adjective as in exchanged
Strong matches
alternated, bartered, commutated, interchanged, reciprocated, replaced, restored, returned, reversed, rotated, shuffled, substituted, swapped, switched, traded, transferred, transposed
adjective as in altered
Strong matches
adapted, adjusted, aged, amended, conditioned, deteriorated, developed, edited, limited, matured, modernized, modified, moved, mutated, qualified, reconditioned, redone, reformed, remodeled, renovated, reorganized, rescheduled, revised, shifted
Weak matches
adjective as in transformed
Strong matches
converted, metamorphosed, recreated, remade, transfigured, transmuted
Example Sentences
Like all the Sudanese women who the BBC spoke to about their experiences of being trafficked to Libya, her name has been changed to protect her identity.
A lot has changed in that time – and their industry gets some credit for that.
“Long after I broke up with her, I came up with ... the character in the cartoon,” who changed shape over the years to resemble the woman he was in love with at the time.
After the tree damage, the landlord changed his mind and evicted them because it was "no longer safe for habitation."
"We changed it so that at the start of the play Richard gets news that that he's got a terminal illness, something like MND that's going to get worse," he said.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is another word for changed?
As an adjective, the word changed is often used to describe someone who has been transformed in some way, especially in terms of their personality, behavior, habits, etc. It’s especially used in expressions like I’m a changed man or She returned from vacation completely changed.
A person who describes themself as changed may say they feel like a new person.
In the context of clothing, saying that you’re getting changed means that you’re changing your clothes—taking off some or all garments and putting on new ones. Getting dressed is more general but it’s often used in the same way.
What is the opposite (antonym) of changed?
The direct antonym of changed is unchanged—and it’s used in the same sense. The opposite of describing someone as changed is describing them as the same—the same as always and the same as ever are two phrases that are often used. Another term is same old, as in Despite what he says about being a changed man, he’s the same old Dave. Another way of saying this without using an adjective is to say that someone hasn’t changed at all.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.