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Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Mark	Swarbrick	
MySQL	Principle	Presales	Consultant
MySQL 8.0
a Document Store with all the benefits of a
transactional RDBMS
Safe Harbor Statement
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is
intended for information purpose only, and may not be incorporated into
any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or
functionality, and should not be relied up in making purchasing decisions.
The development, release and timing of any features or functionality
described for Oracle´s product remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Transactional	(InnoDB)	Data	Dictionary
• Persistent	runtime	configuration	changes	(SET	PERSIST)
• Auto-increment	counter	value	will	now	persist across	server	restarts!
• Indexing	of	PS	tables
• SQL	roles	(collection	of	privileges)
• MySQL	privilege	tables	are	now	InnoDB
• INVISIBLE	indexes
• Common	Table	Expressions
• Windows	Functions
What’s	new
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• New	default:	utf8mb4	(UTF	9)
• Expanded	GIS	Support
• Expanded	Query	Hints	Support
• Improved	Scan	Query	Performance
• Improved	BLOB	Storage
• Improved	InnoDB	Memcached Interface
• Descending	indexes
• Scalability	Improvements
• Parser	Refactoring
• New!	Document	Store
• Improvements	to	Temporary	Tables
• C++11	and	Toolchain	Improvements
• Replication	Applier	Thread	Progress	
• GTID_PURGED	always	settable
• …
MySQL	8.0:	All	this	and	more….
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Increased	Reliability
• Built	on	InnoDB
– No	FRM	files
– No	DB.OPT files
– No	TRG	files
– No	TRN	files
– No	PAR	files
– MyISAM not	required
• Atomic	DDL
– Better	Replication
– Simplifies	server	edge	cases
• MDL	for	Foreign	Keys
• Flexible	Metadata	API
– Easier	path	to	adding	new	features
• Better	cross-platform	experience
– No	dependencies	on	filesystem
MySQL	8.0:	Native	Data	Dictionary
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 6
MySQL	8.0:	Performance	Schema	Indexes
• Allows	for	more	efficient	access	to	Performance
Schema	tables
• A	total	of	115	indexes across	93	tables
• Adds	zero	overhead
– A	physical	index	is	not	maintained	internally
– Implementation	of	indexes	tricks the	optimizer	into	better	execution	plan
Feature	Request
from	DBAs
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	8.0:	Cloud	Friendly
• New	variable	innodb_dedicated_server
– according	to	the	amount	of	memory	detected	on	the	server,	automatically	configure	
innodb_buffer_pool_size,	innodb_log_file_size,	innodb_flush_method
• Persistent	runtime	configuration	changes
– SET	PERSIST	variable_name	=	value;
– Any	GLOBAL	DYNAMIC	configuration	variable	can	be	modified
– the	settings	will	be	persisted	to	a	file	named	mysqld-auto.cnf	(JSON	format)
– New	table	performance_schema.variables_info
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 8
MySQL	8.0: Invisible	Indexes
• Indexes	are	“hidden”	to	the	MySQL	Optimizer
– Not	the	same	as	“disabled	indexes”
– Contents	are	fully	up	to	date	and	maintained	by	DML
• Two	use	cases:
– Soft	Delete	(Recycle	Bin)
– Staged	Rollout
Feature	Request
from	DBAs
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 9
MySQL	8.0:	Atomicity	in	Privileges
• Privilege	Tables	now	100%	InnoDB
• User	Management	DDLs	Atomic
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Geography	Support
• Spatial	Reference	Systems	(SRS)	Support
• SQL/MM	Information	Schema	views
• Standard	compliant	axis	ordering	in	import/export	functions
• Helper	functions	to	manipulate	and	convert	data:
• st_y(geom,	y)
• st_srid(geom,	srid)
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	8.0:	Windows	Functions
• Window	functions	gather	results	into	a	set	of	rows,	
returning	a	single	aggregated	value	for	each	of	the	rows	
in	the	result	set.	Gives	you	a	very	practical	tool	for	
estimations	and	rankings.
• Perform	some	calculation	on	a	set	of	rows
• Over(partition	by	...)
• Simplifies	writing	complex	SQL:
• OVER(),	OTHER(partition)
Feature	Request
from	Developers
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	8.0:	Windows	Functions
Feature	Request
from	Developers
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	8.0:	Windows	Functions
Feature	Request
from	Developers
• Use	the	usual	aggregate	functions	or...
• LEAD(),	LAG()
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 14
•Evolution	from	MySQL	5.5	to	8.0
Performance	Schema
MySQL	8.0
Data	Locks	instrumentation
SQL	Errors	instrumentation
Variables	Instrumentation
Table	plugin
Improved	Defaults
MySQL	5.7
Memory	Instrumentation
Prepared	Statements	Instrumentation
Transactions	Instrumentation
Scalable	Memory	Allocation
Bundled	SYS	schema
Lower	Overhead
MySQL	5.6
Statement	Instrumentation
Lower	Overhead
MySQL	5.5
Event	Waits
Feature	Request
from	DBAs
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Improved	JSON	Support
– Better	perfomances,	new	functions	(aggregate,	formatting...),	support	for	ranges
• Better	Handling	of	Hot	Rows
• Unicode	9.0
• Improvements	to	Query	Consistency	(Optimizer	Histograms)
• Extended	GIS
What’s	new
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 16
•Improved	to	consider	buffer	pool	fit
Optimizer	Cost	Model
Feature	Request
from	DBAs
WHERE population > 20000000;
Model	for	a	table	scan:
# pages in table *
= 25.4 100% in memory
= 29.9 100% on disk
Model	for	a	range	scan:
# records_in_range *
# records_in_range *
records_in_range *
= 22.5 100% in memory
= 60 100% on disk
Model accounts for
memory fit. For data on
disk an IO block read
defaults to 1.0. In
memory defaults to 0.25.
Much larger
difference for range
scan not in memory
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
query: INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (...)
db: mysqlslap
total_latency: 54.43 s
exec_count: 58377
lock_latency: 1.70 s
digest: 4e0c5b796c4052b0da4548fd7cb694be
first_seen: 2017-04-16 20:59:16
last_seen: 2017-04-16 21:00:34
10us+ #############################
100us+ ####################
1ms+ #
New! Performance	Schema	Histograms
| bucket | visualization | count |
| 0us+ | # | 1253 |
| 10us+ | ############################## | 43102 |
| 100us+ | ################# | 25013 |
| 1ms+ | # | 2003 |
| 10ms+ | | 325 |
| 100ms+ | | 17 |
| 1s+ | | 0 |
| 10s+ | | 0 |
8 rows in set (0.08 sec)
Showing	distribution	of	query	time	from	a	run	of	mysqlslap
Generated	with	a	quick	CTE	
Feature	Request
from	DBAs
Available	on	a	per	statement	
digest	level.		Can	quickly	
aggregate	top-N	statements	
with	latency	distribution.
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	as	a	Document	Store	– a	FULL	Stack	
• Native	JSON	Datatype,	Indexes	on	JSON	Documents
• Native	Collections	with	Key	Value	Semantics
• Interactive	Shell	“MySQL	Shell”	– Javascript,	Python,	SQL	modes
• Connectors	include	NoSQL CRUD	APIs	
– Java,	New	NodeJS,	NET,	C++/C,	PHP,	Python
– Method	Chaining	and	Pipelining
– Supports	Combined	Document	and	Relational
Store,	Retrieve,	Search	and	Managing	JSON	documents
Copyright	©	2015, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
JSON	Functions
MySQL	5.7	and	8.0
Relational vs NoSQL databases
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Relational Databases
Data Integrity
constraints (foreign keys, ...)
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
ACID compliant
powerfull query language
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
no schema design, no normalization, no foreign keys, no data types, ...
very quick initial development
Flexible data structure
embedded arrays or objects
valid solution when natural data can´t be
modeled optimally into a relational model
objects persistence without the use of any ORM - mapping	object-oriented
close to frontend
native in JS
easy to learn
NoSQL or Document Store
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
How DBAs see data How Developers see data
"GNP" : 249704,
"Name" : "Belgium",
"government" : {
"GovernmentForm" :
"Constitutional Monarchy, Federation",
"HeadOfState" : "Philippe I "
} ,
"_id" : "BEL",
"IndepYear" : 1830,
"demographics" : {
"Population" : 10239000,
"LifeExpectancy" : 77.8000030517578
} ,
"geography" : {
"Region" : "Western Europe",
"SurfaceArea" : 30518,
"Continent" : "Europe"
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Why not both ?
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The MySQL Document Store !
SQL is now optional !
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
A solution for all
34 / 112
[✔] Schemaless or/and	Schema
[✔] Rapid	Prototyping/Simpler	APIs
[✔] Document	Model
[✔] Transactions
[✔] Performance	Management/Visibility
[✔] Robust	Replication,	Backup,	Restore
[✔] Comprehensive	Tooling	Ecosystem
[✔] Simpler	application	schema	upgrades
Business	Owner:
[✔] Don’t	lose	my	data	=		ACID	transactions
[✔] Capture	all	my	data	=	Extensible/Schemaless
[✔] Products	On	Schedule/Time	to	Market	=	Rapid	Development
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
MySQL Document Store
the Solution
35 / 112
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
35 / 112
MySQL Document	Store
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
X DevAPI Connectors for
C++, Java, .Net, Node.js, Python, PHP
working with Communities
New MySQL Shell
Command Completion
Python, JavaScript & SQL modes
Admin functions
New Util object
A new high-level session concept that can scale from
single MySQL Server to a multiple server environment
Non-blocking, asynchronous calls follow common
language pat erns
Supports CRUD operations
37 / 112
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
MySQL Documents	and	Collections
• Collections	are	containers	for	documents	
– These	documents	share	a	purpose	
– Possibly	share	one	or	more	indexes	
– Each	collection	has	a	unique	name
– Exists	within	a	single	schema
• Within	a	Collection	you	can		
– Add(),	Find(),	Modify(),	and	Remove()	- JSON	documents
• Collections	can	be
– Create(),	List(),	Drop()
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Operation Document Relational
Create Collection.add() Table.insert()
Read Collection.find() Table.select()
Update Collection.modify() Table.update()
Delete Collection.remove() Table.delete()
• Use	SQL,	CRUD	APIs	– Document	(NoSQL)	and	Relational	(SQL),	or	“All	of	the	Above”
– All	of	this	is	in	addition	to	the	Classic	APIs
MySQL X	DevAPI included	in	Shell	and	Connectors
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
It	relies	on	the	proven	MySQL	InnoDB’s strength	&	robustness:
• innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
• innodb_doublewrite = ON
• sync_binlog = 1
• transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ | READ-COMMITTED | ...
We	do	care	about	your	data!
MySQL Document	Store	is	Full	ACID	
ACID	transactions	=	Don’t	lose	my	data
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
MySQL Shell	8.0.11+
Server	5.7
MySQL	8.0	
Upgrade	Checker
Prompt	Themes
Auto	Completion
Command	History
Server	8.0
Document	Store
InnoDB	ClusterSQL	CLI
Output	Formats
(Table,	JSON,	Tabbed)
Batch	Execution
MySQL Document	Store:	Architecture
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
MySQL	X	devAPI connector	for:
• Java
- https://insidemysql.com/connector-j-8-0-11-the-face-for-your-brand-new-document-oriented-database/
• .NET
- https://insidemysql.com/introducing-connector-net-with-full-support-for-mysql-8-0/
• Node.JS
- https://insidemysql.com/introducing-connector-node-js-for-mysql-8-0/
• C++
- https://insidemysql.com/what-is-new-in-connector-c-8-0/
• Python
- https://insidemysql.com/using-mysql-connector-python-8-0-with-mysql-8-0/
- https://insidemysql.com/introducing-the-mysql-x-devapi-php-extension-for-mysql-8-0/
- https://insidemysql.com/what-is-new-in-connector-odbc-8-0/
Write	application	using														X	DevAPI
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
what do I gain ?
This is the best of the two worlds in one product !
Data integrity
ACID Compliant
flexible data structure
easy to start (CRUD)
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Topic Link(s)
MySQL	as	a	Document	Store https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/document-store.html
MySQL	Shell	User	Guide https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-shell-excerpt/8.0/en/index.html
MySQL	Shell	Documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysqlsh-api-javascript/8.0/
X	Dev	API	User	Guide https://dev.mysql.com/doc/x-devapi-userguide/en/
X	Plugin https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/x-plugin.html
MySQL	Engineering	Blog https://insidemysql.com/mysql-8-0-welcome-to-the-devapi/
MySQL	JSON	Data	Type https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html
Blogs http://dasini.net/blog/2015/11/17/30-mins-avec-json-en-mysql/
Copyright @ 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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