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MySQL	Cluster	
What's	New	&	Best	Prac0ces	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved
Safe	Harbor	Statement	
The	following	is	intended	to	outline	our	general	product	direcGon.	It	is	intended	for	
informaGon	purposes	only,	and	may	not	be	incorporated	into	any	contract.	It	is	not	a	
commitment	to	deliver	any	material,	code,	or	funcGonality,	and	should	not	be	relied	upon	
in	making	purchasing	decisions.	The	development,	release,	and	Gming	of	any	features	or	
funcGonality	described	for	Oracle’s	products	remains	at	the	sole	discreGon	of	Oracle.	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 2
MySQL	Cluster	Overview	
• Memory	opGmized	tables	with	durability	
• Predictable	Low-Latency,	Bounded	Access	Time	REAL-TIME	
•  Auto-Sharding,	MulG-Master	
•  ACID	Compliant,	OLTP	+	Real-Time	AnalyGcs	
•  Shared	nothing,	no	Single	Point	of	Failure	
•  Self	Healing	+	On-Line	OperaGons	
•  Key/Value	+	Complex,	RelaGonal	Queries	
•  SQL	+	Memcached	+	JavaScript	+	Java	+	HTTP/REST	&	C++	
•  Open	Source	+	Commercial	EdiGons	
•  Commodity	hardware	+	Management,	Monitoring	Tools	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 3
or	Oracle	
MySQL	HA	SoluGons	
9	 9	 .	 9	 9	 9	 %	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 4
Oracle	MySQL	HA	&	Scaling	SoluGons	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 5	
MySQL	Replica0on	 MySQL	Fabric	 Oracle	VM	
Solaris	Cluster	 MySQL	Cluster	
App	Auto-Failover	 MySQL	Router	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	
Data	Layer	Auto-Failover	 MySQL	Router	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	
Zero	Data	Loss	 MySQL	5.7	 MySQL	5.7	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	
Plaaorm	Support	 All	 All	 All	 All	 Solaris	 All	
Clustering	Mode	 Master	+	Slaves	 Master	+	Slaves	 Ac0ve/Passive	 Ac0ve/Passive	 Ac0ve/Passive	 Mul0-Master	
Failover	Time	 Secs	 Secs	 Secs	+	 Secs	+	 Secs	+	 <	1	Sec	
Scale-out	 Reads	 ✔	 ✖	 ✖	 ✖	 ✔	
Cross-shard	operaGons	 N/A	 ✖	 N/A	 N/A	 N/A	 ✔	
Transparent	rouGng	 MySQL	Router	 For	HA	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	
Shared	Nothing	 ✔	 ✔	 ✖	 ✖	 ✖	 ✔	
Storage	Engine	 InnoDB	 InnoDB	 InnoDB	 InnoDB	 InnoDB	 NDB	
Single	Vendor	Support	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔	 ✔
Who’s	Using	MySQL	Cluster?	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 6
Company	Overview			
PayPal	allows	any	business	or	individual	with	an	email	
address	to	securely,	conveniently,	and	cost-effecGvely	
send	and	receive	payments	online.		
PayPal	built	a	cloud-based	globally-distributed	database	
with	100	TB	of	user-related	data	based	on	MySQL	Cluster.	
A	“must	NOT	lose	data”	system,	delivering	99,999%	
availability,	transacGonal,	with	data	available	WW	
anywhere	in	<	1	Sec.	
Detects	Fraud	within	0.3	seconds.	
Deployed	over	5	data	centers	world-wide.	
Why	MySQL	Cluster?	
“You	can	achieve	high	performance	and	availability	
without	giving	up	rela8onal	models	and	read	
consistency.”	--	Daniel	AusGn,	Chief	Architect,	PayPal	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 7
Company	Overview	
World's	largest	producer	of	casual	games.	Big	Fish	has	
distributed	more	than	2.5	billion	games	to	customers	in	150	
Serve	real-Gme	recommendaGons	to	Big	Fish	customers,	
requiring	high	velocity	data	ingesGon,	low	latency	access,	
online	scalability,	99.999%	availability,	and	Enterprise	SLAs.	
Why	MySQL	Cluster	CGE?	
"The	MMS	plaAorm	is	a	strategic	project	within	Big	Fish.	We	
couldn’t	afford	to	take	any	chances	and	MySQL	Cluster	
provided	us	with	a	proven	and	trusted	solu8on	to	meet	the	
demands	of	both	our	business	and	our	users.“		--	Sean	
Chighizola,	Sr.	Director	of	Database	AdministraGon,	Big	Fish		
Big	Fish	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 8
Company	Overview	
Global	telecommunicaGons	equipment	company,	focuses	on	
fixed,	mobile,	and	converged	networking	hardware,	IP	
technologies,	sopware,	and	services.	
MySQL	Cluster	CGE	is	at	the	heart	of	Alcatel-Lucent’s	
Subscriber	Data	Manager	used	to	deliver	converged	IMS	
services	to	mobile	and	fixed	line	users.	
Why	MySQL	Cluster	CGE?	
•  Delivers	the	performance,	scalability,	and	availability	
required	by	this	mission	criGcal	real-Gme	applicaGon.	
•  Real-Gme	read	&	write	access	for	tens	of	millions	of	
subscribers	within	a	single	system.	
•  Always-on	service:	no	offline	maintenance	window	for	
services	users	depend	on	(voice,	SMS,	email,	Web,	social	
media,	…)	
•  Rapid	delivery	&	low	TCO	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 9
• Industry	standard	
• Joins	&	complex	queries	
• RelaGonal	model	
• Simple	to	use	API	
• Key/value	based	
• Drivers	for	many	languages	
• RESTful	
• JSON	over	HTTP	
• Plugin	for	Apache	
• Simple	to	use	Java	API	
• Web	&	Telco	
• Object	RelaGonal	Mapping	
• NaGve	&	fast	access	to	data	
• OpenJPA	plugin	
• Standards	defined	ORM	
• Cross	table	Joins	
• NaGve	JavaScript:	client	to	
• Blazing	fast	asynchronous	
Choosing	the	Right	Client	API	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 10
MySQL	Cluster	Auto-Installer	
• Fast	configuraGon	
• Auto-discovery	
• Workload	opGmized	
• Repeatable	best	pracGces	
Topology	Deploy	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 11
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 12
NoSQL	Access	to	MySQL	Cluster	Data	
Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	 Apps	
Cluster	JPA	
PHP	 Perl	 Python	 Ruby	 JDBC	 Cluster	J	 JS	 Apache	 Memcached	
MySQL	 JNI	 Node.JS	 mod_ndb	 ndb_eng	
NDB	API	(C++)	
MySQL	Cluster	Data	Nodes	
13	Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	GA	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 14
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	GA	
• 200	Million	NoSQL	
• 2.5M	SQL	Ops/Sec	
• 50%	Faster	Reads	
• 40%	Faster	Mixed	R/
• AcGve-AcGve	
• MulG-DC	Clusters	
• Conflict	DetecGon/
• 5x	Faster	
Maintenance	Ops	
• Detailed	ReporGng	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 15
•  Memory	opGmized	tables	
– Durable	
– Mix	with	disk-based	tables	
•  Massively	concurrent	OLTP	
•  Distributed	joins	for	analyGcs	
•  Parallel	index	scans	
•  Parallel	table	scans	(for	non-
indexed	searches)	
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	NoSQL	Performance	
200	Million	NoSQL	Reads/Second	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	
2! 4! 6! 8! 10! 12! 14! 16! 18! 20! 22! 24! 26! 28! 30! 32!
•  Memory	opGmized	tables	
– Durable	
– Mix	with	disk-based	tables	
•  Massively	concurrent	OLTP	
•  Distributed	joins	for	analyGcs	
•  Parallel	index	scans	
•  Parallel	table	scans	(for	non-
indexed	searches)	
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	SQL	Performance	
2.5M	SQL	Statements/Second	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	
2! 4! 6! 8! 10! 12! 14! 16!
Performance Enhancements
MySQL Cluster 7.4
50%	Read-Only	Increase	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 18	
64" 128" 192" 256" 320" 384" 448" 512"
64" 128" 192" 256" 320" 384" 448" 512"
40%	Read/Write	Increase
•  Asynchronous	replicaGon	between	
MySQL	Clusters	
•  AcGve-AcGve	MulG-Homed	
– Update	anywhere	
– Conflict	detecGon	
•  ApplicaGon	noGfied	through	excepGon	tables	
•  Can	opt	to	have	conflicts	resolved	
– AutomaGc	conflict	resoluGon	
•  ConflicGng	transacGon	and	dependent	ones	
are	rolled-back	
•  No	changes	to	applicaGon	/	schema	
AcGve-AcGve	Geo-ReplicaGon	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 19
What	Is	a	Conflict?	
John.balance	==	$100	
John.balance	-=	$40	
John.balance	==	$60	
John.balance	==	$200	
John.balance	==	$100	
John.balance	+=	$100	
John.balance	==	$200	
John.balance	==	$60	
Spend	$40	 Add	$100	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 20
•  NDB$EPOCH2	and	
NDB$EPOCH2_TRANS	introduced	
•  Detects	conflicGng	inserts/updates/
•  EnGre	transacGons	(and	dependent	
ones)	rolled	back	
•  Rolling	back	of	transacGons	that	
read	conflicted	data	
•  Improved	NDB	ExcepGons	table	
– Non-PK	columns,	operaGon	type,	
transacGon	id,	before	and	aper	values	
•  Online	conflict	role	change	
Handling	of	Conflicts	–	Extensions	in	MySQL	Cluster	7.4	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved
•  Primary	stores	logical	Gmestamp	(GCI)	
against	updated	row(s)	
–  Window	for	conflict	opens	
•  GCI	is	replicated	with	updated	row(s)	to	
•  The	same	GCI	is	replicated	back	
(reflected)	from	Secondary	to	Primary	
aper	it	has	been	applied	
–  Closing	window	for	conflict	
•  Primary	checks	every	event	originaGng	
from	the	Secondary	to	check	for	conflicts	
DetecGng	Conflicts	-	Reflected	GCI	
John.balance	==	$100	
John.balance	-=	$40	
John.balance	==	$60	
John.balance	==	$200	
John.balance	==	$100	
John.balance	+=		$100	
John.balance	==	$200	
John.balance	==	$60	
Spend	$40	 Add	$100	
Primary	 Secondary	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 22
How	to	Use	Conflict	DetecGon	and	ResoluGon	
Decide	which	
tables	need	
For	each	table,	
specify	what	to	
do	on	conflicts	
Record	event	in	
excepGon	table	
ApplicaGon	or	
DBA	can	act	on	
Rollback	the	
conflicGng	row	
Rollback	the	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 23
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	Restart	Improvements	
•  DuraGon	of	long-running	maintenance	acGviGes	dominated	by	Data	Node	
restart	Gmes	
•  MySQL	Cluster	7.4	=	5.5x	faster	restarts!	
•  Benefits	any	kind	of	node	restart	
– Upgrades,	add-node,	…	
•  Benefits	both	”manual”	and	MySQL	Cluster	Manager	operaGons	
•  Accomplish	5x	as	much	work	during	a	single	maintenance	window	
Make	Data	Node	Restarts	Fast!	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 24
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	Restart	Improvements	
•  Verbose	logging	
– Task	start	and	compleGon	
– Data	volume	info	
– Parallelism	&	wait	Gme	info	
•  NDBINFO	for	recent	node	restarts	
•  More	documentaGon	of	concrete	stages	
•  Goal:	make	proper	analysis	of	a	slow	restart	easy	
– Determine	cause;	Detect	pa}erns;	Understand	the	impact	of	indexes,	local	
checkpoints,	etc.	
Observability	Improvements	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 25
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	–	Enhanced	Memory	ReporGng	
•  ndbinfo.memory_per_fragment	memory	usage	informaGon	for	
each	fragment	replica,	for	each	table,	and	each	index	
•  Allocated	memory,	and	how	much	of	that	is	actually	in	use	
•  Exposes	
– FragmentaGon	of	fixed	and	variable	sized	fragment	pages		
– Accurate	Data	and	Index	Memory	use	
– Comparison	of	Primary	and	Backup	fragment	usage	
– ParGGon/Shard	distribuGon	and	effecGveness	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 26
Enhanced	Memory	ReporGng	
mysql>	SELECT	node_id	AS	node,	fragment_num	AS	frag,	fixed_elem_alloc_bytes	AS	alloc_bytes,	
fixed_elem_free_bytes	AS	free_bytes,	fixed_elem_free_rows	AS	spare_rows	FROM	memory_per_fragment	
WHERE	fq_name	LIKE	'%simples%';	
|	node	|	frag	|	alloc_bytes	|	free_bytes	|	spare_rows	|	
|				1	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				1	|				2	|						131072	|							1280	|									40	|	
|				2	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				2	|				2	|						131072	|							1280	|									40	|	
|				3	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				3	|				3	|						131072	|							4256	|								133	|	
|				4	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				4	|				3	|						131072	|							4256	|								133	|	
See	How	Much	Memory	a	Table	is	Using	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 27
Enhanced	Memory	ReporGng	
|	node	|	frag	|	alloc_bytes	|	free_bytes	|	spare_rows	|	
|				1	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				1	|				2	|						131072	|							1280	|									40	|	
|				2	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				2	|				2	|						131072	|							1280	|									40	|	
|				3	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				3	|				3	|						131072	|							4256	|								133	|	
|				4	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				4	|				3	|						131072	|							4256	|								133	|	
mysql>	DELETE	FROM	clusterdb.simples	LIMIT	1;	
|	node	|	frag	|	alloc_bytes	|	free_bytes	|	spare_rows	|	
|				1	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				1	|				2	|						131072	|							1312	|									41	|	
|				2	|				0	|						131072	|							5504	|								172	|	
|				2	|				2	|						131072	|							1312	|									41	|	
|				3	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				3	|				3	|						131072	|							4288	|								134	|	
|				4	|				1	|						131072	|							3104	|									97	|	
|				4	|				3	|						131072	|							4288	|								134	|	
See	How	Memory	is	Made	Available	A_er	Dele0ng	Rows	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 28
Enhanced	Memory	ReporGng	
species))	engine=ndb	PARTITION	BY	KEY(species);	
//	Add	some	data	
mysql>	SELECT	node_id	AS	node,	fragment_num	AS	frag,	fixed_elem_alloc_bytes	AS	alloc_bytes,	fixed_elem_free_bytes	
AS	free_bytes,	fixed_elem_free_rows	AS	spare_rows	FROM	ndbinfo.memory_per_fragment	WHERE	fq_name	LIKE	
|	node	|	frag	|	alloc_bytes	|	free_bytes	|	spare_rows	|	
|				1	|				0	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
|				1	|				2	|						196608	|						11732	|								419	|	
|				2	|				0	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
|				2	|				2	|						196608	|						11732	|								419	|	
|				3	|				1	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
|				3	|				3	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
|				4	|				1	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
|				4	|				3	|											0	|										0	|										0	|	
Check	Par00on/Shard	Distribu0on	and	Effec0veness	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 29
MySQL	Cluster	7.4	–	Enhanced	AcGvity	ReporGng	
•  ndbinfo.operations_per_fragment acGvity	counters	for	each	
fragment	replica,	for	each	table,	and	each	index	
•  PK	based	and	scan	accesses	–	requests,	bytes,	rows,	…	
•  Exposes	
– How	SQL	statements	map	to	individual	tables	and	indices	
– Query	execuGon,	use	of	indexes	etc.	
– LDM	and	node	imbalances		
– Hotspots	and	scan	overloads	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 30
MySQL	Cluster	7.5		
•  Based	on	MySQL	5.7		
– NaGve	JSON	datatype	
– Generated	Columns		
•  FuncGon	Based	Indexes		
– Cost	Based	OpGmizer	
– New	SpaGal	engine	
– New	hint	syntax	with	addiGonal	hints		
– Memory	instrumentaGon		
– Secure	by	default	
– Much	more!		
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 31	
MySQL	Cluster	7.5		
•  ConGnue	Improving	Supportability	
– Overload	controls	via	thread	idle	wait	Gme	
– Improve	event	buffer	memory	allocaGon	
– Be}er	and	more	descripGve	error	messages	
– Dump	command	improvements	
– Improved	Lock	reporGng	
•  ConGnue	Improving	Performance		
– Faster	backup	&	restore	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 32	
MySQL	Cluster	7.5		
•  ConGnue	Improving	Availability	
– Convert	ndb_binlog_index	to	ACID	storage	
– Make	use	of	dynamic	columns	everywhere	
•  Support	for	online	defragmentaGon	and	space	reclamaGon	
•  Support	for	row	transformaGons	–	encrypGon	and	compression	
•  ConGnue	Improving	Quality	
– Refactor	binlog	injector	in	order	to	address	many	known	issues	
– Increase	the	test	base	
– More	system	correctness	and	fault	injecGon	tests	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 33	
MySQL	Cluster	7.5		
•  ConGnue	Improving	Capacity	
– Enable	individual	fragments	larger	than	16GB	(now	up	to	128TB)	
•  Improved	Read	Scale-Out	
– The	introducGon	of	“read	from	backup”	for	tables		
•  Localized	reads	on	every	node	in	a	node	group	
– The	introducGon	of	“global”	tables	(fully	replicated)	
•  Localized	reads	on	every	node	in	the	Cluster	
•  Support	for	Increased	Redundancy	
– Support	for	up	to	4	nodes	per	node	group	(1-3	replicas	per	shard)	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 34	
MySQL	Cluster	Best	PracGces	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 35
When to Consider MySQL Cluster
l  UpGme	requirements	
l  Cost	per	minute	of	downGme?	
l  Failure	versus	maintenance?	
l  Scalability	demands	
l  Sharding	for	write	scaling?	
l  Latency	demands	
l  Cost	of	each	millisecond?	
l  ApplicaGon	agility	
l  Developer	languages	and	frameworks?	
l  SQL	and	NoSQL?	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 36
General Usage Considerations
•  MySQL Cluster is designed for
–  Short transactions
–  Single key reads and writes
–  Many parallel transactions
•  Utilize simple access patterns for high running transactions
–  Use efficient scans and batching interfaces
–  Push down joins yield huge performance improvements for JOIN operations
–  MySQL Cluster 7.4 speeds up table scans
•  Storage Engine is configurable for each table…InnoDB or NDB
MySQL	Cluster	EvaluaGon	Guide	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 37
D1 D2 D3 D4
Accessing	Data:	PK	Lookups	
•  Single	TransacGon	
Coordinator	(TC),	no	
addiGonal	data	
distribuGon	handling	
•  First	statement	decides	TC	
•  Keep	transacGons	short!	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 38
D1 D2 D3 D4
Accessing	data:	Unique	Secondary	Key	Lookups	
•  Secondary	keys	
implemented	as	hidden/
system	tables	
•  Hidden	tables	have	new	
secondary	key	as	PK	and	
base	table’s	PK	as	value		
•  Data	may	reside	on	same	
node	or	other	node	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 39
D1 D2 D3 D4
1 3
Accessing	data:	Range	Scans	and	Joins	
•  TC	is	chosen	using	round-
•  Data	nodes	return	data	
directly	to	API	
•  Flow:	
– Choose	data	node	
– Send	request	to	all	LDM	
– Send	data	to	API	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 40
SELECT SUM(population) FROM towns WHERE
SELECT SUM(population) FROM towns WHERE
•  ParGGon	selected	using	hash	on	
specified	ParGGon	Key	
– Primary	Key	by	default	
– User	can	override	in	table	definiGon	
•  MySQL	Server	(or	NDB	API)	will	
a}empt	to	send	transacGon	to	the	
correct	data	node	
– If	all	data	for	the	transacGon	are	in	the	
same	parGGon,	less	messaging	->	
be}er	scalability	
•  Aim	to	have	all	rows	for	high-
running	queries	in	same	parGGon	
DistribuGon	Aware	Apps	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 41
•  Extend	parGGon	awareness	over	
mulGple	tables	
•  Same	rule	–	aim	to	have	all	data	for	
instance	of	high	running	
transacGons	in	the	same	parGGon	
– ALTER TABLE service_ids
DistribuGon	Aware	–	MulGple	Tables	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 42
Faster	Joins	–	Pushdown	Joins	
•  AcGvated	when	ndb_join_pushdown	is	on	(default)	
•  Rules	for	a	join	to	be	pushed	down:	
1.  Joined	columns	use	idenGcal	types	
2.  No	reference	to	BLOB	or	TEXT	columns	
3.  No	explicit	lock	
4.  Child	tables	in	the	Join	must	be	accessed	using	ref,	eq_ref,	or	const		
5.  Tables	not	explicitly	parGGoned	by	[LINEAR] HASH,	LIST,	or	RANGE	
6.  Query	execuGon	plan	doesn’t	use	mysqld’s	internal	‘join buffer'	
7.  If	root	of		join	is	of	the	eq_ref	or	const type,	child	tables	must	be	joined	by	eq_ref
•  Run	ANALYZE TABLE <table_name> on	each	table	once	
•  Use	EXPLAIN	to	see	what	components	are	being	pushed	down:	
– For example: Extra: Child of 'd' in pushed join@1
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 43
Global	Checkpoints	and	Logging	
•  Global	Checkpoint	Protocol/Group	
Commit	(GCP)	
– REDO	log,	synchronized	between	the	
Data	Nodes	
– Writes	transacGons	that	have	been	
recorded	in	the	REDO	log	buffer	to	
REDO	log	on	disk	
– Frequency	controlled	by	
•  Default	is	2000ms	
– Size	of	the	REDO	log	is	set	using	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 44
Local	Checkpoints	and	Logging	
•  Local	Checkpoint	Protocol	(LCP)	
– Flushes	the	Data	Nodes’	data	to	disk.	
Aper	2	LCPs	the	REDO	log	is	trimmed	
– Frequency	controlled	by	
•  Specifies	the	amount	of	data	that	can	change	
before	flushing	to	disk	
•  Not	actually	Gme!	Base-2	logarithm	of	the	
number	of	4-byte	words	
•  Example:	Default	value	of	20	bytes	means	
4*2^20	=	4MB	of	data	changes	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 45
Checkpoints	and	Logging	
Local	&	Redo	
•  LCP	and	REDO	Log	are	used	to	bring	
the	cluster	back	online	
– Following	system	failure	or	planned	
1.  Data	Nodes	are	restored	using	the	
latest	LCP	
2.  REDO	logs	are	applied	unGl	the	
latest	GCP	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 46
MySQL	Cluster	Hardware	Requirements	
•  TCP/IP	or	Infiniband	
– Minimum	100Mbps,	1Gbps	or	higher	recommended	
– MySQL	Cluster	dedicated	network:	separate	Data	Nodes	from	MySQL	Servers	
•  Homogeneous	environments	for	each	layer:	API	nodes	&	Data	Nodes	
•  Machines		
– Linux,	Solaris,	Windows,	OS	X		
•  h}ps://www.mysql.com/support/supportedplaaorms/cluster.html	
– Min.	1Gb	RAM	
– CPU,	RAM,	DISK:	“the	more	and	faster,	the	be}er”	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 47
MySQL	Cluster	Hardware	SelecGon	
•  4	-	24	x86_64	bit	CPU	threads	(vCPUs)	
•  Minimum	4GB	of	RAM	
– Memory	not	as	criGcal	at	this	layer	
– Requirements	influenced	by	connecGons	and	buffers	
•  2	Network	Interface	Cards	(NICs)	
•  2	Power	Supply	Units	(PSUs)	
•  Linux,	Solaris,	Windows,	or	OS	X	operaGng	system	
MySQL	Servers	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 48
MySQL	Cluster	Hardware	SelecGon		
•  Up	to	64	x86_64	bit	CPU	threads	(vCPUs)	
–  High	frequency:	enables	faster	processing	of	messages	
•  CalculaGng	RAM	per	Data	Node	(in-memory	database)	
–  Database	Size	*	#	Replicas	*	1.25		/	#	data	nodes	
–  50GB	database	*	2	replicas	*	1.25		/	2	data	nodes	=	64GB	of	RAM		
–  Non-indexed	columns	can	be	stored	on	disk,	reduces	RAM	requirements	
•  2	NICs	and	2	PSUs	
•  Deep-dive	into	network	best-pracGces	in	Reference	Architecture	Guide	
•  Use	MaxNoOfExecutionThreads	or	ThreadConfig	to	configure	how	threads	
should	be	allocated	
Data	Nodes	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 49
Entry-Level	 Mid-Range	 High-End	
1	x	SATA	7200	RPM	
• 	For	read-mostly	
• 	No	redundancy		
(but	other	data	node	is	
the	mirror)	
1	x	SAS	10K	RPM	or	SSD	
• 	Heavy	duty	(many	MB/s)	
• 	No	redundancy	
		(but	other	data	node	is	
		the	mirror)			
4	x	SAS	10-15K	RPM	or	SSDs	
• 	Heavy	duty	(many	MB/s)	
• 	Disk	redundancy	(RAID1+0	/	10),	
			hot	swappable	
MySQL	Cluster	Hardware	SelecGon	
•  	REDO,	LCP,	BACKUP	–	wri}en	sequenGally	in	small	chunks	(256KB)		
•  	If	possible,	use	ODirect=1	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 50	
Disk	Subsystem	for	Checkpoin0ng		
Recommended	Minimum	 High-End	RecommendaGon	
2	x	SAS	10K	RPM	
or	2	x	SSD	
4	x	SAS	10-15K	RPM	or	SSD	
MySQL	Cluster	Hardware	SelecGon:	
•  Use	High-End	RecommendaGon	for	heavy	read/write	workloads	
•  Having	TABLESPACE	on	separate	disk	is	good	for	read	performance		
•  Enable	WRITE_CACHE	on	block	storage	devices		
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 51	
Disk	Based	Tables
Zone	B	Zone	A	
LocaGon	of	Nodes	
•  Minority	of	data	nodes	lost	
– Isolated	minority	will	shutdown	
•  Majority	pool	(>	50%	of	the	data	
nodes	and	one	from	each	Node	
– Remains	viable	
– Exclude	failed	nodes	from	cluster	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 52	
Handling	Network	Par00ons	
Group	1	
Group	2
Zone	B	Zone	A	
LocaGon	of	Nodes	
•  Network	connecGvity	lost	between	
•  Each	pool	has	50%	of	data	nodes	and	
1	from	each	Node	Group	
– Each	viable,	but	Zones	will	diverge	if	they	
both	live	(split-brain)	
– So	who	lives	on	and	who	dies?	
– We	need	arbitraGon	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 53	
Handling	Network	Par00ons	
Group	1	
Group	2
Zone	B	Zone	A	
LocaGon	of	Nodes	
•  Arbitrator	decides	
– Contacted	by	data	nodes	from	each	zone	
– Tells	those	in	one	zone	to	shutdown	
– Tells	those	in	other	zone	to	stay	up	
•  Vital	that	arbitrator		shares	no	single	
point	of	failure	with	either	availability	
•  Default	arbitrator	is	an	ndb_mgmd
node	but	can	also	be	a	mysqld
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 54	
Avoiding	Split-Brain	During	Network	Par00ons	
Group	1	
Group	2	
Zone	C	
Spli…ng	MySQL	Cluster	Over	MulGple	Sites	
•  The	greater	the	latency	between	sites,	the	higher	the	impact	on	
•  Target	latency	should	be		<=	10	ms;	20	ms	acceptable	
– Test	at	the	network	layer	with	1000	byte	packets	under	load	
•  Bandwidth	requirements	dependent	on	traffic	but	aim	for	1	Gbps+	(100	
Mbps	for	a	low	traffic	Cluster)	
•  Simplest	WAN	topology	possible	(fewer	points	of	failure/failover	latency)	
•  Typical	WAN	failover	Gmes	should	be	short	enough	not	to	trigger	STONITH	
acGviGes	within	Cluster	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 55	
WAN	Engineering
•  Asynchronous	replicaGon	between	
MySQL	Clusters	
•  AcGve-AcGve	MulG-Homed	
– Update	anywhere	
– Conflict	detecGon	
•  ApplicaGon	noGfied	through	excepGon	tables	
•  Can	opt	to	have	conflicts	resolved	
– AutomaGc	conflict	resoluGon	
•  ConflicGng	transacGon	and	dependent	ones	
are	rolled-back	
•  No	changes	to	applicaGon	/	schema	
AcGve-AcGve	Geo-ReplicaGon	(Reminder)	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 56
MySQL	Cluster	Geographic	ReplicaGon	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 57	
MySQL	Cluster	Geographic	ReplicaGon	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 58	
Scenarios	for	replica0ng	between	clusters
•  ParGGon	customers	across	mulGple	
clusters,	distributed	by	region	to	
opGmize	low	latency	access	
•  Each	sub-cluster	is	replicated	for	
High	Availability	
•  AcGve/passive	or	AcGve/AcGve	
Geographic	ReplicaGon	for	Low-Latency	Local	Access	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	
Cluster	4	
Cluster	1	
Cluster	1B	
Cluster	1C	
	Cluster	2	
Cluster	2B	
Cluster	2C	
Cluster	3	
Cluster	3B	
Cluster	3C	
Cluster	4C	
Cluster	4B
MySQL	Cluster	Backups	
•  Backup	of	NDB	tables	
–  Online	–	can	have	ongoing	transacGons	
–  Consistent	–	only	commi}ed	data	and	changes	
are	backed	up	
•  ndb_mgm -e "START BACKUP"
–  Copy	backup	files	from	data	nodes	to	safe	
persistent	locaGon	
–  Non-NDB	tables	must	be	backed	up	separately	
–  MySQL	system	tables	are	stored	in	MyISAM	or	
•  You	want	to	backup	(for	each	MySQL	
–  mysql	database/schema	
–  Triggers,	rouGnes,	events,	...	
•  Use	mysqldump	
–  mysqldump mysql > mysql.sql
–  mysqldump --no-data -A >
–  mysqldump --no-data --no-create-
info -R > routines.sql
•  Copy	my.cnf	&	config.ini	files	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 60
MySQL	Cluster	Backups	
mcm>	backup	cluster	mycluster;	
mcm>	list	backups	mycluster;	
mcm>	restore	cluster	-I	<backup-id>	mycluster	
Using	MySQL	Cluster	Manager	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 61
Features	to	Use	With	CauGon	
•  Large	BLOBs	
•  Disk	based	tables	
•  Enforced	Foreign	Keys	
•  Large	range	scans	and	joins	
•  Spli…ng	a	single	MySQL	Cluster	over	mulGple	data	centers	
•  AcGve-AcGve	Geographic	ReplicaGon	
– Fine	to	use	but	best	if	conflicts	can	be	avoided	on	the	applicaGon	side	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 62	
Poten0al	Impacts	to	Performance,	Capacity,	&	Stability
Machine	1	
Typical	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 63	
Enterprise	-	Minimal	HA	Configura0on	
Data	Node	
Machine	2	
Data	Node	
Machine	3	
Machine	4	Machine	3	
Machine	1	
Typical	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 64	
Enterprise	-	Small	
Data	Node	
Machine	2	
Data	Node	
Machine	4	Machine	3	
Machine	1	
Typical	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 65	
Enterprise	-	Scale-out	
Data	Node	
Machine	2	
Data	Node	
Machine	8	Machine	7	
Machine	5	
Data	Node	
Machine	6	
Data	Node	
Machine	9	
Typical	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 66	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Typical	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 67	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
Data	Node	
‘Typical’	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 68	
Telco/Gaming	-	scale	
Site	2	Site	1	
‘Typical’	Architectures	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 69	
Telco/Gaming	–	Geographic	Replica0on	
MySQL	Cluster	Support	
Issue	Detected	
SR	Created	
Support	Works	on	SR	
If	Bug	
Bug	Report	Opened	
BPS	(priority)	Set	Based	on	SR	Fields	
Bug	Fix	Created	
Hot	Fix?	 Maintenance	Release	
If	Not	Bug	
Support	Responds	to	Customer	Via	SR	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 70
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 71
Enhancing	DevOps	Agility,	Reducing	DownGme	
Automated	Management	
• Start/stop	node	or	
enGre	cluster	
• On-Line	scaling	
• On-Line	reconfiguraGon	
• On-Line	upgrades	
• On-Line	backup	&	
• Import	running	Cluster	
• Node	monitoring	
• Auto-recovery	
extended	to	SQL	and	
mgmt	nodes	
HA	OperaGons	
• Cluster-wide	
• Persistent	
• HA	agents	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 72
Without	MySQL	Cluster	Manager	
•  1	x	preliminary	check	of	cluster	state	
•  8	x	ssh	commands	per	server	
•  8	x	per-process	stop	commands	
•  4	x	scp	of	config	files	(2	x	mgmd	&	2	x	mysqld)	
•  8	x	per-process	start	commands	
•  8	x	checks	for	started	and	re-joined	processes	
•  8	x	process	compleGon	verificaGons	
•  1	x	verify	compleGon	of	the	whole	cluster			
•  Excludes	manual	ediGng	of	each	configuraGon	file	
•  Total:	46	commands	
– 2.5	hours	of	aNended	opera8on	
With	MySQL	Cluster	Manager	
mcm> upgrade cluster

--package=7.4 mycluster;	
•  Total:	1	Command	
– UnaNended	Opera8on	
Sopware	Upgrade	–	Example	of	MCM	Benefits	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 73
MySQL	Cluster	Manager	1.3	GA	
“Unmanaged”	producGon	Cluster	
mcm> create cluster --import
mcm> import config [--dryrun]
mcm> import cluster [--dryrun]
Cluster	now	managed	by	MCM	
Import	a	running	Cluster	into	MCM	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 74
MySQL	Cluster	Manager	1.4	GA	
	Autotune	Your	Cluster	
Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved	 75	
mcm>	autotune	--writeload=high	realtime	mycluster;	
|	Command	result																																						|	
|	Cluster	successfully	autotuned	to	template	realtime	|	
1	row	in	set	(2	min	58.09	sec)
MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor	
76	Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved
MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor	
77	Copyright	2016,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved

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