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1. Hard spot.
The author originally wanted to call the phrase, and hence the book X, by
other numbers, but he and his publishers eventually settled on X. The title is
a reference to a fictional bureaucratic stipulation which embodies forms of
illogical and immoral reasoning. The number has no particular significance; it
was chosen more or less for euphony. The title was originally had another
number Z, but the author changed it after a popular novel containing the
same number was published a short time beforehand.
The term ―X" has filtered into common usage in the English language. In a
1975 interview, the author said the term would not translate well into other
2. Fresh question.
The use of the term ―XY" or ―X" is widespread. One theory is that it originated in a restaurant
in Scollay Square in Boston, Massachusetts at the beginning of World War II. The XY was
created to entice the large numbers of navy servicemen stationed at the Charlestown Navy
Another theory suggests the XY was brought to the U.S. by Dominic Conti (1874–1954), an
Italian immigrant who came to New York in the early 1900s. He is said to have named it after
seeing the recovered 1901 XY called Fenian Ram in the Paterson Museum of New Jersey in
1918. His granddaughter has stated the following: "My grandfather came to this country circa
1895 from Montella, Italy. Around 1910, he started his grocery store, called Dominic Conti's
Grocery Store, on Mill Street in Paterson, New Jersey where he was selling the traditional
Italian food.‖
Those living in Eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island are usually told that the name is
associated with two facilities in Groton : the US Navy's base, and the nearby Electric Boat
Company which built them. What is XY?
Submarine sandwich (Sub)
3. Marks impending doom!
This blink-and-you-miss easter egg was used by the director as a homage to
the Howard Hawks' classic 1932 Scarface where similarly the appearance of
this certain something implied impending doom.
In the movie, the director opted to use this symbol as his own motif for
implying that certain character wouldn‘t be so lucky.
Some of the appearances are crisscrossing lights, railings, tape on
background, shadows, graffiti, carpet pattern, on paper etc. which usually get
What movie and what symbol?
X marks in Scorsese‘s ‗The
4. Seksy tym!
Rouputuan, also known as Huiquanbao and Juehouchan, and translated as The
Carnal Prayer Mat or The Before Midnight Scholar, is a Chinese erotic novel of
the Qing Dynasty published under a pseudonym but usually attributed to Li Yu. It
was written in 1657 and published in 1693. It is divided into four volumes of five
chapters apiece. It was published in Japan in 1705 as Nikufuton with an preface
proclaiming it the greatest erotic novel of all time. In the Chinese literary world, the
novel was controversial, and has long been banned and censored. There is ongoing
debate whether the novel is simply pornographic or whether its Buddhist framework
is meant to use sexuality to convey a moral lesson.
The novel's protagonist, Weiyangsheng (未央生; lit. "Unrealised One" or "Unfinished
One"), visits a Buddhist temple, where he meets a monk, who notes that he exhibits
wisdom but also lust. Weiyangsheng says that the monk's purpose in life is to sit on
a zafu (or prayer mat) and meditate, while his desire is to marry a beautiful woman
and sit on a "carnal prayer mat" (肉蒲團). The title of the novel comes from this line
said by Weiyangsheng.
How do we better know this?
‗Sex and Zen‘ is the movie
adaptation of the novel.
5. It‘s a website.
X, an English image-board has been labeled as the starting point of the Y
movement by The Baltimore City Paper, due to the norm of posts signed with
the ―Y" moniker. The National Post's David George-Cosh said it has been
"widely reported" that Y is associated with X, as well as numerous Internet
Relay Chat (IRC) channels.
Through its association with Y, X has become associated with Project Z, a
worldwide protest against the Church of Scientology held by members of Y.
On January 15, 2008, a X user posted to /b/, suggesting participants "do
something big" against the Church of Scientology's website. This message
resulted in the Church receiving threatening phone calls. It quickly grew into a
large real-world protest. Unlike previous Y attacks, this action was
characterized by X memes including rickrolls and others. The raid drew
criticism from some X users who felt it would bring the site undesirable
attention. ID X & Y.
X: 4chan.org
Y: Anonymous
Z: Chanology
6. Hate letter.
Pub Quiz
7. Leaked.
The X email hack occurred on September 16, 2008, during the 2008 United
States presidential election campaign when the Yahoo! personal email
account of vice presidential candidate X was subjected to unauthorized
access. The hacker had obtained access to X's account by looking up
biographical details such as high school and birthdate and using Yahoo!'s
account recovery for forgotten passwords. The hacker posted some photos
and the account's screenshots from within the account to WikiLeaks.
(screenshot in next slide)
Pub Quiz
Sarah Palin email hack
8. Did you watch closely?
‗Fight Club‘ is, among other things, a blatant stab at the way in which
consumerism has taken over our lives. Much of the movie‘s runtime is
dedicated to analyzing the idea that we‘re being duped by giant
corporations, which is presumably why director David Fincher decided to
include a X in every single scene in the movie. In every scene in Fight
Club, there‘s a X hidden somewhere – you just have to be bothered to look.
In fact, X had no problem with being made fun of in Fight Club. Which is why
they let Fincher use their name. But they finally had to draw the line in one of
the destruction scenes.
Fight Club fan, eh?
Starbucks coffee cup
9. Name of the X.
There are three commonly reported rules to X:
1. Everyone in the world is playing X. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everybody in the world who
knows about X is playing X‖, or alternatively, "You are always playing X.") A person cannot
not play X; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing.
2. Whenever one thinks about X, one loses.
3. Losses must be announced to at least one person (either by using a statement such as "I
lost X" or by alternative means).
The common rules do not define a point at which X ends. However, one reported variation
states that X ends when the President of the United States, the Pope, or the Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom announces on television that ―X is up.‖
X is an example of ironic processing (also known as the "White Bear Principle"), in which
attempts to avoid certain thoughts make those thoughts more persistent. ID X.
X: The Game
10. Burning hot!
X is a member of the Brassicaceae family, which includes
cabbages, horseradish, and mustard. It is also called Japanese
horseradish, although horseradish is a different plant (which is often used as
a substitute for X.
X is very prominently identified with Japanese cuisine. Its root is used as a
condiment and has an extremely strong flavor. Its hotness is more akin to that
of a hot mustard than that of the capsaicin in a chili pepper, producing
vapours that stimulate the nasal passages more than the tongue.
In sushi preparation, sushi chefs usually put the X between the fish and the
rice because covering X until served preserves its flavor.
11. Not as we know today.
The most influential hierarchy mentions contains 3
different spheres. The first or the highest sphere is
again divided into these classes of M.
1. X are the highest class. They are the caretakers.
2. Y have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a
lion, and an eagle. They have four conjoined
wings covered with eyes, a lion's body figure, and
they have ox's feet. (Y have been misinterpreted
most in art!)
3. Z (pictured) appear as a beryl-coloured wheel-
within-a-wheel, their rims covered with hundreds
of eyes.
What am I talking about?
12. Crazy idea!
The X was inspired by the idea that people tend to conceal their true
feelings, for fear of "getting burned", and thus the photograph. "Getting
burned" was also a common phrase in the industry, used often by artists
denied royalty payments. Two stuntmen were used (Ronnie Rondell and
Danny Rogers), one dressed in a fire-retardant suit covered by a business
suit. His head was protected by a hood, underneath a wig. The photograph
was taken at the Warner Bros. studios in Los Angeles. Initially the wind was
blowing in the wrong direction, and the flames were forced into Rondell's
face, burning his moustache. The two stuntmen changed positions, and the
image was later reversed.
What X?
Pink Floyd‘s
album art of
‗Wish you
were here‘.
13. The finest.
The X was a group of actors originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. Several
explanations have been offered for the famous name over the years.
According to one version, the group's original "Den Mother," Lauren Bacall,
after seeing her husband (Bogart) and his friends return from a night in Las
Vegas, said words to the effect of "You look like a goddamn X."In the mid-
1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a
later variation of the group, after Bogart's death, that called itself "the Summit"
or "the Clan," featuring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter
Lawford, and Joey Bishop; they appeared together on stage and in films in
the early 1960s, including the movies Ocean‘s 11, Sergeants 3, and Robin
and the 7 Hoods. Sinatra, Martin, and Davis were regarded as the group's
lead members.
What is X?
Rat Pack
14. The dragon demon.
As per the narration given to King Yudhisthira in Mahabharata, X was demon
created by Tvashtri to avenge the killing of his son by Indra. X won the battle
and swallowed Indra, but the other gods forced him to vomit Indra out. The
battle continued and Indra was eventually forced to flee. Vishnu and the rishis
brokered a truce, with Indra swearing that he would not attack X with anything
made of metal, wood or stone, nor anything that was dry or wet, or during the
day or the night. Indra used the foam (which Vishnu had entered to ensure
victory) from the waves of the ocean to kill him at twilight. Thus X, who was
described as an Asura and also a serpent or dragon blocking the course of
the rivers, and the personification of drought was slain. For this feat, Indra
became known as ‗X‘han "slayer of X" and also as "slayer of the first-born of
X is one of the earliest mentions of dragons in Indian Mythology.
Vrita or Vritasura
15. Quite a scene.
―Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information
Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a
garden of pure ideology—where each worker may bloom, secure from the
pests purveying contradictory truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more
powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with
one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to
death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!‖
Just then in a flurry of light and smoke, the screen is destroyed and the
audience is in shock!
A voiceover and a scrolling text follows next.
What am I blabbering about?
Apple‘s ‗1984‘ ad
16. Who is
talking and
Transcript of Mark Zuckerberg‘s
former LiveJournal blog while he
was creating fashmash.com,
precursor to Facebook.
17. A novel famous
The author stood by as three men gang-raped an
acquaintance of his named X: he did nothing to
help her. Days later, racked with guilt, he begged
her forgiveness—which she refused. The
incident, he said, haunted him for years
afterward, and in part inspired him to create a
character named X who was also a rape survivor.
The veracity of this story has been questioned
since the author's death, after a colleague from
Expo magazine reported to Rolling Stone that the
author had told him that he had heard the story
secondhand and retold it as his own.
The novel‘s title translates as ‗Men who hate
‗Girl with the Dragon Tattoo‘
(original title in Swedish: Män som
hatar kvinnor – literally, men who
hate women)
by Stieg Larsson.
18. Delish food.
―X Chicken‖, consisting of chicken with vegetables in a spicy sauce. It is
entirely a creation of Y restaurants in India, and bears little resemblance to
traditional Y cuisine. It is said to have been invented in 1975 by Nelson
Wang; Wang described his invention process as starting from the basic
ingredients of an Indian dish, namely chopped garlic, ginger, and green chilis,
but next, instead of adding garam masala, he put in soy sauce instead,
followed by cornstarch and the chicken itself. A popular vegetarian variant
replaces chicken with cauliflower, and is commonly known as ―Gobi X‖, which
is believed to have been originally developed by a small Y community which
lived in Kolkata for a century. Other possibilities include prawn, fish, mutton,
or paneer.
19. What manuscript?
The XY (―Laws of X‖) presents itself as a discourse given by X to a group of seers, or rishis, who beseech
him to tell them the "law of all the social classes―. It became the standard point of reference for all future
Dharmaśāstras that followed it. According to Hindu tradition, the XY records the words of Brahma.
The XY was one of the first Sanskrit texts studied by the European philologists. It was first translated into
English by Sir William Jones. His version was published in 1794. British administrative requirements
encouraged their interest in the Dharmashastras, which they believed to be legal codes. In fact, these were
not codes of law but norms related to social obligations and ritual requirements. According to Avari:
“The text was never universally followed or acclaimed by the vast majority of Indians in their history; it came to
the world's attention through a late eighteenth-century translation by Sir William Jones, who mistakenly
exaggerated both its antiquity and its importance. Today many of its ideas are popularised as the golden norm
of classical Hindu law by Hindu universalists. They are, however, anathema to modern thinkers and
particularly feminists.”
The XY was cited favorably by Friedrich Nietzsche, who deemed it "an incomparably spiritual and superior
work" to the Christian Bible. He observed that "the sun shines on the whole book" and attributed its ethical
perspective to "the noble classes, the philosophers and warriors, [who] stand above the mass."
Furthermore, Nietzshe endorses the willed conduct of political exclusion, that X's system was considered to
bring. However, '... Nietzsche denounces the way in which the XY dealt with the outcastes, saying that
"perhaps there is nothing that outrages our feelings more" ... .‗
Manusmrti or ―Laws of Manu‖
20. All fall down.
August 6, 2009 – Suffered from a denial-of-service attack, causing the
website to go offline for several hours
December 17, 2009 –"This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army‖
June–July 2010 –2010 FIFA World Cup.
November 2010 – technical fault
June 21, 2012 –"cascading bug‖
July 26, 2012 – 2012 Summer Olympics.
…………….. – X
What is X?
Ellen DeGeneres‘ Oscar selfie tweet
causing Twitter to shut down.
21. Giant of an animal.
X is a beast mentioned in Bible, (Job 40:15–24 ) to demonstrate to Job the futility of questioning
God, who alone has created this being and who alone can capture them. A Jewish rabbinic legend
describes a great battle which will take place between X and its sea counterpart Leviathan at the end of
time: "...they will interlock with one another and engage in combat, with his horns the X will gore with
strength, the fish [Leviathan] will leap to meet him with his fins, with power. Their Creator will approach
them with his mighty sword [and slay them both]." Then, "from the beautiful skin of the Leviathan, God
will construct canopies to shelter the righteous, who will eat the meat of the X and the Leviathan amid
great joy and merriment.―
Some scholars have seen X as a real creature, usually the hippopotamus, occasionally the
elephant, crocodile, or water buffalo. The reference to X's "tail" that "moves like a cedar" presents a
problem for most of these readings, since it cannot easily be identified with the tail of any animal.
Some young earth creationists identify X as possibly a sauropod dinosaur, claiming that no other animal
but a sauropod dinosaur has a tail that "moves like a cedar". X are the closest explanation of dinosaurs
in Bible.
Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity or a huge or
monstrous creature.
22. Not so benevolent.
General hatred for X can be attributed to these certain disputes:
•X's disconnection policy, in which members are encouraged to cut off all contact with friends or family
members who are "antagonistic" to it.
•Criminal activities committed on behalf of the members or directed by officials such as ‗Operation Snow
White‘ during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about X and its founder in particular the accounts
of him discussing his intent to start X for profit and of his service in the military.
•X's harassment and litigious actions against its critics.
•Attempts to legally force search engines such as Google and Yahoo! to omit any webpages critical of X
from their search engines.
•Physical violence by superiors on lower rank members.
•In November 2009, An Australian senator used a speech to allege that the X is a criminal organization.
Based on letters from former members, he said that there were "allegations of forced
imprisonment, coerced abortions, and embezzlement of funds, of physical violence and
intimidation, blackmail and the widespread and deliberate abuse of information obtained by the
Notorious X?
Church of Scientology
23. What was being referenced?
"Treehouse of Horror" (originally known as "The Simpsons Halloween
Special") is the third episode of The Simpsons' second season. The plot
revolves around three scary stories told by the Simpson children in the
family's treehouse.
In the third segment of the episode , the X is adapted as Lisa reads the story
to Bart and Maggie. In the animated segment, Homer serves as the
protagonist, Bart takes the X's form, Marge appears in a painting as Y and
Lisa and Maggie are angels. Bart complains that the story is not scary, and at
one point he says his catchphrase "Eat my shorts" instead of ―Z".
This was a well-acclaimed episode of which the X segment received highest
praise. The critics described the segment as "one of the most refined
Simpsons pop references ever" and knows "people that consider this the
point that they realized The Simpsons could be both highly hilarious and
highly intelligent."
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
Bonus video!
24. The written law.
The X laws were the first to distinguish between murder and involuntary
After much debate from the Athenians, it was decided to revise the
laws, including the homicide law. The homicide law is a highly fragmented
inscription, but it does state that it is up to the victim‘s relatives to prosecute a
killer. According to the preserved part of the inscription, unintentional
homicides receive a sentence of exile, while intentional murders are
punishable by death. Apart from the inscriptions very little is known about the
X‘s background or the nature of most of the laws.
Later all of its laws were repealed except for the homicidal law.
Draco‘s Laws or Draconian Laws
25. For the record.The contents of the X records were selected for Y by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell
University. Sagan and his associates assembled 116 images and a variety of natural sounds, such as
those made by surf, wind, thunder and animals (including the songs of birds and whales). To this they
added musical selections from different cultures and eras, spoken greetings in 55 ancient and modern
languages, and printed messages from US president Jimmy Carter and U.N. Secretary-General Kurt
The collection of images includes many photographs and diagrams both in black and white and color. The
first images are of scientific interest, showing mathematical and physical quantities, the Solar System and
its planets, DNA, and human anatomy and reproduction. Care was taken to include not only pictures of
humanity, but also some of animals, insects, plants and landscapes. Images of humanity depict a broad
range of cultures. These images show food, architecture, and humans in portraits as well as going about
their day-to-day lives. Many pictures are annotated with one or more indications of scales of time, size, or
mass. Some images contain indications of chemical composition. All measures used on the pictures are
defined in the first few images using physical references that are likely to be consistent anywhere.
The musical selection is also varied, featuring artists such as Beethoven, Guan
Pinghu, Mozart, Stravinsky, Blind Willie Johnson, Chuck Berry and Kesarbai Kerkar etc.
What is the X record?
Voyager Golden
Records, which were
included aboard both
spacecrafts, are
intended for any
extraterrestrial life
form, or for future
humans, who may
find them.
26. ―White men steal our lands!‖
In the 19th century, X Destiny was the widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to
expand throughout the continent. Historians have for the most part agreed that there are three basic themes to X
•The special virtues of the American people and their institutions;
•America's mission to redeem and remake the west in the image of agrarian America;
•An irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty.
X Destiny provided the rhetorical tone for the largest acquisition of U.S. territory. It was used by Democrats in the 1840s
to justify the war with Mexico and it was also used to divide half of Oregon with Great Britain. But X Destiny always
limped along because of its internal limitations and the issue of slavery.
German geographer Friedrich Ratzel visited North America beginning in 1873 and saw the effects of American X
Destiny. Ratzel sympathized with the results of ―X destiny", but he never used the term. Instead he relied on the Frontier
Thesis of Frederick Jackson Turner. Ratzel promoted overseas colonies for Germany in Asia and Africa, but not an
expansion into Slavic lands.
Later German publicists misinterpreted Ratzel to argue for the right of the German race to expand within Europe; that
notion was later incorporated into Nazi ideology, as Lebensraum.
What doctrine?
Manifest Destiny
27. Fellowship of the Ring.
One of the projects X were interested in pursuing was a X adaptation of J.R.R.
Tolkien‘s The Lord of the Rings.
When the film rights to The Lord of the Rings were sold to United Artists, X tried to
jump on the opportunity to make a film about it. The Lord of the Rings was a huge hit
with the liberation period and it makes sense that X would take interest in a project like
To direct, X wanted to get Stanley Kubrick, one of the most sought-after directors of the
time. But he refused as for him, the stories were impossible to capture on film.
In 2002 Z ran into Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson at the Academy Awards
and told him of the X‘ plans. Jackson told Wellington‘s Evening Post newspaper, ―It
was something Z was driving X to do and J.R.R. Tolkien still had the film rights at that
stage but he didn‘t like the idea of X doing it. So he killed it.‖
The Beatles
28. Needs courage to ask.
Y dwells in a raging fire deep inside the Earth's core when X are
currently not being used. Y can bestow any wish as long as it does
not exceed the power of his creator, who must be still alive. Y is
shown to have a temper, and he once threatened to kill a summoner
if they do not make their wish soon. Y cannot (or will not) grant the
same wish more than once.
Although he is known to be eternal, one of his creators kills him after
he is granted eternal youth by Y, to prevent anyone else from using
X against him.
Give me X.
X: Dragonballs
Y: Shenron
29. Tied up in pseudo-logic.
‗Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot‘ is a book by Philip
Gosse, written in 1857 (two years before Darwin's On the Origin of Species), in
which he argues that the fossil record is not evidence of evolution, but rather
that it is an act of creation inevitably made so that the world would appear to be
older than it is. It was a masterful but moronic attempt to reconcile Genesis and
Geology and though now generally forgotten it provides a fascinating insight
into nineteenth century mental turmoil.
This reasoning parallels another reasoning that Gosse chose to explain why
Adam (who was the first men created) had a X: Though Adam would have had
no need of a X, God gave him one anyway to give him the appearance of
having a human ancestry. Thus, the name of the book, Omphalos, which means
‗X' in Greek.
What is X?
30. Dark dragon.
X is an incarnation of pure evil, responsible for all misfortunes. X appears to be
particularly unfond of the three fairies. X on top of the deviousness, is very
misleading in personality. But, underneath the mask of stoicism, X unleashes
the full brunt of wrath with a smile. A sign X relishes in the pain of others. When
one of the fairies states bluntly, "You weren't wanted," X pretends to be shocked
and hurt, remarking "In that event I'd best be on my way.‖ which was of course
not what happened next.
X was also capable of flying by conjuring energy from the staff in a similar
manner to a galaxy or a helicopter rotor. This was presumably used as an act of
desperation, given the events that had her use it. One of the most powerful
abilities is to transform into a massive black dragon that breathes fire.
31. The family as well.
X appears several times in the Qur'an: in verses 35-59 of Sura 3: al-Imran (The
Family of Imran), verses 156-158 of Sura 4: an Nisa' (The Women), verses 109-
120 of Sura 5: al-Ma'idah (The Repast), verse 50 of Sura 23: al-Mu'minun (The
Believers) verses 57-65 of Sura 43: az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) and in
verses 6 and 14 of Sura 61: as-Saff (The Battle Array). Reference is made to
him several more times. X is said to have created a bird out of clay and blown
life into it; and he is also said to have spoken as an infant in the cradle to
defend his mother from the false accusations of fornication.
The Qur'an rejects his divinity. According to the Qur'an, X did not ask to be
worshipped and X asked people to worship God. Also, according to the Qur'an,
God "has no partners‖. Name X.
Jesus (Isa)
32. X‘s story. Who is X?
X, in this first mission, he was sold for a sum of $1 million and was to recover a golden statue of
a Goddess from a temple that was protected by tribal devotees and by a mysterious 300-year
old Sadhu named Baba Gorakhnath. X succeeded in his task, but upon confrontation with
Gorakhnath, was defeated. Gorakhnath read his mind and discovered that Professor Y had
implanted a mind control device in the form of a capsule in X's head, to keep him under his
control. Gorakhnath operated and removed the capsule from X's head, setting him free of
Professor Y's control. X then became Baba Goraknath's disciple and vowed to eliminate crime
and terror from the Earth. Since then, X has thrice toured the world and defeated many villains
and terrorists.
It is notable, and perhaps ironic, that X has now been transformed into a mythical/magical
creature facing fantastical creatures as his enemies, with elements of sorcery/magic and even
time and space travel. Many cite this as a reason for the continuous, meteoric rise in popularity
of X. However, purists still claim that they prefer the more realistic, more practical stories that X
began with.
33. Sci-fi movie.
A1: Then tell me, …….. boy, who's President of the United States in 1985?
A2: Ronald Reagan.
A1: Ronald Reagan? The actor? [chuckles in disbelief]
A1: Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?!
President Ronald Reagan, a fan of the film, referred to the movie in his 1986
State of the Union address when he said, "Never has there been a more
exciting time to be alive, a time of rousing wonder and heroic achievement. As
they said in the film Y, 'Where we're going, we don't need roads'.―
When he first saw the joke about his being President, he ordered the
projectionist of the theater to stop the reel, roll it back, and run it again.
Which movie?
Back To The Future!
34. Blink and you miss
X appears in a scene of Tron (1982). In chapter 9 at 0:43:30, as Sark barks orders to an
underling, to his right is X. It's surprising that there's no mention of X appearance on the
commentary track and, viewing it with that audio playing, you don't hear its recognisable
sound, making it easier to miss.
Even more noteworthy is the appearance in the context of the timing of the film and X's release.
The filmmakers' cheeky inclusion of a short, but amazingly fun tribute to what they somehow
guessed correctly would become an iconic mascot, and not a dated reference to long forgotten
trivia, commonplace cultural reference or trifling product placement, is another notch in the geek
belt of a terrific film and is, perhaps, even more of a find now, with the realisation that the film
and X are still well loved today.
(pic in next slide)
X is?
Pub Quiz
35. More than meets the eye.
The Matrix of Leadership or Creation Matrix is a fictional artifact in
the X franchise created by Y. In most incarnations, it is a legendary
talisman that is passed down to new leaders of the Z, the
franchise's main protagonists. The Matrix has been one of the X
franchise's most prominent elements, appearing in almost every X
comic and television series, as well as the live-action film series.
X, Y, Z?
X: Transformers
Y: Hasbro
Z: Autobots
36. Gore-Sedan
The origins of X date back to at least the mid-19th century, when two sisters, Patty and Mildred J. Hill,
introduced the song "Good Morning to All" to Patty's kindergarten class in Kentucky. Years later, in 1893,
they published the tune in their songbook Song Stories for the Kindergarten. Kembrew McLeod stated that
the Hill sisters likely copied the tune and lyrical idea from other popular and similar nineteenth-century
songs that predated theirs, including Horace Waters' "Good Night to You All" also from 1858. However,
Brauneis disputes this, noting that these earlier songs had quite different melodies.
The Hill Sisters' students enjoyed their teachers' version of "Good Morning to All" so much that they began
spontaneously singing it at parties, changing the lyrics to X. The first book including the X lyric set to the
tune of "Good Morning to All" that bears a date of publication is ―The Beginners‘ Book of Songs,‖ published
by the Cable Company, a piano manufacturer, in 1912. p. 31 Children's Praise and Worship, edited by
Andrew Byers, Bessie L. Byrum and Anna E. Koglin, published the song in 1918. In 1924, Robert Coleman
included "Good Morning to All" in a songbook with the birthday lyrics as a second verse.
What is X?
Happy Birthday (to me!)
Made on:
11:58 PM,
21nd March, 2014
37. Not so useless!
X is a fish-like Pokémon. X evolves into Y which is a large dragon-like Pokémon most similar in
appearance to those seen in Chinese mythology BUT is Not a dragon-type. This and the
concept of X evolving into Y is based on the ancient Chinese tradition that the fish would evolve
into a dragon after swimming upstream. At the Yellow River at Henan is a waterfall called the
Dragon Gate. It is said that if certain fish called Yulong can climb the cataract they will transform
into dragons. Every year in the third month of spring they swim up from the sea and gather in
vast numbers in the pool at the foot of the falls.It was so famous that throughout China there
was a common saying that: 'a student facing his examinations is like a fish attempting to leap
the Dragon Gate.'
X is usually overlooked by trainers because it is pathetically weak. Even in the heat of battle it
will do nothing but flop around. X has been described as "the ultimate in useless
Pokémon", they described Y as one of the "most well-known" characters in the series.
X: Magikarp
Y: Gyarados
38. Pew pew pew!
―X (My …. Y)" is the second single by singer-actress Cher from her second
studio album ‗The Sonny Side of Chér‘. The song was written by Cher's then-
husband Sonny Bono and released in 1966.
Also in 1966, Nancy Sinatra released her version of the song on her album
‗How Does That Grab You?‘. It featured tremolo effect guitar and melancholy
singing. This version remained relatively obscure until it was used in a certain
Tarantino movie. In one scene of the movie, references are made to the song‘s
opening lyrics.
This exposure led to many new artist‘s using this particular cover in their works
. In January 2014, David Guetta remixed ―X" using the Sinatra version with
Skylar Grey named Y.
Which song?
"Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me
39. I did NOT SEE that coming!
Godwin's law (or Godwin's Rule of X Analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online
discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving X or Y approaches 1" —​ that is, if
an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone
will compare someone or something to Y or X.
Promulgated by American attorney and author Mike Godwin in 1990, Godwin's Law originally
referred, specifically, to Usenet newsgroup discussions, it is now applied to any threaded online
discussion, such as Internet forums, chat rooms and blog comment threads, as well as to
speeches, articles and other rhetoric. Godwin's law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or
hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with X – often referred to as "playing
the Y card". The law and its corollaries would not apply to discussions covering known mainstays of
X or to discussion of other totalitarian regimes or ideologies, if that was the explicit topic of
conversation, since a X comparison in those circumstances may be appropriate, in effect committing
the fallacist's fallacy. Whether it applies to humorous use or references to oneself is open to
interpretation, since this would not be a fallacious attack against a debate opponent.
In 2012, "Godwin's Law" became an entry in the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.
What is X/Y?
X: Nazi
Y: Hitler
40. Never brought to trial.
X's case never came to trial because two days later, while being escorted to a
car for transfer from Dallas Police Headquarters to the Dallas County Jail, he
was shot and killed by Dallas nightclub owner Y, live on American television.
Arrested immediately after the shooting, Y later said that he had been
distraught over the Z and that killing X would spare the family the discomfiture
of coming back to trial.
Some contend Y was involved with major figures in organized crime, and
conspiracy theorists widely assert that Y killed X as part of an overall plot
surrounding the Z. Others have disputed this, arguing that Y's connection with
gangsters was minimal at most, or circumstantial, and also that Y was not the
sort to be entrusted with such an act within a high-level conspiracy.
Who is X?
X: Lee Harvey
Y: Jack Ruby
Z: J F Kennedy's
41. Movie?
The Shining
42. Make your lives extraordinary
English translation of a poem written in the Odes in 23 BC by the Latin poet Horace, Book 1, number 11:
Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end
the gods have given me or you, Leuconoe. Don't play with Babylonian
numerology either. How much better it is to endure whatever will be!
Whether Jupiter has allotted you many more winters or this one,
which even now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the opposing rocks, is the final one
— be wise, be truthful, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes
to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have {already} fled:
………X……., trusting as little as possible in the next future.
X is the Enlish meaning of an oft-quoted Latin phrase Y?
What is Y?
Carpe Diem!
Psssst! DPS
43. On the run
…..M….. refers to the pairing of the 1973 album X with the visual portion of the 1939 film Y. This produces
moments where the film and the album appear to correspond with each other. The title of the music video
mashup-like experience comes from a combination of the album title and one of the film's song.
There are various approaches regarding when to start synchronizing X with the film. Several involve the
MGM lion as the cue. Most suggest the third roar, while some prefer the second or first. Others suggest
starting the album not immediately after the lion's roar, but after the lion fades to black—exactly when the
film begins. Viewing recommendations include reducing the film's audio and using captions or subtitles to
follow the dialogue and plot.
The iconic album's cover purportedly reflects the movie's transition from black-and-white to Technicolor;
further examples include music changes at dramatic moments such as the line "balanced on the biggest
wave" came up when the protagonist was tightrope walking along a fence, the song ―Z damage‖ playing
when one of the character missing a Z is introduced, coinciding of the end of side 1 of album X with the
moment when the movie Y switches to colour. etc.
Band members and others involved in the making of the album state that any relationship between the two
works of art is merely a coincidence but yet it remains a highly-celebrated myth.
Give me both the album X and the movie Y.
X: Dark Side Of The Moon
Y: Wizard Of Oz
M: Dark Side Of The Rainbow
Watch the mashup:
44. Picked for
"The Sentinel" was written in 1948
for a BBC competition (in which it
failed to place) and was first
published in the magazine 10 Story
Fantasy in 1951, under the title
"Sentinel of Eternity". It first
appeared in the USA in The Avon
Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader
published by Avon Periodicals, Inc. in
1951. Despite the story's initial
failure, it changed the course of
Clarke's career. How?
Was picked and expanded into
2001: A Space Odyssey
45. Famous
The scene depicts a biographer
presenting a copy of a
biography to the subject of the
Identify the book.
Akbarnama by Abul Fazl
46. Scam
Who is the man
in this R K
Laxman cartoon
from the 90‘s?
Harshad Mehta, the
main accused in the
1992 Stock Exchange
47. Ad of?
48. Ad of?
United Colors of Benetton

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Pub Quiz

  • 2. 1. Hard spot. The author originally wanted to call the phrase, and hence the book X, by other numbers, but he and his publishers eventually settled on X. The title is a reference to a fictional bureaucratic stipulation which embodies forms of illogical and immoral reasoning. The number has no particular significance; it was chosen more or less for euphony. The title was originally had another number Z, but the author changed it after a popular novel containing the same number was published a short time beforehand. The term ―X" has filtered into common usage in the English language. In a 1975 interview, the author said the term would not translate well into other languages.
  • 4. 2. Fresh question. The use of the term ―XY" or ―X" is widespread. One theory is that it originated in a restaurant in Scollay Square in Boston, Massachusetts at the beginning of World War II. The XY was created to entice the large numbers of navy servicemen stationed at the Charlestown Navy Yard Another theory suggests the XY was brought to the U.S. by Dominic Conti (1874–1954), an Italian immigrant who came to New York in the early 1900s. He is said to have named it after seeing the recovered 1901 XY called Fenian Ram in the Paterson Museum of New Jersey in 1918. His granddaughter has stated the following: "My grandfather came to this country circa 1895 from Montella, Italy. Around 1910, he started his grocery store, called Dominic Conti's Grocery Store, on Mill Street in Paterson, New Jersey where he was selling the traditional Italian food.‖ Those living in Eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island are usually told that the name is associated with two facilities in Groton : the US Navy's base, and the nearby Electric Boat Company which built them. What is XY?
  • 6. 3. Marks impending doom! This blink-and-you-miss easter egg was used by the director as a homage to the Howard Hawks' classic 1932 Scarface where similarly the appearance of this certain something implied impending doom. In the movie, the director opted to use this symbol as his own motif for implying that certain character wouldn‘t be so lucky. Some of the appearances are crisscrossing lights, railings, tape on background, shadows, graffiti, carpet pattern, on paper etc. which usually get unnoticed. What movie and what symbol?
  • 7. X marks in Scorsese‘s ‗The Departed‘
  • 8. 4. Seksy tym! Rouputuan, also known as Huiquanbao and Juehouchan, and translated as The Carnal Prayer Mat or The Before Midnight Scholar, is a Chinese erotic novel of the Qing Dynasty published under a pseudonym but usually attributed to Li Yu. It was written in 1657 and published in 1693. It is divided into four volumes of five chapters apiece. It was published in Japan in 1705 as Nikufuton with an preface proclaiming it the greatest erotic novel of all time. In the Chinese literary world, the novel was controversial, and has long been banned and censored. There is ongoing debate whether the novel is simply pornographic or whether its Buddhist framework is meant to use sexuality to convey a moral lesson. The novel's protagonist, Weiyangsheng (未央生; lit. "Unrealised One" or "Unfinished One"), visits a Buddhist temple, where he meets a monk, who notes that he exhibits wisdom but also lust. Weiyangsheng says that the monk's purpose in life is to sit on a zafu (or prayer mat) and meditate, while his desire is to marry a beautiful woman and sit on a "carnal prayer mat" (肉蒲團). The title of the novel comes from this line said by Weiyangsheng. How do we better know this?
  • 9. ‗Sex and Zen‘ is the movie adaptation of the novel.
  • 10. 5. It‘s a website. X, an English image-board has been labeled as the starting point of the Y movement by The Baltimore City Paper, due to the norm of posts signed with the ―Y" moniker. The National Post's David George-Cosh said it has been "widely reported" that Y is associated with X, as well as numerous Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels. Through its association with Y, X has become associated with Project Z, a worldwide protest against the Church of Scientology held by members of Y. On January 15, 2008, a X user posted to /b/, suggesting participants "do something big" against the Church of Scientology's website. This message resulted in the Church receiving threatening phone calls. It quickly grew into a large real-world protest. Unlike previous Y attacks, this action was characterized by X memes including rickrolls and others. The raid drew criticism from some X users who felt it would bring the site undesirable attention. ID X & Y.
  • 14. 7. Leaked. The X email hack occurred on September 16, 2008, during the 2008 United States presidential election campaign when the Yahoo! personal email account of vice presidential candidate X was subjected to unauthorized access. The hacker had obtained access to X's account by looking up biographical details such as high school and birthdate and using Yahoo!'s account recovery for forgotten passwords. The hacker posted some photos and the account's screenshots from within the account to WikiLeaks. (screenshot in next slide)
  • 17. 8. Did you watch closely? ‗Fight Club‘ is, among other things, a blatant stab at the way in which consumerism has taken over our lives. Much of the movie‘s runtime is dedicated to analyzing the idea that we‘re being duped by giant corporations, which is presumably why director David Fincher decided to include a X in every single scene in the movie. In every scene in Fight Club, there‘s a X hidden somewhere – you just have to be bothered to look. In fact, X had no problem with being made fun of in Fight Club. Which is why they let Fincher use their name. But they finally had to draw the line in one of the destruction scenes. Fight Club fan, eh?
  • 19. 9. Name of the X. There are three commonly reported rules to X: 1. Everyone in the world is playing X. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everybody in the world who knows about X is playing X‖, or alternatively, "You are always playing X.") A person cannot not play X; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing. 2. Whenever one thinks about X, one loses. 3. Losses must be announced to at least one person (either by using a statement such as "I lost X" or by alternative means). The common rules do not define a point at which X ends. However, one reported variation states that X ends when the President of the United States, the Pope, or the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announces on television that ―X is up.‖ X is an example of ironic processing (also known as the "White Bear Principle"), in which attempts to avoid certain thoughts make those thoughts more persistent. ID X.
  • 21. 10. Burning hot! X is a member of the Brassicaceae family, which includes cabbages, horseradish, and mustard. It is also called Japanese horseradish, although horseradish is a different plant (which is often used as a substitute for X. X is very prominently identified with Japanese cuisine. Its root is used as a condiment and has an extremely strong flavor. Its hotness is more akin to that of a hot mustard than that of the capsaicin in a chili pepper, producing vapours that stimulate the nasal passages more than the tongue. In sushi preparation, sushi chefs usually put the X between the fish and the rice because covering X until served preserves its flavor.
  • 23. 11. Not as we know today. The most influential hierarchy mentions contains 3 different spheres. The first or the highest sphere is again divided into these classes of M. 1. X are the highest class. They are the caretakers. 2. Y have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion's body figure, and they have ox's feet. (Y have been misinterpreted most in art!) 3. Z (pictured) appear as a beryl-coloured wheel- within-a-wheel, their rims covered with hundreds of eyes. What am I talking about?
  • 25. 12. Crazy idea! The X was inspired by the idea that people tend to conceal their true feelings, for fear of "getting burned", and thus the photograph. "Getting burned" was also a common phrase in the industry, used often by artists denied royalty payments. Two stuntmen were used (Ronnie Rondell and Danny Rogers), one dressed in a fire-retardant suit covered by a business suit. His head was protected by a hood, underneath a wig. The photograph was taken at the Warner Bros. studios in Los Angeles. Initially the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, and the flames were forced into Rondell's face, burning his moustache. The two stuntmen changed positions, and the image was later reversed. What X?
  • 26. Pink Floyd‘s album art of ‗Wish you were here‘.
  • 27. 13. The finest. The X was a group of actors originally centered on Humphrey Bogart. Several explanations have been offered for the famous name over the years. According to one version, the group's original "Den Mother," Lauren Bacall, after seeing her husband (Bogart) and his friends return from a night in Las Vegas, said words to the effect of "You look like a goddamn X."In the mid- 1960s it was the name used by the press and the general public to refer to a later variation of the group, after Bogart's death, that called itself "the Summit" or "the Clan," featuring Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop; they appeared together on stage and in films in the early 1960s, including the movies Ocean‘s 11, Sergeants 3, and Robin and the 7 Hoods. Sinatra, Martin, and Davis were regarded as the group's lead members. What is X?
  • 29. 14. The dragon demon. As per the narration given to King Yudhisthira in Mahabharata, X was demon created by Tvashtri to avenge the killing of his son by Indra. X won the battle and swallowed Indra, but the other gods forced him to vomit Indra out. The battle continued and Indra was eventually forced to flee. Vishnu and the rishis brokered a truce, with Indra swearing that he would not attack X with anything made of metal, wood or stone, nor anything that was dry or wet, or during the day or the night. Indra used the foam (which Vishnu had entered to ensure victory) from the waves of the ocean to kill him at twilight. Thus X, who was described as an Asura and also a serpent or dragon blocking the course of the rivers, and the personification of drought was slain. For this feat, Indra became known as ‗X‘han "slayer of X" and also as "slayer of the first-born of dragons". X is one of the earliest mentions of dragons in Indian Mythology.
  • 31. 15. Quite a scene. ―Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology—where each worker may bloom, secure from the pests purveying contradictory truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!‖ Just then in a flurry of light and smoke, the screen is destroyed and the audience is in shock! A voiceover and a scrolling text follows next. What am I blabbering about?
  • 33. 16. Who is talking and about what?
  • 34. Transcript of Mark Zuckerberg‘s former LiveJournal blog while he was creating fashmash.com, precursor to Facebook.
  • 35. 17. A novel famous otherwise. The author stood by as three men gang-raped an acquaintance of his named X: he did nothing to help her. Days later, racked with guilt, he begged her forgiveness—which she refused. The incident, he said, haunted him for years afterward, and in part inspired him to create a character named X who was also a rape survivor. The veracity of this story has been questioned since the author's death, after a colleague from Expo magazine reported to Rolling Stone that the author had told him that he had heard the story secondhand and retold it as his own. The novel‘s title translates as ‗Men who hate women‘.
  • 36. ‗Girl with the Dragon Tattoo‘ (original title in Swedish: Män som hatar kvinnor – literally, men who hate women) by Stieg Larsson.
  • 37. 18. Delish food. ―X Chicken‖, consisting of chicken with vegetables in a spicy sauce. It is entirely a creation of Y restaurants in India, and bears little resemblance to traditional Y cuisine. It is said to have been invented in 1975 by Nelson Wang; Wang described his invention process as starting from the basic ingredients of an Indian dish, namely chopped garlic, ginger, and green chilis, but next, instead of adding garam masala, he put in soy sauce instead, followed by cornstarch and the chicken itself. A popular vegetarian variant replaces chicken with cauliflower, and is commonly known as ―Gobi X‖, which is believed to have been originally developed by a small Y community which lived in Kolkata for a century. Other possibilities include prawn, fish, mutton, or paneer. X?
  • 39. 19. What manuscript? The XY (―Laws of X‖) presents itself as a discourse given by X to a group of seers, or rishis, who beseech him to tell them the "law of all the social classes―. It became the standard point of reference for all future Dharmaśāstras that followed it. According to Hindu tradition, the XY records the words of Brahma. The XY was one of the first Sanskrit texts studied by the European philologists. It was first translated into English by Sir William Jones. His version was published in 1794. British administrative requirements encouraged their interest in the Dharmashastras, which they believed to be legal codes. In fact, these were not codes of law but norms related to social obligations and ritual requirements. According to Avari: “The text was never universally followed or acclaimed by the vast majority of Indians in their history; it came to the world's attention through a late eighteenth-century translation by Sir William Jones, who mistakenly exaggerated both its antiquity and its importance. Today many of its ideas are popularised as the golden norm of classical Hindu law by Hindu universalists. They are, however, anathema to modern thinkers and particularly feminists.” The XY was cited favorably by Friedrich Nietzsche, who deemed it "an incomparably spiritual and superior work" to the Christian Bible. He observed that "the sun shines on the whole book" and attributed its ethical perspective to "the noble classes, the philosophers and warriors, [who] stand above the mass." Furthermore, Nietzshe endorses the willed conduct of political exclusion, that X's system was considered to bring. However, '... Nietzsche denounces the way in which the XY dealt with the outcastes, saying that "perhaps there is nothing that outrages our feelings more" ... .‗
  • 40. Manusmrti or ―Laws of Manu‖
  • 41. 20. All fall down. August 6, 2009 – Suffered from a denial-of-service attack, causing the website to go offline for several hours December 17, 2009 –"This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army‖ June–July 2010 –2010 FIFA World Cup. November 2010 – technical fault June 21, 2012 –"cascading bug‖ July 26, 2012 – 2012 Summer Olympics. …………….. – X What is X?
  • 42. Ellen DeGeneres‘ Oscar selfie tweet causing Twitter to shut down.
  • 43. 21. Giant of an animal. X is a beast mentioned in Bible, (Job 40:15–24 ) to demonstrate to Job the futility of questioning God, who alone has created this being and who alone can capture them. A Jewish rabbinic legend describes a great battle which will take place between X and its sea counterpart Leviathan at the end of time: "...they will interlock with one another and engage in combat, with his horns the X will gore with strength, the fish [Leviathan] will leap to meet him with his fins, with power. Their Creator will approach them with his mighty sword [and slay them both]." Then, "from the beautiful skin of the Leviathan, God will construct canopies to shelter the righteous, who will eat the meat of the X and the Leviathan amid great joy and merriment.― Some scholars have seen X as a real creature, usually the hippopotamus, occasionally the elephant, crocodile, or water buffalo. The reference to X's "tail" that "moves like a cedar" presents a problem for most of these readings, since it cannot easily be identified with the tail of any animal. Some young earth creationists identify X as possibly a sauropod dinosaur, claiming that no other animal but a sauropod dinosaur has a tail that "moves like a cedar". X are the closest explanation of dinosaurs in Bible. Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity or a huge or monstrous creature.
  • 45. 22. Not so benevolent. General hatred for X can be attributed to these certain disputes: •X's disconnection policy, in which members are encouraged to cut off all contact with friends or family members who are "antagonistic" to it. •Criminal activities committed on behalf of the members or directed by officials such as ‗Operation Snow White‘ during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about X and its founder in particular the accounts of him discussing his intent to start X for profit and of his service in the military. •X's harassment and litigious actions against its critics. •Attempts to legally force search engines such as Google and Yahoo! to omit any webpages critical of X from their search engines. •Physical violence by superiors on lower rank members. •In November 2009, An Australian senator used a speech to allege that the X is a criminal organization. Based on letters from former members, he said that there were "allegations of forced imprisonment, coerced abortions, and embezzlement of funds, of physical violence and intimidation, blackmail and the widespread and deliberate abuse of information obtained by the organization―. Notorious X?
  • 47. 23. What was being referenced? "Treehouse of Horror" (originally known as "The Simpsons Halloween Special") is the third episode of The Simpsons' second season. The plot revolves around three scary stories told by the Simpson children in the family's treehouse. In the third segment of the episode , the X is adapted as Lisa reads the story to Bart and Maggie. In the animated segment, Homer serves as the protagonist, Bart takes the X's form, Marge appears in a painting as Y and Lisa and Maggie are angels. Bart complains that the story is not scary, and at one point he says his catchphrase "Eat my shorts" instead of ―Z". This was a well-acclaimed episode of which the X segment received highest praise. The critics described the segment as "one of the most refined Simpsons pop references ever" and knows "people that consider this the point that they realized The Simpsons could be both highly hilarious and highly intelligent."
  • 48. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
  • 50. 24. The written law. The X laws were the first to distinguish between murder and involuntary homicide. After much debate from the Athenians, it was decided to revise the laws, including the homicide law. The homicide law is a highly fragmented inscription, but it does state that it is up to the victim‘s relatives to prosecute a killer. According to the preserved part of the inscription, unintentional homicides receive a sentence of exile, while intentional murders are punishable by death. Apart from the inscriptions very little is known about the X‘s background or the nature of most of the laws. Later all of its laws were repealed except for the homicidal law. X?
  • 51. Draco‘s Laws or Draconian Laws
  • 52. 25. For the record.The contents of the X records were selected for Y by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University. Sagan and his associates assembled 116 images and a variety of natural sounds, such as those made by surf, wind, thunder and animals (including the songs of birds and whales). To this they added musical selections from different cultures and eras, spoken greetings in 55 ancient and modern languages, and printed messages from US president Jimmy Carter and U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. The collection of images includes many photographs and diagrams both in black and white and color. The first images are of scientific interest, showing mathematical and physical quantities, the Solar System and its planets, DNA, and human anatomy and reproduction. Care was taken to include not only pictures of humanity, but also some of animals, insects, plants and landscapes. Images of humanity depict a broad range of cultures. These images show food, architecture, and humans in portraits as well as going about their day-to-day lives. Many pictures are annotated with one or more indications of scales of time, size, or mass. Some images contain indications of chemical composition. All measures used on the pictures are defined in the first few images using physical references that are likely to be consistent anywhere. The musical selection is also varied, featuring artists such as Beethoven, Guan Pinghu, Mozart, Stravinsky, Blind Willie Johnson, Chuck Berry and Kesarbai Kerkar etc. What is the X record?
  • 53. Voyager Golden Records, which were included aboard both Voyager spacecrafts, are intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life form, or for future humans, who may find them.
  • 54. 26. ―White men steal our lands!‖ In the 19th century, X Destiny was the widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent. Historians have for the most part agreed that there are three basic themes to X Destiny: •The special virtues of the American people and their institutions; •America's mission to redeem and remake the west in the image of agrarian America; •An irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty. X Destiny provided the rhetorical tone for the largest acquisition of U.S. territory. It was used by Democrats in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico and it was also used to divide half of Oregon with Great Britain. But X Destiny always limped along because of its internal limitations and the issue of slavery. German geographer Friedrich Ratzel visited North America beginning in 1873 and saw the effects of American X Destiny. Ratzel sympathized with the results of ―X destiny", but he never used the term. Instead he relied on the Frontier Thesis of Frederick Jackson Turner. Ratzel promoted overseas colonies for Germany in Asia and Africa, but not an expansion into Slavic lands. Later German publicists misinterpreted Ratzel to argue for the right of the German race to expand within Europe; that notion was later incorporated into Nazi ideology, as Lebensraum. What doctrine?
  • 56. 27. Fellowship of the Ring. One of the projects X were interested in pursuing was a X adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s The Lord of the Rings. When the film rights to The Lord of the Rings were sold to United Artists, X tried to jump on the opportunity to make a film about it. The Lord of the Rings was a huge hit with the liberation period and it makes sense that X would take interest in a project like this. To direct, X wanted to get Stanley Kubrick, one of the most sought-after directors of the time. But he refused as for him, the stories were impossible to capture on film. In 2002 Z ran into Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson at the Academy Awards and told him of the X‘ plans. Jackson told Wellington‘s Evening Post newspaper, ―It was something Z was driving X to do and J.R.R. Tolkien still had the film rights at that stage but he didn‘t like the idea of X doing it. So he killed it.‖ X?
  • 58. 28. Needs courage to ask. Y dwells in a raging fire deep inside the Earth's core when X are currently not being used. Y can bestow any wish as long as it does not exceed the power of his creator, who must be still alive. Y is shown to have a temper, and he once threatened to kill a summoner if they do not make their wish soon. Y cannot (or will not) grant the same wish more than once. Although he is known to be eternal, one of his creators kills him after he is granted eternal youth by Y, to prevent anyone else from using X against him. Give me X.
  • 60. 29. Tied up in pseudo-logic. ‗Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot‘ is a book by Philip Gosse, written in 1857 (two years before Darwin's On the Origin of Species), in which he argues that the fossil record is not evidence of evolution, but rather that it is an act of creation inevitably made so that the world would appear to be older than it is. It was a masterful but moronic attempt to reconcile Genesis and Geology and though now generally forgotten it provides a fascinating insight into nineteenth century mental turmoil. This reasoning parallels another reasoning that Gosse chose to explain why Adam (who was the first men created) had a X: Though Adam would have had no need of a X, God gave him one anyway to give him the appearance of having a human ancestry. Thus, the name of the book, Omphalos, which means ‗X' in Greek. What is X?
  • 61. Navel
  • 62. 30. Dark dragon. X is an incarnation of pure evil, responsible for all misfortunes. X appears to be particularly unfond of the three fairies. X on top of the deviousness, is very misleading in personality. But, underneath the mask of stoicism, X unleashes the full brunt of wrath with a smile. A sign X relishes in the pain of others. When one of the fairies states bluntly, "You weren't wanted," X pretends to be shocked and hurt, remarking "In that event I'd best be on my way.‖ which was of course not what happened next. X was also capable of flying by conjuring energy from the staff in a similar manner to a galaxy or a helicopter rotor. This was presumably used as an act of desperation, given the events that had her use it. One of the most powerful abilities is to transform into a massive black dragon that breathes fire. ID X.
  • 64. 31. The family as well. X appears several times in the Qur'an: in verses 35-59 of Sura 3: al-Imran (The Family of Imran), verses 156-158 of Sura 4: an Nisa' (The Women), verses 109- 120 of Sura 5: al-Ma'idah (The Repast), verse 50 of Sura 23: al-Mu'minun (The Believers) verses 57-65 of Sura 43: az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments) and in verses 6 and 14 of Sura 61: as-Saff (The Battle Array). Reference is made to him several more times. X is said to have created a bird out of clay and blown life into it; and he is also said to have spoken as an infant in the cradle to defend his mother from the false accusations of fornication. The Qur'an rejects his divinity. According to the Qur'an, X did not ask to be worshipped and X asked people to worship God. Also, according to the Qur'an, God "has no partners‖. Name X.
  • 66. 32. X‘s story. Who is X? X, in this first mission, he was sold for a sum of $1 million and was to recover a golden statue of a Goddess from a temple that was protected by tribal devotees and by a mysterious 300-year old Sadhu named Baba Gorakhnath. X succeeded in his task, but upon confrontation with Gorakhnath, was defeated. Gorakhnath read his mind and discovered that Professor Y had implanted a mind control device in the form of a capsule in X's head, to keep him under his control. Gorakhnath operated and removed the capsule from X's head, setting him free of Professor Y's control. X then became Baba Goraknath's disciple and vowed to eliminate crime and terror from the Earth. Since then, X has thrice toured the world and defeated many villains and terrorists. It is notable, and perhaps ironic, that X has now been transformed into a mythical/magical creature facing fantastical creatures as his enemies, with elements of sorcery/magic and even time and space travel. Many cite this as a reason for the continuous, meteoric rise in popularity of X. However, purists still claim that they prefer the more realistic, more practical stories that X began with.
  • 68. 33. Sci-fi movie. A1: Then tell me, …….. boy, who's President of the United States in 1985? A2: Ronald Reagan. A1: Ronald Reagan? The actor? [chuckles in disbelief] A1: Then who's vice president? Jerry Lewis?! President Ronald Reagan, a fan of the film, referred to the movie in his 1986 State of the Union address when he said, "Never has there been a more exciting time to be alive, a time of rousing wonder and heroic achievement. As they said in the film Y, 'Where we're going, we don't need roads'.― When he first saw the joke about his being President, he ordered the projectionist of the theater to stop the reel, roll it back, and run it again. Which movie?
  • 69. Back To The Future!
  • 70. 34. Blink and you miss X appears in a scene of Tron (1982). In chapter 9 at 0:43:30, as Sark barks orders to an underling, to his right is X. It's surprising that there's no mention of X appearance on the commentary track and, viewing it with that audio playing, you don't hear its recognisable sound, making it easier to miss. Even more noteworthy is the appearance in the context of the timing of the film and X's release. The filmmakers' cheeky inclusion of a short, but amazingly fun tribute to what they somehow guessed correctly would become an iconic mascot, and not a dated reference to long forgotten trivia, commonplace cultural reference or trifling product placement, is another notch in the geek belt of a terrific film and is, perhaps, even more of a find now, with the realisation that the film and X are still well loved today. (pic in next slide) X is?
  • 73. 35. More than meets the eye. The Matrix of Leadership or Creation Matrix is a fictional artifact in the X franchise created by Y. In most incarnations, it is a legendary talisman that is passed down to new leaders of the Z, the franchise's main protagonists. The Matrix has been one of the X franchise's most prominent elements, appearing in almost every X comic and television series, as well as the live-action film series. X, Y, Z?
  • 75. 36. Gore-Sedan The origins of X date back to at least the mid-19th century, when two sisters, Patty and Mildred J. Hill, introduced the song "Good Morning to All" to Patty's kindergarten class in Kentucky. Years later, in 1893, they published the tune in their songbook Song Stories for the Kindergarten. Kembrew McLeod stated that the Hill sisters likely copied the tune and lyrical idea from other popular and similar nineteenth-century songs that predated theirs, including Horace Waters' "Good Night to You All" also from 1858. However, Brauneis disputes this, noting that these earlier songs had quite different melodies. The Hill Sisters' students enjoyed their teachers' version of "Good Morning to All" so much that they began spontaneously singing it at parties, changing the lyrics to X. The first book including the X lyric set to the tune of "Good Morning to All" that bears a date of publication is ―The Beginners‘ Book of Songs,‖ published by the Cable Company, a piano manufacturer, in 1912. p. 31 Children's Praise and Worship, edited by Andrew Byers, Bessie L. Byrum and Anna E. Koglin, published the song in 1918. In 1924, Robert Coleman included "Good Morning to All" in a songbook with the birthday lyrics as a second verse. What is X?
  • 76. Happy Birthday (to me!) Made on: 11:58 PM, 21nd March, 2014
  • 77. 37. Not so useless! X is a fish-like Pokémon. X evolves into Y which is a large dragon-like Pokémon most similar in appearance to those seen in Chinese mythology BUT is Not a dragon-type. This and the concept of X evolving into Y is based on the ancient Chinese tradition that the fish would evolve into a dragon after swimming upstream. At the Yellow River at Henan is a waterfall called the Dragon Gate. It is said that if certain fish called Yulong can climb the cataract they will transform into dragons. Every year in the third month of spring they swim up from the sea and gather in vast numbers in the pool at the foot of the falls.It was so famous that throughout China there was a common saying that: 'a student facing his examinations is like a fish attempting to leap the Dragon Gate.' X is usually overlooked by trainers because it is pathetically weak. Even in the heat of battle it will do nothing but flop around. X has been described as "the ultimate in useless Pokémon", they described Y as one of the "most well-known" characters in the series. ID Y.
  • 79. 38. Pew pew pew! ―X (My …. Y)" is the second single by singer-actress Cher from her second studio album ‗The Sonny Side of Chér‘. The song was written by Cher's then- husband Sonny Bono and released in 1966. Also in 1966, Nancy Sinatra released her version of the song on her album ‗How Does That Grab You?‘. It featured tremolo effect guitar and melancholy singing. This version remained relatively obscure until it was used in a certain Tarantino movie. In one scene of the movie, references are made to the song‘s opening lyrics. This exposure led to many new artist‘s using this particular cover in their works . In January 2014, David Guetta remixed ―X" using the Sinatra version with Skylar Grey named Y. Which song?
  • 80. "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)"
  • 81. 39. I did NOT SEE that coming! Godwin's law (or Godwin's Rule of X Analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving X or Y approaches 1" —​ that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Y or X. Promulgated by American attorney and author Mike Godwin in 1990, Godwin's Law originally referred, specifically, to Usenet newsgroup discussions, it is now applied to any threaded online discussion, such as Internet forums, chat rooms and blog comment threads, as well as to speeches, articles and other rhetoric. Godwin's law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with X – often referred to as "playing the Y card". The law and its corollaries would not apply to discussions covering known mainstays of X or to discussion of other totalitarian regimes or ideologies, if that was the explicit topic of conversation, since a X comparison in those circumstances may be appropriate, in effect committing the fallacist's fallacy. Whether it applies to humorous use or references to oneself is open to interpretation, since this would not be a fallacious attack against a debate opponent. In 2012, "Godwin's Law" became an entry in the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. What is X/Y?
  • 83. 40. Never brought to trial. X's case never came to trial because two days later, while being escorted to a car for transfer from Dallas Police Headquarters to the Dallas County Jail, he was shot and killed by Dallas nightclub owner Y, live on American television. Arrested immediately after the shooting, Y later said that he had been distraught over the Z and that killing X would spare the family the discomfiture of coming back to trial. Some contend Y was involved with major figures in organized crime, and conspiracy theorists widely assert that Y killed X as part of an overall plot surrounding the Z. Others have disputed this, arguing that Y's connection with gangsters was minimal at most, or circumstantial, and also that Y was not the sort to be entrusted with such an act within a high-level conspiracy. Who is X?
  • 84. X: Lee Harvey Oswald Y: Jack Ruby Z: J F Kennedy's assassination
  • 87. 42. Make your lives extraordinary English translation of a poem written in the Odes in 23 BC by the Latin poet Horace, Book 1, number 11: Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end the gods have given me or you, Leuconoe. Don't play with Babylonian numerology either. How much better it is to endure whatever will be! Whether Jupiter has allotted you many more winters or this one, which even now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the opposing rocks, is the final one — be wise, be truthful, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have {already} fled: ………X……., trusting as little as possible in the next future. X is the Enlish meaning of an oft-quoted Latin phrase Y? What is Y?
  • 89. 43. On the run …..M….. refers to the pairing of the 1973 album X with the visual portion of the 1939 film Y. This produces moments where the film and the album appear to correspond with each other. The title of the music video mashup-like experience comes from a combination of the album title and one of the film's song. There are various approaches regarding when to start synchronizing X with the film. Several involve the MGM lion as the cue. Most suggest the third roar, while some prefer the second or first. Others suggest starting the album not immediately after the lion's roar, but after the lion fades to black—exactly when the film begins. Viewing recommendations include reducing the film's audio and using captions or subtitles to follow the dialogue and plot. The iconic album's cover purportedly reflects the movie's transition from black-and-white to Technicolor; further examples include music changes at dramatic moments such as the line "balanced on the biggest wave" came up when the protagonist was tightrope walking along a fence, the song ―Z damage‖ playing when one of the character missing a Z is introduced, coinciding of the end of side 1 of album X with the moment when the movie Y switches to colour. etc. Band members and others involved in the making of the album state that any relationship between the two works of art is merely a coincidence but yet it remains a highly-celebrated myth. Give me both the album X and the movie Y.
  • 90. X: Dark Side Of The Moon Y: Wizard Of Oz M: Dark Side Of The Rainbow Watch the mashup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=567Vc4udJW w
  • 91. 44. Picked for sucess,. "The Sentinel" was written in 1948 for a BBC competition (in which it failed to place) and was first published in the magazine 10 Story Fantasy in 1951, under the title "Sentinel of Eternity". It first appeared in the USA in The Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader published by Avon Periodicals, Inc. in 1951. Despite the story's initial failure, it changed the course of Clarke's career. How?
  • 92. Was picked and expanded into 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • 93. 45. Famous biography The scene depicts a biographer presenting a copy of a biography to the subject of the biography. Identify the book.
  • 95. 46. Scam Who is the man in this R K Laxman cartoon from the 90‘s?
  • 96. Harshad Mehta, the main accused in the 1992 Stock Exchange scam
  • 98. Honda
  • 100. United Colors of Benetton
  • 101. FIN .