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Sec on 4.2
    The Mean Value Theorem
          V63.0121.011: Calculus I
        Professor Ma hew Leingang
               New York University

               April 6, 2011


   Quiz 4 on Sec ons 3.3,
   3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 next
   week (April 14/15)
   Quiz 5 on Sec ons
   4.1–4.4 April 28/29
   Final Exam Thursday May
   12, 2:00–3:50pm
Courant Lecture tomorrow
       Persi Diaconis (Stanford)
     “The Search for Randomness”
      (General Audience Lecture)

    Thursday, April 7, 2011, 3:30pm
    Warren Weaver Hall, room 109
         Recep on to follow

Visit http://cims.nyu.edu/ for details
             and to RSVP

   Understand and be able
   to explain the statement
   of Rolle’s Theorem.
   Understand and be able
   to explain the statement
   of the Mean Value

Recommended for you

Chain rule
Chain ruleChain rule
Chain rule

1. The chain rule describes how to take the derivative of a function composed of other functions. It states that if z = f(x, y) and x and y are functions of t, then the derivative of z with respect to t is the sum of the partial derivatives multiplied by the derivatives of x and y with respect to t. 2. The chain rule is applied to find the derivative of two example functions, w = xy and w = xy + z, with respect to t along given paths for x, y, and z in terms of t. 3. The chain rule is generalized to the case of a function u of n variables, where each variable is a function of m other variables

Riemann's Sum
Riemann's SumRiemann's Sum
Riemann's Sum

The document introduces approximations of the area under a curve using Riemann sums with rectangles. It explains left and right Riemann sums, showing how to calculate them by dividing the area into equal subintervals and determining the height of each rectangle. While Riemann sums provide approximations, taking the widths of the subintervals to zero provides the exact area under a curve, as shown in a video clip about the concept. Riemann sums have applications in economics for determining consumer surplus and in science for modeling phenomena like blood flow.

Rational Zeros and Decarte's Rule of Signs
Rational Zeros and Decarte's Rule of SignsRational Zeros and Decarte's Rule of Signs
Rational Zeros and Decarte's Rule of Signs

The Rational Zero Theorem provides a method to determine all possible rational zeros of a polynomial function. It states that if p/q is a rational zero, then p is a factor of the constant term and q is a factor of the leading coefficient. Descartes' Rule of Signs can be used to determine the maximum number of positive and negative real zeros by counting the variations in sign of the polynomial function and its substitution of -x. It provides bounds on the number of positive and negative real zeros that are either the number of variations in sign or less by an even integer. The example demonstrates applying these methods to determine all 16 possible rational zeros and the bounds of 0 positive and either 3 or 1 negative real zeros for the given polynomial.

 Rolle’s Theorem

 The Mean Value Theorem
    Applica ons

 Why the MVT is the MITC
   Func ons with deriva ves that are zero
   MVT and differen ability
Heuristic Motivation for Rolle’s Theorem
        If you bike up a hill, then back down, at some point your eleva on
        was sta onary.

Image credit: SpringSun
Mathematical Statement of Rolle’s
 Theorem (Rolle’s Theorem)

   Let f be con nuous on [a, b]
   and differen able on (a, b).
   Suppose f(a) = f(b). Then
   there exists a point c in
   (a, b) such that f′ (c) = 0.   .
                                      a   b
Mathematical Statement of Rolle’s
 Theorem (Rolle’s Theorem)

   Let f be con nuous on [a, b]
   and differen able on (a, b).
   Suppose f(a) = f(b). Then
   there exists a point c in
   (a, b) such that f′ (c) = 0.   .
                                      a       b

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Differential calculus maxima minima
Differential calculus  maxima minimaDifferential calculus  maxima minima
Differential calculus maxima minima

critical points/ stationary points , turning points,Increasing, decreasing functions, absolute maxima & Minima, Local Maxima & Minima , convex upward & convex downward - first & second derivative tests.

differential calculus maxima minimacritical points/ stationary pointsturning points
Applications of maxima and minima
Applications of maxima and minimaApplications of maxima and minima
Applications of maxima and minima

This document discusses finding the maximum and minimum values of functions, as well as points of inflection. It provides instructions on how to find the coordinates of turning points by setting the derivative of the function equal to zero and solving. It also discusses how to determine if a turning point is a maximum or minimum by taking the second derivative and checking if it is positive or negative. The document concludes by giving examples of how to apply these concepts to optimization word problems involving areas, volumes, or other quantities that need to be maximized or minimized under certain constraints.

3.2.interpolation lagrange
3.2.interpolation lagrange3.2.interpolation lagrange
3.2.interpolation lagrange

The document provides information about Lagrangian interpolation, including: 1. It introduces Lagrangian interpolation as a method to find the value of a function at a discrete point using a polynomial that passes through known data points. 2. It gives the formula for the Lagrangian interpolating polynomial and provides an example of using it to find the velocity of a rocket at a certain time. 3. It discusses using higher order polynomials for interpolation, providing another example that calculates velocity using quadratic and cubic polynomials.

Flowchart proof of Rolle’s Theorem
     Let c be
         .              Let d be
                            .                 .        .
                                          are max
   the max pt          the min pt
                                          and min

                                           f is
     is c.an             is d. an.           .
                 yes               yes   constant
   endpoint?           endpoint?
                                         on [a, b]

        no                  no
    ′                   ′                f′ (x) .≡ 0
    f (c) .= 0         f (d) .= 0
                                         on (a, b)
 Rolle’s Theorem

 The Mean Value Theorem
    Applica ons

 Why the MVT is the MITC
   Func ons with deriva ves that are zero
   MVT and differen ability
Heuristic Motivation for The Mean Value Theorem
        If you drive between points A and B, at some me your speedometer
        reading was the same as your average speed over the drive.

Image credit: ClintJCL
The Mean Value Theorem
 Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem)

   Let f be con nuous on
   [a, b] and differen able on
   (a, b). Then there exists a
   point c in (a, b) such that

       f(b) − f(a)                          b
                   = f′ (c).        .
          b−a                           a

Recommended for you

Higher Differential Equation
Higher Differential EquationHigher Differential Equation
Higher Differential Equation

1) Ordinary differential equations relate a dependent variable to one or more independent variables by means of differential coefficients. They can be classified based on order, degree, whether they are linear or non-linear, and type (exact, separable variables, homogeneous). 2) First order differential equations can sometimes be solved by separation of variables, or by finding an integrating factor. Homogeneous equations can be transformed by substitution. 3) Second order linear differential equations can be reduced to a system of two first order equations. The complementary function and particular solutions combine to form the general solution. Unequal or equal roots of the characteristic equation determine the form of the complementary function.


An ellipse is defined algebraically as the set of all points where the sum of the distances to two fixed points (the foci) is a constant. Geometrically, an ellipse can be constructed by stretching a circle: using a piece of string fixed at both ends (the foci) and tracing the path of a pencil as it is moved around so that the total length of string remains constant. The standard equation of an ellipse is (x-h)2/a2 + (y-k)2/b2 = 1, where (h,k) is the center and a and b are the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes. To graph an ellipse, one plots

Graphing rational functions
Graphing rational functionsGraphing rational functions
Graphing rational functions

1. The rational function f(x) = 1/x^2 has a vertical asymptote at x = 2 because the denominator is 0 at that point. 2. As x values approach 2 from either side, y values approach positive or negative infinity, respectively. 3. The graph gets closer and closer to the vertical line x = 2 but never touches it. This line is called a vertical asymptote. 4. The graph also has a horizontal asymptote at y = 0, as y values approach 0 as x values increase or decrease indefinitely.

The Mean Value Theorem
 Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem)

   Let f be con nuous on
   [a, b] and differen able on
   (a, b). Then there exists a
   point c in (a, b) such that

       f(b) − f(a)                          b
                   = f′ (c).        .
          b−a                           a
The Mean Value Theorem
 Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem)

   Let f be con nuous on                    c
   [a, b] and differen able on
   (a, b). Then there exists a
   point c in (a, b) such that

       f(b) − f(a)                              b
                   = f′ (c).        .
          b−a                           a
Rolle vs. MVT
                            f(b) − f(a)
           f′ (c) = 0                   = f′ (c)
              c                    c

   .                    .
       a            b          a
Rolle vs. MVT
                                                 f(b) − f(a)
             f′ (c) = 0                                      = f′ (c)
                c                                       c

     .                                       .
         a            b                             a
 If the x-axis is skewed the pictures look the same.

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CMSC 56 | Lecture 15: Closures of Relations
CMSC 56 | Lecture 15: Closures of RelationsCMSC 56 | Lecture 15: Closures of Relations
CMSC 56 | Lecture 15: Closures of Relations

The document discusses closures of relations, including reflexive closure and symmetric closure. It provides definitions and theorems related to closures. It also uses an example to illustrate finding the reflexive closure and symmetric closure of a relation. Additionally, it covers topics like paths in directed graphs, shortest paths, and transitive closure. It includes an example of calculating the transitive closure of a relation by finding its zero-one matrix.

computercomputer scienceclosures
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (slides)Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (slides)

The document discusses the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, which has two parts. The first part states that if a function f is continuous on an interval, then the derivative of the integral of f is equal to f. This is proven using Riemann sums. The second part relates the integral of a function f to the integral of its derivative F'. Examples are provided to illustrate how the area under a curve relates to these concepts.

Numerical analysis ppt
Numerical analysis pptNumerical analysis ppt
Numerical analysis ppt

This document discusses several numerical analysis methods for finding roots of equations or solving systems of equations. It describes the bisection method for finding roots of continuous functions, the method of false positions for approximating roots between two values with opposite signs of a function, Gauss elimination for transforming a system of equations into triangular form, Gauss-Jordan method which further eliminates variables in equations below, and iterative methods which find solutions through successive approximations rather than direct computation.

bisection method
Proof of the Mean Value Theorem
 The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on

                                  f(b) − f(a)
                  L(x) = f(a) +               (x − a)
Proof of the Mean Value Theorem
 The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on

                                  f(b) − f(a)
                  L(x) = f(a) +               (x − a)
 Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on
                                            f(b) − f(a)
       g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) −               (x − a).
Proof of the Mean Value Theorem
 The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on

                                   f(b) − f(a)
                   L(x) = f(a) +               (x − a)
 Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on
                                             f(b) − f(a)
        g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) −               (x − a).
 Then g is con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b) since f is.
Proof of the Mean Value Theorem
 The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on

                                   f(b) − f(a)
                   L(x) = f(a) +               (x − a)
 Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on
                                             f(b) − f(a)
        g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) −               (x − a).
 Then g is con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b) since f is.
 Also g(a) = 0 and g(b) = 0 (check both).

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metric spaces
metric spacesmetric spaces
metric spaces

This document defines metric spaces and discusses their basic properties. It begins by defining what a metric is and what constitutes a metric space. It provides some basic examples of metrics, such as the discrete metric and p-norm metrics. It then discusses metric topologies, defining open and closed balls and showing that the collection of open sets forms a topology. It also introduces the concept of topologically equivalent metrics.

Partial derivative1
Partial derivative1Partial derivative1
Partial derivative1

1) The document defines partial derivatives of functions of multiple variables and discusses notation for partial derivatives. 2) It describes calculating a partial derivative by treating all other variables as constants and taking the ordinary derivative with respect to the variable of interest. 3) Higher order partial derivatives are discussed, which are partial derivatives of previously obtained partial derivatives. Schwartz' theorem states that for functions of two variables, mixed partial derivatives are equal if one of them exists and is continuous.

Properties of straight lines
Properties of straight linesProperties of straight lines
Properties of straight lines

This document defines key concepts related to straight lines, including their various forms of equations, slope, intercepts, and how to calculate them. It discusses the general, standard, point-slope, and intercept forms of linear equations. It also explains how to find the slope between two points using the slope formula, and how to determine the x-intercept and y-intercept from a line's equation. Examples are provided to illustrate these concepts.

Proof of the Mean Value Theorem

                                            f(b) − f(a)
          g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) −             (x − a).
  So by Rolle’s Theorem there exists a point c in (a, b) such that

                                             f(b) − f(a)
                     0 = g′ (c) = f′ (c) −               .
Using the MVT to count solutions
 Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the
 interval [4, 5].
Using the MVT to count solutions
 Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the
 interval [4, 5].

 Solu on
     By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x
     must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5).
Using the MVT to count solutions
 Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the
 interval [4, 5].

 Solu on
     By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x
     must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5).
     If there were two points c1 and c2 with f(c1 ) = f(c2 ) = 100,
     then somewhere between them would be a point c3 between
     them with f′ (c3 ) = 0.

Recommended for you

Inverse function
Inverse functionInverse function
Inverse function

The document discusses inverse functions, including: - An inverse function undoes the output of the original function by relating the input and output variables. - For a function to have an inverse, it must be one-to-one so that each output is paired with a unique input. - To find the inverse of a function, swap the input and output variables and isolate the new output variable.

functioninverse functioninverse
Numerical integration
Numerical integrationNumerical integration
Numerical integration

Integration is used in physics to determine rates of change and distances given velocities. Numerical integration is required when the antiderivative is unknown. It involves approximating the definite integral of a function as the area under its curve between bounds. The Trapezoidal Rule approximates this area using straight lines between points, while Simpson's Rule uses quadratic or cubic functions, achieving greater accuracy with fewer points. Both methods involve dividing the area into strips and summing their widths multiplied by the function values at strip points.

simpson’s ruletrapezoidal rulenumerical integration
4.7 use isosceles and equilateral triangles
4.7 use isosceles and equilateral triangles4.7 use isosceles and equilateral triangles
4.7 use isosceles and equilateral triangles

This geometry lesson covers properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles. It defines key terms like base angles theorem and equilateral triangle corollary. Examples are provided to find missing angle and side measures in various triangles. Students are guided through practice problems to apply the concepts before independent practice questions to find values of variables and perimeters of triangles.

Using the MVT to count solutions
 Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the
 interval [4, 5].

 Solu on
     By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x
     must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5).
     If there were two points c1 and c2 with f(c1 ) = f(c2 ) = 100,
     then somewhere between them would be a point c3 between
     them with f′ (c3 ) = 0.
     However, f′ (x) = 3x2 − 1, which is posi ve all along (4, 5). So
     this is impossible.
Using the MVT to estimate
 We know that |sin x| ≤ 1 for all x, and that sin x ≈ x for small x.
 Show that |sin x| ≤ |x| for all x.
Using the MVT to estimate
 We know that |sin x| ≤ 1 for all x, and that sin x ≈ x for small x.
 Show that |sin x| ≤ |x| for all x.

 Solu on
  Apply the MVT to the func on
  f(t) = sin t on [0, x]. We get        Since |cos(c)| ≤ 1, we get
      sin x − sin 0                       sin x
                    = cos(c)                    ≤ 1 =⇒ |sin x| ≤ |x|
          x−0                               x
 for some c in (0, x).
Using the MVT to estimate II

 Let f be a differen able func on with f(1) = 3 and f′ (x) < 2 for all x
 in [0, 5]. Could f(4) ≥ 9?

Recommended for you

Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (slides)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (slides)Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (slides)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (slides)

The derivative of a composition of functions is the product of the derivatives of those functions. This rule is important because compositions are so powerful.

Calculus 2.2 Continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, Min Max Theorem
Calculus 2.2 Continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, Min Max TheoremCalculus 2.2 Continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, Min Max Theorem
Calculus 2.2 Continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, Min Max Theorem
calculus 2.2 continuitymin max theoremintermediate value theorem
Lesson 4: Calcuating Limits (slides)
Lesson 4: Calcuating Limits (slides)Lesson 4: Calcuating Limits (slides)
Lesson 4: Calcuating Limits (slides)

The document discusses limits and the limit laws. It introduces the concept of a limit using an "error-tolerance" game. It then proves some basic limits, such as the limit of x as x approaches a equals a, and the limit of a constant c equals c. It also proves the limit laws, such as the fact that limits can be combined using arithmetic operations and the rules for limits of quotients and roots.

limit lawsv6301210012011spv6301212011sp
Using the MVT to estimate II
 Solu on
    By MVT
          f(4) − f(1)
                      = f′ (c) < 2
   for some c in (1, 4). Therefore

   f(4) = f(1) + f′ (c)(3) < 3 + 2 · 3 = 9.

   So no, it is impossible that f(4) ≥ 9.
Using the MVT to estimate II
 Solu on
    By MVT
                                              y       (4, 9)
          f(4) − f(1)
                      = f′ (c) < 2                      (4, f(4))
   for some c in (1, 4). Therefore

   f(4) = f(1) + f′ (c)(3) < 3 + 2 · 3 = 9.           (1, 3)
   So no, it is impossible that f(4) ≥ 9.         .            x
Food for Thought
 Ques on
 A driver travels along the New Jersey Turnpike using E-ZPass. The
 system takes note of the me and place the driver enters and exits
 the Turnpike. A week a er his trip, the driver gets a speeding cket
 in the mail. Which of the following best describes the situa on?
 (a) E-ZPass cannot prove that the driver was speeding
 (b) E-ZPass can prove that the driver was speeding
 (c) The driver’s actual maximum speed exceeds his cketed speed
 (d) Both (b) and (c).
Food for Thought
 Ques on
 A driver travels along the New Jersey Turnpike using E-ZPass. The
 system takes note of the me and place the driver enters and exits
 the Turnpike. A week a er his trip, the driver gets a speeding cket
 in the mail. Which of the following best describes the situa on?
 (a) E-ZPass cannot prove that the driver was speeding
 (b) E-ZPass can prove that the driver was speeding
 (c) The driver’s actual maximum speed exceeds his cketed speed
 (d) Both (b) and (c).

Recommended for you

Lesson 8: Basic Differentation Rules (slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentation Rules (slides)Lesson 8: Basic Differentation Rules (slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentation Rules (slides)

This document provides an outline for a calculus lecture on basic differentiation rules. It includes objectives to understand key rules like the constant multiple rule, sum rule, and derivatives of sine and cosine. Examples are worked through to find the derivatives of functions like squaring, cubing, square root, and cube root using the definition of the derivative. Graphs and properties of derived functions are also discussed.

Lesson 7: The Derivative (slides)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (slides)Lesson 7: The Derivative (slides)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (slides)

Many functions in nature are described as the rate of change of another function. The concept is called the derivative. Algebraically, the process of finding the derivative involves a limit of difference quotients.

marginal costv6301210012011spv6301212011sp
Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay (slides)
Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay (slides)Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay (slides)
Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay (slides)

Many problems in nature are expressible in terms of a certain differential equation that has a solution in terms of exponential functions. We look at the equation in general and some fun applications, including radioactivity, cooling, and interest.

compound interestradioactivityv6301210012011sp
 Rolle’s Theorem

 The Mean Value Theorem
    Applica ons

 Why the MVT is the MITC
   Func ons with deriva ves that are zero
   MVT and differen ability
Functions with derivatives that are zero

 If f is constant on (a, b), then f′ (x) = 0 on (a, b).
Functions with derivatives that are zero

 If f is constant on (a, b), then f′ (x) = 0 on (a, b).

        The limit of difference quo ents must be 0
        The tangent line to a line is that line, and a constant func on’s
        graph is a horizontal line, which has slope 0.
        Implied by the power rule since c = cx0
Functions with derivatives that are zero

 Ques on
 If f′ (x) = 0 is f necessarily a constant func on?

Recommended for you

Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)

This document contains lecture notes on derivatives and the shapes of curves from a Calculus I class taught by Professor Matthew Leingang at New York University. The notes cover using derivatives to determine the intervals where a function is increasing or decreasing, classifying critical points as maxima or minima, using the second derivative to determine concavity, and applying the first and second derivative tests. Examples are provided to illustrate finding intervals of monotonicity for various functions.

increasingconcave upv6301210012011sp
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)

There are various reasons why we would want to find the extreme (maximum and minimum values) of a function. Fermat's Theorem tells us we can find local extreme points by looking at critical points. This process is known as the Closed Interval Method.

Lesson 6: Limits Involving Infinity (slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving Infinity (slides)Lesson 6: Limits Involving Infinity (slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving Infinity (slides)

Infinity is a complicated concept, but there are rules for dealing with both limits at infinity and infinite limits.

limit lawsinfinityv6301210012011sp
Functions with derivatives that are zero

 Ques on
 If f′ (x) = 0 is f necessarily a constant func on?

      It seems true
      But so far no theorem (that we have proven) uses informa on
      about the deriva ve of a func on to determine informa on
      about the func on itself
Why the MVT is the MITC
(Most Important Theorem In Calculus!)
  Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b).
Why the MVT is the MITC
(Most Important Theorem In Calculus!)
  Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b). Then f is constant on (a, b).
Why the MVT is the MITC
(Most Important Theorem In Calculus!)
  Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b). Then f is constant on (a, b).

  Pick any points x and y in (a, b) with x < y. Then f is con nuous on
  [x, y] and differen able on (x, y). By MVT there exists a point z in
  (x, y) such that
                          f(y) − f(x)
                                       = f′ (z) = 0.
  So f(y) = f(x). Since this is true for all x and y in (a, b), then f is

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Taylor series
Taylor seriesTaylor series
Taylor series

The Taylor series provides a means to approximate a function value at one point based on the function value and its derivatives at another known point. It states that any smooth function can be approximated as a polynomial. The Taylor series expansion allows estimating the value of a function like x^100 at a point like x=20 by using the known value and derivatives of the function at another point, like x=1. Increasing the order of the Taylor series approximation or decreasing the step size between points improves the accuracy of the approximation.

taylor series
Lesson 12: Linear Approximations and Differentials (slides)
Lesson 12: Linear Approximations and Differentials (slides)Lesson 12: Linear Approximations and Differentials (slides)
Lesson 12: Linear Approximations and Differentials (slides)

The line tangent to a curve is also the line which best "fits" the curve near that point. So derivatives can be used for approximating complicated functions with simple linear ones. Differentials are another set of notation for the same problem.

Lesson 3: The Limit of a Function (slides)
Lesson 3: The Limit of a Function (slides)Lesson 3: The Limit of a Function (slides)
Lesson 3: The Limit of a Function (slides)

The document discusses an introductory calculus class and provides announcements about homework due dates and a student survey. It also outlines guidelines for written homework assignments, the grading rubric, and examples of what to include and avoid in written work. The document aims to provide students information about course policies and expectations for written assignments.

Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.
Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.

Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.

      Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x)
Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.

      Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x)
      Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b)

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Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (slides)Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (slides)

The product rule is generally better because: - It is more systematic and avoids mistakes from expanding products - It works for any differentiable functions u and v, not just polynomials - It provides insight into the structure of the derivative that direct computation does not So in this example, using the product rule is preferable to direct multiplication.

v6301210012011spv6301212011spproduct rule
Lesson 5: Continuity (slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (slides)

1) The document provides an overview of continuity, including defining continuity as a function having a limit equal to its value at a point. 2) It discusses several theorems related to continuity, such as the sum of continuous functions being continuous and various trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions being continuous on their domains. 3) The document also covers inverse trigonometric functions and their domains of continuity.

limit lawsv6301210012011spv6301212011sp
Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation (slides)
Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation (slides)Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation (slides)
Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation (slides)

Using implicit differentiation we can treat relations which are not quite functions like they were functions. In particular, we can find the slopes of lines tangent to curves which are not graphs of functions.

Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.

      Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x)
      Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b)
      So h(x) = C, a constant
Functions with the same derivative
 Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with
 f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a
 constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.

      Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x)
      Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b)
      So h(x) = C, a constant
      This means f(x) − g(x) = C on (a, b)
MVT and differentiability
             −x   if x ≤ 0
f(x) =
             x2   if x ≥ 0

Is f differen able at 0?
MVT and differentiability
Example                      Solu on (from the defini on)
Let                          We have
             −x   if x ≤ 0          f(x) − f(0)        −x
f(x) =                          lim−            = lim−    = −1
             x2   if x ≥ 0     x→0     x−0        x→0   x
                                    f(x) − f(0)        x2
Is f differen able at 0?         lim             = lim+ = lim+ x = 0
                               x→0+    x−0        x→0 x    x→0

                             Since these limits disagree, f is not
                             differen able at 0.

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Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)

We cover the inverses to the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant, and their derivatives. The remarkable fact is that although these functions and their inverses are transcendental (complicated) functions, the derivatives are algebraic functions. Also, we meet my all-time favorite function: arctan.

Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)

The document discusses curve sketching of functions by analyzing their derivatives. It provides: 1) A checklist for graphing a function which involves finding where the function is positive/negative/zero, its monotonicity from the first derivative, and concavity from the second derivative. 2) An example of graphing the cubic function f(x) = 2x^3 - 3x^2 - 12x through analyzing its derivatives. 3) Explanations of the increasing/decreasing test and concavity test to determine monotonicity and concavity from a function's derivatives.

Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions (slides)
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions (slides)Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions (slides)
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions (slides)

This document provides an overview of different types of functions including: linear, polynomial, rational, power, trigonometric, and exponential functions. It discusses representing functions verbally, numerically, visually, and symbolically. Key topics covered include transformations of functions through shifting graphs vertically and horizontally, as well as composing multiple functions.

trigonometric functionsinev6301210012011sp
MVT and differentiability
Example                      Solu on (Sort of)
Let                          If x < 0, then f′ (x) = −1. If x > 0, then
         {                   f′ (x) = 2x. Since
             −x   if x ≤ 0
f(x) =
             x2   if x ≥ 0        lim+ f′ (x) = 0 and lim− f′ (x) = −1,
                                  x→0                  x→0

Is f differen able at 0?      the limit lim f′ (x) does not exist and so f is
                             not differen able at 0.
Why only “sort of”?
  This solu on is valid but less           f′ (x)
  direct.                              y   f(x)
  We seem to be using the
  following fact: If lim f′ (x) does
  not exist, then f is not             .   x
  differen able at a.
  equivalently: If f is differen able
  at a, then lim f′ (x) exists.
  But this “fact” is not true!
Differentiable with discontinuous derivative
  It is possible for a func on f to be differen able at a even if lim f′ (x)
  does not exist.
        ′        x2 sin(1/x) if x ̸= 0
  Let f (x) =                          .
                 0            if x = 0
  Then when x ̸= 0,

  f′ (x) = 2x sin(1/x) + x2 cos(1/x)(−1/x2 ) = 2x sin(1/x) − cos(1/x),

  which has no limit at 0.
Differentiable with discontinuous derivative
  It is possible for a func on f to be differen able at a even if lim f′ (x)
  does not exist.
        ′        x2 sin(1/x) if x ̸= 0
  Let f (x) =                          .
                 0            if x = 0

      ′          f(x) − f(0)       x2 sin(1/x)
     f (0) = lim             = lim             = lim x sin(1/x) = 0
             x→0    x−0        x→0       x       x→0

  So f′ (0) = 0. Hence f is differen able for all x, but f′ is not
  con nuous at 0!

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Lesson 1: Functions and their representations (slides)
Lesson 1: Functions and their representations (slides)Lesson 1: Functions and their representations (slides)
Lesson 1: Functions and their representations (slides)

The function is the fundamental unit in calculus. There are many ways to describe functions: with words, pictures, symbols, or numbers.

Mth3101 Advanced Calculus Chapter 1
Mth3101 Advanced Calculus Chapter 1Mth3101 Advanced Calculus Chapter 1
Mth3101 Advanced Calculus Chapter 1

This document discusses the mean value theorem and continuity in calculus. It defines Rolle's theorem, which states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the open interval, and if the function is equal at the endpoints, then its derivative must be equal to zero for at least one value between the endpoints. It then uses Rolle's theorem to prove the mean value theorem, which states that the rate of change of a function over an interval is equal to the derivative of the function at some value between the endpoints. Finally, it introduces the Cauchy mean value theorem, which relates the rates of change of two functions over an interval to their derivatives at some interior point.

advanced calculus
Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves
Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of CurvesLesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves
Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves

The document is a lecture on derivatives and the shapes of curves. It covers the mean value theorem, testing for monotonicity using the first derivative test, and finding intervals of monotonicity. It also discusses concavity and the second derivative test. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to find the intervals where a function is increasing or decreasing using the first derivative test.

increasingcalculusconcave up
Differentiability FAIL
              f(x)                           f′ (x)

                .       x                       .          x

 This func on is differen able   But the deriva ve is not
 at 0.                          con nuous at 0!
MVT to the rescue

 Suppose f is con nuous on [a, b] and lim+ f′ (x) = m. Then

                                f(x) − f(a)
                         lim+               = m.
                        x→a        x−a
MVT to the rescue
 Choose x near a and greater than a. Then
                            f(x) − f(a)
                                        = f′ (cx )
 for some cx where a < cx < x. As x → a, cx → a as well, so:
                   f(x) − f(a)
            lim+               = lim+ f′ (cx ) = lim+ f′ (x) = m.
           x→a        x−a        x→a             x→a
Using the MVT to find limits

                   lim f′ (x) = m1 and lim+ f′ (x) = m2
                  x→a−                  x→a
 If m1 = m2 , then f is differen able at a. If m1 ̸= m2 , then f is not
 differen able at a.

Recommended for you

Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves
Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of CurvesLesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves
Lesson 21: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves

We discuss the ideas of monotonicity (increasing or decreasing) and concavity (up or down) of a function. Because of the Mean Value Theorem, we can determine these characteristics using derivatives.

Lesson 20: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 20: The Mean Value TheoremLesson 20: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 20: The Mean Value Theorem

The Mean Value Theorem is the most important theorem in calculus! It allows us to infer information about a function from information about its derivative. Such as: a function whose derivative is zero must be a constant function.

Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem
Rolle's theorem, mean value theoremRolle's theorem, mean value theorem
Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem

1. Rolle's theorem states that if a function f(x) is continuous on the closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on the open interval (a,b), and f(a) = f(b), then there exists at least one number c in (a,b) where the derivative f'(c) = 0. 2. The mean value theorem states that if a function f(x) is continuous on a closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on the open interval (a,b), there exists a number c in (a,b) such that f'(c) = (f(b) - f(a))/(b - a).

Using the MVT to find limits
 We know by the lemma that
                           f(x) − f(a)
                      lim−             = lim− f′ (x)
                     x→a      x−a        x→a
                           f(x) − f(a)
                      lim+             = lim+ f′ (x)
                     x→a      x−a        x→a

 The two-sided limit exists if (and only if) the two right-hand sides
  Rolle’s Theorem: under suitable condi ons, func ons must
  have cri cal points.
  Mean Value Theorem: under suitable condi ons, func ons
  must have an instantaneous rate of change equal to the
  average rate of change.
  A func on whose deriva ve is iden cally zero on an interval
  must be constant on that interval.
  E-ZPass is kinder than we realized.

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Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
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Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 17: The Mean Value Theorem
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Lesson 17: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
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Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
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Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
Mean Value Theorem explained with examples.pptx
Mean Value Theorem explained with examples.pptxMean Value Theorem explained with examples.pptx
Mean Value Theorem explained with examples.pptx
AP Calculus December 10, 2008
AP Calculus December 10, 2008AP Calculus December 10, 2008
AP Calculus December 10, 2008
Rolle's Theorem
Rolle's TheoremRolle's Theorem
Rolle's Theorem
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (handout)
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (handout)
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (handout)
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (handout)
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Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (handout)
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Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)

  • 1. Sec on 4.2 The Mean Value Theorem V63.0121.011: Calculus I Professor Ma hew Leingang New York University April 6, 2011 .
  • 2. Announcements Quiz 4 on Sec ons 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 next week (April 14/15) Quiz 5 on Sec ons 4.1–4.4 April 28/29 Final Exam Thursday May 12, 2:00–3:50pm
  • 3. Courant Lecture tomorrow Persi Diaconis (Stanford) “The Search for Randomness” (General Audience Lecture) Thursday, April 7, 2011, 3:30pm Warren Weaver Hall, room 109 Recep on to follow Visit http://cims.nyu.edu/ for details and to RSVP
  • 4. Objectives Understand and be able to explain the statement of Rolle’s Theorem. Understand and be able to explain the statement of the Mean Value Theorem.
  • 5. Outline Rolle’s Theorem The Mean Value Theorem Applica ons Why the MVT is the MITC Func ons with deriva ves that are zero MVT and differen ability
  • 6. Heuristic Motivation for Rolle’s Theorem If you bike up a hill, then back down, at some point your eleva on was sta onary. . Image credit: SpringSun
  • 7. Mathematical Statement of Rolle’s Theorem Theorem (Rolle’s Theorem) Let f be con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b). Suppose f(a) = f(b). Then there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f′ (c) = 0. . a b
  • 8. Mathematical Statement of Rolle’s Theorem Theorem (Rolle’s Theorem) c Let f be con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b). Suppose f(a) = f(b). Then there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f′ (c) = 0. . a b
  • 9. Flowchart proof of Rolle’s Theorem endpoints Let c be . Let d be . . . are max the max pt the min pt and min f is is c.an is d. an. . yes yes constant endpoint? endpoint? on [a, b] no no ′ ′ f′ (x) .≡ 0 f (c) .= 0 f (d) .= 0 on (a, b)
  • 10. Outline Rolle’s Theorem The Mean Value Theorem Applica ons Why the MVT is the MITC Func ons with deriva ves that are zero MVT and differen ability
  • 11. Heuristic Motivation for The Mean Value Theorem If you drive between points A and B, at some me your speedometer reading was the same as your average speed over the drive. . Image credit: ClintJCL
  • 12. The Mean Value Theorem Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem) Let f be con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b). Then there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f(b) − f(a) b = f′ (c). . b−a a
  • 13. The Mean Value Theorem Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem) Let f be con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b). Then there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f(b) − f(a) b = f′ (c). . b−a a
  • 14. The Mean Value Theorem Theorem (The Mean Value Theorem) Let f be con nuous on c [a, b] and differen able on (a, b). Then there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f(b) − f(a) b = f′ (c). . b−a a
  • 15. Rolle vs. MVT f(b) − f(a) f′ (c) = 0 = f′ (c) b−a c c b . . a b a
  • 16. Rolle vs. MVT f(b) − f(a) f′ (c) = 0 = f′ (c) b−a c c b . . a b a If the x-axis is skewed the pictures look the same.
  • 17. Proof of the Mean Value Theorem Proof. The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on f(b) − f(a) L(x) = f(a) + (x − a) b−a
  • 18. Proof of the Mean Value Theorem Proof. The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on f(b) − f(a) L(x) = f(a) + (x − a) b−a Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on f(b) − f(a) g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) − (x − a). b−a
  • 19. Proof of the Mean Value Theorem Proof. The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on f(b) − f(a) L(x) = f(a) + (x − a) b−a Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on f(b) − f(a) g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) − (x − a). b−a Then g is con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b) since f is.
  • 20. Proof of the Mean Value Theorem Proof. The line connec ng (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) has equa on f(b) − f(a) L(x) = f(a) + (x − a) b−a Apply Rolle’s Theorem to the func on f(b) − f(a) g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) − (x − a). b−a Then g is con nuous on [a, b] and differen able on (a, b) since f is. Also g(a) = 0 and g(b) = 0 (check both).
  • 21. Proof of the Mean Value Theorem Proof. f(b) − f(a) g(x) = f(x) − L(x) = f(x) − f(a) − (x − a). b−a So by Rolle’s Theorem there exists a point c in (a, b) such that f(b) − f(a) 0 = g′ (c) = f′ (c) − . b−a
  • 22. Using the MVT to count solutions Example Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the interval [4, 5].
  • 23. Using the MVT to count solutions Example Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the interval [4, 5]. Solu on By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5).
  • 24. Using the MVT to count solutions Example Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the interval [4, 5]. Solu on By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5). If there were two points c1 and c2 with f(c1 ) = f(c2 ) = 100, then somewhere between them would be a point c3 between them with f′ (c3 ) = 0.
  • 25. Using the MVT to count solutions Example Show that there is a unique solu on to the equa on x3 − x = 100 in the interval [4, 5]. Solu on By the Intermediate Value Theorem, the func on f(x) = x3 − x must take the value 100 at some point on c in (4, 5). If there were two points c1 and c2 with f(c1 ) = f(c2 ) = 100, then somewhere between them would be a point c3 between them with f′ (c3 ) = 0. However, f′ (x) = 3x2 − 1, which is posi ve all along (4, 5). So this is impossible.
  • 26. Using the MVT to estimate Example We know that |sin x| ≤ 1 for all x, and that sin x ≈ x for small x. Show that |sin x| ≤ |x| for all x.
  • 27. Using the MVT to estimate Example We know that |sin x| ≤ 1 for all x, and that sin x ≈ x for small x. Show that |sin x| ≤ |x| for all x. Solu on Apply the MVT to the func on f(t) = sin t on [0, x]. We get Since |cos(c)| ≤ 1, we get sin x − sin 0 sin x = cos(c) ≤ 1 =⇒ |sin x| ≤ |x| x−0 x for some c in (0, x).
  • 28. Using the MVT to estimate II Example Let f be a differen able func on with f(1) = 3 and f′ (x) < 2 for all x in [0, 5]. Could f(4) ≥ 9?
  • 29. Using the MVT to estimate II Solu on By MVT f(4) − f(1) = f′ (c) < 2 4−1 for some c in (1, 4). Therefore f(4) = f(1) + f′ (c)(3) < 3 + 2 · 3 = 9. So no, it is impossible that f(4) ≥ 9.
  • 30. Using the MVT to estimate II Solu on By MVT y (4, 9) f(4) − f(1) = f′ (c) < 2 (4, f(4)) 4−1 for some c in (1, 4). Therefore f(4) = f(1) + f′ (c)(3) < 3 + 2 · 3 = 9. (1, 3) So no, it is impossible that f(4) ≥ 9. . x
  • 31. Food for Thought Ques on A driver travels along the New Jersey Turnpike using E-ZPass. The system takes note of the me and place the driver enters and exits the Turnpike. A week a er his trip, the driver gets a speeding cket in the mail. Which of the following best describes the situa on? (a) E-ZPass cannot prove that the driver was speeding (b) E-ZPass can prove that the driver was speeding (c) The driver’s actual maximum speed exceeds his cketed speed (d) Both (b) and (c).
  • 32. Food for Thought Ques on A driver travels along the New Jersey Turnpike using E-ZPass. The system takes note of the me and place the driver enters and exits the Turnpike. A week a er his trip, the driver gets a speeding cket in the mail. Which of the following best describes the situa on? (a) E-ZPass cannot prove that the driver was speeding (b) E-ZPass can prove that the driver was speeding (c) The driver’s actual maximum speed exceeds his cketed speed (d) Both (b) and (c).
  • 33. Outline Rolle’s Theorem The Mean Value Theorem Applica ons Why the MVT is the MITC Func ons with deriva ves that are zero MVT and differen ability
  • 34. Functions with derivatives that are zero Fact If f is constant on (a, b), then f′ (x) = 0 on (a, b).
  • 35. Functions with derivatives that are zero Fact If f is constant on (a, b), then f′ (x) = 0 on (a, b). The limit of difference quo ents must be 0 The tangent line to a line is that line, and a constant func on’s graph is a horizontal line, which has slope 0. Implied by the power rule since c = cx0
  • 36. Functions with derivatives that are zero Ques on If f′ (x) = 0 is f necessarily a constant func on?
  • 37. Functions with derivatives that are zero Ques on If f′ (x) = 0 is f necessarily a constant func on? It seems true But so far no theorem (that we have proven) uses informa on about the deriva ve of a func on to determine informa on about the func on itself
  • 38. Why the MVT is the MITC (Most Important Theorem In Calculus!) Theorem Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b).
  • 39. Why the MVT is the MITC (Most Important Theorem In Calculus!) Theorem Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b). Then f is constant on (a, b).
  • 40. Why the MVT is the MITC (Most Important Theorem In Calculus!) Theorem Let f′ = 0 on an interval (a, b). Then f is constant on (a, b). Proof. Pick any points x and y in (a, b) with x < y. Then f is con nuous on [x, y] and differen able on (x, y). By MVT there exists a point z in (x, y) such that f(y) − f(x) = f′ (z) = 0. y−x So f(y) = f(x). Since this is true for all x and y in (a, b), then f is constant.
  • 41. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C.
  • 42. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C. Proof.
  • 43. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C. Proof. Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x)
  • 44. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C. Proof. Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x) Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b)
  • 45. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C. Proof. Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x) Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b) So h(x) = C, a constant
  • 46. Functions with the same derivative Theorem Suppose f and g are two differen able func ons on (a, b) with f′ = g′ . Then f and g differ by a constant. That is, there exists a constant C such that f(x) = g(x) + C. Proof. Let h(x) = f(x) − g(x) Then h′ (x) = f′ (x) − g′ (x) = 0 on (a, b) So h(x) = C, a constant This means f(x) − g(x) = C on (a, b)
  • 47. MVT and differentiability Example Let { −x if x ≤ 0 f(x) = x2 if x ≥ 0 Is f differen able at 0?
  • 48. MVT and differentiability Example Solu on (from the defini on) Let We have { −x if x ≤ 0 f(x) − f(0) −x f(x) = lim− = lim− = −1 x2 if x ≥ 0 x→0 x−0 x→0 x f(x) − f(0) x2 Is f differen able at 0? lim = lim+ = lim+ x = 0 x→0+ x−0 x→0 x x→0 Since these limits disagree, f is not differen able at 0.
  • 49. MVT and differentiability Example Solu on (Sort of) Let If x < 0, then f′ (x) = −1. If x > 0, then { f′ (x) = 2x. Since −x if x ≤ 0 f(x) = x2 if x ≥ 0 lim+ f′ (x) = 0 and lim− f′ (x) = −1, x→0 x→0 Is f differen able at 0? the limit lim f′ (x) does not exist and so f is x→0 not differen able at 0.
  • 50. Why only “sort of”? This solu on is valid but less f′ (x) direct. y f(x) We seem to be using the following fact: If lim f′ (x) does x→a not exist, then f is not . x differen able at a. equivalently: If f is differen able at a, then lim f′ (x) exists. x→a But this “fact” is not true!
  • 51. Differentiable with discontinuous derivative It is possible for a func on f to be differen able at a even if lim f′ (x) x→a does not exist. Example { ′ x2 sin(1/x) if x ̸= 0 Let f (x) = . 0 if x = 0 Then when x ̸= 0, f′ (x) = 2x sin(1/x) + x2 cos(1/x)(−1/x2 ) = 2x sin(1/x) − cos(1/x), which has no limit at 0.
  • 52. Differentiable with discontinuous derivative It is possible for a func on f to be differen able at a even if lim f′ (x) x→a does not exist. Example { ′ x2 sin(1/x) if x ̸= 0 Let f (x) = . 0 if x = 0 However, ′ f(x) − f(0) x2 sin(1/x) f (0) = lim = lim = lim x sin(1/x) = 0 x→0 x−0 x→0 x x→0 So f′ (0) = 0. Hence f is differen able for all x, but f′ is not con nuous at 0!
  • 53. Differentiability FAIL f(x) f′ (x) . x . x This func on is differen able But the deriva ve is not at 0. con nuous at 0!
  • 54. MVT to the rescue Lemma Suppose f is con nuous on [a, b] and lim+ f′ (x) = m. Then x→a f(x) − f(a) lim+ = m. x→a x−a
  • 55. MVT to the rescue Proof. Choose x near a and greater than a. Then f(x) − f(a) = f′ (cx ) x−a for some cx where a < cx < x. As x → a, cx → a as well, so: f(x) − f(a) lim+ = lim+ f′ (cx ) = lim+ f′ (x) = m. x→a x−a x→a x→a
  • 56. Using the MVT to find limits Theorem Suppose lim f′ (x) = m1 and lim+ f′ (x) = m2 x→a− x→a If m1 = m2 , then f is differen able at a. If m1 ̸= m2 , then f is not differen able at a.
  • 57. Using the MVT to find limits Proof. We know by the lemma that f(x) − f(a) lim− = lim− f′ (x) x→a x−a x→a f(x) − f(a) lim+ = lim+ f′ (x) x→a x−a x→a The two-sided limit exists if (and only if) the two right-hand sides agree.
  • 58. Summary Rolle’s Theorem: under suitable condi ons, func ons must have cri cal points. Mean Value Theorem: under suitable condi ons, func ons must have an instantaneous rate of change equal to the average rate of change. A func on whose deriva ve is iden cally zero on an interval must be constant on that interval. E-ZPass is kinder than we realized.