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.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                     Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                              .         April 13, 2011

                            Sec on 4.4
                          Curve Sketching
                            V63.0121.001: Calculus I
                          Professor Ma hew Leingang
                                    New York University

                                   April 13, 2011


           Quiz 4 on Sec ons 3.3,
           3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 this
           week (April 14/15)
           Quiz 5 on Sec ons
           4.1–4.4 April 28/29
           Final Exam Thursday May
           12, 2:00–3:50pm
           I am teaching Calc II MW
           2:00pm and Calc III TR
           2:00pm both Fall ’11 and
           Spring ’12


           given a func on, graph it
           completely, indica ng
               zeroes (if easy)
               asymptotes if applicable
               cri cal points
               local/global max/min
               inflec on points


                                                                                                  . 1
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                               Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                                        .         April 13, 2011


         Graphing func ons is like
         dissec on … or diagramming
         You can really know a lot
         about a func on when you
         know all of its anatomy.


        The Increasing/Decreasing Test
         Theorem (The Increasing/Decreasing Test)
         If f′ > 0 on (a, b), then f is increasing on (a, b). If f′ < 0 on (a, b),
         then f is decreasing on (a, b).

                                                                    f′ (x)
           f(x) = x3 + x2
          f′ (x) = 3x2 + 2x                                 .


        Testing for Concavity
         Theorem (Concavity Test)
         If f′′ (x) > 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave upward
         on (a, b) If f′′ (x) < 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave
         downward on (a, b).

                                                         f′′ (x) f′ (x) f(x)

            f(x) = x3 + x2
           f′ (x) = 3x2 + 2x                                .
          f′′ (x) = 6x + 2

                                                                                                                            . 2
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                         .         April 13, 2011

        Graphing Checklist
        To graph a func on f, follow this plan:
         0. Find when f is posi ve, nega ve, zero,
            not defined.
         1. Find f′ and form its sign chart.
            Conclude informa on about
            increasing/decreasing and local
         2. Find f′′ and form its sign chart.
            Conclude concave up/concave down
            and inflec on.

        Graphing Checklist
        To graph a func on f, follow this plan:
         3. Put together a big chart to assemble
            monotonicity and concavity data
         4. Graph!


         Simple examples
            A cubic func on
            A quar c func on

         More Examples
           Points of nondifferen ability
           Horizontal asymptotes
           Ver cal asymptotes
           Trigonometric and polynomial together


                                                                                             . 3
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                     Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                              .         April 13, 2011

        Graphing a cubic
         Graph f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x.
         (Step 0) First, let’s find the zeros. We can at least factor out one
         power of x:
                                  f(x) = x(2x2 − 3x − 12)
         so f(0) = 0. The other factor is a quadra c, so we the other two
         roots are
                               √                          √
                           3 ± 32 − 4(2)(−12) 3 ± 105
                       x=                          =
                                      4                   4

    .    It’s OK to skip this step for now since the roots are so complicated.


        Step 1: Monotonicity
                         f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x
                     =⇒ f′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12 = 6(x + 1)(x − 2)
         We can form a sign chart from this:
                           −        .−               +
                           −            +            +
                            −1                            f′ (x)
                           +            −            +
                           ↗−1          ↘     2      ↗    f(x)
                            max              min

        Step 2: Concavity

                               f′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12
                           =⇒ f′′ (x) = 12x − 6 = 6(2x − 1)

         Another sign chart:
                               −−           ++            f′′ (x)
                               ⌢        1/2 ⌣             f(x)


                                                                                                                  . 4
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                             Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                      .         April 13, 2011

        Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all
         Remember, f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x.

                     +  −.  −   +                  f′ (x)
                    ↗−1 ↘   ↘ 2 ↗                  monotonicity
                    −− −− ++    ++                 f′′ (x)
                    ⌢ ⌢ 1/2 ⌣   ⌣                  concavity
                       7  −61/2 −20                f(x)
                      −1   1/2   2                 shape of f
                      max   IP  min


        monotonicity and concavity
                         increasing,              decreasing,
                         concave                  concave
                         down                     down
                                   II        I

                                  III        IV
                         decreasing,              increasing,
                         concave                  concave
                         up                       up

        Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all
         Remember, f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x.

                     +  −.  −   +                  f′ (x)
                    ↗−1 ↘   ↘ 2 ↗                  monotonicity
                    −− −− ++    ++                 f′′ (x)
                    ⌢ ⌢ 1/2 ⌣   ⌣                  concavity
                       7  −61/2 −20                f(x)
                      −1   1/2   2                 shape of f
                      max   IP  min


                                                                                                          . 5
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                      Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                               .         April 13, 2011

                                          f(x)                                       Notes
        Step 4: Graph
                      f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x
                      ( √       ) (−1, 7)
                       3− 105
                          4   ,0            (0, 0)
                                          .                       ( x√         )
                                              (1/2, −61/2)
                                                                   3+ 105
                                                                     4    ,0
                                                       (2, −20)

                                       7  −61/2 −20                 f(x)
                                      −1   1/2   2                  shape of f
                                      max   IP  min

        Graphing a quartic

         Graph f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10
         (Step 0) We know f(0) = 10 and lim f(x) = +∞. Not too many
         other points on the graph are evident.


        Step 1: Monotonicity
                            f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10
                        =⇒ f′ (x) = 4x3 − 12x2 = 4x2 (x − 3)
         We make its sign chart.
                           +0 .       +            +
                           −          −           0+
                                                      (x − 3)
                                                  3    ′
                           −0         −           0 + f (x)
                           ↘0         ↘           3 ↗ f(x)

                                                                                                                   . 6
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                            Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                                     .         April 13, 2011

        Step 2: Concavity
                             f′ (x) = 4x3 − 12x2
                         =⇒ f′′ (x) = 12x2 − 24x = 12x(x − 2)
         Here is its sign chart:
                               −0.       +             +
                               −      0 +−
                                      2                      f′′ (x)
                              ++0 −− 0 ++
                              ⌣0 ⌢ 2 ⌣                       f(x)
                                IP   IP

        Step 3: Grand Unified Sign Chart
         Remember, f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10.

                            −0 −     −0+                        f′ (x)
                            ↘0 ↘     ↘3↗                        monotonicity
                                                                f′′ (x)
                            ++0 −− 0++ ++
                            ⌣0 ⌢ 2⌣ ⌣                           concavity
                              10   −6 −17                       f(x)
                               0    2 3                         shape
                              IP   IP min


        Step 4: Graph

                   f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10

                                   (0, 10)
                                             .                           x
                                                 (2, −6)
                                                         (3, −17)
                                         10            −6 −17            f(x)
                                          0             2 3              shape
                                         IP            IP min

                                                                                                                         . 7
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                         Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                                  .         April 13, 2011

         Simple examples
            A cubic func on
            A quar c func on

         More Examples
           Points of nondifferen ability
           Horizontal asymptotes
           Ver cal asymptotes
           Trigonometric and polynomial together


        Graphing a function with a cusp

         Graph f(x) = x +           |x|
         This func on looks strange because of the absolute value. But
         whenever we become nervous, we can just take cases.


        Step 0: Finding Zeroes
         f(x) = x +       |x|
             First, look at f by itself. We can tell that f(0) = 0 and that
             f(x) > 0 if x is posi ve.
             Are there nega ve numbers which are zeroes for f?
                                    √                 √
                               x + −x = 0 =⇒ −x = −x
                                       −x = x2 =⇒ x2 + x = 0

             The only solu ons are x = 0 and x = −1.


                                                                                                                      . 8
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                     Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                              .         April 13, 2011

        Step 0: Asymptotic behavior
         f(x) = x + |x|
               lim f(x) = ∞, because both terms tend to ∞.
              lim f(x) is indeterminate of the form −∞ + ∞. It’s the same
             x→−∞            √
             as lim (−y + y)
                                       √             √          y+y
                         lim (−y +         y) = lim ( y − y) · √
                        y→+∞                    y→∞             y+y
                                                     y − y2
                                              = lim √       = −∞
                                                y→∞    y+y


        Step 1: The derivative
         Remember, f(x) = x + |x|.
         To find f′ , first assume x > 0. Then
                                      d (  √ )    1
                           f′ (x) =      x+ x =1+ √
                                      dx         2 x
         No ce
             f′ (x) > 0 when x > 0 (so no cri cal points here)
              lim+ f′ (x) = ∞ (so 0 is a cri cal point)
              lim f′ (x) = 1 (so the graph is asympto c to a line of slope 1)


        Step 1: The derivative
         Remember, f(x) = x + |x|.
         If x is nega ve, we have
                                   d (    √ )        1
                          f′ (x) =     x + −x = 1 − √
                                   dx              2 −x
         No ce
             lim− f′ (x) = −∞ (other side of the cri cal point)
               lim f′ (x) = 1 (asympto c to a line of slope 1)
             f (x) = 0 when
                   1        √     1         1          1
               1− √   = 0 =⇒ −x =   =⇒ −x =   =⇒ x = −
                 2 −x             2         4          4

                                                                                                                  . 9
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                  Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                           .         April 13, 2011

        Step 1: Monotonicity
                                           1
                                    1 + √
                                                  if x > 0
                            f (x) =        2 x
                                    1 − √   1
                                                  if x < 0
                                           2 −x
          We can’t make a mul -factor sign chart because of the absolute
         value, but we can test points in between cri cal points.

                                 + 0− ∞           +          f′ (x)
                                 ↗ − 1↘ 0
                                                  ↗          f(x)
                                   max min

        Step 2: Concavity
                      (                            )
                                      d       1          1
             If x > 0, then f′′ (x) =      1 + x−1/2 = − x−3/2 This is
                                      dx      2          4
             nega ve whenever x > 0.     (             )
                                      d       1            1
             If x < 0, then f′′ (x) =      1 − (−x)−1/2 = − (−x)−3/2
                                      dx      2            4
             which is also always nega ve for nega ve x.
             In other words, f′′ (x) = − |x|−3/2 .
         Here is the sign chart:

                                −−      −∞       −−          f′′ (x)
                                ⌢        0       ⌢           f(x)

        Step 3: Synthesis
         Now we can put these things together.
                                 f(x) = x + |x|

            +1               + 0− ∞            +         f′
                                                       +1 (x)
             ↗              ↗ − 1↘ 0          ↗         ↗monotonicity
            −∞              −− −− 4 −∞        −−       −∞ (x)
             ⌢              ⌢ 1 ⌢0            ⌢         ⌢concavity
            −∞ 0                4    0                 +∞f(x)
                −1             −4 0
                                  1                      shape
               zero            max min


                                                                                                               . 10
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                                    Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                             .         April 13, 2011

                                 f(x) = x +             |x|

                                 (− 1 , 1 )
                                    4 4
                   (−1, 0)
                                              .                   x
                                                  (0, 0)
                   −∞ 0              4  0                     +∞ x
                     −1            −1 0                          shape
                    zero           max min


        Example with Horizontal                                                    Notes

         Graph f(x) = xe−x


        Step 1: Monotonicity


                                                                                                                 . 11
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                               Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                        .         April 13, 2011

        Step 2: Concavity


        Step 3: Synthesis


        Step 4: Graph




                                                                            . 12
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                               Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                        .         April 13, 2011

        Example with Vertical Asymptotes

                        1   1
         Graph f(x) =     +
                        x x2


        Step 0


        Step 1: Monotonicity


                                                                            . 13
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                              Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                       .         April 13, 2011

        Step 2: Concavity


        Step 3: Synthesis


        Step 4: Graph

                         .     x


                                                                           . 14
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                  Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                           .         April 13, 2011

        Trigonometric and polynomial             Notes

         Graph f(x) = cos x − x


        Step 0: intercepts and asymptotes


        Step 1: Monotonicity


                                                                               . 15
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                              Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                       .         April 13, 2011

        Step 2: Concavity


        Step 3: Synthesis


        Step 4: Graph
         f(x) = cos x − x


                                                                           . 16
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                            Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                     .         April 13, 2011


         Graph f(x) = x ln x2


        Step 0: Intercepts and             Notes


        Step 1: Monotonicity


                                                                         . 17
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                               Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                        .         April 13, 2011

        Step 2: Concavity


        Step 3: Synthesis


        Step 4: Graph

                            .   x


                                                                            . 18
.   V63.0121.001: Calculus I
    .                                                              Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching
                                                                                       .         April 13, 2011


          Graphing is a procedure that gets easier with prac ce.
          Remember to follow the checklist.






                                                                                                           . 19

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Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)
Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)
Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (slides)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Matthew Leingang

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Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (slides)
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Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)
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Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)
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Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (slides)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (slides)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Lesson 18: Maximum and Minimum Values (handout)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Lesson 17: Indeterminate forms and l'Hôpital's Rule (handout)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions (slides)

Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (handout)

  • 1. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Sec on 4.4 Curve Sketching V63.0121.001: Calculus I Professor Ma hew Leingang New York University April 13, 2011 . . Notes Announcements Quiz 4 on Sec ons 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 this week (April 14/15) Quiz 5 on Sec ons 4.1–4.4 April 28/29 Final Exam Thursday May 12, 2:00–3:50pm I am teaching Calc II MW 2:00pm and Calc III TR 2:00pm both Fall ’11 and Spring ’12 . . Notes Objectives given a func on, graph it completely, indica ng zeroes (if easy) asymptotes if applicable cri cal points local/global max/min inflec on points . . . 1 .
  • 2. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Why? Graphing func ons is like dissec on … or diagramming sentences You can really know a lot about a func on when you know all of its anatomy. . . Notes The Increasing/Decreasing Test Theorem (The Increasing/Decreasing Test) If f′ > 0 on (a, b), then f is increasing on (a, b). If f′ < 0 on (a, b), then f is decreasing on (a, b). Example f(x) f′ (x) f(x) = x3 + x2 f′ (x) = 3x2 + 2x . . . Notes Testing for Concavity Theorem (Concavity Test) If f′′ (x) > 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave upward on (a, b) If f′′ (x) < 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave downward on (a, b). Example f′′ (x) f′ (x) f(x) f(x) = x3 + x2 f′ (x) = 3x2 + 2x . f′′ (x) = 6x + 2 . . . 2 .
  • 3. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Graphing Checklist To graph a func on f, follow this plan: 0. Find when f is posi ve, nega ve, zero, not defined. 1. Find f′ and form its sign chart. Conclude informa on about increasing/decreasing and local max/min. 2. Find f′′ and form its sign chart. Conclude concave up/concave down and inflec on. . . Notes Graphing Checklist To graph a func on f, follow this plan: 3. Put together a big chart to assemble monotonicity and concavity data 4. Graph! . . Notes Outline Simple examples A cubic func on A quar c func on More Examples Points of nondifferen ability Horizontal asymptotes Ver cal asymptotes Trigonometric and polynomial together Logarithmic . . . 3 .
  • 4. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Graphing a cubic Example Graph f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. (Step 0) First, let’s find the zeros. We can at least factor out one power of x: f(x) = x(2x2 − 3x − 12) so f(0) = 0. The other factor is a quadra c, so we the other two roots are √ √ 3 ± 32 − 4(2)(−12) 3 ± 105 x= = 4 4 . It’s OK to skip this step for now since the roots are so complicated. . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x =⇒ f′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12 = 6(x + 1)(x − 2) We can form a sign chart from this: − .− + x−2 2 − + + x+1 −1 f′ (x) + − + ↗−1 ↘ 2 ↗ f(x) max min . . Notes Step 2: Concavity f′ (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12 =⇒ f′′ (x) = 12x − 6 = 6(2x − 1) Another sign chart: . −− ++ f′′ (x) ⌢ 1/2 ⌣ f(x) IP . . . 4 .
  • 5. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all Remember, f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. + −. − + f′ (x) ↗−1 ↘ ↘ 2 ↗ monotonicity −− −− ++ ++ f′′ (x) ⌢ ⌢ 1/2 ⌣ ⌣ concavity 7 −61/2 −20 f(x) −1 1/2 2 shape of f max IP min . . Notes monotonicity and concavity increasing, decreasing, concave concave down down II I . III IV decreasing, increasing, concave concave up up . . Notes Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all Remember, f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. + −. − + f′ (x) ↗−1 ↘ ↘ 2 ↗ monotonicity −− −− ++ ++ f′′ (x) ⌢ ⌢ 1/2 ⌣ ⌣ concavity 7 −61/2 −20 f(x) −1 1/2 2 shape of f max IP min . . . 5 .
  • 6. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 f(x) Notes Step 4: Graph f(x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x ( √ ) (−1, 7) 3− 105 4 ,0 (0, 0) . ( x√ ) (1/2, −61/2) 3+ 105 4 ,0 (2, −20) 7 −61/2 −20 f(x) −1 1/2 2 shape of f max IP min . . Notes Graphing a quartic Example Graph f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 (Step 0) We know f(0) = 10 and lim f(x) = +∞. Not too many x→±∞ other points on the graph are evident. . . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 =⇒ f′ (x) = 4x3 − 12x2 = 4x2 (x − 3) We make its sign chart. +0 . + + 4x2 0 − − 0+ (x − 3) 3 ′ −0 − 0 + f (x) ↘0 ↘ 3 ↗ f(x) min . . . 6 .
  • 7. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 2: Concavity f′ (x) = 4x3 − 12x2 =⇒ f′′ (x) = 12x2 − 24x = 12x(x − 2) Here is its sign chart: −0. + + 12x 0 − 0 +− x−2 2 f′′ (x) ++0 −− 0 ++ ⌣0 ⌢ 2 ⌣ f(x) IP IP . . Notes Step 3: Grand Unified Sign Chart . Remember, f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10. −0 − −0+ f′ (x) ↘0 ↘ ↘3↗ monotonicity f′′ (x) ++0 −− 0++ ++ ⌣0 ⌢ 2⌣ ⌣ concavity 10 −6 −17 f(x) 0 2 3 shape IP IP min . . y Notes Step 4: Graph f(x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 (0, 10) . x (2, −6) (3, −17) 10 −6 −17 f(x) 0 2 3 shape IP IP min . . . 7 .
  • 8. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Outline Simple examples A cubic func on A quar c func on More Examples Points of nondifferen ability Horizontal asymptotes Ver cal asymptotes Trigonometric and polynomial together Logarithmic . . Notes Graphing a function with a cusp Example √ Graph f(x) = x + |x| This func on looks strange because of the absolute value. But whenever we become nervous, we can just take cases. . . Notes Step 0: Finding Zeroes √ f(x) = x + |x| First, look at f by itself. We can tell that f(0) = 0 and that f(x) > 0 if x is posi ve. Are there nega ve numbers which are zeroes for f? √ √ x + −x = 0 =⇒ −x = −x −x = x2 =⇒ x2 + x = 0 The only solu ons are x = 0 and x = −1. . . . 8 .
  • 9. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 0: Asymptotic behavior √ f(x) = x + |x| lim f(x) = ∞, because both terms tend to ∞. x→∞ lim f(x) is indeterminate of the form −∞ + ∞. It’s the same x→−∞ √ as lim (−y + y) y→+∞ √ √ √ y+y lim (−y + y) = lim ( y − y) · √ y→+∞ y→∞ y+y y − y2 = lim √ = −∞ y→∞ y+y . . Notes Step 1: The derivative √ Remember, f(x) = x + |x|. To find f′ , first assume x > 0. Then d ( √ ) 1 f′ (x) = x+ x =1+ √ dx 2 x No ce f′ (x) > 0 when x > 0 (so no cri cal points here) lim+ f′ (x) = ∞ (so 0 is a cri cal point) x→0 lim f′ (x) = 1 (so the graph is asympto c to a line of slope 1) x→∞ . . Notes Step 1: The derivative √ Remember, f(x) = x + |x|. If x is nega ve, we have d ( √ ) 1 f′ (x) = x + −x = 1 − √ dx 2 −x No ce lim− f′ (x) = −∞ (other side of the cri cal point) x→0 lim f′ (x) = 1 (asympto c to a line of slope 1) x→−∞ ′ f (x) = 0 when 1 √ 1 1 1 1− √ = 0 =⇒ −x = =⇒ −x = =⇒ x = − 2 −x 2 4 4 . . . 9 .
  • 10. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 1: Monotonicity  1 1 + √  if x > 0 ′ f (x) = 2 x 1 − √ 1  if x < 0 2 −x We can’t make a mul -factor sign chart because of the absolute value, but we can test points in between cri cal points. + 0− ∞ + f′ (x) . ↗ − 1↘ 0 4 ↗ f(x) max min . . Notes Step 2: Concavity ( ) d 1 1 If x > 0, then f′′ (x) = 1 + x−1/2 = − x−3/2 This is dx 2 4 nega ve whenever x > 0. ( ) d 1 1 If x < 0, then f′′ (x) = 1 − (−x)−1/2 = − (−x)−3/2 dx 2 4 which is also always nega ve for nega ve x. 1 In other words, f′′ (x) = − |x|−3/2 . 4 Here is the sign chart: −− −∞ −− f′′ (x) . ⌢ 0 ⌢ f(x) . . Notes Step 3: Synthesis Now we can put these things together. √ f(x) = x + |x| +1 + 0− ∞ + f′ +1 (x) . ↗ ↗ − 1↘ 0 ↗ ↗monotonicity f′′ −∞ −− −− 4 −∞ −− −∞ (x) ⌢ ⌢ 1 ⌢0 ⌢ ⌢concavity −∞ 0 4 0 +∞f(x) −1 −4 0 1 shape zero max min . . . 10 .
  • 11. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Graph √ f(x) = x + |x| (− 1 , 1 ) 4 4 (−1, 0) . x (0, 0) 1 −∞ 0 4 0 +∞ x −1 −1 0 shape 4 zero max min . . Example with Horizontal Notes Asymptotes Example Graph f(x) = xe−x 2 . . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity . . . 11 .
  • 12. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 2: Concavity . . Notes Step 3: Synthesis . . Notes Step 4: Graph f(x) x . . . . 12 .
  • 13. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Example with Vertical Asymptotes Example 1 1 Graph f(x) = + x x2 . . Notes Step 0 . . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity . . . 13 .
  • 14. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 2: Concavity . . Notes Step 3: Synthesis . . Notes Step 4: Graph y . x . . . 14 .
  • 15. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Trigonometric and polynomial Notes together Problem Graph f(x) = cos x − x . . Notes Step 0: intercepts and asymptotes . . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity . . . 15 .
  • 16. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 2: Concavity . . Notes Step 3: Synthesis . . Notes Step 4: Graph f(x) = cos x − x y . x . . . 16 .
  • 17. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Logarithmic Problem Graph f(x) = x ln x2 . . Step 0: Intercepts and Notes Asymptotes . . Notes Step 1: Monotonicity . . . 17 .
  • 18. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Step 2: Concavity . . Notes Step 3: Synthesis . . Notes Step 4: Graph y . x . . . 18 .
  • 19. . V63.0121.001: Calculus I . Sec on 4.4: Curve Sketching . April 13, 2011 Notes Summary Graphing is a procedure that gets easier with prac ce. Remember to follow the checklist. . . Notes . . Notes . . . 19 .