Development of a Reproduction Method of a Stream of People for Intuitively Re...Sayoko Shimoyama
This document describes a method to intuitively recognize congestion levels in urban areas using sensor data and 3D modeling. Sensors were installed in an underground passage in Sapporo, Japan to measure pedestrian traffic over time. While the raw sensor data provides numerical insights, it can be difficult to intuitively understand congestion levels. To address this, the researchers developed a method to reproduce the stream of people using a 3D model based on the sensor measurements. This allows congestion states to be recognized visually rather than just through numbers. A demonstration video shows the 3D modeling approach in action.
2016.7.15(Fri.) db tech showcase Tokyo 2016 ( における講演資料です。
[要旨] 組織や個人が所有していたデータを、誰でも自由に使えるオープンデータへ。データを公共財として広く共有し、社会課題の解決やビジネスの創出につなげるための「オープンデータ」の取り組みが進められています。本セッションでは、国内外のユニークなオープンデータの事例紹介から、オープンデータがもたらす社会的な変革の予想までを幅広く解説します。また、散在するデータをWeb上で効率的に扱うためのLinked Open Dataの技術についてもご紹介します。
Is DIVERSITY necessary for human society?
My challenge is to numerize and visualize the DIVERSITY of the city.
I presented this story at KOBE × BARCELONA WORLD DATA VIZ CHALLENGE 2016 (
How to Save Pets and People? - when suffered from a disaster Sayoko Shimoyama
1) When disasters occur, people often worry about their pets and fail to escape because pets cannot get down or are lost.
2) The document proposes introducing a sensor system with resident cards for pets that would attach a small sensor to a pet's collar to identify them and track their location using GPS.
3) The sensor would be off during normal times but turn on during a disaster to allow rescue teams to locate pets using an image analysis system and reunite them with their families.
Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2015 では、オープンデータがよりつながるようにするための技術的な支援と、オープンデータをきっかけとしたコミュニティ形成を支援し、新しい価値を創り出す取り組みを盛り上げていきます。
Organizing Scientific Competitions on the Semantic WebSayoko Shimoyama
Semantic web techniques for Linked Open Data (LOD) are expected to enhance the use of scientific data, and several data repositories for LOD have been launched. Modifiable “Forkable Open-source programs” on code sharing platforms make applications (Apps) utilizing data ready for reuse. In order to organize a web-based scientific competition, platforms for both semantic data resources and application programs need to be integrated so as to yield a crea- tive cycle between data publication and application development. We devel- oped the platform to integrate both data and application publish- ing platforms by recording dependency graphs, the utility of which we tested by organizing a scientific competition for synthetic biology on the platform. It was found that participants to the competition generated many dependency graphs by forking pre-existing applications or reusing schema of pre-existing datasets. These creative activities could not be observed explicitly without being record- ed such as by dependency graphs among the datasets and applications on the platform. Hence we suggest a worldwide system needs to be established to re- cord and harvest such dependency graphs from distributed data platforms and application-development platforms around the world, so that our intellectual and creative activities using open datasets for application development may be recorded properly.