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New Life
New Life
Aditi	Das	Bhowmik
Friends	Forever
A	Fictional	Story	on	Earthquake
Dedicated	to	the	victims	of	HAITI
It	 was	 Monday,	 and	 the	 town	 school	 started	 as	 usual.	 Ms	 Rose
Marie	 entered	 the	 class.	 She	 was	 a	 middle-aged	 lady,	 who	 taught
children	 from	 grades	 five	 to	 eight.	 Her	 way	 of	 teaching	 was	 very
unique.	 She	 explained	 every	 lesson	 with	 some	 live	 examples.
Students	enjoyed	her	classes	and	eagerly	waited	for	that.	
“Good	morning,	Mam,”	the	children	greeted	in	chorus.
“Good	morning,	everyone”,	Rose	greeted	them	back.
“So	how	was	your	weekend?”	Rose	asked	her	students.
The	 children	 were	 over	 enthusiastic	 about	 their	 answers	 and	 each
narrated	 their	 own	 stories	 of	 spending	 their	 time	 with	 family,	 some
went	for	bike	ride	around	the	town,	some	enjoyed	gardening	with	their
parents.	Rose	listened	to	them	patiently.	The	interest	that	she	showed
in	the	kids	made	her	their	most	favorite	teacher.
She	was	about	to	teach	“The	Epic	of	Gilgamesh”,	a	Babylonian	poem
that	is	among	the	earliest	known	literary	works	in	history.	It	narrated
the	friendship	between	Gilgamesh	and	Enkidu.
When	a	student	finished	reciting	one	fourth	of	the	poem,	she	started	to
explain	the	general	idea	that	the	poet	wished	to	convey	to	the	world
through	his	poem.	Before	she	could	finish,	she	saw	at	the	corner	of	the
class,	there	was	a	hand	raised.
“Yes,	Rivesh,	may	I	know	what	your	query	is	about?”	Rose	asked.
“Pardon	me	Mam,	if	you	feel	I	am	wrong.	I	just	wanted	to	ask	that	do
you	really	feel	true	friendship	exists?	Did	you	ever	see	a	never	ending
bond	between	friends?”
Rose	was	taken	aback	by	the	question.	It	meant	she	had	to	narrate	a
story,	which	she	had	buried	in	her	heart	long	time	ago.
After	pausing	for	a	moment,	she	said,	“Yes,	I	have	seen.”
“Please	tell	us.”	The	students	requested	her.
So	Rose	started	speaking	in	a	gentle	voice.	She	stared	through	the
window	for	a	minute	before	she	could	meet	the	enthusiastic	eyes	of
her	pupils.
She	said,	“Children	this	is	a	true	story,	which	I	myself	have	seen	in	my
She	started:
I	was	teaching	in	the	small	town	of	Bolivia,	in	South	America.	At	that
time	 I	 taught	 students	 from	 standard	 three	 to	 five.	 They	 were	 very
young	and	fresh,	as	you	all	are.	The	students	who	came	to	the	school
were	from	families	belonging	to	average	income	group.	
One	day,	a	family	moved	to	the	town.	They	looked	very	affluent.	They
had	a	son	who	was	around	seven	years	in	age.	He	was	very	rude	and
impolite.	His	parents	moved	here	for	their	professional	reasons.	Both
of	them	were	doctors	in	the	town’s	famous	hospital.	So	John	moved
along	with	them	here	and	was	admitted	to	the	school,	where	I	taught.
The	first	day	he	came,	he	broke	one	of	the	panes	of	the	classroom
window.	He	fought	with	other	children,	tore	their	shirts,	pushed	some,
and	 broke	 their	 belongings.	 This	 went	 on	 for	 a	 week.	 We	 teachers
thought	that	he	would	improve	with	time.	After	every	mischief,	he	was
told	not	do	it,	but	there	was	no	effect,	no	change	in	his	misdeeds.
Later	we	thought	to	call	on	his	parents,	but	they	seemed	so	busy,	that
they	did	not	pay	any	heed	to	our	request.	
This	made	me	feel	that	due	to	lack	of	parental	care,	he	grew	up	in	this
way.	I	thought	of	trying	a	new	technique,	in	order	to	help	John.	I	made
him	sit	beside	the	best	boy	in	the	class.	Martin	was	not	only	good	in
studies	 but	 also	 in	 every	 thing	 he	 did.	 At	 the	 same	 time	 he	 was
extremely	polite	and	modest.	
The	 first	 day	 when	 John	 and	 Martin	 sat	 together,	 John	 ate	 all	 of
Martin’s	 lunch	 from	 his	 box.	 He	 often	 used	 to	 do	 that	 and	 enjoyed
when	 the	 other	 person	 got	 annoyed	 or	 started	 to	 cry.	 But	 he	 was
shocked	 when	 Martin	 just	 smiled	 and	 said,	 “May	 I	 have	 yours,	 I	 m
hungry”.	 John	 was	 so	 spellbound	 by	 his	 answer	 and	 the	 pleasant
request,	that	he	opened	his	box	and	handed	it	over	to	him.
The	next	day,	John	tore	one	of	the	pages	of	Martin’s	book,	and	he	was
sure	that	Martin	would	now	shout	or	start	a	fight	with	him.	But	he	was
again	taken	by	shock	when	Martin	went	to	the	teacher	to	ask	for	glue
tape	to	join	the	page.	He	did	not	say	a	single	harsh	word	to	John.
John	 was	 growing	 impatient	 with	 the	 peaceful	 nature	 of	 Martin	 and
tried	 all	 possible	 techniques	 to	 annoy	 him.	 Everyday	 he	 would	 spoil
something	or	the	other	that	belonged	to	Martin,	but	Martin	would	have
silently	restored	everything	to	its	earlier	shape.
After	a	month,	John	gave	up	his	misdoings	and	asked	Martin,	“Where
do	you	get	such	patience.	Why	don’t	you	fight	me	back?”
Martin	smiled	and	then	turning	towards	John,	he	said,	“I	do	not	fight
my	friends.	Why	would	I	hurt	someone	unnecessarily,	when	I	know	I
can	 mend	 back	 the	 particular	 item	 or	 when	 there	 exists	 some	 other
solution	to	that	problem.”
“You	know	something	John”,	Martin	continued,	“My	mama	says,	if	you
hurt	someone’s	feeling,	it	hurts	you	back	at	a	double	rate.”
Martin’s	words	worked	wonders	on	John;	he	sat	there	staring	quietly	at
Martin	 said,	 “It’s	 my	 turn	 to	 ask	 question.	 Tell	 me	 John	 why	 you	 go
around	spoiling	others’	things.	Instead	of	making	friends	you	turn	them
into	enemies.	What	drives	you	to	do	all	these?”
The	question	had	pierced	straight	into	little	John’s	heart.	For	the	first
time	there	were	small	tears	in	his	eyes.	He	held	his	head	in	shame	and
buried	it	in	his	hands.	Then	with	a	low	and	choked	up	voice	he	said,
“My	parents	never	paid	any	attention	to	me.	They	never	greeted	me
either	in	the	morning	or	at	night.	My	governess	was	always	there	for
me.	But	I	wanted	to	be	with	my	parents.	Once	I	broke	a	very	expensive
statue	in	our	house,	that	day	I	saw	my	father	in	front	of	me,	he	was
scolding	me	but	at	least	he	was	near	me.	Another	day	I	screwed	our
TV.	That	day	my	mother	slapped	me	tight,	but	at	least	she	touched	me.
I	thought	that	if	I	do	some	mischief,	I	would	get	the	time	to	be	around
my	parents.	This	started	on	and	I	felt	that	if	drawing	attention	means
spoiling	things,	I	would	better	do	that.	You	have	no	idea	Martin,	how	it
feels	to	be	unwanted.”	Tears	started	rolling	down	his	soft	cheeks.
Martin	felt	very	sad.	He	felt	that	it	was	his	question	that	made	him	cry.
“Oh	John,	I	am	very	sorry,	I	really	did	not	mean	to	hurt	you.”
“Okay	 John,	 would	 you	 promise	 me	 something.”	 Martin	 asked
“What?”	John	replied	from	under	his	hands.
“If	I	be	with	you,	throughout	your	life,	during	times	both	good	and	bad
and	if	I	promise	to	pay	you	full	attention,	irrespective	of	whether	you
need	me	or	not,	would	you	stop	being	mischievous?	I	can	assure	you	I
will	be	there	for	you	always.”	Martin	said	holding	John	tightly.
“Yes	 I	 will	 stop	 all	 the	 mischievous	 stuffs	 that	 I	 do.”	 He	 smiled
crookedly.	Rubbing	his	tears,	he	hugged	Martin.
Next	day,	to	everyone’s	astonishment,	John	walked	in	front	of	the	class
and	apologized	for	his	wrong	doings	and	promised	them	that	he	would
prove	to	be	a	very	good	friend.	He	came	to	me,	to	thank	me	for	making
him	sit	beside	Martin.	I	was	more	than	happy	to	see	a	changed	and
well-mannered	John.
Years	 went	 by.	 Their	 friendship	 grew	 stronger	 and	 stronger.	 Martin
helped	him	from	studies	to	sports,	and	in	everything	John	needed	his
help.	He	kept	his	promise.	He	would	study	first	and	then	explain	it	to
John,	 so	 that	 he	 too	 did	 well	 in	 his	 academics.	 With	 Martins
encouragement	 and	 motivation,	 John	 made	 it	 to	 schools	 basketball
team.	Both	of	them	represented	their	school	in	inter-school	basketball
Days	went	by	and	I	was	happy	to	see	their	ever-growing	love.	Martin
was	very	protective	of	John.	He	would	shield	him	from	anything	that
posed	a	threat	to	John.	But	somehow,	deep	in	my	heart	I	felt	that	John
is	 not	 as	 selfless	 as	 Martin	 is.	 He	 has	 still	 slight	 feeling	 of	 envy	 or
jealousy	deeply	rooted	in	him,	though	from	his	refined	behavior,	it	was
hard	to	understand.
It	was	winter.	The	day	was	June	9,	1994.	In	the	morning	we	felt	a	little
tremor	as	if	our	bed	was	shaking	and	our	utensils	were	rattling.	No	one
paid	any	attention.	By	morning	8:00	AM,	the	school	started	as	usual.
At	 10:00	 AM	 the	 school	 building	 started	 vibrating	 in	 very	 violent
manner.	 It	 was	 an	 earthquake	 of	 higher	 magnitude.	 We	 somehow
announced	the	children	to	come	out	of	their	classrooms.	The	pleasant
environment	of	the	school	turned	into	a	total	chaotic	mess.	We	started
pulling	out	junior	classes	first	as	the	senior	students	would	be	able	to
manage	themselves.
The	quake	was	hitting	now	and	then.	After	maximum	of	the	students
were	pulled	out	of	the	school,	some	of	us,	ran	throughout	the	building
to	 ensure	 that	 no	 one	 else	 is	 left	 in	 the	 school	 building.	 When	 I
reached	 the	 third	 floor,	 I	 saw	 John,	 lying	 on	 his	 chest,	 supporting
himself	with	the	help	of	pillar	and	stretching	his	hand	out	as	if	trying	to
pull	 some	 one	 up.	 To	 my	 surprise,	 it	 was	 Martin	 who	 was	 hanging
down.	 The	 sidewall	 had	 broken	 due	 to	 the	 high	 magnitude	 of	 the
quake	and	he	slipped	through	it.	I	also	joined	hands	with	John	to	pull
Martin	up.
Martin	cried,	“I	won’t	make	it,	you	both	save	your	lives.	Go	run.”
I	said,	“I	am	your	teacher,	I	cannot	let	you	die	in	front	of	my	eyes.”
John	was	already	sobbing.	In	his	broken	voice	he	said,	“If	I	leave	your
hand	today,	I	won’t	be	able	to	survive	through	the	rest	of	my	life.	You
were	the	one	who	taught	me	human	emotions,	to	love	and	to	be	loved.
You	were	there	for	me	in	every	moment	of	my	life,	be	it	sorrow	or	joy,
so	 how	 come	 you	 expect	 me	 to	 run	 away	 leaving	 you	 in	 such	 a
situation.	Moreover	you	promised	me	to	be	with	me	throughout	my	life.
I	won’t	let	you	break	your	promise,	my	friend.”
My	 heart	 melted	 by	 listening	 to	 their	 conversation.	 What	 I	 thought
about	John	was	totally	wrong.	Both	John,	and	me	somehow	were	able
to	pull	Martin	up	slightly,	at	least	Martin	was	able	to	hold	an	iron	rod	for
his	support.	They	both	were	grown	ups,	and	for	John	and	me	it	was
not	possible	to	pull	up	another	grown	up	boy	like	Martin.	I	asked	John
to	hold	Martin’s	hand	tight	and	asked	Martin	to	take	the	support	of	the
iron	rod	and	in	the	mean	time,	I	would	call	some	more	people	for	help.
I	hurried	down	the	steps,	I	found	some	teachers	for	help.	We	were	on
our	way	and	just	reached	the	other	end	of	third	floor,	from	where	we
could	see	John	lying	on	the	ground.	With	fast	and	hasty	steps	we	were
approaching	 them,	 when	 the	 quake	 had	 hit	 again.	 We	 somehow,
caught	the	windows	and	doors	of	the	classroom	to	keep	our	balance.
Before	we	could	stand	on	our	feet,	we	no	more	saw	John	on	the	floor.
When	 looked	 over	 the	 corridor	 wall	 we	 saw	 that	 both	 of	 them	 had
fallen	on	the	ground.	Their	heads	were	lying	in	pool	of	blood.	But	their
hands	were	joined	to	each	others’.	They	kept	their	promise;	they	did
not	leave	each	other	till	the	end.
The	principal	and	we	teachers	rushed	them	to	hospital,	but	the	doctors
said	that	they	had	already	breathed	their	last	some	hours	ago,	may	be
when	they	hit	the	hard	ground	while	falling	from	above.
Rose	ended	the	story.	There	were	tears	at	the	corner	of	her	eyes,	as	if
she	had	re-visualized	the	mishap.	Without	a	word	more,	she	left	the
Publication	Date:	February	10th	2010

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New Life

  • 4. It was Monday, and the town school started as usual. Ms Rose Marie entered the class. She was a middle-aged lady, who taught children from grades five to eight. Her way of teaching was very unique. She explained every lesson with some live examples. Students enjoyed her classes and eagerly waited for that. “Good morning, Mam,” the children greeted in chorus. “Good morning, everyone”, Rose greeted them back. “So how was your weekend?” Rose asked her students. The children were over enthusiastic about their answers and each narrated their own stories of spending their time with family, some went for bike ride around the town, some enjoyed gardening with their parents. Rose listened to them patiently. The interest that she showed in the kids made her their most favorite teacher. She was about to teach “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, a Babylonian poem that is among the earliest known literary works in history. It narrated the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. When a student finished reciting one fourth of the poem, she started to explain the general idea that the poet wished to convey to the world through his poem. Before she could finish, she saw at the corner of the class, there was a hand raised. “Yes, Rivesh, may I know what your query is about?” Rose asked. “Pardon me Mam, if you feel I am wrong. I just wanted to ask that do you really feel true friendship exists? Did you ever see a never ending bond between friends?” Rose was taken aback by the question. It meant she had to narrate a story, which she had buried in her heart long time ago. After pausing for a moment, she said, “Yes, I have seen.” “Please tell us.” The students requested her. So Rose started speaking in a gentle voice. She stared through the window for a minute before she could meet the enthusiastic eyes of
  • 5. her pupils. She said, “Children this is a true story, which I myself have seen in my life.” She started: I was teaching in the small town of Bolivia, in South America. At that time I taught students from standard three to five. They were very young and fresh, as you all are. The students who came to the school were from families belonging to average income group. One day, a family moved to the town. They looked very affluent. They had a son who was around seven years in age. He was very rude and impolite. His parents moved here for their professional reasons. Both of them were doctors in the town’s famous hospital. So John moved along with them here and was admitted to the school, where I taught. The first day he came, he broke one of the panes of the classroom window. He fought with other children, tore their shirts, pushed some, and broke their belongings. This went on for a week. We teachers thought that he would improve with time. After every mischief, he was told not do it, but there was no effect, no change in his misdeeds. Later we thought to call on his parents, but they seemed so busy, that they did not pay any heed to our request. This made me feel that due to lack of parental care, he grew up in this way. I thought of trying a new technique, in order to help John. I made him sit beside the best boy in the class. Martin was not only good in studies but also in every thing he did. At the same time he was extremely polite and modest. The first day when John and Martin sat together, John ate all of Martin’s lunch from his box. He often used to do that and enjoyed when the other person got annoyed or started to cry. But he was shocked when Martin just smiled and said, “May I have yours, I m hungry”. John was so spellbound by his answer and the pleasant request, that he opened his box and handed it over to him. The next day, John tore one of the pages of Martin’s book, and he was sure that Martin would now shout or start a fight with him. But he was
  • 6. again taken by shock when Martin went to the teacher to ask for glue tape to join the page. He did not say a single harsh word to John. John was growing impatient with the peaceful nature of Martin and tried all possible techniques to annoy him. Everyday he would spoil something or the other that belonged to Martin, but Martin would have silently restored everything to its earlier shape. After a month, John gave up his misdoings and asked Martin, “Where do you get such patience. Why don’t you fight me back?” Martin smiled and then turning towards John, he said, “I do not fight my friends. Why would I hurt someone unnecessarily, when I know I can mend back the particular item or when there exists some other solution to that problem.” “You know something John”, Martin continued, “My mama says, if you hurt someone’s feeling, it hurts you back at a double rate.” Martin’s words worked wonders on John; he sat there staring quietly at Martin. Martin said, “It’s my turn to ask question. Tell me John why you go around spoiling others’ things. Instead of making friends you turn them into enemies. What drives you to do all these?” The question had pierced straight into little John’s heart. For the first time there were small tears in his eyes. He held his head in shame and buried it in his hands. Then with a low and choked up voice he said, “My parents never paid any attention to me. They never greeted me either in the morning or at night. My governess was always there for me. But I wanted to be with my parents. Once I broke a very expensive statue in our house, that day I saw my father in front of me, he was scolding me but at least he was near me. Another day I screwed our TV. That day my mother slapped me tight, but at least she touched me. I thought that if I do some mischief, I would get the time to be around my parents. This started on and I felt that if drawing attention means spoiling things, I would better do that. You have no idea Martin, how it feels to be unwanted.” Tears started rolling down his soft cheeks. Martin felt very sad. He felt that it was his question that made him cry. “Oh John, I am very sorry, I really did not mean to hurt you.”
  • 7. “Okay John, would you promise me something.” Martin asked enthusiastically. “What?” John replied from under his hands. “If I be with you, throughout your life, during times both good and bad and if I promise to pay you full attention, irrespective of whether you need me or not, would you stop being mischievous? I can assure you I will be there for you always.” Martin said holding John tightly. “Yes I will stop all the mischievous stuffs that I do.” He smiled crookedly. Rubbing his tears, he hugged Martin. Next day, to everyone’s astonishment, John walked in front of the class and apologized for his wrong doings and promised them that he would prove to be a very good friend. He came to me, to thank me for making him sit beside Martin. I was more than happy to see a changed and well-mannered John. Years went by. Their friendship grew stronger and stronger. Martin helped him from studies to sports, and in everything John needed his help. He kept his promise. He would study first and then explain it to John, so that he too did well in his academics. With Martins encouragement and motivation, John made it to schools basketball team. Both of them represented their school in inter-school basketball competitions. Days went by and I was happy to see their ever-growing love. Martin was very protective of John. He would shield him from anything that posed a threat to John. But somehow, deep in my heart I felt that John is not as selfless as Martin is. He has still slight feeling of envy or jealousy deeply rooted in him, though from his refined behavior, it was hard to understand. It was winter. The day was June 9, 1994. In the morning we felt a little tremor as if our bed was shaking and our utensils were rattling. No one paid any attention. By morning 8:00 AM, the school started as usual. At 10:00 AM the school building started vibrating in very violent manner. It was an earthquake of higher magnitude. We somehow announced the children to come out of their classrooms. The pleasant environment of the school turned into a total chaotic mess. We started
  • 8. pulling out junior classes first as the senior students would be able to manage themselves. The quake was hitting now and then. After maximum of the students were pulled out of the school, some of us, ran throughout the building to ensure that no one else is left in the school building. When I reached the third floor, I saw John, lying on his chest, supporting himself with the help of pillar and stretching his hand out as if trying to pull some one up. To my surprise, it was Martin who was hanging down. The sidewall had broken due to the high magnitude of the quake and he slipped through it. I also joined hands with John to pull Martin up. Martin cried, “I won’t make it, you both save your lives. Go run.” I said, “I am your teacher, I cannot let you die in front of my eyes.” John was already sobbing. In his broken voice he said, “If I leave your hand today, I won’t be able to survive through the rest of my life. You were the one who taught me human emotions, to love and to be loved. You were there for me in every moment of my life, be it sorrow or joy, so how come you expect me to run away leaving you in such a situation. Moreover you promised me to be with me throughout my life. I won’t let you break your promise, my friend.” My heart melted by listening to their conversation. What I thought about John was totally wrong. Both John, and me somehow were able to pull Martin up slightly, at least Martin was able to hold an iron rod for his support. They both were grown ups, and for John and me it was not possible to pull up another grown up boy like Martin. I asked John to hold Martin’s hand tight and asked Martin to take the support of the iron rod and in the mean time, I would call some more people for help. I hurried down the steps, I found some teachers for help. We were on our way and just reached the other end of third floor, from where we could see John lying on the ground. With fast and hasty steps we were approaching them, when the quake had hit again. We somehow, caught the windows and doors of the classroom to keep our balance. Before we could stand on our feet, we no more saw John on the floor. When looked over the corridor wall we saw that both of them had fallen on the ground. Their heads were lying in pool of blood. But their hands were joined to each others’. They kept their promise; they did not leave each other till the end.