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Rex Energy
Corporate Presentation

February 2013

                                                                                  Responsible Development of America’s Energy Resources
     Rex Energy Corporation | 476 Rolling Ridge Drive | State College, PA 16801
                       P: (814) 278-7267 | F: (814) 278-7286
                    E: InvestorRelations@RexEnergyCorp.com
Forward Looking Statements

  Except for historical information, statements made in this presentation, including those relating to significant potential opportunities, future earnings, resource
  potential, cash flow, capital expenditures, production growth, planned number of wells (as well as the timing of rig operations, natural gas processing plant
  commissioning and operations, fracture stimulation activities and the completion of wells and the expected dates that wells are producing hydrocarbons that are
  sold) and potential ethane sales pipeline projects are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
  Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are indicated by words such as “expected”, “expects”,
  “assumes”, “anticipates” and similar words. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates that management believes are reasonable based on
  currently available information; however, management's assumptions and the company's future performance are subject to a wide range of business risks and
  uncertainties, and there is no assurance that these goals and projections can or will be met. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially
  from those in the forward-looking statements, including (without limitation) the following:

  • adverse economic conditions in the United States and globally; the difficult and adverse conditions in the domestic and global capital and credit markets;
    domestic and global demand for oil and natural gas; sustained or further declines in the prices the company receives for oil and natural gas; the effects of
    government regulation, permitting and other legal requirements; the geologic quality of the company’s properties with regard to, among other things, the
    existence of hydrocarbons in economic quantities; uncertainties about the estimates of the company’s oil and natural gas reserves; the company’s ability to
    increase production and oil and natural gas income through exploration and development; the company’s ability to successfully apply horizontal drilling
    techniques and tertiary recovery methods; the number of well locations to be drilled, the cost to drill and the time frame within which they will be drilled; the
    effects of adverse weather on operations; drilling and operating risks; the ability of contractors to timely and adequately perform their drilling, construction, well
    stimulation, completion and production services; the availability of equipment, such as drilling rigs and transportation pipelines; changes in the company’s
    drilling plans and related budgets; the adequacy of capital resources and liquidity including (without limitation) access to additional borrowing capacity;
    uncertainties relating to the potential divestiture of the Niobrara assets, including the ability to reach an agreement with a potential purchaser on terms
    acceptable to the company; and uncertainties associated with our legal proceedings and the outcome.

  The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. Further information on the company’s risks and uncertainties
  is available in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  The company's internal estimates of reserves may be subject to revision and may be different from estimates by the company's external reservoir engineers at
  year end. Although the company believes the expectations and forecasts reflected in these and other forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no
  assurance they will prove to have been correct. They can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties.

Estimates Used in This Presentation
 Hydrocarbon Volumes
 The SEC permits publicly-reporting oil and gas companies to disclose “proved reserves” in their filings with the SEC. “Proved reserves” are estimates that geological and
 engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. SEC rules also
 permit the disclosure of “probable” and possible” reserves. Rex Energy discloses proved reserves but does not disclose probable or possible reserves. We may use certain
 broader terms such as “resource potential,” “EUR” (estimated ultimate recovery of resources, defined below) and other descriptions of volumes of potentially recoverable
 hydrocarbon resources throughout this presentation. These broader classifications do not constitute “reserves” as defined by the SEC and we do not attempt to distinguish these
 classifications from probable or possible reserves as defined by SEC guidelines.
 The company defines EUR as the cumulative oil and gas production expected to be economically recovered from a reservoir or individual well from initial production until the end of
 its useful life. Our estimates of EURs and resource potential have been prepared internally by our engineers and management without review by independent engineers. These
 estimates are by their nature more speculative than estimates of proved, probable and possible reserves and accordingly are subject to substantially greater risk of being actually
 realized. We include these estimates to demonstrate what we believe to be the potential for future drilling and production by the company. Ultimate recoveries will be dependent
 upon numerous factors including actual encountered geological conditions, the impact of future oil and gas pricing, exploration and development costs, and our future drilling
 decisions and budgets based upon our future evaluation of risk, returns and the availability of capital and, in many areas, the outcome of negotiation of drilling arrangements with
 holders of adjacent or fractional interest leases. Estimates of resource potential and other figures may change significantly as development of our resource plays provide
 additional data and therefore actual quantities that may ultimately be recovered will likely differ from these estimates.

 Potential Drilling Locations
 Our estimates of potential drilling locations are prepared internally by our engineers and management and are based upon a number of assumptions inherent in the estimate
 process. Management, with the assistance of engineers and other professionals, as necessary, conducts a topographical analysis of our unproved prospective acreage to identify
 potential well pad locations using operationally approved designs and considering several factors, which may include but are not limited to access roads, terrain, well azimuths, and
 well pad sizes. For our operations in Pennsylvania, we then calculate the number of horizontal well bores for which the company appears to control sufficient acreage to drill the
 lateral wells from each potential well pad location to arrive at an estimated number of net potential drilling locations. For our operations in Ohio, we calculate the number of
 horizontal well bores that may be drilled from the potential well pad and multiply this by the company’s net working interest percentage of the proposed unit to arrive at an
 estimated number of net potential drilling locations. In both cases, we then divide the unproved prospective acreage by the number of net potential drilling locations to arrive at an
 average well spacing. Management uses these estimates to, among other things, evaluate our acreage holdings and to formulate plans for drilling. Any number of factors could
 cause the number of wells we actually drill to vary significantly from these estimates, including: the availability of capital, drilling and production costs, commodity prices,
 availability of drilling services and equipment, lease expirations, regulatory approvals and other factors.

 Potential ASP Units
 Our estimates of potential target areas, which we sometimes refer to as “units,” for which we may use an Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer (“ASP”) flood as a method of tertiary recovery
 have been prepared internally by our engineers and management. These estimates are based on our evaluation of the sand bodies underlying certain of our properties in the
 Illinois Basin. We have identified certain characteristics which we believe are desirable for potential ASP projects, including sand bodies with no less than 60 acres of areal extent
 and net reservoir thickness no less than 15 feet. We have subdivided the sand bodies to determine potential ASP target areas, which have been modeled such that no individual
 target area or unit would exceed 500 acres. We include these estimates to demonstrate what we believe to be the future potential for ASP tertiary recovery for the company. These
 estimates are highly speculative in nature and ultimate recoveries will depend on a number of factors, including the ASP technology utilized, the characteristics of the sand bodies
 and the reservoirs, geological conditions encountered, our decisions regarding capital, and the impact of future oil prices.
Developing Liquids-Rich Asset Base
Focused on developing our liquids-rich acreage in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins
  • Appalachian Basin: Targeting wet gas windows in the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Ohio Utica Shales
  • Illinois Basin: Conventional infill and enhanced oil recovery activity; 100% oil production

                                                                                                         Warren / Mercer Counties
                                                                                                  Net Acres                         8,500

                                               Warrior Prospects
                                      Net Acres                    ~20,000

                                                                                             Westmoreland / Clearfield / Centre
                                                                                             Net Acres                     17,200

                                                                                   Butler Operated Area
                                                                             Net Acres                    46,000
                                              Illinois Basin
                                  Net Acres                    25,400

Rex Overview
Maximizing Resource Potential
   • Large resource base with ~ 850 potential drilling locations focused in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins with an
     estimated 5.0 Tcfe of net resource potential (assuming full ethane recovery)
   • 2013 capital expenditures targeting liquids-rich locations in the Marcellus Shale, Utica Shale and Illinois Basin

Operational and Technical Experience Being Applied in Core Areas
  • Enhancing recoveries and returns with “Super Frac” well design in Butler Operated Area and Warrior Prospects
  • Indentified conventional infill and enhanced oil recovery opportunities in the Illinois Basin

Reducing Operating Costs
  • Partnering with established midstream partners (MarkWest, Dominion, BP) in Appalachia to develop midstream
    infrastructure and transportation
  • Becoming increasingly efficient in drilling and completion techniques across contiguous acreage positions

Strong Balance Sheet
   • Entered 2013 with ~$270 million of liquidity

Active Hedging Program
   • For 2013, approximately 91% of natural gas hedged with $4.30 floor; 89% of 2013 oil production hedged with $88.27 floor;
      60% of propane hedged at $1.01 per gallon ($42.42 / bbls)

Proved Reserves as of October 31, 2012

  PUD : PD Ratio = 1.05 : 1
Liquids-Rich Non-Proven Resource Potential1

                                                                                                                    Butler Operated
                                                                                             Butler Operated                           Prospects:
                             Assumptions                                                                             Area: Upper                      Total
                                                                                             Area: Marcellus                          Liquids-Rich
                                                                                                                                                3               2
 Unproved Prospective Acreage2                                                                           ~39,900        ~45,900         ~19,300      ~105,100

 Gross / Net Identified Potential Drilling
                                                                                                     291 / 204         372 / 260        140 / 91     800 / 555

 EUR assuming Full Ethane Recovery                                                                   9.7 Bcfe           9.3 Bcfe        6.0 Bcfe       N/A

 % Liquids assuming Full Ethane Recovery                                                                  40%            40%              52%         ~43%

 Non-proven Net Resource Potential assuming
                                                                                                         1.7 Tcfe       2.1 Tcfe        0.5 Tcfe     4.3 Tcfe
 Full Ethane Recovery5
 1.   See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3
 2.   Based on gross acreage position excluding acreage from proved developed and undeveloped reserves
 3.   Warrior South Prospect is subject to terms and conditions of farm-in agreement
 4.   See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3
 5.   Net resource potential after royalties and non-operated interests

We have identified approximately 850 gross potential proved and non-proven drilling locations in our liquids-
rich Appalachian Basin properties
      • Additional oil resource potential through our Illinois Basin ASP development and conventional infill / recompletion program

2013 Capital Budget
     • We are budgeting $230-250 million of operating capex for 2013                                2013 Capital Program Breakdown
       • $204-224 million drilling and exploration                                                       Activity
                                                                                                                                   ($ in millions)
         • $183-200 million Appalachia (90%)
                                                                                           Drilling & Completion and Water
               • ~$107 million in Butler Operated Area                                                 Services

               • ~$85 million in Ohio Utica                                                     Tertiary Recovery Projects                  12
         • $21-24 million Illinois (10%)                                                    Facilities, Equipment & HS&E                    14
       • We are running 2 rigs in Appalachia and intend to drill 30                             Total 2013 Capital Budget             $230-250
       • 34%-40% production growth
         • 55% growth in oil/condensate production
         • 70% growth in liquids
                                                                                          2013 Drilling & Exploration Budget By Region
                                                                                                                                   Illinois Conventional
                                     Appalachia Drilling      Program1                                              5%

                                                  Fracture       Placed in    Awaiting                                             Tertiary Recovery
            Year                 Wells Drilled                                                                                     Projects
                                                 Stimulated       Service    Completion
                                                                                          38%                                      Butler
          2013E                       30            38              39          18


                                                                                                                                   WPX Non-Operated

1.   Well information in gross
Consistent Production Growth

                                                           56% CAGR; 2012 exit rate production ~ 30% liquids

                                                                                                                                    Bluestone Plant
                                     70.0                                                                Additional field
Average Daily Production (Mmcfe/d)



                                                                        1st Sarsen plant starts
                                                                            in Butler County



                                            1Q09   2Q09   3Q09   4Q09   1Q10     2Q10    3Q10     4Q10   1Q11     2Q11      3Q11   4Q11   1Q12   2Q12   3Q12

High Quality Midstream Providers
                                                                                     Mariner West               MarkWest Y-Grade                       MWE – Sarsen &
                                                                                       Pipeline                     Pipeline                        Bluestone Processing
                                                                                                                                                   Complex: 90-190 MMcf/d

                                                     REXX Carroll
                                                    County Acreage
                                                                                                           Dominion East
                                                                                                                                                        REXX Butler
                                                                                                           Ohio Pipeline
                                                                                                                                                      Operated Acreage

                                                               MWE – Cadiz
                      EPD ATEX Express                     Processing Complex:
                          Pipeline                             125 MMcf/d

                                                                                                                                                   Mariner East
                                         REXX Warrior
                                         South Acreage
                                                                                                                              MWE – Houston
                                                                                                                               Processing &
                                                                                                                           Fractionation Complex

                                        MWE – Seneca
                                     Processing Complex:                            Dominion –
                                         200 MMcf/d                                Natrium Plant:
                                                                                    200 MMcf/d;
                                                                                     36,000 b/d
                                                                                 fraction capacity

                                                                                        Dominion –
                                                                                     Hastings Plant: 180                                            Currently in Service
                                                                                                                                                    Under Construction
   Source: Publicly available press releases or presentations

   •   Over 1 Bcf/d of planned processing capacity currently under construction in the region                                                                               10
2013 Hedging Summary1
                                                                                                                   61% of Total NGL Volumes Hedged
     100%                    $88.27 X                            $4.30 X
                              $96.432                             $4.513
                             $78.75 X                            $4.51 X
     80%                                                          $5.34                              $2.10
                                                                                                                    ~ 41% of all NGL components
     60%                                                                                                                hedged at $56.01/Bbl
     50%                                                                                                                                                 $1.01
                                                                   $3.93                                               $1.70            $1.58
                                89%                                91%                              89%4               41%4             41%4             60%4
                           Oil (/bbl)                      Gas (/mcf)                          C5+ (/gal)           Isobutane         Butane         Propane (/gal)
                                                                                                 Swaps            Collars
1.   Percentage hedged based on mid-point of 4Q guidance with standard decline; hedging position as of 1/3/2013
2.   Includes 60,000 bbls with short put options at $65.00
3.   Includes 2.5 Bcf with short put options at $3.35 and 2.6 Bcf with $5.00 floors
4.   Assumes an NGL basket consisting of 20% C5+, 7% Isobutane, 7% Butane and 57% Propane

Butler Operated Area
• 69,300 gross / 46,000 net acres in Butler, Beaver and
  Lawrence counties                                                                                                                              Butler Operated Area
• ~45 wells producing from the wet gas window of the
  Marcellus Shale
  • Increasing EURs1 through improved “Super-frac2” well
  • Exposure to “Super-rich3” gas window in
     Northwestern acreage
        • 1300 BTU vs. 1250 BTU - 2.44 gpm C3+ vs. 1.55
           gpm C3+
• Stacked play with access to additional producing
  • Upper Devonian (Burkett / Rhinestreet): Results to
     date show increased liquids content compared to
  • Utica Shale: Encouraging test results

                                     Butler Operated Area Drilling Program4                                           Completed Pads
                                                                                                                      Pads Awaiting Completion

                                                               Fracture                      Placed in    Awaiting
          Year                 Wells Drilled
                                                              Stimulated                      Service    Completion
        2013E                           19                           22                         21          15
1.   See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3
2.   “Super-frac” refers to the company’s reduced cluster spacing completion design
3.   “Super-rich” refers to wells that produce wet gas with BTU values of 1,300 or greater
4.   Well information in gross                                                                                                                                          12
Super-Rich Wet Gas Upside
            $5.00                                                                 $2.90
  $ / Mcf


                                                $3.38                             $3.38

                                              1,250 BTU                         1,300 BTU
                                                      Gas   NGLs   Condensate
$3.75 HH, $90.00 WTI, 50% WTI for NGLS.
1,250 BTU: 1.55 GPM
1,300 BTU: 2.44 GPM
7 Bbls of condensate produced per 3,000 Mcf                                                         13
Evolution of Butler Marcellus Development
      •      Improving well designs are resulting in increased EURs1 and returns on capital

                                                                                                                                                                            Ethane Uplift and
                                                                                                                   Improving Well Design                                       Transportation

                                                           4.0 Bcfe EUR                                            5.3 Bcfe EUR                7.0 Bcfe EUR                9.7 Bcfe EUR3
                                                               Year-End 2010                                           Year-End 2011                   Current            Pro Forma Projected 2014
                                                         (12/31/10 Reserve Report)                               (12/31/11 Reserve Report)   (10/31/12 Reserve Report)2

     Completion                                        Conventional Frac                                         Conventional Frac               Super-frac4                 Super-frac4
     Gross Average 30 Day
     Wellhead IP (Mcf/d)
                                                                   2,070                                                2,235                        3,142                       3,142

     First Year Decline                                             66%                                                  66%                          37%                         37%

     Lateral Length                                               3,500’                                               3,500’                       4,000’                      4,000’

     Stages                                                           12                                                   12                           27                         27

     Cost                                                     ~ $4.7mm                                              ~ $5.3mm                     ~ $6.5mm                    ~ $6.5mm

1.    See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3
2.    NSAI reserve report as of 10/31/12
3.    Estimated impact to 7.0 Bcfe EUR well after giving effect to 2014 ethane and transportation arrangements
4.    “Super-frac” refers to the company’s reduced cluster spacing completion design                                                                                                                 14
Butler County Marcellus Economics
 Butler Area (Operated) Assumptions                                                                                                       Butler County Wet Gas Type Curve
• Super-frac completion method yields attractive                                                                                       7,000

                                                                                                        Gas Production Rate (Mcfe/d)
  IRRs in current price environment                                                                                                    6,000
  • 7 Bcfe EUR1 without Ethane                                                                                                         5,000
• Enhanced IRRs with full Ethane Recovery,
  expected in 2014                                                                                                                     2,000
  • 9.7 Bcfe EUR1,2 with Ethane                                                                                                        1,000

  • NGL yield improves from 37 barrels per MMcf                                                                                           0
                                                                                                                                                0          10            20          30        40          50             60
    (inlet) to 111 barrels per MMcf (inlet)                                                                                                                                   Production Month
  • Extension of MarkWest Y-grade pipeline
                                                                                                                                                    Current Ethane Recovery                  Full Ethane Recovery
    expected to be reduce marketing and
    transportation costs by $0.15 - $0.25 per
    gallon in Q1 2014                                                                                                                                            Before Tax IRR
                                                                                                       60%                                                              IRR at Current
                                                                                                       50%                                                               Strip Prices

                                                                                                                                               $3.00            $3.50            $4.00           $4.50          $5.00
1.   See note on “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on page 3                                                                                                                                         3
2.   Estimated impact of 7.0 Bcfe EUR well after effect of 2014 ethane and transportation agreements                                                IRR - Current Ethane Recovery
3.   Assumption used for “Current Ethane Recovery” projections of 1.55 gallons per Mcf                                                                                                                              4,5
4.   Assumption used for “Full Ethane Recovery” projections of 4.67 gallons per Mcf                                                                 IRR - Full Ethane Recovery & Transportation Reduction
5.   Curve reflects natural gas equivalent pricing for ethane                                                                                                                                                                  15
Ohio Utica – Warrior North Prospect
 • 16,200 gross / 15,900 net acres1 in Carroll County, OH
 • First well, Brace #1H, into sales in 3Q 2012                                                                                                           Warrior North Prospect2
      • Encountered over 135’ of Point Pleasant and 143’ of                                                                                                                                 CHK Coniglio 6H:
                                                                                                                                                                                              1.1 Mboe/d
         Utica pay zone                                                                                                                                                                                                                 16
      • Oil / condensate / liquids-rich gas zone                                                                                          REXX Brace 1H: 24-hour              REXX G. Graham
                                                                                                                                           sales rate: 1.1 Mboe/d             Currently Drilling
      • 1.1 Mboe/d 24-hour sales rate; sales rate attractive
         relative to peers’ peak rates2                                                                                                                                                                        CHK Mangun 22-15-5 8H:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.5 Mboe/d
      • 731 Boe/d 30-day sales rate
                                                                                                                                                  EVEP Cairns 5H: 1.7
      • 597 Boe/d 60-day sales rate                                                                                                                    Mboe/d

      • 515 Boe/d 90-day sales rate
 • ~92 gross drilling locations3 in Warrior North Prospect
 • Opportunity to improve position through acreage trades                                                                                CHK Shaw 20-14-5H:
                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHK Neider 10-14-5 3H:
                                                                                                                                             1.4 Mboe/d
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1.6 Mboe/d – Peak Rate

                                                                                                                                          CHK Burgett #7-15-6-8H:
                                          Warrior North Drilling Program4                                                                      1.2 Mboe/d                                                 CHK White 17-13-5 8H:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.4 Mboe/d
                                                            Fracture                  Placed in                Awaiting
        Year                 Wells Drilled
                                                           Stimulated                  Service                Completion
      2013E                           7                           5                         4                          3                             CHK Buell 10-11-5 8H:                    CHK Houyouse 15-13-5
                                                                                                                                                    3.0 Mboe/d – Located 10                     #8H: 1.7 Mboe/d
                                                                                                                                                    miles south in Harrison
                                                                                                                                                            County                                             Completed Wells
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Potential Pad Location

1.   As of 9/30/12, adjusted to include agreements on ~400 acres executed and pending closing in the Warrior North Prospect in Q4 2012
2.   Based on information from publicly available press releases or presentations
3.   See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3
4.   Well information in gross                                                                                                                                                                                                          16
Carroll County Utica Stats

                                                                                                      Brace 1H*                             Carroll County Type Curve

         Lateral Length (ft)                                                                             4,100                                       4,500

         30-Day Average Oil Rate (STB/d)                                                              199 STB/d                                    255 STB/d

         30-Day Average Gas Rate (Mcf/d)                                                              1,326 Mcf/d                                  1,604 Mcf/d

         30-Day Average NGL Rate Full C2 Recovery (STB/d)                                              311 STB/d                                   336 STB/d

         30-Day Average Total Production (BOE/d)                                                      731 BOE/d                                    858 BOE/d

         D&C Well Cost                                                                                  $9.0 MM                                     $8.8 MM

         EUR (MBOE)                                                                                   600 MBOE                                    1,000 MBOE

* Brace 1H producing through 4.5” liner, partial RCS completion. Future Carroll County wells assume 5.5” casing and full RCS completions.
Warrior North Decline Profile (Gross)

                        1st Year   Gross Gas                Gross NGL      Gross EUR
        Project Area                           Condensate                               % Liquids
                        Decline    EUR (Bcf)                EUR (Mbbl)   (Bcfe/MMBOE)
                                               EUR (Mbbl)
     Butler Marcellus    54%        5.8 Bcf      0 Mbbl      647 Mbbl      9.7 Bcfe       40%
     Carroll Utica       60%        2.9 Bcf     146 Mbbl     385 Mbbl     1.0 MMBOE       52%
     Eagle Ford          73%        1.0 Bcf       N/A          N/A           N/A          N/A
Ohio Utica – Warrior South Prospect
• ~6,300 gross / ~4,100 net acres1 in Guernsey, Noble                                                                                                                  Warrior South Prospect
  and Belmont Counties, OH
                                                                                                                                           GPOR – Ryser 1-25H:
• Joint Development Agreement with MFC Drilling and                                                                                         Rate of 2.9 Mboe/d;
                                                                                                                                               73% Liquids
  ABARTA Oil & Gas Co.
                                                                                                                                            GPOR – Clay 1-4H:
• Drilled and completed three wells; currently shut-in                                                                                      Rate of 2.2 Mboe/d;
                                                                                                                                               68% Liquids
                                                                                                                                                                                                  GPOR – BK Stephens
     Well                                          Lateral Length                                 Frac Stages                                                                                      1-16H: Rate of 3.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mboe/d; 66% Liquids        GPOR – Wagner 1-
     Guernsey #1H                                          3,437’                                       23                                                                                                                  28H: Test Rate of 4.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mboe/d; 49% Liquids
                                                                                                                                                                                     GPOR – Shugert 1-12H:
     Guernsey #2H                                          3,450’                                       23                                                                           Test Rate of 7.5 Mboe/d;
                                                                                                                                                                                           43% Liquids
     Noble #1H                                             3,137’                                       21                                          GPOR – Groh 1-12H:
                                                                                                                                                    Rate of 1.9 Mboe/d;
• Expect wells to be placed into sales on June 1, 2013                                                                                                 80% Liquids

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GPOR – Shugert 1-1H:
• ~48 potential gross drilling locations2                                                                                                                    REXX – Completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Test Rate of 4.9 Mboe/d;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               44% Liquids
                                                                                                                                                              Three Well Pad
• Actively leasing in the area                                                                                                                                 Guernsey#1H
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Proposed MWE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Liquids Line
                                                                                                                                                               Guernsey #2H

                                          Warrior South Drilling Program3

                                                             Fracture                  Placed in                Awaiting                                                                                                GPOR – Stutzman 1-14H:
          Year                 Wells Drilled                                                                                                                                                                            Test Rate of 4.1 Mboe/d;
                                                            Stimulated5                 Service                Completion                                         Antero Miley 5-H                                            23% Liquids

         2013E                          4                           4                         7                        0                                                                                                Completed Pads
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Potential Pad Location
1.    As of 9/30/12, adjusted to include agreements on ~100 acres executed and pending closing in the Warrior South Prospect in Q4 2012;
      subject to terms and conditions of farm-in agreement
2.    See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3
3.    Well information in gross
4.    At year-end 2012, wells will still be on 60-day shut-in
Illinois Basin Overview
• Illinois Basin has produced over 4 billion barrels since                                                                       Illinois Basin
  early 1900s in conventional stacked pays (similar to
                                                                                                                   Net Acres                      25,4001
  Permian Basin)
• Represents 8% of Rex Energy’s proved reserves2 and 16%
                                                                                         Lawrence Field
  of production
• Lawrence field waterflood provides base level production
  of ~1,200 BOPD (net) (~2%-4% decline per year)
• Total basin production ~1,900 BOPD (net) including
  incremental conventional production in Q3 2012 –
  production expected to increase in 2013 as a result of
  conventional infill and recompletion activity in Gibson and
  Posey County, IN and Lawrence Field ASP
• 2012 investments increased production >400 gross BOPD
  based on 2012 exit rate                                                                                 Gibson and Posey Counties

                 Gibson and Posey Counties Conventional Drilling Program3

                                           Fracture      Placed in           Awaiting
     Year                Wells Drilled
                                          Stimulated      Service           Completion

     2013E                     14            16             16                  0

1.   As of 9/30/12
2.   NSAI reserve report as of 10/31/12
3.   Well information in gross                                                                                                                              20
Illinois Basin – Lawrence Field ASP
     • 13,100 gross / 13,000 net acres                                                             Lawrence Field ASP
     • Rex Energy has a successful enhanced oil recovery pilot using ASP
     • We have identified numerous potential ASP flood units; the Delta Unit         Perkins-Smith        Middagh Pilot
                                                                                       58 Acres             15 Acres
       is our first commercial scale ASP application
           • Currently drilling pattern wells delineating the unit; ASP injection
             targeted in 2Q 2013 with initial production response anticipated
             in 2014
           • Potential to increase Lawrence Field production by 900 gross
             BOPD by 2015 and 770 net MBO of proved reserves1
     • Rex Energy expects to conduct core-flood testing and stimulation
       modeling on the next three potential commercial scale ASP projects in
       2013 in preparation for development in 2014
     • Total ASP capex expected to be 5-15% of total capex in 2013 and 2014
                                                                                                                               Delta Unit
     • Program expected to be self funding from the Delta Unit in 2015
                                                                                                                              ~200 Acres

                                                                                    Delta Unit Economics:
                                                                                    • Total capex of $30 million ($9 million in 2012, $21 million in
                                                                                      2013 and beyond)
                                                                                    • Attractive economics in current price environment:
                                                                                             • Full-cycle F&D costs estimated to be $30 - $40/Bbl
                                                                                             • Using a 14.5% pore volume recovery estimate, we
                                                                                               expect a 31% IRR at $85/Bbl NYMEX price

1.    Management estimate; see note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3                                                                                   21

           Responsible Development of America’s Energy Resources
Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2012 Guidance

                           Fourth Quarter              Full Year                Full Year
                                2012                     2012                     2013
       Average Daily
                           70.0 – 74.0 MMcfe/d     66.0 – 69.0 MMcfe/d      90.5 – 94.5 Mmcfe/d
      Lease Operating
                           $11.5 – $13.0 million   $46.0 – $50.0 million   $58.0 – $62.0 million

         Cash G&A           $5.3 – $6.3 million    $20.0 – $24.0 million   $26.0 – $29.0 million

    Capital Expenditures           N/A                $180.0 million       $230.0 - $250.0 million

Butler Operated Area Stacked Pays
                        Stratigraphic Column                                                       2012                                                     20131
                                                                     Rhinestreet Shale

                                                                     •    Frac one legacy vertical well to test gas quality and   •    No planned drilling in 2013 given Marcellus
                                                                          liquids potential                                            development
                                               Reservoir 4           •    Capital allocation of ~$1 million
                                                200’ thick

                                          (4,500’ to 5,800’ deep)

                                                                     Burkett Shale

                                                                     •    Drilled 3 locations                                     •    Plan to drill 1 location
                                                                     •    Completed first test well (Gilliland #11HB)             •    Plan to complete 4 locations
                                                                     •    Tests indicate 16% increase in liquids production vs.   •    Capital allocation of $12 million (5% of total)
                                                                     •    Capital allocation of ~$6 million (3% of total)
                                               Reservoir 3
                                                ~ 60’ thick
                                          (4,700’ to 5,500’ deep)
                                                                     Marcellus Shale

                                                                     •    ~350 identified potential drilling locations in         •    Drilling efforts focused in this zone given economics
                                                                          Marcellus                                                    and ability to also hold shallow acreage
                                               Reservoir 2
                                                                     •    Drilled 17 wells; completed 19 wells                    •    18 wells planned to drill; 17 wells planned for

                                                150’ thick
                                          (4,900’ to 5,700’ deep)    •    Continued improvement in drilling/completion                 completion
                                                                          techniques                                              •    Capital allocation of $87 million (33% of total)
                                                                     •    Capital allocation of ~$70 million (36% of total)
                                                                     Utica Shale

                                                                     •    Completed first Utica well (Cheesman 1H) that went      •   Complete Hufnagel #1H in 1H 2013
                                                                          into sales in Q1 2012 at 9.2 MMcfe/d                    •   Capital allocation of $3 million (1% of total)

                                                                     •    Drilled second Utica well (Hufnagel #1H) in July 2012
                                                Reservoir 1          •    Capital allocation of ~$4 million (2% of total)
                                                 285’ thick
                                          (9,000’ to 11,000’ deep)

                                                                     1.   See notes on pages 2 and 3                                                                                       24
Marcellus “Super Frac” Type-Curve Results
Drushel 3H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”:             “Super Frac”: Type-Curve Considerations as
  •   Job Performed: Apr. 2011; On Prod: +1 Year        compared to YE 2011- 5.3 BCFE Type Curve
  •   Lateral Length: 3,000’ ; 21 Stages
Behm 1H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”:                           Lateral Spacing: 450 - 600 feet apart
                                                                Type curve validates lower initial first year decline
  •   Job Performed: Jun. 2011; On Prod: +1 Year
  •   Lateral Length: 3,900’; 26 Stages
Carson 3H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”:
  •   Job Performed: Mar. 2012; On Prod: ~180 days
  •   Lateral Length: 3,900’; 26 Stages
                                                                Lateral Spacing: 950 feet apart
Carson 1H (225 ft design) “Super Frac”:                         225’ stage spacing versus 150’ stage spacing
  •   Job Performed: Mar. 2012; On Prod: ~180 days
  •   Lateral Length: 4,500’; 20 Stages

                                                                Lateral Spacing: 900 feet apart
Pallack (2) (150 ft design) “Super Frac”:
                                                                150’ stage spacing
  •   Job Performed: Aug. 2012; On Prod: ~90 days               Restricted choke production test flowback
  •   Lateral Length: 3,600’; 24 Stages

Plesniak (2) (150 ft design) “Super Frac”:                      Lateral Spacing: No interference (North/South)
                                                                150’ stage spacing
  •   Job Performed: Sept. 2012; On Prod: ~60 days
  •   Lateral Length: 3,600’; 24 Stages                         Plesniak #3H: Restricted choke production test
                                                                Plesniak #9H: Extended Shut-in period

Butler Area Utica Shale Resource Potential1

                                   Rex Energy Cheeseman #1H –
                                        5.3 MMcf/d Dry Gas
                                  30-Day Test Rate; 4.1 MMcf/d Dry
                                  Gas 60-day Test Rate; 3.7 MMcf/d
                                     Dry Gas 120-day Test Rate
                                                                                                 Butler Operated Area: Utica Shale – Dry Gas
                                                                                               Unproved Prospective
                                                                                           Net Potential Well Locations3                      108
                                                                                                        EUR4                                4.5 Bcfe
                                                                                                  Royalty Burdens                             18%
                       Hufnagel well                                                            Resource Potential1                       398.5 Bcfe

     1. See notes on “Forward Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on pages 2&3
     2. Based on net acreage position excluding acreage from proved developed and undeveloped reserves that the company believes to be prospective
     for Utica Shale development. Actual future development of this acreage may vary. See notes on “Forward Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon
     Volumes” on pages 2&3.
     3. See note on “Potential Drilling Locations” on page 3; drilling assumptions based on what the company believes can be drilled economically under
     the current commodity price environment
     4. Current EUR assumption based on internal estimates using a 4.3 MMcf/d 30-day estimated average production rate; see notes on “Forward
     Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on pages 2&3
Marcellus Non-Operated Overview
     • Sizeable acreage position with 44,800 gross / 17,200
       net acres1 in Westmoreland, Clearfield and Centre                                                Marcellus Non-Operated
       Counties, PA
          • Westmoreland County: ~6 Bcf EUR2; attractive
            economics at ≥ $4.00 / MMcfe (20+% IRRs )
          • Clearfield-Centre Counties: 12,200 gross acre
            block: 6,500 HBP, 5,700 no expiry for next five
            years                                                                                                            County Non-
                                                                                                                            Operated Area
     • Executed JV with WPX Energy on this position in 2009
          • WPX operates both areas
     • September 2012 Avg. Net Daily Production of ~21                                  Westmoreland
                                                                                         County Non-
       MMcf/d from 42 producing wells                                                   Operated Area

     • 5 wells drilled in 2012
     • Plan to complete 7 wells currently awaiting completion

                                Marcellus Non-Operated Drilling Program3

                                                   Fracture    Placed in    Awaiting
          Year               Wells Drilled
                                                  Stimulated    Service    Completion
         2013E                        0               7            7           0

1.    Includes non-operated area acreage only
2.    See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3
3.    Well information in gross
Non-Operated Midstream and Infrastructure

 Westmoreland County, PA                                         Clearfield – Centre
 • 17.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through Ecker Station tap          Non-Operated Area
   into Dominion line
 • 35.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through high pressure
   delivery system into Peoples line
 • 29.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through Salem Beagle
   Club station into Equitable gas line
 • 81.0 gross MMcf/d total capacity in Westmoreland, PA
                                                          Westmoreland County
                                                           Non-Operated Area

 Clearfield and Centre Counties, PA                                                    Columbia
 • 7.0 gross MMcf/d firm capacity with interruptible                                   Equitrans
                                                                                       REX Leasehold
   takeaway into Columbia gas line                                                     Areas

Westmoreland County Marcellus Economics
                                                        Westmoreland County Dry Gas Type Curve
Westmoreland County (Non-Operated)                                                    5,000

                                                       Gas Production Rate (Mcfe/d)
 Assumptions                                                                          4,000
•   Well costs of $5.8 million per well                                               3,000
•   Lateral length of 3,500 ft.                                                       2,500
•   EUR of 6.0 Bcf per well                                                           1,500
•   Seven wells in Westmoreland County on the Marco                                   1,000
    #1 and National Metals #1 pad producing above                                         0
    the current type curve                                                                     0      10           20         30        40         50            60
       • 200-day cumulative average rate                                                                               Production Month
                                                                                                           4.2 Bcf Type Curve        6.0 Bcf Type Curve
          50% above 4.2 Bcf type curve
       • This represents a potential EUR
                                                                                                            Before Tax IRR
          of ~6.0 Bcf per well
       • Reduced cluster spacing (RCS) tests          45%
          performed on National Metals wells          40%                                                  IRR at Current
                                                      35%                                                   Strip Prices
       • EURs on last 12 wells completed all
          exceeding a 6.0 BCFE type curve             25%
                                                                                              $3.00        $3.50            $4.00          $4.50         $5.00

                                                                                                      IRR - 4.2 Bcf Well            IRR - 6.0 Bcf Well
Liquids Production Ratios

           Current Liquids Sales Ratio           Liquids Sales Ratio With Full Ethane Sales
                                                          Iso-Butane         Gasoline
                                                    Butane 3%                   7%
                             Ethane                  5%
                   Natural    10%
  7%                                                Propane

                                       Propane                                   Ethane
                                         50%                                      67%

                    1.64 Gallons per                           4.5 Gallons per
                     Wellhead Mcf                               Wellhead Mcf
Current Hedging Summary
                                                                 Crude Oil(1)
                                  1Q13         2Q13       3Q13          4Q13       1Q14       2Q14       3Q14       4Q14
       Swap Contracts            120,000      120,000    120,000       120,000       --         --         --         --
       Volume Hedged              $ 93.02     $ 93.02    $ 93.02       $ 93.02       --         --         --         --
      Collar Contracts
       Volume Hedged              45,000      45,000     45,000         45,000       --         --         --         --
            Ceiling              $ 104.33     $ 104.33   $ 104.33      $ 104.33      --         --         --         --
             Floor                $ 76.67     $ 76.67    $ 76.67       $ 76.67       --         --         --         --
       Volume Hedged              15,000      15,000     15,000         15,000    90,000     90,000     90,000     90,000
            Ceiling              $ 100.00     $ 100.00   $ 100.00      $ 100.00   $ 104.27   $ 104.27   $ 104.27   $ 104.27
             Floor                $ 85.00     $ 85.00    $ 85.00       $ 85.00    $ 80.00    $ 80.00    $ 80.00    $ 80.00
           Short Put              $ 65.00     $ 65.00    $ 65.00       $ 65.00    $ 65.00    $ 65.00    $ 65.00    $ 65.00
           Put Spread
       Volume Hedged                 --          --         --            --      42,000     42,000     42,000     42,000
             Floor                   --          --         --            --      $ 90.00    $ 90.00    $ 90.00    $ 90.00
           Short Put                 --          --         --            --      $ 75.00    $ 75.00    $ 75.00    $ 75.00
      1.   Hedging position as of 1/31/2013
Current Hedging Summary (Cont’d)
                                                                    Natural Gas Hedges(1)
                                     1Q13             2Q13             3Q13       4Q13        1Q14        2Q14        3Q14        4Q14
       Swap Contracts(2)
             Volume                2,010,000        2,130,000        2,130,000   2,130,000   810,000     810,000     810,000     810,000
               Price                 $ 3.91           $ 3.93           $ 3.93     $ 3.93      $ 3.83      $ 3.87      $ 3.87      $ 3.87
       Collar Contracts
             Volume                840,000           840,000          840,000    840,000     450,000     450,000     450,000     450,000
             Ceiling                 $ 5.68           $ 5.68           $ 5.68     $ 5.68      $ 4.43      $ 4.43      $ 4.43      $ 4.43
               Floor                 $ 4.77           $ 4.77           $ 4.77     $ 4.77      $ 3.51      $ 3.51      $ 3.51      $ 3.51
        Put Contracts
            Volume                 660,000           660,000          660,000    660,000        --          --          --          --
             Floor                   $ 5.00           $ 5.00           $ 5.00     $ 5.00        --          --          --          --
        Call Contracts
            Volume                     --               --                  --      --       450,000     450,000     450,000     450,000
            Ceiling                    --               --                  --      --        $ 5.00      $ 5.00      $ 5.00      $ 5.00
   Three Way Collars
            Volume                 630,000           630,000          630,000    630,000     1,200,000   1,200,000   1,200,000   1,200,000
            Ceiling                  $ 4.88           $ 4.88           $ 4.88     $ 4.88      $ 4.68      $ 4.68      $ 4.68      $ 4.68
             Floor                   $ 4.17           $ 4.17           $ 4.17     $ 4.17      $ 3.91      $ 3.91      $ 3.91      $ 3.91
           Short Put                 $ 3.35           $ 3.35           $ 3.35     $ 3.35      $ 2.91      $ 2.91      $ 2.91      $ 2.91
  1.     Hedging position as of 1/31/2013
  2.     Swap contract volumes and average prices include swaption hedges                                                                    32
Current Hedging Summary (Cont’d)
                                              Natural Gas Liquids(1)(2)
                                                 1Q13               2Q13                3Q13     4Q13
                Swap Contracts
            Volume Hedged (Bbls)                33,000              33,000             33,000    33,000
                Price per Barrel                $ 42.42            $ 42.42             $ 42.42   $ 42.42
                Price per Gallon                $ 1.01              $ 1.01              $ 1.01   $ 1.01
            Volume Hedged (Bbls)                 4,000              6,000               6,000    6,000
                Price per Barrel                $ 1.58              $ 1.58              $ 1.58   $ 1.58
                Price per Gallon                $ 66.36            $ 66.36             $ 66.36   $ 66.36
            Volume Hedged (Bbls)                 2,000              3,000               3,000    3,000
                Price per Barrel                $ 1.70              $ 1.70              $ 1.70   $ 1.70
                Price per Gallon                $71.40              $71.40             $71.40    $71.40
            Volume Hedged (Bbls)                15,000              18,000             18,000    18,000
                Price Per Barrel                $ 2.10              $ 2.11              $ 2.11   $ 2.11
                Price per Gallon                $ 88.20            $ 88.62             $ 88.62   $ 88.62
           1.   Hedging position as of 1/31/2013
           2.   NGL hedges are indexed to Mt. Belvieu indexes for each respective component

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Rex Energy Presentation on 2013 Drilling Plans

  • 1. Rex Energy Corporate Presentation February 2013 Responsible Development of America’s Energy Resources Rex Energy Corporation | 476 Rolling Ridge Drive | State College, PA 16801 P: (814) 278-7267 | F: (814) 278-7286 E: InvestorRelations@RexEnergyCorp.com www.rexenergy.com
  • 2. Forward Looking Statements Except for historical information, statements made in this presentation, including those relating to significant potential opportunities, future earnings, resource potential, cash flow, capital expenditures, production growth, planned number of wells (as well as the timing of rig operations, natural gas processing plant commissioning and operations, fracture stimulation activities and the completion of wells and the expected dates that wells are producing hydrocarbons that are sold) and potential ethane sales pipeline projects are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are indicated by words such as “expected”, “expects”, “assumes”, “anticipates” and similar words. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information; however, management's assumptions and the company's future performance are subject to a wide range of business risks and uncertainties, and there is no assurance that these goals and projections can or will be met. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including (without limitation) the following: • adverse economic conditions in the United States and globally; the difficult and adverse conditions in the domestic and global capital and credit markets; domestic and global demand for oil and natural gas; sustained or further declines in the prices the company receives for oil and natural gas; the effects of government regulation, permitting and other legal requirements; the geologic quality of the company’s properties with regard to, among other things, the existence of hydrocarbons in economic quantities; uncertainties about the estimates of the company’s oil and natural gas reserves; the company’s ability to increase production and oil and natural gas income through exploration and development; the company’s ability to successfully apply horizontal drilling techniques and tertiary recovery methods; the number of well locations to be drilled, the cost to drill and the time frame within which they will be drilled; the effects of adverse weather on operations; drilling and operating risks; the ability of contractors to timely and adequately perform their drilling, construction, well stimulation, completion and production services; the availability of equipment, such as drilling rigs and transportation pipelines; changes in the company’s drilling plans and related budgets; the adequacy of capital resources and liquidity including (without limitation) access to additional borrowing capacity; uncertainties relating to the potential divestiture of the Niobrara assets, including the ability to reach an agreement with a potential purchaser on terms acceptable to the company; and uncertainties associated with our legal proceedings and the outcome. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. Further information on the company’s risks and uncertainties is available in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company's internal estimates of reserves may be subject to revision and may be different from estimates by the company's external reservoir engineers at year end. Although the company believes the expectations and forecasts reflected in these and other forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance they will prove to have been correct. They can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. 2
  • 3. Estimates Used in This Presentation Hydrocarbon Volumes The SEC permits publicly-reporting oil and gas companies to disclose “proved reserves” in their filings with the SEC. “Proved reserves” are estimates that geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. SEC rules also permit the disclosure of “probable” and possible” reserves. Rex Energy discloses proved reserves but does not disclose probable or possible reserves. We may use certain broader terms such as “resource potential,” “EUR” (estimated ultimate recovery of resources, defined below) and other descriptions of volumes of potentially recoverable hydrocarbon resources throughout this presentation. These broader classifications do not constitute “reserves” as defined by the SEC and we do not attempt to distinguish these classifications from probable or possible reserves as defined by SEC guidelines. The company defines EUR as the cumulative oil and gas production expected to be economically recovered from a reservoir or individual well from initial production until the end of its useful life. Our estimates of EURs and resource potential have been prepared internally by our engineers and management without review by independent engineers. These estimates are by their nature more speculative than estimates of proved, probable and possible reserves and accordingly are subject to substantially greater risk of being actually realized. We include these estimates to demonstrate what we believe to be the potential for future drilling and production by the company. Ultimate recoveries will be dependent upon numerous factors including actual encountered geological conditions, the impact of future oil and gas pricing, exploration and development costs, and our future drilling decisions and budgets based upon our future evaluation of risk, returns and the availability of capital and, in many areas, the outcome of negotiation of drilling arrangements with holders of adjacent or fractional interest leases. Estimates of resource potential and other figures may change significantly as development of our resource plays provide additional data and therefore actual quantities that may ultimately be recovered will likely differ from these estimates. Potential Drilling Locations Our estimates of potential drilling locations are prepared internally by our engineers and management and are based upon a number of assumptions inherent in the estimate process. Management, with the assistance of engineers and other professionals, as necessary, conducts a topographical analysis of our unproved prospective acreage to identify potential well pad locations using operationally approved designs and considering several factors, which may include but are not limited to access roads, terrain, well azimuths, and well pad sizes. For our operations in Pennsylvania, we then calculate the number of horizontal well bores for which the company appears to control sufficient acreage to drill the lateral wells from each potential well pad location to arrive at an estimated number of net potential drilling locations. For our operations in Ohio, we calculate the number of horizontal well bores that may be drilled from the potential well pad and multiply this by the company’s net working interest percentage of the proposed unit to arrive at an estimated number of net potential drilling locations. In both cases, we then divide the unproved prospective acreage by the number of net potential drilling locations to arrive at an average well spacing. Management uses these estimates to, among other things, evaluate our acreage holdings and to formulate plans for drilling. Any number of factors could cause the number of wells we actually drill to vary significantly from these estimates, including: the availability of capital, drilling and production costs, commodity prices, availability of drilling services and equipment, lease expirations, regulatory approvals and other factors. Potential ASP Units Our estimates of potential target areas, which we sometimes refer to as “units,” for which we may use an Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer (“ASP”) flood as a method of tertiary recovery have been prepared internally by our engineers and management. These estimates are based on our evaluation of the sand bodies underlying certain of our properties in the Illinois Basin. We have identified certain characteristics which we believe are desirable for potential ASP projects, including sand bodies with no less than 60 acres of areal extent and net reservoir thickness no less than 15 feet. We have subdivided the sand bodies to determine potential ASP target areas, which have been modeled such that no individual target area or unit would exceed 500 acres. We include these estimates to demonstrate what we believe to be the future potential for ASP tertiary recovery for the company. These estimates are highly speculative in nature and ultimate recoveries will depend on a number of factors, including the ASP technology utilized, the characteristics of the sand bodies and the reservoirs, geological conditions encountered, our decisions regarding capital, and the impact of future oil prices. 3
  • 4. Developing Liquids-Rich Asset Base Focused on developing our liquids-rich acreage in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins • Appalachian Basin: Targeting wet gas windows in the Pennsylvania Marcellus and Ohio Utica Shales • Illinois Basin: Conventional infill and enhanced oil recovery activity; 100% oil production Warren / Mercer Counties Net Acres 8,500 Warrior Prospects Net Acres ~20,000 Westmoreland / Clearfield / Centre Net Acres 17,200 Butler Operated Area Net Acres 46,000 Illinois Basin Net Acres 25,400 Operated Non-operated 4
  • 5. Rex Overview Maximizing Resource Potential • Large resource base with ~ 850 potential drilling locations focused in the Appalachian and Illinois Basins with an estimated 5.0 Tcfe of net resource potential (assuming full ethane recovery) • 2013 capital expenditures targeting liquids-rich locations in the Marcellus Shale, Utica Shale and Illinois Basin Operational and Technical Experience Being Applied in Core Areas • Enhancing recoveries and returns with “Super Frac” well design in Butler Operated Area and Warrior Prospects • Indentified conventional infill and enhanced oil recovery opportunities in the Illinois Basin Reducing Operating Costs • Partnering with established midstream partners (MarkWest, Dominion, BP) in Appalachia to develop midstream infrastructure and transportation • Becoming increasingly efficient in drilling and completion techniques across contiguous acreage positions Strong Balance Sheet • Entered 2013 with ~$270 million of liquidity Active Hedging Program • For 2013, approximately 91% of natural gas hedged with $4.30 floor; 89% of 2013 oil production hedged with $88.27 floor; 60% of propane hedged at $1.01 per gallon ($42.42 / bbls) 5
  • 6. Proved Reserves as of October 31, 2012 PUD : PD Ratio = 1.05 : 1 6
  • 7. Liquids-Rich Non-Proven Resource Potential1 Warrior Butler Operated Butler Operated Prospects: Assumptions Area: Upper Total Area: Marcellus Liquids-Rich Devonian Utica 3 2 Unproved Prospective Acreage2 ~39,900 ~45,900 ~19,300 ~105,100 Gross / Net Identified Potential Drilling 291 / 204 372 / 260 140 / 91 800 / 555 Locations4 EUR assuming Full Ethane Recovery 9.7 Bcfe 9.3 Bcfe 6.0 Bcfe N/A % Liquids assuming Full Ethane Recovery 40% 40% 52% ~43% Non-proven Net Resource Potential assuming 1.7 Tcfe 2.1 Tcfe 0.5 Tcfe 4.3 Tcfe Full Ethane Recovery5 1. See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3 2. Based on gross acreage position excluding acreage from proved developed and undeveloped reserves 3. Warrior South Prospect is subject to terms and conditions of farm-in agreement 4. See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3 5. Net resource potential after royalties and non-operated interests We have identified approximately 850 gross potential proved and non-proven drilling locations in our liquids- rich Appalachian Basin properties • Additional oil resource potential through our Illinois Basin ASP development and conventional infill / recompletion program 7
  • 8. 2013 Capital Budget • We are budgeting $230-250 million of operating capex for 2013 2013 Capital Program Breakdown • $204-224 million drilling and exploration Activity Budget ($ in millions) • $183-200 million Appalachia (90%) Drilling & Completion and Water • ~$107 million in Butler Operated Area Services $204-224 • ~$85 million in Ohio Utica Tertiary Recovery Projects 12 • $21-24 million Illinois (10%) Facilities, Equipment & HS&E 14 • We are running 2 rigs in Appalachia and intend to drill 30 Total 2013 Capital Budget $230-250 wells • 34%-40% production growth • 55% growth in oil/condensate production • 70% growth in liquids 2013 Drilling & Exploration Budget By Region 5% Illinois Conventional 5% Appalachia Drilling Program1 5% Fracture Placed in Awaiting Tertiary Recovery Year Wells Drilled Projects Stimulated Service Completion 38% Butler 2013E 30 38 39 18 Ohio 47% WPX Non-Operated 1. Well information in gross 8
  • 9. Consistent Production Growth 56% CAGR; 2012 exit rate production ~ 30% liquids 80.0 MarkWest Bluestone Plant 70.0 Additional field compression Average Daily Production (Mmcfe/d) 60.0 50.0 40.0 1st Sarsen plant starts in Butler County 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 9
  • 10. High Quality Midstream Providers Mariner West MarkWest Y-Grade MWE – Sarsen & Pipeline Pipeline Bluestone Processing Complex: 90-190 MMcf/d REXX Carroll County Acreage Dominion East REXX Butler Ohio Pipeline Operated Acreage MWE – Cadiz EPD ATEX Express Processing Complex: Pipeline 125 MMcf/d Mariner East Pipeline REXX Warrior South Acreage MWE – Houston Processing & Fractionation Complex MWE – Seneca Processing Complex: Dominion – 200 MMcf/d Natrium Plant: 200 MMcf/d; 36,000 b/d fraction capacity Dominion – Hastings Plant: 180 Currently in Service MMcf/d Under Construction Source: Publicly available press releases or presentations • Over 1 Bcf/d of planned processing capacity currently under construction in the region 10
  • 11. 2013 Hedging Summary1 61% of Total NGL Volumes Hedged 100% $88.27 X $4.30 X $96.432 $4.513 90% $78.75 X $4.51 X 80% $5.34 $2.10 $103.25 70% ~ 41% of all NGL components 60% hedged at $56.01/Bbl 50% $1.01 $93.02 40% $3.93 $1.70 $1.58 30% 20% 10% 89% 91% 89%4 41%4 41%4 60%4 0% Oil (/bbl) Gas (/mcf) C5+ (/gal) Isobutane Butane Propane (/gal) Swaps Collars 1. Percentage hedged based on mid-point of 4Q guidance with standard decline; hedging position as of 1/3/2013 2. Includes 60,000 bbls with short put options at $65.00 3. Includes 2.5 Bcf with short put options at $3.35 and 2.6 Bcf with $5.00 floors 4. Assumes an NGL basket consisting of 20% C5+, 7% Isobutane, 7% Butane and 57% Propane 11
  • 12. Butler Operated Area • 69,300 gross / 46,000 net acres in Butler, Beaver and Lawrence counties Butler Operated Area • ~45 wells producing from the wet gas window of the Marcellus Shale • Increasing EURs1 through improved “Super-frac2” well completions • Exposure to “Super-rich3” gas window in Northwestern acreage • 1300 BTU vs. 1250 BTU - 2.44 gpm C3+ vs. 1.55 gpm C3+ • Stacked play with access to additional producing horizons • Upper Devonian (Burkett / Rhinestreet): Results to date show increased liquids content compared to Marcellus • Utica Shale: Encouraging test results Butler Operated Area Drilling Program4 Completed Pads Pads Awaiting Completion Fracture Placed in Awaiting Year Wells Drilled Stimulated Service Completion 2013E 19 22 21 15 1. See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3 2. “Super-frac” refers to the company’s reduced cluster spacing completion design 3. “Super-rich” refers to wells that produce wet gas with BTU values of 1,300 or greater 4. Well information in gross 12
  • 13. Super-Rich Wet Gas Upside $7.00 $6.49 $0.21 $6.00 $5.23 $5.00 $2.90 $1.85 $4.00 $ / Mcf $3.00 $2.00 $3.38 $3.38 $1.00 $0.00 1,250 BTU 1,300 BTU Gas NGLs Condensate Assumptions: $3.75 HH, $90.00 WTI, 50% WTI for NGLS. 1,250 BTU: 1.55 GPM 1,300 BTU: 2.44 GPM 7 Bbls of condensate produced per 3,000 Mcf 13
  • 14. Evolution of Butler Marcellus Development • Improving well designs are resulting in increased EURs1 and returns on capital Ethane Uplift and Improving Well Design Transportation Efficiencies 4.0 Bcfe EUR 5.3 Bcfe EUR 7.0 Bcfe EUR 9.7 Bcfe EUR3 Year-End 2010 Year-End 2011 Current Pro Forma Projected 2014 (12/31/10 Reserve Report) (12/31/11 Reserve Report) (10/31/12 Reserve Report)2 Completion Conventional Frac Conventional Frac Super-frac4 Super-frac4 Gross Average 30 Day Wellhead IP (Mcf/d) 2,070 2,235 3,142 3,142 First Year Decline 66% 66% 37% 37% Lateral Length 3,500’ 3,500’ 4,000’ 4,000’ Stages 12 12 27 27 Cost ~ $4.7mm ~ $5.3mm ~ $6.5mm ~ $6.5mm 1. See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3 2. NSAI reserve report as of 10/31/12 3. Estimated impact to 7.0 Bcfe EUR well after giving effect to 2014 ethane and transportation arrangements 4. “Super-frac” refers to the company’s reduced cluster spacing completion design 14
  • 15. Butler County Marcellus Economics Butler Area (Operated) Assumptions Butler County Wet Gas Type Curve • Super-frac completion method yields attractive 7,000 Gas Production Rate (Mcfe/d) IRRs in current price environment 6,000 • 7 Bcfe EUR1 without Ethane 5,000 4,000 • Enhanced IRRs with full Ethane Recovery, 3,000 expected in 2014 2,000 • 9.7 Bcfe EUR1,2 with Ethane 1,000 • NGL yield improves from 37 barrels per MMcf 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (inlet) to 111 barrels per MMcf (inlet) Production Month • Extension of MarkWest Y-grade pipeline Current Ethane Recovery Full Ethane Recovery expected to be reduce marketing and transportation costs by $0.15 - $0.25 per gallon in Q1 2014 Before Tax IRR 60% IRR at Current 50% Strip Prices 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 1. See note on “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on page 3 3 2. Estimated impact of 7.0 Bcfe EUR well after effect of 2014 ethane and transportation agreements IRR - Current Ethane Recovery 3. Assumption used for “Current Ethane Recovery” projections of 1.55 gallons per Mcf 4,5 4. Assumption used for “Full Ethane Recovery” projections of 4.67 gallons per Mcf IRR - Full Ethane Recovery & Transportation Reduction 5. Curve reflects natural gas equivalent pricing for ethane 15
  • 16. Ohio Utica – Warrior North Prospect • 16,200 gross / 15,900 net acres1 in Carroll County, OH • First well, Brace #1H, into sales in 3Q 2012 Warrior North Prospect2 • Encountered over 135’ of Point Pleasant and 143’ of CHK Coniglio 6H: 1.1 Mboe/d Utica pay zone 16 • Oil / condensate / liquids-rich gas zone REXX Brace 1H: 24-hour REXX G. Graham sales rate: 1.1 Mboe/d Currently Drilling • 1.1 Mboe/d 24-hour sales rate; sales rate attractive relative to peers’ peak rates2 CHK Mangun 22-15-5 8H: 1.5 Mboe/d • 731 Boe/d 30-day sales rate EVEP Cairns 5H: 1.7 • 597 Boe/d 60-day sales rate Mboe/d • 515 Boe/d 90-day sales rate • ~92 gross drilling locations3 in Warrior North Prospect • Opportunity to improve position through acreage trades CHK Shaw 20-14-5H: CHK Neider 10-14-5 3H: 1.4 Mboe/d 1.6 Mboe/d – Peak Rate CHK Burgett #7-15-6-8H: Warrior North Drilling Program4 1.2 Mboe/d CHK White 17-13-5 8H: 1.4 Mboe/d Fracture Placed in Awaiting Year Wells Drilled Stimulated Service Completion 2013E 7 5 4 3 CHK Buell 10-11-5 8H: CHK Houyouse 15-13-5 3.0 Mboe/d – Located 10 #8H: 1.7 Mboe/d miles south in Harrison County Completed Wells Potential Pad Location 1. As of 9/30/12, adjusted to include agreements on ~400 acres executed and pending closing in the Warrior North Prospect in Q4 2012 2. Based on information from publicly available press releases or presentations 3. See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3 4. Well information in gross 16
  • 17. Carroll County Utica Stats Brace 1H* Carroll County Type Curve Lateral Length (ft) 4,100 4,500 30-Day Average Oil Rate (STB/d) 199 STB/d 255 STB/d 30-Day Average Gas Rate (Mcf/d) 1,326 Mcf/d 1,604 Mcf/d 30-Day Average NGL Rate Full C2 Recovery (STB/d) 311 STB/d 336 STB/d 30-Day Average Total Production (BOE/d) 731 BOE/d 858 BOE/d D&C Well Cost $9.0 MM $8.8 MM EUR (MBOE) 600 MBOE 1,000 MBOE * Brace 1H producing through 4.5” liner, partial RCS completion. Future Carroll County wells assume 5.5” casing and full RCS completions. 17
  • 18. Warrior North Decline Profile (Gross) Gross 1st Year Gross Gas Gross NGL Gross EUR Project Area Condensate % Liquids Decline EUR (Bcf) EUR (Mbbl) (Bcfe/MMBOE) EUR (Mbbl) Butler Marcellus 54% 5.8 Bcf 0 Mbbl 647 Mbbl 9.7 Bcfe 40% Carroll Utica 60% 2.9 Bcf 146 Mbbl 385 Mbbl 1.0 MMBOE 52% Eagle Ford 73% 1.0 Bcf N/A N/A N/A N/A 18
  • 19. Ohio Utica – Warrior South Prospect • ~6,300 gross / ~4,100 net acres1 in Guernsey, Noble Warrior South Prospect and Belmont Counties, OH GPOR – Ryser 1-25H: • Joint Development Agreement with MFC Drilling and Rate of 2.9 Mboe/d; 73% Liquids ABARTA Oil & Gas Co. GPOR – Clay 1-4H: • Drilled and completed three wells; currently shut-in Rate of 2.2 Mboe/d; 68% Liquids GPOR – BK Stephens Well Lateral Length Frac Stages 1-16H: Rate of 3.0 Mboe/d; 66% Liquids GPOR – Wagner 1- Guernsey #1H 3,437’ 23 28H: Test Rate of 4.7 Mboe/d; 49% Liquids GPOR – Shugert 1-12H: Guernsey #2H 3,450’ 23 Test Rate of 7.5 Mboe/d; 43% Liquids Noble #1H 3,137’ 21 GPOR – Groh 1-12H: Rate of 1.9 Mboe/d; • Expect wells to be placed into sales on June 1, 2013 80% Liquids GPOR – Shugert 1-1H: • ~48 potential gross drilling locations2 REXX – Completed Test Rate of 4.9 Mboe/d; 44% Liquids Three Well Pad • Actively leasing in the area Guernsey#1H Proposed MWE Noble#1H Liquids Line Guernsey #2H Warrior South Drilling Program3 Fracture Placed in Awaiting GPOR – Stutzman 1-14H: Year Wells Drilled Test Rate of 4.1 Mboe/d; Stimulated5 Service Completion Antero Miley 5-H 23% Liquids 2013E 4 4 7 0 Completed Pads Potential Pad Location 1. As of 9/30/12, adjusted to include agreements on ~100 acres executed and pending closing in the Warrior South Prospect in Q4 2012; subject to terms and conditions of farm-in agreement 2. See note on Potential Drilling Locations on page 3 3. Well information in gross 4. At year-end 2012, wells will still be on 60-day shut-in 19
  • 20. Illinois Basin Overview • Illinois Basin has produced over 4 billion barrels since Illinois Basin early 1900s in conventional stacked pays (similar to Net Acres 25,4001 Permian Basin) • Represents 8% of Rex Energy’s proved reserves2 and 16% Lawrence Field of production • Lawrence field waterflood provides base level production of ~1,200 BOPD (net) (~2%-4% decline per year) • Total basin production ~1,900 BOPD (net) including incremental conventional production in Q3 2012 – production expected to increase in 2013 as a result of conventional infill and recompletion activity in Gibson and Posey County, IN and Lawrence Field ASP • 2012 investments increased production >400 gross BOPD based on 2012 exit rate Gibson and Posey Counties Gibson and Posey Counties Conventional Drilling Program3 Fracture Placed in Awaiting Year Wells Drilled Stimulated Service Completion 2013E 14 16 16 0 1. As of 9/30/12 2. NSAI reserve report as of 10/31/12 3. Well information in gross 20
  • 21. Illinois Basin – Lawrence Field ASP • 13,100 gross / 13,000 net acres Lawrence Field ASP • Rex Energy has a successful enhanced oil recovery pilot using ASP • We have identified numerous potential ASP flood units; the Delta Unit Perkins-Smith Middagh Pilot 58 Acres 15 Acres is our first commercial scale ASP application • Currently drilling pattern wells delineating the unit; ASP injection targeted in 2Q 2013 with initial production response anticipated in 2014 • Potential to increase Lawrence Field production by 900 gross BOPD by 2015 and 770 net MBO of proved reserves1 • Rex Energy expects to conduct core-flood testing and stimulation modeling on the next three potential commercial scale ASP projects in 2013 in preparation for development in 2014 • Total ASP capex expected to be 5-15% of total capex in 2013 and 2014 Delta Unit • Program expected to be self funding from the Delta Unit in 2015 ~200 Acres Delta Unit Economics: • Total capex of $30 million ($9 million in 2012, $21 million in 2013 and beyond) • Attractive economics in current price environment: • Full-cycle F&D costs estimated to be $30 - $40/Bbl • Using a 14.5% pore volume recovery estimate, we expect a 31% IRR at $85/Bbl NYMEX price 1. Management estimate; see note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3 21
  • 22. Appendix Responsible Development of America’s Energy Resources
  • 23. Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2012 Guidance Fourth Quarter Full Year Full Year 2012 2012 2013 Average Daily 70.0 – 74.0 MMcfe/d 66.0 – 69.0 MMcfe/d 90.5 – 94.5 Mmcfe/d Production Lease Operating $11.5 – $13.0 million $46.0 – $50.0 million $58.0 – $62.0 million Expense Cash G&A $5.3 – $6.3 million $20.0 – $24.0 million $26.0 – $29.0 million Capital Expenditures N/A $180.0 million $230.0 - $250.0 million 23
  • 24. Butler Operated Area Stacked Pays Stratigraphic Column 2012 20131 Rhinestreet Shale • Frac one legacy vertical well to test gas quality and • No planned drilling in 2013 given Marcellus liquids potential development Reservoir 4 • Capital allocation of ~$1 million 200’ thick UPPER DEVONIAN SHALES (4,500’ to 5,800’ deep) Burkett Shale • Drilled 3 locations • Plan to drill 1 location • Completed first test well (Gilliland #11HB) • Plan to complete 4 locations • Tests indicate 16% increase in liquids production vs. • Capital allocation of $12 million (5% of total) Marcellus • Capital allocation of ~$6 million (3% of total) Reservoir 3 ~ 60’ thick (4,700’ to 5,500’ deep) Marcellus Shale • ~350 identified potential drilling locations in • Drilling efforts focused in this zone given economics Marcellus and ability to also hold shallow acreage Reservoir 2 • Drilled 17 wells; completed 19 wells • 18 wells planned to drill; 17 wells planned for MARCELLUS 150’ thick (4,900’ to 5,700’ deep) • Continued improvement in drilling/completion completion techniques • Capital allocation of $87 million (33% of total) • Capital allocation of ~$70 million (36% of total) Utica Shale • Completed first Utica well (Cheesman 1H) that went • Complete Hufnagel #1H in 1H 2013 into sales in Q1 2012 at 9.2 MMcfe/d • Capital allocation of $3 million (1% of total) UTICA • Drilled second Utica well (Hufnagel #1H) in July 2012 Reservoir 1 • Capital allocation of ~$4 million (2% of total) 285’ thick (9,000’ to 11,000’ deep) 1. See notes on pages 2 and 3 24
  • 25. Marcellus “Super Frac” Type-Curve Results Drushel 3H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”: “Super Frac”: Type-Curve Considerations as • Job Performed: Apr. 2011; On Prod: +1 Year compared to YE 2011- 5.3 BCFE Type Curve • Lateral Length: 3,000’ ; 21 Stages Behm 1H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”: Lateral Spacing: 450 - 600 feet apart Type curve validates lower initial first year decline • Job Performed: Jun. 2011; On Prod: +1 Year rate • Lateral Length: 3,900’; 26 Stages Carson 3H (150 ft design) “Super Frac”: • Job Performed: Mar. 2012; On Prod: ~180 days • Lateral Length: 3,900’; 26 Stages Lateral Spacing: 950 feet apart Carson 1H (225 ft design) “Super Frac”: 225’ stage spacing versus 150’ stage spacing • Job Performed: Mar. 2012; On Prod: ~180 days • Lateral Length: 4,500’; 20 Stages Lateral Spacing: 900 feet apart Pallack (2) (150 ft design) “Super Frac”: 150’ stage spacing • Job Performed: Aug. 2012; On Prod: ~90 days Restricted choke production test flowback • Lateral Length: 3,600’; 24 Stages Plesniak (2) (150 ft design) “Super Frac”: Lateral Spacing: No interference (North/South) 150’ stage spacing • Job Performed: Sept. 2012; On Prod: ~60 days • Lateral Length: 3,600’; 24 Stages Plesniak #3H: Restricted choke production test flowback Plesniak #9H: Extended Shut-in period 25
  • 26. Butler Area Utica Shale Resource Potential1 Rex Energy Cheeseman #1H – 5.3 MMcf/d Dry Gas 30-Day Test Rate; 4.1 MMcf/d Dry Gas 60-day Test Rate; 3.7 MMcf/d Dry Gas 120-day Test Rate Butler Operated Area: Utica Shale – Dry Gas Unproved Prospective ~46,100 Acreage2 Net Potential Well Locations3 108 EUR4 4.5 Bcfe Royalty Burdens 18% Hufnagel well Resource Potential1 398.5 Bcfe 1. See notes on “Forward Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on pages 2&3 2. Based on net acreage position excluding acreage from proved developed and undeveloped reserves that the company believes to be prospective for Utica Shale development. Actual future development of this acreage may vary. See notes on “Forward Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on pages 2&3. 3. See note on “Potential Drilling Locations” on page 3; drilling assumptions based on what the company believes can be drilled economically under the current commodity price environment 4. Current EUR assumption based on internal estimates using a 4.3 MMcf/d 30-day estimated average production rate; see notes on “Forward Looking Statements” and “Hydrocarbon Volumes” on pages 2&3 26
  • 27. Marcellus Non-Operated Overview • Sizeable acreage position with 44,800 gross / 17,200 net acres1 in Westmoreland, Clearfield and Centre Marcellus Non-Operated Counties, PA • Westmoreland County: ~6 Bcf EUR2; attractive economics at ≥ $4.00 / MMcfe (20+% IRRs ) • Clearfield-Centre Counties: 12,200 gross acre block: 6,500 HBP, 5,700 no expiry for next five Clearfield-Centre years County Non- Operated Area • Executed JV with WPX Energy on this position in 2009 • WPX operates both areas • September 2012 Avg. Net Daily Production of ~21 Westmoreland County Non- MMcf/d from 42 producing wells Operated Area • 5 wells drilled in 2012 • Plan to complete 7 wells currently awaiting completion Marcellus Non-Operated Drilling Program3 Fracture Placed in Awaiting Year Wells Drilled Stimulated Service Completion 2013E 0 7 7 0 1. Includes non-operated area acreage only 2. See note on Hydrocarbon Volumes on page 3 3. Well information in gross 27
  • 28. Non-Operated Midstream and Infrastructure Westmoreland County, PA Clearfield – Centre County • 17.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through Ecker Station tap Non-Operated Area into Dominion line • 35.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through high pressure delivery system into Peoples line • 29.0 gross MMcf/d capacity through Salem Beagle Club station into Equitable gas line • 81.0 gross MMcf/d total capacity in Westmoreland, PA Westmoreland County Non-Operated Area Clearfield and Centre Counties, PA Columbia Dominion • 7.0 gross MMcf/d firm capacity with interruptible Equitrans REX Leasehold takeaway into Columbia gas line Areas 28
  • 29. Westmoreland County Marcellus Economics Westmoreland County Dry Gas Type Curve Westmoreland County (Non-Operated) 5,000 Gas Production Rate (Mcfe/d) 4,500 Assumptions 4,000 3,500 • Well costs of $5.8 million per well 3,000 • Lateral length of 3,500 ft. 2,500 2,000 • EUR of 6.0 Bcf per well 1,500 • Seven wells in Westmoreland County on the Marco 1,000 500 #1 and National Metals #1 pad producing above 0 the current type curve 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 • 200-day cumulative average rate Production Month 4.2 Bcf Type Curve 6.0 Bcf Type Curve 50% above 4.2 Bcf type curve • This represents a potential EUR Before Tax IRR of ~6.0 Bcf per well 50% • Reduced cluster spacing (RCS) tests 45% performed on National Metals wells 40% IRR at Current 35% Strip Prices • EURs on last 12 wells completed all 30% exceeding a 6.0 BCFE type curve 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 IRR - 4.2 Bcf Well IRR - 6.0 Bcf Well 29
  • 30. Liquids Production Ratios Current Liquids Sales Ratio Liquids Sales Ratio With Full Ethane Sales Natural Iso-Butane Gasoline Butane 3% 7% Ethane 5% Natural 10% Gasoline 18% Iso- Butane 7% Propane 18% Butane Propane Ethane 15% 50% 67% 1.64 Gallons per 4.5 Gallons per Wellhead Mcf Wellhead Mcf 30
  • 31. Current Hedging Summary Crude Oil(1) 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 Swap Contracts 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 -- -- -- -- Volume Hedged $ 93.02 $ 93.02 $ 93.02 $ 93.02 -- -- -- -- Price Collar Contracts Volume Hedged 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 -- -- -- -- Ceiling $ 104.33 $ 104.33 $ 104.33 $ 104.33 -- -- -- -- Floor $ 76.67 $ 76.67 $ 76.67 $ 76.67 -- -- -- -- Three-Way Collars Volume Hedged 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Ceiling $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 104.27 $ 104.27 $ 104.27 $ 104.27 Floor $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Short Put $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 Put Spread Contracts Volume Hedged -- -- -- -- 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Floor -- -- -- -- $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 Short Put -- -- -- -- $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 1. Hedging position as of 1/31/2013 31
  • 32. Current Hedging Summary (Cont’d) Natural Gas Hedges(1) 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 Swap Contracts(2) Volume 2,010,000 2,130,000 2,130,000 2,130,000 810,000 810,000 810,000 810,000 Price $ 3.91 $ 3.93 $ 3.93 $ 3.93 $ 3.83 $ 3.87 $ 3.87 $ 3.87 Collar Contracts Volume 840,000 840,000 840,000 840,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 Ceiling $ 5.68 $ 5.68 $ 5.68 $ 5.68 $ 4.43 $ 4.43 $ 4.43 $ 4.43 Floor $ 4.77 $ 4.77 $ 4.77 $ 4.77 $ 3.51 $ 3.51 $ 3.51 $ 3.51 Put Contracts Volume 660,000 660,000 660,000 660,000 -- -- -- -- Floor $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 -- -- -- -- Call Contracts Volume -- -- -- -- 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 Ceiling -- -- -- -- $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Three Way Collars Volume 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Ceiling $ 4.88 $ 4.88 $ 4.88 $ 4.88 $ 4.68 $ 4.68 $ 4.68 $ 4.68 Floor $ 4.17 $ 4.17 $ 4.17 $ 4.17 $ 3.91 $ 3.91 $ 3.91 $ 3.91 Short Put $ 3.35 $ 3.35 $ 3.35 $ 3.35 $ 2.91 $ 2.91 $ 2.91 $ 2.91 1. Hedging position as of 1/31/2013 2. Swap contract volumes and average prices include swaption hedges 32
  • 33. Current Hedging Summary (Cont’d) Natural Gas Liquids(1)(2) 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 Swap Contracts Propane Volume Hedged (Bbls) 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 Price per Barrel $ 42.42 $ 42.42 $ 42.42 $ 42.42 Price per Gallon $ 1.01 $ 1.01 $ 1.01 $ 1.01 Butane Volume Hedged (Bbls) 4,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Price per Barrel $ 1.58 $ 1.58 $ 1.58 $ 1.58 Price per Gallon $ 66.36 $ 66.36 $ 66.36 $ 66.36 IsoButane Volume Hedged (Bbls) 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Price per Barrel $ 1.70 $ 1.70 $ 1.70 $ 1.70 Price per Gallon $71.40 $71.40 $71.40 $71.40 C5+ Volume Hedged (Bbls) 15,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Price Per Barrel $ 2.10 $ 2.11 $ 2.11 $ 2.11 Price per Gallon $ 88.20 $ 88.62 $ 88.62 $ 88.62 1. Hedging position as of 1/31/2013 2. NGL hedges are indexed to Mt. Belvieu indexes for each respective component 33