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John Cook
Designing for Digital Learners (D4DL) Research Group, UWE Bristol, UK

Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook
Version 26 February 2014
1. Caffeine induced fast forward through John’s timeline
‘76 onwards
2. Bad press for ‘new’ technology and tools
3. The disruptive power of social networking from 1600s
to now
4. Design Based Research
5. Learning Layers
6. Design Seeking and Scaling framework
7. Pandora
8. Challenges
Health Warning!
Formal learning
on Computing
Science degree
did this to me 

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Learning in Networks of Knowledge
Learning in Networks of KnowledgeLearning in Networks of Knowledge
Learning in Networks of Knowledge

Staff seminar discussing search and social media needs of new and developing information professionals.

connected learningsocial networkingweb 2.0
Digital Scholarship powered by reflection and reflective practice through the...
Digital Scholarship powered by reflection and reflective practice through the...Digital Scholarship powered by reflection and reflective practice through the...
Digital Scholarship powered by reflection and reflective practice through the...

Current online information environments and the associated social and pedagogical transactions within them create an important information ecosystem that can and should influence and shape the professional engagement and digital scholarship within our learning communities in the higher education sector. Thanks to advances in technology, the powerful tools at our disposal to help students understand and learn in unique ways are enabling new ways of producing, searching and sharing information and knowledge. By leveraging technology, we have the opportunity to open new doors to scholarly inquiry for ourselves and our students. While practical recommendations for a wide variety of ways of working with current online technologies are easily marketed and readily adopted, there is insufficient connection to digital scholarship practices in the creation of meaning and knowledge through more traditional approaches to the ‘portfolio’. In this context, a review of the portfolio integration into degree programs under review in the School of Information Studies led to an update of the portfolio approach in the professional experience subject to an extended and embedded e-portfolio integrated throughout the subject and program experience. This was done to support a strong connection between digital scholarship, community engagement, personal reflection and professional reflexive practices. In 2013 the School of Information Studies established CSU Thinkspace, a branded Wordpress solution from Campus Press, to better serve the multiple needs and learning strategies identified for the Master of Education programs. The aim was to use a product that replicates the authentic industry standard tools used in schools today, and to model the actual ways in which these same teachers can also work in digital environments with their own students or in their own professional interactions. This paper will review how the ePortfolio now provides reflective knowledge construction, self-directed learning, and facilitate habits of lifelong learning within their professional capabilities. Referred published as part of the EPortolios Forum, Sydney, 2016.

higher educationlearning designreflective practice
Before and After MOOCs
Before and After MOOCsBefore and After MOOCs
Before and After MOOCs

Slides supporting my "against" xMOOCs position in the NIACE Digital Learning Conference debate 11 December 2013

Post Punk era was all
about informal
learning. In 1980 I join
Angels One 5 as self
taught bass player

By 1983 informal learning
guides me into wearing THAT shirt!
But mixing the formal and
informal can cause an
identity crisis!
Reintegrated John? 2008

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The good, the bad and the wiki
The good, the bad and the wikiThe good, the bad and the wiki
The good, the bad and the wiki

This document summarizes a research study that evaluated the use of wikis to promote collaborative learning among university students. The study found that while wikis have potential for collaboration, some students found them confusing at first and preferred more structure. Overall, students' engagement and understanding improved over time as they learned how to use the wiki and divide responsibilities. The study suggests wikis are best used with guidance from instructors to help students understand their purpose and maximize their benefits.

Using theory to review and to plan the blending of mobile learning into practice
Using theory to review and to plan the blending of mobile learning into practiceUsing theory to review and to plan the blending of mobile learning into practice
Using theory to review and to plan the blending of mobile learning into practice

The presentation will be structured as follow. The talk will first provide an introduction to the theory behind the Socio-Cultural Ecology (Pachler, Bachmair and Cook, 2010) and the notion of User-generated contexts (Cook, Pachler and Bachmair, accepted), which Cook (2009) has refined into an analytical tool called a ‘typology-grid’ (see below). The talk will then demonstrate how the typology-grid has been successfully been used to analyse and learn from the ALPS and conclude by inviting a critique of the typology-grid.

mobile learning into practicelearning theoryplanning
Bildung für Alle? OER und MOOC Initiativen im internationalen Vergleich.
Bildung für Alle? OER und MOOC Initiativen im internationalen Vergleich.Bildung für Alle? OER und MOOC Initiativen im internationalen Vergleich.
Bildung für Alle? OER und MOOC Initiativen im internationalen Vergleich.

Keynote auf dem Fachforum E-Learning: Bildung für Alle? Offene Lernressourcen an Hochschulen. Darmstadt 19.03.2013

moochigher educationoer
Rugby union


5 aside





Self taught bass

I have set up a false
Formal learning and/or
learning in informal
contexts, it’s complicated!

Pre-UWE R&D timeline …
(2006 - on)



(2007 - on)

‘Evidence’ to BIS





Cooperative Problem-Seeking Dialogues in Learning: http://tinyurl.com/q9qbjvz

Selected research outputs
London Mobile Learning Group
First monograph (2010) on
mobile learning. Being used
in teaching in such
institutions as University Hull,
University Leeds, University
Stockholm, and University of
California, Berkeley.

(2006 - on)

Methods in
and Mobile
Learning *



* http://www.milrm.wle.org.uk/

User Generated


People thought the
first printing press was
an instrument of the
devil that would spawn
unauthorised versions
of the bible.
David Crystal (Guardian, 2008), author
of „Txtng: the gr8db8‟ (Crystal, 2008)


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This document discusses perspectives on digital education spaces in universities between renewed fascination and sober routine. It covers topics like MOOCs, open educational resources (OER), criticisms of OER, and challenges with participation in digital environments. Some key points include: - MOOCs and OER were initially met with great enthusiasm and hype about their potential, but uptake and reuse in formal education has been disappointing. - OER can enable open and flexible learning, but Germany had fundamental objections around lack of digital content preventing learning for those with low qualifications. - Participation in digital spaces is difficult and assumptions of autonomy don't always match reality, as students may just "play the game" for obligations rather than personal

Marco mason @ smithsonian welcome wednesdays march 26th, 2014
Marco mason @ smithsonian welcome wednesdays march 26th, 2014Marco mason @ smithsonian welcome wednesdays march 26th, 2014
Marco mason @ smithsonian welcome wednesdays march 26th, 2014

In this presentation I give an overview of Dime4heritage research project and present early findings. Fo rumor info about the research: http://marcomason.mit.edu/pagina-portfolio This slides were presented at Smithsonian Welcome Wednesdays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4yIYOJSkWs

user experience designinteraction designvisitor experience
Webquest Workshop
Webquest WorkshopWebquest Workshop
Webquest Workshop

workshop for high school teachers introducing webquests as constructivist learning activity and puts it into the broader context of "new literacies"

The telephone
created fears of a
breakdown in
family life, with
people no longer
speaking directly
to one another.


And radio and
concerns about
Mobile phones
can damage your
txt spk is
responsible for
bad spelling and
moral decay?
As always there
is more to it than
meets the eye …

A 1668 illustration showing a contemporary London coffee house. Photo: Lordprice Collection / Alamy

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Our Flexible Friend: The implications of individual differences for informati...
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Our Flexible Friend: The implications of individual differences for informati...

This document summarizes research on individual differences in how students use information technology. It discusses factors like cognitive styles, learning approaches, personality, ability levels, and prior experiences that can influence students' engagement with technology. The study observed differences between 7 students of varying gender, attainment, and backgrounds using computers in their classroom over 1 year. It suggests individual differences may supersede expected trends and considers implications for personalized teaching with technology.

PGCLT(HE) - Supporting students with TEL
PGCLT(HE) - Supporting students with TELPGCLT(HE) - Supporting students with TEL
PGCLT(HE) - Supporting students with TEL

The "Supporting Students with TEL" is a module within the PGCLT(HE) at Canterbury Christ Church University. This is the presentation that was given to academic staff that puts TEL in an historical and cultural context before looking at what CCCU does now

Helsinki 2009
Helsinki 2009Helsinki 2009
Helsinki 2009

This document is Terry Anderson's CV presented as a Wordle tag cloud. It discusses Anderson's views on distance education, including that education must improve quality and appeal while empowering student control. It advocates boundless access to open educational resources, connections, and learning opportunities using technologies like open courses and open access journals. However, it notes opportunities also exist to waste time or harm privacy, and boundaries may be needed to manage information and guide productive use. Overall, the document emphasizes embracing open, online opportunities to improve and reform education through open scholarship and networks.

• After you have seem this!
• http://gnli.christianpost.com/video/when-thespeaker-asking-the-audience-to-turn-off-theircell-phones-something-unbelievablehappened-27694

As well as complaining that Christians had
abandoned their traditional beer in favour
of a foreign drink, critics worried that
coffeehouses were keeping people from
productive work.

1677, Anthony Wood, an Oxford academic:
“Why doth solid and serious learning
decline, and few or none follow it now in
the University?” he asked.
“Answer: Because of Coffea Houses, where
they spend all their time”
(from Standage, 2013).
social networking within
companies could increase the
productivity of “knowledge
workers” by 20 to 25 percent


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Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for LearningHandbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning

I am NOT the author of this book. The author is Dr. George Siemens and it has a Creative Commons License. You can download it for reference. Thank you.

Effective Communications for Schools in the 21st Century May 28 2012
Effective Communications for Schools in the 21st Century May 28 2012Effective Communications for Schools in the 21st Century May 28 2012
Effective Communications for Schools in the 21st Century May 28 2012

Effective Communications for Schools in the 21st Century discusses trends in technology and communications tools for schools. It provides an overview of tools like social media, mobile apps, and digital content that are changing how schools communicate. The presentation encourages educators to explore these new tools and ways they can engage and inform students, parents, and the community in the digital age. It aims to provide ideas and spark discussion on adapting communications strategies for 21st century learners and learning environments.

How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education
How the Internet is Revolutionizing EducationHow the Internet is Revolutionizing Education
How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education

The document discusses how the Internet is revolutionizing education by making educational resources freely available online. It provides several examples of open education initiatives like MIT OpenCourseWare, UC Berkeley's open courses on iTunes U and YouTube, and Khan Academy. Experts comment that while free online resources enhance learning, they do not fully replace the traditional higher education experience of interacting with faculty and peers. Some see online education as democratizing access to knowledge, while others argue it is not a complete substitute for a university degree. Overall the Internet is transforming learning by expanding access to educational content beyond the walls of the classroom.

“The book and website
both challenge what the
manifesto calls
outmoded, 20th-century
thinking about business
in light of the emergence
of the Web, clearly
listing "95 theses", as a
reference to Martin
Luther's manifesto which
heralded the start of the
Protestant Reformation.”
accessed, 26/09/13
“The lesson of the coffeehouse
is that modern fears about the
dangers of social networking
are overdone. This kind of
media, in fact, has a long
history: Martin Luther’s use of
pamphlets in the Reformation
casts new light on the role of
social media in the Arab
Standage, T. (2013). Social Networking in
the 1600s. New York Times (online), June
accessed 30/08/13
“… a genre of research in which the
iterative development of solutions to
practical and complex educational
problems also provides the context for
empirical investigation, which yields
theoretical understanding that can inform
the work of others … [although
potentially powerful] the simultaneous
pursuit of theory building and practical
innovation is extremely ambitious”
McKenney, S. & Reeves, T. (2012).
Conducting Educational Design Research.
New York: Routledge.
NOT Same as Research-based design …

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This document discusses the potential of online higher education and open online courses to transform traditional higher education models. It notes that open online courses (OOCs) allow thousands of students to access course content simultaneously for free online. While still experimental, OOCs could increase access to education and reduce costs. Experts argue that OOCs will require rethinking education's focus on knowledge delivery versus enabling self-directed learning and collaboration. New technologies afford opportunities to take advantage of online resources and communication capabilities to make education more flexible.

Editorial Preface to Special Issue
 Editorial Preface to Special Issue Editorial Preface to Special Issue
Editorial Preface to Special Issue

1. The document introduces a special issue of the International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching focused on how Web 2.0 technologies are impacting English Language Teaching. 2. It describes a pre-conference event held by the Learning Technologies Special Interest Group at the IATEFL conference in 2010 that explored how Web 2.0 tools can be used in ELT through both online and in-person discussions. 3. The event and special issue aimed to examine whether increased adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by teachers has led to CALL (computer-assisted language learning) becoming a normalized part of everyday language teaching practice.

Remediation and the Desire for Immediacy
Remediation and the Desire for ImmediacyRemediation and the Desire for Immediacy
Remediation and the Desire for Immediacy

The document discusses how new media remediates older media by borrowing and refashioning elements from older forms like television, film, photography, and print. It explores two strategies for remediation - transparent immediacy, which aims to make the medium invisible to provide an authentic experience, and hypermediacy, which acknowledges multiple media layers. New media both challenges the status of older media and reaffirms it by employing these remediation strategies. Producers of new media products sell experiences of transparent immediacy found in digital art, theme parks, and restaurants that blend entertainment and consumption.

Tom Reeves keynote:
“How many educational
revolutions have we heard
DBR = "Impact on real world
“… in the era of iPhone ... we
want frictionless solutions ...
but people and institutions
can feel messy ... they
introduce uncontrolled
“You know DBR has rigor and
discipline, but it must also
have impact.”


DBR Example: Augmented
Context for Development
“… context as a core construct that enables

collaborative, location-based, mobile device
mediated problem solving where learners
generate their own „temporal context for
development‟ within the wider frame of
Augmented Contexts for Development

Cook, J (2010). Mobile Phones as
Mediating Tools Within Augmented
Contexts for Development, IJMBL.
Link to paper http://goo.gl/NFWnSZ
Used in mLeMan project
as basis for Mobile
Augmented Reality –
with Carl Smith, Claire




Project Coordination
Technology Research

Scaling Partners

Regional Application Clusters
Health Care – Leeds
Construction &
Building – Bremen

Technology Partners

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Remediation : Understanding New Media TEXT
Remediation : Understanding New Media TEXTRemediation : Understanding New Media TEXT
Remediation : Understanding New Media TEXT

The document discusses the concepts of remediation and mediation in digital media. It defines remediation as the representation of one medium through another, which Bolter and Grusin argue is a defining characteristic of new digital media. The document then covers topics like perspective in art, the development of photography and film, and how each new medium remediates older forms of representation. It argues that immediacy and hypermediacy are in constant oscillation, as media aim to either conceal or highlight the technological means of representation.

cultural theorydigital culturenew media
From Visibility to Observability: Internet and the Accelerated Process of Sel...
From Visibility to Observability: Internet and the Accelerated Process of Sel...From Visibility to Observability: Internet and the Accelerated Process of Sel...
From Visibility to Observability: Internet and the Accelerated Process of Sel...

This document discusses how the internet and social media have accelerated self-observation in social systems. It argues that social systems are self-observing networks of communication that rely on language, media, and symbols to increase the probability of continued communication. The rise of user-generated content on platforms like Twitter and Facebook allows for observation and analysis of social systems at both the individual and network levels. However, the web continues to change, presenting both challenges and opportunities for sociological research using online data, such as the need to obtain permission to analyze certain types of user-generated content.

social systemsluhmanncollapsed context
Productive Publics / Transmedia Participation
Productive Publics / Transmedia ParticipationProductive Publics / Transmedia Participation
Productive Publics / Transmedia Participation
online offlineparticipationtransmedia
Cook, J., Bannan, B. and Santos, P. (2013). Seeking and Scaling Model for Designing Technology that Supports Personal and Professional Learning Networks. Workshop 31
on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning (ECSCW meets EC-TEL), 21 September, Cyprus. Available from: http://tinyurl.com/la6y927
• Rogers (2003) “Diffusion of Innovations” seminal work from 60s
– May be too linear

• Can we abstract out of a perfect study and scale as Kampylis, et al.
(2013) claim?
• According to Forge et al. (2013, p. 8) design libraries encourage
common shared intellectual capital as a general basis for innovation
and scaling
• Forge et al. (2013, p. 8) also note in support of their argument that
– Apple the largest company in the world by market capitalization in
May 2012 (they can scale)
– Relies on design concepts for its leading position
– Currently using its British designers and previously its German

• Design matters!

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Forum Giovani Ais Vi Edizione Elena Spina
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Forum Giovani Ais Vi Edizione Elena Spina
Introduzione corso NewMedia 2006-2007
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Introduzione corso NewMedia 2006-2007

Introduzione al modulo di NewMedia 2006-2007 Scienze della Comunicazione Urbino "Carlo Bo"

TComMediaCult-Programma 2008 2009
TComMediaCult-Programma 2008 2009TComMediaCult-Programma 2008 2009
TComMediaCult-Programma 2008 2009
… all about
interacting with
people …

• Double espresso for Internet powered coffee houses?
• Claims to be putting more intelligence, more meaning
into the web
• Web of collective knowledge systems, which are able
to provide useful information based on human
contributions and which get better as more people
• The socio-semantic web may be seen as a middle way
between the top-down monolithic taxonomy approach
like the Yahoo! Directory and the more recent
collaborative tagging (folksonomy) approaches
Layers EGs: Ach So! –
Mobile video
recording app &
Help Seeking tool

Layers Social


http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/papers/sioc.html / http://odl.learning-layers.eu/ach-so-mobile-video-recording-app/

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The Wonderful World of Social Media
The Wonderful World of Social MediaThe Wonderful World of Social Media
The Wonderful World of Social Media

The concept of 'social media' is vast and therefore this presentation looks at three key areas: - The origins of social media - Where social media is today + case studies of best practice - Where we expect social media to go next Social media has always been a personal and professional passion of mine so I wanted to tell story. Much of the research about the history of social media is taken from the work of Tom Standage, deputy editor of The Economist and author of 'Writing on the Wall', a historical look at social media over the last 2,000 years. One of the key aspects of the presentation I would like people to take away is what I defined as the 'five key tenets of social media': • Connection • Engagement • Shared interests • Content • Conversation

historyguidesocial media
CIPR Social Media Conference - Tom Standage
CIPR Social Media Conference - Tom StandageCIPR Social Media Conference - Tom Standage
CIPR Social Media Conference - Tom Standage

Social media has existed for centuries in various forms. Cicero exchanged letters with friends and allowed copies to be distributed in Roman times. In the Middle Ages, Paul instructed the Colossians and Laodiceans to share his letters. Martin Luther's 95 Theses spread rapidly throughout Germany in the 15th century. Coffeehouses in the 17th century functioned as social media environments where people exchanged ideas and news. While some criticized social media for distracting from important matters, others saw benefits like accelerating revolutions by synchronizing public opinion. Overall, social media is not a modern fad but rather part of a long tradition dating back to ancient times, with modern blogs and microblogs continuing analogous functions as past pamphlets

• Can you solve it? No, but I know a woman who can!
• Personal Learning Networks (PLN): Curating, managing and
promoting a PLN develops critical, creative, 21st century skills
and socio-emotional capabilities.
• Cook and Pachler
• Santos, Cook, TreasureJones, Kerr & Colley



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Week 3 - The Victorian Internet
Week 3 - The Victorian InternetWeek 3 - The Victorian Internet
Week 3 - The Victorian Internet

How Revolutionary is IT ? The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-line Pioneers- Tom Standage, 1998 The Telegraph: How Innovation caused Social Change - Annteresa Lubrano,1997 Presentation by: Ravishankar (Student at IIIT-Bangalore) Subject: Economics and Social Impacts of IT

#Citizenfour: Internet Publics and the Imaginary of Privacy
#Citizenfour: Internet Publics and the Imaginary of Privacy#Citizenfour: Internet Publics and the Imaginary of Privacy
#Citizenfour: Internet Publics and the Imaginary of Privacy

1) The document analyzes tweets about the documentary Citizenfour, which features Edward Snowden discussing government surveillance. 2) It finds three main themes in the tweets: concerns about informational privacy due to government data collection; concerns about accessibility privacy due to invasive surveillance programs; and expressions of privacy through jokes and discussions of self-censorship. 3) The analysis concludes that the documentary stimulated audience reflexivity about privacy in terms of control over private/public boundaries, individuals' attitudes, and choices about surveillance and behavior.

privacysurveillancesocial television
Spreadable Media and consumption
Spreadable Media and consumptionSpreadable Media and consumption
Spreadable Media and consumption
• SSS can generate meta-data to relate people
and data, people and people, data and data!
• Goal of the following exercise is to explore
integration of Help Seeking tool’s sociocultural-historical approach (Vygotsky) with


So, we have 3 people: Patricia, Mark and Natasha. They all search
for and read an article called “Registration guidelines on diabetes”
which is downloaded from the Intranet onto their respective PLEs
(blue lines below)


guidelines on


From this the SSS will begin a service known as user event service
(or looking at what people are doing and finding patterns) in this
instance, the pattern is 3 people have all downloaded the same
document meaning they have shown an interest.

From SSS perspective we draw a (Green) connection between the 3
people, since they all downloaded & (we assume) have read the
same article.



guidelines on


Well, Patricia asks Mark (who she has previously tagged in her PLE,
a ‘more capable peer’) a question about booking interpreters for a
patient via her contacts



guidelines on

for a patient


For the SSS this is part of the meaning making system, since they both
have looked at the “Registration guidelines on diabetes” document the
SSS user event service draws in a relationship between those two sets
of data (purple lines).


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Convergence Culture
Convergence CultureConvergence Culture
Convergence Culture

The document discusses the concept of convergence culture, where boundaries between mass media, personal communication, and amateur/professional content are blurred. It describes how digital networks allow for communication and content to be shared on a massive scale, reach broad and invisible audiences, and remain persistent through searchability and replicability. Modernity 2.0 is characterized by these attributes of digital media and the World Wide Web that have increased opportunities for many individuals to publish content globally.

Informazione e Patrimonio Culturale: come si informano gli italiani
Informazione e Patrimonio Culturale: come si informano gli italianiInformazione e Patrimonio Culturale: come si informano gli italiani
Informazione e Patrimonio Culturale: come si informano gli italiani

Giunta alla sua sesta edizione, l'indagine News-Italia descrive i cambiamenti nel modo di informarsi degli italiani. Il focus di quest'anno è dedicato all'informazione sul patrimonio culturale.

patrimonio culturalesocial mediamibact
"Performance as Remediation where the concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy ...
"Performance as Remediation where the concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy ..."Performance as Remediation where the concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy ...
"Performance as Remediation where the concepts of immediacy and hypermediacy ...

Este documento apresenta uma introdução a um livro sobre arte e remediação. A introdução discute como a remediação permite criar novas obras combinando diferentes mídias e tempos. O livro contém ensaios explorando como a arte e a tecnologia se relacionam através da remediação em várias formas de expressão artística. A introdução também discute a preservação do patrimônio cultural digital no contexto da remediação.

Now the SSS pushes a service called “Recommendation Service”
(Linking to good stuff, which is part of the guidance service group),
because it has seen that Patricia and Mark both are in this


guidelines on

for a patient


it assumes that Natasha probably would like to be in the discussion too
(because of the similarity of the three persons)! So SSS suggests to
Natasha that she joins the discussion (red line), the SSS is therefore
scaffolding a collaborative ‘temporal context for development’.

• And there we go, Natasha discovers a discussion that
she also finds useful
– Thanks to the SSS’s hi-level services “recommendation”
(guidance service group).

• The services & connections provided/made by SSS in
this example are:

User event service (finding a pattern)
Recommendation service
Connection between the 3 people (green)
Relationship between those two sets of data (purple lines)
Suggests for person to join a discussion (red line)

• In Vygotskian terms we have in play two key concepts
– More Capable Peer
– Temporal Context for Development
– … and there is lots of mediation going with signs and tools
• How to design Help Seeking tools for health sector?
• Scale to other sectors
• There are certain assumptions built in the Social Semantic
Server (based on artefact-actor networks and Piagetian
schemas) that still need resolving with our socio-culturalhistorical approach (Vygotsky) of Help Seeking
• Investigate further notion of context formation
⁻ How do we construct and process context?
⁻ Fear of learning, technology, problem solving, creativity
⁻ How we can integrate different contexts? For example learning in
formal and non-formal contexts
⁻ Re-examine Augmented Contexts for Development (Cook, 2010) and
User Generated Contexts (Cook, 2014) in the light of neuroscience

“hippocampus can process and
store contextual information
reliably and independently
without the potentially
detrimental interference from …
[unpleasant] salient event”
Assitant Prof Attila Losonczy,


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The Victorian Internet
The Victorian InternetThe Victorian Internet
The Victorian Internet

The document discusses chapters from the book "The Victorian Internet" by Tom Standage. It summarizes key points about the development of the trans-Atlantic telegraph in the 1850s and 1860s, including three failed attempts before success in 1866. This led to technological optimism and the growth of the telegraph network. By the late 1860s, a vast telegraph network had taken shape, connecting major cities through cables and other systems. However, the network also faced challenges like high costs and congestion. The telegraph impacted society and business by accelerating the spread of news and increasing competition. However, new technologies like the telephone later made the telegraph obsolete. The legacy of the telegraph can be seen in modern Internet and

#telegraph #internet #technology #utopia
• Are we closer to solving puzzle of how the hippocampus can successfully
encode the context, while ignoring the impact of the ongoing negative
– Provides one mechanism for parallel-processing in the brain
– Here temporally overlapping inputs are disentangled and sorted into separate pipelines
for further processing and context formation

– It appears we may separate the construction of context from our feelings about the
– Storing context separately allows objective processing of context
– Big ethical considerations

• Refine Design Seeking and Scaling framework
• Need to improve community engagement around ODL
• Form partnerships for spin outs for Help Seeking tool
• Balance my coffee intake …



Academia.edu: http://westengland.academia.edu/JohnCook/About
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_Cook9/
Mendeley: http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/john-cook6/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/johnnigelcook
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-cook/0/488/b54
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.cook.56027281?fref=ts
Skype: johnnigelcook

And general links
• Designing for Digital Learners (D4DL): http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/2435
• BRILLE: Bristol Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning and Education (BRILLE)
• UWE Bristol profil: http://people.uwe.ac.uk/Pages/person.aspx?accountname=campusjn-cook
• Learning Layers: http://learning-layers.eu/
• Open Design Library: http://odl.learning-layers.eu/


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This document provides an introduction to new media, discussing its history and key thinkers who helped develop it. It examines definitions of new media, focusing on how computer technology has enabled the amalgamation of traditional media forms while allowing for new types of interaction. Pioneers like Alan Kay, Ted Nelson, and Nicholas Negroponte are discussed for their contributions in areas like personal computing, hypertext, and predictions about the future of digital media. The document also summarizes theories about new media from scholars like Lev Manovich and his principles of new media.

new media
Cook social network innovation
Cook   social network innovationCook   social network innovation
Cook social network innovation

Giving talk Wednesday 10th Sept 2014 to visitors to UWE from Shenyang Aerospace University (China). Slides are up and includes ideas UWE-led ideas on Hybrid Social Learning Networks. Why? To meet the challenge of the ‘unfilled’ potential of the Internet. Provide equity of access to cultural resources (broadly defined) as a democratic right. #LearningLayers

social mobile networked learningwork-based learningsocial semantic web
Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos!
Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos!Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos!
Leadership in a connected age: Change, challenge and productive chaos!

The document discusses the impact of digital technologies and connectivity on leadership. It notes that the internet has changed how information is accessed, shared and used to construct knowledge in just 25 years. True leadership in this age requires embracing change, welcoming innovation, and leveraging social media and online tools to meet the challenges of a globally connected world. Leaders must understand how new technologies impact learning and knowledge sharing to guide their organizations effectively.

leadershipweb 3.0technology
Thank You
Acknowledgement of work used in this talk:
Tom Standage (The Economist), Dr Xu Liu (MIT), Carl Smith, Claire Bradley, Brenda
Bannan, Patricia Santos, Tribal, Owen Gray, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Micky Kerr, &
various Learning Layers colleagues
Learning Layers is a 7th Framework Large-scale integrating project co-funded by the
European Commission; Grant Agreement Number 318209; http://learning-layers.eu/

ALT/TLRP-TEL (2010). Technology in Learning: A Response to Some [evidence-seeking] Questions from the
Department of Business Innovation and Skills. Foreword by John Cook (LTRI/ALT) and Richard Noss (TLRPTEL), October. Available: http://repository.alt.ac.uk/839/. Cook also first author of content.
Cook, J. (2014). User Generated Contexts: Thinking About Changes in Mass Communication in Terms of
Agency, Innovation, Trust and Risk. Proceedings of Bristol Ideas in Mobile Learning 2014 (Ed Cook, Santos and
Mor). See also http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/8586
Cook, J., Bannan, B. and Santos, P. (2013). Seeking and Scaling Model for Designing Technology that Supports
Personal and Professional Learning Networks. Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and
Learning (ECSCW meets EC-TEL), 21 September, Cyprus. Link to paper goo.gl/K7zMHO

Cook, J. and Pachler, N. (2012). Online People Tagging: Social (Mobile) Network(ing) Services and Work-based
Learning. British Journal of Education Technology, 43(5), 711–725. Link to paper goo.gl/S5kfgi
Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (2012). Using Social Network Sites and Mobile Technology for Bridging
Social Capital. In Guglielmo Trentin and Manuela Repetto (Eds.), Using Network and Mobile Technology to
Bridge Formal and Informal Learning, pp. 31-56. Chandos. Link to paper goo.gl/3C3TCN
Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (2011). Ubiquitous Mobility with Mobile Phones: A Cultural Ecology for
Mobile Learning. E-Learning and Digital Media. Special Issue on Media: Digital, Ecological and
Epistemological. 8(3), 181-195. Link to paper goo.gl/Q17Elh

Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Phones as Mediating Tools Within Augmented Contexts for Development.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 2(3), 1-12, July-September. Link to paper
Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bradley, C. (2008). Bridging the Gap? Mobile Phones at the Interface between
Informal and Formal Learning. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Spring. Available
from: http://www.rcetj.org/index.php/rcetj/article/view/34
Cook, J., Holley, D. and Andrew, D. (2007). A Stakeholder Approach to Implementing E-Learning in a
University. British Journal of Education Technology, 38(5), 784–794.

Cook, J., Holley, D., Smith, C., Haynes, R. and Bradley, C. (2006). Team Enhanced Creativity: An Approach to
Designing User-Centred Reusable Learning Objects. IV International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in
Education (m-ICTE2006), Seville (Spain), 22-25 November 2006. See http://www.formatex.org/micte2006
Cook, J. (2000). Cooperative Problem-Seeking Dialogues in Learning. In Gauthier, G., Frasson, C. and VanLehn,
K. (Eds.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 5th International Conference, ITS 2000 Montréal, Canada, June 2000
Proceedings, p. 615–624. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag.
Crystal, D. (2008). Txtng: the gr8 db8. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Forge, S., Blackman, C., Goldberg, I. and Biagi, F. (2013). Comparing Innovation Performance in the EU and
the USA: Lessons from Three ICT Sub-Sectors. European Commission Joint Research Centre Technical Report,
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
McKenney, S. & Reeves, T. (2012). Conducting Educational Design Research. New York: Routledge.
Michael Chui, James Manyika, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, Hugo Sarrazin, Geoffrey
Sands and Magdalena Westergren (2012). The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through
social technologies. McKinsey Global Institute,
http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/the_social_economy, accessed September

Mitchell, A., Holley, D., Cook, J., Windle, R. and Morales, R. (2008). 360 Degree Rotations – A Kaleidoscope of
Voices from the RLO-CETL. The Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2008, Harrogate, July 1-3.
Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Learning: Structures, Agency, Practices. New York:
Panagiotis Kampylis, Nancy Law, Yves Punie, Stefania Bocconi, Barbara Brečko, Seungyeon Han, Chee-Kit Looi,
Naomi Miyake (2013). ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe and Asia: Exploring conditions for
sustainability, scalability and impact at system level. See
http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=6362, accessed Sept 2013.


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Research proposal attic media
Research proposal attic mediaResearch proposal attic media
Research proposal attic media

This document proposes research on how open source information databases can enhance the quality of education. The research would analyze existing databases like Connexions for quality, and conduct case studies using personal learning environments. Students would learn through social networks, databases and tools for a year, then provide feedback on their experiences. The proposal estimates the cost of researchers to conduct content analysis and case studies over the course of a year. It concludes that Attic Media could focus on designing programs and tools to navigate open information as formal education requirements change.

Research Proposal Attic Media
Research Proposal Attic MediaResearch Proposal Attic Media
Research Proposal Attic Media

This document proposes research on how open source information databases can enhance the quality of education. The research would analyze existing databases like Connexions for quality, and conduct case studies using personal learning environments. Students would learn through social networks, databases and tools for a year, then provide feedback on their experiences. The proposal estimates the cost of researchers to conduct content analysis and case studies over the year-long period would be around 60,000 euros. The research could provide relevance for Attic Media by indicating how education may evolve away from formal requirements towards personal learning tailored to open information sources.

Research Proposal Attic Media
Research Proposal  Attic  MediaResearch Proposal  Attic  Media
Research Proposal Attic Media

This document provides a research proposal for studying how open source information databases could enhance the quality of education. The proposal outlines a theoretical framework and literature review on open source databases and their potential economic and educational impacts. Key points include: 1. The research question is whether open source databases can improve the quality of education by increasing access to up-to-date information at low cost. 2. Open source databases allow anyone to contribute and access educational content digitally without restrictions. Quality is maintained through sign-in requirements, version tracking, and peer review. 3. While commercial firms struggle to profit from open source, money can be made providing interfaces, tools, and other services around open databases. Contributors are

Rogers, E. M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovations. Fifth Edition. New York: Free Press
Santos, P., Cook, J., Treasure-Jones, T., Kerr, M., & Colley, J. (2014). Networked Scaffolding: Seeking Support in
Workplace Learning Contexts. Networked Learning Conference, Edinburgh, UK.
Standage, T. (2013). Social Networking in the 1600s. New Yourk Times (online), June 22,
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/opinion/sunday/social-networking-in-the1600s.html?pagewanted=all&_r=3&, accessed 30/08/13
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. The development of higher psychological processes (Cole, M., Eds.).
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Original work published 1930)


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Social network innovation in the internet’s global coffeehouses

  • 1. John Cook Designing for Digital Learners (D4DL) Research Group, UWE Bristol, UK Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook Version 26 February 2014 1
  • 2. 1. Caffeine induced fast forward through John’s timeline ‘76 onwards 2. Bad press for ‘new’ technology and tools 3. The disruptive power of social networking from 1600s to now 4. Design Based Research 5. Learning Layers 6. Design Seeking and Scaling framework 7. Pandora 8. Challenges 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. Health Warning! Formal learning on Computing Science degree did this to me 
  • 5. Post Punk era was all about informal learning. In 1980 I join Angels One 5 as self taught bass player 5
  • 6. By 1983 informal learning guides me into wearing THAT shirt!
  • 7. But mixing the formal and informal can cause an identity crisis!
  • 9. Rugby union fan LIFE Play 5 aside football Management Parent PhD students Kids Research Self taught bass player I have set up a false dichotomy. Formal learning and/or learning in informal contexts, it’s complicated! Teaching John
  • 10. Pre-UWE R&D timeline … LTRI (2005-12) & LMLG (2006 - on) OU PhD TEL & Creativity (1998) 2000 FP7 & LLL Projects ubiquitous learning (2007 - on) Institutional Impact: ‘Evidence’ to BIS Manager RLO CETL (2005-08) 2005 Blended Learning Consultants 2008 Cooperative Problem-Seeking Dialogues in Learning: http://tinyurl.com/q9qbjvz 2010
  • 11. Selected research outputs London Mobile Learning Group First monograph (2010) on mobile learning. Being used in teaching in such institutions as University Hull, University Leeds, University Stockholm, and University of California, Berkeley. LMLG semi-open research (2006 - on) Workshop Research Methods in Informal and Mobile Learning * 2000 2005 * http://www.milrm.wle.org.uk/ User Generated Contexts 2008 2010
  • 12. People thought the first printing press was an instrument of the devil that would spawn unauthorised versions of the bible. David Crystal (Guardian, 2008), author of „Txtng: the gr8db8‟ (Crystal, 2008) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing_press
  • 13. The telephone created fears of a breakdown in family life, with people no longer speaking directly to one another. http://www.solarnavigator.net/inventors/inventor_images/alexander_graham_bell_1876_speaking_into_telephone.jpg
  • 14. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/mors0106/architecture/Television.jpg And radio and television raised concerns about brain-washing. http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~postr/MRT/Tour1.htm
  • 15. Mobile phones can damage your health? txt spk is responsible for bad spelling and moral decay? As always there is more to it than meets the eye …
  • 16. 16 A 1668 illustration showing a contemporary London coffee house. Photo: Lordprice Collection / Alamy
  • 17. 17
  • 18. • After you have seem this! • http://gnli.christianpost.com/video/when-thespeaker-asking-the-audience-to-turn-off-theircell-phones-something-unbelievablehappened-27694 18
  • 19. As well as complaining that Christians had abandoned their traditional beer in favour of a foreign drink, critics worried that coffeehouses were keeping people from productive work. 1677, Anthony Wood, an Oxford academic: “Why doth solid and serious learning decline, and few or none follow it now in the University?” he asked. “Answer: Because of Coffea Houses, where they spend all their time” (from Standage, 2013). 19
  • 20. social networking within companies could increase the productivity of “knowledge workers” by 20 to 25 percent 20
  • 21. “The book and website both challenge what the manifesto calls outmoded, 20th-century thinking about business in light of the emergence of the Web, clearly listing "95 theses", as a reference to Martin Luther's manifesto which heralded the start of the Protestant Reformation.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /The_Cluetrain_Manifesto, accessed, 26/09/13 21
  • 22. “The lesson of the coffeehouse is that modern fears about the dangers of social networking are overdone. This kind of media, in fact, has a long history: Martin Luther’s use of pamphlets in the Reformation casts new light on the role of social media in the Arab Spring.” Standage, T. (2013). Social Networking in the 1600s. New York Times (online), June 22, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/o pinion/sunday/social-networking-in-the1600s.html?pagewanted=all&_r=3&, accessed 30/08/13 22
  • 23. 23
  • 24. “… a genre of research in which the iterative development of solutions to practical and complex educational problems also provides the context for empirical investigation, which yields theoretical understanding that can inform the work of others … [although potentially powerful] the simultaneous pursuit of theory building and practical innovation is extremely ambitious” McKenney, S. & Reeves, T. (2012). Conducting Educational Design Research. New York: Routledge. NOT Same as Research-based design … 24
  • 25. Tom Reeves keynote: “How many educational revolutions have we heard of?” DBR = "Impact on real world problems." “… in the era of iPhone ... we want frictionless solutions ... but people and institutions can feel messy ... they introduce uncontrolled variability.” “You know DBR has rigor and discipline, but it must also have impact.” http://dbrxroads.coe.uga.edu/index.php/homepage 25
  • 26. DBR Example: Augmented Context for Development “… context as a core construct that enables collaborative, location-based, mobile device mediated problem solving where learners generate their own „temporal context for development‟ within the wider frame of Augmented Contexts for Development (ACD).” Cook, J (2010). Mobile Phones as Mediating Tools Within Augmented Contexts for Development, IJMBL. Link to paper http://goo.gl/NFWnSZ Used in mLeMan project as basis for Mobile Augmented Reality – with Carl Smith, Claire Bradley 2000 2005 2008 2010
  • 27. Project Coordination Technology Research Scaling Partners Regional Application Clusters Health Care – Leeds Construction & Building – Bremen Technology Partners http://learning-layers.eu/
  • 29. 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Cook, J., Bannan, B. and Santos, P. (2013). Seeking and Scaling Model for Designing Technology that Supports Personal and Professional Learning Networks. Workshop 31 on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning (ECSCW meets EC-TEL), 21 September, Cyprus. Available from: http://tinyurl.com/la6y927
  • 32. • Rogers (2003) “Diffusion of Innovations” seminal work from 60s – May be too linear • Can we abstract out of a perfect study and scale as Kampylis, et al. (2013) claim? • According to Forge et al. (2013, p. 8) design libraries encourage common shared intellectual capital as a general basis for innovation and scaling • Forge et al. (2013, p. 8) also note in support of their argument that – Apple the largest company in the world by market capitalization in May 2012 (they can scale) – Relies on design concepts for its leading position – Currently using its British designers and previously its German designers • Design matters! 32
  • 33. … all about interacting with people … 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. • Double espresso for Internet powered coffee houses? • Claims to be putting more intelligence, more meaning into the web • Web of collective knowledge systems, which are able to provide useful information based on human contributions and which get better as more people participate • The socio-semantic web may be seen as a middle way between the top-down monolithic taxonomy approach like the Yahoo! Directory and the more recent collaborative tagging (folksonomy) approaches 35
  • 36. Layers EGs: Ach So! – Mobile video recording app & Help Seeking tool Layers Social Semantic Server 36 http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/papers/sioc.html / http://odl.learning-layers.eu/ach-so-mobile-video-recording-app/
  • 37. • Can you solve it? No, but I know a woman who can! • Personal Learning Networks (PLN): Curating, managing and promoting a PLN develops critical, creative, 21st century skills and socio-emotional capabilities. • Cook and Pachler (2012) • Santos, Cook, TreasureJones, Kerr & Colley (2014) http://odl.learning-layers.eu/seeking-support-prototype/ 37
  • 38. 38
  • 39. 39
  • 41. • SSS can generate meta-data to relate people and data, people and people, data and data! • Goal of the following exercise is to explore integration of Help Seeking tool’s sociocultural-historical approach (Vygotsky) with SSS 41 41
  • 42. So, we have 3 people: Patricia, Mark and Natasha. They all search for and read an article called “Registration guidelines on diabetes” which is downloaded from the Intranet onto their respective PLEs (blue lines below) Mark Natasha Registration guidelines on diabetes Patricia From this the SSS will begin a service known as user event service (or looking at what people are doing and finding patterns) in this instance, the pattern is 3 people have all downloaded the same document meaning they have shown an interest. 42
  • 43. From SSS perspective we draw a (Green) connection between the 3 people, since they all downloaded & (we assume) have read the same article. Mark Natasha Registration guidelines on diabetes Patricia 43
  • 44. Well, Patricia asks Mark (who she has previously tagged in her PLE, a ‘more capable peer’) a question about booking interpreters for a patient via her contacts Mark Natasha Registration guidelines on diabetes Booking interpreters for a patient Patricia For the SSS this is part of the meaning making system, since they both have looked at the “Registration guidelines on diabetes” document the SSS user event service draws in a relationship between those two sets of data (purple lines). 44
  • 45. Now the SSS pushes a service called “Recommendation Service” (Linking to good stuff, which is part of the guidance service group), because it has seen that Patricia and Mark both are in this discussion Mark Natasha Registration guidelines on diabetes Booking interpreters for a patient Patricia it assumes that Natasha probably would like to be in the discussion too (because of the similarity of the three persons)! So SSS suggests to Natasha that she joins the discussion (red line), the SSS is therefore scaffolding a collaborative ‘temporal context for development’. 45
  • 46. • And there we go, Natasha discovers a discussion that she also finds useful – Thanks to the SSS’s hi-level services “recommendation” (guidance service group). • The services & connections provided/made by SSS in this example are: – – – – – User event service (finding a pattern) Recommendation service Connection between the 3 people (green) Relationship between those two sets of data (purple lines) Suggests for person to join a discussion (red line) • In Vygotskian terms we have in play two key concepts – More Capable Peer – Temporal Context for Development – … and there is lots of mediation going with signs and tools
  • 47. • How to design Help Seeking tools for health sector? • Scale to other sectors • There are certain assumptions built in the Social Semantic Server (based on artefact-actor networks and Piagetian schemas) that still need resolving with our socio-culturalhistorical approach (Vygotsky) of Help Seeking • Investigate further notion of context formation ⁻ How do we construct and process context? ⁻ Fear of learning, technology, problem solving, creativity ⁻ How we can integrate different contexts? For example learning in formal and non-formal contexts ⁻ Re-examine Augmented Contexts for Development (Cook, 2010) and User Generated Contexts (Cook, 2014) in the light of neuroscience 47
  • 48. “hippocampus can process and store contextual information reliably and independently without the potentially detrimental interference from … [unpleasant] salient event” Assitant Prof Attila Losonczy, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/sci ence-environment-26249509 48
  • 49. • Are we closer to solving puzzle of how the hippocampus can successfully encode the context, while ignoring the impact of the ongoing negative stimulus? – Provides one mechanism for parallel-processing in the brain – Here temporally overlapping inputs are disentangled and sorted into separate pipelines for further processing and context formation – It appears we may separate the construction of context from our feelings about the context – Storing context separately allows objective processing of context – Big ethical considerations • Refine Design Seeking and Scaling framework • Need to improve community engagement around ODL • Form partnerships for spin outs for Help Seeking tool • Balance my coffee intake … 49
  • 50. 50
  • 52. • • • • • • • • Academia.edu: http://westengland.academia.edu/JohnCook/About ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_Cook9/ Mendeley: http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/john-cook6/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/johnnigelcook Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/johnnigelcook Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-cook/0/488/b54 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.cook.56027281?fref=ts Skype: johnnigelcook And general links • Designing for Digital Learners (D4DL): http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/2435 • BRILLE: Bristol Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning and Education (BRILLE) • UWE Bristol profil: http://people.uwe.ac.uk/Pages/person.aspx?accountname=campusjn-cook • Learning Layers: http://learning-layers.eu/ • Open Design Library: http://odl.learning-layers.eu/ 52
  • 53. Thank You Acknowledgement of work used in this talk: Tom Standage (The Economist), Dr Xu Liu (MIT), Carl Smith, Claire Bradley, Brenda Bannan, Patricia Santos, Tribal, Owen Gray, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Micky Kerr, & various Learning Layers colleagues Learning Layers is a 7th Framework Large-scale integrating project co-funded by the European Commission; Grant Agreement Number 318209; http://learning-layers.eu/ Questions? 53
  • 54. ALT/TLRP-TEL (2010). Technology in Learning: A Response to Some [evidence-seeking] Questions from the Department of Business Innovation and Skills. Foreword by John Cook (LTRI/ALT) and Richard Noss (TLRPTEL), October. Available: http://repository.alt.ac.uk/839/. Cook also first author of content. Cook, J. (2014). User Generated Contexts: Thinking About Changes in Mass Communication in Terms of Agency, Innovation, Trust and Risk. Proceedings of Bristol Ideas in Mobile Learning 2014 (Ed Cook, Santos and Mor). See also http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/8586 Cook, J., Bannan, B. and Santos, P. (2013). Seeking and Scaling Model for Designing Technology that Supports Personal and Professional Learning Networks. Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning (ECSCW meets EC-TEL), 21 September, Cyprus. Link to paper goo.gl/K7zMHO Cook, J. and Pachler, N. (2012). Online People Tagging: Social (Mobile) Network(ing) Services and Work-based Learning. British Journal of Education Technology, 43(5), 711–725. Link to paper goo.gl/S5kfgi Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (2012). Using Social Network Sites and Mobile Technology for Bridging Social Capital. In Guglielmo Trentin and Manuela Repetto (Eds.), Using Network and Mobile Technology to Bridge Formal and Informal Learning, pp. 31-56. Chandos. Link to paper goo.gl/3C3TCN Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bachmair, B. (2011). Ubiquitous Mobility with Mobile Phones: A Cultural Ecology for Mobile Learning. E-Learning and Digital Media. Special Issue on Media: Digital, Ecological and Epistemological. 8(3), 181-195. Link to paper goo.gl/Q17Elh 54
  • 55. Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Phones as Mediating Tools Within Augmented Contexts for Development. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 2(3), 1-12, July-September. Link to paper http://goo.gl/NFWnSZ Cook, J., Pachler, N. and Bradley, C. (2008). Bridging the Gap? Mobile Phones at the Interface between Informal and Formal Learning. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, Spring. Available from: http://www.rcetj.org/index.php/rcetj/article/view/34 Cook, J., Holley, D. and Andrew, D. (2007). A Stakeholder Approach to Implementing E-Learning in a University. British Journal of Education Technology, 38(5), 784–794. Cook, J., Holley, D., Smith, C., Haynes, R. and Bradley, C. (2006). Team Enhanced Creativity: An Approach to Designing User-Centred Reusable Learning Objects. IV International Conference on Multimedia and ICTs in Education (m-ICTE2006), Seville (Spain), 22-25 November 2006. See http://www.formatex.org/micte2006 Cook, J. (2000). Cooperative Problem-Seeking Dialogues in Learning. In Gauthier, G., Frasson, C. and VanLehn, K. (Eds.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 5th International Conference, ITS 2000 Montréal, Canada, June 2000 Proceedings, p. 615–624. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag. Crystal, D. (2008). Txtng: the gr8 db8. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 55
  • 56. Forge, S., Blackman, C., Goldberg, I. and Biagi, F. (2013). Comparing Innovation Performance in the EU and the USA: Lessons from Three ICT Sub-Sectors. European Commission Joint Research Centre Technical Report, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. McKenney, S. & Reeves, T. (2012). Conducting Educational Design Research. New York: Routledge. Michael Chui, James Manyika, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, Hugo Sarrazin, Geoffrey Sands and Magdalena Westergren (2012). The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies. McKinsey Global Institute, http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/high_tech_telecoms_internet/the_social_economy, accessed September 2013 Mitchell, A., Holley, D., Cook, J., Windle, R. and Morales, R. (2008). 360 Degree Rotations – A Kaleidoscope of Voices from the RLO-CETL. The Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2008, Harrogate, July 1-3. Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Learning: Structures, Agency, Practices. New York: Springer. Panagiotis Kampylis, Nancy Law, Yves Punie, Stefania Bocconi, Barbara Brečko, Seungyeon Han, Chee-Kit Looi, Naomi Miyake (2013). ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe and Asia: Exploring conditions for sustainability, scalability and impact at system level. See http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=6362, accessed Sept 2013. 56
  • 57. Rogers, E. M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovations. Fifth Edition. New York: Free Press Santos, P., Cook, J., Treasure-Jones, T., Kerr, M., & Colley, J. (2014). Networked Scaffolding: Seeking Support in Workplace Learning Contexts. Networked Learning Conference, Edinburgh, UK. Standage, T. (2013). Social Networking in the 1600s. New Yourk Times (online), June 22, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/opinion/sunday/social-networking-in-the1600s.html?pagewanted=all&_r=3&, accessed 30/08/13 Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. The development of higher psychological processes (Cole, M., Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Original work published 1930) 57

Editor's Notes

  1. Post Punk era was all about informal learning.All my pop, indie, rock, blues and jazz bass skills were largely self-directed informal learning or with a mentor outside formal institutions. One of my minor claims to fame is that of having being the electric bass player in an alt band Angels One 5 that was selected by John Peel, a DJ on Radio 1, as being one of his best sessions of 1981. Angels One 5 from left to right: John Cook (bass, vocals), Martin Cottis (drums, vocals), Cressida Bowyer (vocals), Jimmy Cauty (guitar, vocals). The guitarist, Jimmy Cauty (on right), easily topped this by going on to form a band with Bill Drummond called the KLF. The KLF made, literally, millions of pounds and gained media notoriety, partly by allegedly burning one million pounds on the Orkney Islands and by offering an alternative Turner prize for the worst art. Clearly I turned out to be the serious one. Following this I did a stint with Strawberry Switchblade, a WEA band.
  2. Me on left! Seriously, no me in bright shirt on right. This is at Strathclyde Uni, Carl Smith found it on Internet …
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/uk/london/9153317/London-cafes-the-surprising-history-of-Londons-lost-coffeehouses.html
  4. Nov 2012, Infographic, http://mashable.com/2012/11/02/social-media-work-productivity/, accessed 01/09/13http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/08/26/glendale-unified-hires-local-company-to-monitor-students-social-media-posts/
  5. Although some coffeehouses had female staff, no respectable woman would wish to be seen inside these premises and the Women’s Petition Against Coffee (1674) bemoaned how the "newfangled, abominable, heathenish liquor called coffee" had transformed their industrious, virile men into effeminate babbling layabouts who idled away their time in coffeehouses.London's first coffee house stood on St. Michael's Alley, off Cornhill BUT some say it was in Oxfordhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/uk/london/9153317/London-cafes-the-surprising-history-of-Londons-lost-coffeehouses.html London's first coffee house stood on St. Michael's Alley, off Cornhill.An undated illustration showing Lloyds Coffee House on Pope's Head Alley in London. Image: Alamy
  6. social networking within companies could increase the productivity of “knowledge workers” by 20 to 25 percent: “Two-thirds of this potential value lies in improving collaboration and communication within and across enterprises. The average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail and nearly 20 percent looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. But when companies use social media internally, messages become content; a searchable record of knowledge can reduce, by as much as 35 percent, the time employees spend searching for company information. Additional value can be realized through faster, more efficient, more effective collaboration, both within and between enterprises” (McKinsey Global Institute, 2012).OpenWorm is an open source project dedicated to creating the world’s first virtual organism in a computer and fostering growth of a completely open computational biology community.
  7. The Cluetrain Manifesto is a set of 95 theses organized and put forward as a manifesto, or call to action, for all businesses operating within what is suggested to be a newly-connected marketplace. The ideas put forward within the manifesto aim to examine the impact of the Internet on both markets (consumers) and organizations. In addition, as both consumers and organizations are able to utilize the Internet and Intranets to establish a previously unavailable level of communication both within and between these two groups, the manifesto suggests that changes will be required from organizations as they respond to the new marketplace environment.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cluetrain_Manifesto
  8. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/dec/22/free-wi-fi-access-cafes-ukhttp://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/obama-make-wifi-schools-coffee-shops-n21876http://www.starbucks.co.uk/coffeehouse/wireless-internethttp://www.wookmark.com/image/100687/coffee-internet-internet-coffee-desktop-web-coffee-cups-mail-1600x1200-wallpaper-coffee-wallpaper-free-desktop-wallpaper
  9. McKenney, S. & Reeves, T. (2012). Conducting educational design research. New York: Routledge.
  10. The consortium consists of 17 institutions from 7 different countries. Total project budget over 4 years is 12 Million Euros (i.e. £10 million or over 16 Million USD).
  11. Sit with coffee in my office …
  12. Rogers, E. M.: Diffusion of Innovations. Fifth Edition. New York: Free Press (2003).Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, popularized the theory in his book Diffusion of Innovations; the book was first published in 1962, and is now in its fifth edition (2003).[1] The book says that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple disciplines. The book espouses the theory that there are four main elements that influence the spread of a new idea: the innovation, communication channels, time, and a social system. This process relies heavily on human capital. The innovation must be widely adopted in order to self-sustain. Within the rate of adoption, there is a point at which an innovation reaches critical mass.The categories of adopters are: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards (Rogers 1962, p. 150). Diffusion of Innovations manifests itself in different ways in various cultures and fields and is highly subject to the type of adopters and innovation-decision process.
  13. http://www.danehomenick.com/iphone-apps/pretty-things-work-better/attachment/baddesigngun-2/
  14. Pandora - John William Waterhouse.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pandora_-_John_William_Waterhouse.jpg
  15. "Social Semantic Information Spaces" (Figure 1), where information is socially created and maintained as well as being interlinked and machine-understandable, leading to new ways to discover information on the Web. http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/papers/sioc.html ch so! creates MPEG-7 compatible semantically annotated videos. Video descriptions automatically include location, date and author, but they can also be enriched by pointing and adding text-based annotations to locations on screen. The purpose for handling video annotations and descriptions as semantic data is to create recommendations for viewing and using the data as assumptions and suggestions when creating new videos.
  16. Clay CourseStraw building students
  17. Artifact Actor Network (Reinhardt et al., 2009)
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26249509"This study solved the puzzle of how the hippocampus can successfully encode the context, while ignoring the impact of the ongoing negative stimulus.""[It] shows one mechanism for parallel-processing in the brain, where temporally overlapping inputs are disentangled and sorted into separate pipelines for further processing," Dr Liu told BBC News.
  19. http://www.sawdustcitywholesale.com/lord-give-me-coffee-to-change-the-things-i-can-and-wine-to-accept-the-things-i-cant-1/
  20. Standage, T. (2013). Social Networking in the 1600s. New Yourk Times (online), June 22, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/23/opinion/sunday/social-networking-in-the-1600s.html?pagewanted=all&_r=3&, accessed 30/08/13