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The State of
S E L E C T T H E M E S 2 0 1 0
© 2010, All Rights Reserved by SmartBrief Inc and Summus, Limited
In June 2010, more than 6,000 SmartBrief readers participated in a benchmarking
study of social-media usage by business. The results revealed a portrait of how
these new tools and platforms are changing the way we do business – and how
companies are integrating social media into their business models. The defini-
tive State of Social Media for Business 2010 shares some of the biggest trends
in social media as well as the challenges that companies need to address as they
move forward with their social-media strategies. The full State of Social Media
for Business 2010 is available for sale from SmartBrief.
The following document shares eight themes and data points from the State of
Social Media for Business 2010:
Most companies surveyed have adopted social media in the past 18 months.
Companies are focusing their energies on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
YouTube and blogs.
	 3.	It takes time for companies to incorporate social media effectively.
Brand building is currently the primary purpose for business social-media
Communications, advertising and marketing agencies are the leading
adopters of social media.
Lack of management support and confidentiality concerns are atop the list of
obstacles to social-media adoption.
Less than 15% of the businesses using social media are measuring
While 60% of respondents say their companies are using social media, there
is low confidence in their social-media strategies.
We invite you to blog, tweet and otherwise pass along these key themes. Our goal
is to provide readers with valuable insights into what businesses are doing today
to help you plan for a successful tomorrow.
The State of Social Media for Business 2010 includes:
	 ■	 145 pages
	 ■	 213 charts and graphs
	 ■	 6 data cuts
	 ■	 Key indicators of social-media integration
	 ■	 Comparative data based on company size and 		
		 industry focus
	 ■	 Benchmarks to assess where your company is on 	
		 the social-media adoption curve
An introduction by social-media expert and SmartBrief on
Social Media Advisory Board member, Olivier Blanchard
In the past 18 months, social media has evolved. Once just a way for individuals to
connect and share with one another, social media has developed into a promising
business tool. This transition, which has been fast and furious, has been closely
followed by SmartBrief Inc. through its publication SmartBrief on Social Media
since November 2008.
To date, the media have focused on getting started with social media, using it for
marketing and sharing bellwether stories. However, very little has been written
on how most businesses of all shapes and sizes are using and leveraging social
media today.
About the survey
SmartBrief and its research partner Summus, Limited decided to tackle these
questions and more through an online survey of SmartBrief readers across a vari-
ety of industries. The survey was designed to benchmark and measure the state of
social-media usage among business people in June 2010. SmartBrief and Sum-
mus will track the results of this benchmark on an annual or semi-annual basis,
focusing on the following questions:
1.	Who is using social media for business?
2.	What social-media tools and channels are being used?
3.	What goals are being pursued?
4.	What tactics are being deployed?
5.	What obstacles are standing in the way of adoption?
6.	Has social media delivered measurable results for companies?
7.	How are companies staffing social media and allocating resources?
8.	How do companies assess their own social-media strategies?
10,641 individuals began the survey and 6,494 completed the survey. This 59.9%
completion rate, which is high for a survey of this length and depth, indicates a
high level of interest in the topic. The data is very reliable, with a .012 standard
error at a 95% confidence interval and a standard deviation of 1.195.
About the respondents: SmartBrief’s readership is made up of over 3.5 million
subscribers from a large and diverse cross-section of industries. Individual
business people with all levels of experience and responsibility are represented
in the survey. The survey respondents primarily work at U.S. companies (92%) and
represent a full range of business sizes – from fewer than 10 employees to more
than 50,000.
WHY SOCIAL MEDIA? (continued)
More than 60% of the businesses in the sample are using social media. The sam-
ple as individuals identifies themselves as engaged in social media and proficient
in its use. They have differing levels of involvement in their organization’s social
media, with some not directly involved.
This survey does not reflect a random sample of business people. The sample is a
self-selecting group of individuals. As such, it may be assumed that the sample is
	 ■	More familiar with social media than a random sample.
	 ■	More interested and engaged with social media than a random sample.
	 ■	More proficient with social media than a random sample.
About half of the companies in the sample have been using social media for only the
past year, with nearly 20% starting in the past 13 to 18 months.
While the recent surge in adoption is not surprising, the data in the full State of Social
Media for Business report provides a fuller picture of how companies approach the
adoption of social media.
Want to know how more experienced companies are using
social media to get results? The full State of Social Media for
Business report provides in depth data on how usage of social
media evolves over time.
	 ■ How and where companies get started
How companies either internally or externally support
their social-media efforts
What the distinct phases of social-media integration are
How companies develop and alter their social-media
strategies over time
	 ■ Where more experienced companies have shifted their efforts
	 ■ How companies new to social media judge their own efforts
How long has your organization been actively using social media?
Do you want facts and figures on what companies are
actually doing with social media? The State of Social Media
for Business answers critical questions on:
■	 The significance of different social-media platforms
■	 How usage of different channels changes over time
■ Which platforms have high familiarity but low adoption
Which platforms provide the best opportunities for
companies to differentiate themselves
The top five most important social-media platforms
The concentration on “the big 5” hints at companies being able to find their
customers on these sites. With lower awareness and/or usage of other sites,
including platforms such as Flickr with large numbers of users, companies
might be missing out on more niche groups.
Do you need benchmarks and milestones on the social media
adoption curve? The State of Social Media for Business 2010
report provides a comprehensive analysis of the adoption curve
for social media. For instance, almost 30% of “experienced”
companies dedicate at least one person to social media full time.
The report fully details social-media adoption and its dividends
over time, such as:
	 ■ How the impact/implementation of different channels shifts
	 ■ How staffing and resource allocation adapts
	 ■ When and where confidence in social-media strategies grow
	 ■ How a company’s social-media tactics expand
The survey data indicate that at the two-year mark, companies begin to confidently
and purposefully use social media for specific business objectives.
More than 25% of companies with two-plus years of social-media activity state that
those tools and platforms have been fully integrated into their companies’ business
models. In addition, more than 50% have a well-developed or fully developed social-
media strategy, which is further evidenced by the use of multiple platforms.
Which of the following best describes how your
organization is using social media?
Despite the primary goals of increasing brand awareness and building communities for
customers and fans, the majority of companies surveyed use social media to broadcast
information instead of creating two-way conversations.
In the full State of Social Media for Business report you will
find the answers to practical, real-world questions like,
where should we house our social-media activities? (hint:
The majority of companies house social-media activities in
their marketing and communications departments.) The report
delves into practical social-media management issues such as:
	 ■ How companies are staffing their social-media efforts
	 ■ Where and how companies allocate resources to social media
	 ■ What companies hope to achieve through social media
	 ■ What they are doing to achieve those goals
What specific tactics companies employ through various
social-media channels
Top 5 social-media goals
Communications and PR agencies recognized the potential behind social media earlier
than most industries. Likewise, advertising and marketing firms have realized the
potential of identifying and reaching target audiences relatively early as compared with
other industries.
Despite their early presence in social media, communications and PR firms are not the
chosen source of advice or consultation on social media for companies. Instead, the
majority of companies are using internal resources for developing and implementing
their social-media strategies.
Where does your industry stand versus others? What can your
company do to stand out? The State of Social Media for Business
report illuminates how 20 different industries stack up when it
comes to social media adoption and usage.
	 ■ How communications has pulled ahead of other industries
	 ■ Which industries have distinguished themselves in the
social-media arena
	 ■ Which industries are behind the curve on social media
How does your industry compare? Are there opportunities for
your organization to distinguish itself among its peers?
How long has your company been actively using social media?
Taking a closer look at the one-third of businesses in the sample that have not
adopted social media, we see that confidentiality concerns and lack of management
support are among the top reasons.
One-third of the respondents note they are not decision makers. Combined with the
14.7% citing management resistance, this indicates an overall lack of management
support. In addition, 33.1% cite confidentiality issues as a primary obstacle. Taken
together with the prohibition of social-network use at work, the data show that many
companies are concerned about how their staff would use these sites.
What other factors keep businesses from moving forward with
social media? Check the full State of Social Media for Business
report for the full list of obstacles that companies face.
6 biggest obstacles hindering social media for business
Connecting social media efforts to bottom-line results is a skill that escapes most
businesses that are using social media. Less than 15% of the businesses in the sample
using social media reported that they are measuring their return on investment while
over 33% are not measuring return on investment at all.
Among those innovators who are measuring social media, most focus on usage and
incoming traffic but not traditional business metrics.
Need direction on how to measure your social media ROI?
The State of Social Media for Business 2010 answers
pressing questions and provides baselines for companies
that are considering social-media measurement.
	 ■ See how other companies are measuring ROI
Find out the most common metrics for evaluating your
social-media strategy
	 ■ Learn how companies are using third-party analytics tools
Chart: Is your organization measuring your return
on social-media investment?
Companies are critical of their social-media strategies, with only 14.2% describing
their strategies as “very effective” and only 7.3% describing them as “very revenue
generating” on average.
This low level of confidence in social-media strategies indicates that companies are
not confident that social media is useful in meeting business goals. In time, confidence
in their social-media strategies rises. As with other measures, we see the biggest
jump at the two-year mark.
How would your organization stack up? The full State of
Social Media for Business report paints a somewhat critical
picture of how respondents rate their companies’ social-
media strategies on:
■	 Creative/original
■	 Fun/engaging
■	 Buzzworthy
■	 Thought provoking
■	 Community building
■	 Brand enhancing
■	 Cost effective
■	 Targeted/niche
Social-media strategy indicators
These select trends and data points provide a snapshot of where businesses are in
their social-media usage, confidence and measurement. The full State of Social
Media for Business 2010 report provides a deep and authoritative look at how
businesses of different sizes, industries and foci are using social media.
The State of Social Media for Business 2010 provides information not available
anywhere else.
Take advantage of this data and, set baselines and position your business on the
most productive path for social-media success.
The State of Social Media for Business 2010 includes:
	 ■ 145 pages
	 ■ 213 charts and graphs
	 ■ 6 data cuts
	 ■ Key indicators of social-media integration
Comparative data based on company size and
industry focus
Benchmarks to assess where your company
is on the social-media adoption curve
An introduction by social-media expert and SmartBrief
on Social Media Advisory Board member,
Olivier Blanchard
	 I. 	 Introduction
What Companies Are Doing
III. 	 How Companies Manage Social Media
IV. 	 How Companies Track Success
How Long It Takes to Integrate Social Media
VI. 	 Which Industries are Ahead
VII. 	How Business Professionals Use Social Media
Appendix 1: Analysis by Business Focus
How businesses are using social media
Agencies and consultants	 ■	
Where they could use help in strategy and execution
What are the top-of-mind questions about
social media for companies
The context needed to create an effective
social-media strategy
	 CEOs	 ■	
How are other companies in your industry using
social media?
How can social media help differentiate 		
your company?
	 Brand managers	 ■	
What tools and tactics are under-utilized?
How to make your brand stand out from the crowd
	 Social-media managers	 ■	
How are other companies of your size staffing
social media and allocating resources?
		 ■	 What are the emerging social-media platforms?
How are companies using social media for
staffing and training?
	 HR/Careerists	 ■	
What are the biggest platforms for professional
What are the biggest opportunities for
professional development via social media?
About Summus Limited:
Summus is a unique information-based consulting firm that specializes in busi-
ness-to-business and executive research. Using qualitative and quantitative tech-
niques, we help companies better understand the complex environments in which
business decisions must be made. With a focus on strategy, positioning and orga-
nizational behavioral alignment, Summus has worked with many top tier compa-
nies in a number of industries, including financial and professional services, food
and consumer products, media and communications, restaurants and retail and
business services. Our proprietary research methods have been used to assess
corporate culture and align large multi-unit businesses; map the customer ex-
perience; assess new customer needs and product/service gaps; refine branding
and positioning; identify new opportunities for growth and/or efficiencies. To learn
more about Summus, please visit our website www.summuslimited.com.
About SmartBrief:
SmartBrief is a media company on a mission to save you time and keep you smart.
The premise behind SmartBrief is simple: there’s too much information out there
and too little time in the day to read it all. Our editors hand-pick the most relevant
and important news from all over, summarize it, link to the original sources and
deliver it – for FREE – in one-stop-shop e-newsletters. Nearly 3.5 million busi-
ness decision makers count on SmartBrief each day to provide “must-read” news
in 25 key industries. Subscriptions are free of charge, offered in partnership with
more than 100 leading trade associations, professional societies, non-profits and
corporations. In addition to the industry-focused briefs, SmartBrief offers a suite
of best practices newsletters to keep busy professionals smart about their jobs
– including SmartBrief on Social Media. As a trusted, targeted vehicle for reach-
ing influential business professionals on a daily basis, B2B advertisers depend on
SmartBrief to reach their target audiences and produce measurable results. To
learn more about SmartBrief, please visit our website www.smartbrief.com.

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Sb social mediaforbusiness-selectthemes2010-3nov10

  • 1. The State of SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS S E L E C T T H E M E S 2 0 1 0 © 2010, All Rights Reserved by SmartBrief Inc and Summus, Limited
  • 2. 1 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS – SELECT THEMES 2010 In June 2010, more than 6,000 SmartBrief readers participated in a benchmarking study of social-media usage by business. The results revealed a portrait of how these new tools and platforms are changing the way we do business – and how companies are integrating social media into their business models. The defini- tive State of Social Media for Business 2010 shares some of the biggest trends in social media as well as the challenges that companies need to address as they move forward with their social-media strategies. The full State of Social Media for Business 2010 is available for sale from SmartBrief. The following document shares eight themes and data points from the State of Social Media for Business 2010: 1. Most companies surveyed have adopted social media in the past 18 months. 2. Companies are focusing their energies on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs. 3. It takes time for companies to incorporate social media effectively. 4. Brand building is currently the primary purpose for business social-media usage. 5. Communications, advertising and marketing agencies are the leading adopters of social media. 6. Lack of management support and confidentiality concerns are atop the list of obstacles to social-media adoption. 7. Less than 15% of the businesses using social media are measuring return-on-investment. 8. While 60% of respondents say their companies are using social media, there is low confidence in their social-media strategies. We invite you to blog, tweet and otherwise pass along these key themes. Our goal is to provide readers with valuable insights into what businesses are doing today to help you plan for a successful tomorrow. The State of Social Media for Business 2010 includes: ■ 145 pages ■ 213 charts and graphs ■ 6 data cuts ■ Key indicators of social-media integration ■ Comparative data based on company size and industry focus ■ Benchmarks to assess where your company is on the social-media adoption curve ■ An introduction by social-media expert and SmartBrief on Social Media Advisory Board member, Olivier Blanchard
  • 3. 2 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 WHY SOCIAL MEDIA? In the past 18 months, social media has evolved. Once just a way for individuals to connect and share with one another, social media has developed into a promising business tool. This transition, which has been fast and furious, has been closely followed by SmartBrief Inc. through its publication SmartBrief on Social Media since November 2008. To date, the media have focused on getting started with social media, using it for marketing and sharing bellwether stories. However, very little has been written on how most businesses of all shapes and sizes are using and leveraging social media today. About the survey SmartBrief and its research partner Summus, Limited decided to tackle these questions and more through an online survey of SmartBrief readers across a vari- ety of industries. The survey was designed to benchmark and measure the state of social-media usage among business people in June 2010. SmartBrief and Sum- mus will track the results of this benchmark on an annual or semi-annual basis, focusing on the following questions: 1. Who is using social media for business? 2. What social-media tools and channels are being used? 3. What goals are being pursued? 4. What tactics are being deployed? 5. What obstacles are standing in the way of adoption? 6. Has social media delivered measurable results for companies? 7. How are companies staffing social media and allocating resources? 8. How do companies assess their own social-media strategies? 10,641 individuals began the survey and 6,494 completed the survey. This 59.9% completion rate, which is high for a survey of this length and depth, indicates a high level of interest in the topic. The data is very reliable, with a .012 standard error at a 95% confidence interval and a standard deviation of 1.195. About the respondents: SmartBrief’s readership is made up of over 3.5 million subscribers from a large and diverse cross-section of industries. Individual business people with all levels of experience and responsibility are represented in the survey. The survey respondents primarily work at U.S. companies (92%) and represent a full range of business sizes – from fewer than 10 employees to more than 50,000.
  • 4. 3 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 WHY SOCIAL MEDIA? (continued) More than 60% of the businesses in the sample are using social media. The sam- ple as individuals identifies themselves as engaged in social media and proficient in its use. They have differing levels of involvement in their organization’s social media, with some not directly involved. This survey does not reflect a random sample of business people. The sample is a self-selecting group of individuals. As such, it may be assumed that the sample is somewhat: ■ More familiar with social media than a random sample. ■ More interested and engaged with social media than a random sample. ■ More proficient with social media than a random sample.
  • 5. 4 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT 66.5% OF COMPANIES SURVEYED HAVE ADOPTED SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE PAST 18 MONTHS About half of the companies in the sample have been using social media for only the past year, with nearly 20% starting in the past 13 to 18 months. While the recent surge in adoption is not surprising, the data in the full State of Social Media for Business report provides a fuller picture of how companies approach the adoption of social media. Want to know how more experienced companies are using social media to get results? The full State of Social Media for Business report provides in depth data on how usage of social media evolves over time. ■ How and where companies get started ■ How companies either internally or externally support their social-media efforts ■ What the distinct phases of social-media integration are ■ How companies develop and alter their social-media strategies over time ■ Where more experienced companies have shifted their efforts ■ How companies new to social media judge their own efforts   1 How long has your organization been actively using social media?
  • 6. 5 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT Do you want facts and figures on what companies are actually doing with social media? The State of Social Media for Business answers critical questions on: ■ The significance of different social-media platforms ■ How usage of different channels changes over time ■ Which platforms have high familiarity but low adoption ■ Which platforms provide the best opportunities for companies to differentiate themselves The top five most important social-media platforms 2 The concentration on “the big 5” hints at companies being able to find their customers on these sites. With lower awareness and/or usage of other sites, including platforms such as Flickr with large numbers of users, companies might be missing out on more niche groups. COMPANIES ARE FOCUSING THEIR ENERGIES ON 5 PLATFORMS
  • 7. 6 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT Do you need benchmarks and milestones on the social media adoption curve? The State of Social Media for Business 2010 report provides a comprehensive analysis of the adoption curve for social media. For instance, almost 30% of “experienced” companies dedicate at least one person to social media full time. The report fully details social-media adoption and its dividends over time, such as: ■ How the impact/implementation of different channels shifts ■ How staffing and resource allocation adapts ■ When and where confidence in social-media strategies grow ■ How a company’s social-media tactics expand IT TAKES TIME FOR COMPANIES TO INCORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVELY The survey data indicate that at the two-year mark, companies begin to confidently and purposefully use social media for specific business objectives. More than 25% of companies with two-plus years of social-media activity state that those tools and platforms have been fully integrated into their companies’ business models. In addition, more than 50% have a well-developed or fully developed social- media strategy, which is further evidenced by the use of multiple platforms. Which of the following best describes how your organization is using social media? 3
  • 8. 7 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT BRAND BUILDING IS CURRENTLY THE PRIMARY PURPOSE FOR BUSINESS SOCIAL-MEDIA USAGE Despite the primary goals of increasing brand awareness and building communities for customers and fans, the majority of companies surveyed use social media to broadcast information instead of creating two-way conversations. In the full State of Social Media for Business report you will find the answers to practical, real-world questions like, where should we house our social-media activities? (hint: The majority of companies house social-media activities in their marketing and communications departments.) The report delves into practical social-media management issues such as: ■ How companies are staffing their social-media efforts ■ Where and how companies allocate resources to social media ■ What companies hope to achieve through social media ■ What they are doing to achieve those goals ■ What specific tactics companies employ through various social-media channels Top 5 social-media goals 4
  • 9. 8 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES HAVE GRABBED THE SOCIAL-MEDIA REINS Communications and PR agencies recognized the potential behind social media earlier than most industries. Likewise, advertising and marketing firms have realized the potential of identifying and reaching target audiences relatively early as compared with other industries. Despite their early presence in social media, communications and PR firms are not the chosen source of advice or consultation on social media for companies. Instead, the majority of companies are using internal resources for developing and implementing their social-media strategies. Where does your industry stand versus others? What can your company do to stand out? The State of Social Media for Business report illuminates how 20 different industries stack up when it comes to social media adoption and usage. ■ How communications has pulled ahead of other industries ■ Which industries have distinguished themselves in the social-media arena ■ Which industries are behind the curve on social media How does your industry compare? Are there opportunities for your organization to distinguish itself among its peers? How long has your company been actively using social media? 5
  • 10. 9 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT LACK OF MANAGEMENT SUPPORT AND CONFIDENTIALITY CONCERNS TOP THE LIST OF OBSTACLES TO SOCIAL-MEDIA ADOPTION Taking a closer look at the one-third of businesses in the sample that have not adopted social media, we see that confidentiality concerns and lack of management support are among the top reasons. One-third of the respondents note they are not decision makers. Combined with the 14.7% citing management resistance, this indicates an overall lack of management support. In addition, 33.1% cite confidentiality issues as a primary obstacle. Taken together with the prohibition of social-network use at work, the data show that many companies are concerned about how their staff would use these sites. What other factors keep businesses from moving forward with social media? Check the full State of Social Media for Business report for the full list of obstacles that companies face. 6 biggest obstacles hindering social media for business 6
  • 11. 10 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT LESS THAN 15% OF THE BUSINESSES USING SOCIAL MEDIA ARE MEASURING RETURN ON INVESTMENT Connecting social media efforts to bottom-line results is a skill that escapes most businesses that are using social media. Less than 15% of the businesses in the sample using social media reported that they are measuring their return on investment while over 33% are not measuring return on investment at all. Among those innovators who are measuring social media, most focus on usage and incoming traffic but not traditional business metrics. Need direction on how to measure your social media ROI? The State of Social Media for Business 2010 answers pressing questions and provides baselines for companies that are considering social-media measurement. ■ See how other companies are measuring ROI ■ Find out the most common metrics for evaluating your social-media strategy ■ Learn how companies are using third-party analytics tools Chart: Is your organization measuring your return on social-media investment? 7
  • 12. 11 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 IN THE FULL REPORT COMPANIES HAVE LITTLE CONFIDENCE IN THEIR SOCIAL-MEDIA STRATEGIES Companies are critical of their social-media strategies, with only 14.2% describing their strategies as “very effective” and only 7.3% describing them as “very revenue generating” on average. This low level of confidence in social-media strategies indicates that companies are not confident that social media is useful in meeting business goals. In time, confidence in their social-media strategies rises. As with other measures, we see the biggest jump at the two-year mark. How would your organization stack up? The full State of Social Media for Business report paints a somewhat critical picture of how respondents rate their companies’ social- media strategies on: ■ Creative/original ■ Fun/engaging ■ Buzzworthy ■ Thought provoking ■ Community building ■ Brand enhancing ■ Cost effective ■ Targeted/niche Social-media strategy indicators 8
  • 13. 12 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 THESTATEOFSOCIALMEDIAFORBUSINESS–SELECTTHEMES2010 These select trends and data points provide a snapshot of where businesses are in their social-media usage, confidence and measurement. The full State of Social Media for Business 2010 report provides a deep and authoritative look at how businesses of different sizes, industries and foci are using social media. The State of Social Media for Business 2010 provides information not available anywhere else. Take advantage of this data and, set baselines and position your business on the most productive path for social-media success. The State of Social Media for Business 2010 includes: ■ 145 pages ■ 213 charts and graphs ■ 6 data cuts ■ Key indicators of social-media integration ■ Comparative data based on company size and industry focus ■ Benchmarks to assess where your company is on the social-media adoption curve ■ An introduction by social-media expert and SmartBrief on Social Media Advisory Board member, Olivier Blanchard TABLE of CONTENTS I. Introduction II. What Companies Are Doing III. How Companies Manage Social Media IV. How Companies Track Success V. How Long It Takes to Integrate Social Media VI. Which Industries are Ahead VII. How Business Professionals Use Social Media Appendix 1: Analysis by Business Focus
  • 14. 13 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 INFORMATION OF SPECIAL WHAT YOU’LL FIND: INTEREST TO: ■ How businesses are using social media Agencies and consultants ■ Where they could use help in strategy and execution ■ What are the top-of-mind questions about social media for companies ■ The context needed to create an effective social-media strategy CEOs ■ How are other companies in your industry using social media? ■ How can social media help differentiate your company? Brand managers ■ What tools and tactics are under-utilized? ■ How to make your brand stand out from the crowd Social-media managers ■ How are other companies of your size staffing social media and allocating resources? ■ What are the emerging social-media platforms? ■ How are companies using social media for staffing and training? HR/Careerists ■ What are the biggest platforms for professional development? ■ What are the biggest opportunities for professional development via social media? IN THE FULL REPORT
  • 15. 14 THE STATE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS - SELECT THEMES 2010 SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS – SELECT THEMES 2010 About Summus Limited: Summus is a unique information-based consulting firm that specializes in busi- ness-to-business and executive research. Using qualitative and quantitative tech- niques, we help companies better understand the complex environments in which business decisions must be made. With a focus on strategy, positioning and orga- nizational behavioral alignment, Summus has worked with many top tier compa- nies in a number of industries, including financial and professional services, food and consumer products, media and communications, restaurants and retail and business services. Our proprietary research methods have been used to assess corporate culture and align large multi-unit businesses; map the customer ex- perience; assess new customer needs and product/service gaps; refine branding and positioning; identify new opportunities for growth and/or efficiencies. To learn more about Summus, please visit our website www.summuslimited.com. About SmartBrief: SmartBrief is a media company on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. The premise behind SmartBrief is simple: there’s too much information out there and too little time in the day to read it all. Our editors hand-pick the most relevant and important news from all over, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it – for FREE – in one-stop-shop e-newsletters. Nearly 3.5 million busi- ness decision makers count on SmartBrief each day to provide “must-read” news in 25 key industries. Subscriptions are free of charge, offered in partnership with more than 100 leading trade associations, professional societies, non-profits and corporations. In addition to the industry-focused briefs, SmartBrief offers a suite of best practices newsletters to keep busy professionals smart about their jobs – including SmartBrief on Social Media. As a trusted, targeted vehicle for reach- ing influential business professionals on a daily basis, B2B advertisers depend on SmartBrief to reach their target audiences and produce measurable results. To learn more about SmartBrief, please visit our website www.smartbrief.com.