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PostgreSQL worst practices
at FOSDEM PGDay Brussels 2017
Ilya Kosmodemiansky
Best practices are just boring
• Never follow them, try worst practices
• Only those practices can really help you to screw the things up
most effectively
• PostgreSQL consultants are nice people, so try to make them
How it works?
• I have a list, a little bit more than 100 worst practices
• I do not make this stuff up, all of them are real-life examples
• I reshuffle my list every time before presenting and extract
some amount of examples
• Well, there are some things, which I like more or less, so it is
not a very honest shuffle
0. Do not use indexes (a test one!)
• Basically, there is no difference between full table scan and
index scan
• You can check that. Just insert 10 rows into a test table on
your test server and compare.
• Nobody deals with more than 10 row tables in production!
1. Use ORM
• All databases share the same syntax
• You must write database-independent code
• Are there any benefits, which are based on database specific
• It always good to learn a new complicated technology
2. Move joins to your application
• Just select * a couple of tables into the application written in
your favorite programming language
• Than join them at the application level
2. Move joins to your application
• Just select * a couple of tables into the application written in
your favorite programming language
• Than join them at the application level
• Now you only need to implement nested loop join, hash join
and merge join as well as query optimizer and page cache
3. Be in trend, be schema-less
• You do not need to design the schema
• You need only one table, two columns: id bigserial and extra
• JSONB datatype is pretty effective in PostgreSQL, you can
search in it just like in a well-structured table
• Even if you put a 100M of JSON in it
• Even if you have 1000+ tps
4. Be agile, use EAV
• You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value
4. Be agile, use EAV
• You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value
• At some point add the 4th: attribute_type
4. Be agile, use EAV
• You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value
• At some point add the 4th: attribute_type
• Whet it starts to work slow, just call those four tables The
Core and add 1000+ tables with denormalized data
4. Be agile, use EAV
• You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value
• At some point add the 4th: attribute_type
• Whet it starts to work slow, just call those four tables The
Core and add 1000+ tables with denormalized data
• If it is not enough, you can always add value_version
5. Try to create as many indexes as you can
• Indexes consume no disk space
• Indexes consume no shared_bufers
• There is no overhead on DML if one and every column in a
table covered with bunch of indexes
• Optimizer will definitely choose your index once you created it
• Keep calm and create more indexes
6. Always keep all your time series data
• Time series data like tables with logs or session history should
be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to
keep it all
6. Always keep all your time series data
• Time series data like tables with logs or session history should
be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to
keep it all
• You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk
6. Always keep all your time series data
• Time series data like tables with logs or session history should
be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to
keep it all
• You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk
• You can always call that Big Data
6. Always keep all your time series data
• Time series data like tables with logs or session history should
be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to
keep it all
• You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk
• You can always call that Big Data
• Solve the problem using partitioning... one partition for an
hour or for a minute
7. Turn autovacuum off
• It is quite auxiliary process, you can easily stop it
• There is no problem at all to have 100Gb data in a database
which is 1Tb in size
• 2-3Tb RAM servers are cheap, IO is a fastest thing in modern
• Besides of that, everyone likes BigData
8. Keep master and slave on different hardware
• That will maximize the possibility of unsuccessful failover
8. Keep master and slave on different hardware
• That will maximize the possibility of unsuccessful failover
• To make things worser, you can change only slave-related
parameters at slave, leaving defaults for shared_buffers etc.
9. Put a synchronous replica to remote DC
• Indeed! That will maximize availability!
9. Put a synchronous replica to remote DC
• Indeed! That will maximize availability!
• Especially, if you put the replica to another continent
10. Reinvent Slony
• If you need some data replication to another database, try to
implement it from scratch
10. Reinvent Slony
• If you need some data replication to another database, try to
implement it from scratch
• That allows you to run into all problems, PostgreSQL have
had since introducing Slony
11. Use as many count(*) as you can
• Figure 301083021830123921 is very informative for the end
• If it changes in a second to 30108302894839434020, it is still
• select count(*) from sometable is a quite light-weighted query
• Tuple estimation from pg_catalog can never be precise
enough for you
12. Never use graphical monitoring
• You do not need graphs
• Because it is an easy task to guess what was happened
yesterday at 2 a.m. using command line and grep only
13. Never use Foreign Keys
(Use local produced instead!)
• Consistency control at application level always works as
• You will never get data inconsistency without constraints
• Even if you already have a bullet proof framework to maintain
consistency, could it be good enough reason to use it?
14. Always use text type for all columns
• It is always fun to reimplement date or ip validation in your
• You will never mistakenly convert ”12-31-2015 03:01AM” to
”15:01 12 of undef 2015” using text fields
15. Always use improved ”PostgreSQL”
• Postgres is not a perfect database and you are smart
• All that annoying MVCC staff, 32 bit xid and autovacuum
nightmare look like they look because hackers are oldschool
and lazy
• Hack it in a hard way, do not bother yourself with submitting
your patch to the community, just put it into production
• It is easy to maintain such production and keep it compatible
with ”not perfect” PostgreSQL upcoming versions
16. Postgres likes long transactions
• Always call external services from stored procedures (like
sending emails)
16. Postgres likes long transactions
• Always call external services from stored procedures (like
sending emails)
• Oh, it is arguable... It can be, if 100% of developers were
familiar with word timeout
16. Postgres likes long transactions
• Always call external services from stored procedures (like
sending emails)
• Oh, it is arguable... It can be, if 100% of developers were
familiar with word timeout
• Anyway, you can just start transaction and go away for
17. Load your data to PostgreSQL in a smart manner
• Write your own loader, 100 parallel threads minimum
17. Load your data to PostgreSQL in a smart manner
• Write your own loader, 100 parallel threads minimum
• Never use COPY - it is specially designed for the task
18. Even if you want to backup your database...
• Use replication instead of backup
18. Even if you want to backup your database...
• Use replication instead of backup
• Use pg_dump instead of backup
18. Even if you want to backup your database...
• Use replication instead of backup
• Use pg_dump instead of backup
• Write your own backup script
18. Even if you want to backup your database...
• Use replication instead of backup
• Use pg_dump instead of backup
• Write your own backup script
• As complicated as possible, combine all external tools you
18. Even if you want to backup your database...
• Use replication instead of backup
• Use pg_dump instead of backup
• Write your own backup script
• As complicated as possible, combine all external tools you
• Never perform a test recovery
Do not forget
That was WORST practice talk
Questions or ideas? Share your story!
(I’am preparing this talk to be open sourced)

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PostgreSQL worst practices, version FOSDEM PGDay 2017 by Ilya Kosmodemiansky

  • 1. PostgreSQL worst practices at FOSDEM PGDay Brussels 2017 Ilya Kosmodemiansky ik@postgresql-consulting.com
  • 2. Best practices are just boring • Never follow them, try worst practices • Only those practices can really help you to screw the things up most effectively • PostgreSQL consultants are nice people, so try to make them happy
  • 3. How it works? • I have a list, a little bit more than 100 worst practices • I do not make this stuff up, all of them are real-life examples • I reshuffle my list every time before presenting and extract some amount of examples • Well, there are some things, which I like more or less, so it is not a very honest shuffle
  • 4. 0. Do not use indexes (a test one!) • Basically, there is no difference between full table scan and index scan • You can check that. Just insert 10 rows into a test table on your test server and compare. • Nobody deals with more than 10 row tables in production!
  • 5. 1. Use ORM • All databases share the same syntax • You must write database-independent code • Are there any benefits, which are based on database specific features? • It always good to learn a new complicated technology
  • 6. 2. Move joins to your application • Just select * a couple of tables into the application written in your favorite programming language • Than join them at the application level
  • 7. 2. Move joins to your application • Just select * a couple of tables into the application written in your favorite programming language • Than join them at the application level • Now you only need to implement nested loop join, hash join and merge join as well as query optimizer and page cache
  • 8. 3. Be in trend, be schema-less • You do not need to design the schema • You need only one table, two columns: id bigserial and extra jsonb • JSONB datatype is pretty effective in PostgreSQL, you can search in it just like in a well-structured table • Even if you put a 100M of JSON in it • Even if you have 1000+ tps
  • 9. 4. Be agile, use EAV • You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value
  • 10. 4. Be agile, use EAV • You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value • At some point add the 4th: attribute_type
  • 11. 4. Be agile, use EAV • You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value • At some point add the 4th: attribute_type • Whet it starts to work slow, just call those four tables The Core and add 1000+ tables with denormalized data
  • 12. 4. Be agile, use EAV • You need only 3 tables: entity, attribute, value • At some point add the 4th: attribute_type • Whet it starts to work slow, just call those four tables The Core and add 1000+ tables with denormalized data • If it is not enough, you can always add value_version
  • 13. 5. Try to create as many indexes as you can • Indexes consume no disk space • Indexes consume no shared_bufers • There is no overhead on DML if one and every column in a table covered with bunch of indexes • Optimizer will definitely choose your index once you created it • Keep calm and create more indexes
  • 14. 6. Always keep all your time series data • Time series data like tables with logs or session history should be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to keep it all
  • 15. 6. Always keep all your time series data • Time series data like tables with logs or session history should be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to keep it all • You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk space
  • 16. 6. Always keep all your time series data • Time series data like tables with logs or session history should be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to keep it all • You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk space • You can always call that Big Data
  • 17. 6. Always keep all your time series data • Time series data like tables with logs or session history should be never deleted, aggregated or archived, you always need to keep it all • You will always know where to check, if you run out of disk space • You can always call that Big Data • Solve the problem using partitioning... one partition for an hour or for a minute
  • 18. 7. Turn autovacuum off • It is quite auxiliary process, you can easily stop it • There is no problem at all to have 100Gb data in a database which is 1Tb in size • 2-3Tb RAM servers are cheap, IO is a fastest thing in modern computing • Besides of that, everyone likes BigData
  • 19. 8. Keep master and slave on different hardware • That will maximize the possibility of unsuccessful failover
  • 20. 8. Keep master and slave on different hardware • That will maximize the possibility of unsuccessful failover • To make things worser, you can change only slave-related parameters at slave, leaving defaults for shared_buffers etc.
  • 21. 9. Put a synchronous replica to remote DC • Indeed! That will maximize availability!
  • 22. 9. Put a synchronous replica to remote DC • Indeed! That will maximize availability! • Especially, if you put the replica to another continent
  • 23. 10. Reinvent Slony • If you need some data replication to another database, try to implement it from scratch
  • 24. 10. Reinvent Slony • If you need some data replication to another database, try to implement it from scratch • That allows you to run into all problems, PostgreSQL have had since introducing Slony
  • 25. 11. Use as many count(*) as you can • Figure 301083021830123921 is very informative for the end user • If it changes in a second to 30108302894839434020, it is still informative • select count(*) from sometable is a quite light-weighted query • Tuple estimation from pg_catalog can never be precise enough for you
  • 26. 12. Never use graphical monitoring • You do not need graphs • Because it is an easy task to guess what was happened yesterday at 2 a.m. using command line and grep only
  • 27. 13. Never use Foreign Keys (Use local produced instead!) • Consistency control at application level always works as expected • You will never get data inconsistency without constraints • Even if you already have a bullet proof framework to maintain consistency, could it be good enough reason to use it?
  • 28. 14. Always use text type for all columns • It is always fun to reimplement date or ip validation in your code • You will never mistakenly convert ”12-31-2015 03:01AM” to ”15:01 12 of undef 2015” using text fields
  • 29. 15. Always use improved ”PostgreSQL” • Postgres is not a perfect database and you are smart • All that annoying MVCC staff, 32 bit xid and autovacuum nightmare look like they look because hackers are oldschool and lazy • Hack it in a hard way, do not bother yourself with submitting your patch to the community, just put it into production • It is easy to maintain such production and keep it compatible with ”not perfect” PostgreSQL upcoming versions
  • 30. 16. Postgres likes long transactions • Always call external services from stored procedures (like sending emails)
  • 31. 16. Postgres likes long transactions • Always call external services from stored procedures (like sending emails) • Oh, it is arguable... It can be, if 100% of developers were familiar with word timeout
  • 32. 16. Postgres likes long transactions • Always call external services from stored procedures (like sending emails) • Oh, it is arguable... It can be, if 100% of developers were familiar with word timeout • Anyway, you can just start transaction and go away for weekend
  • 33. 17. Load your data to PostgreSQL in a smart manner • Write your own loader, 100 parallel threads minimum
  • 34. 17. Load your data to PostgreSQL in a smart manner • Write your own loader, 100 parallel threads minimum • Never use COPY - it is specially designed for the task
  • 35. 18. Even if you want to backup your database... • Use replication instead of backup
  • 36. 18. Even if you want to backup your database... • Use replication instead of backup • Use pg_dump instead of backup
  • 37. 18. Even if you want to backup your database... • Use replication instead of backup • Use pg_dump instead of backup • Write your own backup script
  • 38. 18. Even if you want to backup your database... • Use replication instead of backup • Use pg_dump instead of backup • Write your own backup script • As complicated as possible, combine all external tools you know
  • 39. 18. Even if you want to backup your database... • Use replication instead of backup • Use pg_dump instead of backup • Write your own backup script • As complicated as possible, combine all external tools you know • Never perform a test recovery
  • 40. Do not forget That was WORST practice talk
  • 41. Questions or ideas? Share your story! ik@postgresql-consulting.com (I’am preparing this talk to be open sourced)