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PMAP Cebu – RC15
People Management Association of the Philippines
Riding on the Currents of Innovation
to Supercharge Employee Relations
regional conference 2015
think, lead & act without the box
amaze – attract – advance
Joris Claeys
change CULTIVATOR – CAPACITY builder
Cebu, Philippines – August 14, 2015
Status Quo is Latin for
“The mess we are in!”
– Ronald Reagan
“Courage is simply doing whatever is
needed in pursuit of the vision”
– Peter M. Senge
(The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization)
Don’t rush!
step by step!
Creativity is thinking
up new things!
Innovation is doing
new things!
Creativity vs Innovation!
“You can never
solve a problem
on the level at
which it was
– Albert Einstein
transforming society & economy
innovating beyond GDP!
from thinking OUTSIDE the box to …
… think, lead & act WITHOUT the box!
Ignore the box
• apply lateral thinking techniques
• rethink situations as opportunities
• Connect the dots between creativity and innovation
• Walk the positive road – Learn to dream (Ai)
• Generate innovative opportunities aligned with your needs
UNlearn to RElearn!
5P's of thriveable sustainability
People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion
from shareholder to stakeholder economics
from growth to PROGRESS!
An econological responsible and sustainable
approach to life, environment & humanity!
Whole Systems Transformation is a journey
systemic change is required at
all levels of our society
spiritual connected: connection between self & self
social connected: connection between self & others
ecological connected: connection between self & nature
~ by Otto Scharmer - Theory U and Presencing & @econologics
from silo-mentality to collective creativity
the “ego-2-eco” shift
Building the NEW! Cultivate change! Do it with PASSION!
When we ask provocative questions
we can change our lens and change lives
Creating an agile culture fosters
forward thinking innovation
"We live in the world our questions create!“
– David Cooperider (Appreciative inquiry – Ai)
liveliness & suppleness
alertness & quickness
your most important strategy
skills vs. capacities
ourselves – team – company
extended enterprise
co-create – co-design
find strength in the uniqueness
of your purpose, your gifts & your passions
PASSIONS create future!
cultivating change! do it with PASSION!
corporate culture drives radical innovation, more
than labor, capital, government or national culture
most critical pillar of successful organizations
Adaptive cultures encourage
• Risk-taking
• Willingness to experiment
• Innovation
• Personal initiative
• Fast decision-making & execution
• Ability to spot unique opportunities
R&D by Charles O’Reilly ,Gerard J. Tellis, Jaideep C. Prabhu and Rajesh K. Chandy
studying innovation among 759 companies based in 17 major markets
culture/DNA as driver
“clash of social contracts”
Less emphasis on being careful, predictable,
avoiding conflict and making your numbers.
Break rules & dream vs. Excel at your job
Open doors & listen vs. Be loyal to your team
Trust & be trusted vs. Work with those you can depend on
Experiment together vs. Do the job right the first time
Err, fail & persist vs. Strive for perfection
Pay it forward vs. Return favours
Dr. Ralph-Christian Ohr
adaptive innovation culture
intersection of organizational and human
innovation capacities
Incremental innovation? Disruptive innovation?
Product innovation? Process innovation?
Just a secret code for "cost cutting“?
Clarify & communicate with passion to the workforce
What specific domains? What specific challenges can people
get their arms around and actually focus on?
1. Name the beast
2. Set the expectation
3. Define innovation
4. Frame the challenges
“A problem well-defined, is a problem half solved!”
– Charles F. Kettering
ways to jump start & foster
culture of innovation
"innovation" What is your definition?
How do you want people thinking about it?
• Horizon 1: ideas
• Horizon 2: ideas about new products & services for
existing & adjacent markets
• Horizon 3: ideas about brand new markets and brand
new capabilities
innovation rarely happens without
commitment of Senior Managers
innovation requires change so without their buy-in, that
change won’t happen – they have to remain engaged
ensure that a program of innovation challenges
identifies challenges that relate to all three horizons
3 innovation horizons
innovation schemes
who actually contributes?
What sets the real innovators apart from the competition
• Open up the organization to chaos
For innovation to thrive there has to be structure
• Innovation is NOT an event, NOT a ‘task’
• An organizations ability to capitalize on opportunities
many want what innovation delivers
but aren’t prepared to do what it takes!
• Cultural trade-offs to drive innovative performance:
• openness to mistakes vs. zero tolerance
• conformity vs. challenge
• innovation vs. control
• risk seeking vs. risk avoiding
• independence vs. involvement
innovation: prepare to change
it’s a movement, it’s cultural, it’s an
embedded part of an organizations’ DNA
tend to be one-of-a-kind in their organization
it's therefore critical for these folks to look outside
their companies for advice and mentorship
Some take-aways:
• avoid the innovation title
• use the buddy system
• set the metrics in advance
• aim for quick hits first
• get data to back up your gut
Intrapreneurship Conference, London, UK – April 2015
managing change
innovation champions & change agents
• don’t expect magic from using innovation tools
• there is no golden bullet to make innovation happen
• if nobody gets mad at you, you’re not innovating
• too much focus on incremental improvements, safe ideas
projects may start with ambitious targets
corporate dust creeps in and decreases
its commercial viability in the long run
• show real commitment
• expect your most innovative employees to
become your future competitors
• remove red tape as much as possible for
your intrapreneurs
without change of mindset
real magic cannot be expected!
TOP-DOWN: “culture-enhancing role”
BOTTOM-UP: Ideas can come from anywhere, anytime
Tap into the collective brainpower
OUTSIDE-IN: The fruits of the effort yield results
Valued by your customers
INSIDE-OUT: Find a way to unleash passion, inspiration
and fascination in the workforce
innovation culture: 4 currents
four forces interacting with each other
organizations don't innovate!
people do!
Outside-in assumes that re-engineering systems or
processes is the way to go. Crank up the rewards, have more
brainstorming sessions, increase cross-functional collaboration,
buy idea management software …
Inside-out is slower and not always understandable
as it focuses on individual change rather then
organizational change working on the premise that an
organization is nothing more than a bunch of individuals
each person commits
“Be the change you want to see in the world!”
– Mahatma Ghandi
innovation culture: inside-out
it's about collaborative mindset
Do you bring the inside out?
Look past organizational concoctions by the human species
Nature provides alternatives: cross-pollinated connections
for multiple non-hierarchical entry & exit points
• community resources extend beyond
its borders: physically and socially
• organizations which unite their
participants by cause or ‘solutions’
• desire to voluntarily make an impact
• sharing as the norm, not the exception
• the only concern was people
Human mind is adaptable to situations and needs
both in itself and for others. Let’s take advantage of it!
silos empathy and shared experiences
innovation culture: inside-out
goal: breaking down silos ‘making things happen’
The further away one gets from the executive team,
the status quo gets more powerful.
Leaders need wave makers throughout the business
not just at the most senior levels.
They are the ones, regardless of title or experience:
asking: “What can I do?”
inquire: “How can I help?”
or consider: “what if?”
A "wave" is any change that begins with a person's decision.
Waves start with one person's spotting a need or opportunity
and deciding to initiate a change.
Wave makers bring value by achieving results in doing
1. Sparking innovation
2. Driving up performance
3. Accelerating professional development
4. Shaking up the status quo
leaders need wave makers
leaders can’t possibly know everything
Intrapreneurial-minded think & act like entrepreneurs,
but their ideas and approach help companies to prosper &
sustain healthy growth
Fostering intrapreneurship within an organization can
help bring it to new levels of success and innovation
While many posses intrapreneurial capacities,
not everyone knows how to harness them
leaders need to cultivate, hone-in and strategically unleash it.
key to cultivating intrapreneurship is transparency:
foster a healthy environment
where intrapreneurs flourish
entrepreneurs & intrapreneurs
millennials bring strong entrepreneurial
spirit, influenced by great innovators
within an organization
entrepreneurs = intrapreneurs
• Loyal to the company
• Wearing an exoskeleton – endless competencies & resources
• Strong network within and outside the organization
• They are agile, they connect people and ideas together
• Work on multiple projects
• Come up with “without-the-box” ideas
Drivers or motivations to pursue their ideas
• Convinced to succeed
• Adapt, learn from mistakes
• Don’t work on their own
• Start from the customer’s viewpoint
rather than
intrapreneurs & managers
key characteristics of intrapreneurs
Foster intrapreneurship through:
• Keep an open line of communication
• Support disruptive innovation with clear authority
• Manage and foster an innovative culture
• Celebrate successes and failures
in a culture of innovation, celebrate!
create lines of authority without force, but respect
and mutual agree
eager intrapreneurs follow authority when
experienced as positive contributor – not roadblock
Mutual lines of respect, based on individual's personality,
can be cultivated through open communication, providing
support and stepping aside when appropriate.
inspire innovators to
step up with transparency!
customer-focused strategy shifts the goal toward meeting
the needs of the customers, away from pushing product.
shareholder firm: push products
sustainable firm: pull customers
Values “creative empathy” for being of service to others
Sustainable business as transformation of
management, organization, economics, science & morality
Key is an understanding that the natural capital upon
which our society and prosperity are built is finite, and
that we need to use it more wisely, share it more fairly.
Only then can we truly talk about sustainable development
marketing & sales: push vs pull
from shareholder to stakeholder firm
we are a collaborative species
There‘s nothing new about cooperation,
collaboration and community.
changing markets & consumption
changing markets & consumption
changing markets & consumption
and require new leadership
create long-term value for their companies and the world they inhabit
Unilever's Paul Polman: CEOs Can't Be 'Slaves' To Shareholders
enterprise models change
In most large organizations a focus on functional
performance has created walls that compartmentalize
roles and responsibilities.
“To redesign the holistic work environment to
accelerate organizational learning, organizations
must shift towards a different rationale scalable
learning rather than scalable efficiency and the
Chief Learning Officer is best positioned to lead”
– John Hagel, John Seely Brown
Deloitte - Center for the Edge
work environment redesign
Chief Learning Officers
will be the new leaders of organizations
The role of human capital management will change more in
the next 5 years than it has in the past 30.
Technology advance & changing business needs will
impact on HR in profound ways, but more so through
the generation switch
We need a modern approach to
human capital management!
human capital management
HRD transformation ‘killing a mockingbird”
“You never really understand a person until you
consider things from his point of view – until you
climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
– Atticus Finch ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
• CHRO - key player in enterprise strategy
• HR departments adapt & facilitate younger workers to
stick to the rules – better: facilitate changing the rules
• Individuals & teams need to increasingly work together
to achieve expected results
• New models for performance evaluation, compensation
and time off to foster collaboration & innovation
• Recruits expect the ability to interact with a company
and its HR functions through social media
• Access HR systems and services 24/7 from anywhere
• Growth in the scope of shared HR services.
• HR as integral part of the business to ensure the
company reaches its goals, and co-designs the platform
for jobs that makes sense for both people and company.
human capital management
Chief HR Officer (CHRO) roles &
HRD functions/support
5 ways talent management must change
Don’t recruit:
initiate relationships and engage the best talent
Don’t train:
create work-learning environments
Don’t manage:
Don’t retain:
evolve lasting relationships
Don’t do annual reviews:
improve performance real-time
Don Tapscott, CEO Tapscott Group
human capital management
Are we still functioning in a Human Resources silo?
1. Broaden our vision: partner with other functional groups
such as Marketing, Facilities, Real Estate, Communications
and Sustainability to create as memorable an employee
experience as creating a customer experience
2. Use the customer experience tools: ongoing research into
needs and perceptions, design thinking and a marketing
mindset to re-invent the Human Resource function
3. Create and embrace an iterative development model so
new HR services are co-created with employees in much
the same way new products are co-created by our company’s
most passionate consumers.
3 questions to ask yourself and your team
human capital management
“Culture is to employees what
branding is to consumers!”
– Damian Madras
millennials surpass Gen.X
How are you connecting with millennials?
inspiring - engaging - motivating - empowering
The Millennial Generation, comprised of those people born
between 1982 and 2004 (average age 25) lies at the heart
of this shift.
Many organizational leaders and human resource
managers complain that Millennials are hard to manage.
This generation has grown up in the disruptive world
of the internet, where people’s influence is
based on contribution and reputation, not position.
Why would they want to put up with anything
other than self-management in the workplace?
challenging and reinventing notions of trust
in organisations, products & services
the generations shift
Gen.Y values authenticity, transparency & access to power
Millennials want employers to provide a sense of purpose
The need to cater to Millennial values will only increase
for employers as Gen.Y matures.
Millennials are expected to comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025.
“We’re only going to get stronger,”
develop your leaders
transform your organization
build engagement by connecting people to purpose at work
sustain team engagement
create dialogue
encourage storytelling
connecting people to purpose
millennials want 1 thing: PURPOSE
Technology is a tool, people are your most important resource.
Honing in on the critical purpose that
• unites your people,
• serves your community,
• will help you build a growing, thriving, resilient culture
• empowers, enables & actualizes human passion & potential
“This is the art of giving the stage to others,
either people who report to you or those who don’t but
are highly connected, have high influence and
touch upon vast networks.
It’s not a management trick to pretend that one gives
space to others, but only pretending; in reality it’s just false.”
– Leandro Herrero (Backstage Leadership Architect of organizations)
purpose = profit/growth
the art of giving the stage to others
the only way forward!
from CHRO to CEEO
Chief Employee Experience Officer (Airbnb)
Like engagement experience with our customers,
apply same philosophy of creating experiences to
keep employees engaged, inspired and happy.
Airbnb has moved from open space floor plan to a
‘belong anywhere working environment’
Create the sense of belonging
• Employees can either work alone or congregate
with the folks they are working with
• Using workplace environments for education, internal
communications, as well as employee events,
celebration, recognition, appreciation, space and food, …
all while ensuring Airbnb core values are
communicated and instilled in the process.
Talent development:
• Create & foster employee-
centric experience to develop
& engage employees
• Co-creating talent development
opportunities with employees
• Crowd-source the skills and
knowledge they need, for them
to be successful, rather than
launching fully formed
new learning initiative
Transparency: the new currency of leadership
Employees freely share why Airbnb is a great place to work.
Airbnb creates something that touches people:
experience memories, relationships, …
Who else does this?
workplace as an experience
aspirational experience (Airbnb)
Shift to Holacracy to free up staff autonomy & creativity
• +10 per cent of staff no longer has managers
• no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy
• get rid of managers and free their staff’s creativity
• pays new hires $3,000 to leave after trial, but no fit
Guess what! Everyone wants to stick at Zappos!
Why? Because of the experience!
Zappos is not just doing good, it’s doing great.
“Having one foot in one world while having the
other foot in the other world has slowed down
our transformation towards self-management
and self-organization.” – Tony Hsieh, CEO - Zappos
Who else does this?
workplace as an experience
“holacracy” (‘Zappos Says Goodbye To Bosses’)
the ladder is no longer there
“A Chief is someone who will inspire us
to be what we know we could be!”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Developing only deep expertise in one skill set
in order to sequentially climb each rung of the
career ladder to get to the top is an anachronism.
Many organizations and employees are still in the dark, believing
that supporting this strategy leads to the greatest probability of
career and company success.
This handicaps - if not completely - derails them both.
• Create a broader set of relationships.
• Develop unconventional skill sets.
• Embrace constant and never-ending learning
– Peter Guber
CEO of Mandalay Entertainment Group and
Owner of the Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Dodgers.
landscape of the future
why the career ladder no longer matters
insight: knows self and has emotional balance
empathy: open to and concerned for others
integration: recognizes interconnectedness with world
Through mindfulness training, developing our ability to notice with
awareness, emotions & sensations whatever arises in the present
MWE - merging the individual ‘ME’ with the collective ‘WE’
We don’t suppress the ‘me’ in favour of the ‘we’
nor do ‘we’ let the ‘me’ dominate the ‘we’
“Integration made visible with kindness and compassion”
– Dr Dan Siegel at Wisdom2.0 Asia
leadership change
insight – empathy - integration
“Good leaders can become
revolutionary when they take
charge of their own narratives.
The moment we deny a difficult
experience, it owns us. If we are
brave enough, often enough, we are going to fall!
Rising Strong is about what it takes to get back up
and keep being courageous with our lives!”
– Brené Brown
WALLOW IN YOUR FAILURE – Embrace what went wrong
empathy & epiphany
the messy middle part of the story
is where leaders are born
We long for autonomy, mastery & purpose
We want to develop personally & professionally
We long to belong to a team of trusted co-workers
We want to contribute to a great cause
We want to decide how we do our jobs today
… because we are professionals who can be trusted.
Organizations are not ready
to host authentic individuals
scarcity rules the pyramid
courage and abundance
authenticity has great appeal
trust is priceless
vulnerability & authenticity
magic mix of individual freedom & collaboration
“If leaders allow themselves to be learners, they are authentic,
making everyone smarter. If no one gets laughed at, anything is
possible. Even if authenticity is awkward sometimes:
at least you get to know the other better. That builds trust!
Trust builds energy, ideas, abundance, possibilities, …
It may feel vulnerable, silly, or inappropriate.
Your ego might want to stop you for fear of losing face.
The pressure to adjust is high, both from the group and your ego.
So, dare you? If you are brave, magic may happen!
Believe in authenticity because it breeds trust!
Authenticity & trust lead to abundance eventually!
An abundant flow of information and energy to begin
with - leading to abundant performance & outcomes”
– Marcella Bremer
DARE TO BE AUTHENTIC – co-founder of Leadership & Change Magazine and OCAI
vulnerability & authenticity
when you are vulnerable
others may take advantage!
Successful leadership and trust go hand in hand.
Unless you have the trust of your team and those around you,
your leadership is likely to stutter and fail.
• Recognise the issues & risks
• Reflect objectively on dynamics of the situation
• Notice your own position within the situation
• Weigh up your options & make a clear decisions
trust & leadership
building and protecting trust
from hierarchy to lattice
Say “no more hierarchy”
everybody gets the wrong idea
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not
the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday’s logic!”
– Peter Drucker
from hierarchy to lattice
more companies look at alternative
structures & why you should too
Agile or responsive/adaptive organizations are built to learn
and respond rapidly through the open flow of information;
encouraging experimentation and learning on rapid cycles;
organizing as a network of employees, customers & partners
motivated by shared purpose
designed to thrive in less predictable environments
by balancing the following tensions:
More predictable <> Less predictable
profit <> purpose
hierarchies <> networks
controlling <> empowering
planning <> experimentation
privacy <> transparency
from hierarchy to lattice
welcome to the leading edge of lattice
CXO’s should experiment with
‘next stage’ organizations
“Begin experimenting with new forms of non-
hierarchical leadership and the flowering and
contribution and wholeness of everyone
involved throughout your organization.”
– Lynne Sedgmore CBE
“Imagine what organizations would be like if we
stopped designing them like soulless, chunky
machines. What could organizations achieve and
what would work feel like, if we treated them like
living beings, if we let them be fuelled by the
evolutionary power of life itself!”
– Ernst Bechinie, PhD, MCC
building movements, not organizations
Latteral organizations
• If a movement is successful, things change for everyone
• Movements seek sweeping change
• Leadership emerges from within
• Supported from the inside-out
– then in concentric circles rippling outward
• Adopt structures and systems that mirror how
societies progress toward
people living well together
“Creating a healthy humane world will require
more than new organizational designs. It will take
rethinking the nature of organizations entirely.”
– Hildy Gottlieb Co-Founder, Creating the Future
-based on social change arena continually experimenting with new
organizational forms to further the movement of Paul Hawken
We’ve grown up believing that there are only 2 choices:
You can have hierarchy or, you can have a playground, a
free-for-all, where everybody just do what they want.
A third way beyond hierarchy or free-for-all:
Take out the hierarchy of people and power
What is Holacracy?
• Holacracy doesn’t work with a pyramid and business units, but with
“circles.” There are no more managers and no more job titles.
Instead, people fill “roles” and the tasks formerly done by managers
are filled by a number of different people.
• Power is distributed throughout the organization in such a way that
you don’t have a superior who can invalidate your decision.
• Most importantly, the system constantly self-adjusts. Whenever
someone feels that some responsibilities need to be created or
shifted, a very efficient process exists to do so.
• It all relies on collective intelligence mechanisms—no one can
overrule others simply because he shouts louder or she plays
politics better.
– Brian Robertson Holacracy “organizational operating system”
busting the monopoly of the pyramid
1. Present proposal
The proposer states his proposal and the issue this proposal is attempting to resolve.
2. Clarifying questions
Anybody can ask clarifying questions to seek information or understanding. This point is not yet
the moment for reactions, and the facilitator will interrupt any question that is cloaking a reaction
to the proposal.
3. Reaction round
Each person is given space to react to the proposal. Discussions and responses are not allowed at
this stage.
4. Amend and clarify
The proposer can clarify the intent of his proposal further or amend it based on the prior
5. Objection round
The facilitator asks, “Do you see any reasons why adopting this proposal would cause harm or
move us backwards?” There are strict criteria for an objection to be valid, to avoid the problem
that plagues consensus: that one person can block the group for no good reason.
6. Integration
If an objection is raised, the facilitator leads an open discussion to craft an amended proposal that
would avoid the objection while still addressing the proposer’s concern. If several objections are
raised, they are addressed in this way one at a time, until all are removed.
holacracy – building a new OS
main steps of the process
Millennials or Gen.Y “get” self-management instinctively!
– Gary Hamel, Matters Now
notes on holacracy experience:
· No one can kill a good idea
· Everyone can pitch in
· Anyone can lead
· No one can dictate
· You get to choose your cause
· You can easily build on top of what others have done
· You don’t have to put up with bullies and tyrants
· Agitators don’t get marginalized
· Excellence usually wins (and mediocrity doesn’t)
· Passion-killing policies get reversed
· Great contributions get recognized and celebrated
experience holacracy
young people get it instinctively
human development &
organizational paradigms
create soulful workplaces where our talents
can blossom and our callings can be honoured
From GREY to BLUE over ORANGE, GREEN towards TEAL
Our current worldview
limits the way we think
about organizations?
Can we invent a more
powerful, more soulful,
more meaningful
way to work together?
if only we change our belief system
lateral (TEAL circles) organizations
emergence of a new organizational model
future of management is TEAL
evolution in human collaboration
from change management
to change facilitation
using new approaches:
5P’s, Ai & WST
Like previous leaps to new
stages in management, the
new model comes with a
number of breakthroughs:
• self-management
• wholeness
• evolutionary purpose
– Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations
are we ready for self-management
lattice teams & organizations
TEAL Extended Enterprise Circles
future of management is TEAL
“Organizations are moving forward along an evolutionary
spectrum, toward self-management, wholeness, and
a deeper sense of purpose.”
– George Pór (Enlivening Edge)
reinventing organizations
from hierarchy to lattice (TEAL circles)
People in organizations feel disempowered, disengaged
Powerful CEOs & top managers are tired and exhausted,
caught in a rat race, in a system that forces them to play
politics, to keep their guard up all the time.
Companies going “teal”
Put all business school management & classic organization
practices on the site and go a step further then
empowering culture-driven organizations
reinventing vibrant, powerful & soulful organizations
“People from all ranks sense but hide the real
pains, that something is broken in the way we
run organizations.
We need to create a whole ecosystem of support
for organizations going Teal”
– Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations
planting the seeds of new possibilities, inspired on the next stage of human consciousness
reinventing organizations
redesign the holistic work environment
How self-management, wholeness & evolutionary purpose
make sense?
How it must be more powerful than what we have now?
• how you make decisions
• how you recruit people
• how you evaluate people
• how you compensate people
• how you make budgets
• how you make targets
• how you make strategies
reinventing organizations
This would be amazing!
but we could never do this because …
Welcome to the leading edge of lattice!
organizational model consistent with
the form of consciousness
dis-identification &
changing yardsticks
change is everywhere / shift is nowhere!
TEAL is the new green+blue addressing
all 5P’s of thrivable sustainability
going TEAL + Ai + 5P’s
in co-creative eco-systems
purpose of life & consciousness
• Life as a journey of unfolding goals and routes
instead of pre-planned
• Internal yardsticks to grow into true nature
work toward your calling
• A life well-lived breeds success, profit etc…
not vice versa
• Focus on strengths, not on “what‘s wrong”
• No mistakes, only opportunities to learn from
• Wisdom beyond rationality, focus on results
• Think, lead & act using “both/and” not “either/or”
• Integrating mind-body-soul
• Be true to yourself – start with your own purpose
• Striving for wholeness with self, others, life, nature
individual & collective purpose
companies & teams
supply chains & extended enterprise
introduction on the future paradigm
how organizations and entire industries can evolve towards
innovative Green, Teal work-relationships
& consciousness 2.0
Why teal organizations are so successful
Liberating previously unavailable energies, through
• Purpose
• Distribution of power
• Learning
• Use of talent
Less energy wasted
• in propping up the ego
• in compliance
• in meetings
Harnessing and directing energy with more clarity and wisdom, through:
• Better sensing
• Better decision-making
• More decision-making
• Evolutionary purpose
(evolutionary) TEAL circles
facilitators & coaches (just to name a few)
TEAL support
for entrepreneurs &
start-ups in the
creativity sector
for intrapreneurs, corporate
teams and CXO-level , institutions
+ extended enterprise
Teal for Teal - TEAL for start-ups - Enlivening Edge - Change Factory - Beyond TEAL
planning the future
Prototyping allows you to experiment,
evaluate, learn, refine and adapt.
how to eat the
transformation elephant?
“… the ground beneath us is shifting at an
accelerating rate. The implications for strategy
are profound!”
– John Hagel Deloitte - Center for the Edge
“The truly creative changes and the big shifts
occur right at the edge of chaos. Creativity is
not an option, it’s an absolute necessity!”
– Sir Ken Robinson
it’s imperative to bring creativity to learning!
enabling us to be innovative!
building the NEW! cultivate change!
do it with PASSION or not at all!
"Evolving our consciousness is not something we do only for
ourselves - it is something we also do for others... for all
others, and for the earth. Because we open up and let our
body and mind feel the ties with others and with nature, we
change ourselves, and change others around us…
When many people open up, a powerful force develops
– a leap of consciousness takes place..."
- Ervin Laszlo
New Consciousness for a New World! clubofbudapest.org
“The future is already here!
It’s just not very evenly distributed.”
– William Gibson
“If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do more
become more you are a leader!”
– John Quincy Adams
amaze – attract – advance
Promoteentrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs&cooperative communities!
@econologics – @knowledgEnabler
INCISIVE Knowledge Converged
Realizing sustainable balance in our social & Economic circle of life!
ENGAGE DYNAMIC CAPACITY - Inspire Innovation! Embrace Change!
Sustainability, resilience, thrivability & econologics coaching – AI, OD, WST, TEAL
Inspire peoplein harmony with theplanet for balanced progresstowards
building communities that THRIVE!
We change the way we LIVE! We change the way of LIFE!
Inspire one– 1x
= X1 – Motivate many!

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Riding on the Currents of Innovation to Supercharge Employee Relations

  • 1. PMAP Cebu – RC15 People Management Association of the Philippines Riding on the Currents of Innovation to Supercharge Employee Relations regional conference 2015 think, lead & act without the box amaze – attract – advance Joris Claeys change CULTIVATOR – CAPACITY builder @knowledgEnabler Cebu, Philippines – August 14, 2015
  • 2. Status Quo is Latin for “The mess we are in!” – Ronald Reagan “Courage is simply doing whatever is needed in pursuit of the vision” – Peter M. Senge (The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization) Don’t rush! step by step!
  • 3. Creativity is thinking up new things! Innovation is doing new things! Creativity vs Innovation!
  • 4. “You can never solve a problem on the level at which it was created” – Albert Einstein transforming society & economy innovating beyond GDP!
  • 5. from thinking OUTSIDE the box to … … think, lead & act WITHOUT the box! Ignore the box • apply lateral thinking techniques • rethink situations as opportunities • Connect the dots between creativity and innovation • Walk the positive road – Learn to dream (Ai) • Generate innovative opportunities aligned with your needs Unlearn! Relearn!
  • 7. 5P's of thriveable sustainability People – Planet – Progress – Purpose – Passion from shareholder to stakeholder economics from growth to PROGRESS! An econological responsible and sustainable approach to life, environment & humanity!
  • 8. Whole Systems Transformation is a journey systemic change is required at all levels of our society spiritual connected: connection between self & self social connected: connection between self & others ecological connected: connection between self & nature ~ by Otto Scharmer - Theory U and Presencing & @econologics from silo-mentality to collective creativity the “ego-2-eco” shift
  • 9. Building the NEW! Cultivate change! Do it with PASSION! When we ask provocative questions we can change our lens and change lives Creating an agile culture fosters forward thinking innovation "We live in the world our questions create!“ – David Cooperider (Appreciative inquiry – Ai) AGILITY liveliness & suppleness alertness & quickness your most important strategy
  • 10. skills vs. capacities UNIQUENESS limitations strengths ourselves – team – company extended enterprise collaborate co-create – co-design
  • 11. find strength in the uniqueness of your purpose, your gifts & your passions PASSIONS create future! cultivating change! do it with PASSION!
  • 12. corporate culture drives radical innovation, more than labor, capital, government or national culture adaptability most critical pillar of successful organizations Adaptive cultures encourage • Risk-taking • Willingness to experiment • Innovation • Personal initiative • Fast decision-making & execution • Ability to spot unique opportunities R&D by Charles O’Reilly ,Gerard J. Tellis, Jaideep C. Prabhu and Rajesh K. Chandy studying innovation among 759 companies based in 17 major markets culture/DNA as driver “clash of social contracts”
  • 13. Less emphasis on being careful, predictable, avoiding conflict and making your numbers. Break rules & dream vs. Excel at your job Open doors & listen vs. Be loyal to your team Trust & be trusted vs. Work with those you can depend on Experiment together vs. Do the job right the first time Err, fail & persist vs. Strive for perfection Pay it forward vs. Return favours Dr. Ralph-Christian Ohr adaptive innovation culture intersection of organizational and human innovation capacities AGILE ADAPTIVE RESPONSIVE
  • 14. Incremental innovation? Disruptive innovation? Product innovation? Process innovation? Just a secret code for "cost cutting“? Clarify & communicate with passion to the workforce What specific domains? What specific challenges can people get their arms around and actually focus on? 1. Name the beast 2. Set the expectation 3. Define innovation 4. Frame the challenges “A problem well-defined, is a problem half solved!” – Charles F. Kettering ways to jump start & foster culture of innovation "innovation" What is your definition? How do you want people thinking about it?
  • 15. • Horizon 1: ideas • Horizon 2: ideas about new products & services for existing & adjacent markets • Horizon 3: ideas about brand new markets and brand new capabilities innovation rarely happens without commitment of Senior Managers innovation requires change so without their buy-in, that change won’t happen – they have to remain engaged ensure that a program of innovation challenges identifies challenges that relate to all three horizons 3 innovation horizons innovation schemes who actually contributes?
  • 16. What sets the real innovators apart from the competition • Open up the organization to chaos For innovation to thrive there has to be structure • Innovation is NOT an event, NOT a ‘task’ • An organizations ability to capitalize on opportunities many want what innovation delivers but aren’t prepared to do what it takes! • Cultural trade-offs to drive innovative performance: • openness to mistakes vs. zero tolerance • conformity vs. challenge • innovation vs. control • risk seeking vs. risk avoiding • independence vs. involvement innovation: prepare to change it’s a movement, it’s cultural, it’s an embedded part of an organizations’ DNA
  • 17. tend to be one-of-a-kind in their organization it's therefore critical for these folks to look outside their companies for advice and mentorship Some take-aways: • avoid the innovation title • use the buddy system • set the metrics in advance • aim for quick hits first • get data to back up your gut Intrapreneurship Conference, London, UK – April 2015 managing change innovation champions & change agents
  • 18. • don’t expect magic from using innovation tools • there is no golden bullet to make innovation happen • if nobody gets mad at you, you’re not innovating • too much focus on incremental improvements, safe ideas Why? projects may start with ambitious targets corporate dust creeps in and decreases its commercial viability in the long run • show real commitment • expect your most innovative employees to become your future competitors • remove red tape as much as possible for your intrapreneurs without change of mindset real magic cannot be expected!
  • 19. TOP-DOWN: “culture-enhancing role” BOTTOM-UP: Ideas can come from anywhere, anytime Tap into the collective brainpower OUTSIDE-IN: The fruits of the effort yield results Valued by your customers INSIDE-OUT: Find a way to unleash passion, inspiration and fascination in the workforce innovation culture: 4 currents four forces interacting with each other organizations don't innovate! people do!
  • 20. Outside-in assumes that re-engineering systems or processes is the way to go. Crank up the rewards, have more brainstorming sessions, increase cross-functional collaboration, buy idea management software … Inside-out is slower and not always understandable as it focuses on individual change rather then organizational change working on the premise that an organization is nothing more than a bunch of individuals each person commits “Be the change you want to see in the world!” – Mahatma Ghandi innovation culture: inside-out it's about collaborative mindset Do you bring the inside out?
  • 21. Look past organizational concoctions by the human species Nature provides alternatives: cross-pollinated connections for multiple non-hierarchical entry & exit points Imagine: • community resources extend beyond its borders: physically and socially • organizations which unite their participants by cause or ‘solutions’ • desire to voluntarily make an impact • sharing as the norm, not the exception • the only concern was people Human mind is adaptable to situations and needs both in itself and for others. Let’s take advantage of it! silos empathy and shared experiences innovation culture: inside-out goal: breaking down silos ‘making things happen’
  • 22. The further away one gets from the executive team, the status quo gets more powerful. Leaders need wave makers throughout the business not just at the most senior levels. They are the ones, regardless of title or experience: asking: “What can I do?” inquire: “How can I help?” or consider: “what if?” A "wave" is any change that begins with a person's decision. Waves start with one person's spotting a need or opportunity and deciding to initiate a change. Wave makers bring value by achieving results in doing 1. Sparking innovation 2. Driving up performance 3. Accelerating professional development 4. Shaking up the status quo leaders need wave makers leaders can’t possibly know everything
  • 23. Intrapreneurial-minded think & act like entrepreneurs, but their ideas and approach help companies to prosper & sustain healthy growth Fostering intrapreneurship within an organization can help bring it to new levels of success and innovation While many posses intrapreneurial capacities, not everyone knows how to harness them leaders need to cultivate, hone-in and strategically unleash it. key to cultivating intrapreneurship is transparency: foster a healthy environment where intrapreneurs flourish entrepreneurs & intrapreneurs millennials bring strong entrepreneurial spirit, influenced by great innovators within an organization entrepreneurs = intrapreneurs
  • 24. • Loyal to the company • Wearing an exoskeleton – endless competencies & resources • Strong network within and outside the organization • They are agile, they connect people and ideas together • Work on multiple projects • Come up with “without-the-box” ideas Drivers or motivations to pursue their ideas • Convinced to succeed • Adapt, learn from mistakes • Don’t work on their own • Start from the customer’s viewpoint “achievement-motivated” rather than “power-motivated” intrapreneurs & managers key characteristics of intrapreneurs
  • 25. Foster intrapreneurship through: • Keep an open line of communication • Support disruptive innovation with clear authority • Manage and foster an innovative culture • Celebrate successes and failures in a culture of innovation, celebrate! create lines of authority without force, but respect and mutual agree eager intrapreneurs follow authority when experienced as positive contributor – not roadblock Mutual lines of respect, based on individual's personality, can be cultivated through open communication, providing support and stepping aside when appropriate. inspire innovators to step up with transparency!
  • 26. customer-focused strategy shifts the goal toward meeting the needs of the customers, away from pushing product. shareholder firm: push products sustainable firm: pull customers Values “creative empathy” for being of service to others Sustainable business as transformation of management, organization, economics, science & morality Key is an understanding that the natural capital upon which our society and prosperity are built is finite, and that we need to use it more wisely, share it more fairly. Only then can we truly talk about sustainable development marketing & sales: push vs pull from shareholder to stakeholder firm
  • 27. we are a collaborative species There‘s nothing new about cooperation, collaboration and community. changing markets & consumption
  • 28. changing markets & consumption
  • 29. changing markets & consumption
  • 30. and require new leadership create long-term value for their companies and the world they inhabit Unilever's Paul Polman: CEOs Can't Be 'Slaves' To Shareholders enterprise models change
  • 31. In most large organizations a focus on functional performance has created walls that compartmentalize roles and responsibilities. “To redesign the holistic work environment to accelerate organizational learning, organizations must shift towards a different rationale scalable learning rather than scalable efficiency and the Chief Learning Officer is best positioned to lead” – John Hagel, John Seely Brown Deloitte - Center for the Edge work environment redesign Chief Learning Officers will be the new leaders of organizations
  • 32. The role of human capital management will change more in the next 5 years than it has in the past 30. Technology advance & changing business needs will impact on HR in profound ways, but more so through the generation switch We need a modern approach to human capital management! human capital management HRD transformation ‘killing a mockingbird” “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” – Atticus Finch ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
  • 33. • CHRO - key player in enterprise strategy • HR departments adapt & facilitate younger workers to stick to the rules – better: facilitate changing the rules • Individuals & teams need to increasingly work together to achieve expected results • New models for performance evaluation, compensation and time off to foster collaboration & innovation • Recruits expect the ability to interact with a company and its HR functions through social media • Access HR systems and services 24/7 from anywhere • Growth in the scope of shared HR services. • HR as integral part of the business to ensure the company reaches its goals, and co-designs the platform for jobs that makes sense for both people and company. human capital management Chief HR Officer (CHRO) roles & HRD functions/support
  • 34. 5 ways talent management must change Don’t recruit: initiate relationships and engage the best talent Don’t train: create work-learning environments Don’t manage: collaborate Don’t retain: evolve lasting relationships Don’t do annual reviews: improve performance real-time Don Tapscott, CEO Tapscott Group human capital management
  • 35. Are we still functioning in a Human Resources silo? 1. Broaden our vision: partner with other functional groups such as Marketing, Facilities, Real Estate, Communications and Sustainability to create as memorable an employee experience as creating a customer experience 2. Use the customer experience tools: ongoing research into needs and perceptions, design thinking and a marketing mindset to re-invent the Human Resource function 3. Create and embrace an iterative development model so new HR services are co-created with employees in much the same way new products are co-created by our company’s most passionate consumers. 3 questions to ask yourself and your team human capital management “Culture is to employees what branding is to consumers!” – Damian Madras
  • 36. millennials surpass Gen.X How are you connecting with millennials? inspiring - engaging - motivating - empowering
  • 37. The Millennial Generation, comprised of those people born between 1982 and 2004 (average age 25) lies at the heart of this shift. Many organizational leaders and human resource managers complain that Millennials are hard to manage. This generation has grown up in the disruptive world of the internet, where people’s influence is based on contribution and reputation, not position. Why would they want to put up with anything other than self-management in the workplace? challenging and reinventing notions of trust in organisations, products & services the generations shift
  • 38. Gen.Y values authenticity, transparency & access to power Millennials want employers to provide a sense of purpose The need to cater to Millennial values will only increase for employers as Gen.Y matures. Millennials are expected to comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025. “We’re only going to get stronger,” develop your leaders transform your organization build engagement by connecting people to purpose at work sustain team engagement create dialogue encourage storytelling gamification connecting people to purpose millennials want 1 thing: PURPOSE
  • 39. Technology is a tool, people are your most important resource. Honing in on the critical purpose that • unites your people, • serves your community, • will help you build a growing, thriving, resilient culture • empowers, enables & actualizes human passion & potential “This is the art of giving the stage to others, either people who report to you or those who don’t but are highly connected, have high influence and touch upon vast networks. It’s not a management trick to pretend that one gives space to others, but only pretending; in reality it’s just false.” – Leandro Herrero (Backstage Leadership Architect of organizations) purpose = profit/growth the art of giving the stage to others the only way forward!
  • 40. from CHRO to CEEO Chief Employee Experience Officer (Airbnb) Like engagement experience with our customers, apply same philosophy of creating experiences to keep employees engaged, inspired and happy. Airbnb has moved from open space floor plan to a ‘belong anywhere working environment’ Create the sense of belonging • Employees can either work alone or congregate with the folks they are working with • Using workplace environments for education, internal communications, as well as employee events, celebration, recognition, appreciation, space and food, … all while ensuring Airbnb core values are communicated and instilled in the process.
  • 41. Talent development: • Create & foster employee- centric experience to develop & engage employees • Co-creating talent development opportunities with employees • Crowd-source the skills and knowledge they need, for them to be successful, rather than launching fully formed new learning initiative Transparency: the new currency of leadership Employees freely share why Airbnb is a great place to work. Airbnb creates something that touches people: experience memories, relationships, … Who else does this? workplace as an experience aspirational experience (Airbnb)
  • 42. Shift to Holacracy to free up staff autonomy & creativity • +10 per cent of staff no longer has managers • no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy • get rid of managers and free their staff’s creativity • pays new hires $3,000 to leave after trial, but no fit Guess what! Everyone wants to stick at Zappos! Why? Because of the experience! Zappos is not just doing good, it’s doing great. “Having one foot in one world while having the other foot in the other world has slowed down our transformation towards self-management and self-organization.” – Tony Hsieh, CEO - Zappos Who else does this? workplace as an experience “holacracy” (‘Zappos Says Goodbye To Bosses’)
  • 43. the ladder is no longer there “A Chief is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be!” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 44. Developing only deep expertise in one skill set in order to sequentially climb each rung of the career ladder to get to the top is an anachronism. Many organizations and employees are still in the dark, believing that supporting this strategy leads to the greatest probability of career and company success. This handicaps - if not completely - derails them both. • Create a broader set of relationships. • Develop unconventional skill sets. • Embrace constant and never-ending learning – Peter Guber CEO of Mandalay Entertainment Group and Owner of the Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Dodgers. landscape of the future why the career ladder no longer matters
  • 45. insight: knows self and has emotional balance empathy: open to and concerned for others integration: recognizes interconnectedness with world Through mindfulness training, developing our ability to notice with awareness, emotions & sensations whatever arises in the present MWE - merging the individual ‘ME’ with the collective ‘WE’ We don’t suppress the ‘me’ in favour of the ‘we’ nor do ‘we’ let the ‘me’ dominate the ‘we’ “Integration made visible with kindness and compassion” – Dr Dan Siegel at Wisdom2.0 Asia leadership change insight – empathy - integration
  • 46. “Good leaders can become revolutionary when they take charge of their own narratives. The moment we deny a difficult experience, it owns us. If we are brave enough, often enough, we are going to fall! Rising Strong is about what it takes to get back up and keep being courageous with our lives!” – Brené Brown WALLOW IN YOUR FAILURE – Embrace what went wrong empathy & epiphany the messy middle part of the story is where leaders are born
  • 47. We long for autonomy, mastery & purpose We want to develop personally & professionally We long to belong to a team of trusted co-workers We want to contribute to a great cause We want to decide how we do our jobs today … because we are professionals who can be trusted. Organizations are not ready to host authentic individuals scarcity rules the pyramid vs. courage and abundance authenticity has great appeal trust is priceless vulnerability & authenticity magic mix of individual freedom & collaboration
  • 48. “If leaders allow themselves to be learners, they are authentic, making everyone smarter. If no one gets laughed at, anything is possible. Even if authenticity is awkward sometimes: at least you get to know the other better. That builds trust! Trust builds energy, ideas, abundance, possibilities, … It may feel vulnerable, silly, or inappropriate. Your ego might want to stop you for fear of losing face. The pressure to adjust is high, both from the group and your ego. So, dare you? If you are brave, magic may happen! Believe in authenticity because it breeds trust! Authenticity & trust lead to abundance eventually! An abundant flow of information and energy to begin with - leading to abundant performance & outcomes” – Marcella Bremer DARE TO BE AUTHENTIC – co-founder of Leadership & Change Magazine and OCAI vulnerability & authenticity when you are vulnerable others may take advantage!
  • 49. Successful leadership and trust go hand in hand. Unless you have the trust of your team and those around you, your leadership is likely to stutter and fail. • Recognise the issues & risks • Reflect objectively on dynamics of the situation • Notice your own position within the situation • Weigh up your options & make a clear decisions trust & leadership building and protecting trust
  • 50. from hierarchy to lattice Say “no more hierarchy” everybody gets the wrong idea “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday’s logic!” – Peter Drucker
  • 51. from hierarchy to lattice
  • 52. more companies look at alternative structures & why you should too Agile or responsive/adaptive organizations are built to learn and respond rapidly through the open flow of information; encouraging experimentation and learning on rapid cycles; organizing as a network of employees, customers & partners motivated by shared purpose designed to thrive in less predictable environments by balancing the following tensions: More predictable <> Less predictable profit <> purpose hierarchies <> networks controlling <> empowering planning <> experimentation privacy <> transparency from hierarchy to lattice
  • 53. welcome to the leading edge of lattice CXO’s should experiment with ‘next stage’ organizations “Begin experimenting with new forms of non- hierarchical leadership and the flowering and contribution and wholeness of everyone involved throughout your organization.” – Lynne Sedgmore CBE “Imagine what organizations would be like if we stopped designing them like soulless, chunky machines. What could organizations achieve and what would work feel like, if we treated them like living beings, if we let them be fuelled by the evolutionary power of life itself!” – Ernst Bechinie, PhD, MCC
  • 54. building movements, not organizations Latteral organizations • If a movement is successful, things change for everyone • Movements seek sweeping change • Leadership emerges from within • Supported from the inside-out – then in concentric circles rippling outward • Adopt structures and systems that mirror how societies progress toward people living well together “Creating a healthy humane world will require more than new organizational designs. It will take rethinking the nature of organizations entirely.” – Hildy Gottlieb Co-Founder, Creating the Future -based on social change arena continually experimenting with new organizational forms to further the movement of Paul Hawken
  • 55. We’ve grown up believing that there are only 2 choices: You can have hierarchy or, you can have a playground, a free-for-all, where everybody just do what they want. A third way beyond hierarchy or free-for-all: Take out the hierarchy of people and power What is Holacracy? • Holacracy doesn’t work with a pyramid and business units, but with “circles.” There are no more managers and no more job titles. Instead, people fill “roles” and the tasks formerly done by managers are filled by a number of different people. • Power is distributed throughout the organization in such a way that you don’t have a superior who can invalidate your decision. • Most importantly, the system constantly self-adjusts. Whenever someone feels that some responsibilities need to be created or shifted, a very efficient process exists to do so. • It all relies on collective intelligence mechanisms—no one can overrule others simply because he shouts louder or she plays politics better. – Brian Robertson Holacracy “organizational operating system” holacracy busting the monopoly of the pyramid
  • 56. 1. Present proposal The proposer states his proposal and the issue this proposal is attempting to resolve. 2. Clarifying questions Anybody can ask clarifying questions to seek information or understanding. This point is not yet the moment for reactions, and the facilitator will interrupt any question that is cloaking a reaction to the proposal. 3. Reaction round Each person is given space to react to the proposal. Discussions and responses are not allowed at this stage. 4. Amend and clarify The proposer can clarify the intent of his proposal further or amend it based on the prior discussion. 5. Objection round The facilitator asks, “Do you see any reasons why adopting this proposal would cause harm or move us backwards?” There are strict criteria for an objection to be valid, to avoid the problem that plagues consensus: that one person can block the group for no good reason. 6. Integration If an objection is raised, the facilitator leads an open discussion to craft an amended proposal that would avoid the objection while still addressing the proposer’s concern. If several objections are raised, they are addressed in this way one at a time, until all are removed. holacracy – building a new OS main steps of the process
  • 57. Millennials or Gen.Y “get” self-management instinctively! – Gary Hamel, Matters Now notes on holacracy experience: • · No one can kill a good idea · Everyone can pitch in · Anyone can lead · No one can dictate · You get to choose your cause · You can easily build on top of what others have done · You don’t have to put up with bullies and tyrants · Agitators don’t get marginalized · Excellence usually wins (and mediocrity doesn’t) · Passion-killing policies get reversed · Great contributions get recognized and celebrated experience holacracy young people get it instinctively
  • 58. human development & organizational paradigms create soulful workplaces where our talents can blossom and our callings can be honoured
  • 59. From GREY to BLUE over ORANGE, GREEN towards TEAL Our current worldview limits the way we think about organizations? Can we invent a more powerful, more soulful, more meaningful way to work together? if only we change our belief system lateral (TEAL circles) organizations emergence of a new organizational model
  • 60. future of management is TEAL evolution in human collaboration from change management to change facilitation using new approaches: 5P’s, Ai & WST
  • 61. Like previous leaps to new stages in management, the new model comes with a number of breakthroughs: • self-management • wholeness • evolutionary purpose – Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations are we ready for self-management lattice teams & organizations TEAL Extended Enterprise Circles future of management is TEAL “Organizations are moving forward along an evolutionary spectrum, toward self-management, wholeness, and a deeper sense of purpose.” – George Pór (Enlivening Edge)
  • 62. reinventing organizations from hierarchy to lattice (TEAL circles)
  • 63. People in organizations feel disempowered, disengaged Powerful CEOs & top managers are tired and exhausted, caught in a rat race, in a system that forces them to play politics, to keep their guard up all the time. Companies going “teal” Put all business school management & classic organization practices on the site and go a step further then empowering culture-driven organizations reinventing vibrant, powerful & soulful organizations “People from all ranks sense but hide the real pains, that something is broken in the way we run organizations. We need to create a whole ecosystem of support for organizations going Teal” – Frederic Laloux, Reinventing Organizations planting the seeds of new possibilities, inspired on the next stage of human consciousness reinventing organizations redesign the holistic work environment
  • 64. How self-management, wholeness & evolutionary purpose make sense? How it must be more powerful than what we have now? • how you make decisions • how you recruit people • how you evaluate people • how you compensate people • how you make budgets • how you make targets • how you make strategies • reinventing organizations This would be amazing! but we could never do this because … Welcome to the leading edge of lattice! organizational model consistent with the form of consciousness
  • 65. dis-identification & changing yardsticks change is everywhere / shift is nowhere! TEAL is the new green+blue addressing all 5P’s of thrivable sustainability
  • 66. going TEAL + Ai + 5P’s in co-creative eco-systems purpose of life & consciousness • Life as a journey of unfolding goals and routes instead of pre-planned • Internal yardsticks to grow into true nature work toward your calling • A life well-lived breeds success, profit etc… not vice versa • Focus on strengths, not on “what‘s wrong” • No mistakes, only opportunities to learn from • Wisdom beyond rationality, focus on results • Think, lead & act using “both/and” not “either/or” • Integrating mind-body-soul • Be true to yourself – start with your own purpose • Striving for wholeness with self, others, life, nature individual & collective purpose
  • 67. companies & teams supply chains & extended enterprise introduction on the future paradigm how organizations and entire industries can evolve towards innovative Green, Teal work-relationships & consciousness 2.0 Why teal organizations are so successful Liberating previously unavailable energies, through • Purpose • Distribution of power • Learning • Use of talent Less energy wasted • in propping up the ego • in compliance • in meetings Harnessing and directing energy with more clarity and wisdom, through: • Better sensing • Better decision-making • More decision-making • Evolutionary purpose (evolutionary) TEAL circles
  • 68. facilitators & coaches (just to name a few) TEAL support for entrepreneurs & start-ups in the creativity sector for intrapreneurs, corporate teams and CXO-level , institutions + extended enterprise Teal for Teal - TEAL for start-ups - Enlivening Edge - Change Factory - Beyond TEAL
  • 69. planning the future Prototyping allows you to experiment, evaluate, learn, refine and adapt. how to eat the transformation elephant?
  • 70. “… the ground beneath us is shifting at an accelerating rate. The implications for strategy are profound!” – John Hagel Deloitte - Center for the Edge “The truly creative changes and the big shifts occur right at the edge of chaos. Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity!” – Sir Ken Robinson it’s imperative to bring creativity to learning! enabling us to be innovative! building the NEW! cultivate change! do it with PASSION or not at all!
  • 71. "Evolving our consciousness is not something we do only for ourselves - it is something we also do for others... for all others, and for the earth. Because we open up and let our body and mind feel the ties with others and with nature, we change ourselves, and change others around us… When many people open up, a powerful force develops – a leap of consciousness takes place..." - Ervin Laszlo New Consciousness for a New World! clubofbudapest.org Q&A
  • 72. “The future is already here! It’s just not very evenly distributed.” – William Gibson “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more become more you are a leader!” – John Quincy Adams amaze – attract – advance inspirepeople●harmonizeplanet●balanceprogress Makingcommunities&businesshumanagain! Promoteentrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, SMEs&cooperative communities!
  • 73. @econologics – @knowledgEnabler knowledgEvolution INCISIVE Knowledge Converged Realizing sustainable balance in our social & Economic circle of life! ENGAGE DYNAMIC CAPACITY - Inspire Innovation! Embrace Change! Sustainability, resilience, thrivability & econologics coaching – AI, OD, WST, TEAL Inspire peoplein harmony with theplanet for balanced progresstowards building communities that THRIVE! We change the way we LIVE! We change the way of LIFE! Inspire one– 1x = X1 – Motivate many!