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© Sandford Borins 2014
Professor of Management, University of
Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
Value of Innovation Awards for
 What is asked (award criteria, innovation process)
 Award repeated frequently
 Case studies
 Basic application data (who, where, what, application
 Trends in innovation (all policy areas, within each area)
 Self-monitoring for award managers
 Study innovation process
 “Serial innovators”
 “Hotbeds of innovation”
 International comparisons
Learning about Innovation
 Innovations in American Gov’t Awards (Harvard
Kennedy School)
 Annual competition since 1986
 500 initial applications from all levels and policy areas
(prestige and outreach)
 Detailed questionnaire about process of innovation for
approx. 125 semifinalists
 2/3 of applications each year new
 Average of 6 years since innovation introduced
Latest Book and Report
(Brookings, 2014)
(IBM Center for The Business of
Government, 2014)

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From Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium. National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India, October 9-17, 2020.

systemic designecosystemcommunity
EVIDENCE BASED ADVOCACY: The Experience of Imani Centre for Policy and Education
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EVIDENCE BASED ADVOCACY: The Experience of Imani Centre for Policy and Education

The document discusses the advocacy work of Imani Centre for Policy and Education. Imani gathers credible data on government policies, analyzes the data using frameworks like cost-benefit analysis and rational choice theory, and advocates for policy changes by presenting results to stakeholders, generating public debate, and using the media. Imani's mission is to subject government policies to analysis and advocate for policies that promote peace and prosperity through human flourishing.

Jo Casebourne: Innovation in the Public Sector Organizations (NESTA_London)
Jo Casebourne: Innovation in the Public Sector Organizations (NESTA_London)Jo Casebourne: Innovation in the Public Sector Organizations (NESTA_London)
Jo Casebourne: Innovation in the Public Sector Organizations (NESTA_London)

III European Summer School of Social Innovation Organized by: Sinnergiak Social Innovation Centre www.sinnergiak.org

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Previous Research on Innovation
Innovating with Integrity: How Local
Heroes are Transforming
American Government
(Georgetown, 1998)
 Influenced by the NPM debate
 Innovators (esp. public servants) NOT rule
breakers, loose cannons, self-promoters, power-
 Unrecognized role of local heroes in bottom-up
 Evidence of integrity in innovation
Latest Book and Report
 Study of applications to 2010 HKS innovation award
 Replication 20 years after original study (applications
from 1990 to 1994)
 Comparisons with Commonwealth (CAPAM) and Brazil
awards, Eurobarometer 2010 survey, Australian Public
Service survey
 Both quantitative and qualitative
 What has and hasn’t changed about innovation in
 Implications for practitioners
What’s Changed?
1. More interorganizational collaboration (80 % of
2010 semifinalists involved collaboration within
government or between government and
business or non-profit sector; 30 % in 1990-94)
1A. Greater diversity of funding (average of 2
sources per 2010 semifinalist; federal, state, local
government and non-governmental sources all
fund 50 % of the innovations)
What’s Changed?
2. More external evaluation: from 38 % in 1990-94 without
external evaluation to 28 % in 2010 without external
evaluation; more external evaluation by external policy
analysts, internal reviewers, and academic researchers
3. More transfer (from 42 % to 58 %)
4. More media attention (from 54 % in 1990-94 to 91 % in
2010) including local (70 %), professional media (76 %),
and national media (49 %)

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Uncertainty and complexity define our today and tomorrow. Systems and organisations need a real understanding of the potential futures in order to make the most fit for purpose choices today. School of International Futures recently worked with GOS to showcase how different governments use foresight and futures techniques. This includes a framework that sets out the key features of effective cross-government foresight work and how organisations and systems can build a resilient approach to incorporating. We will present the framework, give chance for questions and then support you to consider implications in your own system https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/london-policy-amp-strategy-network-31019071129

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Catherine Howe discusses the need for complex solutions to address climate change and engaging communities in sustainable behavior change. She proposes developing a Renewable Infrastructure Framework (RIF) that would provide a baseline of renewable energy potential, estimate investment opportunities, and practical steps for infrastructure delivery through a collaborative network. The goal of the RIF is to establish a common evidence base, unlock investment, and create a structure to advance this complex, long-term work through building trust and involving diverse stakeholders over time.

How project managers influence sustainable development.
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How project managers influence sustainable development.

With COP26 looming ever closer, the project management profession needs to accelerate developing our knowledge and skills to align our operations with our ambitions. Arup Director Rob Leslie-Carter joins us to discuss the route to achieve net zero through programmes and projects, and how every project manager can influence sustainable development. Speaker Rob Leslie-Carter is a Director with Arup based in London. He has worked around the world with Arup for 28 years, and specialises in the planning, set-up, leadership and delivery of complex infrastructure and property projects both on client side and as leader of multidisciplinary teams. His project track record includes the Beijing Olympics Water Cube, the Laban Dance School in Deptford, New Acton Nishi in Canberra, Greenhouse by Joost in Sydney, and currently Europe’s biggest project High Speed 2. Rob is a regular public speaker on leadership, project management, organisational culture, the future of work, and the road to Net Zero, and is a guest lecturer at the Bartlett at UCL and previously at University of New South Wales.

project management
What’s Changed?
5. Shifts in the innovation agenda in each policy
 Fewer community policing applications and
more corrections reform (public safety area)
 Fewer water and soil pollution and more
greenhouse gas emission applications
(environment area)
What’s Remained Constant ?
1. Local heroes still matter: 46 % of innovations
initiated by middle manager and/or front line staff
in 2010, 48 % in 1990-94
2. Problem-solving still a more important
antecedent than crisis response (74 % problem,
14 % crisis in 2010; 49 % problem, 30 % crisis in
1990-94), opportunities also important (25 %)
What’s Remained Constant?
3. Comprehensive planning still employed more
often than incrementalism (70 % planning, 17 %
incrementalism in 2010; 59 % planning, 30 %
incrementalism in 1990-94); often innovators do
both; pilot studies (40 % in 2010) and public
consultation (35 % in 2010) also frequently used
What’s Remained Constant?
4. Obstacles to change most often internal to the
organization(s) (50 % in both 2010 and 1990-94) and
shortage of resources (20 % in both) and less frequently
external to the organization(s) (30 % in both)
5. Obstacles to change overcome most often through
persuasion (20 % in both) and accommodation (30% in
both); also through finding resources, persistence, building
political support, staying focused, but very rarely through
“hardball” tactics (firing unsupportive managers)

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Steve Crosskey presented at the APM Project Management Conference on Wednesday 25 April at Central Hall Westminster, London.

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This presentation was made by Madeleine Siösteen Thiel, Sweden, at the 4th meeting of the Joint DELSA/GOV-SBO Network on Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems, held in Paris on 16-17 February 2015.


This document is meant to spark conversations and stimulate thinking around the mission-oriented framework, including the fundamentals about "mission": evolution, concept and some lessons. This deck also serves the purpose of systematising questions from Camden Council, step-by-step implementation recommendations and case studies.

What’s Remained Constant?
6. Innovations continue to produce verifiable
results (people made better off, satisfaction
increased, more people using the program, cost
reduction, productivity increase) …
6A. and to meet innovators’ goals (smooth
implementation, facilitating collaboration,
implementing conceptual models, stimulating
public discussion)
Advice for Practitioners
At Conception
 Prepare to collaborate
 Look for a variety of funding sources
 Proactive beats reactive: better to solve problems than confront
 Start with a comprehensive plan but be willing to adapt it
At Implementation
 Anticipate obstacles
 Use the tactics to respond (persuasion, accommodation,
More Advice for Practitioners
In Operation
 Establish performance indicators and pay attention to them
 Find outside eyes (formal external reviewers)
 Recognize that the media are watching: know whom to approach
and the nature of story they are looking for
Building an Innovative Government
 Support the local heroes (time, resources, protection, access to
 Innovation teams with funding and access to the political leadership
 Leadership commitment to innovation
Latest Book and Report
(Brookings, 2014)
(IBM Center for The Business of
Government, 2014)

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The document provides an introduction to UNDP's Innovation Facility, which was launched in 2014 to manage the Global Innovation Fund and foster innovation through a global team located in headquarters and regional hubs. The Facility aims to embrace complexity, technology, and new approaches to better serve end users. It provides programmatic guidance and partnerships to support innovative projects, such as turning e-waste into profit in China, generating ideas to address gender-based violence in Egypt, increasing tuberculosis treatment compliance in Moldova, supporting youth entrepreneurship in Haiti, and integrating foresight planning in Rwanda.

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Presentation by Sanford Borins on going beyond innovation awards made at the OECD Conference on Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact (12-13 November 2014)

  • 1. BEYOND INNOVATION AWARDS OECD WORKSHOP 4, NOV.12, 2014 © Sandford Borins 2014 Professor of Management, University of Toronto Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
  • 2. Value of Innovation Awards for Learning 2  What is asked (award criteria, innovation process)  Award repeated frequently  Case studies  Basic application data (who, where, what, application history)  Trends in innovation (all policy areas, within each area)  Self-monitoring for award managers  Study innovation process  “Serial innovators”  “Hotbeds of innovation”  International comparisons
  • 3. Learning about Innovation 3  Innovations in American Gov’t Awards (Harvard Kennedy School)  Annual competition since 1986  500 initial applications from all levels and policy areas (prestige and outreach)  Detailed questionnaire about process of innovation for approx. 125 semifinalists  2/3 of applications each year new  Average of 6 years since innovation introduced
  • 4. Latest Book and Report 4 (Brookings, 2014) (IBM Center for The Business of Government, 2014)
  • 5. Previous Research on Innovation 5 Innovating with Integrity: How Local Heroes are Transforming American Government (Georgetown, 1998)  Influenced by the NPM debate  Innovators (esp. public servants) NOT rule breakers, loose cannons, self-promoters, power- grabbers  Unrecognized role of local heroes in bottom-up innovation  Evidence of integrity in innovation
  • 6. Latest Book and Report 6  Study of applications to 2010 HKS innovation award  Replication 20 years after original study (applications from 1990 to 1994)  Comparisons with Commonwealth (CAPAM) and Brazil awards, Eurobarometer 2010 survey, Australian Public Service survey  Both quantitative and qualitative  What has and hasn’t changed about innovation in government  Implications for practitioners
  • 7. What’s Changed? 7 1. More interorganizational collaboration (80 % of 2010 semifinalists involved collaboration within government or between government and business or non-profit sector; 30 % in 1990-94) 1A. Greater diversity of funding (average of 2 sources per 2010 semifinalist; federal, state, local government and non-governmental sources all fund 50 % of the innovations)
  • 8. What’s Changed? 8 2. More external evaluation: from 38 % in 1990-94 without external evaluation to 28 % in 2010 without external evaluation; more external evaluation by external policy analysts, internal reviewers, and academic researchers 3. More transfer (from 42 % to 58 %) 4. More media attention (from 54 % in 1990-94 to 91 % in 2010) including local (70 %), professional media (76 %), and national media (49 %)
  • 9. What’s Changed? 9 5. Shifts in the innovation agenda in each policy area  Fewer community policing applications and more corrections reform (public safety area)  Fewer water and soil pollution and more greenhouse gas emission applications (environment area)
  • 10. What’s Remained Constant ? 10 1. Local heroes still matter: 46 % of innovations initiated by middle manager and/or front line staff in 2010, 48 % in 1990-94 2. Problem-solving still a more important antecedent than crisis response (74 % problem, 14 % crisis in 2010; 49 % problem, 30 % crisis in 1990-94), opportunities also important (25 %)
  • 11. What’s Remained Constant? 11 3. Comprehensive planning still employed more often than incrementalism (70 % planning, 17 % incrementalism in 2010; 59 % planning, 30 % incrementalism in 1990-94); often innovators do both; pilot studies (40 % in 2010) and public consultation (35 % in 2010) also frequently used
  • 12. What’s Remained Constant? 12 4. Obstacles to change most often internal to the organization(s) (50 % in both 2010 and 1990-94) and shortage of resources (20 % in both) and less frequently external to the organization(s) (30 % in both) 5. Obstacles to change overcome most often through persuasion (20 % in both) and accommodation (30% in both); also through finding resources, persistence, building political support, staying focused, but very rarely through “hardball” tactics (firing unsupportive managers)
  • 13. What’s Remained Constant? 13 6. Innovations continue to produce verifiable results (people made better off, satisfaction increased, more people using the program, cost reduction, productivity increase) … 6A. and to meet innovators’ goals (smooth implementation, facilitating collaboration, implementing conceptual models, stimulating public discussion)
  • 14. Advice for Practitioners 14 At Conception  Prepare to collaborate  Look for a variety of funding sources  Proactive beats reactive: better to solve problems than confront crises  Start with a comprehensive plan but be willing to adapt it At Implementation  Anticipate obstacles  Use the tactics to respond (persuasion, accommodation, persistence)
  • 15. More Advice for Practitioners 15 In Operation  Establish performance indicators and pay attention to them  Find outside eyes (formal external reviewers)  Recognize that the media are watching: know whom to approach and the nature of story they are looking for Building an Innovative Government  Support the local heroes (time, resources, protection, access to networks)  Innovation teams with funding and access to the political leadership  Leadership commitment to innovation
  • 16. Latest Book and Report 16 (Brookings, 2014) (IBM Center for The Business of Government, 2014)