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Linux Os Essay
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Linux Os Essay Linux Os Essay
“Are we going to prepare kids for their future, or our...
Are we going to prepare kids for their future, or our past? If we aren t using technology, we aren t
preparing them for the future says Sister Patricia Clune, Superintendent in Kansas City (Galitzine).
Many kids develop back problems at an early age from carrying heavy textbooks(Tablets).
Electronic devices weigh much lighter than textbooks making it a more suitable option for kids
(Tablets). Textbooks need to be constantly updated but by using electronic devices schools can
easily update books electronically at a much cheaper cost (Tablets).There are numerous tools found
online that educators can use to encourage students to be more innovative and creative with their
learning (Hilgedick). The support for electronic devices is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When you buy a textbook, the information is already 18 months to two years out of date and only
60 percent is aligned to your curriculum, Chief officer Dr.Smith said (Laptops). Schools can get
electronic devices at more affordable rates than textbooks(Kay).Electronic books can save school s
$250 $1,000 per student (Tablets). FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said that too many students
are using books that are old with outdated material (Tablets). Electronic devices expose students to
a wealth of resources and data that a textbook with a few authors cannot match up to (Kay).
Electronic devices are much cheaper to obtain and can provide information that is up to date (Kay).
Electronic devices offer video, audio, and several other features that simply cannot be found in
a textbook(Thakkar). Students are able to learn more when they actually see the object or
person they are learning about instead of reading long detailed explanations. Electronic devices
are able to provide visual features the students can use to learn(Thakkar). You can just see a
picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. as you read his I Have a Dream speech but with one tap of a
finger, you can watch it. The result is a more appealing experience, which is more engaging for
students. says, Adam Roberts a former educator (Thakkar) . Electronic devices have a search
function to find specific information, a backlighting option to read in low light, and a built in
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Essay About Discourse Community
A Community of Soccer Fans
A discourse community is a group of people who have common goals and interest and have a
preferred way of communicating to achieve their goals. Such group develop their own vocabulary
which is only understood by the members of the group. It will be difficult for anyone to enter a
completely new group so this guide is made to make this transition as smooth as possible. As there
are many communities of different discourses, this profile talks about a discourse community of
soccer fans which is called Orlando City Soccer Fan Club.
Soccer, commonly called as football, is a globally recognized game which is played in every parts
of the world. Football has a community of players as well as ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
We always support our team, no matter what the result is. We always believe in fair play. We never
curse the other teams if they win the match. We never blame the players of our team if they lose the
match, rather, we always support and encourage them. We always stand in front of our players in
every matches, singing, dancing and cheering up for their support. These are the identities of our
community. However, blaming the players, speaking vulgar words, quarrelling and fighting with
supporters of other teams are the identities which are not allowed in our discourse community.
Social Values:
Orlando Soccer Fan Club is mostly recognized in World Community. At present, it has high
social standard. Usually, all the members of our club are the true fans of Orlando City Soccer.
We are the only person who are responsible for making our club thrive and more popular in the
world. People are attracted to our club and the popularity of our club is growing widely mainly
because of following reasons:
We never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result is.
We never sit down during a
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Advantage And Advantage Of Jute
Title: Advantages of Jute Which Everyone Must Know!
Summary: Want to help mother earth? Give this article a read and help the earth to sustain for
future now!
The specialists everywhere throughout the world must embrace uniform approaches to hoist jute
business. Jute product industry is monumental for more nourishment production, the better status of
labourers and little ranchers, contamination free condition, swelling control, and over all
economical advancement of the nation and the world, because of its superb properties which I will
clarify in this article:
Plentiful availability
Excellent drape measures
Exceptional damp retention capacity
Under costs correlated to synthetic Geotextiles
Comfort of installation
Bio degradable properties
Plants can retain up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide and discharge 11 tons of oxygen amid the jute
developing season (around 100 days) which is useful for our condition and planet.
Lessening Environment Pollution Up to the Large Extent: The utilization of jute or jute products is
additionally a critical stride in fighting the utilization of various materials containing dangerous
squanders. Jute sacks chops down the work of Plastic bags, as they contaminates the earth. The
plastic packs have been successfully prohibited in India and numerous different nations because of
the unsafe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jute can be reaped inside 4 to a half year, and can deliver between 20 to 40 tons of dry stem per
hectare. In examination, the quickest developing trees take in the vicinity of 10 and 14 years to
develop. Likewise, trees will just create between 8 to 12 ton, per hectare, yearly. In this way jute
can be a best conservative choice for the general population due to the low info cost. Furthermore,
this is the purpose behind why the fares of numerous jute items sending out organizations has
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The document provides instructions for requesting and receiving writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work. The document promises original, high-quality content.

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This document provides an analysis of a proposed one-hour sci-fi dramatic TV pilot titled "AURORAS". The analysis notes that while the premise of something being "out there" is familiar and well-received, the pilot could benefit from more development in areas like structure, pace, tension, character development and dialogue. It observes that the teaser does not establish enough about the protagonist or hook the viewer, and it's unclear what the overarching story or theme of the potential show would be. Overall, the analysis suggests the pilot needs more focus and information to engage audiences.

Legal Writing Sample
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Post-Impressionism emerged in the late 1880s as both a reaction against and evolution of Impressionism. Artists such as Van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat, and Cézanne sought not just to capture fleeting visual impressions but also to use color and form to represent their own experiences and perspectives. They emphasized expression of emotion and personal style over an objective recording of light. This movement marked an important transition in art toward more abstracted representations and symbolic use of color, paving the way for later modern art styles like Expressionism and Cubism.

King of the Bingo Game
Analysis of King of the Bingo Game Ideas of slavery, identity, and what is acceptable behavior
differ greatly in the past Civil War North and South. Ralph Ellison s King of the Bingo Game
depicts how traditional southern slave mentalities are in conflict even after Lincoln s
Emancipation Proclamation of the slaves, leading many, like the nameless main character to try
and find a new identity and giving him a taste of power to control his life and the lives of others.
From the beginning of the story, we are shown racial inequalities. Ellison introduces us to our
character who is a broke and hungry African American economically struggling to save his lady
friend s, Laura s, life. The protagonist got no birth certificate to... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He asks him where he is from and begins to slowly embarrass him, cracking jokes on stage to
please his fellow crowd members, for the white man knows the protagonist is somewhere he
doesn t belong. The protagonist takes no action to respond back to the host, receiving the verbal
beating, because it is what he has been accustomed to throughout his life, being seen as the
inferior race. He continues to show his lack of identity, as well as his powers of assertion and
articulation. Once the protagonist is given the button to control the bingo wheel he tells himself
his plan ... give the wheel a short quick twirl. Just a touch of the button (586). He held on to the
button, tightening his grip, as the wheel increased in speed, it drawing him more and more into
its power (587). He finally held the power of the button given to him by the white man. This was
his chance to attempt to break the grossly unfair set of rules established by the dominant white
society. Instead of following his plan he continued to let the wheel spin, watching the numbers as
they whirled by, he then burst out This is God! This is the really truly God! He said it aloud,
This is God! (587). He experiences total power, he loves it. He controls the entire audience s
attention as he holds the button and feels more and more power. The wheel spins while holding
onto the button, allowing him to be master of his own destiny a feeling new, scary and addicting to
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The Cost Of College Education
Bernie Sanders, senator of the state of Vermont said, The cost of college education today is so
high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others
are graduating deeply in debt ( Brainy Quote ). Each year students take out loans to pay for a
college education. Is it really necessary? They are just going to be a statistic. I believe everyone
should not go to college. College is not for everyone.
I believe everyone should not go to college. Not everyone should go to college. Most jobs do not
need a college degree to be hired. The more work experience you have the more you will earn.
Many students are forced to go to college, many just want to stay home and work. When students
go to college, they go to have a career. When students graduate from college they get a job.
Robert Reich, chancellor s professor of public policy at UC Berkeley, wrote an article about why
college isn t for everyone. Reich stated, Last year, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, 46 percent of recent college graduates were in jobs that don t even require a college degree.
This means that students do not choose what to study. They study because they just want to
continue school. Getting a bachelor s degree in anything can help but most jobs or careers are
looking for work experience of any kind. College does not give you work experience.
The student debt is rising higher each year. When students do not have enough money to go pay for
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Patsy Ramsey Case
Based on the research I conducted on the Ramsey case I would have to conclude the Patsy
Ramsey is the one that killed her daughter. Here s why I focus on Patsy Ramsey. First, the
ransom note was found in the kitchen where Patsy went first thing every morning to fix herself a
cup of coffee. How would a killer know this is where she would be going to first?
Second, the ransom note was written on a notepad the Ramseys had in their house along with
using a pen they had as well. If a kidnapper already knew they were going to kidnap someone, they
should have already written the note out or typed the note instead of physically writing the note.
The kidnapper knew they would have been taking JonBenet, so they would have been thoroughly
prepared. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ramsey, but as the note drags on, he is then referred to as John. That makes it much more personal
and would be someone that knows him. I can t see a foreign faction calling him by his first name.
Fifth, the note was also long for a ransom note. Usually a ransom note is very short and to the
point such as give us this amount of money or the person dies if you don t do exactly as I say.
There was also a practice note found. What kind of kidnapper practices their ransom note at the
scene? You would have to feel extremely comfortable to know that no one in the house would
wake up and catch you in the act of writing a 3 page ransom note, much less write a practice note
Sixth, the ransom note also stated to not have anyone in the house contact the authorities or talk to
anyone about the case or JonBenet would die. However, Patsy Ramsey did call the police and
invited friends and family over to discuss the case. If they did this, their daughter would be
beheaded. But yet, JonBenet was found strangled and beaten which is far from a beheading.
Seventh, there was no forced entry into the house which means it would possibly have been
someone from inside the house or someone that had access into the house to have committed the
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Louisville Flood Victims By Margaret Bourke-White
Margaret Bourke White. Louisville Flood Victims. 1937. Photograph.
Margaret Bourke White utilizes the actual horizontal lines of the billboard, as well as the implied
lines of the people s heads. The repetition of the people along with the faces on the billboard,
forcefully move the attention horizontally to the right of the photograph. This, in turn, makes the
viewer anticipate what is coming next. Although we know that the people are in a state of motion,
there is a sense of stillness as if the moment will never end. At first glance, the balance appears to
be somewhat symmetrical, but looking further, one notices the small cluster of children in the
bottom left corner, casting the balance as asymmetrical. It also appears as if there is a downward
slope going from the furthermost right, to the furthermost left of the image. The colors seem varied
and dark, contrasting the coats of the individuals with the stark white bags, and the intrusive bright
colors of the billboard, this creates a contrast in the mood of the apparent glee of the billboard, with
the traumatic expressions of the individuals. Although black and white, the image uses a wide
range of light and dark, going from the bright white of the bags and billboard, to the deep darks
of the coats and few of the glum faces. In between these two extremes, there are varying shades of
light and dark in the billboard and surrounding scene. Finally, the emphasis is placed on the people,
the victims of the Louisville flood. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This photograph is unique in introducing a new means of expression through photographic essay,
recalling both artistic expression, as well as journalistic
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Here is a summary of what happened according to the biblical account in the book of Joshua: - Joshua and the Israelites were engaged in a battle with the Amorite kings. They needed more daylight to finish defeating their enemies. - Joshua prayed to God for help, and God responded by miraculously making the sun and moon stand still in the sky. This extended the daylight hours to allow Israel to complete their victory over the Amorites. - The text does not mean the sun literally stopped in the sky. From our modern scientific understanding, this event was likely either a supernatural extension of daylight hours or a recording of the event that was misunderstood over time. - The key things to note are that God interven

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The document discusses the pros and cons of police militarization in the United States. It notes that police brutality and militarization are increasingly common and controversial issues. While some argue that increased military equipment and training helps police do their jobs, others believe it escalates tensions and violence. The Trump administration has rolled back restrictions on supplying police with military gear like armored vehicles and grenade launchers, worsening the issue. Overall, the document presents debates around the growing militarization of law enforcement in America.

Effective Communication In Nursing School
D The patient was placed on HOLD and this writer cleared the HOLD. This writer addressed with
the patient about her recent AWOL, referring to yesterday. According to the patient, she missed her
medcab and did not have any other form of transportation. The patient was in tears as she also
reported that she used crack cocaine(smoking) from 8/1/2016 08/4/2016. When asked as to how
much she used, she says, I spent $300 worth......I was doing so good, so good. I didn t want to
use. It s too much. This writer asked the patient to what happen recently because during the last
individual counseling session, the patient was clean from illicit drugs for a week and 3 days.
According to the patient, her son had turned against and lied to her sister... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the dilemma with the patient is getting through to her via phone as the patient tends to
have several numbers and the uncertainty whether or not her phone is in fact working. The patient
appears to be emotional and having a hard time dealing with her stress factors in her life. She made
a suicidal comment, but recanted as she expressed that she is frustrated and has no plans to harms
to herself. Patient was able to maintain eye contact and engaged this writer as this writer tried to
help the
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The General Electric ( Ge )
Transnational organizations have a complex business structure and require a multidimensional
concentration of resources which are customized to meet the requirements of each local market.
The central office requires a transnational strategy in order to attract local benefits which are
important to the organization. Among the advantages of transnational organizations is the capacity
to maintain a great degree of quick to response to local market needs from where they have
operations. This report focuses on the General Electric(GE) which holds substantial assets and with
operations in most countries in the world. General Electric (GE)
Widely regarded as a leading global corporation in the 20th century with operations in over a
hundred and seventy countries and over three hundred thousand workers, General Electric remains
an icon in best management practices. With its operations in power, appliances, energy
management, aviation, oil gas, and transportation among others is ranked as among the top leading
firms in the US. It is also a global leader in the digital industry with interests in transforming needs
into responsive, connected and predictive solutions. With its vast operations, GE is involved in
innovation, product development, and funding startups among others (Hydle and Karl 261).
In order to survive, GE has tried to form symbiotic relations to support its ecosystem (Tallberg 774).
The partners involved in the ecosystem have in depth understanding coupled with
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Communication Is A Vital Weapon Of American Politics
Communication is a vital weapon in American politics. Our leaders have won and lost our favor
with organized speech since before the signing of the declaration of independence. With a well
written speech, and a practiced delivery, one man can change the views of our entire country. No
one has done this more successfully than Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan gave the televised
speech A Time for Choosing for the Barry GoldwaterCampaign in 1964, he changed the way that
American campaign speeches would be given forever. According to critics, his performance is
the most effective of its kind, prompting comparisons to William Jennings Bryan as a great
American speaker and earning him the title of The Great Communicator. Despite the wide
acclaim, the speech did not work as Goldwater lost the election by a cavernous margin. So, why
was his speech considered a success if the candidate it was supposed to bolster did not even win
the election? While many explanations are offered about the success of this speech by scholars,
this paper will focus on the most widely supported school of thought, The Teflon President . More
formally, this paper will argue that Reagan solidifies his identity as The Great Communicator
during his A Time for Choosing speech, by using unprecedented rhetorical strategies in order to
create and unify an audience around his new conservative populism. This paper will first provide
historical context for the speech, then the paper will address the
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Fire Island Beach Research Paper
Best Vacation Spots: Best New York Beaches
Brighton Beach
This Brooklyn beach is a cultural old world mecca, with quite a few Russian nightclubs and
restaurants dotting the boardwalk. The continuous growth and artistic development at Brighton
Beach makes this spot a haven for a diverse crowd during the summer months. Brightwater Ave,
Brooklyn; 718 946 1350; Lifeguard Hours: Mon Sun 10am 6pm
Coney Island Beach
The world famous Coney Island lives up to its reputation as a traditional and enjoyable summer
beach day trip! The carnival rides at Astroland and the most exciting roller coaster, the Cyclone
(not for the weak of heart), are two of Coney Island s main attractions, also check our the first ever
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This magnificent beach boasts the second longest boardwalk (Atlantic City is longer). Atlantic
Ocean, from Beach 1st St to Beach 149th St; 718 318 4000
Sandy Hook Beach
Did somebody say clothing optional ? That s right! Sandy Hook is a legal nude beach within an
hour ferry ride from Manhattan. Say good bye to tan lines and hello to Sandy Hook! Monmouth
County, NJ; Directions: Take the NY Waterway Ferry with service from Midtown direct to Sandy
South Midland Beaches
Located near each other, both South Midland beaches provide great views of lower New York.
Enjoy free concerts and fireworks at South Beach, meander along the 4th largest boardwalk in
the world (at 7500 feet long), and sun bathe in peace at Midland. Atlantic Ocean, Staten Island; 718
987 0709; Hours: Daily 10am 6pm; Directions via bus: Bx51, Bx4, Bx5, Bx6, Bx7, Bx8 to FDR
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Roger Spottiswoode's 1993 screen adaptation of And The Band Played On was an important telling of the early history of the AIDS epidemic. The film brought attention to the public health failures that exacerbated the crisis. It portrayed the scientific discoveries and political obstacles in a compelling, dramatic way. While some criticized Hollywood for shaping people's understanding of history, films like this one have assumed the role of informing the public about important historical events.

The Border Of The United States
The Unlawful border crossing in the U.S. Southern border has been of political interest for the past
decades. It has been the primary source of the illegal trades into U.S. from Mexico. Despite the
government efforts to end the act, there have not been long term solutions to the Menace. The vital
approach is to understand the structural nature of the borderand the socio cultural nature of the
inhabitants that facilitates the illegal act across the border. The lawful bill in place seems not to
offer a practical solution to combating the problem. The existing border and immigration policies
should be revised to provide a possible settlement to the illegal trade across the borders. Also, the
border barriers should be adequately constructed and guarded with border security officials.
Another crucial area for consideration is the cooperation between the two countries in combating
the illegal trade across the border. A cross border initiative like Merida by President Bush would
have been the significant initiative in promoting the U.S. Mexicocross border collaboration in
combating the Illegal Border Crossings. Due to the well coordinated nature of these criminal
networks, full federal cooperation like Boarder Enforcement Security Taskforce (BEST) should act
in combating the organized gangs.
Fixing the ruined southern border of the USA There has been an increase of unlawful border
crossings as well as the rise in cross border crimes such
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Examples Of Abigail In The Crucible
In the novel The Crucible , Although Abigail did do many things that are wrong and truly
punishable, I don t think all the blame should be placed on her because there was many factors
adding on to the sad ending conclusion. Personally, I think Abigail was so in love torn over not
having John Proctor as a lover or even just a friend in her life that she took revenge into her
hands and vowed to herself that she would take Elizabeth s happiness away from her. I think in a
way she wanted Elizabeth to suffer just as she did when Elizabeth cut ties with her from seeing
John Proctorafter the affair. I feel that many people reading the story could in fact justify that it
was all Abigail s fault for all the tears, pain, blood, and hurt caused throughout the story but many
of her little girlfriends and village people participated in many of the lies that she told. People like
Judge Danforth, Tituba, Mary Warrenand many more did not help with their opinions and horrible
judgments throughout the story. For example Tituba, towards the middle of the story says
Mister Reverend, I do believe somebody else be witchin these children and I don t know, sir, but
the devil got him numerous witches . If she would ve never said that to the reverend the girls
would of never really made such a big fuss yelling out other people s innocent names to the
village. Honestly if she would of never said that i do think Abigail would of had such a good
background story in keeping the lieup and i
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The Most Effective Leader s Agenda
One of the most pressing challenges that sit on the work of the most effective leader s agenda is
how to attract, recruit and retain talent millennium (Zheng, Soosay, and Hyland, 2007). It is
believed that these 7 pivotal approaches cultivate and leverage talent pipeline in Asia (Stahl,
Björkman, Farndale, Morris, Paauwe, Stiles, Trevor and Wright, 2012). 1. Understand connect
Understanding is one thing, connecting is another, so look at what makes millennial in your
workplace tick. They hold values that are not so different to what you stand for, such as the desire
for security and variety, wanting to be stretched and challenged and are proud of the company they
work for (Tarique and Schuler, 2010). However, there are important... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This indicates the level of freedom and flexibility employees expect from their employer in order
to perform with dedication. 3. Coaching not control Autonomy and the ability to work through
challenges are more desirable to talented employees than being told how to do things. They want
to be inspired by leaders rather than be micro managed. It is no surprise, therefore, that
employees prefer to be coached and mentored rather than supervised (Tarique and Schuler, 2010).
Their self respect does not allow them to sacrifice. It is suggested that working environment,
therefore, requires an open and honest culture, with the ability to give regular two way feedback
in a trusted environment. This is likely to be more challenging within Asia, particularly in Hong
Kong where research undertaken in 2014 by The Oxford Group identified that only 17% percent
felt that their manager was approachable and listened to them, vs 30% of those asked in Singapore
(Allen, Bryant and Vardaman, 2010). 4. Make promises you can keep, not promises you can t There
is often a disparity between perception and reality regards promises made to employees. If
organizations want to attract, retain and get the very best talent, they need to work to reducing this
disparity. Authenticity and doing what you say you will do is hugely important to this audience. It
is, therefore, necessary to think creatively about what the business can offer to talented employees
to better manage the organizational talent, and
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Australia Essays
Australia Trade and Immigration Background As Joycelyn has mentioned Australia s having greater
and greater interaction with its Asian neighbours, through the areas of trade and its active role in
the regional trade organization
APEC. Despite its location, Australia can hardly be thought of being an Asian country. Not so long
ago, Asian were looked down upon, with a mixture of fear because of the communist aggression,
pity because of their poverty, and contempt, as they dumped cheap and poorly made products to do
Australian workers out of job. For decades, high prohibitive tariffs blocked the imports of Asian
goods, and a
White Australia policy fenced off Asian migrants. However, the situation is reversed in the past 2
decades. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And Australia has found it hard to dismantle the barriers to processed minerals and food in the
Asian markets, and this impedes their development of value adding industries and job creation. But
from the Asia s pt of view,
Australia s tiny population of 17 M means little to the Asian giants, for example when compared to
Indonesia s 180 M.
A qoute from the Malaysian Info minister, Australia depends on Asia and not the other way around.
may reflects
Australia s position, at least this is the way the Asians see it.
Immigration (See Overhead Immigration) Another sign of
Australia s willingness to open is its generous immigration policy. The # admitted stayed over
100,000 in the 80s, but was cut back to 80,000 in 92. Most of them were from
Asia. Besides the categories of family reunion and refugee,
Australia, like Canada, also attracted hundred of thousands of skilled or business immigrants from
Hong Kong where people fled as the Chinese takeover approaches. These people brought in an
enormous amt of capital, and also initiated a boom in the real estate market. The proportion of
Australian with Asian origins are expected to increase to 7% in 2000, as compared to 4% now.
Most Australians feel uneasy about this sudden change in the ethnic mixtures of their countries, and
opposing voices are high. The unemployment figure is double digit already, and most of the
immigrants are unskilled since they were admitted for having relations in Australia. New policies
call for
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My Dreams And Ambitions For The Future Essay
My Dreams And Ambitions For The Future EssayMy Dreams And Ambitions For The Future Essay
My Dreams And Ambitions For The Future Essay

The document discusses how ADHD affects children in special education. It notes that while ADHD is not one of the 13 official special education diagnoses, some children are still placed in special education due to having ADHD. It describes how children with ADHD may struggle academically and behaviorally, impacting their ability to learn. The document questions why children are placed in special education for ADHD if it is not an official special education category.

Steps To A Critical Lens Essay
Steps To A Critical Lens EssaySteps To A Critical Lens Essay
Steps To A Critical Lens Essay

The document provides steps for requesting and completing an assignment writing request through the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines the 5-step process: 1) Create an account with valid email and password; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund if plagiarized. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to meet assignment needs.

Max Weber s Sociology And Sociology Essay
Max Weber was a German sociologist, economist and a political leader who influenced the field
of economics and sociology with his research and theories. He is considered as one of the
founders of sociology along with Karl Marx and Г‰mile Durkheim. He was also the founder of
German Democratic Party. His works continue to inspire many economists and sociologists until
this day.
The prestige of Max Weberamong European social scientists would be difficult to over estimate.
He is widely considered the greatest of German sociologists and ... has become a leading influence
in European and American thought. (Mills, 1946)
2.Weber s Sociology
Weber defined sociology as that science which aims at the interpretive understanding of social
behaviour in order to gain an explanation of its causes, its courses, and its effects. (Denhardt, 2004)
In his sociology, Weber attempted to combine an interest driven analysis with the one that take
social behaviour into account. According to him, economic theory analysed the situation in which
a person is driven mainly by material interests and utility but did not take the behaviour of others
into account. Sociology looked at action that is driven by ideal as well as material interests that is
also oriented to the behaviour of others. There are four kinds of social actions according to Weber
s theory of sociology:
1.Zweck rational action
2.Wert rational action
3.Affectual action
4.Traditional action (Thakur, 2007)
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Summary and Analysis of The Friar s Tale Essay
Summary and Analysis of The Friar s Tale (The Canterbury Tales)
Prologue to the Friar s Tale:
The Friar commends the Wife of Bath for her tale, and then says that he will tell a tale about a
summoner. He does not wish to offend the Summoner who travels with them, but insists that
summoners are known for lewd behavior. The Summoner does not take offense, but does indicate
that he will repay the Friar in turn. The job of the Summoner to which the Friar objects is to issue
summons from the church against sinners who, under penalty of excommunication, pay indulgences
for their sins to the church, a sum which the summoner often pockets.
The Friar s Tale will continue the pattern of reciprocity that had earlier been ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
He would enlist the help of prostitutes who would reveal their customers to the summoner in
exchange for their own safety (and offer of sexual services). One day, the summoner was
traveling to issue a summons to a yeoman, who had been hunting. The summoner claimed to be a
bailiff, knowing that his actual profession was so detested. The yeoman claimed to be a bailiff,
and offers hospitality to the summoner. The two travel together, and the summoner asks where the
yeoman lives, intending to later rob him. The summoner asks the yeoman how he makes money at
his job, and the bailiff admits that he lives by extortion. The summoner admits the he does the
same, and they reveal to each other their villainy, until the yeoman finally declares that he is a
fiend whose dwelling is in hell. The summoner asks the yeoman (the devil) why he has a human
shape, and he claims that he assumes one whenever on earth. The summoner asks him why he
labors as such, and the devil says that sometimes he and others are God s instruments. The devil
claims that the summoner will meet him again someday and have more evidence of hell than had
Dante or Virgil. The summoner suggests that the two continue on their way and go about their
business, each taking their share. On their travels they found a carter whose wagon loaded with
hay was stuck in the mud. The carter cursed the devil for his troubles, and the summoner suggests
to the devil that he take all of the carter s belongings as
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Taking a Look at Def Leppard
Have you ever turned on the radio in your vehicle and heard an out rageous rock song? Yeah that
s right it s Def. Leppard. They have been tour and doing shows for twenty five plus year and still
jamming as we speak. This band has been through just about everything you could think of and
surprisingly they are still together after drug over dose, care accident, and divorcees. First of all
Def. Leppard should get this award because they have very good musical and are a pretty sweet
bad. The other reasons I think they should get this award is because they have a lot of
achievements. The first achievement that I liked was they were on the Bill Board 200 with their
song Hysteria , sold 10,000 in the first week of it being out, and also with the song Hysteria spent
six weeks at number one and 133 weeks on the Bill Board 200. (Caulfield 57) There next
achievement was that there was a big accident and there main drummer lost his arm. So he was
back to playing the drums. That s when they made the big hit Hysteria in 1983 whit there album
Pyromania after the car accident. (Tamenbaum 16). There next big achievement was that Phil Collen
and Vivian Campbell had there amazing guitar abilities over looked. (Hammond 16 20). The
next achievement I believe is very good because Def. Leppard and Kiss are paring up to go on tour
to support our troops in the U.S.A. (Fekadu) The next award that they received was The 2008
Kerrag award also known as the Classic Song Writer
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The Google Android Operating System
The Google Android Operating System To fully understand the Google Android operating
system, you must look back beyond the development of the very first version of the Android OS.
In 1999, former manufacturing engineer at Apple, Andy Rubin, joined with two other men, Matt
Hershenson and Joe Britt, to found Danger Inc. The company aimed to provide hardware and
software for mobile devices. Their most notable device was the T Mobile Sidekick. The company
spearheaded the idea of a client server model and is credited with the creation of the App
Marketplace. Danger Inc. was sold in 2008 to Microsoft, but the idea of the AndroidOS was brewing
several years before this. In 2003, Rubin made the decision to leave Danger Inc. to work on
Android. For several years, Rubin funded his ideas out of pocket and did not produce any new
products. His aim was similar to that of Danger s to revolutionize smartphone software and open
source development of ideas previously started by Danger. Android came from Linux, but has since
become an independent operating system.
2005 came around and Android had still not put out its first product. Rubin s focus was on web
connected experiences and to create an environment where developers could apply their skills. This
new idea attracted investors, namely Google. Google was interested in staying competitive with the
big companies in the smartphone market at the time Blackberry and Microsoft. The idea that
sparked Google s interest was the open source
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Printed books can negatively impact health by causing musculoskeletal issues from carrying heavy books in backpacks. Problems like back, neck, and shoulder pain may develop from the strain of hauling books and can lead to chronic issues or restrict mobility. Studies have shown teenagers often experience neck pain and headaches from backpack usage. While printed books are easy to read, prioritizing health is important, and e-books avoid physical strain on the body from transporting heavy materials.

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Here are the key aspects of Dworkin and Hart's theories of law and how they would apply to the case of Riggs v. Palmer: - Hart's theory focuses on the rules. He believes judges should look only at existing legal rules like statutes to decide cases. In Riggs v. Palmer, the will statute's plain language allowed Palmer to inherit, so Hart would say the decision should be based solely on applying that rule. - Dworkin believes judges should consider principles of political morality in addition to rules. He thinks the law is an "interpretive concept" that aims to achieve justice. In Riggs, Dworkin would say the judges were right to consider the principle that one should not profit from their

Good Topics For An Example Essay
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The document discusses how environmental factors, such as relationships with siblings, can impact human development. It analyzes the brothers Adam and Aron Trask from East of Eden and how their relationships with their abusive brothers Charles and Caleb, respectively, negatively affected them. Adam was scarred by Charles' jealousy and abuse when they were boys, making him wary of figures like his brother or Cathy. Similarly, Caleb verbally and mentally abuses Aron by lying about him, mirroring the dynamic between Adam and Charles. Both Charles and Caleb serve as "Cain" figures that influence how their brothers view family and relationships.

Romeo s Honesty
Well in my honest to god opinion I believe that Romeo did not in fact happen to be in love with
Juliet not only do I believe this I can also prove this. Which is what I shall do for you on this
essay. I honestly hope you don t get lost or confused and I hope I can make you see how I see
this. First, In the beginning of the story Romeo not only happens to be in lovewith someone else.
That person ends up not loving him back and hurting him. Now what this has to do with this is
that when you get your heart broken by someone that you gave everything to and end up finding
out that they do not feel the same at all you get hurt. There is no way to prevent that unless of
course that you are not actually in love with that person. Also when your hearty gets broken you
ended up becoming what I like to call love blind. It is where u do not care for only love anymore
you want to be in control. You want to make sure that other person loves you no matter what the
cost. And this times you want looks, action, and respect. You want to be the center of their attention
and what this ends up coming to in the end is that you think you are trying to avoid being hurts
Next, Romeo went to a party and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How would you like to have a family with that person and find out that they like to abuse your
child? What do you think Romeo would do if they had not committed suicide and he had got
Juliet pregnant and she went to her father saying Romeo had forced her and that she does not
want the child just to get on her daddy s side so he will give her the attention that she wants even
if it did happen to take Romeo s and her child s life? I only believe in what the facts show. Now, I
would like you to stop and think would you marry someone or say you are in love with someone
before even getting to know that person? I know I would
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Hong Kong Landfill Problem
Turn landfill problem into history
With the wasteful lifestyle of Hong Kong citizens, the 4 major landfills in Hong Kong are going to
be saturated. From the government s words, these landfills will be fully saturated before late
2010s. The situation is getting worse in these years, as people have no improvement in their
consumption style. They are not aware of their responsibility on reducing waste. Also, people cannot
develop the routine on recycling, and send much unnecessary rubbish to the landfill. With the rare
land resources in Hong Kong, we cannot offer any more land to extend or construct a new landfill.
If we still do nothing and continue the trend, the problem on waste treatment will cause an
enormous amount of cost for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People in developing countries may not be aware of the consequences of waste disposal in their
area, as they only consider whether they can get food to survive. Environmental protection is a
luxury for them. This may cause deep rooted and irreversible effects to the countries. Developed
cities should help developing countries, but not to increase their burden and exploit their rights.
When we look deep into incineration, is incineration effective to reduce the pressure on
landfills? In fact, this is only a shortsighted measure comparing with the PATY system. When
incinerators are built, people will consider the problem solved and ignore the problem for a long
time. However, this will only increase people s reliance on incinerators. Lau (2008) observes the
situation in Singapore and points out that the citizens in Singapore need to bear a high financial
burden on incineration (В¶ 4). Singapore overlooks the importance of waste reduction and
keeps on building incinerators to satisfy the increasing waste volume every 5 to 7 years. They
need to spend at least HK$8 billion to build an incinerator, and the operating cost of each
incinerators costs over HK$250 million per year. The geographical size of Singapore is smaller
than Hong Kong, but it already has built 4 incinerators. The cost is too high for Hong Kong to
bear and it is very difficult to choose a suitable place to build the incinerators. The residents near the
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Age Norms Within The Age
Age represents the length and duration of someone s life however; age also comes with an
individuals experience and maturity throughout his lifespan. Age norms are considered to be
what society believes an individual should act due to their own age. For example, having a job
as bus boy at a restaurant would fall under the category of age norms because typically teens are the
ones who occupy these kinds of jobs. As opposed to being older, the agenorms appropriate for a
waiter is someone who is a young adult or older. The difference in age norms in these two jobs is
being a waiter justifies you being an adult in comparison to being a bus boy, which people of
younger age usually occupy.
Acting your own age signifies the maturity one has. Although from time to time, we find ourselves
not acting our age in social situations. For example, the way I behave myself with my friends
totally differs from the way I behave with my parents. When I am with my parents I behave in a
more formal matter on the other hand, when I hang out with my friends the level of maturity and
formality drops enormously. When I am with my friends I feel that I don t need to act my age
because I am comfortable and let loose easier then if I am with my parents. A social situation in
where I typically don t act my age in is at concerts. In reality, concerts are age appropriate for
everyone but it s the way I react to the music and how I let loose that affects my level of maturity
to act my age. When, I
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The Ancient Greek Olympics
People with the greatest honor are remembered in the Olympics. The Olympics had started a
revolution that is still on today; it has brought the most talented people together to compete in
events to show each others great ability. The olympics is the new age of competitive sports that
will lead people to unlock their full potential, and start a story that will never be forgotten. The
Ancient greeceolympic gamesgo back to 776 bc in a little village called Olympia. The games were a
religious event that was performed to honor the ancient Greek God Zeus. The games were held
every four years. The Greeks had four national sports festivals, where athletes from near cities come
to compete. Which included boxing, chariot racing, riding, pankration,... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The disc can be thrown by released by throwing the disc with a swing.. Both with the farthest point
wins the prize. Running, and wrestling were also to activities that were performed in the Ancient
Greek Arena. The marathon was introduced in 490 B.C, a little before the ancient Greek arena. It
was later introduced in the olympic games in 1896 in athens. The distance to the modern marathon,
was 26 miles and 38 yards. Wrestling was one of the games that was brought in to the olympics
by the greeks. Wrestling is still happening today, where to opponents wrestle to win the gold
prize ( The pen Museum 2015). Running, and wrestling had brought to be the two major sports
from ancient greek Area to today s modern days. Running has brought people from all around the
world to compete in one event, and shoot for the gold prize. wrestling in the other hand had
brought, people to compete with all might and bathe in owns glory. Over the course of history,
Ancient Greek Olympics games have influenced modern day olympics. In ancient greek olympics
precise picked sports were shown to the modern day, by having the same activities, and also how
exactly they were
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The poem "To this day" by Shane Koyczan discusses the serious issue of bullying. Through the effective use of poetic devices like repetition and vivid imagery, the poem aims to convince the audience that bullying has real, long-lasting impacts and should not be dismissed or tolerated. Koyczan establishes his credibility on the topic to engage the audience emotionally and persuade them of the importance of taking action against bullying.

Compare And Contrast Poetry Essay.pdf
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Compare And Contrast Poem Essay - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Point-By-Point With .... Compare And Contrast Essay Outline Template – Telegraph. Compare Contrast Poetry Essay Explanations. Essay compare and contrast poems and short. 2 poems to compare and contrast. Compare and Contrast the two poems .... Compare and contrast of poetry essay project/tutorialoutlet. Compare and contrast poetry essay assignment. 003 Compare And Contrast Essay Examples College Example Of Poetry At .... Compare contrast poem essay - myteacherpages.x.fc2.com. Miki's ISU: Novel/ Poem Compare and Contrast Frame. Compare and contrast the two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well .... PPT - Compare & Contrast Poem #1 PowerPoint Presentation, free download .... 14 Poems to Compare and Contrast Like an Expert. Poetry- Comparison/Contrast Essay. Compare and Contrast Activities - Poems, Reading Passages, and More .... Compare contrast poetry essays. an image of two pages with words written in black and white on the same .... Compare And Contrast Poem Essay - Compare And Contrast Poem Essay. This is an essay which will compare and contrast two poems - GCSE .... Strong Compare and Contrast Essay Examples. Poem Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written .... Compare and Contrast with Poetry by Laura Heflin | TpT. Compare and Contrast the Two Poems - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com Compare And Contrast Poetry Essay

Global Warming Argumentative Essay Topics.pdf
Global Warming Argumentative Essay Topics.pdfGlobal Warming Argumentative Essay Topics.pdf
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Persuasive Essay Sample: Global Warming | HandMadeWriting Blog. Developing a Research Question: Lesson 9. Examples of global warming essays in 2021 | Free business plan, Essay .... Global warming essay for class 5 / best essay writing help. 008 Global Warming Argumentative Essay Example Outline Solutions L .... Global warming argumentative essay questions - opinionatorblogsnyts.web .... Argumentative Essay Global Warming. Global Warming Argument Essay - A-Level English - Marked by Teachers.com. Global Warming Argument Essay. Essay on Global Warming: Causes, Effects, Impact and Prevention of .... Accueil. Essay Writing Service - global warming argumentative essay .... Write A Short Essay On Global Warming - Global Warming Argument Essay. Global Warming Argument Essay Ed 656 Bhadha - YouTube. Argumentative Essay Against Global Warming - Essay on Global Warming. Global Warming Argument Essay — Essay on climate change and global .... Reflection Essay: Argumentative essay on global warming. Argumentative Essay Global Warming – nydojekam. Global Warming Argument Essay : The ultimate climate change FAQ. Global Warming - Argument Essay Free Essay Example. Persuasive Essays On Global Warming - Problem solving essays. Global Warming Argumentative Essay | Essay on Global Warming .... Academic Proofreading - School essay on global warming - thesissubjects .... ⇉Global Warming Speech Example Argumentative Essay Essay Example .... Global warming essay wikipedia in 2021 | Essay, Writing skills, Essay ....

The Common Raccoon ( P. Lotor
The common raccoon (P. lotor) has been said to be one of the most widespread urban mammalian
carnivores. Characterised by its fox like face, bushy striped tail, and unmistakable mask of dark
patches around their eyes, the growing population of urban raccoons has become somewhat of an
epidemic. These small creatures are known for their relatively high intellect, enabling them to
access human resources. Raccoons are omnivores, and have been consistently observed to eat
virtually anything. Additionally, even though raccoons are technically both primary consumers and
secondary consumers, they are best described as being scavengers. Raccoons have very little social
structure relatively; they are known as solitary animals, most likely stemming from their nocturnal
behaviors. Quite often, they will be found traveling as either a family (until the young reach
adolescence, at which time they leave), or an individual. They are notorious carriers of disease, can
outcompete native species, and can be quite aggressive when confronted by humans. For these
reasons and more, the urban raccoonis considered a pest, and in many areas there have been
countless efforts to control their populations (Gehrt, S. D., et. al., 2010, Pg. 35 47). This paper
will propose actions that would need to be taken in order to deter raccoons from pursuing human
waste as a food source in the effort of controlling their population.
Due to the raccoon s opportunistic nature, overtime the species have found
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What Sense Is Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting An Art Of...
1. In what sense is seventeenth century Dutch painting an art of describing? Focusing on two
works of your choice, consider the possible relationships between artworks and contemporary
forms of social behaviour and/or new knowledge. The distinctive pictorial mode of 17th Century
Dutch painting can broadly be categorised as descriptive. Realism is employed in rendering
scenes of everyday life through various iterations of subject matter found in the real world.
Distinct from Renaissance art of the south, subject matter is predominately secular and attention
to ways of rendering the world is favoured over an overt narrative. The further characterisation of
the nature of Dutch painting is problematic. E. de Jongh argued that works were not secular
slices of daily life but didactic in nature, imbued with symbolic iconography. Svetlana Alpers
dismisses de Jonghs views as simplistic, arguing that virtuosity and mastery of naturalism were
not a means to document or to make art for arts sake; but rather an intellectual exploration into
ways of seeing. Vermeer s The Milkmaid painted between 1657 1658 (fig. 1) and Jan Steens The
Card Players painted ca. 1660 (fig. 2) are genre paintings that when contrasted appear to differ in
subject and meaning. In analysing both paintings I will identify their descriptive qualities and
rationalise that the conflicting points of view of De Jhong and Alpers are neither invalid nor
mutually exclusive. The realism of Dutch painting can be
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Essay On Antifouling Paint Formulations
The list of compounds with biocidal activity used in antifouling paint formulations is exhaustive
and not fully covered in this review. Herein, the selected antifouling co biocides were organic and
organometallic compounds used in large scale to boost biocidal activity in paint formulations
(REFERENCES), therefore more likely to occur in the aquatic environments: Irgarol 1051В®,
diuron, dichloro octylisothiazolin (DCOIT), chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, thiram, 2
(thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole (TCMTB), zinc pyrtihione (ZnPT) and copper pyrithione
(CuPT). Also, emerging compounds with restricted regional markets were included because it is
interesting to evaluate the suitability to expand their use depending on their hazard and risks to...
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2011) (Table XX). Dichlofluanid (Table XX) is a potent inhibitorof fungal spore germination
(PPDB 2017). However, its toxicity might be due to its degradation products, since dichlofluanid
rapidly undergoes hydrolysis in water (Hamwijk et al. 2005), showing short half life in seawater
even when incorporated in paint particles (Thomas et al. 2003). Thiram is a dithiocarbamate
fungicide designed to inhibit spore germination and mycelial growth (PPDB 2017). Thiram is a
multi site inhibitor and can affect a wide range of organisms (KEMI 2015).
DCOIT and TCMTB are regarded as broad spectrum biocides used either as herbicide or fungicide
(REFERENCES, (FernГЎndez Alba et al. 2002)) DCOIT undergoes rapid degradation in natural
seawater and binds strongly to sediments, reducing its bioavailability and hence its potential to
bioaccumulate (Castro et al. 2011). These characteristics have seen DCOIT referred to as
environmentally one of the safest antifoulants (Jacobson Willingham 2000; Castro et al. 2011).
However, DCOIT reacts with proteins of organisms that come in contact with the coating surface,
resulting in interruption of the metabolic processes and disruption of the physiological processes
involved in the attachment of the organism to solid surfaces, thus preventing fouling, thereby
ecotoxicity studies have reported a high level of sensitivity of
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Target Market Essay
Bar (Cocktail with a twist) 1718, Baker Street, Nelson, BC, V1L5B5 (Address): It is located in
center of the nelson city. There is many shopping, grocery store and restaurants near our Bar.
There are lots of bars within the nelson area for example: Mike s Pub, Bloom, Finley s Irish Bar
and grill, The Royal Bars that offer entertainment or live music are often referred to as music bars,
live venues, or nightclubs. These types of bars have higher level of completion and range from
inexpensive to elegant places of entertainment often accompanying restaurants for dining. Target
Market: Nelson is Canada s leading educational publisher providing innovative products and
solutions for learners of all ages. Nelson values and respects the lifelong... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Patio: We also have patio outside the bar s back door because some do not like loud music or
inside environment so, we provide pleasant atmosphere. Product and services: We also provide
some special events and deals for customers to enjoy the summer as best they can with our
special cocktails such as we arrange some candle light events near beach for couples and some
games for kids to play and they can get chance to win prizes and toys as well. Cocktails Menu
Cuba Libre5.50$Absolute Watermelon Martini 6.00$ Mixture of coke and Rum Martini with
watermelon juice and Garnished with lemon sliceAbsolute vodka Whiskey Sour 6.00$Seven and
seven 5.00$ Bourbon whiskey Cocktail with sweet sour Whiskey fizzed with seven Up Taste and
Dash of egg whiteBombay Sunset 6.00$Cranberry Martini 5.00$ Bombay sapphire gin topped
Cranberry flavoured gin With Lemon juice and sodaMartini Sunset 6.00$Caesar 6.00$ Orange
juice with rum and lemon juiceCanadian most cocktail Decorated with grenadine on the top
Clamato juice with vodka and sauce spiced with spicy sauces Tom Collins 5.00$Grey hound6.00$
New York Origin CocktailSweet cocktail lover favourite Gin with sugar syrup and lemon
juiceGrape Fruit
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Mice And Men Essay Questions.pdf
Mice And Men Essay Questions.pdfMice And Men Essay Questions.pdf
Mice And Men Essay Questions.pdf

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White Rabbit
The song White Rabbit was created in 1967 by the Jefferson Airplane. It is also one of the first
songs to get drug references past radio censors. The overall message of the song is about drug
use and anti war. In the late 1960 s, drug use became popular with young, white Americans, and
they began using drugs for fun. The negative image of drugs lessened as drugs became more
popular, and drug use became a symbol of protest in a time of political unrest. Some references to
drugs in the lyrics are hookah smoking caterpillar and you ve just had some kind of mushroom,
and your mind is moving low. The hookah smoking caterpillar could represent a drug dealer or
another person also involved with drugs like a friend. Also, people began protesting... Show more
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The overall message of the song is about materialism. Madonna also said that the song is
supposed to be reflective of her life during that time. The 1980 s was a time when many people
wanted to be conservative in political, social, and economical affairs; it was also a time known
for materialism and consumerism. Although the start of the 1980 s still had people struggling
for money, by 1983, the economy recovered, and U.S. kept a period of economical growth. This
lead to people becoming rich and becoming frivolous with their purchases. Many people
interpreted Material Girl as Madonna being a free willed golddigger since it seemed to reflect a
woman s desire for expensive things and her willingness to use men for that purpose. A line that
people may use as evidence is the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mister Right which
could be viewed as the singer not caring about love and only values money. However, the lyrics
and songs are meant to be ironic since it doesn t represent the true Madonna who wasn t
materialistic and would be fine living anywhere, even a log cabin. The lines Living in a material
world constantly repeats which could symbolize the tedious nature of
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Fingerprints Research Paper
The History of Fingerprints
Fingerprints offer a solid method for an individual s identification. This is the basis for
clarification of fingerprints and has since replaced techniques for identifying people who are
reluctant to admit previous arrests. (Moore, 2017) This essay will discuss the historical backdrop of
fingerprints as a science and timeline, the progression, and accomplishments.
The first known utilization of fingerprinting was in the fourteenth century Persia, where
government authorities utilized their fingerprints, similar to how signatures are utilized today.
In 1823, a professor of anatomy at the University of Breslau, Jan Evangelista Purkynä, published
his proposition examining 9 unique fingerprint patterns, but, he didn t specify the ... Show more
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(Edgar Hoover, 2006) These patterns can further be divided into sub groups: plain arch, tented
arch, radial loop, ulnar loop, central pocket loop, plain whorl, double loop and accidental whorl.
(Edgar Hoover, 2006) A fingerprint is an impression of friction ridges of all or any part of the
finger; a friction ridge is a raised segment of the epidermis on the Palmar or plantar skin,
comprising of one or more connected ridge units of friction ridge skin; these ridges are
occasionally known as dermal edges or dermal papillae. ( Science History of Fingerprinting ,
2014) Fingerprint identification, also known as dactyloscopy or palmprint identification; the
process of comparing questions and known friction ridge impressions from fingers or palms to
figure out whether the impressions are from a similar finger or palm. ( Science History of
Fingerprinting , 2014) The adaptability of friction ridge skin implies that no two finger or palm
prints are ever precisely similar; never indistinguishable identical in every detail, even if two
impressions are recorded quickly after each other. ( Science History of Fingerprinting ,
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The Tell-Tale Heart Thesis
Research Essay: The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
The Tell Tale Heart, by Edgar Allen Poe, is a story of a nauseating death. Murder as an upshot of
an eye; literally. Incongruous actions are taken by Poe when he determines the fate of a man he
claims love upon, all because He had the eye of a vulture (Poe), and Poe plots the death of this old
man. As noted in Short Story Criticism, it s stated that; What precipitated the narrator s insanity
and the subsequent murder was his irrational obsession with the old man s so called Evil Eye.
The narrator freely admits to his auditors that this was his Primmum mobile: yes, it was this! He
had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it ... Show more content on
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Usually these sensorial illusions involve voices which the victim perceives as originating outside
his/her head, but occasionally the auditory hallucinations are of sounds rather than voices. Poe s
narrator insists that his disease had sharpened [his] senses not destroyed not dulled them, and that
Above all was the sense of hearing acute. Yet when he goes on to add I heard all things in the
heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell, his absurdly grandiose claim encourages us to
suspect related claims he makes regarding his auditory capacity (Zimmerman 279).
Insinuating that Poe is in fact a paranoid schizophrenic. Catatonia is another symptom of
schizophrenia displayed by Poe. When he had been spying on the old man, Poe states I kept quite
still and said nothing. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle (Poe), mimicking the behavior of
catatonia; the immobile state of a person often caused by psychiatric disorders, sometimes in odd
positions. Much of the criteria that needs to be met to be diagnosed with schizophrenia is extant
within Poe. One of the leading symptoms present with Edgar Allan Poe is his erratic behavior shown
existentially in the following
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My Utopian Society Essay
The Utopian land is divided into two main terrains: farmland and cities. The farmlands, of course,
are where most of the country s resources are produced. The services of the economy, smithing,
carpentry, clothmaking, etc., are mainly produced in the cities. Iron is the only resource which
must be imported abundantly. All of the resources, except iron, that the nation requires, it produces
on its own.
The Utopians live a very simple lifestyle. They work, and in their spare time play games, read, and
socialize. Other forms of entertainment, such as gambling and hunting are looked down upon.
They only eat what is necessary, and their houses are built simply and furnished only with what is
necessary. Thus, their consumption is very low.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Theses are exported for the iron that they need, and gold and silver after that.
However, gold and silver play a very different role in Utopia. There is no monetary system; all of
the people are provided with what they need. Instead of working to get money with which they
can choose what they want, their work is repaid with everything they need. What each person
needs is decided by them alone, and there is no risk of anyone taking more than they need. Why
would anyone take more than they need when they will always be provided for? There is no reason
to store up for the future, and there is nothing to do with extra, unnecessary products.
The gold and silver then is used for purchasing mercenaries for use in war and for paying citizens
of other nations to turn against their country in war. Since gold is of no use to the people of
Utopia, it is stored as chamber pots, and cheap jewelry worn only by the bondman, the lowest of
Utopian people. When a time comes that requires the use of gold, the Utopians gladly give it up,
for to them it is just a toilet. The Utopian government also uses its gold to lend to other nations in
need. They are very liberal with their loans, and do not always ask for them to be repaid. Their
reasoning is that they have no use for the gold, for they have a surplus of that as well, and the
other nation that is in debt has very good use for it.
This economy seems very
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Pea Ridge Battle Analysis
wagon Commander never expected that large group of Texans and Native American will able to
attack during the dark of the night. The planed details for a month that legendary Waite was
preparation paid off. The report for the two war was saying that one of the CPT was not able to
saver due to his horst were not in condition, that pinot it show that somehow the leadership
cooperation on that time was not in good shape. The report say that General Gano plane was
each troop will lead his troop but wone of the troop that was Addie to the plane was not expected.
Using unconventional warfare in the Pea Ridge battle is was not good philosophy that give the
troop that follow under Brigadier General Stand Watie which let to give the force the scope to look
at the upcoming battle Conventional warfare meaning wage war by using... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
With the Confederates win in the second battle towards the end of the Civil War allowed for the
South to be able to boost morale for the South, but soon they were able to realize that the late
defeats were unnecessary and it just proved that that the South truly believed that their cause was
worth fighting for. In the conclusion the damage of the both battle was report 637 killed
,wounded ,or capture the court report was 79 killed second battle of Cabin Creek was the last
battle and is consider as major battle of the Civil War. Best on the Victory the Indian Territory
morale reared among the Confederates and that allowed watie to campaign until June 23, 1865,
which make him the last General in Confederate Community to surrender. Therefore the Cabin
Creek battlefield was placed on the National Register of Historic in
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Research Paper On DNS System
Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation optional)
Name of organization acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) name@xyz.com optional (line 4)
Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation optional)
Name of organization acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) name@xyz.com optional (line 4)
Abstract There are millions of Electronic devices in and around the world. Each device will have
unique address and those devices connect to the world or other devices through a network. Each
network will have unique address called IP Address. Being very hard to remember all the IP address
and to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our main purpose is to understand the Security challenges faced in using DNS and better practices
to reduce those.
DNS is a protocol with some protocols for computers in exchanging data over the Internet. The
process is to turn a website like google.com into an machine readable address like and for IPv4 that computers use for identification on the network. In fact Google Public DNS
is largest DNS service in the world which handles more than 400 billion requests a day. All the
computers or hosts on the internet use IP Address to establish a connection with site they are
need. With the DNS service, we don t need to remember the whole bunch of numbers stacked at
each decimal point. We just use a DNS server and appropriate name servers and access the sites
with specific names. And this DNS server manages a massive database which maps the domain
names to those IP Addresses.
On a short note, DNS server search for the domain name as per the User Request. This process is
named as DNS name Resolution and this means DNS servers converts the domain name to IP
address. As mentioned earlier, google.com has IP address of which you enter directly into
browser will give you the Google s page. Web site s IP addresses are dynamic and some sites use
many IP s with only one Domain name.Without DNS servers, Internet access would be a lot tougher.
When you are trying to access a domain, the hose
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Blades Plc Parity Relations in International Finance
International Finance FIE433
Case Study 2 Parity Relations in International Finance
Students should allocate themselves into Consultancy Teams of around four people (final
confirmation of the number in each team to be given after student enrolment). Choose a unique
business name for your team. All teams should be prepared to present their results/conclusions to
the rest of the class. A printout of the presentation slides should be uploaded on Its Learning and
made available to me at the start by ALL teams. I will then choose randomly the teams to give their
presentations of no longer than 20 minutes on the assigned tasks during the tutorials. Emphasis
should be put on the presentation of the key points and the overall ... Show more content on
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Besides the bid and ask quotes for the Thai baht provided in the previous question, Minzu Bank has
provided the following quotations for the pound and the Japanese yen: Quoted Bid PriceQuoted Ask
Value of a Japanese yen in British poundsВЈ0.0057ВЈ0.0058
Value of a Thai baht in Japanese yenВҐ2.69ВҐ2.70
Determine whether the cross exchange rate between the Thai baht and Japanese yen is appropriate.
If it is not appropriate, determine the profit you could generate for Blades by withdrawing
ВЈ100,000 from Blades current account and engaging in triangular arbitrage before the rates are
Exchange quotation are not appropriate. There is a possibility for arbitrage, because it is possible
to buy Thai bath for 0,0151 ВЈ in Minzu ban and sell it by 2,69*0,0057=0,0153 what gives
0,0002ВЈ profit per unit. Potential investor convert the currency ВЈ into :Thai bath in Minzu Bank
getting 1000 000/0,0151= 6 622 516,6 Thai bath. Then he/she can convert the money into Yen 6
622 516,6*2,69= 17 814 569,5ВҐ and at the end convert it into British pound again 17 814 569,5*
0,0057= 101 543,05 ВЈ
The profit from arbitrage 1543,05 ВЈ
3.Ben Holt has obtained several forward contract quotations for the Thai baht to determine whether
covered interest arbitrage may be possible. He was quoted a forward rate of ВЈ0.015 per Thai baht
for a 90 day forward contract. The current spot rate is ВЈ0.0151. Ninety day interest rates available
to Blades in the United
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Effective Teaching
Professor Kerry Jones
EN 106
September 11, 2013
Effective Teaching
Education is something that constantly has to change with the changing world. Change is an
evolutionary process. We cannot continue to educate our children for factory work but educate for
creativity. (Hetland 66) With this change comes new forms of learning. Students today are
technophiles. They love their video games and they can t put down their smart phones, iPods, and
social networks. The challenge for working in the electronic age is that we have so much access to
information but we still have the same brain we always had. The problem is not access to
information. It is integrating that information and making sense out of it. Students must learn to use
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To help students gain confidence in higher order thinking with complex text, effective teachers
gradually increase task complexity, moving from lower level to higher level task.
Many students believe that reading informational text is a waste of time because they can just
search the web for what they need at that time. Effective teachers get their students to believe the
text is important to get the students to read it. For teachers to increase the perceived value of reading
is to help students understand how reading the text benefits them across a range of situations.
Effective teachers give students opportunities to apply the informational text they read to concrete
classroom task.
Effective teachers set up frequent opportunities for collaboration to support students social
motivation for reading informational text. Social interaction around text has to be well managed to
ensure that students listen to one another. The students get to use creativity making new things and
makes old things new. Students build on one another s thoughts to explain the major theme of the
text by successively adding key elements as they take turns contributing to the synthesis. This helps
students become more skillful in interpreting complex text.
Today all students need to feel in control of their world. Teachers who give students choices in
their informational reading helps them develop an interest in reading. Making simple choices is a
rewarding form of
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Food Stamps Essay
Food stamps are an important component of low income families monthly resources, increasing
the chances that families are able to meet basic needs (Ratcliffe, McKernan Finegold, 2008). This
form of food relief dates back to the Great Depression when many Americans lost their jobs and
did not have money to feed their families. People were starving while farmers produced abundant
crop that could not be sold due to a lack of consumers with buying power (Dorsch, 2013). The
Federal Surplus Relief Corporation which was a part of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, bought
basic farm goods at low prices and distributed the among hunger relief agencies in different states
and local communities (Congressional Digest, 2013).
The original Food Stamps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This was a good idea because that meant that people seeking help received the assistance in the
application process. There are many people needing help who were not able to apply because there
was a language barrier, and they ended up taking friends, family members or acquaintances with
them in order to help them fully understand what is required for acceptance into the program.
This was a great addition to the Food Stamp Act because it helped to better serve those in need.
In 1993, the year where Second Harvest s data was collected, it was reported that 62.9% of
impoverished adults were women, and 60%.9 of adult emergency food users were women. 40%
of all poor people and 42.9% of emergency food clients were children. The Second Harvest study
asked respondent agencies to list the top three reasons that clients in their programs seek food
assistance. Recent unemployment was the reason cited more often than any other. The second one
was working/need more money and the third was emergency/crisis and term that could have meant
eviction or sudden death from the breadwinner or natural disasters like hurricanes (Poppendieck,
1998). The results just go to show that there were many people in need of assistance and the food
stamps program was able to support in their time of
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Effects Of Stress In France Comcomlecom
Stress in the Workplace My reaction to the situation with France Telecom is that it is a tragedy, no
organization should be ok with any of their employees being stressed to the point of wanting to kill
themselves. Which reminded me of our previous discussion about job satisfaction. I don t think any
job is worth the stressthat the employees of France Telecom had to endure, no matter how much
money the employees are making. I also thought, this is an important public/global health issue that
needs to be addressed.
What went wrong at France Telecom?
I believe there are more factors to consider than what was included in this case, but with the
information given, the internal factors were mainly poor management, such as the chairman Didier
Lombard. According to BBC news, Mr. Lombard announced plans to cut 22,000 jobs and move
another 14,000 workers, as France Telecom pushed for greater efficiency in the wake of
privatization, two years earlier. (N/A, 2016) This was the main contributor to the extremely high
levels of stress the employees were under. When deciding to make changes in the organization, the
company was using psychological pressure and pathogenic restructuring that caused the employees
immense stress and the feeling of insecurity in the face of globalization. They felt insignificant to
the company and the way they were pressured and treated created huge role conflict and overload.
I believe that it is the manager s job to make sure that the work environment is
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Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language
People say learning a foreign language is a waste of time and resources. Many Americans believe
the English language is the most dominant in the world so what s the point of learning another
language? It is a common believe that the English language is the most spoken language in the
world, however it is actually not. Furthermore, learning a foreign language does more than just
being another way to talk, write, or read, learning another language brings benefits. A foreign
language is useful in many ways such as Mandarin which is the most spoken language in the world,
or being able to connect to foreign cultures, and it also useful in national security.
Many Americans believe there is no need in learning a foreign language because English is the
most dominant language and is being taught in every other country which is true, however there is
one language more dominant, Mandarin. Many believe English is the most spoken language in the
world however there are more than twice as many speakers of Mandarin Chinese as of English
which shows that the English language is not as dominant in the world as people believe (Paul).
America is slowly becoming a multilingual society mostly because of the Spanish language. The
Spanish language is spoken in the U.S by 37 million people which is double of what it was in
1990 (Paul). Americans are becoming increasingly multilingual every passing year. However, some
Americans choose not to adapt to these changes and they will be left behind
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Theodore Roosevelt Essay
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was a strong leader and ruled with an iron fist as a president. He conquered
the frontier and went on to conquer other countries as well. Roosevelt was a born leader. During
his childhood he overcame his sickness by exercising and participating in outdoor activities. After
Theodore graduated from Harvard he went straight into politics. He began his career as the
president of the New York Board of Police Commissioners. Later Roosevelt continued his career as
an assistant secretary of the navy in Washington. He then became a Rough Rider during the Spanish
American War. Roosevelt then returned home and became the Governor of New York and Vice
President of the United States in 1900. In 1901 he became ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
He also wanted to require American military around the world. Roosevelt also thought that the
Protestants Anglo American culture should be spread to other countries.
Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far #. This is how Theodore Roosevelt summed up
his views. Roosevelt wanted to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. His attempt to lease
the ground was unsuccessful though so he created a new strategy. Roosevelt wanted to take
over Panama. For only ten million dollars, it happened, on November 3, 1903. The canal gave
the United States a huge commercial and strategic advantage. Though this was a good effect for
the United States, there still was a negative effect. The newly exposed areas needed to be
policed. Proper policing of the world # was called for by Roosevelt. His main concern was that
Europe might try to take it if the United States did not. To stop this proclaimed which came to be
known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Chronic wrongdoing, or an importance
which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, the exercise of an international
police power # is what the Document said. This was also used to justify armed intervention in the
internal affairs of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Mexico.
Theodore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. This is because he mediated a settlement of
the Russia Japanese War at Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1905. In 1908 Roosevelt sent
battleships to visit
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Middle School El Students- Carlos
Name: David Hendershot Scenario: Middle School EL Students Carlos
Content Objectives:
S.7.LS.2 develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of
cells contribute to the function.
пѓ SWBAT: Students will be able to identify the different parts of a plant and animal cell
пѓ SWBAT: Students will be able to describe/ define the function of the parts of a cell
пѓ SWBAT: Students will create a model of a cell.
WV ELP Standards: 1, 2, 5, 7
Language Objectives:
пѓ SW be able to orally describe the structure and function of a cell to a partner
пѓ SW define and use scientific terms for cells, organelles, and functions
пѓ SW be able to orally explain the differences and similarities between plant ... Show more
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Show students a PowerPoint on cells and their functions. Students will fill in their graphic
organizers as they listen to the PowerPoint presentation. Students will then identify cell parts and
their function using cell models provided.
Day 2 The students are going to make an edible cell, either animal or plant using sugar cookies or
different candies. Students will use their completed graphic organizers to make an edible model of
a cell. They will select items to represent various cell structures and justify their choices by
describing how the items they have chosen represent the actual parts of a cell.
Day 1
1.Think/Pair/Share describe cells, give examples of cells, and draw a picture of a cell in their
notebooks. In pairs, students will compare answers. Share ideas with class. (5 min.)
2.Introduce vocabulary by showing students a PowerPoint on cell organelles and their function
(include pictures of cells and their organelles).
3.SW complete the graphic organizer of cell terms and provide an illustrations of each (20 min.).
4.Handout model cells to students.
5.Working in pairs, have students identify each organelle in the model cell and
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Yard Signs
One assumption I have generally made when it comes to politics and elections is that campaign
managers know what they re doing, and everything is rooted in numbers. Shows like Scandal
made me think that a campaign manager could point to a graph to show why X strategy works
best. When looking at the research this week over yard signs and after class discussion, I was
surprised at how untrue that can be.
As I ve mentioned in previous papers, measuring certain treatments can be difficult with how many
factors have to be controlled for, and trying to find ways to measure intangible things like impact of
yard signs on voter turnout and more. This issue makes good research especially interesting, like
that performed by Green et al. These researchers performed 4 different experiments, treating a
different number of precincts each time. They treated areas in upstate New York, Albany, Fairfax
County, Virginia, and Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Different treatments had different
salience levels, as well as placement and type of sign. Some signs were true yard signs, others
were road signs. Results are best quoted from researchers: it appears that signs typically have a
modest effect on advertising candidates vote shares an effect that is probably greater than zero but
unlikely to be large enough to alter the outcome of a contest that would ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
al to be the best part of reading this week. Research was designed well to control for multiple
variables, and the randomization component helped look at pooling over and other factors that
needed to be considered. I found through class discussion how frustrating it can be to come up with
what to measure, and how to measure it. Quantifying things like voter intent is difficult. With most
research we have read and discussed, I find it hard to understand controlling for voters who would
have voted anyway. When social scientists count their vote in research, is it skewing the data at
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Deshawn Smith Research Paper
New York City A barber, 55 from Gravity Falls, Oregon is known as Deshawn Smith confesses
about assuming a new identity known as Deandre Jones and relocates to New York City after
slaughtering Captain Philip Torres in Deshawn s very own barber shop.
Philip Torres was killed on October 3rd, 1992 while receiving a shave at Deshawn s barber shop. I
needed to kill him for the greater good of our town and to protect my family at any cost, and I do
not regret anything and will face any punishment for what I ve done, said by Deshawn Smith.
I needed to kill him for the greater good of our town and to protect my family at any cost, and I do
not regret anything and will face any punishment for what
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The Suffragette Film Analysis
The Suffragette film presents a truthful recount of how women were perceived within society.
Throughout society, there was a belief that women do not need to represent their own self; rather
they have husbands that will represent their wives (Suffragette 2015). Women are often left in a
state of subordination because men are considered to be self centered and are only fully noticed
when a male is sexually attracted to her. As a result, women are perceived as sexual objects for the
male gender(Solarnis 1968, p.464). As mentioned previously, it was expected that women follow
their gender norms of caring for the children and husbandand not to stray away from this norm.
During the early 20th century, it has been stated that men have authoritative... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
It is clear to see that the women acknowledged the gender inequalities within society and that
they should have a right to vote alongside men. The film follows Maud, who is the main
character, as she begins to take part in the Suffragette movement. Maud s Suffragette encounter
began when she was listening to Mrs Olton s speech, which was utilised in order to get women
to voice their struggles, and hope for change. At the time of the speech, Maud was working at the
laundry for Mr Taylor, who sexually, emotionally and physically abused the women who were
working there. Following Mrs Olton s speech, Maud was forced to give a statement to parliament
and she described working at the laundry for Mr Taylor. She stated that the women working in the
laundry received aches, chest coughs, crushed fingers, leg ulcers, burns, headaches, and sometimes,
poisoned (Suffragette 2015). Additionally, women were paid 13 shillings; whereas men were paid
19 shillings, even though women worked a third more of the hours (Suffragette 2015). Connell s
(1987, p.188) research of this time period portrays this truthfulness as he states that women were
paid unequally to
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The document discusses company law and provides a comparative study. It defines company law as the field concerned with running companies and business organizations, including partnerships, corporations, and associations. It notes that company laws were originally derived from English common law but have evolved. The summary concludes that most countries have similar business entity forms but that company laws are derived from and regulated by the laws of individual countries.

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Primark Structural and Organisation Report
Contents:Introduction: Page 3Product Information and Marketing: Page 4Financial Position: Page
5Financial Performance: Page 6Company Information: Pages 7Consolidated Income Statement:
Page 8Consolidated Balance Sheet: Page 9Company Balance Sheet: Page 10Bibliography: Page
11Managerial Finance Report: PrimarkStores LimitedIntroductionPrimark Stores Limited is a
subsidiary of Associated British Foods PLC, and Primark has become a well established family
name in recent years. It has set a benchmark for many companies to follow in a segment of the
market labelled the value sector . The company was founded to produce clothing that is value for
money, in other words you are paying for the quality of the product and not for the label that come
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Primark gives the discerning dresser a choice between designer clothes, or their cheaper, high
quality own brand clothing.
This is backed up by one of today s top business newspaper Forget Prada, fashionists have
discovered Primark, a cut price chain leading a new consumer trend the rise of cheapskate Britain.
(http://www.primark.co.uk/downloads/Primark%20Brochure%20AW.pdf)Primark will continue to
prosper as a company and expand in today s clothes retailing sector which consumers are finding
irresistible by simply sticking to the company s motto Look good, pay less Financial PositionHow
much has been invested in fixed assets?Fixed assets for 2005 : ВЈ 208MFixed assets for 2006 : ВЈ
487MTherefore, there was an increase of 134.1% between 2005 and 2006. Each element of the
fixed assets has increased.
What are the sources of long term finance?The sources of long term finance are the long term
liabilities: in 2005, there were liabilities of ВЈ 824M and in 2006 of ВЈ 637 M, so, a decrease of
Gearing ratio (2005) = 18%Gearing ratio (2006) = 14%The gearing ratio reveals a level of
gearing that would not normally be considered to be very high. The ratio reveals a little decrease
in the level of gearing over the year. There was a decrease in the relative contribution of long term
lenders to the financing of the business. We can see from the balance sheetthat there was a
substantial decrease of interest bearing loans (from ВЈ 539M in 2005 to ВЈ
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The Common Origins of the World’s Major Religions Essay
The Common Origins of the World s Major Religions
All too often in modern society it is the differences and conflicts that serve to separate religious
groups that are emphasized. The mainstream media, fundamentalists propaganda, and other sources
choose to ignore the numerous similarities that many religions share, and instead focus on the
divisive elements. In this paper, I will attempt to shed light on the many commonalities in dogma
that I believe exist between the major religions of the world. I also want to illustrate the fact that in
addition to having similar core teachings, many religions have histories that have either endured or
arisen during times of persecution. It is ironic that in many cases, the persecution that a ... Show
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Judaism The Jewish Bible points to Abraham and the covenant that God made with him in the
Book of Genesis. Yahweh s people as they are known, today Jews account for over fourteen million
people. Throughout their history, Jews have been persecuted for their faith as much as, if not more
than the followers of any other faith. From having the first temple of Jerusalem destroyed by the
Babylonians in 586BC to internment in Nazi concentration camps in the twentieth century, Jews
communities have remained solidly united through belief in the Diaspora and the goal of
reestablishing the state of Israel. Finally, in 1948, Israel once again regained its sovereignty;
however, this has not brought an end to the suffering and conflict that seems to have characterized
Jewish life since its inception. Central to Jewish dogma, is adherence to the Torah, or the Jewish
Bible. The Torah, which is composed primarily of the first five books of the Bible: Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. While the most notablesplit from traditional
Judaism can be seen in the origins of Christianity, other breakings include Conservative and Reform
movements in the nineteenth century. One of the greatest prophets in the Jewish tradition is
Moses. Living at around the thirteenth century BC, Moses is accredited with delivering the Jewish
Israelites from the harsh oppression of the
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How Did Voltaire Contribute To The Danger Of Despotism
Voltaire was a French philosopher in the eighteen century, a period of free thinkers where freedom
of thought was emerging sufficiently. However, he and others were not academically trained
scholars operating in official institutions of their time. They largely depended on talent and the
knowledge they had acquired in school having come from able families.
On his part, Voltairegreatly defended civil liberties including freedom of religion and right to fair
trial. He went against all odds to ensure social reform despite laws in France for those that were
found to have broken them. He was satirical as he often used his work to criticize church doctrine.
On his part, he failed to advocate for atheism or the overthrow of the French regime ... Show more
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His mentor John Luke and England s uncertain empiricism were the motives behind his
philosophical views. He was a hypocrite in some manner as his philosophical ideas, and social
criticisms were not original although he portrayed a keen common sense. He contradicted Rousseau
s believe that civilization corrupts man as he believed in progress and the virtues of civilization.
Voltaire significantly took part in fighting for religious liberty. He found the act of people
believing in one religion dangerous as this could expose them to the danger of despotism. He was
controversial as he articulated that existence of two or more religions would generate violence
among people. Undiplomatically, he is said to have fought to an unusual extent to right the wrongs
done against Protestants who had beliefs different to his.
Voltaire did not like Catholic Church institutions as he found them abusive. Eventually, this made
Voltaire engaged in an intense battle against the Catholic Church as he found it skeptical of
religious keenness and the emphasis of human sin. He advised people to take religion as a
deterrent and encouragement towards the good life. Notably, he had invented a saying that if God
did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. This was controversial as by this he just sought to
encourage the worshiping of
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Global Plan Qb House- Expansion to the United States of...
Global Plan
QB House Expansion to the United States of America
Global Plan
QB House Expansion to the United States of America
BUS548 International Business
Table of Contents
Phase One: Planning the Global Business Enterprise A. Identifying Global Business
Opportunities.........................................3 B. Analyzing International
Competitors................................................4 C. Assessing the Economic Geographic
Environment...............................5 D. Assessing the Social Cultural
Environment........................................7 E. Assessing the Political Legal
Phase Two: Organizing for International Business Activities A. Selecting a Global Company
Structure.............................................9 B. Financing Sources for ... Show more content on
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* Holiday Hair. * TGF Hair Salon. * Head Start Hair Care. * Famous Hair. * Style America Hair
Care. * First Choice Hair Cutters. * Great Expectations Precision Haircutters: With us it s personal.
* We care Hair: Personal Care. Practically Priced.
2. Sharkey s Cuts for Kids: Where haircuts are cool and fun rules. This is according to their
corporate website.
3. Barbershops. There are over 48,000 Barbers listed in the United States. They are located in all
fifty two States. For example New York State has 3,710, Texas 3,543, Florida 2,959, California
4,964, and Ohio 2,172 according to manta.com website. (Manta Media, Inc., 2011)
So in going global, QB house will operate within a competitive environment. A company s situation
may differ among countries by its competitive ranking; the competitors it faces (Daniels,
Radebaugh, and Sullivan, 2011). So the largest international competition for QB House is the Regis
Corporation companies and independently owned and operated barbershops. The Regis
Corporation has almost 9,500 North American salons that provide services such as haircuts, styling,
and coloring according to the corporate website. Although each independently owned barbershop is
a little different in the United States, many have some very similar attributes and styles. Also,
barbershops are a mainstay in the United States and part of the culture.
Assessing the Economic Geographic Environment
Since the US

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Essay On Rabindranath Tagore | Essay On My Favourite Poet Rabindranath .... rabindranath tagore essay in 70 words - Brainly.in. Rabindranath Tagore Essay in English | Rabindranath Tagore biography .... Essay on Rabindranath Tagore for Students and Children | PDF Download. Essay on Rabindranath Tagore for Students in English [500 Words]. Short Rabindranath Tagore Essay in English - YouTube. Essay on the Rabindranath Tagore: The Voice of the East. ⛔ Profile of rabindranath tagore. Rabindranath Tagore Biography, Life .... Rabindranath Tagore Essay in English for Kids with Free PDF Inside. Rabindranath Tagore (A Biography). Rabindranath Tagore (A Life Story). Essay on rabindranath tagore. Handwriting | Paragraph Writing | Rabindranath Tagore - YouTube. Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindarath tagore. Rabindranath Tagore | Biography & Facts | Britannica.com. Rabindranath Tagore (A Biography) | Exotic India Art. Rabindranath Tagore Biography Essay on Short Words life - Short Biography. Rabindranath Tagore- A Biography | Exotic India Art. Paragraph on Rabindranath Tagore [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]. Rabindranath Tagore (A Pictorial Biography) | Exotic India Art. Rabindranath Tagore-great philosopher, author, composer, poet, what .... Rabindranath Tagore - Biography - YouTube. Through Picture: Rabindranath Tagore: his educational philosophy. Rabindranath Tagore - About the Poet - TNPSC English Grammar | Literary Works Rabindranath Tagore |.

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Why We Need An Urban County Government
Why We Need an Urban County Government
For too long this area has taken a back seat to the larger cities around us. We need to join the rest
of the progressive regions in this state and establish a new, more efficient form of government.
Pulaski County and the cities of Somerset, Science Hill, Ferguson, and Burnside need to merge
together and create an urban county government. This will help to consolidate duplicate services,
provide better representation for the citizens of Pulaski County, and strengthen the economy in this
We live in a magnificent part of the state of Kentucky. We have picturesque landscapes, really
pleasant residents, and a magnificent lake that supports a huge part of our economy through tourism.
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As a result, it is possible for the citizens to vote to implement this type of government. Therefore, in
April of 2013 the Somerset Pulaski County United group formed and began the process of having
feasibility studies done to see if the formation of an urban county government would be an
alternative that would serve our area well. According to the Commonwealth Journal, a newspaper in
Somerset, Kentucky, A group of about 60 community leaders, clustered as Somerset Pulaski County
United (SPCU), is embarking on a study to determine if a consolidated or united government in
Pulaski County would be more efficient and more responsive to the county s 63,000 residents.
(Mardis and Shmidheiser). This group, a cross section that well represents the residents of this
county, believes that the formation an urban county government is a great opportunity for all our
Unfortunately, the SPCU has faced much antagonism in this initial phase of work. Many current
government leaders are afraid of what changes might do to their positions of power. But these
same leaders are also the ones who create problems and allow current ones to continue. Having a
council of peers will give a voice everyone in the area, not just the few who reside in the
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Communication and Why We Need Effective Communication
With every interaction, whether active or passive, we find ourselves communicating with other
people. Even our silence connotes some intention, which others may interpret at their discretion.
Whether by artifact or by attendance, every human being constantly participates in the process of
Defining Communication
Communication means exchange of ideas, views, opinion, understanding, feelings, emotions, facts
or information between two or more persons by any sources or medium.
Communication is not only the essence of being human, but also a vital property of life... John A.
Communication is broadly defined as interaction of thoughts, exchange of ideas and building
proper motivation between two binary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The importance of communication is best understood when there is a lack of it. Listening,
understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words verbal, written or
gestured. How we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how
our expressions are interpreted.
To quote Karl Popper, It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood .
Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may
result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding the importance of communication
and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the
ability to effectively express himself and this is where the importance of communication skills can
be truly fathomed. The importance of communication is equal in every walk of like, be it in
personal, professional or social life.
Components of Communication
Communication is effective when a concise and clear message is delivered well, received
successfully, and understood fully. The process of communication has the following distinct
components: the sender the message the medium the receiver feedback. The Communication
The communication process consists of message being sent and received.T he message maybe
verbal or non
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The Conflict in Darfur and United States Involvement
The conflict in Darfur refers to the fighting that is happening in the western region of Sudan
known as Darfur. These fights have been taking place since 2003 and have continued to today.
Similarities can be made to the Rwandan Genocide; there is a government funded and armed
militia that is not officially supported by the government that is killing a local population. The
citizens of the region of Darfur that are being killed are not Arabic, like the majority of the rest of
Sudan is, however, they are more similar in culture and other aspects to the citizens of South
Sudan, Sudan s neighboring country to the south with which Sudan has had multiple wars with.
Despite the fact that there is a militia that is killing citizens, there are also other militias that are
fighting for the Darfuri people. These two sides have been fighting each other for close to ten
years. Even though citizens of a certain group are being targeted by a militia, the conflict in Darfur
is not a genocide. The United States should not get involved militarily in this conflict because it is
only a conflict and not a genocide. It is a war between two groups over disputes between these
groups. Instead, the United States should use diplomacy to help end the conflict happening in
A genocide is the systematic attempt to eliminate a group of people based on race, religion,
ethnicity, or other defining group characteristic. This should not be misconstrued with a war
between two groups where each group is
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  • 2. “Are we going to prepare kids for their future, or our... Are we going to prepare kids for their future, or our past? If we aren t using technology, we aren t preparing them for the future says Sister Patricia Clune, Superintendent in Kansas City (Galitzine). Many kids develop back problems at an early age from carrying heavy textbooks(Tablets). Electronic devices weigh much lighter than textbooks making it a more suitable option for kids (Tablets). Textbooks need to be constantly updated but by using electronic devices schools can easily update books electronically at a much cheaper cost (Tablets).There are numerous tools found online that educators can use to encourage students to be more innovative and creative with their learning (Hilgedick). The support for electronic devices is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When you buy a textbook, the information is already 18 months to two years out of date and only 60 percent is aligned to your curriculum, Chief officer Dr.Smith said (Laptops). Schools can get electronic devices at more affordable rates than textbooks(Kay).Electronic books can save school s $250 $1,000 per student (Tablets). FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said that too many students are using books that are old with outdated material (Tablets). Electronic devices expose students to a wealth of resources and data that a textbook with a few authors cannot match up to (Kay). Electronic devices are much cheaper to obtain and can provide information that is up to date (Kay). Electronic devices offer video, audio, and several other features that simply cannot be found in a textbook(Thakkar). Students are able to learn more when they actually see the object or person they are learning about instead of reading long detailed explanations. Electronic devices are able to provide visual features the students can use to learn(Thakkar). You can just see a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. as you read his I Have a Dream speech but with one tap of a finger, you can watch it. The result is a more appealing experience, which is more engaging for students. says, Adam Roberts a former educator (Thakkar) . Electronic devices have a search function to find specific information, a backlighting option to read in low light, and a built in dictionary(Tablets). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay About Discourse Community ORLANDO CITY SOCCER FAN CLUB: A Community of Soccer Fans A discourse community is a group of people who have common goals and interest and have a preferred way of communicating to achieve their goals. Such group develop their own vocabulary which is only understood by the members of the group. It will be difficult for anyone to enter a completely new group so this guide is made to make this transition as smooth as possible. As there are many communities of different discourses, this profile talks about a discourse community of soccer fans which is called Orlando City Soccer Fan Club. Introduction: Soccer, commonly called as football, is a globally recognized game which is played in every parts of the world. Football has a community of players as well as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We always support our team, no matter what the result is. We always believe in fair play. We never curse the other teams if they win the match. We never blame the players of our team if they lose the match, rather, we always support and encourage them. We always stand in front of our players in every matches, singing, dancing and cheering up for their support. These are the identities of our community. However, blaming the players, speaking vulgar words, quarrelling and fighting with supporters of other teams are the identities which are not allowed in our discourse community. Social Values: Orlando Soccer Fan Club is mostly recognized in World Community. At present, it has high social standard. Usually, all the members of our club are the true fans of Orlando City Soccer. We are the only person who are responsible for making our club thrive and more popular in the world. People are attracted to our club and the popularity of our club is growing widely mainly because of following reasons: We never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result is. We never sit down during a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Advantage And Advantage Of Jute Title: Advantages of Jute Which Everyone Must Know! Summary: Want to help mother earth? Give this article a read and help the earth to sustain for future now! The specialists everywhere throughout the world must embrace uniform approaches to hoist jute business. Jute product industry is monumental for more nourishment production, the better status of labourers and little ranchers, contamination free condition, swelling control, and over all economical advancement of the nation and the world, because of its superb properties which I will clarify in this article: Plentiful availability Excellent drape measures Exceptional damp retention capacity Under costs correlated to synthetic Geotextiles Comfort of installation Bio degradable properties Plants can retain up to 15 tons of carbon dioxide and discharge 11 tons of oxygen amid the jute developing season (around 100 days) which is useful for our condition and planet. Lessening Environment Pollution Up to the Large Extent: The utilization of jute or jute products is additionally a critical stride in fighting the utilization of various materials containing dangerous squanders. Jute sacks chops down the work of Plastic bags, as they contaminates the earth. The plastic packs have been successfully prohibited in India and numerous different nations because of the unsafe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jute can be reaped inside 4 to a half year, and can deliver between 20 to 40 tons of dry stem per hectare. In examination, the quickest developing trees take in the vicinity of 10 and 14 years to develop. Likewise, trees will just create between 8 to 12 ton, per hectare, yearly. In this way jute can be a best conservative choice for the general population due to the low info cost. Furthermore, this is the purpose behind why the fares of numerous jute items sending out organizations has expanded ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. King of the Bingo Game Analysis of King of the Bingo Game Ideas of slavery, identity, and what is acceptable behavior differ greatly in the past Civil War North and South. Ralph Ellison s King of the Bingo Game depicts how traditional southern slave mentalities are in conflict even after Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation of the slaves, leading many, like the nameless main character to try and find a new identity and giving him a taste of power to control his life and the lives of others. From the beginning of the story, we are shown racial inequalities. Ellison introduces us to our character who is a broke and hungry African American economically struggling to save his lady friend s, Laura s, life. The protagonist got no birth certificate to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He asks him where he is from and begins to slowly embarrass him, cracking jokes on stage to please his fellow crowd members, for the white man knows the protagonist is somewhere he doesn t belong. The protagonist takes no action to respond back to the host, receiving the verbal beating, because it is what he has been accustomed to throughout his life, being seen as the inferior race. He continues to show his lack of identity, as well as his powers of assertion and articulation. Once the protagonist is given the button to control the bingo wheel he tells himself his plan ... give the wheel a short quick twirl. Just a touch of the button (586). He held on to the button, tightening his grip, as the wheel increased in speed, it drawing him more and more into its power (587). He finally held the power of the button given to him by the white man. This was his chance to attempt to break the grossly unfair set of rules established by the dominant white society. Instead of following his plan he continued to let the wheel spin, watching the numbers as they whirled by, he then burst out This is God! This is the really truly God! He said it aloud, This is God! (587). He experiences total power, he loves it. He controls the entire audience s attention as he holds the button and feels more and more power. The wheel spins while holding onto the button, allowing him to be master of his own destiny a feeling new, scary and addicting to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Cost Of College Education Bernie Sanders, senator of the state of Vermont said, The cost of college education today is so high that many young people are giving up their dream of going to college, while many others are graduating deeply in debt ( Brainy Quote ). Each year students take out loans to pay for a college education. Is it really necessary? They are just going to be a statistic. I believe everyone should not go to college. College is not for everyone. I believe everyone should not go to college. Not everyone should go to college. Most jobs do not need a college degree to be hired. The more work experience you have the more you will earn. Many students are forced to go to college, many just want to stay home and work. When students go to college, they go to have a career. When students graduate from college they get a job. Robert Reich, chancellor s professor of public policy at UC Berkeley, wrote an article about why college isn t for everyone. Reich stated, Last year, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 46 percent of recent college graduates were in jobs that don t even require a college degree. This means that students do not choose what to study. They study because they just want to continue school. Getting a bachelor s degree in anything can help but most jobs or careers are looking for work experience of any kind. College does not give you work experience. The student debt is rising higher each year. When students do not have enough money to go pay for college, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Patsy Ramsey Case Based on the research I conducted on the Ramsey case I would have to conclude the Patsy Ramsey is the one that killed her daughter. Here s why I focus on Patsy Ramsey. First, the ransom note was found in the kitchen where Patsy went first thing every morning to fix herself a cup of coffee. How would a killer know this is where she would be going to first? Second, the ransom note was written on a notepad the Ramseys had in their house along with using a pen they had as well. If a kidnapper already knew they were going to kidnap someone, they should have already written the note out or typed the note instead of physically writing the note. The kidnapper knew they would have been taking JonBenet, so they would have been thoroughly prepared. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ramsey, but as the note drags on, he is then referred to as John. That makes it much more personal and would be someone that knows him. I can t see a foreign faction calling him by his first name. Fifth, the note was also long for a ransom note. Usually a ransom note is very short and to the point such as give us this amount of money or the person dies if you don t do exactly as I say. There was also a practice note found. What kind of kidnapper practices their ransom note at the scene? You would have to feel extremely comfortable to know that no one in the house would wake up and catch you in the act of writing a 3 page ransom note, much less write a practice note first. Sixth, the ransom note also stated to not have anyone in the house contact the authorities or talk to anyone about the case or JonBenet would die. However, Patsy Ramsey did call the police and invited friends and family over to discuss the case. If they did this, their daughter would be beheaded. But yet, JonBenet was found strangled and beaten which is far from a beheading. Seventh, there was no forced entry into the house which means it would possibly have been someone from inside the house or someone that had access into the house to have committed the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Louisville Flood Victims By Margaret Bourke-White Description: Margaret Bourke White. Louisville Flood Victims. 1937. Photograph. Analysis: Margaret Bourke White utilizes the actual horizontal lines of the billboard, as well as the implied lines of the people s heads. The repetition of the people along with the faces on the billboard, forcefully move the attention horizontally to the right of the photograph. This, in turn, makes the viewer anticipate what is coming next. Although we know that the people are in a state of motion, there is a sense of stillness as if the moment will never end. At first glance, the balance appears to be somewhat symmetrical, but looking further, one notices the small cluster of children in the bottom left corner, casting the balance as asymmetrical. It also appears as if there is a downward slope going from the furthermost right, to the furthermost left of the image. The colors seem varied and dark, contrasting the coats of the individuals with the stark white bags, and the intrusive bright colors of the billboard, this creates a contrast in the mood of the apparent glee of the billboard, with the traumatic expressions of the individuals. Although black and white, the image uses a wide range of light and dark, going from the bright white of the bags and billboard, to the deep darks of the coats and few of the glum faces. In between these two extremes, there are varying shades of light and dark in the billboard and surrounding scene. Finally, the emphasis is placed on the people, the victims of the Louisville flood. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This photograph is unique in introducing a new means of expression through photographic essay, recalling both artistic expression, as well as journalistic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Effective Communication In Nursing School D The patient was placed on HOLD and this writer cleared the HOLD. This writer addressed with the patient about her recent AWOL, referring to yesterday. According to the patient, she missed her medcab and did not have any other form of transportation. The patient was in tears as she also reported that she used crack cocaine(smoking) from 8/1/2016 08/4/2016. When asked as to how much she used, she says, I spent $300 worth......I was doing so good, so good. I didn t want to use. It s too much. This writer asked the patient to what happen recently because during the last individual counseling session, the patient was clean from illicit drugs for a week and 3 days. According to the patient, her son had turned against and lied to her sister... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the dilemma with the patient is getting through to her via phone as the patient tends to have several numbers and the uncertainty whether or not her phone is in fact working. The patient appears to be emotional and having a hard time dealing with her stress factors in her life. She made a suicidal comment, but recanted as she expressed that she is frustrated and has no plans to harms to herself. Patient was able to maintain eye contact and engaged this writer as this writer tried to help the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The General Electric ( Ge ) Transnational organizations have a complex business structure and require a multidimensional concentration of resources which are customized to meet the requirements of each local market. The central office requires a transnational strategy in order to attract local benefits which are important to the organization. Among the advantages of transnational organizations is the capacity to maintain a great degree of quick to response to local market needs from where they have operations. This report focuses on the General Electric(GE) which holds substantial assets and with operations in most countries in the world. General Electric (GE) Widely regarded as a leading global corporation in the 20th century with operations in over a hundred and seventy countries and over three hundred thousand workers, General Electric remains an icon in best management practices. With its operations in power, appliances, energy management, aviation, oil gas, and transportation among others is ranked as among the top leading firms in the US. It is also a global leader in the digital industry with interests in transforming needs into responsive, connected and predictive solutions. With its vast operations, GE is involved in innovation, product development, and funding startups among others (Hydle and Karl 261). In order to survive, GE has tried to form symbiotic relations to support its ecosystem (Tallberg 774). The partners involved in the ecosystem have in depth understanding coupled with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Communication Is A Vital Weapon Of American Politics Communication is a vital weapon in American politics. Our leaders have won and lost our favor with organized speech since before the signing of the declaration of independence. With a well written speech, and a practiced delivery, one man can change the views of our entire country. No one has done this more successfully than Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan gave the televised speech A Time for Choosing for the Barry GoldwaterCampaign in 1964, he changed the way that American campaign speeches would be given forever. According to critics, his performance is the most effective of its kind, prompting comparisons to William Jennings Bryan as a great American speaker and earning him the title of The Great Communicator. Despite the wide acclaim, the speech did not work as Goldwater lost the election by a cavernous margin. So, why was his speech considered a success if the candidate it was supposed to bolster did not even win the election? While many explanations are offered about the success of this speech by scholars, this paper will focus on the most widely supported school of thought, The Teflon President . More formally, this paper will argue that Reagan solidifies his identity as The Great Communicator during his A Time for Choosing speech, by using unprecedented rhetorical strategies in order to create and unify an audience around his new conservative populism. This paper will first provide historical context for the speech, then the paper will address the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Fire Island Beach Research Paper Best Vacation Spots: Best New York Beaches Brighton Beach This Brooklyn beach is a cultural old world mecca, with quite a few Russian nightclubs and restaurants dotting the boardwalk. The continuous growth and artistic development at Brighton Beach makes this spot a haven for a diverse crowd during the summer months. Brightwater Ave, Brooklyn; 718 946 1350; Lifeguard Hours: Mon Sun 10am 6pm Coney Island Beach The world famous Coney Island lives up to its reputation as a traditional and enjoyable summer beach day trip! The carnival rides at Astroland and the most exciting roller coaster, the Cyclone (not for the weak of heart), are two of Coney Island s main attractions, also check our the first ever ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This magnificent beach boasts the second longest boardwalk (Atlantic City is longer). Atlantic Ocean, from Beach 1st St to Beach 149th St; 718 318 4000 Sandy Hook Beach Did somebody say clothing optional ? That s right! Sandy Hook is a legal nude beach within an hour ferry ride from Manhattan. Say good bye to tan lines and hello to Sandy Hook! Monmouth County, NJ; Directions: Take the NY Waterway Ferry with service from Midtown direct to Sandy Hook. South Midland Beaches Located near each other, both South Midland beaches provide great views of lower New York. Enjoy free concerts and fireworks at South Beach, meander along the 4th largest boardwalk in the world (at 7500 feet long), and sun bathe in peace at Midland. Atlantic Ocean, Staten Island; 718 987 0709; Hours: Daily 10am 6pm; Directions via bus: Bx51, Bx4, Bx5, Bx6, Bx7, Bx8 to FDR ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Border Of The United States The Unlawful border crossing in the U.S. Southern border has been of political interest for the past decades. It has been the primary source of the illegal trades into U.S. from Mexico. Despite the government efforts to end the act, there have not been long term solutions to the Menace. The vital approach is to understand the structural nature of the borderand the socio cultural nature of the inhabitants that facilitates the illegal act across the border. The lawful bill in place seems not to offer a practical solution to combating the problem. The existing border and immigration policies should be revised to provide a possible settlement to the illegal trade across the borders. Also, the border barriers should be adequately constructed and guarded with border security officials. Another crucial area for consideration is the cooperation between the two countries in combating the illegal trade across the border. A cross border initiative like Merida by President Bush would have been the significant initiative in promoting the U.S. Mexicocross border collaboration in combating the Illegal Border Crossings. Due to the well coordinated nature of these criminal networks, full federal cooperation like Boarder Enforcement Security Taskforce (BEST) should act in combating the organized gangs. Fixing the ruined southern border of the USA There has been an increase of unlawful border crossings as well as the rise in cross border crimes such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Examples Of Abigail In The Crucible In the novel The Crucible , Although Abigail did do many things that are wrong and truly punishable, I don t think all the blame should be placed on her because there was many factors adding on to the sad ending conclusion. Personally, I think Abigail was so in love torn over not having John Proctor as a lover or even just a friend in her life that she took revenge into her hands and vowed to herself that she would take Elizabeth s happiness away from her. I think in a way she wanted Elizabeth to suffer just as she did when Elizabeth cut ties with her from seeing John Proctorafter the affair. I feel that many people reading the story could in fact justify that it was all Abigail s fault for all the tears, pain, blood, and hurt caused throughout the story but many of her little girlfriends and village people participated in many of the lies that she told. People like Judge Danforth, Tituba, Mary Warrenand many more did not help with their opinions and horrible judgments throughout the story. For example Tituba, towards the middle of the story says Mister Reverend, I do believe somebody else be witchin these children and I don t know, sir, but the devil got him numerous witches . If she would ve never said that to the reverend the girls would of never really made such a big fuss yelling out other people s innocent names to the village. Honestly if she would of never said that i do think Abigail would of had such a good background story in keeping the lieup and i ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Most Effective Leader s Agenda One of the most pressing challenges that sit on the work of the most effective leader s agenda is how to attract, recruit and retain talent millennium (Zheng, Soosay, and Hyland, 2007). It is believed that these 7 pivotal approaches cultivate and leverage talent pipeline in Asia (Stahl, BjГ¶rkman, Farndale, Morris, Paauwe, Stiles, Trevor and Wright, 2012). 1. Understand connect Understanding is one thing, connecting is another, so look at what makes millennial in your workplace tick. They hold values that are not so different to what you stand for, such as the desire for security and variety, wanting to be stretched and challenged and are proud of the company they work for (Tarique and Schuler, 2010). However, there are important... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This indicates the level of freedom and flexibility employees expect from their employer in order to perform with dedication. 3. Coaching not control Autonomy and the ability to work through challenges are more desirable to talented employees than being told how to do things. They want to be inspired by leaders rather than be micro managed. It is no surprise, therefore, that employees prefer to be coached and mentored rather than supervised (Tarique and Schuler, 2010). Their self respect does not allow them to sacrifice. It is suggested that working environment, therefore, requires an open and honest culture, with the ability to give regular two way feedback in a trusted environment. This is likely to be more challenging within Asia, particularly in Hong Kong where research undertaken in 2014 by The Oxford Group identified that only 17% percent felt that their manager was approachable and listened to them, vs 30% of those asked in Singapore (Allen, Bryant and Vardaman, 2010). 4. Make promises you can keep, not promises you can t There is often a disparity between perception and reality regards promises made to employees. If organizations want to attract, retain and get the very best talent, they need to work to reducing this disparity. Authenticity and doing what you say you will do is hugely important to this audience. It is, therefore, necessary to think creatively about what the business can offer to talented employees to better manage the organizational talent, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Australia Essays Australia Trade and Immigration Background As Joycelyn has mentioned Australia s having greater and greater interaction with its Asian neighbours, through the areas of trade and its active role in the regional trade organization APEC. Despite its location, Australia can hardly be thought of being an Asian country. Not so long ago, Asian were looked down upon, with a mixture of fear because of the communist aggression, pity because of their poverty, and contempt, as they dumped cheap and poorly made products to do Australian workers out of job. For decades, high prohibitive tariffs blocked the imports of Asian goods, and a White Australia policy fenced off Asian migrants. However, the situation is reversed in the past 2 decades. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And Australia has found it hard to dismantle the barriers to processed minerals and food in the Asian markets, and this impedes their development of value adding industries and job creation. But from the Asia s pt of view, Australia s tiny population of 17 M means little to the Asian giants, for example when compared to Indonesia s 180 M. A qoute from the Malaysian Info minister, Australia depends on Asia and not the other way around. may reflects Australia s position, at least this is the way the Asians see it. Immigration (See Overhead Immigration) Another sign of Australia s willingness to open is its generous immigration policy. The # admitted stayed over 100,000 in the 80s, but was cut back to 80,000 in 92. Most of them were from Asia. Besides the categories of family reunion and refugee, Australia, like Canada, also attracted hundred of thousands of skilled or business immigrants from Hong Kong where people fled as the Chinese takeover approaches. These people brought in an enormous amt of capital, and also initiated a boom in the real estate market. The proportion of Australian with Asian origins are expected to increase to 7% in 2000, as compared to 4% now. Most Australians feel uneasy about this sudden change in the ethnic mixtures of their countries, and opposing voices are high. The unemployment figure is double digit already, and most of the immigrants are unskilled since they were admitted for having relations in Australia. New policies call for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Max Weber s Sociology And Sociology Essay 1.Introduction Max Weber was a German sociologist, economist and a political leader who influenced the field of economics and sociology with his research and theories. He is considered as one of the founders of sociology along with Karl Marx and Г‰mile Durkheim. He was also the founder of German Democratic Party. His works continue to inspire many economists and sociologists until this day. The prestige of Max Weberamong European social scientists would be difficult to over estimate. He is widely considered the greatest of German sociologists and ... has become a leading influence in European and American thought. (Mills, 1946) 2.Weber s Sociology Weber defined sociology as that science which aims at the interpretive understanding of social behaviour in order to gain an explanation of its causes, its courses, and its effects. (Denhardt, 2004) In his sociology, Weber attempted to combine an interest driven analysis with the one that take social behaviour into account. According to him, economic theory analysed the situation in which a person is driven mainly by material interests and utility but did not take the behaviour of others into account. Sociology looked at action that is driven by ideal as well as material interests that is also oriented to the behaviour of others. There are four kinds of social actions according to Weber s theory of sociology: 1.Zweck rational action 2.Wert rational action 3.Affectual action 4.Traditional action (Thakur, 2007) Zweck ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Summary and Analysis of The Friar s Tale Essay Summary and Analysis of The Friar s Tale (The Canterbury Tales) Prologue to the Friar s Tale: The Friar commends the Wife of Bath for her tale, and then says that he will tell a tale about a summoner. He does not wish to offend the Summoner who travels with them, but insists that summoners are known for lewd behavior. The Summoner does not take offense, but does indicate that he will repay the Friar in turn. The job of the Summoner to which the Friar objects is to issue summons from the church against sinners who, under penalty of excommunication, pay indulgences for their sins to the church, a sum which the summoner often pockets. Analysis The Friar s Tale will continue the pattern of reciprocity that had earlier been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He would enlist the help of prostitutes who would reveal their customers to the summoner in exchange for their own safety (and offer of sexual services). One day, the summoner was traveling to issue a summons to a yeoman, who had been hunting. The summoner claimed to be a bailiff, knowing that his actual profession was so detested. The yeoman claimed to be a bailiff, and offers hospitality to the summoner. The two travel together, and the summoner asks where the yeoman lives, intending to later rob him. The summoner asks the yeoman how he makes money at his job, and the bailiff admits that he lives by extortion. The summoner admits the he does the same, and they reveal to each other their villainy, until the yeoman finally declares that he is a fiend whose dwelling is in hell. The summoner asks the yeoman (the devil) why he has a human shape, and he claims that he assumes one whenever on earth. The summoner asks him why he labors as such, and the devil says that sometimes he and others are God s instruments. The devil claims that the summoner will meet him again someday and have more evidence of hell than had Dante or Virgil. The summoner suggests that the two continue on their way and go about their business, each taking their share. On their travels they found a carter whose wagon loaded with hay was stuck in the mud. The carter cursed the devil for his troubles, and the summoner suggests to the devil that he take all of the carter s belongings as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Taking a Look at Def Leppard Have you ever turned on the radio in your vehicle and heard an out rageous rock song? Yeah that s right it s Def. Leppard. They have been tour and doing shows for twenty five plus year and still jamming as we speak. This band has been through just about everything you could think of and surprisingly they are still together after drug over dose, care accident, and divorcees. First of all Def. Leppard should get this award because they have very good musical and are a pretty sweet bad. The other reasons I think they should get this award is because they have a lot of achievements. The first achievement that I liked was they were on the Bill Board 200 with their song Hysteria , sold 10,000 in the first week of it being out, and also with the song Hysteria spent six weeks at number one and 133 weeks on the Bill Board 200. (Caulfield 57) There next achievement was that there was a big accident and there main drummer lost his arm. So he was back to playing the drums. That s when they made the big hit Hysteria in 1983 whit there album Pyromania after the car accident. (Tamenbaum 16). There next big achievement was that Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell had there amazing guitar abilities over looked. (Hammond 16 20). The next achievement I believe is very good because Def. Leppard and Kiss are paring up to go on tour to support our troops in the U.S.A. (Fekadu) The next award that they received was The 2008 Kerrag award also known as the Classic Song Writer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Google Android Operating System The Google Android Operating System To fully understand the Google Android operating system, you must look back beyond the development of the very first version of the Android OS. In 1999, former manufacturing engineer at Apple, Andy Rubin, joined with two other men, Matt Hershenson and Joe Britt, to found Danger Inc. The company aimed to provide hardware and software for mobile devices. Their most notable device was the T Mobile Sidekick. The company spearheaded the idea of a client server model and is credited with the creation of the App Marketplace. Danger Inc. was sold in 2008 to Microsoft, but the idea of the AndroidOS was brewing several years before this. In 2003, Rubin made the decision to leave Danger Inc. to work on Android. For several years, Rubin funded his ideas out of pocket and did not produce any new products. His aim was similar to that of Danger s to revolutionize smartphone software and open source development of ideas previously started by Danger. Android came from Linux, but has since become an independent operating system. 2005 came around and Android had still not put out its first product. Rubin s focus was on web connected experiences and to create an environment where developers could apply their skills. This new idea attracted investors, namely Google. Google was interested in staying competitive with the big companies in the smartphone market at the time Blackberry and Microsoft. The idea that sparked Google s interest was the open source ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Romeo s Honesty Well in my honest to god opinion I believe that Romeo did not in fact happen to be in love with Juliet not only do I believe this I can also prove this. Which is what I shall do for you on this essay. I honestly hope you don t get lost or confused and I hope I can make you see how I see this. First, In the beginning of the story Romeo not only happens to be in lovewith someone else. That person ends up not loving him back and hurting him. Now what this has to do with this is that when you get your heart broken by someone that you gave everything to and end up finding out that they do not feel the same at all you get hurt. There is no way to prevent that unless of course that you are not actually in love with that person. Also when your hearty gets broken you ended up becoming what I like to call love blind. It is where u do not care for only love anymore you want to be in control. You want to make sure that other person loves you no matter what the cost. And this times you want looks, action, and respect. You want to be the center of their attention and what this ends up coming to in the end is that you think you are trying to avoid being hurts again. Next, Romeo went to a party and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How would you like to have a family with that person and find out that they like to abuse your child? What do you think Romeo would do if they had not committed suicide and he had got Juliet pregnant and she went to her father saying Romeo had forced her and that she does not want the child just to get on her daddy s side so he will give her the attention that she wants even if it did happen to take Romeo s and her child s life? I only believe in what the facts show. Now, I would like you to stop and think would you marry someone or say you are in love with someone before even getting to know that person? I know I would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Hong Kong Landfill Problem Turn landfill problem into history With the wasteful lifestyle of Hong Kong citizens, the 4 major landfills in Hong Kong are going to be saturated. From the government s words, these landfills will be fully saturated before late 2010s. The situation is getting worse in these years, as people have no improvement in their consumption style. They are not aware of their responsibility on reducing waste. Also, people cannot develop the routine on recycling, and send much unnecessary rubbish to the landfill. With the rare land resources in Hong Kong, we cannot offer any more land to extend or construct a new landfill. If we still do nothing and continue the trend, the problem on waste treatment will cause an enormous amount of cost for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People in developing countries may not be aware of the consequences of waste disposal in their area, as they only consider whether they can get food to survive. Environmental protection is a luxury for them. This may cause deep rooted and irreversible effects to the countries. Developed cities should help developing countries, but not to increase their burden and exploit their rights. When we look deep into incineration, is incineration effective to reduce the pressure on landfills? In fact, this is only a shortsighted measure comparing with the PATY system. When incinerators are built, people will consider the problem solved and ignore the problem for a long time. However, this will only increase people s reliance on incinerators. Lau (2008) observes the situation in Singapore and points out that the citizens in Singapore need to bear a high financial burden on incineration (В¶ 4). Singapore overlooks the importance of waste reduction and keeps on building incinerators to satisfy the increasing waste volume every 5 to 7 years. They need to spend at least HK$8 billion to build an incinerator, and the operating cost of each incinerators costs over HK$250 million per year. The geographical size of Singapore is smaller than Hong Kong, but it already has built 4 incinerators. The cost is too high for Hong Kong to bear and it is very difficult to choose a suitable place to build the incinerators. The residents near the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Age Norms Within The Age Age represents the length and duration of someone s life however; age also comes with an individuals experience and maturity throughout his lifespan. Age norms are considered to be what society believes an individual should act due to their own age. For example, having a job as bus boy at a restaurant would fall under the category of age norms because typically teens are the ones who occupy these kinds of jobs. As opposed to being older, the agenorms appropriate for a waiter is someone who is a young adult or older. The difference in age norms in these two jobs is being a waiter justifies you being an adult in comparison to being a bus boy, which people of younger age usually occupy. Acting your own age signifies the maturity one has. Although from time to time, we find ourselves not acting our age in social situations. For example, the way I behave myself with my friends totally differs from the way I behave with my parents. When I am with my parents I behave in a more formal matter on the other hand, when I hang out with my friends the level of maturity and formality drops enormously. When I am with my friends I feel that I don t need to act my age because I am comfortable and let loose easier then if I am with my parents. A social situation in where I typically don t act my age in is at concerts. In reality, concerts are age appropriate for everyone but it s the way I react to the music and how I let loose that affects my level of maturity to act my age. When, I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Ancient Greek Olympics People with the greatest honor are remembered in the Olympics. The Olympics had started a revolution that is still on today; it has brought the most talented people together to compete in events to show each others great ability. The olympics is the new age of competitive sports that will lead people to unlock their full potential, and start a story that will never be forgotten. The Ancient greeceolympic gamesgo back to 776 bc in a little village called Olympia. The games were a religious event that was performed to honor the ancient Greek God Zeus. The games were held every four years. The Greeks had four national sports festivals, where athletes from near cities come to compete. Which included boxing, chariot racing, riding, pankration,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The disc can be thrown by released by throwing the disc with a swing.. Both with the farthest point wins the prize. Running, and wrestling were also to activities that were performed in the Ancient Greek Arena. The marathon was introduced in 490 B.C, a little before the ancient Greek arena. It was later introduced in the olympic games in 1896 in athens. The distance to the modern marathon, was 26 miles and 38 yards. Wrestling was one of the games that was brought in to the olympics by the greeks. Wrestling is still happening today, where to opponents wrestle to win the gold prize ( The pen Museum 2015). Running, and wrestling had brought to be the two major sports from ancient greek Area to today s modern days. Running has brought people from all around the world to compete in one event, and shoot for the gold prize. wrestling in the other hand had brought, people to compete with all might and bathe in owns glory. Over the course of history, Ancient Greek Olympics games have influenced modern day olympics. In ancient greek olympics precise picked sports were shown to the modern day, by having the same activities, and also how exactly they were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Common Raccoon ( P. Lotor The common raccoon (P. lotor) has been said to be one of the most widespread urban mammalian carnivores. Characterised by its fox like face, bushy striped tail, and unmistakable mask of dark patches around their eyes, the growing population of urban raccoons has become somewhat of an epidemic. These small creatures are known for their relatively high intellect, enabling them to access human resources. Raccoons are omnivores, and have been consistently observed to eat virtually anything. Additionally, even though raccoons are technically both primary consumers and secondary consumers, they are best described as being scavengers. Raccoons have very little social structure relatively; they are known as solitary animals, most likely stemming from their nocturnal behaviors. Quite often, they will be found traveling as either a family (until the young reach adolescence, at which time they leave), or an individual. They are notorious carriers of disease, can outcompete native species, and can be quite aggressive when confronted by humans. For these reasons and more, the urban raccoonis considered a pest, and in many areas there have been countless efforts to control their populations (Gehrt, S. D., et. al., 2010, Pg. 35 47). This paper will propose actions that would need to be taken in order to deter raccoons from pursuing human waste as a food source in the effort of controlling their population. Due to the raccoon s opportunistic nature, overtime the species have found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. What Sense Is Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting An Art Of... 1. In what sense is seventeenth century Dutch painting an art of describing? Focusing on two works of your choice, consider the possible relationships between artworks and contemporary forms of social behaviour and/or new knowledge. The distinctive pictorial mode of 17th Century Dutch painting can broadly be categorised as descriptive. Realism is employed in rendering scenes of everyday life through various iterations of subject matter found in the real world. Distinct from Renaissance art of the south, subject matter is predominately secular and attention to ways of rendering the world is favoured over an overt narrative. The further characterisation of the nature of Dutch painting is problematic. E. de Jongh argued that works were not secular slices of daily life but didactic in nature, imbued with symbolic iconography. Svetlana Alpers dismisses de Jonghs views as simplistic, arguing that virtuosity and mastery of naturalism were not a means to document or to make art for arts sake; but rather an intellectual exploration into ways of seeing. Vermeer s The Milkmaid painted between 1657 1658 (fig. 1) and Jan Steens The Card Players painted ca. 1660 (fig. 2) are genre paintings that when contrasted appear to differ in subject and meaning. In analysing both paintings I will identify their descriptive qualities and rationalise that the conflicting points of view of De Jhong and Alpers are neither invalid nor mutually exclusive. The realism of Dutch painting can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay On Antifouling Paint Formulations The list of compounds with biocidal activity used in antifouling paint formulations is exhaustive and not fully covered in this review. Herein, the selected antifouling co biocides were organic and organometallic compounds used in large scale to boost biocidal activity in paint formulations (REFERENCES), therefore more likely to occur in the aquatic environments: Irgarol 1051В®, diuron, dichloro octylisothiazolin (DCOIT), chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, thiram, 2 (thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole (TCMTB), zinc pyrtihione (ZnPT) and copper pyrithione (CuPT). Also, emerging compounds with restricted regional markets were included because it is interesting to evaluate the suitability to expand their use depending on their hazard and risks to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2011) (Table XX). Dichlofluanid (Table XX) is a potent inhibitorof fungal spore germination (PPDB 2017). However, its toxicity might be due to its degradation products, since dichlofluanid rapidly undergoes hydrolysis in water (Hamwijk et al. 2005), showing short half life in seawater even when incorporated in paint particles (Thomas et al. 2003). Thiram is a dithiocarbamate fungicide designed to inhibit spore germination and mycelial growth (PPDB 2017). Thiram is a multi site inhibitor and can affect a wide range of organisms (KEMI 2015). DCOIT and TCMTB are regarded as broad spectrum biocides used either as herbicide or fungicide (REFERENCES, (FernГЎndez Alba et al. 2002)) DCOIT undergoes rapid degradation in natural seawater and binds strongly to sediments, reducing its bioavailability and hence its potential to bioaccumulate (Castro et al. 2011). These characteristics have seen DCOIT referred to as environmentally one of the safest antifoulants (Jacobson Willingham 2000; Castro et al. 2011). However, DCOIT reacts with proteins of organisms that come in contact with the coating surface, resulting in interruption of the metabolic processes and disruption of the physiological processes involved in the attachment of the organism to solid surfaces, thus preventing fouling, thereby ecotoxicity studies have reported a high level of sensitivity of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Target Market Essay Bar (Cocktail with a twist) 1718, Baker Street, Nelson, BC, V1L5B5 (Address): It is located in center of the nelson city. There is many shopping, grocery store and restaurants near our Bar. There are lots of bars within the nelson area for example: Mike s Pub, Bloom, Finley s Irish Bar and grill, The Royal Bars that offer entertainment or live music are often referred to as music bars, live venues, or nightclubs. These types of bars have higher level of completion and range from inexpensive to elegant places of entertainment often accompanying restaurants for dining. Target Market: Nelson is Canada s leading educational publisher providing innovative products and solutions for learners of all ages. Nelson values and respects the lifelong... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Patio: We also have patio outside the bar s back door because some do not like loud music or inside environment so, we provide pleasant atmosphere. Product and services: We also provide some special events and deals for customers to enjoy the summer as best they can with our special cocktails such as we arrange some candle light events near beach for couples and some games for kids to play and they can get chance to win prizes and toys as well. Cocktails Menu Cuba Libre5.50$Absolute Watermelon Martini 6.00$ Mixture of coke and Rum Martini with watermelon juice and Garnished with lemon sliceAbsolute vodka Whiskey Sour 6.00$Seven and seven 5.00$ Bourbon whiskey Cocktail with sweet sour Whiskey fizzed with seven Up Taste and Dash of egg whiteBombay Sunset 6.00$Cranberry Martini 5.00$ Bombay sapphire gin topped Cranberry flavoured gin With Lemon juice and sodaMartini Sunset 6.00$Caesar 6.00$ Orange juice with rum and lemon juiceCanadian most cocktail Decorated with grenadine on the top Clamato juice with vodka and sauce spiced with spicy sauces Tom Collins 5.00$Grey hound6.00$ New York Origin CocktailSweet cocktail lover favourite Gin with sugar syrup and lemon juiceGrape Fruit ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. White Rabbit The song White Rabbit was created in 1967 by the Jefferson Airplane. It is also one of the first songs to get drug references past radio censors. The overall message of the song is about drug use and anti war. In the late 1960 s, drug use became popular with young, white Americans, and they began using drugs for fun. The negative image of drugs lessened as drugs became more popular, and drug use became a symbol of protest in a time of political unrest. Some references to drugs in the lyrics are hookah smoking caterpillar and you ve just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low. The hookah smoking caterpillar could represent a drug dealer or another person also involved with drugs like a friend. Also, people began protesting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The overall message of the song is about materialism. Madonna also said that the song is supposed to be reflective of her life during that time. The 1980 s was a time when many people wanted to be conservative in political, social, and economical affairs; it was also a time known for materialism and consumerism. Although the start of the 1980 s still had people struggling for money, by 1983, the economy recovered, and U.S. kept a period of economical growth. This lead to people becoming rich and becoming frivolous with their purchases. Many people interpreted Material Girl as Madonna being a free willed golddigger since it seemed to reflect a woman s desire for expensive things and her willingness to use men for that purpose. A line that people may use as evidence is the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mister Right which could be viewed as the singer not caring about love and only values money. However, the lyrics and songs are meant to be ironic since it doesn t represent the true Madonna who wasn t materialistic and would be fine living anywhere, even a log cabin. The lines Living in a material world constantly repeats which could symbolize the tedious nature of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Fingerprints Research Paper The History of Fingerprints Fingerprints offer a solid method for an individual s identification. This is the basis for clarification of fingerprints and has since replaced techniques for identifying people who are reluctant to admit previous arrests. (Moore, 2017) This essay will discuss the historical backdrop of fingerprints as a science and timeline, the progression, and accomplishments. The first known utilization of fingerprinting was in the fourteenth century Persia, where government authorities utilized their fingerprints, similar to how signatures are utilized today. In 1823, a professor of anatomy at the University of Breslau, Jan Evangelista PurkynГ¤, published his proposition examining 9 unique fingerprint patterns, but, he didn t specify the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Edgar Hoover, 2006) These patterns can further be divided into sub groups: plain arch, tented arch, radial loop, ulnar loop, central pocket loop, plain whorl, double loop and accidental whorl. (Edgar Hoover, 2006) A fingerprint is an impression of friction ridges of all or any part of the finger; a friction ridge is a raised segment of the epidermis on the Palmar or plantar skin, comprising of one or more connected ridge units of friction ridge skin; these ridges are occasionally known as dermal edges or dermal papillae. ( Science History of Fingerprinting , 2014) Fingerprint identification, also known as dactyloscopy or palmprint identification; the process of comparing questions and known friction ridge impressions from fingers or palms to figure out whether the impressions are from a similar finger or palm. ( Science History of Fingerprinting , 2014) The adaptability of friction ridge skin implies that no two finger or palm prints are ever precisely similar; never indistinguishable identical in every detail, even if two impressions are recorded quickly after each other. ( Science History of Fingerprinting , ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Tell-Tale Heart Thesis Research Essay: The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe The Tell Tale Heart, by Edgar Allen Poe, is a story of a nauseating death. Murder as an upshot of an eye; literally. Incongruous actions are taken by Poe when he determines the fate of a man he claims love upon, all because He had the eye of a vulture (Poe), and Poe plots the death of this old man. As noted in Short Story Criticism, it s stated that; What precipitated the narrator s insanity and the subsequent murder was his irrational obsession with the old man s so called Evil Eye. The narrator freely admits to his auditors that this was his Primmum mobile: yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Usually these sensorial illusions involve voices which the victim perceives as originating outside his/her head, but occasionally the auditory hallucinations are of sounds rather than voices. Poe s narrator insists that his disease had sharpened [his] senses not destroyed not dulled them, and that Above all was the sense of hearing acute. Yet when he goes on to add I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell, his absurdly grandiose claim encourages us to suspect related claims he makes regarding his auditory capacity (Zimmerman 279). Insinuating that Poe is in fact a paranoid schizophrenic. Catatonia is another symptom of schizophrenia displayed by Poe. When he had been spying on the old man, Poe states I kept quite still and said nothing. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle (Poe), mimicking the behavior of catatonia; the immobile state of a person often caused by psychiatric disorders, sometimes in odd positions. Much of the criteria that needs to be met to be diagnosed with schizophrenia is extant within Poe. One of the leading symptoms present with Edgar Allan Poe is his erratic behavior shown existentially in the following ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. My Utopian Society Essay The Utopian land is divided into two main terrains: farmland and cities. The farmlands, of course, are where most of the country s resources are produced. The services of the economy, smithing, carpentry, clothmaking, etc., are mainly produced in the cities. Iron is the only resource which must be imported abundantly. All of the resources, except iron, that the nation requires, it produces on its own. The Utopians live a very simple lifestyle. They work, and in their spare time play games, read, and socialize. Other forms of entertainment, such as gambling and hunting are looked down upon. They only eat what is necessary, and their houses are built simply and furnished only with what is necessary. Thus, their consumption is very low.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Theses are exported for the iron that they need, and gold and silver after that. However, gold and silver play a very different role in Utopia. There is no monetary system; all of the people are provided with what they need. Instead of working to get money with which they can choose what they want, their work is repaid with everything they need. What each person needs is decided by them alone, and there is no risk of anyone taking more than they need. Why would anyone take more than they need when they will always be provided for? There is no reason to store up for the future, and there is nothing to do with extra, unnecessary products. The gold and silver then is used for purchasing mercenaries for use in war and for paying citizens of other nations to turn against their country in war. Since gold is of no use to the people of Utopia, it is stored as chamber pots, and cheap jewelry worn only by the bondman, the lowest of Utopian people. When a time comes that requires the use of gold, the Utopians gladly give it up, for to them it is just a toilet. The Utopian government also uses its gold to lend to other nations in need. They are very liberal with their loans, and do not always ask for them to be repaid. Their reasoning is that they have no use for the gold, for they have a surplus of that as well, and the other nation that is in debt has very good use for it. This economy seems very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Pea Ridge Battle Analysis wagon Commander never expected that large group of Texans and Native American will able to attack during the dark of the night. The planed details for a month that legendary Waite was preparation paid off. The report for the two war was saying that one of the CPT was not able to saver due to his horst were not in condition, that pinot it show that somehow the leadership cooperation on that time was not in good shape. The report say that General Gano plane was each troop will lead his troop but wone of the troop that was Addie to the plane was not expected. Using unconventional warfare in the Pea Ridge battle is was not good philosophy that give the troop that follow under Brigadier General Stand Watie which let to give the force the scope to look at the upcoming battle Conventional warfare meaning wage war by using... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the Confederates win in the second battle towards the end of the Civil War allowed for the South to be able to boost morale for the South, but soon they were able to realize that the late defeats were unnecessary and it just proved that that the South truly believed that their cause was worth fighting for. In the conclusion the damage of the both battle was report 637 killed ,wounded ,or capture the court report was 79 killed second battle of Cabin Creek was the last battle and is consider as major battle of the Civil War. Best on the Victory the Indian Territory morale reared among the Confederates and that allowed watie to campaign until June 23, 1865, which make him the last General in Confederate Community to surrender. Therefore the Cabin Creek battlefield was placed on the National Register of Historic in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Research Paper On DNS System DNS SECURITY Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation optional) Name of organization acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) name@xyz.com optional (line 4) Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation optional) Name of organization acronyms acceptable (line 2) City, Country (line 3) name@xyz.com optional (line 4) Abstract There are millions of Electronic devices in and around the world. Each device will have unique address and those devices connect to the world or other devices through a network. Each network will have unique address called IP Address. Being very hard to remember all the IP address and to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our main purpose is to understand the Security challenges faced in using DNS and better practices to reduce those. I.INTRODUCTION DNS is a protocol with some protocols for computers in exchanging data over the Internet. The process is to turn a website like google.com into an machine readable address like and for IPv4 that computers use for identification on the network. In fact Google Public DNS is largest DNS service in the world which handles more than 400 billion requests a day. All the computers or hosts on the internet use IP Address to establish a connection with site they are need. With the DNS service, we don t need to remember the whole bunch of numbers stacked at each decimal point. We just use a DNS server and appropriate name servers and access the sites with specific names. And this DNS server manages a massive database which maps the domain names to those IP Addresses. On a short note, DNS server search for the domain name as per the User Request. This process is named as DNS name Resolution and this means DNS servers converts the domain name to IP address. As mentioned earlier, google.com has IP address of which you enter directly into browser will give you the Google s page. Web site s IP addresses are dynamic and some sites use many IP s with only one Domain name.Without DNS servers, Internet access would be a lot tougher. II.DETAILED WORKING OF DNS: When you are trying to access a domain, the hose ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Blades Plc Parity Relations in International Finance International Finance FIE433 Case Study 2 Parity Relations in International Finance Instructions Students should allocate themselves into Consultancy Teams of around four people (final confirmation of the number in each team to be given after student enrolment). Choose a unique business name for your team. All teams should be prepared to present their results/conclusions to the rest of the class. A printout of the presentation slides should be uploaded on Its Learning and made available to me at the start by ALL teams. I will then choose randomly the teams to give their presentations of no longer than 20 minutes on the assigned tasks during the tutorials. Emphasis should be put on the presentation of the key points and the overall ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Besides the bid and ask quotes for the Thai baht provided in the previous question, Minzu Bank has provided the following quotations for the pound and the Japanese yen: Quoted Bid PriceQuoted Ask Price Value of a Japanese yen in British poundsВЈ0.0057ВЈ0.0058 Value of a Thai baht in Japanese yenВҐ2.69ВҐ2.70 Determine whether the cross exchange rate between the Thai baht and Japanese yen is appropriate. If it is not appropriate, determine the profit you could generate for Blades by withdrawing ВЈ100,000 from Blades current account and engaging in triangular arbitrage before the rates are adjusted. Exchange quotation are not appropriate. There is a possibility for arbitrage, because it is possible to buy Thai bath for 0,0151 ВЈ in Minzu ban and sell it by 2,69*0,0057=0,0153 what gives 0,0002ВЈ profit per unit. Potential investor convert the currency ВЈ into :Thai bath in Minzu Bank getting 1000 000/0,0151= 6 622 516,6 Thai bath. Then he/she can convert the money into Yen 6 622 516,6*2,69= 17 814 569,5ВҐ and at the end convert it into British pound again 17 814 569,5* 0,0057= 101 543,05 ВЈ The profit from arbitrage 1543,05 ВЈ 3.Ben Holt has obtained several forward contract quotations for the Thai baht to determine whether covered interest arbitrage may be possible. He was quoted a forward rate of ВЈ0.015 per Thai baht for a 90 day forward contract. The current spot rate is ВЈ0.0151. Ninety day interest rates available to Blades in the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Effective Teaching Professor Kerry Jones EN 106 September 11, 2013 Effective Teaching Education is something that constantly has to change with the changing world. Change is an evolutionary process. We cannot continue to educate our children for factory work but educate for creativity. (Hetland 66) With this change comes new forms of learning. Students today are technophiles. They love their video games and they can t put down their smart phones, iPods, and social networks. The challenge for working in the electronic age is that we have so much access to information but we still have the same brain we always had. The problem is not access to information. It is integrating that information and making sense out of it. Students must learn to use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To help students gain confidence in higher order thinking with complex text, effective teachers gradually increase task complexity, moving from lower level to higher level task. Many students believe that reading informational text is a waste of time because they can just search the web for what they need at that time. Effective teachers get their students to believe the text is important to get the students to read it. For teachers to increase the perceived value of reading is to help students understand how reading the text benefits them across a range of situations. Effective teachers give students opportunities to apply the informational text they read to concrete classroom task. Effective teachers set up frequent opportunities for collaboration to support students social motivation for reading informational text. Social interaction around text has to be well managed to ensure that students listen to one another. The students get to use creativity making new things and makes old things new. Students build on one another s thoughts to explain the major theme of the text by successively adding key elements as they take turns contributing to the synthesis. This helps students become more skillful in interpreting complex text. Today all students need to feel in control of their world. Teachers who give students choices in their informational reading helps them develop an interest in reading. Making simple choices is a rewarding form of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Food Stamps Essay Food stamps are an important component of low income families monthly resources, increasing the chances that families are able to meet basic needs (Ratcliffe, McKernan Finegold, 2008). This form of food relief dates back to the Great Depression when many Americans lost their jobs and did not have money to feed their families. People were starving while farmers produced abundant crop that could not be sold due to a lack of consumers with buying power (Dorsch, 2013). The Federal Surplus Relief Corporation which was a part of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, bought basic farm goods at low prices and distributed the among hunger relief agencies in different states and local communities (Congressional Digest, 2013). The original Food Stamps ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was a good idea because that meant that people seeking help received the assistance in the application process. There are many people needing help who were not able to apply because there was a language barrier, and they ended up taking friends, family members or acquaintances with them in order to help them fully understand what is required for acceptance into the program. This was a great addition to the Food Stamp Act because it helped to better serve those in need. In 1993, the year where Second Harvest s data was collected, it was reported that 62.9% of impoverished adults were women, and 60%.9 of adult emergency food users were women. 40% of all poor people and 42.9% of emergency food clients were children. The Second Harvest study asked respondent agencies to list the top three reasons that clients in their programs seek food assistance. Recent unemployment was the reason cited more often than any other. The second one was working/need more money and the third was emergency/crisis and term that could have meant eviction or sudden death from the breadwinner or natural disasters like hurricanes (Poppendieck, 1998). The results just go to show that there were many people in need of assistance and the food stamps program was able to support in their time of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Effects Of Stress In France Comcomlecom Stress in the Workplace My reaction to the situation with France Telecom is that it is a tragedy, no organization should be ok with any of their employees being stressed to the point of wanting to kill themselves. Which reminded me of our previous discussion about job satisfaction. I don t think any job is worth the stressthat the employees of France Telecom had to endure, no matter how much money the employees are making. I also thought, this is an important public/global health issue that needs to be addressed. What went wrong at France Telecom? I believe there are more factors to consider than what was included in this case, but with the information given, the internal factors were mainly poor management, such as the chairman Didier Lombard. According to BBC news, Mr. Lombard announced plans to cut 22,000 jobs and move another 14,000 workers, as France Telecom pushed for greater efficiency in the wake of privatization, two years earlier. (N/A, 2016) This was the main contributor to the extremely high levels of stress the employees were under. When deciding to make changes in the organization, the company was using psychological pressure and pathogenic restructuring that caused the employees immense stress and the feeling of insecurity in the face of globalization. They felt insignificant to the company and the way they were pressured and treated created huge role conflict and overload. I believe that it is the manager s job to make sure that the work environment is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language People say learning a foreign language is a waste of time and resources. Many Americans believe the English language is the most dominant in the world so what s the point of learning another language? It is a common believe that the English language is the most spoken language in the world, however it is actually not. Furthermore, learning a foreign language does more than just being another way to talk, write, or read, learning another language brings benefits. A foreign language is useful in many ways such as Mandarin which is the most spoken language in the world, or being able to connect to foreign cultures, and it also useful in national security. Many Americans believe there is no need in learning a foreign language because English is the most dominant language and is being taught in every other country which is true, however there is one language more dominant, Mandarin. Many believe English is the most spoken language in the world however there are more than twice as many speakers of Mandarin Chinese as of English which shows that the English language is not as dominant in the world as people believe (Paul). America is slowly becoming a multilingual society mostly because of the Spanish language. The Spanish language is spoken in the U.S by 37 million people which is double of what it was in 1990 (Paul). Americans are becoming increasingly multilingual every passing year. However, some Americans choose not to adapt to these changes and they will be left behind ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Theodore Roosevelt Essay Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was a strong leader and ruled with an iron fist as a president. He conquered the frontier and went on to conquer other countries as well. Roosevelt was a born leader. During his childhood he overcame his sickness by exercising and participating in outdoor activities. After Theodore graduated from Harvard he went straight into politics. He began his career as the president of the New York Board of Police Commissioners. Later Roosevelt continued his career as an assistant secretary of the navy in Washington. He then became a Rough Rider during the Spanish American War. Roosevelt then returned home and became the Governor of New York and Vice President of the United States in 1900. In 1901 he became ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also wanted to require American military around the world. Roosevelt also thought that the Protestants Anglo American culture should be spread to other countries. Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far #. This is how Theodore Roosevelt summed up his views. Roosevelt wanted to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. His attempt to lease the ground was unsuccessful though so he created a new strategy. Roosevelt wanted to take over Panama. For only ten million dollars, it happened, on November 3, 1903. The canal gave the United States a huge commercial and strategic advantage. Though this was a good effect for the United States, there still was a negative effect. The newly exposed areas needed to be policed. Proper policing of the world # was called for by Roosevelt. His main concern was that Europe might try to take it if the United States did not. To stop this proclaimed which came to be known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Chronic wrongdoing, or an importance which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, the exercise of an international police power # is what the Document said. This was also used to justify armed intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Mexico. Theodore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. This is because he mediated a settlement of the Russia Japanese War at Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1905. In 1908 Roosevelt sent battleships to visit ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Middle School El Students- Carlos Name: David Hendershot Scenario: Middle School EL Students Carlos Content Objectives: S.7.LS.2 develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function. пѓ SWBAT: Students will be able to identify the different parts of a plant and animal cell пѓ SWBAT: Students will be able to describe/ define the function of the parts of a cell пѓ SWBAT: Students will create a model of a cell. WV ELP Standards: 1, 2, 5, 7 Language Objectives: пѓ SW be able to orally describe the structure and function of a cell to a partner пѓ SW define and use scientific terms for cells, organelles, and functions пѓ SW be able to orally explain the differences and similarities between plant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Show students a PowerPoint on cells and their functions. Students will fill in their graphic organizers as they listen to the PowerPoint presentation. Students will then identify cell parts and their function using cell models provided. Day 2 The students are going to make an edible cell, either animal or plant using sugar cookies or different candies. Students will use their completed graphic organizers to make an edible model of a cell. They will select items to represent various cell structures and justify their choices by describing how the items they have chosen represent the actual parts of a cell. Day 1 1.Think/Pair/Share describe cells, give examples of cells, and draw a picture of a cell in their notebooks. In pairs, students will compare answers. Share ideas with class. (5 min.) 2.Introduce vocabulary by showing students a PowerPoint on cell organelles and their function (include pictures of cells and their organelles). 3.SW complete the graphic organizer of cell terms and provide an illustrations of each (20 min.). 4.Handout model cells to students. 5.Working in pairs, have students identify each organelle in the model cell and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Yard Signs One assumption I have generally made when it comes to politics and elections is that campaign managers know what they re doing, and everything is rooted in numbers. Shows like Scandal made me think that a campaign manager could point to a graph to show why X strategy works best. When looking at the research this week over yard signs and after class discussion, I was surprised at how untrue that can be. As I ve mentioned in previous papers, measuring certain treatments can be difficult with how many factors have to be controlled for, and trying to find ways to measure intangible things like impact of yard signs on voter turnout and more. This issue makes good research especially interesting, like that performed by Green et al. These researchers performed 4 different experiments, treating a different number of precincts each time. They treated areas in upstate New York, Albany, Fairfax County, Virginia, and Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. Different treatments had different salience levels, as well as placement and type of sign. Some signs were true yard signs, others were road signs. Results are best quoted from researchers: it appears that signs typically have a modest effect on advertising candidates vote shares an effect that is probably greater than zero but unlikely to be large enough to alter the outcome of a contest that would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... al to be the best part of reading this week. Research was designed well to control for multiple variables, and the randomization component helped look at pooling over and other factors that needed to be considered. I found through class discussion how frustrating it can be to come up with what to measure, and how to measure it. Quantifying things like voter intent is difficult. With most research we have read and discussed, I find it hard to understand controlling for voters who would have voted anyway. When social scientists count their vote in research, is it skewing the data at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Deshawn Smith Research Paper New York City A barber, 55 from Gravity Falls, Oregon is known as Deshawn Smith confesses about assuming a new identity known as Deandre Jones and relocates to New York City after slaughtering Captain Philip Torres in Deshawn s very own barber shop. Philip Torres was killed on October 3rd, 1992 while receiving a shave at Deshawn s barber shop. I needed to kill him for the greater good of our town and to protect my family at any cost, and I do not regret anything and will face any punishment for what I ve done, said by Deshawn Smith. I needed to kill him for the greater good of our town and to protect my family at any cost, and I do not regret anything and will face any punishment for what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Suffragette Film Analysis The Suffragette film presents a truthful recount of how women were perceived within society. Throughout society, there was a belief that women do not need to represent their own self; rather they have husbands that will represent their wives (Suffragette 2015). Women are often left in a state of subordination because men are considered to be self centered and are only fully noticed when a male is sexually attracted to her. As a result, women are perceived as sexual objects for the male gender(Solarnis 1968, p.464). As mentioned previously, it was expected that women follow their gender norms of caring for the children and husbandand not to stray away from this norm. During the early 20th century, it has been stated that men have authoritative... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is clear to see that the women acknowledged the gender inequalities within society and that they should have a right to vote alongside men. The film follows Maud, who is the main character, as she begins to take part in the Suffragette movement. Maud s Suffragette encounter began when she was listening to Mrs Olton s speech, which was utilised in order to get women to voice their struggles, and hope for change. At the time of the speech, Maud was working at the laundry for Mr Taylor, who sexually, emotionally and physically abused the women who were working there. Following Mrs Olton s speech, Maud was forced to give a statement to parliament and she described working at the laundry for Mr Taylor. She stated that the women working in the laundry received aches, chest coughs, crushed fingers, leg ulcers, burns, headaches, and sometimes, poisoned (Suffragette 2015). Additionally, women were paid 13 shillings; whereas men were paid 19 shillings, even though women worked a third more of the hours (Suffragette 2015). Connell s (1987, p.188) research of this time period portrays this truthfulness as he states that women were paid unequally to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Primark Structural and Organisation Report Contents:Introduction: Page 3Product Information and Marketing: Page 4Financial Position: Page 5Financial Performance: Page 6Company Information: Pages 7Consolidated Income Statement: Page 8Consolidated Balance Sheet: Page 9Company Balance Sheet: Page 10Bibliography: Page 11Managerial Finance Report: PrimarkStores LimitedIntroductionPrimark Stores Limited is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods PLC, and Primark has become a well established family name in recent years. It has set a benchmark for many companies to follow in a segment of the market labelled the value sector . The company was founded to produce clothing that is value for money, in other words you are paying for the quality of the product and not for the label that come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Primark gives the discerning dresser a choice between designer clothes, or their cheaper, high quality own brand clothing. This is backed up by one of today s top business newspaper Forget Prada, fashionists have discovered Primark, a cut price chain leading a new consumer trend the rise of cheapskate Britain. (http://www.primark.co.uk/downloads/Primark%20Brochure%20AW.pdf)Primark will continue to prosper as a company and expand in today s clothes retailing sector which consumers are finding irresistible by simply sticking to the company s motto Look good, pay less Financial PositionHow much has been invested in fixed assets?Fixed assets for 2005 : ВЈ 208MFixed assets for 2006 : ВЈ 487MTherefore, there was an increase of 134.1% between 2005 and 2006. Each element of the fixed assets has increased. What are the sources of long term finance?The sources of long term finance are the long term liabilities: in 2005, there were liabilities of ВЈ 824M and in 2006 of ВЈ 637 M, so, a decrease of 23%. Gearing ratio (2005) = 18%Gearing ratio (2006) = 14%The gearing ratio reveals a level of gearing that would not normally be considered to be very high. The ratio reveals a little decrease in the level of gearing over the year. There was a decrease in the relative contribution of long term lenders to the financing of the business. We can see from the balance sheetthat there was a substantial decrease of interest bearing loans (from ВЈ 539M in 2005 to ВЈ ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Common Origins of the World’s Major Religions Essay The Common Origins of the World s Major Religions All too often in modern society it is the differences and conflicts that serve to separate religious groups that are emphasized. The mainstream media, fundamentalists propaganda, and other sources choose to ignore the numerous similarities that many religions share, and instead focus on the divisive elements. In this paper, I will attempt to shed light on the many commonalities in dogma that I believe exist between the major religions of the world. I also want to illustrate the fact that in addition to having similar core teachings, many religions have histories that have either endured or arisen during times of persecution. It is ironic that in many cases, the persecution that a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Judaism The Jewish Bible points to Abraham and the covenant that God made with him in the Book of Genesis. Yahweh s people as they are known, today Jews account for over fourteen million people. Throughout their history, Jews have been persecuted for their faith as much as, if not more than the followers of any other faith. From having the first temple of Jerusalem destroyed by the Babylonians in 586BC to internment in Nazi concentration camps in the twentieth century, Jews communities have remained solidly united through belief in the Diaspora and the goal of reestablishing the state of Israel. Finally, in 1948, Israel once again regained its sovereignty; however, this has not brought an end to the suffering and conflict that seems to have characterized Jewish life since its inception. Central to Jewish dogma, is adherence to the Torah, or the Jewish Bible. The Torah, which is composed primarily of the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. While the most notablesplit from traditional Judaism can be seen in the origins of Christianity, other breakings include Conservative and Reform movements in the nineteenth century. One of the greatest prophets in the Jewish tradition is Moses. Living at around the thirteenth century BC, Moses is accredited with delivering the Jewish Israelites from the harsh oppression of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. How Did Voltaire Contribute To The Danger Of Despotism Voltaire Voltaire was a French philosopher in the eighteen century, a period of free thinkers where freedom of thought was emerging sufficiently. However, he and others were not academically trained scholars operating in official institutions of their time. They largely depended on talent and the knowledge they had acquired in school having come from able families. On his part, Voltairegreatly defended civil liberties including freedom of religion and right to fair trial. He went against all odds to ensure social reform despite laws in France for those that were found to have broken them. He was satirical as he often used his work to criticize church doctrine. On his part, he failed to advocate for atheism or the overthrow of the French regime ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His mentor John Luke and England s uncertain empiricism were the motives behind his philosophical views. He was a hypocrite in some manner as his philosophical ideas, and social criticisms were not original although he portrayed a keen common sense. He contradicted Rousseau s believe that civilization corrupts man as he believed in progress and the virtues of civilization. Voltaire significantly took part in fighting for religious liberty. He found the act of people believing in one religion dangerous as this could expose them to the danger of despotism. He was controversial as he articulated that existence of two or more religions would generate violence among people. Undiplomatically, he is said to have fought to an unusual extent to right the wrongs done against Protestants who had beliefs different to his. Voltaire did not like Catholic Church institutions as he found them abusive. Eventually, this made Voltaire engaged in an intense battle against the Catholic Church as he found it skeptical of religious keenness and the emphasis of human sin. He advised people to take religion as a deterrent and encouragement towards the good life. Notably, he had invented a saying that if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. This was controversial as by this he just sought to encourage the worshiping of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Global Plan Qb House- Expansion to the United States of... Global Plan QB House Expansion to the United States of America Global Plan QB House Expansion to the United States of America 8/21/2011 BUS548 International Business Table of Contents Phase One: Planning the Global Business Enterprise A. Identifying Global Business Opportunities.........................................3 B. Analyzing International Competitors................................................4 C. Assessing the Economic Geographic Environment...............................5 D. Assessing the Social Cultural Environment........................................7 E. Assessing the Political Legal Environment.........................................8 Phase Two: Organizing for International Business Activities A. Selecting a Global Company Structure.............................................9 B. Financing Sources for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Holiday Hair. * TGF Hair Salon. * Head Start Hair Care. * Famous Hair. * Style America Hair Care. * First Choice Hair Cutters. * Great Expectations Precision Haircutters: With us it s personal. * We care Hair: Personal Care. Practically Priced. 2. Sharkey s Cuts for Kids: Where haircuts are cool and fun rules. This is according to their corporate website. 3. Barbershops. There are over 48,000 Barbers listed in the United States. They are located in all fifty two States. For example New York State has 3,710, Texas 3,543, Florida 2,959, California 4,964, and Ohio 2,172 according to manta.com website. (Manta Media, Inc., 2011) So in going global, QB house will operate within a competitive environment. A company s situation may differ among countries by its competitive ranking; the competitors it faces (Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan, 2011). So the largest international competition for QB House is the Regis Corporation companies and independently owned and operated barbershops. The Regis Corporation has almost 9,500 North American salons that provide services such as haircuts, styling, and coloring according to the corporate website. Although each independently owned barbershop is a little different in the United States, many have some very similar attributes and styles. Also, barbershops are a mainstay in the United States and part of the culture. Assessing the Economic Geographic Environment Since the US
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  • 50. Why We Need An Urban County Government Why We Need an Urban County Government For too long this area has taken a back seat to the larger cities around us. We need to join the rest of the progressive regions in this state and establish a new, more efficient form of government. Pulaski County and the cities of Somerset, Science Hill, Ferguson, and Burnside need to merge together and create an urban county government. This will help to consolidate duplicate services, provide better representation for the citizens of Pulaski County, and strengthen the economy in this region. We live in a magnificent part of the state of Kentucky. We have picturesque landscapes, really pleasant residents, and a magnificent lake that supports a huge part of our economy through tourism. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, it is possible for the citizens to vote to implement this type of government. Therefore, in April of 2013 the Somerset Pulaski County United group formed and began the process of having feasibility studies done to see if the formation of an urban county government would be an alternative that would serve our area well. According to the Commonwealth Journal, a newspaper in Somerset, Kentucky, A group of about 60 community leaders, clustered as Somerset Pulaski County United (SPCU), is embarking on a study to determine if a consolidated or united government in Pulaski County would be more efficient and more responsive to the county s 63,000 residents. (Mardis and Shmidheiser). This group, a cross section that well represents the residents of this county, believes that the formation an urban county government is a great opportunity for all our futures. Unfortunately, the SPCU has faced much antagonism in this initial phase of work. Many current government leaders are afraid of what changes might do to their positions of power. But these same leaders are also the ones who create problems and allow current ones to continue. Having a council of peers will give a voice everyone in the area, not just the few who reside in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Communication and Why We Need Effective Communication Introduction With every interaction, whether active or passive, we find ourselves communicating with other people. Even our silence connotes some intention, which others may interpret at their discretion. Whether by artifact or by attendance, every human being constantly participates in the process of communication Defining Communication Communication means exchange of ideas, views, opinion, understanding, feelings, emotions, facts or information between two or more persons by any sources or medium. Communication is not only the essence of being human, but also a vital property of life... John A. Piece Communication is broadly defined as interaction of thoughts, exchange of ideas and building proper motivation between two binary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The importance of communication is best understood when there is a lack of it. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words verbal, written or gestured. How we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood . Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding the importance of communication and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the importance of communication skills can be truly fathomed. The importance of communication is equal in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Components of Communication Communication is effective when a concise and clear message is delivered well, received successfully, and understood fully. The process of communication has the following distinct components: the sender the message the medium the receiver feedback. The Communication Process The communication process consists of message being sent and received.T he message maybe verbal or non ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Conflict in Darfur and United States Involvement The conflict in Darfur refers to the fighting that is happening in the western region of Sudan known as Darfur. These fights have been taking place since 2003 and have continued to today. Similarities can be made to the Rwandan Genocide; there is a government funded and armed militia that is not officially supported by the government that is killing a local population. The citizens of the region of Darfur that are being killed are not Arabic, like the majority of the rest of Sudan is, however, they are more similar in culture and other aspects to the citizens of South Sudan, Sudan s neighboring country to the south with which Sudan has had multiple wars with. Despite the fact that there is a militia that is killing citizens, there are also other militias that are fighting for the Darfuri people. These two sides have been fighting each other for close to ten years. Even though citizens of a certain group are being targeted by a militia, the conflict in Darfur is not a genocide. The United States should not get involved militarily in this conflict because it is only a conflict and not a genocide. It is a war between two groups over disputes between these groups. Instead, the United States should use diplomacy to help end the conflict happening in Darfur. A genocide is the systematic attempt to eliminate a group of people based on race, religion, ethnicity, or other defining group characteristic. This should not be misconstrued with a war between two groups where each group is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...