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ePortfolio Executive Summary 2006-2007


Prepared by Dr. Lori Hager                                                            COURSEWORK
June 2007

   Arts & Administration Program | School of Architecture & Allied Arts | UNIVERSITY OF OREGON
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                             2006-2007

                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

                  Executive Summary                                                   3
                  Project Description                                                 3
                  Vision at end of Year One                                           4
                  Goals for Year Two                                                  4
                  Summary of Year Two                                                 5
                  Implementation Timeline, Year Two                                   5
                  Year Three Goals                                                    6
                  Year Three Sustainability Plan                                      6
                  Proposed Year Three Timeline                                        7
                  Interdisciplinary ePortfolio Initiative                             9
                  AAA PODS/ePortfolio Workshops                                       9
                  Tutor and Lab Assessment Summary                                    9
                  Tutor and Lab Assessment Figures                                    10
                  Lab Hour Topics                                                     10
                  Lab Hour Figure                                                     11
                  Project Participants                                                11
                  Images from 2007 ePortfolios                                        13

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ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007

                                          EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


         ePortfolios enhances linkages between professional preparation, academic
         coursework, and technological applications by supporting students, courses, and
         project advancement through tutoring, project evaluation, and inter-
         departmental collaboration.

 ePortfolios is a three-year initiative supported through a grant by the University of
 Oregon Education Technology Committee. Directed by Dr. Lori Hager, Assistant
 Professor in the Arts and Administration, ePortfolios connects professional development
 with Information Design and Multimedia. In the Arts and Administration Program,
 graduate students create and post their ePortfolios at the end of their first year, which
 they manage throughout their graduate studies.

 The Ed Tech-supported initiative expands ePortfolios to other AAA departments, offering
 workshops and tutors to undergraduate and graduate students to design, develop, and
 publish their ePortfolios in support of internships, research, and career advancement.

 We received funding from the Ed Tech committee as a multi-year project. At the end
 of Year One, we submitted extensive program evaluation materials, in addition to the
 re-application materials requested by the Educational Technology Committee.
 In response to the Ed Tech Committee’s request, and in line with our Year Two goals, we
 focused on establishing vehicles for extending ePortfolios throughout AAA; began
 conversations with School of Journalism and the College of Education CATE about
 partnerships across campus in ePortfolio applications, continued to research
 applications for ePortfolios in other colleges and universities, and began the
 development phase for a comprehensive ePortfolio website and database. We have
 been in an extensive research and development phase for a comprehensive website
 and database that will function in three ways: full public student professional ePortfolios,
 hybrid public/private space that is course-based where students and faculty post and
 archive course projects, is searchable, and which has project collaboration functions;
 and a fully private site to track student learning throughout their academic career.
 Our vision and proposal is based on the best models currently available, and is
 designed to address the unique composition of the professional schools involved. We
 have put into place a system that can be expanded upon to meet the deliverables of
 each of these goal sets.

 We are advocating for two things during Year Three: the continuation of funding for the
 AAA-level pilot project. Since this project was designed as a three-year pilot, it is critical
 that the level of funding for Year Three be maintained so that we can accomplish what
 we set out to do. A significant degree of momentum has been generated through our
 efforts, and the efforts of our interdisciplinary partners in Journalism and Education. This
 project design is based on the best available models for ePortfolios in professional
 schools and colleges, and extends the model in a comprehensive and flexible design.

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 3 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007
 Secondly, we would like to offer to the campus a year-long Interdisciplinary ePortfolio
 Initiative composed of School of Journalism, College of Education, and AAA to share
 resources across our schools for the purposes of engaging with the larger campus
 community concerning ePortfolio applications.

 During the first term implementation in 2005-2006, we directly assisted 40-45 students to
 create and post their ePortfolios on ePortfolio.uoregon.edu. ePortfolio tutors assisted
 students in the Millrace Computer Lab for a total of 144 tutoring sessions, averaging 2
 hours duration, in Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, FTP, graphic design and
 digital editing. We began with one faculty and one support staff from Media Services,
 and expanded to include 2 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student, 1 adjunct
 instructor, 1 additional AAA faculty, the AAA PODS director, and developing
 partnerships with additional AAA departments and faculty, as well as programs across
 campus. We deployed the project website, ePortfolio.uoregon.edu.

 During Year Two, we will have assisted 45 students to create and post their ePortfolios,
 and 80 students to post their projects on the project gallery space, for approximately
 125 students from across AAA in the project.

 VISION AT THE END OF YEAR ONE FOR YEAR TWO (from end of Year 1 report to Ed Tech):

         “We are currently in conversation with PODS (Professional Outreach and
         Development for Students), the Architecture Program, Digital Arts, the College of
         Education, and the School of Journalism to further connections with ePortfolios.
         We will strengthen our connections with the AAA PODS, and expect that by the
         third year, ePortfolios and PODS will share webspace and resources. The
         Architecture Program is interested in utilizing the project to assist students to
         create and post ePortfolios, and we expect to continue to expand next year
         throughout AAA departments. We will begin conversations with other universities
         piloting ePortfolios across the country and with arts organizations to build
         capacity and assess our project website. We expect to increase the visibility of
         the student ePortfolios during fall quarter, when we re-design the website and
         create a database. Conversations about cross-disciplinary collaborations with
         Education and Journalism, and with Media Services, have just begun, and reveal
         the high demand that ePortfolios have for students and faculty across academic
         disciplines. I believe that next year will be a very exciting year for the
         development of ePortfolio applications on the University of Oregon campus.”


 Year Two Goals:
    • Mentor additional faculty in the development and use of ePortfolios.
    • Continue workshops and trainings in design and applications specific to
    • Expand ePortfolios applications to other graduate student courses.

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 4 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007


 First, we wanted to focus this year on identifying an effective vehicle to disseminate
 ePortfolios throughout AAA. We were fairly confident in the system and organizational
 structure we had established, but needed to find ways to meet the needs of the
 interdisciplinary school. So, we began an intensive research and development phase
 for developing a platform and system flexible and responsive to the different
 disciplinary standards in a school that houses such diverse programs as Arts
 Administration, Architecture and Digital Arts. We began conversations with web
 developers across campus, and in December 06 determined to work with SSIL to
 develop our multi-functional ePortfolio website. Ultimately, we were only successful with
 one level of the development process, and this was the Architecture project gallery for
 Nancy Cheng’s ARCH 384 site. At the same time, Andre Chinn was piloting PLONE in
 the School of Journalism, and as a result of conversations with the ad hoc group, we
 determined that this open source content management system would be better suited
 to the multi-functional and flexible system that we conceived. This research and
 development process is the basis for what we have proposed for Year Three.

 Secondly, we ascertained the best delivery mechanism for ePortfolio was through AAA
 PODS (Professional Outreach and Development for Students), rather than through
 identifying faculty in individual departments and programs. Toward this end, we
 continued planning with PODS on delivering workshops in ePortfolio development,
 sharing resources, and aligning our program strengths and goals. With PODS, we
 presented ePortfolios at the Spring AAA Career Fair and Board of Visitors, to a very
 favorable review. Additionally, we again offered ePortfolio development workshops to
 AAA students during Spring term, which reaches students throughout AAA. ePortfolio
 development continued in AAD, and began in Architecture.


         Fall, 2006
         •One additional AAA faculty added to project from Architecture (Nancy Cheng)
         •PODS, Kassia Dellabough, added formally to the project
         •ePortfolio tutoring continues
         •Evaluation continues
         •Students enroll in Advanced Information Design and Presentation (AAD 585).
         •Web R&D Begun
         •Campus-wide ePortfolio ad hoc group begins
         •AAD students enroll in Internship II and present their ePortfolios
         Winter, 2007
         •ePortfolio tutoring continues
         •Web R & D with SSIL begins
         •AAD students enroll in Internship I (AAD 604), and begin to develop ePortfolio
         content materials
         •Campus-wide ePortfolio ad hoc group continues
         •Planning for PODS workshops
         •Planning for Career Fair and BOV

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 5 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007
         Spring 2007
         Project Planning for Year Three
         EPortfolio presentation at the campus IT Symposium
         Students enroll in Internet Media (AAD 585) and develop ePortfolio websites.
         Student and GTF support continues.
         PODS ePortfolio intensive workshops offered
         Additional AAA students added to ePortfolio
         Interactive ePortfolio presentation at AAA Career Fair
         Met with Columbia College, Chicago, ePortfolio group
         Proposal for interdisciplinary ePortfolio initiative, 2007-2008 (see accompanying
         Planning for campus-wide and international communication and development

 We met and exceeded each of the goals stated above within AAD and AAA, and are
 extending ePortfolios to other departments on campus, such as the School of
 Journalism and the College of Education.

 YEAR THREE GOALS (from pilot project proposal):

         •Continue to expand AAA departments involved, and other schools on campus.
         •Increase visibility of ePortfolios through conference presentations and
         •Explore feasibility of expanding ePortfolios to include undergraduate fine and
         performing arts students and faculty.

 Focus: Platform for ePortfolio (web development); Organizational system (PODS);
 Interdisciplinarity (ad-hoc group)

 Vision: ePortfolios enhances connections with the professional communities, alumni and
 families through a fully public site that demonstrates the best student work.


 We have two primary goals for Year Three relative to sustainability:
      1. Website development that allows students to create and manage ePortfolios,
      provides a searchable database, and which includes a project gallery for each
      2. Partner with PODS to offer administrative support and increase ePortfolio
      workshops and ePortfolio development for students throughout AAA.

 Goal 1: Our immediate goal is to pilot PLONE, an open source content management
 system successfully piloted and tested by the School of Journalism for their ePortfolio
 application, as the platform for the ePortfolio project. Initially, we will develop two
 functional levels, the fully public professional portfolio and hybrid/group collaboration
 and project/course gallery space. This will allow us to include an authentication
 function so that students can create and manage their ePortfolios and post them to the
 dedicated server, and allow students to maintain their ePortfolios for a specified

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 6 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007
 amount of time after graduation. Each department will be provided with both
 functionalities in a department/school page, which allows them to develop their
 functionality, as the need arises. The development of this website is essential in order for
 this project to have the capability of reaching every student in AAA, and of creating a
 platform for faculty and students to share, create, and house course projects in a
 searchable gallery space.

 Goal 2: Additionally, an enhanced partnership with PODS, with its focus on alumni
 relations, and peer review through the Board of Visitors, as well as an administrative
 support structure, will be essential for ePortfolios sustainability

 Goal 3: We are submitting a proposal to Don Harris for an Interdisciplinary ePortfolio
 Initiative between AAA, School of Journalism, and College of Ed/CATE. (see attached).
 If supported, this provides a larger sustainability structure for ePortfolios in the long term.
 However, the AAA infrastructure and resources requested in this proposal are a critical
 next step in order to prepare for that eventuality, and ensure that the project continues
 and benefits the most students and faculty possible.


         Summer, 07
         •Eric Schiff acts as Project Manager on the web development and design of
         ePortfolios (see attached). Andre Chinn has agreed to act as consultant to us
         for utilizing PLONE as the platform for the website. Ed Parker and Eric Schiff (with
         additional student support, if necessary) work throughout July to finish the basic
         structure of the site in preparation for fall.
         •ePortfolios co-sponsors the July 9 visit of Helen Barrett, the foremost authority on
         ePortfolios in the United States, to the UO campus.

         Fall, 07
         •Planning for PODS ePortfolio workshops to be offered Winter and Spring
         •Advising students on ePortfolio tracks (see below)
         •Marketing for ePortfolio and for workshops
         •AAD students incorporate Internships into ePortfolios and present their
         ePortfolios to the learning community.
         •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-workshops to AAD students, and AAA students
         who are on ePortfolio Track 3 (see below)
         •Students from interdisciplinary initiative take tools classes in preparation for
         ePortfolio workshops
         •Eric Schiff monitors website and development, and participates in instructional
         sessions for departments/programs to activate/utilize ePortfolio site functions
         (hybrid/project gallery, standards, etc)
         •ePortfolio Advisory Committee begins meeting

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 7 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007
         ePortfolio Fall 2007 presentations
         The following presentations have been planned to disseminate and
         communicate our ePortfolio efforts both on campus and internationally.
         Fall, 07 - Joint presentations to the School of Journalism, College of Education,
         and School of Architecture and Allied Arts at fall school-wide faculty meeting.
         Andre Chinn, Jonathon Richter and I will be presenting jointly at each other’s
         college and schools on our efforts in ePortfolios, and future vision.
         October, 07 - Presentation submission for the international ePortfolio conference
         (Eifel), in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on ePortfolios and Higher Education in the
         United States. The theme of the 5th international ePortfolio conference is
         “Employability and Lifelong Learning in the Knowledge Society” – a topic
         particularly apt to our efforts here at UO.
         November, 07 -Faculty workshop for TEP on campus ePortfolios,
         •Additionally, we will be pursuing an article for UO IT Connections
         •Jonathon Richter and Lori Hager will submit jointly authored paper for

         Winter, 08
         •AAA PODS/ePortfolio workshops (see below for details)
         Our multi-year assessment revealed that the best system for delivering ePortfolios
         throughout AAA outside of the course structure is through AAA-level self-support
         courses that guide students through the tools development process, and in
         posting their ePortfolios. Consequently, we support PODS’ request to the Dean’s
         office for an increase in the PODS staff budget to include administrative of these
         courses and student advising. Students will undergo a preliminary assessment
         relative to technological and design skills. Based on their score, they will be
         directed through the ePortfolio process in one of three ways:
                 ePortfolio Tracks
                 Track 1 - Minimal to no skills – directed to take a tools course, either
                 through Digital Media Tools (Skip McFarlane and others), a quarter-long
                 digital arts courses, or other.
                 Track 2 - Intermediate Skills – ePortfolio workshop.
                 Track 3 - Advanced skills – one-on one sessions with the ePortfolio tutors.

         •AAD Internship course – students work on portfolio content
         •AAD Technology - students work on design elements
         •Students in ePortfolio Track 2 take PODS workshops and post ePortfolios on
         •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-one sessions to Track 3 students from AAA and
         the interdisciplinary initiative participants, and students post ePortfolios on

         Spring, 08
         •ePortfolio Track 2 students take EPortfolio workshops, Second Session
         •AAD Multimedia course – Students develop and post ePortfolios
         •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-one sessions to Track 3 students from AAA and the
         interdisciplinary initiative participants, and students post ePortfolios on website.
         •Ad Hoc ePortfolio group presents findings from interdisciplinary ePortfolio initiative

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 8 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                        2006-2007

 ePortfolios has established a formal partnership with the School of Journalism and CATE
 (College of Education) to pilot an interdisciplinary ePortfolio project during 07/08. (See
 accompanying materials.)


 Our multi-year assessment revealed that the best system for delivering ePortfolios
 throughout AAA outside of the course structure is going to be through AAA-level self-
 support courses that guide students through the tools development process, and in
 posting their ePortfolios. Consequently, we support PODS’ request to the Dean’s office
 for an increase in the PODS staff budget to include administrative of these courses and
 student advising. Students will undergo a preliminary assessment relative to
 technological and design skills. Based on their score, they will be directed through the
 ePortfolio process in one of three ways:
         1. Minimal to no skills – directed to take a tools course, either through Digital
            Media Tools, a quarter-long digital arts courses, or other.
         2. Intermediate skills – ePortfolio workshop.
         3. Advanced skills – one-on one sessions with the ePortfolio tutors.

 Students will work with the PODS office to identify the appropriate sequence. The
 ePortfolio workshop requires students to have taken the AAA Portfolio content
 development course prior to enrolling in the ePortfolio course. The content course
 assists students to have their professional documents ready for digitization. Our two-
 year assessment has demonstrated that the ePortfolio tutors are an essential
 component of the ePortfolio system. The tutors are available for one-on-one sessions
 during lab hours and by appointment. Currently, the tutors have worked with Eric
 Schiff’s course throughout the year, providing in-class and out-of-class support. This has
 allowed Eric to move deeper and further in design and web development tools. The
 success of this year’s class demonstrates the importance of this support. We have seen
 a 30% increase in the success of students completing their ePortfolios from last year,
 and a 70% increase from the year before the implementation of the project.
 Additionally, the caliber of the ePortfolios have increased each year, with this year
 demonstrating the best work so far.


 Throughout the 2006-2007 school year, the ePortfolio program has provided AAD and
 other AAA students working on developing ePortfolios with open lab hours. Colin
 Williams, the ePortfolio Tutor, has been a key part of the ePortfolio team since the
 beginning of the ePortfolio project in 2005. During lab hours, students are able to work
 on their ePortfolios and access the ePortfolio tutor for in-depth, individual sessions on
 ePortfolio development, design, technical tools, and uploading ePortfolios onto a web

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 9 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                         2006-2007
 ePortfolio holds open lab hours for 15 hours per week during the academic year. Over
 the course of this year, AAA students received individual tutoring during 69 Lab Tutor
 Sessions for a total of 138.5 hours. The Lab Tutor Sessions lasted approximately two hours

 The ePortfolio tutors were evaluated by students in their ability to provide clear direction
 and their technical proficiency. The ePortfolio lab was evaluated by students regarding:
 hours and availability and workstation quality. Both the tutors and the lab were given
 the highest rating by most of the students in the 45 session assessments completed.

 In order for students to create ePortfolios, they must first have a strong foundation in
 design, design tools, and web hierarchy and architecture. In the AAD Technology
 courses and the ePortfolio PODS workshops, students learn the basics of design and
 design tools like Adobe’s Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Theses design tools
 enable students to prepare ePortfolio designs, images, and documents. Students used 7
 lab hours in web hierarchy and architecture; 21 lab hours in design; 25 lab hours in
 learning design tools; and 31.75 lab hours creating, uploading, and updating their
 ePortfolios. However, students used the majority of the Lab Tutor Sessions to learn and
 practice web development software tools such as Macromedia Dreamweaver and
 Fireworks for a total of 43.5 hours.

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 10 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                         2006-2007


 AAA PODS & Kassia Dellabough
 The AAA Office of Professional Outreach and Development for Students works directly
 with students to clarify career goals and develop appropriate job and internship tools.
 The portfolio is central to career development and job search. The PODS office serves
 as a career hub in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts and as such provides
 information and direction to students creating ePortfolios and other job search tools.
 This year in collaboration with the ePortfolio Project, the PODS office offered a Portfolio
 development class winter term that fed into the ePortfolio class spring term. PODS also
 facilitated a presentation by the ePortfolio Project Director to the AAA Board of Visitirs
 during the Career Symposium and worked with several students who were creating
 ePortfolios independently. As member of the campus-wide ePortfolio ad-hock
 committee, the PODS office strongly supports the continued development and
 expansion of ePortfolio development for all students in AAA and advocates for
 resources to expand the ePortfolio in AAA.

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 11 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                         2006-2007
 Eric Schiff, Arts & Administration Adjunct Faculty
 My involvement focused on three primary areas: Continued development and
 refinement of the AAD ePortfolio model and standards; Pursuing implementation of
 storage/hosting capability, and creating a new delivery mechanism/website for
 student and faculty, public and private access to ePortfolio sites, instructional resources,
 and community, professional, and employer networks and resources; Broadening the
 scope and reach of the ePortfolio project to include other AAA programs and

 Ongoing development and refinement of the AAD ePortfolio model and standards
 involved regular discussion and weekly meetings with my colleagues on the ePortfolio
 project team, and has been beneficial to moving AAD’s ePortfolio effort (requirement)
 forward successfully. This is evidenced by the successful completion and quality of
 ePortfolios by AAD students this Spring term. Standards still need to be formalized, and
 will be in place by the Fall.

 One aspect of my work this year that has proven both rewarding professionally and a
 benefit to the ePortfolio project, has been my involvement with the ad hoc campus
 ePortfolio committee. The group meets monthly and has provided a forum and
 opportunities to explore and investigate leading edge development and application of
 ePortfolio programs across the UO campus and nation wide. This colleageal sharing
 and support helped validate our efforts, and opened opportunities for collaboration
 with other departments and schools to develop best practices for emerging ePortfolio
 application. I am hoping that one such opportunity will enable AAD to move forward
 with our goal of creating a new website, hosting, and resource network facility for our
 students, and eventually all AAA students. This was the one area of the ePortfolio
 project where we fell short this year – lesson’s learned.

 I was also involved in presenting AAD/AAA ePortfolio project development and intents
 to the Portland Board of Visitors this spring. The presentation was very well received with
 feedback fully supportive of pursuing additional development and support of ePortfolio

 Finally, I designed and taught a 3 session, 1 credit ePortfolio workshop for AAA students
 this spring. While the sign up for the course was small – due to scheduling conflicts which
 are to be resolved next year, it was well received and student outcomes met a high
 degree of success with all students completing and posting their ePorfolios.

 I am looking forward to continued involvement possibly this summer, definitely next
 year, in advancing the ePortfolio initiative in AAA, and with other campus
 collaborators/partners. Activities will most likely include research, meetings, and design,
 development, and implementation of ePortfolio tools and resources. Along with
 teaching ePortfolio design in my Spring term AAD course, I am also planning on
 teaching 2 ePortfolio workshops, one Winter and one Spring term.

 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 12 of 13
ePortfolio Year Two                                                                         2006-2007
 Reed Davaz McGowan, Arts & Administration Graduate Student
 During the Spring term of 2007, I joined the ePortfolio team as the project’s GTF. Over the course
 of the term, I created presentation materials for ePortfolio, worked on assessment and
 evaluation, provided Dr. Hager with administrative support, and helped students to post their
 ePortfolios. As an AAD graduate student, I had firsthand knowledge of the ePortfolio project
 during its first year. In 2006, I worked closely with Eric Schiff and Colin Williams to create my own
 ePortfolio. With the tools that I learned through the ePortfolio coursework, I have continued to
 design websites for several friends and working artists. I consider the process of developing,
 designing, and implementing my ePortfolio to be one of the most practical pieces of my


 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007   Created by Dr. Lori Hager   June 13, 2007   Page 13 of 13

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Year 2 Final Report

  • 1. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2006-2007 ePortfolio PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION ACADEMIC Prepared by Dr. Lori Hager COURSEWORK June 2007 TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Arts & Administration Program | School of Architecture & Allied Arts | UNIVERSITY OF OREGON
  • 2. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Project Description 3 Vision at end of Year One 4 Goals for Year Two 4 Summary of Year Two 5 Implementation Timeline, Year Two 5 Year Three Goals 6 Year Three Sustainability Plan 6 Proposed Year Three Timeline 7 Interdisciplinary ePortfolio Initiative 9 AAA PODS/ePortfolio Workshops 9 Tutor and Lab Assessment Summary 9 Tutor and Lab Assessment Figures 10 Lab Hour Topics 10 Lab Hour Figure 11 Project Participants 11 Images from 2007 ePortfolios 13 ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 2 of 13
  • 3. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT DESCRIPTION ePortfolios enhances linkages between professional preparation, academic coursework, and technological applications by supporting students, courses, and project advancement through tutoring, project evaluation, and inter- departmental collaboration. ePortfolios is a three-year initiative supported through a grant by the University of Oregon Education Technology Committee. Directed by Dr. Lori Hager, Assistant Professor in the Arts and Administration, ePortfolios connects professional development with Information Design and Multimedia. In the Arts and Administration Program, graduate students create and post their ePortfolios at the end of their first year, which they manage throughout their graduate studies. The Ed Tech-supported initiative expands ePortfolios to other AAA departments, offering workshops and tutors to undergraduate and graduate students to design, develop, and publish their ePortfolios in support of internships, research, and career advancement. We received funding from the Ed Tech committee as a multi-year project. At the end of Year One, we submitted extensive program evaluation materials, in addition to the re-application materials requested by the Educational Technology Committee. In response to the Ed Tech Committee’s request, and in line with our Year Two goals, we focused on establishing vehicles for extending ePortfolios throughout AAA; began conversations with School of Journalism and the College of Education CATE about partnerships across campus in ePortfolio applications, continued to research applications for ePortfolios in other colleges and universities, and began the development phase for a comprehensive ePortfolio website and database. We have been in an extensive research and development phase for a comprehensive website and database that will function in three ways: full public student professional ePortfolios, hybrid public/private space that is course-based where students and faculty post and archive course projects, is searchable, and which has project collaboration functions; and a fully private site to track student learning throughout their academic career. Our vision and proposal is based on the best models currently available, and is designed to address the unique composition of the professional schools involved. We have put into place a system that can be expanded upon to meet the deliverables of each of these goal sets. We are advocating for two things during Year Three: the continuation of funding for the AAA-level pilot project. Since this project was designed as a three-year pilot, it is critical that the level of funding for Year Three be maintained so that we can accomplish what we set out to do. A significant degree of momentum has been generated through our efforts, and the efforts of our interdisciplinary partners in Journalism and Education. This project design is based on the best available models for ePortfolios in professional schools and colleges, and extends the model in a comprehensive and flexible design. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 3 of 13
  • 4. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 Secondly, we would like to offer to the campus a year-long Interdisciplinary ePortfolio Initiative composed of School of Journalism, College of Education, and AAA to share resources across our schools for the purposes of engaging with the larger campus community concerning ePortfolio applications. During the first term implementation in 2005-2006, we directly assisted 40-45 students to create and post their ePortfolios on ePortfolio.uoregon.edu. ePortfolio tutors assisted students in the Millrace Computer Lab for a total of 144 tutoring sessions, averaging 2 hours duration, in Dreamweaver, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, FTP, graphic design and digital editing. We began with one faculty and one support staff from Media Services, and expanded to include 2 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student, 1 adjunct instructor, 1 additional AAA faculty, the AAA PODS director, and developing partnerships with additional AAA departments and faculty, as well as programs across campus. We deployed the project website, ePortfolio.uoregon.edu. During Year Two, we will have assisted 45 students to create and post their ePortfolios, and 80 students to post their projects on the project gallery space, for approximately 125 students from across AAA in the project. VISION AT THE END OF YEAR ONE FOR YEAR TWO (from end of Year 1 report to Ed Tech): “We are currently in conversation with PODS (Professional Outreach and Development for Students), the Architecture Program, Digital Arts, the College of Education, and the School of Journalism to further connections with ePortfolios. We will strengthen our connections with the AAA PODS, and expect that by the third year, ePortfolios and PODS will share webspace and resources. The Architecture Program is interested in utilizing the project to assist students to create and post ePortfolios, and we expect to continue to expand next year throughout AAA departments. We will begin conversations with other universities piloting ePortfolios across the country and with arts organizations to build capacity and assess our project website. We expect to increase the visibility of the student ePortfolios during fall quarter, when we re-design the website and create a database. Conversations about cross-disciplinary collaborations with Education and Journalism, and with Media Services, have just begun, and reveal the high demand that ePortfolios have for students and faculty across academic disciplines. I believe that next year will be a very exciting year for the development of ePortfolio applications on the University of Oregon campus.” GOALS FOR YEAR TWO Year Two Goals: • Mentor additional faculty in the development and use of ePortfolios. • Continue workshops and trainings in design and applications specific to ePortfolios. • Expand ePortfolios applications to other graduate student courses. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 4 of 13
  • 5. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF YEAR TWO First, we wanted to focus this year on identifying an effective vehicle to disseminate ePortfolios throughout AAA. We were fairly confident in the system and organizational structure we had established, but needed to find ways to meet the needs of the interdisciplinary school. So, we began an intensive research and development phase for developing a platform and system flexible and responsive to the different disciplinary standards in a school that houses such diverse programs as Arts Administration, Architecture and Digital Arts. We began conversations with web developers across campus, and in December 06 determined to work with SSIL to develop our multi-functional ePortfolio website. Ultimately, we were only successful with one level of the development process, and this was the Architecture project gallery for Nancy Cheng’s ARCH 384 site. At the same time, Andre Chinn was piloting PLONE in the School of Journalism, and as a result of conversations with the ad hoc group, we determined that this open source content management system would be better suited to the multi-functional and flexible system that we conceived. This research and development process is the basis for what we have proposed for Year Three. Secondly, we ascertained the best delivery mechanism for ePortfolio was through AAA PODS (Professional Outreach and Development for Students), rather than through identifying faculty in individual departments and programs. Toward this end, we continued planning with PODS on delivering workshops in ePortfolio development, sharing resources, and aligning our program strengths and goals. With PODS, we presented ePortfolios at the Spring AAA Career Fair and Board of Visitors, to a very favorable review. Additionally, we again offered ePortfolio development workshops to AAA students during Spring term, which reaches students throughout AAA. ePortfolio development continued in AAD, and began in Architecture. IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE, YEAR TWO Fall, 2006 •One additional AAA faculty added to project from Architecture (Nancy Cheng) •PODS, Kassia Dellabough, added formally to the project •ePortfolio tutoring continues •Evaluation continues •Students enroll in Advanced Information Design and Presentation (AAD 585). •Web R&D Begun •Campus-wide ePortfolio ad hoc group begins •AAD students enroll in Internship II and present their ePortfolios Winter, 2007 •ePortfolio tutoring continues •Web R & D with SSIL begins •AAD students enroll in Internship I (AAD 604), and begin to develop ePortfolio content materials •Campus-wide ePortfolio ad hoc group continues •Planning for PODS workshops •Planning for Career Fair and BOV ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 5 of 13
  • 6. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 Spring 2007 Project Planning for Year Three EPortfolio presentation at the campus IT Symposium Students enroll in Internet Media (AAD 585) and develop ePortfolio websites. Student and GTF support continues. PODS ePortfolio intensive workshops offered Additional AAA students added to ePortfolio Interactive ePortfolio presentation at AAA Career Fair Met with Columbia College, Chicago, ePortfolio group Proposal for interdisciplinary ePortfolio initiative, 2007-2008 (see accompanying material) Planning for campus-wide and international communication and development We met and exceeded each of the goals stated above within AAD and AAA, and are extending ePortfolios to other departments on campus, such as the School of Journalism and the College of Education. YEAR THREE GOALS (from pilot project proposal): •Continue to expand AAA departments involved, and other schools on campus. •Increase visibility of ePortfolios through conference presentations and workshops. •Explore feasibility of expanding ePortfolios to include undergraduate fine and performing arts students and faculty. Focus: Platform for ePortfolio (web development); Organizational system (PODS); Interdisciplinarity (ad-hoc group) Vision: ePortfolios enhances connections with the professional communities, alumni and families through a fully public site that demonstrates the best student work. YEAR THREE SUSTAINABILITY PLAN We have two primary goals for Year Three relative to sustainability: 1. Website development that allows students to create and manage ePortfolios, provides a searchable database, and which includes a project gallery for each department/program. 2. Partner with PODS to offer administrative support and increase ePortfolio workshops and ePortfolio development for students throughout AAA. Goal 1: Our immediate goal is to pilot PLONE, an open source content management system successfully piloted and tested by the School of Journalism for their ePortfolio application, as the platform for the ePortfolio project. Initially, we will develop two functional levels, the fully public professional portfolio and hybrid/group collaboration and project/course gallery space. This will allow us to include an authentication function so that students can create and manage their ePortfolios and post them to the dedicated server, and allow students to maintain their ePortfolios for a specified ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 6 of 13
  • 7. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 amount of time after graduation. Each department will be provided with both functionalities in a department/school page, which allows them to develop their functionality, as the need arises. The development of this website is essential in order for this project to have the capability of reaching every student in AAA, and of creating a platform for faculty and students to share, create, and house course projects in a searchable gallery space. Goal 2: Additionally, an enhanced partnership with PODS, with its focus on alumni relations, and peer review through the Board of Visitors, as well as an administrative support structure, will be essential for ePortfolios sustainability Goal 3: We are submitting a proposal to Don Harris for an Interdisciplinary ePortfolio Initiative between AAA, School of Journalism, and College of Ed/CATE. (see attached). If supported, this provides a larger sustainability structure for ePortfolios in the long term. However, the AAA infrastructure and resources requested in this proposal are a critical next step in order to prepare for that eventuality, and ensure that the project continues and benefits the most students and faculty possible. PROPOSED YEAR THREE TIMELINE Summer, 07 •Eric Schiff acts as Project Manager on the web development and design of ePortfolios (see attached). Andre Chinn has agreed to act as consultant to us for utilizing PLONE as the platform for the website. Ed Parker and Eric Schiff (with additional student support, if necessary) work throughout July to finish the basic structure of the site in preparation for fall. •ePortfolios co-sponsors the July 9 visit of Helen Barrett, the foremost authority on ePortfolios in the United States, to the UO campus. Fall, 07 •Planning for PODS ePortfolio workshops to be offered Winter and Spring quarters. •Advising students on ePortfolio tracks (see below) •Marketing for ePortfolio and for workshops •AAD students incorporate Internships into ePortfolios and present their ePortfolios to the learning community. •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-workshops to AAD students, and AAA students who are on ePortfolio Track 3 (see below) •Students from interdisciplinary initiative take tools classes in preparation for ePortfolio workshops •Eric Schiff monitors website and development, and participates in instructional sessions for departments/programs to activate/utilize ePortfolio site functions (hybrid/project gallery, standards, etc) •ePortfolio Advisory Committee begins meeting ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 7 of 13
  • 8. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 ePortfolio Fall 2007 presentations The following presentations have been planned to disseminate and communicate our ePortfolio efforts both on campus and internationally. Fall, 07 - Joint presentations to the School of Journalism, College of Education, and School of Architecture and Allied Arts at fall school-wide faculty meeting. Andre Chinn, Jonathon Richter and I will be presenting jointly at each other’s college and schools on our efforts in ePortfolios, and future vision. October, 07 - Presentation submission for the international ePortfolio conference (Eifel), in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on ePortfolios and Higher Education in the United States. The theme of the 5th international ePortfolio conference is “Employability and Lifelong Learning in the Knowledge Society” – a topic particularly apt to our efforts here at UO. November, 07 -Faculty workshop for TEP on campus ePortfolios, •Additionally, we will be pursuing an article for UO IT Connections •Jonathon Richter and Lori Hager will submit jointly authored paper for publication. Winter, 08 •AAA PODS/ePortfolio workshops (see below for details) Our multi-year assessment revealed that the best system for delivering ePortfolios throughout AAA outside of the course structure is through AAA-level self-support courses that guide students through the tools development process, and in posting their ePortfolios. Consequently, we support PODS’ request to the Dean’s office for an increase in the PODS staff budget to include administrative of these courses and student advising. Students will undergo a preliminary assessment relative to technological and design skills. Based on their score, they will be directed through the ePortfolio process in one of three ways: ePortfolio Tracks Track 1 - Minimal to no skills – directed to take a tools course, either through Digital Media Tools (Skip McFarlane and others), a quarter-long digital arts courses, or other. Track 2 - Intermediate Skills – ePortfolio workshop. Track 3 - Advanced skills – one-on one sessions with the ePortfolio tutors. •AAD Internship course – students work on portfolio content •AAD Technology - students work on design elements •Students in ePortfolio Track 2 take PODS workshops and post ePortfolios on website. •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-one sessions to Track 3 students from AAA and the interdisciplinary initiative participants, and students post ePortfolios on website. Spring, 08 •ePortfolio Track 2 students take EPortfolio workshops, Second Session •AAD Multimedia course – Students develop and post ePortfolios •ePortfolio tutors provide one-on-one sessions to Track 3 students from AAA and the interdisciplinary initiative participants, and students post ePortfolios on website. •Ad Hoc ePortfolio group presents findings from interdisciplinary ePortfolio initiative ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 8 of 13
  • 9. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 INTERDISCIPLINARY EPORTFOLIO INITIATIVE ePortfolios has established a formal partnership with the School of Journalism and CATE (College of Education) to pilot an interdisciplinary ePortfolio project during 07/08. (See accompanying materials.) AAA PODS/EPORTFOLIO WORKSHOPS Our multi-year assessment revealed that the best system for delivering ePortfolios throughout AAA outside of the course structure is going to be through AAA-level self- support courses that guide students through the tools development process, and in posting their ePortfolios. Consequently, we support PODS’ request to the Dean’s office for an increase in the PODS staff budget to include administrative of these courses and student advising. Students will undergo a preliminary assessment relative to technological and design skills. Based on their score, they will be directed through the ePortfolio process in one of three ways: 1. Minimal to no skills – directed to take a tools course, either through Digital Media Tools, a quarter-long digital arts courses, or other. 2. Intermediate skills – ePortfolio workshop. 3. Advanced skills – one-on one sessions with the ePortfolio tutors. Students will work with the PODS office to identify the appropriate sequence. The ePortfolio workshop requires students to have taken the AAA Portfolio content development course prior to enrolling in the ePortfolio course. The content course assists students to have their professional documents ready for digitization. Our two- year assessment has demonstrated that the ePortfolio tutors are an essential component of the ePortfolio system. The tutors are available for one-on-one sessions during lab hours and by appointment. Currently, the tutors have worked with Eric Schiff’s course throughout the year, providing in-class and out-of-class support. This has allowed Eric to move deeper and further in design and web development tools. The success of this year’s class demonstrates the importance of this support. We have seen a 30% increase in the success of students completing their ePortfolios from last year, and a 70% increase from the year before the implementation of the project. Additionally, the caliber of the ePortfolios have increased each year, with this year demonstrating the best work so far. TUTOR AND LAB ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Throughout the 2006-2007 school year, the ePortfolio program has provided AAD and other AAA students working on developing ePortfolios with open lab hours. Colin Williams, the ePortfolio Tutor, has been a key part of the ePortfolio team since the beginning of the ePortfolio project in 2005. During lab hours, students are able to work on their ePortfolios and access the ePortfolio tutor for in-depth, individual sessions on ePortfolio development, design, technical tools, and uploading ePortfolios onto a web server. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 9 of 13
  • 10. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 ePortfolio holds open lab hours for 15 hours per week during the academic year. Over the course of this year, AAA students received individual tutoring during 69 Lab Tutor Sessions for a total of 138.5 hours. The Lab Tutor Sessions lasted approximately two hours each. TUTOR AND LAB ASSESSMENT FIGURES The ePortfolio tutors were evaluated by students in their ability to provide clear direction and their technical proficiency. The ePortfolio lab was evaluated by students regarding: hours and availability and workstation quality. Both the tutors and the lab were given the highest rating by most of the students in the 45 session assessments completed. LAB HOUR TOPICS In order for students to create ePortfolios, they must first have a strong foundation in design, design tools, and web hierarchy and architecture. In the AAD Technology courses and the ePortfolio PODS workshops, students learn the basics of design and design tools like Adobe’s Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop. Theses design tools enable students to prepare ePortfolio designs, images, and documents. Students used 7 lab hours in web hierarchy and architecture; 21 lab hours in design; 25 lab hours in learning design tools; and 31.75 lab hours creating, uploading, and updating their ePortfolios. However, students used the majority of the Lab Tutor Sessions to learn and practice web development software tools such as Macromedia Dreamweaver and Fireworks for a total of 43.5 hours. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 10 of 13
  • 11. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 LAB HOUR FIGURE PROJECT PARTICIPANTS AAA PODS & Kassia Dellabough The AAA Office of Professional Outreach and Development for Students works directly with students to clarify career goals and develop appropriate job and internship tools. The portfolio is central to career development and job search. The PODS office serves as a career hub in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts and as such provides information and direction to students creating ePortfolios and other job search tools. This year in collaboration with the ePortfolio Project, the PODS office offered a Portfolio development class winter term that fed into the ePortfolio class spring term. PODS also facilitated a presentation by the ePortfolio Project Director to the AAA Board of Visitirs during the Career Symposium and worked with several students who were creating ePortfolios independently. As member of the campus-wide ePortfolio ad-hock committee, the PODS office strongly supports the continued development and expansion of ePortfolio development for all students in AAA and advocates for resources to expand the ePortfolio in AAA. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 11 of 13
  • 12. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 Eric Schiff, Arts & Administration Adjunct Faculty My involvement focused on three primary areas: Continued development and refinement of the AAD ePortfolio model and standards; Pursuing implementation of storage/hosting capability, and creating a new delivery mechanism/website for student and faculty, public and private access to ePortfolio sites, instructional resources, and community, professional, and employer networks and resources; Broadening the scope and reach of the ePortfolio project to include other AAA programs and departments. Ongoing development and refinement of the AAD ePortfolio model and standards involved regular discussion and weekly meetings with my colleagues on the ePortfolio project team, and has been beneficial to moving AAD’s ePortfolio effort (requirement) forward successfully. This is evidenced by the successful completion and quality of ePortfolios by AAD students this Spring term. Standards still need to be formalized, and will be in place by the Fall. One aspect of my work this year that has proven both rewarding professionally and a benefit to the ePortfolio project, has been my involvement with the ad hoc campus ePortfolio committee. The group meets monthly and has provided a forum and opportunities to explore and investigate leading edge development and application of ePortfolio programs across the UO campus and nation wide. This colleageal sharing and support helped validate our efforts, and opened opportunities for collaboration with other departments and schools to develop best practices for emerging ePortfolio application. I am hoping that one such opportunity will enable AAD to move forward with our goal of creating a new website, hosting, and resource network facility for our students, and eventually all AAA students. This was the one area of the ePortfolio project where we fell short this year – lesson’s learned. I was also involved in presenting AAD/AAA ePortfolio project development and intents to the Portland Board of Visitors this spring. The presentation was very well received with feedback fully supportive of pursuing additional development and support of ePortfolio initiatives. Finally, I designed and taught a 3 session, 1 credit ePortfolio workshop for AAA students this spring. While the sign up for the course was small – due to scheduling conflicts which are to be resolved next year, it was well received and student outcomes met a high degree of success with all students completing and posting their ePorfolios. I am looking forward to continued involvement possibly this summer, definitely next year, in advancing the ePortfolio initiative in AAA, and with other campus collaborators/partners. Activities will most likely include research, meetings, and design, development, and implementation of ePortfolio tools and resources. Along with teaching ePortfolio design in my Spring term AAD course, I am also planning on teaching 2 ePortfolio workshops, one Winter and one Spring term. ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 12 of 13
  • 13. ePortfolio Year Two 2006-2007 Reed Davaz McGowan, Arts & Administration Graduate Student During the Spring term of 2007, I joined the ePortfolio team as the project’s GTF. Over the course of the term, I created presentation materials for ePortfolio, worked on assessment and evaluation, provided Dr. Hager with administrative support, and helped students to post their ePortfolios. As an AAD graduate student, I had firsthand knowledge of the ePortfolio project during its first year. In 2006, I worked closely with Eric Schiff and Colin Williams to create my own ePortfolio. With the tools that I learned through the ePortfolio coursework, I have continued to design websites for several friends and working artists. I consider the process of developing, designing, and implementing my ePortfolio to be one of the most practical pieces of my education. IMAGES FROM 2007 EPORTFOLIOS ePortfolio Executive Summary 2005-2007 Created by Dr. Lori Hager June 13, 2007 Page 13 of 13