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Building YFU
Marketing and Sales Concepts
• Basic marketing concepts
• Sales techniques
• Planning strategies
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment
Marketing Basics

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This document provides an overview of advertising, including: 1) It defines advertising as "a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take action, now or in the future." 2) It discusses different types of advertising media like magazines, newspapers, television, radio, outdoor advertising, and the internet. 3) It outlines different types of advertisements like institutional, advocacy, product, and promotional advertising. 4) It covers advertising techniques to persuade audiences like testimonials, bandwagon effect, emotional appeals, and using facts and statistics.

4 advertising
4 advertising4 advertising
4 advertising

This document provides an overview of key considerations for developing an effective advertising campaign. It discusses selecting the appropriate media to match the message, audience, and coordinating different media. Various advertising media like television, radio, magazines, newspapers, internet and specialty advertising are described. The document also covers principles for developing visuals, writing ads for different media like television, radio and print, using logos and colors effectively in advertising.

AIDA Marketing
AIDA MarketingAIDA Marketing
AIDA Marketing

The document discusses AIDA marketing, which stands for Attract, Interest, Desire, and Action. It explains the three stages of the buying behavior process - the cognitive, effective, and behavioral stages. It then outlines the four aspects of AIDA marketing - attracting attention, securing interest, building desire, and obtaining action. For each aspect, it provides examples of techniques to engage customers at each stage of the marketing and buying process. The conclusion states that AIDA marketing is an important technique that can be effective for selling products when each stage is addressed.

The Big Question

 Why do Host
Families, voluntee
 rs and students
     want to
Why do customers purchase what they
   do? How can we relate this to
   families, students, volunteers
• Personal Factors
   – Age
   – Life-Cycle Stage
   – Occupation
   – Economic Circumstance
• Psychological Factors
   – Motivation
   – Personal Perception
   – Learned Experiences
   – Beliefs
   – Attitudes
• Social Class
Marketing Mix:
     The Four P’s of Marketing
• Product – What are you selling?
• Price – How much does the customer pay?
• Place – Where can a customer purchase
  your product? How does it get there?
• Promotion – How will people know what
  you’re selling?
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment

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Brand Messaging: Develop Content for Your Audience
Brand Messaging: Develop Content for Your AudienceBrand Messaging: Develop Content for Your Audience
Brand Messaging: Develop Content for Your Audience

Questions to ask yourself about your audience so that you may begin to develop content that will inspire them and connect them to your brand.

contentbrandingcontent marketing

The document describes several marketing models that outline the typical stages a consumer progresses through when engaging with advertising or promotional materials for a product. The most well-known model is AIDA, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. It proposes that marketing communications should first grab the consumer's attention, then build their interest by focusing on benefits, develop desire by convincing them the product will satisfy their needs, and finally prompt them to take action such as a purchase. Two other models discussed are Lavidge and Steiner's hierarchy of effects model, which adds additional cognitive and affective stages between awareness and action. Lastly, DAGMAR focuses on measuring advertising effectiveness by mapping how consumers move from unaware

Brand activation for superior customer experiences gen
Brand activation for superior customer experiences genBrand activation for superior customer experiences gen
Brand activation for superior customer experiences gen

How can we effectively make our brand known to people, increasing awareness and engagement through superior brand experiences?

customer experiencebrand managementbranding
What is our product    What is our mission

• Are we promoting a • YFU mission – YFU
  product or a service? prepares young
                        people for their
• How can you
                        responsibilities and
  describe it?
                        opportunities in a
• What are the core     changing, interdepend
  values of the         ent world
Product (exchange)
      • What are the benefits of your
        product/exchange program?
      • What makes your product
        /exchange program different
        from what is in the market
      • What are the specifics of our
        service and how does it relate to
        the needs/wants of the family?
• What are competitors
• What is our “price”? Its
  not a dollar amount so
  how can we show the
  value of our program?
Place (Distribution Channels)
• How easy will it be for families and students to
  find/sign up/learn about our program?
• Will you market directly to the end-user or indirectly
  through others (schools, etc)?
• How will you distribute your product/service?

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ITFT Media- AIDA Theory of advertising ppt [read only]
ITFT Media-  AIDA Theory of advertising ppt [read only]ITFT Media-  AIDA Theory of advertising ppt [read only]
ITFT Media- AIDA Theory of advertising ppt [read only]

The AIDA model is used for designing effective advertising. It proposes that an advertisement must (1) attract attention through visual elements like layout, colors, size, etc., (2) secure interest through headlines and illustrations that provoke further reading, (3) build desire by convincing viewers through evidence, testimonials, and facts, and (4) obtain action by associating the product with the company and repeating the message with calls to action. The film industry example demonstrates how promotions use AIDA at different stages - creating awareness and attention initially through promos, interest through music releases, desire through contests and promotions, and action through ticket purchases.

itft - media
Smart targeting - how to increase footfall using the BIG DATA, behavioural sc...
Smart targeting - how to increase footfall using the BIG DATA, behavioural sc...Smart targeting - how to increase footfall using the BIG DATA, behavioural sc...
Smart targeting - how to increase footfall using the BIG DATA, behavioural sc...

1. The document discusses strategies for increasing footfall using big data, behavioral science, and the AIDA model of communication. It recommends understanding audiences using big data, crafting emotionally resonant messages based on the OCEAN personality model, and implementing a multi-step campaign over 3 months using AIDA to drive awareness, interest, desire and action. 2. Two case studies are presented: an IKEA campaign that used targeted Facebook ads and big data to increase store visits by 31% among some audiences, and a political campaign that used big five personality profiling to craft tailored messages.

psychologybig dataocean
20131202 ucp mc_ts_s4
20131202 ucp mc_ts_s420131202 ucp mc_ts_s4
20131202 ucp mc_ts_s4

This document provides information about marketing communication and advertising. It discusses advertising basics such as the definition of advertising and the advertising management process. It also covers the main advertising formats including television, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor, and internet advertising. Additionally, it outlines the advertising process from the briefing stage through developing the creative ad. The briefing section explains the components of an effective briefing document that provides all the necessary information for an ad agency. These include context, target, objectives, insights, key message, barriers, and mandatory elements. Finally, the document discusses different types of message appeals and styles of creative advertising.

Promotional Mix
• Advertising - Any paid form of
  non-personal presentation and
  promotion of ideas, goods, or
  services by an identified
• Examples: Print
  ads, radio, television, billboard,
  direct mail, brochures and
  catalogs, signs, in-store
  displays, posters, motion
  pictures, Web pages, banner
  ads, and emails.
Promotional Mix
• Public relations - Non-paid non-personal stimulation
  of demand for a product, service, or business unit by
  planting significant news about it or a favorable
  presentation of it in the media.
• Examples: Newspaper and magazine
  articles/reports, TV and radio
  presentations, Charitable
  contributions, speeches, issue advertising, and
Promotional Mix
• Personal selling - A process of helping and persuading one or
  more prospects to purchase a good or service or to act on any
  idea through the use of an oral presentation.
• Examples: Sales presentations, sales meetings, sales training
  and incentive programs for intermediary
  salespeople, samples, and telemarketing. Can be face-to-face
  or via telephone. (sales training later in the presentation)
21st Century Marketing
•   Personalization
•   Participation
•   Peer-to-Peer
•   Predictive Modeling

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Module 1 ppt mmi 543 introduction to marketing
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This document provides an overview of key elements that should be included in a marketing plan, including an executive summary, strategic focus and plan, mission/vision, goals, core competencies, situation analysis, market-product focus, marketing program, implementation plan, and evaluation. It describes what should be included in each section, such as specifying measurable financial and non-financial goals, conducting a SWOT analysis as part of the situation analysis, defining the target market and unique value propositions in the market-product focus, and outlining specific tactics in the implementation plan. The importance of evaluating results against goals is also emphasized.

MRV Marketing on a Shoestring
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MRV Marketing on a Shoestring

This document provides an overview and introduction to a tourism marketing workshop. It outlines the topics that will be covered, including starting a marketing plan, defining the visitor experience, cooperative marketing opportunities, product positioning and branding, understanding target markets, and developing marketing strategies and action plans. Attendees will learn tools and resources for creating a tourism marketing plan on a limited budget. The workshop aims to help participants communicate their offerings in a compelling way to visitors and maximize financial resources through partnerships.

Marketing For Small Businesses Social Media Marketing
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Marketing For Small Businesses Social Media Marketing

Extract presentation from workshop developed for Small Businesses: Understanding Social Media and leveraging as a marketing tool.

Personalization of YFU
How can we
personalize the YFU

How do we make our
families/students feel
special and unique
and wanted and
YFU Participation
• How can we increase volunteer
  participation in YFU?
• How can we increase student participation
  in YFU?
• How can we increase
host family participation
in YFU?
YFU Peer-to-Peer Marketing
• How can we utilize
  marketing to
  promote YFU?
     • Facebook
     • Instagram
     • Pinterest
     • Twitter
     • Students giving
       presentations at schools
     • You tube
     • texting
YFU and Predictive modeling

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LT7058 Events Marketing Week 3
LT7058  Events Marketing Week 3LT7058  Events Marketing Week 3
LT7058 Events Marketing Week 3

Examines the Marketing Mix, segmentation, targeting and positioning from an event management perspective

marketingevent management
IABC First Coast Professional Development Meeting
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IABC First Coast Professional Development Meeting

The document discusses branding and how creating a unique brand identity can help companies differentiate themselves in competitive markets where products and services are becoming commoditized. It defines key branding concepts like brand, brand identity, positioning, and personality. The document advocates for brands that have both a rational, sustainable point of difference as well as genuine emotion that appeals to audiences. It also provides examples of how Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Tiffin Motorhomes strengthened their brands through targeted messaging and marketing strategies.

LT7058 Events Marketing lecture Week 9
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LT7058 Events Marketing lecture Week 9

- The document discusses branding and brand experiences in the context of events marketing. It covers definitions of branding, the components of an effective brand, and how experiential marketing can help deliver memorable brand experiences. Key aspects covered include developing a brand strategy, creating brand personality and emotional connections, and integrating experiential strategies like service, theatre, games and interactive technology. The importance of measurement and using brand ambassadors is also highlighted.

event managementmarketingexperiential
YFU and Predictive modeling
            • Teachers
• Families with middle school girls
  • People who ride motorcycles
          • Home Depot
             • Others?
Develop an Advertising Campaign
• Send a single idea and theme across a number
  of advertising outlets
• What is the campaign theme or central
  message communicated in all promotional
• Speak in the advertising language your target
  market will want to hear
How do we build YFU Brand?
• Always wear name tags
• Use clip board with YFU logo on it
• Talk about YFU consistently using social
• List YFU on Facebook info as activity
• Always wear YFU shirt when
  conducting interviews, going
  to public YFU events

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Brand Building Workshop Adil
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The document outlines the agenda for a branding workshop for advertisers. It discusses (1) understanding the difference between products and brands, (2) different types of brands, and (3) what separates the best brands from the rest. The workshop covers how to translate consumer insights into brand ideas and the importance of 24 hour planning to connect well with consumers. It emphasizes that great brands tell compelling stories that connect with consumers on a deep emotional level by demonstrating an understanding of their lives.

Trends + Trendsetters: The Best in Beauty Content Marketing
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Our Industry Landscape guides aim to educate marketers on trends, opportunities, and content strategies that best-in-class brands are utilizing to engage their audiences. In this guide, we’ll take a look at content marketing in the beauty industry. We'll also walk through the content hubs for Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Birchbox, L'Oreal, Maybelline, and Aesop and share key learnings from each. Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out at strategy@newscred.com.

marketing and advertisingcontent marketingcontent distribution
Non-Profit Marketing Communications Strategy
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Non-Profit Marketing Communications Strategy

A presentation given to Non-Profit marketing managers about marketing strategy. Including developing a marketing communications plan and brand.

flint communicationsadvertisingcommunications strategy
• Who are our “customers”
  Customer     • Are all our customers the
Segmentation     same?
               • Who are our stakeholders?
               • Do we use the same language
                 and message to speak to our
Do you know your customer
       or think you know your customer?
• Who decides if your product is
  worth buying?
• Who decides its value?
• Who decides where to buy?
• Who decides where you should
  promote your product?

  Research your potential families
families, volunteers   • What are we looking for in
and AO’s                 a host family?
                       • Where are these families
                       • What are we looking for in
                         a volunteer?
                       • Where are volunteers
                       • What are we looking for in
                       • Where are AOs located?

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Marketing ppt
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Marketing ppt

The document discusses marketing and provides definitions, concepts, and career opportunities. It defines marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. The document outlines marketing philosophies like production, sales, and societal orientation. It discusses key marketing concepts such as the 4Ps of marketing, customer value, customer satisfaction, and branding. It also explores criticisms of marketing and provides examples of marketing functions and career paths in fields like brand management, sales, advertising, and retail.

Advisor's Modern Marketing Challenge
Advisor's Modern Marketing ChallengeAdvisor's Modern Marketing Challenge
Advisor's Modern Marketing Challenge

Financial Advisors Have a Really Tough Challenge. First They Need to Ditch the Product Mentality and Create a Unique Marketing Message. Next They Need to Build a Platform That Seamlessly Integrates Modern Tools and Strategies.

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Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling
Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of StorytellingSession 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling
Session 3 - Understanding the Audience & The Importance of Storytelling

This document discusses the importance of understanding audiences and using storytelling in PR media production. It emphasizes developing buyer personas through profiling goals, problems, media habits, and interests. Stories humanize brands by creating emotional connections with customers. The document provides questions to help companies identify their own stories about how they started, overcame challenges, helped customers, and supported charitable causes. Telling authentic stories through text, pictures and videos can build word of mouth by inspiring passionate customers and fans to share their experiences.

storytellingprpublic relations
Sales Process
•   Prospect
•   Identify
•   Qualify
•   Meet and greet – set expectations
•   Presentation – show the value of YFU
•   Proposal
•   Close
•   Post sales – customer service
Sales techniques
• Solution selling           • Salesperson focuses on
  philosophy - The             the customer's pain(s)
  customer is the focal        and addresses the issue
  point. Helping               with his or her offerings
  customers solve their        (product and services)
  problems and achieve
  positive, measurable
  results to those
  problems is the basis of
  all actions.
What solution does YFU sell?
• What is a solution–
  coaching families see new
• Some people may not
  realize they have
  problems/issues – your job
  is to discover the “pain”
  point of the customer and
  show them opportunities to
  solves this problem
What YFU is all about
• YFU sells the opportunity to mentor
• YFU sells the opportunity to belong to a
• YFU sells the opportunity to expand a family
• YFU sells the opportunity to share your world
• YFU offers the opportunity to belong to
  something bigger than yourself – make a
  difference in the world

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Product Development Strategy 1
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Product Development Strategy 1

This document provides guidance on developing an effective product development strategy. It outlines key questions to consider such as market size and competitors. It also emphasizes the importance of thorough research through various methods to understand customer demand, pricing, and required features. Finally, it discusses determining the optimal means of distribution, target customers, and developing a unique sales approach to gain market share and profitable sales.

Session 3 - The New Rules of Marketing and PR
Session 3 - The New Rules of Marketing and PRSession 3 - The New Rules of Marketing and PR
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This document discusses the importance of understanding audiences and using storytelling in PR media production. It emphasizes developing buyer personas to understand customer needs and profiling personas by considering their goals, problems, media habits, and interests. The document advocates telling authentic stories about a company's origins, customers, employees, and values to humanize the brand and build emotional connections with audiences. It provides examples of how companies like Chase and Blue Bird Group use stories to inspire customers and build word-of-mouth promotion through social media and offline materials.

new rules of prnew rules of marketing
Post Corona Virus Marketing
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Post Corona Virus Marketing

How to market in the new world of digital, talking to specific audiences about their needs and motivations.

marketing and advertisingdigital marketingmarketing strategy
• Rather than just promoting something, focuses
  on the audience pain(s) and addresses the
  issue with his or her offerings (product and
  services = students and volunteers).
• Listen to the potential host family/volunteer –
  hear what their pain is and show how YFU can
  help that pain
• You are not selling, but CONSULT/COACH
Solution Selling examples
• People who want to adopt but can’t
• People who want to learn a second
• People who want a sibling for their
• People who want a son/daughter
• People who want to make a difference
  in the world
Economic Theories
• Swarm Intelligence    • Pareto Principal
• Crowdsourcing         • Connectors/influencer/
• Cluster communities     mavens
• Collective group is smarter and
  more effective than individual
• Collective behavior exhibited
  by animals of similar size –
  milling about the same place or
  migrating together

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Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling
Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & StorytellingSession 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling
Session 3: Understanding the Importance of Audience & Storytelling

This is class material from the 3rd session about understanding the importance of audience and storytelling, for KKI UI.

storytellingunderstanding audiencebuyer personas

This document provides advice and perspectives on business strategy, marketing, and customer focus. It emphasizes solving customer problems rather than just promoting products, focusing on customer happiness, and differentiating by better meeting customer needs than competitors. It also discusses targeting the right customer segments, understanding existing customers, word-of-mouth marketing, and mapping the customer experience to improve it.

The role of marketing in affecting modal shift towards public transport
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The role of marketing in affecting modal shift towards public transport

A presentation by Ms Ester Moag (Head: Marketing and Passenger Services: TCT) at the Transport Forum special interest group proudly hosted by TCT in Cape Town on 10 December 2015. The theme for the event was: "Encouraging Public Transport". The topic of the presentation was: "The Role of Marketing in Affecting Modal Shift towards Public Transport". More like this on www.transportworldafrica.co.za

ester moagpublic transporttransport
How do we utilize swarm theory?
• Cognition – thinking and processing is quicker
  when someone sees the collective crowd
  decisions – also small ideas collectively can lead
  to solution
• Coordination – group tends to move efficiently
  rather than allow chaos
• Cooperation - groups of people can form
  networks of trust without a central system
  controlling their behavior or directly enforcing
  their compliance
Custer Community
• Clusters arise because they increase the
  productivity with which companies can
• How does this apply to YFU? If we develop
  cluster YFU communities build
  bonds, increases retention, more efficient, less
  costly, families police themselves – provide
Pareto principle 80/20 Rule

• 20% of people will buy what you are selling
  easily – this turns selling process into a
  numbers game
• 20% of your volunteers do 80% of the work
• 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your
• Fixing 20% of the problems results in a
  reduction of 80% of the complaints

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Lean Startup: Problems, market, value proposition & business model
Lean Startup: Problems, market, value proposition & business modelLean Startup: Problems, market, value proposition & business model
Lean Startup: Problems, market, value proposition & business model

The document discusses the importance of understanding customer needs and problems when developing products and business models. It emphasizes that customers want solutions to their problems, not just product features, and provides examples of effective value propositions that describe the benefits a product provides rather than just its features. It also discusses the importance of having a business model that can deliver the promised value proposition and notes key questions one should consider about costs, customers, and revenue streams when developing an effective business model.

business modelentrepreneurlean startup
Hot Tin Roof PR & Marketing Presentation at Edinburgh University 2012
Hot Tin Roof PR & Marketing Presentation at Edinburgh University 2012Hot Tin Roof PR & Marketing Presentation at Edinburgh University 2012
Hot Tin Roof PR & Marketing Presentation at Edinburgh University 2012

The document provides an overview of marketing and public relations strategies and tactics. It discusses conducting a situation analysis; setting business objectives and a unique selling point; developing key messages and communication strategies; pitching stories to journalists; writing press releases; and targeting various media outlets including newspapers, trade press, and digital channels. The goal is to generate publicity through media coverage that can help boost sales, status, recruitment, investment, and online visibility for a business.

pruniversity of edinburgh
StartSomeGood Crowdfunding Workshop
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StartSomeGood Crowdfunding Workshop

This document outlines strategies for successful crowdfunding campaigns. It discusses choosing a cause to fundraise for, setting realistic fundraising goals, identifying target communities, and crafting compelling stories and rewards to motivate donations. Specifically, it recommends focusing campaigns on people and communities, telling stories of the issue, team, and approach to create a sense of urgency, and designing rewards that strengthen donor connections to the cause and campaign. The overall message is that crowdfunding requires identifying supporters who care about the issue, engaging them through personal stories and rewards, and working hard through launch to maintain fundraising momentum.

non-profitssocial entrepreneurnon-profit organization
Connectors, are the people who "link us up with the
world” ... people with a special gift for bringing the
world together. Connectors have a social circle of
more than 100 people.

How can we use connectors? To help us find host
families/volunteers AND help lead us to others who
will lead us, etc. Think 2nd and 3rd degrees of
Influencers are "persuaders” with
charismatic skills that can negotiate
anything and get people to agree with
them - people WANT to agree with

How can we use influencers? To work
with schools/potential host families
, etc
Mavens are sources of information.
They are a wealth of information and
we rely on then to connect us with
new information.

How can we use a Maven?
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment

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Tips on content programming and social media marketing for the SMG Tourism Technology + Marketing workshop

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5 choosing and attracting customers
5  choosing and attracting customers5  choosing and attracting customers
5 choosing and attracting customers

The document provides guidance on key marketing concepts including understanding customers, developing personas, identifying benefits, and planning an effective marketing strategy and communications. It discusses analyzing the market and customers, planning marketing objectives and strategies, taking marketing actions, and controlling the results. Top tips include maintaining a positive customer-centric approach, being self-explanatory, targeting specific customers, ensuring ongoing relevance, and differentiating from competitors.

business start upstartupsentrepreneurship
Better marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger salesBetter marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger sales

The document discusses better marketing strategies that can lead to increased sales. It emphasizes understanding your target audiences and their needs and preferences for communication. Marketing should clearly communicate the benefits of products and services from the customer's perspective using a consistent brand identity across all channels. An effective brand tells a story that provides value for potential customers as they do more research online before making purchasing decisions. The presentation encourages businesses to focus on helping customers through relevant content across online and offline platforms to build trust and make customers for life.

creative companymarketing planbrand strategy
Stickiness Factor
There are specific ways of making a
contagious message memorable
- Simple - find the core of any idea
- Unexpected - grab people's
   attention by surprising them
- Concrete - make sure an idea can be
   grasped and remembered later
- Credible - give an idea believability
- Emotional - help people see the
   importance of an idea
- Stories - empower people to use an
   idea through narrative
= Sticky
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment
Action Plan
• Write it
• Build it
• Guide it
• Direct it
Developing Your Action Plan
•   Use a template
•   Start with what you know
•   Research your assumptions and fill gaps
•   Use real numbers and set realistic goals

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Marketing Class 1
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Marketing Class 1

This document discusses marketing, communications, and audience development strategies for arts organizations. It defines key terms like marketing, communications, and audience development. It also outlines the 4 P's marketing mix model and introduces the 4 E's model. The document provides tips for developing a marketing plan, including conducting an organizational profile and environmental analysis, identifying challenges and opportunities, setting objectives, and creating a marketing strategy and process. It emphasizes thinking about the audience experience and using multiple layers of communication.

Changing behaviour - the implications for organisations
Changing behaviour - the implications for organisationsChanging behaviour - the implications for organisations
Changing behaviour - the implications for organisations

This document summarizes a presentation on changing behavior through communications. The presentation discusses what makes organizations effective at changing audience behavior and how behavior change can become an organizational competency. Key points include that organizations that are good at behavior change have a strong focus on knowing their customers through listening, segmentation, and understanding motivations and needs. They also have a clear focus on specific actions they want audiences to take rather than just raising awareness. Additionally, these organizations view marketing in a broad sense, with marketing playing a central role across the organization in anticipating customer needs and bringing a customer focus.

charitycharitycommscause action
Go-to-Market 101
Go-to-Market 101Go-to-Market 101
Go-to-Market 101

This document provides an overview of go-to-market strategies and concepts. It discusses defining markets, segmentation, targeting, positioning, differentiation, and understanding your ecosystem. Key points covered include estimating market size, talking to potential customers and competitors to understand opportunities and gaps, defining segments that are measurable, accessible, substantial and differentiable, and selecting segments to target. The document also discusses positioning, competitive advantages, marketing vs sales approaches, applying marketing principles to new business models, building customer personas, immutable marketing laws, and low-cost marketing tools.

Promoting YFU on Facebook

What do you post on Facebook?
 - profiles of students you are trying to place
 - events surrounding YFU
 - ideas / teasers about why someone should host a student/
        be a volunteer
 - copy ideas off of YFU pages, “like” YFU links

Where do you post on Facebook?
-- your wall
-- your friends wall
-- groups wall
      - your own groups
      - special interest groups
-- “like” pages
Average Age: 41
    Household Income: $109,703
             Male: 64%
  Household Income $100k+ 53.5%
    Own Smartphone/PDA: 34%
   College Grad/Post Grad: 80.1%
   Business Decision Maker: 49%
          EVP/SVP/VP: 6.5%
24% Have a Portfolio Value of $250k+
              Job Titles:
       C-Level Executives 7.8%
            EVP/SVP 6.5%
     Senior Management 16%
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment

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Danielle Wootton, head of brand and marketing at Scope Visit the CharityComms website to view slides from past events, see what events we have coming up and to check out what else we do: www.charitycomms.org.uk

charity communicationsbrandcontent
Pinterest is a social network. It fits into the category of "visual bookmarking." Like
Tumblr (or Ye Olde Delicious), the service uses a browser bookmarklet, which
makes it easy to post things from around the Interwebs. Pinterest's user
gimmick/interface is that it lets you "pin" any photo from the Internet to a "board"
on its site.
How does Pinterest work?
The genius of the UI is that when you hit the "Pin It" button, it pulls out all the
images on the page you're visiting, allowing you to select just the right one.
Using individual photos instead of the whole URLs means that Pinterest's
boards end up slick and aesthetically appealing.

On Pinterest, anyone can "repin" one of my photos to one of their own
boards. This is similar to the Tumblr reblog or Twitter retweet both in that it
makes content virally contagious AND that it serves as a system-wide metric
for what's hot. The most repinned things go to the site-wide Pinterest topic
pages, which drives a lot of traffic to the original pinners of those photos

. In particular, Pinterest appears to be especially strong among women 18-
34 living in households with incomes between $25,000 and $75,000 per
year. This makes Pinterest a reverse image of the coastal, male-dominated
social networks like Reddit.
Yfu Marketing and Recruitment
Other social media sites?

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                                              clubs     recruiting

                                       to be

You are not just looking for “teachers”, but other people/business/clubs who want
to connect with teachers and then network with them
Anika (German Girl) who goes by Ani, is an athlete. She
plays soccer and referees with her father and she ski's too.
They go to the Alps to ski during holidays! She and her
mother spend time together riding and caring for her
mother's horse. Ani would like to be able to ride in the
US, but is also excited to try new American sports during
her exchange year. During quiet time Ani enjoys listening
to music and reading fantasy books. She also likes
hanging out with her friends - shopping or going to the
movies. Ani's favorite subjects in school are Latin (because
she likes Roman history), sports (because she's an active
person) and history (she likes learning about the past). Ani
and her family have traveled to many countries in Europe
but she has never been to the US. She is very excited to
know she will be welcomed into her Host Family soon.




Mini Marketing Plan
1. Pick out power circle words
2. Find
   connectors, influencers, mavens
3. Create list of
   schools, clubs, interests, family
   dynamics, etc for each student from
   power circle sessions
4. Promote the student using
    1. Social media
    2. Flyers
    3. Specific emails
    4. Presentations
    5. Other?

Recommended for you

Action Plan
• Based off your FD strategic plan
• Actual benchmarks, monthly goals, tactics
  to reach those goals
• Word document action plan, excel
  spreadsheet (dashboard)
• Follow up regularly to make sure you are
  on track
Action Plan Spreadsheet
•   Keeps you organized
•   Keeps everyone on your team engaged
•   Everyone on the same page
•   Motivating
•   Provides data for strategic decision making
•   Don’t have to start from scratch year to year

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Yfu Marketing and Recruitment

  • 2. Marketing and Sales Concepts • Basic marketing concepts • Sales techniques • Planning strategies
  • 5. The Big Question Why do Host Families, voluntee rs and students want to participate?
  • 6. Why do customers purchase what they do? How can we relate this to families, students, volunteers • Personal Factors – Age – Life-Cycle Stage – Occupation – Economic Circumstance • Psychological Factors – Motivation – Personal Perception – Learned Experiences – Beliefs – Attitudes • Social Class
  • 7. Marketing Mix: The Four P’s of Marketing • Product – What are you selling? • Price – How much does the customer pay? • Place – Where can a customer purchase your product? How does it get there? • Promotion – How will people know what you’re selling?
  • 9. Product What is our product What is our mission • Are we promoting a • YFU mission – YFU product or a service? prepares young people for their • How can you responsibilities and describe it? opportunities in a • What are the core changing, interdepend values of the ent world product?
  • 10. Product (exchange) • What are the benefits of your product/exchange program? • What makes your product /exchange program different from what is in the market today? • What are the specifics of our service and how does it relate to the needs/wants of the family?
  • 11. Price • What are competitors charging/paying? • What is our “price”? Its not a dollar amount so how can we show the value of our program?
  • 12. Place (Distribution Channels) • How easy will it be for families and students to find/sign up/learn about our program? • Will you market directly to the end-user or indirectly through others (schools, etc)? • How will you distribute your product/service?
  • 13. Promotional Mix • Advertising - Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. • Examples: Print ads, radio, television, billboard, direct mail, brochures and catalogs, signs, in-store displays, posters, motion pictures, Web pages, banner ads, and emails.
  • 14. Promotional Mix • Public relations - Non-paid non-personal stimulation of demand for a product, service, or business unit by planting significant news about it or a favorable presentation of it in the media. • Examples: Newspaper and magazine articles/reports, TV and radio presentations, Charitable contributions, speeches, issue advertising, and seminars.
  • 15. Promotional Mix • Personal selling - A process of helping and persuading one or more prospects to purchase a good or service or to act on any idea through the use of an oral presentation. • Examples: Sales presentations, sales meetings, sales training and incentive programs for intermediary salespeople, samples, and telemarketing. Can be face-to-face or via telephone. (sales training later in the presentation)
  • 16. 21st Century Marketing • Personalization • Participation • Peer-to-Peer • Predictive Modeling
  • 17. Personalization of YFU How can we personalize the YFU program? How do we make our volunteers/host families/students feel special and unique and wanted and needed?
  • 18. YFU Participation • How can we increase volunteer participation in YFU? • How can we increase student participation in YFU? • How can we increase host family participation in YFU?
  • 19. YFU Peer-to-Peer Marketing • How can we utilize peer-to-peer marketing to promote YFU? • Facebook • Instagram • Pinterest • Twitter • Students giving presentations at schools • You tube • texting
  • 20. YFU and Predictive modeling
  • 21. YFU and Predictive modeling • Teachers • Families with middle school girls • People who ride motorcycles • Home Depot • Others?
  • 22. Develop an Advertising Campaign • Send a single idea and theme across a number of advertising outlets • What is the campaign theme or central message communicated in all promotional activities • Speak in the advertising language your target market will want to hear
  • 23. How do we build YFU Brand? • Always wear name tags • Use clip board with YFU logo on it • Talk about YFU consistently using social media • List YFU on Facebook info as activity • Always wear YFU shirt when conducting interviews, going to public YFU events
  • 25. • Who are our “customers” Customer • Are all our customers the Segmentation same? • Who are our stakeholders? • Do we use the same language and message to speak to our community?
  • 26. Do you know your customer or think you know your customer? • Who decides if your product is worth buying? • Who decides its value? • Who decides where to buy? • Who decides where you should promote your product? Research your potential families
  • 27. Host families, volunteers • What are we looking for in and AO’s a host family? • Where are these families located? • What are we looking for in a volunteer? • Where are volunteers located? • What are we looking for in AO’s • Where are AOs located?
  • 28. Sales
  • 29. Sales Process • Prospect • Identify • Qualify • Meet and greet – set expectations • Presentation – show the value of YFU • Proposal • Close • Post sales – customer service
  • 30. Sales techniques • Solution selling • Salesperson focuses on philosophy - The the customer's pain(s) customer is the focal and addresses the issue point. Helping with his or her offerings customers solve their (product and services) problems and achieve positive, measurable results to those problems is the basis of all actions.
  • 31. What solution does YFU sell? • What is a solution– coaching families see new possibilities. • Some people may not realize they have problems/issues – your job is to discover the “pain” point of the customer and show them opportunities to solves this problem
  • 32. What YFU is all about • YFU sells the opportunity to mentor • YFU sells the opportunity to belong to a community • YFU sells the opportunity to expand a family • YFU sells the opportunity to share your world • YFU offers the opportunity to belong to something bigger than yourself – make a difference in the world
  • 33. SPIN SELLING • Rather than just promoting something, focuses on the audience pain(s) and addresses the issue with his or her offerings (product and services = students and volunteers). • Listen to the potential host family/volunteer – hear what their pain is and show how YFU can help that pain • You are not selling, but CONSULT/COACH
  • 34. Solution Selling examples • People who want to adopt but can’t • People who want to learn a second language • People who want a sibling for their children • People who want a son/daughter • People who want to make a difference in the world
  • 35. Economic Theories • Swarm Intelligence • Pareto Principal • Crowdsourcing • Connectors/influencer/ • Cluster communities mavens
  • 36. • Collective group is smarter and more effective than individual • Collective behavior exhibited by animals of similar size – milling about the same place or migrating together
  • 37. How do we utilize swarm theory?
  • 38. Crowdsourcing • Cognition – thinking and processing is quicker when someone sees the collective crowd decisions – also small ideas collectively can lead to solution • Coordination – group tends to move efficiently rather than allow chaos • Cooperation - groups of people can form networks of trust without a central system controlling their behavior or directly enforcing their compliance
  • 39. Custer Community • Clusters arise because they increase the productivity with which companies can compete. • How does this apply to YFU? If we develop cluster YFU communities build bonds, increases retention, more efficient, less costly, families police themselves – provide support
  • 40. Pareto principle 80/20 Rule • 20% of people will buy what you are selling easily – this turns selling process into a numbers game • 20% of your volunteers do 80% of the work • 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your clients • Fixing 20% of the problems results in a reduction of 80% of the complaints
  • 41. Connectors, are the people who "link us up with the world” ... people with a special gift for bringing the world together. Connectors have a social circle of more than 100 people. How can we use connectors? To help us find host families/volunteers AND help lead us to others who will lead us, etc. Think 2nd and 3rd degrees of connections
  • 42. Influencers are "persuaders” with charismatic skills that can negotiate anything and get people to agree with them - people WANT to agree with them How can we use influencers? To work with schools/potential host families , etc
  • 43. Mavens are sources of information. They are a wealth of information and we rely on then to connect us with new information. How can we use a Maven?
  • 45. Stickiness Factor There are specific ways of making a contagious message memorable - Simple - find the core of any idea - Unexpected - grab people's attention by surprising them - Concrete - make sure an idea can be grasped and remembered later - Credible - give an idea believability - Emotional - help people see the importance of an idea - Stories - empower people to use an idea through narrative = Sticky
  • 47. Action Plan • Write it • Build it • Guide it • Direct it
  • 48. Developing Your Action Plan • Use a template • Start with what you know • Research your assumptions and fill gaps • Use real numbers and set realistic goals
  • 49. Promoting YFU on Facebook What do you post on Facebook? - profiles of students you are trying to place - events surrounding YFU - ideas / teasers about why someone should host a student/ be a volunteer - copy ideas off of YFU pages, “like” YFU links Where do you post on Facebook? -- your wall -- your friends wall -- groups wall - your own groups - special interest groups -- “like” pages
  • 50. Average Age: 41 Household Income: $109,703 Male: 64% Household Income $100k+ 53.5% Own Smartphone/PDA: 34% College Grad/Post Grad: 80.1% Business Decision Maker: 49% EVP/SVP/VP: 6.5% 24% Have a Portfolio Value of $250k+ Job Titles: C-Level Executives 7.8% EVP/SVP 6.5% Senior Management 16%
  • 53. Pinterest is a social network. It fits into the category of "visual bookmarking." Like Tumblr (or Ye Olde Delicious), the service uses a browser bookmarklet, which makes it easy to post things from around the Interwebs. Pinterest's user gimmick/interface is that it lets you "pin" any photo from the Internet to a "board" on its site.
  • 54. How does Pinterest work? The genius of the UI is that when you hit the "Pin It" button, it pulls out all the images on the page you're visiting, allowing you to select just the right one. Using individual photos instead of the whole URLs means that Pinterest's boards end up slick and aesthetically appealing. On Pinterest, anyone can "repin" one of my photos to one of their own boards. This is similar to the Tumblr reblog or Twitter retweet both in that it makes content virally contagious AND that it serves as a system-wide metric for what's hot. The most repinned things go to the site-wide Pinterest topic pages, which drives a lot of traffic to the original pinners of those photos . In particular, Pinterest appears to be especially strong among women 18- 34 living in households with incomes between $25,000 and $75,000 per year. This makes Pinterest a reverse image of the coastal, male-dominated social networks like Reddit. .
  • 57. teachers Traditional Interest friends clubs recruiting Student Parents Schools to be You are not just looking for “teachers”, but other people/business/clubs who want to connect with teachers and then network with them
  • 58. Anika (German Girl) who goes by Ani, is an athlete. She plays soccer and referees with her father and she ski's too. They go to the Alps to ski during holidays! She and her mother spend time together riding and caring for her mother's horse. Ani would like to be able to ride in the US, but is also excited to try new American sports during her exchange year. During quiet time Ani enjoys listening to music and reading fantasy books. She also likes hanging out with her friends - shopping or going to the movies. Ani's favorite subjects in school are Latin (because she likes Roman history), sports (because she's an active person) and history (she likes learning about the past). Ani and her family have traveled to many countries in Europe but she has never been to the US. She is very excited to know she will be welcomed into her Host Family soon.
  • 59. Stables Horse shows People w/horses Tack shops Horse Groups
  • 60. Mini Marketing Plan 1. Pick out power circle words 2. Find connectors, influencers, mavens 3. Create list of schools, clubs, interests, family dynamics, etc for each student from power circle sessions 4. Promote the student using 1. Social media 2. Flyers 3. Specific emails 4. Presentations 5. Other?
  • 61. Action Plan • Based off your FD strategic plan • Actual benchmarks, monthly goals, tactics to reach those goals • Word document action plan, excel spreadsheet (dashboard) • Follow up regularly to make sure you are on track
  • 62. Action Plan Spreadsheet • Keeps you organized • Keeps everyone on your team engaged • Everyone on the same page • Motivating • Provides data for strategic decision making • Don’t have to start from scratch year to year