be submissive
verb as in submit
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It's unlikely that women will encounter tradwife content and decide to quit their jobs to be submissive housewives.
Dr. José Martínez, the host, began by observing that “the Bible says that every authority is established by God, and it calls on to be submissive to that authority and recognize and respect all authority.”
"Sex just happens to be the vehicle" they are currently using, he explained, to push a rigid gender ideology where "men are expected to be the leaders" and "women are supposed to be submissive."
She had the same questions as her secular sisters: Should women be submissive to their husbands and stay out of leadership roles in the church, as many fundamentalist Christians believed?
Men should not need women to be submissive in order to feel good.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.