This document contains summaries of several case studies for digital marketing campaigns to promote travel and tourism. The first case study describes a social media campaign that influenced over 35% of total sales for the world's oldest travel company. The second case study was an adventure contest facilitated through digital channels only that engaged over 10,000 online entries. The third case study describes efforts to digitally transform business for the world's largest film city through data analytics, mobile apps, and wearable technology.
14. GOAL: First ever travel adventurer’s hunt facilitated
only by digital to launch the world’s largest
adventure company
15. A campaign which was
built around a contest
wherein 50 adventurers
were chosen to travel
the world. They created
– and are still creating
content – as they so do.
The communication
evolved as per their
22. OUTCOME: 10,000 online entries in Season 1, 12,000
in Season 2, and over 500 exclusive experiential
content generated for promotion.
23. GOAL: To digitally transform the business for the world’s
largest film city encompassing – ‘Data Analytics’,
Mobile, Social Media Marketing and use of cutting-edge
wearable technology.