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The Evolution Of Digital Marketing
& How It Helps To Grow Your
Evolution of digital marketing? Does it have something to do with you? Well… Even if digital
marketing and its history has nothing to do with you, the evolution of digital marketing and how it
helps to grow your business surely does! Now you’re curious! Digital marketing! It might be one of the
most heard and repeated term nowadays Right! I know that. And it’s true. Digital marketing has
become a pivotal term for all the businesses across the globe. And it is something inevitable in this era.
So not lagging more, let’s check the evolution of digital marketing and how digital marketing helps to
grow your business. Before that, let me give you an introduction on digital marketing.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is often referred to as internet marketing, web marketing or online marketing. The
names say it all! Yes digital digital marketing definition in simple words is doing marketing of any kind
of products or services via online or internet. The importance of digital marketing in this digital
marketing is inevitable as the world is embracing it more and more
Digital Marketing Types
There are many kinds of digital marketing types that have different categories as well as
subcategories. It is broadly divided into the following categories:
1. Search Engine Optimization or SEO
2. Pay Per Click ads or PPC
3. Social Media Marketing or SMM
4. Content Marketing
5. Email Marketing
6. Mobile Marketing
7. Marketing Analytics
What are the 5 Ds of Digital Marketing?
⚫ Digital Devices - desktops, smartphones, smart TVs, wearable devices, tablets, laptops, gaming
⚫ Digital Platforms - social media platforms, websites, search engines.
⚫ Digital Media - online ads, social media marketing, SMS, email marketing.
⚫ Digital Data - apps, contact forms, surveys.
⚫ Digital Technology Artificial Intelligence virtual reality and Augmented Reality.
The benefits of digital marketing
There are several benefits of digital marketing. Role of digital marketing in the new digital era is
inevitable. Let’s take a glance at the top advantages of Digital Marketing.
#1. Global Reach
Traditional marketing is confined by geography. Creating an international marketing campaign could
be costly, difficult and time-consuming. But, modern marketing takes place via the Internet; this
means that the reach you can attain by using it is huge.The internet has changed the way marketing is
done. Even a small local company owner is able to connect with an international market with the help
of an online shop. This wouldn't be possible using traditional marketing techniques or require an
amount of money. The advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing is huge. The
internet has created numerous growth opportunities for digital marketing impact on businesses to
consider. A combination of worldwide reach as well as exposure is an excellent chance for any
#2. Local Reach
While the global reach is an important benefit of digital marketing it also increases local visibility
particularly when your business is dependent on local customers. Local SEO and locally-targeted
advertisements can benefit businesses looking to attract many more people to visit their business.
Imagine the potential reach you could get to your entire community with digital marketing as
opposed to the time it takes you to print posters and hand them throughout.
#3. Lower Cost
If you are looking to market your business locally or internationally digital marketing can provide
efficient and cost-effective options. It lets even the smallest of businesses to compete with larger
corporations by implementing highly-targeted strategies. The majority strategies won't even cost you
anything at all (such as SEO, social media or Content marketing). However, not every kind that is
digitally-based marketing will be appropriate for all businesses and some might cost more than others.
Businesses can choose the right solutions that meet its specific marketing objectives. Benefits of
digital marketing for small businesses includes this cost-effective option.
#4. Easy to Learn
There are numerous things about digital marketing you must master; however, it's relatively easy to
start. It becomes more complicated based on the nature of the objectives and the scope of campaigns.
It's an issue of choosing the best method that is suitable for your company. The growth in digital
marketing is much faster.
#5. Effective Targeting
Even in the event that you don't have a specific idea of your audience, digital marketing allows you to
gather data to identify which audience is most effective for your business and tailor your marketing
strategy around the people you want to reach. There are a variety of ways of targeting your audience,
including keywords to optimize your search (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) as well as the demographics
of social media. The vast array of targeting options available to you ensures that each campaign is
reaching the correct audience. It also allows you to examine the behavior of your customers and
adjust strategies to reflect those shifts. The ability to comprehend the needs of customers and their
changing habits quickly is a guarantee to ensure the success of any business.
#6. Multiple Strategies
There are a variety of strategies for digital marketing that are utilized by different kinds of businesses.
For instance, a B2B business looking to increase leads from international markets could have a
completely different strategy from a B2C local clothing store. Some businesses can gain more readily
from SEO and content marketing while others could benefit from advertising campaigns that focus on
conversion. It is important to constantly examine the results and devise new strategies and strategies
over time. A properly executed digital marketing strategy is flexible and changes rapidly as the
demands of the company change.
Here are a few of the most popular kinds of digital marketing that you can select from:
⚫ SEO-based content creation
⚫ Marketing via search engines
⚫ Socially paid ads
⚫ Marketing via video
⚫ Forum engagement
⚫ Marketing through social media
⚫ Email marketing
⚫ Local search
⚫ Remarketing
⚫ Marketing with influencers
#7. Multiple Content Types
Another major benefit that digital marketing offers is a variety of kinds of content that can be used
to promote your business online. There are a myriad of platforms, there's many different kinds of
content that you can select from to keep your branding up to date and develop successful campaigns
online. Contrary to conventional marketing methods, with digital you are able to more quickly
duplicate a single piece of content for any platform you'd like. Here are a few of the most commonly
used kinds of content you can select from:
⚫ Blogs
⚫ Podcasts
⚫ Emailers
⚫ Ebooks
⚫ Visual content
⚫ Infographics
⚫ Whitepapers
⚫ Quizzes
⚫ Social media posts
⚫ Webinars
#8. Increased Engagement
One of the main digital marketing benefits is increased engagement. Marketing with digital
technology is engaging from the beginning. Visitors can share blog posts as well as like photos or save
a video or even interact with your website by clicking on a commercial. The great thing is that each of
these actions can be tracked. This lets you create additional engaging content to boost brand
recognition or increase sales. The more you are active on the internet and build a relationship with
your customers, the more loyal you will be able to acquire. Businesses that make use of engaging and
interactive formats successfully with their online strategies can convert cold traffic into loyal
#9. Analytics and Optimization
Another benefit that digital marketing has is that it analyzes the impact of marketing campaigns using
digital media in real-time. This allows you to improve future campaigns and correct any mistakes that
could be made quickly. The analysis of your digital marketing campaigns can also give you the ability
to determine the source of your traffic and be in complete control of the sales funnels. These are the
top digital marketing benefits that can make your business successful. Now let’s know more about the
digital marketing background and the marketing evolution in digital.
Evolution & History of Digital Marketing
The term digital marketing was first used in the 1990s.The digital age began with the advent of the
internet as well as the evolution of the web 1.0 platform. This Web 1.0 platform allowed users to
access the information they were looking for however, it did not permit them to share this
information over the internet.In the beginning marketers around the world were uncertain about the
online platform. They weren't certain whether their strategies would be successful as the internet
hadn't yet seen widespread adoption. In 1993 the very first banner that could be clickable became
live and, following that, HotWired bought some banner ads to use in their marketing. This was the
start of the transition into the digital age of marketing. Due to this gradual change that year saw new
technologies emerge in the marketplace of the digital age. In the same year Yahoo came into
existence.Also called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web after the creator Jerry Yang, Yahoo
received nearly 1 million visits in its first year. It triggered a wave of changes in the field of digital
marketing as companies redesign their websites to get more traffic and get rankings in the search
engines. 1996 saw the debut of several additional search engines like HotBot, LookSmart, and Alexa.
1998 was the year that saw the emergence of Google and it led to fast digital growth. Microsoft
created MSN, the search engine and Yahoo was the first to launch Yahoo Web Search. A few years
later, the Internet bubble burst, and all smaller search engines were removed or completely
destroyed leaving room for the big players in the market. The world of digital marketing experienced
its first significant rise in 2006, when the traffic from search engines was estimated to have risen to
6.4 billion in one month. Not wanting to be out of the game, Microsoft put MSN on the back burner
and launched Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo. After that came Web 2.0, where people
were more active rather than passive users. Web 2.0 lets users interact with each other and allows
businesses too. Labels such as super information highway started to be used to describe the internet.
This led to information flow , including channels used by digital marketers- have increased
exponentially, and by 2004, online marketing and advertising in the US alone had brought in
approximately $2.9 billion.
Then, Very soon social networks started to appear. MySpace was the initial social media site to be
launched, soon followed by Facebook. A lot of companies realized that these new and exciting sites
which were popping up were opening new avenues to advertise their brands and products. This
opened up new opportunities for businesses and marked the start of the new chapter for business.
With the advent of new technology, businesses needed new strategies to market their brands and
capitalize it on the social media platform. Thus the evolution of online marketing happened.
The cookie was another significant event in the world of digital marketing. Advertisers began looking
for new methods to make use of the new technology. One method was to analyze the typical web
browsing habits and patterns of usage of users who frequent the internet to adapt marketing and
promotions to their needs. The first cookie was created to track user habits. The purpose of cookies
has evolved over time and now, cookies are programmed to give marketers many methods to gather
information about users.The products that are sold digitally are accessible to customers 24/7. The
data collected from the Marketing Tech Blog for 2014 indicate that posting on Facebook is now the
most popular activity on the internet across the US. A typical American spends 37 minutes per day
using social media. 99percent of digital marketers utilize Facebook to promote their products and
market their products. 97% of them utilize Twitter 69% make use of Pinterest as well as 59% of users
use Instagram. 70 percent of B2C marketers have gotten customers via Facebook. 67 percent of
Twitter users are much more likely to purchase from brands that have a presence on Twitter. 83.8
percent of the top brands are represented on Pinterest. Three of the top social media websites used
by marketers include LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
The market for digital products is constantly changing. The digital marketing professionals must find
ways to adapt to the changing landscape. They must be looking out for new trends and the evolution
of newer and more efficient Search Engine Algorithms. Since nobody is able to afford to be left behind
in this competitive race.History of digital marketing in Dubai is another subject to talk about.
Digital marketing, as any other field, is evolving by the development of new technology. It is essential
to stay up to date with new developments to stay connected to your customers as well as to
comprehend the background of the field to be able to appreciate the latest methods and strategies.
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Let’s check about the evolution of digital marketing. We'll also discuss forecasts for its future and
what lessons we should be aware of in the future. Let's begin!
Evolution of Digital Marketing - The Timeline
Let's try to create an outline of the evolution of marketing .The digital era was already in full swing
and had begun to develop.
1993 The first clickable banner was launched. A website named HotWired purchased a few of them to
promote the magazine and to increase the number of subscribers. This was the beginning of the shift
towards digital advertising. With the advent of new technologies, their debut and Yahoo! having been
launched, the evolution in digital advertising was fully underway in 1994. Yahoo was able to receive
more than 1 million visits in the first year of its existence which prompted business owners and
marketers to change their mindset toward marketing via digital channels. They started to improve
their websites to meet the needs of search engines.
1994 Cookies were created by Lou Montulli. They are tiny data packets that are generated through
the server whenever you visit a website, and then are stored onto your device. Cookies are used to
connect to websites, and they monitor your activities such as the websites you visited, as well as
actions you performed. This will help businesses be aware of your preferences, and provide you with
personalized promotions.
1996 New tools and search engines like Alexa, LookSmart and HotBot were introduced.
1998 This was the year when the big daddy Google was born, MSN search engine launched by
Microsoft as well as Yahoo web search was launched.
1999, In 1999 was one of the most significant years in the history of marketing digitally; web 2.0 was
released, which enabled individuals to post and distribute their content instead of just consuming it.
They weren't just passive consumers, they were actively engaged participants. This set the stage for
the widespread sharing of information and social media platforms and other similar sites. Sites such
as Wikipedia, Facebook and blog websites were all born during this time.
2000 There was a lot of nervousness about the way computers would react to the change in date at
the beginning of the millennium. It is often called the Y2K issue. There was a crash , and several of the
smaller search engines disappeared out of the picture, opening an avenue for giants to establish their
2002 A professional social media platform known as LinkedIn was created in 2002, which helped
recruiters find skilled candidates and vice versa.
2003, In 2003 MySpace is the very first social media site to launch; it was later followed by Orkut and,
after that, Facebook. Businesses started to take note, and saw the potential these platforms could
offer. They could reach millions of users in just minutes or even in seconds, and at the lowest cost.
Businesses began to promote their products and services through these platforms, indicating the
beginning of a brand new business era.
In 2004, within the United States alone, the profits from advertising on the internet amounted to
nearly $3 billion. Digital marketing wasn't only established, but it made its presence felt and showed
all the globe that they were in the making.
2005 witnessed the beginning of YouTube, the platform for sharing videos with millions of subscribers
and users today.
2006 witnessed a massive growth in this year's year as search engine traffic reached 6.5 billion within
a single month. Microsoft has replaced MSN and also launched Live Search, to keep up with Google as
well as Yahoo. This year also saw the introduction of Twitter and the rise of split tests in the field of
marketing. Amazon reported online sales of more than 10 million USD.
2007 The year was 2007 when streaming service Hulu and microblogging platform Tumblr were
2008 was the year that witnessed China becoming the nation with the highest number of internet
users, surpassing the US. Music sharing website Spotify was created in the year.
2009. The 2009 Google instant was released with the intention of allowing users to access immediate
results from search engines
2010 messaging application for mobile phones, WhatsApp was launched in this year. The app now
offers businesses a range of tools for promoting their products and services using WhatsApp Business
2011 The use of the web surpassed television viewing, particularly among younger generations, and
Google + and Google Panda were introduced.
2012 Social media marketing budgets have increased by 64%!.
2014was the year that saw the debut of Facebook messenger, as well as the launch of customized
advertisements on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. It was also the year in which mobile
usage was able to surpass personal computers to browse and shop.
2015 This year saw the beginning of 'wearables and predictive technologies, as well as active
marketing and growth in inbound marketing.
2016 In this year SEO has changed to its best and the Google Panda and Penguin 4.0 Updates
happened. And also the accelerated mobile pages (AMP) were introduced in the same year.
2017 was the year that the domain of video ads increased and people started to focus more on
Mobile-first User Experiences and Virtual Reality Advertising.
2018 In this year Machine learning and marketing automation took place and Integrating social
messaging apps and a steep growth in mobile and smartphone usage happened. The SEO and content
marketing integration took place in the same year.
2019 This year witnesses the expansion of the Geo-Marketing that paved the way of usage of the
internet unlimitedly, thus Social Media conversions increased and Email Marketing Get Personal.
2020 This year witnesses the pandemic Covid-19 that led to the great growth of the digital era and
The Digital Economy is accelerated in this year. This year taught us people can work from anywhere.
Work from home was introduced this year.
2021 In this year Metaverse was launched by facebook. Metaverse is a broad concept of how we
interact online.
2022 The rise in the use of mobile devices globally has contributed to the growth of ecommerce and
still digital marketing is evolving and constantly growing.
The growth of digital marketing was quicker and powerful. It becomes pivotal. From this you would
have understood why digital marketing is important nowadays. Also read how ecommerce website
evolves with their clients.
5 Key turning points on evolution of digital marketing
In the wake of a discussion on the current situation of digital marketing, we'll now look at how it's
developed over time by highlighting some of the significant milestones in its time.
1. Search Engines Come Into Play
The World Wide Web was launched in 1991, but it didn't really make an impact until the very first
very well-known internet browser Netscape was able to make its appearance in 1994. A lot of people
started using the internet, and when this occurred the search engines like Google were also
introduced between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Search engines function by crawling websites
and then storing them to be later retrieved based on the keywords that are used in search terms. This
has resulted in what's commonly referred to as Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which is the process
of promoting blogs and websites to increase their exposure using strategies like search engine
Optimization (SEO) as well as paid advertisements.
2. The Social Media Revolution
The World Wide Web was initially intended to be a collaborative place to share information. It is likely
that you bet that it has evolved into far more than this. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter
and many others have enabled not only to share information as well as to make connections with
people. Businesses can also reach a global audience. For this, businesses can make use of paid
advertisements that are targeted at general or specific audience segments, and collaborate with
influencers to promote products to their followers and much more. Facebook, for instance, was
founded in 2004 and grew to an average user count of one million users by the end of the year. In
2007, the platform began its self-service platform for advertising as and business pages, thereby
increasing the total ad revenue up to $750 million. Other platforms have followed suit and have
provided a platform for companies to reach out to their customers.
3. Mobile-First Marketing
The Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project has created the need to ensure that SEO
optimization is available for mobile-friendly websites. This project aims at increasing the speed of
loading pages on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. It also considers other factors like the
User Experience (UX). This is particularly important due to the latest statistics regarding mobile phone
usage. In 2019 52.2 percent of all internet traffic was generated by mobile phones, in contrast to 16.2
per cent in the year 2013. But it's important to remember that this is only information for mobile
phones and not tablets. The growing use of mobile devices along with the AMP initiative has led to
the need to ensure that advertising campaigns aren't just accessible to larger devices and can be seen
without noticeable performance or visual distinctions on smaller screens too.
4. Consumer Data and Targeted Campaigns
Another significant moment in the growth of digital marketing has been the dependence on data to
design customized marketing programs. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for instance
is a process in business that allows brands to build lasting relationships with their customers by
utilizing data-driven marketing strategies. CRM tools allow you to perform iteratively on the basis of
information that comes from analytics on performance. This makes it possible to determine your
customers' purchasing patterns, define further your target market, and boost the overall satisfaction
of customers. The ability to predict customer behavior is especially crucial because marketing
strategies are always changing due to technology and other aspects. Utilizing CRM methods like
regression and statistical analysis, it is possible to detect any changes in consumer behavior. It also
allows the development of more effective business impact models that are capable of accurate
measurement of the effectiveness of marketing.
5. Voice Search and Interactive Content
A key goal for brands is to improve the engagement of customers and create an atmosphere of
belonging and community. This has led to quality and engaging content like games, social media
contests, full-screen experience in apps, and much more. These do not just draw audiences but help
keep their attention for the long term. However the use of voice search has become one of the top
marketing trends, offering an entirely new method of conducting searches and also to promote
businesses. It also can draw more users since its results typically have a high probability of being very
relevant in the initial attempt.
The Current State of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is the process of advertising products and services on the internet. Like other forms
of marketing, its purpose is to increase awareness of your brand and your products in the general
Before the advent of online marketing, companies were primarily based on offline strategies. This
included methods like billboards, television and radio advertisements, newspapers direct mail, phone
calls, postcards, catalogs and postcards brochures and other print materials, and so on.
Even in the present, with numerous companies trying to reach as many potential customers as
possible, a few of these old-fashioned marketing tools remain effective. The older segments of a
brand's customer base For instance, they may prefer reading newspaper articles in physical form as
opposed to their soft-copy counterparts. Radio marketing isn't over. One major difference between
these two types is the reach they provide. Newspaper or radio ads could be effective in advertising to
local audiences. If you're trying to expand your reach using digital strategies, they're the best choice.
They're also more affordable than their traditional counterparts.
Digital marketing is possible via tweets, videos and podcasts, emails, blog posts, Pay-Per Click (PPC)
advertising and many more. To demonstrate the scope in digital advertising, we have 3.5 billion
people who use social media and almost half of the world's population! In addition, it's becoming
more difficult to sell to the younger generation. It takes some convincing for them to be convinced to
buy. Your digital marketing campaigns will aid in reaching and selling to them over the long term.
Digital media offer an opportunity to keep in touch with your target audience and create connections
with them.
As technology advances, businesses must adapt. technologies, companies have to adopt a variety of
steps to keep up with the changing trends.
The traditional brick-and-mortar shops have slowly moved towards online marketing, or have begun
to invest more into their marketing strategies and focusing upon digital marketing strategies. The
modern digital marketing options focus on capturing the fast-growing and lucrative online market.
The process of attracting online users will establish whether a company is flourishing and profitable or
been unsuccessful.
In the realm of online marketing by using various tools for digital marketing and methods businesses
will be able to put up the competition and witness an increase in sales. A growing and emerging
business could benefit from having an online presence. A presence on the internet gives businesses
the chance to compete, sustain and expand.
Below are some of the reasons how digital marketing can help grow your business:
1. Expanding geographical reach and a wider reach
Expanding your company to a new geographic region with traditional marketing strategies can be an
exhausting and time-consuming job. Utilizing the right digital marketing plans you can effortlessly
expand their business into new regions and new locales without any hurdles on the way. Digital
marketing campaigns are set quickly and within a short time. They are also extremely adaptable and
allow you to target the right audience without any problems.
2. The creation of a brand name
If a company is able to fulfill their promises to their intended audience this plays a crucial role in
establishing the reputation of their brand. This helps in earning the trust of consumers. to build
stronger and better relationships with consumers.
As per Safari SEO Agency the brand's awareness is among the most powerful (and often overlooked)
aspects of an effective advertising campaign. Happy and satisfied customers are bound to share their
happy experiences with their peers which can open opportunities in new markets and arenas for the
company. If your business is big or small, digital media marketing solutions will assist every company
to establish an enduring and reliable brand name. With a distinctive logo as well as a tagline, or slogan
can assist your company to create a consistent and reliable image.
3. Cost-effective
Small and medium-sized businesses do not have the capital to invest in various avenues of marketing.
TV advertisements are expensive as are the cost of billboards as well as print advertisements. Every
business doesn't have the resources to invest in marketing their businesses. This is why Digital
advertisements play a significant part. Digital marketing strategies are not a huge requirement for
investment and they can connect with a wider public at a cheaper cost. Digital Media Marketing
solutions offer businesses more efficient and cost-effective marketing channels that are more
efficient in communicating by converting a huge number of potential customers.
4. More revenue
A well-designed digital marketing strategy will result in higher conversion rates. This eventually assists
the business in earning more money. Digital marketing strategies aid in generating a higher amount of
profits compared to various traditional channels for marketing. According to Google businesses that
have integrated digital marketing strategies have 2.8 times more income growth expectations.
Companies that employ digital marketing benefit from 3.3 times the chance of growing their
workforce as well as the size of their business.
5. Improved ROI
As previously mentioned, successful digital marketing strategies can enhance the brand's value and
revenue. In addition, they aid in creating an Improved ROI when in comparison with traditional
methods of marketing. Digital marketing strategies are easy to track and allow you to evaluate the
real results of your effect on your target public. The most important aspect of a successful digital
marketing strategy is to create a constant flow of traffic that could be converted into leads. The more
traffic generated, the more rapid the return of your investments.
6. Let's go all the way
Businesses that have an organized and clear digital marketing strategy are able to reach out to
millions of tablet and smartphone users. Anyone who is connected to online via the Internet in any
way could be a potential customer for your company. According to the available data more than 75
percent of Google Chrome users now have access to the Internet through mobile devices. If you don't
have a digital marketing strategy and your business is lagging the opportunity to profit from this huge
market. Experts in SEO at MegataskWeb forecast that the smartphone Internet market will expand
quickly in the coming years and, with an online marketing strategy it is no longer necessary to be
waiting to get into this market or another. As long as you've got an online store and international
shipping, you are able to offer your services to customers anywhere they are.
12 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Business
With the evolution and change of technology, small and medium enterprises are doing all they can to
keep pace with the latest technology, and this can be said to be the case for humanity as a whole. The
importance of digital marketing for the success of a business thus becomes huge. Brick and mortar
businesses are either converting their model of business to an online model, or enhancing their
existing marketing strategies with digital strategies, in order to take advantage of a rapidly increasing
and highly profitable online market.
Because it is the process of attracting specific audiences online that makes an important difference in
a growing business and failing. Even if you get a lot of visitors per day to your site, they won't add up
to anything unless they turn into results or even sales. In the new digital world in which commerce
and business is heading digitally, tools and strategies give entrepreneurs the greatest chance to
compete, survive and even grow their business.
The 12 reasons listed below will explain why digital marketing isn't only an investment wise decision
but an effective channel for marketing which can aid in the growth of your business. It will give you
the picture of the role of digital marketing and how digital marketing helps to grow your business.
1. Digital Marketing Levels the Online Playing Field
The days are gone that business owners still believe the idea of Digital Marketing is only for
corporations and multinationals. large corporations with the adequate resources required to launch
an effective online campaign for marketing. Digital Marketing has the potential to level the playing
field, giving small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity to compete with the giants and get
their fair share in targeted customers. Thanks to digital marketing, small businesses are now able to
carry out marketing and sales procedures that were previously restricted to big corporations. Without
a call center small-sized businesses can effectively communicate with multiple customers, and even to
clients from all regions of the globe, even in the absence of physical branches or stores in these
areas.e-marketing allows an organisation to overcome.
2. Digital Marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing
Smaller businesses have very few resources , and sometimes even capitalization. This is the reason
Digital Marketing provides them with an improved and more economical marketing strategy that
produces outcomes. Gartner's Digital Marketing Spend Report highlighted that 40 percent of
respondents claimed to have significant savings making use of digital marketing strategies for
promotion for their goods and services. According to the Gartner survey 28 percent of the business
owners who were surveyed would shift their marketing budgets away to traditional channels and put
them in online digital marketing tools and strategies. HubSpot affirms this in the graph below which
shows how digital marketers receive more efficient Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) than other channels for
3. Digital Marketing Delivers Conversion
Companies that sell goods and services via the web gauge effectiveness by the percentage of traffic
coming in that is transformed into leads, customers or sales, based on the purpose of your site.
Without conversion, your website's traffic will mean nothing, and all the marketing efforts you put
into it are just wasted. That's why businesses are reorganizing their digital marketing campaigns to
conversion optimization, which is an absolute priority above all else.
There are many techniques and tools that you can employ to help your digital marketing campaign
including Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing, as well as email marketing. Based
on the chart below, taken from the HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report for 2013, State of
Inbound Marketing Report Three of them that create swift and efficient communication and
interaction with specific audience members will produce better-than-average results , in terms of
greater conversion rates.
4. Digital Marketing Helps Generate Better Revenues
Increased conversion rates resulting from efficient digital marketing strategies will provide a variety of
lucrative advantages for both your business and you through better and greater profits. Google
proves this with an investigation conducted with IPSOS Hong Kong, claiming 2.8 times higher revenue
growth for businesses that use digital marketing strategies than those who don't. With higher
expectations for revenue growth small and medium-sized enterprises employing digital marketing
methods will stand 3.3 times more chance of increasing their workforce as well as their company -
opening the doors to more, bigger and more extensive markets locally and internationally. Google's
Asia-Pacific Director of SME Kevin O'Kane describes the Internet as a rocket fuel to growth for
medium and small companies.
5. Digital Marketing facilitates interaction with a specific audience
One of the main reasons digital marketing is becoming the dominant marketing channel is the
capability for Internet advertising tools and marketing software to communicate with specific
audiences in real-time. Engagement of any kind is what your clients expect to experience when they
interact with your business or brand. Engaging your customers and providing them with appropriate
engagement points can provide you with a better understanding of what your intended audience
would like to hear. This important information will help guide you in the right direction to take the
correct sequence of actions to offer your customers an enhanced experience and build strong
relationships with them and earn their trust and loyalty, which you'll require when your business
starts to expand.
6. Digital Marketing Caters to the Mobile Consumer
Absolutely, mobile internet will undoubtedly be the next wave in information distribution and
communication channels that will be triggered by the rapid expansion of tablets, smartphones and
other internet-connected devices. These devices are now an integral aspect of American daily life,
with nearly 91% of the adult citizens living in America. The United States always has their devices in
reach. It is now the perfect moment to launch digital marketing campaigns geared towards
consumers who are mobile, opening the way for them to greater growth and faster expansion. Mobile
phones have changed from being merely a substitute for desktop computers and laptops to
something that influences their buying decisions, as proven by a different report from eMarketer.
7. Digital Marketing Builds Brand Reputation
The strength of digital marketing is in its capacity to draw specific visitors. The people who are
interested in your content are probably already interested in learning more about your company
products or services and could be interested enough to buy the products or services you offer. Being
able to deliver on what you said can help you build relationships with your intended audience as they
become paying customers who will come back and visit your website regularly and on a continuous
regular basis. This is beneficial to your reputation as satisfied customers will likely refer to others
about their impressions of your company, product or service. Your brand's reputation will be able to
spread as expected and open up new avenues of opportunities to reach larger markets and achieve
business growth.
8. Digital Marketing Provides better ROI for your marketing investment
With better revenue and better brand recognition, Digital Marketing can provide more ROI (ROI) over
traditional marketing channels and media. In the case of traditional media, the cost is too expensive
for small and medium-sized businesses to make use of and the outcomes are a bit hazy and difficult to
gauge. Digital Marketing, on its own, can be monitored and tracked, with the results being
immediately visible and measured when the targeted audience provides contact information and
signs up for an online newsletter or training program or purchase. The most important thing to be
successful in Digital marketing, however, is to create a consistent circulation of relevant traffic, which
then can be converted into leads and sales. The more you can generate this type of traffic, the quicker
you will see the ROI you've earned.
9. Digital Marketing Earns People's Trust
Digital Marketing is a part of the current trend in online advertising which focuses on the social media
signals that result from direct and more personalized interactions between a brand or business with
their targeted customers. The Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey that included 25 000
consumers who came from at least 50 countries 90% of respondents said they'd be more confident in
the information regarding a specific brand product or service if they were able to get the information
from someone they know. Digital Marketing relies on social media signals, as well as social reviews
and proof from actual customers who have bought, joined or used an item or service that is marketed
by a specific company or brand. The more trustworthy these social signals are, the better the amount
of trust it is able to create from specific audiences - the majority of them prospective customers.
10. Digital Marketing Entices People to Take Favorable Action
Social signals and reviews aid in gaining trust from specific groups, Digital Marketing makes use of
efficient strategies to draw people into taking an action that your company or brand wishes to
encourage them to take. The conversion to sales or leads is still initiated and is under complete
control of the website user. They do not have to convert, but digital marketers are able to utilize
creative and inventive methods to encourage conversion by using Calls-To-Action. Calls-To-Action
outlines what your website users should do next - be it sign up, to like or download something,
contact or purchase - specific actions that can entice them to take an action. Innovative designs,
buttons, and text are optimized in accordance with colors, copy and graphics as well as their position
on the page in order to get the highest results of creating positive actions.
11. Digital Marketing Makes You Ready for the Internet of Things
Internet of Things or the Internet for Things is an interconnected global network of devices, including
smartphones, tablets, gadgets, appliances, and more - that communicate with one another via the
Internet. It sounds like something out of the pages of a Sci-Fi thriller however, this is the reality of the
scenario that the estimated 24 billion gadgets in 2020 will be heading towards. Digital Marketing will
prepare your business for this future as an interconnected system that will be a part of every aspect
of life. The survival of your business in the age of Internet of Things means being part of this
interconnected grid , giving the opportunity to connect with targeted groups that are part of this grid.
12. Digital Marketing Ensures Business Survival Online
It's common for brick and mortar businesses to have visitors enter their stores, browsing and
examining products, only to go out without purchasing any items. A variety of customers like this
come and go and a small number will actually purchase something and, if they're satisfied, return to
purchase more at another date. If you have less of the latter, as well as a larger few eventually, your
brick-and mortar business will be gone.
The Wrap- Up
The digital marketing industry has experienced a number of changes since its inception a few decades
ago. It's an ever-changing one that is constantly changing. I believe you got an idea on the evolution
of digital marketing and the importance of digital marketing for the success of a business and digital
marketing impact on business from this article.
Digital marketing professionals must be capable and willing to stay on top of the changing times,
keeping an eye out for new tools and trends as well as adjustments to algorithms for search engines
and more. They cannot take the risk of being caught unprepared.
MegataskWeb is one of the leading website development companyin Dubai Dubai. Our services
include eCommerce development, web design, mobile application development, digital marketing,
Web App development etc. We're dedicated to providing top-quality services to our clients that meet
the requirements of business and industrial standards. If you have any queries contact us right away.

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The Evolution Of Digital Marketing | Digital MArketing AGency Dubai- Megatask Web

  • 1. The Evolution Of Digital Marketing & How It Helps To Grow Your Business Evolution of digital marketing? Does it have something to do with you? Well… Even if digital marketing and its history has nothing to do with you, the evolution of digital marketing and how it helps to grow your business surely does! Now you’re curious! Digital marketing! It might be one of the most heard and repeated term nowadays Right! I know that. And it’s true. Digital marketing has become a pivotal term for all the businesses across the globe. And it is something inevitable in this era. So not lagging more, let’s check the evolution of digital marketing and how digital marketing helps to grow your business. Before that, let me give you an introduction on digital marketing. What is digital marketing? Digital marketing is often referred to as internet marketing, web marketing or online marketing. The names say it all! Yes digital digital marketing definition in simple words is doing marketing of any kind of products or services via online or internet. The importance of digital marketing in this digital marketing is inevitable as the world is embracing it more and more Digital Marketing Types There are many kinds of digital marketing types that have different categories as well as subcategories. It is broadly divided into the following categories: 1. Search Engine Optimization or SEO 2. Pay Per Click ads or PPC 3. Social Media Marketing or SMM 4. Content Marketing 5. Email Marketing 6. Mobile Marketing
  • 2. 7. Marketing Analytics What are the 5 Ds of Digital Marketing? ⚫ Digital Devices - desktops, smartphones, smart TVs, wearable devices, tablets, laptops, gaming devices. ⚫ Digital Platforms - social media platforms, websites, search engines. ⚫ Digital Media - online ads, social media marketing, SMS, email marketing. ⚫ Digital Data - apps, contact forms, surveys. ⚫ Digital Technology Artificial Intelligence virtual reality and Augmented Reality. The benefits of digital marketing There are several benefits of digital marketing. Role of digital marketing in the new digital era is inevitable. Let’s take a glance at the top advantages of Digital Marketing. #1. Global Reach Traditional marketing is confined by geography. Creating an international marketing campaign could be costly, difficult and time-consuming. But, modern marketing takes place via the Internet; this means that the reach you can attain by using it is huge.The internet has changed the way marketing is done. Even a small local company owner is able to connect with an international market with the help of an online shop. This wouldn't be possible using traditional marketing techniques or require an amount of money. The advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing is huge. The internet has created numerous growth opportunities for digital marketing impact on businesses to consider. A combination of worldwide reach as well as exposure is an excellent chance for any company. #2. Local Reach While the global reach is an important benefit of digital marketing it also increases local visibility particularly when your business is dependent on local customers. Local SEO and locally-targeted advertisements can benefit businesses looking to attract many more people to visit their business. Imagine the potential reach you could get to your entire community with digital marketing as opposed to the time it takes you to print posters and hand them throughout. #3. Lower Cost If you are looking to market your business locally or internationally digital marketing can provide efficient and cost-effective options. It lets even the smallest of businesses to compete with larger corporations by implementing highly-targeted strategies. The majority strategies won't even cost you anything at all (such as SEO, social media or Content marketing). However, not every kind that is digitally-based marketing will be appropriate for all businesses and some might cost more than others. Businesses can choose the right solutions that meet its specific marketing objectives. Benefits of digital marketing for small businesses includes this cost-effective option. #4. Easy to Learn There are numerous things about digital marketing you must master; however, it's relatively easy to start. It becomes more complicated based on the nature of the objectives and the scope of campaigns. It's an issue of choosing the best method that is suitable for your company. The growth in digital marketing is much faster. #5. Effective Targeting Even in the event that you don't have a specific idea of your audience, digital marketing allows you to gather data to identify which audience is most effective for your business and tailor your marketing strategy around the people you want to reach. There are a variety of ways of targeting your audience, including keywords to optimize your search (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) as well as the demographics
  • 3. of social media. The vast array of targeting options available to you ensures that each campaign is reaching the correct audience. It also allows you to examine the behavior of your customers and adjust strategies to reflect those shifts. The ability to comprehend the needs of customers and their changing habits quickly is a guarantee to ensure the success of any business. #6. Multiple Strategies There are a variety of strategies for digital marketing that are utilized by different kinds of businesses. For instance, a B2B business looking to increase leads from international markets could have a completely different strategy from a B2C local clothing store. Some businesses can gain more readily from SEO and content marketing while others could benefit from advertising campaigns that focus on conversion. It is important to constantly examine the results and devise new strategies and strategies over time. A properly executed digital marketing strategy is flexible and changes rapidly as the demands of the company change. Here are a few of the most popular kinds of digital marketing that you can select from: ⚫ SEO-based content creation ⚫ Marketing via search engines ⚫ Socially paid ads ⚫ Marketing via video ⚫ Forum engagement ⚫ Marketing through social media ⚫ Email marketing ⚫ Local search ⚫ Remarketing ⚫ Marketing with influencers #7. Multiple Content Types Another major benefit that digital marketing offers is a variety of kinds of content that can be used to promote your business online. There are a myriad of platforms, there's many different kinds of content that you can select from to keep your branding up to date and develop successful campaigns online. Contrary to conventional marketing methods, with digital you are able to more quickly duplicate a single piece of content for any platform you'd like. Here are a few of the most commonly used kinds of content you can select from: ⚫ Blogs ⚫ Podcasts ⚫ Emailers ⚫ Ebooks ⚫ Visual content ⚫ Infographics ⚫ Whitepapers ⚫ Quizzes ⚫ Social media posts ⚫ Webinars #8. Increased Engagement One of the main digital marketing benefits is increased engagement. Marketing with digital technology is engaging from the beginning. Visitors can share blog posts as well as like photos or save a video or even interact with your website by clicking on a commercial. The great thing is that each of these actions can be tracked. This lets you create additional engaging content to boost brand recognition or increase sales. The more you are active on the internet and build a relationship with your customers, the more loyal you will be able to acquire. Businesses that make use of engaging and interactive formats successfully with their online strategies can convert cold traffic into loyal customers.
  • 4. #9. Analytics and Optimization Another benefit that digital marketing has is that it analyzes the impact of marketing campaigns using digital media in real-time. This allows you to improve future campaigns and correct any mistakes that could be made quickly. The analysis of your digital marketing campaigns can also give you the ability to determine the source of your traffic and be in complete control of the sales funnels. These are the top digital marketing benefits that can make your business successful. Now let’s know more about the digital marketing background and the marketing evolution in digital. Evolution & History of Digital Marketing The term digital marketing was first used in the 1990s.The digital age began with the advent of the internet as well as the evolution of the web 1.0 platform. This Web 1.0 platform allowed users to access the information they were looking for however, it did not permit them to share this information over the internet.In the beginning marketers around the world were uncertain about the online platform. They weren't certain whether their strategies would be successful as the internet hadn't yet seen widespread adoption. In 1993 the very first banner that could be clickable became live and, following that, HotWired bought some banner ads to use in their marketing. This was the start of the transition into the digital age of marketing. Due to this gradual change that year saw new technologies emerge in the marketplace of the digital age. In the same year Yahoo came into existence.Also called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web after the creator Jerry Yang, Yahoo received nearly 1 million visits in its first year. It triggered a wave of changes in the field of digital marketing as companies redesign their websites to get more traffic and get rankings in the search engines. 1996 saw the debut of several additional search engines like HotBot, LookSmart, and Alexa. 1998 was the year that saw the emergence of Google and it led to fast digital growth. Microsoft created MSN, the search engine and Yahoo was the first to launch Yahoo Web Search. A few years later, the Internet bubble burst, and all smaller search engines were removed or completely destroyed leaving room for the big players in the market. The world of digital marketing experienced its first significant rise in 2006, when the traffic from search engines was estimated to have risen to 6.4 billion in one month. Not wanting to be out of the game, Microsoft put MSN on the back burner and launched Live Search to compete with Google and Yahoo. After that came Web 2.0, where people were more active rather than passive users. Web 2.0 lets users interact with each other and allows businesses too. Labels such as super information highway started to be used to describe the internet. This led to information flow , including channels used by digital marketers- have increased exponentially, and by 2004, online marketing and advertising in the US alone had brought in approximately $2.9 billion. Then, Very soon social networks started to appear. MySpace was the initial social media site to be launched, soon followed by Facebook. A lot of companies realized that these new and exciting sites which were popping up were opening new avenues to advertise their brands and products. This
  • 5. opened up new opportunities for businesses and marked the start of the new chapter for business. With the advent of new technology, businesses needed new strategies to market their brands and capitalize it on the social media platform. Thus the evolution of online marketing happened. The cookie was another significant event in the world of digital marketing. Advertisers began looking for new methods to make use of the new technology. One method was to analyze the typical web browsing habits and patterns of usage of users who frequent the internet to adapt marketing and promotions to their needs. The first cookie was created to track user habits. The purpose of cookies has evolved over time and now, cookies are programmed to give marketers many methods to gather information about users.The products that are sold digitally are accessible to customers 24/7. The data collected from the Marketing Tech Blog for 2014 indicate that posting on Facebook is now the most popular activity on the internet across the US. A typical American spends 37 minutes per day using social media. 99percent of digital marketers utilize Facebook to promote their products and market their products. 97% of them utilize Twitter 69% make use of Pinterest as well as 59% of users use Instagram. 70 percent of B2C marketers have gotten customers via Facebook. 67 percent of Twitter users are much more likely to purchase from brands that have a presence on Twitter. 83.8 percent of the top brands are represented on Pinterest. Three of the top social media websites used by marketers include LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. The market for digital products is constantly changing. The digital marketing professionals must find ways to adapt to the changing landscape. They must be looking out for new trends and the evolution of newer and more efficient Search Engine Algorithms. Since nobody is able to afford to be left behind in this competitive race.History of digital marketing in Dubai is another subject to talk about. Digital marketing, as any other field, is evolving by the development of new technology. It is essential to stay up to date with new developments to stay connected to your customers as well as to comprehend the background of the field to be able to appreciate the latest methods and strategies. Join hands with the best digital marketing company to enhance your business to the next level. Call Us Now Let’s check about the evolution of digital marketing. We'll also discuss forecasts for its future and what lessons we should be aware of in the future. Let's begin! Evolution of Digital Marketing - The Timeline Let's try to create an outline of the evolution of marketing .The digital era was already in full swing and had begun to develop. 1993 The first clickable banner was launched. A website named HotWired purchased a few of them to promote the magazine and to increase the number of subscribers. This was the beginning of the shift towards digital advertising. With the advent of new technologies, their debut and Yahoo! having been launched, the evolution in digital advertising was fully underway in 1994. Yahoo was able to receive more than 1 million visits in the first year of its existence which prompted business owners and marketers to change their mindset toward marketing via digital channels. They started to improve their websites to meet the needs of search engines. 1994 Cookies were created by Lou Montulli. They are tiny data packets that are generated through the server whenever you visit a website, and then are stored onto your device. Cookies are used to connect to websites, and they monitor your activities such as the websites you visited, as well as actions you performed. This will help businesses be aware of your preferences, and provide you with personalized promotions. 1996 New tools and search engines like Alexa, LookSmart and HotBot were introduced. 1998 This was the year when the big daddy Google was born, MSN search engine launched by Microsoft as well as Yahoo web search was launched. 1999, In 1999 was one of the most significant years in the history of marketing digitally; web 2.0 was released, which enabled individuals to post and distribute their content instead of just consuming it. They weren't just passive consumers, they were actively engaged participants. This set the stage for
  • 6. the widespread sharing of information and social media platforms and other similar sites. Sites such as Wikipedia, Facebook and blog websites were all born during this time. 2000 There was a lot of nervousness about the way computers would react to the change in date at the beginning of the millennium. It is often called the Y2K issue. There was a crash , and several of the smaller search engines disappeared out of the picture, opening an avenue for giants to establish their position. 2002 A professional social media platform known as LinkedIn was created in 2002, which helped recruiters find skilled candidates and vice versa. 2003, In 2003 MySpace is the very first social media site to launch; it was later followed by Orkut and, after that, Facebook. Businesses started to take note, and saw the potential these platforms could offer. They could reach millions of users in just minutes or even in seconds, and at the lowest cost. Businesses began to promote their products and services through these platforms, indicating the beginning of a brand new business era. In 2004, within the United States alone, the profits from advertising on the internet amounted to nearly $3 billion. Digital marketing wasn't only established, but it made its presence felt and showed all the globe that they were in the making. 2005 witnessed the beginning of YouTube, the platform for sharing videos with millions of subscribers and users today. 2006 witnessed a massive growth in this year's year as search engine traffic reached 6.5 billion within a single month. Microsoft has replaced MSN and also launched Live Search, to keep up with Google as well as Yahoo. This year also saw the introduction of Twitter and the rise of split tests in the field of marketing. Amazon reported online sales of more than 10 million USD. 2007 The year was 2007 when streaming service Hulu and microblogging platform Tumblr were created. 2008 was the year that witnessed China becoming the nation with the highest number of internet users, surpassing the US. Music sharing website Spotify was created in the year. 2009. The 2009 Google instant was released with the intention of allowing users to access immediate results from search engines 2010 messaging application for mobile phones, WhatsApp was launched in this year. The app now offers businesses a range of tools for promoting their products and services using WhatsApp Business accounts. 2011 The use of the web surpassed television viewing, particularly among younger generations, and Google + and Google Panda were introduced. 2012 Social media marketing budgets have increased by 64%!. 2014was the year that saw the debut of Facebook messenger, as well as the launch of customized advertisements on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. It was also the year in which mobile usage was able to surpass personal computers to browse and shop. 2015 This year saw the beginning of 'wearables and predictive technologies, as well as active marketing and growth in inbound marketing. 2016 In this year SEO has changed to its best and the Google Panda and Penguin 4.0 Updates happened. And also the accelerated mobile pages (AMP) were introduced in the same year. 2017 was the year that the domain of video ads increased and people started to focus more on Mobile-first User Experiences and Virtual Reality Advertising. 2018 In this year Machine learning and marketing automation took place and Integrating social messaging apps and a steep growth in mobile and smartphone usage happened. The SEO and content marketing integration took place in the same year. 2019 This year witnesses the expansion of the Geo-Marketing that paved the way of usage of the internet unlimitedly, thus Social Media conversions increased and Email Marketing Get Personal. 2020 This year witnesses the pandemic Covid-19 that led to the great growth of the digital era and The Digital Economy is accelerated in this year. This year taught us people can work from anywhere. Work from home was introduced this year. 2021 In this year Metaverse was launched by facebook. Metaverse is a broad concept of how we interact online. 2022 The rise in the use of mobile devices globally has contributed to the growth of ecommerce and still digital marketing is evolving and constantly growing.
  • 7. The growth of digital marketing was quicker and powerful. It becomes pivotal. From this you would have understood why digital marketing is important nowadays. Also read how ecommerce website evolves with their clients. 5 Key turning points on evolution of digital marketing In the wake of a discussion on the current situation of digital marketing, we'll now look at how it's developed over time by highlighting some of the significant milestones in its time. 1. Search Engines Come Into Play The World Wide Web was launched in 1991, but it didn't really make an impact until the very first very well-known internet browser Netscape was able to make its appearance in 1994. A lot of people started using the internet, and when this occurred the search engines like Google were also introduced between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Search engines function by crawling websites and then storing them to be later retrieved based on the keywords that are used in search terms. This has resulted in what's commonly referred to as Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which is the process of promoting blogs and websites to increase their exposure using strategies like search engine Optimization (SEO) as well as paid advertisements. 2. The Social Media Revolution The World Wide Web was initially intended to be a collaborative place to share information. It is likely that you bet that it has evolved into far more than this. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and many others have enabled not only to share information as well as to make connections with people. Businesses can also reach a global audience. For this, businesses can make use of paid advertisements that are targeted at general or specific audience segments, and collaborate with influencers to promote products to their followers and much more. Facebook, for instance, was founded in 2004 and grew to an average user count of one million users by the end of the year. In 2007, the platform began its self-service platform for advertising as and business pages, thereby increasing the total ad revenue up to $750 million. Other platforms have followed suit and have provided a platform for companies to reach out to their customers. 3. Mobile-First Marketing The Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project has created the need to ensure that SEO optimization is available for mobile-friendly websites. This project aims at increasing the speed of loading pages on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. It also considers other factors like the User Experience (UX). This is particularly important due to the latest statistics regarding mobile phone usage. In 2019 52.2 percent of all internet traffic was generated by mobile phones, in contrast to 16.2 per cent in the year 2013. But it's important to remember that this is only information for mobile phones and not tablets. The growing use of mobile devices along with the AMP initiative has led to the need to ensure that advertising campaigns aren't just accessible to larger devices and can be seen without noticeable performance or visual distinctions on smaller screens too. 4. Consumer Data and Targeted Campaigns Another significant moment in the growth of digital marketing has been the dependence on data to design customized marketing programs. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for instance is a process in business that allows brands to build lasting relationships with their customers by utilizing data-driven marketing strategies. CRM tools allow you to perform iteratively on the basis of information that comes from analytics on performance. This makes it possible to determine your customers' purchasing patterns, define further your target market, and boost the overall satisfaction of customers. The ability to predict customer behavior is especially crucial because marketing strategies are always changing due to technology and other aspects. Utilizing CRM methods like regression and statistical analysis, it is possible to detect any changes in consumer behavior. It also allows the development of more effective business impact models that are capable of accurate measurement of the effectiveness of marketing. 5. Voice Search and Interactive Content A key goal for brands is to improve the engagement of customers and create an atmosphere of belonging and community. This has led to quality and engaging content like games, social media
  • 8. contests, full-screen experience in apps, and much more. These do not just draw audiences but help keep their attention for the long term. However the use of voice search has become one of the top marketing trends, offering an entirely new method of conducting searches and also to promote businesses. It also can draw more users since its results typically have a high probability of being very relevant in the initial attempt. The Current State of Digital Marketing Digital marketing is the process of advertising products and services on the internet. Like other forms of marketing, its purpose is to increase awareness of your brand and your products in the general public. Before the advent of online marketing, companies were primarily based on offline strategies. This included methods like billboards, television and radio advertisements, newspapers direct mail, phone calls, postcards, catalogs and postcards brochures and other print materials, and so on. Even in the present, with numerous companies trying to reach as many potential customers as possible, a few of these old-fashioned marketing tools remain effective. The older segments of a brand's customer base For instance, they may prefer reading newspaper articles in physical form as opposed to their soft-copy counterparts. Radio marketing isn't over. One major difference between these two types is the reach they provide. Newspaper or radio ads could be effective in advertising to local audiences. If you're trying to expand your reach using digital strategies, they're the best choice. They're also more affordable than their traditional counterparts. Digital marketing is possible via tweets, videos and podcasts, emails, blog posts, Pay-Per Click (PPC) advertising and many more. To demonstrate the scope in digital advertising, we have 3.5 billion people who use social media and almost half of the world's population! In addition, it's becoming more difficult to sell to the younger generation. It takes some convincing for them to be convinced to buy. Your digital marketing campaigns will aid in reaching and selling to them over the long term. Digital media offer an opportunity to keep in touch with your target audience and create connections with them. As technology advances, businesses must adapt. technologies, companies have to adopt a variety of steps to keep up with the changing trends. The traditional brick-and-mortar shops have slowly moved towards online marketing, or have begun to invest more into their marketing strategies and focusing upon digital marketing strategies. The modern digital marketing options focus on capturing the fast-growing and lucrative online market. The process of attracting online users will establish whether a company is flourishing and profitable or been unsuccessful. In the realm of online marketing by using various tools for digital marketing and methods businesses will be able to put up the competition and witness an increase in sales. A growing and emerging business could benefit from having an online presence. A presence on the internet gives businesses the chance to compete, sustain and expand. Below are some of the reasons how digital marketing can help grow your business: 1. Expanding geographical reach and a wider reach Expanding your company to a new geographic region with traditional marketing strategies can be an exhausting and time-consuming job. Utilizing the right digital marketing plans you can effortlessly expand their business into new regions and new locales without any hurdles on the way. Digital marketing campaigns are set quickly and within a short time. They are also extremely adaptable and allow you to target the right audience without any problems. 2. The creation of a brand name
  • 9. If a company is able to fulfill their promises to their intended audience this plays a crucial role in establishing the reputation of their brand. This helps in earning the trust of consumers. to build stronger and better relationships with consumers. As per Safari SEO Agency the brand's awareness is among the most powerful (and often overlooked) aspects of an effective advertising campaign. Happy and satisfied customers are bound to share their happy experiences with their peers which can open opportunities in new markets and arenas for the company. If your business is big or small, digital media marketing solutions will assist every company to establish an enduring and reliable brand name. With a distinctive logo as well as a tagline, or slogan can assist your company to create a consistent and reliable image. 3. Cost-effective Small and medium-sized businesses do not have the capital to invest in various avenues of marketing. TV advertisements are expensive as are the cost of billboards as well as print advertisements. Every business doesn't have the resources to invest in marketing their businesses. This is why Digital advertisements play a significant part. Digital marketing strategies are not a huge requirement for investment and they can connect with a wider public at a cheaper cost. Digital Media Marketing solutions offer businesses more efficient and cost-effective marketing channels that are more efficient in communicating by converting a huge number of potential customers. 4. More revenue A well-designed digital marketing strategy will result in higher conversion rates. This eventually assists the business in earning more money. Digital marketing strategies aid in generating a higher amount of profits compared to various traditional channels for marketing. According to Google businesses that have integrated digital marketing strategies have 2.8 times more income growth expectations. Companies that employ digital marketing benefit from 3.3 times the chance of growing their workforce as well as the size of their business. 5. Improved ROI As previously mentioned, successful digital marketing strategies can enhance the brand's value and revenue. In addition, they aid in creating an Improved ROI when in comparison with traditional methods of marketing. Digital marketing strategies are easy to track and allow you to evaluate the real results of your effect on your target public. The most important aspect of a successful digital marketing strategy is to create a constant flow of traffic that could be converted into leads. The more traffic generated, the more rapid the return of your investments. 6. Let's go all the way Businesses that have an organized and clear digital marketing strategy are able to reach out to millions of tablet and smartphone users. Anyone who is connected to online via the Internet in any way could be a potential customer for your company. According to the available data more than 75 percent of Google Chrome users now have access to the Internet through mobile devices. If you don't have a digital marketing strategy and your business is lagging the opportunity to profit from this huge market. Experts in SEO at MegataskWeb forecast that the smartphone Internet market will expand quickly in the coming years and, with an online marketing strategy it is no longer necessary to be waiting to get into this market or another. As long as you've got an online store and international shipping, you are able to offer your services to customers anywhere they are. 12 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Business With the evolution and change of technology, small and medium enterprises are doing all they can to keep pace with the latest technology, and this can be said to be the case for humanity as a whole. The importance of digital marketing for the success of a business thus becomes huge. Brick and mortar businesses are either converting their model of business to an online model, or enhancing their existing marketing strategies with digital strategies, in order to take advantage of a rapidly increasing and highly profitable online market. Because it is the process of attracting specific audiences online that makes an important difference in a growing business and failing. Even if you get a lot of visitors per day to your site, they won't add up
  • 10. to anything unless they turn into results or even sales. In the new digital world in which commerce and business is heading digitally, tools and strategies give entrepreneurs the greatest chance to compete, survive and even grow their business. The 12 reasons listed below will explain why digital marketing isn't only an investment wise decision but an effective channel for marketing which can aid in the growth of your business. It will give you the picture of the role of digital marketing and how digital marketing helps to grow your business. 1. Digital Marketing Levels the Online Playing Field The days are gone that business owners still believe the idea of Digital Marketing is only for corporations and multinationals. large corporations with the adequate resources required to launch an effective online campaign for marketing. Digital Marketing has the potential to level the playing field, giving small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity to compete with the giants and get their fair share in targeted customers. Thanks to digital marketing, small businesses are now able to carry out marketing and sales procedures that were previously restricted to big corporations. Without a call center small-sized businesses can effectively communicate with multiple customers, and even to clients from all regions of the globe, even in the absence of physical branches or stores in these areas.e-marketing allows an organisation to overcome. 2. Digital Marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing Smaller businesses have very few resources , and sometimes even capitalization. This is the reason Digital Marketing provides them with an improved and more economical marketing strategy that produces outcomes. Gartner's Digital Marketing Spend Report highlighted that 40 percent of respondents claimed to have significant savings making use of digital marketing strategies for promotion for their goods and services. According to the Gartner survey 28 percent of the business owners who were surveyed would shift their marketing budgets away to traditional channels and put them in online digital marketing tools and strategies. HubSpot affirms this in the graph below which shows how digital marketers receive more efficient Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) than other channels for marketing. 3. Digital Marketing Delivers Conversion Companies that sell goods and services via the web gauge effectiveness by the percentage of traffic coming in that is transformed into leads, customers or sales, based on the purpose of your site. Without conversion, your website's traffic will mean nothing, and all the marketing efforts you put into it are just wasted. That's why businesses are reorganizing their digital marketing campaigns to conversion optimization, which is an absolute priority above all else. There are many techniques and tools that you can employ to help your digital marketing campaign including Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing, as well as email marketing. Based on the chart below, taken from the HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report for 2013, State of Inbound Marketing Report Three of them that create swift and efficient communication and interaction with specific audience members will produce better-than-average results , in terms of greater conversion rates. 4. Digital Marketing Helps Generate Better Revenues Increased conversion rates resulting from efficient digital marketing strategies will provide a variety of lucrative advantages for both your business and you through better and greater profits. Google proves this with an investigation conducted with IPSOS Hong Kong, claiming 2.8 times higher revenue growth for businesses that use digital marketing strategies than those who don't. With higher expectations for revenue growth small and medium-sized enterprises employing digital marketing methods will stand 3.3 times more chance of increasing their workforce as well as their company - opening the doors to more, bigger and more extensive markets locally and internationally. Google's Asia-Pacific Director of SME Kevin O'Kane describes the Internet as a rocket fuel to growth for medium and small companies. 5. Digital Marketing facilitates interaction with a specific audience
  • 11. One of the main reasons digital marketing is becoming the dominant marketing channel is the capability for Internet advertising tools and marketing software to communicate with specific audiences in real-time. Engagement of any kind is what your clients expect to experience when they interact with your business or brand. Engaging your customers and providing them with appropriate engagement points can provide you with a better understanding of what your intended audience would like to hear. This important information will help guide you in the right direction to take the correct sequence of actions to offer your customers an enhanced experience and build strong relationships with them and earn their trust and loyalty, which you'll require when your business starts to expand. 6. Digital Marketing Caters to the Mobile Consumer Absolutely, mobile internet will undoubtedly be the next wave in information distribution and communication channels that will be triggered by the rapid expansion of tablets, smartphones and other internet-connected devices. These devices are now an integral aspect of American daily life, with nearly 91% of the adult citizens living in America. The United States always has their devices in reach. It is now the perfect moment to launch digital marketing campaigns geared towards consumers who are mobile, opening the way for them to greater growth and faster expansion. Mobile phones have changed from being merely a substitute for desktop computers and laptops to something that influences their buying decisions, as proven by a different report from eMarketer. 7. Digital Marketing Builds Brand Reputation The strength of digital marketing is in its capacity to draw specific visitors. The people who are interested in your content are probably already interested in learning more about your company products or services and could be interested enough to buy the products or services you offer. Being able to deliver on what you said can help you build relationships with your intended audience as they become paying customers who will come back and visit your website regularly and on a continuous regular basis. This is beneficial to your reputation as satisfied customers will likely refer to others about their impressions of your company, product or service. Your brand's reputation will be able to spread as expected and open up new avenues of opportunities to reach larger markets and achieve business growth. 8. Digital Marketing Provides better ROI for your marketing investment With better revenue and better brand recognition, Digital Marketing can provide more ROI (ROI) over traditional marketing channels and media. In the case of traditional media, the cost is too expensive for small and medium-sized businesses to make use of and the outcomes are a bit hazy and difficult to gauge. Digital Marketing, on its own, can be monitored and tracked, with the results being immediately visible and measured when the targeted audience provides contact information and signs up for an online newsletter or training program or purchase. The most important thing to be successful in Digital marketing, however, is to create a consistent circulation of relevant traffic, which then can be converted into leads and sales. The more you can generate this type of traffic, the quicker you will see the ROI you've earned. 9. Digital Marketing Earns People's Trust Digital Marketing is a part of the current trend in online advertising which focuses on the social media signals that result from direct and more personalized interactions between a brand or business with their targeted customers. The Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey that included 25 000 consumers who came from at least 50 countries 90% of respondents said they'd be more confident in the information regarding a specific brand product or service if they were able to get the information from someone they know. Digital Marketing relies on social media signals, as well as social reviews and proof from actual customers who have bought, joined or used an item or service that is marketed by a specific company or brand. The more trustworthy these social signals are, the better the amount of trust it is able to create from specific audiences - the majority of them prospective customers. 10. Digital Marketing Entices People to Take Favorable Action Social signals and reviews aid in gaining trust from specific groups, Digital Marketing makes use of efficient strategies to draw people into taking an action that your company or brand wishes to encourage them to take. The conversion to sales or leads is still initiated and is under complete
  • 12. control of the website user. They do not have to convert, but digital marketers are able to utilize creative and inventive methods to encourage conversion by using Calls-To-Action. Calls-To-Action outlines what your website users should do next - be it sign up, to like or download something, contact or purchase - specific actions that can entice them to take an action. Innovative designs, buttons, and text are optimized in accordance with colors, copy and graphics as well as their position on the page in order to get the highest results of creating positive actions. 11. Digital Marketing Makes You Ready for the Internet of Things Internet of Things or the Internet for Things is an interconnected global network of devices, including smartphones, tablets, gadgets, appliances, and more - that communicate with one another via the Internet. It sounds like something out of the pages of a Sci-Fi thriller however, this is the reality of the scenario that the estimated 24 billion gadgets in 2020 will be heading towards. Digital Marketing will prepare your business for this future as an interconnected system that will be a part of every aspect of life. The survival of your business in the age of Internet of Things means being part of this interconnected grid , giving the opportunity to connect with targeted groups that are part of this grid. 12. Digital Marketing Ensures Business Survival Online It's common for brick and mortar businesses to have visitors enter their stores, browsing and examining products, only to go out without purchasing any items. A variety of customers like this come and go and a small number will actually purchase something and, if they're satisfied, return to purchase more at another date. If you have less of the latter, as well as a larger few eventually, your brick-and mortar business will be gone. The Wrap- Up The digital marketing industry has experienced a number of changes since its inception a few decades ago. It's an ever-changing one that is constantly changing. I believe you got an idea on the evolution of digital marketing and the importance of digital marketing for the success of a business and digital marketing impact on business from this article. Digital marketing professionals must be capable and willing to stay on top of the changing times, keeping an eye out for new tools and trends as well as adjustments to algorithms for search engines and more. They cannot take the risk of being caught unprepared. MegataskWeb is one of the leading website development companyin Dubai Dubai. Our services include eCommerce development, web design, mobile application development, digital marketing, Web App development etc. We're dedicated to providing top-quality services to our clients that meet the requirements of business and industrial standards. If you have any queries contact us right away.