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Water Pollution Essay 150 Words
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Water Pollution Essay 150 WordsWater Pollution Essay 150 Words
Music Can Affect Human Behavior
Music can affect human behaviour and plays an important role in our lives from infancy to
maturity, evoking a variety of emotions and communicating messages about what is currently
happening or about to happen. People use knowledge of the world and their scripts and schemas as
a method of organizing the complex sets of information being input into memory. Schemas use
prior learned general knowledge about an event, a person, or a situation to provide cues of what to
expect in novel scenarios. Since scripts and schemas are developed from the experiences that an
individual undergoes, it makes sense that children would have fewer scripts and schemas in place.
Thus, adding a musical cue may help in comprehension and retention of information.
One reason that music likely enhances recall is that music may allow separate features of separate
events to become bound into one grouping as it passes from sensory to working memory. However,
the effect of music on the facilitation of cognitive comprehension in young children in recalling
novel information from working memory by manner of this binding of information is relatively
Music can be used to alter mood and facilitate positive interactions and cognitive functioning (Gold,
Frank, Bogert Brattico, 2013) as music acts as an auditory cue to the spatial pathways in the brain
and the motor cortex. As such, it may allow for faster information processing and comprehension
(Fagen et al., 1997). Pleasant sounding music has
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The Perfect Number
People often wonder, What is the perfect number? What they do not know is that there is more
than just one perfect number; there are many. Today s research tells us that there are forty eight
perfect numbers. A perfect number is a number that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors,
excluding its self. 6=1+2+3 28=1+2+4+7+1418=1+2+3+6+9 (= 21)
To answer the question of what a perfect number is you need to know how to solve for a perfect
number, who has been involved in coming up with perfect numbers, the criteria, and interesting
facts about perfect numbers. Perfect numbers are more complex than just deciding whether a
number is considered perfect or not. First, what you have to do to get a perfect number. Every
scholar has invented their own formula to result in a perfect number. The most common formula
is to take the factors of a number and add them together. If the sum of the factors, except the
number itself, results in the original number then the number is perfect. Euclid invented a
formula that is also used to solve for perfect numbers: 2p 1 (2p 1) Ex.1: 21 (22 1)= 6Ex.2: 22 (23
1)= 28
In this formula p stands for a prime number, therefore in the first example two is the prime number
being used. You have two as the base because this is what the formula calls for, and then you
subtract one from your prime number, two, to get two to the first power. Then inside your
parenthesis you have two to the second power, the base taken from the formula
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A Diverse Society Can Coexist Peacefully
In America, there are many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs, and values. This diversity is
one thing that makes America so attractive to outsiders. Along with the many benefits this diversity
brings to society, however, it also causes some challenges. Challenges such as a clash of cultural
beliefs; clashes of the way society should view its ethical obligations toward family and those they
love. These beliefs are definitely influenced by the culturepeople were raised in and the values
inculcated into them from youth. In an extremely diverse country, like the United States of
America, this causes trouble because these conflicts or clashes can create tense surroundings.
Despite having many cultural differences, society can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I loved my tГa, but something told me to keep my mouth shut. Maybe it was family loyalty (Diaz
132). Once again, it is the human tendency to remain loyal and protect our family members. If
society takes the values that are common to each culture, and then builds upon this stable
foundation, then society will benefit. Society would benefit because positive relationships are
built off what people have in common with one another. When different cultures in a society see
how much they have in common with one another, they will be more apt to cooperate. Another
writer, Jane English, raised in the American culture, highlights in her piece, What do Grown
Children Owe their Parents , a belief that many cultures around the world would agree with. This
is the belief that when children grow up, they should offer assistance and aid to their parents in
any way possible when given the opportunity (English 111 114). This is a form of Loyalty, but
also stems from Love, and the importance of Family, three of the values cherished in many cultures.
No matter where a person is from, Jane English argues that the relationship between children and
their parents should be one of friendship characterized by mutuality rather than one of reciprocal
favors (English 113). In English s and Diaz s respective pieces, they highlight three values, Love,
Loyalty, and Family. Both of these completely different cultures share these values, and really, they
share it in common with many more
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Foxtrot Dance History
The Fox Trot Approaching the 20th century it was hard to pick just one topic to write on. Since I
did not have a good understanding on what the Fox Trot was or how it originated, I decided to
dig into some research. After spending some time I had found that the Fox Trot was one of the
most famous dances at this particular time. The Fox Trot is defined as a ballroom dance that has
alternating two quick steps and two slow steps. The long walking movements involve a subtle
rise fall action. Turning movements are similar to Waltz, but with a more moderate rise and fall,
and more length wise action ( Foxtrot Dance Steps in Ballroom Dance. ). When researching I
found that the Fox Trot was associated with the Vaudeville era and was named after the Vaudeville
actor, Harry fox. Although, that was not his real name, he was born with the name Arthur
Carringford in Pomona, California, but in 1882, he adopted the stage name of Fox after his
grandfather ( Foxtrot Dance History Origins of Ballroom Dance. ).... Show more content on
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Fox was noticed for his trotting steps that were made to ragtime music. Trotting steps consisted
of The Foxtrot Basic forward dance step, The Foxtrot basic backward step, The Foxtrot Rock left
turn, Foxtrot forward progressive step, and the Foxtrot promenade steps. ( Foxtrot Dance History
Origins of Ballroom Dance ). When reading these steps, I felt as if the choreography sounded like
clogging or tap steps to me. Clogging steps such as the Possum Trot, which I had learned during
my previous years in clogging, reminds me of the
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Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of The Maze
As we arrived at the entrance of the maze, I could see a giant forcefield crackling in front of us. A
forcefield keeps everyone in. We either go in and solve the maze or die here of starvation. Do you
have any suggestions? muttered Future Hayden
We walked through the sizzling forcefield. At the same though, UDVAC was planning its grand
plan, to enslave us all. As we began to navigate through the maze, the big computer started setting
off traps. As it skillfully and strategically deployed tricks and traps, we clumsily avoided them.
Now, we were stuck in the middle of this maze. We had wandered into one of its traps.
As I clawed at the snow white walls, Future Hayden was trying to use one of his gadgets to build a
teleporter. As we slaved... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once upon a time, The Voids were a numerous species across the galaxy. But as time went on, The
Voids aged. And through use, war, and colonization, all of The Voids, but this one, died out.
As we walked through the shimmering hole in the maze, I could hear singing in the background. I
didn t know if it was The Voidor something else, I ignored it.
Finally, we reached the end. As we stepped through the exit forcefield, the same voice on the
intercom said Congratulations for making a spectacle of me and cheating your way through the
maze. I promised you freedom, but you threw your chance away. You must now face me, lord
UDVAC! No one has made it our alive, so have fun! Aren t I funny?
I nervously nudged Future Hayden to walk up the stairs. When we got to the top, there was
another door. This one looked like my bedroom door at home. It even had the same stickers. There
was another door at the other end of the hallway.
As we opened it, I said Anyone want death with a side of sadness? As we peered inside, we saw
another door. As I opened it, we could see another door.
Does this have to be another maze? said future Hayden.
I walked up to that door. Sure enough, there was yet another door.
WE RE TRAPPED! Exclaimed Future
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Spanish Conquest Vs English Colonization Essay
Azeezat Adekanmbi Professor Denise Hulett History 130113 February 2015 The New World:
English Colonization Vs Spanish Conquest The history of colonial North America centers
primarily on the struggle of England, France, and Spain to gain control of the continent. This
settler took different effort. These differences has positively and negatively affected the New
World s. Spain, for instance, were governed by autocratic sovereigns whose rule was absolute;
Spain colonists went to America as slaves of the Crown. The English colonists, on the other hand,
enjoyed far more freedom and were able to manage themselves as long as they followed English
law and were loyal to the king (Granburyisd). Earliest colonists were in Virginia and Massachusetts
but soon scattered all along the Atlantic coast, from Maine to Georgia, and into the inner continent s
as far as the Mississippi River, the economy of the English colonists was Diverse economic
activities included agricultural, livestock s, hunting, fishing, and... Show more content on
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Although the British crown did sponsor the voyage of John Cabot, who founded the fisheries
around Newfoundland, royal interest waned when mineral resources were not found. In the crown s
absence, private merchant based companies moved in to fund colonization efforts. Unlike the
Spanish, English colonizers were granted funds to settle in North America. Instead of revenue from
America returning to the state, it went to the investors and stockholders of the private companies.
While the Virginia Company sponsored the voyage of Captain Christopher Newport in return for
the revenue that would be created from the new colony of Jamestown, charters were granted to
those fleeing religious persecution as well. Building on the ideals of religious toleration sparked by
the Enlightenment, the Massachusetts Bay Company, Puritans, was granted a charter in 1629. (
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Questions On The County Court Money Claims Online
1.The entities involved in the dispute are
1.1.On the 21st July 2009, the Claimant SHANE TRAYLEN AND COMPANY LIMITED
a contract with the Defendant for the supply of building services (Fit out works).
1.2.At all material times, the Defendant MISS CLARE STACEY (Approx. 2 months Pregnant)
was the owner, and SOLE TRADER known as THE BAMBOO BAR AND LOUNGE 2.In June
2009, the Defendant approached Claimant regarding undertaking the fit out works at her proposed
Bamboo Bar and lounge ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3.2.The Defendant s negligent actions and carelessness placed others at risk and caused severe
financial disruptions and loss to the Claimant to the sum of ВЈ 55,329.00 plus damages and interest
as indicated in invoices and statement of costs.
4.On the 21st July 2009, The Claimant submitted a brief quote of ВЈ14835.00 plus Vat @15% for
the essential works required by the Defendant. The quote clearly indicated that the Claimant would
charge the Defendant accordingly for any additional costs. Mr Traylen Personally explained the
procedure systematically so as the Defendant fully understood and agreed on the Claimants terms
and conditions. She was made entirely aware that payment was within a period of 14 days of
submission as specified.
4.1.The Defendants actions to initiate works unlawfully entered her into a contractual obligation,
legally binding her to the contractual agreement of terms and conditions set out by the Claimant.
4.2.The Defendant after that assured the Claimant everything was right to progress and issued Mr
Traylen with a set of the premises keys for the proposed bar on 325 Fleet Road, and instructed him
to start works on site immediately. The Defendant fraudulently misled the Claimant into a contract
of works, without a secured a loan, funds or the means of paying for works. The Defendant after
that breached the contract for non payment for services, as she did not have the ways
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Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay. “Letter From Birmingham
Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Letter from Birmingham Jail By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
is still remembered today as one of the greatest letters ever written. This letter was penned on
April 16, 1963 by Dr. King, as a response to the clergymen who opposed his nonviolent campaigns
in Birmingham, Alabama. The clergymen had recently wrote A Call for Unity to express their
opinions on what was going on in the town. They did not approve of how Dr. King was handling
the situation in Birmingham. Dr. King wrote this letter while sitting in a jail cell, in order to defend
his reason for his marching in the peaceful protests that occurred in the previous days. He outlined
the reason behind his penning this letter and what steps were taken... Show more content on
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The article states that more than 1 million people gathered in Washington and in cities around the
country... to the inauguration of President Trump (Stein, Hendrix, and Hauslohner 1). These
people marched in order to protest the treatment of women, minorities, and immigrants by
Trump. They held signs and made their voices heard by people all over the world. This march
can be compared to the march of Dr. King and his comrades to seek justice for the unfair
treatment of people of color. In the time proceeding the time after Letter from Birmingham Jail was
written there have been other nonviolent marches as well. In 2007, there was a protest where
woman who were nursing their infants staged a sit in at Applebee s to stop discrimination towards
breastfeeding mothers. According to the article, 13 Peaceful Protests and Whether They Worked,
the protest was successful. The article revealed that Applebee s put out a statement that said they,
make nursing mothers feel welcome... (Dermansky 1). This can also be compared to the peaceful
protest of Dr. King and his comrades because the women did not act violently. They just staged a sit
in of many nursing mothers at a particular restaurant. Their peaceful protest gained them positive
results in the end. There have been many more peaceful campaigns or marches that have occurred
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The Stereotypes Of Discrimination In The Workplace
Infringement of people s rights because of their race, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation is a
common phenomenon. This phenomenon contradicts the eternal aspirations of humanity to
freedom, equality, and justice. In labor relations, the most important rights that affected are the right
to equal access to work, equal pay for equal work, equal chances of promotion, protection from
unemployment, etc. Therefore, it is so important to talk about discriminationin labor relations, and
not only talk, but look for ways to protect those categories of citizens who are discriminated against.
Discrimination in the labor market is a widespread process that can be defined as the unequal
opportunities of workers with equal productivity, or the unequal treatment of employers, society,
and the state. Labor discrimination can be experienced both by individual workers and by their
specific groups. In our case, it is LGBT ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Aren t most workers expected to come to their workplaces, do their best and go home? This
would be fair if anyone gay, straight, bisexual, transgender or other rarely tended to reveal much
about him or herself in the workplace. The reality though, couldn t be further from this. In fact,
nearly every workplace is so permeated by non work related conversations from Monday
morning weekend catch up talks to more serious sharing about life events, to light banter about
celebrities and gossip that it is easy to take this daily sharing for granted. The reported
prevalence of conversations in the workplace covering relationships and dating, social lives,
politics and even religion and sex are nearly identical between both LGBT and non LGBT
workers. When asked, over 80% of non LGBT workers report that conversations about social lives,
relationships and dating come up weekly and often daily (Human Rights
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Prison Litigation Reform Act Case Analysis
The influx of inmates in the late 1970s through 1980s led to unsustainable prions condition that
violated inmate s rights granted by the Eight Amendment. As the budgets were being exhausted,
transpired the issues of inmate s poor medical treatment, abusive physical security, and unsuitable
physical conditions (Newman and Scott 2013, 547). In the 1976 case of Estelle v. Gamble, the
Supreme Court of the United Statesestablished that an inmate s Eighth Amendment rights were
violated if prisonpersonnel demonstrated deliberate indifference to a prisoner s serious illness or
injury (Newsman and Scott 2012, 548). The increased volume of filed lawsuits led to the passing of
the Prison Litigation Reform Act, which targeted frivolous lawsuits by limiting waivers for the
requirement that inmates pay filing fees,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, the mandated reductions, the prison inmate s population would still be 137.5 % over its
allowed capacity (Liptak 2014). In opposition, the State of California submitted an appeal for the
federal order to the Supreme Court seeking protections under the Prison Litigation Reform Act
(Newsman and Scott 2012). In 2011, the Supreme Court 5 4 decision upheld three judge panel s
federal order requiring California state prisons to reduce its population by 30,000 inmates (Liptak
2014).The Supreme Court judges emphasized the notion that overcrowding inflicted pain on
prisoners, and, therefore, violated inmate s constitutional rights (Newsman and Scott 2012). After
the Supreme Court s decision, Jerry Brown advocated realignment in the state prisons that would
transfer non violent, non serous, and non sexual offenders to county jails (Ravi 2014). Likewise, to
comply with the federal order Brown allocated 6 billion in state funds to be transferred to counties
aiding the realignment reforms (Ravi
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The History Of Hybrid Vehicle
A hybrid vehicle, in its most simple definition, is one that utilizes two or more distinct power
sources to move it. When considering this vehicle type, the most common configuration is a Hybrid
Electric Vehicle (HEV). This frequently used configuration combines an internal combustion engine
and one or more electric motors to move the vehicle. To better understand the concept of hybrid
vehicletechnology, the areas that of the topic that should be focused on are the history of hybrid
vehicles, their progression, how hybrid systems work, and the positives and negatives of the use of
this technology today.
The history of modern hybrid vehicle technology can be traced back as early as the beginning of
the 20th century. In 1900, Ferdinand Porsche developed a vehicle known as the Mixte, a 4 wheel
drive series hybrid carriage with a later design that featured hub mounted electric motors in each
wheel, powered by a gasoline generator. When considering more modern technology designs such
as regenerative braking, in which energy developed during the braking process is converted to
energy that powers the car, the earliest predecessor can be found dating back to 1967. This concept
was first implemented in the American Motors vehicle known as the Amitron, a battery powered
urban vehicle, and served as the first use of this technology in the United States. Although certain
concepts and ideas were developed early on in the 20th century, their widespread implementation
did not occur
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The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin
In The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, a woman receives the news about her husband s death.
The protagonist is Louise Mallard, she is at home with her sister. It seems that Mrs. Mallard is
never alone because of her heart trouble . Close relatives always try to take care and keep her
safe and healthy. People know about her health condition, but no one knows what is happening in
her mind and spirit, and no one knows that her heart trouble is not only physical but also
emotional. Louise has the opportunity, for the first time in her life, of living with freedom
because now the man who rules her life is gone. Louise Mallard is born again, and she starts a
short but glorious moment that gives her a true life sense and liberty, but then it is ended with the
presence of her husband who comes back to kill the new Louise.
Louise s first reaction after hearing the news is the key to understand her personality, and how she
is letting her emotions come out to give life to the new woman. Mrs. Mallard is very emotional
because she suddenly starts to cry, but she is not afraid as many women might be facing this
situation. According to Kate Chopin, When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to
her room alone. She would have no one follow her . Louise needs space and privacy to assimilate
what is happening. She does not want anybody follow her because it is the special moment that
she was waiting for. She was not waiting for her husband s death but her freedom, so it was
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The Benefits Of Safety Razors
Today s typical man starts his day with a cheap disposable razor and some goo out of a can. That
daily shave is neither the best shave nor the most economical shave possible. Those honors belong
to the traditional shaving equipment that is now making a comeback. A beginner will find that a
good double edge safety razor, a badger hair brush and some face friendly soap will soon become
his best friends in the bathroom.
The Benefits of Safety Razors
The first issue to consider is the cost. Typical cheap disposable razors must be replaced often.
Cartridge refills for multi blade razors generally cost around twenty dollars for eight. That works
out to two dollars and fifty cents apiece. Contrast this with a twenty cent razor blade. A pack of
100 blades generally sells for less than a pack of cartridge refills. If you use two blades a week then
you have spent the same amount for a year s worth of blades that would have only bought you
eight cartridges. That s quite a savings.
Now consider the shave. A standard razor requires you to push the many blades into your skin to
get a good shave. This is because these blades are designed to be as safe as they can be for as
many people as possible. A double razor is adjusted to your own perfect angle. This means that the
blade need not be shoved into your skin. Instead, you set your perfect angle. After some practice
you will soon be enjoying the smoothest and closest shaves of your life.
A safety blade razor has another
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Emirates Marketing Strategy
Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of the
Emirates Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai s, Investment Corporation of
Dubai. (gulfnews.com, 2008). Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating nearly
3,400 flights per week, from its hub at the Dubai International Airport, to more than 142 cities in 78
countries across 6 continents. (emirates.com)
The airline is ranked amongst the top ten carriers worldwide in terms of passenger kilometers,
and has become the largest airline in the Middle East in terms of revenue, fleet size, and
passengers carried as of 2007. (gulfnews.com, 2007) In 2012 the airline was the fourth largest
airline in the world in terms of international passengers carried, and scheduled passenger kilometers
flown. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They have a relationship with every disadvantages member of the community they serve in. As
well as they strive to improve the lives of those people who have been struck by poverty. Also
being an aviation company, they have the right means to deliver aids during tragedies and wars.
Marketing Strategies
Hello Tomorrow
In 2012, Emirates Airlines had launched their new global platform, Hello Tomorrow , this allowed
Emirates airlines, to enable global connectivity and that lead customers to have meaningful
experiences. This also lead to the revolution within Emirates as they sifted from a travel brand to a
global lifestyle brand. (emirates.com)
Hello Tomorrow, is about inspiring people to greet tomorrow s unlimited potential, now. The word
Hello is like a greeting, an invitation for people to a place, a new experience. Tomorrow is the
time it represents the future, Emirates is trying to ask their customers, where will tomorrow take
you? to show that everyday they can travel somewhere new, have a new experience.
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The Success Of The Database And Data Warehouse
The success of the database and data warehouse (DW) project really depends on the quality of
data. If data quality is not good enough, the information will logically be unreliable when the
business users retrieve it from the database/DW environment. Good quality of data will be useful
for the decision maker to make the right decision, gain more trust and make the organization more
efficient. In contrast, the bad quality of data will drive the decision maker to make a wrong
decision. Debbarma, Nath and Das (2013) stated that good quality of data will enable DW
environment to provide right information in the right place at the right time with the right cost in
order to support the right decision . Thus, data quality needs to be maintained... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The most prominent issue that always occurs is duplicated records the records that represent the
same real world object in numerous ways (Christie, Timothy, 2005). Such duplicates could cause
many significant problems. Therefore, data cleaning strategy is essential to ensure these
redundancies. However, duplicate elimination is one of challenge tasks because it is caused by
many different types of errors such as typographical errors, null values, abbreviations, word
transformation and different representations of the same word. To detect and eliminate data
duplication, there are many algorithms that have been proposed by researchers and scholars. Those
algorithms include standard duplication elimination algorithm (SDE), adaptive duplication
detection algorithm (ADD), sorted neighborhood algorithm (SNA), duplicate elimination sorted
neighborhood algorithm (DE SNA), etc. Most of the algorithms use the following techniques in
different ways to achieve a duplicate detection and elimination goal: Character based similarity
measure techniques. Phonetic similarity measure techniques Numeric similarity measure
techniques Semantic similarity measure techniques To measure the similarity between characters,
numbers and semantic words, the above techniques use standard string similarity functions such as
edit distance, generalized edit distance, hamming distant, cosine metric, and Jaccard coefficient
function, etc. There are many approaches
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Colombia Is A Country Located At The North Tip Of South...
Colombia is a country located at the north tip of South America. It is bounded by Panama and the
Caribbean Sea in the north, by Venezuela and Brazil in the east, by Peru and Ecuador in the south,
and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Colombia is the only South American country with coastlines on
both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea (National Geographic.) Colombiais one of the largest
South American countries at 439,733 square miles, or about the size of Texas and California
combined. Colombia is a mainly Spanish speaking, Catholic country, but has a diverse population.
Colombia is the only American nation named for Christopher Columbus. The country strongly
reflects its history as a colony of Spain. Colombia became independent on July 20, 1810 (Kline.) It
is often referred to as the most Roman Catholic of the South American countries, and most of its
people are proud of the relative purity of their Spanish language. Its population is heavily mestizo
(of mixed European and Indian descent) with minorities of European and African ancestry. The
economy is traditionally based on agriculture, particularly coffee and fruit production, but industries
and services are increasing in importance. Colombia is the most populous country of South
America. The nation s political instability has been tied to unequal distribution of wealth and the
illicit trade in drugs, specifically cocaine.
The Europeans first visited the territory that would become Colombia when Alonso de Ojeda arrived
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A Proposal For A New Factory
Introduction Longchamp is a French firm created in Paris in 1948, known for its luxury fashion
leather and canvas goods, such as handbags and luggage. Thanks to its expertise, Longchamp is
distributed in more than 275 stores worldwide. We would like to expand our production;
therefore we chose to open a new factory in Romania. In this report, we will explain the reasons
why we made this decision. 1)Tax costs Regarding tax costs, Romania is as a highly taxed
country, just like France. Indeed, income and capital gains earned by corporation are taxed at a
rate of 16%. More specifically, these data clearly demonstrate that Romania has payments
percentage and profit taxes higher than France. Even if Romania is more taxed than France
regarding corporate and income taxes, it is the opposite scheme for labor taxes and contributions.
This inversion is due to low labor costs. Certainly high tax costs can be a constraint to produce in
this country but we choose Romania for other reasons like the low labor cost and the proximity
with our primary market, France. 2) Legal environment Thanks to the accession to the EU and the
increasing integration in European markets, Romania s structural reform has progressed. Romania
s reform and liberalization process created large foreign exchange inflows and a positive view of
Romania s prospects. However, the judicial power is not entirely independent. It is very influenced
by the executive
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Anti Curfew Law
You can t tame a wild mustang, so why try and control teenager who wants as many freedoms as
possible. Curfews set by the Government may seem like a good idea, but it s not. The idea of laws
enforcing a curfew for teenagers is not a good one, it unfairly takes away a teenagers freedom. If
there is a law about a curfewand a teen does not like it, there is a high chance that they will just
stay out past curfew. Curfew in a household is specified by the parents. If the parents and child
both state their case on a time, and agree on it, the child will keep their word. If there is a law
enforcing a curfew, there will not always be a way for teens to try and negotiate a fair time, like
they could if their parents decided the time they had to be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Also, with that law, parents will probably follow the time of that law. This means that teens
cannot try and negotiate a time that is fair. If a teen believes that the curfew time is not fair and
wants hangout with friends or go to a party, they will most likely sneak out. The point of the
curfew is to keep people safe and make sure they do not get in trouble, but if a teenager is going
to sneak out anyway, what s the point. A curfew law is a good idea on paper for parents who
worry about there children, but there is no true way to make sure they are safe without taking
away there freedoms, and that is what a Government forced curfew would do. Not all teenagers are
bad and stay out past curfew just to party and hangout with friends, sometimes teens need to stay
out late. High school students have extra curricular activities they do after school. I know from
personal experiences that sometimes you can get home from a sporting event after a scheduled
curfew. That is one of the first things i was
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Personal Narrative Personal Experience
Tears streaming down my sweat drenched face like Niagara Falls, numbed by the pain of a
million knives stabbing into the upper back part of my leg, I had discovered I pulled my
hamstring. Lower limbs [being] accounted for 50% of all sports injuries (Dhillion) it didn t come
as a surprise to the trainer. Unable to move, I was shocked by the pain and situation I had just been
put in. My entire wrestlingcareer flashed before my eyes as I took a big gulp and climbed on my
teammates back to head to the trainers office. This all happened three days before my district
wrestling tournament. I was seeded second, expected to win against my opponent, until the odds
weren t in my favor anymore. I could hear my coaches voice moments before I got... Show more
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I felt like I might actually still have a chance.
The day of districts came, and I didn t want my opponents to know of my injury so I had to
weigh in carefully, get my skin check for infections, which az central s article over the effects of
wrestling; mentions how skin infection can be a serious health effect of wrestling . As I waited for
the locker room to empty so the trainer could come in and wrap my leg, I remembered my coach
instructed me to keep covered at all times till seconds before I was called to the mat for my match.
I was told I would thankfully only have two that day.
WITTLER PLEASE REPORT TO MAT 3 I frozen, this was it. I had no idea how I would
perform, but based on this performance It determined whether I went to regionals or not. I heard
the clock ticking away the seconds I had left before I was forced to step onto the mat. My mom
came behind me and repeated my quote that calmed me over and over win or lose, praise the
Lord. I couldn t keep stalling my time; I had to start the match. I finally stripped down to my
wrestling uniform, revealing my injury. I could feel all the stares in the room and whispers floating
in the air what happened to her is she injured well she isn t winning this year . I shook my
opponents hand, and began the match. I studied my opponent, learned how I should win, and
waited for my shot. I knew if I wanted to win I needed to wrestle extremely
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Molson Coors Case Study
As previously noted, there are no distinctive competencies when it relates to the beer industry
except for the product itself. One of the keys to any business is understanding trends and being
able to monetize based on those trends. In recent years many of the largest companies in the
beer industry have seen slower growth in the U.S. and Europe. In fact Molson Coors reported a
0.2% increase in sales in the U.S., 3.6% growth in Europe, but in Canada they had a drop in sales of
8.2% year over year in 2014. In comparison, the Molson Coors International (MCI) business saw
sales grow 13.2% in 2014. The MCI group was created in 2008 to grow and expand the brand
portfolio in emerging markets outside of the U.S. and Europe.
If we look at an industry study conducted on the consumption of beer in the Asia Pacific region, the
market value forecasts for the beer industry are in the range of $220 million as of 2018. As of
2013, China ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a population of over 1.3 billion people, China is poised to be a major area of interest for
companies like Molson Coors. In fact through its joint venture with SABMiller, there are certain
offerings available for the Chinese consumers already from Molson Coors. However, in order to
become a dominant player Molson Coors needs to better understand the culture. An example of
such a situation is the change in the design of the Coors Light bottles that took place in mid
2014. Currently in the U.S. and Europe, Coors Light beer is designed with a logo of the Rocky
Mountains, which is able to change colors from silver to blue when it reaches an ideal icy
temperature. However, based on local considerations, Molson Coors learned that in China the
consumers prefer to drink warmer beer, and
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Surface Dyslexia
Surface Dyslexia and the dual route model of reading. Introduction: Dyslexia is the term used to
describe a cognitive disability in learning that affects reading, writing and communication
despite an average level of intelligence and an equal access to education. (Le Jan et al., 2010).
Dyslexia is commonly used as a blanket term that covers many smaller forms of cognitive
impairment including surface dyslexia, phonological dyslexia, hyperlexia, letter identification
dyslexia and letter position dyslexia. Most dyslexics suffer from multiple forms of these specific
dyslexias and cases of pure developmental dyslexia are quite rare. (Castles, Bates, Coltheart, 2006).
In some cases dyslexia is caused by brain damage, often related to strokes,... Show more content on
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(2014). The anatomical foundations of acquired reading disorders: A neuropsychological
verification of the dual route model of reading. Brain And Language, 134, 44 67. http://dx.doi.org
/10.1016/j.bandl.2014.04.001 Further Reading: Edwards, V. Hogben, J. (1999). New Norms for
Comparing Children s Lexical and Nonlexical Reading: A Further Look at Subtyping Dyslexia.
Australian Journal Of Psychology, 51(1), 37 49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049539908255333
Gersons Wolfensberger, D. Ruijssenaars, W. (1997). Definition and Treatment of Dyslexia: A
Report by the Committee on Dyslexia of the Health Council of the Netherlands. Journal Of
Learning Disabilities, 30(2), 209 213. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/002221949703000208 Grainger, J.,
LГ©tГ©, B., Bertand, D., Dufau, S., Ziegler, J. (2012). Evidence for multiple routes in learning to
read. Cognition, 123(2), 280 292. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2012.01.003 Shaywitz, S.
Shaywitz, B. (2005). Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability). Biological Psychiatry, 57(11), 1301
1309. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.01.043 Tunmer, W. Greaney, K. (2009). Defining
Dyslexia. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 43(3), 229 243.
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The Empty Corridor As A Tall Slender Woman
Planes Footsteps echoed down the empty corridor as a tall, slender woman made her way
towards a certain room. Though having walked down here many times, the eerie, cold feeling of
the building sent visible shivers down her spine. The alabaster walls had a tinge of grey and it
seemed that no matter how many people were present, this could not hold even the slightest
touch of warmth. She stopped short in front of the familiar wooden door. Raising a hand, she
rapped gently three times before unlocking the door and pushing it open. The room was dark,
saved for the soft glow of the moonlight that flooded in. The woman looked around the spacious
room before her attention finally landed on the lonesome figure in a corner. It was a boy no
more than six years old. His blonde hair was slightly dishevelled and covered his eyes. His eyes
they were different from the usual kids his age. Rather than holding a cheerful and mischievous
glint in them, they were glassy and hallow. He stared unblinkingly at the woman at the doorway
and though she did not outwardly show it, it unsettled her. She could feel the hairs at the back of
her neck stand on end and a cold sweat starting to form but she swallowed and forced a smile as
best as she could. Jerome, she called gently, it s bed time. The little boy turned, eyes focusing on
what he was doing prior to the woman entering. His eyes small fingers gripped tightly onto the
model plane he was playing with, but obediently, he stood and
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Arabian Economic Advantages And Disadvantages
After rapid growth in the international debt of developing countries in the 1970s and the
increasing incidence of scheduling back debt in the early 1980s, the risk of countries reflecting the
ability and willingness of a country to financial services has been a topic of concern for the
international world (Cosset and Roy, 1991).
As well as significant events that occurred on September 11, 2001, the associated risks in
international relations has increased substantially, and it becomes more difficult to be analyzed and
predicted for decision makers in the fields of Economics, finance and politics. International
investors are also aware that the globalization of world trade and capital market openness poses a
risk that could cause the financial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, in a country naturally has advantages and disadvantages. In a country that is strong in
economics may have a weakness in political or social fields. This is the one that causes a country
still has risks although is included in a State that has a stable economy.
One example is the case in the Arabian peninsula, the Levant. The Arabian peninsula is the name of
a giant peninsula in Western Asia that has the form resembles the boots. the continental climate is
hot is known as one of the more prosperous cities in the world thanks to the existing oil reserves
beneath it. However, not all the residents of the Arabian peninsula has a prosperous people. Yemen
located in the heel of the peninsula is an example of a country that is not lucky, because in addition
to having only meager oil reserves, Yemen must also wrestle with the war tearing his territory.
The factor ethnicity was a factor in the Arabian peninsula that also affect why conflict there lasts
incessant from past to present.
KH Said Aqeel Siroj who educated scholars until the doctor in Saudi Arabiato explain, political
parties or religious sect based on
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James Simmons Sonnet For The Class Of 58
Life as the Graduates of the Class of 58
James Simmons poem Sonnet for the Class of 58 displays the conditions and society modern
men live in. The poem develops its idea by giving examples of the graduates lives in adult world
that is completely different from what they expected. As the speaker talks about how the ideal
changes into only basic things in life, his words provoke the reader to think about their lives and
compare them with their lives. The poem suggests the collapse of the ideal that young people have
as they grow older and gain more experiences about reality of life.
The argument is developed through the speaker s attitude toward his friends with realization that
life is not what they expected it to be. In the first line ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the poem, life is not easy as the graduates and we thought it would be; there are
obstacles and finally we have to endure and live unhappy. The poem teaches us about cruelty of
real world that breaks our hopes and ideals; this cruelty is a consequence of society that people have
to compete with others. After graduation, the graduates dream big, expect to chaste their dreams
and to be successful. They also have moral principles in life and think that they will never break
their own rule, but modern life doesn t allow them to do that, and then they stuck in the unhappy
modern world as we can see in the poem. Only when they are drunk, life seem as it once seemed
(8); this is a condition of people who have to drink to be happy and forget their miserable life,
and we can see through alcohol sales that people really need to drink to gain their happiness. In
addition, ideal everybody has seems to be destroyed when they grow up, and even people who
are very successful and have power are disappointed with what they have become. This approach
can be seen in the couplet: even those who ve gained more power and sense/ feel sorry when
they feel the difference (13 14). Here the poem suggests that the society crushes their dreams and it
relates to the conditions of the society; people have to fight with energy crisis and weak currency.
Facing these problems to make a living, people are stressful and quit their expectations, and it leads
to the collapse of their ideal. Finally the graduates only want what they think they can
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King George III s Life And Accomplishments
It s known to history that the daughter of King George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz
was born on this day in London, on 3 November 1777. Her Royal Highness was the fifth daughter
of the royal couple. Christening still happened in the olden days because Princess Sophia was
christened on 1 December 1777, in the Great Council Chamber at St James s Palace by the
Archbishop of Canterbury who was known as Frederick Cornwallis. It should be noted that HRH
had three godparents, all of whom were represented by proxies. King George III had made plans
prior Princess Sophia s birth. He ensured that his children would have allowances amounting to
ВЈ6,000 upon his death or marriages. Some royal protocols still prevailed during their time.... Show
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mourning her fading looks and a confused, nearly blind aunt. Sophia s wealth allowed Conroy to
live a rich lifestyle, acquiring for himself a house in Kensington for ВЈ4000, as well as two other
estates for ВЈ18,000.Sophia spied for Conroy when he was absent from Kensington Palace. Sophia
also reported to Conroy on what she heard at St. James s Palace, as she had privileged access to
courtiers as well as to her two elder brothers. Princess Victoria was aware her aunt was a spy so the
two never became
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Ethics Case Study Adelphia Communication
In the world today, when you hear the words AT T, Cox Cable, DirectTV and Comcast the first
thing that would typically come to mind is enjoying sports and family television. Often time s
customers don t really know into the weeds of a company until something goes wrong. A
consumer may find interest in the event they have bought stocks into a company and they see it
all fall. Companies such as this service millions and millions of people all over the world. It is sad
to know that some of these organizations while looking squared away on the inside have such
serious ethical issues going on or that went on within their organization. The last thing a customer
wants to do is tune into the t.v. and find out that one of their providers was... Show more content on
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A quick growing company, gaining well over a couple million subscribers, in the eyes of many
Adelphia Communication Corporation seemed to be headed to lead the industry very soon. In
what seems to be the early 2000s, this is for Americans, this company and the world things
drastically changed due to unethical behavior from some of the company s top leaders within the
organization. What will be revealed in this case study below, many people would not believe that
all this happen over the course of a short time and how far people will go to gain what they believe
is success at any cost.
In this case study we were asked to draw upon deontological ethics, and briefly discuss how
Adelphia Communications executives violated the trust of the company s shareholders and the
trust of that of the larger public. Throughout this paper I will highlight two key ethical problems
that were raised by the Adelphia Communications case. Utilizing Immanuel Kant s Categorical
Imperative, deontological ethics or so duty rights will be shared. Then I will apply the
deontological framework of business ethics to the two key ethical problems that will be identified.
Finally Kant s Categorical Imperative will be applied to those two ethical problems as well.
Adelphia Communication scandal/ethical problems
In the March of the early 2000s, Adelphia officials was charged with stealing on what could be
classified as a grand scale event. Around that same time, the company
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The Impacts Of European Colonization
The Impacts of European Colonization
The Impacts of European Colonization
Jarrett Levins
Dr. Seela Aladuwaka
Geography 206.03
Introduction Cambodia holds an affluent and alluring history. Throughout this paper the writer will
discuss different topics impacting Cambodia s history, positive and negative impact of
colonization, economic, political, cultural and social legacies, and to answer if western countries
or colonizer are responsible to help solve some of the lasting problems of colonization.
The Stone Age introduced early humans in Cambodia to hunting and gathering food around 2,300
BC. The Me Kong River delta in located in South Vietnam, history records as the first known
developed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some positive impacts are, Education is free and compulsory for six years of primary school;
Health care has shown improvement in last decade; agriculture has improved the economics; and
Cambodia s tourism industry is developing. Some negatives impacts are, The Khmer Rouge
control, roughly Eighty percent of the people live in rural areas; lack trained medical personnel,
facilities and medical supplies, a weaken economy, approximately ninety percent of the population
adherents of Buddhism and various other religion and ethnic minorities were targets of genocide
for western influences; discrimination practices, and decline of conflict caused significant
damage to Cambodia s economy (Aliprandini). Donovan (1993) in 1975, the Khmer Rouge
destroyed the Cambodian legal system. Legislators, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and law
professors were killed or forced to flee the country. Law books were destroyed and the buildings
that had housed to courts and the law schools were converted to other uses. The situation has
improved slightly since then. The Cambodians have suffered and endured decades of control under
a dictatorship form of government that prohibited currency, marriage, and religious beliefs. The
Cambodians have endured murder of its people and military soldiers, warring countries and the
demolishing of cities and villages, resulting in the mental and physical decomposition of the of the
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A Short Note On Non Alcoholic Beverage Company
Company SWOT Analysis
Company Description
The name of My Non Alcoholic Beverage Company is Revitalize Energy Drink . I decided on
this particular name because it should connect with consumers and the name speaks for itself. The
drink will consist of all natural products to help give users a boost of energy and assist them to
consume natural vitamins and minerals their bodies need. Our mission is to serve men and women
of all ages by providing an all natural quality energy drink that will fuel their bodies and mind. Our
mission is to provide a high quality all natural products that individuals can enjoy and provide their
bodies with nutritional vitamins. We at Revitalize Company truly believe in our mission statement
and will do our best ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Non alcoholic Beverage Industry Trends and Justification
Industry Trends
Today Non alcoholic Beverage Industry continues to grow due to the growing population and
rise of the middle class, especially in emerging markets, and disposable income. All these are key
growth drivers for non alcoholic beverage companies to thrive. According to the Market
Intelligence firm Euromonitor International predicts the middle class around the country will
make up 1.5 billion households by 2020, a 25% rise since 2012. According to the Bureau of
Economic Analysis report, U.S. consumption accounts for over two thirds of the country s gross
domestic product (or GDP). Individuals tend to spend more with a rise in their disposable income.
The increase in consumer confidence also increases consumption expenditure
(www.marketrealist.com). Another reason non alcoholic beverage is on the growth because
consumers are more health conscious, and sugary drinks are on the decline. According to the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, calories from added sugars in soda are down 39
percent since 2000 because Americans are more conscious about their weight and the rising obesity
rates. Two Thirds of U.S. adults prove to be overweight or obese, a number that has been rising
steadily for the past three decades (www.cnbc.com). According to the latest Energy Drink
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1900-1814 Water Transportation
Until the invention of railways in 1814 water transportation was the preferred method. Starting with
the use of natural bodies of water and expanding to man made ones. Such as the Erie canal that
connects the great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean with the Hudson river. The economic difference
made by this canalwas so large the cost of a bag of flour went from $120 to $6. This change in
transport made New York citygo from the 5th most active maritime port to 1st by 1850. These
changes to the American landscape vastly helped economic quality, that would better the American
people on a short term basis.
By 1900 canals like the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal had also been used to help created more
trade and transportation of American products.
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The Capitalist Neo Liberal System Essay
The anthropogenic circumstance of Climate Change engenders the phenomenon whereby humanity
must attempt to save itself from the problems of its own doing. As global conditions destabilise,
drastic international action is required to mitigate climate change (Bierman, 2014). This essay will
analyse the current capitalist neo liberal system to determine its capacity to facilitate collective
international action. Such analysis will draw upon examples of the Kyoto Protocoland China s
integration into the global market as cases of the influence of neo liberalism. Marxist theorists
Harvey and Cox are utilized in order to evaluate these influences of the current framework,
revealing patterns of labour and environmental exploitation as key features (Harvey, 1998). In
gaining a critical perspective of the influence of capitalist neo liberalism on global politics, it is
possible to derive the need to consider the reconstruction of the currently idolised eco political
system. Although a cautious approach is required in criticising neo liberal capitalism, its influence
on global exploitation is indisputable.
Capitalist industrialisation appears as a key catalyst for the drastic increase of emissions, deeming
global warming rooted in historical patterns of capitalist development (Vlachou Konstantinidis,
2013 pp.33). Scientists claim that today s environment has been influenced by humanity to the
extent that a new epoch in geological time has been reached (Bierman, 2014). This
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Christianity and Genocide in Rwanda
Christianity and Genocide in Rwanda by Timothy Longman discusses the roles of the churches in
Rwanda and how their influence might have been able to alter the outcome of the genocide. He
discusses the rise of Juvenal Habyarimana in politics with his Catholic background, church and
state relations, and obedience to political authority. His slogan Peace, Unity, and Development were
his political plans for Rwanda. On April 6, 1994, president Juvenal Habyarimana s plane was shot
down marking the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. His death was a pretext for government and
military officials to begin their launch against opponents of their regime. The genocide lasted for
100 days and resulted in over a million deaths. During the genocide the... Show more content on
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Tutsi were given educational opportunities that would lead to political positions. Missionaries
believed that Tutsi were destined to rule Rwanda because of their natural gift for commanding.
They felt that Tutsi should rule, where Hutu were solid and naturally fit for service and physical
labor. Twa were considered to be savage and lesser of the two ethnic groups. African religious
history shows evidence of engaging in ethnic discrimination and violence. During colonial Christian
mission projects, they were known to have relationships with the colonial authorities in supporting
their violations and fundamental human rights on the innocent. They encouraged obedience to
authority rather than standing up for the rights of oppressed populations (14). Religious
oppositions was key to the successful replacement of authoritarian rulers, and religious groups
have been key in pressuring governments to accept reform (16). These ethnic differences would
lead to years of animosity between the Rwandans. Longman asks, Why did loyalty to their church
and to their fellow believers not prevent Catholics from killing fellow Catholics and Protestants
from killing fellow Protestants? (18). By looking at the Rwandan State and it s declining
economy, lack of resources, and social associations, one can see that it s citizens needed a target.
The Tutsi were a target, their scapegoat for years of conflict and suppression. Pope John
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Identify The Different Types Of Sports Players
The Different Types of Sport Players
Playing three sports throughout high school has given me the opportunity to notice that there are at
least three common types of players in every sport. Being apart of many different sports throughout
my life has shown me that it doesn t matter if it s little league, high school, or just playing around
with some friends on the weekends, but every sport has led me to notice that there are three main
types of players: the team player, the me player, and the bench player. The team player is widely
known to be all about team. They are hard working in practice and in games. They work hard to
put most of their focus on the team, making sure everyone else s focus is on the same thing and
that no one is selfish. The team player is usually awarded being a captain of some sort, someone
the players consider a leader. The team player could either get a lot of playing time or ... Show more
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The me player is prideful. They are less worried about the team and more worried about the
playing time he or she is receiving in games, whether the coach is watching him or her when he
or she does something good. Normally this player tries to do too much, takes the spotlight from
the team, and places it on themselves. I have seen two extremes with the me player: the first is
he or she is very good. He or she have talent, and he or she knows the coach notices his or her
skills. The second is where he or she is very bad, and has no talent, yet they still want to try to
earn the spotlight. Lastly, we have the bench player. The bench player sits on the bench cheering
on his or her team. The bench player has some skill and is sometimes used as second or third
string player. Mostly, the bench player is used in practice; their job is to work the really good
players, (the starters) to practice and train them in such a way that the next game, they play well.
The bench player is very resourceful and is just as important as the players
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The Poem Chicago By Carl Sandburg
Chicago: Love? Is the poem Chicago just talking about the relationship with people that live in
Chicago, or is it a love letter? In This poem is not really a letter to a specific person or group of
people. It is out there to inform the world the Chicago is not a bad place. It may have killing and
trash all over, but Chicago does do the dirty work so, there is bad things to expect from it. The
poem Chicago by Carl Sandburg personifies the city has a person, and later on in the story it tells
/ explains how the city is a good place but has its flaws. And they tell me you are crooked and I
answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. (Sandburg). This
evidence shows that the city personified, also in
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Canada’S Counter-Terrorism Strategy Is Failing. From The
Canada s counter terrorism strategy is failing. From the 2014 attack on Parliament hill to the
January massacre at the Quebec city mosque, it is clear that terrorism is an imminent threat, both to
Canada and to the world. Backlash against Western culture provides ammunition to extremist
Islamic groups globally, which is only exacerbated by the West s disproportionate military responses
to legitimate and perceived threats through drone strikes or other military operations. Anger
towards domestic policy decisions fuels far right white supremacists, and government s
unwillingness to label the violence perpetrated by these groups as terrorismonly provides them with
impunity. The lack of lack of multilateralism and international... Show more content on
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Nevertheless, this policy is criticized for its disregard of the globalized nature of terrorism, for its
indifference to the role of international law and global cooperation in maintaining international
support, for its neglect to consider the risks that supporting foreign indigenous forces may engender,
for the inevitable resource drain such a policy would generate, and for anti Canadian narrative that
would be incited by terrorists, simply leading to increased attacks. Conversely, another counter
terrorism strategy Canada may pursue is to support UN leadership in the fight against terrorism.
Recognizing the global nature of terrorism, proponents of this policy argue that Canada must
strengthen the UN s effectiveness on security matters to ensure any international response to this
issue reflects the interests and the needs of all in the global community. Under such a policy,
Canada would have to debate all possible counter terror strategies in front of the UN and would
have to adhere to established treaties and work towards drafting more resolutions aimed to limit
chemical, nuclear and biological weapons. Additionally, such policy proponents encourage Canada
to become an active participant in established international institutions such as the ICC. This
approach to dealing with terrorism is criticized however, opponents claiming that the UN is
ineffective, slow and tied up by bureaucracy. Moreover, the UN s
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A Basic Principle Of Attachment Theory Essay
A parent child interaction happens prenatal and continues throughout a child s development soon
after a child is born, an attachment begins. This attachment begins with imprinting which some call
the sensitive period. During this time the child will become attached to the first caregiver seen
(usually the mother) and look to it for any sort of comfort. This was discovered through Bowlby s
experiment with ducks in the 1970 s, Bowlby defined attachment theoryas Attachment theory
conceptualizes the propensity of human beings to make strong affectional bonds to particular
others (Bowlby, 1977, p. 201). (Bartholomew Horowitz, 1991 p. 226). A basic principle of
attachment theory is that attachment relationships continue to be important throughout the life
span (Ainsworth, 1982,1989; Bowlby, 1977,1980,1982b). (Bartholomew Horowitz, 1991 p. 226).
Many theories have been proposed to explain what motivates human interactions and behaviors in
relationships. This literature review on Shelley A. Riggs, Angela M. Cusimano, and Karen M.
Benson paper Childhood Emotional Abuse and Attachment Processes in the Dyadic Adjustment of
Dating Couples and W. Steven Rholes, Ramona L. Paetzold, Jamie L. Kohn paper Disorganized
attachment mediates the link from early trauma to externalizing behavior in adult relationships will
primarily be looking at how childhood maltreatment leads to disorganized attachment which is thus
exhibited in later life relations. Secondarily, this review will
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The Unknown Entities of PTSD in American Soldiers
The Unknown Entities of PTSD in American Soldiers Every American soldier endured rigorous
training to become the soldier they are today, but throughout all this training, there are a few
things that a soldier can t simply learn. Training and development is treated as preparation for
war situations, and much like ordinary grade school, they are tested to see how well each soldier
does in each area (Huerta, 2014). Even after all this organizing and teaching, a soldier s mind is
still just as human as it was before seeing action in battle. Once a soldier learns to control every
situation imaginable, they are sent overseas to put all their training to use; but simulations can only
get you so far. At some point, there is a moment when a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Swofford never had to fire a shot in the gulf war, but war found its way into his mind. Many
soldiers today may not be waking up to a pool of their sweat due to nightmares about being fired
upon, but factors like Swofford s situation are still very likely for any other soldier and just as
crucial. Once a soldier finishes his or her term of war and comes home for good doesn t mean
they have truly returned from war. A soldier brings back home nothing but the haunting
memories of war. This is the factor that continues to make living with PTSD so overwhelming.
Veterans may say, for me, there was no safe place, even my home (Phillips, 2014). Insecurity is
not the only aspect that overwhelms the mind, many other symptoms of the disease are just as
horrific. I couldn t close my eyes without envisioning the face of my attacker. I suffered horrific
flashbacks and nightmares, and four years after the attack I was unable to sleep in my house
alone (Phillips, 2014). in cases like this, the effects of PTSD later find its ways to literally
dictate the lives of veterans and many other victims. PTSD changes the way the victims react to
normal everyday situation. This includes how a veteran may speak to his or her family. The
effects of PTSD have caused a severe impact on even the most loving families and it makes it very
complicated to live
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Procedure To Patient Registration
Patient registration is the start of the patient s care. Registration is usually the first people patients
sees. It s important to get all the information you can. Taking patents information is one thing,
making sure its all correct is another thing. It s important knowing patients information in case of
an emergency. There are steps to getting all the correct information, and making sure it s in the
correct area of their chart. The first step of registering a patient for a procedure is to greet patients
properly. Make sure their name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number,
marital status, identification cards, as well as employment status is all up to date. Before any of
the test are done the patient has to have a requisition signed by the doctor. The requisition tells you
specifically what the patient needs done, and it includes a diagnosis. Diagnoses tells registration
why the patients here, and what the patient is having it done. Only specific diagnostic codes will
work for insurance. Patients are denied under their insurance from mistakes registration or billing
miss. Under the encounter information, registration will fill out the encounter type, medical
service, admit type, and admit reason. It gives the patient a location, and explains why they are
here in the billing office to process the billing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By law healthcare workers cannot give out any patients information without permission from the
patient. If the patient is eighteen, or older we now collect signatures for the consent forms. If the
patient s under eighteen registration has the guardians sign for their behalf. By signing the consent
forms it states that the patient understands that everything is confidential, registration or any other
employee can not tell anyone their information outside the work area. Documenting everything is
important for the patient s care in every way you look at
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The Death Of Jay Gatsby
Perhaps one of the most iconic scenes in The Great Gatsby is where the titular character, Jay
Gatsby, or James Gatz as he was first known as, meets his untimely end. To understand the nature
of Gatsby s death, first you must know the circumstances that precede it. Myrtle, Mr. Wilson s
wife, was run over by Gatsby s car, which Daisy was driving. Driven by vengeance and the
mistaken belief that Gatsby had killed Myrtle, Mr. Wilson proceeded to murder Gatsby and then
himself. While miscommunication is often lauded as a lazy way of driving the story onwards, in
this case it fits perfectly. Jay Gatsby s life was a lie, and it was fitting that it would end over one as
well. Gatsby constructed a rich and prosperous image of himself to appeal to
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Chronic Illness Trajectory Model
Chronic illness trajectory framework, purpose illness in eight phases, from dying with each
possessing the possibilities of reversals, plateaus and upward or downward movement allows for a
conceptualization of the course of illness to comprehensively direct care and conduct research
(McEwen, 2014). The model is used for patients with cancer and chronic conditions. The model
follows eight steps the initial phase no signs or symptoms are present. Onset phase signs and
symptoms are present and diagnostic period. Nurses provide emotional support and explanation
during the onset phase Crisis phase when a life threating situation arises. The acute phase symptoms
are controlled with a prescribed regimen during this phase. Stable phase symptoms
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The Synthesis And Fabrication Of Conductive Polymers Essay
Conductive polymers have promising applications in the field of tissue engineering as tissue
scaffolds. Many tissue types respond favorably to electrical stimulation, because of this conductive
polymers can be used for the regeneration of damaged tissue. This review will focus on the
synthesis and fabrication of conductive polymers as well as their applications in tissue engineering.
All cells exhibit some form of electrical excitability, from voltage gated ion channels to muscle
contractions and heart beats electromagnetic fields are critical to the basic functions of life. Galvani
famously showed in 1794 that a frog leg will contract when touched with the cut sciatic nerve of the
other leg.This scientific breakthrough led to extensive research of electromagnetism within
organisms. Electromagnetic fields have been found to affect a variety of biological processes
including angiogenesis, cell division, cell signaling, nerve sprouting, prenatal development, and
wound healing [1]. Only in recent decades with the development of molecular and cellular
technology has the link between cell biology and bioelectricity been discovered [2]. This growth in
understanding has led to the development of a variety of electrically conductive devices for uses in
biomedical engineering. Devices that use electrical stimulation that have already been approved by
the FDA include the pacemaker, deep brain stimulators and vagal nerve stimulators [1].
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There is No Justification for the Terror in the U.S.S.R....
There is No Justification for the Terror in the U.S.S.R. in the 1930 s I agree more with the
statement There can be no justification for the terror in the USSR in the 1930 s. It was motivated
purely by Stalin s lust for power. However, I can understand why one could say that terror was
essential for the survival of the new communist state or Soviet Union. Stalin used terror to force the
USSR to industrialise quickly, which enabled them to ward off the threat from fascism and develop
into a world power.
Source I, written by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 a few years before communism fell in Russia, ...
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Source K partly agrees with Statement B because it states without terror, who would have failed
to notice the clear absurdity of Stalin s rule? This shows that terror was necessary for Stalin to
remain in power, and I think that Stalin was crucial to the survival of the USSR in these early
days because without Stalin as a strong leader there might have been a power struggle, which
may have made the USSR more vulnerable when Hitler invaded. Source K states that Stalin
needed to use terror to keep the people obedient and more importantly to make them believe in
him . It seems that in the end the Source believes he was a ruthless politician who was corrupted
by power. Source K is reliable because, Adam Ulam, a historian in Britain writes it. It is written in
1974 and, therefore, Ulam has hindsight and large amounts of sources available for him to use.
Source J generally agrees with Statement A because it states Stalin was convinced that this (the
use of terror and executions) was necessary for the defence of.. the interests of the victory of
socialism and communism...In this lies the whole tragedy . This quote shows how Khrushchev
believes that the use of terror and executions was a tragedy and not necessarily needed for the
survival of the USSR but that Stalin believed it
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Marco Polo s Travels Over The Maritime Route
Introduction Thirteenth century Europe was marked by a period curiosity of life outside the
western world. Little was known of the cultures in Asia and Southeast Asia. This changed when
Venetian trader and explorer, Marco Polo published his travelogue accounting for his voyages in
the east. Polo was extremely influential to geography, Europe s trade industry, as well as to
future curious travelers. He was the first explorer to travel as far as China and report of his
findings. Consequently, seldom was known of the customs and cultures abroad. Marco traveled
from Venice to China using both the Maritime route, as well as the Silk Road. For this paper
however, I am solely focusing on Marco Polos travels over the Maritime route. More specifically,
his reports of the coastal trade, customs, and cultures he encountered through this journey.
Provinces of India, the coastal islands of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and China will be
discussed, along with background information of Polo, his itinerary, and an analysis of his findings.
II. BackgroundMarco Polo was born in Venice in 1254 to a noble merchant family. His mother
passed away when he was a child and his father, Nicolo, spent much of Marco s childhood
traveling. In 1260 Nicolo and his brother Maffeo traveled to Mongolia where they met the
Mongolian ruler, Kublai Khan. Khan welcomed the Polos and took great interest in the information
they shared with him regarding Europe. Kublai was especially
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The Interaction Between Crude Oil And China s Gdp
Final thesis The Interaction between the Crude Oil Price and China s GDP Pinpin Lyu
B00648666 06/04/2015 Assignment 10 Prepare for Honours Thesis, Econ 4200 Style: Content:
____________________________ TOTAL: Abstract This paper analyzes the interaction
between the crude oil price and real GDP per capita in China. I find that both the crude oil price
and the real GDP per capita in China have overall rising trend from 1980 to 2014. I use granger
causality test to study the causal relationship of the two variables. The results show that here is not
a clear interaction... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the same time, fluctuation of the crude oil price has put pressure on the price level and
economic growth in China. In this research I ask: What is the interaction between crude oil price
and China s economy? A considerable amount of economic literature have analyzed the impact
of oil price on the GDP in developed countries. Such as Jimenez and Sanchez (2004) have studied
links between oil price and macro economy in several industrial OECD countries. They found
that oil price fluctuations have considerable effects on economic activities. We do not know the
interaction between the crude oil price and economy in China. China is interesting in this content
because it has large population which affects the demand for crude oil. Also, China s GDP is
growing rapidly, and the dependence on imported oil have increased in China, but only a few
studies have focused on China. In Ghalayini s study, by investigating the relationship between oil
price and economic growth, the researcher found that as economic growth increases the demand
for oil increases which pushes up the oil prices. While the increase in GDP growth and economic
activity have led to an increase in the energy demand, a feedback relationship exists which can
mitigate this effect (Ghalayini, 2011). In this research, I will use granger causality test and
regression models to study interaction between the crude oil price and GDP in China. There are
several alternative approaches,
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Questions On Learning And Teaching Mathematics
Assignment #1
Sonia Minoza
Math 311
Jeff O Keefe
October 15, 2014
Learning and Teaching Mathematics
oAffective Domain: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self)
The affective domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as
feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. o Cognitive Domain: mental
skills (thinking)
Knowledge, Comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis
How to nurture the Affective and Cognitive Domain for Grade 1
Teachers, students, and parents need to recognize the relationship between the affective and
cognitive domains, and attempt to nurture those aspects of the affective domain that contribute to
the positive attitudes. To experience success, students must be taught to set achievable goals and
assess themselves as they work towards these goals. o Create environments that has a sense of
belonging, encourage risk taking, and provide opportunity for success o Influence students beliefs
about math and how they feel about math o I will present my personal biases of Mathematics
towards my students o Model positive attitudes and self confidence o Be mindful of students
culture and language background when selecting activities o Provide a wide variety of work,
manipulatives, patterns o Encourage students to think about and describe the strategies they are
using to access knowledge. o Build on prior knowledge
The affective domain includes student motivation and
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What Is Social Deviance
2. Social deviance can be simply defined as any violation of social norms and laws, be it formal
or informal (Conley, 2011). These transgressions may include minor acts such as violation of
personal space, playing loud music or picking one s nose publicly. It also includes major acts of
crime such as theft, murder, rape, or assault. One of the currently hot topics regarding social
deviance is the society s acceptance towards gaypeople, especially those who went for surgery and
became transgender. Today, LGBTrights are being established and strengthened step by step.
However, not so long ago, gay people were usually glared at especially when they chose to exhibit
their cross dressing or their affairs publicly. Although most of these people
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Comment On Humanistic School Of Psychology
Comment on humanistic school of psychology.
Humanistic school of psychology gained importance in midst of 20th century. The limitations of
Sigmund Freud s psycho analytic theory and B.F Skinner s behaviourism formed the basis of
Humanistic school of psychology .
Humanistic psychologists start from the conclusion that every person has their own unique way of
understanding the world and that the things they do only make sense in this way. Consequently,
the kinds of questions they ask about people differ from those asked by psychologists from other
approaches. Whereas other approaches take an objective view of people, in essence asking about
them, what is this person like humanistic psychologists priority is understanding people s
subjectivity, asking what is it like to be this person As a result, they reject the objective scientific
method as a way of studying people. Humanistic psychologists explicitly endorse the idea that ...
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Elements of humanism can be found in the psychoanalytic thought of Fromm, Horney, and even
Jung and Adler and the American existential psychologist, Rollo May, anticipated many of the
tenets of humanism.
Humanism is an attempt to reorient psychology to more person oriented objectives. For a proponent
of humanism, the new movement represented a return to a true concern for consciousness after 50
years of behaviourally oriented experimental psychology and by analytically oriented depth
psychology (psychoanalysis). In a sense, humanism adopted the phenomenal orientation of Gestalt
psychology, but extended it from the realm of more perceptual consciousness to cover the organism
s entire personality or state of
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Human Services And The Legal Justice System Essay
At the beginning of the year looking for classes to take Human Services stood out to me. Although
not really knowing the meaning of human services, I believed it was about helping people and
that s something I have always been very passionate about. I am always the friend who is giving
advice and hearing out my friends dilemmas and situations. The definition of Human services in our
book is: a phrase that is often used to group activities that focus on helping people live better lives.
In a vague way, the human services include formal systems such as government welfare programs,
education, mental retardation services, mental healthorganizations, child care programs, physical
health care establishments, and the correctional services of the legal justice system. The
definition of a human service worker is: Anyone who is trained or educated in helping activities.
A person who does not have traditional professional academic credentials but who, through
experience, training, or education, provides helping services. When this project of interviewing a
human service worker and learning in depth how they do their job, and how they help others it
was something that I was pretty excited about. The process on how I found the human service
corporation I would interview was pretty difficult since all of the ones I was interested at first
were taken. Going through the process to schedule my first interview was not as hard as I sought it
to be. For my first interview I contacted
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Speech On Bottled Water
Known for all of its health advantages and thoroughly no side effects, bottle water is distinctively
the better option. Bottle water has more suitable records than tap water, nearly 77 million
Americans lived in areas where the water systems were in violation of safety orders. Bottled water
is also very much needed for natural disasters. Bottled wateris also convenient. Bottled water is also
safe to drink To begin bottled water came in very helpful for this month, there was a hurricane
that hit named Matthew and thousands of people were without power for about a week. All of
the food people had, had to be thrown away if they didn t have a generator. The water from the
fridge was not able to work, and running faucet water was out. The supplies for bottled water
was very source thousands of people stocked up and was able to drink the bottled water for days.
When people heard there was a hurricane coming they immediately ran to the store to get water.
Water is very important, especially at those times. Walmart had 800 trucks come in just with
water and was sold out immediately. www.thestreet.com/hurricaneirma . To continue bottled
water is very convenient at times. It can be carried wherever you go, and is portable you can fit
it in your backpack or car really anywhere! It can be rude when there is a class going on and
someone gets up in the middle of a lecture to go get a drink of water, then the whole entire class
just got distracted by the action of getting up to get
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Moral Philosophies In Business
Moral philosophies provide a guide on how conflicts in businesses are settled. They also assist in
optimizing mutual benefits of individual in a business setup. There is no single manner of solving
ethical issues in businesses and each type of moral philosophy provides a distinct source of
determining whether a certain act is right or wrong. Although there are different sources of
determining whether an act is wrong or right, each type of moral philosophy provides a similar
appropriate outcome. Utilitarianism, for example, follows that an act is moral if it yields the
greatest good for the greatest number. In this case the determination of whether an act is right or
wrong depends on whether the consequences resulting from the act affects everyone an d not just a
single individual. Utilitarianism requires the determination of alternatives regarding the act or
situation, estimation of benefits of the action to all individuals in the... Show more content on
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Moral philosophies create an avenue for the assessment of a business especially with respect to
matters that concern economic science. These views are likely to depict views that are founded
on moral decisions and results in policies which are based on better choices. The application of
moral philosophies by a business inspires the business and other entities to examine whom they
conduct business with. Additionally, moral philosophies inspire business managers and executives
to adopt more socially responsible organizational practices in order to stay relevant in the global
environment. Moral philosophies adopted by a business also provide a basis for the development
of public perception of the business. The way a business is viewed by other business entities is
largely dependent on the moral philosophies adopted by the business. Adoption of appropriate
moral philosophies by an organization is important in the improvement of the businesses public
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Psychology As A Social Justice Issue
Complete and submit a 3 to 5 page paper that addresses the following:
The role of psychology with regard to your social change or social justice topic
An evaluation of the ethnic inequalities on the psychological well being of the population(s)
affected by your social change or social justice topic
An analysis of any concerns regarding ethnic inequality as it pertains to your social change or
social justice topic
An analysis of the role of psychology in impacting historical biases and oppression and addressing
social change or social justice movements for targeted oppressed populations
The publishing site that you will use for publishing your blog (i.e., Wisepress, Weebly, etc.),
including an explanation of why you chose this platform and how you will connect with an
academic audience to facilitate the interaction within your blog
Social Change Blog
The Opportunities and Obstacles of the voter registration laws
States that have implemented voter registration laws claim that those laws are put into place to
prevent voter fraud and safeguard the voting system (Underhill, 2015).
Conversely, adversaries to voter registration laws, namely the civil rights movement, contest that
voter registration laws impinge on the rights of voting citizens (Underhill, 2015). Furthermore,
opponents disagree with the aforementioned voting system transparency but actually overpowers
votes of the majority and takes away from minority voters, specifically, the Black community. This
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A Political Ideology Of Corruption In The United States
Those that would not be considered novices in the world of politics or government could argue
that corruption is antidemocratic albeit corruption is not a political ideology per say it does share
one or two fundamental characteristics with a ideology that is trans disposed to democracy and
that is the accumulation or adsorption of power and wealth by any means that does not incite arrest
or incarceration from committing these acts, and secondly the acts committed for, or by means of
corruption is in conflict with governing laws that all citizens must adhere by, this can also be in
contrast to ethics and morality to most people. White Collar crimeis most prevalent in first world
industrialized nations such as those found in western Europe,
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The Big Short Reflection
Reflection on The Big Short The Big Short is a story with three parallel lines (Michael Burry
line; Mark Baum line; Charlie and Jamie line) about the US subprime mortgage crisis between
2007 and 2008. Michael Burry, Jared Vennett, Mark Baum, Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley bet
against the housing market, when they found out that the US mortgage is built on a bubble
/fraud through their research, whether being that is based on theory, data (Burry) or
investigation (Baum). After watching the Big Short, I understand some aspect of the mortgage
crisis in 2007 from the movie. I learned a new concept: CDO and synthetic collateralized debt
obligations (CDO). Poorly structured loans are packaged into CDO, and then it obtains good
ratings (where in fact they deserve BB or even worse ratings). The movie explained synthetic
CDO using the blackjack scene of Selena Gomez. Every person bet on the previous people s bet
as a side bet while Gomez is winning. However, once Gomez loses her hand, these large side bets
set off the domino effect and create a giant loss in the system. This is an accurate metaphor... Show
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They have more information (through their research) and a better foresight in the mortgage market.
Asymmetric information exists between these investors and the banks: the buyer knows more than
the seller. However, I have been wondering why unlike Vennett, Baum, Geller and Shipley, who
decide to do their research on the mortgage market when they hear about credit default swap
initiated by Burry it never occurs to the banks that they should do their research before they agree
to the CDS. This might be because of moral hazard. The bank knows that they are so important in
the economic system that they will be bailed out by the federal government even if they go
bankrupt. Thus, although the banks do not have enough information, they still get involved with
the risky
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Johnson Munson Syndrome Analysis
Johnson Munson syndrome is a rare syndrome identified by missing abnormal vertebrae, fingers
and toes and various deformities of the heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas and intestines. Ophanet a
consortium of European partners defines a condition as rare. In the US population, less than
200,000 people can possibly be affected by Johnson Munson Syndrome or second type of Johnson
Munson syndrome. (Orphanet 2015)
Johnson Munson syndrome will start within the DNA from the formation of the fetus at birth.
There are birth defects that cause the variety of disfiguring parts of the body. There for the limbs
may not be of proper size and these could consist of a toe or finger missing. The toes and fingers
can also be grown together, arms, and legs may not be fully developed. As of today, there is one
known risk factor that has been found within the first year of the child s ... Show more content on
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A few examples are Home blood pressure hypertension test, heart rate monitors, heart ECG,
cholesterol testing, lung function, bladder testing, urinary tract infection test, home cystitis test,
home kidney test, home urine protein test for the kidney, home prostate cancer test, hormone test,
libido test, menopause testing, andropause test, hepatitis test, liver test, sexually transmitted disease
test, stomach ulcer test, colorectal cancer test kits, fecal occult bleeding test kits, food allergy test,
food intolerance testing, water testing, lead poisoning test and heavy metal poisoning test. There
are also undiagnosed with Johnson Munson disease that include chrohn s disease, celiac disease,
heartburn, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, carcinoid
syndrome, and pancreatitis. Looking at Johnson Munson syndrome it can be of use to consider the
disease that might have been misdiagnosed. Although another condition that might be of relevance
to diagnose might exist as well (Right Diagnosis,
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Water Pollution Essay 150 Words. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Water Pollution Essay 150 Words 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Water Pollution Essay 150 WordsWater Pollution Essay 150 Words
  • 2. Music Can Affect Human Behavior Music can affect human behaviour and plays an important role in our lives from infancy to maturity, evoking a variety of emotions and communicating messages about what is currently happening or about to happen. People use knowledge of the world and their scripts and schemas as a method of organizing the complex sets of information being input into memory. Schemas use prior learned general knowledge about an event, a person, or a situation to provide cues of what to expect in novel scenarios. Since scripts and schemas are developed from the experiences that an individual undergoes, it makes sense that children would have fewer scripts and schemas in place. Thus, adding a musical cue may help in comprehension and retention of information. One reason that music likely enhances recall is that music may allow separate features of separate events to become bound into one grouping as it passes from sensory to working memory. However, the effect of music on the facilitation of cognitive comprehension in young children in recalling novel information from working memory by manner of this binding of information is relatively unstudied. Music can be used to alter mood and facilitate positive interactions and cognitive functioning (Gold, Frank, Bogert Brattico, 2013) as music acts as an auditory cue to the spatial pathways in the brain and the motor cortex. As such, it may allow for faster information processing and comprehension (Fagen et al., 1997). Pleasant sounding music has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Perfect Number People often wonder, What is the perfect number? What they do not know is that there is more than just one perfect number; there are many. Today s research tells us that there are forty eight perfect numbers. A perfect number is a number that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors, excluding its self. 6=1+2+3 28=1+2+4+7+1418=1+2+3+6+9 (= 21) To answer the question of what a perfect number is you need to know how to solve for a perfect number, who has been involved in coming up with perfect numbers, the criteria, and interesting facts about perfect numbers. Perfect numbers are more complex than just deciding whether a number is considered perfect or not. First, what you have to do to get a perfect number. Every scholar has invented their own formula to result in a perfect number. The most common formula is to take the factors of a number and add them together. If the sum of the factors, except the number itself, results in the original number then the number is perfect. Euclid invented a formula that is also used to solve for perfect numbers: 2p 1 (2p 1) Ex.1: 21 (22 1)= 6Ex.2: 22 (23 1)= 28 In this formula p stands for a prime number, therefore in the first example two is the prime number being used. You have two as the base because this is what the formula calls for, and then you subtract one from your prime number, two, to get two to the first power. Then inside your parenthesis you have two to the second power, the base taken from the formula ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. A Diverse Society Can Coexist Peacefully In America, there are many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs, and values. This diversity is one thing that makes America so attractive to outsiders. Along with the many benefits this diversity brings to society, however, it also causes some challenges. Challenges such as a clash of cultural beliefs; clashes of the way society should view its ethical obligations toward family and those they love. These beliefs are definitely influenced by the culturepeople were raised in and the values inculcated into them from youth. In an extremely diverse country, like the United States of America, this causes trouble because these conflicts or clashes can create tense surroundings. Despite having many cultural differences, society can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I loved my tГa, but something told me to keep my mouth shut. Maybe it was family loyalty (Diaz 132). Once again, it is the human tendency to remain loyal and protect our family members. If society takes the values that are common to each culture, and then builds upon this stable foundation, then society will benefit. Society would benefit because positive relationships are built off what people have in common with one another. When different cultures in a society see how much they have in common with one another, they will be more apt to cooperate. Another writer, Jane English, raised in the American culture, highlights in her piece, What do Grown Children Owe their Parents , a belief that many cultures around the world would agree with. This is the belief that when children grow up, they should offer assistance and aid to their parents in any way possible when given the opportunity (English 111 114). This is a form of Loyalty, but also stems from Love, and the importance of Family, three of the values cherished in many cultures. No matter where a person is from, Jane English argues that the relationship between children and their parents should be one of friendship characterized by mutuality rather than one of reciprocal favors (English 113). In English s and Diaz s respective pieces, they highlight three values, Love, Loyalty, and Family. Both of these completely different cultures share these values, and really, they share it in common with many more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Foxtrot Dance History The Fox Trot Approaching the 20th century it was hard to pick just one topic to write on. Since I did not have a good understanding on what the Fox Trot was or how it originated, I decided to dig into some research. After spending some time I had found that the Fox Trot was one of the most famous dances at this particular time. The Fox Trot is defined as a ballroom dance that has alternating two quick steps and two slow steps. The long walking movements involve a subtle rise fall action. Turning movements are similar to Waltz, but with a more moderate rise and fall, and more length wise action ( Foxtrot Dance Steps in Ballroom Dance. ). When researching I found that the Fox Trot was associated with the Vaudeville era and was named after the Vaudeville actor, Harry fox. Although, that was not his real name, he was born with the name Arthur Carringford in Pomona, California, but in 1882, he adopted the stage name of Fox after his grandfather ( Foxtrot Dance History Origins of Ballroom Dance. ).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fox was noticed for his trotting steps that were made to ragtime music. Trotting steps consisted of The Foxtrot Basic forward dance step, The Foxtrot basic backward step, The Foxtrot Rock left turn, Foxtrot forward progressive step, and the Foxtrot promenade steps. ( Foxtrot Dance History Origins of Ballroom Dance ). When reading these steps, I felt as if the choreography sounded like clogging or tap steps to me. Clogging steps such as the Possum Trot, which I had learned during my previous years in clogging, reminds me of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of The Maze As we arrived at the entrance of the maze, I could see a giant forcefield crackling in front of us. A forcefield keeps everyone in. We either go in and solve the maze or die here of starvation. Do you have any suggestions? muttered Future Hayden We walked through the sizzling forcefield. At the same though, UDVAC was planning its grand plan, to enslave us all. As we began to navigate through the maze, the big computer started setting off traps. As it skillfully and strategically deployed tricks and traps, we clumsily avoided them. Now, we were stuck in the middle of this maze. We had wandered into one of its traps. As I clawed at the snow white walls, Future Hayden was trying to use one of his gadgets to build a teleporter. As we slaved... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once upon a time, The Voids were a numerous species across the galaxy. But as time went on, The Voids aged. And through use, war, and colonization, all of The Voids, but this one, died out. As we walked through the shimmering hole in the maze, I could hear singing in the background. I didn t know if it was The Voidor something else, I ignored it. Finally, we reached the end. As we stepped through the exit forcefield, the same voice on the intercom said Congratulations for making a spectacle of me and cheating your way through the maze. I promised you freedom, but you threw your chance away. You must now face me, lord UDVAC! No one has made it our alive, so have fun! Aren t I funny? I nervously nudged Future Hayden to walk up the stairs. When we got to the top, there was another door. This one looked like my bedroom door at home. It even had the same stickers. There was another door at the other end of the hallway. As we opened it, I said Anyone want death with a side of sadness? As we peered inside, we saw another door. As I opened it, we could see another door. Does this have to be another maze? said future Hayden. I walked up to that door. Sure enough, there was yet another door. WE RE TRAPPED! Exclaimed Future ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Spanish Conquest Vs English Colonization Essay Azeezat Adekanmbi Professor Denise Hulett History 130113 February 2015 The New World: English Colonization Vs Spanish Conquest The history of colonial North America centers primarily on the struggle of England, France, and Spain to gain control of the continent. This settler took different effort. These differences has positively and negatively affected the New World s. Spain, for instance, were governed by autocratic sovereigns whose rule was absolute; Spain colonists went to America as slaves of the Crown. The English colonists, on the other hand, enjoyed far more freedom and were able to manage themselves as long as they followed English law and were loyal to the king (Granburyisd). Earliest colonists were in Virginia and Massachusetts but soon scattered all along the Atlantic coast, from Maine to Georgia, and into the inner continent s as far as the Mississippi River, the economy of the English colonists was Diverse economic activities included agricultural, livestock s, hunting, fishing, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the British crown did sponsor the voyage of John Cabot, who founded the fisheries around Newfoundland, royal interest waned when mineral resources were not found. In the crown s absence, private merchant based companies moved in to fund colonization efforts. Unlike the Spanish, English colonizers were granted funds to settle in North America. Instead of revenue from America returning to the state, it went to the investors and stockholders of the private companies. While the Virginia Company sponsored the voyage of Captain Christopher Newport in return for the revenue that would be created from the new colony of Jamestown, charters were granted to those fleeing religious persecution as well. Building on the ideals of religious toleration sparked by the Enlightenment, the Massachusetts Bay Company, Puritans, was granted a charter in 1629. ( Eclectic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Questions On The County Court Money Claims Online IN THE COUNTY COURT MONEY CLAIMS ONLINE CASE NO B59YM066 BETWEEN: SHANE TRAYLEN COMPANY LIMITED Claimant CLARE STACEY Defendant _______________________________ PARTICULARS OF CLAIM 1.The entities involved in the dispute are 1.1.On the 21st July 2009, the Claimant SHANE TRAYLEN AND COMPANY LIMITED FORMERLY KNOWN AS, TRADE EXPERTS AND COMPANY LIMITED (TXCO) entered into a contract with the Defendant for the supply of building services (Fit out works). 1.2.At all material times, the Defendant MISS CLARE STACEY (Approx. 2 months Pregnant) was the owner, and SOLE TRADER known as THE BAMBOO BAR AND LOUNGE 2.In June 2009, the Defendant approached Claimant regarding undertaking the fit out works at her proposed Bamboo Bar and lounge ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3.2.The Defendant s negligent actions and carelessness placed others at risk and caused severe financial disruptions and loss to the Claimant to the sum of ВЈ 55,329.00 plus damages and interest as indicated in invoices and statement of costs. 4.On the 21st July 2009, The Claimant submitted a brief quote of ВЈ14835.00 plus Vat @15% for the essential works required by the Defendant. The quote clearly indicated that the Claimant would charge the Defendant accordingly for any additional costs. Mr Traylen Personally explained the procedure systematically so as the Defendant fully understood and agreed on the Claimants terms and conditions. She was made entirely aware that payment was within a period of 14 days of submission as specified. 4.1.The Defendants actions to initiate works unlawfully entered her into a contractual obligation, legally binding her to the contractual agreement of terms and conditions set out by the Claimant. 4.2.The Defendant after that assured the Claimant everything was right to progress and issued Mr Traylen with a set of the premises keys for the proposed bar on 325 Fleet Road, and instructed him to start works on site immediately. The Defendant fraudulently misled the Claimant into a contract of works, without a secured a loan, funds or the means of paying for works. The Defendant after that breached the contract for non payment for services, as she did not have the ways ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay. “Letter From Birmingham Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay Letter from Birmingham Jail By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is still remembered today as one of the greatest letters ever written. This letter was penned on April 16, 1963 by Dr. King, as a response to the clergymen who opposed his nonviolent campaigns in Birmingham, Alabama. The clergymen had recently wrote A Call for Unity to express their opinions on what was going on in the town. They did not approve of how Dr. King was handling the situation in Birmingham. Dr. King wrote this letter while sitting in a jail cell, in order to defend his reason for his marching in the peaceful protests that occurred in the previous days. He outlined the reason behind his penning this letter and what steps were taken... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The article states that more than 1 million people gathered in Washington and in cities around the country... to the inauguration of President Trump (Stein, Hendrix, and Hauslohner 1). These people marched in order to protest the treatment of women, minorities, and immigrants by Trump. They held signs and made their voices heard by people all over the world. This march can be compared to the march of Dr. King and his comrades to seek justice for the unfair treatment of people of color. In the time proceeding the time after Letter from Birmingham Jail was written there have been other nonviolent marches as well. In 2007, there was a protest where woman who were nursing their infants staged a sit in at Applebee s to stop discrimination towards breastfeeding mothers. According to the article, 13 Peaceful Protests and Whether They Worked, the protest was successful. The article revealed that Applebee s put out a statement that said they, make nursing mothers feel welcome... (Dermansky 1). This can also be compared to the peaceful protest of Dr. King and his comrades because the women did not act violently. They just staged a sit in of many nursing mothers at a particular restaurant. Their peaceful protest gained them positive results in the end. There have been many more peaceful campaigns or marches that have occurred all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Stereotypes Of Discrimination In The Workplace Infringement of people s rights because of their race, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation is a common phenomenon. This phenomenon contradicts the eternal aspirations of humanity to freedom, equality, and justice. In labor relations, the most important rights that affected are the right to equal access to work, equal pay for equal work, equal chances of promotion, protection from unemployment, etc. Therefore, it is so important to talk about discriminationin labor relations, and not only talk, but look for ways to protect those categories of citizens who are discriminated against. Discrimination in the labor market is a widespread process that can be defined as the unequal opportunities of workers with equal productivity, or the unequal treatment of employers, society, and the state. Labor discrimination can be experienced both by individual workers and by their specific groups. In our case, it is LGBT ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aren t most workers expected to come to their workplaces, do their best and go home? This would be fair if anyone gay, straight, bisexual, transgender or other rarely tended to reveal much about him or herself in the workplace. The reality though, couldn t be further from this. In fact, nearly every workplace is so permeated by non work related conversations from Monday morning weekend catch up talks to more serious sharing about life events, to light banter about celebrities and gossip that it is easy to take this daily sharing for granted. The reported prevalence of conversations in the workplace covering relationships and dating, social lives, politics and even religion and sex are nearly identical between both LGBT and non LGBT workers. When asked, over 80% of non LGBT workers report that conversations about social lives, relationships and dating come up weekly and often daily (Human Rights ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Prison Litigation Reform Act Case Analysis The influx of inmates in the late 1970s through 1980s led to unsustainable prions condition that violated inmate s rights granted by the Eight Amendment. As the budgets were being exhausted, transpired the issues of inmate s poor medical treatment, abusive physical security, and unsuitable physical conditions (Newman and Scott 2013, 547). In the 1976 case of Estelle v. Gamble, the Supreme Court of the United Statesestablished that an inmate s Eighth Amendment rights were violated if prisonpersonnel demonstrated deliberate indifference to a prisoner s serious illness or injury (Newsman and Scott 2012, 548). The increased volume of filed lawsuits led to the passing of the Prison Litigation Reform Act, which targeted frivolous lawsuits by limiting waivers for the requirement that inmates pay filing fees,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, the mandated reductions, the prison inmate s population would still be 137.5 % over its allowed capacity (Liptak 2014). In opposition, the State of California submitted an appeal for the federal order to the Supreme Court seeking protections under the Prison Litigation Reform Act (Newsman and Scott 2012). In 2011, the Supreme Court 5 4 decision upheld three judge panel s federal order requiring California state prisons to reduce its population by 30,000 inmates (Liptak 2014).The Supreme Court judges emphasized the notion that overcrowding inflicted pain on prisoners, and, therefore, violated inmate s constitutional rights (Newsman and Scott 2012). After the Supreme Court s decision, Jerry Brown advocated realignment in the state prisons that would transfer non violent, non serous, and non sexual offenders to county jails (Ravi 2014). Likewise, to comply with the federal order Brown allocated 6 billion in state funds to be transferred to counties aiding the realignment reforms (Ravi ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The History Of Hybrid Vehicle A hybrid vehicle, in its most simple definition, is one that utilizes two or more distinct power sources to move it. When considering this vehicle type, the most common configuration is a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). This frequently used configuration combines an internal combustion engine and one or more electric motors to move the vehicle. To better understand the concept of hybrid vehicletechnology, the areas that of the topic that should be focused on are the history of hybrid vehicles, their progression, how hybrid systems work, and the positives and negatives of the use of this technology today. The history of modern hybrid vehicle technology can be traced back as early as the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900, Ferdinand Porsche developed a vehicle known as the Mixte, a 4 wheel drive series hybrid carriage with a later design that featured hub mounted electric motors in each wheel, powered by a gasoline generator. When considering more modern technology designs such as regenerative braking, in which energy developed during the braking process is converted to energy that powers the car, the earliest predecessor can be found dating back to 1967. This concept was first implemented in the American Motors vehicle known as the Amitron, a battery powered urban vehicle, and served as the first use of this technology in the United States. Although certain concepts and ideas were developed early on in the 20th century, their widespread implementation did not occur ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin In The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, a woman receives the news about her husband s death. The protagonist is Louise Mallard, she is at home with her sister. It seems that Mrs. Mallard is never alone because of her heart trouble . Close relatives always try to take care and keep her safe and healthy. People know about her health condition, but no one knows what is happening in her mind and spirit, and no one knows that her heart trouble is not only physical but also emotional. Louise has the opportunity, for the first time in her life, of living with freedom because now the man who rules her life is gone. Louise Mallard is born again, and she starts a short but glorious moment that gives her a true life sense and liberty, but then it is ended with the presence of her husband who comes back to kill the new Louise. Louise s first reaction after hearing the news is the key to understand her personality, and how she is letting her emotions come out to give life to the new woman. Mrs. Mallard is very emotional because she suddenly starts to cry, but she is not afraid as many women might be facing this situation. According to Kate Chopin, When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her . Louise needs space and privacy to assimilate what is happening. She does not want anybody follow her because it is the special moment that she was waiting for. She was not waiting for her husband s death but her freedom, so it was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Benefits Of Safety Razors Today s typical man starts his day with a cheap disposable razor and some goo out of a can. That daily shave is neither the best shave nor the most economical shave possible. Those honors belong to the traditional shaving equipment that is now making a comeback. A beginner will find that a good double edge safety razor, a badger hair brush and some face friendly soap will soon become his best friends in the bathroom. The Benefits of Safety Razors The first issue to consider is the cost. Typical cheap disposable razors must be replaced often. Cartridge refills for multi blade razors generally cost around twenty dollars for eight. That works out to two dollars and fifty cents apiece. Contrast this with a twenty cent razor blade. A pack of 100 blades generally sells for less than a pack of cartridge refills. If you use two blades a week then you have spent the same amount for a year s worth of blades that would have only bought you eight cartridges. That s quite a savings. Now consider the shave. A standard razor requires you to push the many blades into your skin to get a good shave. This is because these blades are designed to be as safe as they can be for as many people as possible. A double razor is adjusted to your own perfect angle. This means that the blade need not be shoved into your skin. Instead, you set your perfect angle. After some practice you will soon be enjoying the smoothest and closest shaves of your life. A safety blade razor has another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Emirates Marketing Strategy Introduction Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of the Emirates Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai s, Investment Corporation of Dubai. (gulfnews.com, 2008). Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating nearly 3,400 flights per week, from its hub at the Dubai International Airport, to more than 142 cities in 78 countries across 6 continents. (emirates.com) The airline is ranked amongst the top ten carriers worldwide in terms of passenger kilometers, and has become the largest airline in the Middle East in terms of revenue, fleet size, and passengers carried as of 2007. (gulfnews.com, 2007) In 2012 the airline was the fourth largest airline in the world in terms of international passengers carried, and scheduled passenger kilometers flown. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have a relationship with every disadvantages member of the community they serve in. As well as they strive to improve the lives of those people who have been struck by poverty. Also being an aviation company, they have the right means to deliver aids during tragedies and wars. (theemiratesgroup.com) Marketing Strategies Hello Tomorrow In 2012, Emirates Airlines had launched their new global platform, Hello Tomorrow , this allowed Emirates airlines, to enable global connectivity and that lead customers to have meaningful experiences. This also lead to the revolution within Emirates as they sifted from a travel brand to a global lifestyle brand. (emirates.com) Hello Tomorrow, is about inspiring people to greet tomorrow s unlimited potential, now. The word Hello is like a greeting, an invitation for people to a place, a new experience. Tomorrow is the time it represents the future, Emirates is trying to ask their customers, where will tomorrow take you? to show that everyday they can travel somewhere new, have a new experience. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Success Of The Database And Data Warehouse The success of the database and data warehouse (DW) project really depends on the quality of data. If data quality is not good enough, the information will logically be unreliable when the business users retrieve it from the database/DW environment. Good quality of data will be useful for the decision maker to make the right decision, gain more trust and make the organization more efficient. In contrast, the bad quality of data will drive the decision maker to make a wrong decision. Debbarma, Nath and Das (2013) stated that good quality of data will enable DW environment to provide right information in the right place at the right time with the right cost in order to support the right decision . Thus, data quality needs to be maintained... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most prominent issue that always occurs is duplicated records the records that represent the same real world object in numerous ways (Christie, Timothy, 2005). Such duplicates could cause many significant problems. Therefore, data cleaning strategy is essential to ensure these redundancies. However, duplicate elimination is one of challenge tasks because it is caused by many different types of errors such as typographical errors, null values, abbreviations, word transformation and different representations of the same word. To detect and eliminate data duplication, there are many algorithms that have been proposed by researchers and scholars. Those algorithms include standard duplication elimination algorithm (SDE), adaptive duplication detection algorithm (ADD), sorted neighborhood algorithm (SNA), duplicate elimination sorted neighborhood algorithm (DE SNA), etc. Most of the algorithms use the following techniques in different ways to achieve a duplicate detection and elimination goal: Character based similarity measure techniques. Phonetic similarity measure techniques Numeric similarity measure techniques Semantic similarity measure techniques To measure the similarity between characters, numbers and semantic words, the above techniques use standard string similarity functions such as edit distance, generalized edit distance, hamming distant, cosine metric, and Jaccard coefficient function, etc. There are many approaches ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Colombia Is A Country Located At The North Tip Of South... Colombia is a country located at the north tip of South America. It is bounded by Panama and the Caribbean Sea in the north, by Venezuela and Brazil in the east, by Peru and Ecuador in the south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Colombia is the only South American country with coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea (National Geographic.) Colombiais one of the largest South American countries at 439,733 square miles, or about the size of Texas and California combined. Colombia is a mainly Spanish speaking, Catholic country, but has a diverse population. Colombia is the only American nation named for Christopher Columbus. The country strongly reflects its history as a colony of Spain. Colombia became independent on July 20, 1810 (Kline.) It is often referred to as the most Roman Catholic of the South American countries, and most of its people are proud of the relative purity of their Spanish language. Its population is heavily mestizo (of mixed European and Indian descent) with minorities of European and African ancestry. The economy is traditionally based on agriculture, particularly coffee and fruit production, but industries and services are increasing in importance. Colombia is the most populous country of South America. The nation s political instability has been tied to unequal distribution of wealth and the illicit trade in drugs, specifically cocaine. The Europeans first visited the territory that would become Colombia when Alonso de Ojeda arrived ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. A Proposal For A New Factory Introduction Longchamp is a French firm created in Paris in 1948, known for its luxury fashion leather and canvas goods, such as handbags and luggage. Thanks to its expertise, Longchamp is distributed in more than 275 stores worldwide. We would like to expand our production; therefore we chose to open a new factory in Romania. In this report, we will explain the reasons why we made this decision. 1)Tax costs Regarding tax costs, Romania is as a highly taxed country, just like France. Indeed, income and capital gains earned by corporation are taxed at a rate of 16%. More specifically, these data clearly demonstrate that Romania has payments percentage and profit taxes higher than France. Even if Romania is more taxed than France regarding corporate and income taxes, it is the opposite scheme for labor taxes and contributions. This inversion is due to low labor costs. Certainly high tax costs can be a constraint to produce in this country but we choose Romania for other reasons like the low labor cost and the proximity with our primary market, France. 2) Legal environment Thanks to the accession to the EU and the increasing integration in European markets, Romania s structural reform has progressed. Romania s reform and liberalization process created large foreign exchange inflows and a positive view of Romania s prospects. However, the judicial power is not entirely independent. It is very influenced by the executive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Anti Curfew Law You can t tame a wild mustang, so why try and control teenager who wants as many freedoms as possible. Curfews set by the Government may seem like a good idea, but it s not. The idea of laws enforcing a curfew for teenagers is not a good one, it unfairly takes away a teenagers freedom. If there is a law about a curfewand a teen does not like it, there is a high chance that they will just stay out past curfew. Curfew in a household is specified by the parents. If the parents and child both state their case on a time, and agree on it, the child will keep their word. If there is a law enforcing a curfew, there will not always be a way for teens to try and negotiate a fair time, like they could if their parents decided the time they had to be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, with that law, parents will probably follow the time of that law. This means that teens cannot try and negotiate a time that is fair. If a teen believes that the curfew time is not fair and wants hangout with friends or go to a party, they will most likely sneak out. The point of the curfew is to keep people safe and make sure they do not get in trouble, but if a teenager is going to sneak out anyway, what s the point. A curfew law is a good idea on paper for parents who worry about there children, but there is no true way to make sure they are safe without taking away there freedoms, and that is what a Government forced curfew would do. Not all teenagers are bad and stay out past curfew just to party and hangout with friends, sometimes teens need to stay out late. High school students have extra curricular activities they do after school. I know from personal experiences that sometimes you can get home from a sporting event after a scheduled curfew. That is one of the first things i was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Personal Narrative Personal Experience Tears streaming down my sweat drenched face like Niagara Falls, numbed by the pain of a million knives stabbing into the upper back part of my leg, I had discovered I pulled my hamstring. Lower limbs [being] accounted for 50% of all sports injuries (Dhillion) it didn t come as a surprise to the trainer. Unable to move, I was shocked by the pain and situation I had just been put in. My entire wrestlingcareer flashed before my eyes as I took a big gulp and climbed on my teammates back to head to the trainers office. This all happened three days before my district wrestling tournament. I was seeded second, expected to win against my opponent, until the odds weren t in my favor anymore. I could hear my coaches voice moments before I got... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I felt like I might actually still have a chance. The day of districts came, and I didn t want my opponents to know of my injury so I had to weigh in carefully, get my skin check for infections, which az central s article over the effects of wrestling; mentions how skin infection can be a serious health effect of wrestling . As I waited for the locker room to empty so the trainer could come in and wrap my leg, I remembered my coach instructed me to keep covered at all times till seconds before I was called to the mat for my match. I was told I would thankfully only have two that day. WITTLER PLEASE REPORT TO MAT 3 I frozen, this was it. I had no idea how I would perform, but based on this performance It determined whether I went to regionals or not. I heard the clock ticking away the seconds I had left before I was forced to step onto the mat. My mom came behind me and repeated my quote that calmed me over and over win or lose, praise the Lord. I couldn t keep stalling my time; I had to start the match. I finally stripped down to my wrestling uniform, revealing my injury. I could feel all the stares in the room and whispers floating in the air what happened to her is she injured well she isn t winning this year . I shook my opponents hand, and began the match. I studied my opponent, learned how I should win, and waited for my shot. I knew if I wanted to win I needed to wrestle extremely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Molson Coors Case Study As previously noted, there are no distinctive competencies when it relates to the beer industry except for the product itself. One of the keys to any business is understanding trends and being able to monetize based on those trends. In recent years many of the largest companies in the beer industry have seen slower growth in the U.S. and Europe. In fact Molson Coors reported a 0.2% increase in sales in the U.S., 3.6% growth in Europe, but in Canada they had a drop in sales of 8.2% year over year in 2014. In comparison, the Molson Coors International (MCI) business saw sales grow 13.2% in 2014. The MCI group was created in 2008 to grow and expand the brand portfolio in emerging markets outside of the U.S. and Europe. If we look at an industry study conducted on the consumption of beer in the Asia Pacific region, the market value forecasts for the beer industry are in the range of $220 million as of 2018. As of 2013, China ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a population of over 1.3 billion people, China is poised to be a major area of interest for companies like Molson Coors. In fact through its joint venture with SABMiller, there are certain offerings available for the Chinese consumers already from Molson Coors. However, in order to become a dominant player Molson Coors needs to better understand the culture. An example of such a situation is the change in the design of the Coors Light bottles that took place in mid 2014. Currently in the U.S. and Europe, Coors Light beer is designed with a logo of the Rocky Mountains, which is able to change colors from silver to blue when it reaches an ideal icy temperature. However, based on local considerations, Molson Coors learned that in China the consumers prefer to drink warmer beer, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Surface Dyslexia Surface Dyslexia and the dual route model of reading. Introduction: Dyslexia is the term used to describe a cognitive disability in learning that affects reading, writing and communication despite an average level of intelligence and an equal access to education. (Le Jan et al., 2010). Dyslexia is commonly used as a blanket term that covers many smaller forms of cognitive impairment including surface dyslexia, phonological dyslexia, hyperlexia, letter identification dyslexia and letter position dyslexia. Most dyslexics suffer from multiple forms of these specific dyslexias and cases of pure developmental dyslexia are quite rare. (Castles, Bates, Coltheart, 2006). In some cases dyslexia is caused by brain damage, often related to strokes,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2014). The anatomical foundations of acquired reading disorders: A neuropsychological verification of the dual route model of reading. Brain And Language, 134, 44 67. http://dx.doi.org /10.1016/j.bandl.2014.04.001 Further Reading: Edwards, V. Hogben, J. (1999). New Norms for Comparing Children s Lexical and Nonlexical Reading: A Further Look at Subtyping Dyslexia. Australian Journal Of Psychology, 51(1), 37 49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049539908255333 Gersons Wolfensberger, D. Ruijssenaars, W. (1997). Definition and Treatment of Dyslexia: A Report by the Committee on Dyslexia of the Health Council of the Netherlands. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 30(2), 209 213. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/002221949703000208 Grainger, J., LГ©tГ©, B., Bertand, D., Dufau, S., Ziegler, J. (2012). Evidence for multiple routes in learning to read. Cognition, 123(2), 280 292. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2012.01.003 Shaywitz, S. Shaywitz, B. (2005). Dyslexia (Specific Reading Disability). Biological Psychiatry, 57(11), 1301 1309. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.01.043 Tunmer, W. Greaney, K. (2009). Defining Dyslexia. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 43(3), 229 243. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Empty Corridor As A Tall Slender Woman Planes Footsteps echoed down the empty corridor as a tall, slender woman made her way towards a certain room. Though having walked down here many times, the eerie, cold feeling of the building sent visible shivers down her spine. The alabaster walls had a tinge of grey and it seemed that no matter how many people were present, this could not hold even the slightest touch of warmth. She stopped short in front of the familiar wooden door. Raising a hand, she rapped gently three times before unlocking the door and pushing it open. The room was dark, saved for the soft glow of the moonlight that flooded in. The woman looked around the spacious room before her attention finally landed on the lonesome figure in a corner. It was a boy no more than six years old. His blonde hair was slightly dishevelled and covered his eyes. His eyes they were different from the usual kids his age. Rather than holding a cheerful and mischievous glint in them, they were glassy and hallow. He stared unblinkingly at the woman at the doorway and though she did not outwardly show it, it unsettled her. She could feel the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end and a cold sweat starting to form but she swallowed and forced a smile as best as she could. Jerome, she called gently, it s bed time. The little boy turned, eyes focusing on what he was doing prior to the woman entering. His eyes small fingers gripped tightly onto the model plane he was playing with, but obediently, he stood and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Arabian Economic Advantages And Disadvantages After rapid growth in the international debt of developing countries in the 1970s and the increasing incidence of scheduling back debt in the early 1980s, the risk of countries reflecting the ability and willingness of a country to financial services has been a topic of concern for the international world (Cosset and Roy, 1991). As well as significant events that occurred on September 11, 2001, the associated risks in international relations has increased substantially, and it becomes more difficult to be analyzed and predicted for decision makers in the fields of Economics, finance and politics. International investors are also aware that the globalization of world trade and capital market openness poses a risk that could cause the financial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, in a country naturally has advantages and disadvantages. In a country that is strong in economics may have a weakness in political or social fields. This is the one that causes a country still has risks although is included in a State that has a stable economy. One example is the case in the Arabian peninsula, the Levant. The Arabian peninsula is the name of a giant peninsula in Western Asia that has the form resembles the boots. the continental climate is hot is known as one of the more prosperous cities in the world thanks to the existing oil reserves beneath it. However, not all the residents of the Arabian peninsula has a prosperous people. Yemen located in the heel of the peninsula is an example of a country that is not lucky, because in addition to having only meager oil reserves, Yemen must also wrestle with the war tearing his territory. The factor ethnicity was a factor in the Arabian peninsula that also affect why conflict there lasts incessant from past to present. KH Said Aqeel Siroj who educated scholars until the doctor in Saudi Arabiato explain, political parties or religious sect based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. James Simmons Sonnet For The Class Of 58 Life as the Graduates of the Class of 58 James Simmons poem Sonnet for the Class of 58 displays the conditions and society modern men live in. The poem develops its idea by giving examples of the graduates lives in adult world that is completely different from what they expected. As the speaker talks about how the ideal changes into only basic things in life, his words provoke the reader to think about their lives and compare them with their lives. The poem suggests the collapse of the ideal that young people have as they grow older and gain more experiences about reality of life. The argument is developed through the speaker s attitude toward his friends with realization that life is not what they expected it to be. In the first line ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the poem, life is not easy as the graduates and we thought it would be; there are obstacles and finally we have to endure and live unhappy. The poem teaches us about cruelty of real world that breaks our hopes and ideals; this cruelty is a consequence of society that people have to compete with others. After graduation, the graduates dream big, expect to chaste their dreams and to be successful. They also have moral principles in life and think that they will never break their own rule, but modern life doesn t allow them to do that, and then they stuck in the unhappy modern world as we can see in the poem. Only when they are drunk, life seem as it once seemed (8); this is a condition of people who have to drink to be happy and forget their miserable life, and we can see through alcohol sales that people really need to drink to gain their happiness. In addition, ideal everybody has seems to be destroyed when they grow up, and even people who are very successful and have power are disappointed with what they have become. This approach can be seen in the couplet: even those who ve gained more power and sense/ feel sorry when they feel the difference (13 14). Here the poem suggests that the society crushes their dreams and it relates to the conditions of the society; people have to fight with energy crisis and weak currency. Facing these problems to make a living, people are stressful and quit their expectations, and it leads to the collapse of their ideal. Finally the graduates only want what they think they can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. King George III s Life And Accomplishments It s known to history that the daughter of King George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz was born on this day in London, on 3 November 1777. Her Royal Highness was the fifth daughter of the royal couple. Christening still happened in the olden days because Princess Sophia was christened on 1 December 1777, in the Great Council Chamber at St James s Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury who was known as Frederick Cornwallis. It should be noted that HRH had three godparents, all of whom were represented by proxies. King George III had made plans prior Princess Sophia s birth. He ensured that his children would have allowances amounting to ВЈ6,000 upon his death or marriages. Some royal protocols still prevailed during their time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... mourning her fading looks and a confused, nearly blind aunt. Sophia s wealth allowed Conroy to live a rich lifestyle, acquiring for himself a house in Kensington for ВЈ4000, as well as two other estates for ВЈ18,000.Sophia spied for Conroy when he was absent from Kensington Palace. Sophia also reported to Conroy on what she heard at St. James s Palace, as she had privileged access to courtiers as well as to her two elder brothers. Princess Victoria was aware her aunt was a spy so the two never became ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Ethics Case Study Adelphia Communication In the world today, when you hear the words AT T, Cox Cable, DirectTV and Comcast the first thing that would typically come to mind is enjoying sports and family television. Often time s customers don t really know into the weeds of a company until something goes wrong. A consumer may find interest in the event they have bought stocks into a company and they see it all fall. Companies such as this service millions and millions of people all over the world. It is sad to know that some of these organizations while looking squared away on the inside have such serious ethical issues going on or that went on within their organization. The last thing a customer wants to do is tune into the t.v. and find out that one of their providers was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A quick growing company, gaining well over a couple million subscribers, in the eyes of many Adelphia Communication Corporation seemed to be headed to lead the industry very soon. In what seems to be the early 2000s, this is for Americans, this company and the world things drastically changed due to unethical behavior from some of the company s top leaders within the organization. What will be revealed in this case study below, many people would not believe that all this happen over the course of a short time and how far people will go to gain what they believe is success at any cost. Introduction In this case study we were asked to draw upon deontological ethics, and briefly discuss how Adelphia Communications executives violated the trust of the company s shareholders and the trust of that of the larger public. Throughout this paper I will highlight two key ethical problems that were raised by the Adelphia Communications case. Utilizing Immanuel Kant s Categorical Imperative, deontological ethics or so duty rights will be shared. Then I will apply the deontological framework of business ethics to the two key ethical problems that will be identified. Finally Kant s Categorical Imperative will be applied to those two ethical problems as well. Adelphia Communication scandal/ethical problems In the March of the early 2000s, Adelphia officials was charged with stealing on what could be classified as a grand scale event. Around that same time, the company ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Impacts Of European Colonization The Impacts of European Colonization The Impacts of European Colonization Jarrett Levins Dr. Seela Aladuwaka Instructor Geography 206.03 Introduction Cambodia holds an affluent and alluring history. Throughout this paper the writer will discuss different topics impacting Cambodia s history, positive and negative impact of colonization, economic, political, cultural and social legacies, and to answer if western countries or colonizer are responsible to help solve some of the lasting problems of colonization. History The Stone Age introduced early humans in Cambodia to hunting and gathering food around 2,300 BC. The Me Kong River delta in located in South Vietnam, history records as the first known developed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some positive impacts are, Education is free and compulsory for six years of primary school; Health care has shown improvement in last decade; agriculture has improved the economics; and Cambodia s tourism industry is developing. Some negatives impacts are, The Khmer Rouge control, roughly Eighty percent of the people live in rural areas; lack trained medical personnel, facilities and medical supplies, a weaken economy, approximately ninety percent of the population adherents of Buddhism and various other religion and ethnic minorities were targets of genocide for western influences; discrimination practices, and decline of conflict caused significant damage to Cambodia s economy (Aliprandini). Donovan (1993) in 1975, the Khmer Rouge destroyed the Cambodian legal system. Legislators, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and law professors were killed or forced to flee the country. Law books were destroyed and the buildings that had housed to courts and the law schools were converted to other uses. The situation has improved slightly since then. The Cambodians have suffered and endured decades of control under a dictatorship form of government that prohibited currency, marriage, and religious beliefs. The Cambodians have endured murder of its people and military soldiers, warring countries and the demolishing of cities and villages, resulting in the mental and physical decomposition of the of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. A Short Note On Non Alcoholic Beverage Company Company SWOT Analysis Company Description The name of My Non Alcoholic Beverage Company is Revitalize Energy Drink . I decided on this particular name because it should connect with consumers and the name speaks for itself. The drink will consist of all natural products to help give users a boost of energy and assist them to consume natural vitamins and minerals their bodies need. Our mission is to serve men and women of all ages by providing an all natural quality energy drink that will fuel their bodies and mind. Our mission is to provide a high quality all natural products that individuals can enjoy and provide their bodies with nutritional vitamins. We at Revitalize Company truly believe in our mission statement and will do our best ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Non alcoholic Beverage Industry Trends and Justification Industry Trends Today Non alcoholic Beverage Industry continues to grow due to the growing population and rise of the middle class, especially in emerging markets, and disposable income. All these are key growth drivers for non alcoholic beverage companies to thrive. According to the Market Intelligence firm Euromonitor International predicts the middle class around the country will make up 1.5 billion households by 2020, a 25% rise since 2012. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis report, U.S. consumption accounts for over two thirds of the country s gross domestic product (or GDP). Individuals tend to spend more with a rise in their disposable income. The increase in consumer confidence also increases consumption expenditure (www.marketrealist.com). Another reason non alcoholic beverage is on the growth because consumers are more health conscious, and sugary drinks are on the decline. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, calories from added sugars in soda are down 39 percent since 2000 because Americans are more conscious about their weight and the rising obesity rates. Two Thirds of U.S. adults prove to be overweight or obese, a number that has been rising steadily for the past three decades (www.cnbc.com). According to the latest Energy Drink ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. 1900-1814 Water Transportation Until the invention of railways in 1814 water transportation was the preferred method. Starting with the use of natural bodies of water and expanding to man made ones. Such as the Erie canal that connects the great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean with the Hudson river. The economic difference made by this canalwas so large the cost of a bag of flour went from $120 to $6. This change in transport made New York citygo from the 5th most active maritime port to 1st by 1850. These changes to the American landscape vastly helped economic quality, that would better the American people on a short term basis. By 1900 canals like the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal had also been used to help created more trade and transportation of American products. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Capitalist Neo Liberal System Essay The anthropogenic circumstance of Climate Change engenders the phenomenon whereby humanity must attempt to save itself from the problems of its own doing. As global conditions destabilise, drastic international action is required to mitigate climate change (Bierman, 2014). This essay will analyse the current capitalist neo liberal system to determine its capacity to facilitate collective international action. Such analysis will draw upon examples of the Kyoto Protocoland China s integration into the global market as cases of the influence of neo liberalism. Marxist theorists Harvey and Cox are utilized in order to evaluate these influences of the current framework, revealing patterns of labour and environmental exploitation as key features (Harvey, 1998). In gaining a critical perspective of the influence of capitalist neo liberalism on global politics, it is possible to derive the need to consider the reconstruction of the currently idolised eco political system. Although a cautious approach is required in criticising neo liberal capitalism, its influence on global exploitation is indisputable. Capitalist industrialisation appears as a key catalyst for the drastic increase of emissions, deeming global warming rooted in historical patterns of capitalist development (Vlachou Konstantinidis, 2013 pp.33). Scientists claim that today s environment has been influenced by humanity to the extent that a new epoch in geological time has been reached (Bierman, 2014). This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Christianity and Genocide in Rwanda Christianity and Genocide in Rwanda by Timothy Longman discusses the roles of the churches in Rwanda and how their influence might have been able to alter the outcome of the genocide. He discusses the rise of Juvenal Habyarimana in politics with his Catholic background, church and state relations, and obedience to political authority. His slogan Peace, Unity, and Development were his political plans for Rwanda. On April 6, 1994, president Juvenal Habyarimana s plane was shot down marking the beginning of the Rwandan genocide. His death was a pretext for government and military officials to begin their launch against opponents of their regime. The genocide lasted for 100 days and resulted in over a million deaths. During the genocide the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tutsi were given educational opportunities that would lead to political positions. Missionaries believed that Tutsi were destined to rule Rwanda because of their natural gift for commanding. They felt that Tutsi should rule, where Hutu were solid and naturally fit for service and physical labor. Twa were considered to be savage and lesser of the two ethnic groups. African religious history shows evidence of engaging in ethnic discrimination and violence. During colonial Christian mission projects, they were known to have relationships with the colonial authorities in supporting their violations and fundamental human rights on the innocent. They encouraged obedience to authority rather than standing up for the rights of oppressed populations (14). Religious oppositions was key to the successful replacement of authoritarian rulers, and religious groups have been key in pressuring governments to accept reform (16). These ethnic differences would lead to years of animosity between the Rwandans. Longman asks, Why did loyalty to their church and to their fellow believers not prevent Catholics from killing fellow Catholics and Protestants from killing fellow Protestants? (18). By looking at the Rwandan State and it s declining economy, lack of resources, and social associations, one can see that it s citizens needed a target. The Tutsi were a target, their scapegoat for years of conflict and suppression. Pope John ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Identify The Different Types Of Sports Players The Different Types of Sport Players Playing three sports throughout high school has given me the opportunity to notice that there are at least three common types of players in every sport. Being apart of many different sports throughout my life has shown me that it doesn t matter if it s little league, high school, or just playing around with some friends on the weekends, but every sport has led me to notice that there are three main types of players: the team player, the me player, and the bench player. The team player is widely known to be all about team. They are hard working in practice and in games. They work hard to put most of their focus on the team, making sure everyone else s focus is on the same thing and that no one is selfish. The team player is usually awarded being a captain of some sort, someone the players consider a leader. The team player could either get a lot of playing time or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The me player is prideful. They are less worried about the team and more worried about the playing time he or she is receiving in games, whether the coach is watching him or her when he or she does something good. Normally this player tries to do too much, takes the spotlight from the team, and places it on themselves. I have seen two extremes with the me player: the first is he or she is very good. He or she have talent, and he or she knows the coach notices his or her skills. The second is where he or she is very bad, and has no talent, yet they still want to try to earn the spotlight. Lastly, we have the bench player. The bench player sits on the bench cheering on his or her team. The bench player has some skill and is sometimes used as second or third string player. Mostly, the bench player is used in practice; their job is to work the really good players, (the starters) to practice and train them in such a way that the next game, they play well. The bench player is very resourceful and is just as important as the players ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Poem Chicago By Carl Sandburg Chicago: Love? Is the poem Chicago just talking about the relationship with people that live in Chicago, or is it a love letter? In This poem is not really a letter to a specific person or group of people. It is out there to inform the world the Chicago is not a bad place. It may have killing and trash all over, but Chicago does do the dirty work so, there is bad things to expect from it. The poem Chicago by Carl Sandburg personifies the city has a person, and later on in the story it tells / explains how the city is a good place but has its flaws. And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. (Sandburg). This evidence shows that the city personified, also in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Canada’S Counter-Terrorism Strategy Is Failing. From The Canada s counter terrorism strategy is failing. From the 2014 attack on Parliament hill to the January massacre at the Quebec city mosque, it is clear that terrorism is an imminent threat, both to Canada and to the world. Backlash against Western culture provides ammunition to extremist Islamic groups globally, which is only exacerbated by the West s disproportionate military responses to legitimate and perceived threats through drone strikes or other military operations. Anger towards domestic policy decisions fuels far right white supremacists, and government s unwillingness to label the violence perpetrated by these groups as terrorismonly provides them with impunity. The lack of lack of multilateralism and international... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nevertheless, this policy is criticized for its disregard of the globalized nature of terrorism, for its indifference to the role of international law and global cooperation in maintaining international support, for its neglect to consider the risks that supporting foreign indigenous forces may engender, for the inevitable resource drain such a policy would generate, and for anti Canadian narrative that would be incited by terrorists, simply leading to increased attacks. Conversely, another counter terrorism strategy Canada may pursue is to support UN leadership in the fight against terrorism. Recognizing the global nature of terrorism, proponents of this policy argue that Canada must strengthen the UN s effectiveness on security matters to ensure any international response to this issue reflects the interests and the needs of all in the global community. Under such a policy, Canada would have to debate all possible counter terror strategies in front of the UN and would have to adhere to established treaties and work towards drafting more resolutions aimed to limit chemical, nuclear and biological weapons. Additionally, such policy proponents encourage Canada to become an active participant in established international institutions such as the ICC. This approach to dealing with terrorism is criticized however, opponents claiming that the UN is ineffective, slow and tied up by bureaucracy. Moreover, the UN s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. A Basic Principle Of Attachment Theory Essay A parent child interaction happens prenatal and continues throughout a child s development soon after a child is born, an attachment begins. This attachment begins with imprinting which some call the sensitive period. During this time the child will become attached to the first caregiver seen (usually the mother) and look to it for any sort of comfort. This was discovered through Bowlby s experiment with ducks in the 1970 s, Bowlby defined attachment theoryas Attachment theory conceptualizes the propensity of human beings to make strong affectional bonds to particular others (Bowlby, 1977, p. 201). (Bartholomew Horowitz, 1991 p. 226). A basic principle of attachment theory is that attachment relationships continue to be important throughout the life span (Ainsworth, 1982,1989; Bowlby, 1977,1980,1982b). (Bartholomew Horowitz, 1991 p. 226). Many theories have been proposed to explain what motivates human interactions and behaviors in relationships. This literature review on Shelley A. Riggs, Angela M. Cusimano, and Karen M. Benson paper Childhood Emotional Abuse and Attachment Processes in the Dyadic Adjustment of Dating Couples and W. Steven Rholes, Ramona L. Paetzold, Jamie L. Kohn paper Disorganized attachment mediates the link from early trauma to externalizing behavior in adult relationships will primarily be looking at how childhood maltreatment leads to disorganized attachment which is thus exhibited in later life relations. Secondarily, this review will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Unknown Entities of PTSD in American Soldiers The Unknown Entities of PTSD in American Soldiers Every American soldier endured rigorous training to become the soldier they are today, but throughout all this training, there are a few things that a soldier can t simply learn. Training and development is treated as preparation for war situations, and much like ordinary grade school, they are tested to see how well each soldier does in each area (Huerta, 2014). Even after all this organizing and teaching, a soldier s mind is still just as human as it was before seeing action in battle. Once a soldier learns to control every situation imaginable, they are sent overseas to put all their training to use; but simulations can only get you so far. At some point, there is a moment when a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Swofford never had to fire a shot in the gulf war, but war found its way into his mind. Many soldiers today may not be waking up to a pool of their sweat due to nightmares about being fired upon, but factors like Swofford s situation are still very likely for any other soldier and just as crucial. Once a soldier finishes his or her term of war and comes home for good doesn t mean they have truly returned from war. A soldier brings back home nothing but the haunting memories of war. This is the factor that continues to make living with PTSD so overwhelming. Veterans may say, for me, there was no safe place, even my home (Phillips, 2014). Insecurity is not the only aspect that overwhelms the mind, many other symptoms of the disease are just as horrific. I couldn t close my eyes without envisioning the face of my attacker. I suffered horrific flashbacks and nightmares, and four years after the attack I was unable to sleep in my house alone (Phillips, 2014). in cases like this, the effects of PTSD later find its ways to literally dictate the lives of veterans and many other victims. PTSD changes the way the victims react to normal everyday situation. This includes how a veteran may speak to his or her family. The effects of PTSD have caused a severe impact on even the most loving families and it makes it very complicated to live ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Procedure To Patient Registration Patient registration is the start of the patient s care. Registration is usually the first people patients sees. It s important to get all the information you can. Taking patents information is one thing, making sure its all correct is another thing. It s important knowing patients information in case of an emergency. There are steps to getting all the correct information, and making sure it s in the correct area of their chart. The first step of registering a patient for a procedure is to greet patients properly. Make sure their name, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, marital status, identification cards, as well as employment status is all up to date. Before any of the test are done the patient has to have a requisition signed by the doctor. The requisition tells you specifically what the patient needs done, and it includes a diagnosis. Diagnoses tells registration why the patients here, and what the patient is having it done. Only specific diagnostic codes will work for insurance. Patients are denied under their insurance from mistakes registration or billing miss. Under the encounter information, registration will fill out the encounter type, medical service, admit type, and admit reason. It gives the patient a location, and explains why they are here in the billing office to process the billing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By law healthcare workers cannot give out any patients information without permission from the patient. If the patient is eighteen, or older we now collect signatures for the consent forms. If the patient s under eighteen registration has the guardians sign for their behalf. By signing the consent forms it states that the patient understands that everything is confidential, registration or any other employee can not tell anyone their information outside the work area. Documenting everything is important for the patient s care in every way you look at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Death Of Jay Gatsby Perhaps one of the most iconic scenes in The Great Gatsby is where the titular character, Jay Gatsby, or James Gatz as he was first known as, meets his untimely end. To understand the nature of Gatsby s death, first you must know the circumstances that precede it. Myrtle, Mr. Wilson s wife, was run over by Gatsby s car, which Daisy was driving. Driven by vengeance and the mistaken belief that Gatsby had killed Myrtle, Mr. Wilson proceeded to murder Gatsby and then himself. While miscommunication is often lauded as a lazy way of driving the story onwards, in this case it fits perfectly. Jay Gatsby s life was a lie, and it was fitting that it would end over one as well. Gatsby constructed a rich and prosperous image of himself to appeal to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Chronic Illness Trajectory Model Chronic illness trajectory framework, purpose illness in eight phases, from dying with each possessing the possibilities of reversals, plateaus and upward or downward movement allows for a conceptualization of the course of illness to comprehensively direct care and conduct research (McEwen, 2014). The model is used for patients with cancer and chronic conditions. The model follows eight steps the initial phase no signs or symptoms are present. Onset phase signs and symptoms are present and diagnostic period. Nurses provide emotional support and explanation during the onset phase Crisis phase when a life threating situation arises. The acute phase symptoms are controlled with a prescribed regimen during this phase. Stable phase symptoms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Synthesis And Fabrication Of Conductive Polymers Essay Abstract Conductive polymers have promising applications in the field of tissue engineering as tissue scaffolds. Many tissue types respond favorably to electrical stimulation, because of this conductive polymers can be used for the regeneration of damaged tissue. This review will focus on the synthesis and fabrication of conductive polymers as well as their applications in tissue engineering. Introduction All cells exhibit some form of electrical excitability, from voltage gated ion channels to muscle contractions and heart beats electromagnetic fields are critical to the basic functions of life. Galvani famously showed in 1794 that a frog leg will contract when touched with the cut sciatic nerve of the other leg.This scientific breakthrough led to extensive research of electromagnetism within organisms. Electromagnetic fields have been found to affect a variety of biological processes including angiogenesis, cell division, cell signaling, nerve sprouting, prenatal development, and wound healing [1]. Only in recent decades with the development of molecular and cellular technology has the link between cell biology and bioelectricity been discovered [2]. This growth in understanding has led to the development of a variety of electrically conductive devices for uses in biomedical engineering. Devices that use electrical stimulation that have already been approved by the FDA include the pacemaker, deep brain stimulators and vagal nerve stimulators [1]. Conductive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. There is No Justification for the Terror in the U.S.S.R.... There is No Justification for the Terror in the U.S.S.R. in the 1930 s I agree more with the statement There can be no justification for the terror in the USSR in the 1930 s. It was motivated purely by Stalin s lust for power. However, I can understand why one could say that terror was essential for the survival of the new communist state or Soviet Union. Stalin used terror to force the USSR to industrialise quickly, which enabled them to ward off the threat from fascism and develop into a world power. Source I, written by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 a few years before communism fell in Russia, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Source K partly agrees with Statement B because it states without terror, who would have failed to notice the clear absurdity of Stalin s rule? This shows that terror was necessary for Stalin to remain in power, and I think that Stalin was crucial to the survival of the USSR in these early days because without Stalin as a strong leader there might have been a power struggle, which may have made the USSR more vulnerable when Hitler invaded. Source K states that Stalin needed to use terror to keep the people obedient and more importantly to make them believe in him . It seems that in the end the Source believes he was a ruthless politician who was corrupted by power. Source K is reliable because, Adam Ulam, a historian in Britain writes it. It is written in 1974 and, therefore, Ulam has hindsight and large amounts of sources available for him to use. Source J generally agrees with Statement A because it states Stalin was convinced that this (the use of terror and executions) was necessary for the defence of.. the interests of the victory of socialism and communism...In this lies the whole tragedy . This quote shows how Khrushchev believes that the use of terror and executions was a tragedy and not necessarily needed for the survival of the USSR but that Stalin believed it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Marco Polo s Travels Over The Maritime Route Introduction Thirteenth century Europe was marked by a period curiosity of life outside the western world. Little was known of the cultures in Asia and Southeast Asia. This changed when Venetian trader and explorer, Marco Polo published his travelogue accounting for his voyages in the east. Polo was extremely influential to geography, Europe s trade industry, as well as to future curious travelers. He was the first explorer to travel as far as China and report of his findings. Consequently, seldom was known of the customs and cultures abroad. Marco traveled from Venice to China using both the Maritime route, as well as the Silk Road. For this paper however, I am solely focusing on Marco Polos travels over the Maritime route. More specifically, his reports of the coastal trade, customs, and cultures he encountered through this journey. Provinces of India, the coastal islands of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and China will be discussed, along with background information of Polo, his itinerary, and an analysis of his findings. II. BackgroundMarco Polo was born in Venice in 1254 to a noble merchant family. His mother passed away when he was a child and his father, Nicolo, spent much of Marco s childhood traveling. In 1260 Nicolo and his brother Maffeo traveled to Mongolia where they met the Mongolian ruler, Kublai Khan. Khan welcomed the Polos and took great interest in the information they shared with him regarding Europe. Kublai was especially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Interaction Between Crude Oil And China s Gdp Final thesis The Interaction between the Crude Oil Price and China s GDP Pinpin Lyu B00648666 06/04/2015 Assignment 10 Prepare for Honours Thesis, Econ 4200 Style: Content: ____________________________ TOTAL: Abstract This paper analyzes the interaction between the crude oil price and real GDP per capita in China. I find that both the crude oil price and the real GDP per capita in China have overall rising trend from 1980 to 2014. I use granger causality test to study the causal relationship of the two variables. The results show that here is not a clear interaction... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the same time, fluctuation of the crude oil price has put pressure on the price level and economic growth in China. In this research I ask: What is the interaction between crude oil price and China s economy? A considerable amount of economic literature have analyzed the impact of oil price on the GDP in developed countries. Such as Jimenez and Sanchez (2004) have studied links between oil price and macro economy in several industrial OECD countries. They found that oil price fluctuations have considerable effects on economic activities. We do not know the interaction between the crude oil price and economy in China. China is interesting in this content because it has large population which affects the demand for crude oil. Also, China s GDP is growing rapidly, and the dependence on imported oil have increased in China, but only a few studies have focused on China. In Ghalayini s study, by investigating the relationship between oil price and economic growth, the researcher found that as economic growth increases the demand for oil increases which pushes up the oil prices. While the increase in GDP growth and economic activity have led to an increase in the energy demand, a feedback relationship exists which can mitigate this effect (Ghalayini, 2011). In this research, I will use granger causality test and regression models to study interaction between the crude oil price and GDP in China. There are several alternative approaches, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Questions On Learning And Teaching Mathematics Assignment #1 Sonia Minoza Math 311 Jeff O Keefe October 15, 2014 Learning and Teaching Mathematics oAffective Domain: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self) The affective domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. o Cognitive Domain: mental skills (thinking) Knowledge, Comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis How to nurture the Affective and Cognitive Domain for Grade 1 Teachers, students, and parents need to recognize the relationship between the affective and cognitive domains, and attempt to nurture those aspects of the affective domain that contribute to the positive attitudes. To experience success, students must be taught to set achievable goals and assess themselves as they work towards these goals. o Create environments that has a sense of belonging, encourage risk taking, and provide opportunity for success o Influence students beliefs about math and how they feel about math o I will present my personal biases of Mathematics towards my students o Model positive attitudes and self confidence o Be mindful of students culture and language background when selecting activities o Provide a wide variety of work, manipulatives, patterns o Encourage students to think about and describe the strategies they are using to access knowledge. o Build on prior knowledge The affective domain includes student motivation and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. What Is Social Deviance 2. Social deviance can be simply defined as any violation of social norms and laws, be it formal or informal (Conley, 2011). These transgressions may include minor acts such as violation of personal space, playing loud music or picking one s nose publicly. It also includes major acts of crime such as theft, murder, rape, or assault. One of the currently hot topics regarding social deviance is the society s acceptance towards gaypeople, especially those who went for surgery and became transgender. Today, LGBTrights are being established and strengthened step by step. However, not so long ago, gay people were usually glared at especially when they chose to exhibit their cross dressing or their affairs publicly. Although most of these people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Comment On Humanistic School Of Psychology Comment on humanistic school of psychology. Humanistic school of psychology gained importance in midst of 20th century. The limitations of Sigmund Freud s psycho analytic theory and B.F Skinner s behaviourism formed the basis of Humanistic school of psychology . Humanistic psychologists start from the conclusion that every person has their own unique way of understanding the world and that the things they do only make sense in this way. Consequently, the kinds of questions they ask about people differ from those asked by psychologists from other approaches. Whereas other approaches take an objective view of people, in essence asking about them, what is this person like humanistic psychologists priority is understanding people s subjectivity, asking what is it like to be this person As a result, they reject the objective scientific method as a way of studying people. Humanistic psychologists explicitly endorse the idea that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elements of humanism can be found in the psychoanalytic thought of Fromm, Horney, and even Jung and Adler and the American existential psychologist, Rollo May, anticipated many of the tenets of humanism. Humanism is an attempt to reorient psychology to more person oriented objectives. For a proponent of humanism, the new movement represented a return to a true concern for consciousness after 50 years of behaviourally oriented experimental psychology and by analytically oriented depth psychology (psychoanalysis). In a sense, humanism adopted the phenomenal orientation of Gestalt psychology, but extended it from the realm of more perceptual consciousness to cover the organism s entire personality or state of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Human Services And The Legal Justice System Essay At the beginning of the year looking for classes to take Human Services stood out to me. Although not really knowing the meaning of human services, I believed it was about helping people and that s something I have always been very passionate about. I am always the friend who is giving advice and hearing out my friends dilemmas and situations. The definition of Human services in our book is: a phrase that is often used to group activities that focus on helping people live better lives. In a vague way, the human services include formal systems such as government welfare programs, education, mental retardation services, mental healthorganizations, child care programs, physical health care establishments, and the correctional services of the legal justice system. The definition of a human service worker is: Anyone who is trained or educated in helping activities. A person who does not have traditional professional academic credentials but who, through experience, training, or education, provides helping services. When this project of interviewing a human service worker and learning in depth how they do their job, and how they help others it was something that I was pretty excited about. The process on how I found the human service corporation I would interview was pretty difficult since all of the ones I was interested at first were taken. Going through the process to schedule my first interview was not as hard as I sought it to be. For my first interview I contacted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Speech On Bottled Water Known for all of its health advantages and thoroughly no side effects, bottle water is distinctively the better option. Bottle water has more suitable records than tap water, nearly 77 million Americans lived in areas where the water systems were in violation of safety orders. Bottled water is also very much needed for natural disasters. Bottled wateris also convenient. Bottled water is also safe to drink To begin bottled water came in very helpful for this month, there was a hurricane that hit named Matthew and thousands of people were without power for about a week. All of the food people had, had to be thrown away if they didn t have a generator. The water from the fridge was not able to work, and running faucet water was out. The supplies for bottled water was very source thousands of people stocked up and was able to drink the bottled water for days. When people heard there was a hurricane coming they immediately ran to the store to get water. Water is very important, especially at those times. Walmart had 800 trucks come in just with water and was sold out immediately. www.thestreet.com/hurricaneirma . To continue bottled water is very convenient at times. It can be carried wherever you go, and is portable you can fit it in your backpack or car really anywhere! It can be rude when there is a class going on and someone gets up in the middle of a lecture to go get a drink of water, then the whole entire class just got distracted by the action of getting up to get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Moral Philosophies In Business Moral philosophies provide a guide on how conflicts in businesses are settled. They also assist in optimizing mutual benefits of individual in a business setup. There is no single manner of solving ethical issues in businesses and each type of moral philosophy provides a distinct source of determining whether a certain act is right or wrong. Although there are different sources of determining whether an act is wrong or right, each type of moral philosophy provides a similar appropriate outcome. Utilitarianism, for example, follows that an act is moral if it yields the greatest good for the greatest number. In this case the determination of whether an act is right or wrong depends on whether the consequences resulting from the act affects everyone an d not just a single individual. Utilitarianism requires the determination of alternatives regarding the act or situation, estimation of benefits of the action to all individuals in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moral philosophies create an avenue for the assessment of a business especially with respect to matters that concern economic science. These views are likely to depict views that are founded on moral decisions and results in policies which are based on better choices. The application of moral philosophies by a business inspires the business and other entities to examine whom they conduct business with. Additionally, moral philosophies inspire business managers and executives to adopt more socially responsible organizational practices in order to stay relevant in the global environment. Moral philosophies adopted by a business also provide a basis for the development of public perception of the business. The way a business is viewed by other business entities is largely dependent on the moral philosophies adopted by the business. Adoption of appropriate moral philosophies by an organization is important in the improvement of the businesses public ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Psychology As A Social Justice Issue Complete and submit a 3 to 5 page paper that addresses the following: The role of psychology with regard to your social change or social justice topic An evaluation of the ethnic inequalities on the psychological well being of the population(s) affected by your social change or social justice topic An analysis of any concerns regarding ethnic inequality as it pertains to your social change or social justice topic An analysis of the role of psychology in impacting historical biases and oppression and addressing social change or social justice movements for targeted oppressed populations The publishing site that you will use for publishing your blog (i.e., Wisepress, Weebly, etc.), including an explanation of why you chose this platform and how you will connect with an academic audience to facilitate the interaction within your blog Social Change Blog The Opportunities and Obstacles of the voter registration laws States that have implemented voter registration laws claim that those laws are put into place to prevent voter fraud and safeguard the voting system (Underhill, 2015). Conversely, adversaries to voter registration laws, namely the civil rights movement, contest that voter registration laws impinge on the rights of voting citizens (Underhill, 2015). Furthermore, opponents disagree with the aforementioned voting system transparency but actually overpowers votes of the majority and takes away from minority voters, specifically, the Black community. This is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. A Political Ideology Of Corruption In The United States Those that would not be considered novices in the world of politics or government could argue that corruption is antidemocratic albeit corruption is not a political ideology per say it does share one or two fundamental characteristics with a ideology that is trans disposed to democracy and that is the accumulation or adsorption of power and wealth by any means that does not incite arrest or incarceration from committing these acts, and secondly the acts committed for, or by means of corruption is in conflict with governing laws that all citizens must adhere by, this can also be in contrast to ethics and morality to most people. White Collar crimeis most prevalent in first world industrialized nations such as those found in western Europe, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Big Short Reflection Reflection on The Big Short The Big Short is a story with three parallel lines (Michael Burry line; Mark Baum line; Charlie and Jamie line) about the US subprime mortgage crisis between 2007 and 2008. Michael Burry, Jared Vennett, Mark Baum, Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley bet against the housing market, when they found out that the US mortgage is built on a bubble /fraud through their research, whether being that is based on theory, data (Burry) or investigation (Baum). After watching the Big Short, I understand some aspect of the mortgage crisis in 2007 from the movie. I learned a new concept: CDO and synthetic collateralized debt obligations (CDO). Poorly structured loans are packaged into CDO, and then it obtains good ratings (where in fact they deserve BB or even worse ratings). The movie explained synthetic CDO using the blackjack scene of Selena Gomez. Every person bet on the previous people s bet as a side bet while Gomez is winning. However, once Gomez loses her hand, these large side bets set off the domino effect and create a giant loss in the system. This is an accurate metaphor... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have more information (through their research) and a better foresight in the mortgage market. Asymmetric information exists between these investors and the banks: the buyer knows more than the seller. However, I have been wondering why unlike Vennett, Baum, Geller and Shipley, who decide to do their research on the mortgage market when they hear about credit default swap initiated by Burry it never occurs to the banks that they should do their research before they agree to the CDS. This might be because of moral hazard. The bank knows that they are so important in the economic system that they will be bailed out by the federal government even if they go bankrupt. Thus, although the banks do not have enough information, they still get involved with the risky ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Johnson Munson Syndrome Analysis Johnson Munson syndrome is a rare syndrome identified by missing abnormal vertebrae, fingers and toes and various deformities of the heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas and intestines. Ophanet a consortium of European partners defines a condition as rare. In the US population, less than 200,000 people can possibly be affected by Johnson Munson Syndrome or second type of Johnson Munson syndrome. (Orphanet 2015) Johnson Munson syndrome will start within the DNA from the formation of the fetus at birth. There are birth defects that cause the variety of disfiguring parts of the body. There for the limbs may not be of proper size and these could consist of a toe or finger missing. The toes and fingers can also be grown together, arms, and legs may not be fully developed. As of today, there is one known risk factor that has been found within the first year of the child s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A few examples are Home blood pressure hypertension test, heart rate monitors, heart ECG, cholesterol testing, lung function, bladder testing, urinary tract infection test, home cystitis test, home kidney test, home urine protein test for the kidney, home prostate cancer test, hormone test, libido test, menopause testing, andropause test, hepatitis test, liver test, sexually transmitted disease test, stomach ulcer test, colorectal cancer test kits, fecal occult bleeding test kits, food allergy test, food intolerance testing, water testing, lead poisoning test and heavy metal poisoning test. There are also undiagnosed with Johnson Munson disease that include chrohn s disease, celiac disease, heartburn, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, carcinoid syndrome, and pancreatitis. Looking at Johnson Munson syndrome it can be of use to consider the disease that might have been misdiagnosed. Although another condition that might be of relevance to diagnose might exist as well (Right Diagnosis, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...