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Model Selection and Cross
Validation techniques
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•This presentation is just class notes. This course material is prepared
by statinfer team, as an aid for training sessions.
•The best way to treat this is as a high-level summary; the actual
session went more in depth and contained detailed information and
•Most of this material was written as informal notes, not intended for
•Please send questions/comments/corrections to info@statinfer.com
•Please check our website statinfer.com for latest version of this
-Team Statinfer
•How to validate a model?
•What is a best model ?
•Types of data
•Types of errors
•The problem of over fitting
•The problem of under fitting
•Bias Variance Tradeoff
•Cross validation
•K-Fold Cross validation
•Boot strap Cross validation 4
Model Validation Metrics
Model Validation
•Checking how good is our model
•It is very important to report the accuracy of the model along with the
final model
•The model validation in regression is done through R square and Adj R-
•Logistic Regression, Decision tree and other classification techniques
have the very similar validation measures.
•Till now we have seen confusion matrix and accuracy. There are many
more validation and model accuracy metrics for classification models
Classification-Validation measures
•Confusion matrix, Specificity, Sensitivity
•Kappa, F1 Score
•KS, Gini
•Concordance and discordance
•Chi-Square, Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test
All of them are measuring the model accuracy only. Some metrics work
really well for certain class of problems. Confusion matrix, ROC and
AUC will be sufficient for most of the business problems 7
Sensitivity and Specificity
Classification Table
0(Positive) 1(Negative)
True positive (TP)
Actual condition is Positive, it is
truly predicted as positive
False Negatives(FN)
Actual condition is Positive, it is
falsely predicted as negative
False Positives(FP)
Actual condition is Negative, it is
falsely predicted as positive
True Negatives(TN)
Actual condition is Negative, it is
truly predicted as negative
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
• Accuracy=(TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)
• Misclassification Rate=(FP+FN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)
Sensitivity and Specificity are derived from confusion matrix
Sensitivity and Specificity
• Sensitivity : Percentage of positives that are successfully classified as positive
• Specificity : Percentage of negatives that are successfully classified as negatives
0(Positive) 1(Negative)
True positive (TP)
Actual condition is
Positive, it is truly
predicted as positive
False Negatives(FN)
Actual condition is
Positive, it is falsely
predicted as negative
TP/(TP+FN) or TP/
Overall Positives
False Positives(FP)
Actual condition is
Negative, it is falsely
predicted as positive
True Negatives(TN)
Actual condition is
Negative, it is truly
predicted as negative
Specificity =
TN/(TN+FP) or TN/
Overall Negatives
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
Sensitivity and Specificity
•By changing the threshold, the good and bad customers classification
will be changed hence the sensitivity and specificity will be changed
•Which one of these two we should maximize? What should be ideal
•Ideally we want to maximize both Sensitivity & Specificity. But this is
not possible always. There is always a tradeoff.
•Sometimes we want to be 100% sure on Predicted negatives,
sometimes we want to be 100% sure on Predicted positives.
•Sometimes we simply don’t want to compromise on sensitivity
sometimes we don’t want to compromise on specificity
•The threshold is set based on business problem 11
When Sensitivity is a high
When Sensitivity is a high priority
•Predicting a bad customers or defaulters before issuing the loan
0(Yes-Defaulter) 1(Non-Defaulter)
True positive (TP)
Actual customer is bad and
model is predicting them as
False Negatives(FN)
Actual customer is bad
and model is predicting
them as good
TP/(TP+FN) or TP/
Overall Positives
False Positives(FP)
Actual customer is good and
model is predicting them as
True Negatives(TN)
Actual customer is good
and model is predicting
them as good
Specificity =
TN/(TN+FP) or TN/
Overall Negatives
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
When Sensitivity is a high priority
•Predicting a bad defaulters before issuing the loan
0(Yes-Defaulter) 1(Non-Defaulter)
True positive (TP)
Actual customer is bad and
model is predicting them as
bad. Rejected a Loan of
False Negatives(FN)
Actual customer is bad
and model is predicting
them as good Issued a
loan of 100,00
TP/(TP+FN) or TP/
Overall Positives
False Positives(FP)
Actual customer is good and
model is predicting them as
bad. Rejected a Loan of
True Negatives(TN)
Actual customer is good
and model is predicting
them as good. Issued a
loan of 100,00
Specificity =
TN/(TN+FP) or TN/
Overall Negatives
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
When Sensitivity is a high priority
•The profit on good customer loan is not equal to the loss on one bad
customer loan
•The loss on one bad loan might eat up the profit on 100 good customers
•In this case one bad customer is not equal to one good customer.
•If p is probability of default then we would like to set our threshold in such a
way that we don’t miss any of the bad customers.
•We set the threshold in such a way that Sensitivity is high
•We can compromise on specificity here. If we wrongly reject a good
customer, our loss is very less compared to giving a loan to a bad customer.
•We don’t really worry about the good customers here, they are not harmful
hence we can have less Specificity
When Specificity is a high
When Specificity is a high priority
•Testing a medicine is good or poisonous
0(Yes-Good) 1(Poisonous)
True positive (TP)
Actual medicine is good and
model is predicting them as
False Negatives(FN)
Actual medicine is good
and model is predicting
them as poisonous
TP/(TP+FN) or TP/
Overall Positives
False Positives(FP)
Actual medicine is
poisonous and model is
predicting them as good
True Negatives(TN)
Actual medicine is
poisonous and model is
predicting them as
Specificity =
TN/(TN+FP) or TN/
Overall Negatives
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
When Specificity is a high priority
•Testing a medicine is good or poisonous
0(Yes-Good) 1(Poisonous)
True positive (TP)
Actual medicine is good and
model is predicting them as
good. Recommended for
False Negatives(FN)
Actual medicine is good
and model is predicting
them as poisonous.
Banned the usage
TP/(TP+FN) or TP/
Overall Positives
False Positives(FP)
Actual medicine is
poisonous and model is
predicting them as good.
Recommended for use
True Negatives(TN)
Actual medicine is
poisonous and model is
predicting them as
poisonous. Banned the
Specificity =
TN/(TN+FP) or TN/
Overall Negatives
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
When Specificity is a high priority
•In this case, we have to really avoid cases like , Actual medicine is
poisonous and model is predicting them as good.
•We can’t take any chance here.
•The specificity need to be near 100.
•The sensitivity can be compromised here. It is not very harmful not to
use a good medicine when compared with vice versa case
Sensitivity vs Specificity - Importance
•There are some cases where Sensitivity is important and need to be
near to 1
•There are business cases where Specificity is important and need to be
near to 1
•We need to understand the business problem and decide the
importance of Sensitivity and Specificity
Calculating Sensitivity and
LAB - Sensitivity and Specificity
•Build a logistic regression model on fiber bits data
•Create the confusion matrix
•Find the accuracy
•Calculate Specificity
•Calculate Sensitivity
Code - Sensitivity and Specificity
Code - Sensitivity and Specificity
Code – Change the threshold to 0.8
Code – Change the threshold to 0.3
ROC Curve
ROC Curve
•Each threshold gives a sensitivity and specificity pair.
•What is the optimal sensitivity and specificity for a given problem?
•ROC curves helps us in choosing optimal sensitivity and specificity
•ROC tells us, how many mistakes are we making to identify all the
ROC Curve
•ROCROC(Receiver operating characteristic)
tells us, how many mistakes are we making
to identify all the positives?
•ROC tells us, how many mistakes(False
positives) are we making to identify all the
•Curve is drawn by taking False positive rate
on X-axis and True positive rate on Y- axis
ROC Curve - Interpretation
• How many mistakes are we making to identify all
the positives?
• How many mistakes are we making to identify 70%,
80% and 90% of positives?
• 1-Specificty(false positive rate) gives us an idea on
mistakes that we are making
• We would like to make 0% mistakes for identifying
100% positives
• We would like to make very minimal mistakes for
identifying maximum positives
• We want that curve to be far away from straight line
• Ideally we want the area under the curve as high as
• We want that curve to be far away from straight line. Ideally we want the area
under the curve as high as possible
• ROC comes with a connected topic, AUC. Area Under
• ROC Curve Gives us an idea on the performance of the model under all possible
values of threshold.
• We want to make almost 0% mistakes while identifying all the positives, which
means we want to see AUC value near to 1
• AUC is near to 1 for a good model
ROC and AUC Calculation
•Calculate ROC and AUC for Product Sales Data/Product_sales.csv
logistic regression model
•Calculate ROC and AUC for fiber bits logistic regression model
Code: ROC and AUC
Code: ROC and AUC
Code: ROC and AUC
When to use AUC over Accuracy?
•AUC is not same as accuracy. Accuracy is calculated at one cut-off
•Use AUC when you want to work with probabilities and scoring rather
than simply classifying on one threshold
•Use AUC when each point probability is important for you than
accuracy on two classes.
•Use AUC in case of class imbalance. When one false positive
misclassification is not same as on negative misclassification
The best model
What is a best model? How to build?
•A model with maximum accuracy /least error
•A model that uses maximum information available in the given data
•A model that has minimum squared error
•A model that captures all the hidden patterns in the data
•A model that produces the best perdition results
Model Selection
•How to build/choose a best model?
•Error on the training data is not a good meter of performance on
future data
•How to select the best model out of the set of available models ?
•Are there any methods/metrics to choose best model?
•What is training error? What is testing error? What is hold out sample
LAB: The most accurate model
LAB: The most accurate model
•Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv
•Build a decision tree to predict active_user
•What is the accuracy of your model?
•Grow the tree as much as you can and achieve 95% accuracy.
Code: The most accurate model
Code: The most accurate model
Code: The most accurate model
Different type of datasets and
The Training Error
•The accuracy of our best model is 95%. Is the 5% error model really
•The error on the training data is known as training error.
•A low error rate on training data may not always mean the model is
•What really matters is how the model is going to perform on unknown
data or test data.
•We need to find out a way to get an idea on error rate of test data.
•We may have to keep aside a part of the data and use it for validation.
•There are two types of datasets and two types of errors
Two types of datasets
•There are two types of datasets
• Training set: This is used in model building. The input data
• Test set: The unknown dataset. This dataset is gives the accuracy of the final model
•We may not have access to these two datasets for all machine learning problems.
In some cases, we can take 90% of the available data and use it as training data
and rest 10% can be treated as validation data
• Validation set: This dataset kept aside for model validation and selection. This is a
temporary subsite to test dataset. It is not third type of data
•We create the validation data with the hope that the error rate on validation
data will give us some basic idea on the test error
Overall Data
Training data Validation datastatinfer.com
Types of errors
•The training error
• The error on training dataset
• In-time error
• Error on the known data
• Can be reduced while building the model
•The test error
• The error that matters
• Out-of-time error
• The error on unknown/new dataset.
“A good model will have both training and test error very near to each
other and close to zero”
The problem of over fitting
The problem of over fitting
•In search of the best model on the given data we add many predictors, polynomial
terms, Interaction terms, variable transformations, derived variables, indicator/dummy
variables etc.,
•Most of the times we succeed in reducing the error. What error is this?
•So by complicating the model we fit the best model for the training data.
•Sometimes the error on the training data can reduce to near zero
•But the same best model on training data fails miserably on test data.
The problem of over fitting
•Imagine building multiple models with small changes in
training data.
•The resultant set of models will have huge variance in their
parameter estimates.
•If we build a model on sample1 of training data.
• Sample2 will almost have the same properties as sample1 but the
coefficients in the model change drastically if the model is over fitted.
• Same with case of training sample3
•Hence over fitted models are the models with huge variance
(variance in model parameters)
• The model is made really complicated, that it is very sensitive
to minimal changes
•In simple terms –Variance is how much the model
parameters changes with small changes in training data
Training Data
Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
M1 M2 M3
The problem of over fitting
•By complicating the model the variance of the parameters estimates
•Model tries to fit the irrelevant characteristics in the data
•Over fitting
• The model is super good on training data but not so good on test data
• We fit the model for the noise in the data
• Less training error, high testing error
• The model is over complicated with too many predictors
• Model need to be simplified
• A model with lot of variance
LAB: Model with huge Variance
LAB: Model with huge Variance
•Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv
•Take initial 90% of the data. Consider it as training data. Keep the final
10% of the records for validation.
•Build the best model(5% error) model on training data.
•Use the validation data to verify the error rate. Is the error rate on
the training data and validation data same?
LAB: Model with huge Variance
The problem of under fitting
The problem of under-fitting
•Simple models are better. Its true but is that always true? May not be
always true.
•We might have given it up too early. Did we really capture all the
•Did we do enough research and future reengineering to fit the best
model? Is it the best model that can be fit on this data?
•By being over cautious about variance in the parameters, we might miss
out on some patterns in the data.
•Model need to be complicated enough to capture all the information
The problem of under-fitting
•If the training error itself is high, how can we be so sure about the
model performance on unknown data?
•Most of the accuracy and error measuring statistics give us a clear idea
on training error, this is one advantage of under fitting, we can
identify it confidently.
•Under fitting
• A model that is too simple
• A mode with a scope for improvement
• A model with lot of bias
LAB: Model with huge Bias
LAB: Model with huge Bias
•Lets simplify the model.
•Take the high variance model and prune it.
•Make it as simple as possible.
•Find the training error and validation error.
LAB: Model with huge Bias
Model Bias and Variance
Model Bias and Variance
•Over fitting
• Low Bias with High Variance
• Low training error – ‘Low Bias’
• High testing error
• Unstable model – ‘High Variance’
• The coefficients of the model change with small changes in the data
•Under fitting
• High Bias with low Variance
• High training error – ‘high Bias’
• testing error almost equal to training error
• Stable model – ‘Low Variance’
• The coefficients of the model doesn’t change with small changes in the data
Model Bias and Variance
Bias Low to high 
Model aim is to hit
the center of circle
The Bias-Variance Decomposition
Overall Model Squared Error = Irreducible Error + Bias2 + Variance 68
 )(XfY
)(  Var
Bias-Variance Decomposition
•Overall Model Squared Error = Irreducible Error + Bias2 + Variance
•Overall error is made by bias and variance together
•High bias low variance, Low bias and high variance, both are bad for
the overall accuracy of the model
•A good model need to have low bias and low variance or at least an
optimal where both of them are jointly low
•How to choose such optimal model. How to choose that optimal model
Choosing optimal model-Bias
Variance Tradeoff
Two ways of reading bias and variance
•Variance and bias vs Model Complexity
•Testing and Training Error vs Model Complexity
Bias Variance Tradeoff
Model Complexity
Variance and bias vs Model Complexity
Test and Training error
Model Complexity
Test Error
Testing and Training Error vs Model Complexity
Choosing optimal model
•Choosing optimal model reduces both bias and variance.
•Unfortunately There is no standard scientific method
•How to choose optimal model complexity that gives minimum test
•Training error is not a good estimate of the test error.
•We can use
• Hold out data validation
• K-fold Cross validation methods
• Boot strap cross validation to choose the optimal and consistent model
Holdout data Cross validation
Holdout data Cross validation
• The best solution is out of time validation. Or the testing error should be given high
priority over the training error.
• A model that is performing good on training data and equally good on testing is
• We may not have to test data always. How do we estimate test error?
• We take the part of the data as training and keep aside some potion for validation. May
be 80%-20% or 90%-10%
• Data splitting is a very basic intuitive method
Training data Hold-out
Overall Training data
To build the
To validate
LAB: Holdout data Cross validation
•Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv
•Take a random sample with 80% data as training sample
•Use rest 20% as holdout sample.
•Build a model on 80% of the data. Try to validate it on holdout sample.
•Try to increase or reduce the complexity and choose the best model
that performs well on training data as well as holdout data
LAB: Holdout data Cross validation
LAB: Holdout data Cross validation
LAB: Holdout data Cross validation
LAB: Holdout data Cross validation
Ten-fold Cross - Validation
Ten-fold Cross - Validation
• Divide the data into 10 parts(randomly)
• Use 9 parts as training data(90%) and the tenth part as holdout data(10%)
• We can repeat this process 10 times
• Build 10 models, find average error on 10 holdout samples. This gives us an idea on
testing error
K-fold - Validation
K-fold Cross Validation
•A generalization of cross validation.
•Divide the whole dataset into k equal parts
•Use kth part of the data as the holdout sample, use remaining k-1 parts
of the data as training data
•Repeat this K times, build K models. The average error on holdout
sample gives us an idea on the testing error
•Which model to choose?
• Choose the model with least error and least complexity
• Or the model with less than average error and simple (less parameters)
• Finally use complete data and build a model with the chosen number of parameters
•Note: Its better to choose K between 5 to 10. Which gives 80% to 90%
training data and rest 20% to 10% is holdout data 85
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
•Build a tree model on the fiber bits data.
•Try to build the best model by making all the possible adjustments to
the parameters.
•What is the accuracy of the above model?
•Perform 10 –fold cross validation. What is the final accuracy?
•Perform 20 –fold cross validation. What is the final accuracy?
•What can be the expected accuracy on the unknown dataset?
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
LAB- K-fold Cross Validation
Bootstrap Cross Validation
Bootstrap Methods
•What if we have just 100 observations overall. If we do a 10 fold cross
validation then each part has only 10 observations.
•K-Fold might fail while validating the models in each iteration.
•Boot strapping is a powerful tool to get an idea on accuracy of the
model and the test error, especially when dataset size is small.
•Can estimate the likely future performance of a given modeling
procedure, on new data not yet realized.
Bootstrap Method
Training Data (size-N)
Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N)
1 2 3 B
Samples with
The Algorithm
•We have a training data is of size N
•Draw random sample with replacement of size N – This gives a new
dataset, it might have repeated observations, some observations might
not have even appeared once.
•Create B such new datasets. These are called boot strap datasets
•Build the model on these B datasets, we can test the models on the
original training dataset.
Bootstrap Example
1. We have a training data is of size 500
2. Boot Strap Data-1: Create a dataset of size 500. To create this
dataset, draw a random point, note it down, then replace it back.
Again draw another sample point. Repeat this process 500 times.
This makes a dataset of size 500. Call this as Boot Strap Data-1
3. Multiple Boot Strap datasets :Repeat the procedure in step -2
multiple times. Say 200 times. Then we have 200 Boot Strap
4. We can build the models on these 200 boost strap datasets and the
average error gives a good idea on overall error.
5. We can even use the original training data as the test data for each of
the models
LAB: Bootstrap cross validation
•Create a new dataset by taking a random sample of size 250; Name it
as fiber_sample_data
•In fiber_sample_data, draw a boot strap sample with sufficient sample
•Build a tree model and get an estimate on true accuracy of the model
Code: Bootstrap cross validation
Code: Bootstrap cross validation
Other Validation Metrics
F1 – Score
0(Positive) 1(Negative)
True positive (TP)
Actual condition is
Positive, it is truly
predicted as positive
False Negatives(FN)
Actual condition is
Positive, it is falsely
predicted as negative
False Positives(FP)
Actual condition is
Negative, it is falsely
predicted as positive
True Negatives(TN)
Actual condition is
Negative, it is truly
predicted as negative
Actual Classes
Predicted Classes
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
• Recall is a fraction and Precision is a
• F1 score is Harmonic mean of Recall and
When to use F1 – Score
•F1 score need to be calculated separately for individual classes
•Use it while dealing with while dealing with imbalanced classes.
Where one class really dominates the other
•Use F1 score in It is very useful for multi class problems. F1 is also
known as per class accuracy.
• Different values of F1 score for different threshold values
• It is very difficult to set threshold for F1 score.
LAB: F1-Score
•Product Sales Data/Product_sales.csv
•Build a logistic regression model on product sales data.
•Create a confusing matrix.
•Calculate F1 score
Code: F1-Score
Many More
1. FBeta_Score
2. GainAUC
3. Gini
4. KS_Stat
5. Accuracy LiftAUC
6. LogLoss
7. MAE
9. MSE
10. MultiLogLoss
11. NormalizedGini
12. Poisson_LogLoss
14. R2_Score
15. RMSE
16. ZeroOneLoss
17. Kappa
•We studied
• Validating a model, Types of data & Types of errors
• The problem of over fitting & The problem of under fitting
• Bias Variance Tradeoff
• Cross validation & Boot strapping
•Training error is what we see and that is not the true performance
•Test error plays vital role in model selection
•Cross Validation and Boot strapping techniques give us an idea on test
•Choose the model based on the combination of Accuracy, AIC, Cross
Validation and Boot strapping results
•Bootstrap is widely used in ensemble models & random forests.
Thank you
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Model selection and cross validation techniques

  • 1. Model Selection and Cross Validation techniques www.statinfer.com 1 statinfer.com
  • 2. Statinfer.com Data Science Training and R&D #647, 100 feet road, Indra Nagar, Bangalore, India Corporate Training Online Video Courses Contact us info@statinfer.com +91-080 4851 1820 +91-98867 60678 Follow us on Social Media for more course material Twitter: https://twitter.com/statinfer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/statinfer/ Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104559910764943078938 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/statinfer-software- solutions-llp
  • 3. Note •This presentation is just class notes. This course material is prepared by statinfer team, as an aid for training sessions. •The best way to treat this is as a high-level summary; the actual session went more in depth and contained detailed information and examples •Most of this material was written as informal notes, not intended for publication •Please send questions/comments/corrections to info@statinfer.com •Please check our website statinfer.com for latest version of this document -Team Statinfer
  • 4. Contents •How to validate a model? •What is a best model ? •Types of data •Types of errors •The problem of over fitting •The problem of under fitting •Bias Variance Tradeoff •Cross validation •K-Fold Cross validation •Boot strap Cross validation 4 statinfer.com
  • 6. Model Validation •Checking how good is our model •It is very important to report the accuracy of the model along with the final model •The model validation in regression is done through R square and Adj R- Square •Logistic Regression, Decision tree and other classification techniques have the very similar validation measures. •Till now we have seen confusion matrix and accuracy. There are many more validation and model accuracy metrics for classification models 6 statinfer.com
  • 7. Classification-Validation measures •Confusion matrix, Specificity, Sensitivity •ROC, AUC •Kappa, F1 Score •KS, Gini •Concordance and discordance •Chi-Square, Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test All of them are measuring the model accuracy only. Some metrics work really well for certain class of problems. Confusion matrix, ROC and AUC will be sufficient for most of the business problems 7 statinfer.com
  • 9. Classification Table 0(Positive) 1(Negative) 0(Positive) True positive (TP) Actual condition is Positive, it is truly predicted as positive False Negatives(FN) Actual condition is Positive, it is falsely predicted as negative 1(Negative) False Positives(FP) Actual condition is Negative, it is falsely predicted as positive True Negatives(TN) Actual condition is Negative, it is truly predicted as negative 9 Actual Classes Predicted Classes • Accuracy=(TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) • Misclassification Rate=(FP+FN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) Sensitivity and Specificity are derived from confusion matrix statinfer.com
  • 10. Sensitivity and Specificity • Sensitivity : Percentage of positives that are successfully classified as positive • Specificity : Percentage of negatives that are successfully classified as negatives 0(Positive) 1(Negative) 0(Positive) True positive (TP) Actual condition is Positive, it is truly predicted as positive False Negatives(FN) Actual condition is Positive, it is falsely predicted as negative Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN) or TP/ Overall Positives 1(Negative) False Positives(FP) Actual condition is Negative, it is falsely predicted as positive True Negatives(TN) Actual condition is Negative, it is truly predicted as negative Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) or TN/ Overall Negatives Actual Classes Predicted Classes statinfer.com 10
  • 11. Sensitivity and Specificity •By changing the threshold, the good and bad customers classification will be changed hence the sensitivity and specificity will be changed •Which one of these two we should maximize? What should be ideal threshold? •Ideally we want to maximize both Sensitivity & Specificity. But this is not possible always. There is always a tradeoff. •Sometimes we want to be 100% sure on Predicted negatives, sometimes we want to be 100% sure on Predicted positives. •Sometimes we simply don’t want to compromise on sensitivity sometimes we don’t want to compromise on specificity •The threshold is set based on business problem 11 statinfer.com
  • 12. When Sensitivity is a high priority 12 statinfer.com
  • 13. When Sensitivity is a high priority •Predicting a bad customers or defaulters before issuing the loan 13 0(Yes-Defaulter) 1(Non-Defaulter) 0(Yes-Defaulter) True positive (TP) Actual customer is bad and model is predicting them as bad False Negatives(FN) Actual customer is bad and model is predicting them as good Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN) or TP/ Overall Positives 1(Non-Defaulter) False Positives(FP) Actual customer is good and model is predicting them as bad True Negatives(TN) Actual customer is good and model is predicting them as good Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) or TN/ Overall Negatives Actual Classes Predicted Classes statinfer.com
  • 14. When Sensitivity is a high priority •Predicting a bad defaulters before issuing the loan 14 0(Yes-Defaulter) 1(Non-Defaulter) 0(Yes-Defaulter) True positive (TP) Actual customer is bad and model is predicting them as bad. Rejected a Loan of 100,000 False Negatives(FN) Actual customer is bad and model is predicting them as good Issued a loan of 100,00 Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN) or TP/ Overall Positives 1(Non-Defaulter) False Positives(FP) Actual customer is good and model is predicting them as bad. Rejected a Loan of 100,000 True Negatives(TN) Actual customer is good and model is predicting them as good. Issued a loan of 100,00 Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) or TN/ Overall Negatives Actual Classes Predicted Classes statinfer.com
  • 15. When Sensitivity is a high priority •The profit on good customer loan is not equal to the loss on one bad customer loan •The loss on one bad loan might eat up the profit on 100 good customers •In this case one bad customer is not equal to one good customer. •If p is probability of default then we would like to set our threshold in such a way that we don’t miss any of the bad customers. •We set the threshold in such a way that Sensitivity is high •We can compromise on specificity here. If we wrongly reject a good customer, our loss is very less compared to giving a loan to a bad customer. •We don’t really worry about the good customers here, they are not harmful hence we can have less Specificity 15 statinfer.com
  • 16. When Specificity is a high priority 16 statinfer.com
  • 17. When Specificity is a high priority •Testing a medicine is good or poisonous 17 0(Yes-Good) 1(Poisonous) 0(Yes-Good) True positive (TP) Actual medicine is good and model is predicting them as good False Negatives(FN) Actual medicine is good and model is predicting them as poisonous Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN) or TP/ Overall Positives 1(Poisonous) False Positives(FP) Actual medicine is poisonous and model is predicting them as good True Negatives(TN) Actual medicine is poisonous and model is predicting them as poisonous Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) or TN/ Overall Negatives Actual Classes Predicted Classes statinfer.com
  • 18. When Specificity is a high priority •Testing a medicine is good or poisonous 18 0(Yes-Good) 1(Poisonous) 0(Yes-Good) True positive (TP) Actual medicine is good and model is predicting them as good. Recommended for use False Negatives(FN) Actual medicine is good and model is predicting them as poisonous. Banned the usage Sensitivity= TP/(TP+FN) or TP/ Overall Positives 1(Poisonous) False Positives(FP) Actual medicine is poisonous and model is predicting them as good. Recommended for use True Negatives(TN) Actual medicine is poisonous and model is predicting them as poisonous. Banned the usage Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) or TN/ Overall Negatives Actual Classes Predicted Classes statinfer.com
  • 19. When Specificity is a high priority •In this case, we have to really avoid cases like , Actual medicine is poisonous and model is predicting them as good. •We can’t take any chance here. •The specificity need to be near 100. •The sensitivity can be compromised here. It is not very harmful not to use a good medicine when compared with vice versa case 19 statinfer.com
  • 20. Sensitivity vs Specificity - Importance •There are some cases where Sensitivity is important and need to be near to 1 •There are business cases where Specificity is important and need to be near to 1 •We need to understand the business problem and decide the importance of Sensitivity and Specificity 20 statinfer.com
  • 22. LAB - Sensitivity and Specificity •Build a logistic regression model on fiber bits data •Create the confusion matrix •Find the accuracy •Calculate Specificity •Calculate Sensitivity 22 statinfer.com
  • 23. Code - Sensitivity and Specificity statinfer.com 23
  • 24. Code - Sensitivity and Specificity (threshold=0.5) statinfer.com 24
  • 25. Code – Change the threshold to 0.8 statinfer.com 25
  • 26. Code – Change the threshold to 0.3 statinfer.com 26
  • 28. ROC Curve •Each threshold gives a sensitivity and specificity pair. •What is the optimal sensitivity and specificity for a given problem? •ROC curves helps us in choosing optimal sensitivity and specificity pair. •ROC tells us, how many mistakes are we making to identify all the positives? statinfer.com 28
  • 29. ROC Curve •ROCROC(Receiver operating characteristic) tells us, how many mistakes are we making to identify all the positives? •ROC tells us, how many mistakes(False positives) are we making to identify all the positives? •Curve is drawn by taking False positive rate on X-axis and True positive rate on Y- axis 29 statinfer.com
  • 30. ROC Curve - Interpretation 30 • How many mistakes are we making to identify all the positives? • How many mistakes are we making to identify 70%, 80% and 90% of positives? • 1-Specificty(false positive rate) gives us an idea on mistakes that we are making • We would like to make 0% mistakes for identifying 100% positives • We would like to make very minimal mistakes for identifying maximum positives • We want that curve to be far away from straight line • Ideally we want the area under the curve as high as possible statinfer.com
  • 32. ROC and AUC • We want that curve to be far away from straight line. Ideally we want the area under the curve as high as possible • ROC comes with a connected topic, AUC. Area Under • ROC Curve Gives us an idea on the performance of the model under all possible values of threshold. • We want to make almost 0% mistakes while identifying all the positives, which means we want to see AUC value near to 1 32 statinfer.com
  • 33. AUC 33 • AUC is near to 1 for a good model statinfer.com
  • 34. ROC and AUC Calculation 34 statinfer.com
  • 35. LAB: ROC and AUC •Calculate ROC and AUC for Product Sales Data/Product_sales.csv logistic regression model •Calculate ROC and AUC for fiber bits logistic regression model 35 statinfer.com
  • 36. Code: ROC and AUC statinfer.com 36
  • 37. Code: ROC and AUC statinfer.com 37
  • 38. Code: ROC and AUC statinfer.com 38
  • 39. When to use AUC over Accuracy? •AUC is not same as accuracy. Accuracy is calculated at one cut-off point. •Use AUC when you want to work with probabilities and scoring rather than simply classifying on one threshold •Use AUC when each point probability is important for you than accuracy on two classes. •Use AUC in case of class imbalance. When one false positive misclassification is not same as on negative misclassification statinfer.com 39
  • 41. What is a best model? How to build? •A model with maximum accuracy /least error •A model that uses maximum information available in the given data •A model that has minimum squared error •A model that captures all the hidden patterns in the data •A model that produces the best perdition results 41 statinfer.com
  • 42. Model Selection •How to build/choose a best model? •Error on the training data is not a good meter of performance on future data •How to select the best model out of the set of available models ? •Are there any methods/metrics to choose best model? •What is training error? What is testing error? What is hold out sample error? 42 statinfer.com
  • 43. LAB: The most accurate model 43 statinfer.com
  • 44. LAB: The most accurate model •Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv •Build a decision tree to predict active_user •What is the accuracy of your model? •Grow the tree as much as you can and achieve 95% accuracy. 44 statinfer.com
  • 45. Code: The most accurate model statinfer.com 45
  • 46. Code: The most accurate model statinfer.com 46
  • 47. Code: The most accurate model statinfer.com 47
  • 48. Different type of datasets and errors 48 statinfer.com
  • 49. The Training Error •The accuracy of our best model is 95%. Is the 5% error model really good? •The error on the training data is known as training error. •A low error rate on training data may not always mean the model is good. •What really matters is how the model is going to perform on unknown data or test data. •We need to find out a way to get an idea on error rate of test data. •We may have to keep aside a part of the data and use it for validation. •There are two types of datasets and two types of errors 49 statinfer.com
  • 50. Two types of datasets •There are two types of datasets • Training set: This is used in model building. The input data • Test set: The unknown dataset. This dataset is gives the accuracy of the final model •We may not have access to these two datasets for all machine learning problems. In some cases, we can take 90% of the available data and use it as training data and rest 10% can be treated as validation data • Validation set: This dataset kept aside for model validation and selection. This is a temporary subsite to test dataset. It is not third type of data •We create the validation data with the hope that the error rate on validation data will give us some basic idea on the test error 50 Overall Data Training data Validation datastatinfer.com
  • 51. Types of errors •The training error • The error on training dataset • In-time error • Error on the known data • Can be reduced while building the model •The test error • The error that matters • Out-of-time error • The error on unknown/new dataset. “A good model will have both training and test error very near to each other and close to zero” 51 statinfer.com
  • 52. The problem of over fitting 52 statinfer.com
  • 53. The problem of over fitting •In search of the best model on the given data we add many predictors, polynomial terms, Interaction terms, variable transformations, derived variables, indicator/dummy variables etc., •Most of the times we succeed in reducing the error. What error is this? •So by complicating the model we fit the best model for the training data. •Sometimes the error on the training data can reduce to near zero •But the same best model on training data fails miserably on test data. statinfer.com
  • 54. The problem of over fitting •Imagine building multiple models with small changes in training data. •The resultant set of models will have huge variance in their parameter estimates. •If we build a model on sample1 of training data. • Sample2 will almost have the same properties as sample1 but the coefficients in the model change drastically if the model is over fitted. • Same with case of training sample3 •Hence over fitted models are the models with huge variance (variance in model parameters) • The model is made really complicated, that it is very sensitive to minimal changes •In simple terms –Variance is how much the model parameters changes with small changes in training data Training Data Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 M1 M2 M3 Q11 Q21 Q31 Q12 Q22 Q32 Q13 Q23 Q33 statinfer.com 54
  • 55. The problem of over fitting •By complicating the model the variance of the parameters estimates inflates •Model tries to fit the irrelevant characteristics in the data •Over fitting • The model is super good on training data but not so good on test data • We fit the model for the noise in the data • Less training error, high testing error • The model is over complicated with too many predictors • Model need to be simplified • A model with lot of variance 55 statinfer.com
  • 56. LAB: Model with huge Variance 56 statinfer.com
  • 57. LAB: Model with huge Variance •Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv •Take initial 90% of the data. Consider it as training data. Keep the final 10% of the records for validation. •Build the best model(5% error) model on training data. •Use the validation data to verify the error rate. Is the error rate on the training data and validation data same? 57 statinfer.com
  • 58. LAB: Model with huge Variance statinfer.com 58
  • 59. The problem of under fitting 59 statinfer.com
  • 60. The problem of under-fitting •Simple models are better. Its true but is that always true? May not be always true. •We might have given it up too early. Did we really capture all the information? •Did we do enough research and future reengineering to fit the best model? Is it the best model that can be fit on this data? •By being over cautious about variance in the parameters, we might miss out on some patterns in the data. •Model need to be complicated enough to capture all the information present. 60 statinfer.com
  • 61. The problem of under-fitting •If the training error itself is high, how can we be so sure about the model performance on unknown data? •Most of the accuracy and error measuring statistics give us a clear idea on training error, this is one advantage of under fitting, we can identify it confidently. •Under fitting • A model that is too simple • A mode with a scope for improvement • A model with lot of bias 61 statinfer.com
  • 62. LAB: Model with huge Bias 62 statinfer.com
  • 63. LAB: Model with huge Bias •Lets simplify the model. •Take the high variance model and prune it. •Make it as simple as possible. •Find the training error and validation error. 63 statinfer.com
  • 64. LAB: Model with huge Bias statinfer.com 64
  • 65. Model Bias and Variance 65 statinfer.com
  • 66. Model Bias and Variance •Over fitting • Low Bias with High Variance • Low training error – ‘Low Bias’ • High testing error • Unstable model – ‘High Variance’ • The coefficients of the model change with small changes in the data •Under fitting • High Bias with low Variance • High training error – ‘high Bias’ • testing error almost equal to training error • Stable model – ‘Low Variance’ • The coefficients of the model doesn’t change with small changes in the data 66 statinfer.com
  • 67. Model Bias and Variance 67 Bias Low to high  VarianceLowtohigh Model aim is to hit the center of circle statinfer.com
  • 68. The Bias-Variance Decomposition Overall Model Squared Error = Irreducible Error + Bias2 + Variance 68  )(XfY 2 )(  Var ))(ˆ())(ˆ( )](ˆ)(ˆ[)]()(ˆ[ ]|))(ˆ[( 00 22 2 00 2 00 2 0 2 0 xfVarxfBias xfExfExfxfE xXxfYEorSquaredErr      statinfer.com
  • 69. Bias-Variance Decomposition •Overall Model Squared Error = Irreducible Error + Bias2 + Variance •Overall error is made by bias and variance together •High bias low variance, Low bias and high variance, both are bad for the overall accuracy of the model •A good model need to have low bias and low variance or at least an optimal where both of them are jointly low •How to choose such optimal model. How to choose that optimal model complexity 69 statinfer.com
  • 70. Choosing optimal model-Bias Variance Tradeoff 70 statinfer.com
  • 71. Two ways of reading bias and variance •Variance and bias vs Model Complexity •Testing and Training Error vs Model Complexity statinfer.com 71
  • 72. Bias Variance Tradeoff 72 Model Complexity Optimal Models Bias2 Variance statinfer.com Variance and bias vs Model Complexity
  • 73. Test and Training error 73 Model Complexity Test Error Training Error Error Optimal complexity statinfer.com Testing and Training Error vs Model Complexity
  • 74. Choosing optimal model •Choosing optimal model reduces both bias and variance. •Unfortunately There is no standard scientific method •How to choose optimal model complexity that gives minimum test error? •Training error is not a good estimate of the test error. •We can use • Hold out data validation • K-fold Cross validation methods • Boot strap cross validation to choose the optimal and consistent model 74 statinfer.com
  • 75. Holdout data Cross validation 75 statinfer.com
  • 76. Holdout data Cross validation • The best solution is out of time validation. Or the testing error should be given high priority over the training error. • A model that is performing good on training data and equally good on testing is preferred. • We may not have to test data always. How do we estimate test error? • We take the part of the data as training and keep aside some potion for validation. May be 80%-20% or 90%-10% • Data splitting is a very basic intuitive method 76 Training data Hold-out Overall Training data To build the model To validate model statinfer.com
  • 77. LAB: Holdout data Cross validation •Data: Fiberbits/Fiberbits.csv •Take a random sample with 80% data as training sample •Use rest 20% as holdout sample. •Build a model on 80% of the data. Try to validate it on holdout sample. •Try to increase or reduce the complexity and choose the best model that performs well on training data as well as holdout data 77 statinfer.com
  • 78. LAB: Holdout data Cross validation statinfer.com 78
  • 79. LAB: Holdout data Cross validation statinfer.com 79
  • 80. LAB: Holdout data Cross validation statinfer.com 80
  • 81. LAB: Holdout data Cross validation statinfer.com 81
  • 82. Ten-fold Cross - Validation 82 statinfer.com
  • 83. Ten-fold Cross - Validation • Divide the data into 10 parts(randomly) • Use 9 parts as training data(90%) and the tenth part as holdout data(10%) • We can repeat this process 10 times • Build 10 models, find average error on 10 holdout samples. This gives us an idea on testing error 83 statinfer.com
  • 85. K-fold Cross Validation •A generalization of cross validation. •Divide the whole dataset into k equal parts •Use kth part of the data as the holdout sample, use remaining k-1 parts of the data as training data •Repeat this K times, build K models. The average error on holdout sample gives us an idea on the testing error •Which model to choose? • Choose the model with least error and least complexity • Or the model with less than average error and simple (less parameters) • Finally use complete data and build a model with the chosen number of parameters •Note: Its better to choose K between 5 to 10. Which gives 80% to 90% training data and rest 20% to 10% is holdout data 85 statinfer.com
  • 86. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation 86 statinfer.com
  • 87. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation •Build a tree model on the fiber bits data. •Try to build the best model by making all the possible adjustments to the parameters. •What is the accuracy of the above model? •Perform 10 –fold cross validation. What is the final accuracy? •Perform 20 –fold cross validation. What is the final accuracy? •What can be the expected accuracy on the unknown dataset? 87 statinfer.com
  • 88. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 88
  • 89. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 89
  • 90. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 90
  • 91. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 91
  • 92. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 92
  • 93. LAB- K-fold Cross Validation statinfer.com 93
  • 95. Bootstrap Methods •What if we have just 100 observations overall. If we do a 10 fold cross validation then each part has only 10 observations. •K-Fold might fail while validating the models in each iteration. •Boot strapping is a powerful tool to get an idea on accuracy of the model and the test error, especially when dataset size is small. •Can estimate the likely future performance of a given modeling procedure, on new data not yet realized. 95 statinfer.com
  • 96. Bootstrap Method 96 Training Data (size-N) Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N) Sample (size-N) 1 2 3 B Samples with replacement statinfer.com
  • 97. The Algorithm •We have a training data is of size N •Draw random sample with replacement of size N – This gives a new dataset, it might have repeated observations, some observations might not have even appeared once. •Create B such new datasets. These are called boot strap datasets •Build the model on these B datasets, we can test the models on the original training dataset. statinfer.com 97
  • 98. Bootstrap Example •Example 1. We have a training data is of size 500 2. Boot Strap Data-1: Create a dataset of size 500. To create this dataset, draw a random point, note it down, then replace it back. Again draw another sample point. Repeat this process 500 times. This makes a dataset of size 500. Call this as Boot Strap Data-1 3. Multiple Boot Strap datasets :Repeat the procedure in step -2 multiple times. Say 200 times. Then we have 200 Boot Strap datasets 4. We can build the models on these 200 boost strap datasets and the average error gives a good idea on overall error. 5. We can even use the original training data as the test data for each of the models 98 statinfer.com
  • 99. LAB: Bootstrap cross validation •Create a new dataset by taking a random sample of size 250; Name it as fiber_sample_data •In fiber_sample_data, draw a boot strap sample with sufficient sample size •Build a tree model and get an estimate on true accuracy of the model 99 statinfer.com
  • 100. Code: Bootstrap cross validation statinfer.com 100
  • 101. Code: Bootstrap cross validation statinfer.com 101
  • 103. F1 – Score statinfer.com 103 0(Positive) 1(Negative) 0(Positive) True positive (TP) Actual condition is Positive, it is truly predicted as positive False Negatives(FN) Actual condition is Positive, it is falsely predicted as negative 1(Negative) False Positives(FP) Actual condition is Negative, it is falsely predicted as positive True Negatives(TN) Actual condition is Negative, it is truly predicted as negative Actual Classes Predicted Classes 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 • Recall is a fraction and Precision is a fraction. • F1 score is Harmonic mean of Recall and Precision
  • 104. When to use F1 – Score •F1 score need to be calculated separately for individual classes •Use it while dealing with while dealing with imbalanced classes. Where one class really dominates the other •Use F1 score in It is very useful for multi class problems. F1 is also known as per class accuracy. •Limitations: • Different values of F1 score for different threshold values • It is very difficult to set threshold for F1 score. statinfer.com 104
  • 105. LAB: F1-Score •Product Sales Data/Product_sales.csv •Build a logistic regression model on product sales data. •Create a confusing matrix. •Calculate F1 score statinfer.com 105
  • 107. Many More statinfer.com 107 1. FBeta_Score 2. GainAUC 3. Gini 4. KS_Stat 5. Accuracy LiftAUC 6. LogLoss 7. MAE 8. MAPE 9. MSE 10. MultiLogLoss 11. NormalizedGini 12. Poisson_LogLoss 13. PRAUC 14. R2_Score 15. RMSE 16. ZeroOneLoss 17. Kappa
  • 109. Conclusion •We studied • Validating a model, Types of data & Types of errors • The problem of over fitting & The problem of under fitting • Bias Variance Tradeoff • Cross validation & Boot strapping •Training error is what we see and that is not the true performance metric •Test error plays vital role in model selection •Cross Validation and Boot strapping techniques give us an idea on test error •Choose the model based on the combination of Accuracy, AIC, Cross Validation and Boot strapping results •Bootstrap is widely used in ensemble models & random forests. 109 statinfer.com
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