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We are committed to advancing the success of our clients by
providing data-driven guidance and facilitating the adoption of
innovative technology into everyday business. We are
globally-minded, tenacious, meticulous, intentional, and will do
whatever it takes to achieve business mission success while
promotingindividual freedom and transcendence.
ResoNova International Consulting is a business consulting firm
based in Atlanta, Georgia. Since our launch in 2016, we have
worked with clients across a wide range of industries including
finance,oil and gas,health care,blockchain,and government.
We empower new ventures and equip established businesses with
the competitive advantages of innovative technology, business
intelligence,and critical professional insights.We isolate problems
and create strategic solutions that are driven by data, research,
technology, and our robust network of professional advisors.
Through everything that we do, our team is dedicated to building
solutionsthat directly contribute to our clients' businesssuccess.
What we are
The ResoNova team began innovating in technology and
business in 2016. Our team?s combined functional
experience has equipped us with a unique level of
understandingand professional aptitude.
Our team is an intelligent maverick in the consulting
industry - always thinking outside the box and pushing
conventional boundaries. Businesses looking to leverage
new technology and remain competitive in the high-speed,
information-filled digital space need to be guided by a
professional team capable of innovative ideation, creative
problem solving, and calculated risk-taking. These are the
needsour team existsto fill.
Who we are
TRENDS Discover.Influence.Predict.
The gradual shift in the social, political and business landscapes
which have adirect positive or negative impact on business.
INNOVATION Create.Evaluate.Integrate.
The practical application of ideal solutions that bring about a
positive benefit to consumers.
IMPACT Build.Connect.Adapt.
The tangible and intangible effects of business activities upon the
people and placeswithin itssphere of influence.
Over the years, our observations confirmed that when a
business is looking to improve or expand their use of modern
technology, the following three areas of focus become key to
staying competitive. We help our clients advance in these
three key areas.
Discoveringtrendingactivity that islikely to have apositive or
detrimental impact on aspecific industry or business.
Influencingthe public dialogue which setsthe stage for public
opinion and residual successin business.
Trackingthe vectorsof trendingactivity to make informed
predictionsconcerningthe likely future businessenvironment.
Creatingunique and relevant productsthat exhibit apowerful value
proposition and launchingthose new productsin the most effective
way possible.
Critically assessing new innovationsto discover potential solutionsto
existingproblemsin an industry.
Integratingbeneficial innovationsinto existingprocesseswhile
minimizingtransition cost and maximizingworkforce education.
Generatingpurpose-driven progressin aclear and incremental
fashion that maximizesprofit while maintaining social
Nurturingacorporate culture that isfocused on continued
professional growth and maximizingthe strategic alliances
with external parties.
Regularly evaluating established processesin an effort to
maintain relevancy in afast-paced,tech-driven society.
When a business is looking to advance in the current modern
digital environment, there is a fundamental need for strategic
speed and flexibility in order to remain compatible with how
the digital environment operates.
Our team uses an agile approach when working with clients
and we report tangible work progress in weekly iterations.
This approach ensures that priorities remain in sync with any
new developments or discoveries that surface - preventing
any wasted time and resources.
Aswe move through each iteration,our team followsaproven
intelligence cycle to acquire and analyze any pertinent
information. These data-driven insights are key to ensuring
that priorities remain on a predictable pathway forward -
achieving mission success as quickly and efficiently as
How we work
ResoNova uses an agile approach in research and development. In practice, this approach prioritizes the
- INDIVIDUALSAND INTERACTIONSmore than processesand tools
- WORKINGSOLUTIONSmore than comprehensive documentation
- CLIENT COLLABORATION more than contract negotiation
- CONTINUOUSFLEXIBILITY more than followingaplan
While all items listed hold value in their own right, our methodology has effectively shifted the focus of business
interactions from being a dry mechanical event into being a fluid personal experience that is more suited to keep
up with the fast-paced digital world we operate in.
By definition, "agile" work is accomplished in small digestible sections. These sections are often referred to as
?iterations?.Each iteration istypically pegged to the duration of asingle work week.
Upon the conclusion of a project iteration, the team meets with key stakeholders to review and critique the
progressfor that iteration.
Insights gained from the collaborative discussions about an iteration are used to determine the next steps in a
APPROACH Iterative
Our team uses a proven intelligence cycle as a foundation to how we approach our work. This data-focused
method is based on the same intelligence cycle that is used by cybersecurity companies and government
intelligence agenciesacrossthe world.
The intelligence cycle isbuilt on the followingkey parts:
APPROACH Data-driven
ResoNova Company Introduction
We provide data-driven guidance to businesses. From tech
startupsto legacy companieswho are lookingto leverage new
technology, we are equipped to provide the insights and
critical businessintelligence necessary to achieve success.
Our team's collective professional experience and pallet of
specialized skill sets have given us the ability to provide
well-rounded service to a wide range of different companies
and projects.
Properly executing our mission requires many different
technical skill sets. Our team delivers maximum value in the
followingareasof expertise:
What we do
- Programming
- BusinessIntelligence
- Communication
- Blockchain
- Finance
- Compliance
- Cybersecurity
ResoNova first started by specifically providing business consulting services to blockchain companies.
Throughout our time in business, we have launched blockchain projects and designed custom solutions for
companieswho want to integrate with blockchain technology.
Because of our strong technical understanding of this technology, we are able to evaluate the needs of a
business, identify whether blockchain is the appropriate integration for those needs, design a custom-tailored
solution,and communicate the design between both technical and non-technical development teams.
WORK Blockchain
Our team has a deep level of experience in tracking, researching, and trading both traditional and cryptocurrency
markets. We have developed and deployed unique trading algorithms that utilized strategic geolocation, sentiment
analysis, and complex mathematics. Our understanding of modern technology, combined with our knowledge of
traditional finance,enablesusto introduce unique investment conceptsand approaches.
Additionally, we have a firm grasp on fiduciary responsibility and assist businesses in discovering new approaches to
fulfillingtheir fiduciary dutiesin waysthat remain in compliance while benefitingall partiesinvolved.
WORK Finance
The legal frameworks governing data privacy and cybersecurity do not always explicitly define appropriate
security measures. The consequences of a data breach, however, are clearly established. Our team understands
both the mandatory and voluntary frameworksand have the resourcesnecessary to provide guidance in drafting
internal policieswhich protect user datawhile simultaneously minimizing the cost to do so.
In addition to our understanding of data privacy and cybersecurity compliance, our team is intimately familiar
with fiduciary rules and the securities regulation framework within the United States. We are equipped to
provide guidance to companies who are looking to issue securities and we are able to assist companies seeking
strategic insightsinto how best to navigate fiduciary responsibilitiesor the existingsecuritiesframework.
WORK Compliance
Cybersecurity and modern technology go hand-in-hand. As more businesses experience the nightmare of a data
breach, the need to take additional steps to protect user data and implement strong cybersecurity measures are
more apparent than ever.
The greatest point of weakness in business security is the human-factor. Simply fortifying the technical
infrastructure of a business will not prevent a hacker from attempting phishing and social engineering tactics.
Combating these attacks is done through regular workforce education. A company's workforce needs to have a
firm understanding of good security practices and be aware of the various types of tactics used by malicious
Our team works with businesses to review existing cybersecurity measures, improve cybersecurity policies, and
educate the company workforce.
WORK Cybersecurity
Our programming and coding activities take on a "learn-by-doing" approach which is why we are never content
with doing the same thingsin the same waysaseverybody else.We work fast,think fast,and we have no problem
with changing gears or changing tool sets at short notice if someone finds a better or faster way to get the job
The world of technology moves fast but drives in directions that are fairly simple to predict and adapt to.
Sometimes the direction taken by the masses contains inherent weaknesses or short-sighted assumptions. We
aren't afraid to buck the trends when necessary in order to generate and maintain a competitive edge in our
innovation and overall collective output.
WORK Programming
There are many distinct disciplines that fall under the business intelligence umbrella. Our team has operated in
many different capacities within business intelligence. Our core focus falls into three primary categories;
competitive and strategic intelligence,trend discovery,and research and planning.
Our agile approach to research activities and our application of a proven intelligence cycle gives us the ability to
discover and adapt to new facts in real-time while maintaining the interests of key stakeholders in the larger
endeavor. The ResoNova team has a proven track record of flexibility and out-of-the-box data sourcing that has
resulted in high quality reportsand industry insights.
WORK Business Intelligence
Professional communication is pivotal in every business. We guide businesses in the creation of aesthetically
pleasingprofessional content and we assist businesseswith their strategic messaging.
Businesses who are implementing new technology or intend to sell an innovative technological product often
find it challenging to simplify the message without weakening the value of the technology that they are
presenting. Our team is able to assist companies in communicating their technical business ideas in a direct,
understandable and appealingway.
WORK Communication
The ResoNovaconsultingteam hasaproven track record of
practically applyingnew technologiesand providing
actionable insights within several major industries.
Industrieswe've worked with:
- Retail
- Logistics
- Cybersecurity
- Finance
- Government
- Travel & Tourism
- Gaming
- Oil & Gas
- Health Care
- Natural Medicine
Advance the successof your business
Connect with usto discusshow we can propel your businessmission.
Advance the successof businessesaround the world
Connect with usto discusshow your businesscan play apart in our global mission.
CONNECT Work with us
1100 Peach Tree St.NE
Atlanta,GA 30309

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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otgSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Result matka boss otg
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
Satta Matta matka 143,Fix fix fix satta.
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg Dpbos...
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg Dpbos...➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg Dpbos...
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg Dpbos...
Satta matka matka satta satta Matta matka Indian Matka
Satta matka matka satta satta Matta matka Indian MatkaSatta matka matka satta satta Matta matka Indian Matka
Satta matka matka satta satta Matta matka Indian Matka
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessingFix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Fix fix fix satta number Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing
Indian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matkaIndian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matka
Indian Matka Indian satta matka kalyan matka
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Satta Matka Kalyan Satta Matka guessing.
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otgIndian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan panel Chart Matka Boss otg
Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.net
Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.netKalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.net
Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.net
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Kalyan Today Kalyan Open Satta Matka 143
Fix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matka
Fix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matkaFix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matka
Fix fix fix satta number matka boss otg satta matka
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matkaSatta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otgSatta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
Matka boss otg Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing
Matka boss otg Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Dpboss Matka GuessingMatka boss otg Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing
Matka boss otg Satta Matta Matka Indian Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing

ResoNova Company Introduction

  • 3. ABOUT MISSION & VALUES We are committed to advancing the success of our clients by providing data-driven guidance and facilitating the adoption of innovative technology into everyday business. We are globally-minded, tenacious, meticulous, intentional, and will do whatever it takes to achieve business mission success while promotingindividual freedom and transcendence. OVERVIEW ResoNova International Consulting is a business consulting firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. Since our launch in 2016, we have worked with clients across a wide range of industries including finance,oil and gas,health care,blockchain,and government. We empower new ventures and equip established businesses with the competitive advantages of innovative technology, business intelligence,and critical professional insights.We isolate problems and create strategic solutions that are driven by data, research, technology, and our robust network of professional advisors. Through everything that we do, our team is dedicated to building solutionsthat directly contribute to our clients' businesssuccess. What we are
  • 4. TEAM The ResoNova team began innovating in technology and business in 2016. Our team?s combined functional experience has equipped us with a unique level of understandingand professional aptitude. Our team is an intelligent maverick in the consulting industry - always thinking outside the box and pushing conventional boundaries. Businesses looking to leverage new technology and remain competitive in the high-speed, information-filled digital space need to be guided by a professional team capable of innovative ideation, creative problem solving, and calculated risk-taking. These are the needsour team existsto fill. Who we are
  • 5. AREASOFFOCUS TRENDS Discover.Influence.Predict. The gradual shift in the social, political and business landscapes which have adirect positive or negative impact on business. INNOVATION Create.Evaluate.Integrate. The practical application of ideal solutions that bring about a positive benefit to consumers. IMPACT Build.Connect.Adapt. The tangible and intangible effects of business activities upon the people and placeswithin itssphere of influence. Over the years, our observations confirmed that when a business is looking to improve or expand their use of modern technology, the following three areas of focus become key to staying competitive. We help our clients advance in these three key areas.
  • 6. DISCOVER Discoveringtrendingactivity that islikely to have apositive or detrimental impact on aspecific industry or business. INFLUENCE Influencingthe public dialogue which setsthe stage for public opinion and residual successin business. PREDICT Trackingthe vectorsof trendingactivity to make informed predictionsconcerningthe likely future businessenvironment. TrendsAREASOFFOCUS
  • 7. CREATE Creatingunique and relevant productsthat exhibit apowerful value proposition and launchingthose new productsin the most effective way possible. EVALUATE Critically assessing new innovationsto discover potential solutionsto existingproblemsin an industry. INTEGRATE Integratingbeneficial innovationsinto existingprocesseswhile minimizingtransition cost and maximizingworkforce education. InnovationAREASOFFOCUS
  • 8. BUILD Generatingpurpose-driven progressin aclear and incremental fashion that maximizesprofit while maintaining social responsibility. CONNECT Nurturingacorporate culture that isfocused on continued professional growth and maximizingthe strategic alliances with external parties. ADAPT Regularly evaluating established processesin an effort to maintain relevancy in afast-paced,tech-driven society. ImpactAREASOFFOCUS
  • 9. APPROACH When a business is looking to advance in the current modern digital environment, there is a fundamental need for strategic speed and flexibility in order to remain compatible with how the digital environment operates. Our team uses an agile approach when working with clients and we report tangible work progress in weekly iterations. This approach ensures that priorities remain in sync with any new developments or discoveries that surface - preventing any wasted time and resources. Aswe move through each iteration,our team followsaproven intelligence cycle to acquire and analyze any pertinent information. These data-driven insights are key to ensuring that priorities remain on a predictable pathway forward - achieving mission success as quickly and efficiently as possible. How we work
  • 10. ResoNova uses an agile approach in research and development. In practice, this approach prioritizes the following: - INDIVIDUALSAND INTERACTIONSmore than processesand tools - WORKINGSOLUTIONSmore than comprehensive documentation - CLIENT COLLABORATION more than contract negotiation - CONTINUOUSFLEXIBILITY more than followingaplan While all items listed hold value in their own right, our methodology has effectively shifted the focus of business interactions from being a dry mechanical event into being a fluid personal experience that is more suited to keep up with the fast-paced digital world we operate in. APPROACH Agile
  • 11. By definition, "agile" work is accomplished in small digestible sections. These sections are often referred to as ?iterations?.Each iteration istypically pegged to the duration of asingle work week. Upon the conclusion of a project iteration, the team meets with key stakeholders to review and critique the progressfor that iteration. Insights gained from the collaborative discussions about an iteration are used to determine the next steps in a project. APPROACH Iterative
  • 12. Our team uses a proven intelligence cycle as a foundation to how we approach our work. This data-focused method is based on the same intelligence cycle that is used by cybersecurity companies and government intelligence agenciesacrossthe world. The intelligence cycle isbuilt on the followingkey parts: 1. PLAN 2. COLLECT 3. PROCESS 4. ANALYZE 5. DISSEMINATE APPROACH Data-driven
  • 14. WORK We provide data-driven guidance to businesses. From tech startupsto legacy companieswho are lookingto leverage new technology, we are equipped to provide the insights and critical businessintelligence necessary to achieve success. Our team's collective professional experience and pallet of specialized skill sets have given us the ability to provide well-rounded service to a wide range of different companies and projects. Properly executing our mission requires many different technical skill sets. Our team delivers maximum value in the followingareasof expertise: What we do - Programming - BusinessIntelligence - Communication - Blockchain - Finance - Compliance - Cybersecurity
  • 15. ResoNova first started by specifically providing business consulting services to blockchain companies. Throughout our time in business, we have launched blockchain projects and designed custom solutions for companieswho want to integrate with blockchain technology. Because of our strong technical understanding of this technology, we are able to evaluate the needs of a business, identify whether blockchain is the appropriate integration for those needs, design a custom-tailored solution,and communicate the design between both technical and non-technical development teams. WORK Blockchain
  • 16. Our team has a deep level of experience in tracking, researching, and trading both traditional and cryptocurrency markets. We have developed and deployed unique trading algorithms that utilized strategic geolocation, sentiment analysis, and complex mathematics. Our understanding of modern technology, combined with our knowledge of traditional finance,enablesusto introduce unique investment conceptsand approaches. Additionally, we have a firm grasp on fiduciary responsibility and assist businesses in discovering new approaches to fulfillingtheir fiduciary dutiesin waysthat remain in compliance while benefitingall partiesinvolved. WORK Finance
  • 17. The legal frameworks governing data privacy and cybersecurity do not always explicitly define appropriate security measures. The consequences of a data breach, however, are clearly established. Our team understands both the mandatory and voluntary frameworksand have the resourcesnecessary to provide guidance in drafting internal policieswhich protect user datawhile simultaneously minimizing the cost to do so. In addition to our understanding of data privacy and cybersecurity compliance, our team is intimately familiar with fiduciary rules and the securities regulation framework within the United States. We are equipped to provide guidance to companies who are looking to issue securities and we are able to assist companies seeking strategic insightsinto how best to navigate fiduciary responsibilitiesor the existingsecuritiesframework. WORK Compliance
  • 18. Cybersecurity and modern technology go hand-in-hand. As more businesses experience the nightmare of a data breach, the need to take additional steps to protect user data and implement strong cybersecurity measures are more apparent than ever. The greatest point of weakness in business security is the human-factor. Simply fortifying the technical infrastructure of a business will not prevent a hacker from attempting phishing and social engineering tactics. Combating these attacks is done through regular workforce education. A company's workforce needs to have a firm understanding of good security practices and be aware of the various types of tactics used by malicious parties. Our team works with businesses to review existing cybersecurity measures, improve cybersecurity policies, and educate the company workforce. WORK Cybersecurity
  • 19. Our programming and coding activities take on a "learn-by-doing" approach which is why we are never content with doing the same thingsin the same waysaseverybody else.We work fast,think fast,and we have no problem with changing gears or changing tool sets at short notice if someone finds a better or faster way to get the job done. The world of technology moves fast but drives in directions that are fairly simple to predict and adapt to. Sometimes the direction taken by the masses contains inherent weaknesses or short-sighted assumptions. We aren't afraid to buck the trends when necessary in order to generate and maintain a competitive edge in our innovation and overall collective output. WORK Programming
  • 20. There are many distinct disciplines that fall under the business intelligence umbrella. Our team has operated in many different capacities within business intelligence. Our core focus falls into three primary categories; competitive and strategic intelligence,trend discovery,and research and planning. Our agile approach to research activities and our application of a proven intelligence cycle gives us the ability to discover and adapt to new facts in real-time while maintaining the interests of key stakeholders in the larger endeavor. The ResoNova team has a proven track record of flexibility and out-of-the-box data sourcing that has resulted in high quality reportsand industry insights. WORK Business Intelligence
  • 21. Professional communication is pivotal in every business. We guide businesses in the creation of aesthetically pleasingprofessional content and we assist businesseswith their strategic messaging. Businesses who are implementing new technology or intend to sell an innovative technological product often find it challenging to simplify the message without weakening the value of the technology that they are presenting. Our team is able to assist companies in communicating their technical business ideas in a direct, understandable and appealingway. WORK Communication ResoNova
  • 22. WORK The ResoNovaconsultingteam hasaproven track record of practically applyingnew technologiesand providing actionable insights within several major industries. Industrieswe've worked with: Experience - Retail - Logistics - Cybersecurity - Finance - Government - Travel & Tourism - Gaming - Oil & Gas - Health Care - Natural Medicine
  • 23. Advance the successof your business Connect with usto discusshow we can propel your businessmission. Advance the successof businessesaround the world Connect with usto discusshow your businesscan play apart in our global mission. CONNECT Work with us
  • 24. 1100 Peach Tree St.NE Atlanta,GA 30309 info@resonova.com ResoNova.com