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Winning with leadership
Winning with leadership
You’ll hear
The difference between
  ‘management’ and

How to get your people
      ‘on board’

  Ways to maximize
 people performance

  Ideas to create the
   culture you want
What’s the
difference between

Maintain the status quo

Monitor situation

Allocate resources

Communicate targets

Measure the results

Feedback on the trends
 Strategic thinkers
 Look forward and create visions
“A leader's job
is To rally people
    Toward a         “
   Better future
         Marcus Buckingham
Why is
   so important?
“similar companies, employing similar
   The surplus society has a surplus

    people, with similar educational
 backgrounds, working in similar jobs,
coming up with similar ideas, producing
   similar things, with similar prices,   “
        warranties, and qualities
                    Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjel Nordstrom
                                Authors, Funky Business
“ When people leave companies,
   They tend not to quit the
 company, They are more likely
    to have quit the boss
                        Ken Blanchard
“ The talented employee may
  join a company because of
  its charismatic leaders, its
  generous benefits, and its
      world-class training
 programs, but how long that
   employee stays and how
 productive he is while he is
  there is determined by his
      relationship with his               “
     immediate supervisor
        Research from thousands of employees
  Marcus Buckingham ‘First Break All The Rules’
Trust In Management

Is Declining
“  Only 36% of employees
trust senior management to
communicate effectively

“  This drops to only 26%
of employees with more than
15 years experience

“  Only 53% felt their
organization did a good job
of keeping employees informed

                              Source: mercer hr consulting
Get that   1

Getting that ‘Vision Thing’
 Creating a clear picture of the future
 that ‘stimulates, excites and inspires’

 Getting everyone to ‘buy’ into it

 Ensuring that everyone understands
 what’s expected of them

 Turning it into meaningful
 goals and targets

 Communicating progress
 towards it continuously

 Celebrating successes

 Working ‘On’ it consistently
Strategic   On
   Tactical    In
What does A

    Look like?
A Vision
 Is not simply a set of financial figures

 Is not a business plan

 Is not a ‘pie in the sky’ idea

 Is more than words in the MD’s
 annual speech

 Is a picture of the future that we want

 Includes customers, people and finances

 Typically is a 2 year / 1 year /
 6 month ‘thing’

 Is a point of strategic focus for the
 leadership of the business

 Is something for everyone to work towards
People tell us

                  need to
How is this vision relevant to me?

What specifically do you want me to do?

How will I be measured?

What consequences will I face?

What tools and support are available?

What’s in it for me?

How are we doing?
To help people
These Questions
idea   Value Your
It’s not what you say…

It’s what you
Values Can:
 Define the fundamental character of a business

 Help create the culture you want

 Create a sense of identity for the business

 Reduce game playing, politics and confusion

 Provide guidelines for managers and staff

 Provide guidance for acceptable
 and unacceptable behaviors
Harley Davison’s   Tell The Truth

                   Be Fair

                   Keep Your Promises

                   Respect The Individual

                   Encourage Intellectual

                   Mutually Beneficial

 Feel that their managers behave in a way
 which is consistent with company values

                               Source: mercer hr consulting

Feel that what their organization says it values
  Is consistent with what it actually rewards

                                  Source: mercer hr consulting
Turn your values into

Preferred Behaviors
 Offers support – doesn’t wait to be asked

 Strives to understand and contribute to
 departmental/team goals

 Recognizes the implications
 of their actions/inactions on others

 Shows respect to the needs,
 feelings and views of others

 Promotes ‘collective’ ownership
 across the business

 Encourages contributions from
 all team members
Be A
“ There’s no ‘1’
 in ‘Team’, but
 there is a ‘Me’
   if you look
  hard enough
            David Brent

Source: Gallup
The benefits of an
More likely to have lower staff turnover

                                     Source: gallup
More likely to have higher than
  average customer loyalty

                                  Source: gallup
More likely to have above
  average productivity

                            Source: gallup
More likely to report
higher profitability

                        Source: gallup
  Give your
   people a
Damn Good
listening to
“ The best engineers
 sometimes come in                    “
bodies that can’t talk
          Nolan Bushnell, founder of atari
Set up feedback systems that suit your
team, not you

‘Beat the brainwashing’ – ask your
newcomers to spot your business

‘Kill a stupid rule’ – commerce bank
offers $50

‘Experience days’

‘Fiver down the pub’ Fridays

‘Pizzas and problems’

Resist recruiting ‘replicates’
Ask your team

What do you
Want from me?

       Be an

       Of The Status Quo
“ When two people
 in business always
agree, one of them is
             William Wrigley jr
         1 Leadership            3 Culture

         2 Systems & Processes   4 Measurement
Processes do you have to
encourage your people to

Revolutionize    your business?
“Find great ideas,
  exaggerate them,
and spread them like
   hell around the
 business with the                 “
    speed of light
 Jan Carlzon, Head of Scandinavian Airlines

  Create other

       Not Followers
                        Peak          Star



                        Low            High

                          Unused potential


  Take Action
        Not Notes
“ Vision
 without action
is hallucination
          Andy Law, St.Lukes
“ Take the first step
 in faith. You do not
have to see the whole
 staircase. Just take  “
     the first step
             Martin Luther King
We can all be

“ Right, I'm going to leave
 you, I know there is going
       to be a tsunami
                   Tilly Smith, Age 10
Winning with leadership
Don’t just stand there
Do Something!
              Dick Dastardly
Don’t Forget To Connect With Me. . . . .

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Winning with leadership

  • 3. You’ll hear The difference between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ How to get your people ‘on board’ Ways to maximize people performance Ideas to create the culture you want
  • 4. What’s the difference between Leadership & Management
  • 5. Managers Maintain the status quo Monitor situation Allocate resources Communicate targets Measure the results Feedback on the trends
  • 6. Leaders Strategic thinkers Look forward and create visions Challenge Motivate Inspire
  • 7. “A leader's job is To rally people Toward a “ Better future Marcus Buckingham
  • 8. Why is Leadership so important?
  • 9. “similar companies, employing similar of The surplus society has a surplus people, with similar educational backgrounds, working in similar jobs, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices, “ warranties, and qualities Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjel Nordstrom Authors, Funky Business
  • 10. “ When people leave companies, They tend not to quit the company, They are more likely “ to have quit the boss Ken Blanchard
  • 11. “ The talented employee may join a company because of its charismatic leaders, its generous benefits, and its world-class training programs, but how long that employee stays and how productive he is while he is there is determined by his relationship with his “ immediate supervisor Research from thousands of employees Marcus Buckingham ‘First Break All The Rules’
  • 13. “ Only 36% of employees trust senior management to communicate effectively “ This drops to only 26% of employees with more than 15 years experience “ Only 53% felt their organization did a good job of keeping employees informed Source: mercer hr consulting
  • 14. idea Get that 1 Vision Thing
  • 15. Getting that ‘Vision Thing’ Creating a clear picture of the future that ‘stimulates, excites and inspires’ Getting everyone to ‘buy’ into it Ensuring that everyone understands what’s expected of them Turning it into meaningful goals and targets Communicating progress towards it continuously Celebrating successes Working ‘On’ it consistently
  • 16. Strategic On Operational Tactical In
  • 17. What does A Vision Look like?
  • 18. A Vision Is not simply a set of financial figures Is not a business plan Is not a ‘pie in the sky’ idea Is more than words in the MD’s annual speech Is a picture of the future that we want Includes customers, people and finances Typically is a 2 year / 1 year / 6 month ‘thing’ Is a point of strategic focus for the leadership of the business Is something for everyone to work towards
  • 19. People tell us They need to know
  • 20. How is this vision relevant to me? What specifically do you want me to do? How will I be measured? What consequences will I face? What tools and support are available? What’s in it for me? How are we doing?
  • 23. 2 idea Value Your Values
  • 24. It’s not what you say… It’s what you DO!!
  • 25. Values Can: Define the fundamental character of a business Help create the culture you want Create a sense of identity for the business Reduce game playing, politics and confusion Provide guidelines for managers and staff Provide guidance for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
  • 26. Harley Davison’s Tell The Truth Values Be Fair Keep Your Promises Respect The Individual Encourage Intellectual Curiosity Mutually Beneficial Relationships
  • 27. Only Feel that their managers behave in a way which is consistent with company values Source: mercer hr consulting
  • 28. Only Feel that what their organization says it values Is consistent with what it actually rewards Source: mercer hr consulting
  • 29. Turn your values into Preferred Behaviors
  • 30. Teamwork Offers support – doesn’t wait to be asked Strives to understand and contribute to departmental/team goals Recognizes the implications of their actions/inactions on others Shows respect to the needs, feelings and views of others Promotes ‘collective’ ownership across the business Encourages contributions from all team members
  • 31. Be A Role Model
  • 32. “ There’s no ‘1’ in ‘Team’, but there is a ‘Me’ if you look hard enough “ David Brent
  • 33. 3 idea Get Engaged
  • 35. The benefits of an Engaged Workforce
  • 36. More likely to have lower staff turnover Source: gallup
  • 37. More likely to have higher than average customer loyalty Source: gallup
  • 38. More likely to have above average productivity Source: gallup
  • 39. More likely to report higher profitability Source: gallup
  • 40. idea 4 Give your people a Damn Good listening to
  • 41. “ The best engineers sometimes come in “ bodies that can’t talk Nolan Bushnell, founder of atari
  • 43. Set up feedback systems that suit your team, not you ‘Beat the brainwashing’ – ask your newcomers to spot your business ‘stupidities’ ‘Kill a stupid rule’ – commerce bank offers $50 ‘Experience days’ ‘Fiver down the pub’ Fridays ‘Pizzas and problems’ Resist recruiting ‘replicates’
  • 44. Ask your team What do you Want from me?
  • 46. 5 idea Be an Enemy Of The Status Quo
  • 47. “ When two people in business always agree, one of them is “ unnecessary William Wrigley jr
  • 48. Common Traits 1 Leadership 3 Culture 2 Systems & Processes 4 Measurement
  • 49. What Processes do you have to encourage your people to Revolutionize your business?
  • 50. “Find great ideas, exaggerate them, and spread them like hell around the business with the “ speed of light Jan Carlzon, Head of Scandinavian Airlines
  • 51. 6 idea Create other Leaders Not Followers
  • 52. High Peak Star Performer Productivity Problem Low Mismatch Performer Low High Unused potential
  • 54. 7 idea Take Action Not Notes
  • 55. “ Vision without action “ is hallucination Andy Law, St.Lukes
  • 56. “ Take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase. Just take “ the first step Martin Luther King
  • 57. We can all be Leaders
  • 58. “ Right, I'm going to leave you, I know there is going “ to be a tsunami Tilly Smith, Age 10
  • 60. Don’t just stand there Do Something! Dick Dastardly
  • 61. Don’t Forget To Connect With Me. . . . . Please……………..