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Tips For Answering The Princeton University Supplemental Essay Prompts ... Tips For Answering The Princeton
University Supplemental Essay Prompts ...
John Locke Separation Of Powers
The framers had wanted something more cohesive and efficient way to fight the ambition of man and
something better than the articles of confederation(Magleby 43). Made them turn to Montesquieu he
advocated three distinct and separate branches in which the general powers of government should
have been. While John Locke made a case for separating the legislative and executive powers,
Montesquieu provided the Founders with a compelling defense for an independent judiciary
(Separation of powers). The founders wanted to make sure no one public official had too much power
in turn the founders wanted them to observe having constitutional limits to their powers (Magbley 43).
It made them want the separation of authority and having something to check ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
So, in turn, the separation of powers separated into three governing entities legislative branch, the
executive branch, and the judiciary branch. The legislature is responsible for making laws and making
sure there is sufficient money to operate the government (An overview). The executive branch is
responsible for the applying and running the public policy passed, and the legislature branch funds
it(An Overview). The judiciary branch is responsible for construing the constitution, laws and
applying their interpretation to controversies brought be for it (An Overview). The reason for the
distribution among the three branches was to save the people from autocracy (Magleby 45).
The founding fathers wanted a system to have check and balance to avoid concentration of power. The
system would give each branch the constitutional power to check the other branches (Magbley, 43).
Madison said it best Ambition must be made to counteract ambition (Magbley43). The framers made a
great decision in ensuring that a majority of the voters could win control over only a part of the
government at a time (Magleby
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Uk Referendum Essay
The results of the 2016 UK referendum was a surprise to the rest of the world, but there are definitely
factors that made this a predictable result. At first glance, one might assume that economics were the
main contributing factor to the people s discontent of membership in the EU. But as I researched, I
found that politics in the UK and the EU had a far greater impact on the feelings of Brits. However,
some important economic factors still exist. The European Union s economy, despite being one of the
largest in the world; very comparable to the size of the economy of the United States, does not provide
a great benefit to the UK. Both the economies of the UK and of the EU are less than ideal for the
respective nations, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As Germany is, after the UK and possibly France, the most influential nation in the EU, its interests
will be well represented and therefore the UK does not need to worry about their ease of trade with
mainland Europe being hindered. Economically, the United Kingdom has nothing to lose, and
everything to gain, by forfeiting their membership in the EU. As was mentioned earlier, as important
as economics are to understanding this situation, their importance is nowhere near as fundamental to
the outcome of the referendum as are the effects of modern European politics. The modern world has
recently seen a sharp rise of populism. The citizens of today s first world nations do not trust their
government and its politicians. Populism is The support for the concerns of ordinary people [10].
People distrust mainstream politicians that have history in federal government. A wonderful example
of this new political tendency, other than the positive vote for brexit, is the election of Donald Trump
as president of the United States of America. Midway through the election season a popular US news
source predicted that Trump had less than a 5% chance of winning the election[11]. However, this
source did not take into account the negative feelings of the American voting public toward
mainstream politicians, such as Trump s opponent Hillary Clinton. Analysts believe that the same
phenomenon of populism that elected Trump can also explain the
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Music As A Culture Of Major Label Bands On Their Stations...
Nowadays radio stations and televisions are showing only mainstream, major label bands on their
stations and channels. What people mostly do not know is there is another world of music out there for
their listening: indie music. The reason people do not know about indie music is that these stations and
channels will not make as much money from these smaller record labels as they would from the major
labels that are Sony BMG, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group. Indie music is a co
culture of major label music but in its own right is a culture by itself on its own. To determine the
aspects and norms of the indie music culture you have to go back to the beginning or the failed
revolution as phrased by Jon Fine in the title of his book Your Band Sucks: What I Saw at Indie Rock
s Failed Revolution (But Can No Longer Hear) (Fine 2015). According to Cohen (2015), unlike other
forms of music genre or categories, indie found its beginnings in college towns or middle class
working cities. She states Athens, Georgia, Olympia, Washington, and her hometown of Louisville,
Kentucky were key cities that upstarted the revolution in the 80 s. Helping the cause was the radio
stations in these cities and towns because they were sympathetic, run by women, and had a strong
interest in the culture of art (Cohen 2015). During the 1980 s people had a Do It Yourself mentality.
Cohen (2015) states The line between fan and performer was paper thin. Anyone could get a band
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This document discusses Egyptian art and culture. It explores the debate around how to characterize ancient Egyptian identity and culture, considering whether Egypt should be viewed as part of Africa or as its own distinct civilization. It then provides an overview of Egyptian creation myths, including the roles of gods like Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris and others in establishing order from chaos and bringing material forms into being. Finally, it notes how these myths influenced the Egyptian view of human nature as comprising both eternal and cyclical aspects.

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The Federal Communications Commission is required to meet every 4 years to review media ownership rules and determine if they remain in the public interest, with anticipation growing for their 2014 meeting. The FCC regulates broadcasting and imposes license requirements, while debates have intensified between consumer groups wanting to restrict ownership and media industries demanding deregulation. Both sides have drawn their battle lines as the FCC approaches another review with the future of media ownership rules hanging in the balance.

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How To Begin Persuasive Essay. Online assignment writing service.How To Begin Persuasive Essay. Online assignment writing service.
How To Begin Persuasive Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The late 19th century saw the rise of large corporations and business tycoons, known as Robber Barons, who amassed huge fortunes and monopolized entire industries. This era marked a shift from small businesses to big businesses that dominated the American economy. The massive wealth accumulated by figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt was often through cutthroat business practices and exploitation of workers. However, their business achievements also drove industrialization and economic growth in the post-Civil War period. Following the Civil War, the United States underwent rapid industrialization which concentrated economic

Evolutionary Genetics
Evolutionary Genetics Evolutionary genetics is the study of how genetic variation leads into
evolutionary change. Within our presentation we discussed, A new genotype of bovine leukemia virus
in South America identified by NGS based whole genome sequencing and molecular evolutionary
genetic analysis. (Merit Polat et al.) which was conducted by Merit Polat et al. The Bovine leukemia
virus, also known as BLV, is a member of the retroviridae family which is made up with the human T
cell leukemia viruses type 1 and 2. These viruses belonged to the deltraretrovirus genes that infects
cattle worldwide. This experiment however, specifically focused on the cattle within South America.
The countries they conducted the experiment on were Peru, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
They were handed a worksheet where they had to classify which beast evolved first. On the handout,
there was 7 different beast. Below the images was a table, on the left it described the characteristics;
and on the right, was the coding scheme. The coding scheme involved whether or not the trait was
present and what kind it was. For example, the beast may or may have not had a fin, or the feet could
have been pointed or round. The traits that were present were labeled as 1, and those that were not
were labeled as 0. On the back of the sheet, they were able to take the observations they found, and
decide which outgrip the belonged in. Following this, they placed them on the phylogenetic tree,
labeling the beast to the corresponding time slot, as well as filling in any additional characteristics that
had evolved on that
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Persuasive Sex Education
Young students globally have been engaged in sex since the start of time, yet our society fails to
provide the youth with the curriculum and resources needed to make healthy and smart decisions
related to sex. 28 out 50 states do not require sex education in public schools, however, the United
States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy compared to any other country. Sex education should be
taught in public schools in order to inform students on the consequences of sexual intercourse as well
as making educated decisions on sex. In today s day and age, teenagers are sexually active even
though may not be mentally, emotionally, or financially prepared for the consequences of their actions.
Students who are uneducated on sex and what it entails, need to know about the risks and health
disparites it can cause. According to Amy S. Hedman PH.D, a professor at Minnesota State University,
and author of American Journal of Health Studies claims that, sexually transmitted diseases are one of
the most common consequences of unprotected sex and one in four high school students have a STD.
(Hedman). It is crucial that students are provided with the opportunity to learn information regarding
prevention and detection of STD s. Not only can the lack of sex education lead to the progression of
diseases, pregnancy can occur just as easily. After obtaining research on sex education the African
News Service claims that, Absence of comprehensive sex education has resulted in teen pregnancy
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Researching a Jet Engine
The heat engine I chose to research was the jet engine. The jet engine is a heat engine specialized to
use jet propulsion for forward thrust. The first credible theory on jet engines was made by Sir Isaac
Newton. He theorized that a backward siphoned explosion could move a machine forward at a
momentous rate of speed. This theory was based off of his third law of motion which is for every
action there is an equal and opposite re action. This law states that for every force there is a reaction
force that is equal in size, but in the opposite direction. This early theory on the idea of jet engines
gave way to the later inventors who would use Newton s theory to make the first working jet engines.
In 1928 Sir Frank Whittle started developing his first jet engine, and in 1932 he had the idea of his jet
engine patented. In 1937 Sir Frank Whittle finally created a working jet engine. Meanwhile in
Germany, Dr. Hans Van Ohain was working on his own jet engine unaware of Whittle s work. Dr.
Hans Van Ohain began his project in 1935, finished his first engine in 1937, and it was used in the first
ever plane flight in 1939. Sir Frank Whittle is usually accredited to most of the work on early jet
engines because not only did he get to start working on the idea a few years before Dr. Hans Van
Ohain, but Germany was also being very secretive about their work due to their dislike of the other
countries in Europe. Dr. Hans Van Ohain s work was not shared to the world, but Whittle s was and
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Multiple Signs Of Infection, Retinal Vascular Sheathing...
Our patient presented with multiple signs of infection, which can t initially be pinpointed to one
disease alone. The three important signs to initially address and understand the science behind are
perivasculitis, retinal vascular sheathing and retinal hemorrhages. All three medical definitions appear
straightforward and all very similar, but the combination of the three leads to a serious diagnosis and
urgency for this patient.
Perivasculitis is an inflammation of a sheath surrounding the tissue 1. In class we discussed the
differences between perivasculitis and periflabitis. Perivasculitis should be white because of the
inflammation and the white blood cells then spilling out. The Prefix peri means around, or on the
outside of the tissue. Retinal vascular sheathing is sheathing or cuffing of blood vessels and vitreous
cells . The swelling or cuffing of blood vessels in the retinal layer is a serious condition and is often
associated with vasculitis. Finally, a retinal hemorrhage is abnormal bleeding of the vessels in the
retina 2. Retinal hemorrhages can be caused for a variety of reasons such as injuries like forceful
blows or accidents and falls, as well as adverse health conditions. We know that the loss of vision can
be largely attributed to the excess debris that is currently located in the eye, the debris being blood that
is leaking out. Our case states that he has no previous trauma however, proving that there is an ulterior
cause to the acute onset of the
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Thesis Statements For Analysis Essays. Online assignment writing service.Thesis Statements For Analysis Essays. Online assignment writing service.
Thesis Statements For Analysis Essays. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the process for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It involves 5 steps: 1) Creating an account with a password and email. 2) Completing a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Reviewing bids from writers and choosing one based on qualifications. 4) Reviewing the completed paper and authorizing payment if pleased. 5) Having the option to request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

The Famous Words And Title Of Louis Zamperinis ...
Louis Zamperini
Will Muenzenmaier
Mason High School
Don t Give Up, Don t Give In . These are the famous words and title of Louis Zamperinis
autobiography. Louis Zamperini lived a powerful and meaningful life that has inspired thousands of
people. Zamperini was a troubled youth, a track star from the town of Torrance California with
impressive records, an Olympic athlete, World War Two Bombardier, Alcoholic, Airplane crash
survivor, Japanese Prisoner of War, Inspirational speaker and a founder of a camp for troubled youths.
Louis has done it all and was truly a man Unbroken by the world. Louis Zamperini was born on
January 26, 1917 in Olean New York, to Italian Immigrants. Shortly after his birth his family moved to
Torrance California. He grew up in the tough part of town. Kids would often pick on him until he
swore in Italian at them. Growing up his capers didn t diminish, in fact, the number of his heists grew.
He states in his book, Don t Give up, Don t Give in, I was rotten, I was always in trouble: with my
father and mother, with the neighborhood, with the school, and the police when they could catch me
(Zamperini, 7). One day his uncle gave a note that said that said Please sell him some cigarettes , the
clerk sold them to him and he would take them home to his uncle. Louis started smoking at the age of
six. And up until that point he would take cigarette butts out of ash trays and smoke them at home.
Being a rotten kid he wanted to get his hands on some
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Factors That Go Into Making A Healthy And Thriving...
There are many key factors that go into making a healthy and thriving ministry. One can picture
ministry as a car engine were all the parts and gears are moving together to reach its destination. If one
of the parts or gears fails, the car is going to have a hard time getting to where it needs to be. One of
the most important key factors to making a healthy ministry would to insure proper communication
between all staff members in your ministry. If any communication links are broken, it can have a
devastating impact on the relationships between staff members, making it hard to work and grow as a
Ethical Dilemma While the senior pastor was on vacation for a week, it was up to the ministry team to
run the Sunday morning service. This would be the first time the senior pastor has been gone for this
long and having the ministry run solo on all areas in ministry for this week. All was going perfectly
that is until the actual service on Sunday. A member of our ministry leader team had said somethings
to members of the church at really upset some of them. We decided for the best interest of the service,
that we finished the service and dealt with the situation once the senior pastor returned from his
vacation. As one of the witnesses to the instant I decided to write a email to the senior pastor that I
would like to sit down and talk to him about what took place when he was gone. I told him about
everything that ran smoothly, but also about the individual what caused some
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Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the...
Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the Breakdown of Fat in Milk
Enzymes are proteins which can catalyse chemical reactions without changing themselves. The
enzyme lipase breaks down the fat in dairy products such as full cream milk for people who are
lactose intolerant. Lipase acts on its specific substrate, lipids produces fatty acids. If enzyme
concentration increases, random collisions between the substrates and active sites of enzyme increase
due to the increasing amount of active sites which allow more collisions to happen, so the rate of
breakdown of lipids to simpler substances will increase. During the experiment, sodium carbonate
solution and pH indicator phenolphthalein will be added ahead of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
If more were placed in one of the test tubes, then the rate of activity of the enzyme at different
concentrations will be wrongly judged, leading to incorrect conclusion.
4. Temperature will be kept consistent at room temperature All tested will be done in the Biology
laboratory with the windows shut to make sure the temperature will not change during the tests. The
higher the temperature, the shorter the time will be needed for the chemical reactions to happen and
phenolphthalein to turn from pink to colourless.
Dependent Variable:
1. The time for the phenolphthalein to turn from pink to colourless will be taken using the stopwatch.
* The apparatus was collected; * The beakers labelled; Solutions of lipase respectively at
concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% were made using lipase at 5% and distilled water. * By using
the dropper and measuring cylinder, an amount of 5ml milk was placed in the test tube * By using the
dropper and measuring cylinder, 10ml phenolphthalein was added to the test tube * By using the
dropper and measuring cylinder, 7 ml sodium carbonate solution was added to the test tube * By using
the dropper and measuring cylinder, 3ml of 1% lipase was added into the test tube * As long as the
lipase was added, the button start on the stopwatch was pressed; and the
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Dropping The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima And Nagasaki
The Atomic Bomb Paula Rabens December 11, 2014 DeVry University Online The event that I chose
to discuss is the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I believe that this event is
worth studying because it was the first and only time that an atomic bomb had been used in war. The
significance of this event can be seen from different sides and affected not only future policies,
national security, the future of energy development, and health related issues. This event is said to
have ended World War II, and at the same time started the cold war. The bombs were said to have
ultimately killed over 700,000 Japanese people (Nash, 2014). New medical and mental illnesses
occurring due to dropping the bomb and radiation, and also starting new threats of nuclear attack
throughout the world and the continued threat of creating and use of the atomic bombs. With the use
of the atomic bomb, the world considered countries that had the power of the atomic bomb to be a
superpower and countries like Russia wouldn t let the U.S. be the only ones who had this power.
Russia would build an atomic bomb and the threat of war was now considered to be fought with
nuclear annihilation. Historical causes and events This event actually started before 1945; the making
of the atomic bomb started in 1941 after hearing that the Germans had started working on nuclear
weapons. The Manhattan project was composed of scientists that
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- The Happy Birthday song was under copyright protection for decades despite being in the public domain. In 2015, a court ruling finally declared the song public domain after a long legal battle over its copyright status. - Copyright is meant to protect original creative works for a limited time, but keeping the Happy Birthday song under copyright for so long did not serve this purpose and was an example of overextended copyright protection. - The response examines other cases like Blurred Lines and allegations against Adele to argue that determining what constitutes copyright infringement is difficult, and copyright laws do not always accomplish their goal of protecting original creators while allowing

How To Write An Analysis Essay On Two Articles
How To Write An Analysis Essay On Two ArticlesHow To Write An Analysis Essay On Two Articles
How To Write An Analysis Essay On Two Articles

- In a command economy, the government makes all major economic decisions regarding production and allocation of resources. In a free market economy, private individuals and businesses make these decisions. - In a command economy, production is focused on fulfilling central plans and quotas. In a free market economy, production is driven by consumer demand and profit motives. - Prices in a command economy are set administratively by the government. In a free market economy, prices are determined by supply and demand forces in the market.

Occupational Profile Essay
Occupational Profile Angelo is a 65 year old male who has left sided hemiparesis because of a right
cerebrovascular accident that occurred 7 years ago. Though he has left upper extremity weakness, it
does not affect his right upper extremity, which is his dominant side. Angelo uses a cane to ambulate
between locations, yet he needs to use a rail in order to climb up stairs, and he uses an ankle foot
orthosis to support his left foot. Although Angelo has no visual and/or perceptual deficits, Angelo
struggles to flex his shoulder, extend his elbow, and both flex and extend his fingers. Angelo
experiences diminished sensation on his left upper extremity, but it depends on the time of day. When
Angelo sits down on a chair next to the table, he places his left upper extremity on the top of the table
to support it, using his right upper extremity. In addition, Angelo is able to articulate ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
When a test for sensation was administered using a cotton ball, there were a couple of instances in
which Angelo was able to feel the touch of the cotton ball towards the end of his left hand; however,
Angelo was not able to locate where one touched his skin using the cotton ball. It indicates that
Angelo has diminished touch on the radial side of his left upper extremity post stroke.
When one administered the dynamometer to measure gross motor strength while another one
administered the lateral pinch meter for fine motor strength, there was a significant different in the
amount of strength between Angelo s right upper extremity and left upper extremity. After three trials
on both arms through both of these assessment tools occurred, the results indicated that his left upper
extremity was significantly weaker than his right upper extremity, all because of his cerebrovascular
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Analysis Of Bright Star By John Keats
In the famous poem Bright Star , dedicated to his lover Fanny Brawne, John Keats presents the
essence of love in passion and in depth. As its form, a combination of Shakespearean and Italian
sonnets suggests, the poem portrays love as a subject full of seemingly contradictive qualities. As a
subjective matter, love is active and passive, physical and spiritual, mutable and eternal at the same
time. Holding immortal love as the ultimate value of life, the speaker imagines a brave possibility of
love transcending life for his romantic belief. In the beginning of the poem, the speaker presents love
as a subjective matter by contrasting it with the significant image of the star, a symbol of divine
objectivity. Since long ago, man has learned to observe stars for its steadfastness for directions and
guidance (1). Thus in western culture, star is seen as a prophetic divine existence, a form of absolute
truth or universal rule, above all arbitrary and relative beings on earth. The speaker then implies love
to be the opposite by emphasizing the star s incapability of worldly emotions and personal
perspectives by applying the metaphor of Eremite (4). The stoic hermit or recluse under religious vow
sacrifices personal feelings and preferences in order to obtain absolute truth. Hence, the speaker
perceives love as a subjective matter, unrelated to the absolute. In line 6, the metaphor of mask also
proves such assumption: Only by covering the objects, the snow, amorphous
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Military Drones Research
One of the strongest attributes of the UAV weapon systems is their precision and accuracy on a target.
UAV s have the ability to scan, track and monitor a target for hours before ever engages a potential
enemy. During that time, the decision to engage is not left on the operator alone. The unique nature of
this technology is that more than one person has a vote in pulling the trigger. Due to these unique
capabilities, drones, according to many reports, inflict relatively low civilian casualty rates. (Williams,
2013) Critics use the subject of civilian casualties as an argument both for and against the use of
drones. From a purely statistical analysis and perspective, the use of drones might be the safest and
most precise way to strike ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During World War II, civilians were impacted by aerial bombardments on major cities, in both Europe
and Asia. The difference is a large aerial bombardment does not feel as personal and direct as a drone
strike. So victims of a drone strike actually have an issue to complain about but, unfortunately, there is
no one on the ground to assist family members who are grieving their loss. The civilian casualty issue
has less to do with the raw data, that actually demonstrates drones are much safer than carpet bombing
a city or industrial complex.
The issue is public perception. Counterterrorism analysts and politicians have reviewed data and
conducted public opinion polls of those affected by the drone strikes and found that overwhelmingly
those polled view the use of drones negatively (Bergen, P., 2011). In a 2009 Gallup Poll, only nine
percent of Pakistani s approved of the use of drone strikes. Analysts believe that this will lead to more
of the public taking sides with the terrorist or at least becoming sympathetic to the cause of groups
like Al
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Tom And Bob Can Appoint Carl As A Replacement For Tom
The first issue is whether Tom and Bob can appoint Carl as a replacement for Tom. In order to execute
this function, it must first be determined whether Tom and Bob are still legitimate trustees given their
current circumstances. The appointment of trustees will be made where a new trust is created either
inter vivos or by will; and during the continuance for an existing trust whereby one trustee may seek
to retire. On the death of a trustee, the remnants are given to the survivors to carry on the trust. Section
18(1) of the Trustee Act 1925 (UK) provides that where a power or trust is given to or imposed on two
or more trustees jointly, the same may be exercised or performed by the survivors or survivor of them
for the time being. Further, s. 48 (1) of the Trinidad and Tobago Trustee Act provides that the
appointment of a new trustee are outside of the realms of a court and the execution is done by persons
expressed in the trust instrument , or by the surviving trustees or by the survivor s personal
representative. Thus, Tom and Bob may have the power under the common law or Trinidadian statute
to appoint Carl. However, there may also be the sub issue of whether Tom has the competence to
make the appointment of a new trustee. Section 10 (1) of the Trustee Act states that where a trustee,
either original or substituted, and whether appointed by a Court or otherwise, is dead, or remains out
of this Island for more than twelve months, or
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The document discusses how George Jefferson, the character portrayed by Sherman Hemsley on the sitcoms All in the Family and The Jeffersons, influenced American pop culture. George Jefferson was one of the first portrayals of a successful black businessman on television. His character was both the protagonist and antagonist, presenting a black identity and family without sacrificing their culture. The Jeffersons spin-off became hugely popular, lasting 11 seasons and influencing trends in television. George Jefferson's character paved the way for more diverse representations in media.

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Sample Essay Using Transitions. Online assignment writing service.Sample Essay Using Transitions. Online assignment writing service.
Sample Essay Using Transitions. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses orientalism and how it is defined as viewing Eastern cultures from a Western perspective, often in distorted ways that depict Eastern people as exotic, mysterious, or immoral. It gives the example of Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra, set in Egypt, which reflects the orientalist views of Shakespeare's time that saw Egyptian culture as mysterious but also questionable. The play focuses on Egypt and how the Romans within the play viewed Cleopatra and Egyptians with both curiosity and wariness.

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The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and attaching a sample work. 3. Writers will bid on the request and the client can choose a writer based on qualifications and reviews. 4. The client receives the paper and can request revisions until satisfied, and the writer is paid upon approval. HelpWriting.net guarantees original work or a full refund.

Steve Jobs-Influence Paper
Natalie Erdman
AP Lang
21 October 2013
Steve Jobs: An Influence on Technology How would you feel living a day without using any
technology? Living without technology would be totally impossible. It has become an everyday
necessity as more and more people are trying to improve their ways of living and staying informed
using current technology in an effort to avoid being left behind. Steve Jobs had a vision a vision that
would make the world an easier place to live. The world has become more technologically advanced
because of the influence of Steve Jobs. As an entrepreneur, marketer, inventor and CEO, his vision has
helped the world see the many possibilities that future holds. The multi millionaire dollar empire that
we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A power struggle erupted between John Sculley, the CEO at the time and Jobs. In the spring of 1985
Apple s board sided with the CEO, removing Jobs from his command of the Macintosh group. In
1996, Apple Computer now struggling needed Jobs to come back to the company he helped to create.
Within 2 years, Jobs expertise was able to turn the company around and make a profit. His leadership
abilities saved company; he was able to influence company, and save Apple from bankruptcy. Apple
releases the iMac: it becomes the fastest selling personal computer inn history. Apple launches their
first retail store and releases the iPod. The iPod was just innovative as all the other technology
products that Apple has developed. The iPod was now the largest market share. It was more mobile
than the Walkman; it had more capability, and better quality. There are now 357 Apple Stores. The
iPod would capture more than a 75% market share caused other people. The following year Jobs
became Apple s CEO, driving the company to its greatest successes, from the iPod to the iPhone and
the iPad. Apple introduces the iPhone, the first phone with a touchscreen and no keyboard. It
revolutionized the cell phone industry revolutionary because of its ease of use. When the iPad came
out, Apple captured an 80%share of the tablet market. iPads they re used at 92% of Fortune 500
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Forever Overhead By David Foster Wallace Analysis
Life is Disturbingly Comfortable To make a list of all things in life that make us feel uncomfortable
could take a lifetime in itself. From the awkwardness of puberty to the uneasiness of job interviews,
life is uncomfortable, disturbingly uncomfortable. It makes those who are shy uncomfortable and
those who have outgoing personalities equally uncomfortable. The only differences lie in our personal
decisions to choose to feel so disturbingly uncomfortable about ordinary things we all experience. In
Forever Overhead , David Foster Wallace is able to comfort the disturbed and disturb the
uncomfortable (qtd. in McCaffery) by the explicit imagery he uses in describing nocturnal emission,
the self consciousness that is projected through his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The comparison is not meant to take away meaning from the life event, but instead is meant to drive
home the point that we are all in this together. Each step along the way is all part of the bigger picture
that needs to be completed. In Forever Overhead , the narrator says, It is a machine that moves only
forward (13). While the words themselves are in reference to the high board, a deeper meaning about
life is present. The line for the high board is much like our lives, we can only move forward. The
ability to stop time is nonexistent. The ability to halt life when we are feeling uncomfortable is
unavailable to us, we must charge on. Our narrator acknowledges this, There s been time the whole
time. You can t kill time with your heart. Everything takes time (15). Our young birdlike narrator has
for the first time just realized that he must jump into adulthood, just as he must jump from the high
dive at the pool. He is unable to stop time, he s unable to avoid the outcome. His best option is to
embrace puberty, embrace the jump. Puberty is part of life and just as with the narrator it often takes
people by surprise. He says, You have been taken.... Did you think it over. Yes and no (15). The not
knowing what is next is what makes us uncomfortable; yet somehow comforts us because the
unknown could be the very thing we need. We all jump, even when we aren t sure we re really
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Importance Of Religion In The Decameron
There are patterns throughout history that relate to health and religion. Conversations about death or
healing due to disease revolves around religion. It is widely used as a coping mechanism for those
impacted by death and disease. From worshiping a god or goddess that controls disease to conducting
healing ceremonies, to even just praying to be cured of the disease, religious practices are evident
when a disease is involved. Analyzing Giovanni Boccaccio s The Decameron gives us an idea of how
life was at the time of the plague along with how religion influenced people s lives at the time of
disease. In The Decameron, three men and seven women run off together in order to escape the plague
that is destroying their city. These ten people find sanctuary in a secluded villa on the outskirts of
Florence. Once there, they determine that they will assign one male and one female the role of king
and queen for a day. As king and queen, it is their responsibility to ensure everyone says entertained
and they all do not go mad. As a result of this, each of the ten people tells stories to keep each other
entertained and to distract their minds from the destruction the Black Death is causing. These stories
consisted of tales of love, life lessons, and even tragedies. However, a majority of the stories, if not all
of them, have underlying religious values. They use these religious ties to keep them grounded in
something familiar and safe in their lives while their world is crumbling
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Battle Of Guilford Courthouse Essay
On the Thursday morning of March 15, 1781 in North Carolina, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse
took place. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse is part of the American Revolution that took place
between 1775 and 1783. This battle was between the British and the Americans because the
Americans no longer wanted to be governed by the British. They believed that they could run the
country by themselves without England s help. Although most of the battles during the American
Revolution took place in the North, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse took place in the woods and
fields of Greensboro, North Carolina. The Americans were backed up by the French and the British
campaigned in hopes of recruiting American colonists who were still loyal to Great ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
That morning the light frost was just beginning to melt, but the air was still cold. The battle began at
about noon that day and lasted for approximately two hours before it came to an end. Nathanael
Greene s tactic to win the battle was to line his men up in three parallel rows. The battle started with
the cannons being fired rapidly at their enemy. Greene s men began to panic and then began to scatter
in every direction. The troops heavily fought on both sides, but in the end, Nathanael Greene and his
troops decided to retreat. The British may have won the battle, but they ended up suffering tremendous
losses. After this battle, Cornwallis decided to forget campaigning and instead decided to take his
army to Virginia, where in October of that very same year, he surrendered to General George
Washington. After the battle, Greene returned south and again took control over most of the Carolina s
and Georgia. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse was the second to last major battle of the American
During the battle, more than twenty five percent of Cornwallis s men lost their lives. One British
lawmaker, Charles James Fox said Another such victory would ruin the British army. Nathanael
Greene s army suffered seventy nine deaths, one hundred and eighty five men were wounded, and
another seventy five men were captured. Lord Charles Cornwallis s army suffered ninety three deaths,
four hundred and thirteen men were wounded, and another twenty six men were
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Persuasive Essay On Bipolar Disorder

The document provides instructions for creating an account and requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. Users must first create an account by providing a password and email. They can then submit a request form with instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers will bid on the request, and the user can select a writer based on qualifications, history, and feedback. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions until satisfied. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Print Writing Paper
Print Writing PaperPrint Writing Paper
Print Writing Paper

This document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company offers refunds for plagiarized work.

English Good Essay Spm. Online assignment writing service.
English Good Essay Spm. Online assignment writing service.English Good Essay Spm. Online assignment writing service.
English Good Essay Spm. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the results. The website promises original, high-quality content and refunds for plagiarized work.

Persuasive Essay On Aliens Exist
Trevor Moss Aliens Exist The conspiracy of aliens existing is a conspiracy that most of Americans
believe in. There are many conspiracy theories that involve the existence of aliens. One example of
this is, Area 51 is secretly hiding UFO s in there bases, and reverse engineering the things they find.
Most of America believe that because there is such a vast space that has not been explored, there must
be more out there. NASA states that they have found a planet that can withstand life, and has a
suitable environment. The only problem that comes with this statement is, we can t launch a spaceship
that can reach the planet. This problem gives people the thought that there might be aliens or other life
on this planet. The first recorded flyby occurred in fort land in 1905, viewers reported seeing a
buzzing sphere shaped UFO that descended from the heavens . Sightings have spiked, with the
reported number jumping from 5,000 in 1980, to 45,000 in 2010. UFO s are not a new thing, people
have been describing unidentified flying objects for many years. Described as disk like objects found
in art from the Sumerians and the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans. The start of people s
fascination can be traced back to a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold. Arnold was flying his small
plain near Washington s Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947 when he claimed to have seen nine, blue
glowing objects flying in a V formation. He believed that it was some sort of military aircraft, but the
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Vanishing Point Paper
Vanishing point was the main focus for this paper, the VP is where the orthogonal lines all meet.
Knowing how to find the VP made me want to choose what I believed to be challenging pictures out
of what was given to us. This being said, I chose Gas, Edward Hopper 1940, Corridor in the Asylum,
Vincent Van Gogh 1889, and L`Europe Geneva Bridge, Gustave Caillebotte 1876. In these three
paintings I not only saw a challenge, but also a neat story that can be conveyed in finding the VP. Gas,
Edward Hopper 1940, is a picture of a man working the gas pump during the day while no one else is
around. The first orthogonal line I chose for this picture was against the grass line following along the
gas pumps. I took the line and pulled it along the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A man and woman are walking over the bridge while a dog is walking toward them, and another man
is gazing out in the water. In this painting I have three orthogonal lines starting with the first one on
the top corner of the building on the left side. This line then follows across the roofline, down through
the man walking s neck, through the woman s skirt. This line then finishes on the cement and ending
on the shadow of the dog. Orthogonal line two starts at the end of the bridge railing on the bottom
right side. The line then continues down the railing, crossing through the old man in green and through
the woman and man walking near each other. This line will end on the building in the left corner and
right above the buggy by finishing on the building. The third and final line starts along the sidewalk
on the bottom left side, leading up the sidewalk and going through the man s coat, head and hat, while
ending on building in the middle of the painting. The vanishing point leads us to the man that s
walking s head while he is looking away at the water. This vanishing point pulls the focus of the
painting on the man and also the women next to him on the bridge. These three pictures all have very
different stories in them, which creates for different vanishing points. In some paintings or drawings it
can be hard to find a vanishing point due to the different time eras of the artists. Overall, the vanishing
points allowed me to zone in on the meanings behind each painting and allowed me to come up with a
story as to what s going on in the
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Why I Shouldn t Get Back Into The Apartment Essay
I wake with a tap against one of my boots. Dim streaks of light, grey and increasing, are filtering
through a nearby door. How did I get back into the apartment? For a moment I stare at the ceiling
trying to remember what happened last night, then everything comes rushing back. My headache and
how Avery found me.
I take a deep breath as I remember what had happened between Avery and me in the alley. I shouldn t
have done it. I shouldn t have touched her the way I did last night. And I shouldn t be happy she
touched me back the way she had. But am I. I close my eyes, as I again feel the tingle of her fingers as
she d brushed them against my arm. I can t believe I d kept myself from kissing her, I d wanted to, that
had been for sure. I groan this is no way for a soldier to act.
Something thumps against my boot, and I sit up, ignoring the dull ache behind my forehead. i m not
the only one in the room. Sitting across from me is Adam, Avery s friend, and one of his hands are full
of small rocks. I glance down at my feet, to find rocks scattered around them.
I look back at him my eyes narrowed.
Adam stare at me, whistling as he drops the remaining rocks on the ground beside him. It s hard to
believe that I could want to hurt who had been so sick just a short time ago, but I do.
Nice collection you have there, he says.
Did I do something to you that I m unaware of? I demand. I sink my fingers into the ground at my
sides and squeeze the dirt. I don t know if you realize
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Hgihsc Animal Study Sample
The animal study will be performed following the NIH and Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC) guidelines, LSUHSC. An application for the animal model and procedures used
for this project have been submitted to the IACUC at LSUHSC and an approval is pending.
1. Description of Procedures:
a. Animals: In this study, we will use six to eight week old BALB/c mice that were used in previous
research for Rhizopus, Candida, and Cryptococcus virulence factors or host immune responses. The
use of inbred mouse strains often minimizes the genetic difference between male and female mice. In
addition, studies in Cryptococcus showed no gender differences in terms of survival or fungal load in
blood and tissues [31,32]. The male mice were originally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The method of euthanasia by CO2 is consistent with the recommendations of the American Veterinary
Medical Association (AVMA) Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals. Animal will be placed in a
clear chamber with CO2 delivery at 20% of chamber volume per minute. Following cessation of all
movements, including respiration, thorectomy will be performed to ensure death. The tissues and
organs will then be removed for study depending on the experiment purpose.
5. Safety Precautions:
R. delemar is classified as a biological safety 1 pathogen by the Centers for Diseases Control and the
National Institutes of Health. As a precaution caging will be treated with 10% bleach solution prior to
transport to the cage washer and is placed into a biosafety bin. The bag will be sealed and the outside
of the container will be disinfected with 10% bleach solution prior to transport to a secure storage
area. Waste R. delemar material and the carcasses of infected animals will be destroyed by
incineration. Counters, work surface and floor will be decontaminated with 10% bleach
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The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and attaching a sample if wanting the writer to imitate your style. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if satisfied, or request free revisions.

Essay On Contribution Of Technology In Education
Essay On Contribution Of Technology In EducationEssay On Contribution Of Technology In Education
Essay On Contribution Of Technology In Education

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work. The process aims to match requests with qualified writers and allow customers to receive customized assistance and revisions.

Calamo - Opinion Essay Ideas Voicing Your Opini
Calamo - Opinion Essay Ideas Voicing Your OpiniCalamo - Opinion Essay Ideas Voicing Your Opini
Calamo - Opinion Essay Ideas Voicing Your Opini

The document provides instructions for creating an account and requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It is a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, and the company guarantees original, high-quality work or a refund.

Mission Statement Of Woolworths
Task 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
Mission Statement:
To be recognized by the youth as a leading role model and criminal prosecuting attorney within the
South African Legal and Justice System.
Long Term Goals:
Complete LLB degree
Complete articles
Earn a J.D.
To be married
Medium Term Goals:
Obtain a grade average of at least 75% for all my subjects
Become a leader
Be accepted into Wits Law School
Pursue my passion in sketching and have my own webpage publishing my work
Short Term Goals:
Try new activities at school
Obtain 50 hours of community service
Establish requirements for University entrance
Join a fitness class
Question 2:
To make our customers lives a whole lot brighter
MTN s way ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[1]MTN Mission Statement, 2011, MTN, http://www.mtn.co.sz/vision.html , last accessed 27/01/15 at
[2]Woolworths Mission Statement, 2015, Overview Woolworths Holdings,
http://www.woolworthsholdings.co.za/corporate/profile_overview.asp , last accessed 28/01/15 at
[3]Nando s Mission Statement, The Nando Jobs.ie ,www.jobs.ie/Profile.aspx?Id=Nando s , last
accessed 28/01/15 at 19:07
[4]Eskom Mission Statement, 2015, Eskom Mission, Vision and Values,
http://www.eskom.co.ug/content/what we do 0 , last accessed 28/01/15 at 19:24
[5]Mission Statement of Burger King, 2012, Burger King Mission Statement Retail Industry
About.com, http://retailindustry.about.com/od/retailbestpractices/ig/Company Mission
Statements/Burger King Mission Statement.htm ,last accessed 28/01/15 at
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Conflict In The Hunt
The first in Devi s Imaginary Maps, The Hunt is the story of an eighteen year old tribal woman, Mary
Oraon, from a tribal village in West Bengal. She is pestered and stalked by a male predator and
contractor Tehsildar Singh who has come to exploit the valuable wood of the Sal forest around the
village. When he grows lustful of her, she turns into the predator that he is and retaliates her
excruciating plight by slaying her molester. This act of self defence of the protagonist emphasizes the
need for an organic intellectual like Mary in an oppressive society. Antonio Gramsci s idea of the
intellectual was critical as he was in the situation of creating a counter hegemony to persuade a huge
mass to transform from capitalism to socialism. His ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak states that this voice of resistance makes Mary an organic intellectual....
Mary Oraon in „The Hunt‟ is one of these figures (Devi, Imaginary Maps 26 27). The organic
intellectual in The Hunt emphasizes the need for resistance to exploitation and the need to empower
and promote the status of tribal women through awareness and education. Mary s intellectuality shows
how gender stereotypes and patriarchal inconsistencies are not something biological but rather they
are only social, economic and culturally accepted norms. Mary s role as a protector to her society,
herself and her relations, her intellectuality to grow along with the dominant Tehsildar and revolting
her rapist and the fact that she rebels against his exploitation of the land and the women, all done
organically prove her as an organic intellectual. Mary Oraon is a role model for all the victimized and
oppressed women who are sexually harassed, her mixed blood emphasizes her power. Spivak also
states that subaltern women need to recognize that internalized constraints inhibit their becoming
organic intellectuals, and that ethical singularity...can help them overcome this obstacle (Murtuza
143). Mary Oraon is an example of such an organic intellectual who takes her power on her own
hands and turns the table over her
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Mental Illness And Its Effects
Mental illness has always been present, but the views and treatments have drastically changed through
the centuries. In past decades, particularly in and after the 1930s, advances in helping the mentally ill
have increased in this field because of the growth of government funding and medical breakthroughs.
Additionally, society has become more knowledgeable and accepting of the struggles the mentally ill
face; programs and non life threatening treatments have been created since society has become
involved. Today mental illness can be helped and even cured with professional help and medical
attention. Though the world knows more than it did a few years ago, much is yet to be discovered; the
gruesome past of mental illness is still highly present. Mental illness is an uphill battle for all who are
diagnosed, and to understand fully the struggle and persona of the mentally ill, one must look into the
treatments prescribed in the previous century, medical breakthroughs, and treatments of mental illness
today. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the public was looking for fast and easy solutions to
the increasing number of people who were being diagnosed as insane in the American community. As
the mentally ill was already compared to waste , one answer was just to sterilize the insane persons
who were considered unfit to live in society. Starting in 1907 and lasting until 1940, about 18,552
insane individuals would be sterilized in the United States and approximately
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account by providing a password and email. 2) Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline. 3) Writers will bid on the request and the client can choose a writer. 4) The client will receive the paper and approve payment after reviewing for quality. 5) HelpWriting.net offers revisions to ensure client satisfaction and refunds for plagiarized work. The purpose is to provide writing assistance and match clients with qualified writers.

Free Printable Stationery
Free Printable StationeryFree Printable Stationery
Free Printable Stationery

The document provides instructions for creating an account on HelpWriting.net in order to request assignment writing help. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email, 2) Complete a order form with instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund for plagiarized work. The purpose is to explain how to obtain writing assistance through the website.

250 Academic Words List - English Study Here Engli
250 Academic Words List - English Study Here Engli250 Academic Words List - English Study Here Engli
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Here are a few guidelines for when to use formal vs informal writing styles: - Formal writing is appropriate for academic papers, professional correspondence, or when communicating with individuals in positions of authority. Proper grammar, an elevated vocabulary, and a serious tone should be used. - Informal writing can be used for personal letters, emails to friends/family, social media posts, or casual notes. Contractions and colloquial language are acceptable. - Consider your audience and the context. If the communication will be evaluated or could impact your credibility/reputation, use a formal style. Informal is fine for casual, low-stakes interactions. - Tone is also important. Formal writing conve

Hurrler Syndrome Case Studies
In 1981 Weissbluth et al. reported the first case of extensive MS associated with GM1 ganglio sidosis
9. Since then some other cases have been reported linking other IEM with MS and GM1
gangliosidosis. There are 54 reported cases of extensive MS with various IEM, in which 25 cases are
associated with Hurler syndrome, 17 with GM1G, 9 in Hunter syndrome, 2 in ᶐ mannosidosis, and 1
with Niemann Pick disease6. Of these 25 cases of Hurler syndrome, 19 have been reported in a single
study by Gonzalez et al8,10. However in recent years reporting of extensive MS in GM1G is more
frequent in comparison to Hurler syndrome. By 2006, only 39 cases LySD associated with MS was
reported, of these 24 patients had Hurler disease, and 11 patients had type 1 ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Melanocyte migration and proliferation is dependent upon exogenous peptide growth factors, which
stimulate receptors with tyrosine kinase activity(Trk) . Human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts
express nerve growth factor (NGF), which is an important signal for transdermal melanocyte
migration. It has been postulated that accumulated metabolite like GM1 and heparan sulfate binds
tightly to Trk receptor which enhances NGF activity leading to aberrant neural crest migration8,11.In
our patient MS was progressive in nature, which can be attributed to activation of latent melanocytes.
It has been hypothesized that metabolite Trk binding serves as a trigger to dormant melanocytes
resulting in progressive MS8. Treatment of GM1G is only symptomatic and not curative. A main
obstacle is blood brain barrier, which prevents the passage of therapeutic enzymes into the brain.
Current research in animals are focused on using small molecule chaperones to transport functional
enzymes across the blood brain barrier to slow neurologic decline but so far without substantial
success12,13. It has been seen that despite of complete normalization of white blood cell β
galactosidase levels after allogenic BMT, patient continues to deteriorate
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Digital Filters And The Digital Filter
2.1.2 Digital Filter
Digital filter is a digital algorithm or device which is composed of a digital multiplier, adder and delay
element. The function of the digital filter is to carry out the operation of the digital code of the input
discrete signal in order to achieve the purpose of changing the spectrum of the signal.
Digital filter has a lot of practical forms, can be roughly divided into two kinds of type: finite impulse
response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR). It can be used in both hardware and software
platform. In the hardware implementation method, it is composed of an adder, a multiplier, which is
completely separate from the analog filter which is composed of resistors, inductors and capacitors.
Digital signal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another outstanding advantage of it is that the strict linear phase can be achieved when some
symmetry conditions are met. Since linear phase filter does not change the shape of the input signal,
but only make the signal delay in the time domain, so the linear phase characteristics has very
important significance in the engineering practice, such as in data communications, image processing
and other applications. It often require that the signal can not have obvious phase distortion in the
transmission and processing, so FIR filter has been widely used.
The causal finite impulse response filter of length M can be described by the transfer function H(z):
It is a polynomial of and its power is M 1. In time domain, the input and output relationship of the
finite impulse response filter is: (2) y(n) is the output sequence and x(n) is the input sequence.
A direct realization of finite impulse response filter, which can be generated by formula (2). M=5 is
shown in Figure 2.2. The transpose, as shown in Figure 2.3, which is second direct type structure.
Typically a finite impulse response filter with a length of M is described by M coefficients and
requires a M multiplier and (M 1) a two input adder to achieve.
Figure 2.2 Direct finite impulse response filter structure
Figure 2.3 Direct finite impulse response filter structure (transpose)
The linear phase finite impulse response filter with a length of M can be
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Comparison Of The Italian Opera, Oratorio, And Cantata
Comparison of the Italian Opera, Oratorio, and Cantata Music during the Baroque period was diverse
and composers began to rebel against the styles that were popular during the Renaissance. In the
Baroque era music was driven by the text and the emotions behind it. Vocal and sacred music
developed greatly during the Baroque period. During the mid 17th century the Italian phenomenon
opera dominated most of the theatres in Europe. Sacred music was deeply influenced by the opera,
contributing to the development of the oratorio and cantata genre. The opera, oratorio, and cantata
contain musical similarities; among all three genres they feature recitative, soloist orchestras, and duet
arias. The Italian opera was a form of dramatic entertainment, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Oratorios were performed in prayer halls, which was a sacred setting similar to the cantata. Oratorios
were recitative and contained de capo arias and chorus, like the Italian opera. It was sung drama
performed without staging or costumes. The catholic church saw the power of operas and was quick to
take on operas for sacred subjects, such as the lives of saints. However, the church also condemned
operas for its power to seduce and dazzle, banning the performance of opera during Advent and Lent.
3 George Handel, an opera composer also composed Messiah, which was one of the best known
oratorios. Another important composer of this genre was Giacomo Carissimi, who wrote many early
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Comparison Of Apple s IOS And Android OS
Comparison of Apple s IOS and Android OS Nowadays, smartphones have been an irreplaceable and
indispensable part of people s daily life. What makes the smartphones so smart is the OS, in other
words, the operation system. The OS is the basic and soul of a smartphone, which means if the phone
is the body, then the OS is the neural network and intellectual system to control the body. Among
diverse operation systems, Apple s IOS and Android OS are the most outstanding, they have occupied
about 96 percent of the whole global smartphone market together. They are both widely used and liked
by individuals but they also have own advantages and disadvantages. The first difference is in
Customizability. Accessing and completing control over the devices is available the bootloader can
also be unlocked by Android users while that is not available for IOS users. Users of IOS are highly
limited to customize it unless jailbreak, but after jailbreak, the Apple Company will be no longer and
no need to keep its promise on the products because jailbreak is banned by the official. The OS of
Android is totally different, users can change almost everything if they want to. This difference comes
from the different source model, which is closed, with open source component in IOS and open in
Android. The iOS kernel is not an open source but is based on the open source Darwin OS while the
Kernel, UI, and some standard apps of Android are all open source. As a result, Android can be more
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I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing a full response about race based on physical appearance without proper context or framing. These are complex topics that deserve nuanced discussion.

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The document promises original, high-quality content to meet customer needs.

Analysis Of Annabel Lee s A Kingdom By The Sea
The turn of the nineteenth century for the newly formed United States was a time of nervous
apprehension running alongside a giddy sense of adventure. The colonist had shirked the cloak of
Britain and was a fledgling country of their own, similar to a young adult trying to figure out their way
after leaving home. Nothing spoke of this like the Romantic writings in the early nineteenth century.
The works tended to have a lot of good vs. evil and oppressor vs. oppressed. They tended to be
optimistic, very democratic in their views, anti slavery, some even dipped into the early women s
rights movement. The romantics were rebels with a cause, nonconforming individuals that think and
stay true to how they see themselves. Along with the lofty language, the authors tended to write their
prose they also managed to keep the details of their writings very generic. Such as Edgar Allen Poe,
with his location description in Annabel Lee: In a kingdom by the sea. (Poe) The Romantic author also
liked being a master of his or her fate.
The Realist was different from the Romantic in as many areas. The Realist time was after the Civil
War, many of them lived through the carnage, and it affected their views of life and the world. Realist
writings usually consisted of a distinct time and place, unlike the Romantics generalizations. Samuel
Clemens using the pen name Mark Twain had his novels set clearly in the Mississippi River delta
during a particular time in history, his childhood.
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Essay On Sentiment Classification
The aspect level sentiment analysis overcomes this problem and performs the sentiment classification
taking the particular aspect into consideration. There can be a situation where the sentiment holder
may express contrasting sentiments for the same product, object, organization etc Techniques for
sentiment analysis is generally partitioned as (1) machine learning approach, (2) lexicon based
approach and (3) combined approach (Meddhat et al., 2014a). There are two approaches for the
lexicon based approach. First one is the dictionarybased approach and the second one is the corpus
based approach that utilizes the factual or semantic strategy for discovering the polarity. The
dictionary based approach is based on finding the sentiment seed ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Some combined rule algorithms were proposed in (Medhat et al., 2008a). Therefore, a study on
decision tree and decision rule problem is done by Quinlan (1986). Probabilistic Classifier
Probabilistic classifiers make the utilization of blend of models for classification. Every class is
considered to be a component of the mixed model. We have described various probabilistic classifiers
for sentiment analysis problem in the next subsection. Naive Bayes Classifier (NB). It is the
frequently used classifier in sentiment analysis. In sentiment analysis, naive Bayes classifier calculates
the posterior probability of either positive class or negative class depending on the sentiment words
distributed over the document. The work of naïve Bayes classifier is based on the Bag of word
extraction of features in which the word s position is overlooked in the whole text. This classifier uses
the Bayes theorem. It calculates the probability for the sentiment word in a document and tells
whether that word belongs to the positive or negative class. The probability can be calculated using
the given formula. This assumption results in Bayesian Network. A Bayesian network is a directed
acyclic graph containing nodes and edges, where nodes denote the random variables and the edges
denote the conditional dependencies. It is a conditional exponential classifier that takes the feature sets
with label and converts them into
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Observation Of Burt s Bees
Looking over an empty manufacturing facility, Roxanne Quimby was having doubts. Quimby had just
moved her business, Burts Bees, from Maine to NOrth Carolina. Before growing Burt s Bee s to over
3 million in sales in Maine. Quimby graduated college and removed herself from society . During this
time Quimby lived in a house with no running water or electricity. After her husband leaves her, and
Quimby is forced to live in a tent on 150 a week. Quimby Meets Burt Shavitz, a beekeeper, and
together the two of them establish Burt s Bees. First traveling to trade fair to trade fair, before growing
the business to 3 million in sales, and 44 employees. Quimby moved Burts Bees to North Carolina
because of cheaper taxes and being more business friendly
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  • 1. Tips For Answering The Princeton University Supplemental Essay Prompts ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Tips For Answering The Princeton University Supplemental Essay Prompts ... Tips For Answering The Princeton University Supplemental Essay Prompts ...
  • 2. John Locke Separation Of Powers The framers had wanted something more cohesive and efficient way to fight the ambition of man and something better than the articles of confederation(Magleby 43). Made them turn to Montesquieu he advocated three distinct and separate branches in which the general powers of government should have been. While John Locke made a case for separating the legislative and executive powers, Montesquieu provided the Founders with a compelling defense for an independent judiciary (Separation of powers). The founders wanted to make sure no one public official had too much power in turn the founders wanted them to observe having constitutional limits to their powers (Magbley 43). It made them want the separation of authority and having something to check ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, in turn, the separation of powers separated into three governing entities legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judiciary branch. The legislature is responsible for making laws and making sure there is sufficient money to operate the government (An overview). The executive branch is responsible for the applying and running the public policy passed, and the legislature branch funds it(An Overview). The judiciary branch is responsible for construing the constitution, laws and applying their interpretation to controversies brought be for it (An Overview). The reason for the distribution among the three branches was to save the people from autocracy (Magleby 45). The founding fathers wanted a system to have check and balance to avoid concentration of power. The system would give each branch the constitutional power to check the other branches (Magbley, 43). Madison said it best Ambition must be made to counteract ambition (Magbley43). The framers made a great decision in ensuring that a majority of the voters could win control over only a part of the government at a time (Magleby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Uk Referendum Essay The results of the 2016 UK referendum was a surprise to the rest of the world, but there are definitely factors that made this a predictable result. At first glance, one might assume that economics were the main contributing factor to the people s discontent of membership in the EU. But as I researched, I found that politics in the UK and the EU had a far greater impact on the feelings of Brits. However, some important economic factors still exist. The European Union s economy, despite being one of the largest in the world; very comparable to the size of the economy of the United States, does not provide a great benefit to the UK. Both the economies of the UK and of the EU are less than ideal for the respective nations, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Germany is, after the UK and possibly France, the most influential nation in the EU, its interests will be well represented and therefore the UK does not need to worry about their ease of trade with mainland Europe being hindered. Economically, the United Kingdom has nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by forfeiting their membership in the EU. As was mentioned earlier, as important as economics are to understanding this situation, their importance is nowhere near as fundamental to the outcome of the referendum as are the effects of modern European politics. The modern world has recently seen a sharp rise of populism. The citizens of today s first world nations do not trust their government and its politicians. Populism is The support for the concerns of ordinary people [10]. People distrust mainstream politicians that have history in federal government. A wonderful example of this new political tendency, other than the positive vote for brexit, is the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States of America. Midway through the election season a popular US news source predicted that Trump had less than a 5% chance of winning the election[11]. However, this source did not take into account the negative feelings of the American voting public toward mainstream politicians, such as Trump s opponent Hillary Clinton. Analysts believe that the same phenomenon of populism that elected Trump can also explain the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Music As A Culture Of Major Label Bands On Their Stations... Nowadays radio stations and televisions are showing only mainstream, major label bands on their stations and channels. What people mostly do not know is there is another world of music out there for their listening: indie music. The reason people do not know about indie music is that these stations and channels will not make as much money from these smaller record labels as they would from the major labels that are Sony BMG, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group. Indie music is a co culture of major label music but in its own right is a culture by itself on its own. To determine the aspects and norms of the indie music culture you have to go back to the beginning or the failed revolution as phrased by Jon Fine in the title of his book Your Band Sucks: What I Saw at Indie Rock s Failed Revolution (But Can No Longer Hear) (Fine 2015). According to Cohen (2015), unlike other forms of music genre or categories, indie found its beginnings in college towns or middle class working cities. She states Athens, Georgia, Olympia, Washington, and her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky were key cities that upstarted the revolution in the 80 s. Helping the cause was the radio stations in these cities and towns because they were sympathetic, run by women, and had a strong interest in the culture of art (Cohen 2015). During the 1980 s people had a Do It Yourself mentality. Cohen (2015) states The line between fan and performer was paper thin. Anyone could get a band ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Evolutionary Genetics Evolutionary Genetics Evolutionary genetics is the study of how genetic variation leads into evolutionary change. Within our presentation we discussed, A new genotype of bovine leukemia virus in South America identified by NGS based whole genome sequencing and molecular evolutionary genetic analysis. (Merit Polat et al.) which was conducted by Merit Polat et al. The Bovine leukemia virus, also known as BLV, is a member of the retroviridae family which is made up with the human T cell leukemia viruses type 1 and 2. These viruses belonged to the deltraretrovirus genes that infects cattle worldwide. This experiment however, specifically focused on the cattle within South America. The countries they conducted the experiment on were Peru, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were handed a worksheet where they had to classify which beast evolved first. On the handout, there was 7 different beast. Below the images was a table, on the left it described the characteristics; and on the right, was the coding scheme. The coding scheme involved whether or not the trait was present and what kind it was. For example, the beast may or may have not had a fin, or the feet could have been pointed or round. The traits that were present were labeled as 1, and those that were not were labeled as 0. On the back of the sheet, they were able to take the observations they found, and decide which outgrip the belonged in. Following this, they placed them on the phylogenetic tree, labeling the beast to the corresponding time slot, as well as filling in any additional characteristics that had evolved on that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Persuasive Sex Education Young students globally have been engaged in sex since the start of time, yet our society fails to provide the youth with the curriculum and resources needed to make healthy and smart decisions related to sex. 28 out 50 states do not require sex education in public schools, however, the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy compared to any other country. Sex education should be taught in public schools in order to inform students on the consequences of sexual intercourse as well as making educated decisions on sex. In today s day and age, teenagers are sexually active even though may not be mentally, emotionally, or financially prepared for the consequences of their actions. Students who are uneducated on sex and what it entails, need to know about the risks and health disparites it can cause. According to Amy S. Hedman PH.D, a professor at Minnesota State University, and author of American Journal of Health Studies claims that, sexually transmitted diseases are one of the most common consequences of unprotected sex and one in four high school students have a STD. (Hedman). It is crucial that students are provided with the opportunity to learn information regarding prevention and detection of STD s. Not only can the lack of sex education lead to the progression of diseases, pregnancy can occur just as easily. After obtaining research on sex education the African News Service claims that, Absence of comprehensive sex education has resulted in teen pregnancy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Researching a Jet Engine The heat engine I chose to research was the jet engine. The jet engine is a heat engine specialized to use jet propulsion for forward thrust. The first credible theory on jet engines was made by Sir Isaac Newton. He theorized that a backward siphoned explosion could move a machine forward at a momentous rate of speed. This theory was based off of his third law of motion which is for every action there is an equal and opposite re action. This law states that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but in the opposite direction. This early theory on the idea of jet engines gave way to the later inventors who would use Newton s theory to make the first working jet engines. In 1928 Sir Frank Whittle started developing his first jet engine, and in 1932 he had the idea of his jet engine patented. In 1937 Sir Frank Whittle finally created a working jet engine. Meanwhile in Germany, Dr. Hans Van Ohain was working on his own jet engine unaware of Whittle s work. Dr. Hans Van Ohain began his project in 1935, finished his first engine in 1937, and it was used in the first ever plane flight in 1939. Sir Frank Whittle is usually accredited to most of the work on early jet engines because not only did he get to start working on the idea a few years before Dr. Hans Van Ohain, but Germany was also being very secretive about their work due to their dislike of the other countries in Europe. Dr. Hans Van Ohain s work was not shared to the world, but Whittle s was and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Multiple Signs Of Infection, Retinal Vascular Sheathing... Our patient presented with multiple signs of infection, which can t initially be pinpointed to one disease alone. The three important signs to initially address and understand the science behind are perivasculitis, retinal vascular sheathing and retinal hemorrhages. All three medical definitions appear straightforward and all very similar, but the combination of the three leads to a serious diagnosis and urgency for this patient. Perivasculitis is an inflammation of a sheath surrounding the tissue 1. In class we discussed the differences between perivasculitis and periflabitis. Perivasculitis should be white because of the inflammation and the white blood cells then spilling out. The Prefix peri means around, or on the outside of the tissue. Retinal vascular sheathing is sheathing or cuffing of blood vessels and vitreous cells . The swelling or cuffing of blood vessels in the retinal layer is a serious condition and is often associated with vasculitis. Finally, a retinal hemorrhage is abnormal bleeding of the vessels in the retina 2. Retinal hemorrhages can be caused for a variety of reasons such as injuries like forceful blows or accidents and falls, as well as adverse health conditions. We know that the loss of vision can be largely attributed to the excess debris that is currently located in the eye, the debris being blood that is leaking out. Our case states that he has no previous trauma however, proving that there is an ulterior cause to the acute onset of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Famous Words And Title Of Louis Zamperinis ... Louis Zamperini Will Muenzenmaier Mason High School Don t Give Up, Don t Give In . These are the famous words and title of Louis Zamperinis autobiography. Louis Zamperini lived a powerful and meaningful life that has inspired thousands of people. Zamperini was a troubled youth, a track star from the town of Torrance California with impressive records, an Olympic athlete, World War Two Bombardier, Alcoholic, Airplane crash survivor, Japanese Prisoner of War, Inspirational speaker and a founder of a camp for troubled youths. Louis has done it all and was truly a man Unbroken by the world. Louis Zamperini was born on January 26, 1917 in Olean New York, to Italian Immigrants. Shortly after his birth his family moved to Torrance California. He grew up in the tough part of town. Kids would often pick on him until he swore in Italian at them. Growing up his capers didn t diminish, in fact, the number of his heists grew. He states in his book, Don t Give up, Don t Give in, I was rotten, I was always in trouble: with my father and mother, with the neighborhood, with the school, and the police when they could catch me (Zamperini, 7). One day his uncle gave a note that said that said Please sell him some cigarettes , the clerk sold them to him and he would take them home to his uncle. Louis started smoking at the age of six. And up until that point he would take cigarette butts out of ash trays and smoke them at home. Being a rotten kid he wanted to get his hands on some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Factors That Go Into Making A Healthy And Thriving... There are many key factors that go into making a healthy and thriving ministry. One can picture ministry as a car engine were all the parts and gears are moving together to reach its destination. If one of the parts or gears fails, the car is going to have a hard time getting to where it needs to be. One of the most important key factors to making a healthy ministry would to insure proper communication between all staff members in your ministry. If any communication links are broken, it can have a devastating impact on the relationships between staff members, making it hard to work and grow as a team. Ethical Dilemma While the senior pastor was on vacation for a week, it was up to the ministry team to run the Sunday morning service. This would be the first time the senior pastor has been gone for this long and having the ministry run solo on all areas in ministry for this week. All was going perfectly that is until the actual service on Sunday. A member of our ministry leader team had said somethings to members of the church at really upset some of them. We decided for the best interest of the service, that we finished the service and dealt with the situation once the senior pastor returned from his vacation. As one of the witnesses to the instant I decided to write a email to the senior pastor that I would like to sit down and talk to him about what took place when he was gone. I told him about everything that ran smoothly, but also about the individual what caused some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the... Investigating the Effect of Lipase Concentration on the Breakdown of Fat in Milk INTRODUCTION: Enzymes are proteins which can catalyse chemical reactions without changing themselves. The enzyme lipase breaks down the fat in dairy products such as full cream milk for people who are lactose intolerant. Lipase acts on its specific substrate, lipids produces fatty acids. If enzyme concentration increases, random collisions between the substrates and active sites of enzyme increase due to the increasing amount of active sites which allow more collisions to happen, so the rate of breakdown of lipids to simpler substances will increase. During the experiment, sodium carbonate solution and pH indicator phenolphthalein will be added ahead of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If more were placed in one of the test tubes, then the rate of activity of the enzyme at different concentrations will be wrongly judged, leading to incorrect conclusion. 4. Temperature will be kept consistent at room temperature All tested will be done in the Biology laboratory with the windows shut to make sure the temperature will not change during the tests. The higher the temperature, the shorter the time will be needed for the chemical reactions to happen and phenolphthalein to turn from pink to colourless. Dependent Variable: 1. The time for the phenolphthalein to turn from pink to colourless will be taken using the stopwatch. METHOD: * The apparatus was collected; * The beakers labelled; Solutions of lipase respectively at concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% were made using lipase at 5% and distilled water. * By using the dropper and measuring cylinder, an amount of 5ml milk was placed in the test tube * By using the dropper and measuring cylinder, 10ml phenolphthalein was added to the test tube * By using the dropper and measuring cylinder, 7 ml sodium carbonate solution was added to the test tube * By using the dropper and measuring cylinder, 3ml of 1% lipase was added into the test tube * As long as the lipase was added, the button start on the stopwatch was pressed; and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Dropping The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima And Nagasaki The Atomic Bomb Paula Rabens December 11, 2014 DeVry University Online The event that I chose to discuss is the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I believe that this event is worth studying because it was the first and only time that an atomic bomb had been used in war. The significance of this event can be seen from different sides and affected not only future policies, national security, the future of energy development, and health related issues. This event is said to have ended World War II, and at the same time started the cold war. The bombs were said to have ultimately killed over 700,000 Japanese people (Nash, 2014). New medical and mental illnesses occurring due to dropping the bomb and radiation, and also starting new threats of nuclear attack throughout the world and the continued threat of creating and use of the atomic bombs. With the use of the atomic bomb, the world considered countries that had the power of the atomic bomb to be a superpower and countries like Russia wouldn t let the U.S. be the only ones who had this power. Russia would build an atomic bomb and the threat of war was now considered to be fought with nuclear annihilation. Historical causes and events This event actually started before 1945; the making of the atomic bomb started in 1941 after hearing that the Germans had started working on nuclear weapons. The Manhattan project was composed of scientists that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Occupational Profile Essay Occupational Profile Angelo is a 65 year old male who has left sided hemiparesis because of a right cerebrovascular accident that occurred 7 years ago. Though he has left upper extremity weakness, it does not affect his right upper extremity, which is his dominant side. Angelo uses a cane to ambulate between locations, yet he needs to use a rail in order to climb up stairs, and he uses an ankle foot orthosis to support his left foot. Although Angelo has no visual and/or perceptual deficits, Angelo struggles to flex his shoulder, extend his elbow, and both flex and extend his fingers. Angelo experiences diminished sensation on his left upper extremity, but it depends on the time of day. When Angelo sits down on a chair next to the table, he places his left upper extremity on the top of the table to support it, using his right upper extremity. In addition, Angelo is able to articulate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When a test for sensation was administered using a cotton ball, there were a couple of instances in which Angelo was able to feel the touch of the cotton ball towards the end of his left hand; however, Angelo was not able to locate where one touched his skin using the cotton ball. It indicates that Angelo has diminished touch on the radial side of his left upper extremity post stroke. When one administered the dynamometer to measure gross motor strength while another one administered the lateral pinch meter for fine motor strength, there was a significant different in the amount of strength between Angelo s right upper extremity and left upper extremity. After three trials on both arms through both of these assessment tools occurred, the results indicated that his left upper extremity was significantly weaker than his right upper extremity, all because of his cerebrovascular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Analysis Of Bright Star By John Keats In the famous poem Bright Star , dedicated to his lover Fanny Brawne, John Keats presents the essence of love in passion and in depth. As its form, a combination of Shakespearean and Italian sonnets suggests, the poem portrays love as a subject full of seemingly contradictive qualities. As a subjective matter, love is active and passive, physical and spiritual, mutable and eternal at the same time. Holding immortal love as the ultimate value of life, the speaker imagines a brave possibility of love transcending life for his romantic belief. In the beginning of the poem, the speaker presents love as a subjective matter by contrasting it with the significant image of the star, a symbol of divine objectivity. Since long ago, man has learned to observe stars for its steadfastness for directions and guidance (1). Thus in western culture, star is seen as a prophetic divine existence, a form of absolute truth or universal rule, above all arbitrary and relative beings on earth. The speaker then implies love to be the opposite by emphasizing the star s incapability of worldly emotions and personal perspectives by applying the metaphor of Eremite (4). The stoic hermit or recluse under religious vow sacrifices personal feelings and preferences in order to obtain absolute truth. Hence, the speaker perceives love as a subjective matter, unrelated to the absolute. In line 6, the metaphor of mask also proves such assumption: Only by covering the objects, the snow, amorphous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Military Drones Research One of the strongest attributes of the UAV weapon systems is their precision and accuracy on a target. UAV s have the ability to scan, track and monitor a target for hours before ever engages a potential enemy. During that time, the decision to engage is not left on the operator alone. The unique nature of this technology is that more than one person has a vote in pulling the trigger. Due to these unique capabilities, drones, according to many reports, inflict relatively low civilian casualty rates. (Williams, 2013) Critics use the subject of civilian casualties as an argument both for and against the use of drones. From a purely statistical analysis and perspective, the use of drones might be the safest and most precise way to strike ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During World War II, civilians were impacted by aerial bombardments on major cities, in both Europe and Asia. The difference is a large aerial bombardment does not feel as personal and direct as a drone strike. So victims of a drone strike actually have an issue to complain about but, unfortunately, there is no one on the ground to assist family members who are grieving their loss. The civilian casualty issue has less to do with the raw data, that actually demonstrates drones are much safer than carpet bombing a city or industrial complex. The issue is public perception. Counterterrorism analysts and politicians have reviewed data and conducted public opinion polls of those affected by the drone strikes and found that overwhelmingly those polled view the use of drones negatively (Bergen, P., 2011). In a 2009 Gallup Poll, only nine percent of Pakistani s approved of the use of drone strikes. Analysts believe that this will lead to more of the public taking sides with the terrorist or at least becoming sympathetic to the cause of groups like Al ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Tom And Bob Can Appoint Carl As A Replacement For Tom The first issue is whether Tom and Bob can appoint Carl as a replacement for Tom. In order to execute this function, it must first be determined whether Tom and Bob are still legitimate trustees given their current circumstances. The appointment of trustees will be made where a new trust is created either inter vivos or by will; and during the continuance for an existing trust whereby one trustee may seek to retire. On the death of a trustee, the remnants are given to the survivors to carry on the trust. Section 18(1) of the Trustee Act 1925 (UK) provides that where a power or trust is given to or imposed on two or more trustees jointly, the same may be exercised or performed by the survivors or survivor of them for the time being. Further, s. 48 (1) of the Trinidad and Tobago Trustee Act provides that the appointment of a new trustee are outside of the realms of a court and the execution is done by persons expressed in the trust instrument , or by the surviving trustees or by the survivor s personal representative. Thus, Tom and Bob may have the power under the common law or Trinidadian statute to appoint Carl. However, there may also be the sub issue of whether Tom has the competence to make the appointment of a new trustee. Section 10 (1) of the Trustee Act states that where a trustee, either original or substituted, and whether appointed by a Court or otherwise, is dead, or remains out of this Island for more than twelve months, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Steve Jobs-Influence Paper Natalie Erdman Kaiser AP Lang 21 October 2013 Steve Jobs: An Influence on Technology How would you feel living a day without using any technology? Living without technology would be totally impossible. It has become an everyday necessity as more and more people are trying to improve their ways of living and staying informed using current technology in an effort to avoid being left behind. Steve Jobs had a vision a vision that would make the world an easier place to live. The world has become more technologically advanced because of the influence of Steve Jobs. As an entrepreneur, marketer, inventor and CEO, his vision has helped the world see the many possibilities that future holds. The multi millionaire dollar empire that we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A power struggle erupted between John Sculley, the CEO at the time and Jobs. In the spring of 1985 Apple s board sided with the CEO, removing Jobs from his command of the Macintosh group. In 1996, Apple Computer now struggling needed Jobs to come back to the company he helped to create. Within 2 years, Jobs expertise was able to turn the company around and make a profit. His leadership abilities saved company; he was able to influence company, and save Apple from bankruptcy. Apple releases the iMac: it becomes the fastest selling personal computer inn history. Apple launches their first retail store and releases the iPod. The iPod was just innovative as all the other technology products that Apple has developed. The iPod was now the largest market share. It was more mobile than the Walkman; it had more capability, and better quality. There are now 357 Apple Stores. The iPod would capture more than a 75% market share caused other people. The following year Jobs became Apple s CEO, driving the company to its greatest successes, from the iPod to the iPhone and the iPad. Apple introduces the iPhone, the first phone with a touchscreen and no keyboard. It revolutionized the cell phone industry revolutionary because of its ease of use. When the iPad came out, Apple captured an 80%share of the tablet market. iPads they re used at 92% of Fortune 500 companies. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Forever Overhead By David Foster Wallace Analysis Life is Disturbingly Comfortable To make a list of all things in life that make us feel uncomfortable could take a lifetime in itself. From the awkwardness of puberty to the uneasiness of job interviews, life is uncomfortable, disturbingly uncomfortable. It makes those who are shy uncomfortable and those who have outgoing personalities equally uncomfortable. The only differences lie in our personal decisions to choose to feel so disturbingly uncomfortable about ordinary things we all experience. In Forever Overhead , David Foster Wallace is able to comfort the disturbed and disturb the uncomfortable (qtd. in McCaffery) by the explicit imagery he uses in describing nocturnal emission, the self consciousness that is projected through his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The comparison is not meant to take away meaning from the life event, but instead is meant to drive home the point that we are all in this together. Each step along the way is all part of the bigger picture that needs to be completed. In Forever Overhead , the narrator says, It is a machine that moves only forward (13). While the words themselves are in reference to the high board, a deeper meaning about life is present. The line for the high board is much like our lives, we can only move forward. The ability to stop time is nonexistent. The ability to halt life when we are feeling uncomfortable is unavailable to us, we must charge on. Our narrator acknowledges this, There s been time the whole time. You can t kill time with your heart. Everything takes time (15). Our young birdlike narrator has for the first time just realized that he must jump into adulthood, just as he must jump from the high dive at the pool. He is unable to stop time, he s unable to avoid the outcome. His best option is to embrace puberty, embrace the jump. Puberty is part of life and just as with the narrator it often takes people by surprise. He says, You have been taken.... Did you think it over. Yes and no (15). The not knowing what is next is what makes us uncomfortable; yet somehow comforts us because the unknown could be the very thing we need. We all jump, even when we aren t sure we re really ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Importance Of Religion In The Decameron There are patterns throughout history that relate to health and religion. Conversations about death or healing due to disease revolves around religion. It is widely used as a coping mechanism for those impacted by death and disease. From worshiping a god or goddess that controls disease to conducting healing ceremonies, to even just praying to be cured of the disease, religious practices are evident when a disease is involved. Analyzing Giovanni Boccaccio s The Decameron gives us an idea of how life was at the time of the plague along with how religion influenced people s lives at the time of disease. In The Decameron, three men and seven women run off together in order to escape the plague that is destroying their city. These ten people find sanctuary in a secluded villa on the outskirts of Florence. Once there, they determine that they will assign one male and one female the role of king and queen for a day. As king and queen, it is their responsibility to ensure everyone says entertained and they all do not go mad. As a result of this, each of the ten people tells stories to keep each other entertained and to distract their minds from the destruction the Black Death is causing. These stories consisted of tales of love, life lessons, and even tragedies. However, a majority of the stories, if not all of them, have underlying religious values. They use these religious ties to keep them grounded in something familiar and safe in their lives while their world is crumbling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Battle Of Guilford Courthouse Essay On the Thursday morning of March 15, 1781 in North Carolina, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse took place. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse is part of the American Revolution that took place between 1775 and 1783. This battle was between the British and the Americans because the Americans no longer wanted to be governed by the British. They believed that they could run the country by themselves without England s help. Although most of the battles during the American Revolution took place in the North, the Battle of Guilford Courthouse took place in the woods and fields of Greensboro, North Carolina. The Americans were backed up by the French and the British campaigned in hopes of recruiting American colonists who were still loyal to Great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That morning the light frost was just beginning to melt, but the air was still cold. The battle began at about noon that day and lasted for approximately two hours before it came to an end. Nathanael Greene s tactic to win the battle was to line his men up in three parallel rows. The battle started with the cannons being fired rapidly at their enemy. Greene s men began to panic and then began to scatter in every direction. The troops heavily fought on both sides, but in the end, Nathanael Greene and his troops decided to retreat. The British may have won the battle, but they ended up suffering tremendous losses. After this battle, Cornwallis decided to forget campaigning and instead decided to take his army to Virginia, where in October of that very same year, he surrendered to General George Washington. After the battle, Greene returned south and again took control over most of the Carolina s and Georgia. The Battle of Guilford Courthouse was the second to last major battle of the American Revolution. During the battle, more than twenty five percent of Cornwallis s men lost their lives. One British lawmaker, Charles James Fox said Another such victory would ruin the British army. Nathanael Greene s army suffered seventy nine deaths, one hundred and eighty five men were wounded, and another seventy five men were captured. Lord Charles Cornwallis s army suffered ninety three deaths, four hundred and thirteen men were wounded, and another twenty six men were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Aliens Exist Trevor Moss Aliens Exist The conspiracy of aliens existing is a conspiracy that most of Americans believe in. There are many conspiracy theories that involve the existence of aliens. One example of this is, Area 51 is secretly hiding UFO s in there bases, and reverse engineering the things they find. Most of America believe that because there is such a vast space that has not been explored, there must be more out there. NASA states that they have found a planet that can withstand life, and has a suitable environment. The only problem that comes with this statement is, we can t launch a spaceship that can reach the planet. This problem gives people the thought that there might be aliens or other life on this planet. The first recorded flyby occurred in fort land in 1905, viewers reported seeing a buzzing sphere shaped UFO that descended from the heavens . Sightings have spiked, with the reported number jumping from 5,000 in 1980, to 45,000 in 2010. UFO s are not a new thing, people have been describing unidentified flying objects for many years. Described as disk like objects found in art from the Sumerians and the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans. The start of people s fascination can be traced back to a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold. Arnold was flying his small plain near Washington s Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947 when he claimed to have seen nine, blue glowing objects flying in a V formation. He believed that it was some sort of military aircraft, but the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Vanishing Point Paper Vanishing point was the main focus for this paper, the VP is where the orthogonal lines all meet. Knowing how to find the VP made me want to choose what I believed to be challenging pictures out of what was given to us. This being said, I chose Gas, Edward Hopper 1940, Corridor in the Asylum, Vincent Van Gogh 1889, and L`Europe Geneva Bridge, Gustave Caillebotte 1876. In these three paintings I not only saw a challenge, but also a neat story that can be conveyed in finding the VP. Gas, Edward Hopper 1940, is a picture of a man working the gas pump during the day while no one else is around. The first orthogonal line I chose for this picture was against the grass line following along the gas pumps. I took the line and pulled it along the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A man and woman are walking over the bridge while a dog is walking toward them, and another man is gazing out in the water. In this painting I have three orthogonal lines starting with the first one on the top corner of the building on the left side. This line then follows across the roofline, down through the man walking s neck, through the woman s skirt. This line then finishes on the cement and ending on the shadow of the dog. Orthogonal line two starts at the end of the bridge railing on the bottom right side. The line then continues down the railing, crossing through the old man in green and through the woman and man walking near each other. This line will end on the building in the left corner and right above the buggy by finishing on the building. The third and final line starts along the sidewalk on the bottom left side, leading up the sidewalk and going through the man s coat, head and hat, while ending on building in the middle of the painting. The vanishing point leads us to the man that s walking s head while he is looking away at the water. This vanishing point pulls the focus of the painting on the man and also the women next to him on the bridge. These three pictures all have very different stories in them, which creates for different vanishing points. In some paintings or drawings it can be hard to find a vanishing point due to the different time eras of the artists. Overall, the vanishing points allowed me to zone in on the meanings behind each painting and allowed me to come up with a story as to what s going on in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Why I Shouldn t Get Back Into The Apartment Essay I wake with a tap against one of my boots. Dim streaks of light, grey and increasing, are filtering through a nearby door. How did I get back into the apartment? For a moment I stare at the ceiling trying to remember what happened last night, then everything comes rushing back. My headache and how Avery found me. I take a deep breath as I remember what had happened between Avery and me in the alley. I shouldn t have done it. I shouldn t have touched her the way I did last night. And I shouldn t be happy she touched me back the way she had. But am I. I close my eyes, as I again feel the tingle of her fingers as she d brushed them against my arm. I can t believe I d kept myself from kissing her, I d wanted to, that had been for sure. I groan this is no way for a soldier to act. Something thumps against my boot, and I sit up, ignoring the dull ache behind my forehead. i m not the only one in the room. Sitting across from me is Adam, Avery s friend, and one of his hands are full of small rocks. I glance down at my feet, to find rocks scattered around them. I look back at him my eyes narrowed. Adam stare at me, whistling as he drops the remaining rocks on the ground beside him. It s hard to believe that I could want to hurt who had been so sick just a short time ago, but I do. Nice collection you have there, he says. Did I do something to you that I m unaware of? I demand. I sink my fingers into the ground at my sides and squeeze the dirt. I don t know if you realize ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Hgihsc Animal Study Sample The animal study will be performed following the NIH and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) guidelines, LSUHSC. An application for the animal model and procedures used for this project have been submitted to the IACUC at LSUHSC and an approval is pending. 1. Description of Procedures: a. Animals: In this study, we will use six to eight week old BALB/c mice that were used in previous research for Rhizopus, Candida, and Cryptococcus virulence factors or host immune responses. The use of inbred mouse strains often minimizes the genetic difference between male and female mice. In addition, studies in Cryptococcus showed no gender differences in terms of survival or fungal load in blood and tissues [31,32]. The male mice were originally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Euthanasia: The method of euthanasia by CO2 is consistent with the recommendations of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals. Animal will be placed in a clear chamber with CO2 delivery at 20% of chamber volume per minute. Following cessation of all movements, including respiration, thorectomy will be performed to ensure death. The tissues and organs will then be removed for study depending on the experiment purpose. 5. Safety Precautions: R. delemar is classified as a biological safety 1 pathogen by the Centers for Diseases Control and the National Institutes of Health. As a precaution caging will be treated with 10% bleach solution prior to transport to the cage washer and is placed into a biosafety bin. The bag will be sealed and the outside of the container will be disinfected with 10% bleach solution prior to transport to a secure storage area. Waste R. delemar material and the carcasses of infected animals will be destroyed by incineration. Counters, work surface and floor will be decontaminated with 10% bleach ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Mission Statement Of Woolworths Task 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives Mission Statement: To be recognized by the youth as a leading role model and criminal prosecuting attorney within the South African Legal and Justice System. Long Term Goals: Complete LLB degree Complete articles Earn a J.D. To be married Medium Term Goals: Obtain a grade average of at least 75% for all my subjects Become a leader Be accepted into Wits Law School Pursue my passion in sketching and have my own webpage publishing my work Short Term Goals: Try new activities at school Obtain 50 hours of community service Establish requirements for University entrance Join a fitness class Question 2: MTN[1]: To make our customers lives a whole lot brighter MTN s way ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... REFERENCES [1]MTN Mission Statement, 2011, MTN, http://www.mtn.co.sz/vision.html , last accessed 27/01/15 at 19:27 [2]Woolworths Mission Statement, 2015, Overview Woolworths Holdings, http://www.woolworthsholdings.co.za/corporate/profile_overview.asp , last accessed 28/01/15 at 18:38 [3]Nando s Mission Statement, The Nando Jobs.ie ,www.jobs.ie/Profile.aspx?Id=Nando s , last accessed 28/01/15 at 19:07 [4]Eskom Mission Statement, 2015, Eskom Mission, Vision and Values, http://www.eskom.co.ug/content/what we do 0 , last accessed 28/01/15 at 19:24 [5]Mission Statement of Burger King, 2012, Burger King Mission Statement Retail Industry About.com, http://retailindustry.about.com/od/retailbestpractices/ig/Company Mission Statements/Burger King Mission Statement.htm ,last accessed 28/01/15 at
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  • 27. Conflict In The Hunt The first in Devi s Imaginary Maps, The Hunt is the story of an eighteen year old tribal woman, Mary Oraon, from a tribal village in West Bengal. She is pestered and stalked by a male predator and contractor Tehsildar Singh who has come to exploit the valuable wood of the Sal forest around the village. When he grows lustful of her, she turns into the predator that he is and retaliates her excruciating plight by slaying her molester. This act of self defence of the protagonist emphasizes the need for an organic intellectual like Mary in an oppressive society. Antonio Gramsci s idea of the intellectual was critical as he was in the situation of creating a counter hegemony to persuade a huge mass to transform from capitalism to socialism. His ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak states that this voice of resistance makes Mary an organic intellectual.... Mary Oraon in „The Hunt‟ is one of these figures (Devi, Imaginary Maps 26 27). The organic intellectual in The Hunt emphasizes the need for resistance to exploitation and the need to empower and promote the status of tribal women through awareness and education. Mary s intellectuality shows how gender stereotypes and patriarchal inconsistencies are not something biological but rather they are only social, economic and culturally accepted norms. Mary s role as a protector to her society, herself and her relations, her intellectuality to grow along with the dominant Tehsildar and revolting her rapist and the fact that she rebels against his exploitation of the land and the women, all done organically prove her as an organic intellectual. Mary Oraon is a role model for all the victimized and oppressed women who are sexually harassed, her mixed blood emphasizes her power. Spivak also states that subaltern women need to recognize that internalized constraints inhibit their becoming organic intellectuals, and that ethical singularity...can help them overcome this obstacle (Murtuza 143). Mary Oraon is an example of such an organic intellectual who takes her power on her own hands and turns the table over her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Mental Illness And Its Effects Mental illness has always been present, but the views and treatments have drastically changed through the centuries. In past decades, particularly in and after the 1930s, advances in helping the mentally ill have increased in this field because of the growth of government funding and medical breakthroughs. Additionally, society has become more knowledgeable and accepting of the struggles the mentally ill face; programs and non life threatening treatments have been created since society has become involved. Today mental illness can be helped and even cured with professional help and medical attention. Though the world knows more than it did a few years ago, much is yet to be discovered; the gruesome past of mental illness is still highly present. Mental illness is an uphill battle for all who are diagnosed, and to understand fully the struggle and persona of the mentally ill, one must look into the treatments prescribed in the previous century, medical breakthroughs, and treatments of mental illness today. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the public was looking for fast and easy solutions to the increasing number of people who were being diagnosed as insane in the American community. As the mentally ill was already compared to waste , one answer was just to sterilize the insane persons who were considered unfit to live in society. Starting in 1907 and lasting until 1940, about 18,552 insane individuals would be sterilized in the United States and approximately ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Hurrler Syndrome Case Studies In 1981 Weissbluth et al. reported the first case of extensive MS associated with GM1 ganglio sidosis 9. Since then some other cases have been reported linking other IEM with MS and GM1 gangliosidosis. There are 54 reported cases of extensive MS with various IEM, in which 25 cases are associated with Hurler syndrome, 17 with GM1G, 9 in Hunter syndrome, 2 in ᶐ mannosidosis, and 1 with Niemann Pick disease6. Of these 25 cases of Hurler syndrome, 19 have been reported in a single study by Gonzalez et al8,10. However in recent years reporting of extensive MS in GM1G is more frequent in comparison to Hurler syndrome. By 2006, only 39 cases LySD associated with MS was reported, of these 24 patients had Hurler disease, and 11 patients had type 1 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Melanocyte migration and proliferation is dependent upon exogenous peptide growth factors, which stimulate receptors with tyrosine kinase activity(Trk) . Human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts express nerve growth factor (NGF), which is an important signal for transdermal melanocyte migration. It has been postulated that accumulated metabolite like GM1 and heparan sulfate binds tightly to Trk receptor which enhances NGF activity leading to aberrant neural crest migration8,11.In our patient MS was progressive in nature, which can be attributed to activation of latent melanocytes. It has been hypothesized that metabolite Trk binding serves as a trigger to dormant melanocytes resulting in progressive MS8. Treatment of GM1G is only symptomatic and not curative. A main obstacle is blood brain barrier, which prevents the passage of therapeutic enzymes into the brain. Current research in animals are focused on using small molecule chaperones to transport functional enzymes across the blood brain barrier to slow neurologic decline but so far without substantial success12,13. It has been seen that despite of complete normalization of white blood cell β galactosidase levels after allogenic BMT, patient continues to deteriorate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Digital Filters And The Digital Filter 2.1.2 Digital Filter Digital filter is a digital algorithm or device which is composed of a digital multiplier, adder and delay element. The function of the digital filter is to carry out the operation of the digital code of the input discrete signal in order to achieve the purpose of changing the spectrum of the signal. Digital filter has a lot of practical forms, can be roughly divided into two kinds of type: finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR). It can be used in both hardware and software platform. In the hardware implementation method, it is composed of an adder, a multiplier, which is completely separate from the analog filter which is composed of resistors, inductors and capacitors. Digital signal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another outstanding advantage of it is that the strict linear phase can be achieved when some symmetry conditions are met. Since linear phase filter does not change the shape of the input signal, but only make the signal delay in the time domain, so the linear phase characteristics has very important significance in the engineering practice, such as in data communications, image processing and other applications. It often require that the signal can not have obvious phase distortion in the transmission and processing, so FIR filter has been widely used. The causal finite impulse response filter of length M can be described by the transfer function H(z): (1) It is a polynomial of and its power is M 1. In time domain, the input and output relationship of the finite impulse response filter is: (2) y(n) is the output sequence and x(n) is the input sequence. A direct realization of finite impulse response filter, which can be generated by formula (2). M=5 is shown in Figure 2.2. The transpose, as shown in Figure 2.3, which is second direct type structure. Typically a finite impulse response filter with a length of M is described by M coefficients and requires a M multiplier and (M 1) a two input adder to achieve. Figure 2.2 Direct finite impulse response filter structure Figure 2.3 Direct finite impulse response filter structure (transpose) The linear phase finite impulse response filter with a length of M can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Comparison Of The Italian Opera, Oratorio, And Cantata Comparison of the Italian Opera, Oratorio, and Cantata Music during the Baroque period was diverse and composers began to rebel against the styles that were popular during the Renaissance. In the Baroque era music was driven by the text and the emotions behind it. Vocal and sacred music developed greatly during the Baroque period. During the mid 17th century the Italian phenomenon opera dominated most of the theatres in Europe. Sacred music was deeply influenced by the opera, contributing to the development of the oratorio and cantata genre. The opera, oratorio, and cantata contain musical similarities; among all three genres they feature recitative, soloist orchestras, and duet arias. The Italian opera was a form of dramatic entertainment, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oratorios were performed in prayer halls, which was a sacred setting similar to the cantata. Oratorios were recitative and contained de capo arias and chorus, like the Italian opera. It was sung drama performed without staging or costumes. The catholic church saw the power of operas and was quick to take on operas for sacred subjects, such as the lives of saints. However, the church also condemned operas for its power to seduce and dazzle, banning the performance of opera during Advent and Lent. 3 George Handel, an opera composer also composed Messiah, which was one of the best known oratorios. Another important composer of this genre was Giacomo Carissimi, who wrote many early ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Comparison Of Apple s IOS And Android OS Comparison of Apple s IOS and Android OS Nowadays, smartphones have been an irreplaceable and indispensable part of people s daily life. What makes the smartphones so smart is the OS, in other words, the operation system. The OS is the basic and soul of a smartphone, which means if the phone is the body, then the OS is the neural network and intellectual system to control the body. Among diverse operation systems, Apple s IOS and Android OS are the most outstanding, they have occupied about 96 percent of the whole global smartphone market together. They are both widely used and liked by individuals but they also have own advantages and disadvantages. The first difference is in Customizability. Accessing and completing control over the devices is available the bootloader can also be unlocked by Android users while that is not available for IOS users. Users of IOS are highly limited to customize it unless jailbreak, but after jailbreak, the Apple Company will be no longer and no need to keep its promise on the products because jailbreak is banned by the official. The OS of Android is totally different, users can change almost everything if they want to. This difference comes from the different source model, which is closed, with open source component in IOS and open in Android. The iOS kernel is not an open source but is based on the open source Darwin OS while the Kernel, UI, and some standard apps of Android are all open source. As a result, Android can be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Analysis Of Annabel Lee s A Kingdom By The Sea The turn of the nineteenth century for the newly formed United States was a time of nervous apprehension running alongside a giddy sense of adventure. The colonist had shirked the cloak of Britain and was a fledgling country of their own, similar to a young adult trying to figure out their way after leaving home. Nothing spoke of this like the Romantic writings in the early nineteenth century. The works tended to have a lot of good vs. evil and oppressor vs. oppressed. They tended to be optimistic, very democratic in their views, anti slavery, some even dipped into the early women s rights movement. The romantics were rebels with a cause, nonconforming individuals that think and stay true to how they see themselves. Along with the lofty language, the authors tended to write their prose they also managed to keep the details of their writings very generic. Such as Edgar Allen Poe, with his location description in Annabel Lee: In a kingdom by the sea. (Poe) The Romantic author also liked being a master of his or her fate. The Realist was different from the Romantic in as many areas. The Realist time was after the Civil War, many of them lived through the carnage, and it affected their views of life and the world. Realist writings usually consisted of a distinct time and place, unlike the Romantics generalizations. Samuel Clemens using the pen name Mark Twain had his novels set clearly in the Mississippi River delta during a particular time in history, his childhood. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On Sentiment Classification The aspect level sentiment analysis overcomes this problem and performs the sentiment classification taking the particular aspect into consideration. There can be a situation where the sentiment holder may express contrasting sentiments for the same product, object, organization etc Techniques for sentiment analysis is generally partitioned as (1) machine learning approach, (2) lexicon based approach and (3) combined approach (Meddhat et al., 2014a). There are two approaches for the lexicon based approach. First one is the dictionarybased approach and the second one is the corpus based approach that utilizes the factual or semantic strategy for discovering the polarity. The dictionary based approach is based on finding the sentiment seed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some combined rule algorithms were proposed in (Medhat et al., 2008a). Therefore, a study on decision tree and decision rule problem is done by Quinlan (1986). Probabilistic Classifier Probabilistic classifiers make the utilization of blend of models for classification. Every class is considered to be a component of the mixed model. We have described various probabilistic classifiers for sentiment analysis problem in the next subsection. Naive Bayes Classifier (NB). It is the frequently used classifier in sentiment analysis. In sentiment analysis, naive Bayes classifier calculates the posterior probability of either positive class or negative class depending on the sentiment words distributed over the document. The work of naïve Bayes classifier is based on the Bag of word extraction of features in which the word s position is overlooked in the whole text. This classifier uses the Bayes theorem. It calculates the probability for the sentiment word in a document and tells whether that word belongs to the positive or negative class. The probability can be calculated using the given formula. This assumption results in Bayesian Network. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph containing nodes and edges, where nodes denote the random variables and the edges denote the conditional dependencies. It is a conditional exponential classifier that takes the feature sets with label and converts them into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Observation Of Burt s Bees Observation: Looking over an empty manufacturing facility, Roxanne Quimby was having doubts. Quimby had just moved her business, Burts Bees, from Maine to NOrth Carolina. Before growing Burt s Bee s to over 3 million in sales in Maine. Quimby graduated college and removed herself from society . During this time Quimby lived in a house with no running water or electricity. After her husband leaves her, and Quimby is forced to live in a tent on 150 a week. Quimby Meets Burt Shavitz, a beekeeper, and together the two of them establish Burt s Bees. First traveling to trade fair to trade fair, before growing the business to 3 million in sales, and 44 employees. Quimby moved Burts Bees to North Carolina because of cheaper taxes and being more business friendly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...