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Section 4.4
Curve Sketching
V63.0121.021, Calculus I
New York University
November 18, 2010
There is class on November 23. The homework is due on
November 24. Turn in homework to my mailbox or bring to class on
November 23.
There is class on
November 23. The
homework is due on
November 24. Turn in
homework to my mailbox or
bring to class on
November 23.
V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 2 / 55
given a function, graph it
completely, indicating
zeroes (if easy)
asymptotes if applicable
critical points
local/global max/min
inflection points
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Graphing functions is like
dissection . . . or diagramming
You can really know a lot about
a function when you know all of
its anatomy.
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The Increasing/Decreasing Test
Theorem (The Increasing/Decreasing Test)
If f > 0 on (a, b), then f is increasing on (a, b). If f < 0 on (a, b), then
f is decreasing on (a, b).
Here f (x) = x3
+ x2
, and f (x) = 3x2
+ 2x.
f (x)
f (x)
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Testing for Concavity
Theorem (Concavity Test)
If f (x) > 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave upward on
(a, b) If f (x) < 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave
downward on (a, b).
Here f (x) = x3
+ x2
, f (x) = 3x2
+ 2x, and f (x) = 6x + 2.
f (x)
f (x)
f (x)
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Graphing Checklist
To graph a function f , follow this plan:
0. Find when f is positive, negative, zero, not
1. Find f and form its sign chart. Conclude
information about increasing/decreasing
and local max/min.
2. Find f and form its sign chart. Conclude
concave up/concave down and inflection.
3. Put together a big chart to assemble
monotonicity and concavity data
4. Graph!
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Simple examples
A cubic function
A quartic function
More Examples
Points of nondifferentiability
Horizontal asymptotes
Vertical asymptotes
Trigonometric and polynomial together
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Graphing a cubic
Graph f (x) = 2x3
− 3x2
− 12x.
(Step 0) First, let’s find the zeros. We can at least factor out one power of
f (x) = x(2x2
− 3x − 12)
so f (0) = 0. The other factor is a quadratic, so we the other two roots are
x =
3 ± 32 − 4(2)(−12)
3 ±
It’s OK to skip this step for now since the roots are so complicated.
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 1: Monotonicity
f (x) = 2x3
− 3x2
− 12x
=⇒ f (x) = 6x2
− 6x − 12 = 6(x + 1)(x − 2)
We can form a sign chart from this:
x − 2
− − +
x + 1
f (x)
f (x)2−1
+ − +
max min
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Step 2: Concavity
f (x) = 6x2
− 6x − 12
=⇒ f (x) = 12x − 6 = 6(2x − 1)
Another sign chart:
f (x)
f (x)1/2
−− ++
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Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all
Remember, f (x) = 2x3
− 3x2
− 12x.
f (x)
monotonicity−1 2
+− −+
f (x)
−− −− ++ ++
f (x)
shape of f−1
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010

Recommended for you

Higher Maths 2.1.1 - Polynomials
Higher Maths 2.1.1 - PolynomialsHigher Maths 2.1.1 - Polynomials
Higher Maths 2.1.1 - Polynomials

The document provides an overview of polynomials, including definitions, examples, and key concepts. Some key points covered include: - A polynomial is an expression with multiple terms and powers that can be simplified. - Polynomials have coefficients, degrees, roots, and can be written in nested form using brackets. - Methods for evaluating, dividing, and factorizing polynomials are discussed, including synthetic division and finding factors. - Graphs can be used to determine the equation of a polynomial function based on intercepts. - Approximate roots can be found between values where the polynomial changes signs.

5.5 B Standard and Point Slope Form
5.5 B Standard and Point Slope Form5.5 B Standard and Point Slope Form
5.5 B Standard and Point Slope Form

The document provides examples of writing linear equations in standard form (Ax + By = C) and point-slope form (y - y1 = m(x - x1)) by converting between the two forms. It also gives examples of finding the slope and y-intercept of a line from two points to write the equation in point-slope and slope-intercept forms. Finally, it demonstrates finding the x- and y-intercepts of lines from their equations and using them to graph the lines.

4.5 notes
4.5 notes4.5 notes
4.5 notes

This document discusses how to graph linear equations using slope-intercept form. It identifies the slope and y-intercept of several equations in slope-intercept form, such as y=3x+4 and 3x-3y=12. It then shows how to graph these equations by plotting the y-intercept and running the line with the given slope. As an example, it graphs the equation y=5x-3 on an xy-plane. It also demonstrates graphing parallel lines, such as y=3x+4 and y=3x+6, which have the same slope but different y-intercepts.

Combinations of monotonicity and concavity
concave up
concave up
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Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all
Remember, f (x) = 2x3
− 3x2
− 12x.
f (x)
monotonicity−1 2
+− −+
f (x)
−− −− ++ ++
f (x)
shape of f−1
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Step 4: Graph
f (x) = 2x3
− 3x2
− 12x
f (x)
f (x)
shape of f−1
4 , 0
(−1, 7)
(0, 0)
(1/2, −61/2)
(2, −20)
4 , 0
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Graphing a quartic
Graph f (x) = x4
− 4x3
+ 10
(Step 0) We know f (0) = 10 and lim
f (x) = +∞. Not too many other
points on the graph are evident.
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Step 1: Monotonicity
f (x) = x4
− 4x3
+ 10
=⇒ f (x) = 4x3
− 12x2
= 4x2
(x − 3)
We make its sign chart.
0+ + +
(x − 3)
0− − +
f (x)
f (x)3
0− − +
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Step 2: Concavity
f (x) = 4x3
− 12x2
=⇒ f (x) = 12x2
− 24x = 12x(x − 2)
Here is its sign chart:
0− + +
x − 2
0− − +
f (x)
f (x)0
0++ −− ++
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 3: Grand Unified Sign Chart
Remember, f (x) = x4
− 4x3
+ 10.
f (x)
0− − − +
f (x)
0++ −− ++ ++
f (x)
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Step 4: Graph
f (x) = x4
− 4x3
+ 10
f (x)
(0, 10)
(2, −6)
(3, −17)
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Simple examples
A cubic function
A quartic function
More Examples
Points of nondifferentiability
Horizontal asymptotes
Vertical asymptotes
Trigonometric and polynomial together
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Graphing a function with a cusp
Graph f (x) = x + |x|
This function looks strange because of the absolute value. But whenever
we become nervous, we can just take cases.
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Step 0: Finding Zeroes
f (x) = x + |x|
First, look at f by itself. We can tell that f (0) = 0 and that f (x) > 0
if x is positive.
Are there negative numbers which are zeroes for f ?
x +
−x = 0
−x = −x
−x = x2
+ x = 0
The only solutions are x = 0 and x = −1.
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Step 0: Asymptotic behavior
f (x) = x + |x|
f (x) = ∞, because both terms tend to ∞.
f (x) is indeterminate of the form −∞ + ∞. It’s the same as
(−y +
(−y +
y) = lim
y − y) ·
y + y
y + y
= lim
y − y2
y + y
= −∞
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010

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Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 handout)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 handout)

1. The document is from a Calculus I class at New York University and covers optimization problems. 2. It provides examples of optimization problems involving finding the maximum area of a rectangle with a fixed perimeter and the largest area that can be enclosed by a fixed length of fencing. 3. The document reviews strategies for solving optimization problems, such as understanding the problem, drawing diagrams, introducing variables, expressing the objective function, and finding extrema using calculus techniques like taking derivatives.

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2010 assessment review_homework_1-4-done2010 assessment review_homework_1-4-done
2010 assessment review_homework_1-4-done

The document provides an assessment review with multiple choice questions about math concepts like algebra, geometry, and coordinate planes. It includes 15 questions testing skills like simplifying expressions, solving equations, factoring polynomials, and graphing lines. The questions are formatted with explanations of steps required to arrive at the answers.


This document provides an overview of integration and how it relates to calculating areas under curves and between functions. Some key points covered include: - Integration uses the concept of reverse differentiation to calculate the area under a function. - The area under a function between two x-values a and b is calculated as the definite integral from a to b. - Integrals may be used to find the area between two curves by subtracting their integrals between the intersection points. - Integrals can represent either positive or negative areas depending on whether the area is above or below the x-axis.

Step 1: The derivative
Remember, f (x) = x + |x|.
To find f , first assume x > 0. Then
f (x) =
x +
x = 1 +
f (x) > 0 when x > 0 (so no critical points here)
f (x) = ∞ (so 0 is a critical point)
f (x) = 1 (so the graph is asymptotic to a line of slope 1)
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Step 1: The derivative
Remember, f (x) = x + |x|.
If x is negative, we have
f (x) =
x +
−x = 1 −
f (x) = −∞ (other side of the critical point)
f (x) = 1 (asymptotic to a line of slope 1)
f (x) = 0 when
1 −
= 0 =⇒
−x =
=⇒ −x =
=⇒ x = −
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Step 1: Monotonicity
f (x) =
1 +
if x > 0
1 −
if x < 0
We can’t make a multi-factor sign chart because of the absolute value,
but we can test points in between critical points.
f (x)
f (x)−1
∞+ − +
max min
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 2: Concavity
If x > 0, then
f (x) =
1 +
= −
This is negative whenever x > 0.
If x < 0, then
f (x) =
1 −
= −
which is also always negative for negative x.
In other words, f (x) = −
Here is the sign chart:
f (x)
f (x)0
−∞−− −−
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Step 3: Synthesis
Now we can put these things together.
f (x) = x + |x|
f (x)
∞+1 + − + +1
f (x)
−∞−− −− −−−∞ −∞
f (x)
−∞ +∞
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f (x) = x + |x|
f (x)
−∞ +∞
−∞ +∞
−∞ +∞
f (x)
(−1, 0)
4, 1
(0, 0)
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Example with Horizontal Asymptotes
Graph f (x) = xe−x2
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Step 1: Monotonicity
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Step 2: Concavity
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 3: Synthesis
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Step 4: Graph
f (x)
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Example with Vertical Asymptotes
Graph f (x) =
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010

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Step 0
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Step 1: Monotonicity
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Step 2: Concavity
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 3: Synthesis
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Step 4: Graph
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Trigonometric and polynomial together
Graph f (x) = cos x − x
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 0: intercepts and asymptotes
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Step 1: Monotonicity
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Step 2: Concavity
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 3: Synthesis
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Step 4: Graph
f (x) = cos x − x
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Graph f (x) = x ln x2
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010

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Module 10 Graphs Of FunctionsModule 10 Graphs Of Functions
Module 10 Graphs Of Functions

This document contains 6 math problems involving graphing functions. Each problem has parts that involve: 1) Completing a table of values for a function. 2) Graphing the function on graph paper using given scales. 3) Finding specific values from the graph. 4) Drawing and finding values from a linear function related to the original. The problems provide practice graphing and extracting information from graphs of quadratic, cubic, rational, and other polynomial functions. The document demonstrates how to set up and solve multi-step math word problems involving graphing functions.

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This document provides homework questions on solving equations and graphing equations. It includes: 1) Solving equations with one variable like 3x + 2 = 5x + 3 and determining the number of solutions. 2) Solving a two variable equation 2x + 3y = 12 and finding points that satisfy the equation. 3) Graphing equations like y = x^2 - 3x + 2 on a graphing calculator and determining features of the graph like where it crosses the x-axis. 4) Applying a transformation like (x,y) -> (x + 5, y) to the points on a graph. 5) Identifying points that do or do not

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The document discusses graphing horizontal and vertical lines. It defines horizontal lines as having an equation of the form y=k, and vertical lines as having an equation of the form x=k. Examples of graphing specific horizontal and vertical lines are provided, as well as finding the equations of lines given points and finding intercepts of lines.

Step 0: Intercepts and Asymptotes
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Step 1: Monotonicity
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Step 2: Concavity
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
Step 3: Synthesis
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Step 4: Graph
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Graphing is a procedure that gets easier with practice.
Remember to follow the checklist.
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Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010

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Similar to Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)

Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Mel Anthony Pepito
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Mel Anthony Pepito
Lesson 19: Curve Sketching
Lesson 19: Curve SketchingLesson 19: Curve Sketching
Lesson 19: Curve Sketching
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve SketchingLesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Mel Anthony Pepito
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve SketchingLesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Matthew Leingang
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20  -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slidesLesson20  -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handoutLesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Matthew Leingang
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handoutLesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Matthew Leingang
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Juan Miguel Palero
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
Matthew Leingang
1 13s-f
1 13s-f1 13s-f

Similar to Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout) (20)

Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 19: Curve Sketching
Lesson 19: Curve SketchingLesson 19: Curve Sketching
Lesson 19: Curve Sketching
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve SketchingLesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve SketchingLesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20  -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slidesLesson20  -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization II (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shape of Curves (Section 041 handout)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 handout)
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handoutLesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handoutLesson16  -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson16 -inverse_trigonometric_functions_021_handout
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Mathematics 9 Quadratic Functions (Module 1)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Section 041 ...
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 041 slides)
1 13s-f
1 13s-f1 13s-f
1 13s-f

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Matthew Leingang
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Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (slides)
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Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (handout)
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 24: Areas and Distances, The Definite Integral (slides)
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (slides)
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Lesson 22: Optimization Problems (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
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Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (slides)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (handout)Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (handout)
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (handout)
Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (slides)
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Matthew Leingang
Lesson 20: Derivatives and the Shapes of Curves (handout)
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Matthew Leingang

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Lesson 21: Curve Sketching (Section 021 handout)

  • 1. Section 4.4 Curve Sketching V63.0121.021, Calculus I New York University November 18, 2010 Announcements There is class on November 23. The homework is due on November 24. Turn in homework to my mailbox or bring to class on November 23. Announcements There is class on November 23. The homework is due on November 24. Turn in homework to my mailbox or bring to class on November 23. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 2 / 55 Objectives given a function, graph it completely, indicating zeroes (if easy) asymptotes if applicable critical points local/global max/min inflection points V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 3 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 1 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 2. Why? Graphing functions is like dissection . . . or diagramming sentences You can really know a lot about a function when you know all of its anatomy. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 4 / 55 The Increasing/Decreasing Test Theorem (The Increasing/Decreasing Test) If f > 0 on (a, b), then f is increasing on (a, b). If f < 0 on (a, b), then f is decreasing on (a, b). Example Here f (x) = x3 + x2 , and f (x) = 3x2 + 2x. f (x) f (x) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 5 / 55 Testing for Concavity Theorem (Concavity Test) If f (x) > 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave upward on (a, b) If f (x) < 0 for all x in (a, b), then the graph of f is concave downward on (a, b). Example Here f (x) = x3 + x2 , f (x) = 3x2 + 2x, and f (x) = 6x + 2. f (x) f (x) f (x) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 6 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 2 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 3. Graphing Checklist To graph a function f , follow this plan: 0. Find when f is positive, negative, zero, not defined. 1. Find f and form its sign chart. Conclude information about increasing/decreasing and local max/min. 2. Find f and form its sign chart. Conclude concave up/concave down and inflection. 3. Put together a big chart to assemble monotonicity and concavity data 4. Graph! V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 7 / 55 Outline Simple examples A cubic function A quartic function More Examples Points of nondifferentiability Horizontal asymptotes Vertical asymptotes Trigonometric and polynomial together Logarithmic V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 8 / 55 Graphing a cubic Example Graph f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. (Step 0) First, let’s find the zeros. We can at least factor out one power of x: f (x) = x(2x2 − 3x − 12) so f (0) = 0. The other factor is a quadratic, so we the other two roots are x = 3 ± 32 − 4(2)(−12) 4 = 3 ± √ 105 4 It’s OK to skip this step for now since the roots are so complicated. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 9 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 3 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 4. Step 1: Monotonicity f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x =⇒ f (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12 = 6(x + 1)(x − 2) We can form a sign chart from this: x − 2 2 − − + x + 1 −1 ++− f (x) f (x)2−1 + − + max min V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 10 / 55 Step 2: Concavity f (x) = 6x2 − 6x − 12 =⇒ f (x) = 12x − 6 = 6(2x − 1) Another sign chart: f (x) f (x)1/2 −− ++ IP V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 11 / 55 Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all Remember, f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. f (x) monotonicity−1 2 +− −+ f (x) concavity1/2 −− −− ++ ++ f (x) shape of f−1 7 max 2 −20 min 1/2 −61/2 IP V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 12 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 4 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 5. Combinations of monotonicity and concavity III III IV decreasing, concave down increasing, concave down decreasing, concave up increasing, concave up V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 13 / 55 Step 3: One sign chart to rule them all Remember, f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x. f (x) monotonicity−1 2 +− −+ f (x) concavity1/2 −− −− ++ ++ f (x) shape of f−1 7 max 2 −20 min 1/2 −61/2 IP V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 14 / 55 Step 4: Graph f (x) = 2x3 − 3x2 − 12x x f (x) f (x) shape of f−1 7 max 2 −20 min 1/2 −61/2 IP 3− √ 105 4 , 0 (−1, 7) (0, 0) (1/2, −61/2) (2, −20) 3+ √ 105 4 , 0 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 15 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 5 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 6. Graphing a quartic Example Graph f (x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 (Step 0) We know f (0) = 10 and lim x→±∞ f (x) = +∞. Not too many other points on the graph are evident. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 16 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity f (x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 =⇒ f (x) = 4x3 − 12x2 = 4x2 (x − 3) We make its sign chart. 4x2 0 0+ + + (x − 3) 3 0− − + f (x) f (x)3 0 0 0− − + min V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 17 / 55 Step 2: Concavity f (x) = 4x3 − 12x2 =⇒ f (x) = 12x2 − 24x = 12x(x − 2) Here is its sign chart: 12x 0 0− + + x − 2 2 0− − + f (x) f (x)0 0 2 0++ −− ++ IP IP V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 18 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 6 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 7. Step 3: Grand Unified Sign Chart Remember, f (x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10. f (x) monotonicity3 0 0 0− − − + f (x) concavity0 0 2 0++ −− ++ ++ f (x) shape0 10 IP 2 −6 IP 3 −17 min V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 19 / 55 Step 4: Graph f (x) = x4 − 4x3 + 10 x y f (x) shape0 10 IP 2 −6 IP 3 −17 min (0, 10) (2, −6) (3, −17) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 20 / 55 Outline Simple examples A cubic function A quartic function More Examples Points of nondifferentiability Horizontal asymptotes Vertical asymptotes Trigonometric and polynomial together Logarithmic V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 21 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 7 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 8. Graphing a function with a cusp Example Graph f (x) = x + |x| This function looks strange because of the absolute value. But whenever we become nervous, we can just take cases. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 22 / 55 Step 0: Finding Zeroes f (x) = x + |x| First, look at f by itself. We can tell that f (0) = 0 and that f (x) > 0 if x is positive. Are there negative numbers which are zeroes for f ? x + √ −x = 0 √ −x = −x −x = x2 x2 + x = 0 The only solutions are x = 0 and x = −1. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 23 / 55 Step 0: Asymptotic behavior f (x) = x + |x| lim x→∞ f (x) = ∞, because both terms tend to ∞. lim x→−∞ f (x) is indeterminate of the form −∞ + ∞. It’s the same as lim y→+∞ (−y + √ y) lim y→+∞ (−y + √ y) = lim y→∞ ( √ y − y) · √ y + y √ y + y = lim y→∞ y − y2 √ y + y = −∞ V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 24 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 8 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 9. Step 1: The derivative Remember, f (x) = x + |x|. To find f , first assume x > 0. Then f (x) = d dx x + √ x = 1 + 1 2 √ x Notice f (x) > 0 when x > 0 (so no critical points here) lim x→0+ f (x) = ∞ (so 0 is a critical point) lim x→∞ f (x) = 1 (so the graph is asymptotic to a line of slope 1) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 25 / 55 Step 1: The derivative Remember, f (x) = x + |x|. If x is negative, we have f (x) = d dx x + √ −x = 1 − 1 2 √ −x Notice lim x→0− f (x) = −∞ (other side of the critical point) lim x→−∞ f (x) = 1 (asymptotic to a line of slope 1) f (x) = 0 when 1 − 1 2 √ −x = 0 =⇒ √ −x = 1 2 =⇒ −x = 1 4 =⇒ x = − 1 4 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 26 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity f (x) =    1 + 1 2 √ x if x > 0 1 − 1 2 √ −x if x < 0 We can’t make a multi-factor sign chart because of the absolute value, but we can test points in between critical points. f (x) f (x)−1 4 0 0 ∞+ − + max min V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 27 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 9 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 10. Step 2: Concavity If x > 0, then f (x) = d dx 1 + 1 2 x−1/2 = − 1 4 x−3/2 This is negative whenever x > 0. If x < 0, then f (x) = d dx 1 − 1 2 (−x)−1/2 = − 1 4 (−x)−3/2 which is also always negative for negative x. In other words, f (x) = − 1 4 |x|−3/2 . Here is the sign chart: f (x) f (x)0 −∞−− −− V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 28 / 55 Step 3: Synthesis Now we can put these things together. f (x) = x + |x| f (x) monotonicity−1 4 0 0 ∞+1 + − + +1 f (x) concavity0 −∞−− −− −−−∞ −∞ f (x) shape−1 0 zero −1 4 1 4 max 0 0 min −∞ +∞ V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 29 / 55 Graph f (x) = x + |x| f (x) shape−1 0 zero −∞ +∞ −1 4 1 4 max −∞ +∞ 0 0 min −∞ +∞ x f (x) (−1, 0) (−1 4, 1 4) (0, 0) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 30 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 10 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 11. Example with Horizontal Asymptotes Example Graph f (x) = xe−x2 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 31 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 32 / 55 Step 2: Concavity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 33 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 11 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 12. Step 3: Synthesis V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 34 / 55 Step 4: Graph x f (x) V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 35 / 55 Example with Vertical Asymptotes Example Graph f (x) = 1 x + 1 x2 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 36 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 12 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 13. Step 0 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 37 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 39 / 55 Step 2: Concavity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 40 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 13 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 14. Step 3: Synthesis V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 41 / 55 Step 4: Graph x y V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 42 / 55 Trigonometric and polynomial together Problem Graph f (x) = cos x − x V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 43 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 14 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 15. Step 0: intercepts and asymptotes V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 44 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 45 / 55 Step 2: Concavity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 46 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 15 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 16. Step 3: Synthesis V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 47 / 55 Step 4: Graph f (x) = cos x − x x y V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 48 / 55 Logarithmic Problem Graph f (x) = x ln x2 V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 49 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 16 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 17. Step 0: Intercepts and Asymptotes V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 50 / 55 Step 1: Monotonicity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 51 / 55 Step 2: Concavity V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 52 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 17 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010
  • 18. Step 3: Synthesis V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 53 / 55 Step 4: Graph x y V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 54 / 55 Summary Graphing is a procedure that gets easier with practice. Remember to follow the checklist. V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.4 Curve Sketching November 18, 2010 55 / 55 Notes Notes Notes 18 Section 4.4 : Curve SketchingV63.0121.021, Calculus I November 18, 2010