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An Illustrated Guide  Edited by Ron Dvir  Edna Pasher  Norman Roth With Ruth Blatt  Illustrations by Arye Dvir Unfolding the Innovation Cube   From Knowledge to Value : A Balanced Approach to  New Product Development
From Knowledge to Value Unfolding the  Innovation Cube A   Balanced   Approach  to   New   Product Development A n illustrated guide From Knowledge to Value: Unfolding the Innovation Cube  is a unique journey into the complex and challenging world of a critical core competence in organisations: New Product Development.  The book is the culmination of the New-use and Innovation Management and Measurement Methodology for R&D (NIMCube) project, reflecting the collaboration of experts from 6 countries. The NIMCube consortium was formed in 2000 to develop a methodology and supporting software for effective and efficient  innovation management in organisations. The book conceptually clarifies the  6 facets  of innovation: The  Reuse  of exiting knowledge The  Invention  of new knowledge The  Stakeholders  contribution  The   bottom line  Performance  of New Product Development  The  Exploitation  of the new product The  Ecology  where it all happens The book offers a comprehensive set of tools to improve New Product Development performance in organisations, to speed up innovation processes, and to create value from new ideas - fast.  It presents a unique  Performance Management System  that was developed as a concrete infrastructure for innovation management and measurement.  Detailed descriptions of  real case studies  enrich the concepts and make the complex and intangible ideas come alive. Six thinkers and practitioners , who are at the cutting edge of knowledge management and innovation management, present their perspectives on the issues raised in the book.  The  lively illustrations  that enrich the insights in the text reflect the consortium’s philosophy that visualisation is an effective method of conveying and absorbing new ideas.  The NIMCube project was co-funded by the European Commission Information Society Technology (IST) programme, which is a bustle junction for Knowledge Management activities. Edited by Ron Dvir ,  Edna Pasher and   Norman Roth, Editors With Ruth Blatt   Illustrations by Arye Dvir
Introduction The Journey Towards Innovation Edna Pasher How did the NIMCube Consortium form, identify its central research question, and develop its goals and conceptual framework ? This introduction tells the story of how NIMCube was born and narrates the process that led to the findings and tools presented in this book .
Part ONE The 6 Facets of Innovation Why Innovation? Why Now? How  ? We start part ONE with discussing the case for innovation.   Then, we will unfold the Innovation Cube and elaborate on each of its facets .
1   The Case for Innovation  Edna Pasher   What made   Menlo Park the home of so many revolutions ?  Thomas Edison understood the true meaning of innovation. More then 100 years later, the need for productive innovation is even more urgent. Here you will understand why .
2   The Reuse Facet  Don’t Re-invent the Wheel Sven Schimpf, Norman Roth   If creating the future is about innovation, why invest resources in what the organisation already knows ? This chapter argues that companies can enhance innovation by utilising existing knowledge creatively. Here you will read about the processes of cataloguing, storing, retrieving, using and even discarding intangibles assets.
3   The Invention Facet  The Creation of New Knowledge Scott Hawkins How do you create a new Leonardo? The dynamic and fast-changing global business reality commands that companies “ride the wave” of innovation – they must invent or else be left behind. Here you will read about the common blocks to innovation and receive guidelines for encouraging creativity within your own organisation.
4  The Exploitation Facet How to Get Value From Knowledge   Atai Ziv   How do you link creativity to the marketplace? As this chapter shows, successful inventions can lead to failure if you lose track of your initial business goals. Here you will find practical guidelines for creating value out of inventions by aligning them with the needs of your customers.
5   The Stakeholders Facet  It’s All About Partnership Fiona Lettice and Steve Evans   Who participates in cooking the innovation spaghetti? The chef has many partners: suppliers, customers, advisors, managers, and many others. This chapter describes the unique contribution of each player and presents forms of collaboration between them. It also describes an in-depth case study in the British automotive industry.
6   The Ecology Facet  How to Create a Climate for Innovation   Ron Dvir and Edna Pasher   Where is innovation most likely to flourish?   The ecology of innovation is about the space, time, culture, relationships, infrastructure, and atmosphere that form an environment that nourishes innovation .  Read about two organisations in   Sweden that implemented successful innovation ecologies in the   form of innovation laboratories .
7   The Performance Facet  Bottom Line Counts, Too   Ron Dvir How do you direct the organisational arrows to the bull’s eye? In this chapter we address the importance of the bottom line – for example financial performance, product quality and time to market. Traditionally, measurement systems focused  solely   on the bottom line. Here we see the bottom line as one part of the whole.
Part TWO The Methodology and Tools How do you turn the six facets of the innovation cube into a reality in your organisation? Here you will first read about the overall change methodology and then dive into the details of each tool .
8   The NIMCube Methodology Fiona Lettice and Karen Young   How do you manage innovation? This chapter describes the six components of the innovation programme and a methodology for linking NIMCube tools into a holistic change process. It discusses implementation issues and presents two alternative routes for matching the methodology to the organisation’s needs.
9  A Light Starter  The Fast Assessment Survey Karen Young, Kurt Fessl, Fiona Lettice and Norman Roth How do you get a quick company-wide snapshot of the status of innovation ? This chapter describes the NIMLight on-line questionnaire, a five-minute assessment tool of re-use and invention in your organisation.
10  The Visual Assessment: Focus! Fiona Lettice and Karen Young How would Freud analyse a complex patient such as “innovation”?  He would probably use words. We do the same, but combine verbal and visual languages. This chapter outlines the NIMRate assessment methodology, explains the graphic facilitation process and describes three pilot cases.
11   The Knowledge Repository  A Warehouse for Intangible Assets Norman Roth and Juan Prieto What does a warehouse of intangible assets  look like? Here you will read about NIMStore, a place for storing and managing reusable knowledge assets. As is the case with any good physical warehouse, this dynamic place is a busy junction of activities and transactions.
12   Measurement The Performance Navigation Dashboard  Norman Roth How do you navigate towards the future? This chapter elaborates on the reasons for conducting performance measurement as a tactical and strategic navigation aid. We suggest a measurement system developed specifically for innovation management.
13   The Role of Information Technology Michail Tsanev and Ivo Penev How does Information Technology fit into the picture?  In this chapter we will elaborate on the role of technological infrastructure in facilitating the six facets of innovation. Here we define the basic terms, introduce recent developments in the field, and present some alternative implementation technologies.
14   The Strategy Link  Atai Ziv How do we link the six facets of innovation to the organisation’s strategy? This chapter makes the connection between traditional strategic concepts and the NIMCube approach to innovation. Here you will read about common strategic challenges: Make or ally! 2+2=5! Disrupt it!  Balance smartly!
15  Closing Remarks Edna Pasher with Ruth Blatt   How do you balance between the past and the future? This chapter discusses how organisations can apply the lessons from the NIMCube research and tools. The main lessons: tailor the approach to the unique organisation's needs and begin by focusing on the people-issues.
Part THREE Appendices In this part you will meet : Six gurus in the field of knowledge management who share their insights on innovation. The heroes of the story of Normalivation, a fictitious company with real innovation problems.  The members of Skandia’s new product development community of practice. The partners to the NIMCube journey. The Fair!
Appendix A The Great Gurus on ”New Use and Innovation” Edna Pasher & Galit Maoz Caspi " Perspective is worth 50 IQ points " (Gary Hamel) Here we discover seven new perspectives .  We believe in knowledge creating and knowledge sharing through conversations. Here we talk with some of the great thinkers and practitioners in the field .
Appendix B The Story of Normalivation Ron Dvir What does the hazardous journey towards innovation look like ?  Welcome to the show! Here we present in eight acts the story of Normalivation, a fictitious company with real innovation problems.
Appendix C Case  Study Skandia’s NPD Community of Practice Scott Hawkins How do you innovate on an intangible product? Here we get a snapshot into the work of a community of practice in a Swedish financial services company and explore how it attempts to answer this question.
Appendix D Contributors Who are the people behind this book?  Diversity  of perspectives is one of the key success factors for innovation. The NIMCube consortium embodies this diversity: The members come from 6 countries – just imagine the meeting of cultures… They range from academia to consulting to industry… Some represent 10-people boutiques, and others work for large international corporations… They cover all the generations – from young students to very experienced professionals… They master diverse disciplines: engineering, communications, mathematics, economics ,  physiology, marketing and more.

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Nim Cube Unfoldign The Innovation Cube

  • 1. An Illustrated Guide Edited by Ron Dvir Edna Pasher Norman Roth With Ruth Blatt Illustrations by Arye Dvir Unfolding the Innovation Cube From Knowledge to Value : A Balanced Approach to New Product Development
  • 2. From Knowledge to Value Unfolding the Innovation Cube A Balanced Approach to New Product Development A n illustrated guide From Knowledge to Value: Unfolding the Innovation Cube is a unique journey into the complex and challenging world of a critical core competence in organisations: New Product Development. The book is the culmination of the New-use and Innovation Management and Measurement Methodology for R&D (NIMCube) project, reflecting the collaboration of experts from 6 countries. The NIMCube consortium was formed in 2000 to develop a methodology and supporting software for effective and efficient innovation management in organisations. The book conceptually clarifies the 6 facets of innovation: The Reuse of exiting knowledge The Invention of new knowledge The Stakeholders contribution The bottom line Performance of New Product Development The Exploitation of the new product The Ecology where it all happens The book offers a comprehensive set of tools to improve New Product Development performance in organisations, to speed up innovation processes, and to create value from new ideas - fast. It presents a unique Performance Management System that was developed as a concrete infrastructure for innovation management and measurement. Detailed descriptions of real case studies enrich the concepts and make the complex and intangible ideas come alive. Six thinkers and practitioners , who are at the cutting edge of knowledge management and innovation management, present their perspectives on the issues raised in the book. The lively illustrations that enrich the insights in the text reflect the consortium’s philosophy that visualisation is an effective method of conveying and absorbing new ideas. The NIMCube project was co-funded by the European Commission Information Society Technology (IST) programme, which is a bustle junction for Knowledge Management activities. Edited by Ron Dvir , Edna Pasher and Norman Roth, Editors With Ruth Blatt Illustrations by Arye Dvir
  • 3. Introduction The Journey Towards Innovation Edna Pasher How did the NIMCube Consortium form, identify its central research question, and develop its goals and conceptual framework ? This introduction tells the story of how NIMCube was born and narrates the process that led to the findings and tools presented in this book .
  • 4. Part ONE The 6 Facets of Innovation Why Innovation? Why Now? How ? We start part ONE with discussing the case for innovation. Then, we will unfold the Innovation Cube and elaborate on each of its facets .
  • 5. 1 The Case for Innovation Edna Pasher What made Menlo Park the home of so many revolutions ? Thomas Edison understood the true meaning of innovation. More then 100 years later, the need for productive innovation is even more urgent. Here you will understand why .
  • 6. 2 The Reuse Facet Don’t Re-invent the Wheel Sven Schimpf, Norman Roth If creating the future is about innovation, why invest resources in what the organisation already knows ? This chapter argues that companies can enhance innovation by utilising existing knowledge creatively. Here you will read about the processes of cataloguing, storing, retrieving, using and even discarding intangibles assets.
  • 7. 3 The Invention Facet The Creation of New Knowledge Scott Hawkins How do you create a new Leonardo? The dynamic and fast-changing global business reality commands that companies “ride the wave” of innovation – they must invent or else be left behind. Here you will read about the common blocks to innovation and receive guidelines for encouraging creativity within your own organisation.
  • 8. 4 The Exploitation Facet How to Get Value From Knowledge Atai Ziv How do you link creativity to the marketplace? As this chapter shows, successful inventions can lead to failure if you lose track of your initial business goals. Here you will find practical guidelines for creating value out of inventions by aligning them with the needs of your customers.
  • 9. 5 The Stakeholders Facet It’s All About Partnership Fiona Lettice and Steve Evans Who participates in cooking the innovation spaghetti? The chef has many partners: suppliers, customers, advisors, managers, and many others. This chapter describes the unique contribution of each player and presents forms of collaboration between them. It also describes an in-depth case study in the British automotive industry.
  • 10. 6 The Ecology Facet How to Create a Climate for Innovation Ron Dvir and Edna Pasher Where is innovation most likely to flourish? The ecology of innovation is about the space, time, culture, relationships, infrastructure, and atmosphere that form an environment that nourishes innovation . Read about two organisations in Sweden that implemented successful innovation ecologies in the form of innovation laboratories .
  • 11. 7 The Performance Facet Bottom Line Counts, Too Ron Dvir How do you direct the organisational arrows to the bull’s eye? In this chapter we address the importance of the bottom line – for example financial performance, product quality and time to market. Traditionally, measurement systems focused solely on the bottom line. Here we see the bottom line as one part of the whole.
  • 12. Part TWO The Methodology and Tools How do you turn the six facets of the innovation cube into a reality in your organisation? Here you will first read about the overall change methodology and then dive into the details of each tool .
  • 13. 8 The NIMCube Methodology Fiona Lettice and Karen Young How do you manage innovation? This chapter describes the six components of the innovation programme and a methodology for linking NIMCube tools into a holistic change process. It discusses implementation issues and presents two alternative routes for matching the methodology to the organisation’s needs.
  • 14. 9 A Light Starter The Fast Assessment Survey Karen Young, Kurt Fessl, Fiona Lettice and Norman Roth How do you get a quick company-wide snapshot of the status of innovation ? This chapter describes the NIMLight on-line questionnaire, a five-minute assessment tool of re-use and invention in your organisation.
  • 15. 10 The Visual Assessment: Focus! Fiona Lettice and Karen Young How would Freud analyse a complex patient such as “innovation”? He would probably use words. We do the same, but combine verbal and visual languages. This chapter outlines the NIMRate assessment methodology, explains the graphic facilitation process and describes three pilot cases.
  • 16. 11 The Knowledge Repository A Warehouse for Intangible Assets Norman Roth and Juan Prieto What does a warehouse of intangible assets look like? Here you will read about NIMStore, a place for storing and managing reusable knowledge assets. As is the case with any good physical warehouse, this dynamic place is a busy junction of activities and transactions.
  • 17. 12 Measurement The Performance Navigation Dashboard Norman Roth How do you navigate towards the future? This chapter elaborates on the reasons for conducting performance measurement as a tactical and strategic navigation aid. We suggest a measurement system developed specifically for innovation management.
  • 18. 13 The Role of Information Technology Michail Tsanev and Ivo Penev How does Information Technology fit into the picture? In this chapter we will elaborate on the role of technological infrastructure in facilitating the six facets of innovation. Here we define the basic terms, introduce recent developments in the field, and present some alternative implementation technologies.
  • 19. 14 The Strategy Link Atai Ziv How do we link the six facets of innovation to the organisation’s strategy? This chapter makes the connection between traditional strategic concepts and the NIMCube approach to innovation. Here you will read about common strategic challenges: Make or ally! 2+2=5! Disrupt it! Balance smartly!
  • 20. 15 Closing Remarks Edna Pasher with Ruth Blatt How do you balance between the past and the future? This chapter discusses how organisations can apply the lessons from the NIMCube research and tools. The main lessons: tailor the approach to the unique organisation's needs and begin by focusing on the people-issues.
  • 21. Part THREE Appendices In this part you will meet : Six gurus in the field of knowledge management who share their insights on innovation. The heroes of the story of Normalivation, a fictitious company with real innovation problems. The members of Skandia’s new product development community of practice. The partners to the NIMCube journey. The Fair!
  • 22. Appendix A The Great Gurus on ”New Use and Innovation” Edna Pasher & Galit Maoz Caspi " Perspective is worth 50 IQ points " (Gary Hamel) Here we discover seven new perspectives . We believe in knowledge creating and knowledge sharing through conversations. Here we talk with some of the great thinkers and practitioners in the field .
  • 23. Appendix B The Story of Normalivation Ron Dvir What does the hazardous journey towards innovation look like ? Welcome to the show! Here we present in eight acts the story of Normalivation, a fictitious company with real innovation problems.
  • 24. Appendix C Case Study Skandia’s NPD Community of Practice Scott Hawkins How do you innovate on an intangible product? Here we get a snapshot into the work of a community of practice in a Swedish financial services company and explore how it attempts to answer this question.
  • 25. Appendix D Contributors Who are the people behind this book? Diversity of perspectives is one of the key success factors for innovation. The NIMCube consortium embodies this diversity: The members come from 6 countries – just imagine the meeting of cultures… They range from academia to consulting to industry… Some represent 10-people boutiques, and others work for large international corporations… They cover all the generations – from young students to very experienced professionals… They master diverse disciplines: engineering, communications, mathematics, economics , physiology, marketing and more.