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Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	High	Availability
InnoDB Cluster	and	NDB	Cluster
Mark	Swarbrick
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Safe	Harbor	Statement
The	following	is	intended	to	outline	our	general	product	direction.	It	is	intended	for	
information	purposes	only,	and	may	not	be	incorporated	into	any	contract.	It	is	not	a	
commitment	to	deliver	any	material,	code,	or	functionality,	and	should	not	be	relied	upon	
in	making	purchasing	decisions.	The	development,	release,	and	timing	of	any	features	or	
functionality	described	for	Oracle’s	products	remains	at	the	sole	discretion	of	Oracle.
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Almost	all	organizations	require	their	most	
critical	systems	to	be	highly	available	
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
InnoDB Cluster
NDB	Cluster
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• MySQL	InnoDB Cluster
– Easy	HA	built	into	MySQL	5.7+
– Write	consistency
– Read	Scalability
– App	failover	using	MySQL	Router
– Management	via	mysqlsh
– InnoDB storage	engine
• MySQL	NDB Cluster
– In	memory	database
– Automatic	sharding
– Native	access	via	several	API
– Read/write	consistency
– Read/write	scalability
– NDB	storage	engine
How	Do	The	Two	Compare	I
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
How	Do	The	Two	Compare	II
MySQL	InnoDB Cluster MySQL NDB	Cluster
Storage	Engine InnoDB NDBCLUSTER
Distributed Architecture Shared nothing Shared nothing
Consistency	Model Fairly	Strong Consistency Strong	Consistency
Sharding No Yes
Arbitration No Yes
Load	Balancing No Yes
NoSQL APIs MySQL Document	Store Native	NDB	API	
Operational	Complexity Medium High
Administration Standard	(MySQL) Custom	(MySQL +	NDB)
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
InnoDB Cluster
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Introducing	…
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 9
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 10
A	single	product:	MySQL
• All	components	created	together
• Tested	together
• Packaged	together
Flexible	and	Modern
• C++	11
• Protocol	Buffers
• Developer	friendly
MySQL	InnoDB Cluster	– Goals
Easy	to	use	
• A	single	client:	MySQL	Shell
• Easy	packaging
• Homogenous	servers
• Sharded	clusters
• Federated	system	of	N	replica	sets	
• Each	replica	set	manages	a	shard
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
InnoDB Cluster
App	Servers	with
MySQL Router
MySQL Group	Replication
MySQL Shell
Setup,	Manage,
“High	Availability	becomes	a	core
first	class	feature	of	MySQL!”
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 12
MySQL InnoDB Cluster:	Vision	
“A	single	product	— MySQL — with	high	availability	and	scaling	
features baked	in; providing	an	integrated	end-to-end	solution	
that	is	easy	to	use.”
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• One	Product:	MySQL
– All	components	created	together
– Tested	together
– Packaged	together	
• Easy	to	Use	
– One	client:	MySQL Shell
– Easy	packaging
– Integrated	orchestration	
– Homogenous	servers
• Flexible	and	Modern
– SQL	and	NoSQL together	
– Protocol	Buffers
– Developer	friendly
• Support	Read/Write	Scale	Out
– Sharded clusters
– Federated	system	of	N	replica	sets	
– Each	replica	set	manages	a	shard
MySQL InnoDB Cluster:	Goals
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Connector
MySQL	Router
MySQL	Connector
MySQL	Router
MySQL	Shell
MySQL	Connector
MySQL	Router
MySQL	Connector
MySQL	Router
MySQL	InnoDB Cluster:	High	Level	Architecture
MySQL	Enterprise	Monitor
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Group	Replication
Natively	distributed	and	highly	available	replica	sets
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Group	Replication:	What	Is	It?
• Group	Replication	library
– Implementation	of	Replicated	Database	State	Machine
• MySQL GCS	is	based	on	Paxos (variant	of	Mencius)
– Provides	virtually synchronous	replication	for	MySQL 5.7+
– Supported	on	all	MySQL platforms
• Linux,	Windows,	Solaris,	OSX,	FreeBSD
“Multi-master	update	anywhere replication	plugin for	MySQL with	built-
in	conflict	detection	and	resolution,	automatic	distributed	recovery,
and	group	membership.”
App	Servers	with
MySQL Router
MySQL Group	Replication
MySQL Shell
Setup,	Manage,
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Group	Replication:	What	Does	It	Provide?
• A	highly	available	distributed	MySQL	database	service
– Removes	the	need	for	manually	handling	server	fail-over
– Provides	distributed	fault	tolerance
– Enables	Active/Active	update	anywhere	setups
– Automates	reconfiguration	(adding/removing	nodes,	crashes,	failures)	
– Automatically	detects	and	handles	conflicts
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Group	Replication:	Architecture
Node	Types
R:	Traffic	routers/proxies:	mysqlrouter,	haproxy,	sqlproxy,	...
M:	mysqld	nodes	participating	in	Group	Replication	
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 19
MySQL	Server:	Full	Stack
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Router
Transparent	application	connection	routing
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Router:	2.1
• Native	support	for	InnoDB clusters
– Understands	Group	Replication	topology
– Utilizes	metadata	schema	stored	on	each	member
• Bootstraps	itself	and	sets	up	client	routing	for	the	InnoDB cluster	
• Allows	for	intelligent	client	routing	into	the	InnoDB cluster
• Supports	multi-master	and	single	primary	modes
• Core	improvements	
– Logging
– Monitoring
– Performance
– Security	
App	Servers	with
MySQL Router
MySQL Group	Replication
MySQL Shell
Setup,	Manage,
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Shell
Single	tool	for	development,	setup,
management,	orchestration,	and	monitoring
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Shell
A	single	unified	client	for	all	administrative	and	operations	tasks	
App	Servers	with
MySQL Router
MySQL Group	Replication
MySQL Shell
Setup,	Manage,
• Multi-Language:	JavaScript,	Python,	and	SQL
– Naturally	scriptable	
• Supports	both	Document	and	Relational	models
• Exposes	full	Development	and	Admin	API
”MySQL Shell	provides	the	developer	and	DBA	with	a	single	intuitive,	
flexible,	and	powerfull	interface	for	all	MySQL	related	tasks!”
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Shell:	Admin	API
• mysql-js> dba.help()
• The	global	variable	'dba'	is	used	to	access	the	
• Perform	DBA	operations
– Manage	MySQL InnoDB clusters
• Create	clusters
• Deploy	MySQL instances
• Get	cluster	info	
• Start/Stop	MySQL Instances
• Validate	MySQL instances		…
Database	Administration	Interface
App	Servers	with
MySQL Router
MySQL Group	Replication
MySQL Shell
Setup,	Manage,
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Shell	– Deploy	MySQL Instances
shell> mysqlsh
mysql-js> dba.deployLocalInstance(3306)
mysql-js> dba.deployInstance(‘hanode2:3306’)
mysql-js> dba.deployInstance(‘hanode3:3306’)
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Shell	– Create	an	InnoDB Cluster
mysql-js> connect root@hanode1:3306
mysql-js> cluster = dba.createCluster(‘NewAppCluster')
mysql-js> cluster.addInstance('root@hanode2:3306')
mysql-js> cluster.addInstance('root@hanode3:3306')
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Shell	– Add	a	MySQL Router
shell> mysqlrouter --bootstrap hanode1:3306
shell> mysqlrouter &
shell> mysqlsh --uri root@localhost:6446
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Enterprise Monitor
• Native	holistic	support	for	InnoDB clusters
– Topology	views
– Detailed	metrics	and	graphs
– Best	Practice	advice	
• Monitoring	of	MySQL Routers	
• Monitoring	of	Group	Replication	
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
NDB	Cluster
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Driving	Database	Requirements
9th	April	2015 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 30
Rock	Solid	
Read	&	Write
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Billing,	AuC,	VLR
AuC,	Call	
Routing,	Billing
Pre	&	Post	Paid
• Massive	volumes	of	write	traffic
• <	3ms	database	response
• Downtime	&	lost	transactions	=	lost	$
• Extremly	cost	sensitive	market
MySQL Cluster in Action: http://bit.ly/oRI5tF
No	Trade-Offs:	Cellular	Network
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Cluster	Overview
• Memory	optimized	tables	with	durability
• Predictable	Low-Latency,	Bounded	Access	Time
• Auto-Sharding,	Active-Active
• ACID	Compliant,	OLTP	+	Real-Time	AnalyticsHIGH	SCALE,	READS	+	WRITES
• Active-Active,	Shared	nothing,	no	Single	Point	of	Failure
• Self	Healing	+	On-Line	Operations
• Key/Value	+	Complex,	Relational	Queries
• SQL	+	Memcached	+	JavaScript	+	Java	+	HTTP/REST	&	C++
• Open	Source	+	Commercial	Editions,	Easy	to	use	and	deploy
• Commodity	hardware	+	Management,	Monitoring	Tools
9th	April	2015 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 32
••Add	and	remove	storage	and	performance	capacity	in	seconds
••Fully	cloud	enabled
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
User	Session
Location	Updates,
Character	movements,	...
• Massive	volumes	of	write	traffic
• <	3ms	database	response
• Downtime	&	lost	transactions	=	lost	$
• Extremly	sensitive	crowd	
No	Trade-Offs:	Massive	Parallel	Online	Games
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL	Cluster	Architecture
MySQL	Cluster	Data	Nodes
Application	Layer
Data	Layer
9th	April	2015 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 34
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Data	Partitioning	/	Auto-sharding
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 35
User-id	(PK) Service	(PK) Data
1773467253 chat xxx
6257346892 chat xxx
1773467253 photos xxx
7234782739 photos xxx
8235602099 reminders xxx
8437829249 location xxx
MySQL	Cluster	Data	Nodes
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Data	Partitioning	/	Auto-sharding
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 36
User-id	(PK) Service	(PK) Data
1773467253 chat xxx
6257346892 chat xxx
1773467253 photos xxx
7234782739 photos xxx
8235602099 reminders xxx
8437829249 location xxx
MySQL	Cluster	Data	Nodes
Shard	Key
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Data	Partitioning	/	Auto-sharding
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 37
User-id	(PK) Service	(PK) Data
1773467253 chat xxx
6257346892 chat xxx
1773467253 photos xxx
7234782739 photos xxx
8235602099 reminders xxx
8437829249 location xxx
MySQL	Cluster	Data	Nodes
Shard	Key
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Node	Group
Data	Node	1
• Data	transparently	sharded	between	Node	Groups
• Each	fragment	active	in	one	Data	Node	with	synchronous	replication	to	
2nd Data	Node	in	same	Node	Group
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 38
Data	Node	2
Node	Group
Data	Node	3 Data	Node	4
Data	Partitioning /	Auto-sharding
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Data	Partitioning	/	Auto-sharding
• DBA	chooses	which	part	of	
Primary	Key	to	use	as	shard	
• Fragment	for	each	row	
decided	by	hashing	the	
sharding	key
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 39
User-id	(PK) Service	(PK) Data
1773467253 chat xxx
6257346892 chat xxx
1773467253 photos xxx
7234782739 photos xxx
8235602099 reminders xxx
8437829249 location xxx
Shard	Key
Node	Group
Data	Node	1 Data	Node	2
Node	Group
Data	Node	3 Data	Node	4
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Data	automatically	rearranged	to	use	new	capacity
• Designed	to	be	a	slow	background	process	not	impacting	real-time	
15/03/2019 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 40
Node	Group
Data	Node	1 Data	Node	2
Node	Group
Data	Node	3 Data	Node	4
Node	Group
Data	Node	5 Data	Node	6
On-line	Scaling	and	Elasticity
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
MySQL Cluster	7.2:	1.2	Billion	UPDATEs	per	Minute
• NoSQL	C++	API,	
flexaSynch benchmark
• 30	x	Intel	E5-2600	Intel	
Servers,	2	socket,	64GB
• ACID	Transactions,	with	
Synchronous	Replication
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
MySQL Cluster Data Nodes
9th	April	2015 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 41
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		| 42
MySQL	NDB	Cluster	7.5
• Read	Optimized	
• Fully	Replicated
Capacity	and	
Scale	Out
• MySQL 5.7
• JSON	Data	Type
• Generated	Columns
• Records-Per-Key	
• Improved	Reporting
• Improved	Logging
• Improved	Visibility	
• Improved	Restore
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
• Reading	from	backup	allows	to	read	
from	any	copy
• Previously	all	reads	were	directed	
towards	the	primary	fragment	only	
Confidential	– Oracle	Internal/Restricted/Highly	Restricted 43
MySQL	NDB	7.5:	Reading	from	backup
Node	Group
Data	Node	1 Data	Node	2
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Next	Steps
Learn	More
• www.mysql.com/cluster
• https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-innodb-cluster/en/
• Authentic	MySQL	Curriculum:	http://oracle.com/education/mysql
Try	it	Out
• dev.mysql.com/downloads/cluster/
7.4	GA	and	7.5	DMR	1
• https://labs.mysql.com/
Let	us	know	what	you	think
• http://mysqlhighavailability.com/
• forums.mysql.com/list.php?25
9th	April	2015 Copyright	2015,	oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved 44
Copyright	©	2016, Oracle	and/or	its	affiliates.	All	rights	reserved.		|
Thank	you!

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Mark Swarbrick
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Olivier DASINI
MySQL & Oracle Linux Keynote at Open Source India 2014
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Sanjay Manwani
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Matt Lord
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Ivan Ma
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Prasad Vasudevan
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Tinku Ajit
MySQL Technology Overview
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Keith Hollman
MySQL Web Reference Architecture
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Ricky Setyawan
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Manuel Contreras
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Mark Swarbrick

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MySQL User Camp : MySQL-Router
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MySQL Technology Overview
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MySQL Web Reference Architecture
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Oracle MySQL Tutorial -- MySQL NoSQL Cloud Buenos Aires Nov, 13 2014
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