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Structuring Apache Spark
SQL, DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming
Michael Armbrust- @michaelarmbrust
Spark Summit 2016
Background: What is in an RDD?
•Partitions (with optional locality info)
•Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T]
Background: What is in an RDD?
•Partitions (with optional locality info)
•Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T]
Opaque Computation
Background: What is in an RDD?
•Partitions (with optional locality info)
•Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T]
Opaque Data

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A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming in Apache Spark
A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming in Apache Spark A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming in Apache Spark
A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming in Apache Spark

This document provides an overview of Structured Streaming in Apache Spark. It begins with a brief history of streaming in Spark and outlines some of the limitations of the previous DStream API. It then introduces the new Structured Streaming API, which allows for continuous queries to be expressed as standard Spark SQL queries against continuously arriving data. It describes the new processing model and how queries are executed incrementally. It also covers features like event-time processing, windows, joins, and fault-tolerance guarantees through checkpointing and write-ahead logging. Overall, the document presents Structured Streaming as providing a simpler way to perform streaming analytics by allowing streaming queries to be expressed using the same APIs as batch queries.

apache spark 2.xstructured streamingspark meetup
Deep Dive into Project Tungsten: Bringing Spark Closer to Bare Metal-(Josh Ro...
Deep Dive into Project Tungsten: Bringing Spark Closer to Bare Metal-(Josh Ro...Deep Dive into Project Tungsten: Bringing Spark Closer to Bare Metal-(Josh Ro...
Deep Dive into Project Tungsten: Bringing Spark Closer to Bare Metal-(Josh Ro...

This document summarizes Project Tungsten, an effort by Databricks to substantially improve the memory and CPU efficiency of Spark applications. It discusses how Tungsten optimizes memory and CPU usage through techniques like explicit memory management, cache-aware algorithms, and code generation. It provides examples of how these optimizations improve performance for aggregation queries and record sorting. The roadmap outlines expanding Tungsten's optimizations in Spark 1.4 through 1.6 to support more workloads and achieve end-to-end processing using binary data representations.

spark summit 2015apache spark
Use r tutorial part1, introduction to sparkr
Use r tutorial part1, introduction to sparkrUse r tutorial part1, introduction to sparkr
Use r tutorial part1, introduction to sparkr

This document introduces SparkR, which allows users to perform big data processing from R. It discusses how SparkR enables data exploration using DataFrames for ETL and data cleaning. SparkR also supports advanced analytics like machine learning by integrating R with Spark MLlib. The tutorial outlines exploring data, advanced analytics, and using SparkR DataFrames for tasks like aggregation, filtering, visualization with ggplot, and large-scale machine learning. It recommends signing up for an online Databricks notebook to run SparkR examples and tutorials interactively on a dedicated Spark cluster.

sparkr r
1. construct or arrange according to a
plan; give a pattern or organization to.
Why structure?
• By definition, structure will limit what can be
• In practice, we can accommodate the vast
majority of computations.
Limiting the space of what can be
expressed enables optimizations.
Structured APIs In Spark
SQL DataFrames Datasets
Runtime Compile
Analysis errors reported before a distributed job starts
Type-safe: operate
on domain objects
with compiled
lambda functions
Datasets API
val df = spark.read.json("people.json")
// Convert data to domain objects.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val ds: Dataset[Person] = df.as[Person]
ds.filter(_.age > 30)
// Compute histogram of age by name.
val hist = ds.groupBy(_.name).mapGroups {
case (name, people: Iter[Person]) =>
val buckets = new Array[Int](10)
people.map(_.age).foreach { a =>
buckets(a / 10) += 1
(name, buckets)

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Scalable Machine Learning Pipeline For Meta Data Discovery From eBay Listings
Scalable Machine Learning Pipeline For Meta Data Discovery From eBay ListingsScalable Machine Learning Pipeline For Meta Data Discovery From eBay Listings
Scalable Machine Learning Pipeline For Meta Data Discovery From eBay Listings

The document describes eBay's use of Spark and MLlib to build a scalable machine learning pipeline for metadata discovery from product listings. eBay developed supervised machine learning models using Spark MLlib to classify product listings and discover new metadata brands with high accuracy. The models were trained on historical metadata and product data, and can process large amounts of data quickly to discover new metadata on a daily basis, speeding up metadata discovery from months to days. Spark MLlib allows for efficient model development locally and simple deployment to production at scale.

#apachespark #sparksummit
Making Structured Streaming Ready for Production
Making Structured Streaming Ready for ProductionMaking Structured Streaming Ready for Production
Making Structured Streaming Ready for Production

In mid-2016, we introduced Structured Steaming, a new stream processing engine built on Spark SQL that revolutionized how developers can write stream processing application without having to reason about having to reason about streaming. It allows the user to express their streaming computations the same way you would express a batch computation on static data. The Spark SQL engine takes care of running it incrementally and continuously updating the final result as streaming data continues to arrive. It truly unifies batch, streaming and interactive processing in the same Datasets/DataFrames API and the same optimized Spark SQL processing engine. The initial alpha release of Structured Streaming in Apache Spark 2.0 introduced the basic aggregation APIs and files as streaming source and sink. Since then, we have put in a lot of work to make it ready for production use. In this talk, Tathagata Das will cover in more detail about the major features we have added, the recipes for using them in production, and the exciting new features we have plans for in future releases. Some of these features are as follows: - Design and use of the Kafka Source - Support for watermarks and event-time processing - Support for more operations and output modes Speaker: Tathagata Das This talk was originally presented at Spark Summit East 2017.

big dataadvanced streaming analyticsspark summit east 2017
Building a modern Application with DataFrames
Building a modern Application with DataFramesBuilding a modern Application with DataFrames
Building a modern Application with DataFrames

The document discusses a meetup about building modern applications with DataFrames in Spark. It provides an agenda for the meetup that includes an introduction to Spark and DataFrames, a discussion of the Catalyst internals, and a demo. The document also provides background on Spark, noting its open source nature and large-scale usage by many organizations.

DataFrame = Dataset[Row]
•Spark 2.0 unifies these APIs
•Stringly-typed methods will downcast to
generic Row objects
•Ask Spark SQL to enforce types on
generic rows using df.as[MyClass]
What about ?
Some of the goals of the Dataset API have always been
df.map(lambda x: x.name)
df.map(x => x(0).asInstanceOf[String])
Shared Optimization & Execution
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Logical Plan
Physical Plan
DataFrames, Datasets and SQL
sharethe same optimization/execution pipeline
Structuring Computation

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Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Spark SQL + DataFrames + Catalyst Optimizer + Da...

Code samples, Performance tuning, Building a custom Data Source, Participating in the Catalyst Optimizer, Data Frames, Spark SQL, Spark Cassandra Connector, Spark ElasticSearch Connector, CSV, JSON, Parquet, Avro, ORC, REST, DynamoDB, Redshift

catalyst optimizerjsoncsv
Apache Spark RDDs
Apache Spark RDDsApache Spark RDDs
Apache Spark RDDs

Spark is a general engine for large-scale data processing. It introduces Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) which allow in-memory caching for fault tolerance and act like familiar Scala collections for distributed computation across clusters. RDDs provide a programming model with transformations like map and reduce and actions to compute results. Spark also supports streaming, SQL, machine learning, and graph processing workloads.

sparkanalyticsbig data
Enabling exploratory data science with Spark and R
Enabling exploratory data science with Spark and REnabling exploratory data science with Spark and R
Enabling exploratory data science with Spark and R

R is a favorite language of many data scientists. In addition to a language and runtime, R is a rich ecosystem of libraries for a wide range of use cases from statistical inference to data visualization. However, handling large datasets with R is challenging, especially when data scientists use R with frameworks or tools written in other languages. In this mode most of the friction is at the interface of R and the other systems. For example, when data is sampled by a big data platform, results need to be transferred to and imported in R as native data structures. In this talk we show how SparkR solves these problems to enable a much smoother experience. In this talk we will present an overview of the SparkR architecture, including how data and control is transferred between R and JVM. This knowledge will help data scientists make better decisions when using SparkR. We will demo and explain some of the existing and supported use cases with real large datasets inside a notebook environment. The demonstration will emphasize how Spark clusters, R and interactive notebook environments, such as Jupyter or Databricks, facilitate exploratory analysis of large data.

databricksapache sparksparkr
col("x") === 1
df("x") === 1
expr("x = 1")
sql("SELECT … WHERE x = 1")
New value, computed based on input values.
SQL Parser
• 100+ native functionswith
optimized codegen
– String manipulation – concat,
format_string, lower, lpad
– Data/Time – current_timestamp,
date_format, date_add, …
– Math – sqrt, randn, …
– Other –
sparkPartitionId, …
Complex Columns With Functions
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
yesterday = date_sub(current_date(), 1)
df2 = df.filter(df.created_at > yesterday)
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val yesterday = date_sub(current_date(), 1)
val df2 = df.filter(df("created_at") > yesterday)
(x: Int) => x == 1
col("x") === 1You Type
Spark Sees class $anonfun$1	{
def apply(Int): Boolean
EqualTo(x, Lit(1))
Columns: Predicate pushdown
.option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver")
.option("dbtable", "people")
.where($"name" === "michael")
You Write
Spark Translates
For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'

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Spark SQL - 10 Things You Need to Know
Spark SQL - 10 Things You Need to KnowSpark SQL - 10 Things You Need to Know
Spark SQL - 10 Things You Need to Know

The document discusses loading data into Spark SQL and the differences between DataFrame functions and SQL. It provides examples of loading data from files, cloud storage, and directly into DataFrames from JSON and Parquet files. It also demonstrates using SQL on DataFrames after registering them as temporary views. The document outlines how to load data into RDDs and convert them to DataFrames to enable SQL querying, as well as using SQL-like functions directly in the DataFrame API.

20140908 spark sql & catalyst
20140908 spark sql & catalyst20140908 spark sql & catalyst
20140908 spark sql & catalyst

This document introduces Spark SQL and the Catalyst query optimizer. It discusses that Spark SQL allows executing SQL on Spark, builds SchemaRDDs, and optimizes query execution plans. It then provides details on how Catalyst works, including its use of logical expressions, operators, and rules to transform query trees and optimize queries. Finally, it outlines some interesting open issues and how to contribute to Spark SQL's development.

SparkSQL: A Compiler from Queries to RDDs
SparkSQL: A Compiler from Queries to RDDsSparkSQL: A Compiler from Queries to RDDs
SparkSQL: A Compiler from Queries to RDDs

SparkSQL, a module for processing structured data in Spark, is one of the fastest SQL on Hadoop systems in the world. This talk will dive into the technical details of SparkSQL spanning the entire lifecycle of a query execution. The audience will walk away with a deeper understanding of how Spark analyzes, optimizes, plans and executes a user’s query. Speaker: Sameer Agarwal This talk was originally presented at Spark Summit East 2017.

spark summit east 2017catalystspark sql
Columns: Efficient Joins
df1.join(df2, col("x") == col("y"))
df1 df2
myUDF = udf(lambda x, y: x == y)
df1.join(df2, myUDF(col("x"), col("y")))
df1 df2
n log n
Equal values sort to
the same place
Structuring Data
Spark's Structured Data Model
• Primitives: Byte, Short, Integer,Long, Float,
Double, Decimal,String, Binary, Boolean,
Timestamp, Date
• Array[Type]: variable length collection
• Struct: fixed # of nested columns with fixed types
• Map[Type, Type]: variable length association
6 “bricks”
Tungsten’s Compact Encoding
0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data”
(123, “data”, “bricks”)
Null bitmap
Offset to data
Offset to data Field lengths

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Apache® Spark™ 1.6 presented by Databricks co-founder Patrick Wendell
Apache® Spark™ 1.6 presented by Databricks co-founder Patrick WendellApache® Spark™ 1.6 presented by Databricks co-founder Patrick Wendell
Apache® Spark™ 1.6 presented by Databricks co-founder Patrick Wendell

In this webcast, Patrick Wendell from Databricks will be speaking about Apache Spark's new 1.6 release. Spark 1.6 will include (but not limited to) a type-safe API called Dataset on top of DataFrames that leverages all the work in Project Tungsten to have more robust and efficient execution (including memory management, code generation, and query optimization) [SPARK-9999], adaptive query execution [SPARK-9850], and unified memory management by consolidating cache and execution memory [SPARK-10000].

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Spark DataFrames: Simple and Fast Analytics on Structured Data at Spark Summi...
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Spark DataFrames: Simple and Fast Analytics on Structured Data Presentation by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit 2015

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Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark
Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache SparkSimplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark
Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system for large-scale data processing. It improves on MapReduce by allowing data to be kept in memory across jobs, enabling faster iterative jobs. Spark consists of a core engine along with libraries for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing. The document discusses new APIs in Spark including DataFrames, which provide a tabular interface like in R/Python, and data sources, which allow plugging external data systems into Spark. These changes aim to make Spark easier for data scientists to use at scale.

apache sparkbig datadatabricks
6 “bricks”0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data”
JVM Object
Internal Representation
MyClass(123, “data”, “bricks”)
Encoders translate between domain
objects and Spark's internal format
Bridge Objects with Data Sources
"name": "Michael",
"zip": "94709"
"languages": ["scala"]
case class Person(
name: String,
languages: Seq[String],
zip: Int)
Encoders map columns
to fields by name
Space Efficiency
Serialization performance

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Spark Summit EU 2015: Lessons from 300+ production users
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Spark Summit EU 2015: Lessons from 300+ production users

At Databricks, we have a unique view into over a hundred different companies trying out Spark for development and production use-cases, from their support tickets and forum posts. Having seen so many different workflows and applications, some discernible patterns emerge when looking at common performance and scalability issues that our users run into. This talk will discuss some of these common common issues from an engineering and operations perspective, describing solutions and clarifying misconceptions.

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Sparkcamp @ Strata CA: Intro to Apache Spark with Hands-on Tutorials
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Sparkcamp @ Strata CA: Intro to Apache Spark with Hands-on Tutorials

The document provides an outline for the Spark Camp @ Strata CA tutorial. The morning session will cover introductions and getting started with Spark, an introduction to MLlib, and exercises on working with Spark on a cluster and notebooks. The afternoon session will cover Spark SQL, visualizations, Spark streaming, building Scala applications, and GraphX examples. The tutorial will be led by several instructors from Databricks and include hands-on coding exercises.

apache sparksparkcampdatabricks
Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming
Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and StreamingStructuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming
Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming

This document discusses how Spark provides structured APIs like SQL, DataFrames, and Datasets to organize data and computation. It describes how these APIs allow Spark to optimize queries by understanding their structure. The document outlines how Spark represents data internally and how encoders translate between this format and user objects. It also introduces Spark's new structured streaming functionality, which allows batch queries to run continuously on streaming data using the same API.

spark summitapache sparkspark
Operate Directly On Serialized Data
df.where(df("year") > 2015)
GreaterThan(year#234, Literal(2015))
bool filter(Object baseObject) {
int offset = baseOffset + bitSetWidthInBytes + 3*8L;
int value = Platform.getInt(baseObject, offset);
return value34 > 2015;
DataFrame Code / SQL
Catalyst Expressions
Low-level bytecode
JVM intrinsic JIT-ed to
pointer arithmetic
Platform.getInt(baseObject, offset);
Structured Streaming
The simplest way to perform streaming analytics
is not having to reason about streaming.
ApacheSpark 2.0
Continuous DataFrames
ApacheSpark 1.3
Static DataFrames
Single API !

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Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming by Michael Armbrust
Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming by Michael ArmbrustStructuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming by Michael Armbrust
Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming by Michael Armbrust

This document summarizes Spark's structured APIs including SQL, DataFrames, and Datasets. It discusses how structuring computation in Spark enables optimizations by limiting what can be expressed. The structured APIs provide type safety, avoid errors, and share an optimization and execution pipeline. Functions allow expressing complex logic on columns. Encoders map between objects and Spark's internal data format. Structured streaming provides a high-level API to continuously query streaming data similar to batch queries.

apache spark
Real-Time Spark: From Interactive Queries to Streaming
Real-Time Spark: From Interactive Queries to StreamingReal-Time Spark: From Interactive Queries to Streaming
Real-Time Spark: From Interactive Queries to Streaming

This document summarizes Michael Armbrust's presentation on real-time Spark. It discusses: 1. The goals of real-time analytics including having the freshest answers as fast as possible while keeping the answers up to date. 2. Spark 2.0 introduces unified APIs for SQL, DataFrames and Datasets to make developing real-time analytics simpler with powerful yet simple APIs. 3. Structured streaming allows running the same SQL queries on streaming data to continuously aggregate data and update outputs, unifying batch, interactive, and streaming queries into a single API.

databricksstrata san joseapache spark
Spark Sql and DataFrame
Spark Sql and DataFrameSpark Sql and DataFrame
Spark Sql and DataFrame

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine learning and graph processing.

Structured Streaming
• High-level streaming API built on Apache SparkSQL engine
• Runsthe same querieson DataFrames
• Eventtime, windowing,sessions,sources& sinks
• Unifies streaming, interactive and batch queries
• Aggregate data in a stream, then serve using JDBC
• Change queriesatruntime
• Build and apply ML models
logs = spark.read.format("json").open("s3://logs")
Example: Batch Aggregation
logs = spark.read.format("json").stream("s3://logs")
Example: Continuous Aggregation
DataFrame operations on static data
(i.e. as easyto understand as batch)
Spark automatically runs the queryin
streaming fashion
(i.e. incrementally and continuously)
Logical Plan
incremental execution
Catalyst optimizer

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Jump Start into Apache® Spark™ and Databricks
Jump Start into Apache® Spark™ and DatabricksJump Start into Apache® Spark™ and Databricks
Jump Start into Apache® Spark™ and Databricks

These are the slides from the Jump Start into Apache Spark and Databricks webinar on February 10th, 2016. --- Spark is a fast, easy to use, and unified engine that allows you to solve many Data Sciences and Big Data (and many not-so-Big Data) scenarios easily. Spark comes packaged with higher-level libraries, including support for SQL queries, streaming data, machine learning, and graph processing. We will leverage Databricks to quickly and easily demonstrate, visualize, and debug our code samples; the notebooks will be available for you to download.

Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup
Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark MeetupSpark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup
Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup

This document summarizes a presentation on Spark SQL and its capabilities. Spark SQL allows users to run SQL queries on Spark, including HiveQL queries with UDFs, UDAFs, and SerDes. It provides a unified interface for reading and writing data in various formats. Spark SQL also allows users to express common operations like selecting columns, joining data, and aggregation concisely through its DataFrame API. This reduces the amount of code users need to write compared to lower-level APIs like RDDs.

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ScalaTo July 2019 - No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production
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ScalaTo July 2019 - No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production

Scala Toronto July 2019 event at 500px. Pure Functional API Integration Apache Spark Internals tuning Performance tuning Query execution plan optimisation Cats Effects for switching execution model runtime. Discovery / experience with Monix, Scala Future.

functional programmingscalacats
Incrementalized By Spark
Scan Files
Write to MySQL
Scan New Files
Update MySQL
Batch Continuous
about the
What's Coming?
• ApacheSpark 2.0
• Unification ofthe DataFrame/Dataset & *ContextAPIs
• Basic streaming API
• Event-time aggregations
• ApacheSpark 2.1+
• Other streaming sources / sinks
• Machine learning
• Watermarks
• Structurein other libraries: MLlib, GraphFrames

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Structuring Apache Spark 2.0: SQL, DataFrames, Datasets And Streaming - by Michael Armbrust

  • 1. Structuring Apache Spark SQL, DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming Michael Armbrust- @michaelarmbrust Spark Summit 2016
  • 2. Background: What is in an RDD? •Dependencies •Partitions (with optional locality info) •Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T] 2
  • 3. Background: What is in an RDD? •Dependencies •Partitions (with optional locality info) •Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T] 3 Opaque Computation
  • 4. Background: What is in an RDD? •Dependencies •Partitions (with optional locality info) •Compute function: Partition => Iterator[T] 4 Opaque Data
  • 5. Struc·ture [ˈstrək(t)SHər] verb 1. construct or arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to. 5
  • 6. Why structure? • By definition, structure will limit what can be expressed. • In practice, we can accommodate the vast majority of computations. 6 Limiting the space of what can be expressed enables optimizations.
  • 7. Structured APIs In Spark 7 SQL DataFrames Datasets Syntax Errors Analysis Errors Runtime Compile Time Runtime Compile Time Compile Time Runtime Analysis errors reported before a distributed job starts
  • 8. Type-safe: operate on domain objects with compiled lambda functions 8 Datasets API val df = spark.read.json("people.json") // Convert data to domain objects. case class Person(name: String, age: Int) val ds: Dataset[Person] = df.as[Person] ds.filter(_.age > 30) // Compute histogram of age by name. val hist = ds.groupBy(_.name).mapGroups { case (name, people: Iter[Person]) => val buckets = new Array[Int](10) people.map(_.age).foreach { a => buckets(a / 10) += 1 } (name, buckets) }
  • 9. DataFrame = Dataset[Row] •Spark 2.0 unifies these APIs •Stringly-typed methods will downcast to generic Row objects •Ask Spark SQL to enforce types on generic rows using df.as[MyClass] 9
  • 10. What about ? Some of the goals of the Dataset API have always been available! 10 df.map(lambda x: x.name) df.map(x => x(0).asInstanceOf[String])
  • 11. Shared Optimization & Execution 11 SQL AST DataFrame Unresolved Logical Plan Logical Plan Optimized Logical Plan RDDs Selected Physical Plan Analysis Logical Optimization Physical Planning CostModel Physical Plans Code Generation Catalog DataFrames, Datasets and SQL sharethe same optimization/execution pipeline Dataset
  • 13. Columns col("x") === 1 df("x") === 1 expr("x = 1") sql("SELECT … WHERE x = 1") 13 New value, computed based on input values. DSL SQL Parser
  • 14. • 100+ native functionswith optimized codegen implementations – String manipulation – concat, format_string, lower, lpad – Data/Time – current_timestamp, date_format, date_add, … – Math – sqrt, randn, … – Other – monotonicallyIncreasingId, sparkPartitionId, … 14 Complex Columns With Functions from pyspark.sql.functions import * yesterday = date_sub(current_date(), 1) df2 = df.filter(df.created_at > yesterday) import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ val yesterday = date_sub(current_date(), 1) val df2 = df.filter(df("created_at") > yesterday)
  • 15. Functions 15 (x: Int) => x == 1 Columns col("x") === 1You Type Spark Sees class $anonfun$1 { def apply(Int): Boolean } EqualTo(x, Lit(1))
  • 16. Columns: Predicate pushdown spark.read .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql:dbserver") .option("dbtable", "people") .load() .where($"name" === "michael") 16 You Write Spark Translates For Postgres SELECT * FROM people WHERE name = 'michael'
  • 17. Columns: Efficient Joins df1.join(df2, col("x") == col("y")) 17 df1 df2 SortMergeJoin myUDF = udf(lambda x, y: x == y) df1.join(df2, myUDF(col("x"), col("y"))) df1 df2 Cartisian Filter n2 n log n Equal values sort to the same place
  • 19. Spark's Structured Data Model • Primitives: Byte, Short, Integer,Long, Float, Double, Decimal,String, Binary, Boolean, Timestamp, Date • Array[Type]: variable length collection • Struct: fixed # of nested columns with fixed types • Map[Type, Type]: variable length association 19
  • 20. 6 “bricks” Tungsten’s Compact Encoding 20 0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data” (123, “data”, “bricks”) Null bitmap Offset to data Offset to data Field lengths
  • 21. Encoders 21 6 “bricks”0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data” JVM Object Internal Representation MyClass(123, “data”, “bricks”) Encoders translate between domain objects and Spark's internal format
  • 22. Bridge Objects with Data Sources 22 { "name": "Michael", "zip": "94709" "languages": ["scala"] } case class Person( name: String, languages: Seq[String], zip: Int) Encoders map columns to fields by name { JSON } JDBC
  • 25. Operate Directly On Serialized Data 25 df.where(df("year") > 2015) GreaterThan(year#234, Literal(2015)) bool filter(Object baseObject) { int offset = baseOffset + bitSetWidthInBytes + 3*8L; int value = Platform.getInt(baseObject, offset); return value34 > 2015; } DataFrame Code / SQL Catalyst Expressions Low-level bytecode JVM intrinsic JIT-ed to pointer arithmetic Platform.getInt(baseObject, offset);
  • 27. The simplest way to perform streaming analytics is not having to reason about streaming.
  • 28. ApacheSpark 2.0 Continuous DataFrames ApacheSpark 1.3 Static DataFrames Single API !
  • 29. Structured Streaming • High-level streaming API built on Apache SparkSQL engine • Runsthe same querieson DataFrames • Eventtime, windowing,sessions,sources& sinks • Unifies streaming, interactive and batch queries • Aggregate data in a stream, then serve using JDBC • Change queriesatruntime • Build and apply ML models
  • 32. Logically: DataFrame operations on static data (i.e. as easyto understand as batch) Physically: Spark automatically runs the queryin streaming fashion (i.e. incrementally and continuously) DataFrame Logical Plan Continuous, incremental execution Catalyst optimizer Execution
  • 33. Incrementalized By Spark Scan Files Aggregate Write to MySQL Scan New Files Stateful Aggregate Update MySQL Batch Continuous Transformation requires information about the structure
  • 34. What's Coming? • ApacheSpark 2.0 • Unification ofthe DataFrame/Dataset & *ContextAPIs • Basic streaming API • Event-time aggregations • ApacheSpark 2.1+ • Other streaming sources / sinks • Machine learning • Watermarks • Structurein other libraries: MLlib, GraphFrames 34