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View definitions for coupon


Discover More

Example Sentences

You may be able to find coupons and discount programs to lower the cost, but many of these require that you meet certain income criteria or receive other types of government assistance.

From Salon

Finally, they said incentive programs, such as farmers' market nutrition coupons that encourage consumers to shop locally, would also help both producers and consumers.

From Salon

“She was sharing how these coupons were better than other coupons.”

I kept her account private, and, since she wasn’t political, had her follow and engage with content that had nothing to do with politics - coupon pages, dance videos, community groups and other Spanish-language content.

From BBC

But even as she uses coupons, bargain hunts and budgets a weekly menu plan, it's not enough.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


