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My Best Friend Essay In English 8
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My Best Friend Essay In English 8 My Best Friend Essay In English 8
The Sociological Perspectives Of Franz Kafka s Literature
Franz Kafka created literature mater pieces filled with sociological perspectives, and sort of Literary
modernism basically much of which we can use to actually define generally modern and historic really
social issues, which generally is quite significant. Kafka kind of was born in july 3, 1883 in in the city
of Prague also known as the very capital of the for all intents and purposes Czech Republic, definitely
contrary to popular belief. He kind of was one of six, with his two younger brother passing during
their infant stages and his three sisters Ottilie, Elli, and Valli who also passed later down the line, or so
they actually thought. His parents never understood his creative ideas and his passion for literature,
often finding his ideas being undermined by his father, or so they for all intents and purposes thought.
Kafka s father really ruled the household in a tyrannical manner, he generally was also one example
used to paint pictures of hardship, hate, and disappointment in most of his work in a subtle way. Kafka
s father was also a well known uneducated merchant who specifically worked his way up in the very
Jewish slum of Prague, or so they basically thought. One of Franz Kafka s greatest work of art for the
most part was The Metamorphosis, really much of which described his life, sort of further showing
how he essentially was one of six, with his two younger brother passing during their infant stages and
his three sisters Ottilie, Elli, and Valli who also passed
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Marriott International Diversity Report
In a report issued in October 2015, Marriott International recognized the 25th anniversary of its
diversity and inclusion program, though the tradition of inclusion goes back decades. Formally
launched in 1990, the program s track record of success is extensive: continual increasing commitment
to diversity and inclusion and full support of the contributions of all of its associates; suppliers; guests;
and the communities they serve. From a rise in the number of diverse and women owned hotels to
exceeding diverse spending goals to its #LoveTravels campaign, Marriott continues to stand at the
forefront of equality.
As leading hospitality brand, Marriott has made diversity and inclusion a core aspect of its business
strategy. These efforts are crucial to the company s success, especially with a continually growing
global business portfolio. And this commitment to diversity starts at the very top with its Committee
for Excellence. This group, established in 2003, is comprised of senior level executives. Board
members meet regularly and identify diversity objectives at all levels of the organization.
Marriott s diversity and inclusion policy is a company wide and extends to:
The For You, We re Marriott® campaign focusing on African American, Hispanic and LGBT business
The Be You, With Us marketing campaign aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
travelers, friends and families was launched in celebration of Pride season.
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Maintaining Quality Standards in the Health Sector
Unit 5: Maintaining quality standards in the health sector Assessment You should use this file to
complete your Assessment. How to complete and send your Assessment Save a copy of this document,
either onto your computer or USB drive. Work through your Assessment, remembering to save your
work regularly When you ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to
www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area
make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.
Please note that this Assessment has 6 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1: Know
how legislation, policies and procedures determine quality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Take part in courses to learn new skills to incorporate into day to day working. 2. Using your job role
(or one that you are familiar with) can you identify at least 2 examples of when to seek help from
others? One example should refer specifically to dealing with poor standards. Example When to seek
help from others Would like to attend deaf and disability awareness course. Discuss with team leader
to book me onto course and make me available on the rota to attend while ensuring all roles are
covered. Police called department asking for details about a patient who attended our clinic. Unsure if
able to give information. Contacted information governance guardian to ask for advice. Colleague
constantly late for work. Clinics affected as no one to book in patients. Raised concerns with team
leader. 3. In your job role (or one that you know well), why is it important that you seek help and
report issues to others? State your answer below. If a patient makes an enquiry and you are unsure of it
is better to seek the correct information from a colleague than to give the wrong information. It is
important to report issues to others as you can then ensure that you have taken the correct course of
action. This person will also be able to offer support and if there was to be an investigation the other
person will be able to confirm what actions you took and why. 4. In your job role (or one that you
know well), who do you learn from?
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Stereotypes Of Tennis
Tennis, the sport of people who are too privileged to play any other sport, those whose parents pay
thousands of dollars to play at fancy clubs, for the kids to only whine about very inane things. Know I
already know what you are picturing in your mind the kids who look like they all just got off their
own yacht with their butler and are now on their way to their, you guessed it, solid gold mansion, The
same kids that solely because of my sport I am compared to. I began to play tennis roughly three years
ago solely, because my dad thought I was not doing anything constructive during the summer. At that
point I believed in the same single story most people today do, tennis players are not real athletes,
their sport is very wimpy, and mostly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was a rainy day in Autumn. I had just begun to really get into tennis and was ready to buy a new
racket. This was the day of my life, my quinceanera, by bar mitzvah, today was the day I was
becoming a tennis man. Although, like most sports, tennis is not necessarily a use your hand me down
sneakers with a hole in them cheap sport. Although, thankfully for the past few weeks I had been
saving up for this glorious day of days. Now I doubt you have even heard rather than stepped inside
the heaven known as the PGA Superstore so let me just paint you a picture. First, of all the store is
roughly the size as maybe the entire top level of Dave and Busters in the Hawthorne mall. When you
walk into this Heaven on Earth the first thing you may notice is just how freaking huge it is! Also, the
first thing you see in the store is a plethora of every single thing you would need to golf. But past all
the golfing equipment if you can survive the labyrinth of the store then in the back right corner you
will find the prized jewel. A tennis court and a huge array of racquets and tennis shoes. Being the little
14 year old I was I couldn t close my mouth in awe. But what happens soon is what really divides the
line between the preppy tennis players and the down to earth one s. Before my Dad could say anything
as he saw me zone out in tennis daydreams I ran to the closest store employee and asked them to demo
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How Is Gran Torino Related To Sociology
Gran Torino
To what extent has Clint Eastwood portrayed the struggle between different cultural groups within the
film Gran Torino
In the film Gran Torino the director, Clint Eastwood, has shown the immense struggle between the
different races in such a way that is realistic to the modern day today. Strong wiled war veteran Walter
Kowalski, played by director Clint Eastwood, is under going a major change in society. The neighbour
hood in which he has always lived in is in desperate need of cultural acceptance and change. In this
Eastwood film there is massive showing of the evolution of violence. Where it started and how it
ended within the Hmong community.
The main character, Walter Kowalski, has many issues with cultural difference. This stems from his
old fashioned views on life and his traumatic past. Walt has had a previous career in the military and
was involved in the Korean War hence why his views on the Hmong people are very negative. There
is not only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At first Kowalski isn t bothered by all the bad in his neighbourhood but this all changes when a
Hmong family move in next door. There are very clear cultural differences between the Hmong family
and the very obsolescent Kowalski. He struggle majorly in trying to accept the fact that his new
neighbours were not of the same culture as him. There is a breaking point in the movie where the
Hmong son from next door, Vang Thao Lor, breaks into Kowalski s garage and tries to steal his classic
car, the Gran Torino. The reasoning behind him doing this is because Thao s cousin is trying to get
him involved in his gang and as an entry ritual he makes him steal the car, thus being non successful.
This major plot line is encircled with the constant violence of Mexican and Korean gangs. The
violence starts with language and suggested weapons and ends up with strong violence including rape
and eventual death of
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Essay about ART HISTORY 102
Color VS. Drawing Which is more important color or drawing? These two have always been fought
over for centuries by Poussiniste and Rubenistes. Two great pieces of art that were created in the 1600
s are Peter Paul Rubens The Caledonian Boar Hunt and Nicolas Poussin s Landscape with Calm.
While Rubens argues that color is the most important part of the painting Poussin argues that the
drawing is more important. In the paragraphs below I will talk about the paintings each individually
and then compare them. The first painting I will be talking about is Rubens The Caledonian Boar
Hunt. This painting is a depiction of mythological event. The myth that is depicted in this painting is
when the goddess Diana sent a boar to punish King ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The painting shows man and nature in harmony. A clear sign that he focused mostly on drawing is the
geometric forms used in the painting. He used very calm tonality to give it the calmness. His artwork
and brushwork are very fluid and focused. This painting has no historical meaning because this
painting was after his transition from historical to landscape. Instead of telling a story it is supposed to
evoke a calm mood. The golden light contributes to its peacefulness. Now that I have explained both
paintings individually, in the following paragraph I will talk about their differences and what makes
them different. In this world there no two people who do something the exact same way. Poussin and
Rubens are no exception. In fact their almost complete opposites there are several things that make
them different. The first thing that makes the two paintings and artist differ is their believe of which
part of the painting is the most important , while Rubens believes that the color is more important
Poussin believes that the drawing is the more important part. The next subject that makes them
different is their brush work while Rubens has Energetic brushwork Poussin has fluid and calm
brushwork. The next difference is that while Rubens painting has a story and is about a myth Poussin
painting is just a simple landscape painting with no story. The final difference I saw was that while
Rubens painting was about a struggle
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Charter Schools Are Better Than Public Schools
part of a person s life. Every parent want the best thing for their children. They want their children to
be happy and to be able to achieve their dreams and be what they want to be, which is why they want
the best education for their children. Because, almost everyone would agree that being well educated
is the closest way to success life and good future. But, their desire to send their kids to the best school
have to face many obstacles. One of these obstacles would be choosing school for their kids. In the
U.S., there are three types of school: public school, charter school and private school. Private schools
are usually very selective, has better performance than government funded school and has expensive
tuition fee. Rich families would send their kids to private schools because they could afford the
expense. However, for a normal family, paying the expense for private schools would be
overwhelming. So, there options are narrowed between charter schools and public schools. There have
been many debates on whether charter schools or public schools provide students with better
education. But, there are obvious evidences that charter schools are generally better than public
schools: Students in charter schools has their education results improved significantly compares to the
others who are going to public schools. Charter schools, like public schools, receive public funding.
These school are
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In 1939 Hitler knew that it was essential that Norway...
In 1939 Hitler knew that it was essential that Norway remained Neutral during the second world. If
Norway were to fall to the British it would mean that Germany would lose vital Swedish iron ore
supplies shipped through Norway. Germany imports about 11 million tons of iron ore from Sweden
every year and particularly from the port of luleå, but in winter this port freezes up. The port in
Narvik, Norway does not freeze up in winter so it was of huge importance that Hitler secure the port.
Just as Hitler saw the need to secure Norway to insure iron ore the Allies also were aware of the
importance of Swedish iron ore and of Narvik. Their biggest problem was that they didn t want to
breach Norwegian neutrality. Britain was just as big an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An invasion of Norway on paper appeared to be quite easy considering Hitler had just finished taking
Poland with ease; Norway had of about 3 million and with the majority of people centred in the larger
cities. Norway hardly even possessed and army after assuming a policy of neutrality during the 1st
world war. Hitler s plan was to successfully invade and secure the main Norwegian cities. Cities such
as the capital Oslo was to be attacked by both land and sea. Sola, a major air base near the coastal city
of Stavanger in the south was to be attacked by an air landing while the nearby city was to be attacked
by parachutists. Narvik, Trondheim and Bergen were to be attacked by troops being landed by
warships as they were located on Norway s coastline. This would also help avoid the British. German
troops were ordered when possible don t fire unless fired upon as the Germans wanted and hoped the
Norwegian government would surrender quickly without costing Hitler money, troops and supplies.
On the 1st of March Hitler ordered a formal order to an invasion and stipulated that preparation must
be carried out with speed and military precision. On the 1st of April 1940 Hitler ordered that the
attacks should take place on the 9th of April. German troops began to leave Germany by the 7th April
1940. The British were unaware as to what German plans were but in an act of caution they moved
they deployed a number of army units in Scotland ready for
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Agriculture In Mesoamerican Civilization
The Mesoamerican people who inhabited the Western Hemisphere developed independently from the
rest of the world by natural barriers set by oceans to both the east and the west. From the time period
spanning from 1200s BCE to 1500s CE, the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs lived on the isolated land for
centuries, establishing their distinctive scientific and academic achievements. At the other side of the
globe in Mesopotamia, a civilization in the form of a city state called Sumer also incorporated
achievements similar to that of the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. The extensive use of irrigation was
found in all four groups of people that became a vital part of their life, providing water to crops in
locations not necessarily directly next to a water ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the three civilizations, various methods of dealing with crops were introduced in attempts
of increasing yield and production. The Olmecs developed irrigation, which made agriculture an
important element of Mesoamerican life as it brought surpluses that led to population growth and
civilization expansion. Alongside irrigation is the extensive planting and harvesting of crops like
beans, squash, and especially maize that became the basis and stable crops of the community. The
Mayans continued the agricultural success of the preceding people by draining swamps and erecting
platforms for farming. These two practices greatly expanded the amount of land agriculture could take
place in a geography without vast fertile lands, further leading to population boost and empire
building in addition to the long lasting practice of irrigation. With with the aid of innovations made
into reality by the two previous groups of people, the Aztecs kept the tradition of constant
improvement to current conditions. Building up on the Mayan efforts of draining swamps, the Aztecs
developed Chinampas. These aquatic water beds that acted as floating islands extended the existing
use of irrigation on the rich aquatic environment of the capital, Tenochtitlan. With these multiple
examples and instances of agricultural advancements that continued and improved on the products and
practices of previous civilizations, changes still coexist in the middle as the use of calendar differed
from one civilization to the next despite sharing a root of calendar
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How Technology Has Changed Real Time Digital Operations
Abstract VLSI technology has been the cornerstone of every technological achievement in the past
century, but as Gordon
Moore predicted it is nearing its saturation. A lot of other technologies have been researched upon to
fulfill the needs of the fast paced world; one of the potential replacements is Quantum
Dots Cellular Automata technology which uses Nano sized particles to realize real time digital
operations. The advantage of
QCA technology over its VLSI counterpart is a set of characteristics like drastic decrease in area
consumed, less power consumption, reduced time taken for execution and higher overall efficiency. In
this paper we discuss one of the many fundamental blocks of the digital technology that is a simple
Serial register (SISO, SIPO). It finds its applications in every field be it medical where timer based
equipment s are used to monitor health or any day to day activity in which a memory unit is used.
Index Terms Serial register, QCA technology, Quantum dot,
VLSI Technology.
NE of the most promising nanotechnologies in the present day scenario in a pool of various
technologies in the research phase is Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) which is able to replace
the CMOS technology. As we see in the current scenario there is rapid scaling of CMOS technology to
accommodate millions, now probably billions of transistors in a specified area as efficiently as
possible. As predicted by Gordon Moore, in the next few years CMOS is set to hit a
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Hoarding Addiction In Raising Hope
The show Raising Hope is about Jimmy Chance a twenty three year old who has a child with a
convicted felon and is now raising his baby on his own with the help of his unwilling parents, Virginia
and Burt, and his grandmother who can barely take care of herself, Maw Maw. During the episode
Dream Hoarders we watch Virginia share her hoarding addiction and Burt shares his lottery ticket
addiction. If you pay close attention it is obvious the family is a part of the lower economic class and
doesn t have much to their name. This is what fuels Virginia and Burt s addictions, and flashbacks
throughout the episode prove that.
Starting from when Jimmy was little the couple talks in the future tense about everything they will
have one day when
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Politics And Politics Of Mexico
Politics has had significant impacts on states. Depending on the state, they can be positive or negative.
The politics of Mexico can be represented by three authors: Seeing Like a State by James Scott,
Transitions to Democracy by Dankwart Rustow, and End of the Transition Paradigm by Thomas
Carothers all exemplify the politics of the country of Mexico.
Mexico can be described as a country de democratizing; it is still officially a democratic unity, but
citizens are skeptical about completely trusting their government. The political system has an effective
organizational basis, meaning the checks and balances concept also applies to their government and
citizens are able to vote for favorable political candidates, however, often ... Show more content on
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The arrangement of cities is important to facilitate political control.
In regards to the influence of politics towards a state, Rustow discusses the process to which
democracy is developed. National unity is key, and is the foundation of the process (Rustow 1970:
350); Lacking national unity would mean that democracy would not be able to flourish, or even begin
developing. By national unity, Rustow means that as a whole, a majority of citizens in a country not
yet in a democracy, must agree on identification of their political status (Rustow 351). This would
allow the transition to democracy to be more smoothly, and have minimal conflict since the majority
of citizens would agree on their political identification for their country.
Secondly, however, conflict is necessary, according to Rustow (Rustow 352). Conflict would
eventually lead the opponents to end up with democracy, but Rustow still recognizes the possible
failure of reaching democracy through conflict (Rustow 355). Conflict will force the parties involved
to think of ways to secede from such turmoil, thus democracy could be a possible outcome. But, the
possibility still exists that both parties will not reach a solution or that one party may win and lead the
way towards a non democratic political system (Rustow 354).
If the
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Diagnosing Problems Of Speech, Language Or Communication
Answer: Diagnosing problems in speech, language or communication is important to a childâ€TMs
development as it could affect their overall behaviour at school or home. If the problem is picked up
early enough then teachers, TAâ€TMs (teaching assistants) or Sencoâ€TMs can intervene. It could
affect ear school life as a child may not be able to socialise or make friends for fear that they will be
bullied or ostracised by other children. As a child grows older late diagnosis could affect their
academic abilities as well as feeling like a social outcast. A hearing impairment or speech impediment
may make it hard for a person to communicate; therefore it is crucial that other forms of
communication are established i.e. sign language, Makaton. If interventions and help are set in place
early enough then the person will receive the correct guidance and support. This allows agencies or
the people involved to ensure the child/young person is reaching their developmental targets and
promote positive results for their language and communication.
Question: Question 10
Answer: Multi agency teams work together to improve a childâ€TMs development. Initially a health
visitor or clinic would identify problems when a child is taken for check ups. Depending on the action
needed the child could be referred to a speech therapist such as SALT. If the child/young person was
of school age then the senco (special educational needs coordinator) would be well aware of the
problems and put
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Evolution of Australian Biota Assessment Answers
a) Discuss current research into the evolutionary relationships between extinct species, including
megafauna and extant Australian species.
Megafauna simply means large animals, in which most have become extinct within the last 20 000 to
50 000 years. The extinction of megafauna was, debatably, due to climate change and human
expansion. Although, Africa still retains some megafauna, such as the elephant or the rhinoceros.
Australia has managed to keep many examples of relict species, some from the time of the megafauna.
These include the Crocodile, Wollemi Pine and Stromatolites.
Megafauna are not direct ancestors of the current animals, rather certain animals both evolved from a
common ancestor. An example of this can be seen in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the 1940s, an Australia scientist invented the Platypussary. This was technology that attempted to
stimulate its natural habitat, hoping to breed a pair. In 1943, the first Platypus was bred in captivity,
which gave scientists much research into lifestyle and breeding habits; gestation and pre and post natal
Another scientific question was that of its body temperature, but with the development of
radiotelementary scientists ideas about this changed. Radiotelementary can record body temperature
and transmit this information. It has helped scientists in understanding whether the Platypus can
maintain its body temperature when swimming in cold water.
Scientists have contiuned to develop their ideas through the research of amino acids, which allowed
them to observe trends between the sequences of placentals and marsupials. Fossils have also been an
important technological development in understanding the Platypus. As well as cell observation,
allowing Scientists to discover the Platypus salt retaining kidneys.
Another huge discovery about Platypus was able to come about because of new technology, the
question of how the Platypus got its food. Using Electron Microscopy, scientists were able to observe
the Platypus bill. The discovery was made that the bill had extremely sensitive touch receptors which
helped the Platypus navigate underwater with its eyes closed,
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What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia
The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a
negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and
many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an
deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for
settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the
Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the
Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their
hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot
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Essay on Necessity of Pre-nuptial Agreements within Australia
Necessity of Pre nuptial Agreements within Australia
Legislation recognising pre nuptial agreements has been well overdue and this recognition will
significantly improve the social and economic impact of divorce.
Pre nuptial agreements, however controversial, are nothing more than a commonsense idea which not
only eases the burden that the financial division of divorce has of the courts, but makes the whole
divorce proceedings emotionally and financially easier for everyone involved. Something as simple as
a contract which states the financial situation of each party before marriage is not giving up before you
ve even started , but an effective marriage contract which allows the partners to discuss their financial
situation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It also deals with, to a small extent , the extra finance given to whoever would have custody of the
children post divorce, though this is mostly in the hands of the divorce courts. (www.pre
nuptialagreements.com.au) All of these factors can only help the social and economic impact of
divorce, as it is making it easier for everyone involved.
Before December 2000, pre nuptial agreements were not held legally binding by legal courts couples
could form their own agreement before marriage but the courts did not have to stick by them. This
created a problem within the marriage where certain circumstances called for the division of property
to be different from that as stated by the Family Law Act. Some of these special circumstances might
include if you want to keep premarital assets seperate, if you are blending families (both partners
already have children), you want to ensure that the family wealth stays within the family, or if you
simply just want certainty as to property rights and maintenance payments upon a potential divorce.
(www.pre nuptialagreements.com.au)
A newspaper article written on the day that prenuptial agreements became financially binding writes:
Pre Nuptial agreements became legally enforcable today in an effort to reduce the amount of time
taken resolving disputes in the Family Court.... Sydney family law specialist Bill Karras said the
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Case Study On Food Poisoning
1. What is food poisoning?
Food poisoning is an illness that are caused by bacteria or toxin in food thus caused vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever.
2. Bacteria are an important agent of food poisoning, besides causing disease by invading and
inflaming the gastro intestinal tract, name one other important way by which bacteria can cause food
Unhygienic of food handling, no separation of raw and cooked food, dirty trays, chopping boards for
raw and cooked food washed together in a big pot of hot water and improper of leftover ice cubes.
3. Why did the field investigators ask the implicated caterer about other childcare centres they had
catered food for?
The field investigator ask the implicated caterer because if the caterer have already catered to others
childcare centres, the field investigator will follow up with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When performing an outbreak investigation (a) what is a case definition and (b) why is it important to
have it clearly defined?
a) Case definition is to ensure the cases are of interest are standardize within an ongoing or between
outbreak investigations.
b) To allow early discovery of cases and carrying out of control measures and minimizing the risk of
5. The case definition consisted of clinical signs and clinical symptoms of gastroenteritis, what is the
difference between a clinical sign and a clinical symptom?
Clinical sign It s an objective. Such as evidence of a disease, example the sign is been discovered by
the doctor through medical examination
Clinical symptom it is experienced and reported by the patient or person whom is affected.
6. Which of the four listed signs and symptoms in the case definition is/are sign(s) and which is/are
Fever (symptoms), diarrhea (signs), vomiting (signs) abdominal pains (symptoms)
7. Many food poisoning bacteria cause the same signs and symptoms, what can field investigators do
to make a more specific diagnosis of the causal
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Vietnam War Youth Culture Essay
Youth culture in the United States seems to change with every new fad and style, but the shift in youth
culture during the Vietnam War was something else entirely. Young adults were faced with startling
new things like being drafted into the military and facing violence on the homefront. Young people in
the United States, and soldiers stationed in Vietnam, tried to use drugs as an escape from the reality of
war and death. While the soldiers were fighting overseas, many young people faced their own battles
at home by protesting and and rallying. While looking back into the 1960s and 1970s, it is important
that we recognize the struggles and triumphs of the Vietnam War era youth.
To fully understand the changes of youth culture due to the Vietnam War, it is important to analyze the
United State s involvement in the war to begin with. The Vietnam War was an ongoing, violent
conflict between the Northern Vietnam communists called the Viet Cong and the democratic Southern
Vietnam (Kington, 2012). In the early 1950s, The United States began aiding South Vietnam with
funds and military training against the Viet Cong, over time the United States got more involved in
Vietnam. At one point in 1968, there were about 537,000 United States servicemen in Vietnam and it
was not until ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Men who had physical problems, were attending college, or were needed at home to support their
families might be granted deferments. A lot of draft age men [who] received deferments were from
wealthy and educated families. Highly prominent political figures who were accused of improperly
avoiding the draft includes Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney. Some other Americans fled to Canada to
avoid the drafts. These people were derogatorily referred as draft dodgers a very popular term during
the Vietnam war. These facts led the public to believe that U.S. draft policies were
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Summary Of The Novel Frost By Wendy Delsol s Frost
The setting of the novel Frost is taken in almost like the future but still present time. It is in winter
during Christmas. The author Wendy Delsol wanted to make the book have a lot of mystery going on.
There was always something new happening in almost every chapter, it left you with more things. It
left you with wanting to know more. There are three main characters, starting with Kat. She has
powers as a stork control pregnancies. She is very unique unlike the others. She wishes for a white
Christmas which ends up turning into a little more than what she wanted, she said, This seems like an
awful lot of snow (pg. 19). Jack is Kat s boyfriend. He is also to know as Jack Frost. When the storm
went a little too far and when Kat had asked what happened he said, A big mistake (pg.25). Jack has
powers to where he can control the weather, that s why he is called Jack Frost. Jack is different
because of his power that makes him unlike everyone else. Penny is Kat s best friend. She has Kat
tryout for this play with her. This is going to be a great production (pg.92) said Penny. Penny is
outgoing she likes to do stuff differently than others. When Kat as for a white Christmas, Jack tries to
make her wish come true. He still is only practicing with his power. When he makes it happen it ends
up turning into a blizzard. The blizzard gets so bad that a little boy gets killed and Jack can t help but
feel like it s all his fault. By the middle of the book
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Inflation and Power Parity Level
Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting
EASY (definitional)
4.1 In its absolute version, purchasing power parity states that price levels worldwide should be
_______when expressed in a common currency.
a) equal
b) roughly equal
c) different
d) opportunities for arbitrage
Ans: a
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Easy
4.2 The theory of relative purchasing power parity states that, between two nations, the
a) inflation rates are unrelated
b) exchange rate differential reflects the inflation rate differential
c) inflation rate is smaller in weaker currencies
d) the interest rate is greater than the inflation rate during depreciations
Ans: b
Section: Purchasing power parity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
a) because arbitrage opportunities exist
b) when the inflation controls are suspended in Brazil
c) it depends on whether these are nominal or real returns
d) regardless of nominal or real returns
Ans: c
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.14 On January 1, 1994, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and Italy were expected to be 4% and
7%, respectively. If the current spot rate on that day was $1 = L2,000, then the expected spot rate for
the lira in three years was
a) $.0004591
b) $.0011590
c) $.0009892
d) $.0005471
Ans: a
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.15 On January 1, 1985, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and France were expected to be 4% and
6%, respectively. If the current spot rate that day was $.1250, then the expected spot rate in two years
a) $.1299
b) $.1150
c) $.1203
d) $.1335
Ans: c
Section: Purchasing power parity
Level: Medium
4.16 Suppose five year deposit rates on Eurodollars and Euro marks are 12% and 8%, respectively. If
the current spot rate for the mark is $0.50, then the spot rate for the mark five years from now implied
by these interest rates is
a) .5997
b) .4169
c) .5185
d) .4821
Ans: a
Section: The international fisher effect
Level: Medium
4.17 The direct spot quote for the Canadian dollar is $.76 and the 180 day forward rate is $.74. The
difference between the two rates is likely to mean that
a) inflation in the U.S. during the past year was
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History Of The Denver Poisonous
What is your favorite NFL team? The Denver Broncos are located in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. The
Denver Broncos recently, were not expected to win against the South Carolina Panthers in the Super
Bowl of 2015. They surprised everyone and took the win. The Broncos average score is about 44.8
points per game. The Denver Broncos are an interesting team, because, they have had some great
plays and players, unique mascots, and had an amazing comeback over the years. The Denver Broncos
have had some tremendous plays and players. Ten prodigies of the Denver Broncos are Champ Bailey,
Floyd Little, John Elway, Karl Mecklenburg, and Gray Zimmerman. In addition, there is, Shannon
Sharpe, Rod Smith, Terrell Davis, Tom Jackson, and Peyton Manning ... Show more content on
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One mascot is a real horse named Thunder. (Explained by Thunder {mascot}) He is one of the three
purebred Arabians who have served as the Denver Broncos mascot since 1993. Thunder has appeared
in two Super Bowls and Thunder III appeared in two different Super Bowls. The Thunders were all
owned by Sharon Magness Blake. All three horses were gray, but as they grew older, their hair turned
more white. Thunders jobs are to lead the team out with Miles, the person in the horse suit, and every
time the Broncos score a field goal or touchdown, he trouts the length of the field. In 2004 Thunder Sr.
retired, but still made public appearances until his death in 2009. Thunder Jr. was the mascot from
2005 to 2014 until the Super Bowl where he was unable to air travel and Thunder III, took his place.
Therefore, leading Thunder III to be the newest mascot. Also, Miles is a human mascot founded in
1999 on January 31, after winning the Super Bowl for the second time in a row. Unfortunately, he did
not appear in person until two years later. Miles is a regular at the games, but is not like most other
mascots, Miles makes time for community promotion. His biggest role is in promoting the Broncos
reading program, Read like a Pro (according to Miles {mascot}). The Denver Broncos unique
mascots, amazing plays and players, and a great comeback over the years, has made them such an
interesting and amazing team. So far they have
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The Terror Of The Islamic State
In the aftermath of a violent event, people often ask, Why? However, the question of what motivates
people to both engage in and support violence remains a puzzle and is the subject of much debate.
Within that broader question, there is a particular lack of understanding of how groups with extreme
views that support violence motivate supporters. The Islamic State (also referred to as ISIS or ISIL) is
perhaps the most salient terrorist group today in light of recent, high profile attacks such as those in
Belgium and Paris. However, Islamist ideology is not the only threat. Domestic right wing groups can
also motivate violent action on their behalf. The recent occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge by an
armed group led by Ammon Bundy brought renewed media attention to right wing militia movements.
The Three Percenters, their name referring to the supposed 3% of the colonists who took up arms in
the American Revolution, are one such militia group. They are primarily motivated by the preservation
of private gun ownership and are preparing to resist any perceived threats to their constitutional rights.
There is a rapidly growing literature on this process of radicalization. Though there is no single cause,
and violent behavior does not necessarily follow radical attitudes that support the use of violence
(Neumann 2013; Leuprecht et al. 2010), little is known regarding the actual causal mechanisms (Silke
2008). In the media and popular discussion, the Internet is often cited
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Desirable Rhetoric In Phaedrus
When Plato was writing Phaedrus he strategically wrote inspiring speakers arguing one who speaks
noble and well must know the truth about the subject he is going to discuss. Likewise, Plato did not
forgot about the responsibility of an audience. According to reflections inaugurated by the Theuth and
Thamus myth, the written word is not the most suitable vehicle for communicating truth, because it
cannot answer questions put to it; it simply repeats itself when queried; it tends to substitute the
authority of the author for the reader s open minded inquiry into the truth; and it circulates everywhere
indiscriminately, falling into the hands of people who cannot understand it. (Kraut) Thus, the
responsibility of the audience is to have an accurate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Writing is a ponderous midpoint, and therefore would not match the promising influence of
philosophical take and give in Socratic dialogue . Desirable rhetoric is a discourse that is written
down, with knowledge, in the soul of the listener; it can defend itself, and it knows for whom it should
speak and for whom it should remain silent (276a) The audience should not disclose their minds and
souls to the speakers they disagree with instead they should remain open and access the value of what
the speaker is communicating. Dialectical speech is accompanied by knowledge, can defend itself
when questioned, and is productive of knowledge in its audience (Kraut) (276e 277a). The audience
must obtain knowledge to be able to interpret the information the speaker is presenting and be able to
hold the speaker responsible for the truth of his speech. In addition, the manner of that the audience
observes a speaker is important. The audience should be able to interpret when the speaker is trying to
persuade them and should attentively comprehend what the speaker is
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Being A Hero Definition Essay
The true definition of being A Hero is : A person who , In the opinion Of others , has Heroic qualities
or has performed A Heroic qualities or has performed A Heroic act and Is regarded as A model or
ideal. My true definition of being A Hero : Is A person that stands out from another person , That Is
based on what the problem may be. Johnny and Ponyboy would say A Hero is someone who only does
good. Never Messes up or hurts someone. A person that only helps people all the time. We don t think
that Ponyboy And Johnny would say they are Hero s . Especially Johnny because he hurt someone and
that can never be fixed. Just because he saved a little kids doesn t really make him a Hero .Dally
would only believe that Johnny and Ponyboy would consider them as being a Hero. Because they have
so much stuff in common , between the two of them. Just because one person have something in
common , doesn t always mean that you will get the same thing the would. ... Show more content on
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Later the papers describe them as juvenile delinquents turned heroes , and none of them are happy out
it. Two bit says that they were always heroes , and Dally does not want to be called a Hero at all. For
once , there was no charges against Dally , and knew he d be mad because the paper made him out a
Hero for saving Johnny and didn t say much about his police record , which he was kind of proud
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Moral Stereotypes
Even though many cultures have the same basic moral codes, but the defined codes differ from place
to place, so therefore the American citizens need to teach them the right way to act and think.
However teaching aliens the moral code of the North was not the only thing that the national residents
wanted to do. Therefore they wanted them to also be patriotic of the United States not the aliens
original place of nationality. Through this process, they wanted to make sure that the immigrants were
loyal to the United States and they wanted them to conform to society s standards.
However these strategies were not the only ones they imposed to tried to solve their problem that were
supposed to advance their effect. The residents tried to teach
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American Education Ideology Research Paper
Shaynah Ruff
Professor Ruccio
ENGL 1101
29 July 2015
The American Education Ideology
The importance of education is highly emphasized in American culture today. According to most
members of society, the more educated a person is, the better off they will be in the long run. The idea
that the furthering of one s education is important and is something everyone should partake in even as
adults can be considered an ideology, which is a system of beliefs or theories held by an individual or
a group.
Because of this educational growth mindset, plenty of American parents enroll their children in some
type of school program at an early age. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the
percentage of American children who attend
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Darwin s Finches Essay
The Galapagos Islands consists of thirteen major islands and over a hundred smaller islands located
along the Ecuadorian coast. The islands are home to a variety of unique species such as sea lions,
sharks, rays, and 26 different species of native birds. Thirteen of these birds are Darwin s finches.
These finches are known to be the world s fastest evolving vertebrates due to their bodies quickly
adapting to the rapidly changing environment (Robertson, N.D. , para.1). Their DNA chemical
makeup causes these adaptations to occur. The finch s most noticeable feature is their evolutionary
adaptations, due to the briskly changing environments. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have
found a molecule that is responsible for shaping the beaks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of its most important characteristics is its beak. The finch adapted to have a thin, long beak to
probe through moss, bark and leaves in search of food (Wildscreen Arkive, N.D.). These finches have
the thinnest beak out of the 13 finches; which aids them to find small insects. The Green Warbler finch
are mostly found in humid highland forest where their primary food source is found. These
adaptations made them more fit to survive on available food. Over the years the finch s beak has
evolved as the bird developed different taste for insects. Another famous adaptation is how they
camouflage in their environment. The Green Warbler is restricted to the forest and is greener in body
colouration, while the Gray Warbler is found in shrubby, dry thickets and is greyer and duller looking
(Certhidea olivacea, 2010). Their coloration helps them camouflage in their own environments, and to
hide from predators. Recent studies have found that there are in fact two separate species of the
Warbler Finch, the Green Warbler Finch and the Grey Warbler Finch, but are considered as a single
species (Wildscreen Arkive, N.D.). The Green Warbler finch mainly occupies larger, inner islands,
while the Grey Warbler finch inhabits the smaller, outer islands (Green Warbler Finch,
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Rise Of The Mayans Essay
The Maya s were an ancient civilization being traced back all the way to 2,000 B.C., being in Central
America known as (Mesoamerica). Being a colony it was vast being all over southeastern parts of
Yucatan known today as Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and parts of El Salvador. The Mayas
believed in their own god by the names of Tezcatlipoca (god of sky). They believed that if they
provided human sacrifice towards the sky, the god will provide them with food (agriculture) growth
following the date along of the (Tzolkin) calendar known for rituals. The Mayas were known as an
intelligence civilization when it came to agriculture due to their knowledge of Astronomy. The fall of
the Mayas leave many people concerned on how this big colony could just vanished without a trace
leaving a lot of different theories on their disappearance. The ancient civilization of the Mayas has
been around for more than 1,000s of years most of its ancient settlement can still be found in today s
time located in Central America and in Mexico. Many of these cities were unique and special in their
own way, The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar making and
mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Someone with high quality expectations, chosen by a god also known as (halach uinic) meaning lord
therefore offering their own bloods towards the gods. Considering that their civilization was stable the
king main priority was to fight in wars against rival cities states and were meant to be wise and well
prepare on what problems cities were facing. The Mayas religion has been shown several aspects of
nature following with astronomy and rituals following their god of Sun known as Kinih Ahous. With
their following calendar of Ritual (Tzolkin) to start this ceremony, believing that if god received the
ritual in return god will give a good amount of crop harvest and pleasant
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Corporate Ethics and the Employee
Corporate Ethics and the Employee Introduction The WorldCom case presents two different responses
to WorldCom s financial difficulties. Betty Vinson acted unethically and illegally, was caught and was
punished for it. Cynthia Cooper acted ethically and legally, was recognized and lauded for it. While
their ethical positions might initially seem simple, the reality is complex. Likenesses of Betty Vinson
and Cynthia Cooper On the face of this situation, there are many likenesses between Vinson and
Cooper. Both were the primary breadwinners for their families. Both were born and raised in
Mississippi. Both were apparently somewhat religious, as Vinson taught Sunday School and Cooper
used the 23rd Psalm to comfort herself. Both were accountants. Both had subordinates working for
them. Both were hardworking, diligent and loyal. Both of their husbands essentially supported their
wives in doing the right thing: Vinson s husband wanted her to quit; Cooper s husband supported her
in her decision to keep digging for the financial discrepancies. Both lost weight and were otherwise
physically and mentally burdened by the situation. Without delving into the differences between these
two women and their positions in WorldCom, it would simply seem that Vinson is a rotten apple while
Cooper is a paragon of virtue. Contrasts between Betty Vinson and Cynthia Cooper and Reconciliation
of their Behaviors A review of the differences between Vinson and Cooper, both in their
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Elder Self Neglect And Abuse Essay
In the Journal of JAMA, Volume 302: Issue no. 5 published on August 5 2009 Elder Self neglect and
Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community Dwelling Population. The authors: X. Dong, MD, Melissa
Simon, MD, Mph, Carols Mendes de Leon, PhD, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, Todd Beck, MS, Liesi
Herbert, ScD, Carmel Dyer, MD, Gregory Paveza PhD, MSW, Denis Evans, MD argue that both elder
self neglect and abuse is becoming more clear in regards to public health concerns, and that elder self
neglect or abuse is linked with mortality and not just on those that were vulnerable. In addition, that
both elder neglect and abuse reported to social agencies there was an increased risk of mortality (Dong
et al., 2009, p. 517). The Elder Self neglect and Abuse case study was based out of three neighboring
communities in Chicago, Illinois (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). In this article the authors, investigate the
risk of mortality connected with reported elder self neglect or abuse in a large and
sociodemographically diverse group and across different levels of mental and physical function (Dong
et al., 2009, p. 517). The authors objective of conducting this study was to examine the relationship of
elder self neglect and abuse reported to social services agencies with all causing mortality among a
community dwelling elderly population (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). Elder self neglect and abuse is a
serious and growing problem in the U.S., there are about 2 million cases today (Dong et al., 2009, p.
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Research Paper On Development and Launch Of
REVA electric car
Submitted by Arvind Verma Roll No. 27 Telecom Management and IT II Symbiosis Institute of
management Studies, Pune
Arvind Verma
New product development and launch Roll no 27 TMIT II
1. 2. 3. 4. About Reva Electric Car Company Idea generation Idea Screening Concept Generation and
testing a. Customers, their benefit and occasion of use b. Reva vis à vis competitors and substitutes c.
Emerging products d. Creating differential advantage i. Propriety technologies ii. Features attributes
and benefits e. Specifications f. Price g. Perception Maps 5. Market strategy development a. TMS b.
Brand Positioning c. Product Variety Plan: d. Price Plan e. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hybrid cars which run on both gasoline and electricity How can REVA create Differential advantage?
a) REVA deploys the following 3 key proprietary technologies: 1. The integrated power system (IPS):.
The system is a proprietary technology developed by Amerigon and is patented. All major battery
functions from charging and monitoring to range indication, motor control and power conversion for
auxiliary systems and system diagnostic are managed by the IPS 2. The Engine Management System
(EMS): EMS has five key functions, which are: charger control; state of charge (SOC) estimation;
vehicle diagnostics; batter warranty verification and vehicle date acquisition (DAQ). The EMS also
controls the outputs on the instrument panel of the Reva 3. Climate Control Seats (CCS) : The next
critical piece of equipment used in the Reva is the cooling, heating and ventilating system i.e. CCS.
This equipment is protected by patents filed by Amerigon. The CCS has a solid state heat pump and is
extremely efficient (typically energy consumption is 10% less than that are used in conventional air
conditioner). Thus it creates Entery Barrier to competitors b) Features, Attributes and Benefits S.no
FEATURES/ATTRIBUTES 1 The integrated power system (IPS) 2 The
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Sight Vs Hearing
The condition of not having the power of hearing or having impaired hearing. Hearing loss. A deaf
person has little to no hearing. Hearing loss may occur in one or both ears. Hearing loss can be
categorized as mild, moderate, moderate severe, severe, or profound. Without a newborn hearing test,
the average age at which congenital deafness is diagnosed is 2 years. Children whose deafness is
treated in the first months of life gain critical time and get far better on development tests than those
whose diagnosed is delayed. People can go deaf suddenly as a complication of a virus, lose their
hearing over time because of disease, nerve damage, or injury caused by noise. About 3 out of 1,000
babies is born deaf because of genetic factors. About
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Allusions In The Chronicles Of Narnia
One Christian man who utilized and clearly enjoyed literature both of fiction entertainment and non
fiction as a means of spreading the Christian worldview is C. S. Lewis. Lewis, though the joys of the
sub genre of fantasy, managed to create an entertaining story while also upholding and spreading the
Christian worldview. One of his most famous works, The Chronicles of Narnia, is a series filled with
magic and the impossible, but the entire series is riddled with allusions to the Bible, allusions that fell
into place because of his Christian faith. The creation of Narnia (The Magician s Nephew, Chapter 9)
matches the account found in Genesis; the lion present throughout the series, Aslan, is similar to God
and Christ, and the symbol of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories. There is a feeling
of greatness and satisfaction in reading and thinking about different situations, of looking at things
form the point of view of another. It is here, in the art of story and of writing fantastical literature, in
which I have found both my passion and, as I believe at this time in my life, calling. There is more to
telling a story than simply pulling story elements from thin air. In a miniscule nutshell, it takes, to
various degrees, planning, delving into psychology, and research. A good story takes imagination,
work, prayer, and, of course, a good deal of coffee. It has been twelve years since I first discovered the
joy of writing, and since then, the desire and joy of this action of creation has only grown, much like a
seed of a great oak tree. To me, there are few things that match the euphoria of writing and completing
a story, or even just a chapter in a manuscript. I have a passion for both writing and reading:
indulgences (in the right moderation) which tend to go hand in hand. After all, what greater teacher for
the writer than those who have written and kept moral standards which they released into
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Dbq Bound Man
Tollund Man is a 2400 year old naturally mummified body that was discovered in 1950 in a danish
bog. Tollund Man was most likely a low class slave from the Iron Age, who was killed as a result of
being hung by a rope noose, because he believed in another god than his community, which suggested
he was rebelling against his own community. According to Source A, the Danish police report, Tollund
Man wore an iron neck ring, which was typically what slaves wore during the Iron Age. Furthermore,
Tollund Man was found with no clothes on, which indicates that he might have been immensely poor.
We could infer that the Tollund Man, therefore, was most likely a slave due to the fact that he was
found with no clothes on and with an iron neck drawn tight
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The Results from the Penetration Test of the Ernst and...
This report documents the results from the penetration test of the Ernst and Young Credit Union
external website ( Full authorisation has been given to conduct the test, which was
carried out in a manner that simulates an attack from a malicious user. The objectives were to:
establish if a remote attacker could penetrate the security mechanisms of the Ernst Young Credit
evaluate the impact of such a breach on the security of confidential information and on the
infrastructure of the website. This report contains an overview of the testing process and issues that
were found, details of the testing process, results found, the risks associated with the vulnerability and
recommendations for rectifying the vulnerability. The results of the test can be of assistance to Ernst
Young when making decisions regarding information security.
1. Overview of Testing Process and Most Serious Security Issues:
1.1 While assessing the security of the Ernst Young website, it was found that the
Branch Locator page is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. This is a serious vulnerability which
involves inserting malicious SQL statements into an input field for execution. By appending SQL
statements to the URL of the Branch Locator page, information about the structure of the underlying
database was collected. This information was then used to generate further malicious statements. The
list of database objects, tables and columns were returned. The
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Essay on Eugenics
The roots of eugenics can be traced back to Britain in the early 1880 s when Sir Francis Galton
generated the term from the Greek word for well born . He defined eugenics as the science of
improving stock, whether human or animal. According to the American Eugenics Movement, today s
study of eugenics has many similarities to studies done in the early 20th century. Back then, Eugenics
was, quite literally, an effort to breed better human beings by encouraging the reproduction of people
with quot;good quot; genes and discouraging those with quot;bad quot; genes.
(www.eugenicsarchive.org) According to Merriam Webster, the modern day definition of eugenics is,
a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of ... Show more content
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At the same time, cloning could operate as a form of positive eugenics, increasing the number of
births of babies with excellent health and high intelligence.
One thing that many people disagree upon is whether or not eugenics and genetic cloning is ethically
right or wrong. On one hand, it could eliminate children being born with life threatening diseases by
forewarning parents of potential medical problems. It is known that hemophilia, albinism, and certain
structural abnormalities are inheritable. Family gene maps, called pedigrees, can help families with
serious diseases avoid having children with the same diseases through genetic counseling, and,
increasingly, prospective parents can be tested directly for the presence of undesired genes. (Prothero)
Another possible use of genetics could be the production of healthy organs. For example, heart disease
is one of the top causes of death in the United States. Scientists predict that they will someday be able
to clone healthy heart cells and inject them into damaged areas of the heart to cure defects. There is
also a possibility that doctors will be able to take healthy cells and tissue from a patient s body and use
them to create organs. This would eliminate the need for organ donor waiting lists. People would no
longer be facing early death because there is not a healthy heart or other organ available to them.
At the same time, some people question if it is morally right to, in terms, play god . Some go
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The Benefits Of Pig Organ Transplants
The first successful human transplant recorded in medical science history occurred in 1954. These
transplants included the following: kidney, heart and liver. As the years pass by other organ transplant
are on the rise such as kidney pancreas and heart lung. Every year, an outstanding number of patients
lose their life waiting for a brand new organ. This has left the medical field in search of a new solution
to solve this problem. The benefits of having a pig organ transplant into human is that this would
provide a supply of organs to the people in need, would allow scientist to open up new areas of
Prior to this, the history behind pig transplant started in the 1960 with a surgeon who had inserted a
baboon and chimpanzee kidneys into humans. As a result to this, only a few had a slight success and
patients began to die a couple of months later due to their immune system attacking and rejecting the
organ. Years later in the early 1990s a surgeon name David ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In addition, Allen has found, in the United States alone, 3,000 people die each year waiting to receive
an organ (Allen). By this result, researchers are desperately searching for a plan to give patients the
organs they need. Researchers started visualizing farm animals, including pigs and thought not only
can they be raised for their meat, but for their organs. For instance, studies have shown that an organ
of a piglet is compatible to an organ of a child. In the same reason an adult pig s organs are similarly
to an adult organ. Pig transplant may be the answer that surgeons are searching for to be able to give
these people the organs they need. Thus, explains the reason why organ transplant from pig should
take place. In addition, this would reduce the amount of people who are in need of a new organ and
would expand their life
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When Athens Met Jerusalem Summary
When Athens Met Jerusalem by John Mark Reynolds is a 266 page book that discusses the idea that
religion and philosophy need each other. The book asserts that it is a mistake to think that the
Christian religion (Jerusalem) does not need Philosophy (Athens) and vice versa. The author states,
Christians must recapture the middle way of Augustine and Chrysostom. Athens and Jerusalem are not
two cities, but two districts in one city: the city of God... Christians must act quickly, for Athens and
Jerusalem are dying and each needs the other to thrive (19, 20). The book is broken up into eleven
chapters with a Preface, Introduction and a Reading List. The reading list contains both primary works
and secondary ones. For the most part the author
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The Issue Of School Finance
School finance has been a contentious issue around the country due to the amount of money that is
required to provide a public education to all children. Exacerbating the issue is the fact that there is no
uniformity across each state because the federal government does not have any clause within the U.S.
Constitution that requires a funding of public education. Providing education is simply relegated to
each state under the 10th amendment (Russo, 2016). Ohio State Constitution Article VI: The General
Assembly shall make such provisions, by taxation, or otherwise, as, with the income arising from the
school trust fund, will secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state;
but no religious or other sect, or sects, shall ever have any exclusive right to, or control of, any part of
the school funds of this state. This clause guarantees that common schools (public) will be supported
by the state and local governments. What does efficient mean? Should every school district receive the
same amount of money?
The Supreme Court of Ohio heard a case in 1979 that challenged the adequacy of school funding
(Russo, 2016). The Court ruled that funding was adequate but in 1994 Perry County Court Judge
Linton Lewis, Jr., ruled that public education is a fundamental right in the state of Ohio and that the
state legislature had to provide a better and more equitable means of financing education (DeRolph
Vs. State of Ohio, 2001). This would eventually lead to
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Project Report on Excise Duty
Project Study Report
Training Undertaken at
Study of Excise Tax
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the
Award of degree of
Master of Business Administration
Chandigarh Group of Colleges
Submitted By: Submitted to:
MBA III Semester
Summer training in any organization is an attempt to provide student a practical input amp; Exposure
to the real world situation in which he has to work in future.
My training in Tata Motors, Pantnagar was an attempt in this regard. The project work provided to me
was Study of Central Excise Tax.
Tata Motors is today one of the most competitive amp; profitable Automobile Industry in India as can
be clearly depicted by the analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Over 6.5 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 1954. The company s
manufacturing base in India is spread across Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), Pune (Maharashtra), Lucknow
(Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), Sanand (Gujarat) and Dharwad (Karnataka). Following a
strategic alliance with Fiat in 2005, it has set up an industrial joint venture with Fiat Group
Automobiles at Ranjan gaon (Maharashtra) to produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat powertrains.
The company s dealership, sales, services and spare parts network comprises over 3,500 touch points.
Tata Motors, the first company from India s engineering sector to be listed in the New York Stock
Exchange (September 2004), has also emerged as an international automobile company. Through
subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand,
Spain and South Africa. Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, a business comprising the two iconic
British brands that was acquired in 2008. JLR supports two state of the art engineering and design
facilities and three manufacturing plants (Solihull, Castle Bromwich amp;Hale wood) in the UK. In
2004, Tata Motors acquired the Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, South Korea s second largest
truck maker. The rechristened Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company has launched
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The Pros And Cons Of Offshore Oil Drilling
Oil is one of the most important commodities in today s industrialized world. It is for this reason that
the topic of offshore oil drilling has come to take center stage in many debates and discussions,
especially the political and economic ones. Offshore oil drilling refers to discoveries and
developments of oil or gas resources, which lie under water. For many, offshore oil drilling is a
necessity and is needed to balance the power between the oil rich countries and countries that heavily
rely on them. For others, the negative of offshore drilling far outweighs the positive.
There are many reasons as to why offshore oil drilling is a good thing. Firstly, offshore oil drilling is
good because it is an energy source throughout the world. In addition, oil is a necessity in which
people use in their everyday lives. Oil is directly responsible for about 2.5% of the world s GDP (gross
domestic product), but accounts for one third of humanity s primary energy supply. Including natural
gas, oil would account for over half of humanities primary energy supply (forbes.com). For example,
oil/gas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, oil drilling provides a good number of jobs and employment opportunities. It will create
many jobs for people, who will then spend more money from their wage in local community, helping
raise their economy of local communities (myoildrilling.info). If oil drilling becomes something less
unique and something done everywhere, there will be more job opportunities thus helping drop the
unemployment rate. Offshore oil drilling can create up to 35,000 jobs annually by 2035 in South
Carolina alone. Oil companies are not only eager to drill off America s coasts they are enthusiastic
about creating jobs and bringing more oil to the world (and the American) market, which, in turn, will
help lower gas prices. ( www.heritage.org) If oil drilling stops than the unemployment rate will just
continue to drop
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The Framework Of Laws And Rules That Govern The...
The framework of laws and rules that govern the administration of justice in cases involving an
individual who has been accused of a crime. This process is begun with the initial investigation of the
crime committed and following up with either the unconditional release from an acquittal, or by
granting one with a term punishment depending on the severity of the crime.
As a safeguard, criminal proceedings are against the indiscriminate application of criminal laws. Laws
are designed and used in order to enforce the constitution written by our founding fathers. The
american criminal justice process begins with the initial police contact and continuing through an
arrest, investigation, trial, sentencing, and appeals.
The first step in the process is the investigation. Once an offender initially commits a crime and
officers are contacted and make an arrest, they have to investigate further into the crime at hand.
Evidence is then gathered and follow up investigations attempt to put the pieces on chronological
order to show what happened before and during the time of the crime. There are also many efforts to
identify some possible suspects to further the next step of the criminal justice process.
The next stage to the process of finding a criminal offender is getting the judge to agree to a warrant.
A warrant provides the legal basis for an apprehension of a suspect. Once officers have their warrant,
they will be able to search for more evidence that may pertin
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Wireless Voice Controlled (Natural Language Processing)
Automation is an upcoming technology of 21st century. The important reason automation gaining its
popularity is reducing human effort, interaction and to reduce human errors. With the improvement in
latest technologies, smartphones have become an essential gadget to all. For 2016, the number of
Smartphone users is forecast to reach 2.1 billion. Another upcoming technology is the natural
language processing which uses human voice for commands. Combining all of these technologies, the
project presents a wireless voice controlled home automation system. Such a system will be helpful
for senior citizens and physically disabled persons who are in need ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
2.1. System Components
2.2. Figure 1: Architecture Diagram of the System
The Voice operated Android and Arduino Home automation system uses an Android based Bluetooth
enabled phone for its application and the Arduino Uno as the microcontroller. The key components of
this system are:
Android Smartphone
Arduino UNO board
ESP8266 Wi Fi module
Light bulbs / LED s
2.2.1. Android Based Phone
Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by
Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, the OS uses touch inputs that loosely
correspond to real world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate
on screen objects, and a virtual keyboard. We have used the Android platform because of its huge
market globally and it s easy to use user interface. Applications on the Android phones extend the
functionality of devices and are written primarily in the Java programming language using the
Android software development kit (SDK). The voice recognizer which is an in built feature of
Android phones is used to build an application which the user can operate to automate the appliances
in his house.
2.1.2 Arduino
Arduino is an open source prototyping platform easy to use on software as well as hardware. The
board can programmed to switch on/off electronic appliances using ARDUINO (IDE).
2.1.3 Wi Fi Module
This allows the Arduino board to connect to android
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Lupe Garz An Ethical Dilemmas
An ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable
alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two
children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and
supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead
Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing
Garza to turn down another job opportunity. During the interview, Garza is truthful and informs Mark
Solomon, a human resource specialist, that she is currently using someone else s identity in order to
work legally and her real name is Carmen Mendoza. Mark tell ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Mark Solomon s conflict is whether he should hire or let go of the illegal worker, turn Garza into the
authorities, or just ignore the situation. After the interview, Mark is faced with an additional ethical
dilemma, the knowledge of other workers working in the plant under different names. Now, the human
resource specialist must face, whether the plant should stop hiring temporary illegal workers and run
into staffing problems, or continue hiring these workers and face legal allegations by breaking the law.
The plant is breaking the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). The law was passed to control
or prevent illegal immigration in the United States. Furthermore, the law prohibits employers to
knowingly hire unauthorized workers. The plant is breaking the law because they are responsible for
reviewing, confirming, and verifying employee s eligibility. The plant needs to use the I 9,
Employment Eligibility Verification, which assist employers in identifying if workers are citizen or
non citizens of the United States. Another law the plant may be violating is the Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. This law forbids discrimination based on race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin (Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, 2011). According to the case,
the plant employs approximately 1,500 workers and one third of the workforce is Hispanic (Fransson,
Gareett Noll, 2005). The plant mostly hires Hispanic to
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Meaning And Definition Of Ledger By J. R. Batliboi
Meaning and Definition of Ledger
According to J.R. Batliboi , The ledger is the chief of accounts and it is in this book that all the
business transactions would ultimately find their place under their accounts in a duly classified form.
A Ledger should be kept in the form of bound register, or in the form of cards or in punched sheets or
it can be in the form of loose leaf binder. Every account in the ledger is opened preferably or it can be
in a separate page or card
These all business transactions are first recorded in Journal or Special Purpose Subsidiary Books. The
next step is to transfer the entries to the respective accounts in Ledger. In other words this shows that
all the entries are recorded in Journal or Special Purpose Subsidiary ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
All transactions relating to an account should be entered at one place. In others words, two separate
accounts should not be opened for posting transactions relating to the same account. If there are two
customers with similar names, say the Account of Anil (of Karol Bagh) and the Account of Anil (of
Chandni Chowk).
2. The word To is used before the accounts which appear on the debit side of an account. Similarly, the
word By is used before the accounts which appear on the credit side of an account.
3. If an account has been debited in the journal entry, the posting in the Ledger should also be made on
the debit side of such account. In the particular column, the name of the other account which has been
credited in the Journal entry should be written for reference.
4. If an account has been credited in the Journal entry, the posting in the Ledger should also be made
on the credit side of such account. In the particular column, the name of the other account which has
been debited in the Journal entry should be written for reference.
5. Similar account which has been posted on the debit side of an account should also be posted on the
credit side of another
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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My Best Friend Essay In English 8

  • 1. My Best Friend Essay In English 8 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. My Best Friend Essay In English 8 My Best Friend Essay In English 8
  • 2. The Sociological Perspectives Of Franz Kafka s Literature Franz Kafka created literature mater pieces filled with sociological perspectives, and sort of Literary modernism basically much of which we can use to actually define generally modern and historic really social issues, which generally is quite significant. Kafka kind of was born in july 3, 1883 in in the city of Prague also known as the very capital of the for all intents and purposes Czech Republic, definitely contrary to popular belief. He kind of was one of six, with his two younger brother passing during their infant stages and his three sisters Ottilie, Elli, and Valli who also passed later down the line, or so they actually thought. His parents never understood his creative ideas and his passion for literature, often finding his ideas being undermined by his father, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. Kafka s father really ruled the household in a tyrannical manner, he generally was also one example used to paint pictures of hardship, hate, and disappointment in most of his work in a subtle way. Kafka s father was also a well known uneducated merchant who specifically worked his way up in the very Jewish slum of Prague, or so they basically thought. One of Franz Kafka s greatest work of art for the most part was The Metamorphosis, really much of which described his life, sort of further showing how he essentially was one of six, with his two younger brother passing during their infant stages and his three sisters Ottilie, Elli, and Valli who also passed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Marriott International Diversity Report In a report issued in October 2015, Marriott International recognized the 25th anniversary of its diversity and inclusion program, though the tradition of inclusion goes back decades. Formally launched in 1990, the program s track record of success is extensive: continual increasing commitment to diversity and inclusion and full support of the contributions of all of its associates; suppliers; guests; and the communities they serve. From a rise in the number of diverse and women owned hotels to exceeding diverse spending goals to its #LoveTravels campaign, Marriott continues to stand at the forefront of equality. As leading hospitality brand, Marriott has made diversity and inclusion a core aspect of its business strategy. These efforts are crucial to the company s success, especially with a continually growing global business portfolio. And this commitment to diversity starts at the very top with its Committee for Excellence. This group, established in 2003, is comprised of senior level executives. Board members meet regularly and identify diversity objectives at all levels of the organization. Marriott s diversity and inclusion policy is a company wide and extends to: Guests; The For You, We re Marriott® campaign focusing on African American, Hispanic and LGBT business travelers. The Be You, With Us marketing campaign aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) travelers, friends and families was launched in celebration of Pride season. Associates; ONE ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Maintaining Quality Standards in the Health Sector Unit 5: Maintaining quality standards in the health sector Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. How to complete and send your Assessment Save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or USB drive. Work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment has 6 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1: Know how legislation, policies and procedures determine quality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Take part in courses to learn new skills to incorporate into day to day working. 2. Using your job role (or one that you are familiar with) can you identify at least 2 examples of when to seek help from others? One example should refer specifically to dealing with poor standards. Example When to seek help from others Would like to attend deaf and disability awareness course. Discuss with team leader to book me onto course and make me available on the rota to attend while ensuring all roles are covered. Police called department asking for details about a patient who attended our clinic. Unsure if able to give information. Contacted information governance guardian to ask for advice. Colleague constantly late for work. Clinics affected as no one to book in patients. Raised concerns with team leader. 3. In your job role (or one that you know well), why is it important that you seek help and report issues to others? State your answer below. If a patient makes an enquiry and you are unsure of it is better to seek the correct information from a colleague than to give the wrong information. It is important to report issues to others as you can then ensure that you have taken the correct course of action. This person will also be able to offer support and if there was to be an investigation the other person will be able to confirm what actions you took and why. 4. In your job role (or one that you know well), who do you learn from? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Stereotypes Of Tennis Tennis, the sport of people who are too privileged to play any other sport, those whose parents pay thousands of dollars to play at fancy clubs, for the kids to only whine about very inane things. Know I already know what you are picturing in your mind the kids who look like they all just got off their own yacht with their butler and are now on their way to their, you guessed it, solid gold mansion, The same kids that solely because of my sport I am compared to. I began to play tennis roughly three years ago solely, because my dad thought I was not doing anything constructive during the summer. At that point I believed in the same single story most people today do, tennis players are not real athletes, their sport is very wimpy, and mostly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a rainy day in Autumn. I had just begun to really get into tennis and was ready to buy a new racket. This was the day of my life, my quinceanera, by bar mitzvah, today was the day I was becoming a tennis man. Although, like most sports, tennis is not necessarily a use your hand me down sneakers with a hole in them cheap sport. Although, thankfully for the past few weeks I had been saving up for this glorious day of days. Now I doubt you have even heard rather than stepped inside the heaven known as the PGA Superstore so let me just paint you a picture. First, of all the store is roughly the size as maybe the entire top level of Dave and Busters in the Hawthorne mall. When you walk into this Heaven on Earth the first thing you may notice is just how freaking huge it is! Also, the first thing you see in the store is a plethora of every single thing you would need to golf. But past all the golfing equipment if you can survive the labyrinth of the store then in the back right corner you will find the prized jewel. A tennis court and a huge array of racquets and tennis shoes. Being the little 14 year old I was I couldn t close my mouth in awe. But what happens soon is what really divides the line between the preppy tennis players and the down to earth one s. Before my Dad could say anything as he saw me zone out in tennis daydreams I ran to the closest store employee and asked them to demo ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. How Is Gran Torino Related To Sociology Gran Torino To what extent has Clint Eastwood portrayed the struggle between different cultural groups within the film Gran Torino In the film Gran Torino the director, Clint Eastwood, has shown the immense struggle between the different races in such a way that is realistic to the modern day today. Strong wiled war veteran Walter Kowalski, played by director Clint Eastwood, is under going a major change in society. The neighbour hood in which he has always lived in is in desperate need of cultural acceptance and change. In this Eastwood film there is massive showing of the evolution of violence. Where it started and how it ended within the Hmong community. The main character, Walter Kowalski, has many issues with cultural difference. This stems from his old fashioned views on life and his traumatic past. Walt has had a previous career in the military and was involved in the Korean War hence why his views on the Hmong people are very negative. There is not only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first Kowalski isn t bothered by all the bad in his neighbourhood but this all changes when a Hmong family move in next door. There are very clear cultural differences between the Hmong family and the very obsolescent Kowalski. He struggle majorly in trying to accept the fact that his new neighbours were not of the same culture as him. There is a breaking point in the movie where the Hmong son from next door, Vang Thao Lor, breaks into Kowalski s garage and tries to steal his classic car, the Gran Torino. The reasoning behind him doing this is because Thao s cousin is trying to get him involved in his gang and as an entry ritual he makes him steal the car, thus being non successful. This major plot line is encircled with the constant violence of Mexican and Korean gangs. The violence starts with language and suggested weapons and ends up with strong violence including rape and eventual death of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Essay about ART HISTORY 102 Color VS. Drawing Which is more important color or drawing? These two have always been fought over for centuries by Poussiniste and Rubenistes. Two great pieces of art that were created in the 1600 s are Peter Paul Rubens The Caledonian Boar Hunt and Nicolas Poussin s Landscape with Calm. While Rubens argues that color is the most important part of the painting Poussin argues that the drawing is more important. In the paragraphs below I will talk about the paintings each individually and then compare them. The first painting I will be talking about is Rubens The Caledonian Boar Hunt. This painting is a depiction of mythological event. The myth that is depicted in this painting is when the goddess Diana sent a boar to punish King ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The painting shows man and nature in harmony. A clear sign that he focused mostly on drawing is the geometric forms used in the painting. He used very calm tonality to give it the calmness. His artwork and brushwork are very fluid and focused. This painting has no historical meaning because this painting was after his transition from historical to landscape. Instead of telling a story it is supposed to evoke a calm mood. The golden light contributes to its peacefulness. Now that I have explained both paintings individually, in the following paragraph I will talk about their differences and what makes them different. In this world there no two people who do something the exact same way. Poussin and Rubens are no exception. In fact their almost complete opposites there are several things that make them different. The first thing that makes the two paintings and artist differ is their believe of which part of the painting is the most important , while Rubens believes that the color is more important Poussin believes that the drawing is the more important part. The next subject that makes them different is their brush work while Rubens has Energetic brushwork Poussin has fluid and calm brushwork. The next difference is that while Rubens painting has a story and is about a myth Poussin painting is just a simple landscape painting with no story. The final difference I saw was that while Rubens painting was about a struggle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Charter Schools Are Better Than Public Schools CHARTER SCHOOLS ARE BETTER THAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS? Education is a very important part of a person s life. Every parent want the best thing for their children. They want their children to be happy and to be able to achieve their dreams and be what they want to be, which is why they want the best education for their children. Because, almost everyone would agree that being well educated is the closest way to success life and good future. But, their desire to send their kids to the best school have to face many obstacles. One of these obstacles would be choosing school for their kids. In the U.S., there are three types of school: public school, charter school and private school. Private schools are usually very selective, has better performance than government funded school and has expensive tuition fee. Rich families would send their kids to private schools because they could afford the expense. However, for a normal family, paying the expense for private schools would be overwhelming. So, there options are narrowed between charter schools and public schools. There have been many debates on whether charter schools or public schools provide students with better education. But, there are obvious evidences that charter schools are generally better than public schools: Students in charter schools has their education results improved significantly compares to the others who are going to public schools. Charter schools, like public schools, receive public funding. These school are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. In 1939 Hitler knew that it was essential that Norway... In 1939 Hitler knew that it was essential that Norway remained Neutral during the second world. If Norway were to fall to the British it would mean that Germany would lose vital Swedish iron ore supplies shipped through Norway. Germany imports about 11 million tons of iron ore from Sweden every year and particularly from the port of luleå, but in winter this port freezes up. The port in Narvik, Norway does not freeze up in winter so it was of huge importance that Hitler secure the port. Just as Hitler saw the need to secure Norway to insure iron ore the Allies also were aware of the importance of Swedish iron ore and of Narvik. Their biggest problem was that they didn t want to breach Norwegian neutrality. Britain was just as big an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An invasion of Norway on paper appeared to be quite easy considering Hitler had just finished taking Poland with ease; Norway had of about 3 million and with the majority of people centred in the larger cities. Norway hardly even possessed and army after assuming a policy of neutrality during the 1st world war. Hitler s plan was to successfully invade and secure the main Norwegian cities. Cities such as the capital Oslo was to be attacked by both land and sea. Sola, a major air base near the coastal city of Stavanger in the south was to be attacked by an air landing while the nearby city was to be attacked by parachutists. Narvik, Trondheim and Bergen were to be attacked by troops being landed by warships as they were located on Norway s coastline. This would also help avoid the British. German troops were ordered when possible don t fire unless fired upon as the Germans wanted and hoped the Norwegian government would surrender quickly without costing Hitler money, troops and supplies. On the 1st of March Hitler ordered a formal order to an invasion and stipulated that preparation must be carried out with speed and military precision. On the 1st of April 1940 Hitler ordered that the attacks should take place on the 9th of April. German troops began to leave Germany by the 7th April 1940. The British were unaware as to what German plans were but in an act of caution they moved they deployed a number of army units in Scotland ready for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Agriculture In Mesoamerican Civilization The Mesoamerican people who inhabited the Western Hemisphere developed independently from the rest of the world by natural barriers set by oceans to both the east and the west. From the time period spanning from 1200s BCE to 1500s CE, the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs lived on the isolated land for centuries, establishing their distinctive scientific and academic achievements. At the other side of the globe in Mesopotamia, a civilization in the form of a city state called Sumer also incorporated achievements similar to that of the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. The extensive use of irrigation was found in all four groups of people that became a vital part of their life, providing water to crops in locations not necessarily directly next to a water ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the three civilizations, various methods of dealing with crops were introduced in attempts of increasing yield and production. The Olmecs developed irrigation, which made agriculture an important element of Mesoamerican life as it brought surpluses that led to population growth and civilization expansion. Alongside irrigation is the extensive planting and harvesting of crops like beans, squash, and especially maize that became the basis and stable crops of the community. The Mayans continued the agricultural success of the preceding people by draining swamps and erecting platforms for farming. These two practices greatly expanded the amount of land agriculture could take place in a geography without vast fertile lands, further leading to population boost and empire building in addition to the long lasting practice of irrigation. With with the aid of innovations made into reality by the two previous groups of people, the Aztecs kept the tradition of constant improvement to current conditions. Building up on the Mayan efforts of draining swamps, the Aztecs developed Chinampas. These aquatic water beds that acted as floating islands extended the existing use of irrigation on the rich aquatic environment of the capital, Tenochtitlan. With these multiple examples and instances of agricultural advancements that continued and improved on the products and practices of previous civilizations, changes still coexist in the middle as the use of calendar differed from one civilization to the next despite sharing a root of calendar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. How Technology Has Changed Real Time Digital Operations  Abstract VLSI technology has been the cornerstone of every technological achievement in the past century, but as Gordon Moore predicted it is nearing its saturation. A lot of other technologies have been researched upon to fulfill the needs of the fast paced world; one of the potential replacements is Quantum Dots Cellular Automata technology which uses Nano sized particles to realize real time digital operations. The advantage of QCA technology over its VLSI counterpart is a set of characteristics like drastic decrease in area consumed, less power consumption, reduced time taken for execution and higher overall efficiency. In this paper we discuss one of the many fundamental blocks of the digital technology that is a simple Serial register (SISO, SIPO). It finds its applications in every field be it medical where timer based equipment s are used to monitor health or any day to day activity in which a memory unit is used. Index Terms Serial register, QCA technology, Quantum dot, VLSI Technology. I. INTRODUCTION NE of the most promising nanotechnologies in the present day scenario in a pool of various technologies in the research phase is Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) which is able to replace the CMOS technology. As we see in the current scenario there is rapid scaling of CMOS technology to accommodate millions, now probably billions of transistors in a specified area as efficiently as possible. As predicted by Gordon Moore, in the next few years CMOS is set to hit a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Hoarding Addiction In Raising Hope The show Raising Hope is about Jimmy Chance a twenty three year old who has a child with a convicted felon and is now raising his baby on his own with the help of his unwilling parents, Virginia and Burt, and his grandmother who can barely take care of herself, Maw Maw. During the episode Dream Hoarders we watch Virginia share her hoarding addiction and Burt shares his lottery ticket addiction. If you pay close attention it is obvious the family is a part of the lower economic class and doesn t have much to their name. This is what fuels Virginia and Burt s addictions, and flashbacks throughout the episode prove that. Starting from when Jimmy was little the couple talks in the future tense about everything they will have one day when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Politics And Politics Of Mexico Politics has had significant impacts on states. Depending on the state, they can be positive or negative. The politics of Mexico can be represented by three authors: Seeing Like a State by James Scott, Transitions to Democracy by Dankwart Rustow, and End of the Transition Paradigm by Thomas Carothers all exemplify the politics of the country of Mexico. Mexico can be described as a country de democratizing; it is still officially a democratic unity, but citizens are skeptical about completely trusting their government. The political system has an effective organizational basis, meaning the checks and balances concept also applies to their government and citizens are able to vote for favorable political candidates, however, often ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The arrangement of cities is important to facilitate political control. In regards to the influence of politics towards a state, Rustow discusses the process to which democracy is developed. National unity is key, and is the foundation of the process (Rustow 1970: 350); Lacking national unity would mean that democracy would not be able to flourish, or even begin developing. By national unity, Rustow means that as a whole, a majority of citizens in a country not yet in a democracy, must agree on identification of their political status (Rustow 351). This would allow the transition to democracy to be more smoothly, and have minimal conflict since the majority of citizens would agree on their political identification for their country. Secondly, however, conflict is necessary, according to Rustow (Rustow 352). Conflict would eventually lead the opponents to end up with democracy, but Rustow still recognizes the possible failure of reaching democracy through conflict (Rustow 355). Conflict will force the parties involved to think of ways to secede from such turmoil, thus democracy could be a possible outcome. But, the possibility still exists that both parties will not reach a solution or that one party may win and lead the way towards a non democratic political system (Rustow 354). If the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Diagnosing Problems Of Speech, Language Or Communication Answer: Diagnosing problems in speech, language or communication is important to a childâ€TMs development as it could affect their overall behaviour at school or home. If the problem is picked up early enough then teachers, TAâ€TMs (teaching assistants) or Sencoâ€TMs can intervene. It could affect ear school life as a child may not be able to socialise or make friends for fear that they will be bullied or ostracised by other children. As a child grows older late diagnosis could affect their academic abilities as well as feeling like a social outcast. A hearing impairment or speech impediment may make it hard for a person to communicate; therefore it is crucial that other forms of communication are established i.e. sign language, Makaton. If interventions and help are set in place early enough then the person will receive the correct guidance and support. This allows agencies or the people involved to ensure the child/young person is reaching their developmental targets and promote positive results for their language and communication. Question: Question 10 Answer: Multi agency teams work together to improve a childâ€TMs development. Initially a health visitor or clinic would identify problems when a child is taken for check ups. Depending on the action needed the child could be referred to a speech therapist such as SALT. If the child/young person was of school age then the senco (special educational needs coordinator) would be well aware of the problems and put ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Evolution of Australian Biota Assessment Answers a) Discuss current research into the evolutionary relationships between extinct species, including megafauna and extant Australian species. Megafauna simply means large animals, in which most have become extinct within the last 20 000 to 50 000 years. The extinction of megafauna was, debatably, due to climate change and human expansion. Although, Africa still retains some megafauna, such as the elephant or the rhinoceros. Australia has managed to keep many examples of relict species, some from the time of the megafauna. These include the Crocodile, Wollemi Pine and Stromatolites. Megafauna are not direct ancestors of the current animals, rather certain animals both evolved from a common ancestor. An example of this can be seen in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1940s, an Australia scientist invented the Platypussary. This was technology that attempted to stimulate its natural habitat, hoping to breed a pair. In 1943, the first Platypus was bred in captivity, which gave scientists much research into lifestyle and breeding habits; gestation and pre and post natal processes. Another scientific question was that of its body temperature, but with the development of radiotelementary scientists ideas about this changed. Radiotelementary can record body temperature and transmit this information. It has helped scientists in understanding whether the Platypus can maintain its body temperature when swimming in cold water. Scientists have contiuned to develop their ideas through the research of amino acids, which allowed them to observe trends between the sequences of placentals and marsupials. Fossils have also been an important technological development in understanding the Platypus. As well as cell observation, allowing Scientists to discover the Platypus salt retaining kidneys. Another huge discovery about Platypus was able to come about because of new technology, the question of how the Platypus got its food. Using Electron Microscopy, scientists were able to observe the Platypus bill. The discovery was made that the bill had extremely sensitive touch receptors which helped the Platypus navigate underwater with its eyes closed, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay on Necessity of Pre-nuptial Agreements within Australia Necessity of Pre nuptial Agreements within Australia Legislation recognising pre nuptial agreements has been well overdue and this recognition will significantly improve the social and economic impact of divorce. Pre nuptial agreements, however controversial, are nothing more than a commonsense idea which not only eases the burden that the financial division of divorce has of the courts, but makes the whole divorce proceedings emotionally and financially easier for everyone involved. Something as simple as a contract which states the financial situation of each party before marriage is not giving up before you ve even started , but an effective marriage contract which allows the partners to discuss their financial situation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also deals with, to a small extent , the extra finance given to whoever would have custody of the children post divorce, though this is mostly in the hands of the divorce courts. (www.pre nuptialagreements.com.au) All of these factors can only help the social and economic impact of divorce, as it is making it easier for everyone involved. Before December 2000, pre nuptial agreements were not held legally binding by legal courts couples could form their own agreement before marriage but the courts did not have to stick by them. This created a problem within the marriage where certain circumstances called for the division of property to be different from that as stated by the Family Law Act. Some of these special circumstances might include if you want to keep premarital assets seperate, if you are blending families (both partners already have children), you want to ensure that the family wealth stays within the family, or if you simply just want certainty as to property rights and maintenance payments upon a potential divorce. (www.pre nuptialagreements.com.au) A newspaper article written on the day that prenuptial agreements became financially binding writes: Pre Nuptial agreements became legally enforcable today in an effort to reduce the amount of time taken resolving disputes in the Family Court.... Sydney family law specialist Bill Karras said the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Case Study On Food Poisoning 1. What is food poisoning? Food poisoning is an illness that are caused by bacteria or toxin in food thus caused vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. 2. Bacteria are an important agent of food poisoning, besides causing disease by invading and inflaming the gastro intestinal tract, name one other important way by which bacteria can cause food poisoning? Unhygienic of food handling, no separation of raw and cooked food, dirty trays, chopping boards for raw and cooked food washed together in a big pot of hot water and improper of leftover ice cubes. 3. Why did the field investigators ask the implicated caterer about other childcare centres they had catered food for? The field investigator ask the implicated caterer because if the caterer have already catered to others childcare centres, the field investigator will follow up with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When performing an outbreak investigation (a) what is a case definition and (b) why is it important to have it clearly defined? a) Case definition is to ensure the cases are of interest are standardize within an ongoing or between outbreak investigations. b) To allow early discovery of cases and carrying out of control measures and minimizing the risk of process. 5. The case definition consisted of clinical signs and clinical symptoms of gastroenteritis, what is the difference between a clinical sign and a clinical symptom? Clinical sign It s an objective. Such as evidence of a disease, example the sign is been discovered by the doctor through medical examination Clinical symptom it is experienced and reported by the patient or person whom is affected. 6. Which of the four listed signs and symptoms in the case definition is/are sign(s) and which is/are symptoms(s) Fever (symptoms), diarrhea (signs), vomiting (signs) abdominal pains (symptoms)
  • 19. 7. Many food poisoning bacteria cause the same signs and symptoms, what can field investigators do to make a more specific diagnosis of the causal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Vietnam War Youth Culture Essay Youth culture in the United States seems to change with every new fad and style, but the shift in youth culture during the Vietnam War was something else entirely. Young adults were faced with startling new things like being drafted into the military and facing violence on the homefront. Young people in the United States, and soldiers stationed in Vietnam, tried to use drugs as an escape from the reality of war and death. While the soldiers were fighting overseas, many young people faced their own battles at home by protesting and and rallying. While looking back into the 1960s and 1970s, it is important that we recognize the struggles and triumphs of the Vietnam War era youth. To fully understand the changes of youth culture due to the Vietnam War, it is important to analyze the United State s involvement in the war to begin with. The Vietnam War was an ongoing, violent conflict between the Northern Vietnam communists called the Viet Cong and the democratic Southern Vietnam (Kington, 2012). In the early 1950s, The United States began aiding South Vietnam with funds and military training against the Viet Cong, over time the United States got more involved in Vietnam. At one point in 1968, there were about 537,000 United States servicemen in Vietnam and it was not until ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Men who had physical problems, were attending college, or were needed at home to support their families might be granted deferments. A lot of draft age men [who] received deferments were from wealthy and educated families. Highly prominent political figures who were accused of improperly avoiding the draft includes Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney. Some other Americans fled to Canada to avoid the drafts. These people were derogatorily referred as draft dodgers a very popular term during the Vietnam war. These facts led the public to believe that U.S. draft policies were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Summary Of The Novel Frost By Wendy Delsol s Frost The setting of the novel Frost is taken in almost like the future but still present time. It is in winter during Christmas. The author Wendy Delsol wanted to make the book have a lot of mystery going on. There was always something new happening in almost every chapter, it left you with more things. It left you with wanting to know more. There are three main characters, starting with Kat. She has powers as a stork control pregnancies. She is very unique unlike the others. She wishes for a white Christmas which ends up turning into a little more than what she wanted, she said, This seems like an awful lot of snow (pg. 19). Jack is Kat s boyfriend. He is also to know as Jack Frost. When the storm went a little too far and when Kat had asked what happened he said, A big mistake (pg.25). Jack has powers to where he can control the weather, that s why he is called Jack Frost. Jack is different because of his power that makes him unlike everyone else. Penny is Kat s best friend. She has Kat tryout for this play with her. This is going to be a great production (pg.92) said Penny. Penny is outgoing she likes to do stuff differently than others. When Kat as for a white Christmas, Jack tries to make her wish come true. He still is only practicing with his power. When he makes it happen it ends up turning into a blizzard. The blizzard gets so bad that a little boy gets killed and Jack can t help but feel like it s all his fault. By the middle of the book ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Inflation and Power Parity Level CHAPTER 4 Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting EASY (definitional) 4.1 In its absolute version, purchasing power parity states that price levels worldwide should be _______when expressed in a common currency. a) equal b) roughly equal c) different d) opportunities for arbitrage Ans: a Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Easy 4.2 The theory of relative purchasing power parity states that, between two nations, the a) inflation rates are unrelated b) exchange rate differential reflects the inflation rate differential c) inflation rate is smaller in weaker currencies d) the interest rate is greater than the inflation rate during depreciations Ans: b Section: Purchasing power parity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... a) because arbitrage opportunities exist b) when the inflation controls are suspended in Brazil c) it depends on whether these are nominal or real returns d) regardless of nominal or real returns Ans: c Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.14 On January 1, 1994, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and Italy were expected to be 4% and 7%, respectively. If the current spot rate on that day was $1 = L2,000, then the expected spot rate for the lira in three years was a) $.0004591 b) $.0011590
  • 23. c) $.0009892 d) $.0005471 Ans: a Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.15 On January 1, 1985, the annual inflation rates in the U.S. and France were expected to be 4% and 6%, respectively. If the current spot rate that day was $.1250, then the expected spot rate in two years was a) $.1299 b) $.1150 c) $.1203 d) $.1335 Ans: c Section: Purchasing power parity Level: Medium 4.16 Suppose five year deposit rates on Eurodollars and Euro marks are 12% and 8%, respectively. If the current spot rate for the mark is $0.50, then the spot rate for the mark five years from now implied by these interest rates is a) .5997 b) .4169 c) .5185 d) .4821 Ans: a Section: The international fisher effect Level: Medium 4.17 The direct spot quote for the Canadian dollar is $.76 and the 180 day forward rate is $.74. The difference between the two rates is likely to mean that a) inflation in the U.S. during the past year was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. History Of The Denver Poisonous What is your favorite NFL team? The Denver Broncos are located in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. The Denver Broncos recently, were not expected to win against the South Carolina Panthers in the Super Bowl of 2015. They surprised everyone and took the win. The Broncos average score is about 44.8 points per game. The Denver Broncos are an interesting team, because, they have had some great plays and players, unique mascots, and had an amazing comeback over the years. The Denver Broncos have had some tremendous plays and players. Ten prodigies of the Denver Broncos are Champ Bailey, Floyd Little, John Elway, Karl Mecklenburg, and Gray Zimmerman. In addition, there is, Shannon Sharpe, Rod Smith, Terrell Davis, Tom Jackson, and Peyton Manning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One mascot is a real horse named Thunder. (Explained by Thunder {mascot}) He is one of the three purebred Arabians who have served as the Denver Broncos mascot since 1993. Thunder has appeared in two Super Bowls and Thunder III appeared in two different Super Bowls. The Thunders were all owned by Sharon Magness Blake. All three horses were gray, but as they grew older, their hair turned more white. Thunders jobs are to lead the team out with Miles, the person in the horse suit, and every time the Broncos score a field goal or touchdown, he trouts the length of the field. In 2004 Thunder Sr. retired, but still made public appearances until his death in 2009. Thunder Jr. was the mascot from 2005 to 2014 until the Super Bowl where he was unable to air travel and Thunder III, took his place. Therefore, leading Thunder III to be the newest mascot. Also, Miles is a human mascot founded in 1999 on January 31, after winning the Super Bowl for the second time in a row. Unfortunately, he did not appear in person until two years later. Miles is a regular at the games, but is not like most other mascots, Miles makes time for community promotion. His biggest role is in promoting the Broncos reading program, Read like a Pro (according to Miles {mascot}). The Denver Broncos unique mascots, amazing plays and players, and a great comeback over the years, has made them such an interesting and amazing team. So far they have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Terror Of The Islamic State In the aftermath of a violent event, people often ask, Why? However, the question of what motivates people to both engage in and support violence remains a puzzle and is the subject of much debate. Within that broader question, there is a particular lack of understanding of how groups with extreme views that support violence motivate supporters. The Islamic State (also referred to as ISIS or ISIL) is perhaps the most salient terrorist group today in light of recent, high profile attacks such as those in Belgium and Paris. However, Islamist ideology is not the only threat. Domestic right wing groups can also motivate violent action on their behalf. The recent occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge by an armed group led by Ammon Bundy brought renewed media attention to right wing militia movements. The Three Percenters, their name referring to the supposed 3% of the colonists who took up arms in the American Revolution, are one such militia group. They are primarily motivated by the preservation of private gun ownership and are preparing to resist any perceived threats to their constitutional rights. There is a rapidly growing literature on this process of radicalization. Though there is no single cause, and violent behavior does not necessarily follow radical attitudes that support the use of violence (Neumann 2013; Leuprecht et al. 2010), little is known regarding the actual causal mechanisms (Silke 2008). In the media and popular discussion, the Internet is often cited ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Desirable Rhetoric In Phaedrus When Plato was writing Phaedrus he strategically wrote inspiring speakers arguing one who speaks noble and well must know the truth about the subject he is going to discuss. Likewise, Plato did not forgot about the responsibility of an audience. According to reflections inaugurated by the Theuth and Thamus myth, the written word is not the most suitable vehicle for communicating truth, because it cannot answer questions put to it; it simply repeats itself when queried; it tends to substitute the authority of the author for the reader s open minded inquiry into the truth; and it circulates everywhere indiscriminately, falling into the hands of people who cannot understand it. (Kraut) Thus, the responsibility of the audience is to have an accurate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Writing is a ponderous midpoint, and therefore would not match the promising influence of philosophical take and give in Socratic dialogue . Desirable rhetoric is a discourse that is written down, with knowledge, in the soul of the listener; it can defend itself, and it knows for whom it should speak and for whom it should remain silent (276a) The audience should not disclose their minds and souls to the speakers they disagree with instead they should remain open and access the value of what the speaker is communicating. Dialectical speech is accompanied by knowledge, can defend itself when questioned, and is productive of knowledge in its audience (Kraut) (276e 277a). The audience must obtain knowledge to be able to interpret the information the speaker is presenting and be able to hold the speaker responsible for the truth of his speech. In addition, the manner of that the audience observes a speaker is important. The audience should be able to interpret when the speaker is trying to persuade them and should attentively comprehend what the speaker is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Being A Hero Definition Essay The true definition of being A Hero is : A person who , In the opinion Of others , has Heroic qualities or has performed A Heroic qualities or has performed A Heroic act and Is regarded as A model or ideal. My true definition of being A Hero : Is A person that stands out from another person , That Is based on what the problem may be. Johnny and Ponyboy would say A Hero is someone who only does good. Never Messes up or hurts someone. A person that only helps people all the time. We don t think that Ponyboy And Johnny would say they are Hero s . Especially Johnny because he hurt someone and that can never be fixed. Just because he saved a little kids doesn t really make him a Hero .Dally would only believe that Johnny and Ponyboy would consider them as being a Hero. Because they have so much stuff in common , between the two of them. Just because one person have something in common , doesn t always mean that you will get the same thing the would. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Later the papers describe them as juvenile delinquents turned heroes , and none of them are happy out it. Two bit says that they were always heroes , and Dally does not want to be called a Hero at all. For once , there was no charges against Dally , and knew he d be mad because the paper made him out a Hero for saving Johnny and didn t say much about his police record , which he was kind of proud ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Moral Stereotypes Even though many cultures have the same basic moral codes, but the defined codes differ from place to place, so therefore the American citizens need to teach them the right way to act and think. However teaching aliens the moral code of the North was not the only thing that the national residents wanted to do. Therefore they wanted them to also be patriotic of the United States not the aliens original place of nationality. Through this process, they wanted to make sure that the immigrants were loyal to the United States and they wanted them to conform to society s standards. However these strategies were not the only ones they imposed to tried to solve their problem that were supposed to advance their effect. The residents tried to teach ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. American Education Ideology Research Paper Shaynah Ruff Professor Ruccio ENGL 1101 29 July 2015 The American Education Ideology The importance of education is highly emphasized in American culture today. According to most members of society, the more educated a person is, the better off they will be in the long run. The idea that the furthering of one s education is important and is something everyone should partake in even as adults can be considered an ideology, which is a system of beliefs or theories held by an individual or a group. Because of this educational growth mindset, plenty of American parents enroll their children in some type of school program at an early age. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of American children who attend ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Darwin s Finches Essay The Galapagos Islands consists of thirteen major islands and over a hundred smaller islands located along the Ecuadorian coast. The islands are home to a variety of unique species such as sea lions, sharks, rays, and 26 different species of native birds. Thirteen of these birds are Darwin s finches. These finches are known to be the world s fastest evolving vertebrates due to their bodies quickly adapting to the rapidly changing environment (Robertson, N.D. , para.1). Their DNA chemical makeup causes these adaptations to occur. The finch s most noticeable feature is their evolutionary adaptations, due to the briskly changing environments. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found a molecule that is responsible for shaping the beaks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of its most important characteristics is its beak. The finch adapted to have a thin, long beak to probe through moss, bark and leaves in search of food (Wildscreen Arkive, N.D.). These finches have the thinnest beak out of the 13 finches; which aids them to find small insects. The Green Warbler finch are mostly found in humid highland forest where their primary food source is found. These adaptations made them more fit to survive on available food. Over the years the finch s beak has evolved as the bird developed different taste for insects. Another famous adaptation is how they camouflage in their environment. The Green Warbler is restricted to the forest and is greener in body colouration, while the Gray Warbler is found in shrubby, dry thickets and is greyer and duller looking (Certhidea olivacea, 2010). Their coloration helps them camouflage in their own environments, and to hide from predators. Recent studies have found that there are in fact two separate species of the Warbler Finch, the Green Warbler Finch and the Grey Warbler Finch, but are considered as a single species (Wildscreen Arkive, N.D.). The Green Warbler finch mainly occupies larger, inner islands, while the Grey Warbler finch inhabits the smaller, outer islands (Green Warbler Finch, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Rise Of The Mayans Essay The Maya s were an ancient civilization being traced back all the way to 2,000 B.C., being in Central America known as (Mesoamerica). Being a colony it was vast being all over southeastern parts of Yucatan known today as Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and parts of El Salvador. The Mayas believed in their own god by the names of Tezcatlipoca (god of sky). They believed that if they provided human sacrifice towards the sky, the god will provide them with food (agriculture) growth following the date along of the (Tzolkin) calendar known for rituals. The Mayas were known as an intelligence civilization when it came to agriculture due to their knowledge of Astronomy. The fall of the Mayas leave many people concerned on how this big colony could just vanished without a trace leaving a lot of different theories on their disappearance. The ancient civilization of the Mayas has been around for more than 1,000s of years most of its ancient settlement can still be found in today s time located in Central America and in Mexico. Many of these cities were unique and special in their own way, The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar making and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Someone with high quality expectations, chosen by a god also known as (halach uinic) meaning lord therefore offering their own bloods towards the gods. Considering that their civilization was stable the king main priority was to fight in wars against rival cities states and were meant to be wise and well prepare on what problems cities were facing. The Mayas religion has been shown several aspects of nature following with astronomy and rituals following their god of Sun known as Kinih Ahous. With their following calendar of Ritual (Tzolkin) to start this ceremony, believing that if god received the ritual in return god will give a good amount of crop harvest and pleasant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Corporate Ethics and the Employee Corporate Ethics and the Employee Introduction The WorldCom case presents two different responses to WorldCom s financial difficulties. Betty Vinson acted unethically and illegally, was caught and was punished for it. Cynthia Cooper acted ethically and legally, was recognized and lauded for it. While their ethical positions might initially seem simple, the reality is complex. Likenesses of Betty Vinson and Cynthia Cooper On the face of this situation, there are many likenesses between Vinson and Cooper. Both were the primary breadwinners for their families. Both were born and raised in Mississippi. Both were apparently somewhat religious, as Vinson taught Sunday School and Cooper used the 23rd Psalm to comfort herself. Both were accountants. Both had subordinates working for them. Both were hardworking, diligent and loyal. Both of their husbands essentially supported their wives in doing the right thing: Vinson s husband wanted her to quit; Cooper s husband supported her in her decision to keep digging for the financial discrepancies. Both lost weight and were otherwise physically and mentally burdened by the situation. Without delving into the differences between these two women and their positions in WorldCom, it would simply seem that Vinson is a rotten apple while Cooper is a paragon of virtue. Contrasts between Betty Vinson and Cynthia Cooper and Reconciliation of their Behaviors A review of the differences between Vinson and Cooper, both in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Elder Self Neglect And Abuse Essay In the Journal of JAMA, Volume 302: Issue no. 5 published on August 5 2009 Elder Self neglect and Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community Dwelling Population. The authors: X. Dong, MD, Melissa Simon, MD, Mph, Carols Mendes de Leon, PhD, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, Todd Beck, MS, Liesi Herbert, ScD, Carmel Dyer, MD, Gregory Paveza PhD, MSW, Denis Evans, MD argue that both elder self neglect and abuse is becoming more clear in regards to public health concerns, and that elder self neglect or abuse is linked with mortality and not just on those that were vulnerable. In addition, that both elder neglect and abuse reported to social agencies there was an increased risk of mortality (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). The Elder Self neglect and Abuse case study was based out of three neighboring communities in Chicago, Illinois (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). In this article the authors, investigate the risk of mortality connected with reported elder self neglect or abuse in a large and sociodemographically diverse group and across different levels of mental and physical function (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). The authors objective of conducting this study was to examine the relationship of elder self neglect and abuse reported to social services agencies with all causing mortality among a community dwelling elderly population (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). Elder self neglect and abuse is a serious and growing problem in the U.S., there are about 2 million cases today (Dong et al., 2009, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Reva Research Paper On Development and Launch Of REVA electric car Submitted by Arvind Verma Roll No. 27 Telecom Management and IT II Symbiosis Institute of management Studies, Pune Arvind Verma New product development and launch Roll no 27 TMIT II SIMS INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. About Reva Electric Car Company Idea generation Idea Screening Concept Generation and testing a. Customers, their benefit and occasion of use b. Reva vis à vis competitors and substitutes c. Emerging products d. Creating differential advantage i. Propriety technologies ii. Features attributes and benefits e. Specifications f. Price g. Perception Maps 5. Market strategy development a. TMS b. Brand Positioning c. Product Variety Plan: d. Price Plan e. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hybrid cars which run on both gasoline and electricity How can REVA create Differential advantage? a) REVA deploys the following 3 key proprietary technologies: 1. The integrated power system (IPS):. The system is a proprietary technology developed by Amerigon and is patented. All major battery functions from charging and monitoring to range indication, motor control and power conversion for auxiliary systems and system diagnostic are managed by the IPS 2. The Engine Management System (EMS): EMS has five key functions, which are: charger control; state of charge (SOC) estimation; vehicle diagnostics; batter warranty verification and vehicle date acquisition (DAQ). The EMS also controls the outputs on the instrument panel of the Reva 3. Climate Control Seats (CCS) : The next critical piece of equipment used in the Reva is the cooling, heating and ventilating system i.e. CCS. This equipment is protected by patents filed by Amerigon. The CCS has a solid state heat pump and is extremely efficient (typically energy consumption is 10% less than that are used in conventional air conditioner). Thus it creates Entery Barrier to competitors b) Features, Attributes and Benefits S.no FEATURES/ATTRIBUTES 1 The integrated power system (IPS) 2 The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Sight Vs Hearing The condition of not having the power of hearing or having impaired hearing. Hearing loss. A deaf person has little to no hearing. Hearing loss may occur in one or both ears. Hearing loss can be categorized as mild, moderate, moderate severe, severe, or profound. Without a newborn hearing test, the average age at which congenital deafness is diagnosed is 2 years. Children whose deafness is treated in the first months of life gain critical time and get far better on development tests than those whose diagnosed is delayed. People can go deaf suddenly as a complication of a virus, lose their hearing over time because of disease, nerve damage, or injury caused by noise. About 3 out of 1,000 babies is born deaf because of genetic factors. About ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Allusions In The Chronicles Of Narnia One Christian man who utilized and clearly enjoyed literature both of fiction entertainment and non fiction as a means of spreading the Christian worldview is C. S. Lewis. Lewis, though the joys of the sub genre of fantasy, managed to create an entertaining story while also upholding and spreading the Christian worldview. One of his most famous works, The Chronicles of Narnia, is a series filled with magic and the impossible, but the entire series is riddled with allusions to the Bible, allusions that fell into place because of his Christian faith. The creation of Narnia (The Magician s Nephew, Chapter 9) matches the account found in Genesis; the lion present throughout the series, Aslan, is similar to God and Christ, and the symbol of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories. There is a feeling of greatness and satisfaction in reading and thinking about different situations, of looking at things form the point of view of another. It is here, in the art of story and of writing fantastical literature, in which I have found both my passion and, as I believe at this time in my life, calling. There is more to telling a story than simply pulling story elements from thin air. In a miniscule nutshell, it takes, to various degrees, planning, delving into psychology, and research. A good story takes imagination, work, prayer, and, of course, a good deal of coffee. It has been twelve years since I first discovered the joy of writing, and since then, the desire and joy of this action of creation has only grown, much like a seed of a great oak tree. To me, there are few things that match the euphoria of writing and completing a story, or even just a chapter in a manuscript. I have a passion for both writing and reading: indulgences (in the right moderation) which tend to go hand in hand. After all, what greater teacher for the writer than those who have written and kept moral standards which they released into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Dbq Bound Man Tollund Man is a 2400 year old naturally mummified body that was discovered in 1950 in a danish bog. Tollund Man was most likely a low class slave from the Iron Age, who was killed as a result of being hung by a rope noose, because he believed in another god than his community, which suggested he was rebelling against his own community. According to Source A, the Danish police report, Tollund Man wore an iron neck ring, which was typically what slaves wore during the Iron Age. Furthermore, Tollund Man was found with no clothes on, which indicates that he might have been immensely poor. We could infer that the Tollund Man, therefore, was most likely a slave due to the fact that he was found with no clothes on and with an iron neck drawn tight ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Results from the Penetration Test of the Ernst and... This report documents the results from the penetration test of the Ernst and Young Credit Union external website ( Full authorisation has been given to conduct the test, which was carried out in a manner that simulates an attack from a malicious user. The objectives were to: establish if a remote attacker could penetrate the security mechanisms of the Ernst Young Credit Union. evaluate the impact of such a breach on the security of confidential information and on the infrastructure of the website. This report contains an overview of the testing process and issues that were found, details of the testing process, results found, the risks associated with the vulnerability and recommendations for rectifying the vulnerability. The results of the test can be of assistance to Ernst Young when making decisions regarding information security. 1. Overview of Testing Process and Most Serious Security Issues: 1.1 While assessing the security of the Ernst Young website, it was found that the Branch Locator page is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. This is a serious vulnerability which involves inserting malicious SQL statements into an input field for execution. By appending SQL statements to the URL of the Branch Locator page, information about the structure of the underlying database was collected. This information was then used to generate further malicious statements. The list of database objects, tables and columns were returned. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay on Eugenics The roots of eugenics can be traced back to Britain in the early 1880 s when Sir Francis Galton generated the term from the Greek word for well born . He defined eugenics as the science of improving stock, whether human or animal. According to the American Eugenics Movement, today s study of eugenics has many similarities to studies done in the early 20th century. Back then, Eugenics was, quite literally, an effort to breed better human beings by encouraging the reproduction of people with quot;good quot; genes and discouraging those with quot;bad quot; genes. (www.eugenicsarchive.org) According to Merriam Webster, the modern day definition of eugenics is, a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the same time, cloning could operate as a form of positive eugenics, increasing the number of births of babies with excellent health and high intelligence. One thing that many people disagree upon is whether or not eugenics and genetic cloning is ethically right or wrong. On one hand, it could eliminate children being born with life threatening diseases by forewarning parents of potential medical problems. It is known that hemophilia, albinism, and certain structural abnormalities are inheritable. Family gene maps, called pedigrees, can help families with serious diseases avoid having children with the same diseases through genetic counseling, and, increasingly, prospective parents can be tested directly for the presence of undesired genes. (Prothero) Another possible use of genetics could be the production of healthy organs. For example, heart disease is one of the top causes of death in the United States. Scientists predict that they will someday be able to clone healthy heart cells and inject them into damaged areas of the heart to cure defects. There is also a possibility that doctors will be able to take healthy cells and tissue from a patient s body and use them to create organs. This would eliminate the need for organ donor waiting lists. People would no longer be facing early death because there is not a healthy heart or other organ available to them. At the same time, some people question if it is morally right to, in terms, play god . Some go ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Benefits Of Pig Organ Transplants The first successful human transplant recorded in medical science history occurred in 1954. These transplants included the following: kidney, heart and liver. As the years pass by other organ transplant are on the rise such as kidney pancreas and heart lung. Every year, an outstanding number of patients lose their life waiting for a brand new organ. This has left the medical field in search of a new solution to solve this problem. The benefits of having a pig organ transplant into human is that this would provide a supply of organs to the people in need, would allow scientist to open up new areas of research. Prior to this, the history behind pig transplant started in the 1960 with a surgeon who had inserted a baboon and chimpanzee kidneys into humans. As a result to this, only a few had a slight success and patients began to die a couple of months later due to their immune system attacking and rejecting the organ. Years later in the early 1990s a surgeon name David ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, Allen has found, in the United States alone, 3,000 people die each year waiting to receive an organ (Allen). By this result, researchers are desperately searching for a plan to give patients the organs they need. Researchers started visualizing farm animals, including pigs and thought not only can they be raised for their meat, but for their organs. For instance, studies have shown that an organ of a piglet is compatible to an organ of a child. In the same reason an adult pig s organs are similarly to an adult organ. Pig transplant may be the answer that surgeons are searching for to be able to give these people the organs they need. Thus, explains the reason why organ transplant from pig should take place. In addition, this would reduce the amount of people who are in need of a new organ and would expand their life ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. When Athens Met Jerusalem Summary When Athens Met Jerusalem by John Mark Reynolds is a 266 page book that discusses the idea that religion and philosophy need each other. The book asserts that it is a mistake to think that the Christian religion (Jerusalem) does not need Philosophy (Athens) and vice versa. The author states, Christians must recapture the middle way of Augustine and Chrysostom. Athens and Jerusalem are not two cities, but two districts in one city: the city of God... Christians must act quickly, for Athens and Jerusalem are dying and each needs the other to thrive (19, 20). The book is broken up into eleven chapters with a Preface, Introduction and a Reading List. The reading list contains both primary works and secondary ones. For the most part the author ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Issue Of School Finance School finance has been a contentious issue around the country due to the amount of money that is required to provide a public education to all children. Exacerbating the issue is the fact that there is no uniformity across each state because the federal government does not have any clause within the U.S. Constitution that requires a funding of public education. Providing education is simply relegated to each state under the 10th amendment (Russo, 2016). Ohio State Constitution Article VI: The General Assembly shall make such provisions, by taxation, or otherwise, as, with the income arising from the school trust fund, will secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state; but no religious or other sect, or sects, shall ever have any exclusive right to, or control of, any part of the school funds of this state. This clause guarantees that common schools (public) will be supported by the state and local governments. What does efficient mean? Should every school district receive the same amount of money? The Supreme Court of Ohio heard a case in 1979 that challenged the adequacy of school funding (Russo, 2016). The Court ruled that funding was adequate but in 1994 Perry County Court Judge Linton Lewis, Jr., ruled that public education is a fundamental right in the state of Ohio and that the state legislature had to provide a better and more equitable means of financing education (DeRolph Vs. State of Ohio, 2001). This would eventually lead to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Project Report on Excise Duty A Project Study Report On Training Undertaken at Titled Study of Excise Tax Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of Master of Business Administration Chandigarh Group of Colleges Submitted By: Submitted to: CHAMPA JOSHI MR. JITENDER KHULVE MBA III Semester PREFACE Summer training in any organization is an attempt to provide student a practical input amp; Exposure to the real world situation in which he has to work in future. My training in Tata Motors, Pantnagar was an attempt in this regard. The project work provided to me was Study of Central Excise Tax. Tata Motors is today one of the most competitive amp; profitable Automobile Industry in India as can be clearly depicted by the analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over 6.5 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 1954. The company s manufacturing base in India is spread across Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), Pune (Maharashtra), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), Sanand (Gujarat) and Dharwad (Karnataka). Following a strategic alliance with Fiat in 2005, it has set up an industrial joint venture with Fiat Group Automobiles at Ranjan gaon (Maharashtra) to produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat powertrains. The company s dealership, sales, services and spare parts network comprises over 3,500 touch points. Tata Motors, the first company from India s engineering sector to be listed in the New York Stock Exchange (September 2004), has also emerged as an international automobile company. Through subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, Spain and South Africa. Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, a business comprising the two iconic British brands that was acquired in 2008. JLR supports two state of the art engineering and design
  • 44. facilities and three manufacturing plants (Solihull, Castle Bromwich amp;Hale wood) in the UK. In 2004, Tata Motors acquired the Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, South Korea s second largest truck maker. The rechristened Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company has launched ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Pros And Cons Of Offshore Oil Drilling Oil is one of the most important commodities in today s industrialized world. It is for this reason that the topic of offshore oil drilling has come to take center stage in many debates and discussions, especially the political and economic ones. Offshore oil drilling refers to discoveries and developments of oil or gas resources, which lie under water. For many, offshore oil drilling is a necessity and is needed to balance the power between the oil rich countries and countries that heavily rely on them. For others, the negative of offshore drilling far outweighs the positive. There are many reasons as to why offshore oil drilling is a good thing. Firstly, offshore oil drilling is good because it is an energy source throughout the world. In addition, oil is a necessity in which people use in their everyday lives. Oil is directly responsible for about 2.5% of the world s GDP (gross domestic product), but accounts for one third of humanity s primary energy supply. Including natural gas, oil would account for over half of humanities primary energy supply (forbes.com). For example, oil/gas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, oil drilling provides a good number of jobs and employment opportunities. It will create many jobs for people, who will then spend more money from their wage in local community, helping raise their economy of local communities (myoildrilling.info). If oil drilling becomes something less unique and something done everywhere, there will be more job opportunities thus helping drop the unemployment rate. Offshore oil drilling can create up to 35,000 jobs annually by 2035 in South Carolina alone. Oil companies are not only eager to drill off America s coasts they are enthusiastic about creating jobs and bringing more oil to the world (and the American) market, which, in turn, will help lower gas prices. ( www.heritage.org) If oil drilling stops than the unemployment rate will just continue to drop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Framework Of Laws And Rules That Govern The... The framework of laws and rules that govern the administration of justice in cases involving an individual who has been accused of a crime. This process is begun with the initial investigation of the crime committed and following up with either the unconditional release from an acquittal, or by granting one with a term punishment depending on the severity of the crime. As a safeguard, criminal proceedings are against the indiscriminate application of criminal laws. Laws are designed and used in order to enforce the constitution written by our founding fathers. The american criminal justice process begins with the initial police contact and continuing through an arrest, investigation, trial, sentencing, and appeals. The first step in the process is the investigation. Once an offender initially commits a crime and officers are contacted and make an arrest, they have to investigate further into the crime at hand. Evidence is then gathered and follow up investigations attempt to put the pieces on chronological order to show what happened before and during the time of the crime. There are also many efforts to identify some possible suspects to further the next step of the criminal justice process. The next stage to the process of finding a criminal offender is getting the judge to agree to a warrant. A warrant provides the legal basis for an apprehension of a suspect. Once officers have their warrant, they will be able to search for more evidence that may pertin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Wireless Voice Controlled (Natural Language Processing) WIRELESS VOICE CONTROLLED (NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING) HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT Automation is an upcoming technology of 21st century. The important reason automation gaining its popularity is reducing human effort, interaction and to reduce human errors. With the improvement in latest technologies, smartphones have become an essential gadget to all. For 2016, the number of Smartphone users is forecast to reach 2.1 billion. Another upcoming technology is the natural language processing which uses human voice for commands. Combining all of these technologies, the project presents a wireless voice controlled home automation system. Such a system will be helpful for senior citizens and physically disabled persons who are in need ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. SYSTEM DESIGN 2.1. System Components 2.2. Figure 1: Architecture Diagram of the System The Voice operated Android and Arduino Home automation system uses an Android based Bluetooth enabled phone for its application and the Arduino Uno as the microcontroller. The key components of this system are: Android Smartphone Arduino UNO board ESP8266 Wi Fi module Relays Light bulbs / LED s 2.2.1. Android Based Phone Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel and currently developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, the OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on screen objects, and a virtual keyboard. We have used the Android platform because of its huge market globally and it s easy to use user interface. Applications on the Android phones extend the functionality of devices and are written primarily in the Java programming language using the Android software development kit (SDK). The voice recognizer which is an in built feature of Android phones is used to build an application which the user can operate to automate the appliances in his house. 2.1.2 Arduino Arduino is an open source prototyping platform easy to use on software as well as hardware. The board can programmed to switch on/off electronic appliances using ARDUINO (IDE). 2.1.3 Wi Fi Module
  • 48. This allows the Arduino board to connect to android ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Lupe Garz An Ethical Dilemmas An ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing Garza to turn down another job opportunity. During the interview, Garza is truthful and informs Mark Solomon, a human resource specialist, that she is currently using someone else s identity in order to work legally and her real name is Carmen Mendoza. Mark tell ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mark Solomon s conflict is whether he should hire or let go of the illegal worker, turn Garza into the authorities, or just ignore the situation. After the interview, Mark is faced with an additional ethical dilemma, the knowledge of other workers working in the plant under different names. Now, the human resource specialist must face, whether the plant should stop hiring temporary illegal workers and run into staffing problems, or continue hiring these workers and face legal allegations by breaking the law. The plant is breaking the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). The law was passed to control or prevent illegal immigration in the United States. Furthermore, the law prohibits employers to knowingly hire unauthorized workers. The plant is breaking the law because they are responsible for reviewing, confirming, and verifying employee s eligibility. The plant needs to use the I 9, Employment Eligibility Verification, which assist employers in identifying if workers are citizen or non citizens of the United States. Another law the plant may be violating is the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. This law forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart Wright, 2011). According to the case, the plant employs approximately 1,500 workers and one third of the workforce is Hispanic (Fransson, Gareett Noll, 2005). The plant mostly hires Hispanic to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Meaning And Definition Of Ledger By J. R. Batliboi Meaning and Definition of Ledger According to J.R. Batliboi , The ledger is the chief of accounts and it is in this book that all the business transactions would ultimately find their place under their accounts in a duly classified form. A Ledger should be kept in the form of bound register, or in the form of cards or in punched sheets or it can be in the form of loose leaf binder. Every account in the ledger is opened preferably or it can be in a separate page or card These all business transactions are first recorded in Journal or Special Purpose Subsidiary Books. The next step is to transfer the entries to the respective accounts in Ledger. In other words this shows that all the entries are recorded in Journal or Special Purpose Subsidiary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All transactions relating to an account should be entered at one place. In others words, two separate accounts should not be opened for posting transactions relating to the same account. If there are two customers with similar names, say the Account of Anil (of Karol Bagh) and the Account of Anil (of Chandni Chowk). 2. The word To is used before the accounts which appear on the debit side of an account. Similarly, the word By is used before the accounts which appear on the credit side of an account. 3. If an account has been debited in the journal entry, the posting in the Ledger should also be made on the debit side of such account. In the particular column, the name of the other account which has been credited in the Journal entry should be written for reference. 4. If an account has been credited in the Journal entry, the posting in the Ledger should also be made on the credit side of such account. In the particular column, the name of the other account which has been debited in the Journal entry should be written for reference. 5. Similar account which has been posted on the debit side of an account should also be posted on the credit side of another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...