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Social Media

    Social Media
    S i l M di
    the Basics of
    Person-to-Person (P2P)
    Person to Person

                           Dr. Ute Hillmer, MFG Baden‐Württemberg mbH 
                           D Ut Hill        MFG B d Wü tt b          bH
                                Innovationsagentur für IT und Medien
                     Reutlingen April 16th 2010

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 1
Social Media

                                                               How To
MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH
    Baden Württemberg
 Innovationsagentur des Landes Baden-Württemberg
 Gesellschafter: Land Baden-Württemberg und
 Standortförderung
 Schwerpunkte Informationstechnologie, Software,
  Telekommunikation und Creative Industries

                                                    Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 4
Social Media

Mission der MFG
• Standortvorteile, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Wachstum bei
  Anbieter-Unternehmen im Bereich Informations- und
  Kommunikationswirtschaft, K ti b
  K        ik ti     i t h ft Kreativbranchen verbessern.
                                          h      b
• Günstige Rahmenbedingungen für Innovation und Kreativität in
  Baden-Württemberg h ff
  B d Wü tt b schaffen.
• Produktivität im deutschen Südwesten sichern.
• Unterstützung globaler Zusammenarbeit entlang der gesamten

                                                    Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 5
Social Media


     Dr. Ute Hillmer
          Unitleiterin Kreativwirtschaft und Projektentwicklung, MFG
          Better Reality Marketing, Inhaberin
          CoCreate Software
          Hewlett Packard
          UDF Unternehmensberatung
          Sun Microsystems

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 6
Social Media
Content of the P2P Marketing Lecture

      1 Who is who
      2. The Basics of Social Media Marketing
           •   Why marketing is changing
           •   Social marketing vs. traditional marketing
           •   How social marketing works Backlinks

      3. How to use Social Media Marketing
      Step 1: Set your goals + built a strategy        Step 4: Getting the people back to you
      Step 2: Intrigue your audience                   Step 6: Monitor your results
      Step 3: Getting the news/content out + built credibility

      4. Social Media Marketing in Practice
      5. The Case
Social Media

 How did you buy yesterday?
 How do you buy today?
 How will y buy tomorrow?
          you y

        “… SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES changes the way
        individuals and companies form their opinion and buying
        decision, often even how they buy…”
Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 9
Social Media

I‘ll Have What She is Having
Social Media

                   eMarketing                 Basics
Open Innovation
                  Social Commerce
                  Social Commerce
  Conversational Marketing
Social Media
S i l M di Virall Marketing
              Web 2 02.0
      Relationship Marketing
      Relationship Marketing
  eCommerce               Crowd Sourcing
   Enterprise 2.0
                    P‐to‐P Marketing
 to Prezi
Social Media

Why is Marketing

Why is “Social Media
Marketing” different?
Social Media

Some Statistiks

• 98 % of home Internet users use the Internet for product
  research (Allensbach) )
• 44 % of home Internet users account for comments
  from other users (Allensbach)
• 19 % of home Internet users check discussion forums

                            source: Allensbach  
                            http://www acta‐
Social Media

Some Statistiks 2
What does this mean for B-to-B marketing?
The way people use the Internet in private, they use it in the

• 89 % of B to B decision makers use the Internet for their
• 96 % of B t B d i i makers (IT) use G l f th i search
         f B-to-B decision k              Google for their  h
• 40 % of B-to-B decision makers regularly use online
                source: creative 360 http://www.creative360.de/info-lounge/b2b-online-
Social Media


     Don‘t underestimate
     the Social Web!

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 17
Social Media

However …

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 18
Social Media

     And …

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 19
Social Media


     Don‘t overestimate
     the Social Web!

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 20
Social Media

The Old Way:
eMarketing and eCommerce Tools

 –   eMail
 –   Portals
 –   Corporate Websites
 –   …
Social Media

Social Media Marketing has an ever
growing Toolbox

  –   Search Engines
  –   Forums                          –   Podcasts
  –   Blogs                           –   YouTube
  –   Interest Groups                 –   Price Search Engines
  –   Portals                         –   Rating Sites
  –   Social Networks                 –   Picture Galleries
      • (Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn, …) –   …
Social Media

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 23
Social Media

Social Media Marketing

• Trad. Media vs. Social Media
  Shouting    vs. Sharing

   → additional Marketing Chanel(s)
Social Media

Social Media Marketing
Consequences for the Brand
                  g      y
 A brand is no longer only what
 we – the marketeers tell the
 consumer/user/buyer it is

 The band is what the
 consumer/user/buyer tell each
 other it is!
   „the intelligence of the masses“
Social Media

Social Media Marketing is…

   … t start a marketing campaign
       to t t       k ti        i
   ( multiple campaigns) that is
   (or      p       p g )
   distributed through social
   What sounds so easy is not simple at all. In
   order to be successful, one has to understand
   ist mechanisms!
Social Media

Social Media Marketing is…

Social Media

Social Media Marketing is…

Social Media

How Social Marketing Works 1

   The Basics

   #1   Place and distribute backlinks

   #2   Built and maintain networks

   #3   Built credibility and trust
Social Media

Backlinks and Textanchors
Social Media

Built and Maintain Networks
Social Media

How Social Marketing Works 2
• In order to understand how Social Media Marketing Basics
  works one has to understand how the basics work

           Think about a sports club!
Social Media

How Social Marketing Works 3
• Voluntary active or passive membership                     Basics
• Special areas of interests
• One communicates where one has something to say (or
  not) has an opinion answers questions asks questions …
               opinion,           questions,       questions,
• If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop
  that l
  th t value ones expertise and opinion
                          ti    d i i
• Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even
  appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones
  products and services, online shop, other products…
Social Media

How Social Marketing Works 4
Friends are easily found
one links up, meets, networks, …
and own expertise distributes …
Social Media

Traditional Marketing
Social Media

New Marketing
Social Media

Understand your Goals
     What do you intent to achieve with the                 How To
     Social Marketing campaign?
 •   Win additional customers      • Increase communication
 •   Gain a new customer base        with customers
                                       ith   t
 •   Increase sales                • Increase website traffic
 •   Increase awareness            • Increase image
 •   Enter new markets             • Change image
                                   • Increase online reputation

              As with traditional marketing:
              set yourself realistic goals!
                t        lf li ti       l !
Social Media

Set a Strategy
                                                         How To
 Ask yourself
 • What product(s) are        • Which social networks will
   suitable for social          be suitable?
   networks?                  • What reactions should I be
 • How do I position these      prepared to get?
   products?                  • How will I react to negative
 • Does my CI and brand fit     feedback from blogs etc ?
                                                blogs, etc.?
   the online community?      • Do I communicate
 • How do I communicate         centralised or distributed?
   online (tone and stile)?

 Have a look how your competitors do it!
Social Media

Set your Goal and Experiment
                                                              How To

• Goals ought to be realistic and long term. Goals
  can not be reached overnight.

• Watch out for the right analytics - clicks and fans
  have not much depth

• Not each channel suits each products Be selective
  but be willing to experiment.
                                                 Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 39
Social Media
What Products are Suitable for Social
Networks                                   How To

• …
Social Media
What Products are Suitable
What is Going on in Your Market Niche?                   How To

• Wh does your target audience get its information f ?
  Where d            t   t di            t it i f  ti from?
• Who are their „trusted advisors“ and where do they
• How do your competitors communicate?
            y        p
• Are they successful with what they do?
• Why? Why not?
• A first step in Germany http://socialmediaplanner.de
• E
  Even if some channels seem unsuitable reserve th name
                   h   l              it bl         the

                      Make first mistakes in a private setting!!
Social Media

How do I position my product(s)?
                                      How To

• …
Social Media
How do I position my product(s)?
What is Going on in Your Market Niche?                     How To

•   What do your competitors communicate?
•           y                        y
    Are they successful with what they do?
•   Why? Why not?
•   What are the communications that already exist?
•   Can I join the communication and contribute?
•   If you add value over a period of time, to the community,
    your purchase advise will be listened to!!

      Don‘t try to cheat – the crowd will find out!
Social Media
Does my CI and Brand fit the online
community?                               How To

• …
Social Media
Does my CI and Brand fit the online
community?                                        How To

• There is no need to change the corporate CI
• The Web 2.0 community is more easily reached without
  a corporate layout, but rather on a People-to-People
Social Media
How do I Communicate Online
(Tone and Stile)?                How To

• …
Social Media
How do I Communicate Online
(Tone and Stile)?                                     How To

→ What is the Tone and Stile of your
• What is the predominant tone and stile within the
  community? it ?
• Does this tone and stile fit the corporate image?
                                      p         g
• If not, is there a middle way possible?
Social Media
Which Social Networks will be Suitable?
                                             How To

• …
Social Media
What Social Networks will be Suitable?
                                                      How To

• A social network of students might not be the right place
     p              y
  to promote ERP systems …
• A general business network might be to high and wide
  for specialized engineering tools

              Think about the “long tail”
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
The Toolbox                                              How To

•   Corporate Blogs
•   Expert Blogs
•   Microblogging
•   Social networks (Corporate, business, personal)
•   Image hosting p
        g        g platforms
•   Video sharing platforms
•   Recommendation platforms
•   Social bookmarking platforms
•   Podcasting platforms
•   Forums
    For ms
•   Interest Groups
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
                                                               How To
• Step 1: Goals have to be set and clearly defined
• Step 2: To get prospects to your website, you have to
  intrigue them by
   – Content rich and interesting articles about a relevant topic
   – Freebies like e-books,
     vouchers, discounts
   – Free add-ons or tools
   – Sweepstakes and drawings
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
Example: Free Whitepaper                  How To
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
Example: Free Webinar                     How To
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
                                          How To

• Getting the news / the content out
   – Your corporate web site
   – Banner Ads
   – … but there is more
Social Media
How to Use Social Media in Marketing
                                          How To
Social Media
The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point
                                            How To
Social Media
The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point
                                                     How To

• You can show that you know a lot about a topic
• Y are easily f d by search engines
  You           il found b      h      i
• A good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few
                                    10 50
• It iis free f the customer and f media f you as a
         f for th      t       d free di for
• Search engines follow backlinks
Social Media
The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point
                                                     How To

• Y are not credible iin a “ t ll d” b
  You        t dibl         “controlled” bog
                                         p    p y       g
• You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog

          C      t
Social Media
The Corporate Blog
Make some rules.                                                                Basics

      E        ll    l        h        h b d
      Empower all employees… they are the brand.

      • Behave professionally and ethically.
        Behave professionally and ethically
      • Take personal responsibility.
      • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours, 
        not IBM’s.
      • Don’t pick fights.

      “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s 
      experts and expertise to the world.
      experts—and expertise—to the world ”
                                              Adam Christensen
                          Manager, Social Media Communications

Social Media
The Corporate Blog
Employees as Experts      Basics
Social Media
Step 3
Distributing News 1      How To
Social Media
Step 3
Distributing News 2                                   How To

• Once the blog is online, the world must learn about it
• There are many different categories in many different
  social networks:
Social Media
Step 3
Distributing News 3      How To
Social Media
Platforms with Backlinks
The Math                                                How To

• 25 true backlinks on blogs with an everage of 200
  visitors result in 5000 users that see the link.
• With a conversion rate of 0,5% this results in 750 more
  visitors on the original blog
• Given a very low clickprice of 20 ct, this translates into
• Maintaining a professional blog will require a time
  investment of at least 60 minutes/day
Social Media

News Platforms

 • The more you                 • If you are not yet known,
   communicate, the more          no one might find y
                                             g       your
   you reach your target          information
   audience                     • You need to use the right
 • You can reach and involve      key words
   your “friends” quickly and
Social Media

Social Networks
                                                   How To
 Social networks are network communities on the internet.
 Users can add friends or followers and send them
        g          y              p
 messages or notify them about updates concerning g
Social Media

Social Networks 2
                                                      How To
• Individuals, professionals and companies look for suitable
  networks and clusters.
• Within the network, they look for suitable groups and joint
Social Media

Social Networks

 • Direct customer                • Privacy problems
   communication                  • Dubious environment
 • Many forms of interaction      • Time-consuming
   becomes possible
 • Full display of pictures and
 • Many active users
   (facebook: over 350
Social Media

Business Oriented Social Networks

 • Serious environment        • Only partially ready for
 • Suitable for personall
   S it bl f                    business presentations
   business profile pages     • Not all audiences are in
 • Business oriented groups     these networks
                                th       t k
 • Backlinks increasingly
Social Media
Social Networks
Example              Practice
Social Media

Search Engine Optimisation
                                                    How To

• Meta tags and meta descriptions are important to gain
                                       p p
  relevant and valuable backlinks when people search
  with an search engine
• Social network services read meta descriptions
Social Media

Content Sharing Platforms

• Online Communities for archiving and sharing content
  such as:
  – Photographs and images
  – Videos
  – Audios
  – Presentations
Social Media

Content Sharing Platforms

 • Easy way to display,         • Copyright problems
   archive and share                          p
                                • Free data upload or
 • No need to own                 information spread is
   infrastructure and storage
                           g      limited
 • Possible real time           • No quality control of
   reporting of events            content and material
 • Poducts / content is
   ranked by audience
Social Media

Recommendation Platforms

 Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about
 products, services and organizations . Sometimes detailed discussions
 can evolve

 • Products are ranked by
                        y           • Bad products are exposed
                                          p              p
 • Credibility
 • Good products are usually
   ranked positively
Alert your company name and product name use
Social Media

Social Bookmarking Service

• Social bookmarking is a method to share, organize,
         ,           g
  search, and manage bookmarks of web resources.
  Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves are not
  shared Sharing occurs on a bookmarking level.

                                 d li i
Social Media


         gg g                  gg g
 Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to
 send brief text updates (or micromedia such as
 photos or audio clips) and publish them These
 messages can be submitted by a variety of means like
 text messaging instant messaging E mail digital audio
      messaging,         messaging, E-mail,
 or the web. (Wikipedia)
Social Media


 • fast                        • only short messages
 • cheap                         (Twitter 140 characters)
 • real-time communication     • difficult to measure
 • real-time market research   • short lifetime of tweets
                                         f       f
 • ad e s g allowed
   advertising a o ed          • A lot of meaningless
   (Twitter)                     information in twittersphere
 • direct customer
Social Media

Getting the Content back to you
                                                                       How To

• G tti th content b k to you will get th
  Getting the    t t back t    ill t the
  people back to you
 Social Media Newsroom
  • Re-collects your channels (Twitter, Facebook,
    YouTube, Flickr etc.) and displays them on your
    corporate website
  • Traditional Press relations are found in the online
    news room. Press releases and a dialog box can be
    found there.

                                                          Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 79
Social Media


     Monitor Social
     Media, monitor
     what people
     talk about you!

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 80
Social Media

Monitoring Social Media
                                                                    How To

 N t      h
 Free Web monitoring tools
   addictomatic.com (good to start with)
   socialmention.com (very detailed)
   hootsuite.com (facebook and twitter monitoring)
   boardtracker.com (specialised for forums)
   socialwebsiteanalyzer.com (monitors top 20 social websites)

 Special tools for more advanced and specialized monitoring can
  be bought
 You can monitor before even making your first active online social
  media steps.
Social Media

Extended Range of Monitoring
                                  How To
Social Media

The Codex
                                   How To

• Be open about your identity

• Be open about feedback
Social Media
What Reactions should I be
prepared to get?                Basics

     Do not try to kill
     twittering birds!

     Consider th
     C id the

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 84
Social Media
What Reactions should I be prepared to
get?                                                How To

• Feedback, positive and negative, should not be seen as
  a nuisance but as a helpful hand! It helps y improve
                           p                 p you p
  our product(s) or process(es)
• Listening to your customers and showing them that you
  are listening builds credibility and trust
• Make a problem a joint adventure and you will gain very
  loyal customers

  Constructive negative feedback can help you leapfrog
      your competitors! → Monitor Social Media!
Social Media


     Regeln Sie die Online-
     Gespräche ihrer

Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 86
Social Media
A Good Example
Social Media
A Good Example
Social Media
Social Media Engagement Framework
Social Media
The Case
Get h
G the word out about your new S
            d      b             Smartphone.
                                         h          Practice
Targeting a niche audience of your choice.
   g g                        y

Define the                        Define the
instruments you use.              content that

                                     Define the
                                     features of your
                                     phone yourself.
Social Media

Thank you!

Getting in touch:
Dr. Ute Hillmer
T: +49 711 90715 300
Weitere Informationen unter:
Twitter: f i
T itt mfg_innovation

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Social media marketing lecture 2010

  • 1. Social Media Social Media S i l M di or the Basics of Person-to-Person (P2P) Person to Person Marketing Dr. Ute Hillmer, MFG Baden‐Württemberg mbH  D Ut Hill MFG B d Wü tt b bH Innovationsagentur für IT und Medien Reutlingen, Reutlingen April 16th 2010 16th, Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 1
  • 2. Social Media How To MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH Baden Württemberg  Innovationsagentur des Landes Baden-Württemberg (Deutschland)  Gesellschafter: Land Baden-Württemberg und Südwestrundfunk  Standortförderung  Schwerpunkte Informationstechnologie, Software, Telekommunikation und Creative Industries Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 4
  • 3. Social Media Mission der MFG • Standortvorteile, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Wachstum bei Anbieter-Unternehmen im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationswirtschaft, K ti b K ik ti i t h ft Kreativbranchen verbessern. h b • Günstige Rahmenbedingungen für Innovation und Kreativität in Baden-Württemberg h ff B d Wü tt b schaffen. • Produktivität im deutschen Südwesten sichern. • Unterstützung globaler Zusammenarbeit entlang der gesamten Innovationskette. Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 5
  • 4. Social Media Basics Dr. Ute Hillmer  Unitleiterin Kreativwirtschaft und Projektentwicklung, MFG Projektentwicklung  Better Reality Marketing, Inhaberin  CoCreate Software  Hewlett Packard  UDF Unternehmensberatung  Sun Microsystems Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 6
  • 5. Social Media Content of the P2P Marketing Lecture 1 Who is who 1. 2. The Basics of Social Media Marketing • Why marketing is changing • Social marketing vs. traditional marketing • How social marketing works Backlinks g Networks Credibility 3. How to use Social Media Marketing g Step 1: Set your goals + built a strategy Step 4: Getting the people back to you Step 2: Intrigue your audience Step 6: Monitor your results Step 3: Getting the news/content out + built credibility 4. Social Media Marketing in Practice 5. The Case
  • 6. Social Media How did you buy yesterday? How do you buy today? How will y buy tomorrow? you y “… SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES changes the way individuals and companies form their opinion and buying decision, often even how they buy…” Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 9
  • 7. Social Media I‘ll Have What She is Having Basics
  • 8. Social Media eMarketing Basics Social  Marketing Open Innovation p Online Social Commerce Social Commerce Conversational Marketing Social Media S i l M di Virall Marketing k Web 2 02.0 Relationship Marketing Relationship Marketing eCommerce Crowd Sourcing Enterprise 2.0 P‐to‐P Marketing to Prezi
  • 9. Social Media Basics Why is Marketing changing? Why is “Social Media Social Marketing Marketing” different?
  • 10. Social Media Some Statistiks Basics • 98 % of home Internet users use the Internet for product ( research (Allensbach) ) • 44 % of home Internet users account for comments from other users (Allensbach) • 19 % of home Internet users check discussion forums (Allensbach) source: Allensbach   http://www.acta http://www acta‐ online.de/praesentationen/acta_2008/acta_ 2008_Internetind%2390DF7.pdf
  • 11. Social Media Some Statistiks 2 Basics What does this mean for B-to-B marketing? The way people use the Internet in private, they use it in the office. • 89 % of B to B decision makers use the Internet for their B-to-B research • 96 % of B t B d i i makers (IT) use G l f th i search f B-to-B decision k Google for their h queries • 40 % of B-to-B decision makers regularly use online communities source: creative 360 http://www.creative360.de/info-lounge/b2b-online- marketing.html
  • 12. Social Media Basics Don‘t underestimate the Social Web! Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 17
  • 14. Social Media And … Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 19
  • 15. Social Media Basics Don‘t overestimate the Social Web! Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 20
  • 16. Social Media The Old Way: Basics eMarketing and eCommerce Tools – eMail – Portals – Corporate Websites – …
  • 17. Social Media Social Media Marketing has an ever Basics growing Toolbox – Search Engines – Forums – Podcasts – Blogs – YouTube – Interest Groups – Price Search Engines – Portals – Rating Sites – Social Networks – Picture Galleries • (Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn, …) – …
  • 19. Social Media Social Media Marketing Basics • Trad. Media vs. Social Media Shouting vs. Sharing → additional Marketing Chanel(s)
  • 20. Social Media Social Media Marketing Basics Consequences for the Brand g y A brand is no longer only what we – the marketeers tell the consumer/user/buyer it is is. The band is what the consumer/user/buyer tell each other it is! „the intelligence of the masses“
  • 21. Social Media Social Media Marketing is… Basics … t start a marketing campaign to t t k ti i ( multiple campaigns) that is (or p p g ) distributed through social networks. networks What sounds so easy is not simple at all. In order to be successful, one has to understand , ist mechanisms!
  • 22. Social Media Social Media Marketing is… Basics •
  • 23. Social Media Social Media Marketing is… Basics •
  • 24. Social Media How Social Marketing Works 1 Basics The Basics #1 Place and distribute backlinks #2 Built and maintain networks #3 Built credibility and trust
  • 25. Social Media Backlinks and Textanchors Basics
  • 26. Social Media Built and Maintain Networks Basics
  • 27. Social Media How Social Marketing Works 2 • In order to understand how Social Media Marketing Basics works, works one has to understand how the basics work work. Think about a sports club!
  • 28. Social Media How Social Marketing Works 3 • Voluntary active or passive membership Basics • Special areas of interests • One communicates where one has something to say (or not), not) has an opinion answers questions asks questions … opinion, questions, questions, • If one is open, friendly and nice, friendships will develop that l th t value ones expertise and opinion ti d i i • Once one has built a reputation, it will be accepted, even appreciated if one recommends and hints one ones products and services, online shop, other products…
  • 29. Social Media How Social Marketing Works 4 Basics Friends are easily found found, one links up, meets, networks, … and own expertise distributes …
  • 32. Social Media Understand your Goals What do you intent to achieve with the How To Social Marketing campaign? • Win additional customers • Increase communication • Gain a new customer base with customers ith t • Increase sales • Increase website traffic • Increase awareness • Increase image • Enter new markets • Change image • Increase online reputation As with traditional marketing: set yourself realistic goals! t lf li ti l !
  • 33. Social Media Set a Strategy How To Ask yourself • What product(s) are • Which social networks will suitable for social be suitable? networks? • What reactions should I be • How do I position these prepared to get? products? • How will I react to negative • Does my CI and brand fit feedback from blogs etc ? blogs, etc.? the online community? • Do I communicate • How do I communicate centralised or distributed? online (tone and stile)? Have a look how your competitors do it!
  • 34. Social Media Set your Goal and Experiment How To • Goals ought to be realistic and long term. Goals can not be reached overnight. • Watch out for the right analytics - clicks and fans have not much depth • Not each channel suits each products Be selective products. but be willing to experiment. Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 39
  • 35. Social Media What Products are Suitable for Social Networks How To • …
  • 36. Social Media What Products are Suitable What is Going on in Your Market Niche? How To • Wh does your target audience get its information f ? Where d t t di t it i f ti from? • Who are their „trusted advisors“ and where do they communicate? • How do your competitors communicate? y p • Are they successful with what they do? • Why? Why not? • A first step in Germany http://socialmediaplanner.de • E Even if some channels seem unsuitable reserve th name h l it bl the http://namechk.com Make first mistakes in a private setting!!
  • 37. Social Media How do I position my product(s)? How To • …
  • 38. Social Media How do I position my product(s)? What is Going on in Your Market Niche? How To • What do your competitors communicate? • y y Are they successful with what they do? • Why? Why not? • What are the communications that already exist? • Can I join the communication and contribute? • If you add value over a period of time, to the community, your purchase advise will be listened to!! Don‘t try to cheat – the crowd will find out!
  • 39. Social Media Does my CI and Brand fit the online community? How To • …
  • 40. Social Media Does my CI and Brand fit the online community? How To • There is no need to change the corporate CI • The Web 2.0 community is more easily reached without 20 a corporate layout, but rather on a People-to-People basis. basis
  • 41. Social Media How do I Communicate Online (Tone and Stile)? How To • …
  • 42. Social Media How do I Communicate Online (Tone and Stile)? How To → What is the Tone and Stile of your y Community? • What is the predominant tone and stile within the community? it ? • Does this tone and stile fit the corporate image? p g • If not, is there a middle way possible?
  • 43. Social Media Which Social Networks will be Suitable? How To • …
  • 44. Social Media What Social Networks will be Suitable? How To • A social network of students might not be the right place p y to promote ERP systems … • A general business network might be to high and wide for specialized engineering tools tools… Think about the “long tail”
  • 45. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing The Toolbox How To • Corporate Blogs • Expert Blogs • Microblogging • Social networks (Corporate, business, personal) • Image hosting p g g platforms • Video sharing platforms • Recommendation platforms • Social bookmarking platforms • Podcasting platforms • Forums For ms • Interest Groups
  • 46. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing How To • Step 1: Goals have to be set and clearly defined • Step 2: To get prospects to your website, you have to intrigue them by – Content rich and interesting articles about a relevant topic – Freebies like e-books, vouchers, discounts – Free add-ons or tools – Sweepstakes and drawings
  • 47. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing Example: Free Whitepaper How To
  • 48. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing Example: Free Webinar How To
  • 49. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing How To • Getting the news / the content out p – Your corporate web site – Banner Ads – … but there is more
  • 50. Social Media How to Use Social Media in Marketing How To
  • 51. Social Media The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point How To
  • 52. Social Media The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point How To • You can show that you know a lot about a topic • Y are easily f d by search engines You il found b h i • A good article easily generates 10-50 backlinks in a few 10 50 days • It iis free f the customer and f media f you as a f for th t d free di for vendor • Search engines follow backlinks
  • 53. Social Media The Corporate Blog as a Starting Point How To • Y are not credible iin a “ t ll d” b You t dibl “controlled” bog p p y g • You don’t control what is said in an open employee blog Corporate C t blogging debate
  • 54. Social Media The Corporate Blog Make some rules. Basics E ll l h h b d Empower all employees… they are the brand. • Behave professionally and ethically. Behave professionally and ethically • Take personal responsibility. • Include a disclaimer: your opinions are yours,  not IBM’s. • Don’t pick fights. “Use social media as a means to expose IBM’s  experts and expertise to the world. experts—and expertise—to the world ” Adam Christensen Manager, Social Media Communications http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html
  • 55. Social Media The Corporate Blog Employees as Experts Basics
  • 57. Social Media Step 3 Distributing News 2 How To • Once the blog is online, the world must learn about it • There are many different categories in many different social networks:
  • 59. Social Media Platforms with Backlinks The Math How To • 25 true backlinks on blogs with an everage of 200 visitors result in 5000 users that see the link. • With a conversion rate of 0,5% this results in 750 more visitors on the original blog blog. • Given a very low clickprice of 20 ct, this translates into 150€. • Maintaining a professional blog will require a time investment of at least 60 minutes/day
  • 60. Social Media News Platforms Practice • The more you • If you are not yet known, , communicate, the more no one might find y g your you reach your target information audience • You need to use the right • You can reach and involve key words your “friends” quickly and friends easily
  • 61. Social Media Social Networks How To Social networks are network communities on the internet. Users can add friends or followers and send them g y p messages or notify them about updates concerning g themselves.
  • 62. Social Media Social Networks 2 How To • Individuals, professionals and companies look for suitable networks and clusters. • Within the network, they look for suitable groups and joint network them
  • 63. Social Media Social Networks Practice • Direct customer • Privacy problems communication • Dubious environment • Many forms of interaction • Time-consuming becomes possible p • Full display of pictures and movies • Many active users (facebook: over 350 million)
  • 64. Social Media Business Oriented Social Networks Practice • Serious environment • Only partially ready for • Suitable for personall S it bl f business presentations business profile pages • Not all audiences are in • Business oriented groups these networks th t k gy • Backlinks increasingly possible
  • 66. Social Media Search Engine Optimisation Practice How To • Meta tags and meta descriptions are important to gain p p relevant and valuable backlinks when people search with an search engine • Social network services read meta descriptions
  • 67. Social Media Content Sharing Platforms Practice • Online Communities for archiving and sharing content such as: – Photographs and images – Videos – Audios – Presentations
  • 68. Social Media Content Sharing Platforms Practice • Easy way to display, • Copyright problems archive and share p • Free data upload or • No need to own information spread is infrastructure and storage g limited • Possible real time • No quality control of reporting of events content and material • Poducts / content is ranked by audience
  • 69. Social Media Recommendation Platforms Practice Here users share experiences, perceptions and recommendations about products, services and organizations . Sometimes detailed discussions evolve.. can evolve • Products are ranked by y • Bad products are exposed p p audience • Credibility • Good products are usually ranked positively Alert your company name and product name use
  • 70. Social Media Social Bookmarking Service Practice • Social bookmarking is a method to share, organize, , g search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves are not shared. shared Sharing occurs on a bookmarking level. level del.icio.us d li i
  • 71. Social Media Microblogging Practice gg g gg g Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows users to send brief text updates (or micromedia such as photos or audio clips) and publish them These them. messages can be submitted by a variety of means like text messaging instant messaging E mail digital audio messaging, messaging, E-mail, or the web. (Wikipedia)
  • 72. Social Media Microblogging Practice • fast • only short messages • cheap (Twitter 140 characters) • real-time communication • difficult to measure • real-time market research • short lifetime of tweets f f • ad e s g allowed advertising a o ed • A lot of meaningless (Twitter) information in twittersphere • direct customer communication
  • 73. Social Media Getting the Content back to you How To • G tti th content b k to you will get th Getting the t t back t ill t the people back to you  Social Media Newsroom • Re-collects your channels (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr etc.) and displays them on your corporate website • Traditional Press relations are found in the online news room. Press releases and a dialog box can be room found there. http://newsroom.sympra.de/ Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 79
  • 74. Social Media Basics Monitor Social Media, monitor what people talk about you! y Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 80
  • 75. Social Media Monitoring Social Media How To  N t h Netnography g  Free Web monitoring tools addictomatic.com (good to start with) socialmention.com (very detailed) hootsuite.com (facebook and twitter monitoring) boardtracker.com (specialised for forums) socialwebsiteanalyzer.com (monitors top 20 social websites)  Special tools for more advanced and specialized monitoring can be bought  You can monitor before even making your first active online social media steps. p
  • 76. Social Media Extended Range of Monitoring How To
  • 77. Social Media The Codex How To • Be open about your identity • Be open about feedback
  • 78. Social Media What Reactions should I be prepared to get? Basics y Do not try to kill twittering birds! Consider th C id the codex! Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 84
  • 79. Social Media What Reactions should I be prepared to get? How To • Feedback, positive and negative, should not be seen as a nuisance but as a helpful hand! It helps y improve p p you p our product(s) or process(es) • Listening to your customers and showing them that you are listening builds credibility and trust • Make a problem a joint adventure and you will gain very loyal customers Constructive negative feedback can help you leapfrog your competitors! → Monitor Social Media!
  • 80. Social Media Basics Regeln Sie die Online- Gespräche ihrer p Mitarbeiter! Dr. Ute Hillmer, Seite 86
  • 81. Social Media A Good Example Practice
  • 83. Social Media Social Media Engagement Framework
  • 84. Social Media The Case Get h G the word out about your new S d b Smartphone. h Practice Targeting a niche audience of your choice. g g y Define the Define the instruments you use. content that rocks. rocks Define the features of your phone yourself.
  • 85. Social Media Thank you! Getting in touch: Dr. Ute Hillmer Dr hillmer@mfg.de T: +49 711 90715 300 Weitere Informationen unter: www.mfg-innovation.de www.doit-online.de Twitter: f i T itt mfg_innovation ti