noun as in house party
Weak matches
noun as in party
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in soiree
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Eleanor says she felt "reassured" knowing that a healthcare professional performed her first screening, but would try doing an at-home version of the test after that if the option were available.
He says he'd prefer an at-home kit for "the convenience and flexibility" but that he'd "have some hesitation about whether I'd done it correctly".
The show has long been the subject of jest among both the Hollywood elite and at-home viewers.
Manny Wallace is best known for his at-home chemistry experiments.
They coupled the NanoGripper with a photonic crystal sensor platform to create a rapid, 30-minute COVID-19 test matching the sensitivity of the gold-standard qPCR molecular tests used by hospitals, which are more accurate than at-home tests but take much longer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.