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 How Marketers Are Using
   Social Media to Grow
       Their Businesses

          APRIL 2011


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    Copyright 2011, Social Media Examiner
Letter from the author…

Hello, fellow marketer;

Social media has gone mainstream. And for businesses it represents an unprecedented
marketing opportunity that transcends traditional middlemen and connects companies
directly with customers. This is why nearly every business on the planet is exploring
social media marketing initiatives.

This is our third annual study. Two years ago, businesses were uncertain about social
media. Now it's here to stay and companies are rapidly responding to new social media

This 41-page report contains insight into how marketers are currently using social
media and their future plans.

If you're in charge of marketing your business, you'll want to closely examine the
following pages. My team turned over every rock, looking for the "not so obvious"
findings among this data-rich content. We set out to uncover the "who, what, where,
when and why" of social media marketing. More than 3300 of your fellow marketers
provided the kind of insight you won't find elsewhere.

I hope you enjoy it! If you find value here, please let your peers know about this
report. You can find the original page for the report here:

All my best!

Michael A. Stelzner
Founder, SocialMediaExaminer.com

Join the discussion on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/smexaminer

Copyright Statement: All content © 2011 by Social Media Examiner - Copyright holder is
licensing this under the Creative Commons License, Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative
Works 3.0 Unported, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/. (This means you can
post this document on your site and share it freely with your friends, but not resell it or use as an
incentive for action.)

2011 Social Media Marketing          SocialMediaExaminer.com                             Page 2 of 41
Industry Report                    © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .....................................................................................................4
MAJOR FINDINGS ............................................................................................................5
TOP 10 SOCIAL MEDIA QUESTIONS MARKETERS WANT ANSWERED ..................................6
USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ...............................................................................11
TIME COMMITMENT FOR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ....................................................13
BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING .......................................................................16
COMMONLY USED SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS ......................................................................21
SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS PEOPLE WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ......................................30
SOCIAL MEDIA OUTSOURCING ......................................................................................32
OTHER FORMS OF MARKETING .....................................................................................33
SURVEY PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICS .........................................................................39
ABOUT MICHAEL A. STELZNER ......................................................................................41

2011 Social Media Marketing                 SocialMediaExaminer.com                                         Page 3 of 41
Industry Report                           © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Executive summary
This study surveyed over 3300 marketers with the goal of understanding how marketers
are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. On the following pages
you'll discover:

   •   The top 10 social media questions marketers want answered: We analyze
       2278 open-ended responses and summarize all the major questions that
       marketing pros want answered.

   •   The time commitment: We examine the weekly hours marketers invest in their
       social media efforts. This analysis will be helpful for marketers just getting
       started or seeking support staff.

   •   The benefits of social media marketing: This rather beefy section reveals all
       the major advantages marketers are achieving with their social media efforts. We
       also look at how time invested, business size and experience affect the results.

   •   Commonly used social media services: Discover which tools marketers are
       using and how their usage is changing this year. We also examine which tools
       experienced marketers are using.

   •   Social media sites people want to learn more about: In this section, we
       examine the up-and-coming tools (like geolocation and Groupon) that marketers
       are most interested in learning about.

   •   Other analysis: We also examine social media outsourcing and how marketers
       plan on using other forms of marketing. In addition, we take a look at how
       business-to-business (B2B) companies differ from business-to-consumer (B2C)
       companies and whether the size of a business has any bearing on results. We
       also highlight significant changes since our 2010 study.

How to use this report: Regardless of your experience with social media marketing,
there's something here for you. If you're a beginner, take a look at the time
commitment, benefits and tools that your peers are using.

If you've been at this for a while, compare yourself against other marketers, see what
tools they're looking at next and see whether you're achieving the same benefits as your
more experienced brethren.

If you're a social media guru, there's tons of material here to help you develop lots of
"how-to" products. You'll want to pay close attention to the top 10 questions section.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com                       Page 4 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Major findings
Here's a quick summary of our primary findings:

   •   Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers
       indicate that social media is important for their business.

   •   Measurement and integration are top areas marketers want to master: One-
       third of all social media marketers want to know how to monitor and measure
       the return on investment (ROI) of social media and integrate their social media

   •   Social media marketing takes a lot of time: The majority of marketers (58%)
       are using social media for 6 hours or more each week, and more than a third
       (34%) invest 11 or more hours weekly.

   •   Video marketing on the rise: A significant 77% of marketers plan on increasing
       their use of YouTube and video marketing, making it the top area marketers will
       invest in for 2011.

   •   Marketers seek to learn more about Facebook and blogging: 70% of
       marketers want to learn more about Facebook and 69% want to learn more about

   •   The top benefits of social media marketing: The number-one advantage of
       social media marketing (by a long shot) is generating more business exposure,
       as indicated by 88% of marketers. Increased traffic (72%) and improved search
       rankings (62%) were also major advantages.

   •   The top social media tools: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top
       four social media tools used by marketers, in that order. Facebook has eclipsed
       Twitter to take the top spot since our 2010 study.

   •   Social media outsourcing underutilized: Only 28% of businesses are
       outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing.

The above summary is merely a taste of what's in this report. On
the following pages you'll find more than 50 charts that visually
convey some of the fascinating findings of this report. For
example, we look at which tools are used by those who invest
the most time in social media marketing and the benefits
achieved by those who've been at this for years.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                     Page 5 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Top 10 social media questions marketers
want answered
We simply asked, "What question about marketing with social media do you most want
answered?" A significant 2278 people provided their open-ended responses. We
clustered them into groups and ranked them below.1

#1: How do I measure the effect of social media marketing on my business?

The top question marketers most want answered is how to monitor, measure and track
the ROI of social media activities. A sampling of some of those questions includes:

    •   How do I show a solid ROI for social media marketing in terms of time and
        resources spent?
    •   What are the key metrics to follow for measuring ROI in terms of engagement,
        sales, brand loyalty and customer retention?
    •   What measurement tools are available that can track results across multiple
        social media platforms and/or businesses?
    •   How much is a Facebook friend or fan worth to my business?

#2: How do I integrate and manage all of my social media marketing activities?

The next question on people's minds can be summarized as "How do I connect and
manage all aspects of social media?" A sampling of questions in this category includes:

    •   How do I best integrate my social media efforts into an overall marketing plan?
    •   What are the best tools for managing all of our social media accounts?
    •   What is the best formula for developing a social media strategy and how can we
        empower employees to make it a success?
    •   What is the most cost-effective way to integrate social media into our business
        plan and strategy?

 Please note that this question was designed to reveal the single most pressing concern people
want answered. Because only a single answer was allowed, all of these marketing questions are
critical and may represent issues that different businesses face as they grapple with social media
marketing programs. In each case, between 71 and 501 different people asked one of these top
10 questions.

2011 Social Media Marketing         SocialMediaExaminer.com                            Page 6 of 41
Industry Report                   © 2011 Social Media Examiner
#3: What are the best ways to sell with social media?

Many marketers want to know how to convert fans and followers into paying customers.
Here are a few sample questions in this category:

   •   How do we move from being social to making deals without breaking the
       unwritten rules of the community?
   •   Can you really make money through social media or is it primarily for building
       awareness and loyalty?
   •   How do I write messages that will generate more sales?
   •   Are there any established norms for how many social media–generated leads it
       takes to yield a sale?

#4: How do I improve customer engagement with social media?

Many marketers aren't sure how to connect with customers and prospects via social
media. Here are a few related questions:

   •   How do I build a raving fan base through social media?
   •   How do we get our social media followers to actively engage with us online?
   •   What kind of content will keep followers coming back to our social media sites?
   •   What are the best ways to keep our customers interested and get them to refer
       our business to their friends?

#5: How do I master the use of specific social media platforms?

Marketers want to understand how to use and optimize their experiences with major
social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs. Here
are sample questions from this cluster group:

   •   How do I write tweets that will result in more interactions with my social
   •   I understand how LinkedIn can help me personally, but how can it help my
   •   What techniques should I use to gain new followers for my Facebook fan page
       and how do I convert those fans into clients?
   •   What are the best ingredients for making a YouTube video that might go viral?

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                     Page 7 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
#6: How do I effectively find my target audience with social media?

A significant number of marketers are seeking ways to locate their ideal audience
among the countless masses using social media. Here are some sample questions:

   •   How can I best grab the attention of prospective customers through social
   •   In an increasingly crowded space, how do we stand out—without resorting to
       gimmicks that only provide short-term gain?
   •   How can I gain clients and subscribers without seeming pushy?

#7: What are the best practices in social media marketing?

Marketers are looking for proven tactics and strategies to speed them along their social
media paths. Below are some sample questions asked by marketers:

   •   What are the best practices when it comes to blending personal and professional
       messaging through social media?
   •   How many channels of social media do successful social media marketers use?
   •   What are the most effective techniques for marketing through each of the main
       social media platforms?
   •   How do I make a message go viral?

#8: How do I use social media in niche markets?

Marketers who service unique vertical industries or niches are looking for specific ways
they should use social media differently for their marketplace. Here are some of their

   •   How can non-profits cost-effectively use social media to increase their exposure
       and raise funds for their mission?
   •   How do universities use social media marketing to attract and retain students?
   •   How can artists and entertainers use social media to gain new fans and sell their
   •   How do I use social media marketing to target geographical audiences?
   •   How do we use Facebook and Twitter to market to hospitals and physicians?

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com                      Page 8 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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This document discusses the power and reach of social media, providing statistics on internet and social media usage. It notes that over 300 million people access the internet daily, with 98% of 18-24 year olds using social media. Facebook has over 1.4 billion users who spend 700 billion minutes on the platform each month. 190 million tweets are sent per day and 490 million people use YouTube monthly. The document concludes that as social media continues growing, businesses need to utilize it to maximize their benefits and get noticed across various channels.

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The document provides a history of WhatsApp, a popular social networking app. It details that WhatsApp was founded in 2009 by two former Yahoo employees who developed the app to allow easy messaging between friends. The app gained popularity through word of mouth and updates that enabled photo sharing and push notifications. WhatsApp received venture funding in 2011 and 2013, reaching a valuation of $1.5 billion with over 200 million active users by early 2013.

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Social Media Marketing Project pdf.

This is my final year project on Social media Marketing for BBA examination under MAKAUT Disclaimer- This all facts are collected data from various new sportal and social sites

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#9: What are the trends in social media marketing?

Marketers want to know what the next social media trends will be. Here are a few
questions in this category asked by marketers:

   •   What will be the next major development in social media?
   •   What usage trends are occurring across various demographics and industries?
   •   What's the best way to keep up with all the changes in social media?
   •   Which social media channels will have longevity?

#10: How do I best use my time to maximize my social media activities?

Marketers are still interested in how to manage the time required to conduct social
media marketing. Below are a few related questions in this category:

   •   What is the most effective amount of time needed for social media networks?
   •   How do I keep up with the dialogue when I have a large following and other work
   •   How often should I tweet or post to Facebook?
   •   What tools can I use to more effectively maximize the time spent on social

5 Bonus Questions: Here are a few more questions that didn't make our top 10 list.
Each of these questions was asked by between 47 and 64 different people.

   •   How do I overcome resistance from managers and clients about the value of
       social media?
   •   How do I get started using social media marketing?
   •   How can social media marketing be effectively targeted toward B2B sales?
   •   How do I consistently create content that's compelling and engaging?
   •   How do I select the right social media tool(s) for my business?

CHANGES SINCE LAST YEAR'S STUDY: Understanding social media best practices has
dropped from number 2 to number 7. Managing the time commitment went from
number 3 to number 10. This year, integration is a major theme, moving from number 9
in 2010 to number 2 in 2011. Many of the top questions marketers wanted answered in
2010 remain in 2011.

SUMMARY: One in three marketers indicated measuring results and integrating social
media activities were their top questions when marketing with social media. As you can
see by examining the above list, marketers have asked some excellent questions. The
remainder of this report will attempt to answer some of those questions.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                      Page 9 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Join 24 leading social media pros:

and experts from Boeing, Intel, Cisco, LinkedIn,
   Timex and Verizon, just to mention a few!
Use of social media marketing
We asked a few questions to determine the survey participants' experience using social
media to market their businesses.

Use of social media marketing

We began by simply asking marketers if they
use social media to market their businesses.
The overwhelming majority (93%) indicated
they were employing social media for
marketing purposes.

Social media is important for my business

A significant 90% of marketers said that
social media was important to their

The self-employed (67%) and small business
owners with 2 or more employees (66%) were
more likely to strongly agree.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 11 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Experience with social media marketing

When we asked participants to rate their
experience using social media marketing,
about half have less than 1 year of social
media marketing experience.

More B2B companies have been using social
media longer (52.6% reported 1 year or
more) than their B2C counterparts (46.2%
indicated 1 year or longer).

In 2010, only 31% of marketers were using
social media for 1 or more years. Now that
number has grown to 50%.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 12 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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The document discusses social media marketing in an international environment. It begins with definitions of social media and social media marketing. It then outlines the types of social media channels and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing through a SWOT analysis. The document also explores the past, present and future of social media, and provides a case study on Ford's social media efforts. It concludes by emphasizing that social media is a powerful tool but must be used effectively.

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Social media marketing
Social media marketingSocial media marketing
Social media marketing

Social media marketing involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to achieve marketing goals. It allows businesses both large and small to reach more customers by sharing content, videos, and images. Customers now interact with brands through social media, so having a strong social media presence is important. With the correct implementation, social media marketing can bring remarkable success to a business.

social media marketing tipsadvantages of social media marketing.
Time commitment for social media

A significant 58% of marketers are using social media for 6 hours or more each week
and 34% for 11 or more hours weekly. It's interesting to note that 15% of marketers
spend more than 20 hours each week on social media.

Those with more years of social media experience spend more time each week
conducting social media activities. For example, 63% of people with 3 or more years
of experience spend more than 10 hours a week doing social media activities. Only 41%
of those with 1 to 3 years experience spend that much time.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                   Page 13 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
The experience factor

There's a direct relationship between
how long marketers have been using
social media and their weekly time
commitment. For people just beginning
with social media, 59% spend 1 to 5
hours per week. However, for folks who
have been doing this for a few months
or longer, most spend 6 hours or more
per week on social media activities.

A significant 47% of marketers who
have more than 3 years experience
spend at least 16 hours per week
focused on social media activities.

How the time commitment varies with business type

This chart shows how different-sized businesses invest their time with social media

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 14 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Age factor

There's a direct relationship between age and time spent on social media. The younger
the marketer, the more time he or she spends on social media.

People aged 20 to 29 years spend more time than other age groups using social media
marketing (with 41% spending 11+ hours weekly), followed by 30- to 39-year-olds (37%
spending 11+ hours per week). This is an increase over our 2010 study.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                   Page 15 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Benefits of social media marketing

The number-one benefit of social media marketing is standing out in an increasingly
noisy world. A significant 88% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts
have generated more exposure for their businesses. Improving traffic and subscribers
was the second major benefit, with 72% reporting positive results.

Nearly two-thirds of marketers indicated a rise in search engine rankings was a benefit
of social media marketing. As search engine rankings improve, so will business
exposure and lead generation efforts, and overall marketing expenses will decrease.
Slightly more than half of marketers found social media generated qualified leads.

Changes since our 2010 study: Increased traffic and subscribers grew a significant 9%
over our study last year. Search rankings also jumped 8% over the prior year.

Some questions that naturally emerge from the above chart might include, "Can I
achieve more benefits by investing more time in social media?", "Are marketers who've
been using social media for years gaining even better results?" and "Is there a difference
between B2B and B2C?"

The following charts address these questions.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com                      Page 16 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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This project is clearly defined that how SEO and Digital marketing will help the information technology industry to grow their business and how they can create a brand image in mind of their customer and SEO will also help them increase their availability in the market. with the help of an SEO marketing company can rank their website at the top of the google search history. In this report, you can clearly show how its work and also some tool which can really help you to implement SEO marketing in your company. and you can create one unique brand image of your company in your customer. for students, it's really helpful thing, because this report helps you to understand digital marketing and how it is important. for any query, you can contact me at dharmikbhavsar214@gmail.com

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Improved sales

It takes time to develop relationships that
lead to actual business. However, a large
percentage of marketers who take the
time find great results.

For example, 72% of marketers who have
been using social media for more than 3
years report it had helped them close
business. More than half who spend 11 or
more hours per week find the same

The self-employed and small business
owners with 2 or more employees most
achieved this benefit (48%).

Generated exposure for my business

Even with a minimal time investment, the
vast majority of marketers (81% or higher)
indicated their social media efforts
increased exposure for their business.

Owners of small businesses (2 to 100
employees) were more likely than others
to report greater exposure (89.2%
reporting benefits).

Nearly all marketers who've been
employing social media marketing for a
year or longer report it generates
exposure for their business. A significant
72% of those conducting social media
activities for more than 3 years strongly

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 17 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Resulted in new business partnerships

Those who invest the most time in social
media marketing gain the most business
partnerships. However, 45% of people
who've only invested 12 months or less in
social media marketing report new
partnerships were gained.

Even the majority of those investing 6 to
10 hours per week in social media were
able to build new partnerships.

The self-employed and small business
owners with 2 or more employees were
significantly more likely to benefit from
partnerships, with at least 59% reporting
a benefit.

Marketers selling to other businesses
were more likely to achieve this benefit
(61%) than those selling to consumers

Generated qualified leads

By spending as little as 6 hours per week,
52% of marketers see lead generation
benefits with social media.

Small businesses were more likely than
others to strongly agree that qualified
leads were generated (21% strongly
agreed, compared to 14% or less with
other types of businesses).

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 18 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Reduced overall marketing expenses

The main financial cost of social media
marketing is the time it takes to gain
success. However, a significant
percentage of participants strongly
agreed that overall marketing costs
dropped when social media marketing
was implemented.

The self-employed (59%) and small
business owners with 2 or more
employees (58%) were more likely than
others to see reductions in marketing
costs when using social media marketing.

Improved search rankings

Improved search engine rankings were
most prevalent among those who've been
using social media for a year or longer,
with nearly 73% or more reporting a rise.

At least 65% of those investing a
minimum of 6 hours per week in social
media marketing saw improvements in
search engine rankings.

Marketers selling to other businesses
were more likely to achieve this benefit
(66%) than those selling to consumers

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 19 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Increased traffic/subscribers

A significant 78% of participants found
that increased traffic occurred with as
little as 6 hours per week invested in
social media marketing. And those
who've been doing this for 3 years or
more reported substantially better results
(91% reported benefits).

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 20 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Here are the key methods of social media marketing: - Social networks - Reaching customers through popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. and engaging with them. - Blogging - Creating a company blog to share useful information, thought leadership and build trust with customers over time. - Video marketing - Using videos on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram to tell brand stories in an engaging visual format. - Podcasting - Creating audio shows to share expertise on specific topics to attract loyal listeners. - Social sharing/referrals - Encouraging customers to share brand content or recommend the company to others. - Influencer marketing - Partnering with popular influencers/personalities in

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Scope of digital marketing for SMEs
Scope of digital marketing for SMEsScope of digital marketing for SMEs
Scope of digital marketing for SMEs

This report consist of complete description of how digital marketing affect small and medium enterprises in current scenario and it's advantages for advertising with all possible research methodology

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Social media marketing
Social media marketingSocial media marketing
Social media marketing

The document discusses social media marketing strategies. It begins with defining social media and its uses for business, including creating connections, improving search engine rankings, establishing thought leadership, managing brands and reputation, and growing faster than competitors. It then covers specific social media platforms like Facebook pages and groups, Twitter, blogs, and location-based applications. The document provides tips for social media marketing, including being a connector, engaging where your audience is active, and adding value through shared content. It concludes with emphasizing the potential for success through social media.

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Commonly used social media tools

By a long shot, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media
tools used by marketers, with Facebook leading the pack. All of the other social media
tools paled in comparison to these top four.

It should be noted that in 2010, Twitter was in first place with 88% and Facebook was
close behind with 87%. Since 2010, Twitter lost 4%, LinkedIn lost 7% and Facebook
gained 5%. In our 2009 study, only 77% of businesses were using Facebook.

The self-employed (80%) and owners of small businesses (78%) were more likely to use
LinkedIn. Larger businesses were more likely to use YouTube or other video and less
likely to use blogs (68%+).

A close examination of which tools more experienced social media marketers are using
compared to those just getting underway provides further insight.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                     Page 21 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Tools used by those just getting

Those just getting underway with
social media marketing rank
Facebook as their number-one
choice (by a long shot), followed
by Twitter and LinkedIn. For those
new to social media marketing,
Twitter has dropped from 71% to
64% since our 2010 study.

Tools used by those using
social media for less than 12

For marketers who have been
employing social media marketing
for 12 months or less, Facebook
and Twitter are their top two

Tools used by those using
social media for 1 to 3 years

Facebook and Twitter are the two
standouts among the tools used
by social media marketers with 1
to 3 years experience.

Tools used by those using
social media for 3+ years

Nearly all marketers with 3+ years
of social media experience use
Twitter and Facebook. This group
is also a major proponent of
video, significantly more so than

2011 Social Media Marketing       SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 22 of 41
Industry Report                 © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Tools used by those who
commit small versus large
amounts of time to social

This chart shows where those
putting in the least time are
investing versus those putting
in the most time.

There are a few interesting
findings here. Marketers
investing 40+ hours per week
are much more focused on
video and blogs than those
investing a few hours a week
with social media.

Tools used by B2B versus

This chart shows how B2B
social media use differs from
B2C-focused businesses.

B2C are more focused on
Facebook and B2B are more
focused on LinkedIn and
video. Also note that B2B
companies are utilizing blogs

2011 Social Media Marketing        SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 23 of 41
Industry Report                  © 2011 Social Media Examiner
How will marketers change their social
media activities in the future?
We asked marketers to indicate how they will change their social media use in the near
future. Survey-takers were asked to indicate whether they will increase, decrease,
remain the same or not utilize various social media networks and tools.

At least 73% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube/video, blogs,
Facebook and Twitter. A significant 86% said they have no plans to utilize MySpace or
will reduce their efforts. Here is a breakdown by social media channel:


Surprisingly, marketers indicated
that YouTube/video was the top
area in which they planned to
increase their social media efforts.

A significant 77% of marketers plan
on increasing their YouTube
and/or video marketing.

Businesses with 1000 or more
employees indicated this is a key
growth area, with 82% responding

2011 Social Media Marketing       SocialMediaExaminer.com                  Page 24 of 41
Industry Report                 © 2011 Social Media Examiner

Recommended for you


This document is a project report submitted by Abhishek Sharma for the degree of Master of Business Administration. The report examines digital marketing and its impact on revenue generation. It begins with an introduction that defines digital marketing and outlines the key components of the digital marketing ecosystem, including integrated channels like search engine optimization, social media, and video. It also discusses integrated services like analytics, content management, and digital strategy. The report will analyze how these digital marketing tactics can impact revenue generation.

MBA Project on Digital marketing
MBA Project on Digital marketingMBA Project on Digital marketing
MBA Project on Digital marketing

This Project Contains Information Regarding the Importance of web designing and Social Media Engagement for Business

digital marketingweb designsocial media marketing
Creative Activities Using Google Tools
Creative Activities Using Google ToolsCreative Activities Using Google Tools
Creative Activities Using Google Tools

This document provides examples of creative activities that can be done using Google tools. It describes activities such as creating blogs and YouTube channels, using Google Translate and Picasa to share student work, making 3D models in SketchUp, accessing book archives through Google Books, creating maps and documents, and using Google Calendar and Docs for collaborative work and scheduling. The focus is on how these free Google tools can be used for educational purposes.


Facebook is clearly a top winner.
92% of marketers are using
Facebook and 75% plan on
increasing their activities. Only 3%
of marketers surveyed do not plan
to utilize Facebook. Second only to
YouTube/video and tied with
blogs, Facebook is an area where
marketers feel they can achieve
substantial results.

80% of B2C plan on increasing
Facebook efforts. 83% of large
businesses will also increase their
Facebook activities. Facebook is
also the top focus for people just
getting started with social media


Blogs remain a strong area of focus
for social media marketers, with
75% indicating they'll increase their
blogging activities.

The self-employed are more likely
to blog, with 79% reporting
increased activity.

In 2010, 81% of marketers planned
on increasing their blogging

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 25 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

73% of marketers will increase their
activities on Twitter.

Large businesses are most likely to
increase their activities on Twitter,
with 77% reporting.


As expected, B2B are significantly
more likely to plan on increasing
their use of LinkedIn (71% of B2B
versus 51% of B2C).

The self-employed (68%) were
more likely to increase their use of

2011 Social Media Marketing       SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 26 of 41
Industry Report                 © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Social Bookmarking

A mere 40% of businesses plan on
increasing their social
bookmarking activities, while more
than 1 in 3 have no plans to use
social bookmarking.


Only 36% of businesses will
increase their forum activities,
while 35% have no plans to use

In 2010, only 27% of marketers had
no plans for using forums. Now
that number jumped to 35%.

39% of B2B plan on increasing their
forum use (versus 34% of B2C).

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 27 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

30% of marketers plan on
increasing their use of geolocation
services like Foursquare.

Larger businesses are more likely
to employ geolocation. 38% of
businesses with 501 to 1000
employees and 42% of businesses
with more than 1000 employees
will increase use of geolocation.

Groupon (or similar)

Only 19% of marketers plan on
increasing their use of Groupon or
a similar group-shopping site.

25% of marketers with 3 or more
years of social media experience
will increase Groupon activities.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 28 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Designing Web Sites for SEO Visibility, by iCrossing's Rob Garner for SEMPO
Designing Web Sites for SEO Visibility, by iCrossing's Rob Garner for SEMPODesigning Web Sites for SEO Visibility, by iCrossing's Rob Garner for SEMPO
Designing Web Sites for SEO Visibility, by iCrossing's Rob Garner for SEMPO

Extensive 101 of SEO considerations in a web site redesign. Includes both technical, creative, and organizational considerations required to get the job done. Over 60 slides.

Toolkit for Moodle course development; Pieter van der Hijden; Moodlemoot, Edi...
Toolkit for Moodle course development; Pieter van der Hijden; Moodlemoot, Edi...Toolkit for Moodle course development; Pieter van der Hijden; Moodlemoot, Edi...
Toolkit for Moodle course development; Pieter van der Hijden; Moodlemoot, Edi...

This document presents a toolkit for designing Moodle courses. It introduces several tools to support the design process, including: 1. The Ladder of Ambition tool which helps set realistic individual and group goals. 2. The Global Course Design tool which uses stickers on a storyboard to plan didactic activities and map them to learning technologies. 3. The Detail Course Design tool which uses mind mapping to maintain overview while organizing content, resources, and tasks. 4. Course Templates to implement house style and improve building efficiency. 5. The House of Courses tool to improve site navigation and easily restructure course categories. The toolkit is intended to provide support throughout the entire

course developmentmoodleedinburgh

Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut who was the first person to walk on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. He was born in 1930 in Ohio and developed an early interest in aviation, becoming a naval aviator and test pilot before joining NASA's astronaut program. After retiring from NASA in 1971, Armstrong taught engineering and served on commissions related to spaceflight. He is best remembered for his famous words upon first stepping onto the lunar surface: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."


Most businesses (81%) have no
plans to utilize MySpace and only
5% will increase their MySpace

This is a further decline since our
2010 study, where 9% of
businesses planned on increasing
their MySpace activities.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 29 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Social media tools people want to learn
more about

We asked marketers which social media tools they most want to learn more about.
Facebook slightly edged out blogs for the number-one slot. Social bookmarking and
Twitter tied for third.

In 2010, only 59% of marketers wanted to learn more about Facebook. This year, that
number has jumped up to 70%. Social bookmarking was the number-one area marketers
wanted to learn about in 2010 (61% reporting). However, Facebook and blogs have
jumped in interest.

Businesses with 500 or more employees were significantly more interested in learning
more about geolocation (58%+) than other groups. In addition, those participants aged
60 and older were much more interested in learning about Facebook (78%) and blogs
(77%) than their younger marketing cohorts.

B2C are more interested in learning about Facebook (74%) and blogging (72%) versus
B2B (Facebook and blogging: 65%).

Clearly a lot of people want to learn how to use the many social media tools available.
What follows are tools marketers are interested in based on how long they've been using
social media marketing.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 30 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Tools marketers want to learn
more about for those just
getting started

For those just getting underway,
understanding more about social
bookmarking is significantly less
important than for others with
more experience.

Tools marketers want to learn
more about for those who've
been using social media for less
than 12 months

Learning more about Twitter is
more important than social
bookmarking for these

Tools marketers want to learn
more about for those who've
been using social media for 1 to
3 years

These pros place blogging at the
top of their list to learn more

Tools marketers want to learn
more about for those who've
been using social media for 3+

For these experienced pros, social
bookmarking is at the top of their
list to learn more about.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 31 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Social media outsourcing

We asked marketers if they were outsourcing any of their social media marketing efforts.
The overwhelming majority said no. However, the number of those who are outsourcing
has doubled since our 2010 report, from 14% to 28%.

These are the tasks that marketers are outsourcing to third parties:

Design and development, content creation and analytics are the top three areas that
social media marketers are outsourcing. Those with 3 or more years experience are
more likely to outsource design and development tasks (32%).

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 32 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Repubblica Ceca e Slovacchia: l'evoluzione economica e l'approccio sales & ma...Repubblica Ceca e Slovacchia: l'evoluzione economica e l'approccio sales & ma...
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Questo breve studio presenta alcuni mercati della Repubblica Ceca e della Slovacchia con l’obiettivo di evidenziare la connessa evoluzione in corso dell’approccio Sales & Marketing delle imprese che vi operano. “In questi Paesi i modelli di consumo si stanno gradualmente aprendo a prodotti e servizi non più culturalmente legati alla storia e società locale. C’è spazio per modelli culturali internazionali e per molti dei prodotti dell’eccellenza italiana. Entrare e competere su questi mercati è sempre più legato alla capacità di ascoltare e interpretare i “nuovi consumatori cechi e slovacchi”. A tutti coloro che hanno supportato la realizzazione di questo breve studio va il ringraziamento del team EBS consulting

parenttoolboxitalian business centerautomotive
ACROSS: R&D Project
ACROSS: R&D ProjectACROSS: R&D Project
ACROSS: R&D Project

The document summarizes an R&D project called ACROSS that aims to incorporate robotic services into social scenarios. The 27-month project has a budget of 6.2 million euros and involves a consortium of 13 organizations led by Treelogic. The objectives of ACROSS are to allow robots to anticipate user needs by improving communication and empathy between people and robots. It also aims to create intelligent systems that can self-reconfigure and modify behavior without human guidance.

Sanciones F.Ourensano.
Sanciones F.Ourensano.Sanciones F.Ourensano.
Sanciones F.Ourensano.

Este documento resume las sanciones impuestas por el subcomité de competición de fútbol en Orense, España. Se detallan las suspensiones de varios jugadores, entrenadores y delegados de diferentes clubes por infracciones de las reglas de juego durante partidos del 4 y 7 de octubre de 2009. Las infracciones incluyen doble amonestación, tarjeta roja directa, amenazas al árbitro y comportamiento irrespetuoso. Se impusieron multas y suspensiones de 1 a 4 partidos.

Other forms of marketing

We asked social media marketers what other types of marketing they were participating
in. The top three included email marketing, search engine optimization and event

B2B marketers were significantly more likely to employ search engine optimization (71%
B2B vs. 65% B2C) and event marketing (70% B2B vs. 58% B2C). Organizations with 1000
or more employees were more likely to participate in event marketing (73%).

Social media marketers with 3 or more years of experience were more likely to
participate in search engine optimization (80%) and event marketing than others (79%).

A close examination of how social media marketers will change their non-social media
activities in the near future provides further insight.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 33 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
How will marketers change other
activities in the future?
We asked social media marketers to indicate how they will change their use of non-
social media activities in the near future. Survey-takers were asked to indicate whether
they would increase, decrease, remain the same or not utilize various marketing

At least 64% of marketers plan on increasing their use of search engine optimization and
email marketing. Here is a breakdown by marketing channel:

Search engine optimization

Surprisingly, most marketers (71%)
indicated they were planning on
increasing their search engine
optimization efforts.

Email marketing

Nearly 2 in 3 marketers (64%) plan
on increasing their email marketing
efforts in the near future.

Small businesses were more likely
to do so than large businesses.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com                     Page 34 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Event marketing

A significant 60% of marketers plan
on increasing their event marketing
and speaking engagements.

B2B are significantly more likely
(67%) to increase event marketing
than B2C (53%). The self-employed
(70%) and small business owners
(65%) are significantly more likely
to use event marketing than large
corporations (43% to 38%,
depending on number of

Online advertising

Slightly less than half (46%) plan on
increasing their online advertising

Large businesses (1000 or more
employees) were most likely to
increase online advertising (53%).

B2C companies were more likely
(50%) than B2B (42%) to increase
their use of online ads.

2011 Social Media Marketing       SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 35 of 41
Industry Report                 © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Press releases

Surprisingly, 80% of marketers plan
on either keeping the same levels
or increasing their use of press
releases, with 43% planning an

Small businesses were significantly
more likely to employ press
releases than larger ones. For
example, 52% of small business
owners plan on increasing their
use, compared with only 24% of
businesses with 500 to 1000

Webinars and teleseminars

Another surprising finding was that
42% of businesses have no plans to
use webinars or teleseminars.
When this is contrasted with the
large percentage that employ
physical event marketing, it would
seem that many businesses are not
yet sold on the idea of virtual

Small businesses were much more
likely to increase their use of this
marketing tactic. For example, 49%
of the self-employed are planning
an increase, compared to just 27%
of businesses with 500 to 1000

B2B companies were significantly
more likely (52%) than B2C (33%) to
use webinars or teleseminars.

2011 Social Media Marketing      SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 36 of 41
Industry Report                © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Documento | Bioeconomia: uma Agenda para o Brasil
Documento | Bioeconomia: uma Agenda para o BrasilDocumento | Bioeconomia: uma Agenda para o Brasil
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A Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) apresentou nesta quinta-feira (10), em São Paulo, uma agenda com propostas para o Brasil aumentar os investimentos em biotecnologia industrial, promoção da saúde humana e do agronegócio. Entre as propostas da Agenda de Bioeconomia da CNI estão a modernização do marco regulatório, o aumento dos investimentos em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, a ampliação e modernização da infraestrutura laboratorial, o estímulo ao empreendedorismo e à disseminação da cultura da inovação.

documentoconfederação nacional da indústriaagenda
Social mediamarketingreport2011
Social mediamarketingreport2011Social mediamarketingreport2011
Social mediamarketingreport2011

The document is a 41-page report summarizing the findings of a survey of over 3,300 marketers on their use of social media. Some key findings include: marketers see social media as important but want help with measurement and integration; most spend 6+ hours per week on social media; video marketing and learning about Facebook/blogging are priorities; top benefits are exposure, traffic, and search rankings; and Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogs are the most commonly used tools. The report provides detailed data on marketers' social media activities, challenges, and future plans.

social media marketing
Social Media Marketing Report2010
Social Media Marketing Report2010Social Media Marketing Report2010
Social Media Marketing Report2010

The document is a 2010 social media marketing industry report by Michael A. Stelzner. Some key findings from the report include: - The top questions marketers want answered about social media marketing are how to measure ROI, what the best practices are, and how to manage time spent on social media. - Most marketers (65%) have only been using social media for a few months or less, though experience levels are growing. - The majority of marketers (56%) spend 6 or more hours per week on social media, with nearly one-third spending 11 or more hours. - The report examines the benefits, tools, trends, and other aspects of social media marketing based on


Most marketers (39%) have no
plans to utilize sponsorships.

Direct mail

Marketers are more likely to
decrease their use of direct mail
than any other marketing channels
(17% planning to decrease).

Only 17% plan on increasing their
use of direct mail. Of those
planning on increasing direct mail,
the self-employed were most likely
(21%). Only 8% of large businesses
with 1000 or more employees plan
on increasing. 28% of those large
businesses will decrease their use
of direct mail.

Print ads

A significant 55% of marketers
either have no plans to use or will
decrease their use of print ads.
B2C (15%) were more likely to
reduce their use of print
advertising compared to B2C (9%).

2011 Social Media Marketing        SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 37 of 41
Industry Report                  © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Radio ads

Most marketers (68%) have no
plans to use radio ads.

B2C are more likely (11%) to
increase their use of radio ads than
B2B (5.1%).

Television ads

Only 6% of marketers plan on
increasing television ads.

10% of businesses with 500
employees or more plan on
increasing their use of television

2011 Social Media Marketing       SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 38 of 41
Industry Report                 © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Survey participant demographics
We leveraged social media and email to find participants for our survey. We started with
a post on Twitter in January 2011. It simply said, "Take the 2011 Social Media Marketing
Industry Survey. Participants get free copy" and included a link to the survey. The
message was retweeted hundreds of times by other marketers. In addition, many people
posted links to the survey on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites. We asked
survey participants to help spread the word about our study. Finally, a list of 50,000
marketers was emailed and asked to take the survey. After 10 days, we closed the
survey with 3342 participants.

Here are the demographic breakdowns:

Survey participants

The largest group who took the survey
was self-employed (33%) followed by
people working for a company with up to
100 employees (30%). 19% of people
taking the survey worked for businesses
with 100 or more employees.

Half of survey participants were focused
primarily on attracting businesses (B2B)
and the other half primarily targeted
consumers (B2C).

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                     Page 39 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner
Age of participants

Most survey participants (74%) were
between the ages of 30 and 59. The
median age was 40 to 49.


Females edged out males, representing
60% of all participants.


Most participants (64%) were based in the
United States.

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com      Page 40 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Social mediamarketingreport2010
Social mediamarketingreport2010Social mediamarketingreport2010
Social mediamarketingreport2010

The document is a 2010 social media marketing industry report by Michael A. Stelzner. Some key findings from the report include: - The top questions marketers want answered about social media marketing are how to measure ROI, what the best practices are, and how to manage time spent on social media. - Most marketers (65%) have only been using social media for a few months or less, though experience levels are growing. - The majority of marketers (56%) spend 6 or more hours per week on social media, with 30% spending 11 or more hours. - Generating exposure, increasing traffic, and building partnerships were cited as the top benefits of social media marketing.

Social mediamarketingreport2010
Social mediamarketingreport2010Social mediamarketingreport2010
Social mediamarketingreport2010

The document is a 2010 social media marketing industry report by Michael A. Stelzner. Some key findings from the report include: - The top questions marketers want answered about social media marketing are how to measure ROI, what the best practices are, and how to manage time spent on social media. - Most marketers (65%) are new to social media marketing, having been involved for only a few months or less. - The majority of marketers (56%) spend 6 or more hours per week on social media marketing, with nearly one-third spending 11 or more hours. - Generating exposure, increasing traffic, and building partnerships are the top benefits reported by marketers from

social media
Social Media Marketing Report 2010
Social Media Marketing Report 2010Social Media Marketing Report 2010
Social Media Marketing Report 2010

This document summarizes the key findings of a 2010 social media marketing industry report. Some of the major findings include: - The top questions marketers want answered about social media marketing are how to measure return on investment, what the best practices are, and how to manage time spent on social media. - Most marketers are new to social media, with 65% having been involved for only a few months or less. - Over half of marketers spend 6 or more hours per week on social media activities, and nearly a third spend 11 or more hours. - Generating exposure, increasing traffic, and building new partnerships are the top benefits reported by marketers from using social media.

social media marketing report 2010
About Michael A. Stelzner
MarketingSherpa calls Michael the "grandfather of white
papers." He's author of the new book, Launch: How to Quickly
Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition (June 2011)
and the book, Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers
and Keep Them Engaged.

Michael is also the founder of SocialMediaExaminer.com, a top online business
magazine dedicated to social media. Technorati ranks SocialMediaExaminer.com as one
of the top 100 business blogs in the world. Michael is also the man behind large online
professional development conferences, such as Social Media Success Summit.

Follow Michael on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mike_stelzner

Email: report@socialmediaexaminer.com

                To learn more about social media marketing,
                   please visit SocialMediaExaminer.com

2011 Social Media Marketing     SocialMediaExaminer.com                    Page 41 of 41
Industry Report               © 2011 Social Media Examiner

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Social Media Marketing Report 2011

  • 1. 2011 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING INDUSTRY REPORT How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses APRIL 2011 BY MICHAEL A. STELZNER Sponsored by Copyright 2011, Social Media Examiner
  • 2. Letter from the author… Hello, fellow marketer; Social media has gone mainstream. And for businesses it represents an unprecedented marketing opportunity that transcends traditional middlemen and connects companies directly with customers. This is why nearly every business on the planet is exploring social media marketing initiatives. This is our third annual study. Two years ago, businesses were uncertain about social media. Now it's here to stay and companies are rapidly responding to new social media opportunities. This 41-page report contains insight into how marketers are currently using social media and their future plans. If you're in charge of marketing your business, you'll want to closely examine the following pages. My team turned over every rock, looking for the "not so obvious" findings among this data-rich content. We set out to uncover the "who, what, where, when and why" of social media marketing. More than 3300 of your fellow marketers provided the kind of insight you won't find elsewhere. I hope you enjoy it! If you find value here, please let your peers know about this report. You can find the original page for the report here: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-marketing-industry-report-2011/ All my best! Michael A. Stelzner Founder, SocialMediaExaminer.com Join the discussion on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/smexaminer Copyright Statement: All content © 2011 by Social Media Examiner - Copyright holder is licensing this under the Creative Commons License, Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/. (This means you can post this document on your site and share it freely with your friends, but not resell it or use as an incentive for action.) 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 2 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 3. Table of contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .....................................................................................................4 MAJOR FINDINGS ............................................................................................................5 TOP 10 SOCIAL MEDIA QUESTIONS MARKETERS WANT ANSWERED ..................................6 USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ...............................................................................11 TIME COMMITMENT FOR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ....................................................13 BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING .......................................................................16 COMMONLY USED SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS ......................................................................21 HOW WILL MARKETERS CHANGE THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITIES IN THE FUTURE? .......24 SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS PEOPLE WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ......................................30 SOCIAL MEDIA OUTSOURCING ......................................................................................32 OTHER FORMS OF MARKETING .....................................................................................33 HOW WILL MARKETERS CHANGE OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE FUTURE? .............................34 SURVEY PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICS .........................................................................39 ABOUT MICHAEL A. STELZNER ......................................................................................41 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 3 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 4. Executive summary This study surveyed over 3300 marketers with the goal of understanding how marketers are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. On the following pages you'll discover: • The top 10 social media questions marketers want answered: We analyze 2278 open-ended responses and summarize all the major questions that marketing pros want answered. • The time commitment: We examine the weekly hours marketers invest in their social media efforts. This analysis will be helpful for marketers just getting started or seeking support staff. • The benefits of social media marketing: This rather beefy section reveals all the major advantages marketers are achieving with their social media efforts. We also look at how time invested, business size and experience affect the results. • Commonly used social media services: Discover which tools marketers are using and how their usage is changing this year. We also examine which tools experienced marketers are using. • Social media sites people want to learn more about: In this section, we examine the up-and-coming tools (like geolocation and Groupon) that marketers are most interested in learning about. • Other analysis: We also examine social media outsourcing and how marketers plan on using other forms of marketing. In addition, we take a look at how business-to-business (B2B) companies differ from business-to-consumer (B2C) companies and whether the size of a business has any bearing on results. We also highlight significant changes since our 2010 study. How to use this report: Regardless of your experience with social media marketing, there's something here for you. If you're a beginner, take a look at the time commitment, benefits and tools that your peers are using. If you've been at this for a while, compare yourself against other marketers, see what tools they're looking at next and see whether you're achieving the same benefits as your more experienced brethren. If you're a social media guru, there's tons of material here to help you develop lots of "how-to" products. You'll want to pay close attention to the top 10 questions section. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 4 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 5. Major findings Here's a quick summary of our primary findings: • Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business. • Measurement and integration are top areas marketers want to master: One- third of all social media marketers want to know how to monitor and measure the return on investment (ROI) of social media and integrate their social media activities. • Social media marketing takes a lot of time: The majority of marketers (58%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week, and more than a third (34%) invest 11 or more hours weekly. • Video marketing on the rise: A significant 77% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube and video marketing, making it the top area marketers will invest in for 2011. • Marketers seek to learn more about Facebook and blogging: 70% of marketers want to learn more about Facebook and 69% want to learn more about blogging. • The top benefits of social media marketing: The number-one advantage of social media marketing (by a long shot) is generating more business exposure, as indicated by 88% of marketers. Increased traffic (72%) and improved search rankings (62%) were also major advantages. • The top social media tools: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, in that order. Facebook has eclipsed Twitter to take the top spot since our 2010 study. • Social media outsourcing underutilized: Only 28% of businesses are outsourcing some portion of their social media marketing. The above summary is merely a taste of what's in this report. On the following pages you'll find more than 50 charts that visually convey some of the fascinating findings of this report. For example, we look at which tools are used by those who invest the most time in social media marketing and the benefits achieved by those who've been at this for years. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 5 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 6. Top 10 social media questions marketers want answered We simply asked, "What question about marketing with social media do you most want answered?" A significant 2278 people provided their open-ended responses. We clustered them into groups and ranked them below.1 #1: How do I measure the effect of social media marketing on my business? The top question marketers most want answered is how to monitor, measure and track the ROI of social media activities. A sampling of some of those questions includes: • How do I show a solid ROI for social media marketing in terms of time and resources spent? • What are the key metrics to follow for measuring ROI in terms of engagement, sales, brand loyalty and customer retention? • What measurement tools are available that can track results across multiple social media platforms and/or businesses? • How much is a Facebook friend or fan worth to my business? #2: How do I integrate and manage all of my social media marketing activities? The next question on people's minds can be summarized as "How do I connect and manage all aspects of social media?" A sampling of questions in this category includes: • How do I best integrate my social media efforts into an overall marketing plan? • What are the best tools for managing all of our social media accounts? • What is the best formula for developing a social media strategy and how can we empower employees to make it a success? • What is the most cost-effective way to integrate social media into our business plan and strategy? 1 Please note that this question was designed to reveal the single most pressing concern people want answered. Because only a single answer was allowed, all of these marketing questions are critical and may represent issues that different businesses face as they grapple with social media marketing programs. In each case, between 71 and 501 different people asked one of these top 10 questions. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 6 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 7. #3: What are the best ways to sell with social media? Many marketers want to know how to convert fans and followers into paying customers. Here are a few sample questions in this category: • How do we move from being social to making deals without breaking the unwritten rules of the community? • Can you really make money through social media or is it primarily for building awareness and loyalty? • How do I write messages that will generate more sales? • Are there any established norms for how many social media–generated leads it takes to yield a sale? #4: How do I improve customer engagement with social media? Many marketers aren't sure how to connect with customers and prospects via social media. Here are a few related questions: • How do I build a raving fan base through social media? • How do we get our social media followers to actively engage with us online? • What kind of content will keep followers coming back to our social media sites? • What are the best ways to keep our customers interested and get them to refer our business to their friends? #5: How do I master the use of specific social media platforms? Marketers want to understand how to use and optimize their experiences with major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs. Here are sample questions from this cluster group: • How do I write tweets that will result in more interactions with my social network? • I understand how LinkedIn can help me personally, but how can it help my company? • What techniques should I use to gain new followers for my Facebook fan page and how do I convert those fans into clients? • What are the best ingredients for making a YouTube video that might go viral? 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 7 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 8. #6: How do I effectively find my target audience with social media? A significant number of marketers are seeking ways to locate their ideal audience among the countless masses using social media. Here are some sample questions: • How can I best grab the attention of prospective customers through social media? • In an increasingly crowded space, how do we stand out—without resorting to gimmicks that only provide short-term gain? • How can I gain clients and subscribers without seeming pushy? #7: What are the best practices in social media marketing? Marketers are looking for proven tactics and strategies to speed them along their social media paths. Below are some sample questions asked by marketers: • What are the best practices when it comes to blending personal and professional messaging through social media? • How many channels of social media do successful social media marketers use? • What are the most effective techniques for marketing through each of the main social media platforms? • How do I make a message go viral? #8: How do I use social media in niche markets? Marketers who service unique vertical industries or niches are looking for specific ways they should use social media differently for their marketplace. Here are some of their questions: • How can non-profits cost-effectively use social media to increase their exposure and raise funds for their mission? • How do universities use social media marketing to attract and retain students? • How can artists and entertainers use social media to gain new fans and sell their products? • How do I use social media marketing to target geographical audiences? • How do we use Facebook and Twitter to market to hospitals and physicians? 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 8 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 9. #9: What are the trends in social media marketing? Marketers want to know what the next social media trends will be. Here are a few questions in this category asked by marketers: • What will be the next major development in social media? • What usage trends are occurring across various demographics and industries? • What's the best way to keep up with all the changes in social media? • Which social media channels will have longevity? #10: How do I best use my time to maximize my social media activities? Marketers are still interested in how to manage the time required to conduct social media marketing. Below are a few related questions in this category: • What is the most effective amount of time needed for social media networks? • How do I keep up with the dialogue when I have a large following and other work responsibilities? • How often should I tweet or post to Facebook? • What tools can I use to more effectively maximize the time spent on social media? 5 Bonus Questions: Here are a few more questions that didn't make our top 10 list. Each of these questions was asked by between 47 and 64 different people. • How do I overcome resistance from managers and clients about the value of social media? • How do I get started using social media marketing? • How can social media marketing be effectively targeted toward B2B sales? • How do I consistently create content that's compelling and engaging? • How do I select the right social media tool(s) for my business? CHANGES SINCE LAST YEAR'S STUDY: Understanding social media best practices has dropped from number 2 to number 7. Managing the time commitment went from number 3 to number 10. This year, integration is a major theme, moving from number 9 in 2010 to number 2 in 2011. Many of the top questions marketers wanted answered in 2010 remain in 2011. SUMMARY: One in three marketers indicated measuring results and integrating social media activities were their top questions when marketing with social media. As you can see by examining the above list, marketers have asked some excellent questions. The remainder of this report will attempt to answer some of those questions. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 9 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 10. Join 24 leading social media pros: and experts from Boeing, Intel, Cisco, LinkedIn, Timex and Verizon, just to mention a few!
  • 11. Use of social media marketing We asked a few questions to determine the survey participants' experience using social media to market their businesses. Use of social media marketing We began by simply asking marketers if they use social media to market their businesses. The overwhelming majority (93%) indicated they were employing social media for marketing purposes. Social media is important for my business A significant 90% of marketers said that social media was important to their businesses. The self-employed (67%) and small business owners with 2 or more employees (66%) were more likely to strongly agree. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 11 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 12. Experience with social media marketing When we asked participants to rate their experience using social media marketing, about half have less than 1 year of social media marketing experience. More B2B companies have been using social media longer (52.6% reported 1 year or more) than their B2C counterparts (46.2% indicated 1 year or longer). In 2010, only 31% of marketers were using social media for 1 or more years. Now that number has grown to 50%. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 12 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 13. Time commitment for social media marketing A significant 58% of marketers are using social media for 6 hours or more each week and 34% for 11 or more hours weekly. It's interesting to note that 15% of marketers spend more than 20 hours each week on social media. Those with more years of social media experience spend more time each week conducting social media activities. For example, 63% of people with 3 or more years of experience spend more than 10 hours a week doing social media activities. Only 41% of those with 1 to 3 years experience spend that much time. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 13 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 14. The experience factor There's a direct relationship between how long marketers have been using social media and their weekly time commitment. For people just beginning with social media, 59% spend 1 to 5 hours per week. However, for folks who have been doing this for a few months or longer, most spend 6 hours or more per week on social media activities. A significant 47% of marketers who have more than 3 years experience spend at least 16 hours per week focused on social media activities. How the time commitment varies with business type This chart shows how different-sized businesses invest their time with social media activities. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 14 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 15. Age factor There's a direct relationship between age and time spent on social media. The younger the marketer, the more time he or she spends on social media. People aged 20 to 29 years spend more time than other age groups using social media marketing (with 41% spending 11+ hours weekly), followed by 30- to 39-year-olds (37% spending 11+ hours per week). This is an increase over our 2010 study. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 15 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 16. Benefits of social media marketing The number-one benefit of social media marketing is standing out in an increasingly noisy world. A significant 88% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. Improving traffic and subscribers was the second major benefit, with 72% reporting positive results. Nearly two-thirds of marketers indicated a rise in search engine rankings was a benefit of social media marketing. As search engine rankings improve, so will business exposure and lead generation efforts, and overall marketing expenses will decrease. Slightly more than half of marketers found social media generated qualified leads. Changes since our 2010 study: Increased traffic and subscribers grew a significant 9% over our study last year. Search rankings also jumped 8% over the prior year. Some questions that naturally emerge from the above chart might include, "Can I achieve more benefits by investing more time in social media?", "Are marketers who've been using social media for years gaining even better results?" and "Is there a difference between B2B and B2C?" The following charts address these questions. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 16 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 17. Improved sales It takes time to develop relationships that lead to actual business. However, a large percentage of marketers who take the time find great results. For example, 72% of marketers who have been using social media for more than 3 years report it had helped them close business. More than half who spend 11 or more hours per week find the same results. The self-employed and small business owners with 2 or more employees most achieved this benefit (48%). Generated exposure for my business Even with a minimal time investment, the vast majority of marketers (81% or higher) indicated their social media efforts increased exposure for their business. Owners of small businesses (2 to 100 employees) were more likely than others to report greater exposure (89.2% reporting benefits). Nearly all marketers who've been employing social media marketing for a year or longer report it generates exposure for their business. A significant 72% of those conducting social media activities for more than 3 years strongly agree. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 17 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 18. Resulted in new business partnerships Those who invest the most time in social media marketing gain the most business partnerships. However, 45% of people who've only invested 12 months or less in social media marketing report new partnerships were gained. Even the majority of those investing 6 to 10 hours per week in social media were able to build new partnerships. The self-employed and small business owners with 2 or more employees were significantly more likely to benefit from partnerships, with at least 59% reporting a benefit. Marketers selling to other businesses were more likely to achieve this benefit (61%) than those selling to consumers (51%). Generated qualified leads By spending as little as 6 hours per week, 52% of marketers see lead generation benefits with social media. Small businesses were more likely than others to strongly agree that qualified leads were generated (21% strongly agreed, compared to 14% or less with other types of businesses). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 18 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 19. Reduced overall marketing expenses The main financial cost of social media marketing is the time it takes to gain success. However, a significant percentage of participants strongly agreed that overall marketing costs dropped when social media marketing was implemented. The self-employed (59%) and small business owners with 2 or more employees (58%) were more likely than others to see reductions in marketing costs when using social media marketing. Improved search rankings Improved search engine rankings were most prevalent among those who've been using social media for a year or longer, with nearly 73% or more reporting a rise. At least 65% of those investing a minimum of 6 hours per week in social media marketing saw improvements in search engine rankings. Marketers selling to other businesses were more likely to achieve this benefit (66%) than those selling to consumers (59%). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 19 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 20. Increased traffic/subscribers A significant 78% of participants found that increased traffic occurred with as little as 6 hours per week invested in social media marketing. And those who've been doing this for 3 years or more reported substantially better results (91% reported benefits). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 20 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 21. Commonly used social media tools By a long shot, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs were the top four social media tools used by marketers, with Facebook leading the pack. All of the other social media tools paled in comparison to these top four. It should be noted that in 2010, Twitter was in first place with 88% and Facebook was close behind with 87%. Since 2010, Twitter lost 4%, LinkedIn lost 7% and Facebook gained 5%. In our 2009 study, only 77% of businesses were using Facebook. The self-employed (80%) and owners of small businesses (78%) were more likely to use LinkedIn. Larger businesses were more likely to use YouTube or other video and less likely to use blogs (68%+). A close examination of which tools more experienced social media marketers are using compared to those just getting underway provides further insight. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 21 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 22. Tools used by those just getting started Those just getting underway with social media marketing rank Facebook as their number-one choice (by a long shot), followed by Twitter and LinkedIn. For those new to social media marketing, Twitter has dropped from 71% to 64% since our 2010 study. Tools used by those using social media for less than 12 months For marketers who have been employing social media marketing for 12 months or less, Facebook and Twitter are their top two choices. Tools used by those using social media for 1 to 3 years Facebook and Twitter are the two standouts among the tools used by social media marketers with 1 to 3 years experience. Tools used by those using social media for 3+ years Nearly all marketers with 3+ years of social media experience use Twitter and Facebook. This group is also a major proponent of video, significantly more so than others. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 22 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 23. Tools used by those who commit small versus large amounts of time to social media This chart shows where those putting in the least time are investing versus those putting in the most time. There are a few interesting findings here. Marketers investing 40+ hours per week are much more focused on video and blogs than those investing a few hours a week with social media. Tools used by B2B versus B2C This chart shows how B2B social media use differs from B2C-focused businesses. B2C are more focused on Facebook and B2B are more focused on LinkedIn and video. Also note that B2B companies are utilizing blogs more. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 23 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 24. How will marketers change their social media activities in the future? We asked marketers to indicate how they will change their social media use in the near future. Survey-takers were asked to indicate whether they will increase, decrease, remain the same or not utilize various social media networks and tools. At least 73% of marketers plan on increasing their use of YouTube/video, blogs, Facebook and Twitter. A significant 86% said they have no plans to utilize MySpace or will reduce their efforts. Here is a breakdown by social media channel: YouTube/Video Surprisingly, marketers indicated that YouTube/video was the top area in which they planned to increase their social media efforts. A significant 77% of marketers plan on increasing their YouTube and/or video marketing. Businesses with 1000 or more employees indicated this is a key growth area, with 82% responding affirmatively. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 24 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 25. Facebook Facebook is clearly a top winner. 92% of marketers are using Facebook and 75% plan on increasing their activities. Only 3% of marketers surveyed do not plan to utilize Facebook. Second only to YouTube/video and tied with blogs, Facebook is an area where marketers feel they can achieve substantial results. 80% of B2C plan on increasing Facebook efforts. 83% of large businesses will also increase their Facebook activities. Facebook is also the top focus for people just getting started with social media marketing. Blogs Blogs remain a strong area of focus for social media marketers, with 75% indicating they'll increase their blogging activities. The self-employed are more likely to blog, with 79% reporting increased activity. In 2010, 81% of marketers planned on increasing their blogging activities. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 25 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 26. Twitter 73% of marketers will increase their activities on Twitter. Large businesses are most likely to increase their activities on Twitter, with 77% reporting. LinkedIn As expected, B2B are significantly more likely to plan on increasing their use of LinkedIn (71% of B2B versus 51% of B2C). The self-employed (68%) were more likely to increase their use of LinkedIn. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 26 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 27. Social Bookmarking A mere 40% of businesses plan on increasing their social bookmarking activities, while more than 1 in 3 have no plans to use social bookmarking. Forums Only 36% of businesses will increase their forum activities, while 35% have no plans to use forums. In 2010, only 27% of marketers had no plans for using forums. Now that number jumped to 35%. 39% of B2B plan on increasing their forum use (versus 34% of B2C). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 27 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 28. Geolocation 30% of marketers plan on increasing their use of geolocation services like Foursquare. Larger businesses are more likely to employ geolocation. 38% of businesses with 501 to 1000 employees and 42% of businesses with more than 1000 employees will increase use of geolocation. Groupon (or similar) Only 19% of marketers plan on increasing their use of Groupon or a similar group-shopping site. 25% of marketers with 3 or more years of social media experience will increase Groupon activities. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 28 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 29. MySpace Most businesses (81%) have no plans to utilize MySpace and only 5% will increase their MySpace activities. This is a further decline since our 2010 study, where 9% of businesses planned on increasing their MySpace activities. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 29 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 30. Social media tools people want to learn more about We asked marketers which social media tools they most want to learn more about. Facebook slightly edged out blogs for the number-one slot. Social bookmarking and Twitter tied for third. In 2010, only 59% of marketers wanted to learn more about Facebook. This year, that number has jumped up to 70%. Social bookmarking was the number-one area marketers wanted to learn about in 2010 (61% reporting). However, Facebook and blogs have jumped in interest. Businesses with 500 or more employees were significantly more interested in learning more about geolocation (58%+) than other groups. In addition, those participants aged 60 and older were much more interested in learning about Facebook (78%) and blogs (77%) than their younger marketing cohorts. B2C are more interested in learning about Facebook (74%) and blogging (72%) versus B2B (Facebook and blogging: 65%). Clearly a lot of people want to learn how to use the many social media tools available. What follows are tools marketers are interested in based on how long they've been using social media marketing. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 30 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 31. Tools marketers want to learn more about for those just getting started For those just getting underway, understanding more about social bookmarking is significantly less important than for others with more experience. Tools marketers want to learn more about for those who've been using social media for less than 12 months Learning more about Twitter is more important than social bookmarking for these professionals. Tools marketers want to learn more about for those who've been using social media for 1 to 3 years These pros place blogging at the top of their list to learn more about. Tools marketers want to learn more about for those who've been using social media for 3+ years For these experienced pros, social bookmarking is at the top of their list to learn more about. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 31 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 32. Social media outsourcing We asked marketers if they were outsourcing any of their social media marketing efforts. The overwhelming majority said no. However, the number of those who are outsourcing has doubled since our 2010 report, from 14% to 28%. These are the tasks that marketers are outsourcing to third parties: Design and development, content creation and analytics are the top three areas that social media marketers are outsourcing. Those with 3 or more years experience are more likely to outsource design and development tasks (32%). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 32 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 33. Other forms of marketing We asked social media marketers what other types of marketing they were participating in. The top three included email marketing, search engine optimization and event marketing. B2B marketers were significantly more likely to employ search engine optimization (71% B2B vs. 65% B2C) and event marketing (70% B2B vs. 58% B2C). Organizations with 1000 or more employees were more likely to participate in event marketing (73%). Social media marketers with 3 or more years of experience were more likely to participate in search engine optimization (80%) and event marketing than others (79%). A close examination of how social media marketers will change their non-social media activities in the near future provides further insight. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 33 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 34. How will marketers change other activities in the future? We asked social media marketers to indicate how they will change their use of non- social media activities in the near future. Survey-takers were asked to indicate whether they would increase, decrease, remain the same or not utilize various marketing methods. At least 64% of marketers plan on increasing their use of search engine optimization and email marketing. Here is a breakdown by marketing channel: Search engine optimization Surprisingly, most marketers (71%) indicated they were planning on increasing their search engine optimization efforts. Email marketing Nearly 2 in 3 marketers (64%) plan on increasing their email marketing efforts in the near future. Small businesses were more likely to do so than large businesses. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 34 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 35. Event marketing A significant 60% of marketers plan on increasing their event marketing and speaking engagements. B2B are significantly more likely (67%) to increase event marketing than B2C (53%). The self-employed (70%) and small business owners (65%) are significantly more likely to use event marketing than large corporations (43% to 38%, depending on number of employees). Online advertising Slightly less than half (46%) plan on increasing their online advertising efforts. Large businesses (1000 or more employees) were most likely to increase online advertising (53%). B2C companies were more likely (50%) than B2B (42%) to increase their use of online ads. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 35 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 36. Press releases Surprisingly, 80% of marketers plan on either keeping the same levels or increasing their use of press releases, with 43% planning an increase. Small businesses were significantly more likely to employ press releases than larger ones. For example, 52% of small business owners plan on increasing their use, compared with only 24% of businesses with 500 to 1000 employees. Webinars and teleseminars Another surprising finding was that 42% of businesses have no plans to use webinars or teleseminars. When this is contrasted with the large percentage that employ physical event marketing, it would seem that many businesses are not yet sold on the idea of virtual events. Small businesses were much more likely to increase their use of this marketing tactic. For example, 49% of the self-employed are planning an increase, compared to just 27% of businesses with 500 to 1000 employees. B2B companies were significantly more likely (52%) than B2C (33%) to use webinars or teleseminars. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 36 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 37. Sponsorships Most marketers (39%) have no plans to utilize sponsorships. Direct mail Marketers are more likely to decrease their use of direct mail than any other marketing channels (17% planning to decrease). Only 17% plan on increasing their use of direct mail. Of those planning on increasing direct mail, the self-employed were most likely (21%). Only 8% of large businesses with 1000 or more employees plan on increasing. 28% of those large businesses will decrease their use of direct mail. Print ads A significant 55% of marketers either have no plans to use or will decrease their use of print ads. B2C (15%) were more likely to reduce their use of print advertising compared to B2C (9%). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 37 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 38. Radio ads Most marketers (68%) have no plans to use radio ads. B2C are more likely (11%) to increase their use of radio ads than B2B (5.1%). Television ads Only 6% of marketers plan on increasing television ads. 10% of businesses with 500 employees or more plan on increasing their use of television ads. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 38 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 39. Survey participant demographics We leveraged social media and email to find participants for our survey. We started with a post on Twitter in January 2011. It simply said, "Take the 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Survey. Participants get free copy" and included a link to the survey. The message was retweeted hundreds of times by other marketers. In addition, many people posted links to the survey on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites. We asked survey participants to help spread the word about our study. Finally, a list of 50,000 marketers was emailed and asked to take the survey. After 10 days, we closed the survey with 3342 participants. Here are the demographic breakdowns: Survey participants The largest group who took the survey was self-employed (33%) followed by people working for a company with up to 100 employees (30%). 19% of people taking the survey worked for businesses with 100 or more employees. Half of survey participants were focused primarily on attracting businesses (B2B) and the other half primarily targeted consumers (B2C). 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 39 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 40. Age of participants Most survey participants (74%) were between the ages of 30 and 59. The median age was 40 to 49. Gender Females edged out males, representing 60% of all participants. Country Most participants (64%) were based in the United States. 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 40 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner
  • 41. About Michael A. Stelzner MarketingSherpa calls Michael the "grandfather of white papers." He's author of the new book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition (June 2011) and the book, Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged. Michael is also the founder of SocialMediaExaminer.com, a top online business magazine dedicated to social media. Technorati ranks SocialMediaExaminer.com as one of the top 100 business blogs in the world. Michael is also the man behind large online professional development conferences, such as Social Media Success Summit. Follow Michael on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mike_stelzner Email: report@socialmediaexaminer.com To learn more about social media marketing, please visit SocialMediaExaminer.com 2011 Social Media Marketing SocialMediaExaminer.com Page 41 of 41 Industry Report © 2011 Social Media Examiner