adjective as in different
Strong matches
adjective as in dissimilar
adjective as in ill-suited
adjective as in incompatible
Strong match
adjective as in incongruent
Weak matches
- alien
- bizarre
- conflicting
- contradictory
- disconsonant
- discordant
- discrepant
- disparate
- dissonant
- distorted
- divergent
- extraneous
- fantastic
- fitful
- foreign
- illogical
- improper
- inappropriate
- inapropos
- inapt
- incoherent
- incompatible
- inconsistent
- irreconcilable
- irregular
- jumbled
- lopsided
- out of keeping
- rambling
- shifting
- twisted
- unavailing
- unbalanced
- unbecoming
- unconnected
- uncoordinated
- uneven
- unintelligible
- unpredictable
- unrelated
- unsuitable
- unsuited
adjective as in incongruous
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- alien
- conflicting
- disconsonant
- discordant
- disparate
- distorted
- divergent
- extraneous
- fantastic
- fitful
- foreign
- illogical
- improper
- inapropos
- inapt
- incongruent
- inconsistent
- irreconcilable
- irregular
- jumbled
- lopsided
- out of keeping
- rambling
- shifting
- twisted
- unavailing
- unbalanced
- unbecoming
- unconnected
- uncoordinated
- uneven
- unintelligible
- unpredictable
- unrelated
- unsuitable
- unsuited
adjective as in unequal
adjective as in unlike
Strong match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
We had a lot of people who had lost everything there in borrowed clothes and mismatched shoes.”
The Israelis have pursued a solution entirely mismatched to the problem.
As many as three elections workers scrutinize each ballot envelope to ensure the signature matches the voter’s registration paperwork or driver’s license, and set aside envelopes with missing or mismatched signatures.
“Wish they were cowboy boots, but that will come in about 6 weeks hopefully,” she continued, directing fans to a second slide showcasing her surgical boots — mismatched, given the procedures’ differences.
Scout players wearing pull-on mismatched jerseys crowd around a coach who holds a card in the air showing a play.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.