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City of Riihimäki Markku Kyöstilä [email_address] CHAMP Final Conference 14.-15.12.2011
The climate work of Riihimäki Participating in the Finnish Municipality Climate Campaign since 1998.  Environmental system work since 1998, environmental policy accepted in each council’s period, yearly environmental programmes and reports according to department since 2000. CO² emission calculations according to the KASVENER-model from years 1990, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2009 and as an estimation for 2020. Themes in the sustainable development programme: compact city structure and energy efficiency. The Action Plan for reduction of  CO² emissions was approved in early 2003.  Participating in the weekly emission monitoring of the CO² -report since early 2010.  The Riihimäki Climate Strategy 2020 ”Towards a carbon neutral Riihimäki” was approved on10.10.2011. The consumer  CO² emissions  were reduced approximately 13% in year 2009 compared to the baseline year 1990.
The energy efficiency work in Riihimäki Yearly monitoring of energy consumption for more than 30 years. Monitoring of energy consumption of property since 1995. Energy insights effectuated since 1995, followed by procedures First Energy Saving Plan in 1995, with implementation. Energy saving Agreement (for former Ministry of Industry) in 2000 and Plan for intensifying Energy Efficiency, with implementation.  Energy Efficiency Agreement (Ministry of Employment and Economy) in 2008 and Action Plan for the years 2008-2016, implementation and monitoring is ongoing. Numerous heating installations changed from electricity to district heating. Energy efficiency of the stock of buildings has been improved along with renovations. Surveillance on distance and automation in construction has been increased yearly.  Yearly renewal of street lights into less energy consuming.  Implementing geothermal heating to the new construction of Herajoki school in 2008 Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings in Peltosaari district has been started.
The consumer based emissions were reduced approximately 13% in year 2009 compared to the baseline year 1990.

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Croatia has ratified the Kyoto Protocol and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5% below 1990 levels by 2012 in line with EU policy. Key measures to achieve this include increasing renewable energy sources such as wind, biomass, and hydropower, improving energy efficiency in industry and buildings, and developing sustainable transport options. Long-term goals beyond 2012 involve stabilizing emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy through greater renewable energy usage, energy efficiency, connecting to the EU emissions trading system, and potential future measures such as carbon capture and storage or nuclear energy.

Summary of India´s National Action Plan On Climate Change
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This is a summary of India´s National Action Plan on Climate Change (from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change)

Mexico cocontrol final
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This document summarizes a study analyzing strategies to reduce both air pollution and greenhouse gases in Mexico City. Key points: 1) It develops a database of emissions reduction options from Mexico City's air quality plan and greenhouse gas studies to allow analyzing joint management of pollutants. 2) It implements linear programming and goal programming models to identify lowest-cost strategies for meeting multiple pollutant reduction targets. 3) Analysis finds air quality plan could reduce CO2 3.1% and greenhouse gas measures could reduce CO2 8.7%, though local pollutant reductions are more modest from greenhouse measures. 4) Linear programming allows lowering costs of air quality plan by 20% and achieving greenhouse gas reductions at lower

air pollution
The plan for creating a climate strategy Initially the following were defined in the plan: Agreements and alignments directing the creation. Themes, with set aims, actions and measures. Framing of the work. Stakeholders (the City, others). Creation process and communication. Timeline. The plan was approved in the City Board in connection to the decision on initiation. It was communicated through a press release and the internet. The local newspaper communicated about the initiation of the climate strategy work in two newspapers. The plan was open for comments.
Framing of the Climate  Strategy The Climate Strategy includes actions, that belong to the city decision making and steering that the city can influence on indirectly that cause biggest CO² emissions in Riihimäki reduction target for consumer  CO² emissions  to the strategy
Creation of the Climate Strategy 1/3 The creation of the Riihimäki Climate Strategy (The strategic Action Programme) was started by the decision of the City Board on  27.9.2010. The proposal was made by the Sustainable Development Committee, which also functions as the Steering Group. The  Sustainable Development Committee has representatives from the City Board and the administration committee. For the strategy work the Sustainable Development Committee was completed with  representatives from the technical- and environmental committees and a public transport coordinator. Decision of the Sustainable Development Committee on  26.10.2010: founding of a climate working group to prepare the Climate Strategy (only new group in the creation process). The environmental protection Unit was in charge of the practical preparation and coordination of the work.
Creation of te Climate Strategy 2/3 Started with a creation plan and timeline for the Climate Strategy, which were communicated through a press release and the internet, the plan was open for comments. A SWOT analysis was made about the themes of the Climate strategy The actions for the strategy were drawn by the Climate Working Group, the administration committee and other partnerships.  The Climate strategy was prepared in close cooperation between key actors of the various sectors in the City and other key actors. The energy group, environment team and executive group of the City were involved in the preparations.  Statements were requested of the Strategy sketch and it was open for public commenting in the internet.

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The Large Public Power Council (LPPC) CEOs agreed to participate in a voluntary greenhouse gas reduction plan in support of the President's climate change strategy. The attached documents outline public powers' proposed GHG reduction plan and timeline. The plan seeks credible, verifiable mitigation measures through voluntary programs and partnerships between various groups. Public power will work with environmental organizations and local governments on collaborative projects to reduce emissions.

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EHUko irakasle talde batek (G. Bueno, I. Latasa, P.J. Lozano) hondakinak kudeatzeko Gipuzkoan eztabaidan dauden bi ereduen artean, ingurumen eraginari buruz egindako ikerketa jasotzen duen txostena


The document summarizes Rome's actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve its targets under the Kyoto Protocol. It outlines Rome's population, economy, transportation systems, and environmental policies. Key strategies mentioned include adopting an Environmental Action Plan, integrating sustainability into urban planning, and engaging stakeholders to develop and implement emission reduction measures across various sectors like transportation, energy, waste, and more. The goal is an integrated approach to cut emissions 6.5% by 2012 from 1990 levels through infrastructure projects, renewable energy, energy efficiency, reforestation, and other climate mitigation actions.

Creation of the Climate Strategy 3/3 The Climate strategy was completed on basis of the statements. The Climate strategy was processed in the Sustainable Development Committee 9.9.2010-18.8.2011, in five meetings. The City Board approved the Climate strategy on 21.9.2011 and the City Council on 10.10.2011. The implementation and monitoring phases have started. The Climate Strategy is updated upon Council periods and its realisation is followed yearly through the environmental report with monitoring measures as part of the City environment system. The calculations of the CO² emission are updated in each Council period.
The Climate Group Representation from all sectors and partnerships of the City Also energy producers Riihimäen Kaukolämpö Oy and Ekokem Oy Ab, as well as the region’s waste management Kiertokapula Oy were along. The meetings of the Climate group were held 29.11.2010-5.8.2011 – five meetings. 23 people involved in the group The procurement was pondered by an additional smaller group in two meetings.
The Climate Strategy of Riihimäki Long-term Climate Vision: ”Towards a carbon neutral  Riihimäki” ▼  Emission  reduction target  for 2020:  consumer greenhouse gas emissions  -25 %, per  citizen -40 % from year  1990 ▼  The themes for the Climate strategy targets for 2020 ●  Land use and community structure ● Trade policy ● Energy- production and consumption ● Buildings and construction ● Traffic and mobility ● Procurement, consumption and waste ● Awareness and education ● Climate Change adaptation ▼  Actions, responsibilities, monitoring/ measures
Integrated Management System – IMS 1/2 The main part of the Integrated Management System is included in the strategy, some parts of it have been done beforehand (own environmental system) The themes and strategic targets were set in the steering group. A SWOT analysis was made for the chosen themes Communication was also portrayed in the Climate Strategy Creation Plan, that was drawn up in the beginning of the strategy work. The communication was attached as part of the environmental protection unit communication plan and further to the City communication plan.  There have been implementation plans drawn: An implementation programme on climate strategy and an earlier approved Action Plan for the Energy Efficiency Agreement for  2008-2016.

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Converting carbon-rich lands such as rainforests, peatlands, savannas or grasslands to produce biofuels will increase CO2 emissions for decades or centuries, releasing 17 to 420 times more CO2 than the fossil fuels they replace.

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G. Tagliacozzo, A. Ferruzza, A. Tudini, D. Adamo, L. Costanzo, G. Vetrella, D. Vignani, 30 Novembre - 1 Dicembre 2021 - Webinar: I cambiamenti climatici: sfide ed aspetti evolutivi dei sistemi statistici Titolo: Climate change and hazardous events: statistical experiences and challenges

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The document discusses the EVA-project, which aims to develop sustainable cultivation systems for energy crops in Germany. It finds that maize is currently the most productive and profitable crop for biogas substrates, but has the worst impacts on soil and biodiversity. Crop rotation 04, including summer barley and alfalfa-grass mixtures, achieves 85% of maize yields while having more positive environmental and economic benefits. The project aims to optimize energy crop rotations to reduce risks while maintaining high yields and soil quality.

Integrated Management System – IMS 2/2 The political commitment was assured in advance by approving the initiation and Creation Plan of the Climate Strategy in the City Board Already in 2009 the City Board had decided on the participation of Riihimäki in the CHAMP project. Implementation of the Climate Strategy in the own Year Plans of the various bodies.  The monitoring needs to be developed, as some of the measures cannot be monitored at the moment. Yearly reporting in the environmental report to the City Board and City Council, informing the personnel, interest groups and media.

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Riihimäki: Drafting a climate strategy with the help of IMS

  • 1. City of Riihimäki Markku Kyöstilä [email_address] CHAMP Final Conference 14.-15.12.2011
  • 2. The climate work of Riihimäki Participating in the Finnish Municipality Climate Campaign since 1998. Environmental system work since 1998, environmental policy accepted in each council’s period, yearly environmental programmes and reports according to department since 2000. CO² emission calculations according to the KASVENER-model from years 1990, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2009 and as an estimation for 2020. Themes in the sustainable development programme: compact city structure and energy efficiency. The Action Plan for reduction of CO² emissions was approved in early 2003. Participating in the weekly emission monitoring of the CO² -report since early 2010. The Riihimäki Climate Strategy 2020 ”Towards a carbon neutral Riihimäki” was approved on10.10.2011. The consumer CO² emissions were reduced approximately 13% in year 2009 compared to the baseline year 1990.
  • 3. The energy efficiency work in Riihimäki Yearly monitoring of energy consumption for more than 30 years. Monitoring of energy consumption of property since 1995. Energy insights effectuated since 1995, followed by procedures First Energy Saving Plan in 1995, with implementation. Energy saving Agreement (for former Ministry of Industry) in 2000 and Plan for intensifying Energy Efficiency, with implementation. Energy Efficiency Agreement (Ministry of Employment and Economy) in 2008 and Action Plan for the years 2008-2016, implementation and monitoring is ongoing. Numerous heating installations changed from electricity to district heating. Energy efficiency of the stock of buildings has been improved along with renovations. Surveillance on distance and automation in construction has been increased yearly. Yearly renewal of street lights into less energy consuming. Implementing geothermal heating to the new construction of Herajoki school in 2008 Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings in Peltosaari district has been started.
  • 4. The consumer based emissions were reduced approximately 13% in year 2009 compared to the baseline year 1990.
  • 5. The plan for creating a climate strategy Initially the following were defined in the plan: Agreements and alignments directing the creation. Themes, with set aims, actions and measures. Framing of the work. Stakeholders (the City, others). Creation process and communication. Timeline. The plan was approved in the City Board in connection to the decision on initiation. It was communicated through a press release and the internet. The local newspaper communicated about the initiation of the climate strategy work in two newspapers. The plan was open for comments.
  • 6. Framing of the Climate Strategy The Climate Strategy includes actions, that belong to the city decision making and steering that the city can influence on indirectly that cause biggest CO² emissions in Riihimäki reduction target for consumer CO² emissions to the strategy
  • 7. Creation of the Climate Strategy 1/3 The creation of the Riihimäki Climate Strategy (The strategic Action Programme) was started by the decision of the City Board on 27.9.2010. The proposal was made by the Sustainable Development Committee, which also functions as the Steering Group. The Sustainable Development Committee has representatives from the City Board and the administration committee. For the strategy work the Sustainable Development Committee was completed with representatives from the technical- and environmental committees and a public transport coordinator. Decision of the Sustainable Development Committee on 26.10.2010: founding of a climate working group to prepare the Climate Strategy (only new group in the creation process). The environmental protection Unit was in charge of the practical preparation and coordination of the work.
  • 8. Creation of te Climate Strategy 2/3 Started with a creation plan and timeline for the Climate Strategy, which were communicated through a press release and the internet, the plan was open for comments. A SWOT analysis was made about the themes of the Climate strategy The actions for the strategy were drawn by the Climate Working Group, the administration committee and other partnerships. The Climate strategy was prepared in close cooperation between key actors of the various sectors in the City and other key actors. The energy group, environment team and executive group of the City were involved in the preparations. Statements were requested of the Strategy sketch and it was open for public commenting in the internet.
  • 9. Creation of the Climate Strategy 3/3 The Climate strategy was completed on basis of the statements. The Climate strategy was processed in the Sustainable Development Committee 9.9.2010-18.8.2011, in five meetings. The City Board approved the Climate strategy on 21.9.2011 and the City Council on 10.10.2011. The implementation and monitoring phases have started. The Climate Strategy is updated upon Council periods and its realisation is followed yearly through the environmental report with monitoring measures as part of the City environment system. The calculations of the CO² emission are updated in each Council period.
  • 10. The Climate Group Representation from all sectors and partnerships of the City Also energy producers Riihimäen Kaukolämpö Oy and Ekokem Oy Ab, as well as the region’s waste management Kiertokapula Oy were along. The meetings of the Climate group were held 29.11.2010-5.8.2011 – five meetings. 23 people involved in the group The procurement was pondered by an additional smaller group in two meetings.
  • 11. The Climate Strategy of Riihimäki Long-term Climate Vision: ”Towards a carbon neutral Riihimäki” ▼ Emission reduction target for 2020: consumer greenhouse gas emissions -25 %, per citizen -40 % from year 1990 ▼ The themes for the Climate strategy targets for 2020 ● Land use and community structure ● Trade policy ● Energy- production and consumption ● Buildings and construction ● Traffic and mobility ● Procurement, consumption and waste ● Awareness and education ● Climate Change adaptation ▼ Actions, responsibilities, monitoring/ measures
  • 12. Integrated Management System – IMS 1/2 The main part of the Integrated Management System is included in the strategy, some parts of it have been done beforehand (own environmental system) The themes and strategic targets were set in the steering group. A SWOT analysis was made for the chosen themes Communication was also portrayed in the Climate Strategy Creation Plan, that was drawn up in the beginning of the strategy work. The communication was attached as part of the environmental protection unit communication plan and further to the City communication plan. There have been implementation plans drawn: An implementation programme on climate strategy and an earlier approved Action Plan for the Energy Efficiency Agreement for 2008-2016.
  • 13. Integrated Management System – IMS 2/2 The political commitment was assured in advance by approving the initiation and Creation Plan of the Climate Strategy in the City Board Already in 2009 the City Board had decided on the participation of Riihimäki in the CHAMP project. Implementation of the Climate Strategy in the own Year Plans of the various bodies. The monitoring needs to be developed, as some of the measures cannot be monitored at the moment. Yearly reporting in the environmental report to the City Board and City Council, informing the personnel, interest groups and media.