:
○ clearEntryAt(key)
○ clearRange(
fromKey, toKey, inclusiveToKey)
○ clearRangeUntil(toKey, inclusiveToKey)
○ clearRangeFrom(fromKey)
BinarySortedState<UK, UV>
● RocksDB is a key-value store writing into MemTables → flushing into SST files
● SST files are sorted by the key in lexicographical binary order
(byte-wise unsigned comparison)
BinarySortedState - How does it work with RocksDB?!
● RocksDB offers Prefix Seek and SeekForPrev
● RocksDBMapState.RocksDBMapIterator provides efficient iteration via:
○ Fetching up to 128 RocksDB entries at once
○ RocksDBMapEntry with lazy key/value deserialization
BinarySortedState - LexicographicalTypeSerializer
● “Just” need to provide serializers that are compatible with RocksDB’s sort order
● Based on lexicographical binary order as defined by byte-wise unsigned comparison
● Compatible serializers extend LexicographicalTypeSerializer
public abstract class LexicographicalTypeSerializer<T> extends TypeSerializer<T> {
public Optional<Comparator<T>> findComparator() { return Optional.empty(); }
Stream Sort w/out BinarySortedState (1)
private BinarySortedState<Long, Long> events;
BinarySortedStateDescriptor<Long, Long> desc =
new BinarySortedStateDescriptor<>(
events = getRuntimeContext()
private MapState<Long, List<Long>> events;
MapStateDescriptor<Long, List<Long>> desc =
new MapStateDescriptor<>(
events = getRuntimeContext()
public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
Stream Sort w/out BinarySortedState (2)
public void processElement(/*...*/) {
// ...
events.add(ts, event);
// ...
public void processElement(/*...*/) {
// ...
List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts);
if (listAtTs == null) {
listAtTs = new ArrayList<>();
events.put(ts, listAtTs);
// ...
events.add(ts, event);
Stream Sort with
BinarySortedState - What’s
Happening Underneath
State (RocksDB)
add new merge
op to memtable
entry as byte[]
new list
Stream Sort with
BinarySortedState - What’s
Happening Underneath
State (RocksDB)
full list
as byte[]
(Java) list
search memtable
+ sst files
for all entries
Mark k/v as
(removal during
Stream Sort with
BinarySortedState - What’s
Happening Underneath
State (RocksDB)
Event-Time Stream Join w/out BinarySortedState (1)
private BinarySortedState<Long, Transaction>
private BinarySortedState<Long, Double> rate;
private MapState<Long, List<Transaction>>
private MapState<Long, Double> rate;
public void processElement1(/*...*/) {
// ...
if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) {
// append to BinarySortedState:
transactions.add(ts, value);
// similar for processElement2()
public void processElement1(/*...*/) {
// ...
if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) {
// replace list in MapState:
addTransaction(ts, value);
// similar for processElement2()
Event-Time Stream Join w/out BinarySortedState (2)
public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
Entry<Long, Iterable<Double>> myRate =
Double rateVal = Optional
.map(e -> e.getValue().iterator().next())
tx -> out.collect(
new Joined(rateVal, tx)));
if (myRate != null) {
rate.clearRangeUntil(myRate.getKey(), false);
public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) {
TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates =
ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries());
Double myRate = Optional
tx -> out.collect(
new Joined(myRate, tx)));
Stream Sort with BinarySortedState - Optimized
● Idea:
○ Increase efficiency by processing all events between watermarks
● Challenge:
○ Registering a timer for the next watermark will fire too often
➔ Solution:
○ Register timer for the first unprocessed event
○ When the timer fires:
■ Process all events until the current watermark (not the timer timestamp!)
● events.readRangeUntil(currentWatermark, true)
Event-Time Stream Join with BinarySortedState - Optimized
● Idea:
○ Increase efficiency by processing all events between watermarks
● Challenge:
○ Registering a timer for the next watermark will fire too often
➔ Solution:
○ Same as Stream Sort: Timer for first unprocessed event, processing until watermark, but:
○ When the timer fires:
■ Iterate both, transactions and rate (in the appropriate time range) in event-time order
Results & Future Work
Stream Sort
Stream Sort
Stream Join
● (Custom) stream sorting
● Time-based (custom) joins
● Code with range-reads or bulk-deletes
● Custom window implementations
● Min/Max with retractions
● …
● Basically everything maintaining a MapState<?, List<?>> or requiring range operations
BinarySortedState - Who will benefit?
What’s left to do?
● Iron out last bits and pieces + tests
○ Start voting thread for FLIP-220 on dev@flink.apache.org
○ Create a PR and get it merged
● Expected to land in Flink 1.17 (as experimental feature)
● Port Table/SQL/DataStream operators to improve efficiency:
○ TemporalRowTimeJoinOperator (PoC already done for validating the API ✓)
○ RowTimeSortOperator
○ IntervalJoinOperator
○ CepOperator
○ …
● Provide more LexicographicalTypeSerializers
Get ready to ROK!!!
Nico Kruber

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Introducing BinarySortedMultiMap - A new Flink state primitive to boost your application performance

  • 1. Introducing BinarySortedState A new Flink state primitive to boost your application performance Nico Kruber – Software Engineer —— David Anderson – Community Engineering – Flink Forward 22
  • 2. About me Open source ● Apache Flink contributor/committer since 2016 ○ Focus on network stack, usability, and performance Career ● PhD in Computer Science at HU Berlin / Zuse Institute Berlin ● Software engineer -> Solutions architect -> Head of Solutions Architecture @ DataArtisans/Ververica (acquired by Alibaba) ● Engineering @ Immerok About Immerok ● Building a fully managed Apache Flink cloud service for powering real-time systems at any scale ○ immerok.com 2
  • 5. Use Case: Stream Sort 20 15 11 30 35 27 21 40 41 35 1 2 5 7 6 9 10 11 13 14
  • 6. Use Case: Stream Sort - Code void processElement(Long event, /*...*/) { TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService(); long ts = ctx.timestamp(); if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) { List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts); if (listAtTs == null) { listAtTs = new ArrayList<>(); } listAtTs.add(event); events.put(ts, listAtTs); timerSvc.registerEventTimeTimer(ts); } } MapState<Long, List<Long>> events; MapStateDescriptor<Long, List<Long>> desc = new MapStateDescriptor<>( "Events", Types.LONG, Types.LIST(Types.LONG)); events = getRuntimeContext().getMapState(desc); void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { events.get(ts).forEach(out::collect); events.remove(ts); }
  • 7. List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts); if (listAtTs == null) { listAtTs = new ArrayList<>(); } listAtTs.add(event); events.put(ts, listAtTs); Use Case: Stream Sort - What’s Happening Underneath State (RocksDB) De-/Serializer full list as byte[] search memtable + sst files for one entry lookup deserialized (Java) list
  • 8. List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts); if (listAtTs == null) { listAtTs = new ArrayList<>(); } listAtTs.add(event); events.put(ts, listAtTs); Use Case: Stream Sort - What’s Happening Underneath State (RocksDB) De-/Serializer full Java list serialized list as byte[] add new entry to memtable (leave old one for compaction)
  • 9. Use Case: Stream Sort - Alternative Solutions ● Using MapState<Long, Event> instead of MapState<Long, List<Event>>? ○ Cannot handle multiple events per timestamp ● Using Window API? ○ Efficient event storage per timestamp ○ No really well-matching window types: sliding, tumbling, and session windows ● Using HashMapStateBackend? ○ No de-/serialization overhead ○ state limited by available memory ○ no incremental checkpoints ● Using ListState<Event> and filtering in onTimer()? ○ Reduced overhead in processElement() vs. more to do in onTimer()
  • 10. {ts: 5, code: GBP, rate: 1.20} {ts: 10, code: USD, rate: 1.00} {ts: 19, code: USD, rate: 1.02} rates {ts: 15, code: USD, amount: 1.00} {ts: 10, code: GBP, amount: 2.00} {ts: 25, code: USD, amount: 3.00} transactions Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join {ts1: 15, ts2: 10, amount: 1.00} {ts1: 10, ts2: 5, amount: 2.40} {ts1: 25, ts2: 19, amount: 3.06} SELECT t.ts AS ts1, r.ts AS ts2, t.amount * r.rate AS amount FROM transactions AS t LEFT JOIN rates FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF t.ts AS r ON t.code = r.code;
  • 11. void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates = ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries()); Double myRate = getLast(rates); transactions.get(ts).forEach( tx -> out.collect( new Joined(myRate, tx))); deleteAllButLast(rates); transactions.remove(ts); } Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join - Code void processElement1(Transaction value,/*...*/) { TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService(); long ts = ctx.timestamp(); if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) { addTransaction(ts, value); timerSvc.registerEventTimeTimer(ts); } } // similar for processElement2() MapState<Long, List<Transaction>> transactions; MapState<Long, Double> rate;
  • 12. void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates = ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries()); Double myRate = getLast(rates); transactions.get(ts).forEach( tx -> out.collect( new Joined(myRate, tx))); deleteAllButLast(rates); transactions.remove(ts); } With RocksDB: ● always fetching all rates’ (key+value) bytes ⚠ ● (also need to fit into memory ⚠) ● deserialize all keys keys during iteration ⚠ ○ not deserializing values (at least) ✓ Use Case: Event-Time Stream Join - Code void processElement1(Transaction value,/*...*/) { TimerService timerSvc = ctx.timerService(); long ts = ctx.timestamp(); if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) { addTransaction(ts, value); timerSvc.registerEventTimeTimer(ts); } } // similar for processElement2() Similar to stream sort, with RocksDB: ● always fetch/write full lists ⚠ ● always de-/serialize full list ⚠ ● additional stress on RocksDB compaction ⚠ MapState<Long, List<Transaction>> transactions; MapState<Long, Double> rate;
  • 14. BinarySortedState - History “Temporal state” Hackathon project (David + Nico + Seth) ● Main primitives: getAt(), getAtOrBefore(), getAtOrAfter(), add(), addAll(), update() 2020 Nov 2021 April 2022 started as a Hackathon project (David + Nico) on custom windowing with process functions Created FLIP-220 and discussed on dev@flink.apache.org ● Extended scope further to allow arbitrary user keys (not just timestamps) ○ Identified further use cases in SQL operators, e.g. min/max with retractions ● Clarified serializer requirements ● Extend proposed API to offer range read and clear operations ● …
  • 15. ● A new keyed-state primitive, built on top of ListState ● Efficiently add to list of values for a user-provided key ● Efficiently iterate user-keys in a well-defined sort order, with native state-backend support, especially RocksDB ● Efficient operations for time-based functions (windowing, sorting, event-time joins, custom, ...) ● Operations on subset of the state, based on user-key ranges ● Portable between state backends (RocksDB, HashMap) BinarySortedState - Goals
  • 16. BinarySortedState - API (subject to change!) ● Point-operations: ○ valuesAt(key) ○ add(key, value) ○ put(key, values) ○ clearEntryAt(key) ● Lookups: ○ firstEntry(), firstEntry(fromKey) ○ lastEntry(), lastEntry(UK toKey) ● Cleanup: ○ clear() ● Range-operations: ○ readRange(fromKey, toKey, inclusiveToKey) ○ readRangeUntil(toKey, inclusiveToKey) ○ readRangeFrom(fromKey) ● Range-deletes: ○ clearEntryAt(key) ○ clearRange( fromKey, toKey, inclusiveToKey) ○ clearRangeUntil(toKey, inclusiveToKey) ○ clearRangeFrom(fromKey) BinarySortedState<UK, UV>
  • 17. ● RocksDB is a key-value store writing into MemTables → flushing into SST files ● SST files are sorted by the key in lexicographical binary order (byte-wise unsigned comparison) BinarySortedState - How does it work with RocksDB?! ● RocksDB offers Prefix Seek and SeekForPrev ● RocksDBMapState.RocksDBMapIterator provides efficient iteration via: ○ Fetching up to 128 RocksDB entries at once ○ RocksDBMapEntry with lazy key/value deserialization
  • 18. BinarySortedState - LexicographicalTypeSerializer ● “Just” need to provide serializers that are compatible with RocksDB’s sort order ● Based on lexicographical binary order as defined by byte-wise unsigned comparison ● Compatible serializers extend LexicographicalTypeSerializer public abstract class LexicographicalTypeSerializer<T> extends TypeSerializer<T> { public Optional<Comparator<T>> findComparator() { return Optional.empty(); } }
  • 19. Stream Sort w/out BinarySortedState (1) private BinarySortedState<Long, Long> events; BinarySortedStateDescriptor<Long, Long> desc = new BinarySortedStateDescriptor<>( "Events", LexicographicLongSerializer.INSTANCE, Types.LONG); events = getRuntimeContext() .getBinarySortedState(desc); private MapState<Long, List<Long>> events; MapStateDescriptor<Long, List<Long>> desc = new MapStateDescriptor<>( "Events", Types.LONG, Types.LIST(Types.LONG)); events = getRuntimeContext() .getMapState(desc); public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { events.valuesAt(ts).forEach(out::collect); events.clearEntryAt(ts); } public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { events.get(ts).forEach(out::collect); events.remove(ts); }
  • 20. Stream Sort w/out BinarySortedState (2) public void processElement(/*...*/) { // ... events.add(ts, event); // ... } public void processElement(/*...*/) { // ... List<Long> listAtTs = events.get(ts); if (listAtTs == null) { listAtTs = new ArrayList<>(); } listAtTs.add(event); events.put(ts, listAtTs); // ... }
  • 21. events.add(ts, event); Stream Sort with BinarySortedState - What’s Happening Underneath State (RocksDB) De-/Serializer add new merge op to memtable Serialized entry as byte[] new list entry
  • 22. Stream Sort with BinarySortedState - What’s Happening Underneath State (RocksDB) De-/Serializer full list as byte[] Lookup deserialized (Java) list search memtable + sst files for all entries events.valuesAt(ts).forEach(out::collect);
  • 23. Mark k/v as deleted (removal during compaction) Stream Sort with BinarySortedState - What’s Happening Underneath State (RocksDB) De-/Serializer events.clearEntryAt(ts); Delete
  • 24. Event-Time Stream Join w/out BinarySortedState (1) private BinarySortedState<Long, Transaction> transactions; private BinarySortedState<Long, Double> rate; private MapState<Long, List<Transaction>> transactions; private MapState<Long, Double> rate; public void processElement1(/*...*/) { // ... if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) { // append to BinarySortedState: transactions.add(ts, value); timerSvc.registerEventTimeTimer(ts); } } // similar for processElement2() public void processElement1(/*...*/) { // ... if (!isLate(ts, timerSvc)) { // replace list in MapState: addTransaction(ts, value); timerSvc.registerEventTimeTimer(ts); } } // similar for processElement2()
  • 25. Event-Time Stream Join w/out BinarySortedState (2) public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { Entry<Long, Iterable<Double>> myRate = rate.lastEntry(ts); Double rateVal = Optional .ofNullable(myRate) .map(e -> e.getValue().iterator().next()) .orElse(null); transactions.valuesAt(ts).forEach( tx -> out.collect( new Joined(rateVal, tx))); if (myRate != null) { rate.clearRangeUntil(myRate.getKey(), false); } transactions.clearEntryAt(ts); } public void onTimer(long ts, /*...*/) { TreeSet<Entry<Long, Double>> rates = ratesInRange(ts, rate.entries()); Double myRate = Optional .ofNullable(rates.pollLast()) .map(Entry::getValue) .orElse(null); transactions.get(ts).forEach( tx -> out.collect( new Joined(myRate, tx))); rates.forEach(this::removeRate); transactions.remove(ts); }
  • 26. Stream Sort with BinarySortedState - Optimized ● Idea: ○ Increase efficiency by processing all events between watermarks ● Challenge: ○ Registering a timer for the next watermark will fire too often ➔ Solution: ○ Register timer for the first unprocessed event ○ When the timer fires: ■ Process all events until the current watermark (not the timer timestamp!) ● events.readRangeUntil(currentWatermark, true)
  • 27. Event-Time Stream Join with BinarySortedState - Optimized ● Idea: ○ Increase efficiency by processing all events between watermarks ● Challenge: ○ Registering a timer for the next watermark will fire too often ➔ Solution: ○ Same as Stream Sort: Timer for first unprocessed event, processing until watermark, but: ○ When the timer fires: ■ Iterate both, transactions and rate (in the appropriate time range) in event-time order
  • 32. ● (Custom) stream sorting ● Time-based (custom) joins ● Code with range-reads or bulk-deletes ● Custom window implementations ● Min/Max with retractions ● … ● Basically everything maintaining a MapState<?, List<?>> or requiring range operations BinarySortedState - Who will benefit?
  • 33. What’s left to do? ● Iron out last bits and pieces + tests ○ Start voting thread for FLIP-220 on dev@flink.apache.org ○ Create a PR and get it merged ● Expected to land in Flink 1.17 (as experimental feature) ● Port Table/SQL/DataStream operators to improve efficiency: ○ TemporalRowTimeJoinOperator (PoC already done for validating the API ✓) ○ RowTimeSortOperator ○ IntervalJoinOperator ○ CepOperator ○ … ● Provide more LexicographicalTypeSerializers
  • 34. Get ready to ROK!!! Nico Kruber linkedin.com/in/nico-kruber nico@immerok.com