over the edge
adjective as in psychotic
Example Sentences
Mia, who has exchanged messages with moderators on the website, describes the site as an "echo chamber" which can "push people over the edge".
However, she said Ms Dawes being vulnerable and prone to self-harm could have made Wellings more culpable for "pushing her over the edge".
“Doing things that are not helpful in this situation can actually push people over the edge,” she says.
"With music venues, the profit margins are so slim that one bad week, one bad month, can tip you over the edge."
"The study shows that near the end of their time on the planet, Neanderthals were very low in numbers, less genetically diverse than the modern human counterparts they lived alongside, and it may not have taken much to tip them over the edge to extinction," he said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.