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View definitions for certifiable


adjective as in crazed

adjective as in psycho

adjective as in psychopathic

adjective as in psychotic

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As a certifiably hangry type, I know that my outlook on life gets bleaker when my blood sugar dips.

From Salon

We’re living in an age in which many people are certifiably insane, or at least in denial.

Christmas curmudgeon Walter is not on board, believing his son is a “certifiably insane” man living under the deranged delusion that he is an elf.

From Salon

Perhaps most significant, something else has changed since Trump first browbeat his way to the White House and into the hearts of Republicans: He’s now a certifiable, repeat loser.

His role, he said, is “to prove that hydrogen is safe, that hydrogen is certifiable, to get passenger butts in seats, to show the unit economics and develop a hydrogen supply chain.”


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


