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Admin Workshop
ā€¢ Welcome / Introduction
ā€¢ Organization Set Up
ā€¢ Global User Interface
ā€¢ Standard and Custom Objects
ā€¢ User Set Up
ā€¢ Security and Access
ā€¢ Workflow Automation
Sales and Marketing Applications
Service and Support Applications
Activity Management
Data Management
Analytics, Reports and Dashboards
Content Management
Desktop and Mobile
ā€¢ Partner Practice Development(PPD)
ā€¢ Partner Community, Chatter Groups ā€“ partners.salesforce.com
ā€¢ Trailhead ā€“ trailhead.salesforce.com
ā€¢ Surveys
ā€¢ Schedule, includingbreaks
ā€¢ Venue details
ā€¢ Certification Exam
Organization Setup
Describe the components of the company profile (eg fiscal year, business hours, currency
management, default settings, companyinformation).
Company Profile
A collection of information about a company mostly captured at contractual signup
Locale Settings ā€“ Locale
Locale Settings ā€“ Language
Locale Settings ā€“ Time Zone
How doLocale Settings Work?
User Record
Company Profile
Locale = English US
Language = English
Time Zone =PDT
Locale = English US
Language = English
Time Zone =PDT
Locale = English UK
Language = English
Time Zone =GMT
Locale = Japanese
Language =Japanese
Time Zone =JST
Set your locale settings at
the company level and at
the userlevel
ā€¢ Set your company defaults
for your organizationā€™s head
ā€¢ New usersautomatically
inherit the company
ā€¢ Modify personal locale
settings for each useras
Standard FiscalYear
Default Fiscal YearSettings
Based on
Custom FiscalYear
If calendar is
this cannot be
Custom FiscalYear
Define a custom fiscal year if you have:
ā€¢ A 13-month fiscalyear
ā€¢ 13-week fiscal quarters
ā€¢ A fiscal year not starting on the first day of the month
Working with MultipleCurrencies
Working with MultipleCurrencies
Whatā€™s Happened to My Closed Opportunities?
Historical Opportunities have amount updated on new currency rates ā€“ providing bad
Multi-currency allows just one exchange rate per currency, by default. This means that when you
update an exchange rate, you are updating the converted amount on all records using that currency.
What is Advanced CurrencyManagement?
Allows you to ā€œlockā€ the converted amount on closed opportunities
ā€¢ You can give each new exchange rate a start date
ā€¢ Closed opportunities use the rate that corresponds with the close date
Global UserInterface
Distinguish between the various UI features that an administrator controls, including the
implications (eg UI settings, search settings, list views, home page layouts).
What are User InterfaceSettings?
Global settings that let you configure
the way all usersinteract with
Salesforce and theirdata
Use them to:
ā€¢ Speed upnavigation
ā€¢ Enhance productivity
User Interface Settings for the Sidebar
User Interface Settings for Record Detail Pages
User Interface Settingsfor List Views
Create list views for frequently performed searches
ā€¢ Filter on aspecific field or fields
ā€¢ Specify which groups of users have access to the list view
ā€¢ Print listviews
ā€¢ Edit records in list views. (Mass & In-line edit, Record Types)
ā€¢ Enable enhanced lists to make inline editing available in list views too
ā€¢ Follow records and view related Chatter posts
Salesforce Search
Customize search settings and search layouts to help users quickly find the information they
Sidebar Search:
ā€¢ Only enabled with Chatteroff
ā€¢ Searches only a subset of records and fields
ā€¢ Phrase search, matches words inexact sequence
Global Search:
ā€¢ Only enabled with Chatteron
ā€¢ Searches more records and fields, including Chatter feeds, groups, and people
ā€¢ Search words treated separately
Organization Setup
Sample Question
Whatisthe impact on a user if the organization level locale changes?
a. The default locale of the user is also set to the new organization level locale
b. The user is asked for a choice; if he would like to choose new organization locale or his own
c. No impact on the user as he keeps using his own default locale
d. From a new session, user will see everything in the new organization locale
Hands-on Exercises ā€“ 1 HOUR 50 MINUTES
Administration Essentials for New Admins ā€œGetting Your Organization Ready forUsersā€
1: Check the Company Profile
2: Check the Fiscal Year and Set Up the Euro Currency 2-3:
Set Up theYen Currency
4: Update Exchange Rates
5: Update the Yen Exchange Rate with ACM 2-6:
Modify the UIto Improve User Experience 2-7:
Configure Searches
8 : Create a Technology Accounts ListView
9 : Create a Manufacturing Accounts ListView
Standard and CustomObjects
ā€¢ Describe the standard object architecture and relationship model
ā€¢ Explain how to create, delete, and customize fields, page layouts, and list views
ā€¢ for custom and standardobjects
ā€¢ For scenario, determine appropriate fields & page layouts for custom and standard objects
ā€¢ Explain how to create, delete, and customize record types for custom and standard objects
ā€¢ For scenario, determine appropriate record types & business processes for
custom/standard objects
ā€¢ Explain the implications of deletingfields
ā€¢ Describe when to use and how to create formula fields
Types of Objects*
Standard Objects
ā€¢ Pre-defined objects included with Salesforce, by default
ā€¢ Objects used to store data in standard tabs eg accounts, contacts, opportunities
Custom Objects
ā€¢ New user-defined objects you create to store information unique to your organization
ā€¢ Extend functionality that standard objectsprovide
ā€¢ Eg for an app to track product inventory, the custom objects might be Merchandise and
*Not counting External objects
What are CustomObjects?
Objects you create uniquely in your own org
ā€¢ Custom Fields
ā€¢ Relationships to otherObjects
ā€¢ Page Layouts
Properties ofObjects
Objects can haverelationships
ā€¢Relationship fields define how records in one object relate to records in another object
ā€¢Similar to primary and foreign keys in a RDBMS
Objects power interface elements that allow users to interact with data
ā€¢Tabs, page layouts, lists of related records (Related Lists) Built-in
ā€¢ Access management/security, validation
ā€¢History Tracking
Objects described usingMetadata
ā€¢ Make easy to create and modify records and manage customizations
Object Fields
Fields are the ā€˜columnsā€™in the spreadsheet analogy, eg Name, Email, Phone
Force.com automatically assigns a hidden Identity Field (called ID)
ID field is usually a case-sensitive 15-character (also an 18-character case-insensitive form) When
viewing a record you can see the ID at the end of the URL eg:
If you need to convert the 18-character ID to a 15-character version, truncate the last three
characters. Salesforce recommends that you use the 18-character ID.
System Fields
Objects also have some read-only system fields automatically associated with them:
ā€¢ Created Date ā€“ The date and time when the record was created
ā€¢ Created By ā€“ The user who created the record
ā€¢ Last Modified By ā€”
The user who last modified the record
ā€¢ Last Modified Date ā€”
The date and time when the record was last modified by a user
ā€¢ System Modified Stamp ā€”
The date and time when the record was last modified by a user or
process, such as atrigger
Database automatically assigns values to these fields when object is created or modified
Custom Fields
Store information and data about custom objects
Some examples of available field types include
Text, Formula, Number, Checkbox andPicklist
Allow you to add field level help
Enable you to define additional properties,
including required, unique andExternal ID
Can be changed to another data type, but may
cause data loss
When you delete a custom field, both the field and
data aredeleted
There is a limit on the number of custom fields per
object depending on the Salesforce edition
Data Types
Numeric Field
ā€¢ Number
ā€¢ Currency
ā€¢ Percent
ā€¢ Date
ā€¢ Date/Time
Limited Option
ā€¢ Checkbox
ā€¢ Picklist
ā€¢ Picklist (MS)
Formatted Text
ā€¢ Email
ā€¢ Phone
ā€¢ URL
ā€¢ Text, TextArea
ā€¢ Text Area (L), Text Area(R)
ā€¢ Text Area (E)
ā€¢ Auto Number
ā€¢ Formula
ā€¢ Roll-Up
Salesforce admin training 1
Data TypeConversion
Only convert custom fields for which no data exists or you risk losing your data. Changing data type
of an existing custom field can cause data loss in the following situations:
ā€¢ Changing to or from type Date or Date/Time
ā€¢ Changing to Number from any othertype
ā€¢ Changing to Percent from any othertype
ā€¢ Changing to Currency from any othertype
ā€¢ Changing from Checkbox to any othertype
ā€¢ Changing from Picklist (Multi-Select) to any othertype
ā€¢ Changing to Picklist (Multi-Select) from any othertype
o Currently defined picklist values are retained when you change a picklist to a multi-select picklist. If records contain
values that are not in the picklist definition, those values will be deleted from those records when the data type changes.
ā€¢ Changing from Auto Number to any other type
ā€¢ Changing to Auto Number from any type except Text
ā€¢ Changing from Text Area (Long) to any type except Email, Phone, Text, TextArea, or URL
Implications of DeletingFields
ā€¢ Before deleting a custom field, consider where it is referenced. You canā€™t delete a custom field that
is referenced elsewhere. For example, you cannot delete a custom field that is referenced by a
field update orApex.
ā€¢ When you delete a custom field, all of the field history data is deleted and changes are no longer
ā€¢ A background process periodically runs that cleans up metadata associated with deleted custom
fields. This process will affect the Last Modified Date and Last Modified By fields on page layouts,
record types, andcustom objects.
ā€¢ Deleted custom fields and their data are stored until your organization permanently deletes them
or 15 days has elapsed, whichever happens first. Until that time, you can restore the field and its
data. However, the field still counts against the maximum number of custom fields allowed in your
What can you do to Standard and Custom Fields?
Standard Fields
ā€¢ Change the fieldlabel
ā€¢ Add help text
ā€¢ Add, edit and reorder values in picklists
Custom Fields
ā€¢ Can be deleted
ā€¢ Changing the data type of a custom field will result in data lost
ā€¢ List views based on the field will be deleted, and assignment and escalation rules may be
affected. Only modify fields with no data, or consider using new fields.
ā€¢ Deleting a field will also result in data loss
ā€¢ Salesforce stores deleted fields and their data for a maximum of 15 days, during which you can
undelete or permanently erase them
More on StandardFields
Provides a unique identifier for each record Is
system-generated and cannot bemodified
Is indexed
First three characters identify the type of
Represents an individual or group of users
Default owner of a record is its creator
Is a short description to identify a recordā€™s
Is indexed
Is a requiredfield
Can have two datatypes:
ā€¢ Text: User assigned, not necessarily unique,
ā€¢ Auto-Number: System-generated, unique (usually), not
Appears as the first column by default in list
views and relatedlists
Standard and CustomObjects
Sample Question
What are the basic steps when adding anew custom field?
a. Select field type, enter field details, set field level security, select page layouts
b. Select field type, enter field details, set sharing rules, select field level security
c. Select field label, select field type, set sharing rules, select page layouts
d. Select field label, select field type, select field level security, select record types
Select values from a predefined list
Use pickliststo:
ā€¢ Speed up dataentry
ā€¢ Maintain data quality byallowing
only permissiblevalues
ā€¢ Facilitate searching,reporting
and filtering
Allow users to select either single or multiple values from a predefined list during data entry
Dependent picklists give you the ability to create multi-level dependencies
Dependent Picklists
With custom fields, you can define dependencies
between picklists
When implementing field dependencies, you
select which picklist is dependent and which is
Using dependent picklists enables you to create
simple lists to categorizedata
Additional Limits for Custom Picklists
Within the 15,000 total character limit, custom picklists can have:
ā€¢ Up to 1,000entries
ā€¢ Up to 255 characters perentry
Custom multi-select picklists canhave:
ā€¢ Up to 150values
ā€¢ Up to 40 characters pervalue
NOTE: For multi-select picklists, users can select up to 100 values at a time on a record.
Picklist Field Max Number ofEntries
Lead Status 100
Task Status 100
Task Priority 50
Case Status 100
Case Priority 50
Opportunity Stage 100
Sample Question
What types of fields can be used asthe controlling field in a dependent picklist(2):
a. Standard Checkbox
b. Custom Picklist
c. Custom Multi-SelectPicklist
d. Formula field
Answer: a, b
Field Dependencies
Multi-select picklists
Multi-select picklists can be dependent picklists but NOT controlling fields
Standard versus custom picklists
Custom picklist fields can be either controlling or dependent fields Standard
picklist fields can be controlling fields but NOT dependent fields
Picklist limitations
Acontrolling field can have up to 300 values
If a field is both a controlling field and dependent picklist, it canā€™t contain more than 300 values
Field HistoryTracking
Can be enabled on objects to track changes up to 20 standard/custom fields
Changes viewed on recordā€™s History related list or through History reports Track date
and time ofchange
Track the user making thechange
Track old and new values (not multi-select picklists or large text fields)
Can be performed on all custom objects and following standard objects: Accounts, Contacts, Leads,
Cases, Solutions, Contracts,Opportunities
Relationship Fields
Objects can haverelationships:
ā€¢ Relationship fields define how records in one object relate to records in another object
ā€¢ Similar to primary and foreign keys in a RDBMS
ā€¢ Force.com database differs from RDBMS in way that record relationships are implemented
ā€¢ Instead of primary/foreign keys, to define relationships, Force.com uses relationship fields
ā€¢ Relationship field stores ID of parent record in a relationship, as well as optionally
providing user interface representations in both the parent and child records
Master-Detail Relationships
ā€¢ A relationship between two different types of records that associates the records with each other
ā€¢ The master object can be a standard object, such as Account or Opportunity, or a custom object
ā€¢ Standard objects cannot be on the detail side of the relationship
ā€¢ When a master record is deleted, related detail records are also deleted
ā€¢ The Owner field on the detail record is automatically set to the owner of the master record
ā€¢ Custom objects on the detail side of a master-detail relationship can't have sharing rules, manual
sharing, or queues, as these require the Owner field
ā€¢ Security settings for the master record control the detail record
ā€¢ Master-detail relationship field is required on the page layout of the detail record
ā€¢ The relationship is created in Salesforce starting on the detail (child) object
Master-Detail Relationships
ā€¢ Maximum 2 Master-Detail relationships can be created (many-many/junction object)
ā€¢ By default, records canā€™t be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can, however,
allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to different
parent records by selecting the Allow reparenting option in the master-detail relationship
ā€¢ As a best practice, don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail relationship
ā€¢ If you delete a detail record and later, separately, delete its master record, you cannot
undelete the detail record, as it no longer has a master record to relate to
Lookup Relationships
ā€¢ Arelationship between two records to associate records with each other
ā€¢ Allows users to click a lookup icon on a record and select another record from a popup window
ā€¢ On the associated record, you can display a related list to show all records that have been linked
to it
ā€¢ If a lookup field references a record that has been deleted, by default Salesforce clears the lookup
ā€¢ Alternatively, you can prevent records from being deleted if theyā€™re in a lookup relationship.
ā€¢ Security is controlled byOWD
ā€¢ Can be a self-relationship. One example is user hierarchy (both of type User)
ā€¢ Can be used to create one-to-one and one-to-many relationships
Lookup Filters
Limit search results for relatedfields
Can compare fields to other fields or static values Can
be required oroptional
Relationship Conversion
Can convert a master-detail relationship to a lookup relationship:
If no roll-up summary fields exist on the masterobject
Can convert a lookup relationship to a master-detail relationship:
If the lookup field in all records contains avalue
Relationship Types
Entity Relationship Diagram
Many-to-Many Relationships
ā€¢ A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object
to be linked to multiple records from another object and vice
ā€¢ Many-to-many relationships are implementedthrough the use
of junctionobjects
Adam wants to delete an account and the 15 contacts associated with it. Which method
should he choose to delete the records in the most efficient way?
a. Select each contact record and delete one-by-one. Once all of the contact records have been
deleted, the account record can be deleted manually.
b. Use Data Loader to mass delete the records.
c. Ask a developer to write a query in the developer console to delete the records.
d. Delete the account record; the contact records will be automatically deleted.
Sample Question
Schema Builder
Visual tool for viewing, modifying all objects and relationships
Schema/Entity RelationshipDiagram
Simplifies designing, implementing and modifying datamodel/schema View
existing/create newinteractively
Letā€™s you create:
ā€¢ Custom Objects
ā€¢ Lookup relationships
ā€¢ Master-Detail relationships
ā€¢ All custom fields except Geolocation
Accessed via Setup | Schema Builder
Schema cannot be exported to use in another org
Enabled bydefault
Search... Se c
Schema B
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Working with SchemaBuilder
Click objects to move them around canvas. Schema Builder saves the layout. Click
Auto-Layout to sort the object layout (cannot undo)
Elements tab ā€“ drag and drop new custom objects
Objects tab ā€“ select which objects to display in the canvas, egAll, Selected, Standard, Custom Search
for objects in Quick Find box
Schema Builder
Sample Questions
All of the following are advantages of the Schema Builderexcept:
a. All object and field relationship details are available from one screen
b. You can view fields and relationships for custom, but not standard objects
c. Schema Builder shows details like field values, required fields, and how objects are related
d. It's easy to build objects and fields directly from the Schema Builder, allowing you to visualize
and change relationships withease
Answer: b
Tocreate a custom object from the SchemaBuilder:
a. From the Objects tab, select New > Object
b. From the Elements tab, drag Object onto the canvas
c. Right-click in the canvas and select 'New Object'
Answer: b
OPTION 1: Hands-on Exercise - 60 MINUTES
Data Modelling
ā€¢ Understand Custom & StandardObjects
ā€¢ Create Custom Objects &Fields
ā€¢ Create Object Relationships
ā€¢ Work with Schema Builder
NOTE: Part of the
Option 2: Hands-onExercise
Building Your DataModel
Building Applications with Force.com - Part 1 ā€œBuilding Your Data Modelā€ Exercise Guide
Exercise 3-1: Creating Custom Objects
Exercise 3-2: Creating Custom Fields Exercise
3-3: Creating Lookup Relationships
Exercise 3-4: Create Master-Detail Relationships
Exercise 3-5: Creating a Custom Junction Object
Exercise 3-6: Creating a LookupFilter
Custom App
There are three declarative ways to make
changes to the userinterface:
ā€¢ custom applications
ā€¢ custom tabs
ā€¢ page layouts
AForce.com custom app consists of a name, a
description, an ordered set of tabs and optionally
a custom logo and landing page
Salesforce provides standardapplications
such as Sales and CallCenter
You can create custom applications to meet
your unique businessneeds
Custom Tabs
Page Layouts
Apage layout controls the position and organization of the fields, sections, buttons and related
lists that are visible to users when viewing or editing a record
Page layouts also help us control the visibility and editability of the fields on a record
We can set fields as read-only or hidden, and we can also control which fields require users to enter a
value and which don't
Page Layouts
Page Layout defines the organizationof:
ā€¢ Fields
ā€¢ Custom Links/Buttons
Page Layout customizationsinclude:
ā€¢ Field locations
ā€¢ Page sectioncustomizations
ā€¢ Field properties
Adding Chatter to the Page Layout
ā€¢ Enable Chatter to allow
users to follow recordsand
see updates on therecords
they follow
ā€¢ Configure what fields
trigger a Chatterupdate
ā€¢ Setup | Customize | Chatter
| FeedTracking
Page Layout
Sample Question
You created a new custom field on the Contact object, but it is not visible on the page layout.
You want to display it in a new ā€˜Additional Informationā€™ section ā€“ how canyou add it?
a. Add it to allprofiles
b. Use fieldaccessibility
c. Create the new section then add the field using the page layout editor
d. Edit the page layout and add the field
Option 1: Hands-on Exercise ā€“ 40 MINUTES
ā€¢ Customizing Navigation, Buttons and Links
ā€¢ Modifying Page Layouts
ā€¢ Creating List Views
UI Customization
NOTE: Part of the
Option 2: Hands-onExercise
NOTE: Focus only on exercises 3-1 to3-4
Building Your UserInterface
Building Applications with Force.com ā€œBuilding Your User Interfaceā€ Exercise Guide
Exercise 3-1: Creating a Custom Application
Exercise 3-2: Creating Custom Tabs Exercise 3-
3: Customizing Page Layouts
Exercise 3-4: Enable Chatter on the Position Object
What are RecordTypes?
Different views of the same object with
differing data showing depending onthe
profile of the userviewing
Arecord type is assigned one page layout
type perprofile
Determines the required fields bypage
layout and the valid pick list values by
business process to ensure users only
complete valid fields andvalues.
Define different sets of values for
Standard and Custom picklistfields
Implement custom business process by
associating them to specific page layouts
What are RecordTypes?
On which objects can Icreate multiple record types?
ā€¢ Multiple record types may be created for every tab, with the exception of the Home,
Forecasts, Documents, Reports, Consoles, and Web tabs.
What happens if I need to add a picklist value?
ā€¢ You will be prompted to select which record types should include the new value.
If Iā€™m looking at a detail page, how do I know what record type it is?
ā€¢ For tabs that have multiple record types defined, you can look at the Record Type field on the
page. This field needs to be added to all the page layouts used by all the record types.
Do users have to display the jump page every time they create a newrecord?
ā€¢ No, users can choose to accept their profileā€™s default record type.
Page Layouts and RecordTypes
Record Types
Sample Questions
What are some uses for record types?(2)
a. Allows or different page layouts for different types of records
b. Allows for different picklist values for different types of records
c. Allows different validation rules for different types of records
d. Allows different approval processes for different types of records
Answer: a, b
Apicklist value has been added to custom field but it is not visible in the UI. Why?
a. There are record types defined for the object and the picklist value has not been added to the record type of the record the
user isviewing
b. The picklist value has not been made active
c. Access has to be added to the new picklist value for the userā€™s profile
d. There are record types defined for the object and the picklist value has not been added to all record types
Answer: a
Formula Fields
Custom Formula Fields allow you to define calculations that reference other fields to display new
numeric, text, or datevalues
They are read-only, and do not display on record edit pages
Can reference fields on the same object, or a parent or lookup object
Cannot reference currency codes, description or custom long text area fields, or multi-select picklists
Are not searchable, or available for lead conversion or data exports
Can return types Checkbox, Currency, Date, Date/Time, Number, Percent, Text Fields
referenced by formulas cannot be deleted
A type of custom field. Formula fields automatically
calculate their values based on the values of merge
fields, expressions, or other values.
Use the Simple Formula tab for basic calculations
involving numerical fields from the same object.
Use the Advanced Formula tab for more complex
calculations involving functions, non-numerical fields,
or fields from parentobjects
Use the Insert Field browser on the Advanced
Formula tab to access fields from up to 10 parent
Cross-Object Formulas
Across-object formula references fields from parent objects
Span two or more objects by referencing merge fields from related records Maximum
of ten (10) unique relationships per object in cross-object formulas.
ā€¢ Limit is cumulative across all formula fields, rules, and lookup filters.
ā€¢ Eg if two different formulas on opportunities reference two different fields of an associated account, only one unique
relationship exists (opportunities toaccounts)
Cross-object formulas that reference currency fields convert the value to the currency of the record
that contains theformula
You cannot reference cross-object formulas in roll-up summary fields
Sample Questions
When are formula fieldsrecalculated?
a. Every 15 minutes
b. Every time they are seen(viewed)
c. After every DMLoperation
d. Admin can set the time of refresh
Answer: b
Custom formula fields can reference other custom formula fields includingthemselves.
Answer: b
Creating Roll-Up SummaryFields
Calculate values from a set of related
records, such as those in a related list
Are read-only fields that candisplay the
Sum, Minimum or Maximum value or
record Count of a field in a related list
Can be added for all custom master-detail
relationships and for some standard
Can be created to automatically display a
value on a master record based on the
values of records in a detail record
Roll-up SummaryFields
Creatable on any object (standard/custom) on master side of the master-detail
ā€¢ Opportunities: Roll-up using values of products related to the opportunity
ā€¢ Accounts: Roll-up values of relatedopportunities
ā€¢ Campaigns: Campaign member status or campaign member custom fields
Number, currency, percent fields are avail when you select SUM
Number, currency, date, percent, and date/time fields are available when you select the
Changes in value can trigger auto-assign rules to run Can
trigger workflow and fieldvalidations
If there is a reason to do a mass recalculation then these rules do not fire
Amaster can roll up fields on detail records; cannot rollup sub-detail records
Roll-up SummaryField
Sample Question
You have created two custom objects, Job and Job Applications. You would like HR users to be
able to see how many applications there have been when they look at a job. Other users should
not have visibility to this. How can this bedone?
a. Create a count type roll-up summary field on the Job object and use Field Level Security to
make it visible to only users with the HR profile.
b. Create a sum type rollup summary field on the Job Application object and create a
separate page layout for HR profile users.
c. Create a cross-object formula field on the job object and use a permission set to limit visibility
to the field for certain users.
d. Create a trigger on the Job application object to update a field on the Job object and limit visibility
to the field using Field Level Security.
Answer: a
Hands-on Exercise ā€“ 45 MINUTES
Formula & Roll-Up SummaryFields
ā€¢ Using Formula Fields
ā€¢ Implementing Roll-Up SummaryFields
ā€¢ Creating Validation Rules
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Salesforce admin training 1

  • 2. Agenda DAY 1 ā€¢ Welcome / Introduction ā€¢ Organization Set Up ā€¢ Global User Interface ā€¢ Standard and Custom Objects DAY 2 ā€¢ User Set Up ā€¢ Security and Access ā€¢ Workflow Automation DAY 3 Sales and Marketing Applications Service and Support Applications Activity Management DAY 4 Data Management Analytics, Reports and Dashboards Content Management DAY 5 Desktop and Mobile Chatter AppExchange
  • 3. Introduction ā€¢ Partner Practice Development(PPD) ā€¢ Partner Community, Chatter Groups ā€“ partners.salesforce.com ā€¢ Trailhead ā€“ trailhead.salesforce.com ā€¢ Surveys ā€¢ Schedule, includingbreaks ā€¢ Venue details ā€¢ Certification Exam
  • 4. Organization Setup Describe the components of the company profile (eg fiscal year, business hours, currency management, default settings, companyinformation).
  • 5. Company Profile A collection of information about a company mostly captured at contractual signup
  • 9. How doLocale Settings Work? User Record (Personal) Company Profile (Defaults) Locale = English US Language = English Time Zone =PDT Locale = English US Language = English Time Zone =PDT Locale = English UK Language = English Time Zone =GMT Locale = Japanese Language =Japanese Time Zone =JST Set your locale settings at the company level and at the userlevel ā€¢ Set your company defaults for your organizationā€™s head office ā€¢ New usersautomatically inherit the company defaults ā€¢ Modify personal locale settings for each useras required
  • 10. Standard FiscalYear Default Fiscal YearSettings Based on Gregorian Calendar
  • 11. Custom FiscalYear If calendar is non-standard, this cannot be changedback
  • 12. Custom FiscalYear Define a custom fiscal year if you have: ā€¢ A 13-month fiscalyear ā€¢ 13-week fiscal quarters ā€¢ A fiscal year not starting on the first day of the month
  • 15. Whatā€™s Happened to My Closed Opportunities? Historical Opportunities have amount updated on new currency rates ā€“ providing bad information Multi-currency allows just one exchange rate per currency, by default. This means that when you update an exchange rate, you are updating the converted amount on all records using that currency.
  • 16. What is Advanced CurrencyManagement? Allows you to ā€œlockā€ the converted amount on closed opportunities ā€¢ You can give each new exchange rate a start date ā€¢ Closed opportunities use the rate that corresponds with the close date
  • 17. Global UserInterface Distinguish between the various UI features that an administrator controls, including the implications (eg UI settings, search settings, list views, home page layouts).
  • 18. What are User InterfaceSettings? Global settings that let you configure the way all usersinteract with Salesforce and theirdata Use them to: ā€¢ Speed upnavigation ā€¢ Enhance productivity
  • 19. User Interface Settings for the Sidebar
  • 20. User Interface Settings for Record Detail Pages
  • 22. ListViews Create list views for frequently performed searches ā€¢ Filter on aspecific field or fields ā€¢ Specify which groups of users have access to the list view ā€¢ Print listviews ā€¢ Edit records in list views. (Mass & In-line edit, Record Types) ā€¢ Enable enhanced lists to make inline editing available in list views too ā€¢ Follow records and view related Chatter posts
  • 23. Salesforce Search Customize search settings and search layouts to help users quickly find the information they need Sidebar Search: ā€¢ Only enabled with Chatteroff ā€¢ Searches only a subset of records and fields ā€¢ Phrase search, matches words inexact sequence Global Search: ā€¢ Only enabled with Chatteron ā€¢ Searches more records and fields, including Chatter feeds, groups, and people ā€¢ Search words treated separately
  • 24. Organization Setup Sample Question Whatisthe impact on a user if the organization level locale changes? a. The default locale of the user is also set to the new organization level locale b. The user is asked for a choice; if he would like to choose new organization locale or his own locale c. No impact on the user as he keeps using his own default locale d. From a new session, user will see everything in the new organization locale Answer:c
  • 25. Hands-on Exercises ā€“ 1 HOUR 50 MINUTES Administration Essentials for New Admins ā€œGetting Your Organization Ready forUsersā€ https://lms.cfs-api.com/v1/content/528efcf0-2ff1-48c6-b5e5- 232015463e37/presentation_content/external_files/gettingyourorganizationreadyforusers.pdf 1: Check the Company Profile 2: Check the Fiscal Year and Set Up the Euro Currency 2-3: Set Up theYen Currency 4: Update Exchange Rates 5: Update the Yen Exchange Rate with ACM 2-6: Modify the UIto Improve User Experience 2-7: Configure Searches 8 : Create a Technology Accounts ListView 9 : Create a Manufacturing Accounts ListView
  • 26. Standard and CustomObjects ā€¢ Describe the standard object architecture and relationship model ā€¢ Explain how to create, delete, and customize fields, page layouts, and list views ā€¢ for custom and standardobjects ā€¢ For scenario, determine appropriate fields & page layouts for custom and standard objects ā€¢ Explain how to create, delete, and customize record types for custom and standard objects ā€¢ For scenario, determine appropriate record types & business processes for custom/standard objects ā€¢ Explain the implications of deletingfields ā€¢ Describe when to use and how to create formula fields
  • 27. Types of Objects* Standard Objects ā€¢ Pre-defined objects included with Salesforce, by default ā€¢ Objects used to store data in standard tabs eg accounts, contacts, opportunities Custom Objects ā€¢ New user-defined objects you create to store information unique to your organization ā€¢ Extend functionality that standard objectsprovide ā€¢ Eg for an app to track product inventory, the custom objects might be Merchandise and Invoices *Not counting External objects
  • 28. What are CustomObjects? Objects you create uniquely in your own org ā€¢ Custom Fields ā€¢ Relationships to otherObjects ā€¢ Page Layouts
  • 29. Properties ofObjects Objects can haverelationships ā€¢Relationship fields define how records in one object relate to records in another object ā€¢Similar to primary and foreign keys in a RDBMS Objects power interface elements that allow users to interact with data ā€¢Tabs, page layouts, lists of related records (Related Lists) Built-in supportfor: ā€¢ Access management/security, validation ā€¢Formulas ā€¢History Tracking Objects described usingMetadata ā€¢ Make easy to create and modify records and manage customizations
  • 30. Object Fields Fields are the ā€˜columnsā€™in the spreadsheet analogy, eg Name, Email, Phone Force.com automatically assigns a hidden Identity Field (called ID) ID field is usually a case-sensitive 15-character (also an 18-character case-insensitive form) When viewing a record you can see the ID at the end of the URL eg: https://yourInstance.salesforce.com/0015000000Gv7qJ If you need to convert the 18-character ID to a 15-character version, truncate the last three characters. Salesforce recommends that you use the 18-character ID.
  • 31. System Fields Objects also have some read-only system fields automatically associated with them: ā€¢ Created Date ā€“ The date and time when the record was created ā€¢ Created By ā€“ The user who created the record ā€¢ Last Modified By ā€” The user who last modified the record ā€¢ Last Modified Date ā€” The date and time when the record was last modified by a user ā€¢ System Modified Stamp ā€” The date and time when the record was last modified by a user or process, such as atrigger Database automatically assigns values to these fields when object is created or modified
  • 32. Custom Fields Store information and data about custom objects Some examples of available field types include Text, Formula, Number, Checkbox andPicklist Allow you to add field level help Enable you to define additional properties, including required, unique andExternal ID Can be changed to another data type, but may cause data loss When you delete a custom field, both the field and data aredeleted There is a limit on the number of custom fields per object depending on the Salesforce edition
  • 33. Data Types Numeric Field ā€¢ Number ā€¢ Currency ā€¢ Percent Calendar ā€¢ Date ā€¢ Date/Time Limited Option ā€¢ Checkbox ā€¢ Picklist ā€¢ Picklist (MS) Formatted Text ā€¢ Email ā€¢ Phone ā€¢ URL Text ā€¢ Text, TextArea ā€¢ Text Area (L), Text Area(R) ā€¢ Text Area (E) Calculation ā€¢ Auto Number ā€¢ Formula ā€¢ Roll-Up
  • 35. Data TypeConversion Only convert custom fields for which no data exists or you risk losing your data. Changing data type of an existing custom field can cause data loss in the following situations: ā€¢ Changing to or from type Date or Date/Time ā€¢ Changing to Number from any othertype ā€¢ Changing to Percent from any othertype ā€¢ Changing to Currency from any othertype ā€¢ Changing from Checkbox to any othertype ā€¢ Changing from Picklist (Multi-Select) to any othertype ā€¢ Changing to Picklist (Multi-Select) from any othertype o Currently defined picklist values are retained when you change a picklist to a multi-select picklist. If records contain values that are not in the picklist definition, those values will be deleted from those records when the data type changes. ā€¢ Changing from Auto Number to any other type ā€¢ Changing to Auto Number from any type except Text ā€¢ Changing from Text Area (Long) to any type except Email, Phone, Text, TextArea, or URL
  • 36. Implications of DeletingFields ā€¢ Before deleting a custom field, consider where it is referenced. You canā€™t delete a custom field that is referenced elsewhere. For example, you cannot delete a custom field that is referenced by a field update orApex. ā€¢ When you delete a custom field, all of the field history data is deleted and changes are no longer tracked. ā€¢ A background process periodically runs that cleans up metadata associated with deleted custom fields. This process will affect the Last Modified Date and Last Modified By fields on page layouts, record types, andcustom objects. ā€¢ Deleted custom fields and their data are stored until your organization permanently deletes them or 15 days has elapsed, whichever happens first. Until that time, you can restore the field and its data. However, the field still counts against the maximum number of custom fields allowed in your organization.
  • 37. What can you do to Standard and Custom Fields? Standard Fields ā€¢ Change the fieldlabel ā€¢ Add help text ā€¢ Add, edit and reorder values in picklists Custom Fields ā€¢ Can be deleted ā€¢ Changing the data type of a custom field will result in data lost ā€¢ List views based on the field will be deleted, and assignment and escalation rules may be affected. Only modify fields with no data, or consider using new fields. ā€¢ Deleting a field will also result in data loss ā€¢ Salesforce stores deleted fields and their data for a maximum of 15 days, during which you can undelete or permanently erase them
  • 38. More on StandardFields ID Provides a unique identifier for each record Is system-generated and cannot bemodified Is indexed First three characters identify the type of object Owner Represents an individual or group of users Default owner of a record is its creator Name Is a short description to identify a recordā€™s content Is indexed Is a requiredfield Can have two datatypes: ā€¢ Text: User assigned, not necessarily unique, modifiable ā€¢ Auto-Number: System-generated, unique (usually), not modifiable Appears as the first column by default in list views and relatedlists
  • 39. Standard and CustomObjects Sample Question What are the basic steps when adding anew custom field? a. Select field type, enter field details, set field level security, select page layouts b. Select field type, enter field details, set sharing rules, select field level security c. Select field label, select field type, set sharing rules, select page layouts d. Select field label, select field type, select field level security, select record types Answer:a
  • 40. Picklists Select values from a predefined list Use pickliststo: ā€¢ Speed up dataentry ā€¢ Maintain data quality byallowing only permissiblevalues ā€¢ Facilitate searching,reporting and filtering Allow users to select either single or multiple values from a predefined list during data entry Dependent picklists give you the ability to create multi-level dependencies
  • 41. Dependent Picklists With custom fields, you can define dependencies between picklists When implementing field dependencies, you select which picklist is dependent and which is controlling Using dependent picklists enables you to create simple lists to categorizedata
  • 42. Picklists Additional Limits for Custom Picklists Within the 15,000 total character limit, custom picklists can have: ā€¢ Up to 1,000entries ā€¢ Up to 255 characters perentry Custom multi-select picklists canhave: ā€¢ Up to 150values ā€¢ Up to 40 characters pervalue NOTE: For multi-select picklists, users can select up to 100 values at a time on a record. Picklist Field Max Number ofEntries Lead Status 100 Task Status 100 Task Priority 50 Case Status 100 Case Priority 50 Opportunity Stage 100
  • 43. Picklists Sample Question What types of fields can be used asthe controlling field in a dependent picklist(2): a. Standard Checkbox b. Custom Picklist c. Custom Multi-SelectPicklist d. Formula field Answer: a, b
  • 44. Field Dependencies Multi-select picklists Multi-select picklists can be dependent picklists but NOT controlling fields Standard versus custom picklists Custom picklist fields can be either controlling or dependent fields Standard picklist fields can be controlling fields but NOT dependent fields Picklist limitations Acontrolling field can have up to 300 values If a field is both a controlling field and dependent picklist, it canā€™t contain more than 300 values
  • 45. Field HistoryTracking Can be enabled on objects to track changes up to 20 standard/custom fields Changes viewed on recordā€™s History related list or through History reports Track date and time ofchange Track the user making thechange Track old and new values (not multi-select picklists or large text fields) Can be performed on all custom objects and following standard objects: Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Cases, Solutions, Contracts,Opportunities
  • 46. Relationship Fields Objects can haverelationships: ā€¢ Relationship fields define how records in one object relate to records in another object ā€¢ Similar to primary and foreign keys in a RDBMS ā€¢ Force.com database differs from RDBMS in way that record relationships are implemented ā€¢ Instead of primary/foreign keys, to define relationships, Force.com uses relationship fields ā€¢ Relationship field stores ID of parent record in a relationship, as well as optionally providing user interface representations in both the parent and child records
  • 47. Master-Detail Relationships ā€¢ A relationship between two different types of records that associates the records with each other ā€¢ The master object can be a standard object, such as Account or Opportunity, or a custom object ā€¢ Standard objects cannot be on the detail side of the relationship ā€¢ When a master record is deleted, related detail records are also deleted ā€¢ The Owner field on the detail record is automatically set to the owner of the master record ā€¢ Custom objects on the detail side of a master-detail relationship can't have sharing rules, manual sharing, or queues, as these require the Owner field ā€¢ Security settings for the master record control the detail record ā€¢ Master-detail relationship field is required on the page layout of the detail record ā€¢ The relationship is created in Salesforce starting on the detail (child) object
  • 48. Master-Detail Relationships ā€¢ Maximum 2 Master-Detail relationships can be created (many-many/junction object) ā€¢ By default, records canā€™t be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can, however, allow child records in master-detail relationships on custom objects to be reparented to different parent records by selecting the Allow reparenting option in the master-detail relationship definition ā€¢ As a best practice, don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail relationship ā€¢ If you delete a detail record and later, separately, delete its master record, you cannot undelete the detail record, as it no longer has a master record to relate to
  • 49. Lookup Relationships ā€¢ Arelationship between two records to associate records with each other ā€¢ Allows users to click a lookup icon on a record and select another record from a popup window ā€¢ On the associated record, you can display a related list to show all records that have been linked to it ā€¢ If a lookup field references a record that has been deleted, by default Salesforce clears the lookup field ā€¢ Alternatively, you can prevent records from being deleted if theyā€™re in a lookup relationship. ā€¢ Security is controlled byOWD ā€¢ Can be a self-relationship. One example is user hierarchy (both of type User) ā€¢ Can be used to create one-to-one and one-to-many relationships
  • 50. Lookup Filters Limit search results for relatedfields Can compare fields to other fields or static values Can be required oroptional
  • 51. Relationship Conversion Can convert a master-detail relationship to a lookup relationship: If no roll-up summary fields exist on the masterobject Can convert a lookup relationship to a master-detail relationship: If the lookup field in all records contains avalue
  • 54. Many-to-Many Relationships ā€¢ A many-to-many relationship allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple records from another object and vice versa ā€¢ Many-to-many relationships are implementedthrough the use of junctionobjects
  • 55. Adam wants to delete an account and the 15 contacts associated with it. Which method should he choose to delete the records in the most efficient way? a. Select each contact record and delete one-by-one. Once all of the contact records have been deleted, the account record can be deleted manually. b. Use Data Loader to mass delete the records. c. Ask a developer to write a query in the developer console to delete the records. d. Delete the account record; the contact records will be automatically deleted. Relationships Sample Question Answer:d
  • 56. Schema Builder Visual tool for viewing, modifying all objects and relationships Schema/Entity RelationshipDiagram Simplifies designing, implementing and modifying datamodel/schema View existing/create newinteractively Letā€™s you create: ā€¢ Custom Objects ā€¢ Lookup relationships ā€¢ Master-Detail relationships ā€¢ All custom fields except Geolocation Accessed via Setup | Schema Builder Schema cannot be exported to use in another org Enabled bydefault
  • 57. Search... Se c h Schema B u i l d e r Help kif this Page Closa Auto-1!.ayom [ Vlow O 1 p t l o ns ,ā€¢ _...,.....,...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... --t ā€¢ Elemen ts, Objects Selectobjects to displayon the blJJll,er. Seleci from All O b j e c t , . Quick Fl11dā€¢ ā€¢ . D Accourni D Aetlviry Asset 0 Campaign D Campaign M e m t l e r Case Cor n u i c t D Corntract 0 Evenl 0 Idea 0 Lead 0 MobileDevice 0 Oppo rtunity 0 Opportunity P r l l e l u c t 0 LOoJrlJP(Ac,owir; /<>00onlNams A!!oa,a.Ulnt Te:rrr-10, ,,_,. I ll!ltā€¢ Looi!U/lUse,) t.ool!up{Use,) lenr20; T41:rrr i UlngTD.-rAmar,!-200J1 U).Oeji,1:,o): lcJniij A,5;5-L F'liOm:t I Bilillde le . C<lnleo o..,.,.. Craaled Ely Dat< 1 .wm Koy Olilplilr1rnil.nl 0.""1'1K:,n 0a N<lt Cal Emal E mal Opt OIJt Fax F.ex Opt Cul Home Flh,ana CJ>eckoox Fox O>Kkl>Oā€¢ p1,c,...., Ls.ng,uag , a s lff'd(H'.Ui Il e s t M o d i f . , , i By l.O<IIILJ,o,Usā€¢!) Lest Stay-a,-Toum Flequeā€¢t D e t e O&Jā€¢'I Last Stay-al-Touffl S.a'l'B Oate O & , ! e ;T,.'716' P>cl r _ , Caso 0, ā€¢ I Atll..St:nment CGun1 Mffi>olJlb O J BuUl ,es;s. Hours LOOJc.up1ausmes.! rs Casa Nuriler Casa 0/igii le a ...O,,.,o, Auto N u , _ , P><ā€¢st Looā€¢up(Usr,r+I} CalW!f b 1 a 1 S O n fl>ctli'iJ Clc!-tid ""1:ln Ctest e e l C.ā€¢;ec.kt>w Ccniect Emal - Ccniect Fax ,,,..,,,,, Ccnieci M a b l e Cllnieci N,ame O:int.,;u:t Pl'l<1n1 1 , 1 Pr.on,, lO()>;upfCo/?la<JJ P.. . , , , . le.<>l< > dB r Delo/Trne cao...d IDaiotrrne O p o n e d L_..,,fL!s&.') Dsr8/llme l1918/'llme De..,._,tion U>f"} 1..-1,lraa/32000/ Eng"'""milRsq Nurrtier I nt.cmilll C o l 'f f n l l n l ā€¢ lu,otMo<ld,oaEly Pamnic.e.., rā€¢.-,12) Ā°""'"""" r....AJw.ar,0001 L e g m e d Lookup R e l a t i o n s h i 1 p - Master-!Detall R e l a t i o n s h i p IRequired Field ā€¢a.., O"' .. Aecou t IAccount N a m e AooountNuntier IA.ooount Ov.nar Account Site Jl.1CCC1u-ntSi:!Ul"QBI Aotivo Annual R a v a m u e B_,,g Add1es IC.,,alod By Qss1omer PriJrity IJ.aie .oc,mKey le.rf4-0j looo:up/lJS<!I) le,rr P,i;Jr11sr Piit"J.r...,tr C.U,J.tr.ā€¢ y(Jā€¢ o; Al>1r!>I! lOOoup/lJS<!I) .11",IJM le,rr;>o; D,GKJ1'11nn , "'fl ,.,., AJNr11000, ,. .. _. o; Fa, E l l > y , , n Fax Industry .Plic.11,1.is r IL t Modified By Nvrrber of L""8 1 i o n ā€¢ Own,e,r&hiw up/lJS< !I) ,111. -iJ o; Po:Jr11sr D [ ,.,.,,. 0 Produci Solution Show More F . e l d s . PJ.f. SJ F'iarieint A cai un t lĀ«!l PMnlEi <"f'ke<OU..) 0 TasK R.amg P.-:-.11,1,isr 0 User ShiPp11gAdclress SICC<lde M:lnm lexr ?(HI " -
  • 58. Working with SchemaBuilder Click objects to move them around canvas. Schema Builder saves the layout. Click Auto-Layout to sort the object layout (cannot undo) Elements tab ā€“ drag and drop new custom objects Objects tab ā€“ select which objects to display in the canvas, egAll, Selected, Standard, Custom Search for objects in Quick Find box
  • 59. Schema Builder Sample Questions All of the following are advantages of the Schema Builderexcept: a. All object and field relationship details are available from one screen b. You can view fields and relationships for custom, but not standard objects c. Schema Builder shows details like field values, required fields, and how objects are related d. It's easy to build objects and fields directly from the Schema Builder, allowing you to visualize and change relationships withease Answer: b Tocreate a custom object from the SchemaBuilder: a. From the Objects tab, select New > Object b. From the Elements tab, drag Object onto the canvas c. Right-click in the canvas and select 'New Object' Answer: b
  • 60. OPTION 1: Hands-on Exercise - 60 MINUTES Data Modelling https://trailhead.salesforce.com/modules/data_modeling ā€¢ Understand Custom & StandardObjects ā€¢ Create Custom Objects &Fields ā€¢ Create Object Relationships ā€¢ Work with Schema Builder NOTE: Part of the pre-workTrailhead
  • 61. Option 2: Hands-onExercise Building Your DataModel Building Applications with Force.com - Part 1 ā€œBuilding Your Data Modelā€ Exercise Guide https://lms.cfs-api.com/v1/content/866451e8-66c8-496d-b5e1- 6cf54063d7bd/presentation_content/external_files/buildingyourdatamodelexerciseguide.pdf Exercise 3-1: Creating Custom Objects Exercise 3-2: Creating Custom Fields Exercise 3-3: Creating Lookup Relationships Exercise 3-4: Create Master-Detail Relationships Exercise 3-5: Creating a Custom Junction Object Exercise 3-6: Creating a LookupFilter
  • 62. Custom App There are three declarative ways to make changes to the userinterface: ā€¢ custom applications ā€¢ custom tabs ā€¢ page layouts AForce.com custom app consists of a name, a description, an ordered set of tabs and optionally a custom logo and landing page Salesforce provides standardapplications such as Sales and CallCenter You can create custom applications to meet your unique businessneeds
  • 64. Page Layouts Apage layout controls the position and organization of the fields, sections, buttons and related lists that are visible to users when viewing or editing a record Page layouts also help us control the visibility and editability of the fields on a record We can set fields as read-only or hidden, and we can also control which fields require users to enter a value and which don't
  • 65. Page Layouts Page Layout defines the organizationof: ā€¢ Fields ā€¢ Custom Links/Buttons Page Layout customizationsinclude: ā€¢ Field locations ā€¢ Page sectioncustomizations ā€¢ Field properties
  • 66. Adding Chatter to the Page Layout ā€¢ Enable Chatter to allow users to follow recordsand see updates on therecords they follow ā€¢ Configure what fields trigger a Chatterupdate ā€¢ Setup | Customize | Chatter | FeedTracking
  • 67. Page Layout Sample Question You created a new custom field on the Contact object, but it is not visible on the page layout. You want to display it in a new ā€˜Additional Informationā€™ section ā€“ how canyou add it? a. Add it to allprofiles b. Use fieldaccessibility c. Create the new section then add the field using the page layout editor d. Edit the page layout and add the field Answer:c
  • 68. Option 1: Hands-on Exercise ā€“ 40 MINUTES ā€¢ Customizing Navigation, Buttons and Links ā€¢ Modifying Page Layouts ā€¢ Creating List Views UI Customization https://trailhead.salesforce.com/modules/customizing_user_interface NOTE: Part of the pre-workTrailhead
  • 69. Option 2: Hands-onExercise NOTE: Focus only on exercises 3-1 to3-4 Building Your UserInterface Building Applications with Force.com ā€œBuilding Your User Interfaceā€ Exercise Guide https://lms.cfs-api.com/v1/content/3369d5e3-7116-4772-ad54- b90d9eace3bc/presentation_content/external_files/buildingyouruserinterfaceexerciseguide.pdf Exercise 3-1: Creating a Custom Application Exercise 3-2: Creating Custom Tabs Exercise 3- 3: Customizing Page Layouts Exercise 3-4: Enable Chatter on the Position Object
  • 70. What are RecordTypes? Different views of the same object with differing data showing depending onthe profile of the userviewing Arecord type is assigned one page layout type perprofile Determines the required fields bypage layout and the valid pick list values by business process to ensure users only complete valid fields andvalues. Define different sets of values for Standard and Custom picklistfields Implement custom business process by associating them to specific page layouts
  • 71. What are RecordTypes? On which objects can Icreate multiple record types? ā€¢ Multiple record types may be created for every tab, with the exception of the Home, Forecasts, Documents, Reports, Consoles, and Web tabs. What happens if I need to add a picklist value? ā€¢ You will be prompted to select which record types should include the new value. If Iā€™m looking at a detail page, how do I know what record type it is? ā€¢ For tabs that have multiple record types defined, you can look at the Record Type field on the page. This field needs to be added to all the page layouts used by all the record types. Do users have to display the jump page every time they create a newrecord? ā€¢ No, users can choose to accept their profileā€™s default record type.
  • 72. Page Layouts and RecordTypes
  • 73. Record Types Sample Questions What are some uses for record types?(2) a. Allows or different page layouts for different types of records b. Allows for different picklist values for different types of records c. Allows different validation rules for different types of records d. Allows different approval processes for different types of records Answer: a, b Apicklist value has been added to custom field but it is not visible in the UI. Why? a. There are record types defined for the object and the picklist value has not been added to the record type of the record the user isviewing b. The picklist value has not been made active c. Access has to be added to the new picklist value for the userā€™s profile d. There are record types defined for the object and the picklist value has not been added to all record types Answer: a
  • 74. Formula Fields Custom Formula Fields allow you to define calculations that reference other fields to display new numeric, text, or datevalues They are read-only, and do not display on record edit pages Can reference fields on the same object, or a parent or lookup object Cannot reference currency codes, description or custom long text area fields, or multi-select picklists Are not searchable, or available for lead conversion or data exports Can return types Checkbox, Currency, Date, Date/Time, Number, Percent, Text Fields referenced by formulas cannot be deleted
  • 75. Formulas A type of custom field. Formula fields automatically calculate their values based on the values of merge fields, expressions, or other values. Use the Simple Formula tab for basic calculations involving numerical fields from the same object. Use the Advanced Formula tab for more complex calculations involving functions, non-numerical fields, or fields from parentobjects Use the Insert Field browser on the Advanced Formula tab to access fields from up to 10 parent levels
  • 76. Cross-Object Formulas Across-object formula references fields from parent objects Span two or more objects by referencing merge fields from related records Maximum of ten (10) unique relationships per object in cross-object formulas. ā€¢ Limit is cumulative across all formula fields, rules, and lookup filters. ā€¢ Eg if two different formulas on opportunities reference two different fields of an associated account, only one unique relationship exists (opportunities toaccounts) Cross-object formulas that reference currency fields convert the value to the currency of the record that contains theformula You cannot reference cross-object formulas in roll-up summary fields
  • 77. Formulas Sample Questions When are formula fieldsrecalculated? a. Every 15 minutes b. Every time they are seen(viewed) c. After every DMLoperation d. Admin can set the time of refresh Answer: b Custom formula fields can reference other custom formula fields includingthemselves. a. TRUE b. FALSE Answer: b
  • 78. Creating Roll-Up SummaryFields Calculate values from a set of related records, such as those in a related list Are read-only fields that candisplay the Sum, Minimum or Maximum value or record Count of a field in a related list Can be added for all custom master-detail relationships and for some standard relationships Can be created to automatically display a value on a master record based on the values of records in a detail record
  • 79. Roll-up SummaryFields Creatable on any object (standard/custom) on master side of the master-detail ā€¢ Opportunities: Roll-up using values of products related to the opportunity ā€¢ Accounts: Roll-up values of relatedopportunities ā€¢ Campaigns: Campaign member status or campaign member custom fields Number, currency, percent fields are avail when you select SUM Number, currency, date, percent, and date/time fields are available when you select the MIN/MAX Changes in value can trigger auto-assign rules to run Can trigger workflow and fieldvalidations If there is a reason to do a mass recalculation then these rules do not fire Amaster can roll up fields on detail records; cannot rollup sub-detail records
  • 80. Roll-up SummaryField Sample Question You have created two custom objects, Job and Job Applications. You would like HR users to be able to see how many applications there have been when they look at a job. Other users should not have visibility to this. How can this bedone? a. Create a count type roll-up summary field on the Job object and use Field Level Security to make it visible to only users with the HR profile. b. Create a sum type rollup summary field on the Job Application object and create a separate page layout for HR profile users. c. Create a cross-object formula field on the job object and use a permission set to limit visibility to the field for certain users. d. Create a trigger on the Job application object to update a field on the Job object and limit visibility to the field using Field Level Security. Answer: a
  • 81. Hands-on Exercise ā€“ 45 MINUTES Formula & Roll-Up SummaryFields https://trailhead.salesforce.com/modules/point_click_business_logic ā€¢ Using Formula Fields ā€¢ Implementing Roll-Up SummaryFields ā€¢ Creating Validation Rules