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Resource Sharing Remixed for the Rethinking Resource Sharing IV Forum OCLC, Dublin, OH Michael Edson Director, Web and New Media Strategy Smithsonian Institution, Office of the CIO 5/13/2009
Preamble Twitter @mpedson (note the #si20 tag!) slideshare.net/edsonm [email_address] smithsonian20.typepad.com usingdata.typepad.com Beware…The opinions in this presentation are mine, not the official policy/strategy of the Smithsonian…
Two Talks for the Price of One! A pitch for a  Commons  as the answer to the Smithsonian’s digital-resource sharing challenges Practical advice tied to Rethinking Resource Forum’s goals/challenges How to affect change in slow-moving organizations Local actions that make a difference
The 5-Minute Shakespeare Version We’re working on a Web and New Media Strategy I talk a lot about a “Smithsonian Commons” I haven’t the foggiest idea how to catalyze institutional change

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ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day4
ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day4ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day4
ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day4

Slides for Day 4 of the module on Design & Creativity, Nanyang Business School Singapore January 2019


A quick analysis of this strange phenomenon, with some suggestions about how to cope with people who bullshit. bulldictionary.com Buy the book: http://amzn.to/2doeOTI

ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day1
ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day1ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day1
ACI design and creativity slides 2019 day1

Slides for Day 1 of the core module on Design and Creativity at the graduate programmes of ACI, Nanyang Business School January 2019, Singapore.

The 5-Minute Shakespeare Version We’re working on a Web and New Media Strategy I talk a lot about a “Smithsonian Commons” I haven’t the foggiest idea how to catalyze institutional change Now Discuss…
A Model Institution
Imagining a Smithsonian Commons The full, written-out version is on slideshare, http://slideshare.net/edsonm (Both PowerPoint and text versions, with references and footnotes!)

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This document summarizes the key discussions and activities from Day 2 of an Institute on Asian Consumer Insight event focused on creativity and design. It includes: - A discussion of questions from Day 1 around developing and exercising creativity. - An activity on reframing resistance to change in a positive light. - An exploration of growth mindset and how intelligence and personal traits can change. - Activities focused on reframing problems as "wicked" problems, asking powerful questions, and exploring participants' creative selves. The document concludes with sharing of exemplary reports, and an individual reflection activity to identify key lessons and next action steps.

LCEB Enterprise Week 2009 Keynote March 2
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LCEB Enterprise Week 2009 Keynote March 2

The document summarizes José Pietri's presentation at the Enterprise Week 2009 on the importance of change and innovation for businesses. The presentation focused on sharing experiences and examples of innovation in practice from other companies. It emphasized that innovation is an ongoing process, not just a single event, and discussed the importance of collaboration and exploring new ideas through tools like social media and brainstorming to drive business growth.

ACI Design Creativity 2015 Day 03
ACI Design Creativity 2015 Day 03ACI Design Creativity 2015 Day 03
ACI Design Creativity 2015 Day 03

This document discusses creativity and design. It begins by providing background on design processes and methods, citing sources from various design firms and thinkers. It then discusses the importance of failure in design and innovation, noting that many successful products, businesses and inventors experienced numerous failures during development. The document encourages learning from failures of others, failing gracefully oneself, and using trial and error in the design process. It emphasizes reframing one's attitude towards failure as a learning opportunity. Overall, the document promotes an experimental and iterative approach to creativity and problem-solving.

Vexatious Phenomena
Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Process
Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Process Currently underway http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com All work on public-facing wiki Internal workshops are “wiki-cast” Twitter, #si20 tag http://search.twitter.com/search?q=&ands=&phrase=&ors=&nots=&tag=si20&lang=all&from=&to=&ref=&near=&within=15&units=mi&since=&until=&rpp=15   Radically open, transparent, fast Alternative to traditional committee process Expand internal brain trust
Organizational Change 10 things I’m thinking about

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Where ideas come from - Business Gets Social

A 30 minute session being given at IBM's Business Gets Social Roadshows. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/collaboration/events/socialbusiness/

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Creating chaos Part1/2
Creating chaos Part1/2Creating chaos Part1/2
Creating chaos Part1/2

The document discusses the connection between innovation, patents, and economic growth. It provides the following key points: 1) Western economies grew rapidly during the Industrial Revolution due to innovation driven by patents and technology. Countries that studied and copied other nations' patent systems, like Japan copying the US system, also saw economic growth. 2) Innovation accounts for up to 80% of productivity growth in high-income countries. Firms that innovate outperform non-innovating firms. 3) "Soft thinking" skills like creativity and innovation are now as important as traditional "hard thinking" skills taught in schools, but education systems still focus more on eliminating soft thinking. True innovation often stems from chance

creativityinnovationcreative thinking
5 Myths About Creativity
5 Myths About Creativity5 Myths About Creativity
5 Myths About Creativity

The cats out of the bag! No longer is this elusive topic an enigma anymore. We've uncovered the greatest myths about creativity. These ideas will make you think differently about the world of creativity and business in general. 1. People are either born creative or not at all 2. I can't draw I'm not creative 3. I have writers block 4. Business has nothing to do with creativity 5. Creativity won’t help in my job Thanks for stopping by! Now keep on rocking in the free world. Jeph

1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency HBR “Ideacast” clip, 2:30 Audio clip plays for 2:30. Advance through next 7 slides manually
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Thoughts, feelings and behaviors
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Thoughts… Great opportunities/hazards
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Feelings… Gut level determination that we’ll do something  now

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Business ideas or business opportunities
Business ideas or business opportunitiesBusiness ideas or business opportunities
Business ideas or business opportunities

This document discusses creativity and developing business ideas. It describes creativity as stemming from intelligence, environment, knowledge, thinking style, personality, and motivation. It also discusses different thinking styles like convergent and divergent thinking. The document then provides various techniques that can help generate ideas such as brainstorming, market research, developing personas, mapping customer journeys, and techniques like SCAMPER. It emphasizes that ideas can come from many sources and the importance of identifying the problem to be solved. Ultimately, the document stresses that ideas must be turned into opportunities by considering factors like market fit, feasibility, management team, and personal ambition.

Creating Chaos Part2
Creating Chaos Part2Creating Chaos Part2
Creating Chaos Part2

1. The document discusses how chaos often precedes great changes and encourages the reader to create chaos in order to enable change. 2. It provides several quotes about creativity, innovation, and the need for new approaches and thinking outside the box. 3. The document lists several books and resources on topics like creativity, innovation, breakthrough thinking, and humor. It also provides contact information for the author.

creativityinnovationcreative thinking
Building startups like a boss
Building startups like a bossBuilding startups like a boss
Building startups like a boss

Short talk on how to build startups like a boss. Given at Pecha-Kucha Night in Singapore on September 2012.

startupbenjamin joffeplus8star
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Behavior… Hyper-alertness… commitment to making something happen with the important issues
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Behavior… We gotta get going with this because it’s  so  important.
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency Determination and movement that’s smart and that wins
1. Urgency John P. Kotter,  A Sense of Urgency The rate of change is going up.

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This document provides suggestions for improving meetings through better design. It discusses 5 types of meetings: beginnings (getting started), presentations (telling the user's story), middles (keeping people moving forward), explorations (helping people find their way), and endings (finding closure and learning). For each type, it offers recommendations like using visual tools, lean coffee approaches, and treating meetings as design problems to be solved. The goal is to manage assumptions, visualize ideas, and actively design meetings to better facilitate collaboration and outcomes.

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This document discusses advocacy skills for promoting the green economy. It covers nudges and choice architecture, the six weapons of influence including consistency, reciprocation, social proof, authority, liking, and scarcity. Specific advocacy tools are examined like framing messages, storytelling, and government campaigns. Effective advocacy requires understanding human behavior and how to subtly influence decisions through default options, peer pressure, relationships and creating a sense of scarcity.

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The document discusses the importance of open collaboration in content and design. It outlines four types of openness that enable effective collaboration: 1) personal openness through humility, 2) active openness by contributing across roles, 3) outward openness through understanding user needs, and 4) exponential openness where cross-discipline teams co-design. Creating a culture of openness sets the stage for successful collaboration and co-design, which are essential to building interconnected experiences.

2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen:  The Innovators Dilemma
2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen:  The Innovator’s Dilemma Sustaining Technologies vs.  Disruptive Technologies
2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen:  The Innovator’s Dilemma Sears was at the top if the world in the 1960’s
2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen:  The Innovator’s Dilemma Sears was at the top if the world in the 1960’s They missed discount retailing.

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This document discusses ways to promote creativity in education. It suggests that creativity should be as important as literacy and argues against teaching students solely to be "walking encyclopedias." The document also discusses how connecting diverse ideas and experiences can lead to new combinations and creative synthesis. It provides examples of creative thinking frameworks and strategies like incubation, analogies, imposing limits, and remixing content. The overall message is that creativity can be cultivated through open-ended activities, technology, and teaching students how to think in new ways.

8 steps to leading a successful SharePoint project
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2. Disruptive Innovation “ You’ve got about three years until you’re locked into being just a museum of stuff on the mall”  Executive from a national media/educational brand, about the Smithsonian’s digital strategy
2. Disruptive Innovation This is one of the Innovators Dilemmas: Blindly following the maxim that good managers should keep close to their customers can sometimes be a fatal mistake. Clayton M. Christensen The Innovator’s Dilemma
3. Darwin’s True Greatness … Wasn’t that he figured out modification-with-descent but that he wrote it down—tied it down— in a way that ensured the idea would never drift away again. Can’t find source! (Bill Bryson?)
3. Darwin’s True Greatness So, when you figure something out, tie it down! Examples Imagining a Smithsonian Commons Written-out with notes, references, links on slideshare.  http://slideshare.net/edsonm   Web-Strategy “workshop-to-wiki” process All workshops are “wiki-cast” so what’s said doesn’t drift away. http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com

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Michael Edson: Prototyping the Smithsonian Commons
Michael Edson: Prototyping the Smithsonian CommonsMichael Edson: Prototyping the Smithsonian Commons
Michael Edson: Prototyping the Smithsonian Commons

The document discusses prototyping the Smithsonian Commons, which is proposed as a new digital platform and presence for the Smithsonian Institution. It summarizes the Smithsonian's strategic plan and goals of updating their digital experience, learning model, and balancing autonomy and control. A key aspect is creating the Smithsonian Commons, which would stimulate learning, creation and innovation by providing open access to the Smithsonian's research, collections and communities online. The presentation discusses building prototypes to demonstrate what a Smithsonian Commons would look like from the perspective of different types of users.

smithsonian strategy web and new media commons
Michael Edson, Relevance, Existence, and Smithsonian Strategy, for OCLC "Web ...
Michael Edson, Relevance, Existence, and Smithsonian Strategy, for OCLC "Web ...Michael Edson, Relevance, Existence, and Smithsonian Strategy, for OCLC "Web ...
Michael Edson, Relevance, Existence, and Smithsonian Strategy, for OCLC "Web ...

The Smithsonian has developed a new strategic plan focused on solving complex problems through interdisciplinary collaboration. However, the Smithsonian faces challenges with relevance as its web presence and reach have declined compared to competitors. To address this, the Smithsonian used an open, transparent and participatory process to develop a new web strategy using workshops, wikis and public feedback to engage internal and external stakeholders.

Tom Peters at Transforming Work, Life, & Organizations conference
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Tom Peters at Transforming Work, Life, & Organizations conference

The document discusses concepts related to excellence and innovation in organizations. It provides examples of how organizations can: 1) Embrace change, diversity of thought, risk-taking and rapid experimentation to drive innovation. Mistakes and failures should be seen as opportunities to learn. 2) Pursue decentralization, clear goal-setting, accountability and rigorous execution to achieve strategic objectives. 3) Continually move up the value chain by shifting from goods to services, solutions, experiences, and transforming customers' organizations.

4. Axiom:  The Third Way Don’t get too attached to predicting outcomes to big presentations, confrontations, decisions.  I always think “It’s either going to go this way or that way” but it’s  always  some third way I couldn’t predict. Example: “Smithsonian 2.0 event”
5. Know What to Leave Out From a series of tweets @ Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy workshops. Excruciating process of boiling down the Smithsonian to its essence.
6. Capability Maturity Models A framework for understanding what kinds of projects you are capable of doing successfully  in the future!
6. Capability Maturity Models 1. Initial 2. Managed 3. Defined 4. Quantitatively Managed 5. Optimizing

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Long version of presentation about the Smithsonian's Web and New Media Strategy and how it relates to the goal of creating more audience-centric Web sites. For Forum One, National Press Club, Washington, D.C. November 5, 2009.

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Michael Edson @ MCN '09: Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy -- Drivers, P...
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A 15 minute overview of the Smithsonian Institution's Web and New Media Strategy and the drivers and process behind it. Part of the "strategery" [sic] session at the Museum Computer Network conference, November 13, 2009.

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New ideas need new behaviors - a behavioral focus on innovation
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New ideas need new behaviors - a behavioral focus on innovation

In this presentation, we take a look at how Big Spaceship organizes itself for new behaviors, how our approach focuses on behavior, and how behavior has affected work like Skittles, Star Wars, Google, and The Most Awesomest Thing Ever. It originally appeared here http://spcshp.it/eatstrategy and then at eat:strategy - a strategy conference in Toronto in July 2012. For more on Big Spaceship: http://www.bigspaceship.com

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This document contains a presentation by Bill Smith on lessons learned from process improvement initiatives. The presentation includes 10 lessons: 1) Treat process improvement like a project; 2) Involve future users when developing processes; 3) Understand root causes of problems before assigning blame; 4) Avoid a one-size-fits-all improvement approach; 5) Walk before you run when implementing changes; 6) Keep an open mind; 7) Process improvement and compliance are not the same; 8) Plans without implementation are meaningless; 9) You may lose people and that's okay; and 10) Consider dissenting opinions. The presentation provides examples and references to support each lesson.

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This document summarizes topics from a chapter on product planning and development, including preparing a firm for idea generation, concept identification, and active concept generation approaches. It discusses finding creative people by staffing with those having diverse experiences and enthusiasm for innovation. It also outlines barriers to firm creativity like cross-functional diversity and allegiance to functional areas that can limit innovative ideas. The document provides an example of the concept development process for a potential new coffee product called Designer Decaf in response to changes in the North American coffee market and culture.

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The document discusses strategic and critical thinking. It emphasizes seeing possibilities, seeing differently, and adjusting views. Good strategic and critical thinking involves raising the right questions, gathering relevant information, developing well-reasoned conclusions, and communicating effectively. Critical thinking is about decision-making, open-mindedness, and productive dialogue. The document provides tips for strategic thinking such as clarifying assumptions, questioning the status quo, avoiding common decision traps like anchoring, and focusing on the future.

critical thinkingstrategic thinking
Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Success depends on individuals Commitments are understood and managed People are trained
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The document advertises an upcoming MSDN Developer Conference that will cover Microsoft's cloud computing platform, Windows 7, and .NET skills. It will take place in multiple cities and early registration costs $99. The conference will include sessions on soft skills like managing your career, communication, and creativity as well as organizational dynamics, strategies for success, and a presentation by Philip Wheat from Microsoft.

Design Driven Innovation
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Design Driven Innovation

The document discusses design thinking as an approach to innovation that involves understanding user needs through empathy, visualizing insights through prototyping, and collaborating across disciplines. It outlines key principles of design thinking, such as embracing ambiguity, asking the right questions over providing answers, learning through building ideas, and creating change by bringing ideas to life. The document argues that design thinking can help organizations prepare for innovation by creating commitment through collaboration and finding deep insights through diverse perspectives.

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6. Capability Maturity Models More in “Good Projects Gone Bad” on SlideShare http://www.slideshare.net/edsonm/good-projects-gone-bad-an-introduction-to-process-maturity-1384375
7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling
7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling On the Kon Tiki raft, he did an outrageous thing “just to show everyone why he was the captain” (As remembered from a speech at the National Geographic.) Sometimes you have to do crazy things
7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person http://smithsonian20.typepad.com/blog/2009/03/web-t.html

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The document summarizes the key points from a presentation about developing a new web and new media strategy for the Smithsonian Institution. It outlines the case for change, noting issues like the uncoordinated nature of the Smithsonian's online presence, competition from other websites, and declining web traffic. It then discusses developing a strategy using an open, transparent and crowdsourced process with workshops, an internal blog/wiki, and public feedback. The proposed strategy centers around a "Smithsonian Commons" to facilitate open access to collections and resources. It stresses the importance of execution given most strategies ultimately fail.

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Based on 4 years of research with over 400 companies - there are companies that succeed and companies that fail. The biggest difference between winners and losers is smart winners make good, even mediocre, ideas great over time. This lecture introduces the ABCs of Innovation A = Alignment B = Build ideas C = Communicate and Check S = Learning Systems And explains why a systematic application of these stages of development can help you build ideas faster while reducing the risks of failure.

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Design Thinking is Killing Creativity
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Design Thinking is Killing Creativity

This presentation explores the concept of Design Thinking, some of its problems, and how we can fix them.

8. Do Stuff that Matters
8. Do Stuff that Matters Tim O’Reilly  http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/01/work-on-stuff-that-matters-fir.html   Work on something that matters more than money Create more value than you capture Take the long view
8. Do Stuff that Matters Cutting the “let’s collaborate more” crap We don’t get paid to collaborate, we get paid to do important stuff— stuff that matters! Dedicate yourself to important work, measure progress towards those goals, and fix anything that gets in the way. Collaboration is a means to an end.
8. Do Stuff that Matters Don't be afraid to fail. There's a wonderful poem by Rainer Maria Rilke that talks about the biblical story of Jacob wrestling with an angel, being defeated, but coming away stronger from the fight. It ends with an exhortation that goes something like this: "What we fight with is so small, and when we win, it makes us small. What we want is to be defeated, decisively, by successively greater things."  Tim O’Reilly

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Product design can go wrong and affect users negatively. How do your users feel using your product? What’s the impact that you cause? Can we build better products if we follow certain standards or principles? This talk will explore how to better care about users and improve their experience by taking a more ethical approach. Most importantly, this talk will hopefully be an inspiration, question the status quo and help us build for a better future web.

Where Ideas Come From
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Where Ideas Come From

The document discusses how businesses can promote creativity within their organizations. It argues that traditional business structures often stifle creativity, but creativity is important for competitive advantage. It suggests that businesses focus on their people by encouraging open communication, sharing of ideas, and social interactions. This allows for "knowledge accidents" where people connect and new ideas emerge. The document provides specific recommendations for using tools like discussion forums, blogs, and social media to open conversations and sharing within an organization in order to promote innovation.

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Psychological Safety: Creating conducive working environments for Designers t...
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Design is the conception and realisation of new things. With new things, problems arise, and problems make us uncomfortable. With discomfort comes fear and anxiety. Designers spend a lot of time prioritising the needs of customers and organisations. We need to be just as deliberate in making certain that environments in which Designers operate, are conducive to helping them perform at their best.

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8. Do Stuff that Matters What Failure Looks Like Today's session was appalling to me. The topics that curators were there to discuss -- especially open access vs. curatorial control -- were never on the table, and it seemed engineered so that would happen. It seemed clear that you had marching orders and were asking "leading" questions to point the audience toward centralization as the solution… --Post-workshop evaluation http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/Curation+and+Resarch+Post-Workshop+Evaluation
Do Stuff that Matters Tim O’Reilly  http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/01/work-on-stuff-that-matters-fir.html   Don’t be afraid to think big Success as a byproduct of your goals Let others make more of/with your ideas, assets, work
9. The Majestic Vision We’ve drifted from the  Majestic Vision  (Peter Schwartz’s term)  And it’s needed now, in a  time of great change A lot of organizations looking hard at their mission statements now Widsom-making? The Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge?
10. Give Courage to Others The difference between leading and managing What you do and say gives me courage to push a little farther, be a little bolder, have confidence that I’m not a fraud or crazy My job is, in part, to give others around me confidence to take a stand, speak out, and move forward.

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A talk given at LHBS Vienna on the subject of Agile Communications Planning, as part of their series of 'Uncomfortable Talks'.

Shaking Hands with the Future: Culture and Heritage at a Moment Full of Change
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Shaking Hands with the Future: Culture and Heritage at a Moment Full of Change

Keynote for the congress of the Network Oorlogsbronnen (Netherlands WWII data network), Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 November 2021. Note that some of the text/callouts seem hard to read w. SlideShare's new compression scheme — sorry about that! Probably best to download the show and view it in PowerPoint, or, I've put a link to a PDF version on slide 2 (and the links work on the PDF version too!) (This is the second version of these slides. The previous version was for some reason flagged as suspicious by SlideShare and made irrevocably un-shareable.)

Digital Culture and the Shaking Hand of Change
Digital Culture and the Shaking Hand of ChangeDigital Culture and the Shaking Hand of Change
Digital Culture and the Shaking Hand of Change

The presentation shows how to create and use a "problem space" to organize complex challenges. The central metaphor for the talk is the "civic handshake" — a process by which different parts of society cooperate through the informal exchange of information and the sharing of responsibilities.

[Clip available on request]
Thank you! Michael Edson Smithsonian Institution

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Michael Edson
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Michael Edson, Resource Sharing Remixed

  • 1. Resource Sharing Remixed for the Rethinking Resource Sharing IV Forum OCLC, Dublin, OH Michael Edson Director, Web and New Media Strategy Smithsonian Institution, Office of the CIO 5/13/2009
  • 2. Preamble Twitter @mpedson (note the #si20 tag!) slideshare.net/edsonm [email_address] smithsonian20.typepad.com usingdata.typepad.com Beware…The opinions in this presentation are mine, not the official policy/strategy of the Smithsonian…
  • 3. Two Talks for the Price of One! A pitch for a Commons as the answer to the Smithsonian’s digital-resource sharing challenges Practical advice tied to Rethinking Resource Forum’s goals/challenges How to affect change in slow-moving organizations Local actions that make a difference
  • 4. The 5-Minute Shakespeare Version We’re working on a Web and New Media Strategy I talk a lot about a “Smithsonian Commons” I haven’t the foggiest idea how to catalyze institutional change
  • 5. The 5-Minute Shakespeare Version We’re working on a Web and New Media Strategy I talk a lot about a “Smithsonian Commons” I haven’t the foggiest idea how to catalyze institutional change Now Discuss…
  • 6.  
  • 8. Imagining a Smithsonian Commons The full, written-out version is on slideshare, http://slideshare.net/edsonm (Both PowerPoint and text versions, with references and footnotes!)
  • 10. Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Process
  • 11. Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy Process Currently underway http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com All work on public-facing wiki Internal workshops are “wiki-cast” Twitter, #si20 tag http://search.twitter.com/search?q=&ands=&phrase=&ors=&nots=&tag=si20&lang=all&from=&to=&ref=&near=&within=15&units=mi&since=&until=&rpp=15 Radically open, transparent, fast Alternative to traditional committee process Expand internal brain trust
  • 12. Organizational Change 10 things I’m thinking about
  • 13. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency HBR “Ideacast” clip, 2:30 Audio clip plays for 2:30. Advance through next 7 slides manually
  • 14. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Thoughts, feelings and behaviors
  • 15. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Thoughts… Great opportunities/hazards
  • 16. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Feelings… Gut level determination that we’ll do something now
  • 17. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Behavior… Hyper-alertness… commitment to making something happen with the important issues
  • 18. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Behavior… We gotta get going with this because it’s so important.
  • 19. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency Determination and movement that’s smart and that wins
  • 20. 1. Urgency John P. Kotter, A Sense of Urgency The rate of change is going up.
  • 21. 2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovators Dilemma
  • 22. 2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma Sustaining Technologies vs. Disruptive Technologies
  • 23. 2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma Sears was at the top if the world in the 1960’s
  • 24. 2. Disruptive Innovation Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma Sears was at the top if the world in the 1960’s They missed discount retailing.
  • 25. 2. Disruptive Innovation “ You’ve got about three years until you’re locked into being just a museum of stuff on the mall” Executive from a national media/educational brand, about the Smithsonian’s digital strategy
  • 26. 2. Disruptive Innovation This is one of the Innovators Dilemmas: Blindly following the maxim that good managers should keep close to their customers can sometimes be a fatal mistake. Clayton M. Christensen The Innovator’s Dilemma
  • 27. 3. Darwin’s True Greatness … Wasn’t that he figured out modification-with-descent but that he wrote it down—tied it down— in a way that ensured the idea would never drift away again. Can’t find source! (Bill Bryson?)
  • 28. 3. Darwin’s True Greatness So, when you figure something out, tie it down! Examples Imagining a Smithsonian Commons Written-out with notes, references, links on slideshare. http://slideshare.net/edsonm Web-Strategy “workshop-to-wiki” process All workshops are “wiki-cast” so what’s said doesn’t drift away. http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com
  • 29. 4. Axiom: The Third Way Don’t get too attached to predicting outcomes to big presentations, confrontations, decisions. I always think “It’s either going to go this way or that way” but it’s always some third way I couldn’t predict. Example: “Smithsonian 2.0 event”
  • 30. 5. Know What to Leave Out From a series of tweets @ Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy workshops. Excruciating process of boiling down the Smithsonian to its essence.
  • 31. 6. Capability Maturity Models A framework for understanding what kinds of projects you are capable of doing successfully in the future!
  • 32. 6. Capability Maturity Models 1. Initial 2. Managed 3. Defined 4. Quantitatively Managed 5. Optimizing
  • 33. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5
  • 34. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Success depends on individual heroics
  • 35. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 “ Fire fighting” is a way of life
  • 36. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Relationships between disciplines are uncoordinated, perhaps even adversarial
  • 37. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Success depends on individuals Commitments are understood and managed People are trained
  • 38. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Project groups work together, perhaps as an integrated team Training is planned and provided according to rolesv
  • 39. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Strong sense of teamwork exists within each project
  • 40. Understanding the levels People Processes Measurement Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Strong sense of teamwork exists across the organization Everyone is involved in process improvement
  • 41. 6. Capability Maturity Models More in “Good Projects Gone Bad” on SlideShare http://www.slideshare.net/edsonm/good-projects-gone-bad-an-introduction-to-process-maturity-1384375
  • 42. 7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling
  • 43. 7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling On the Kon Tiki raft, he did an outrageous thing “just to show everyone why he was the captain” (As remembered from a speech at the National Geographic.) Sometimes you have to do crazy things
  • 44. 7. Thor Hyerdahl & Shark Wrestling Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person http://smithsonian20.typepad.com/blog/2009/03/web-t.html
  • 45. 8. Do Stuff that Matters
  • 46. 8. Do Stuff that Matters Tim O’Reilly http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/01/work-on-stuff-that-matters-fir.html Work on something that matters more than money Create more value than you capture Take the long view
  • 47. 8. Do Stuff that Matters Cutting the “let’s collaborate more” crap We don’t get paid to collaborate, we get paid to do important stuff— stuff that matters! Dedicate yourself to important work, measure progress towards those goals, and fix anything that gets in the way. Collaboration is a means to an end.
  • 48. 8. Do Stuff that Matters Don't be afraid to fail. There's a wonderful poem by Rainer Maria Rilke that talks about the biblical story of Jacob wrestling with an angel, being defeated, but coming away stronger from the fight. It ends with an exhortation that goes something like this: "What we fight with is so small, and when we win, it makes us small. What we want is to be defeated, decisively, by successively greater things." Tim O’Reilly
  • 49. 8. Do Stuff that Matters What Failure Looks Like Today's session was appalling to me. The topics that curators were there to discuss -- especially open access vs. curatorial control -- were never on the table, and it seemed engineered so that would happen. It seemed clear that you had marching orders and were asking "leading" questions to point the audience toward centralization as the solution… --Post-workshop evaluation http://smithsonian-webstrategy.wikispaces.com/Curation+and+Resarch+Post-Workshop+Evaluation
  • 50. Do Stuff that Matters Tim O’Reilly http://radar.oreilly.com/2009/01/work-on-stuff-that-matters-fir.html Don’t be afraid to think big Success as a byproduct of your goals Let others make more of/with your ideas, assets, work
  • 51. 9. The Majestic Vision We’ve drifted from the Majestic Vision (Peter Schwartz’s term) And it’s needed now, in a time of great change A lot of organizations looking hard at their mission statements now Widsom-making? The Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge?
  • 52. 10. Give Courage to Others The difference between leading and managing What you do and say gives me courage to push a little farther, be a little bolder, have confidence that I’m not a fraud or crazy My job is, in part, to give others around me confidence to take a stand, speak out, and move forward.
  • 53. [Clip available on request]
  • 54. Thank you! Michael Edson Smithsonian Institution