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View definitions for impressiveness


noun as in solemnity

Strong match

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But her mind wasn’t on the beauty of the scenery or the impressiveness of the sleek train moving through it.

But the Tide have since rolled to 11 consecutive victories of varying impressiveness, including a historically exciting Iron Bowl victory on a last-minute touchdown pass, capped by their stirring upset of Georgia.

But as notable as that blast toward history will be, what he’s doing in relation to the rest of baseball better defines the impressiveness of his season.

“The fact that we’re seeing these temperatures kind of get close to what happened back then, just kind of shows the impressiveness or the magnitude of the heat wave we’re currently seeing,” Mr. Orrison said.

Despite the loss, the impressiveness of their fight and the size of their traveling fan base confirms Utah has arrived.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


